#and most of them would be a definite yes
cobaltfluff · 1 year
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happy pride month to them!!
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dreamofbecoming · 1 year
i’ve seen conflicting opinions on whether eddie would listen to springsteen, but i feel like the answer should be obvious. i mean, the guy painted a woody guthrie reference onto his first guitar, you can’t tell me he doesn’t have a soft spot for the johnny cashes and the willie nelsons and yes, the bruce springsteens of the world. guys with gravelly voices who sing about loss and disillusionment and being left behind, by life or the government or the girl they love. add in that springsteen openly made out with another man on stage (a black man no less) and you can’t tell me eddie wouldn’t be hooked. queer guy sings about being stuck in a small town and doomed love and hating the man? that’s his fucking shit right there. maybe he wouldn’t admit to liking him in public to protect his metalhead cred, but eddie values music, he values sincerity, he values bravery.
anyway my point is that in the 90s/00s eddie is absolutely a closet dixie chicks fan and i will die on this hill
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swiftcast-selene · 3 months
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Day 15: Favorite Minion
they're all so small... oh, gods, he's just one man, he can't protect them all...!
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wreckedhoney · 2 months
MASSIVE SPOILER for one of the endings.
it's been a while since i tried looking, but i did hear that something like this happens last year and over time started to think, "was it a fluke?" bc no one posted footage or caps of it then, and i aimed for a completionist run in my first playthrough. turns out it's real! and definitely shines a new light on a character that, for most other types of playthroughs, will not give this much emotion! EDIT: transcript now included, and some stillshots under the cut
[0:28] Marie: Henry, this is the man who kept you from doing the right thing tonight. Kill him. [0:15] Forrest: Henry, you don’t have to do this. If you’ve not killed anyone yet, there’s still time to make the right decision. [0:05] Out of shot: (Gunshots) Henderson Police! Freeze! Marie: No! Henry, get out of there!
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#killer frequency#henry barrow#these hands………#so yes MORE spoilers and further commentary ahead here in the tags:#yes this is a fairly tragic ending if you already know how to get it. but again TERRIFIC VOICE ACTING BEFOREHAND AND AFTER.#feel free to reply in post if you want to ask about that part.#i didn't include that in the vid bc it's so visceral and raw but i love their performances. that shit hit hard dang.#but i want to ask anyone if their perspective on henry changes after seeing this? mine does tbh. i didn't expect a possible show of remorse#like at most hesitation! but bc of the context of forrest's dialogue- does it lean into remorse? a large definite shift in his mind!#even if he Has killed already then he's still taking forrest's words to heart and reconsidering everything which DAMN-#-my videogamey headcanon of forrest's character stats showing his Persuasion and Charm MAXED OUT is pulling tf through here!!#also can anyone reply re: would forrest's dialogue change but he still survives if henry kills maurice or murphy? or would forrest die?#and if the devs Actually gave henry other official kills in the game but didn't disclose them in the narrative- then is this the test?#like if henry kills AT ALL in game even though the player isn't privy to knowing which victims are his then is this ending unattainable?#also placing this scene/character moment behind THIS ENDING SPECIFICALLY heck that's cold. dang fellas.#going to eventually pull out a hc i've been holding back for a long time in a later post and i'll mention this scene again then-#-but this part in particular as well as another “easter egg” has really put more fuel to it
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hoperays-song · 5 months
Marcus and Fighting
Ok, I wanna talk about something real quick: where did the fandom belief that Marcus is aggressive come from?
Like he's not? The few scenes where we see him upset are scary, yes, but he never physically lashes out at any character in them. He slams his hands down on a table in the jail disownment scene, which is a common behavioral cue of frustration. And he looks mad... which makes sense because he's in jail! I don't think many other people would be that happy about that situation either. Yet he never hits the glass, threatens his kid physically, or raises his voice more than one time. Did he handle the situation well? No, but I wouldn't call that straight up aggressive.
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He was upset and frustrated, so his body language said that. He's in an extremely stressful situation and is having to mentally process a lot. Everything is going to be big emotions for him, but that doesn't make him aggressive for feeling those.
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And as for the bank robbing stuff? The nearby police didn't know of the crime until the alarm goes off. Most banks have a hidden button at every desk that deals with customers that alerts police silently of a robbery. The fact that the nearby police were clueless means that button was not pressed and therefore the people in the bank likely didn't see them either. They didn't hurt anyone.
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And then, when they were caught by cops later in the movie? They didn't even try to run, let alone fight. Marcus, along with the others, turned himself in without any fuss. Not what you would expect if someone was a violent and aggressive criminal.
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And as for in the second movie? Neither Marcus, Stan, or Barry throw the first punch. In fact, they only act defensively. They're trying to keep the guards out of the theatre. That's it. They don't go out of their way to attack Suki or Jerry when they are just standing there because they aren't posing threats to the troupe. And the gang was just defending them, not going out and picking fights.
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See? Jerry was fine, despite clearly being a Crystal employee. If Marcus or any of the others had been trying to hurt people, he would have been hurt. But they left him alone.
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They even wait to make sure that the guards are going to attack them and only move when they do, going by school rules of "never throw the first punch and make sure you have witnesses to prove you didn't". Technically, since they did that, they could argue self-defense.
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And they did also give them the chance to just walk away as well, gently pushing Jimmy away when he tries to get in.
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Sure, Marcus enjoys boxing. But that doesn't mean he's an aggressive guy. I did years of martial arts and was pretty good at it but I still flinch when I see people get paper cuts and avoid conflict like the plague. It was just a sport I liked. The same is probably true with Marcus.
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Besides, we see Johnny do boxing as well and I don't think anyone could possibly ever call that ball of anxious energy stuffed inside a theatre kid's body aggressive.
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Marcus is not actually committing acts of outright aggression in the two moments that he's commonly marked as being aggressive in. Instead he's upset/frustrated and protective. He never actually harms a character without an actual reason to do so, with the only reason we see being his son potentially being hurt. He's not aggressive, he's just a parent with emotions.
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babacontainsmultitudes · 11 months
Lincoln and Grant eventually having a very emotional and much needed talk over the speaking stones do you see my vision?
Lincoln who is so hurt and betrayed that he can't even bear to look at his dad right now, who *needs* space, but who loves his dad (the fucking poeticism of that nat 20 babeeey) and keeps the stone with him as a compromise, for when he's ready, as a show of love in and of itself, that he's still his dad's baby, eventually choosing to give him another chance.
Grant who loves his son more than anything in the world, but who can no longer avert his gaze and speak in half-truths and jump off of (cat)buses. Grant who *needs* to prove that he can confront himself and talk about his pain and his shame and his mistakes and try for his son's sake if not for his own to love himself and see himself as something other than broken and beyond repair. Grant who's last chance is stripped of all possibilities of escape and now he can only talk. But maybe it's easier this way for him too. To not have to look at the child he tried so painfully hard but ultimately failed to protect as his heart unravels, to pretend that he is alone with his thoughts rather than speaking to someone, to let the tears fall down his face without having to be seen.
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
three just karate aikido-dropped three security guards and honestly id like to see some other doctors get into a fist fight occasionally, i wonder how they'd do
#doctor who#dw#im watching classic who#im watching the green death#im watching the third doctor#one woul feign a knee injury and then chop someone in the throat when they came over all worried#two would do silly flappy hands and be generally useless -- that or smack someone over the head with his flute#four would fight so dirty but also so badly -- hairpulling expected#five would espouse being above this and then kneecap someone with a cricket bat#im torn between six or seven as most likely to commit an actual murder based on what ive seen of them#but definitely six would throw an actual hard punch square in someone's face + scratch and claw#while seven of course uses a cane to devastating effect (with a bit of one and four tactics)#eight would be useless in a fight in the movie but far more capable later on BUT i think also least likely to fight someone physically#nine is a bitch-slapper ive decided. she's actually very unhappy with the idea of a proper fight but a humiliating slap yes#ten WOULD fight but would also lose and spit blood while acting like they're winning#eleven also does flappy hands but far more effectively than two and when you're not taking him seriously punches you in the face#twelve i think is most likely to win an honest fight through old-school fisticuffs but on top of that is also a bastard cheater#thirteen ive decided is most likely to have remembered some of three's martial arts but silly style -- gets halfway through a correct move#fucks something up and says *hold on i swear i used to remember this stuff now is it over the hip or shoulder...* before getting knocked ou#fourteen from what we've seen so far holds up their hands going *now wait a second-* and immediately gets knocked out
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laniidae-passerine · 6 months
see I am very disjointed from a lot of nine/ten fandom discourse because I genuinely believe that in a different world where space boy was not to be seen, had an older Rose gone to the hospital and bumped into a certain Doctor Jones by a vending machine or as she was taking Rose’s vitals, she would have instantly hit it off with Martha. and probably flirted with her a little on accident and then on purpose when Martha flirted back
#I can see Martha raising an eyebrow as she catches Rose (who definitely snuck out despite being on bedrest) by the vending machine#Rose probably snuck out of bed because the girl in the bed next to her was crying and she wanted to make her feel better#because she doesn’t really like hospitals either#and when she tells Martha this she’s surprised when the Doctor (who seems quite strong and a little serious) suddenly smiles#and shows her a trick to get extra sweets and chocolate out of the machine#and then tells her to hurry because the check-in sweep of Rose’s ward is about to begin#you just KNOW Rose would be Martha’s most combative patient but in all the best ways#always asking what that machine does. what that incomprehensible doctor scrawl means. if there’s something she can do to help other patients#and Martha loves it. loves how much Rose cares just like her. they gossip and they chat about their daily lives. they get closer#everytime Martha has to scold Rose for sneaking out of bed or doing something she shouldn’t#(even though she secretly adores it. she’s never really mad she just wants Rose to take care of herself as well as other people)#she sighs and says (in her most firm but still fond tone) ‘Miss Tyler-’#only to be struck in the heart again with a cheeky grin and a ‘yes Doctor Jones?’#and also Rose loves that Martha is a doctor. that Martha cares. that she works overtime. that almost all Martha’s patients love her#and the ones that don’t just aren’t kind people anyway. that Martha doesn’t condescend. that Martha cares and cares and cares#that Martha likes all the things about Rose that other people think make her difficult and trouble and too much#she likes the things that other people don’t like in Martha either. thinks she’s magic.#Rose Tyler is always going to love her Doctor. and Martha Jones will always love somebody who thinks everybody matters#I’m like. obsessed with them?? move OVER space boy (actually nine can get involved in this. lmao ten stay away)#they’d have been so cuteeeee#rtd failed to see the lesbionic possibility but I am no such coward. no fighting over boys here#martha jones#rose tyler#dw#doctor who
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snowtimeisbesttime · 1 year
all classpect interpretations are equally canon- and this is why:
sburb/sgrub/sname is many things, but the first of those things we see is a computer game. said game's source code can be found in carvings in the frog temple, which comes from a Reckoning meteor; so each sthing version's code comes specifically from itself!
and considering every session we've seen has had an unique frog temple (beta kids: 4 land spires; beta trolls: two separate temples with 6 land spires each; alpha kids: 8 land spires, alpha trolls: at least one temple (with 12 land spires??), possibly located on beforus' moon), there's no reason to assume each and every temple's carvings are exactly the same…
therefore, two swhatever instances can have drastically different classpect definitions because they're running different versions of the game! for example, my own mirrorbent's sgame was compiled in a way where i won't have to go into too many specifics from their own, separate, 12 land spires temple (as opposed to being widely distributed like the beta kids' sburb), and classwise features active knights and passive pages, to pick an example that was recentlyish polled about.
of course, this mini theory thingy would be most applicable to fanventures, while most classpecting theory revolves about homestuck proper for obvious reasons. luckily, i've got some Key Insights about the canon classpects, just beyond this readmore:
get mutie'd lmao!!!!
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413 zillion kitys attack!!!!
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thsc-confessions · 9 months
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"No doubt Henry would want to own a firearm after everything he'd been through, one capable of going full auto, to be exact." submitted by @ceresfromnationstates
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crowcryptid · 6 months
Stuck at a red light and I could count 16 cranes all making new condos and apartments. Maybe a few of them are offices but they looked like apartments.
Filled me with a new sense of dread
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Oh! Curiosity question about your headcannon. Given Barnaby/howdy/eddie, would Eddie be the easily flustered of the three? Bc I know barn and howdy can be bastards. Or! Does Eddie use that southern rizz (charm) to one up them every now and then?
im not sure if it's a "headcanon" so much as its a "haha funny pairing go brrr" thing, but.. i think i agree with both. yes <3 probably <3 maybe <3
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Anyway so guess who snuck into Nickelodeon to steal some Very Real concept art?
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breadmecoshy · 1 year
He finally found a real family
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Old lady: Oh, Bruno, darling, what good fellows you and your kids are! It's been so quiet on the streets lately! Apparently, God favors us
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Narancia: WHAHAHAHA, you blew like a sucker, Giorno!
Giorno: DAMN IT! If I had been there, they wouldn't have had a chance!
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Giorno: Fuck, fuck, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK! Holy shit, Mista! Why did you bother them at all?!
Mista: Sorry man💦
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Moviе: Gus: What's great about dating homeless girls? Murphy: What? Gus: You can drop them off anywhere.
Abbachio: Ugly.
Giorno: I don't like it either.
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Giorno: What if our world is a simulation, like in the Matrix? Well, I mean, you also sometimes sit down, and just turns off for 40 minutes? What does it look like?
Fugo: Well, yes, it happens...
Giorno: And?
Fugo: It looks like.... Reboot the system.....
Fugo: ....fuuuuuuuuck
Fugo: man
In the end, Giorno is really just an ordinary teenager, and he deserves a family that will love him despite his harmfulness
After the appearance of another child in the gang, Bruno decided to buy a new PS2, but eventually it was occupied by Narancia and Giorno
Giorno and Mista usually hang around the city and look for new places or entertainment. But, since Mista is a master of creating problems for himself from scratch, most often they find only trouble on their heads
Leone and Giorno like to watch movies together (mainly because apart from Bruno, no one else can make Leone a decent company). They watched "3000 Miles to Graceland" at the cinema, and they didn't like it XD
Giorno and Fugo's conversations are similar to all those conspiracy theories in which the events of the film are actually the dying delirium of the protagonist. Recently, they watched the Matrix with the whole gang, so the conversations of these two acquired a very specific topic
Bruno usually takes Giorno with him to patrol the streets and communicate with the townspeople. And, of course, Giorno does not steal from old ladies, he just likes to tease Bruno
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bigweldindustries · 7 months
im going insane trying to work out what fuckin set it was that axwell ingrosso first dropped barricade
#axel grinds on#me and my friend would listen to sets during graphic design class <3 i rember catchin up on the new ultra sets#and we just. shat ourselves at it#“oooo theres a new id in this set apparently?”#“YES EXCITING i cant wait for it”#“IS THIS THE FUCKING ID?”#“THIS IS AXWELL INGROSSO???????????”#the complete bewilderment of that . extrmeemly fond memory#it came outta left fucking field and was an extremely bewildering time it was wonderful#the STRUCTURE was all them but that sound most definitely was NOT#and then the fucking HIP HOP STYLED BRIDGE?#it didnt have vocals at that stage just this very clearly modelled after hiphop producion bridge#and like theyd been doin like radio friendly pop stage and then suddenly WUHHH#i was expecting another saccharine pop production and was HIT IN THE FUCKING FACE#me and my friend just exchanging absolute BEWILDERMENT#glorious. i miss following a dj really closely and shitting over IDs#madeon gang sorta gets it but you do not understand how it was#in the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#house scene circa 2011-2016ish#yknow the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. shit swedishhouse mafia made popular#alesso he was there remember alesso#what happened to alesso#is it ok if i hope hes doing ok#oh god i looked him up on spotify and he went the zedd route nooooo alesso noooooooooooooooo#now im thinking about alesso ids. man#clash id version >#wait.#yall remember when calvin harris stole clash lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo#im old as balls bro#ive been playing this game so long and for what
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
i feel like the fact that barely anyone who watches the show thinks of will as the main character might be indicative of the fact that he isn't
#and like i say: brf slt#just realized i said the fact twice. this was worded differently at first#i'm very sorry#(not about the the fact thing about the will mc thing)#if you ask anyone who the main character is after seasons 3 and 4 they'll say el#it's not the el show and will is just as if not more important to the supernatural plotline like obviously nothing would've happened if he#hadn't gone missing and he has a connection to vecna no one else has and#everyone's love for him is basically what makes all of s1 happen#but he's literally not there. i've seen people watch the show for the first time recently and guess who was the main character to them#while they were watching the first two seasons? mike! literally elliott in E.T and the YA protagonist in the middle of a love triangle why#does everyone take his main boy status away from him...we first meet the characters at HIS house in HIS basement we see HIS family first#it's HIM we follow all throughout season 1 in the kids part of the show basically like idk#yes he's not el and he's not will in terms of connection to the supernatural but like#in seasons 3 and especially in season 4 you don't really think of him as the main character anymore but literally no one but bylers think#of will as the main character like i'm just saying. i don't think trying to pick a definite main character makes sense anyway because#there's kind of a shift around season 3 where it becomes...the el show. even if it doesn't not really. but it's not like people are crazy#and Media Illiterate for thinking that the biggest character on the posters whose actress is the biggest star and who gets paid the most is#the main character. don't people complain 24/7 about how little screentime will got in seasons 3 and 4 like obviously that would lead to#people...not seeing him as the main character#anyway. to me in seasons 1 and 2 it's between mike and el honestly and if you add seasons 3 and 4 then el#even though will is just as important like i said. it's just very different#but honestly in season 1 it's totally mike to me it's only in season 2 that i would start to hesitate#there's also joyce but i don't think anyone's saying joyce is the main character but yk i don't know if you know this but it's an ensemble#show...#it's definitely the willel show in a sense but...#mike is the protagonistest protagonist in season 1 how do people forget that#having to fight for your life to convince people that will is the main character kind of proves that he isn't😭#and i still think he's the most important which doesn't make sense i know but idk it makes sense to me
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