#and she hit me with the 'might go if you do :)' girl im not risking £60 on a maybe especially cus getting there will be a nightmare
nerdie-faerie · 2 months
I've got two family events coming up during term time and I'm trying to decide if the trips are worth the cost by asking if my family is actually going to be attending them and my mum's response was 'I might be able to convince your dad if we know you're going :)' girl I'm not spending nearly £60 just to come down for the weekend only to then find out I'm going by myself
#+Extra#travel tag#one of my cousins has a babyshower coming up in may on a Sunday when i have class on Monday#i already know my mum isnt intending to go to that one and my aunt that lives in between me and them also isnt going so i cant go with them#its the most inconvenient of the two and i have to be home a week after so ive declined that one#but another cousin recently announced an engagement/housing warming party weekend at the end of april#and when my mum told me about it i asked if she was going so i knew whether or not to look into tickets#and she hit me with the 'might go if you do :)' girl im not risking £60 on a maybe especially cus getting there will be a nightmare#its not all the way down south with the rest of my family so its technically closer but if im travelling there i need to know#whether to come early and go all the way home so i can arrive with my family on the day or travel down the day of & get there a little late#in the day in the city where its happening and figure out how to get to the event by myself and sort out getting ready and everything#or like to not bother what so ever and theres no guarantee which day theyll go cus its both Saturday and/or Sunday#ideally id only go Saturday cus i got class first thing monday but i also dont wanna be there by myself#im not close with my cousins and my dad doesnt get along with my mums side of the family so its highly likely id be there by myself#which i absolutely do not want especially if im getting there late cus of relying on public transport#edit: itll cost between £50-£120 to travel o.o depending on how i travel#if i get the train the whole way cus its quicker and times are more convenient itll cost £120 for a return for a 3 hour trip#or i could spend £40ish to get there by train then £10 on an overnight coach back#which is cheaper than the £60ish it would cost to get coaches both ways and the travel times for coaches were ridiculous#but jesus christ 🤦‍♀️
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nr1chaedickrider · 5 months
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i got this idea MONTHS ago, i got finally motivation to continue this small drabble, read on your own risk, toxic!namochaeng (chae is kinda the nice one in this?), innocent!reader, idk if what happens here is 100% consentual, thigh riding, exhibitionism,use of drugs (im not an expert on this topic so dont cry if this is unrealistic) stay away from drugs pookies and also maybe this is the only time ill write something like this idk idk! im experimenting with my writing style
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It was stupid, it is stupid.
Maybe you're just stupid for listening to Chaeyoung when she said "Come visit us in our apartment, I got something we can use. Unless you're scared."
And actually, the goal was just to make new friends at the university, but you didn't think you'd be standing in front of the door of an apartment that's quite far away from the university. A pungent smell hits your nose and you frown. Should you really be here? Was it really a good idea to be standing in front of an old apartment at 11 pm where three women you hardly know live?
But you can no longer think about it as Nayeon opens the door for you, a grin on her lips.
She yells through the apartment,
"Chaeyoung! She really came!" Nayeon lets out a giggle, the only thing you can make out is Momo in the background, you think that's her name, giving Chaeyoung $20.
"We made a bet, looks like she's about $40 richer now," Nayeon says, pulling you inside before slamming the door. She runs to Chaeyoung and gives her $20 too, you think you've never seen her so happy.
"Do you want to join us too? Or would you rather stand there?" she says and laughs, Momo laughs too, Nayeon takes a sip from her beer. You shake your head and walk over to Chaeyoung and sit down on the floor. Now it really hits you.
A joint, four lines of cocaine, and a few cans of beer are on the table.
"Oh," is your only reaction as you stare at the substances.
"I'm Momo, we're not in the same class but I study sports," she says, an actually nice smile on her lips.
"You already know Nayeon, you two have English together right?" Chaeyoung asks, you nod and Nayeon immediately starts laughing out loud.
"Don't be shy dear..." she holds the joint to her lips and slowly takes a drag, she exhales and a small cloud of smoke forms. She looks at you and holds the joint out for you to take a drag.
"Ehm... I-"
"Are you telling me you've never smoked a joint before?" Chaeyoung asks as she looks at you both, Momo just quietly sips her beer. You nod and look at the floor, Chaeyoung laughs a little, but then pulls you onto her lap and takes the joint.
"I can show you," she says, and at that moment it feels like she's the normal nice girl from your art class who you might have a little crush on. You nod.
"I'm going to take a drag and blow the smoke towards you, you inhale it, okay?" You nod again.
You watch as her plump lips touch the joint, she takes a puff, and as announced, she blows it towards you, you inhale it and cough, Nayeon pats your back to help, Momo comes closer.
Only now do you realize what the situation is actually like, you on Chaeyoung's lap, on her bare legs because she's only wearing shorts, Nayeon so close to your right, Momo to your left. You feel yourself blush and everyone starts laughing at the sight of you being so confused.
"Try it yourself now..." Chaeyoung says and hands you the joint, you look at her, then at the small joint between your fingers.
"I don't know..." you say and look away, Nayeon grabs your chin, but somehow so gently. She lifts it up so that you're forced to look atleast to one of them. Your eyes fall on Chaeyoung. Nayeon comes closer and whispers in your ear,
"You don't want to let us down, do you? We're your friends." she whispers, but loud enough for Momo and Chaeyoung to hear, both grinning and nodding.
"She's right, we don't want anything bad for you, a little fun never hurt anyone" Momo says, you look to the cocaine on the coffee table.
"What about this...?" you ask, Chaeyoung laughs.
"I don't know if we'll get to that today" she says, you nod slowly.
You take the joint between your fingers and bring it to your lips, slowly taking a drag, your eyes water slightly and you have to start coughing as little puffs of smoke come out. Nayeon caresses your back, Chaeyoung your thighs, her cold hands on your warm body sends a shiver down your spine.
"Well done," she says, you feel yourself getting a little dizzy, but you try to ignore it.
"See, it wasn't that hard," says Momo, taking the joint out of your hand as she takes the last puff.
You suddenly feel a finger on your skirt, you look at Chaeyoung and see her smile, again the one she usually only showed in class when you were working together. You smile slightly too as you relax (you're not sure though if its because of the smoking or because you feel safe..),
Nayeon's hands are on your waist, she moves you back and forth on Chaeyoung's lap, you hold a hand in front of your mouth to keep your voice down, Momo starts kissing your neck, her lips moist and soft.
"Don't hide your moans, pretty girl.." Chaeyoung says, taking your hand away, she lets you hold it as she tenses up her thigh, adding extra stimulation.
Momo's hands move down to play with your tits through your thin shirt, your nipples getting hard immideatly, making Momo let out a breathy chuckle.
Nayeon keeps her attention to rocking your hips back and forth on Chaeyoung's thigh.
"You're doing so good" Chaeyoung says as she watches you, the praise making your head even fuzzier than it already is.
You feel your body going a little limp, hoping that is normal while smoking. You moan quietly while holding onto Chaeyoung's hand, your body twitching when your clit hits her thigh in a certain angle.
"Are you close baby?" Nayeon asks, you nod as your grip on Chaeyoung's hand gets tighter, making her giggle a little. Nayeon begins to move you faster, like a little toy with no ability to move on its own.
You bite your lower lip as your moans get louder and you feel yourself getting closer, Momo praising you as she pinches your nipple and kisses your neck, biting it a little to leave marks.
"I'm-" you start saying uncohorent things as you cum onto Chaeyoung's thigh. Twitching and gripping her hand until you slowly stop moving and fall down on her chest, passing out immideatly.
"We should've been friends earlier.." she says and the other girls agree with a smirk, looking at the untouched cocaine.
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oliverstarksbae · 5 months
Picked up pieces
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♡ hi, this is my first ever one shot, so this might be bad, but I hope you enjoy 😉
♡ summary: in which they realize they are made to pick each other pieces
Evan buckley was a player but that was before he met (y/n) she very much was the complete opposite "the ray of sunshine type of girl" So why did she fall in love with him beacuse behind the bad boy act was someone who was hurt and needed some one .
Now it was a normal Saturday he was at work she was at home doing some house work at there shared home made some food read a book and catch up on her favorite show
It had now hit 11pm Evans shift does not finish till 2 so she went to the living room and saw the news.
When she click channel 8 she heard "this is a live broadcast of a horrific hotel fire so far many firefighters are having a though time helping." said a red hair woman
(Y/n's) mind spiraled of what she heard but then took a worried breath beacus the first thing the she thought was ok maybe this is a different firehouse in the 118 area beacuse they were busy
She tried and tried to belive that but then she saw the 118 written on the firetruck that's when she panicked and started to pace around the house with her mind full of worry but it was still not his time to get off so she decided to look at her phone every 5 seconds for the time he gets off.
Evan buckley was stressed to say the least first he was trapped where there was a huge fire which he got out of beacuse he thought of who he cause the most for and how if he did not get out how many people would have been devastated
Then he was not able to save someone today which hurt worst then he thought it would.
He went on his phone and called (y/n) by pressing the contact lover girl <3 ❤️
Then the first thing he heard was, "OH MY GOD EVAN ARE YOU OK I WAS SO WORRIED I SAW ON THE NEW-"
"I'm fine" he replied with not so nice but not that serious tone still in shock on what happen
"Ok let me know when you get home E I love you" said (y/n)
" Yeah see you bye" he said not realizing that he did not say I love you back
(Y/n) on the other hand was confused but decided not to think much beacuse maybe he was tired?
*A few minutes later *
A knock sounded on the door she rushed up to it and ran to evan the give him a hug
"Oh my god, evan, I was so worried. I'm so glad you're ok." she pulled him into a hug, but then he started shaking, and it lok like he was going to cry?
"Evan are you ok? Ok-i-I- need you to calm down fallow my breathing ok?" He agreed while shaking and tears slowing coming down his face
"Baby, I need you to tell me why you are crying. Are you hurt-" he gulped and said, "No-no im-not"
"Ok did something happen?" She asked
"Yes-yes-some-thing-did," he said
"Ok, what happened? I need you to tell me when you're ready, ok?"
"I w-as g-etting some-one an-d we put h-Im on the gurny and in the amb-ul-an-ce he cod-ed" he said it while it replaying in his mind what happened
" E oh my God it's ok you did the best you can and you saved many people ok I love you I want you to know that"
"B-ut I didn't save them I ki-lled hi-m"
"Evan buckley do not think that way you did the best you can and your ability to risk your life every day for strangers now I think you should go take a shower and get ready for bed"
He replied with a happy gentle smile
After everyone was done they both hopped
Onto bad a cuddled she being to big spoon
And slowly he fell asleep but before he said.
"I love you so much and thank you for being there for me"
"Of course I am there for you now I'm tried so goodnight"
"Good night"
Before she fell asleep she thought about what she said and she knew he was hurt plot but she really didn't think it was bad enough for this to happen but she realizedThey were made for each to pick up the pieces other people broke
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whorergal · 1 year
summary: instead of quinn, ethan is the one who “dies” in the apartment scene and leaves you heartbroken
warnings: description of blood, gore & murder. language (cussing). it follows the plot loosely.
pairings: ethan landry x fem!reader
authors note: hiiii i haven’t written bc i’ve been uninspired but im forcing myself to write this one :-) this idea has been in my head for awhile and i just need to get it out before i forget sooo yeah :3 hope you enjoy! i might break this into two parts btw (also should i do a happy or angsty ending?)
>> PART TWO <<
You walked inside your room with a wince. Since the recent Ghostface attack both Sam and Tara endured, they came up with the bright idea to invite everyone over your shared apartment. They thought with everyone in the same place it would eliminate the possibility of them being attacked again, or worse, ultimately killed. There was barely enough room in the apartment to house four girls so adding Chad, Mindy and Anika to the mix was chaotic.
Thankfully, Quinn was gone for the night. Apparently she had a one night stand that wanted to meet up so she left, despite Sam's excessive disapproval.
Tara was in the kitchen with Chad and Mindy, chatting and laughing very loud. The reason you found it annoying at the moment was because you forced your boyfriend, Ethan, to come over while he was trying to study for his Econ exam.
He was the one person you couldn't risk losing so if that meant you made him fail his exam because he couldn't focus, then yeah, that's what you'll do.
"Are they being too loud?" you asked him.
"If I say yes, could you shut them up?" He looked up wearing a sarcastic smile, making the corners of his eyes crinkle.
You chuckled breathlessly, taking a seat beside him on your bed. "I tried, believe me."
Ethan sighed, dropping his pen. "It's fine. I mean, I have an A in the class—one exam can't hurt…right?"
"How about this," you interrupted him before he began to ramble, handing him the granola bar he asked for. "I go out there and try to calm them down. I'll give you the space you need as well."
"Well, you can bother me all you want," he blurted. His cheeks turned red when he saw you look at him in surprise.
You leaned forward, planting a soft kiss on his lips. Then you peppered kisses all over his face which made him scrunch his nose. "I love you and I want you to pass this exam. The least I could do is help you get some silence. It's my fault you're here in the first place."
"Hey, don't say that," he shushed you. "I wanted to come to see my beautiful girlfriend. Don't worry that pretty head of yours about me. I'll be fine." His words meant more because he knew how paranoid you'd become.
Ethan paused to smile. "Promise."
He kissed you very briefly, looking at you in adoration which made you blush. The perfect moment was ruined when Mindy's roar bellowed all throughout the house.
"Stop! Don't! This is my favorite shirt, you asshole!"
You groaned in annoyance. "I'll take care of that. You stay here and study. I'll check up on you in a few."
"Okay, baby." He laughed, finding you adorable whenever you were mad. "Don't hurt them."
"No promises there."
You heard him laugh one last time before you exited, shutting your door behind you. Anika sat on the couch, giving you an annoyed look as well, seeing as she was trying to read her book.
"I tried to tell them," she said.
Nodding, you ventured over toward the kitchen where the four were all laughing. Tara noticed you first and dropped her smile, already knowing what was to come. You had just gotten done complaining about how loud they were and she was sure you were coming back to do just that.
Chad, however, was too oblivious to notice as he jumped up from his spot at your appearance. "There she is! Core fucking five in the house!" You hit him, making him wince. "Ow! What was that for?"
"Ethan's trying to study and you're yelling," you reprimanded him like he was a little kid.
"Shit. He's still doing that?"
Tara stifled a laugh while Mindy rolled her eyes.
"What's got you guys all rowdy, anyway?" You walked over to the pot that was brewing, taking a wooden spoon to sip on the suspicious liquid.
"Well, first Chad gave us a nickname to which I obviously disagreed with and he tried to splash me with soup," Mindy explained as she leaned against the counter.
"Core five." Chad smiled widely.
You furrowed your brows. "Isn't it core four?"
"Well, you know…" he trailed before he shook his head. "Look, it doesn't matter. There's five of us so I declare core five is now an official thing."
"You can't just give yourself a nickname, dingus," Mindy retorted, being the first to argue with her brother at any chance she got.
"Oh, of course I can, dingus, because I just did. Core five, up top!" Chad exclaimed with less volume then before, raising his hand in front of Mindy's face.
"No." She shook her head.
He turned to Tara. "Down low."
"Get that away from me."
"Please, for the love of God," he begged when he rose his hand toward Sam.
She smiled, but still didn't make a move.
He then turned to you. "If you don't high-five me, I'm going to scream."
"Don't do it." Mindy interrupted.
"You know, I would like some more respect from the fellow members of the core five." He gave up, crossing his arms.
"Please, stop calling us that," Tara pleaded, wincing.
"Guys," Anika's voice called but no one heard her, the sound of your laughter and teasing of Chad overpowering her. She dropped her book, getting up. "Guys! Stop. Listen."
You all silenced in curiosity. When you listened to Anika's orders, there was a loud crash heard in your room. You didn't immediately think of Ghostface just because there was no way they would be ballsy enough to attack someone with multiple people still in the apartment. You thought, at least.
"It's just Ethan. He must've dropped something." You calmed their nerves, turning around to get a water bottle from the fridge. "I'll go check on him."
Anika nodded, slowly sitting back down as she forced herself to believe your words.
Then, everyone's phones went off. You didn't have yours because you left it inside your room so you peered to look at Chad's phone who leaned it toward you to see.
The image caused your heart to fall to your stomach.
Danny, your next door neighbor, had shared a photo to everyone of Ethan being manhandled by Ghostface. It was then that his screaming filled the silent apartment and your flight instincts kicked in.
You dropped your water, running straight to your room in the attempt to help him. "Ethan!"
Right before you could open the door, Sam pulled you back very roughly. You lost your balance, falling into her arms as she held you close. You started to fight against her but she shushed you which had you pausing in confusion.
Chad had Tara in his arms, who was following straight after you in order to aid you while Anika was pushing Mindy behind her. When you all focused on the noise, you realized that…there was no noise. The photo echoed in your mind like a throbbing reminder to what was happening behind the door but the eerie quietness of what should be filled with screams of pain caused you to relax in Sam's arms.
"Ethan," you whispered shakily.
You pushed Sam away from you, getting up and shoving the door open. You knew the risk. You knew going in there would only cause more casualties but you couldn't find anything in you to care. All you cared about was Ethan.
"Y/N, no!" you heard them all shout at once.
Once you pushed the door open, simultaneously, Ethan's body was thrown on top of you. His dead weight caused you to lose balance again and fall to the floor, hitting your head on the wooden surface.
Then, reality sunk in and you let out a horrific scream that sent chills down everyone's body at the sight of Ethan's lifeless eyes staring right into you. His blood was coating your entire body, his body still warm but his face pale. His brown eyes held no emotion and his lips were untouched.
You wanted this to be a joke. You wanted him to wake up and say he was just kidding even if it would be a shitty prank to pull on someone. You wanted to hear him say your name, or hear his chuckle whenever he laughed at his own jokes. You felt tears pouring out of your eyes subconsciously. You couldn't even find the strength in you to push his body off of you because you didn't want to.
A strong pair of hands gripped you suddenly, forcing you up and causing you to toss Ethan's body carelessly to the side, making his arm to hit the floor motionlessly as his face was now staring at the ceiling.
It was there that you briefly got a good look at the wounds on his body. Blood was smeared all over his stomach that you couldn't even see the light blue that used to be the color of his shirt. You could see some wounds in his stomach still gushing fresh blood too. It was also splattered all over his face and drenched his pants as well. You felt sick to your stomach.
"Ethan, no," you whimpered very desperately.
Tara pushed you forward, forcing you out of the building and down the stairs. You were completely in their control as every limb in your body went numb. Chad was practically carrying you at that rate because you couldn't build the power to even stand.
It was when Anika's screams echoed the empty stairwell that kicked you back into gear. Throwing him off guard, you managed to shove him away from you which sent both him and Tara falling against the wall harshly.
You rushed back up the stairs and ran face first into the closed door. You tried to open it but it was locked. No matter how hard you try to shove yourself against it, it wouldn't budge. Not only was it locking you out from not being able to grieve over your dead boyfriend but helping Mindy, Anika and Sam, who were now trapped inside with Ghostface.
"Shit," Tara gasped as she realized.
You both pounded on the door, as if expecting Ghostface to happily answer and let you two in. It was silent on their end which only made you three more paranoid.
"Do you have your keys?!" Chad asked.
"No, I left them inside!" Tara exclaimed in worry, turning back around to continue pounding on the door.
"Look, we have to go get help," Chad tried his best to reason rightfully, his response valid. "If we stay out here, we'll only waste more time."
"Oh, god…" you trailed your words, becoming weak again as you looked down at your hands. "His blood. He's dead. He's actually gone. I can't—"
"Hey, I got you," Chad whispered, pulling you into his arms as he guided you and Tara down the stairs. He wanted to worry about Mindy but he needed to be strong for you two, who seemed in worse shape than he was.
You don't remember how but Chad got you three down the stairs safely and called for help. The police arrived too late as when they went up to help them, Sam and Mindy had made it across the building inside Danny's apartment without Anika, who succumb to her wounds while being thrown off the ladder that they climbed on.
Mindy, Tara and Chad both sat in one ambulance while you sat in your own, wanting to be left alone.
You stopped crying after an hour but the pained feeling was still alive in your chest. What was worse was that you weren't allowed back inside your apartment to get his things as it was now a crime scene so you sat in thought. You had nothing left of him. Just his blood on your clothes.
When you realized this, you began to cry again. You dropped your head into your knees, curling up against the wall of the ambulance as police scattered around.
You brought your head up when you felt someone sit beside you. Ready to tell them to leave you alone, you saw Mindy offering her blanket to you. She was the only one who understood what you were going through so you accepted it and leaned to cry on her shoulder.
While she remained emotionless, you cried for the both of you. She just held you close, rubbing your arm.
"Y/N, Mindy," the voice that belonged to Quinn snapped you into reality. "I'm so sorry."
"Step the fuck back," Mindy warned, tightening her grip around you. "You're at the top of my list."
"I'm sorry, alright?" Quinn whispered, but she looked at you very specifically when saying that. "I'm sorry."
You gave her a forced smile, watching as she was pulled away by Sam. It gave you and Mindy space to grieve.
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pupyuj · 8 months
Don't throw me into fire pls😅😭
I only have 3 words to say:
Ok that's all imma go ahead and disappear now (to deal with the chaotic aftermath of almost outing myself...😢😭😭💀)
RRRRAAAHHH this ask was sent a month ago omg GUYS IM HORRIBLE I KNOW but off the record yuj with that suit n tie got me ACTING UP SO I'M GONNA WORK ON THIS.
[cw: g!p cuz yujin just has a cock to me all the time now, sorry not sorry hehehe 😛💦]
i know anon said mafia leader (and yes i have thoughts for that too but hear me out—) but like,, mafia lackey yuj who's just starting out in the family and she's crushing on you, the boss' super cute and super charming daughter?!! since yujin's young and new, the boss usually only makes her do small jobs and errands so she has lots of time to mess around with you 😆 the two of you starting out as friends at first :(( yujin was something so fascinating and new to you bcs you have never heard of a girl joining a literal crime gang of all things before!! she was so funny, endearing, and kind?! not to mention that she had a killer smile and a pretty fucking well-built physique... combine all of those points together and bam—there's your dream girl 😳😳
hheehehhsdk what if you have this kind of friendship that was filled with sexual-tension and real romantic feelings but being young, the former notion was stronger than the other 🫠 hanging out with the other lackeys and/or members of the family and yujin's always got an arm around your waist, your shoulders... sometimes she even gets brave and puts a hand on your thigh 👀 it drives her insane whenever you lean over to say like, normal ass things to her but the way you looked into her eyes like you wanted something and the way you toyed with her necktie just told her other things!!!
mmmsjhjsdhsjh excusing yourself to the kitchen one day after teasing yujin,, a smug smile on your face as you made your great escape but yujin was right behind you!! face all red for being so whipped for a sweet girl like you,, omgomgomg the moment you two are alone she just grabs you and kisses you??!! this being the first time she's ever done this so you're kind of taken off guard but :((( her lips were so soft and gentle on you despite the kiss being a bit sloppy,, you couldn't help but take the risk!! hehehdskhkdj letting yujin pressed your back against the wall, lifting up your leg, and caressing your thigh underneath your dress... pulling down your panties slowly while she kissed your neck,,,
"the boss is gonna kill me but fuck, i know your pussy's worth it." hitting her arm while laughing softly,, and feeling so warm when yujin smiles at you :(( she loves seeing you laugh, especially if she was the reason!! yujinnie carrying you and putting you on a countertop,, and your hands are all over her hair while she kissed you again, never having enough of the taste of your lips,, ugh she can't help but moan when you decided to leave a few hickeys on her neck,, she was too cute you just had to claim her 😵‍💫😵‍💫
it takes about a few more minutes of making out, marking each other up, and yujin reaching behind your back to unzip your dress that you come to your senses and push her away a bit,,, yujin being so worried that she might have gotten ahead of her self, looking at you with so much concern?? "not here. dad and the other's are working. let's go to my apartment. come on." giving yujin a kiss on the cheek before hopping off the countertop hehe grabbing her hand and pulling her out the doors, so fucking eager to get home and give yourself to this wonderful girl 🥹💘
and when i say that your first time having sex together happens on your couch??? both of you were too impatient to walk all the way to your bedroom so after you locked the front door, yujin just grabs you again 🤭 this time she was bolder and a bit rougher—nearly ripping up your dress in the process of taking it off, almost manhandling you to get you in the position she wants, bossing you around—and if you were being honest, you were into it! 😳 aaaaa fuck undressing yujin yourself and as excruciatingly slow as you possibly could... from unbuttoning her shirt, unbuckling her belt, to oh my god finally setting her cock free 😵‍💫
hhehejhsdhj letting yujin fuck you from behinddd 😵‍💫 her thrusting into your cunt like a rabid dog?! groaning and grunting loudly as she spread your cheeks, slapped it, dug her nails into your skin omfg... you would literally have so much going on in your lower back bcs of yujin's careless hands but ofc being the slut that you were for her, you were so into it 🤨 grabbing her necktie and pulling her down so her chest would be against your back and god this only makes her fuck into you faster 😳 the loud sounds of her hips slamming into your ass, your slick coating her dick, and your angelic moans were just too much that every second she spends fucking you only drives her closer and closer to insanity,,, yujinnie biting onto your shoulder a bit, trying her hardest not to come just yet bcs she would be embarrassed :(((
but like, you want her to??? you don't really care about the consequences of anything right now—you just want yujin. intertwining your hand with hers, looking back slightly to give her a look,, and that was all it took for yujin to completely bury her face in your hair and finally dump her load inside you, filling you up full of her cum that you couldn't help but come alongside her 🤤
"fuck.. you let me come inside you...? you know what's gonna happen—"
"yeah, yujin. you're fucking me again... that's what's gonna happen."
catching yujin off guard that she almost gasps 😭😭 you were usually so fucking sweet that she sometimes forgets that you are the daughter of a mafia boss and therefore, you can run your mouth quite well 🤭 and if yujin was going to have anything, it was guts bcs no possibilities of punishments from her 'employer' and your literal father scared her into fucking you until it was daytime 😳😳
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Your asks are back! Im prolly gonna send a few tomorrow bc its late and i have many idea but an idea that Wont Let Me Go:
Danny gets caught by his parents. They dissect him and jazz is the one to free him, but he has to go. Now. But where does he go?
Gotham. The drs fenton went there once and caused enough chaos to be banned from the city or else risk arkham. Its the one place they might not find him.
Danielle goes with him. Maybe shed hunkered down in gotham for a bit, maybe shes passing by amity when sht hits the fan. Either way, its her and danny. They figure it wont be too hard to get by. Break into an empty apartment and hide out there until they get caught, couldnt be too hard, right?
Too bad the building they go for is the one jason stays in, as a civillian, and hes got every apartment on his floor so that the risk of a neighbor seeing him as hood is minimal. Jason has to figure out how these kids got into the apartment and who is making them spy on red hood.
He does this by giving them the one thing kids in need cant afford to turn down- free meals. He invites them over to cook and teaches them how, both to see what hes dealing with and give them those skills once theyre out of whatever situation theyre in.
This goes on for a while before jason had the horrifying realization.
Hes turing into Bruce. Two kids in need with black hair and blue eyes who tense up when vigilantes are brought up? Hes never going to live this down. Probably frantically texts dick(?) About how hes turing into bruce and then doesnt elaborate
Unbeknowst to him, theyve secretly been "treating" him by acting as filters/replacing some of his extoplasm so he can be sure of his control over his feelings. This doesnt necessarily make him 100% calm all of the time, he still gets angry pretty easily, but. Jason gets control of himself back.
As they get closer they start being significantly more domestic. Somehow nobody has crashed jasons apartment while theyre there (they dip invisibly) and jasons relationship with bruce has improved as he no longer has to worry about pit rage taking over. Hes trying to figure out how to break the news to bruce that hes a grandfather even though he hasnt officially adopted them yet.
Dani, on the other side of town, is gossiping with a cool girl at the library named barbara about how shes been trying to figure out how to tell her neighbor that Hes Her Dad Now.
(Danny doesnt call him dad. He cant, anymore. But theyre still family)
Jason decides to introduce the topic of them meeting bruce (because 1. even though its still rocky their relationship has improved and 2. He wants it to be on his terms) and dani bursts out with the "I have a GRANDPA???????" and from there on commits to calling jason her dad and bruce (unmet) her grandpa.
Bruce meets them first and is just. In awe. He has grandchildren. His emotional constipation vs his absolute adoration of the fact hes a GRANDPARENT fight fight fight.
When danny and dani eventually meet everyone theyre all like oh sick bruce picked up a duo this time nice to meet you. And they absolutely cannot comprehend it when bruce and jason walk in and dani goes to jason first. Nobody expected jason to take on bruces adoption tendencies but they should have.
(Also fun hc i couldnt work in naturally but i do fully stand by- the ectoplasm in dannys body does affect his injuries somewhat, meaning he heals naturally very quickly from most ghost fights. Why?
It heales based on emotional healing.
He doesnt really care all too much about the average cut from one of his rogues and they heal within the day, but a hit from valerie takes a few weeks.
The first injury his parents ever gave him still hurts.
He can barely move and cant talk for the first few weeks with jason. Only once he starts feeling safe with him do the cuts start coming back together.)
The casualness of “hi so glad your asks came back” [drops at least 1k worth of fucking stellar content that’s basically a fic] is just making me truly awestruck. God I’ve missed seeing y’all’s neat ideas.
I dont have any words that I can say that could describe just how wonderful this is so I’ll write a lil addition to it instead because I am in love with this sm.
Jason’s point of view when he’s slowly getting better and isnt afraid to meet his family because of the pit rage, has he explained that’s the reason he distanced himself? Do the bats just think that this is simply Jason finally getting the courage to reach out? Do they know that the Pit rage is stopping Jason and do they try to help him by using alternative means of communication? How much do they help and understand.
When Jason experiences his first injury. How much does it hurt? Valerie shoots him with an ectogun. How much is this man in pain for and does he have to fight pit rage inside him to not lash out and attack her after being injured?
And how does his core react to his new kids. This I NEED to know
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ateez-amanda · 2 years
time: september 2020
summary: through the help of some friends jeonghan and amanda make things official between them
disclaimers: mentions overworking, stress. (let me know if i miss anything)
characters: svt's s.coups, jeonghan, and vivi (@svt-vivi), also briefly mentions yuki (@txt-yuki)
a/n: it happening you guys. it's been a long time coming. also atz concert vids/pic🥵 im screaming😭 anyways hope you guys like it. please let me know what you think
taglist: @skzfairies, @3nhyp3nn [send an ask if you want to be on/off the taglist :)]
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Amanda plopped herself starfish style across her bed after finishing a relaxing shower and changing into her pjs. She reached for her phone from her nightstand, only to let out a defeated groan into her pillow when none of the notifications were the one she was hoping for.
She hadn’t heard a single word from Jeonghan since her impulsive confession she’d left him on his voicemail this morning (if that was even what he heard). Even after she left two new awkward voicemails and 3 text messages trying to redeem the damage she made. 
Ring Ring Ring
Not sparing a second to check the caller id, she cheerfully answers, “Hannie?” 
“Not exactly.” An unfamiliar female voice echoes through her phone. 
Surprised by the voice she moved the phone away from her ear to see an unknown number on the screen. “Who is this?” Her cautious voice rang, fearing that another saesang had somehow gotten her number.
“Vivi. I am Hannie’s friend. Well I guess I should say I am one of his members.” 
Amanda straightens her posture on her bed as if she was in front of her at this very moment, “Oh! Hi! Um, how did you get my number?”
“I might have gotten it from Jeonghan’s phone.” Vivi murmurs, “Sorry but I wouldn’t have it wasn’t serious.”
Registering the worry in the younger girl's voice, Amanda frowns, “Is everything okay?”
“It’s about Jeonghan.” 
“Is he okay? Is he hurt?’
“He’s not hurt. I’m just worried about him.” Vivi attempts to calm her down, “Do you think you can come to our company?” 
“Of course.” Amanda didn’t hesitate for a second. Even though she was worried about going to their company when not many people know about their relationships and it risks their relationship getting exposed, if Jeonghan was in trouble she would be there in a heartbeat. 
“Thanks! Also, could you bring some food with you, too?”
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Amanda awkwardly stood in front of the staff entrance door of the new HYBE building, where Vivi instructed her to wait so she could allow her in. She couldn’t help the 
“Amanda!” Amanda's eyes wanders towards the sound, spotting a girl exiting the building, waving energetically at her. Amanda waves back at Vivi though she felt like hers was way more awkward. 
As Vivi approaches her, Amanda notices a taller man trailing closely behind her. As they got closer, she realized it was Seventeen’s leader. 
She couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated. She had always admired S.Coups as a fan. He is an incredible leader to 12 rambunctious boys but after hearing how Jeonghan talks about him, she couldn’t help but admire him more as being a loyal and true friend.
Suddenly a thought hit her, she wasn't just meeting them as a hoobaenim and fan but as Jeonghan’s potential girlfriend. She had to make an acceptable first impression especially now that she is clear about taking the next step in her relationship with him.
Vivi beams, “It’s nice to finally meet you. I would hug you but social distance and all.”
Amanda smiles at Vivi’s affable aura that was somehow able to ease her jitters, “You too.”
“Thanks to Yuki I feel like I kind of already know you.”
“Who knew we would end up meeting without her help.”
“We should send her a pic of us together so-” Vivi was interrupted by S.Coups clearing his throat. “Ah! Sorry oppa. Amanda, this is our leader S.Coups.”
Amanda gave a polite bow. “Nice to meet you, sunbaenim.”
“Please, no need for the formalities. Just call me S.Coups.” S.Coups kindly assures her. “Thank you for coming here so late.”
“It’s totally fine. It sounded urgent. What exactly is going on?” Amanda asks the leader.
“It’s probably better to show you instead.”
Following the SVT’s oldest and youngest through the building, she kept fidgeting with her mask and pulling her hat further down to cover more of her face to prevent getting recognized.
“You don’t have to worry about being seen.” Seungcheol’s voice broke Amanda’s train of thought, “Us, Jeonghan and a few staff are the only ones here. Well and Woozi, but he probably won’t be coming out of his studio anytime soon.”
“But if you are still worried you can just say you are here to see your new friend, Vivi.” Vivi adds. Feeling assured, Amanda struts a little more confidently through the building, taking in the different features of the building.
“He’s in there.” Vivi gestures to the door where music was booming from. Amanda peeks through the glass door to spot Jeonghan dancing along to the rhythm of music. His body movements were more aggressive than the beat of music would allow and although his body looked drained, his eyes were burning with passion. 
“He hasn't come out since early this morning. No break, snacks, nothing.” Vivi tells her.
“You're kidding?” She dumbfoundedly asks as the duo shook their heads. “No wonder he hasn't replied yet.” She mumbles.
S.coups raises an eyebrow, “Sorry?”
“Nothing. Um, so why is he being like this?”
“We’ve been practicing the new choreo for our comeback and Jeonghan has been struggling with it. Our dance director yelled at him. He’s being too hard on himself. He needs a distraction right now and we figured if he’s not going to listen to us or the other members, maybe he will with you.” S.coups explains.
Stunned by his words, she stammers, “M-Me?”
“You do know how much he likes you right? He never shuts up about you.” The leader exposes.
“It’s true.” Vivi chimes in, “I swear Jeonghan oppa has talked more about you in the last couple of months than Yuki has in the past 3 years. I still can’t believe the girl he had been talking nonstop about was you.”
“If you could just try for us, we would be grateful.”
Amanda nods, “But I still don’t know if it will be any help.” 
“At least we can say we tried.” The leader gratefully says.
“Oh wait! I brought extra food for you too.” Amanda hands Vivi a plastic container of food from the bag. “I don’t know if you are on a diet or not-”
“Luckily, I am not, so I will enjoy it. Thank you.” Vivi graciously accepts the container.
Amanda glances at S.Coups, “I would have brought you some too if I had known you were here too.” 
S.Coups fondly smiles at her thoughtfulness, “Don’t worry she will end up having leftovers for me to eat anyways.”
“Not this time. I will definitely eat all of this.” Vivi proclaims, holding the container closer to her.
S.coups scoffs, “You say that everytime.”
Vivi rolls her eyes, unable to argue back, “Fine. I guess I will give you some.” 
“Thanks.” He sarcastically says.
She returns her attention back to Amanda, “I have to ask, Amanda. Why do you like Jeonghan oppa? He’s not exactly the-“ 
“Ignore her.” The eldest covers her mouth with his hand before she could finish destroying any kind of relationship between Jeonghan and Amanda, “Good luck. Let us know if you need anything.”
Amanda giggles as S.coups drags his younger member away. She sneaks into the dance studio. Jeonghan was so concentrated on the choreography that he didn’t even notice the girl he likes walking in. 
She spots the stereo and turns the knob to the off, only for Jeonghan to whirl around and see her. He blinks a couple of times to make sure the exhaustion hadn’t made him start imagining things, “Amanda? What are you doing here?” 
“Making sure you take a break.” 
After hearing her voice cueing him it was really her, he didn’t waste a second as he darts towards her and envelopes her in a hug, “Did my members call you?”
She nods into the hug, “S. Coups and Vivi.”
“I guess I should thank them later.”
She pulls away and waves the bag, “I brought you some food. Care to spare me a couple of minutes?”
“Let me try one more time and then I will.” He promises.
Though she did believe he would stop like he promised, it wasn’t the answer she wanted. As a pro dancer, Amanda could tell his body wouldn't be able to handle anymore of the intense movements. 
She shrugs her shoulders before sitting against the wall, “Fine. Then I’ll just stay and watch until you're ready.”
Jeonghan couldn’t ignore the scheming glint in her eyes and her nonchalant behavior, something he knew all too well. And when she began to pull out the food from the bag, his suspicions were becoming more accurate. “I thought that food was for me?”
Amanda innocently raises her eyebrows, “It will get cold waiting for you and you know I don’t like to waste food. Plus I did drive all the way here in the middle of the night so I deserve some for myself.”
Now that he got a better look at her, he could distinguish that her dyed dirty blonde hair hidden behind her cap was damp, clearly meaning she rushed over here after taking a shower without drying her hair.
A loud growling coming from his stomach, snapped him out of his thoughts. Amanda’s lips twitch at the sound, attempting to contain her laugh. 
“What did you bring?” He succumbs. A satisfied smile appears on her face as she hands him some of his favorite foods.
After the two munched on their meal, they continued to rest in the dance practice room. Jeonghan's head gently laid on her lap as she mindlessly twirls strands of his light chocolate colored hair that had been dangling across her lap. 
He plays around with the tips of her fingers of her free hand as he decides to ask the burning question that had been on his mind, “Why haven’t you asked me about it yet?”
“I figured you’ll tell me when you want to.” 
There were a few seconds of lull before he murmurs, “I don’t want to let them down. They have been waiting for me to figure this out.” 
“Hannie.” She softly gazes down into his eyes, “You are doing great and your members know that. All they want you in the best shape to perform and you can’t be in the best shape if you overwork yourself. So don’t make them worry….or me.”
Jeonghan sat up, placing an affectionate kiss on the back of her hand, “Thank you for coming and I’m sorry for making you worry.” A teasing grin emerges on his lips as whispers, “But then again, it did get you to come see me. Maybe I should make you worry more often.”
“Don’t even think about it.” Amanda lightly pushes his head back with her fingers before he could connect his lips with her, triggering the boy to sulk. “Since you’re done eating, I’ll clean this up while you go ahead and shower because no offense but you stink.” She dramatically waves her hand over her nose.
Now it was his turn to have a menacing gleam in his eyes, “Oh really?” 
Wary by his expression, Amanda begins to scoot away from him, but his arm swiftly wraps around her waist and tugs her into him as he devours her face with kisses. She giggles in between while attempting to shove him away. He stops, “Be careful what you say next time.” 
“I’ll think about it.” She teases.
He lets out an enamored laugh as he places one last little peck on her temple, “I’ll quickly wash up and I’ll drive you back to your dorm.”
She hums in response with a smile before he heads out the door with his things. Once he was finally out, she erupts into a little fit of giggles, “Cute.”
As she tidies up, she remembers that she has to talk to him about taking the next step in their relationship. But is now really the best time to talk about it? Though it outwardly seemed that his stress has lessened, she could tell he was still worried about his performance. But she needs to talk to him about it before he hears whatever she left on that voicemail.
The sound of the dance studio door opening, diverted her train of thought as she saw Jeonghan enter.
“If you are ready-” Her sentence was interrupted by him swallowing her up into a firm, warm embrace, nuzzling his head into her neck. Though slightly confused by his sudden action, she didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms, “What happened?”
“Nothing. I just wanted to hug you.” He mumbles into her neck.
“Okay,” She smiles as begins to stroke his hair. Her thoughts wander if now is the best time to bring it up, “Hannie.”
“I want to make things official between us.” She mustered up the courage to finally ask only for it to come out quieter than she anticipated.
He pulls away to stare at her, “What was that?”
“Nothing.” She sadly mutters with her courage depleting away. 
He frowns as he tilts his head, “You sure?”
“No, actually. Hannie, I wanted to tell you that I am ready to make things official between us.” She confidently declares before flusterly re, “I-I mean, if of course you want-”
“Oh, I want to.” He clearly emphasizes as he cheekily grins, “So it’s okay to officially call you my girlfriend?” 
She coyly nods, “And it’s okay to officially call you my boyfriend?”
“I would be honored.”
“Oh, I accidentally called you earlier today and left a voicemail. It basically said what I just said so you can just delete it-”
“Oh? You mean this one?” He pulls out his phone.
“I like Jeonghan….I really like him. I guess being away fro-”
Mortified, she exclaims, “You already heard it?”
“And saved it as my ringtone for you.” He amusedly adds with a devilish smirk that Amanda wanted to wholeheartedly wipe off his face.
“Give me that!” She whines as she tries to pry his phone out of his hand but ultimately  failing as his extra four inches of height and long arm made it almost impossible for her to reach it. All while the voicemail resonates throughout the dance studio and he relishes the moment. 
Eventually she gives up and pouts,“I want to revoke what I said and not date you anymore.”
“Sorry, sweetie but it’s too late to go back now.”
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Later Jeonghan enters his dorm room after dropping Amanda off, to be greeted by his fellow 95er laying on the couch, watching tv and eating as if it was his own dorm, “Welcome back.”
“In case you have forgotten, your dorm is down the hall.” He replies as takes a seat next to him.
“Thank you so much for reminding me.” S.Coups dryly says, making Jeonghan grin, “I came to make sure you actually came home. Which you have, meaning calling Amanda was the right decision.”
“I can’t thank you enough for that. Since Amanda is now my girlfriend.” Jeonghan smugly announces with a joyful smile.
S.Coups pats his back, “Congratulations!”
“Thank you.” Jeonghan glanced at the food in S.coups hand, “Did you get that food from our fridge? Because you are going to have to pay us back for it.”
“No, this is food from your girlfriend. She was kind enough to bring food for Vivi and I.”
Jeonghan smiles, “That definitely sounds like her.”
“I like her. She’s a sweet girl, so don’t ruin it.” His leader warns him.
“Promise.” Jeonghan earnestly swears. 
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© ateez-amanda — all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost my work.
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red-dyed-sarumane · 11 months
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@musicalisotope hi im going to. make this a post instead of a reply sorry i have a lot to say on this.
aru sekai is a really. obtuse series. none of its going to make much sense on its own. if it does i need u to share ur brain with me. anyway,
i think if u want to start anywhere i'd say either aru sekai shoushitsu, marshall maximizer, or laboratory.
aru sekai shoushitsu is the very first song its really long & theres so much in it & it sounds like nonsense by itself, however its a pretty complete summary of the whole plot. if u get lost once u hit the fuu lines & after dont worry about it we dont have the context for those yet. it's a lot to take in but once u move onto the other songs it all starts to click together like oh shit thats what that meant. it IS a lot tho. its also the most objective song of all of them; the rest are very subjective to their respective characters' views
marshall maximizer is of course the most popular song but thats not why im saying it. im saying it because it's the first time the concept of losing one's self/ego is really expanded on & thats a very very big part of the narrative. the lyrics it might be harder to pick up on that but the text in the background talks about it in a more direct way. its subjective to the chara's pov but it does a good job of establishing that "person" vs "thing"(no longer a person) concept. important to note this character is only an observer of that.
laboratory is similar its that same major concept of those who are still "people" vs those who arent any more. the difference here being its her experience as she crossed the line between the two. its a lot more direct than the other songs & its pretty easy to see the whole weight of the scenario & because of that it really helps put the severity of the other songs into place.
as for the others theyre very subjective & its a little harder to figure out whats going on. but in short kyuuyaku hankagai establishes its not just a personal risk & its a very long repeating event, shuuen touhikou is mostly to answer the question "well what if they gave up & didn't face the problem", oumen mokushiroku is overall that its pointless to take huge risks to themselves beyond the obvious, unplanned apoptosis is actually showing how the "doing things for yourself will save you" concept works, kanon gets into how precise their work has to be to get anywhere among other things, kugutsu ashura is a wall of words idk why u would ever start there its also weird bc she doesnt seem to be affiliated with the rest of them? an outsider forced to endure the consequences i think. i still have to dissect this one more for sure, & the new one yamete kudasai is kind of similar to laboratory but it shows more of the reasons people are pushed to the point of losing themselves.
there are. a LOT of very small easy to overlook details across all the songs. theres no one way to progress through the story since all the songs build off each other & show off different aspects of the plot & world they live in. & u also have to take into account not all of them are reliable narrators (im staring at the unplanned apoptosis girl in particular). theres also a LOT of details we still need expanded on to get the full picture but i think we're going to get more side context songs before magu moves onto to the fuu song to continue the order in aru sekai shoushitsu. the text in the background of songs that have it is also a major part of the story u cant just skip over it if you're trying to figure out whats going on. (this includes kanon. the original tweet with the decode was taken down but i still have the text saved.... somewhere. i will get that for anyone that wants it. very brief but it gives a glimpse of what the start of a retry looks like as well as why theyre in the situation in the first place)
VERY few people keep up with it as a series most people i see just think the songs sound good & leave it at that so i dont blame u if u do the same but its a very intricate story if u have the time & patience to work it out
also small side note magu's said all the charas have names but theyre a secret until later so they have to have some relevance with whats going on. it'll be a very interesting reveal for sure. we think theres 2 names in aru sekai shoushitsu (saginuma hisame & layla) but we dont know for sure who they are or if theyre even any of the girls in the songs. (best guess is the the shoushitsu chara & kyuuyaku chara respectively). thats not super important to know rn tho. also aru sekai series is a fan given name based on the first song since magu has never once talked about the contents of the series outside of what we get in the songs. (unless directly asked but theyre vague in their answers)
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
Do you think Jared Padalecki is some some shape or form part of the LGBT but in denial? I do remember him talking about loving freely. Also I promise this is a legit ask, im not joking lol
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. I see you are asking a tinhatters related question, which I am not one of them. I'm sure you've seen one of my tarot reading related posts where I said I don't believe Jensen is of the straight orientation and therefore am going to guess this is related to why you're asking me this in particular. With this being said, I believe at best Jared is "bicurious" and is to me not a huge stretch to say slightly bisexual but definitely leans more towards women. He has a bromance with both Milo and Jensen (probably Jensen more because he does more con panels with him and worked with him longer type of deal).
I've said this to multiple people via private messages and maybe in a post or 2 I have reason to believe at least some of the SPN former cast read the blogs, Jared being one of them. I've said this before to others via PM more or less that I believe that J2 have been more or less "feeding" people with certain statements that some say imply they are secretly lovers. I recently read a post from someone who said they came across one of Jared's former teachers who years ago apparently said "he's married to her [Gen]?" with her eyebrows raised when seeing photos of them together, and laughed apparently when seeing Jensen and him together but kept her mouth shut. Can't seem to find this post at the moment but I saw it not too long ago.
Looking at Jared's younger photos and even hearing his voice in some older clips where he was in high school, I get the impression that he may have started puberty more or less on the later side of the normal range if not slightly later (say between 15 and 16 is what my guides say). According to Kidshealth.org, boys often start puberty between the ages of 9 and 15. I believe that when boys start puberty a little later based on what my educational background and science says, this puts guys at higher risk of bullying and perhaps when they show less sexual interest in school they are assumed to be gay, even if they have had girlfriends prior to really hitting puberty like he did. He was said to have dated while he was class President in 8th grade dating the class Secretary. As someone on Reddit said "Mr. President dated Ms. Secretary. How scandalous." Priceless LOL. Apparently the OP who posted these photos on multiple subreddits had a crush on him back then while in 6th grade, oh the things that you can find on Reddit at times....
I understand Jared has some prom photos floating around like on Reddit of him with a girl who might be the same girl as he was seen with in a couple photos where they were what looks like a basketball court (high school girlfriend I am assuming), and also one in middle school with a middle school girlfriend. Some might say he was "pressured" to marry Gen and was "pressured" to hide his sexual orientation being raised Catholic and whatnot. I've also seen multiple movies and TV shows where he kisses women and can tell he does not mind and even enjoys kissing women. He has somewhat open sexual energy in my opinion which makes him more comfortable with things like a "surprise kiss" from Milo which seems more and also walked up to Jensen and air kissed him to which Jensen said "bro get away from me" in 2006.
My impression overall is that if Jared were to be LGBT, it would be technically bi but leans towards women a lot more if not is merely "bicurious" if this makes sense. Certainly not gay by a long shot ha ha. With the said like that Sandy gave for a post talking about no longer being a beard for someone, I do not think she would publicly acknowledge being a beard and believe this should not be taken as a literal confirmation she was "Jared's beard". I'm not going to talk about the disrespect the tinhatters have for the wives because I think everyone is going to be subject to criticism and questioning at times, it's just part of life (but not gonna lie, some of them definitely don't respect either Danneel or Gen at all despite their claims they just want them to be happy). I have my criticisms of everyone and praises for some ha ha. However, I will say it is also is disrespectful of both Jensen and Jared saying they're unfaithful, dishonest men living double lives but I don't feel like getting started here.
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magnoliamyrrh · 1 year
Don't you have a psychotic father? Didn't you fear that acid might trigger psychosis in you too?
He did. Its unclear what has caused my fathers psychosis however. His mother holds that when he was young he overdosed on some medication and had a long series of epileptic-like seizures, and that this may be the source; doesnt seem too far fetched bc there have been cases of this happening, and of epileptic seizures causing religious-focused psychosis, and feelings of "heaven" and "hell." Noone else in that line of my family, or on any side of my familty, has had any kind of psychosis-inducing mental illness however, noone recently at least or noone that anyone knows of
I used to worry about it at the beggining, yes, every once in awhile I still do. I mean, before i even did psychadelics weed could have technically caused psychosis - ive met ppl in psych wards who had weed-induced psychosis who had no family history of it even; one girl who it hit after the first time she smoked, and didnt even smoke much. However, no matter how much and how frequently ive smoked, ive never come close to feeling like it was causing that - the most ive had is weed-induced paranoia and other shit, but nothing once I came down. To smoke weed was a risk in the first place, which i took, and so far its been years and nothing has hit me
When i first tried psychadelics, and acid was the first one, I knew it was a risk, one i took because I know I could handle high doses of weed without losing it, and because I was...... well. I was fucked up. anorexia bulimia suicidality a bunch of other shit, i wasnt far away from a second suicide attempt at all, and I couldnt rly see many ways out of the shitshow i was in - i figured if I didnt kill myself the anorexia or bulimia would kill me anyway...... and so, i decided to take the risk, that everything good ive heard might be worth it. And im very glad I did, bc theres a high chance id be...... either dead or much worse off today
By now ive tripped idk well over 50/60 times and have yet to feel like my brain has been pushed twoards psychosis. The most I can say is that, and this applies only to acid which I dont rly do anymore, when I did later on take probably too high doses and had rly bad trips,,,,, yea, in the middle of the bad trip i was afraid of that possibility (or more accurately afraid the trip would never end) - frankly, I think the fact that I had the strength to keep myself together and pull myself out of it got me through it; i dont know if someone else going through that experience without prior experience and the ability to try to keep it together would have had a psychotic break, idk, maybe so maybe not - maybe it wouldnt have been chemical but it would have been so traumatic that theyd have been lost in the sauce. Or maybe not........ the most i can say is that I learned my lesson w strong doses of acid, and that it did happen that I felt its effects for days or weeks after the trip - not psychosis or delusions - hard to explain, but its like the trip lingers; in good cases this is called psychadelic "afterglow," after bad or exhausting trips its not particularly pleasant
Sooo, idk. Yea, i guess it could happen, fuck it, it could happen with weed too. Its a risk I take. I don't smoke as commonly as I used to anyway, and I dont do psychadelics as often (tho frankly the times when I would do shrooms around once or twice a month were the most productive, stable, sane, happy periods of my life). I hope to God it wont, but it could, even being careful and respectful with it
....... overall though? psychadelics, and especially shrooms, have made me feel exponentially, exponentially more "sane" than I ever was before I took them..... and even particularly crazy trips managed to teach me, my brains a lot more put together and stronger than I thought it was
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remrse · 1 year
i'm here with a little update about jaerim, as well as a plot call for this month's event, which jaerim will be hosting! if we haven't already plotted or if you'd like to plot for the event, just hit me up! if you'd like to do an event thread on top of our ongoing threads, i'll be down to do a shorter thread for the event! i'm available on both ims and discord, whichever you prefer.
first things first, jaerim has now taken on the moneybags skeleton which does not change much (or anything, really). to begin with, the gossipgate scandal did not affect him very much as his family is very influential (especially in the arts) so his career was already laid out for him. however, i did flesh out some details about his family that might come up in some threads:
his family is one of, if not the most, influential families in the arts; basically old money with a long lineage of artists (and other art related careers)
they also think they are superior to others because they are "cultured" on top of their wealth
it was always a career in the arts or risk being the black sheep of the family
every child born in the seo family would be sent for art classes, it is as important as learning the korean language
his family is very image-focused, often portraying themselves to be polished and sophisticated, people with refined tastes
naturally, they do not tolerate scandals that could potentially damper their image
they paid off media outlets to keep jaerim's name out of the gossipgate news so while you could kind of make him out in the video, there is no real confirmation of him being in it
they were also the ones that had insisted his then girlfriend have the abortion (see: his biggest gossip girl scandal)
he never had issues with college acceptances because his family name guarantees him a spot in any art program (probably also due to nepotism because he has relatives who are art professors)
while his parents are okay with jaerim dating around, they are incredibly picky when it comes to his potential marriage partner (they do not have to be in the arts themselves, but they would have to be from an influential family)
now, onto the event, which is held at his family's museum! it's basically the opening of a new gallery, with an exhibition curated by jaerim. in line with that, jaerim would display a painting of his, revealed for the first time at the event. the painting would be of a woman, rumoured to be inspired by one of his exes or past love interests/crushes, though her identity is unknown. this is just a brief idea, in need of more plotting. just thought it would be fun to add a bit of drama! with that said, here are some plot ideas i came up with:
maybe your muse could be the subject of his painting and she doesn't know it (or she could know, if she had modelled for him), maybe it could be a nude painting (with or without her consent), anything juicy — nothing's set in stone yet so i'm open to anything!
or your muse (or most people) thought the painting was of her, when it in fact, wasn't
maybe your muse sends a tip in to gg that the painting is of them, even though it wasn't, or your muse knows the painting is of them and intentionally sent it in to gg so everyone else would know too
jaerim's date for the event; seeing as this would be a very important (and public) event for his family, they would expect him to go with someone who is also from an influential family (does not have to be a romantic interest, could be someone that his family thinks is good for him)
or he could just go against his family's wishes and bring someone he wants to bring (because he likes them, or it could even be platonic, like they're just a good friend who could ground him when he's stressed, which he will be at this event)
he could bring you on a private tour of the gallery, either before its opening or after, to beat the crowds. it would be quiet and empty so it could be romantic! he might tell you cheesy things like you're prettier than the artworks or steal a kiss behind some fancy installation with a sign that says "do not touch the art"
jaerim could've auctioned his painting and it was sold to you (for whatever reason — the painting could be of you, or it wasn't of you and you wanted it destroyed, or you just thought it would be funny to see his reaction, or you just liked it and had more money than everyone else lol) and he personally hands it to you after the auction
both of you dislike each other but the media and press are watching so you put on a show just for them, even go as far as to take a chummy picture together
you had wine spilled on you at the refreshment party and jaerim takes you back to the museum to get cleaned or changed (maybe all he has is another set of his own clothes and you walk out of the changing room in his shirt... looking a little scandalous...)
you meet jaerim for the first time at the event; maybe you were introduced to each other during the refreshment party, or you meet on one of the tours around the new gallery. doesn't have to be anything complicated, could just be a first meeting for our muses who do not have pre-existing connections!
not sure if we have any muses who are artists but if there are any, maybe your work is displayed at the exhibition!
if none of these work, i'm down to brainstorm and come up with something fun for our muses! click here for my intro if you need more information about jaerim (it's been updated with the above mentioned changes). anything else, feel free to drop me a message on ims or discord!
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sanzulicious · 2 years
My first post i hope you like it!
This story contains
Ill be using bonten sanzu for this ;)
I dont own these characters they are owned by ken wakui.
It was indeed a beautiful day in tokyo Were the city full of people walking. Y/n a girl who works at a cafe with 3 other people your the cashier taking orders while the others prepare.
“Hello there what can i get you today?” You say to them.
“Frappe please!” They said.
“Sure thing” you say while putting it in.
“It will be right out” you say.
“Y/n are you busy tonight? Your coworker erika asks.
“Huh oh Well ive been wanting to watch this show for the longest thats what i have planned for tonight why?” you say.
“Really how boring y/n dont you ever have a club to go in mind? its a friday night. Have you even been to a club y/n?” Erika says with a scoff.
“First off its not boring they said its acutally a good show besides..i rather do that than go to a club and get hit on by gross thirsty men.” You said.
“Well they hit on you because your hot, besides i never seen you with a guy before are you a lesbian by chance?” Erika asks with a hand over her mouth.
“Shut up erika im not gay. And if i was you’d see me with someone im just not in the mood to date anyone at the momment.”
Thats right you werent you will get hit on at a store or anywhere you were at you were indeed hot like erika said but you never gave any guy a chance last time you had boyfriend was back in highschool 11th grade. His name was ryota but eventually you guys broke up since then you havent seen him. You were working to save up money to move out of japan and go to the usa since you have family there and your cousins.
“Let her be erika if she doesnt wanna go its fine let her be boring.” Your other coworker kai said with a wink.
“Ha-ha very funny and stop saying boring im not boring okay i have fun with myself okay..” you say crossing your arms.
“Ouu What kind of fun with youself” kai says with a wink again.
“masterbate” erika says with a whisper.
“HAHAHA” both kai and erika laugh.
“FUCK YOU GUYS im done with you two” you say.
Kai and erika were your coworkers well also friends. You met them at the cafe you were new and eventually yall became friends they would always joke around they are heavy jokesters sometimes they go to far. Like rightnow. They were different than you, you weren’t exactly the going out type you were more into staying home and companied with your dog prince. You make plans of what you were gonna do in the usa once you saved up money but you still had long way to go but to you there wasnt a problem with planning early. And you weren’t exactly a drinker either, you would only drink to a limit your still sober in your own house.
“Oi everyone has needs girl its okay* *wink* kai says.
You roll your eyes with a smirk.
“YO so anyways come to a club with us y/n out of all the times we invited you, you cant skip this one girl it is turned up” erika says.
“Oh yeah its in Roppongi girl you cant miss this one we wont take no for an answer.” Kai said.
“In Roppongi?” You say.
“Yeah they say the club is owned by these two brothers but this one is gonna be different its gonna be under the name kokonoi whos hosting something there supposedly theres gonna be a game and they’re gonna bet money and whoever wins gets 100k” Erika says cheerfully.
“Well im for sure gonna join the game, you should to y/n i mean you might win since you are saving up money to leave us you whore.. this is an opportunity for you, you should go for it.” Kai says.
Im not “leaving” you guys there is something called facetime and i can come visit sometimes. And also there’s no way in hell ill win but i do need money so 50/50 chance. For that ill take a risk. But i hate partys, but..fuck it i need money.” You say with a sigh.
“Thats the spirit!” Erika says with a smile.
“*sigh* so you said its tonight right? Well what time are you guys picking me up im not taking my car so you better give me ride erika if you want me to go.” You say.
“I knew your cheap ass was gonna say that and ill pick you up at 11pm.” Erika says pinching your cheek.
“We barely have costumers today this place looks like desert dry as hell.” Kai says.
“Well yeah we barely had 6 customers today.. what do you think sumiko?” Erika asks the other coworker.
“Hehe yeah i think this place might need an upgrade?.” The girl says.
“Hell yeah” erika says.
“Haha” you laugh.
Later that day you closed the cafe heading home. Once you made it home you threw your keys on the counter and went to your room and landed on the bed *sigh* “im tired i dont even wanna go but what can i do if i need the money theres a chance i might win i might be lucky right prince hehe.” You say to you dog laying beside you. You dog tilt his head to the side. You grabed your phone from your pocket and checked the time just “2hrs 1/2 left before she picks me up” you say. You got up and went to you closet to see what dress youll wear tonight.
“Hmm no not this one”.. “bleh”.. “o-ohh this one looks good havent wore this one yet” you grabbed a pretty black dress. “Ill wear this one i guess with these black heels”. You say.
2hrs 1/2 passed by you were ready and you were waiting for erika. While you were waiting you felt pretty nervous to go well nervous about the game maybe its gonna be hard to win who knows you kept overthinking. *HONK* “Y/N im outside you whore.” You heard erika yelling outside. You look out the window you grabbed your keys and phone and said goodbye to your dog prince.
“Are you fucking kidding me erika my neighbors heard you your being to loud they are asleep at this hour” you say.
“Yeah yeah” WOOOO!*HONK**HONK* erika speeds off.
“Your so fucking childish erika” kai say.
“Yeah but dont be loud and can you slow down before we get a ticket.” You say.
“You guys SUCK” erika says.
“Haha” kai laughs.
*End of chapter 1*
I know its short ill make the other one longer.
I hope you like this chapter thank you for reading.!
•Heres the outfit you chose•
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god im exhausted
stupid hopeless yearning underneath so i don't inflict lengthy ramblings scroll of doom on the 1 person who follows this blog. hi anna you don't have to read this i'm just being dumb about my best friend and wanted to put my thoughts down
so for context. i have one (1) very short previous romantic experience. and by very short i mean half a summer, before freshman year. i have only told my 3 family members (where secrets go to die) and i don't know if she told anyone else - this thing barely even happened. we cuddled at night for a couple of months. but it's the only time i've been remotely near a romantic relationship with someone, so it counts. to Me. i don't know if it counts to Her. but i know she remembers.
this girl is my best friend. we've known each other since kindergarten. i was a dumb 8th grader who couldn't understand attraction if it hit me between the eyes. she'd had a few boyfriends - she was a bit more explicit about what she wanted. but only barely - we never talked about how we cuddled at nights, we never talked about the one time she tried to kiss me in the dark and i squeaked in surprise and didn't know how to react and she never tried it again.
she's moved on. i swear she has. she's dated a girl and our other best friend and at least three other men in the six years since our absolute nonrelationship. had a phase immediately after getting away from our abusive ex best friend where she went on a ton of blind hookups. she's Miles ahead of me in the sexual experience department.
i am So Fucking Horny for her it's not even fair.
i don't Know if i'm In Love or if she's simply familiar and safe enough for me to want to explore my own sexuality with her. i've had three (3) dreams starring her in the past few months.
i tried to ask if she'd be down. we were on shrooms together once, and complaining about romantic prospects, and she made a "low-hanging fruit" metaphor - that maybe a person should stop looking up into trees to pick fruit, and instead look around to see who else might be trying to do the same thing. she looked at me with the biggest earnest doe eyes when she said it and at the moment i would have sworn she was talking about herself, but i wimped out at the time and asked the next morning. she said she wasn't. i dropped it - if she's not interested i don't want to push anything and risk losing her again. i'd rather have her as a friend than not at all, no contest
now she's got a boyfriend. the guy seems great, genuinely! he likes her a lot, and she seems happy, and i really do think he seems chill.
a little more backstory - there was this call-and-response bit we used to do, where she called and i responded, and as part of the bit i would be deliberately obtuse and not finish it, for reasons unknown to me then and unknown to me now. once we started semi flirting and cuddling at night, i finally completed the response. this was a bit that went on throughout that summer, that did not continue after that summer when we ended things, and that has been invoked *maybe* once since, when we were very high.
today, apropos of seemingly nothing, she started the call.
and being a hopeless fool, i finished it.
i couldn't have interpreted the look on her face if you paid me. i tried to play it off like it was nostalgic to me or something, and she didn't say anything else about it, but.
i've thought i've been reading into her actions too much for forever now. i keep telling myself, dude cut it out, you're seeing patterns that aren't there, she's over you, you just need to put yourself out there and forget about it. (easier said than done - it's not that i don't want to try, but that how the fuck am i supposed to "put myself out there" as a 20yo with no experience. it's diving into the deep end without knowing how to swim. also i can't drive myself to dates, and have an aversion to dating apps.)
except there has never ever been any connotation to that stupid call and response between us other than a romantic one. we BOTH know that. she Has to know that. why the FUCK did she do it today.
im gonna ask. i Have to ask. it's just fucking exhausting winding myself up about it. i'm terrified she won't want to stay my friend if she finds out i still have feelings. even though i'll be so stupid normal and fine about it if she says she doesn't feel the same way. she'll never hear about it from me again. because i care about her and our friendship and i'd rather ignore my own yearning than lose her completely.
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a-complex-joke · 3 months
The Angel and The Assassin Chapter 4
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I thought that was the last time I'd see her, I mean I wasn't planning on seeing her in the first place, but I still saved her number on my phone. I continued to work but felt so unfocused, it bothered me that one girl could throw me off so much.
My target that night was eliminated, some rich guy, I don't really remember. That's when it started to rain, I walked back to my apartment soaking wet when I heard someone yell out "Ash" I looked in that direction and saw Amelia, but she wasn't alone there was a guy in front of her and another behind her.
"Hey, What's going on here!" I yelled at them, and they looked at me,
"Nothing man is just escorting this little lady home, so how about you scatter off before somebody gets hurt?" the one in front turned pulling a knife out. "Amelia are you ok," I said to her not giving him a second glance, she laughed slightly
"a little roughed up but could be worse," even now as she is scared for her life, she still tries to make jokes.
"Listen, man, I tried to warn you," the first guy said, going in for a jab with the knife, but stopped staring down the barrel of my gun. "Now how's this, give me the girl and I won't pull the trigger." but They didn't, two bullets later and I was carrying Amelia on my back to my apartment.
"You don't have to carry me, I can walk," she said, trying to convince me.
"I told you it's fine plus I need to work on my weight lifting" I joked with her,
"You smiled! it the first time you've smiled," she said ecstatic,
"I smile just not often," I said.
she laughed, "you should smile more if it works on you".
"So what were you doing around here?" I asked.
"Definitely not trying to find where you live," she answered coyly.
"You really shouldn't get involved with me, You're just a kid"
"Im 17, and I can handle myself fine, thank you very much"
We got back to my apartment not long after, I let her shower, then took mine, when I was dried and dressed I came out to see her staring out the big window at the rain.
she wore some of my old boxers and a large t-shirt, seeing as her clothing was soaked and currently in the dryer." it's coming down now, huh" I say, spooking her. "oh yeah I was just thinking about how I'm going to keep myself dry on my way back to the hotel" she laughed nervously.
"back to the hotel? not in this weather. stay here for the night. I've got one of those couch beds so it's not like I'll be sleeping on some uncomfy couch" I said to her. She sighed looking at me. "you've saved me two times and now you're letting me stay at your place for the night, to say I feel guilty would not fully show my feelings" she laughed a bit upset sounding. "meh it nothing much, id just feel guilty if you were out in the rain more than anything" we sat there quiet for a while "so those guys give you those bruises" I asked "some of them, others are just from banging myself on things, and then anytime my family sees me I might get hit a bit" she said looking down on them.
"your family... you mentioned you not living with them before why did you run away?" She sat there and thought about you for a long time. "one of my brothers has serious anger issues and one day tried to choke me out and my parent literally watching him do it and I had marks on my neck, but they took his side and said I was overreacting, so I packed my bags and left, They live in this town so we run into each other and they're mad that I left so they don't have there little slave" she rolled her eyes.
"Ahh the classic oldest child is only an adult without any of the powerful mindset, so just a maid pretty much," I said.
She laughed "Yup I raised your kids and risked my health and you repay me like this" she half-joked, leaning on me. "Your place is nice, this big window, the bathroom. And the whole aesthetics of it. Feels homey" She just kind of stared up at me, for the first time since we met it seemed like she had no clue what to say.
"You know this totally like one of those badly written lemon fanfics, "i'm in your boxers and the whole there's only one bed trope" she said trying to cut through the awkward silence.
"And what exactly does that mean?"
"Well Lemon is usually meaning smut, the boxers thing is just a common thing the female character ends up wearing for pajamas due to not have any of their own clothes, and the only one bed trope is a way to force the two characters to be close which eventually results in the two confessing their feeling and some time sleeping together in the sexual way"
"Are you saying you want that to happen?"
"What no! I'm just saying if we were two fictional story characters this would be the time when the like 12 year old author would do the forced proximity thing" she said growing red faced.
I laughed.
"Well what would you have said if I said I did want that to happen huh?" she said, getting up in my face.
"Id, say... your way in over your head hun" I pushed her back.
"Fair, so what do we do now, it not even close to a reasonable time to sleep"
"Oh well. I usually just watch tv till I get tired so i guess we could do that"
So we did, episodes after episode of those police and firefighter shows, cuddled up till she fell asleep.
I carried her over to my bed and tucked her in but even half asleep she forced me to craw into bed with her, cuddling up to me.
It didn't feel wrong, it was nice to be snuggled up to someone like that.
The next morning she was gone, left a note saying she had to be at work early. Took her clothes and even started a new load of laundry for me.
I think that's when I knew she'd be a constant part of my life.
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luffythinker · 6 months
gonna hit you with a rarepair what do you think of Iida/Himiko?, granted she is a stain believer which is a extreme turn away for Iida BUT what if Iida sees in her a good like Uraraka did? what if he makes it a goal to be kind to this girl because he can see that nobody has ever been kind to her hurting heart? And at first Himiko isn't crazy about him especially because he tried to kill stain but the more good he does for her the more she finds herself falling into slots with him. He moves a step she stays where shes at, he moves two steps she's a single step until they are something that can be considered friends. She's giving him nicknames she calls him Tenda or Tenten. -honestly i just see her calling him Tenya period- Anywho He's giving her blood like Uraraka did for smol Himiko except we aren't children, it's a huge risk to be giving the enemy resources but her quirk demands so likely if she doesn't get it i'd imagine she'd be sick to her stomach -i don't know if you've read it but there are like 2 cases in my hero where a person refused to use their quirk and it just kinda exploded and they couldn't control it, drinking blood is part of her quirk so using it requires to drink if she doesn't she gets sick- She's taking blood from Iida's arm they keep getting closer, somehow she ends up drinking from his clavicle it's a trust thing, he knows she wont take more then needed. He's lightheaded but alive, he can't tell if it's the blood shes taking or the shine he's taking to her. Himiko sits perfectly in Iida's lap while he's sharing a snack with her but once somebody comes around she's suddenly gone and he's got a half eaten meat bun and a whole one, was somebody just here? His classmates -save for Uraraka cause she's probably all up in his business to know- know something is happening but they don't know what. Himiko wants to spare him because he's beautiful which means she wants to stab but some things in this world are too beautiful that if you stab them you want have them anymore so he's one of the beautiful things she's going to let live, she tells him this one time she comes to visit him. Iida is trying to rehabilitate her poor naive fool lol. I can see her saying this to him coming through his window one day and she says this to him and kisses him or something i don't know leaving him starstruck he can't have a proper day because his thoughts are full of a blond blood sucking girl THE FUNNY PART IS she's older by a year and he's tall but she can play that card and Himiko having Iida wrapped around her finger pulling the "Im older so respect me" is frickin' funny to me and he just might sort of listen because he is a rule follower THEY COULD BE EVERYTHING and they are my everything
had to do a double take ngl, but okay let's see what iida and himiko got going on in your head
okay i have a hard time seeing this romantically BUT platonically i think it could develop into such a beautiful relationship because the kindness and empathy come from such an unexpected person. like toga would be so shocked like why is this person being kind to me? with any ulterior motives? it doesn't make sense
except iida doesn't stop, he keeps trying, keeps doing good and she starts to notice that maybe some people are just like that? good by nature? not out of pity, just genuine.
about the blood thing, i like the theory that if she doesn't have it she would be sick, so i can imagine iida finding her one day almost fainting and after asking if he could help, he just offers her arm to her, it's such a big trust move
but iida's sense of justice is also too big, so i think till they fully develop their relationship a lot would have to be resolved between them
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maaaxx · 2 years
maize and fog for the ask game <3
Maize: Weirdest encounter you've had with a stranger on the street.
I live out in the middle of no where and im never in public so i dont have a lot of encounters with strangers, BUT,,,,.
A few weeks ago I was walking somewhere from my college and as previously stated, I dont have much experience with being in cities and towns and stuff so like i have no idea what your doing in terms of pedestrian etiquette and how you interact with cars when your walking and stuff like that.
So this place i was going was like a block (??? wtf does a 'block' even mean?) from my college and I have to cross a really busy road to get there but it has one of those like slanted line things across the road and i think cars are supposed to stop when someone is crossing one of those. (atleast i always stop, someone really needs to take my liscence away i dont know who decided to give it to me). And so there was this car that was stopped to let me cross and they like waved me across and so i was like ' oh okay' and went to cross but there was another car like right beside them and they were both parked like a weird distance away from the line thing and so i walked in front of the first car and when i got in front of the second car that I didnt see they like slammed on the freaking gas and i was like two feet from getting hit with a freaking car, and the girl driving looked like the middle aged Karen type and she was just glaring at me the entire time and i dont know what happened, like if i wasnt supposed to cross or if this girl was trying to kill me or what but i swear my life flashed before my eyes.
The other person who waved me over was a dude and he asked me if i was okay and everything and he ended up going to the same place i was going and he paid for my food and was really nice, his name was Josh and yeah.
I don't know if that qualifies as 'weird' but its the first thing that came to mind.
I made a comment or a post or something about me having no idea how to cross a street and almost getting hit by a car while i was on my way to a restaurant thing to write ihiap chapter 10 (i think) and thats what happened. But like i genuinely dont know if that was my fault or not, so yeah.
Fog: How well do you think you'd do in a zombie apocalypse.
So im one of those people who never fully understood why people put so much effort into surviving the apocalypse. Like there's nothing else to live for, you cant tell me dying would be worse than literally having no life and living in fear of literal monsters and all your friends and family dying and the potential that they will all die at any given moment. Like whats the point??? In all reality I would probably not even put an effort into trying to live, its just not worth the effort it would take to survive.
You know those people who talk about going so far to 'protect their freedom' that when you actually think about it, they're not actually free? Like people threatening to live out in the middle of the woods to hide from the government if vaccines become actually required or they take away their guns or something. Like you're willing to take every bit of joy and activity because of this 'freedom' being taken away?? Doesnt make sense.
I would rather die than know that there's no way im ever going to be safe or feel joy or having to fight that hard for my survival. Some might say im weak for it, but im just not a survivor i guess.
But to entertain the quesiton, if I did genuinely try I think I would be able to survive. I live so close to the Appalachian mountains, my plan for any type of disaster like that is to just start hiking. It's so unexplored and theres places that are so isolated that the probability of anyone being close enough to you to be a threat is very slim.
Im also very good at being alone. Like I have like three people that I would trust in that situation, and I dont care about other people enough to take the risk of letting others tag along. I think I would be like a 'secondary leader' and i come from a family of fishers, hunters, trackers, farmers, you know the type. And so i think i would be able to provide for myself well enough.
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