#and jay and cole in this season 🥺
clambuoyance · 2 years
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[Ninjago] Season 4 doodles! We love to see a fun anime tournament arc🤩🤩🤩 The thunderblade episode is my favorite I love watching kai struggle to skate
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pan-annigans · 2 months
Jay x Nya: best ship!!!
Zane x Pixal: they are soulmates and no one can say otherwise.
Kai x Skylor: the two of them balance each other well, plus seeing Kai get all lovey-dovey around Skylor is just cute.
Lloyd x Akita: Akita likes Lloyd for himself and isn’t interested in his status as the Green Ninja, she just might be the one person he could be with without having to worry about keeping up appearances.
Cole x Vania: they’re just great together (as lovers or as friends), their dynamic is sweet and both admire and encourage each other with just simple honest words.
hi!! thank you so much!
I'm going to post art for all of these, along with a few of my thoughts on the ships that have been sent to me. Just for funsies :)
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Fun fact, I used to hate Jaya. I thought it was really forced in the canon, and Jay's really obsessive behavior that is the catalyst for all of the events in Skybound always really bothered me? But tumblr has completely turned me around on this ship. They have their moments in canon, but in fanon they're really wonderful. thanks tumblr <3
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these two...... 🥺they are really good i will admit. I'm a big fan of glaciershipping myself and I tend to prefer it over pixane, but these two are so lovely to each other and i totally see the appeal. I just wish pixal wasn't so sidelined in the canon fr what were they doing with her character??? let her be around more often let her and zane be sweet together. please smh
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SKYLOR ALSO HAS NOTHING TO DO MOST OF THE TIME-- honestly this show sidelines like all of its female characters so hard. but these two are great toooo theyre sweeeet 😊 i just wish skylor was used for more than cameos. i like that she's the only one that can consistently shake kai's ego it's a great dynamic
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lloyd and akita!! i'm gonna be so real with you guys i forget about akita so often ;v; which is a shame... i give her the award for most sidelined female character because she existed for half a season. but she and lloyd are sweet! I don't tend to ship lloyd with anyone personally, but i do love that they meet under the circumstances of "lloyd is in a world where his name and status mean nothing so he has no pressure to perform". it's a fantastic break for him. holy shit he deserves it
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im gonna be so honest with all of you um. i actually. havent seen MotM yet. i was in the middle of my rewatch, and i got up to the point i stopped, right before MotM, and then Netflix changed their watch policies. and then of course i got busy
but from what i've seen of these two in fanon they seem alright! I usually prefer them in other wlw or mlm ships because of ONE ninjago vine compliation thing i saw with the two of them as this one tiktok and i've never been able to think of them as a couple since then. But they seem like they have a lovely friendship, whether that ends up turning to romance or not!
Thank you so much for sending me an ask, this was a lot of fun and I got to draw a lot of characters that I've never drawn before! To those of you who have sent me asks and reblogs and comments on the original post, I will be working through all of them in chronological order from when I received them in my activity tab :)
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spinjitsuburst · 10 months
Me, having already sent in two asks but wanting to do more: fuck it we ball fuck it we ball-
3, 7, 15, 23 and 30 for Jay OR Kai please and thank you! I know I've sent in two asking for Jay already 😅
character ask game
YOU’RE GOOD DUDE fuck it we ball fr
Jay OR Kai howsabout both
3. A song that reminds me of them
This animatic ruined my brain chemistry so Running Up That Hill belongs to Kai now
7. A quote of them that you remember
I REALLY really wish I had some profound awesome Kai moment in response to this but honestly the part in season 11 where he’s like “GUYS you’re both too valuable to risk… it should be someone expendable…….. like Jay” BEFORE LOOKING OVER AND GIVING THE FUNNIEST EXPRESSION MAKES ME LAUGH so I’m going with that
15. Worst storyline they had
Season 11……. His storyline was to lose his powers………….. in his own half of the season…………….. and do basically nothing………………………. Did not enjoy Kai deserves better
23. Future headcanon
I feel like Kai is one of those people who will never retire cuz he hates being dormant so even when he’s like old and shit and people are like Kai please relax he’s like NO I MUST GO TO [insert whatever wack job he has now]
30. The funniest scene they had
Ngl Kai has some really funny scenes but the “foil… I found FOIL… GUYS…… WE HAVE FOOIIIIILLLLLLLL” from Hunted kinda takes the cake
3. Song that reminds me of them
I’LL DO THIS ONE AGAIN LIKE I SAID I HAVE A WHOLE PLAYLIST SHDKDHDKJ so I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to doing this but I want to make a Post-Seabound Jay animatic to Blah Blah Blah by The Oozes SO SO BADLY i think it’d be so cool
7. Quote of them you remember
GOD that part of Skybound right after Nya and Jay fly off on the dragon and he’s like “When will it be ENOUGH… I can’t keep LOSING PEOPLE” THE VOICE ACTING IS INSANE IT MAKES ME GO CRAZY RAHHH
15. Worst storyline they had
My first instinct is to say Skybound but honestly the Jay Character Development in that season is the only good thing about it, it’s more like the SKYBOUND storyline is the issue and less of Jay’s story if that makes sense
Tbh the thing in Master of the Mountain with the Munce queen trying to romance Jay was like. Kinda the weakest storyline he’s been involved in hskdhdkd MotM is one of my favorite seasons overall it’s incredible but Jay’s involvement was pretty flat (which is fine! It’s Cole’s season not Jay’s lmao)
23. Future Headcanon
So Jay canonically according to his VA like making birdhouses and giving them to the elderly in his spare time, so that just continues as he gets older and he gives more homemade gifts to more people. Homes for the elderly, hospitals, orphanages, etc.
When Jay’s old, people return the favor 🥺
30. Funniest scene they had
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withdenim · 1 year
Uhh hi!! Just saw your post in my tl and I really love your sora design!! You might know me from emo tho, im one of her/their friends— sorry if its makes you uncomfortable but uh yeah, what's your opinion about the newest season/series of ninjago??
Oh hello!! It’s nice to meet you! Emo’s a great mutual friend to have, love ‘em to death 💜💜
It doesn’t make me uncomfy at all! I have SO many opinions on Ninjago and no one irl to ramble to lol
Solid RGB siblings content. We love to see it. The hug? God, Ough, that was beautiful. But also all the ribbing at each other. They’re so cute 🥺
“Kai??” “I made a huge mistake!!” “I’m gonna kill you!!” Was so incredibly sibling of Kai and nya
The introduction of Arin and Sora was very cute imo. I love that we got so much content of Sora this season but I hope the next one is more about Arin. He was sidelined a lot in this one 😔
The addition of lloyd following them bc he thought Arin was one of the ninja was a fantastic way of getting them into the same place naturally
MY CRINGEFAIL SON??? What was he even DOING this season???? His BEST, that’s what.
The beard gag was so transmasc swag of him honestly
Um. I want them to Dragon Ball Z lloyd more. By which I mean continue boosting his powers to ridiculous extents. We got two of those this season iirc and I am THRIVING
Imperium City being so. Like That. Holy fuck. Girl that’s fascism with a feminist twist. Like we stan a girlboss but not when they’re giving that energy fr
Soras entire story and arc I’m sobbing??? That’s so. I’m holding her.
Killing her parents killing her parents killing her parents
Dude bring Oni Lloyd back or I’m gonna riot. You can’t leave the oni Lloyd arc unfinished forever. Let him go batshit
Or at very least let him come to terms with his anger and maybe even harness a more peaceful and controlled version of his oni side !!! Lloyd has so much to be angry at and crystallized acknowleged that and then didnt see it through.
Um. The giant fucking dragon in the tank????? Fire as FUCK dude
I stand by my post where I said Zane should have been found via falcon honestly trapping him in the basement felt weird like. Girl. Context pls?
It also felt somewhat demeaning like hm youre leaning away from his inherent humanity and only acknowledging his robotic traits
The dragons were all diversely designed and that goes hard
The “stay calm” bit with Lloyd and wu had so much potential and it kinda just. Sat there and looked pretty.
Arin was really just fantastic I love him so much.
OH. LLOYD TELLING ARIN HE HAS A FAMILY,,, guys holy fuck they are The Same and Different
Lloyd expanding the RGB gang AS WE SPEAK
Whoever said “Lloyd is to Arin what Kai is to Lloyd” you’re RIGHT
ALRIGHT that’s everything off the top of my head I think? I probably forgot a whole ton. Thanks so much for asking about it!!
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(with no context other than the episode)
The Tournament of Elements episode 1-2
I don't think we give Jay enough credit for his showmanship from his game show to prime empire.
Wondering if he built the obstacles for his game show
“I'm a ninja. And your wearing makeup.” damn Lloyd, let him do what makes him happy
Why is cole shirtless with an axe cutting lumber that is so unsafe my guy. I get that you wanna show off your abs but still.
It's sad that Jay and Cole got sick of each other bc of smth silly.
Jay was a lot angrier when he mentioned he didn't wanna be on a team with Cole. Cole was a lot, sadder. Idk, smth I noticed.
Nickname 1: green machine
Poor Cole he just wants to be some guy. Later on when the ninja get famous he probably hates that.
I hate Kais fighting ring costume sm.
“It should've been me, not Zane.” shit. Thats a lot of baggage to unpack. Kais need to carry burdens, like being the green ninja and depending on himself, is a real older brother trait I see in him.
How long has it been for Zane statue to already have moss growing on it....
His hawk is still there 🥺
Lloyd really just wants his family back. I've talked about this before but I truly think Lloyd just wants to be around his loved ones and not be alone. Sad how it always seems like he's the one who ends up alone, even now.
The noodle shop was probably the exact moment the ninjago writers decided to give cole the classic ‘i love food’ trait that every character in a slightly comedic show has.
Cole and Kai worked so well as a team here love them sm. Look at them. “I would be careful if I were you, he's not great when he's hangry.” Love them
Cole not knowing fortune cookies have fortunes inside and probably eating paper all his life is fucking hilarious to me
The fact that they can get together after months and still act and joke as if nothing happened. True friendship.
Lloyd is so terrible at lying bless him
Kai after seeing everyones wearing regular clothes: See! I told you wearing our ninja suits was a bad idea.
Hes just like me fr
I like their duffel bags that have their symbols on them.
I'll always be salty that their redesigns don't have their of symbols. It was a nice touch. Especially since they used it once like the Batman signal in the sky.
Garmadon: no room? (kicks a fucking guy off the boat) now theres room.
Best decision to have Garmadon as the main ‘sensei’ in this season. Hes more straightforward than wu and just a better character in general i think writing wise.
What even happens to all the elemental masters after this season. Do they just live their lives? Do we ever see them again?
SEE. THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT. everytime one of the ninja do something really cool, the other ninjas just fall in love for a second and its great
Why does cole just have his name on the back of his ninja suit doesnt that defeat the whole purpose of the mask and being stealthy 😭
Garmadon: i swore to never return…
Jay: you know, you should never swear. Its a sign of weak verbal skills.
Jay probably refuses to swear and says stuff like
Jay: oh fiddlesticks, that really ruffles my feathers
Kai crying: Please just say fuck
Hes just like his parents
Kai (pushes his friends aside): ladies first
He probably bashes on Jay for being a simp and then goes and does this shit bfjsbtjdnr
Master chen must be DECADEs old if he was garmadons sensei. Do the elemental masters has some kind of longer lifespan????
Pretty kabuki woman come out:
Cole: yeah, whatever they are, i don’t like them.
Be who you aaaare for your priiiide
Garmadon: whatever you do. Dont lose focus.
“Hey! Im kai the master of fire.”
“Im skyler, master of… wouldnt you like to know.”
love her
They tailored the rooms to all the ninjas wants and desires so im not surprised that lloyds room is more ‘homey’ than the rest
Nickname 2: hot tamale
I love cole in this he was just so confused and chill.
he just waltzed to the jade blade with a full stomach, almost vomited from spinjitzu, got a stomache cramp, whined when the others took the jade blade from him, gave up, and just found another random blade. Love him sm.
No matter how much Jay says he hates cole i wont forget how happy he was when he saw that cole made it with the jade blade.
The ninja are just good people in general
Kai hated the guy but still felt immense guilt when he fell through the trapped door
Invisible guy: can i sit here :D
Jay: Scram! I can still see you and this is a private conversation!
Cole: jay that was really mean 🙁🤨
thats how he normally acts Cole.
Theyre really pushing this ‘kais hot and warm’ ‘skylers cold and chilly’ when zanes right there
Jay: you just had to leave me hanging huh romeo.
Jay can be so funny
Cole: god this bed is so soft its amazing! Mines made of rocks! What a crock(Bed flips showing a secret entrance) uh GUYS!
Cant believe Jay and Kai are peeping toms /j
I would immediately be Cole, laughing my ass off if i learned my friend had a crush on someone they didn’t know they were related to 💀
My favorite thing about Jay is that he’ll get excited about something with the enemy if its even remotely cool. Even if its to hinder/defeat the ninja themselves.
Chen (steals metal mans powers)
And this is why you read the terms and conditions people.
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kata-sans · 1 year
Season 15 in a nutshell
Episode 1
Jay: 🥤🙂Look Nya our friends came to visit.
Lloyd: 🤨
Kai: 😒
Cole: 😨
Episode 3
Kai/Lloyd/Cole:😧 Jay hasn't completely lost his marbles?
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senseiwu · 2 years
I think the Love Triangle feels pointless bc it's never brought up again after S4, and it doesn't actually do anything for the characters.
Like, the only time it's ever mentioned is in Wu's nightmare in S7.
It doesn't actually lead to anything, unlike the Cole-Nya-Jay Triangle, which had repercussions stretching into s6.
We got to see Cole and Jay work things out and become closer than they were before. Jay and Nya fixing their relationship and getting back together was a major driving force in s6. If this love triangle was removed, an entire season would be drastically different!
But the Old Person Love Triangle feels less like it's about the characters involved, and more about making Chen feel like a super competent villain who had the foresight to drive a wedge between the brothers fourty years in the past.
If we take out the Old Person Love Triangle, what actually changes? We lose a few scenes where Misako and Wu are mad at Garmadon. It doesn't change how anything happens.
And something like the Letter should have a bigger impact than that!
But it feels like something the writers added to bolster Chen's villain cred, and not something that was added to give the characters involved more depth or new arcs.
Plot wise maybe. But it feels relevant to the characters.
Of course it's not going to affect much. Wus forgiven his brother for worse, and misako? Who's that? A main characters parent? Ha! Anyone in this family besides garmadon and lloyd getting much attention? HA
I'm just tired of people sweeping it aside like he did nothing wrong. That's my issue with it.
Wu is the target of poor writing? He's awful! Terrible! His brother? He did nothing wrong 🥺🥺🥺 how dare wu be upset with him for once
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sugarglider-s · 2 years
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#this also makes me think… nya isn’t afraid of fire even though it can be inherently dangerous. and it’s because she feels safe with kai 🥺
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talking about phoenix wright is like he's forgiving he's bitter he's kind he's an asshole he's honest he's a liar he's brilliant he's dumb he's observant he's easily distracted he's happy he's miserable he's ready for anything he's tired he's seen horrors beyond belief hes a family man he-
1,113 notes - Posted January 5, 2022
Lol what if fat characters weren’t treated exclusively as jokes and something to make fun of and got any form of basic human decency. Wouldn’t that be wild *twirls my hair*
1,200 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
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This is pretty much how I see season 7
 [ID: a digital drawing of the main six ninja in a simplified style. Nya, Cole, Jay, Zane, and Lloyd are all standing and looking confused, with a label above them saying "trying to figure out how to defeat the time twins." Kai is off to the side and looks furious, with a label above him saying "about to kill his dad" End ID.]
1,398 notes - Posted May 17, 2022
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B-Team stands for beloved team :]
[ID: a digital art redraw of a screenshot from rottmnt in which Donnie pats Mikey on his head while Mikey looks at him sheepishly. The first image is the redraw with them as humans, as well as an added green light towards the left. The second image is the original screenshot. End ID]
2,786 notes - Posted September 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
When I say YIPPIEEE I mean it with my whole chest. There is no human emotion more visceral and complex than that of yippie. The high pitched depths of my vocal cords hunger for yippie more than words can describe. I will yippie until the sun explodes.
4,763 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
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ninjaslegos · 3 years
Hi! When you have the time, could you please do a story where the reader is Cole's younger sister and Kai's girlfriend, but she dies taking a knife for her brother. I really love your writing, and I've had this idea in my head for a while, but I'm certain you can write it better than what I have planned. Thank you so much! :)
Aww, that's so sweet of you! I'll try my best! 🥺 my poor ninja....I’ll work on this when I am extra angsty so it’ll hit harder. ALSO I set this before season 5 so like....if you want a part two with Reader being a ghost... 👀 I can get you some.
She/her reader!
Three Broken Hearts
Where everyone was supposed to come out of this fight alive, so why didn’t you?
You were Cole’s baby sister. He taught you everything you knew. Your mom got sick after having you, but he didn’t blame you at all for her death. Instead, he spent his time looking after you since his father barely paid attention to you. He swore to be the best older brother that anyone’s ever seen. He took you with him when he was sent to Marty Oppenheimer’s School for Gifted Youth, and you were the reason he got kicked out. It turns out he wasn’t allowed to sneak you in with him. Not that he cared, he hated the place anyway.
Instead, the two of you went travelling. You would camp out together, living off the land best two teens could. Well, a teen and a tween. You were three and a half years younger than him. So when you eventually got sick, naturally, he began to panic. As he went mountain climbing one day, an old man sat atop it and offered him a place to stay. He declined at first, knowing not to trust strangers, but he realized if he didn’t take the help, you would just get worse. So he went back to your temporary cave home to carry you and your belongings to the monastery.
He learned the man’s name was Wu, and he wanted Cole to train to become a ninja. He was a little bit interested, and settled down in the monastery nicely, while Wu helped you out with your strange illness. It turned out you had a parasite from eating bad meat, and Wu flushed it out using heat. He kept your body close to fire, and gave you hot tea to drink. You got better within a few weeks, and soon you were back to your usual self.
Life was peaceful here, even though he had to learn to share the space with Wu and one, two, wait, now three other ninja and someone else’s sister. At least you and Nya got along, but Cole had his eyes on Kai, who suspiciously hung around you a lot. He was a hothead who acted and spoke before he thought, and easily got himself into trouble, while you were a sweetheart who was soft spoken and always tried to be kind to everyone. Surely, Kai was undeserving of you.
Speaking of your kindness, you started to spend a lot of time with Zane, who was dubbed ‘the weird one’ by the others. Soon, the two of you were friends, so Cole was devastated when the monastery burned down. He searched among the ashes, and became livid when he couldn’t find your body anywhere. He snapped, yelling at everyone, crying for his baby sister, and threatening Zane. He nearly got kicked off the team. Instead of feeling hurt by what Cole said, Zane was quick to point out that his dragon was missing, and Cole felt a glimmer of hope.
He didn’t see you again for two weeks when Ed and Edna showed up to meet Jay. They explained that they ‘brought the cutest girl’ with them, and Cole cried at the sight of you getting out of their car. He never wanted to lose you again. As time went on, you ended up befriending young Lloyd, and when he was revealed to be the Green Ninja, Wu suggested the two of you could start training together.
Dressed in pale yellow, you became the Dandelion ninja. You named it yourself. Jay called you the piss ninja, but Cole shut that one down real quick. You soon learned of your light powers, and quickly put them to use. You could create shields, platforms, and weapons out of your element, and Cole couldn't be prouder of you.
At one point, you and Kai started to date. He didn't know when this happened, but it had to have been during the time when he and Jay were arguing over Nya, as that was when he was too distracted to notice it. This didn't blow over well with him, but instead of arguing with you, he had a 'light talk' with Kai and watched the two of you from a distance. Sure, you were 17 by now, and Kai just turned 19, but he didn't like it.
As the months passed, though, he came to accept it. Especially since you needed both guys' support when your best friend died fighting The Overlord. Everyone blamed themselves for Zane's death, even you. It tore the team apart, no matter how much you and Lloyd tried to keep them all together. First Jay left, hating Cole and you for some reason, which only served to piss him off even more. Sure, you and Jay weren't exactly friends, but he didn't have to be a jerk to you about something Cole did. Nya left shortly after, taking Kai with her. Kai wanted to take you with him, but Cole refused to let you leave with such a quitter.
Unfortunately, Cole left in the end as well, meaning all that was left of Wu's students were you and Lloyd. You sobbed when he did, reminding him that he promised not to leave you again, but he insisted he couldn't stay here like this. He lost not only Zane, but his friends and team. There wasn't anything left for him here, and he tried to convince you to leave with him, but you wouldn't budge. Well, neither would he; he could play stubborn, too.
It wasn't until Lloyd warned everyone that you went missing, that everyone got together again at Chen's Noodle House. Even Jay. They agreed to start being a team of ninja again to get you back, until they were distracted by a fight, leading them to an alley where they found out Zane was alive as well.
"Zane was her best friend, she must've heard about this and tried to look for him on her own..." Lloyd sadly concluded.
"Well, we have no choice. That's my sister, and my teammate. Whether you guys are coming with me or not, I'm looking for them." Cole frowned.
Kai stepped forward, "I'm coming with you."
"Me too." Lloyd nodded.
They all looked expectantly at Jay, who chuckled nervously. "(Y/N) does deserve an apology from me..." He sheepishly admits. "And I miss seeing Zane around."
So it was a deal. Along with Garmadon, the five of them board the ferry to Chen's Island, where they anxiously wait for their arrival. The aura is still tense and awkward, as they haven't seen each other in a few months, but Cole knows that when they find you and Zane again, everything will be back to normal. Honestly, he missed being a ninja with you.
As the terrifying days pass slowly, the ninja try to not only find the two of you, but also find a way off this island afterwards. It's not until Cole gives himself up in a fight against Jay that he finds you, and Zane, huddled up in a dungeon cell together. "Cole," you snap at him in a whispered tone, "what are you doing here?"
"Participating in Chen's tournament to get you and Zane out of here?" He asks in an amused tone.
"I can tell; dude, your powers are gone." You sigh, "I'm lucky, Chen doesn't know about my powers, so I'm waiting for the perfect time to escape with Zane and the other prisoners."
"How is...how is he doing?" Cole asks sadly, and you frown.
"He's alive, but he's not Zane right now. He doesn't remember much, and he's having horrible nightmares." He's not chained to the wall right now, so his head is in your lap as you play with his hair in an attempt to soothe him. "Poor guy, Pixal is next door trying to help, but she's been scrapped. She begged me not to tell Zane, as she doesn't want to dishearten him. I'm scared, I wish there was more I could do."
"You're doing the best you can." Cole reaches over and puts his hand on your shoulder. "You came all this way to save your friend, and even though you can't rescue him right now, you're still helping him with his sleep and keeping him company. Mom would be proud of you."
You weakly smile at him. "I wish she was here now, she'd know what to do."
"You know what to do, too." He assures you, and you nod. "I believe in you; we can make it out of this together, just hang in there."
Chen has deemed you too weak to work, so Cole makes his plans in the warehouse, then comes to you and relays what's happening to fill you in.
It takes a few days, and soon Jay, Kai, and Lloyd are captured, but it happens to be on the day you are planning to escape. With energetic yelling and loud drilling, you quite literally crash Chen's party. Kai reunites with you and kisses you hard. Cole doesn't quite like it, but you haven't seen each other in a long time, and Kai made it quite obvious that he missed you a lot.
The fighting is chaotic, and Cole loses you in the crowd a couple times. Suddenly, there is a scream. Your scream. Panicked, he rushes towards the sound as the fighting comes to an astonished stop. Eyes wide with awe, he watches as you unlock your True Potential. You had it coming for a while now, and he was glad he was there to see it happen. Your eyes were a shining pale yellow color, and beautiful, glowing wings protruded from your back, as you held Chen's staff in your hands, away from Kai. Why did he want it so bad?
It didn't matter anyway, as you spoke, "I am (Y/N) the master of light, and as such, all lights cast shadows. As the true guardian of balance, I must make sure that no one person holds all power." It was like there were multiple of you speaking at once, but as soon as you broke the staff, you collapsed as your glow faded away. Luckily Kai caught you before you hit the ground, and Cole made his way over to check up on you.
"Why wasn't I told of this?!" Clouse demanded from some of his nearby warriors, but they just shrugged and shook their heads. No one knew you had this power until now, except for the elemental masters.
"Retreat!" Chen shrieked, and everyone ran off.
A few worried masters gathered around to ask if you were alright, and Zane got close and put his hand on your head to soothe you, like you did to him in the dungeon. When your eyes snapped open, and you gasped and sat up, people began to cheer and pat you on the back, congratulating you for helping them win.
Everything was okay, until Shade looked around. "Where's Skylor?" Then it became quiet.
A few people looked around, as a few others scoffed about how they didn't need her, but you stood up for her. "She could've chosen to stay with her father, and help him and his followers become Anacondrai, but she decided that our collective friendship with her was worth more than her relationship with her father, and she threw that away for us!" Cole admired your kindness and bravery. You didn't mind standing up for her at all. "I didn't know her long, but I know that anyone who chooses to help others deserves the same. I'm looking for her, and if no one wants to come with me, then I'll go by myself."
Kai stepped up first, "then let's make this fast. The sooner we find her, the sooner we can end this against Chen. We know he won't stop trying to get his spell to work, so we don't really have a choice."
"I'm going, too." Cole nods. "I've left you behind too many times already. Besides, someone needs to keep you safe."
Zane, Lloyd, Jay, and soon everyone else is rallied behind you, and you split up into groups of three to find Skylor. The search isn't going so well, and people are starting to lose hope, but you stay persistent. It's not until Neuro receives a message that everyone becomes interested again, and he relays what Skylor told him. Chen was going to use her power instead, as she has absorbed everyone else's power and could complete the spell on her own.
You needed to be fast. Racing off with the other ninja, you track her down and try to rescue her from her father. Zane crashes and gets lost at one point, but he insists that no one stop for him. You promise to come looking for him afterwards and continue on.
You come across an abandoned city, and agree to split up into twos to keep going. Kai with Lloyd, Nya with Jay, and you with your brother to make the search easier.
It turns out you and Cole are the ones to find her, and try to get her to safety. It's harder than you realize when several of Chen's warriors show up to try and prevent it from happening. Too focused on what's happening on the ground, up in the sky, a net is fired at you and you are all captured.
In a strange crystal cave, Cole asks what's going on, as you are all separated from each other, and Chen is trying to get Skylor to touch you and copy your powers as well, even though they weren't part of the spell. However, you kept a shield around you, so you couldn't be touched, and you were just left in the net instead.
The transformation was hard to watch. Chen got what he wanted. He was now an unstoppable Anacondrai, and was going to take over Ninjago with his new army.
When you, Skylor, and Cole were rescued and regrouped with the others, everyone seemed to have lost hope. Everyone except you. You were like literal light sometimes, which was what they needed right now.
"We may have lost the battle, but we have not lost the war!" You declared. "Maybe they've become Anacondrai, and have impenetrable skin, but I have impenetrable shields. If it comes down to it...I will sacrifice myself to keep them locked away so they will never have to hurt anyone."
Cole's protest was instant. "No, you can't do that to yourself! You're not even an adult, (Y/N), please, we need you here with us, I need you, as my baby sister," he grabs you by the shoulders and shakes you a bit. "I won't let you do this!"
Kai agrees. "Cole's right. I need you, too, and you can't waste away your entire life just sitting there and guarding Chen's army forever. There has to be another way to defeat an Anacondrai."
"It's not like we can get off this island anyway. Ninjago's all the way out there and none of us are going to be able to cross the ocean, much less get there before he conquers it all." Griffin sighs sadly.
"I mean, I have a dragon, but none of you do, so it will have to be me and...(Y/N), since she's the only one with a plan to stop them..." Lloyd trails off, not liking this idea of self sacrifice either.
Zane steps forward, "that is not entirely true." He shows off his new ability, and summons a dragon of ice in front of him.
"Woah, how are you doing that?!" Jay asks, and Zane starts explaining to the group that he was able to unlock his dragon by facing his fears.
Cole thought about his biggest fear. Snakes? Death? No, it had to be something deeper than that. As he saw Kai kiss your cheek before making his dragon, Cole realized what it was. It was losing you. You were basically all that was left of his family, as neither of you talked to your father much anymore, and you reminded him so much of his mother. If you died, he didn't know what he would do. Nothing would be the same.
He breathed in deeply, letting go of his fear. You would be fine, he told himself, you had him to protect you, you had Kai and Zane, your boyfriend and best friend, and you had the rest of the team on your side. Besides, your power was literally making shields. Or at least that's what you used it for most. He had nothing to worry about. Nothing at all...
"No fair! You always get things before me!" He can hear your childish pouting behind him, and he laughs.
"You're the baby of the family, you'll always get it last." He teases. You still can't manage to make your dragon, so he offers you a ride on his. On the outside, anyone would perceive your inability to summon your dragon as inexperience, but Cole knew you better than that. You were too scared of your fear to overcome it, but what were you scared of? Staying behind and leaving everyone to defend Ninjago against the Anacondrai? He'd be scared of that, too. It's a big burden to carry.
When Skylor and Garmadon realized their bodies were slowly fading back to normal from their Anacondrai ones, everyone became hopeful again. It was brief, though, as they knew their next steps were to prevent the spell from becoming permanent, then stopping Chen for real. Once again, the group split up; the masters protecting various spots in Ninjago while the ninja team go after Pythor to see if he would know how to defeat fake Anacondrai, seeing as he was the real deal.
He explained to the ninja that there wasn't a way to defeat an Anacondrai, as like you said, there truly were no weaknesses. Cole wanted to sob; he wasn't ready for you to sacrifice yourself like this. There had to be something they could do, and luckily Zane and Garmadon were here, as they figured out Pythor made the spell permanent.
"So? I can just make a shield around him and they can't touch him. That's much easier to handle than the previous plan!" You grinned, but Pythor didn't like that idea at all.
"What?!" He shrieked, "you're just going to lock me up in a smaller prison? How fair is that?! They're the enemy, not me!"
So he escaped. It was an honest mistake, as Pythor was still as slippery as he ever was, but you felt down. Now it was Cole's turn to cheer you up again, as he reminded you it wasn't your fault, and that there was still time to figure something else out.
Wu congratulates you for discovering your True Potential, then assigns you your task of protecting Ninjago City. You were to create and sustain a huge dome over the entirety of the city, as it was one of the biggest ones out there, and was definitely a target. Cole and the others were sent out to track down and eliminate trucks that Chen sent out, but he didn't like that idea.
"Sensei, I don't mean to sound disrespectful, but this plan is awful. For one, I want to be by my sister, because this might be the last time I see her, and two, don't you think she's a little too young and inexperienced to suddenly create a large dome over the city? Sure she unlocked her True Potential, but just barely." He frowned.
"Wow, Cole," you smirked, "you don't think I'm tough enough? You're my brother, the strongest person in the world, and you don't think I can handle making a shield for a couple hours?"
He sighs and hugs you. "Of course I do, it's just...you're doing more than I could ever ask of you, and on top of that, if we don't win this, it means you could be separated from me, and from Kai, too."
"Yeah!" Said hothead adds as he approaches you, "you're my girlfriend, I don't want you to strain yourself." He kisses your cheek. "But you're strong, and I believe in you, and I love you."
"Aw," you hug him and give him a quick kiss, and Cole grimaces inwardly. He hates it when you're lovey-dovey in front of him. Something about you being his sister while Kai's his teammate...and you're both teammates as well... "I love you too, Kai." You then hug both boys tightly. "I'll be okay, you guys just get out there and fight hard!" They hug you back, then you all let go as they turn to leave. "When this is over, we can relax together again as ninja, and I can bake us all a nice cake."
"You mean me a nice cake." Cole teases, before he leaves and you go on your separate missions.
He's quick to locate the truck he was assigned to, and catches up to it within minutes. Once he gets close enough, Skylor calls in, telling everyone they were just a distraction, just as Cole crashes the truck. His fears are coming true, and he finds he can't make his dragon stay with him, or even summon it. It only served to make things worse as he realized he now had no way to get back to you.
Fortunately, he wasn't alone in his thoughts, as Neuro communicated with him, telling him to regroup to figure out another plan, but Cole was starting to lose hope as he headed for the Samurai X cave. Even worse, you were nowhere to be found. "Where's my sister?!" Cole demanded an answer from Wu, who shook his head sadly.
"I tried to stop her, but she fled to the villages to try and stop Chen's army on her own." He shakes his head. "I'm sorry Cole."
"What do you mean, you 'tried to stop her'?" Kai asked, "you're her Sensei, just order her to stay behind and fight with us instead of alone!" He snaps. He pushes past everyone to try and find you. "I'm going to get her."
"Kai, stop!" Wu thunks his staff against the ground. "It would be foolish of you to leave alone. She told me she would be at the Corridor of Elders if she couldn't hold them off, so that is where we shall go. It is the only place they can pass through now to get to Ninjago City, and if we don't stop them there, then all will be lost."
Kai and Cole exchanged glances, and silently agreed to wait. When they finally reached the Corridor of Elders, they were excited to see you again, waving your arms at them as you ran towards them.
Everyone cheered at the sight of you, except for Neuro. His eyes widened as he started shaking his head, "she's not happy to see us, she's in distress, and is trying to warn us of something."
Then they heard you. "They're here, They're here!" Your voice was hoarse from screaming so loud, but they could still understand what you were saying. "They're coming!"
You had taken out most of the vehicles, but the warriors were still left undamaged, so you had to flee. By the time you reached the ninja, you let yourself fall into Kai's arms as you caught your breath. You had been running as fast as their vehicles, which was hard on you. Cuts and scrapes covered your arms and legs, and your ninja gi was becoming tattered, yet you kept fighting.
"You should rest," Cole advised as Kai assisted you up to The Bounty, "you deserve it, we can handle it from here." You nodded to each other, before you disappeared on the deck. Kai dropped down next to him later, and everyone readied themselves for a fierce battle.
A couple minutes into it, Cole saw you on the battlefield again, wielding two shields as you use them to defend yourself, and the sharp edges become weapons. "What are you doing here? I told you to rest!"
"Yeah, well, if it weren't for me, you would've been stabbed back there!" You retorted, not looking up.
"What? How, when?"
"Yeesh, Cole, you're welcome?" You snort, pushing one warrior onto his back with a mighty heave before blocking a shot from another Anacondrai.
"Okay, fine, thank you." He dodges and hits one behind you, "well now we're one for one."
"Thank you." You giggle, then sigh, "I'm going to see if Zane or Kai need help, see you later."
And just like that, you were lost in the crowd. Everyone was getting worn out, but Cole had to keep fighting, for you. Because if he didn't, you would be stuck doing guard duty for life. That's all he needed to keep going. Sure, a portal opened over his head, but he couldn't focus on that right now. At least, not until the Anacondrai warriors started to float up towards it, carried away by strange snake spirits.
Did they...did they just win? Against another invincible army? I mean the stone army was invincible, but manageable. He listened to the cheers of the other masters and determined it must've been so. He celebrated as well, until he realized something. "(Y/N), where's my baby sister, (Y/N), where are you?!" He shouted out into the crowd, as they parted for him.
"Cole?" You sounded weak, as you coughed from behind him. "I'm tired..."
He was almost too scared to turn around, and once he did, he wished he didn't. Maybe he could've pretended you were just sick, or worn out from battling so hard. "(Y/N)!!" He screamed, running forward to catch you as you fell to your knees. Blood dribbled from your lips, and stained his clothes as you coughed it up over his back while he held you against him. In your back was a knife, but he knew better than to remove it. "Fuck - hey, hey, open your eyes," he lightly smacks your cheek as he holds your head in his palms. "Stay awake for me, please?"
You just chuckled lightly, as you tried to tell him how it happened. "I told - I told you I had your back."
Kai hovered over his shoulder, also wanting to hold you, but not wanting to take you away from Cole, so he just held one of your hands tightly in his. "Squeeze my hand, as hard as you can. I promise it won't hurt." You keep coughing as the blood from your heart seeps into your lungs, and fills them with fluid. Kai shakes his head at Cole, telling him how faint you were becoming.
"Cole, I miss mommy. I miss her." You gasped for breath as you choked. Zane came over to assist you medically, and Kai still didn't let go of your hand.
"Suck it up, you can miss mom another time." He insisted. Cole couldn't tell if he should be mad at you for letting go so easily, when you had so much left for you to do here, but at the same time, he knew deep down somewhere that it wasn't something that could be fixed.
The knife was removed, and Kai took his top off as he pressed the cloth to the wound as Zane instructed. "Keep coughing, (Y/N), maybe we can get the blood out." Kai whimpered, kissing your hand. Nya was off dialing for an ambulance, but it wasn't enough for Cole.
"Shit -" he turned to the others, "well do something, don't just stand there!" He snapped. "Be useful and fucking help me!" He was screaming at them, as he tried to fight back his sobs. He probably looked pathetic, blubbering over your dying body instead of trying to provide you comfort, but he so desperately wanted to believe you were going to be okay, that he denied himself allowance of grief. "It's okay, (Y/N), I can save you. I love you, I love you, stay with me."
You weren't responding, as your body shut down. Shit, did you even hear him? He couldn't see through the tears, no matter how many times he wiped them away. Zane had to pull you out of Cole's grasp so he could properly lay you down, and perform CPR. He lost it at the sound of your ribs cracking and breaking under the weight, and he shrieked.
"Stop it, stop it!" He pushed Zane hard, "you're making it worse, stop hurting her!"
"Dude, you stop!" Kai snapped back at him, "Zane and I have both been trying our hardest to save her, while you're just barking orders at everyone like a chicken with it's head cut off!"
He was right, but Cole couldn't face the truth just yet. He sniffled as he tried to justify his actions. He looked around at everyone, and couldn't take their stares. he just leaned down and buried his face into your stomach, trying to hold you best he could. Blood was everywhere, but he didn't care. Zane didn't care about Cole's feelings, and worked around him as he continued CPR. Kai tried to help by doing mouth to mouth, but coughed after inhaling some of your blood with an 'ew'.
Zane announced the news with a defeated tone. "I'm sorry, Cole, but there is no pulse. She's gone."
He felt dead, like something inside him snapped, or broke. The world felt too small, and his head started to spin while his heart started to burn. "Wh...what?" His voice was shaky, as he went pale immediately. "No...no, no, no..." Everything came crashing down as he started to openly sob for you. "(Y/N)!!" He wailed as he picked you off the ground and cradled you in his arms. You had the messiest death he'd ever seen, and he was too damn stupid to try to comfort you when you needed him the absolute most. "Come on, come on," he shook you lightly, as your head fell limply against his chest. This had to be a bad dream, or the worst prank ever. "Wake up, I need you, I need you." He sniffled next to your ear, "please stay with me."
His body felt numb, felt cold, felt dark and dead. "Tell mom I love her..." Without you to light it up, the world felt darker than he remembered. His greatest fear came true, and he would never be able to summon his dragon again.
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time 5-6
Zane: Pixal, give me a danger analysis. Pixal..? Can you hear me?
Im gonna be devastated if Pixals gone or trapped somewhere
Cole (kicking snake samurais off the roller coasters tracks): You dont have a ticket- aaand YOU dont have a ticket! And YOU dont have a ticket!!!
Kai saw his fathers blacksmith symbol… :(
Kai I promise your parents arent helping the time brothers😭
Like that one time with the purple ninja kid at the hospital and that one kid who was fascinated by his dragon
And right NOW, asking this kid his name to ground the kid in a stressful situation, then popping the kids bubble gum with two straws to make nun chucks and then giving the makeshift nunchucks to the kid 🥺
Lloyd: Ninja! Sound off! Is everyone okay?
Cole: if you mean okay as in ‘there sure are a lot of them’, then yeah! Im okay.
Lloyd: Hang on… has anyone seen Jay?
Kai: No… now that you mention it, he wasn’t with us when we arrived.
Cole: You know, for once, itd be great to go into battle with a full team.
Kai: Well dont tell us!?!? 😒 Tell jay! Its his fault he didnt tell us he was going WHEREVER
How do the ninja forget their own members so easily.
Day of the departed with Cole, now this 💀
Nya: Im sure Jay had a good reason for running off…
Aww thats actually so sweet.
Ed (bulldozing samurai snakes): I HAVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE SERVICE TO YOU!!!
Edna (sweeping the snakes with her broom): I don’t think they saw your sign out front dear! ☺️
Im not joking in the slightest when I say I would die for Jays parents.
Im being absolutely serious they are everything to me
Jay: Mom! Dad! Are you okay?!?!?
Edna: Oh, well. Now I’m very late for my quilting circle!
I literally adore them
Krux: I suspect you CAN make the apparatus, you just don’t WANT to.
Cyrus Borg: … Alright fine! But you cant make me!
My man, why didn’t you keep up with the lie 😭
They would have believed you if you just kept saying you couldn’t build it because you didn’t have the right materials
I forgot Acronix gets a crush on Machia
I forgot there were 4 time blades too.
This is just like season 1 and the fang-blades all over again
Snake samurai commander: Vermillion warriors, were leaving, take the builder now.
Jay: HA. Vermillion warriors? Really? THATS what theyre called????
Jay, theyre gonna kidnap your dad, and you’re LAUGHING.
I think Ednas scream was the most heartbreaking noise ive ever heard in this show.
How dare they.
The fact he still calls his parents mom and dad after everything 🥺
Jay: Gotta form my dragon- Come on Jay, you can do this… You can do this.
He sounds so scared :(
He must feel so guilty since he promised he’d protect them.
I love edna sm 😭
Nyas so smart
Putting a temporal scanner on Zane when he was rebooting :)
Jay: Ughhh I JUST promised you guys I would protect you. And now theyve taken mom!
Jays dad is so supportive 🥹
Ed: Just remember what we say in the scrap metal business, “keep your emotions under control and focus on the problem at hand.”
Jay: Do they actually say that.🤨
Ed: Its a surprisingly harsh business son.
Now theyre gonna have some father-son bonding time by rebuilding it :)
Does lego ninjago forget Ed and Edna.
Istg if they dont have Jays parents in newer seasons im sueing.
Vermillion Warriors: Its too fucking hot! I hate it.
Edna: SEE! This is why I wanted my purse!!! I keep a bottle of water in there!!!! HYDRATION IS IMPORTAAANT!!!!!
Cole: I dont see the time blade.. but they have JAYS MOM?!?!?
HFJDJDNFJ the way he said ‘mom’ got me 💀
Edna (getting kidnapped): Oh hi Nya! Its so nice to see you!
Gotta be on good terms with ur sons girlfriend
Ed: Now, Jay- theres a speed limit…
Ed: Aaand there are times where its okay to ignore it!
Cole yelling out Jays name in slow mo is so funny
Jays my favorite character ofc I remember anytime he does something cool
Everyone: (in slow motion)
Jay: Its like you said, never give up.
Ed: Well- that was until I saw everyone slow down to a snail’s pace
Jay: And thats why we modified the bike.
Kai and Cole: Way to go Jay!!! Talk about a come back!
Vermillion warrior: waddles to the time blade :D
Lloyd: (fucking air kicks him)
Zane: (stabilizing the port wing on the jet)
Zane: IM TRYING!!!
Cole leave him alone 😭
Lloyd: We got the time blade! We finally caught a break!!!
i remember them failing to retrieve every single fang blade
Oh how theyve grown 🥲
Nya (trying to show off her bf): Ha! did you guys see Jay take off on that bike? He was like- greased lightning!
Everyone: …
Nya: What? He had grease on his face… and hes the lightning ninja??? Aw come on, you would have laughed if Jay said it!!!!
Kai: No. no we wouldn’t.
Ed: I uh, I thought it was funny Nya. 🙂
Nya: … thank you Mr Walker.
Jay really is rubbing off on Nya :) hes making her more relaxed and carefree
Love that
Zane: Be careful Jay, the time blade is a powerful weapon.
Jay: I AM being careful 🙄 (does the exact opposite)
Mr. Cuddlywomp 😭
Thats the cutest fucking name ever
I bet Edna sewed and stitched it for him 🥺
This is actually great timing bc i was JUST writing a fanfic about Jay when he was rlly little and Mr. Cuddlywomp is a perfect addition
Jay: A stuffed toy I USED to love, hes totally lame now though-
Cole: We know you still sleep with him. :)
Jay: AND I DONT CARE WHO KNOWS. Mr. Cuddlywomp… (hugs the donkey/horse stuffie)
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Jays an animal jam gamer confirmed
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Huh. Good character consistency I guess.
The water and fire siblings being too consumed in work while Jay, Cole, and Zane goof off is a dynamic I need more of.
Jay: Ugh, I dont get those two, we FINALLY get a victory and they choose to celebrate by nerding out instead of doing something cool?
Jay: OH! Lets run at each other and see if the time blade will slow us down!!!!!!
Look at Lloyd 😭😭😭 hes so proud of his victory
I love those small moments when Lloyd acts like a kid. Look at him! Hes getting all excited and waving his hands around to explain everything!!!
Lloyd, honey, I love you but maybe apologize to your mom about knocking her tea to the floor accidentally 😭💀
Krux: You were not given permission to use the time blade. Because if you KNEW how to use the time blade. YOU WOULD NOT HAVE LOST THE TIME BLADE-
Vermillion warriors: ….
Vermillion warriors: On second thought, maybe we DIDNT lose the time blade….
Acronix: You use the time blade, LOSE the time blade AND LIE ABOUT USING AND LOSING THE TIME BLADE.
Love when the villains are absolutely hilarious
Jay and Cole are best friends, they do the stupidest shit together and if that isn’t true friendship then idk what is 💀
Cole: Sounds to me like someones earned their black belt in being a wet blanket.
Lloyd: Whats that supposed to mean!
Zane: I believe Coles intent is to describe you as a blanket that has become wet, but not for the purposes of putting out a fire, but rather to extinguish our enjoyment.
Thank you Zane ☺️
HNFJDBFBEJR its so funny that Wu said the EXACT SAME THING lloyd said.
Word for word.
And the ninja still called Lloyd a wet blanket and listened to Wu intently.
The snake samurai are here.
Zane: Ive run a fourth-level analysis, it appears the snake warriors have returned.
Jay: Oh really?!? i could have told you that with a third-level analysis. OR A NO-LEVEL ANALYSIS.
I love how the ninja refuse to call the snake samurai, vermillion warriors.
Jay: oh wow, they went from unarmed snakes to weaponized vermillion warriors really really fast!!!
Kai: Doesnt matter! We can take- Wait. (Holding back a laugh) THATS what they’re called???? Vermillion warriors????
Love Zane explaining WHY the writers chose ‘Vermillion warriors’ as the snakes samurais name.
Makes me think that some writers thought ‘vermillion warriors’ was a perfect name while others thought it was stupid 💀
Kai: Remember Mrs. Grumbiller? The babysitter we used to have?
Nya: The old mean one?
Kai: Yeah, remember what we did when she tried to put us to bed?
Nya: absolutely.
Nya and Kai: (trip the snake warrior off the floating island)
Jay: Oh man, whatever they paid Mrs. Grumbiller, wasnt nearly enough.
Misakos such a girlboss
I love when they use their elemental dragons
Wait that isn't nya????
Who's in the samurai x suit then?????
Lloyd: Well, samurai, whoever you are, thank you.
Jay really IS rubbing off on Nya 😭😭😭 I've never seen her this loudly and hilariously angry
Kai (holding a hurt and weak sensei): TELL ME WHAT THE SYMBOL MEANS.
Like dude give Wu a break 💀
Acronix: look at the little boy pretending to be a big hero...
Why do they have to keep reminding me how young Lloyd is. 🥲 it's sad
I actually get excited during Misakos fights she's so cool
You cannot be telling me that the time brothers are beating ALL the ninja even when they're NOT using the time blades powers...
Like are you kidding me?????
FINALLY they beat the time brothers
I actually hate Machia now.
This is just the fang blades all over again
AAAAND they take Wu.
This is when Kai gets in his real ‘im gonna kill my dad’ arc isn't it.
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Hands of Time 1-2
Ah yes, a Wu-doesnt-tell-them-shit season
Oh wait!
Thats every season.
Why does ninjago give us such little context clues. First ronin now this??!?!?
Okay, did some google searching. And the whole goddamn movie Day of the Departed isn’t on Netflix?!?!?!?!
Brb gonna watch it.
For anyone who doesnt have Tubi or amazon: wcofun.net has Day of the Departed
Alright we’re back, I understand whats going on now.
Nya: If I could go back in time, Id tell Mr Saunder we wouldn’t be able to help with the museum…
Zane: Remember Nya, we went back in time once. Things like that aren’t to be taken lightly
Nya: Its a form of expression Zane 🙄
Fjsnfjdirnfjd such subtle foreshadowing
Nya and Kai immediately retelling the story of their parents after they see a portrait, to remind the audience, is hilarious to me
Mr Saunder, museum guy: Refreshing time! hot sweaty work deserves a cool drink!
Kai: Thanks!
Mr Saunders: Enjoy the pickled beet tea!
Nya, Kai, and Lloyd: (Spit it out coughing)
Cole: …
Cole (drops the cup): Oops…! New hands! So clumsy…
Jay: (shrugs and chugs it)
Ik who Mr Saunders is IK WHO MR SAUNDERS IS
god I just know im gonna be so confused this season. I never deal with time travel shows well.
Ronin and Dareth are helping Misako carry boxes to the new temple 🥺
Dareth and Ronin gossiping and getting impressed over Nyas samurai X suit is so cute
Dareth (wearing the helmet): look out world! Heres comes Samurai D!!!
Misako and Ronin: …
Dareth: What?
Dareth: …
Dareth: The D is for Dareth.
I wish Wu would fight more, hes genuinely good at it
Misako: Dareth please take that off.
Ronin: Allow- (Weird timey thing happens) me…
Ronin: When did I get on top of Dareth… 🤨
Time went forwards FOR A MINUTE?!?!
Misako: its like deja vu but in reverse…
Thats actually a great way to explain it
Jay freaking out over the loud beeping alarm when it doesn’t seem to affect anyone else is the autistic experience.
Zane: Hmmm… this is surprising.
Jay: No, no its not! Ive always had sensitive ears and—
Zane: I meant-
Jay: Oh! temporal energy, of course, EVERYONE knows thats, uh… powerful!
Kai: You, have no idea what temporal means, do you?
Jay: I do not.
Acronix: Control time, control everything…
I mean hes not wrong
Jay just wants to go home 😭
Jay: UGHHHH theres no one at the old monastery! Zanes probably malfunctioning.
Zane: Self diagnostic says negative
Jay (smacks zane over the head): How about now 😁
Zane: No. 🤨
Jay, after complaining and begging them all to go home: WELL WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR??!?!? TO THE OLD MONASTERY!
Wu: I- I made a mistake…
Wu why are you so shocked you make a LOT of mistakes
Lloyd: Jay! What are you doing!
Jay (jumps off destineys bounty): HEY! Hey you! Im looking for someone! Spinjitzu master, this tall, long beard, goes by the name Wu?
Acronix: Cant say ive seen him.
Jay: hm! Thats odd… cause judging by all the slash marks here! I think you have.
That was such good line delivery
The way he way his voice was exaggeratedly high and happy and then his last sentence went down a notch and he brought out his nunchucks.
This is why hes my favorite character
Its nice that Cole has faith in Jay
Too bad hes gonna watch Jay get fucking wiped
Nya (after getting totaled): sometimes I wish I was still samurai x instead of a ninja…
God it hurts so much to be reminded that Nya never truly wanted to be a ninja
Jay: Wait! Who put you in charge! Why cant I help put out the flames?
Lloyd: You really think electricity is gonna stop fire?
Jay: good point.
Jay your better than this 😭
Actually. On second thought. Your really not.
Jay (talking about the monastery): burned down again… man this place just cant catch a break can it.
Cole. Why are you grabbing him with your lava hands.
Wu: There is so much to tell you…
Yeah no shit.
Misako and Wu: (flirting as she pours him healing tea)
The ninja: 😐
All the ninja: (rapidly asking questions)
Jay: Who ate my pudding cup?!?!?
Jay: What?… he said we could ask any questions!
Nya and Kais parents cheek bones are high and regal as fuck. Like damn.
Why does EVERY villain feel like theyre entitled in ruling ninjago
Do you know how HARD that is????
To rule a fucking country?!?!?!
Honestly. Yes. The time power Is the most powerful element. But they arent entitled to everything because of it 🤨🤨🤨
I NEED Acronixs hair right now.
God their dynamic is so funny. Can you imagine your biological twin being 40 years older than you 😭😭😭
How did Krux live 40 years in disguise and solitude and not gain the wisdom that came with age. Like my guy did not contemplate his existence AT ALL.
I dont remember but does newer ninjago episodes remove Lloyds rectangle mouth and Wus vacant yellow one?
Please tell me they do.
I NEEEEED a spin off series of Wus and Garmadons early adventures
Do they seriously think they actually defeated Acronix. Did it not cross their minds ONCE that he escaped?????
AAAWWWW jay and Nya are so cute now :)
Jays such a flirt he loves her sm 😭
Kai (walking in on jay and Nya about to kiss): hey guys- WOAH SORRY TO INTERRUPT IDIDNTSEEANYTHING (covers his eyes)
Kai: Theres something you need to see! (Turns around with his eyes covered and slams into a wall)
I love Kai sm 🥰
Cyrus borg is so great :))))
Zane: if we want to decide who gets to stop this new samurai, i suggest we assign each of ourselves a digit, then manually engage in a cube with graphical representation of each number, go make a random, unbiased selection.
Zane: Roll dice.
Zane can just be so funny for literally no reason 😭😭😭
Gayle gossip (news woman): Ive never seen this much destruction before! Well- i mean, i have. But its been a while! And you never really get used to it….
Just another day in ninjago 🙃
Theyre using snakes.
Acronix and Krux are true sibling representation.
Kai: Okay! I dont wanna braaag, but the other day I stopped an elemental master of TIME. So i think I can handle a lousy samurai-
Kai: (Gets fucking totaled)
Cole: (uses his lava earth punch thing)
(Samurai Snakes fall apart)
Okay but WHERE did Krux find these snakes.
Zane helping out Pixals dad (cyrus borg) is actually so sweet
Awwww I remember this part
Water and electricity stop them!!!!!
Krux: I already have my best blacksmiths on making more armor.
No. It is NOT who I think it is.
Istg they better not have imprisoned Nya and Kais parents.
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Skybound 7-8

Okay by why is Dareth out of everyone helping Nya, Cole, and Lloyd save Jay
Are Kevin and Dan self inserts-
Lloyd: who are they? Retrieval experts?
Dareth: better! Screenwriters.
I also saw these two random dudes in the jail and they were given lines and everything istg these are self inserts 💀
Also theyre voices sound abnormally normal
Everyone else in the show has a sort of distinctive or exaggerated voice
Not to mention how normal their outfits are. something I would actually wear in real life.
These are just some guys
The plan to recreate the sky pirates airship to blend in is actually a good idea
Lloyd: Ar! Yee.. matey, we be be, becoming pirates!
Dan and kevin:…
Kevin: okaaay thinking on the fly, the green one wont do dialects.
Dan: the mute pirate!
The dialect teacher: (teaching Cole and Nya)
Lloyd: (following their movement and swaying but not saying anything with a smile on his face)
I bet Lloyd loved pirates when he was little
This must be so fun for him :)
The airjitzu master after nadakhan stole him and his temple: This is me and my pupils home! You cant take it!
Nadakhan: And get rid of those peaky ghosts as well 🙄 theyre so last season
The way Nya and Cole are hoping Jays okay 🥺
Jay sounds so pained :(
God I really wish Ninjago had like, a cartoon style like she-ra or spiderverse. Coles helping Jay stand and Jays voice actor is doing such a good job in sounding in pain but this would hurt so much more if we could SEE it.
They apologized to each other 🥹
Clancy (looking away): now here are the rules you need to follow new crewmates!-
Lloyd: (trying his fucking best as the mute pirate to mime to Nya that her mustache is falling)
Nya: 🤨
Lloyd: your mustache…
Clancy: hey! I thought you were mute
Lloyd: its a fucking miracle!
Huh, okay. So not only can the ninja not summon their dragons if they’re fearful, but they cant if they’re too drained or exhausted.
That makes a lot of sense actually
I love when powers come hand in hand with like health and stuff
They all got captured 😐
I hate that Nyas alone with Nadakhan
Jay: Thanks for trying to save me but maybe it would’ve been better if you guys never came…
God Nadakhans so creepy…
Cole: Nya! Dont do it! Itll make Nadakhan all powerful-
Nadakhan: The black one goes first.
ik Coles the black ninja but the poc Cole headcanon has made me double take and go “🤨” to a few lines
If I had a nickel for everytime an ancient item could collect elemental masters powers, id have two nickels, which isnt a lot but its weird it happened twice right?
Lloyd: We have to be wiser for what we wish for!
Coles getting his wishes twisted
Lloyds trying to think this through
And Nyas just wasting wishes💀
Like girl its not that hard to just NOT say ‘wish’
LLOYDS OLD?!?!?! 😭bfjdjfnfjsnt
Its so funny that the youngest became the oldest
Thats also scary though
Imagine the kid you swore to take care of turned 90 in a second
Lloyd: i see beyond the now..! Youll need your wish when its said from the heart
Love when age and wisdom gives you future vision
How does that even work though
An electric and water dragon should be killing both Nya AND jay.
Wait so Cole and Lloyd used all their wishes. How is nadakhan gonna trap them in his sword now?
Clancyyy :(
Nya riding the dragon while Jays sitting behind her is giving me movie Nya and her motorcycle vibes
so its just Nya and Jay now
And the whole police force I guess.
But what were they ever good for.
Oooooo a safe house
Wonder where it is.
Zanes dad’s lighthouse!!!
Jay: No no, let me row the boat, you saved me last time, let me do this for you :)
Awww thats sweet
Jay: Either way, a gentlemen NEVER lets a lady row.
Aaaand you ruined it.
Flintlockes getting reaaal suspicious of Nadakhan…
that was kinda pathetic…
Jay: (venting his heart out about how this is all his fault)
Nya: Jay-
Jay: (continues venting)
Nya: JAY. Shut up. 😀
Jay: I know I know, you dont wanna hear it-
Nya: No- JAY. we’re not alone.
Jay: (cowering behind Nya)
Nya: I thought you were supposed to be protecting me?!?
Jay: I thought you were over that!
Does anyone have any fic recs where Jay and Nya take echo with them????? Bc ik they leave with echo but we never see him again.
Clancy deserves better :(
Its actually kinda sweet how Jay wants to protect Nya
Little robot: (steals echos chess piece)
The seagulls: (trying to alert echo of what little robot just did)
Echo (looks back): Wait… How did you..?
Little robot: 🤷
Echos so cute 😭
I love Jay and Nya 🥺 theyre so sweet and it makes me genuinely like their relationship when they aren’t fighting
Nya fixed up Echo!!!
Nya: Its nothing… its just, both of you seem so convinced you have a future with me.
Nya: what voice do I have in all this? All my life , my identities been defined by someone else. First I was Kais sister, then I was your horrible girlfriend!
Nya: Even when I wanted to be Samurai X sensei told me no…
Nya: I just want the choice to be who I wanna be.
I feel so bad for her.
See THIS is why shes my favorite. I literally love her sm.
Her character is just so dynamic and well written
I really hope the ninjago writers dont tear down her characterization and make her bland in newer seasons
Fuck theyre here.
Nya: Lights, camera, ACTION! (flash-bombs nadakhans crew)
Dogshank: OW! You pulled my hair?!??! WHAT KIND OF WARRIOR PULLS HAIR???
Nya: One that is woefully undersized!!!
Fuck this being about Jay. This is Nyas season.
Jay: Whatever you do! Dont pull that lever!
Doubloon: ? (looks at the lever) 😈 (pulls lever)
Jay (falls through escape trap door): Thanks! :D
Aw echo :(
Nya: (pouring her heart out and confessing she’s always loved him and wants to protect him and for him to go through the travelers portal)
Jay: (goes for a kiss)
Nya: (fucking shoves him in the portal)
Nya. Girl. Ik this was like, an act of love. But if you marry the djinn, hes gonna be all powerful.
Like, its great that you believe Jay can save you later and stop the wedding. But you could have just left. If Jay got captured he’d still be able to make the ‘i wish you were never a djinn’ wish.
Nadakhans so creepy. I hate him and hope he dies.
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