#and killing my freeds after 2 hr :')
curiosity-killed · 9 months
we do not need to engage with all posts. sometimes people can be stupid on the internet and it's fine, actually. we do not need to correct people for making grandiose statements based on knowledge they acquired at age 11 and haven't updated since <- said through gritted teeth
#normally i'm not that peeved by like minor dumb shit on the internet#but this post about how ballet and american football are equivalent in terms of injury/shouldn't be allowed/etc#is rubbing me the wrong way#and the number of people being like well ACTCHUALLY i danced till i was ELEVEN and it should be BANNED#is. much more annoying as it turns out#this is not to say that ballet doesn't have many many many problems#including the harm that can happen in terms of injury and body image#and the classism racism sexism etc etc we can go on for a while here#but the way it's framed in this post and the way ppl are responding to it is making me remarkably annoyed#which is why i'm grumbling on my blog instead of responding to the post itself#bc we do NOT need to respond#hnnnnn#also. will freely admit that i'm probably a lil extra testy about it after 5 hr of class/rehearsal today#and killing my freeds after 2 hr :')#WHY shoes#anyway to the person who said pointe should be banned until they come up with specialized shoes to reduce the damage#GUESS WHAT#that's why they have pointe shoe fitting specialists#and yes! access to and equitable/fair treatment in those environments is troubled#but we are not running headfirst at each other until we all have super duper brain damage#okay. it's fine. it's fine.#upon further reflection i think a solid 75% of my irritation comes from calling ballet a sport. this is a hill i have been angrily guarding#since i was like 12#and am actually right about it. anyway. again. It's Fine. I'm letting it go
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Off Schedule
Chapter 3
Summary: Slow burn. Brad Pitt is your boss and he is going through a divorce. Smut in later chapters. Warning: light flirting and touching Brad Pitt x Reader, Keanu Reeves x Reader
Any critiques to make me better are more than welcome.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7
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Mr.Pitt's clean cut look was replaced with a rugged beard, groomed to perfection. His hair longer, brushed back into a sleek pompadour. The only thing that hadn't changed was his style of dress. He still styled himself in tailored suits that cost more than your life.
He started taking meetings again, but his demeanor towards you hadn't changed. Things had not quite been the same since he blew-up at you and it seemed to be getting worse. He would only communicate with you via email. Anytime you called him he would ignore you. Whenever he passed your desk he wouldn't speak or look at you.
The days of you having the occasional conversation had ceased. You weren't best friends, but you had missed the interactions you used to have with him.
When you came back from lunch you noticed something on your desk. It was a post-it note with a flash drive attached. Picking it up you read it.
"10 binder color copies for the Clooney meeting." It was in Mr. Pitt's hand writing.
A written note had to be a step up from emails right? Maybe if you hadn't been to lunch he would have actually spoken to you. Doubt it.
He might have just thrown it at you and you would have to figure out what he wanted from context clues. Sighing you start up your laptop and shove the device in.
Looking at his calendar then back at the clock you freaked. The meeting was starting in 20 minutes. You pressed print on the keyboard and made a mad dash to the binding room.
Printing and binding would take some time so you would be cutting it close. Hopefully these were the kind of clients that didn't arrive early.
Thankfully the printer spit out your copies in record time and the binding machine didn't jam as it had been prone to do in the past. Checking the time you had 5 minutes to finish up and head to the conference room. So you high tailed it to the elevator to your destination.
When you hopped out the elevator on the 17th floor you saw Mr. Pitt and Reeves were standing outside of the conference room.  Cheerfully chatting amongst themselves before the clients arrived. What ever issue they had going on must have been resolved you thought to yourself. Maybe Mr. Pitt would go back to being his jovial self again or even speak to you. Turning your attention back to the task at hand you rush past them to the room to setup. Thankfully the clients hadn't arrived yet.
As you passed the two men your laces had freed themselves along the way. Your right foot jerked back hard as your left had caught the lace under its sole. The binders cascaded through the air as you descended to the floor.
You couldn't feel the pain that was most definitely pulsing through your knees. Because the embarrassment of the fall over shadowed it all. It was silent, but you knew they were looking at you. You scrambled on your bruising knees ignoring that fact to collect the scattered binders.
Mr. Reeves walked over to you and crouched down showing genuine concern while Mr. Pitt looked away. This was the second time this week he has seen your fruitless fight against gravity.
"You ok?" Mr.Reeves asked, hand out stretched to help you up. You took it and he guided you to your feet.
"Yeah" you giggled straightening your skirt "Gravity seems to be against me these days." You felt frazzled, but collected yourself.
You looked between the two men apologizing again before bending down to grab the last binder from the floor before heading into the conference room. The two men continued their conversation while you finished prepping the room.
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The first email you received upon the return to your station came from Molly in HR. She wanted to see you immediately.
‘Shit!’ Of course HR would want to see me today. Your knees had not yet forgiven you for falling on them so moving around the office was strenuous.
Calling Zoe, at reception, you told her you would be forwarding your phone while you stepped away for a bit. Mr. Pitt would be in the Clooney meeting for a while so you didn't bother notifying him of your whereabouts.
Then panic started to sink in. Was this it? Where you fired? Maybe Mr.Pitt planned to have you fired while he was in his meeting. Because he didn't want to be around when security watched you as you packed up your desk and escort you out of the building. He was very much annoyed when you called him the other day. And Tuesday, freaking Tuesday he really laid into you. Was he still angry? Your feet felt like lead as you took the elevator to the 3rd floor.
'Please don't fire me.Please don't fire me' you thought to yourself repeatedly.
Once you arrived you walked straight to Molly's office and knocked on her opened door. Looking up from her monitor she waved you in. "Please close the door and have a seat" Lacing her fingers she sighed as your heart sank.
This was it. The best job you ever had gone. Poof just like that. Au revoir your trip to Paris.
"You're probably wondering why you're here?" Molly asked.
You shook your head timidly.
"You're here because you've been violating our dress code."
"What" you blurted out noticeably confused.
Your daily outfits consisted of a button down blouse, pencil skirt and your black sneakers. Your color pattern always a mix of blacks, grays or whites. No outlandish color schemes and your skirts always came down to your knees. So upon this news you were thoroughly confused.
"It's your shoes dear." Molly said eyeing your sneakers then you.
"What? What's wrong with my shoes?" You try to explain. "There has never been a problem before. I've been wearing these for at least 5 years."
This whole thing was coming as quite the shock.
"There not professional. I've seen you trip on more than one occasion in those things.Are you trying to get workers compensation? Because you are well on your way." Molly joked and you pouted in response.
"Look this is just a warning, buy some more professional shoes like heels we pay you enough to afford at least one pair."
‘Great more money gone’
"I'll go shopping when I get off. Is that ok?" You grumbled. The dent to your wallet hurt, but a small price to pay to keep your job. Every penny you tried to save ended up being spent on one thing after another. By the time you Would be able to afford France you might be eligible for retirement.
"Thats fine, now this is your first warning I don't want to have to see you again."
With that she excused you from her office.
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Thankfully you were able to go shopping after work yesterday and pick up a pair of heels that were cheap and professional. Unfortunately you hadn't tried them on before you left the store. The box size was definitely the size you wore and when you first put them on this morning they felt fine.
It wasn't until your day truly got started that the cute little heels felt like they shrank in size. Every step you took felt like torture.
You were on your feet for the majority of the day. Running from your desk to various meetings and two torturous trips to Central Perk. The inside of the shoe rubbed against the side of your foot and scraped your Achilles heel. The pointed heels squished your toes so tightly together that you felt the circulation was being cut off.
Not to mention the constant click clapping sounds that came from the result of your heels slapping the tile.
Maybe you could ask Sarah or Zoe for advice on stealthier shoes.  
You needed a break, you felt exhausted. The only bright side of the day came from the fact that you hadn't tripped of fell once. Though you were a bit wobbly from time to time. Sitting at your desk you hunched over to take off one of the pain machines to rub and coddle your foot. You could feel a callus forming.
"Hey" a deep voice called from above.
Popping your head up from under your desk to stare into the face of Mr. Reeves.
"Oh! Hi Sir."
"You ok?" He asked.
"Oh yeah. Just breaking in my new shoes." You wiggled one of them in the air. "They are killing me right now." You say playfully.
He walked behind your desk and knelt before you. Your eyes rounded at the sight of it all.
Mr. Reeves grabbed your ankle and gently brought it towards him. Cupping your heel to examine it.
Placing the palms of his hands on the side of your foot he gently started pulling the right side forward while pushing the left side back. Repeating the twisting motion, working his hands from the toe to ankle.
"How are your knees doing? You took quite the spill yesterday." He inquired.
Oh my gawd what the hell? Is this really happening?
"Um.. they are a better than yesterday" you felt stiff.
You tried to gingerly pull away, but he wouldn't release you. So you sat there watching him. He looked up and smirked and you felt your face go hot. You couldn't breathe it felt so good yet so awkward.
He turned his focus back to your foot once he looked away you found it easier to breathe again. Mr.Reeves started to use his thumbs to stroke down each toe, you bit your bottom lip hard fighting back a moan.
Mr. Reeves moved to place his thumbs under the ball of your foot, he pushed his thumbs in a downward motion to your arches. He stroked you slowly again applying little pressure in just the right spots.
The pleasure of it all rippled through you and a moan slipped out. You slapped a hand over your mouth. He looked up at you again and lightly chuckled.
"Is that better?" He asked while he continued the massage. "Maybe you bought the wrong size? That might be why they are giving you so much trouble."
"I-I..ummm..th-they are my size...the box said soooo" you couldn't help the second moan when he applied more pressure. The magic of his fingers turned you to putty as you melted into your chair. His hand moved up from your foot to your leg. Gripping and kneading the calf muscle. Your head hit the back of your chair as you floated away. The warmth and firmness of his hands had you relaxed in ways you had never felt before.
When Mr. Pitts door opened you both hadn't noticed. Not until he cleared his throat. Your neck whipped in his direction. The compromising situation shot your body heat up boiling over with the embarrassment. Ripping your leg out of Mr.Reeves hands you spun in your chair to stare blankly at your computer screen.
"Hey. Ready to head out?" Mr. Reeves ask him as he rose from his knees. He gave you a cheeky smile, but you ignored it.
You could feel Mr. Pitt's eyes on the back of your head, but you refused to look back at him. You just pretended to look at something on your screen and play with your mouse until their voices faded in the distance.
You dared to look over your monitor and Mr. Pitt's eyes caught yours before the doors closed. His face stoic but his eyes seemed to burn with fury. You were in trouble you could feel it. You dreaded his return.
Chapter 4>>>>>
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feminist-propaganda · 3 years
The Star Wars Saga Is A Meditation On Single Motherhood
It recently dawned on me that the entire story line of the Star Wars saga is built on the lives, loves and tribulations of 3 generations of single mothers. There are monsters to slay and aliens to find and planets to explore, yes, but if you think about the powerful message in the movies, you’ll come to realize it was mostly a reflection on the status of single mothers, the outcomes of their offspring, and the conflict that lives forever in their descendants.
Each trilogy, once reframed, becomes the story of one woman, who finds herself in a situation that is as old as time. She is with child, but the person who planted the seed in her is not by her side.
Shmi Skywalker or The Good Single Mother
In the Phantom Menace, Jedi Knight Qui Gon Jin meets Anakin Skywalker, a slave boy with a talent for repairing machines. The Jedi knight is impressed with the child’s abilities. He’s knowledgeable, intuitive, and most importantly he’s also kind and thoughtful. When a sand storm threatens the group of travelers, Anakin takes them to his own home and offers them shelter. 
We meet Shmi Skywalker, who in many ways is the archetype of the good single mother. She is not just quiet. She has completely erased herself. She has no personality, apart from being Anakin’s caretaker. She expresses no needs, no desires, no dreams. She simply loves Anakin, and when she sees an opportunity for him to leave the desert planet ruled by the Huts, she doesn’t stand in his way. 
In a now famous scene, Qui Gon asks her about the child’s origins and Shmi famously responds “There was no father”. The line continues: “I carried him. I gave birth. I raised him. I can’t explain what happened”.
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The immaculate conception myth refers to the idea in Christianity that Mary, much like Shmi, was impregnated by some magical force, a holy spirit. Both are parabols: images we use to discuss painful topics. Single motherhood has probably always been a part of the human experience. Jared Diamond explains in “Why Is Sex Fun?” that in terms of evolution, it is more rewarding for human males to be “super spreaders “ rather than “good fathers “ . The “good father” gene does not pass down to future generations, because in effect, not sticking around to raise the child is a better strategy for a human man to pass on his genes to the next generation. Not convinced? Just count how many women have been impregnated by a rapper like Future (8 last time I checked). If you’re not into hip-hop, you can think of the offspring of the Mongol Genghis Khan
The purpose of the parabol is to provide an image, to extract ourselves from the technicalities of onr person’s story and to instead talk about all single mothers at once. Indeed, single mothers come in all shapes and sizes. Some are widowed, some are abandoned, others are lied to, and some run away from abusive environments.
Shmi raises her son the best she can, and her love for him is unconditional. She doesn’t bat an eye when he is freed while she is to continue her life as a slave. She doesn’t even seem to mind when Anakin leaves the planet and never returns to free her, even after he marries into some serious money. 
But the story of Star Wars tells us that Shmi’s relationship to Anakin, because it was so fusional, because it was all that he had, led to his undoing. In Episode 2, when he senses she is in danger, he jeopardizes his mission to protect Padme to go rescue her. When he eventually finds her, he is so upset about her ultimate death that he commits mass murder, targeting the Tuskan riders of the sea of Dunes.
When Yoda first lays eyes on Anakin, he senses Anakin’s pain, he is just a child whose been ripped away from the only human that’s ever cared for him deeply. The turmoil inside the boy is palpable, and Yoda advises against training him. 
Padme Amidala or The Bad Single Mother
Anakin develops feelings for Padme, and in Episode 2 the pair decide to secretly get married in the lake district of Padme’s home planet Naboo. Their relationship is very intense. Both share a strong sense of civic duty: Padme was elected queen of the Naboo when she was just 14 &  Anakin is a keeper of the peace. They care deeply about issues such as how the galaxy must be governed, how much action needs to be taken versus when diplomacy must be prioritized. 
Their strong sense of service has made them lonely young people. They’re far away from their families, surrounded by advisors, servants and droids - not friends. 
They jump into their relationship with an eagerness that suggests it is their original caretakers they crave for.
Padme becomes pregnant while the Clone Wars are raging, and immediately Anakin begins to experience trouble with his sleeping. He imagines Padme is dying in childbirth, and the visions haunt him during the day. His fear that she will die ultimately leads to his decision to join the Dark side of the force. Senator Palpatine has manipulated him into believing that Sith Lords have discovered the power to prevent death itself. 
Just like his mother before him, we need to look at Anakin’s story in terms of symbolism. It isn’t really about his specific experience with fatherhood : it’s about the universal conflict that men feel towards their own offspring. Even the way it is announced to him, in the Senate chambers, barely hidden from the rest of the Coruscant elite, implies some sort of entrapment. The columns around them seem to be like a cage that is closing in on his life. He is in the middle of the Wars - he should be celebrating his victory over General Grivious, but instead he is stuck with his wife and he has to absorb her anxiety & reassure her. 
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Anakin makes a weird, forced smile and says : “This is a happy moment.” But neither Padme nor the audience believe him. Nothing about him feels happy, he isn’t relaxed: he is tense.
At the end of Episode 3, Anakin attempts to kill Padme when she condemns the mass murders he’s committed against the younglings in the Jedi temple. Hr uses for the first time his “strangling” trick, which becomes his signature move in the original trilogy. 
Palpatine makes Anakin believe that he’s killed Padme, but the truth is somewhat more nuanced. She dies of heartbreak shortly after giving birth to twins. For anyone who thought this was corny, it’s actually been proven by the scientific community that heartbreak reduces your life expectation (it diminishes the size of the telomeres in your body cells, which is the molecule that helps replicate your DNA). 
As Lisa Feldman Barret wrote in How Emotions Are Made: 
Emotional harm can shorten your life. Inside your body, you have little packets of genetic material that sit on the ends of your chromosomes like protective caps. They’re called telomeres. All living things have telomeres—humans, fruit flies, amoebas, even the plants in your garden. Every time one of your cells divides, its telomeres get a little shorter (although they can be repaired by an enzyme called telomerase). So generally their size slowly decreases, and at some point, when they are too short, you die. This is normal aging. But guess what else causes your telomeres to get smaller? Stress does. Children who experience early adversity have shorter telomeres. In other words, emotional harm can do more serious damage, last longer, and cause more future harm than breaking a bone
More severe cases involve patients actually dying of a broken heart, the myocardia just collapses under the weight of the sadness the human feels.
The original trilogy should be re-viewed with all of this new information we have. In the 80s, when Empire Strikes Back came out, the “I am your father” line became instantly iconic. But the plot twist was more like an “Oh My gosh!” moment rather than a profound reflection on fatherhood. The audience sympathized with Luke not because his father had been absent and negligent, but because his father’s job was to serve a fachist leader. It was the actions of Darth Vader as a political servant that were questioned, not his refusal to nurture a smaller being. 
Padme is the opposite of Shmi. She is the archetype of the “bad” single mother. The bad single mother is the single mother who can’t deal with the situation and checks out of it. She collapses under the weight that she feels on her shoulders. She can't get over the heartbreak, she can’t find the will to live. 
Society tends to punish the Padme’s just as much as it praises the Shmis. Television programs like “Teen Mom” are set up to shame the young deviants into adopting the correct behavior. The purpose of the show is to judge these young women into becoming self-sacrificing mothers.
Leia Organa - The Non-single Single Mother
Leia Organa is Anakin Skywalker’s daughter. She is raised by an adoptive frailly on Alderaan after she’s separated at birth from her brother Luke. Much like her mother, she becomes a dedicated public servant, a trusted leader and a beloved public figure. 
She is raised by a wealthy family in the central galactic systems. The Organas teach her the ways of the elite political class. As an adult she serves the cause of the Rebels, and when she meets Han Solo in Episode 4, the mediocre smuggler fascinates her. 
In the now famous scene from Hoth in Episode 5, Leia declares her love for Han Solo right as he’s about to be frozen in carbonite. The ultimate bad boy responds his chilling, because realistic  “I know”.
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Han is nothing compared to Leia. He drives a broken down ship, doesn’t have any morals or even a simple code of conduct, much less a cause that he’s dedicated his life to. He has nothing to offer her, and is definitely not in her league. But still, in Episode 6, the pair become an official item.
The last Trilogy was an opportunity to explore Leia’s experience with motherhood. By now we know that Leia’s grandmother was a “Good single mother”, she completely sacrificed herself to protect her son & more importantly she never questioned her status of sole caretaker (remember the “there was no father“ line). We also know that Leia’s mother was a public servant, and a passionate woman who allowed herself to fall deeply in love with a sensitive young man with a non existing support system. Leia’s mother was the “bad” single mother: driven only by her career (Queen of the Naboo, later a Senator of the Old Republic) she did not step up to the task when her destiny revealed itself to her.
Leia seems to share her mother’s taste in reckless young men with a lot of attitude and no emotional security to offer. It’s the excitement she craves, not the tranquility.
Her fate will be the same as her foremothers. She has a child with Han, but when she sends him away to be trained by Luke, she loses them both.
Their dialogue in Episode 7 goes like this: 
Han Solo : Listen to me, will you? I know every time you... Every time you look at me you're reminded of him.
Leia : You think I want to forget him? I want him back.
Han Solo : There's nothing more we could have done. There's too much Vader in him.
Leia : That's why I wanted him to train with Luke. I just never should have sent him away. That's when I lost him. That's when I lost you both.
The last trilogy develops Leia’s character in a way that allows her to be something else than just a single mother. She loses her husband, she even loses her son to the dark side: but she never loses herself. Leia doesn’t allow her condition to define her. She becomes a leader of the Resistance even if it means going after her son’s New order. 
In Episode 9, Leia even destroys her son to protect Rey - the symbolism is that she’s overcome her role as a mother, she’s rejected the notion that she must sacrifice everything for her son even if it goes against her own self interest (like Shmi). She also rejects the idea that her partner abandoning her is the end of her. It isn’t. Unlike her mother, she finds the will to live, and to lead the next generation of freedom fighters and peace keepers.
The saga ends on a hopeful note for all of us single mothers out there. It comes with a message for us : we don’t need to choose between the austere Shmi and the weak Padme. We can instead decide that this “single mom” problem is kind of like beauty : it lies in the eyes of the beholder.
Single moms don’t need to think of themselves as failures, they don’t need to live in modest conditions, they don’t need to beg society's forgiveness for merely existing. They don’t need to be ashamed. 
Single moms don’t need to erase their brains and their lives, and sink into an ocean of denial either. They don't need to be obsessed with their careers or caught up in romantic entanglements that are only going to exhaust them.
Single moms can just decide that they’re women, with beautiful, inspiring personalities and kind, loving hearts. Mothers are first and foremost, the leaders of the young, the protectors of the realm and the makers of the future. It’s not that it doesn’t matter that they’re alone. It’s that they don’t have to be alone at all.
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icepolice02 · 2 years
5 Reasons Why A Clear Workplace Is Sweet For Enterprise
Eating at your desk simply creates extra points, both for cleaning and hygiene generally. Additionally, it interferes with how useful your office house should be. No-one desires to search out old, mouldy food of their workspace so having a designated space to eat meals in is a good method to remedy this drawback. The first hurdles in workplace cleanliness are the piles of documents and papers. A clean work environment helps you stay organized, work effectively, and offers a wholesome place the place you and your coworkers can feel comfortable daily. In truth, a clear workplace may find yourself in a 2-8% increase in productiveness. Frequently used objects, corresponding to bins and phones, tend to be overlooked in relation to workplace cleansing. These items usually harbour a lot of micro organism and have to be cleaned daily. Because you need to make a good impression about your credibility in the direction of your purchasers which usually starts on the bodily appearance of your office and employees. If you wish to create a great and skilled impression with your office area, then it should be clean, freed from mud, and the washroom smells good. When your workers are getting sick because of an unhealthy working environment, the productiveness degree of the department declines. Most HR practitioners would say that employees’ productivity is significantly influenced by the bodily situation of their workplace. All rank and recordsdata would feel pleased and extra enthusiastic to work when they have a clean and fresh working area. Thirteen Issues You Must By No Means Pressure Wash The options that we use are key by means of removing the algae and grime from your own home and stopping it from coming back immediately. Mildew isn’t only unsightly, it can also cause expensive and in depth damage to your house's exterior over time through decay. Gutter guards, when professionally installed, are a fantastic funding, scale back maintenance and cleaning of your gutters, and defend your house. Ask our window cleaners in Nashville about our Soft Washing Package that uses low pressure on your siding so ZERO aging happens. Unlike Pressure Washing, which is nice for concrete, Soft Washing permits the answer to kill the mould. I have used this firm for a number of years to wash my gutters and do some power washing. Paver stones, wooden and composite decks do require a soft wash to find a way to be successfully cleaned. Our unique solution-based course of will transform your out of doors living area gently and safely. Using the incorrect strain and resolution could cause irreparable harm or permit the filth to come back again prematurely. There is an opportunity that your home windows will need to be correctly cleaned after a home wash. When mixed with our home washing service, our window cleansing rates are decreased. Our energy washing providers cowl Phoenix metro area which includes Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe, and surrounding areas. Platinum Pressure Washing and Window Cleaning also can safely remove stains from your Denver driveway. We can clear concrete, pavers, pure stone, and more with no damage! Rust, mildew, and other potential driveway stains will disappear after a thorough driveway cleaning service. Services from Platinum Pressure Washing and Window Cleaning may help make your Denver, CO house appear to be new again. Rest Room Care Ideas Lava rock specifically wants a sealant, simply as any porous stone would need. If a seal isn’t supplied by the manufacturer, it’s suggested to apply one to keep the lava rock from absorbing unwanted fluids or micro organism. A seal might must be re-applied at various intervals relying on the strength of the sealant. White vinegar gently scrubbed onto porcelain is another various for stains. Factories that run multiple shifts are the more than likely to have this concern. Restrooms which are solely cleaned as quickly as a day shall be clean for the first shift and might be soiled by the tip of that shift. Poor cleaning is the most common explanation for deteriorating restroom quality. Attention to element is essential when cleansing high-traffic restrooms. These restrooms which would possibly be used hundreds of occasions per day need thorough cleansing with consideration to areas where buildup occurs. The base of a toilet is commonly overlooked every day, but when often where urine and other contaminants can buildup. Much like family soaps, shaving cream accommodates energetic ingredients like surfactants and emulsifiers that work as gentle cleaning agents. Chimney Sweep Jobs To determine how a lot size you will want for your rods, first shut your damper. Then, from your roof, decrease a rope down into your chimney until it hits your damper. Then you can measure the length of rope to determine out what quantity of rods you will want to purchase. They are often accompanied by loud cracking and popping, heavy smoke, and an intense, sizzling odor. When we sweep a chimney, we work hard to thoroughly and successfully remove all of those byproducts so as to get pleasure from your system for the lengthy haul. In the unlikely event that injury occurs, you will be answerable for the injury, if the company has no liability protection. We keep present on safety codes and rules, as properly as progressive tools and merchandise for chimneys and fireplaces, so we can advocate the best for our clients. Our professionals need to know what they’re doing when they put their heads up a chimney and to do this, chimney sweeps obtain specialized coaching and have years of experience within the subject. ” or are you looking the web for ‘chimney cleaning close to me’? This information will inform you more about the method to put together to hire native chimney cleaners, the prices concerned, how to know in case your chimney needs a cleansing, and customary questions on chimney cleansing. Chimney cleaning could appear to be an pointless nuisance, but it’s far from that. Chimneys are designed to take away harmful gases from a fireplace whereas it's in use—but they solely work effectively if they’re free from buildup and debris. The Distinction Between Disinfecting, Sanitizing, And Cleaning It was concluded that well chlorination without correct promotion and schooling led to a false sense of safety. The danger perspective mixed with the extent of infrastructure in place will change the stability in the course of maintenance from new constructing. Communication of monitoring outcomes will have to be more widespread—to politicians communities and professionals. For sustainable provision, one will look to utilities that work at scale and have a tendency to see ‘customers’, but these identical utilities are inclined to overlook the poor and marginalized threat teams. Those are often served by NGOs and self-help teams that understand households and communities quite than prospects. Monitoring findings need to be communicated to both types of providers, with their differing perceptions, and may deliver them nearer collectively, as a outcome of both have important inputs for equitable provision of improved water and sanitation. Actually, while you’ve done a lot of the work to scrub up your kitchen, it is isn't fully sanitized. Keeping a clear kitchen is an efficient rule to reside by, and it is essential to sanitize your kitchen correctly after every use. The United States Department of Agriculture has a two-step method, which is usually utilized in restaurants and different meals service operations. Let us use our years of expertise, skilled employees, maid companies, and advanced procedures to make sure a clean and healthy setting for your beloved ones and guests. Many girls's rights and water advocacy organizations have identified water privatization as an area of concern, generally alleging negative results that particularly affect ladies. Studies on the impact of sanitation interventions alone on health are rare. If desired, hold a container of disinfecting wipes close by so you can easily sanitize your cellphone, keys, doorknob, light change, and different high-touch areas. "After washing your hands, one of the simplest ways to forestall the unfold of infectious illness at house is to scrub your home," says Schmidt. "The simple act of utilizing a microfiber material dipped in an answer of an all-purpose cleaner and sizzling water to wipe down common use hard surfaces will lift and dilute any microbes that have settled on the surfaces." Enovana Green Cleansing You may need to double or triple your fee for first-time cleanings, especially if the space has been uncared for and needs some severe TLC. Enjoy the comfort of utilizing our easy to make use of cellular app to request a cleaning. Simply download the app, observe the instructions and a cleaner will arrive very quickly. 清潔公司 take the ache out of discovering a trustworthy home cleaner that not solely brings your house back to life, however supplies the tender loving care to your personal home. She was extraordinarily thorough and actually went above and beyond. I thought our house was relatively clear till I noticed it as quickly as she was accomplished. I will absolutely only request to have her come any longer. For proof, try these home cleaning tips straight from professional cleaners. I need cheap notice if you will move or stop hiring me. Too many purchasers don’t think to tell me until the week they’re transferring. Learn what skilled housecleaners aren’t allowed to scrub. Thank you Danielle, your service was very a lot appreciated. I’m shifting to an apartment which needed a deep clear to take away cat hair. Graziela and her staff have been on time, responsive, and cleaned the apartment very thoroughly. They had been professional and addressed all of my considerations promptly. I actually appreciated their work and am pleased to have now scheduled them often. Homejoy – a former online platform which related prospects with residence service providers, together with house cleaners and handymen. How Often Should I Dust? Not Cleansing Could Trigger Lung Infections The main advantage over acid anionics is lower foaming potential. These sanitizers have a broad range of exercise, are highly steady in dilute kind, are stable to organic matter, and are secure to high temperature purposes. Whereas QACs are positively charged, these sanitizers are negatively charged. Certain immediate effects are similar to these from colds or other viral illnesses, so it is usually difficult to find out if the signs are a result of exposure to indoor air air pollution. For this cause, it is necessary to take notice of the time and place the symptoms happen. If the symptoms fade or go away when an individual is away from the home and return when the person returns, an effort should be made to determine indoor air sources which might be potential causes. Some results may be made worse by an insufficient supply of outside air or from the heating, cooling, or humidity situations prevalent within the house. In addition, individuals who may be exposed to indoor air pollutants for the longest intervals of time are sometimes those most susceptible to the consequences of indoor air air pollution. But, as it seems, the “spray and wipe” technique isn’t the best way to get issues clean. Commercial cleaning products often have a suggested soak time to permit the product to melt grime and filth. The recommended time is usually found on the label and is usually only a minute or two for most sprays…but these 60 seconds can make the difference between a surface wipe and a deep clear. Allowing the spray to set additionally provides the cleaner extra time to kill germs and bacteria. Carpet cleaner and pet stain remover normally take even longer, so make sure read the recommendations on the package deal. 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When they aren’t well-maintained, they’re a magnet for issues. Everyone desires to be proud of where they stay. [newline]That is why one of the important duties of a neighborhood or homeowner association is to maintain and implement sure requirements within the group. Usually, folks think these sorts of standards refer to issues like regular yard upkeep and the place to retailer rubbish cans. Happy Cans is expanding our providers with the introduction pressure washing. Our nickname for this service is Happy House which can supply driveway, sidewalk and deck strain washing. In addition, stress washing makes use of much less water than a standard garden hose tackling the same sort of job.
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12/02/2018 : Mental Break  down
As I stare into the mirror my eyes redden and tears stroll down my cheeks as I say to my own reflection I am sorry that you have to go through this this is all my fault. The words i tell myself are what i have going up inside my head is that i’m worthless, have no point of living and nobody wants me. My mum got a boyfriend and he has a son which in their eyes are perfect, my boyfriend I don’t know he's supposed to be my best friend but while i’m contemplating whether or not i deserve to die which in my opinion I do. He is watching a film with his friends. After all these years I am still the one that picks myself up from the bathroom floor and fight the urges to kill myself I am a list of ways to do the deed:
Drown in the  tub,
Overdose on xanax, valium/ medical pills,
Cut too deep,
Hang myself,
Shoot myself (would be complicated as do not possess one)
Throw myself of high buildings
Throw myself in front of a moving car/ truck
Tie a rock to my neck and jump into the ocean
I haven't done it yet because if ii don’t succeed everyone would be pretending to be my friends, and my family would actually pretend to care. I want to end it because i feel worthless and have no point of living. I have been beaten and called names but the worst thing that ever happened to me is when I started believing what people tell me and I keep them imprinted in my brain and everytime the voices in my head are there reminding me why i should stop. I tried to find a blade which I cannot as they re a bit restricted as I do not trust myself with one when i’m in the good days as when this nicole comes out the first thing she goes searching for is the blade. The pain rlift it has , the fact i can control what happens to my body what I feel the euphoria off it. Not even drugs make me feel as good as  i feel during those 5-10 mintus where I slit my wrists open.
I want to get better and I am trying to help myself, I learnt that nobody is gonna help you and only you are there for you. Friends only come when they need something not when you need something, friends don’t care about the cut on your wrists nobody does, cause why is the happy girl cutting her wrists? For attention lets not give hr any. No it is not for attention it is an addiction just like that of blow, I can manage without it and I get along fine. But when the time comes and I see it as the only solution to be freed from my own thoughts.
I am proud of myself cause I Survived 18 years on this goddamn awful planet filled with fake people who make me feel better than myself because they have this and that and they’re not depressed and can actualyl function in society. Meanwhile I struggle to get daily tasks ready because I do not see a point of living, so I just exist. But I don’t want to because there is nothing good in this world. Neither of my parents actually care about me, my siblings want me dead, and I haven’t got any friends except 2 sort off (Hillary and dave) But they do not care.
Maybe I kill myself on valentines  to show love to myself as that is what I crave most. Death a peaceful greeting with the grim reaper and off to wherever souls like mine go .
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elkrs · 5 years
Red Suns: Let's Make A Dungeon - The Slithering Shade
I started designing the Red Suns setting as a world to play in, and so far, I haven't. Well, actually, if you are reading this on the day it came out, then I have played it once. I'm running a game for NotACon 2018 (see Red Suns III for deets) set in Red Suns, and so I want to prep my first session for it on here. You'll see some parallels between the Scarlett Citadel Conan story, and that is because it was the inspiration for the adventure. At the bottom of the page you'll find a link to the live play of this session, so you can watch how my prep played out in the end (if I remember, if not, look in the top corner, press the three lines and you should see a YouTube link)!
Initial Thoughts and Goals
This is a fairly new part of my preparation process that I have begun to find exceedingly helpful in staying on-task with both prep and running the game. I take 3-5 ideas, goals or cool things that I want to be in the game, and I note them down at the start. It gives me a very quick and easy reference during the session, as well as making sure that the session runs how I want it to.
A twisting labyrinth filled with unspeakable horrors - I want to have the players explore a weird dungeon that could very well threaten to swallow them.
An evil shade, determined to end the world - I want the player to fight the Shade. I want them to have to deal with the fact that this person has no qualms about doing unimaginably awful things to themselves and others to achieve their aims. I want the player to go "Oh shit... This guy will kill us all and himself."
Weird, lasting effects on the characters - I want the players to feel as though any moment could be their last. I want them to be scared to go around corners and nervous about touching ANYTHING.
Gonzo, crazy NPC - I want them to meet someone who will drill home the fact that, if they get lost, they are doomed to end up like this guy.
I think that'll do it. I can always add to this if I want to, but this will keep me in check for how I want the game to go.
The Dungeon I - Why and Wherefore
When I prep a session based around a dungeon, I do so in a completely different way than I would for a dungeon-less session. Normally, I'll prep some scenes, a combat or two and have a narrative structure in place. Very light, very LITTLE prep. However, for dungeons, that simply will not do. Instead, I think about the dungeon itself. The first part of which, is why?
Why is this dungeon here? A dungeon for dungeon's sake, does not for a good session make. As such, the first thing I want to think about, is the purpose behind it. Who built it and why? For this dungeon, that's easy.
Ocotl is the bad guy for this session. He's a nasty boy who wants to... Well, what does he want?
World domination is dumb, and boring.
Scorned and seeking revenge is better, but I don't feel like that fits my vision of Ocotl.
Got it. Ocotl was always the little guy. A worthless worm who cowered in the shadows of his betters, mocked and ridiculed (so I guess there is a bit of revenge, but hey, that's good). Anyway, he got some sorcerous power, then found that he wasn't so little anymore. Thus, his crusade to gain  A B S O L U T E    P O W E R  began.
He started messing around with the darker stuff, and eventually turned into a Shade. He was now powerful enough to do horrid things to those who wronged him, but it wasn't enough (never is!) and so he decided to try and attempt the Ritual of Red Tears (see Red Suns I, or below) in order to become a demon of immense power.
To do this however, he needed a space to experiment. A hidden space where he could practice in peace, while also having access to lots of people and bodies to play with. Hence, he needed somewhere in a city, hidden and safe, but in a prime piece of real estate. Also, Ocotl always had a love of meddling with the physiology of creatures, creating monstrous hybrids and the like, so it needs to be big.
That is why he built his dungeon. In the interest post, I said that it was below Ashkul's hall. This means that the dungeon is in Basharoud, and that is have a reson for existing. Now all we need is to build the darn thing! That and design some encounters, as well as our big ole' bad guy.
The Dungeon II - Structure, Feel and Execution
Firstly, the entrance to the dungeon is going to be a trapdoor, hidden in the floor of Ashkul's Hall. As a result, I think the dungeon should have a sewer-type feel. Not to do with the muck that flows through it, but more the actual building materials and such. For example, I think it should be built from huge bricks of dark stone that have been smoothed with age. I think there should be random grates and tiny tunnels from which scuttling, squeaking noises can be heard.
As for theme, well, it's a magical menagerie for malicious and maltreated monstrosities, who live trapped in the cells and cages that litter the place. I also want a clear progression towards the goal, though it should still feel like a maze. I want it to be cold, dark and smelly, with the players understanding the truly terrible place that this is.
Execution. This refers to how we want the actual session to go. Best to start thinking about this as early as possible, that way we can be sure that all the cool stuff we come up with later fits properly. We want the session to last about 3.5 hrs. I'll allocate about 20 mins for them to get into the dungeon, and about 10 mins for a quick epilogue. So, we've got 3 hrs in here, and a half hour of that should be the final fight. If we assume that Ocotl is in room 6, then our aim is to get the players there within 2.5 hrs. I don't want to do all the rooms, and many of them will be just quick descriptions, so this should fit nicely into our time frame.
The Dungeon III - Rooms and Encounters
Here we're just going to go through and have each room listed out with some ideas for encounters and the like. I'm not worried about killing players and making them go weird, because it's a one shot, so we can go a bit insane with this. In other words... Welcome to the fun part. In each room, I'm going to try and describe three things, and that's it. That way, everything doesn't take ages, but there is still enough description to go around.
Room I - The Entrance
Cold air, dank and thick. Hard to breathe due to horrible smells.
The rotting corpse of an enormous anglerfish.
Strange sounds coming from rooms beyond.
Room II - The Serpent
A smell of rotting wood pervades this room, and a sickly sweet odour hangs at the back of your throat.
An enormous pile of wood and rags sits in the corner, it is about six feet high and ten feet across.
Cupboard in the South wall (contains an old, gold chain. When worn as a belt, grants ADV. to CON tests. It used to be some kind of leash).
Giant Snake: Hiding in the pile in the corner. Will attack when disturbed or when the party try to leave the room. (HD3, 2d4D, CON test or +2d6)
Room III - The Old Library
Old, ruined books litter this room, as well as smashed and broken shelves.
Pools of stagnant water sit on the floor.
An old, amulet of +1 INT lies on a bookshelf in a smashed, glass case. Was used for research. when touched, it reveals a curse. When the wearer touches it, they immediately put it on and are forced to constantly read, otherwise they take 1d4 damage per round. Can be pulled off, though the reader will fight back.
West corridor contains a Giant Ant Warrior (HD2, Poison Bite (1d6 + CON test or + 2d6)
Room IV - The Prison
Decrepit, rusted cages stand everywhere.
A table with rotten food sits in the middle.
A beautiful, black dagger sits on the table. When touched, it rots the hand of whoever touched it after a CON test with DIS. They now have DIS on all attacks.
Farruk. He is an old man, dressed in rags, who has lived here for years. He is stuck in one of the cages, and has gone insane. He keeps calling the members of the party either 'Jasaline', 'Asha', 'Denad', or 'Abbar'. He just wants to be free, and seems earnest. A successful WIS test will reveal him to be quite mad. If he is freed with the keys that sit on a hook in the corner, he will immediately attack (Human Berserker, HD1, DIS on defence tests against him).
Room V - The Pits
Three large dirt pits in the floor, smelling like dung and with vague, dark shapes inside. The pits are each 10ft wide and 20ft deep, and are very dark.
Rattling sounds can be heard from below, and bones can be seen moving in the darkness.
The door closes behind them, and is locked with a magical seal. Dispel magic to break the seal or take 1d6 damage. When broken, the doors are still locked (unlock, or break down (STR test DIS).
3d4 skeletons in the pits. (HD1, 1d4HP, 1d4D, shoot with bows)
Room VI - Ocotl's Chamber
Large, round room. An altar stands in the centre.
Ruined, black tapestries cover all the walls.
They see 1d6 skeletons around them, waiting. As well as a figure on the far side of the room, sitting, chanting and coated in black blood. He has one hand, and the severed limb sits on the floor next to him. Suddenly, he begins to chant something different. He begins to cry tears of blood. He then chants even more words, before erupting in red flames. Black, obsidian skin, bat-like wings. Red eyes and curled horns. He screams and stands, now a demon of 9ft tall (Hezrou Demon, HD9, 2d10D, (2 Claws (1d3) + 1 Bite (2d8), Cause Fear (as per Banish) or Darkness (spell) - each once per fight)).
Hezrou and 1d6 skeletons.
Room VII - The Mirror Room
The walls are dark mirrors, and a shining orb of white light hangs in the centre as your reflection dances around the room.
Bones lie all over the floor here, and they crunch as you walk across them.
Black smoke burns from a censer hanging from the ceiling.
Censer: CON test or paralyzed for 1d4 rounds
Mirror Reaper: Hands come out of the mirror, as well as a head shrouded in black rags that hang down below it. They try to grab a character (Mirror Reaper, HD4, 1d10D, Whenever it attacks, STR test or dragged into the mirror).
If they get pulled into the mirror, they must roll WIS tests each round to escape. Otherwise they stay trapped.
There are many labyrinthine corridors that can be found throughout the temple. In each of these, we'll be rolling random encounters every time they turn a corner.
1-3. Nothing
4. 1d4 Manes Demons (HD1, 1d4D, 2 Claws (1d2) + 1 Bite (1d4), Half damage from nonmagical weapons)
5. 1d2 Ghouls (HD2 (1 armour), 1d6D, 2 claws (1d3) + 1 bite (1d4) + CON test or Paralysed)
6. Basilisk (HD6 (5 armour, +5 to tests against it, 1d8+1d6D, CON test on eye contact or be petrified)
We will probably assume that the players will run away or die. There is no way they can beat this monster. Not a chance. As a result, if any players escape, we will leave it to the players to decide what their characters do, though they will have to make a DEX or STR test to escape Ocotl back through the dungeon.
Starting the Adventure
We don't want to waste too much time on getting the characters to the dungeon, so we are going to be handwaving a lot of the earlier stuff in order to make the session feel tighter and sharper, without lots of wasted time at the beginning and the end. So, we will have the party be introduced by saying that they have been hired by the stewards of Ashkul's Hall to go down and investigate the strange noises that have been coming from the basement.
They will enter the basement, then give a brief description of their characters and introduce them, before finding the entrance to the dungeon. The basement itself is full of things like wine and food, supplies for conducting ceremonies and the like. However, with a successful WIS test, they notice a strange trap-door under a rug in the corner. Thus, the dungeon starts.
That's it, that is all you need. This is only a one shot, so it doesn't need to be a huge introduction. Just needs to get the party where they need to be for the adventure to start!
Running the Adventure
Now obviously, this is A LOT of prep for a game, and I don't like to have this much stuff to look at when I'm running. So I've taken my own notes from this, and put them into a style that I'd actually use, all shrunk down onto a side of A4. Enjoy!
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Watch the Live Play on YouTube
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fallenqueen2 · 7 years
Just Past The Finish Line Chapter 3-Finale + Legends
Barry has a couple other people he has to say good-bye to and the Speed Force thankfully allows it.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
“Where is Barry?” Oliver demanded as he and Felicity stormed into STAR lab, before his heart sank when he sensed the sadness and tension in the cortex.
“What happened?” Felicity hurried to where Cisco was slumped over his desk. She rubbed his shoulders when she noticed them shaking minutely.
“We saw Barry, he saved us on Lian Yu but the way he talked and then disappeared into a breach…” Felicity spoke softly, wincing when Iris let out a half gasp, half sob as Wally gathered her into his arms looking pained.
“He’s gone.” Cisco whispered.
“What do you mean Cisco? He’s Barry, how can he be gone?” Felicity asked, heartbreak seeping into her voice while Oliver felt the need to slump against the nearby wall.
“Whoa! That’s a rush.” A female voice called out as a breach opened up in the middle of the cortex and Kara Danvers in her Supergirl outfit landed on the ground.
“Supergirl.” Cisco breathed out before his face fell when he spotted the desperate look on Kara’s face as she looked around.
“You’re here about Barry too aren’t you?”
“He was acting really weird when he visited me, like really weird.” Kara waved her hands as she spoke. “Then he just disappeared into a breach and said something about a finish line?”
“He mentioned a finish line to us as well.” Oliver spoke quietly.
Iris let out a loud sob and fled from the room, her engagement ring flashing in the light of the cortex, Wally gave a pained look at the others before hurrying after her.
“A lot happened, you guys know about Savitar right?” Cisco spoke quietly, wrapping his comfortable warm sweater tighter around himself.
“Evil unknown speedster from the future, yeah.” Felicity nodded and Kara hummed her agreement.
“Turns out Savitar was actually a time remnant of Barry, future Barry. His face was so burned and he wanted to become a God, he did all of this to get power.” Cisco started to wring his fingers together as he spoke, not making eye contact at all.
“Oh my god.” Kara’s hands flew to her mouth while Oliver paled and Felicity sank into a nearby chair in shock.
“He came back with a mission to kill Iris, we trapped him in the speed force. In the future we created a sort of jail cell in the speed force to keep him trapped, but he escaped and trapped Wally there instead… To get Wally out, Jay Garrick from Earth 2 took his place. We tried so hard to change the future, so hard… But it wasn’t enough.” Cisco explained quietly, but the cortex was so loud his words were extremely loud.
“What happened?” Felicity whispered, rubbing Cisco’s shoulders sensing he needed comfort.
“It all kind of merged together from then on, Caitlin almost died and she fully became Killer Frost, she joined Savitar and almost killed me. We tried everything, including erasing Barry’s memory which admittedly didn’t go as planned… In the end Savitar still killed Iris… But it wasn’t Iris… It was HR using some of his tech from his Earth… He died in Barry’s arms and Savitar kidnapped me, forcing me to refit a bazooka that we had built to trap him in the first place…I did change it, but instead it freed Jay and all our Speedster’s teamed up and in the end Iris got the last shot with Savitar, literally in this case.” Cisco rambled on, fiddling with his fingers feeling the heat of their eyes on him and he sank deeper into himself.
“Oh Cisco.” Felicity drew Cisco into a tight hug, petting his hair in the most soothing way she could.
“Everything was going so well, relatively speaking at least. Killer Frost and Caitlin are still duking it out for control and HR is gone, but Harry and Jay are back… However the speed force jail… It needed a Speedster to keep it balanced… Central was hit with earthquakes and lightning, it was going to destroy everything and Central would have just been the start… Barry, he understood, he accepted it. He willingly went with the Speed force to live in his worst memories for eternity, he did this for us.” Cisco couldn’t help the tears that silently fell from his eyes, sliding down his cheeks and he couldn’t speak anymore so he buried his face into Felicity’s blonde hair. Felicity’s eye makeup was running down her cheeks, mingling with her tears as she joined Cisco in his mourning.  
“Oh Barry, no, no, no.” Kara sank to the floor, her cape pooling around her as she buried her face into her hands as her body shook with sobs as it sank in that she had lost two of the most important men in her life within days of each other.
Oliver grit his teeth together and tightened his hands into fists from where he had crossed his arms tightly over his chest. He felt like he was going to throw up, he closed his eyes as he tried to breath evenly.
“What can we do?” Kara asked looking up at Oliver, her eyes full of tears and the Green Arrow looked back. He stepped so he was kneeling in front of the Kryptonian he held his hand out. Kara swallowed as she grasped his offered hand allowing Oliver to pull her to her feet.
“We will be strong, we will remember him and let his legacy live on. We will watch over his city and his loved ones and we will help train Wally and anyone else who wants to help carry on Barry’s mission.” Oliver said, voice strong and firm and it filled Kara with confidence and hope, she now understood why Barry always gushed about Oliver Queen and how he was his hero.
“You’re right, we will carry on his memory and his legacy.”  Kara agreed and she will always treasure the time they spent together and their duet in that weird musical world they had been zapped into.
“Damn right.” Felicity sniffed from her place still embracing Cisco. “Team Flash and Team Arrow and err Team DEO? Will make sure Central is protected and everyone here get’s the support they deserve.”
“Thank you, thank you. I promise Barry I would keep everyone together and in one piece and I really need all the help I can get.” Cisco wiped his eyes before he glanced at where his glasses were laying in wait.
“And you will get it.” Oliver swore and Cisco gave a smile, the first genuine one he had given in a while.
~~Time jump~~
“Glad you guys could make it.” Oliver nodded at the assembled Legends team.
“Of course, any Earth ending event is always worth coming home.” Sara nodded at Oliver with a playful smile on his face.
“Where’s Scarlet at?” Mick crossed his arms looking around for his favorite Speedster, knowing Len would find a way to come back as a ghost to annoy him if he didn’t at least ask about Len’s favorite rival.
“Sorry I’m late.” A voice blurred as a red and yellow lightning bolt appeared and a man in an evenly mixed red and yellow suit appeared, a mix between Barry’s Flash suit and Wally’s Kid Flash Suit.
“Barry?” Ray asked curious at the costume change.
“No… I’m the Flash now.” Wally said as he tugged the cowl down to expose his face.
“What happened?” Ray asked quietly, shock on his face. Even Mick looked taken aback.
“Barry is… He’s gone; he’s keeping something back. If he left without a replacement the world would be thrown into chaos again.” Wally explained, still keeping up his confident posture something he had learned from Kara on one of her visits.
“I’m sorry.” Sara offered up, wincing at the obvious pain that Wally and Cisco were feeling, she also knew that his was hurting Oliver, Felicity and Supergirl.  
“We are honoring his legacy and memory, now we better save the planet before he get’s back.” Wally smirked as he zipped around gathering what they would need to deal with their newest threat to Earth.
“He’s confident.” Sara approached Oliver when they were all milling around while their scout team was out getting more information.
“He should be, he was trained by me and Supergirl.” Oliver smirked before chuckling when Sara let out a sympathetic whine of pain knowing how much of a slave driver Oliver could be and she didn’t even want to think about what Kara with her super strength and DEO training would make him endure.    
“Yeah, he’ll be just fine.” Oliver said with pride in his voice, one she had only heard when he talked about Barry.
“Yeah, I think we all will be.” Sara smiled, patting his arm as the two watched their teams work together with Wally, no the Flash in the centre of it. Sara patted Oliver’s arm once more before moving over to talk with Mick who was grumbling about something to his heat gun while throwing Wally glances every so often.
Oliver flinched forward suddenly as he felt a gush of wind rush by him, but Wally was over with the others while Jessie was out with the scouting party. Oliver twisted his head to the side and he swore, he swore he saw the remainders of painfully familiar red lightning.
“Oliver, I think I just saw…” Kara floated over to him, confusion and hope on her face.
“I saw it too… Even trapped he still is watching out for us.” Oliver chuckled fondly, this wasn’t the first time he had seen the red lightning around and he knew that Barry was too stubborn to just sit back and rest.
“Once a hero, always a hero.” Kara smiled as she touched down next to Oliver in the spot Sara just vacated and the two watched the others feeling content that their third was watching as well.
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dracox-serdriel · 7 years
The Flash: Savitar’s Identity
So, in keeping with my prediction posts, I thought I should chime in on possibilities for Savitar’s identity. Under the cut for length and spoilers through 03x15 The Wrath of Savitar.
Savitar claims that he has come to get revenge on Barry because of a conflict that happens in the future. He says that he wants to punish Barry. In 03x15 The Wrath of Savitar, the following is revealed:
In the future, Barry trapped Savitar in the SpeedForce, which explains how Savitar before was invisible to all but Speedsters.
Savitar possesses the ability to appear to some people as he chooses. He appeared to Cisco as his (deceased) brother Dante. He appeared to Wally as his (deceased) mother. He appeared to Julian, too.
There was a fundamental difference between how he appeared to Julian and Cisco than how he appeared to Wally. Julian and Cisco were both influenced by direct contact with the Philosopher’s Stone. Wally saw visions of Savitar (and had physical interactions with him) without direct contact. This could be because Savitar already had part of the Philosopher’s Stone in the SpeedForce.
So the first question, why did Savitar choose Wally to replace him in the SpeedForce? According to him, it’s a fate worse than death, so why didn’t he drag Barry Allen into that hellish prison? Doesn’t that seem a better revenge (to lock Barry in his own jail cell) than anything else he could do to him?
But he doesn’t. I get that making Barry watch people he loves die is a horrible fate, but I don’t buy this idea that it is somehow worse than imprisoning him in the SpeedForce.  Savitar could’ve been freed much sooner had he chosen to swap his prison cell with Barry, who has been able to open a SpeedForce portal for a while now. Had Savitar taunted them enough, he could’ve had Barry toss that last sliver of the rock into the SpeedForce months ago. Instead, Savitar manipulates everyone into getting Wally fast enough to handle it.
Of course, this begs the question. Why not Earth-3 Jay or Earth-2 Jesse? Surely they could also take Savitar’s place, right? I don’t think so. Though the rule was not stated, it’s likely that whatever Speedster takes his place has to be from Earth-1. It’s already been suggested that Savitar is from Earth-1, so it could be a frequency/resonance thing. So let’s assume this unspoken rule (Earth-1 Speedsters only) applies and that Eobard Thawne/The Reverse Flash is too busy chasing after the Legends of Tomorrow to be available for a swap.
Who does that leave? As far as we know, Barry Allen.
Yet, Savitar didn’t enact his plan until Flashpoint. He claimed this was because he had the opportunity to use Wally West for a swap.
But again, why Wally and not the already-existing Earth-1 Speedster Barry? 
Possibilities include the following:
Bart Allen, grandchild of Barry Allen and Iris West
Future Barry Allen
Malcolm Thawne (aka Barry Allen’s identical twin)
Thaddeus Thawne/Inertia (aka Bart Allen’s clone)
With the exception of Malcolm Thawne, nobody on this list could mess with past!Barry Allen without erasing themselves from the timeline (a la ancestor Eddie Thawne vs. descendant Eobard Thawne in Season 1).
Grodd only exists in his current state because Eobard traveled back in time and took over Harrison Wells’ life. So derailing Barry Allen’s future would likely eliminate Grodd’s “father” from ever creating him to begin with. Grodd is also the only other character we know who has psychic abilities, though he’s generally more mind-control than mind-manipulating.
Bart Allen won’t exist if past!Barry doesn’t father the right descendants. Before you ask how Bart would continue to exist after killing Iris, keep in mind that Savitar was manipulating events to suck Wally into his trap. All he needed to do was make Barry believe Iris was in mortal danger. This season, HR has presented us with full face-changing technology that can be used on anyone to make them look like someone else. HR could set up doppelprojection of Iris, which means he could be coerced into doing it, too - assuming Savitar can’t figure it out. So he can kill faux-Iris, arrange Barry to have a glimpse of it, and let events unfold.
Thaddeus Thawne/Inertia (clone of Bart Allen) would likewise not be able to kill past!Barry nor strand him in the SpeedForce before his descendants were conceived. 
Future!Barry being evil, or his identical twin, might seem ridiculous, but the comics support these theories. Barry Allen has a secret, evil twin in Malcolm Thawne. 
There is one other person who might be Savitar: Craig, the acolyte. He has not only survived a proto-Killer-Frost encounter, but he also survived a smug showdown with the Flash. And consider his words:
CAITLIN: Who is Alchemy?
CRAIG: I don't know. I've never seen him without the mask.
CAITLIN: I know he can give people powers. Can he take them away?
CRAIG: Yes. But you can't make Alchemy do anything. He's just an acolyte, like me. We both serve the speed god, Savitar. He's shown us the future. I saw you there. You were glorious and powerful. My lord has special plans for you, Caitlin Snow. Or should I say... Killer Frost?
-- The Flash, the episode Killer Frost
I know that a lot of people are honing in on known characters being Savitar: Wally, HR, Julian. But we’ve had the whole “friend to evilest enemy” thing for the past two seasons. I’m hoping for something new this season...
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my em mortal chapter 41
I sat depressedly in George II's office wiv Charles Lee, Wililiam, Agustis, Adamz and Mari Balls. George II was sitting in front of us cruelly. He looked very yung. He had taken da camra away and wuz now lizzening 2 a shitty Cornelia Skyler song.
"What da hell is this anyway?" he cackled meanly. I hoped he didn't find out dat I was frum another time.
"Whatever u do don't blame Glebort, u jerk." Wililam said.
"Yah, siriusly she was trying to get Wiliam and Charles Lee back together." Agjast said deviantly.
"Be quiet you Satanists." George II cockled. "If ur lucky I'll probably send u all to prison! That will teach u to copolate in da Liechesting Square." He changed the song on da record 2 a Prussian Revolution song. Suddenly I noticed sumfing strong about da record. It was slowly chonging! George II didn't notece.
"You fucking poser." I muttoned.
"I bet you've never herd of Franch Royalte." Agast said. Know I knew waht da recordd was chonging in2- Louis XVII's granfatha clock!11
"Shut up Agast!" Mary Balls shouted.
"Yeah shut up!" Adamz said preppily.
"No u shut up George II!1111" said George III.
"I've had enough of u Satanists in my school!" shouted George II spuriously.
Suddenly I grabed da recurd playar from him. "Evry1! Jump in b4 itz 2 l8! I jumped in2 it. But only 1 odder person jumpd in. It was…..Wilileam.
"You dunderheads!1111111111" screamed George II wisely as we went.
I looked around. I wuz in da fort wiv Wililiam. I was wearing a blak plaid waistcoat with hot pink fishnetz, a sexy blak coat and blak high heel boots with red pentagroms on dem. My earrings were blake Satanist sins and my powared wig hair was all around me to my mid-black.
"Hey kool where iz dis?" he asked in an emo voice.
"Dis is da future.George II's recurd player dat he tried to take away from me wuz really also a tim machine." I told him.
"Kool what's an recurd playa?" he whimpered.
"It's somefing u use 2 lizzen 2 music." I yakked.
"OMFG kool wait whatz a 4-letter-wurd 4 dirt?" he esked in his sexah voice.
"Um I guezz sand?" I laid confuesdly.
"Yah I wuz just triinyg to make sure u were stil da same perzon." He triumphently giggled.
Suddenly some of my friends walked in.
"OMG you're fucking alive!" said comte de Rochambeau wearing a blak leather coat, blak baggy trousers and a goffik black wastecoat. I explained 2 him why I was alive.
"Konichiwa, bitch." said Hamiltone. He was wearing a blak waiscoat showing off his moobs with lace all around it and red stipes on it. With it she waz wearing a blak leather coat, big blak boots, white foundation, blak eyeliner, red eyeshadow, and blak lipstick.
"Hey, motherfucker." Said Devill with his red hair. He waz wearing a black frock and blak baggy pants.
"Hey whose that, Glibert?" von Stabbing questioned as he walked in wearing a black frock with a red pentarom on it with lace at the bottom, red letther trousars with blak lace, and black stolettoes.
"Oh its Wililiam." I told him and he nodded knowing da truth.
Suddenly Wilem started to cry.
"Are you okay Walliam?" we asked concernedly.
"OMFG ur from da future!1! What if u don't like m anymore koz were from difrent times?" he asked.
"No I still like you." I said sexily to him.
"Ok." He said ressuredly. I let him lizzen 2 Franch Royalti on tha recurd playa while I was about to go outside to find out some fingz. I gave Devill a signal to keep Wellam occupied. Wellim fell asleep. I took the recurd palyer. I was about to walk outside. Nathanel Gren ran in!1111 He was wearing a gothic blak dress with depressing blak stripes, white and blak stripped tights, and red converse shoes. He was wearing LOTS of blak iliner.
"Oh my fucking god, where's George!111 How did Adamz get back here! I tohot he wuz in prison." I asked sadly.
"Gilbert I was so worried abott u but I know you can't fucking die because you're a soldier. Adams came back because that girl Martha freed him. I never liked her she was a bad student." Trevolry said reassuredly.
"That bitch!11 Did she also free Madeson and Lorens?" I shouted angrily. I hated Martha because she was a fucking prep.
"Yes they are on the loose at this fort. Fronklond is back Thomass Jafferson is on his way to help evry1. Tell evry1 u see to lock themselves in their rooms!" Green said worriedly.
"OK. But where's Geroge? How cum he was doing it with Adams?"
"I dunno why but I know he almost tried 2 commit suicide after he saw u almost kill urself." she said.
"OMG dat's terrible!" I gasped. Wililim was still asleep, so he couldn't tell what was going on. Then I said "Lizzen evry1, I have sumthing imptent to do. in hr evry1 stay!" wiv dat I ran out.
"Good luck Laf!11" everyone cried.
I ran sexily down the staris in2 da fort place while da peoples around looked at me scaredly. There was hardly ne1 else in the stairs nd tere was an atmosphere of horrer. On da way I saw Martha laughing on da stairs. She was wearing a a slutty pink dress wiv flowers on it, a blu jean jackit and pink high heelz. She looked jest like a pentagram of those fucking preps Queen Charlott and Debra Reed.
"You fucking bitch!111" I shouted angrily.
"No, your totally a bitch. Now King George will like totally kill u!" she laughed.
"Merde fuk u!1" I shouted selectively pontificating my hand at her and she started screaming koz she was being french tortured and I laughed sodistically.
"No!1 Help me!1 Please!1" Britney screamed terrifiedly.
I put up my franch middle finger at her. In her hand I saw da camra Adams and Laurenz had used to take da video of me. I put the tape of Georeg III doing it with Charles Lee onto it. Then I continued to rown down the stairs with the camera. When I had reached da fort grounds I saw Soldier Burr. "OMG Soldierr!111" I yielded.
We hugged each udder happily. He locked at me wif his gothic red eyes and short blak hair. Around them were blak eyeliner and iShadow. His He wus wearing a blak leather waistcoat, ledder leggins, a black and red coat and his blak shoes. He looked mor like John Andre mor than eva. “I wus so worried you died!" moaned Soldier.
"I know but Im a soldier lol. When I woke up I wuz back in 1759, so neway I bought King George III from when he was yung with me."
"Where's George?" I asked spuriously.
"?Wich one? Geroge Washinton? You mean that fukking poser who betroyed you?" Soldier snarkled with anger in his sexy voice.
"I'll do it den." Soldier said angstily.
"OK." I argreed. Suddenly….all da lights in da room went out. And den….da britash armi appeared.
"Oh my fucking satan!" Soldier shouted.
"I fink King George III has arrivd." I sed anxiously. "Fuck, I have to find George Washingtun!1 I guess we shood separate."
"Ok." Soldier sed diapperating. Sadly I ran into the fort buildin.
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