#and joon is telling me how distracted i feel and how it's unfair to him (which.. so true) and how he only
taegularities · 1 year
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namfinessed · 3 years
hell in heaven - j.hs.
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genre: angst (4k)
summary: because falling in love with you was both the best and worst thing to happened to him. (fools!universe)
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no one’s seen hoseok since that day.
the day that you two broke up.
many turned up at his doorstep only to be brushed off, even his closest friends jin and yoongi couldn’t get him to come out of his house and when they showed up with all his favorite foods, they couldn’t help but notice the dark circles that covered his usually bright eyes, he looked like he hadn’t eaten and none of his energy remained, he couldn’t even force a smile for his brothers, they left without a word from him.
can a break-up really do that to a person? ruin them to the point of no return?
because that’s what it looked like to everyone. the jung hoseok they knew, the one who used to embrace everyone, the life of every party he’s been to, was no longer the jung hoseok that stood before them.
but people knew, how much he loved you, it was obvious with the way you two used to run around campus giggling and cuddling the whole time, known as the campus sweethearts, everyone used to watch in awe as you both proudly showcased your love to everyone, and now, all of that felt like a dream to hoseok, a dream he’s been harshly woken up from.
even right now, with all his friends staring expectantly at him with beer cans in their hand, not all of them faniliar with each other, their common link being namjoon and hoseok alone, with a cigarette dangling from his own hand, hoseok doesn’t feel ready to tell what happened between you two, he doesn’t know if he’s scared of the reaction or scared of living through memories that he wants to forget. he doesn’t want to forget you however, he wants to forget what you two had, because both of you were hurt at the end. and the last thing that he wants, even now, when everything has been over, is for you to hurt.
he's tried to wish you pain, he’s tried to hate you, but every time your last moment together stops him from thinking that way.
you left because you had to before it killed one of you.
“you look better now” jin offered with a weak smile, it pained him to see his once ever so bright friend become nothing but a clump of dull energy. hoseok grimly nodded to that, he did look better now that he started eating and working out more, while they were merely distractions, hoseok still enjoyed having some normalcy come back to him.
they nervously looked at each other, not knowing what to say as hoseok stared ahead at nothing, even yoongi, who usually knew how to break the ice with a joke and make everyone comfortable didn’t utter a word, their friend’s state had silenced them all. hoseok could feel the silence, he knew it was because of him and it was suffocating him, he didn’t blame his friends for being quiet but rather blamed himself for the sour mood.
“jungkook” hoseok softly called out and jungkook immediately leaned forward to his direction, eagerly waiting for his hyung to say something.
“i heard you got your first job and tattoo, and you never even told me, isn’t that too unfair?” hoseok light heartedly joked and jungkook had a rosy blush on his face as he nodded happily, just glad that he was at least talking.
“i started working with jimin hyung at joon hyung’s bakery, and the tattoo just kind of happened, one day i just went to genius lab and asked yoongi hyung to do it, i didn’t even think of a design till i got there” jungkook filled hoseok in with the details of his life from the past few weeks.
“can i look, at the tattoo, i mean?” jungkook immediately got up from his seat to circle around hoseok and showed him the beautiful tiger lily that covered his forearm, hoseok lightly traced his fingers around the tattoo with a small grin on his face, marveling at the intricate design.
“ah jungkook, you’re telling me you designed this? no way, you have grown up so much.” warmth and nostalgia filled hoseok’s voice as he looked at jungkook with the eyes everyone was familiar with, sparkling and filled with love, jungkook almost started crying right there after seeing him look alive after so long.
“i did, i designed it myself, we can design my next one together.” jungkook’s word held a promise, he was going to design his next one with hoseok and he was going to ink it on his body.
“how has everyone else been?” hoseok asked, leaning back on his seat as jungkook returns to his and everyone starts filling in with everything they’ve been up to
jin mentions how university is kicking his ass with five assignments every week, yoongi fills in about how much this one girl keeps annoying him, namjoon explains how bike rides around the river is the most he’s doing these days, jimin shyly mentions his crush on his best friend and the others break into loud ooh’s at that, taehyung is cursing out his professor who won’t bump his subpar grade to above average and jungkook stays silent, only letting a few chuckles slip every now and then with how dramatic some of them got.
and suddenly, as if they’ve run out of things to fill the void, they fall dead silent, jimin looks at hoseok who visibly inflates after the youthful energy in the room dies as quickly as it revives.
“hyung, i’ve been worried sick about you, and i really am glad that you called us to meet after so many days, but i can’t sit here and watch you suffer silently so please tell us, we’re all here to listen to you” jimin pleads with hoseok suddenly, his voice strained and weak with eyes widened and lips pursed as everyone else silently thank jimin for taking the step that they were all hesitant to.
hoseok looks up at jimin’s thin voice telling him to get out of whatever bubble he’s built around himself, to finally tell someone what happened and why it’s ruining him the way it is.
“should we pour a drink first?” hoseok offers with a weak smile and once everyone nods, hoseok gets started about the story in his life he wants to erase.
how you and hoseok got together? it was natural, like on instinct you had to be with each other no matter what, you don’t know if that feeling started at that one party where you got too drunk and finally kissed him, or if it’s always been there and you both just kept denying it till you didn’t.
either way, when you finally got together, you both were so giddy and excited about it that you wanted to let the world know that ‘hey, i love you and i would choose no one but you and i need to tell everyone i’m in love because it’s the best thing i’ve ever experienced’.
and it was, it still is the best thing to happened to hoseok but at the end, he knew it was the worst thing too.
he tells the boys everything, from your first date to every fight that led to the end and they could only hear with wide eyes, they didn’t know that a couple who looked so perfect to everyone, would have so many cracks threatening a disastrous breaking apart. hoseok didn’t care if they were listening or not, he’s gotten used to not being heard but he was going to tell them everything regardless.
you both did everything in the world, with hands around the other.
you went to bungee jumping with him, you went to river crashing with him, you did assignments late at night with him, kicking feet with each other and getting distracted every time, you learned calligraphy with him, you learned baking with him even if you both ended up with flour all over each other at the end, you could just laugh and kiss it off because it didn’t matter, nothing else mattered when you were with him.
every memorable thing in your life had hoseok beside you and hoseok has never wanted to experience anything in his life without you in it.
you had your insecurities, he had his, you didn’t talk about your problems, he didn’t talk about his.
because together, you could forget every problem that plagued your mind, you could forget about the world that was hurting you and instead just stare at each other till sunrise.
soon, your problems and insecurities and his, caught up to you before you could run away once again, and everything you loved about each other quickly became things that started to annoy you.
you used to love waking up to his loud good morning, you would wake up and pepper kisses across his face with a sleepy smile on your face, chest blooming with pride that he was your man, later you just stuffed your face into your pillow and begged for him to stop talking. he used to love eating your experiments in the kitchen, either lying about how good they taste, or kissing you in reassurance that you can always do better next time, his own face twisting to a grin every time you would pout at your failures, later he couldn’t hide the grimace on his face as he swallowed and couldn’t bring himself to encourage you like he usually does.
it was the little things that changed, little things that had a heavy weight in the dynamic of your relationship and it wasn’t like you two didn’t notice, every time you would turn away from hoseok in the morning, his smile would immediately drop and he would silently leave the room, his mind heavy with neglect, and every time he scowled at the food you made, you wanted to never enter the kitchen again, you lost all drive to do anything again.
and slowly, the rush you felt whenever you touched him and the way his heart would leap every time you said his name, both of them faded.
that’s when the fights began, small like any beginning but fatal.
even if it were something as simple as leaving clothes on the floor, you both would fight like your life depended on it, yelling out words only to regret them as soon as you say them.
hoseok never wanted to hurt you, but he did.
you never wanted to hurt hoseok, but you did.
at some point, you both got too comfortable with fighting every day, brushing it off like it was a normal thing that happens to all couples, an excuse, a kind of solace to your breaking hearts that it was okay, it was all okay.
it wasn’t okay.
hoseok wishes he could go back and yell at himself for thinking it was okay, it was never okay.
unknowingly, you both would hurt each other to the point of crying all night and then wiping each other’s tears like you weren’t responsible for it, like you weren’t hurting each other, more so like you were hurting yourself while gripping onto his hands that gently swiped across your face.
that was the first thing that broke hoseok.
crying because of you, crying for you and crying when he was away from you.
you were his home, his broken, falling apart, moldy and dying home. but still his home. you would always be his home.
it got exhausting, but you couldn’t stop loving him, he couldn’t stop loving you.
you were the couple that everyone wanted to be, you couldn’t just up and leave because the words that would leave people’s mouths after would only hurt you more.
so, you stayed.
even if you cried every day, you stayed because at least you weren’t the only one crying, you weren’t the only one who was breaking and losing yourself, you stayed because somewhere in your heart, you couldn’t imagine a life that didn’t have hoseok in it.
you loved each other.
but love can only be beautiful for so long.
the mistakes come after the regret.
regret that if you lost hoseok as a lover, you would lose him as a friend, a companion you could lean on, someone who’s with you even after hearing all your stories, you could lose all of that just because your love was selfish enough to make you pay, your love was poison enough to feel like honey.
the mistakes, you’re not sure when they started, maybe it was when you stopped going to parties with hoseok or when you two intentionally went to different parties or was it when you two no longer looked for each other in a full room? you don’t know.
going to parties without your boyfriend and pretending like you’re single was your mistake.
going to parties and buying drinks for others was his mistake.
it wasn’t long before you stopped coming to his dorm at night, instead showing up to class with hickeys that he definitely didn’t give you and you would find someone else’s clothes lying around his bedroom floor.
he acted like he didn’t notice the hickeys and you quietly put the clothes you found in the trash.
it wasn’t that you forgave each other, you just didn’t have the energy to fight for each other anymore, neither of you were on the right, neither of you could blame the other, neither of you wanted to tell another soul about it, an argument would only end in you both admitting you were wrong.
and you didn’t do it. he never did it.
the boys stopped drinking, glaring at the glasses in front of them, frozen with this new information.
“hyung” namjoon slowly muttered, gazing nervously at his friend, understanding a bit of what was going on and why hoseok hasn’t been the same again, hoseok just gives him a pained smile and returns to silence.
namjoon never thought his friend would be capable of cheating, he never anticipated his friend’s girlfriend who would always give him a bubbly smile when she entered his bakery, was capable either.
and that’s when it hits namjoon that maybe people are a lot more capable to hurt than to love.
the thought scares namjoon, it scares everyone else in the room too.
you and hoseok cheated on each other so much but neither of you made the attempt to break it off.
they didn’t know what to think of that, they couldn’t judge their brother, it would be unfair if they judged you when they didn’t judge him, it didn’t matter who did it first, it mattered that you two moved on like it was normal, like cheating was normal, like being in pain when with each other was normal.
and they didn’t know what to say to him as he downed another glass of whiskey like it was water.
so, they simply just didn’t say anything.
they just let him speak.
the cheating didn’t stop, the lies didn’t either.
the love which you painfully gripped to like gripping to stones, was fading too.
and when the love for each other died, so did the love for yourself.
you hated yourself, he hated himself because you and him couldn’t save it, couldn’t save the relationship or your precious love.
you couldn’t save the relationships around you either, your strained relationship with your family only getting worse with the little effort you put in to be together with them.
your life and his were crashing on you, but you didn’t feel anything.
you got used to the burning in your chest with every movement you made and he got used to the sinking way his heart fell every time you hurt him.
it was like you kept denying, denying and denying, one shot of vodka and one night with someone else at a time, till you couldn’t anymore that something was very wrong with you two.
you only remember how you felt when you came one morning to see another woman in his bed, sleeping peacefully next to him and you didn’t say anything, even if you wanted to yell, kick her out and then yell at hoseok too.
you didn’t say anything, just closed the door and walked off.
hoseok remembers the way his heart twisted in his chest when he came to your apartment only for you to be wearing another man’s t-shirt, he ignored it, he didn’t say anything about the t-shirt, or the fading marks on your neck and clavicle.
you and hoseok were foolish enough to believe that it was just a rough patch, something that you will get over soon and you could slip into that honeymoon phase you used to float around in, often getting excited at the smallest action of affection from the other, something as simple as hoseok kissing your forehead before going to class was enough for you to hope that everything will be okay and hoseok would just be happy if he didn’t find someone else’s scent on you when he hugged you in class.
but your relationship was like a torn paper, no matter how much you try to put it together, it just doesn’t look the same anymore.
and you were the first one to realize that.
you stared at hoseok from your side of the bed, even in deep sleep, he didn’t look like he was resting, his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth twitching from time to time, it was obvious he was thinking a lot, and that’s when the weight of everything fell on you.
you hurt him, the one person you promised you would love, you hurt him.
you might have even broken him with how tired he looks.
he didn’t walk like he used to; slouching and trudging his step.
he didn’t talk like he used to; his voice had changed, slower and hoarser as the days go by.
he didn’t smile like he used to; his smile was forced, pained even.
and his smile, oh you used to love his smile, you used to love being the reason for his smile too.
you broke him.
and that killed you.
the first tear was silent and fell on the pillow, immediately leaving a stain on it, and then you cried, you cried and cried as sunlight poured into your room, your hands covered your mouth as your heart squeezed in your chest and hoseok woke up in a startle at the sound of a sob that escaped from your mouth. he hurriedly got up and looked around and then at you. he pulled you close to look if you hurt yourself somewhere and when he didn’t see any apparent injuries, he looked up at you again with teary eyes, he couldn’t bear seeing you in so much pain.
you didn’t stop crying, his grip on your shoulders trying to shake you back into sanity and his voice which urgently called out to you felt too distant to be true.
“i-i can’t find what’s wrong, please stop crying, please just tell me” he hurriedly said, softly wiping your face, frantically checking your arms and head again, searching for anything that could’ve hurt you but it was your heart that was finally bleeding after being plugged up with everything for so long.
“how could i hurt you?” you wailed, pushing your head into your hands, and hoseok paused, his tears building up again as your shoulders shook from how heavy your sobs got.
hoseok couldn’t deny the way his eyes-tinged red at your words, he couldn’t deny that he felt his own heart being ripped from his chest because you were blaming yourself when he wasn’t any better.
“i hurt you too” hoseok muttered defeatedly, his hand falling from your face onto his own lap as he stared off to the side.
defeat, that’s all he could feel. for someone who is used to victory, this was new, and he didn’t like it.
“we keep hurting each other hobi, why?” you asked him helplessly, your voice and his nickname were painful for him to hear and he shook his head, he didn’t know how to tell you that it will be okay because he wasn’t sure himself.
“y/n, it’s normal, happens to couples sometimes, we just have to hold o-“ he reaches for your hands, holding them tightly and rubbing circles on them, he knew you weren’t going to be happy together anymore but he wanted to try, he wanted to know if you could feel the same microscopic hope he did.
“that’s a lie and you know it” you bluntly said, voice hoarse but sure, and his grip falters so does his tiny bit of hope.
you look ready to leave and all he could think of was how to stop you.
“just listen to me, please” he begged, and your heart breaks at his desperate, slouched over form, you silently brought your hand to his forehead, pushing hair off from it and gently patting it back, sniffling every so often. your touch makes him flinch and then sigh shakily, it’s been so long since you’ve touched with affection and not venom.
“we can’t do this anymore; you know we can’t” you whisper as more tears fall down your face and you don’t miss the way he sobs a little and pushes his head into his arm.
he did know.
he fucking knew this was coming.
he’s imagined ways this day would come and nothing could have prepared him for this moment.
was this the end for you two? after all you’ve been through, you were going to end at 5 am on a random morning while crying into each other’s arms? is that what you’ve come to?
you slowly cup his cheek, allowing him to bury his face into your hand and cry, every time his tears touch your skin, you break a little more, and you don’t stop yourself from caressing his skin carefully, like it was the last time you will touch it.
“we’re just scared to be lonely” hoseok lifts his head in a shiver, voice laced with realization and you nod shamefully.
you didn’t stay out of love, you stayed because you didn’t know who would you go to if this was over.
love is a tender pain, and you’ve both experienced all sides of it. especially the worst part of it.
and with that said, hoseok hated himself for coming to that realization, he hated himself for knowing what was wrong with you two.
he wished that he just remained oblivious to everything, he wished that you never got up from the bed after he said that, he wished that you didn’t pack your clothes that were left in his closet, he wished he didn’t hear how you cried as you stuffed your belongings into different bags, he wished that you didn’t kiss his forehead and give him a final, weak smile before you left his room, he wished that he didn’t notice your scent twirling in the air, mocking him.
he wished you didn’t leave at all.
he spent many days, in the same bed you left him in, with your kiss lingering on his forehead, refusing to live without you. he lost count of how many tears he cried, he lost count of how many times he reached for his phone to call you and beg you to come back.
but hoseok knew you left for good.
you weren’t coming back.
and he just had to deal with that.
“i haven’t seen her since then, i asked her friends and apparently she went home for a bit, i don’t think i will bother her again.” hoseok ended his disastrous, tragic love story with a shrug.
a story to the rest of them but to him, he felt every word of it and relived through the memories he’s been waiting to forget.
hoseok watched as all of them gulped, they didn’t know their friend was silently going through so much and they felt guilty for not advising him, for not helping him sooner, it was only jin and yoongi who understood that any advice would have fallen to deaf ears with hoseok when he was still with you.
“that’s how it finished?” taehyung couldn’t help but ask, for two people who tried every trick in the book to stay together, you didn’t seem to try at all at the end.
“yeah, it just happened” hoseok says painfully and the boys felt pity, pity that hoseok or you couldn’t come to your senses sooner so you could stop before you got too hurt.
but the damage was done.
and the only thing left with hoseok was the silence that surrounded him and his friends who swore that another soul wouldn’t know about this.
hoseok, in some sick and fucked up way, still loved you. he still longed for the day you would enter his doorstep with the smile he hasn’t seen for so long but he’s glad you have better self-control than him and stayed away for both of your sakes.
for now, hoseok will just miss you until he can’t anymore.
his home, his heaven in hell, he will miss you till he moves on.
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blu-joons · 5 years
BTS Reaction: Showing Your First Signs Of Being Pregnant
“A bump,” he whispered, glancing over at you as you buttoned up your jeans. You glanced over at him with a puzzled expression. “This is the first time I’ve noticed your bump.”
You sat beside him, resting your body on his. “It’s really beginning to blossom, they said after a couple of months you’ll begin to notice the bump properly.”
“It looks beautiful, I can’t believe that you’re actually carrying my child.”
His arm wrapped around you, his hand resting on the top of your bump. “I don’t know how I got so lucky to be able to have a baby with you.”
“Don’t be soppy you’ll make me get upset and hormonal.”
“Sorry,” he giggled, “it’s just made emotional. This is the first time I’ve properly seen you pregnant, it all just feels very real right now”
“It does feel very real, it’s only going to get bigger,” you sighed, resting your hand over his. “I’m going to be huge in a couple of months.”
“No, you’ll be beautiful,” he corrected, kissing the top of your head.
“Seriously, stop now before I start crying.”
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“Jagi,” he whispered, finding you hunched over the toilet seat, exhausted. “I’m sorry love, I would’ve woken up sooner if I’d heard you throwing up. Are you alright?”
You shook your head, wiping the corners of your mouth. “This is day one of morning sickness, I don’t know how I’m going to cope with this for the next few weeks.”
“You will because I’ll be right here to look after you and the baby.”
Despite the smell, he cuddled you close to him, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “Now I feel like I am pregnant, being sick is the worst.”
“Just think, all of this, but we’ll have a beautiful baby at the end of it.”
“It’s the only thing keeping me going,” you smiled, “I hate all the things that come with pregnancy, but knowing we’re having a baby makes me feel better.”
“Brush your teeth and then we can do something,” he encouraged, helping you to stand up, “I would kiss you, but your breath is, well, stinky.”
“I understand, give me two minutes and I’m yours.” You giggled.
“I think you’ll need more than two minutes to get rid of that smell.”
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“Hobi!” You cried out, bashing your legs down on the bed to get his attention from his desk. He looked over at you, softly smiling. “I’m really hungry, can you get me chips?”
He sighed, throwing his head back, rolling his eyes. “I got you food less than an hour ago, how on earth can you still be hungry after all that?”
“I’m eating for two remember, I can’t help cravings.”
Begrudgingly, he stood up, walking over to you. “I understand your pregnant, but you can’t use that excuse to guilt me forever, soon you’ll be eating for one again.”
“Please, I really am craving chips, I’ll even share them with you.”
“You don’t share anything,” he chuckled, taking a hold of your hand. “The only person you share your food with these days is the baby.”
“Rightly so,” you teased, “he, or she, is a growing baby. Your just greedy and obsessed with food.” He gasped, bending down to kiss the top of your head.
“I’m going to let that slide seeing as your hormonal,” he whispered.
“Well aren’t you just so damn kind.”
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“Are you crying?” A voice whispered, distracting you from the movie. You looked up, wiping under your eyes, softly smiling at Namjoon. “What are you crying for? It’s a happy movie.”
You nodded, feeling his arms snake around you. “I know but seeing the two of them so in love has made me all upset, it’s so cute, I can’t cope with it all.”
“Gosh, you really are pregnant, crying at movies.”
Your body cuddled into him, shielding your tear stained face. “Stop picking on me, I can’t help it. They’re just so happy and it makes me happy.”
“All this pregnancy stuff has really changed you; you’ve become a wreck.”
“Joon,” you giggled, “you’re not helping. You are supposed to comfort me, I’m carrying your child, make me feel better, not worse.”
“Sorry, it’s just really cute seeing you get all upset over a movie.” He squeezed you gently, kissing the top of your head. “What can I do to make you feel better?”
“Just cuddle me, that always does the trick,” you asked, bringing his arm around you.
“I can do that, just lay there.”
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“Cute,” a voice squealed, coming up alongside you. A pair of hands rested over the small baby bump that was beginning to show. “You’re actually pregnant, I can feel it.”
You glanced back at Jimin, shaking your head with a smirk. “I’ve been pregnant for a month or so now love, I’ve not just fallen pregnant or anything like that.”
“I know, but this is the first time it’s been visible.”
In the reflection of the mirror you glanced down at your bump. “It is beginning to look quite big; it’s going to be much bigger soon.”
“I’m so excited to watch it grow, it’s our baby in there.”
“It is,” you giggled, feeling his hands massage over it. “We can have a look on one of those websites that tell you how big the baby is.”’
“That would be amazing,” he replied, already fetching his laptop to open. “They say near the end it can get as big as a mango.”
“Don’t, the thought of that inside of me terrifies me greatly.”
“Don’t be scared, I’m going to be there throughout it all.”
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“Everything alright in there?” A voice called in, whilst he banged on the door. You sighed, struggling to find the words to speak. “Can I come in, please? I’m worried about you.”
You remained unresponsive for a few moments whilst your sickness finished. “Please don’t come in Tae, I really don’t want you to see me like this.”
“Babe, if your sick, let me in, and can help make things better for you both.”
He opened the door, sitting beside you, holding your hair back. “Tae, I really don’t feel good, all I keep doing is throwing up, it’s so unfair.”
“I know, it’s not easy. But you’re doing so well, you’re so strong.”
“I don’t feel it,” you sobbed, “I hate being sick, but carrying this stupid baby is making me throw up all the time, it sucks, so bad.”
“First of all, the baby isn’t stupid, secondly, you are coping so well, in a few weeks this will all be over,” he assured you.
“I don’t know why I said that, the baby isn’t stupid.” You cried out, resting on his chest.
“Because your hormonal and emotional, but that’s okay.”
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“Look,” he giggled, staring up at the monitor. It was your first baby scan, and Jungkook was beyond excited. “I can’t believe how realistic it looks.”
Your eyes switched between him and the monitor, noticing his wide smile. “Can you believe that is actually our baby? It’s ours. I feel like I’m in a movie”
“It’s the first time I’ve really felt like I’m about to become a father, I need to pinch myself.”
Tears threatened to spill, but you fought to hold them back. “Knowing everything is okay really makes me feel good, and safe.”
“Me too, I can’t wait to tell everyone now, it’s going to be amazing, they’ll be thrilled.”
“Everyone will be so happy,” you giggled, feeling his hand lace in with yours. “We are actually having a baby Jungkook, this is real.”
“It’s real baby. Gosh, I’m so ready for this, it’s actually happening.” He chuckled, resting down so his head was beside yours.
“You’re going to be the best dad ever,” you whispered, kissing the side of his face.
“And you’ll the best mum, the greatest in the world.”
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stutterfly · 5 years
Love Bytes 01 | BIOS Flash | KNJ (M)
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Summary:  It’s been a year since you first met Kim Namjoon, the passionate, talented English professor at the local campus. He’s always been clumsy and aloof, but he’s on a whole new level in terms of “technologically incapable.” One call to IT was all it took to pull you into his life, and with it a whole string of friendships full of flirtatious banter and undying support. 
Your dating situation has been drier than the Sahara for years now, and you’ve wasted too many lonely nights drinking alone, so you try your hand at Tinder. But you’re not getting any bites. When the group finds out, they are more than willing to help--even Namjoon, though he finds it increasingly difficult to deny that he’s hopelessly smitten. You consider their opinions on potential Tinder dates while fighting off feelings you never knew were brewing for the caring soul who becomes the home you never had.
Word Count: 3.9K
Series: Love Bytes (1/?)
Genre: F2L, Fluff, eventual smut, friendship feels, slow burn, fluff, sexual tension, humor Bestfriends!au
Pairings: Namjoon x Reader, brot7
masterlist // next chapter 
A/N: It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything at all so I apologize for the first chapter being short. I plan on rewriting this beginning once I get into the swing of things again.
Do not repost.
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Saturday nights are the best. It feels like the only time you get to hang out with your friends all week, the one night that everyone’s busy schedules all align. Min Yoongi, the quiet, empathetic bartender. Kim Seokjin, the sweet, creative chef. Park Jimin, the elegant, angelic model. Jeon Jungkook, the silly, driven personal trainer. Kim Taehyung, the rich, successful artist. Jung Hoseok, the energetic, spunky dance instructor. Kim Namjoon, the pragmatic, passionate college professor. And of course you, the IT person for the university Namjoon works for. It’s how you became involved in this tight-knit squad. Truthfully though, the seven of them are beautiful, godlike even. You count yourself lucky to be among them, even by accident.
It seems a little odd for someone so young to be so bad with technology, but Namjoon explained he has a habit of stuff breaking around him --he calls it a curse-- so it held no lasting shock value after you really got to know him. Shortly after he started, you saved his ass by replacing a very expensive projector out of pocket so he wouldn’t get in trouble with the university. He promised to make it up to you, and not just by repaying you the cost of the projector. He was genuinely grateful and easy to talk to. 
It’s no wonder you now call him your bestie.
At first disbelief swirled in your mind that a guy like Namjoon could know so many hot people, let alone be good friends with them. But even Namjoon is pretty for a professor, though it's something you’d never admit to his face. You don’t need him hanging it over your head since it's just an observation, not a confession. Better to let him suffer with the knowledge you think his friends are hot, and that he's mediocre. He doesn’t need the ego boost with the posse of college tail chasing him around campus. 
As you approach the shared flat of Jungkook and Taehyung, you hear the sound of explosions and gunfire. You listen a moment before knocking. Overwatch maybe? Then comes the unmistakable “NERF THIS.”
Yup, definitely Overwatch.
“Get on the payload! Over here! Tae! What are you doing!? Come on!” A high-pitched Jungkook is pleading through panic, but you can barely hear him over Taehyung’s drawn out hollering.
“Video games? That’s the big plan for tonight? What happened to going out to a club?” Hoseok’s disappointed voice carries through the door.
You let out a giggle at the sound before your knuckles are rapping just below the peephole, with 5 knocks knock---knock-knock---knock--knock. From the other side of the door comes the answering knock--knock before it swings open to reveal a grinning, wide-eyed Hoseok.
“Y/N!” The excitement when he greets you is bright enough to melt your heart.
“Hey, Hobi. Huh. Did I miss the party or is this it?”
He rolls his eyes, muttering under his breath, “I hope not.”
You scan the room. Taehyung and Jungkook are surrounded by pillows, controllers in hand with their eyes glued to the television. They don’t spare a glance, even as Hoseok slams the door like a child throwing a tantrum. Namjoon, who is lounging on the couch behind the boys, immediately greets you with a lazy “hey.” You notice a pile of blankets on the floor next to Jungkook as you wriggle out of your shoes.
“You alive, Yoongi?” You’re careful to step over the mess as the bundle begins squirming.
Mint hair emerges from the stack and you hear him groan. “If we’re not going out soon, I’m just going to stay here and sleep. I worked three doubles this week.”
“Three doubles? You sure you’re alive?”
“No,” he pauses, dropping his face back into a pillow, muffling the sound. “But at least I’ve got tips. Tips I can use to drink GOOD liquor and not the cheap stuff Jin is drinking. If we ever leave...”
“Okay, okay. We’re almost done,” Tae mumbles, eyes still fixed on the match.
You plop down next to your friend, stretching one leg across his lap. The response comes with a heavy sigh as Namjoon looks up from his phone. “For real? You know, there’s a whole lotta couch over there.”
He gestures lazily toward the empty cushion to your right. Not wasting a glance, you bring your other leg over his lap and recline fully across the space. “Better?”
“That’s just disrespectful.” He shakes his head as he resumes scanning his phone, but makes no attempt to move you.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah….” You mindlessly take out your own phone and open Tinder, hoping to see something noteworthy in your inbox.
Of course there have been crushes you developed in the last year within this group. Each one of them had their own way of flustering you, their own way of making you want to break the barrier between friendship and something more. However, you decided that messing with the group dynamic would be awful and unfair, so you made up a rule called “Firewall”; they were off limits and Namjoon agreed to help keep it that way.
The firewall rule did nothing to stop the biggest crush of all though, the butterflies when he said your name, or when he looked at you; it did nothing to stop the absolute thirst you had for Park Jimin. But you don't dare do anything about it. It would be awkward as fuck when he turned you down, at least that’s what you keep telling yourself.
To distract yourself from your ever-growing thirst, you downloaded a dating app a few months back. It's been more than a few years since you’ve dated anyone, and even longer since you’ve gotten laid. It's time to do something about it. You can't just keep on telling Namjoon his friend is bangable and pining for even a one-night stand with someone so fine, not when you know it's something you'll never act on.
While you created your own profile a while back, you've kept it a secret from your friends, afraid of the humiliation that would come with the discovery. The problem is that you found yourself comparing every potential match with Jimin. Who could possibly measure up to a goddamn model with a heart of gold? But you’re not dumb; you know you’re not on his level. Lowering your standards allows you to swipe right on a few guys, but your standards can only get so low and there's a lot of garbage to sift through.
Most of the conversations have been boring dead ends that last less than a week. Trying to get laid is turning out to be harder than the campus-wide changeover to Gigabit Ethernet last summer. You still have nightmares about being strangled to death with cables.
“Hey that’s my seat!”
The pout dripping from Jimin’s voice is palpable and you can’t help it when your lips curl into a smile at the sound. It’s almost intoxicating how much pleasure you derive from being able to pull a pouty voice from someone so gorgeous.
Clutching the phone screen to your chest, you drop your head to the armrest and over the edge of the couch to look up at the boy sipping out of a bendy straw. “Move your feet, lose your seat, Chim.” You raise your eyebrows at him. “Wanna be my headrest?”
You playfully kick at Namjoon’s thighs, trying to get him to volunteer his seat. Your boy, however, doesn’t have your back. He fails to take the hint or even acknowledge your attempt to move him.
Fuck you, Joon.
For a moment you see Jimin tonguing the inside of his cheek with consideration. You bite down, instinctively chewing your bottom lip. Watching him watch you feels like torture. There’s a hint of those bedroom eyes working over your form and you feel yourself trapped, pinned by the sinful gaze.
As if a switch is flicked, a shy smile creeps across his lips and he feigns innocence. “Maybe later, cutie.”
That man is going to be the death of you. You’re sure of it.
You can hear Jin and Hoseok doing shots down the hall and your desire to join them flares for a moment. Jimin seemingly has the same idea, and makes his way back into the kitchen with his drink. Your eyes follow his form as he saunters across the room, reflexively licking your lips at the way his ass moves in those jeans. You fail to fix your jaw as it goes slack. Your eyes glaze as you’re consumed by thoughts of gripping that same juicy ass as he’s plowing into you with his cock.
A throat clears from the direction of your feet, breaking the sinful imagery in your head. Namjoon is staring at you with that smug ‘do you wanna share with the class’ grin. He blinks in rapid succession and cocks his head to one side, mouthing the word ‘Really?’.
You feel warmth in your face, retorting with a silent, offended ‘What?’, to which Namjoon stifles a hard laugh with a slender finger. He shakes his head and begins typing on his phone. Not even a second later your phone buzzes.
Joonie: You want me to open your legs for him and point?? You got those fuck-me Jimin eyes going.
Instinctively, you flip up the hood on your sweater and tug on the drawstrings, as though they will hide the shame and heat in your cheeks. Your thumbs are like lightning as they move across the screen.
Joonie: You’re so thirsty. CHILL.
You: I 👏CAN’T 👏
Joonie: You know you could probably get it if you just asked already. You worry too much. He’s used to keeping things super casual.
You: yeah but I’m not
Joonie: I know. You’d make a big deal about it and freak.
You: wow rude
Joonie: I ain’t rude, just honest.
You: The only freaking i would be doin is in his bed
Joonie: Yeah, okay. 🙄
You: awww jelly Joonie is best Joonie. 😘
Joonie: 🤢Nah.
You: Try not to think of me gettin that high-speed hookup
Joonie: Cause it’s over so fast or???
You: …
Joonie: No comeback? Nothing?
You: Oh he’ll cum back alright… And on the front... maybe in the mouth? Idk if he’s got creampie privilege yet...
Joonie: 🤢🤢🤢I wish I was blind so I would never have had to read that with my own eyes.
You: that boy can penetrate my firewall any time 🍆
Joonie: ENOUGH 🤮
A fit of laughter creeps out of you when you look over and he smears a hand down his face slowly.
Joonie: Fuck it. I’m gonna show him this convo.
You: Good luck explaining a firewall
Joonie: You literally just said you want him to jizz all over you. Plus the eggplant, which is generous btw.
You: u wouldn’t know
Joonie: Wouldn’t I? 🤔 We were roommates once.
You: joke’s on you. Now im imagining an eggplant and an avocado, but the eggplant is still Jimin
Joonie: You know what people love? Avocados.
You: Smearing your thick avocado on those hipster girls?
You regret the text immediately, outwardly cringing as you hit send. The last thing you want to be thinking about is Joon’s cock, but with that euphemism, you can’t stop visualizing it in the worst way possible.
Joonie: …Are you done talking about my dick? 😏
“You drinking or what?” Ignoring the heat lingering in your cheeks, you pocket your phone and try to also ignore the way the top half protrudes from your annoyingly tiny front pocket.
He has a shit-eating grin strewn across his face, dimples forming thick creases in his cheeks. “I already pregamed.” He turns his attention to the match, which has been stuck in overtime for the last 30 seconds. “Go get your drink on. I’m good.”
You knock the phone from his hands as you swoop your legs off the couch, and his eyebrows raise at you in warning. “Watch it, Geeksquad.”
Maintaining eye contact, you rise and blink a few times. You have to assert your dominance and let him know where his lanky ass stands. “Oh Em Gee. I’m like. Suuuper sorry, Professor Kim!”
It’s not that you hear Yoongi’s laughter, but more that you see his shoulders moving the blankets in a steady rhythm. Namjoon’s disgusted groan that follows is music to your ears. You’d told him before two could play that game, and you always delivered. The amount of “Professor Kim, please don’t give me detention” lines were cringey enough as you were saying them, but it was that juicy pissed off Namjoon grunt that made every word worth it. With a witchy cackle, you follow the path around the hall that Jimin took to get to the kitchen.
Hoseok is waiting with a full glass outstretched. “Knew you were coming for one.”
You don’t bother asking what it consists of; you merely down the liquid and slam the cup on the counter. Wow, talk about a strong fucking drink. Was there any mixer in that? Man, you wished Yoongi was making drinks instead; he always gets it perfect. Hoseok tends to throw a bunch of shit together and live off the buzz for hours. Thinking about it now, you probably shouldn't have downed it that fast. But hey, thirsty girl and all that. You take what you can get.
“Aaaaahh, Y/N! My good friend!” You know Jin is already cocked as his arms constrict your airflow with the tightest of bear hugs.
You wheeze out a sound of surprise before your arms come up in a rigid motion to awkwardly pat him a few times. “Hey Jin. Started early?”
“Had the day off!” he states proudly. The loss of his body heat makes you shiver, but your lungs thank him for the relief.
Hoseok bursts into laughter, shoving a shot in your face. You find yourself laughing along with him before you down it in one gulp, face instinctively scrunching at the bitter taste of the cheap whiskey. Confused, Jin looks over at Jimin for explanation before succumbing to laughter without knowing what the joke is.
“It’s Saturday,” Jimin says plainly, his eyebrows knotted together in confusion. He’s smiling, but not nearly at the tipping point that Jin has passed to be laughing so hard. “We all have the day off.”
Of course the blonde’s response only makes him laugh harder.
“Man I wish I were that fucked up,” you say, watching the tall man keeled over in laughter.
Jimin pries the bottle from Hoseok’s hands and begins to pour you another shot. His hands are steady as he holds the glass out to you, his eyes warm and inviting. You can’t help but smile stupidly back at him. Soft fingers send a wave of electricity through you as they brush against yours. With a collected breath, you slam the shot faster than he poured it, swallowing the vile liquid as though it could save you from embarrassment of his touch. You reach for the bottle to pour it yourself this time, but the blonde-haired boy yanks it away from your grasp.
“Ah, now that I think about it, you should slow down actually…”
The pouty groan in your throat escapes before you can stop it. His mouth drops open in surprise before spreading into a cheeky grin.
“Aw, so cute!”
“You know, I can just take it back,” you blurt. Even though he has a point, maybe you just want to drink yourself stupid like Jin. Or maybe you just don’t like being told what to do. Maybe it's a little bit of both.
He cocks an eyebrow as if to challenge you, voice dropping an octave lower than normal. “Can you really?”
Every fiber of your being is screaming at you to abort mission yet you push through. You lean in close, trying to win this game of chicken you've grown accustomed to playing. He’s cheating, moving the bottle towards his back as you reach out. Your brows knit together as his smile grows impossibly wider. Damn that smug face. Your hand lightly traces the denim jacket along his arm, never leaving the contact of his eyes with your own. Instead of a bottle, you find an empty palm at his back, and it instantly grips you tightly.
Surprised but not willing to be outdone, you stand up straight enough to make yourself seem imposing, standing on your toes for extra assistance. For a moment he looks shy, like he might back off. The internal praise your mind produces inflates your ego. But instead he tilts his head to the side and towards you, inching nearer to your lips. Blonde hair sweeps across his forehead and he lets his eyes partially close, biting down on his juicy bottom lip to beckon you closer. Recognizing the seductive tactic, an unconscious restraint purses your lips and you trail shaky fingers across the denim of the other arm until you reach his back.
Feeling across the small of his back, your chest presses against his and you hold your breath to gauge his reaction. A sensual sigh fans your cheek as you drag your hand down, hoping to find the bottle and end the game. You'd like to go nurse the remainder of its contents and die of embarrassment. Again you find his hand, though as you grab this one, he intentionally drags your palm across his ass; he flexes his glutes as he does so, giggling when your jaw drops open.
“Wow, you would put me in this position, Y/N?” He clicks his tongue teasingly. He knows he’s already won, but he decides to put the nail in your goddamn coffin. “Such a dirty girl.”
The darkness in his eyes betrays the playfulness of his tone. Jaw still slack, the sinister expression of the man before you pins you in place. Desperate for escape, you suddenly notice Jin, who is standing unusually close. He takes a swig from the bottle, heavy-lidded eyes darting between Jimin and yourself. As Jimin breaks eye contact as well, you use the opportunity to slip from his sweaty hands and create distance. Jin is grinning like a madman.
“Such a dirty girl!” Jin croons, looping his arm around your neck.
“Such a dirty, girl!” Hoseok chimes in, hooking his arm with Jin’s.
You sigh, ducking out from beneath from the boys and leaning against the countertop behind you. “I’m not drunk enough for this.”
Two short buzzes alert you to a message. Tapping the power button, you check the screen discreetly to make sure you’re not missing a Tinder message. The flash of Namjoon’s text sparks disappointment and a hint of annoyance. You whisk away his message from the lock screen with a flick of your thumb.
“We can change that!” Jin assures, rushing into the next room, followed by an amped up Hoseok. “Taehyung where are your keys?”
“Huh? You’re not driving!” There’s a scrambling sound and the familiar jingle of keys.
“Well duh. I’m just saying you have the best car.”
“Yeah, but I want to drink too so we’re calling for Ubers. Who’s riding with who?”
“Drinking buddies! Pair up!”
You fail to miss the way Jimin’s eyes slowly drift over you as he passes by; it’s as though he wants to devour you --and god, would you let him after that intense eye-fuck. He pauses for a moment, letting his tongue dart out as he turns his head back to you. It looks like he might have something to say, but instead he smacks his lips and shakes his head.
On the counter sits the bottle, nearly empty. As soon as he’s out of sight, you take a hearty swig, finishing what you’re pretty sure is half syrup, half Jin’s spit. The recoil of the taste is easier to handle than whatever the fuck that was.
As you round the corner you nearly bump heads with Taehyung, who is sprinting down the hall towards the bathroom. “Gotta pee quick. Hold up.”
You find yourself distracted by the very fit Jungkook army-crawling his way around the floor, the muscles in his arms bulging with each movement. “You guys see my other shoe?”
Yoongi yawns as he sits up, rubbing his eyes. “A shoe?”
“Bless you!” Jin and Jimin are cackling, the familiar windshield wiper laugh drowning out the groans from the rest of them.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
You’re sitting cross-legged on the thick platform beside the front steps of the apartment. The concrete is chilly and you’re grateful for the layer between your thighs and the stone. Jin had climbed into the first car with Tae, Yoongi, and Jungkook. They were probably already halfway there at this point. Hobi was bouncing his leg impatiently as he sat on the step beside you. You can tell by his grumbling that he was more than a little irritated about having to ride in the second car. Namjoon and Jimin were relaxed though, talking about their movie plans for tomorrow.
The glow of your phone is the only thing saving you from catching eyes with Jimin. On screen is a half-written profile of someone trying not to get caught by their spouse; you crinkle your nose and swipe left. Nope. In its place you see the thousandth picture today of a grizzled man holding a fish. Nope. Next is a shot of a guy looking down into the camera and you swear you can see up his nostrils and into the cavity where his brain should be. Nope. You continue on like this, cringing at each profile before swiping left. You’re not sure how they can get worse, but they keep finding a way.
Then you see a smile that’s fairly captivating. You tap on the next photo, expecting it to suck, but it doesn’t. Scrolling down, you read a humble, self-deprecating blurb about a confident dude with a clear love of cats and exercise that brings an awkward smile to your lips. At this point, you’ve swiped left so much that it’s become habitual and you’re feeling uneasy about doing the opposite. There has to be something awful you’re missing. You scan through a second time, begging for some kind of dealbreaker to ease your twitching finger. Still uncertain, you scroll back up and decide to look through some more pictures.
When you tap on the next photo, a steamy image of nude chest appears. The outline of abs glisten below in the reflection of a mirror, a towel draped lazily around his waist just below a dark, delicious happy trail. Your hand instinctively comes up to your mouth, teeth clenching down on a curled finger. As you drink in the sight, the breath catches in your throat and a fire burns in your chest, spreading quickly down your stomach to the heat in your pussy.
It’s then that you feel your stomach drop, the horror of another presence looming over the screen with you. Hoseok sits with his chin resting on a palm, staring down at the same image with a concentrated gaze. For a moment only your eyes move, now acutely aware of the man to your left. You’re frozen in place, hoping the shame will kill you instantly so you don’t have to face the following moments.
You sit motionless, like maybe if you’re still enough, he’ll forget you’re there. You pray his perception is based on movement as your teeth sink deeper into the flesh of your knuckle, letting only shallow breaths escape. But as the seconds pass, they grow increasingly unbearable. You turn your head, ever so slightly, immediately locking eyes with Hoseok. The crooked smile on his face speaks volumes louder than the whisper that follows.
“Such a dirty girl.”
2K notes · View notes
petrichorismydrug · 4 years
Pairings: Jungkook x reader
Genre: Fluff, minor angst (this can change) | Roommates, coffee shop, soulmates AU | Latina OC
Word count:  2.5+k
Sumary:  It started with a small hold of his hand, then it was just easy to hold his hand because for some weird and unknown reason it fit perfectly with yours.
A/N: This part wa written with me half asleep, so I will edit this later
This chapter contains one (1) phrase in spanish, and maybe I will edit this later cause I think I switched the POV but its almost midnight and I'm most sleep than awake.... but the idea didn't leaved me so I need to write this.
The writters block is finally over!!!!
Hope you like. Lots of love
Pt 1 | Pt2 |
“You know, it’s really unfair to realize that romance was created by corporations to prey in losers who thing buying nice things will make somebody love them, when in reality it’s not. That is why I don’t support all this gift giving thing that happens on valentine’s day or B-days. So, I don’t want any of you buying me unnecessary things”
The new ones in this group of friends were surprised, they even had theirs presents ready for valentine’s day; it was in three days. The older ones knew that you actually loved presents although you really did think that it was unnecessary to spend money in something useless when they can easily give you a used t-shirt or hoodie, normally you give them hints when saying things like, ‘that’s cool’ when something  catches your attention from their wardrobe. A long time ago you stopped saying ‘that will look amazing on me’ but they still saw the words on your eyes when something catches your attention.
“It is already ‘That’s 70’s show’ time of the year?” said Jin while grabbing another slice of pizza. Yoongi was looking at the ceiling for answers, Hobi pressed his lips making his dimples appear and Joon just shake his head.
“I think I already told you, Hyde is a bad influence” Namjoon spoke while reaching for his soda.
“If you want to call someone a bad influence, that is Kelso. Hyde is beautiful, don’t you dare say something bad about him with your dirty mouth in my presence” Joonie looked offended for a big moment there, and when his jaw did the thing, she knew she almost fucked up “Sorry, you know...”
“He cheated on Jackie” he stabbed back at you, both holding each other stare, the old ones knew this was getting on a dangerous war line. It was not a good day for both and your fights, the real ones usually end bad. On the other hand, the young ones were already lost on fighting the idea of returning the presents or not. Jungkook started to sweat cold.
“How very dare you?” her voice trembles a little, Hyde was your sunshine, your emotional support character
“He did” matter of fact his voice sounded back, in a low tone.
“The writers just did him dirty because he was too good for the show and people started to like him more than the other guys” Joon just shrugged “and for your information, he is much better than Ross Geller, he is a person with and obsession”
“How can I say no, when you are right?”
“You see. I have good eye for characters, I mean, I love Chandler.”
Namjoon scoffed “Everyone loves Chandler.” After a long pause, with the air thick, and everybody nervous except for Jin that was still eating his slice of pizza unbothered; you broke the silence, just to give a message to Joon.
“Sabes que te quiero y eres un tonto, ¿verdad?” a smile made his face to shine and his deep nice dimples appeared. How can you fight with this one? He is the nicest that always try to protect you. Your one and only giant that was there to fight your dragons. Your moon to your dark nights. The hot to your shot. The landscape to your big picture. The plane to your dream travel. He was always there, and you don’t see your life without him. A brother from another mother.
“What she said?” Jimin asked softly to Yoongi, who was still looking for answers on the roof; after a couple of seconds he grabbed his fake wise man beard.
“That he’s an idiot and she hate us all” as fast as the light travels four cousins flew across the living room to where Yoongi was seated, making a mess of popcorn in the floor paired with some complain noises from him. “Fork! That was uncalled for”
“You are going to clean all that as punishment” You said, privilege of living here, you can sometimes order around, and your cute friends would obey you. Sometimes. Even though this time he was asking for doing some house cleaning with all his bad behavior, and by bad behavior I mean, he is being a liar, what he knows is forbidden in this household.
“You are the ones that made this mess, I’m the victim here, why would I?”
“You broke rule number one” Jungkook spoke, standing up taking some empty glasses to refill them with soda in the kitchen. Everyone just laughed at that, because it was true and Yoongi was shook, you could just tell that by his face, but he laughed too.
Looking at Jungkook walk away you were immediately attracted to follow him as if he was like some weird and strong magnet, because you know, maybe he needs help with something. Clearly that was the only reason. Clearly. Before even realizing what, you were doing you were walking behind him.
“Need a hand?” He saw you leaning to the counter near him, but he shook his head with a smile pasted on his face. How could someone so tall look so cute and huggable. He was serving the drinks and mumble some words, but you couldn’t make out any. “You said something?”
“Okay? No need to scream here.”
“I didn’t scream, just talked with enthusiasm” you just laughed at his pink cheeks and red ears, but you would not say that to him. Its not polite. But you know what, lets forget about that, you were distracted by how his hair was starting to cover his eyes and it started to be a dangerous future without going back. His coconut hair was like a safe point, but this new him with a new pierced ear started to haunt your days, more because he lived with you.
Reaching for his hair you spoke again “You urgently need a haircut” the softness of his hair was a new sensation to your hands, but it was so nice. There was no way you were using the same shampoo and your hair needed extra care and treatments. Was he made on a lab? Even his eyelashes were longer than yours, or any women you know.
“Ah… maybe, but I’m saving money, I’m going to let it grow for another month, probably two” two months, the words echoed in your head, two months without a cut? That was too much. Because this person in front of you was unique but adding long hair… you were not ready for that path in your life.
“I can cut it for you, if you want” you say still grabbing some strands of hair, Jungkook looked at the ceiling and then at you, the stars that shared the space in the black of his eyes always amazed you, -stars, that was the only option for that shine in his eyes, the light in the kitchen wasn’t even that bright, probably he actually was a robot, normal eyes can’t shine like that- “what..? I don’t know what that look means”
“You want to cut my hair?” his tone could be mistaken for a mockery but was a nervous one with a smile at the end. It's just so much to say, but you misunderstood.
“Well, its not as if I want it’s just that I wanted to help, but forget I say it” you were not offended, but there was this feeling in your chest, maybe shame, not sure you can’t put a finger on it but was a weird chest pressure. The quick and most easy escape was just going back to the living room, it was your want and decision, but the hand in your hand kept you in place. Leaning his head to your hand working on his hair.
“You will not chop my head off?”
“I’m not doing it”
“No! do it, please” if you wanted to name an animal that fully described Jungkook you were sure he was a bunny, but now you were concerned cause you could practically see the bunny in him but also a puppy. A bunny with puppy eyes, that was unfair… he was unfair. He started to notice you can’t say no to him, and the worst part? Even though you knew that too, you still say yes to him.
A big huff leaved your mouth “Alright, I’ll do it. But I don’t want any regrets later.
“Never” his smile was bigger, how so?
“When you want to do it? Let’s set a date”
“You are crazy, we have people over, we can’t”
“Why not?” he grabbed your hand and pulled you closer, not hugging you but close enough for you to have troubles breathing. Why he always smells so nice and baby like?
“Because… because, because Jeon…” a hand in his chest made it worst for you, that was a note for future reference, not that you will go around touching him or something. But it was hard to ever consider that when he flicks his hand to the back of his neck; such gestures make one fall in love madly. Hold on, what was that? The noise of someone cleaning his throat made you both look at the source of the noise, that happens to be Jin. This saved you from a talk with yourself that you surely were not ready to have.
“Sorry, did I interrupt something?”
“No” you cut any word that Jungkook wanted to say and took a step away from him cleaning the inexistent crumps on your clothes. “Just talking”
“About what?” that alarmed you, the look on Jin face told you he was there a long enough to misunderstand this conversation you were having.
“He wants me to cut his hair”
“Ah” Jin relaxed but for some reason his posture started to take a defensive one “she is actually good at it, she did an amazing job at my last haircut”
“You cut his hair?” that was one of the two questions Jungkook wanted to ask you, because ‘you go to his apartment alone?’ was the other and Jin never comes here for you to do that.
“Yes, since a long time actually. When was the first? When I moved here?”
“No, remember that time Namjoon told you I was really mad at that person that chopped out my bangs? Then you volunteered, it was when we meet, like a month into the friendship.”
“Oh right, and that person being you because alcohol do weird thing to you. Please don’t even do that again, its damn hard to fix your hair with that length.”
“Still handsome.”
“I never said anything about your looks”
“So, he is handsome?” the tone of indignation in Jungkook voice was astonish, why was he like that?
“Yes, he is”
“Yes, I am” you both said, you in a normal voice while Jin had an offended one. His pouty mouth was so cute. Why were your friends so damn handsome?
“What’s up with this bickering?” Namjoon entered the kitchen followed with the other 4 guests of the night.
“He doubted my handsome face” Jin yelled, he was not a narcissist, but he knew well he was handsome, you all knew. They all are sinfully handsome. Maybe you did well in your previous life to be in the same room with seven specimens like them.
“Oh! You are handsome dear” Hobi said, patting his back.
“Yes, even Y/N couldn’t help but fall in love with him in the past” Yoongi apported an unnecessary fact of your life, making you and Jungkook to open your eyes as big as you could, if it was a competition Jungkook would have won. Even though the reason why you did it was for different causes.
 “Hey! I’m not going around telling your crushes! If this is a revenge for you cleaning, you will be banned for movie night”
 “It’s not revenges, I didn’t know we were not allowed to tell this, is in the public domain, the one involved knows, what’s wrong with the kids knowing?”
 “So, you dated?” Jimin said with a cute and curious smile, you can’t get mad at him. But the air was thick, and everyone noticed.
 “Umm… no, Brandon, that bastard…” Jin said lowly
 “Who is Brandon?” Tae asked, munching a slice of pizza
 “No, his name is Bradney, it’s my fairy”
 “Your what?!” Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook screamed making you all to wince. 
 “My fairy… I, we all have a soulmate. So, we all have a fairy, the one that brings the things our soulmates lost. I’m not the only one knowing this, right?” When they nodded you continued “My soulmate didn’t let me” you pointed between Jin and you “let’s keep it that way”
 “You know your soulmate?” Jimin asked what Jungkook was struggling to say, but the words didn’t find the way out of his mouth.
 “What is the problem? Maybe you never meet him or her” the words Tae said were true, everyone knew them, they were people that knew his soulmate, and nothing happened, some never meet, and nothing changed their life.
 “Its… It’s a he, but…” when you looked at Jin, he and all the old ones knew this was your limit for this topic, cause you really liked Jin, and Jin liked you back, but this was so hard cause you can’t turn back time, you had your chance and you decided to say no to it. You don’t regret it, but still, there is this weird feeling when this is the topic.
 “Maybe we should get going guys, it’s getting late” The sunshine to your life saved you with his most brilliant voice and smile that made his eyes disappear. Luckily everyone takes the hint and didn’t asked further. Your chest was aching a littler and the release of air was making you to conscious of the lack of breathing you were making. A hand in your back bring you to earth again. It was your moon.
 “You okay? You want me to call Sunmi?”
 “I’m okay, really. If I need something, I will call her myself.” then a figure was behind Joonie
 “I am sorry, I, you know I don’t have a filter when I’m with y’all��� Yoongi apologized
 “Don’t worry, I know you didn’t do it on purpose” you hugged him tightly “Still you need to clean” a grunt leaved him, but he actually made a mistake then.
 In less than half an hour everyone leaved with small talk and vibrant goodbyes; lots of hugs were given. Yoongi actually cleaned, in a weird way that you almost stepped and did it yourself but at the end he did a good and decent job. You were just taking the trash out of the bin to take it out of the apartment in the morning when you leave for work. Jungkook was fixing the cushions, making them look fluffy by hitting them with more energy than needed, but if it was his way of doing it, you were more than happy to let him enjoy his time with them.
“So” he broke the silence “Tomorrow?”
 “What is happening tomorrow?”
 “I am setting a date for my haircut”
 “Oh right. Yes, I can tomorrow.”
 “It’s a date then” he bunny smiled, and it was the most adorable thing, you are sure you are never getting tired of it.
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