#and somehow 3 people on their phones will be arranged in such a way a semi large walkway will be blocked by them not paying attention and
itneverendshere · 22 days
guilty conscience (+18)
chapter iv
pairing: rafe cameron x female!reader
summary: when ward cameron, a renowned business man and millionaire specifically requested your services through an escort agency, you assumed it would be just another job—brief and straightforward. however, your entire world shifted when ward disclosed his true intentions and rafe cameron stumbled into your life. there were rules, and rules were meant to be followed. was money worth breaking someone’s heart?
author's note: thank you for 800 followers!!!! as a thank you here's a little spoiler: things will be warming up next chapter <3
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You’d think someone as experienced and capable as you would have Rafe Cameron eating out of the palm of your hand by now.
Everything seemed to be on track, but reality wasn’t matching up with your plans. Confidence was never an issue for you until now, but this guy was starting to feel like a pain in your ass.
For a whole week, it’s been golf, golf, and more golf. By the second day, you knew his family history and his academic background like the back of your hand. By the third day, he's introducing you to his crew, Topper and Kelce. But after that? It was like hitting a brick wall.
He was laying on the charm thick, yet somehow you feel like he's holding back. It's all sorts of confusing. You found yourself lying in bed every night, staring at the ceiling, wondering where you went wrong. Because there’s no way in hell he doesn’t find you attractive.
Any other guy would be all over you. 
So, what's his deal?
And then there’s Sofia. Not a single mention of her from him. You caught a glimpse of her name on his phone screen with some cute emoji next to it when he stepped away to take a call. It took everything in you not to hurl right there on the green. Instead, you channeled that frustration into beating Kelce at the game.
It’s why you decide to take matters into your own hands.
You aren’t supposed to meet Rafe on the field until 10 today, so what better chance to casually wander into the club's bar and finally get the lowdown on Ward's biggest threat. 
You’re tired of waiting around for men to do something right.
So, with your head held high and a determined stride, you sashay into the prestigious bar of the Island Club. The scent of perfume and alcohol hangs heavy in the air as you scan the room, searching for any sign of Sofia behind the counter. With each step, you can feel the eyes of the rich locals on you.
You stride confidently towards the counter, shoes clicking against the polished floor. As you reach the bar, you slide gracefully onto one of the high-backed stools, crossing your legs with an air of casual elegance. Leaning slightly on the counter, you immediately spot your prey, Sofia. 
You watch her, chatting away with another patron, her smile lighting up the whole damn place. She's radiant, all energy and charm. And you can't help but be surprised – Sofia is actually really pretty, prettier than what you remembered. Like, unfairly pretty.
It's not jealousy that twists in your gut as you take her in, but a pang of guilt. Here you are, tasked with ruining whatever they have, all because of some arrangement with Ward. It's not fair to her, and it's definitely not fair to Rafe. 
You can't help but feel like you’re the one getting the short end of the stick. But hey, a girl's gotta make a living somehow, and if that means playing the villain in someone else's story, then so be it. You don’t know these people, you don’t need to care.
You catch Sofia's eye as she flits about behind the bar, her movements graceful and effortless. Taking a deep breath, you lift your chin and call out, "Hey. Can I get a drink?"
Sofia's smile widens as she approaches, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Of course," she replies, her voice soft. "What can I get for you?"
You flash her a smile, trying to push aside the guilt that tugs at your conscience. 
"Surprise me," I say, hoping to keep the conversation light and casual.
She nods, her fingers dancing across the bottles. You watch her, kind of mesmerized by the way she moves behind the counter. You could never work here, as good as you are with people, it’s not for you. 
Finally, she slides the drink over to you with a grin, and you can't help but smile back.
"Thank you." You say, taking the glass. You bring it to your lips, savoring the taste as it explodes on my tongue. It's good, really good. “What’s in it?”
She leans against the counter, “Fresh lime juice, muddled raspberries, a splash of elderflower liqueur, and a generous pour of premium vodka.”
You nod appreciatively, impressed by her skill and attention to detail. "Sounds amazing.”
Sofia tilts her head, “Are you new here? Don’t think I’ve seen you around.”
She would’ve seen you if she had taken her eyes off Rafe last week.  
"Yeah, just visiting for the Summer” you reply casually, taking another sip of your drink. "Been golfing here for a week and never actually explored. Country clubs always have that air of exclusivity, y’know?"
Sofia nods, her curiosity piqued. "They sure do," she agrees, glancing around the upscale surroundings. "You have nooo idea.”
You raise an eyebrow, feigning interest while silently assessing how much she knows, “That bad, huh?”
"This place is like a breeding ground for scandals and disgusting rich men."
"Tell me about it," You reply, rolling your eyes. "I've been here for a week, and I've already seen enough entitled assholes to last a lifetime."
Sofia nods in agreement, her expression turning wry. "You'd think all that money would buy them some manners, but nope," she says, shaking her head.
You grimace, taking another sip you nod in solidarity. "Ugh,” You mutter, feeling a surge of frustration as you remember every single slob you had to put up with in the last three years working in the escort industry. "I'm so over dealing with their inflated egos and creepy advances."
Sofia's eyes flash with mischief, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Oh, trust me, I've had my fair share of those," she confides, "Just a tip: stay away from bathroom number three.”
"Noted," You reply, shaking your head, "How bad is it?”
“Uh⎯Like, I would say…live porno bad.”
Your eyes widen in disbelief. "Seriously? That bad?" You try to stifle a laugh.
She nods solemnly, her expression deadpan. "It’s not a pretty sight," she says, her tone laced with disgust. "I've had to clean up after them more times than I can count."
You cringe at the thought, “Ew, consider me warned," I say, raising my glass in a mock toast. "Thanks for the heads up."
Sofia returns the gesture with a grin, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Anytime," she replies, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Just doing my civic duty."
Mid-conversation with Sofia, the door swings open, pulling your attention with it. Rafe saunters in, eyes sweeping the room and then landing on you, a flicker of surprise dancing across his face.
Bet he didn't see that one coming.
Does he make this pit stop before every time he sees you? Is it like his little ritual or something? But then again, why are you even obsessing over this?
"Hey, Rafe," she chirps, all sunshine. "What'll it be today?"
His lips curve into a barely there polite smile, but there's something in his eyes that's hard to read when they meet yours, "Just a beer, thanks." he replies, his attention drifting back to her.
Watching them together, it's impossible not to see how effortlessly Sofia carries herself around Rafe. Seriously, it's like they've been friends forever. But then, that little voice in your head starts yapping again. Are they exes, best friends, or could there be some romantic spark igniting there? It's driving you nuts, like this irritating itch you can't ignore.
You just have to get to the bottom of it.
Before you can even get your thoughts straight, Rafe pulls up a seat right beside you, his presence almost overwhelming. You can practically feel the heat emanating from him, sending a jolt through you.
"Well, well, well," he drawls, his voice dripping with charm. "Fancy running into you here."
He’s the kind of handsome that gets into your bones and you can’t shake him off. 
You force a smile, trying to appear nonchalant, “Missed me?”
There's a confident look in his eyes as if he knows exactly what he's doing. As if he's playing a game he knows he'll win. It's the kind of expression that sends a shiver down your spine, equal parts tantalizing, and teasing.
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”
You roll your eyes, unable to resist the urge to play along. With a light scoff, you reach over and playfully slap his shoulder. "Shut up.”
Despite your attempt to brush off his teasing, it’s hard to deny the warmth that spreads through you. There's something about Rafe's confident charm that never fails to elicit a reaction from you. 
He shrugs, bright blue eyes lingering on you with an intensity that sends your mind into overdrive.
How the fuck does he do that?
“Not lying.”
Before you can respond, Sofia returns with Rafe's beer, setting it down in front of him with a smile.
Honestly, you forgot she’s right there.
"Here you go," she says, eyes flickering between the two of you. "You two know each other?” 
She busies herself behind the counter, wiping down glasses with practiced ease. However, you notice a subtle change in her demeanor – a flicker of tension in her movements, a tightening of her smile. Oh, she’s most definitely jealous. And your sick, twisted mind is enjoying every minute of it. 
You exchange a quick glance with Rafe before turning back to Sofia with a shake of your head.
"Just met recently," you reply, trying to keep your tone light. 
Sofia nods, but you know that there's something more beneath the surface of her inquiry. You’ve seen in before. Her gaze lingers on Rafe for a moment longer before she resumes her task, her movements a little brisker than earlier.
You look at Rafe, noting the faint furrow of his brow as he watches her. He's picked up on her subtle shift in demeanor as well, “Told you I met her, the other night. Remember?”
“Oh. She’s the one you mentioned at dinner?”
Talk about mood swings, the girl you met minutes ago is gone. It's like someone flipped a switch, and now you’re dealing with a whole new person. And this new version? Not exactly winning any popularity contests. 
It's like she's staking her claim, making it crystal clear that Rafe's got some kind of history with her.
Mentioning dinner like she's got something to prove? Well, newsflash, you don’t care. You’re all about supporting girls, lifting each other, and all that. But if someone's gonna come at you with some shady attitude, you’re not afraid to stoop to their level or lower. You've got a mean streak when you need to use it.
You lean back, crossing your arms casually, you flash a smirk, tone laced with just the right amount of indifference. "Dinner? I'm dying for some recommendations."
Sofia's smile falters for a moment, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly before she recovers with ease. "Oh, there are plenty of places around here," she replies, her tone neutral. "Our food is pretty good as well.”
You can sense her trying to play it cool, but there's a definite edge to her words now. She's not about to let you piss her off that easily. And honestly, you can respect that. 
"Surprise me," You say, echoing your earlier request for a drink. "I'm open to anything."
Sofia nods, her lips pressed into a thin line as she turns to grab a menu from behind the counter. "I'll see what I can do," she mutters, her movements a touch more abrupt than before.
Meanwhile, Rafe shoots you a quick sidelong glance, a faint smirk playing at the corners of his lips. He's clearly enjoying the show, the bastard. But you’re not about to let him see you sweat. If anything, you’ll play this game right back at him and find out what you really want. 
You feign innocence. “What? Your ex was laying it down on me.”
He lets out a soft chuckle, shaking his head in amusement at your comment. “Sofia is not my ex," he clarifies, his tone laid-back but assertive. "We’re just good friends."
Good friends? Just friends your ass. That girl is a real problem for you. 
You recline in your seat with a playful air. "Good to know," you quip, aiming for a ‘ ‘don’t care, didn’t ask’ tone, "Wouldn’t want to get caught up in her claws."
His lips curl, "Don't be mean.”
You glance down at your perfectly manicured nails, tapping them against the countertop "Oh, don't worry, Cameron, I can be mean to you as well. No need to be upset.”
“So you’ll say no if I invite you to my party?”
Fucking finally!
"Depends on how convincing your invitation is.”
Rafe shakes his head, leaning in closer. "I'm nothing if not convincing.”
You scrunch your nose, pretending to be upset by his sudden proximity, “Hmm, not sure. You do sound kind of desperate.”
You almost drop to your knees as Rafe's foot hooks onto your stool, drawing you closer to him in a flash. His eyes hold yours as he leans in even closer, warm breath ghosting over your skin.
"Desperate?" he murmurs, "I prefer to think of it as... determined."
Well fuck. He’s got you eating out the palm of his hand. You can feel the heat radiating off him, drawing you in like a moth to a flame. God, he’s good. 
“Oh? I guess we'll just have to see how convincing you can be," you reply, your voice tinged with a hint of challenge. Your panties might be ruined by now, but you’re not going down without a fight. 
He chuckles softly, his breath warm against your cheek. “I intend to be very convincing," he murmurs, his lips tantalizingly close to yours.
You’re about to get what you want when Sofia's voice cuts through the charged atmosphere like a bucket of ice water. 
“Sorry, forgot the kitchen’s closed until one.”
You grit your teeth, struggling to keep your temper in check. Your mouth has gotten you into a lot of trouble over the course of your life, but you’ve learned to filter your thoughts before speaking. 
“Okay. Thank you.”
Sofia meets your gaze with a cool indifference, unfazed by your thinly veiled annoyance. "Sorry again.”
She’s not the least bit sorry and she’s not fooling anyone within a ten-foot mile. 
You resist the urge to roll your eyes again, opting instead to gather your things with exaggerated precision. "Well, we wouldn't want to keep you from your duties," you quip, flashing her a saccharine smile that barely conceals your irritation, “You comin, Cameron?”
"Yeah, let's head out. You coming to the party later Sof?” he asks. 
Sofia glances between the two of you, her eyes lingering on Rafe for a heartbeat longer than necessary. There's a flicker of something—hesitation, maybe regret?—before she responds.
"We'll see," she says with a noncommittal shrug, her voice steady but lacking its usual warmth. "Got a lot on my plate today."
Rafe nods, seemingly satisfied with her answer, but you can sense the underlying tension.
"Alright," he replies, "Catch you later."
With a final, fleeting glance at Sofia, you turn on your heel and head toward the exit, Rafe following closely behind. The warm breeze outside is a welcome relief from the atmosphere inside, and you take a deep breath, trying to steady your breathing. The sun is casting long shadows across the manicured greens, and the scent of freshly cut grass fills the air.
"Interesting girl, Sofia," you remark casually as you walk side by side. You can't help but notice Rafe's muscular arms flexing with each stride he takes. His polo shirt clings to his toned biceps, highlighting the definition in his muscles.
He chuckles, shaking his head slightly, long strands of blonde hair moving along. "She's something, alright."
You raise an eyebrow, probing further. "Just friends, huh?"
He glances at you, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "Jealous?"
"Hardly," you retort, though you can't help the slight edge in your voice. "Just trying to get the lay of the land."
He laughs softly, eyes crinkling at the corners, adding to the boyish charm that makes him so infectious. “‘Course you are. But yeah, we’re just friends. We've known each other for a while now.”
You file that information away, considering your next move but he stops abruptly, turning to face you. His expression shifts, becoming more serious, and more focused. It reminds you so much of his father when he was trying to drag you into this mess. 
Which he did…successfully. 
"So, you coming to the party tonight?"
You tilt your head, feigning contemplation. "Depends. What's in it for me?"
His eyes lock onto yours, and you fight the urge to brush his hair away from his forehead. "How about an unforgettable night?"
You can't help but smile at his confidence. "Bold promise, Cameron.”
He steps closer, the intensity in his gaze almost palpable. "You don’t think I keep my promises?”
You hold his gaze for a beat longer, then nod. "I'll be there."
He grins, a slow, satisfied smile that sends a shiver down your spine. "Good. I'll pick you up at eight."
“Don’t sound so eager,” you mock him, “We still have a game to play.”
He grabs his clubs from the cart, his movements fluid and confident, while you make a mental note to keep your head out of your pants. Which isn’t hard enough to do normally, but now you can see the faint sheen of sweat glistening on his sun kissed skin and it’s…tempting.
Rafe turns to you. "Ready for round one?" he asks, his smile as disarming as ever.
His hands, wrapped around the golf club, look so fucking strong. You can't help but remember how firm and confident his grip was when he helped guide your swing the other day. The memory sends a shiver down your spine. 
You wish he was ugly. It would make this a lot easier for you. 
“Ready for as many rounds as you’d like.”
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thalialunacy · 26 days
[for the @calaisreno May Promptadoodledoo; land o Goshen, this was a tough one, so thanks for sticking with me]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 12: family (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
Breach imminent
Sherlock groans, shoving his phone between couch cushions and drawing a sleeping Rosie closer to him. 
'Bad news?' John asks from his chair. He looks over his reading glasses at where Sherlock is curled around his daughter, and feels affection sting so hard in his chest that he absently rubs at it.
'The worst,' Sherlock answers sullenly
John runs through the likely options in his head, then goes with his gut. 'Your parents are coming to town?'
Sherlock opens his eyes and stares at John, his expression full of surprise, then affection, then shammy casualness. 'I have been a good influence on your deduction skills, clearly.' 
John chuckles. 'That, or your brother advised me to clear my calendar and clean the flat.'
'Meddling queen,' Sherlock mutters into Rosie's hair. Then his phone pings again. 
I haven't told them.
John doubles down. 'He knows, I take it? About our… development?' 
'You are doing very well today.' 
'Feelings, Sherlock. I'm good at people and their feelings.'
'Yes, yes, that's why I keep you around. Of course he knows; I let him keep the surveillance up in the stairwell in exchange for having none in here.' 
'Ah.' John had suspected as much, though admittedly he had not considered it at the time of the first (very unplanned) tryst. 'Has he told your parents?' 
'Apparently not.' 
Silence stretches. They've come a long way, but John feels too keenly the risk/reward scenario here, and is undecided.
This time it's John's phone that pings. 
It's up to you, of course, but rest assured: they would be inordinately pleased. 
John's eyebrow quirks. 'Your parents like me?' he finally says, going for casual but missing, and he knows it. 
'You're very likeable.'
'You know, from anyone else that would be a compliment.' 
Sherlock doesn't answer beyond a grunt. It's somehow safe to have this conversation in this arrangement, with the comforting stretch of the room and the gorgeous sleeping toddler between them. They're connected, but not so much as to overwhelm. 
'How much time have we got, do you reckon?' John asks, almost to the air.
'Far too little,' Sherlock grumbles.
'Right, but from you that could mean three months.'
'Yes, well, seeing as your birthday is in two weeks, but tis the season of primroses so they have to schedule us in between, I'm surmising it to be about three hours, in actuality.'
John snorts. 'That's a bit harsh.'
'No, no, they're beautiful primroses.'
'Hang on,' John says suddenly, running back through what Sherlock has said. 'They know when my birthday is?'
'Of course.'
'They care when my birthday is?'
'Don't be daft.'
'I'm trying, but they hardly know me. And what they know of me is not altogether flattering.'
'I said don't be daft.'
John can't stop a frustrated noise. 'Then explain it better.'
Sherlock opens his eyes, considers him for a moment, then he breaks eye contact and buries his nose in Rosie's hairline. 'They know of my affections for you. And that's enough for them.'
John's breath deserts him for a moment. 'Sherlock…'
'Don't let's make a big thing out of it, please.'
John wants to laugh. It's already literally the biggest thing in his life. 'Alright,' he says instead. 'But... let me be the one to tell them, yeah?'
Sherlock goes very still, not lifting his gaze. 'You'd be amenable to that?'
Sod this, it's been long enough. John shunts his reading glasses aside and stands, listening to his bones crick as he crosses and crouches in front of the two most important people in his orbit. 'Yeah, course.' He presses his lips against Rosie's forehead, then Sherlock's, without hesitation. 'Try and get rid of me.'
Sherlock finally, finally meets his eyes, and John feels so much he wants to tackle both of them and just cocoon for a little while. Tell the world to bugger off.
So, of course, there's a knock at the door. Sherlock groans, and Rosie's face scrunches up in the universal expression of, "How dare you wake me up, you rude creature."
'Three hours?' John says while scooping his daughter out of Sherlock's embrace. She needs a change. Maybe he should use that baby magic and let Sherlock's parents do it, he thinks with a grin.
'I am not in control of all variables, unfortunately,' Sherlock mutters into the sofa, where he's pressed his face.
John's mouth curves into a smirk as he heaves up (bloody hell, getting older is not for the weak) and turns towards the door. He wishes fleetingly that Sherlock was behind him, in solidarity if nothing else.
Then, suddenly, he is, his mouth pressing against Rosie's sleep-rumpled cheek over John's shoulder. He doesn't turn to John, but he doesn't have to. 'Into battle?'
John nods, then reaches for the door.
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Sleepless Nights (Alessia Russo x Reader)
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It’s been 6 months since your first call up for the lionesses. Today was one the big camp weeks with the team at St Georges. You’ve gotten to know the girls fairly well, but playing at Barcelona made it more difficult to see the girls frequently, although you did get to see Lucy and Keira every day so that was a bonus. You were close with Leah and Georgia from room sharing in the past, but still to the rest of the team you were a fairly reserved and quiet person. You weren’t a massive talker, you mainly let your playing skill do the talking, but you were working on it.
“Alright ladies! Room arrangements are written up on the board here!” Sarina points at the board and gives it a little tap. You walk up to the whiteboard and see you’re sharing with Leah and that Georgia is sharing with Alessia, much to Ella’s dismay which you heard through a groan. “Remember, the facility is open 24 hours so you are welcome to use training areas or communal areas to relax in as I know a few of you may be jet lagged” Sarina smiles looking over at you. You’ve always struggled to sleep at camps, which is probably why she’s put you with Leah as she’s randomly awake at 3am most of the time. “Heeeeeey Roomie!” Leah nudges your shoulder whilst smirking at you, making you chuckle in response. You and Leah go up to your shared room and unpack ready for the few weeks ahead. Luckily Sarina chose for this camp to be during a break of the leagues meaning none of you had to shoot off for matches. You all go down for your dinner and chat amongst the tables. You are sat at a table with Leah and a few others come to join you. “So Y/N, reckon you’ll be able to sleep this time?” Lucy nudges you as she sits down, she’s familiar with your sleeping habits since being at Barcelona with her. “Pfffft, I doubt it” You wave her off whilst chuckling. Keira gives you a concerned look and rubs your back soothingly. This was something Keira did before big Barcelona matches to help you fall asleep, since then you two have been very close. Ever since meeting Keira she’s acted like a big sister figure for you, and she has made sure to look after you every step of the way. Later on that night everyone heads up to bed, but the classic Y/N sleepless night kicks in. You somehow manage to sleep for 3 hours before waking up. Pleased with the fact you even managed to sleep at all, you roll over and take your phone off charge to check the time. You groan when you read the time that covers your phone lock-screen photo of you, Alexia and Mapi. 02:24am “Ugh fuck it” You mumble as you quietly leave your room and head downstairs, after not being able to get back to sleep. You fumble around in the communal living room to find something to keep yourself entertained until everyone else wakes up. You dig through one of the cupboards and strike gold. “Ah ha!” You cheer as you find a slightly beaten up guitar in the corner on its stand. You spend a short while tuning it before strumming your heart out. Many years ago you used to go to a college that was for people who were musically talented and you originally dreamed of being a big singer and touring. You had to make the decision between football and a career in music, so you went for football. You continue playing a bunch of songs and quietly singing until you hear gentle footsteps coming towards you. You continue playing but slowly turn in the direction of the noise. “Lessi, what are you doing up?” You ask her, noticing the dark circles under her eyes. “I couldn’t sleep and knew that you or Leah would be awake down here” She smiles tiredly. She’s wrapped up in a blanket whilst wearing shorts and a Manchester united alternate green shirt. Even though she looks drained, her eyes are still as stunning as ever. Wait what? You shake your head to get yourself out of your head. “Feel free to sit with me, I can stop playing if--” You start speaking but she interrupts. “No no! I like it, keep going!” She sits next to you as you carry on playing a song. After a few minutes and some nice warm coffee, Alessia starts singing along with you to random songs that you’ve been playing for her. 04:10am “You should probably try and get some sleep Alessia” You nudge her gently as she shakes her head at you. “Nah, I like spending time with you” She says and blushes after realising what it sounded like “I mean, you’re really nice to hang out with. You’re normally quite quiet so it’s nice to see a different side of you” “Well I also like spending time with you too, you are nice to be around” You shyly reply whilst gently strumming the guitar still. “Okay now tell me, how are you so good at singing and playing the guitar?” She asks leaning closer to you with her head on your shoulder, intrigued to hear your answer. “Uh, I used to play a lot as a kid and then I sort of when to an arts school and college, but yeah that’s it really” You shrug at her, feeling slightly embarrassed. “Y/N that’s so cool! I never knew that!” She says excitedly. The night, well, morning carries on with the two of you singing away and you trying to teach her how to play the guitar. What you didn’t spot is your two best mates Leah and Georgia, walking in and spotting you up against Alessia’s back teaching her how to play the guitar. They gave each other a knowing look and left before either of you could notice. Camp continued and over the next few days neither you or Alessia could sleep, so you’d meet downstairs and hang out all night. Whether it was playing guitar (or teaching her), or playing pool, air hockey or even watching movies together, you really really enjoyed spending time with her. Even though it was a short amount of time since truly getting to know her, you wouldn’t choose anyone else to spend this part of your day with. You decided it was time to settle on the sofa with her and not run around like children. You picked Star Wars as your film of choice today as you loved watching it when you were younger. It got to the infamous duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan so you decided to stand up on the sofa with a pool cue in your hand pointing down at Alessia. “It’s over Anakin. I have the high ground!” You yell at her in time with the film, she giggles and grabs a pool cue. “You underestimate my power!” She quotes back at you making your heart skip a beat, you both pretend to duel with the pool cues and make the sound effects too. What you didn’t know was again, someone was watching the two of you playing about together. Ella Toone. She grins watching her best friend and new friend slowly become best friends, or maybe even more? Either way she knew the two of you needed a bit of help and a push in the right direction.
━━━━━ Later on that same week you’re downstairs again with Alessia, she’s fallen asleep on you whilst you were watching a movie together. Little did you know there was a small group meeting going on in your room, consisting of Leah, Georgia and Ella. "Okay we have to do something about those two, they're clearly in love" Georgia states. "I mean, I've known Y/N for years and I've never seen her like this with anyone, she's definitely got a soft spot for Lessi. We just need to come up with a plan" Leah ponders. "Well it's media day tomorrow, I'm sure being quizzed might help?" Ella suggests.
"Alright! Today is media day, you'll be randomly partnered up and shift around to different stations throughout the day. You may swap partners throughout but that is at my discretion!" Sarina says to the team. You see the group arrangements and it's you and Beth Mead together for the first hour of interviews and activities, followed by the remainder of the day being with Alessia. You instantly feel your stomach fluttering at a gentle touch on you arm. "Looks like we still get to spend the day together" You look at her and those beautiful blue eyes shine at you. You can’t help but feel yourself getting lost in them, the way the light catches them and causes them to glisten. You quickly smile at her and head off to meet your first interview partner. "Meado" You nod, greeting her on the sofa at the first media station. "Y/N/N" She nods back chuckling. The first hour goes fairly quick you get the odd question thrown at you here and there from interviewers as well as some funny games which you managed to win 4 out of 5 against Beth. Sarina yells for partners to change if that is what your schedule stated so you find yourself sauntering over to Alessia. When you eventually find her you poke her in the sides from behind to make her jump. "AHHHH!" She jumps and defensively turns around, she smacks your stomach in retaliation, only making you laugh harder. "Y/N you dick!" She whines at you with her head hanging sadly. "Aw, we cant have a sad Lessi can we?" You coo as you wrap your arm around her shoulders and pull her in for a quick hug. After a few interviews you find yourself at the next station with none other than Keira and Lucy with Rachel Daly being the host. You’re sat on a sofa with Alessia, Rachel is sat in the middle on a chair, with Lucy and Keira on another sofa to the side of her. You shuffle around to get comfortable and you end up against Alessia’s side. After your late night bonding she knew that you got very nervous and uncomfortable in interviews, so she knew she had to do her best to keep you calm. Even this small bit of contact already put your mind at ease and you let out a relieved sigh in response, which Alessia smiles at. "Okay I promise this is super fun. It's something I made myself for a quiz to see which couple knows each-other best!" Rachel cheers. "Oh Y/N and Alessia aren't a couple" Keira says quietly, making sure you aren't panicking about it, your eyes were still wide from assumption of your non-existent relationship with Alessia. "Well they might as well be! Or at least for this game" Lucy chuckles. The game goes ahead and it's questions based off our partners and it's neck and neck until Rachel gives us a tiebreaker question. "Okay, team Russo-Y/LN. The final question for you two. If you get this right, you win best duo of the team! The question is for Alessia, it’s a difficult one! What team did Y/N face for her first goal at a professional club?" Rachel asks, Lucy laughs and celebrates early knowing the question is almost impossible to answer, especially with you and Alessia only really bonding in this last week. "Oh god that's a difficult one! I'm pretty sure she scored a hat-trick as well, yes! It was against Villarreal I think?" She says somewhat confidently. Lucy’s face drops in realisation that Alessia got it right. "THAT IS CORRECT CONGRATULATIONS!" Rachel starts celebrating and the couple in front of you are gobsmacked that Alessia got the answer, same with you of course. "LESS WE DID IT" You grab her and lift her over your shoulder and start cheering loudly in celebration. She squeals for you to put her down.
━━━━━ After a long successful media day a bunch of you gather in the communal room and are playing games amongst yourselves. "Who's up for some truth or truth?" Georgia yells. "Why no dares?" Millie asks confused. "Because last time we did dares, Mary managed to break a sofa, Rachel got told off for being too loud, Millie woke up the coaching staff by singing in the hallways, and Sarina lectured us for it" Lucy points out laughing at Mary who you can hear protesting. You all gather around for 'truth or truth' which is clockwise and the person directly across from you asks the question. You've already learnt a lot about your teammates and finally it's your turn to be asked a question by Georgia who smirks when she realises it's her turn.
"So Y/N. Is there an active dating life? Or am I going to need to set you up on a date?" Georgia leans forward.
"No dating life here! Just seem to have no luck with women. I need all the help I can get" You jokingly sigh. You look over at Alessia who offers a small smile. Eventually people start getting tired with a few heading up to bed, but still a fair few of you chilling downstairs. This leads Georgia and Leah over to you as you are sat on your own as Alessia had already gone up to bed. "Psst, Y/N/N" Leah says elbowing you. "Ow, what?" You look at her, unimpressed. "I'm setting you up on a blind date. You can't say no because I know you trust me to set you up with someone nice, so please go out and get yourself out there!" She pleads with you. You agree to a blind date, purely because it'll make Leah happy. Worst case scenario it's only one night.
"How about tomorrow night, and the bowling alley just outside of the camp at 7! I reckon you guys will really hit it off. Oh! Casual clothing too, nothing too serious right?" Leah says and skips off excitedly. "What's got you all huffy?" Ella sits next to you. "I agreed to a stupid blind date so that Leah would get off my back about my non-existent dating life" You sigh and slump into the sofa. "Y/N I'm sure you'll have a great time. It's Leah setting you up after all, you're in safe hands I reckon" She says confidently to you. She's right. Leah would never do you wrong, you were most definitely in safe hands. You still couldn’t shake that feeling of whether this was going to be a mistake due to your developing feelings for the blonde striker you’ve spent most nights hanging out with.
You walk into the bowling alley and find it's bustling with people. You take in your surroundings, the odd coloured patterns on the carpet, the noise of the puck hitting the barriers in air hockey, and the cheering of people on the alleys which is accompanied with the clattering of pins. You realise that you’ve definitely zoned out for a minute and walk up to the counter at the entrance of the bowling alley. Leah meets you at the counter and gives you a hug.
“Looking good Y/N! I’m not sure whether you or your date look better, I’ll let you be the one to decide” Leah smirks at you.
The staff member at the counter lets you know what lane you are on and Leah walks you over to a booth. The booth is slightly obscured by the corner of the wall so you can't see the blind date yet. "Alessia?!" "Y/N?" You both yell at the same time.
“And with that, I’ll leave you both to it! Curfew is 12 tonight so don’t have too much fun” Leah winks and smacks your shoulders. She jogs over to Ella and Georgia over on the other side of the alley who are also on a night out bowling. "I mean, I'm not complaining. Leah said you looked stunning and my god, she wasn't wrong" You say whilst sitting on the other side of the booth whilst Alessia is blushing at your compliment.
“I’m also not complaining, I was dreading this date. I was sat debating whether or not to even come as I would rather spend the evening with you” Alessia smiles at you, she reaches over to grab your hand “Now come on, I’ve gotta show you who’s boss” she tugs you over to the bowling lane that you two are playing on. Rather than sitting down when it’s not your turn, you stand with Alessia as she bowls and cheer her on from next to her.
“Did you see that!” Alessia cheers at her strike.
“Of course I did! Maybe you will beat me like you said!” You laugh, grabbing a ball ready for your turn. The game carries on and you’re both flirting with each-other like crazy as you’ve both got comfortable with your date.
“How about we make this interesting?” You smirk at her, she gives you a questioning look. “If you win, I’ll pay for the next date if you want another one. If I win, you pay for the next date.” You suggest.
“Oh it’s on Y/LN, hope you’re ready to pay for the next date!” She smirks at you watching you bowl. “But how about we make it even more interesting” She smiles cheekily at you “How about if I get a strike on my turn, I get a kiss”.
You instantly blush at the suggestion but compose yourself “And if you don’t get a strike?” you take a sip of your drink as you’re waiting for the pins to reset for Alessia’s final turn.
“I’ll do anything you want, within reason” She smiles deviously, you instantly start to cough on your drink at her answer.
“Alessia!” You smack her arm to which she laughs even more at.
“Not like that! Well maybe within reason right? Anyway I will get a strike so I look forward to my kiss” She says confidently preparing herself to bowl. She bowls and gets a strike and does a celebratory dance which makes your heart melt at the sight of. You wrap up the game which Alessia won overall by 2 points and head back to St George’s Park.
No one is in the communal room so you instantly flop down on the sofa and Alessia giggles and joins you by your side and cuddles into you.
“I still can’t believe I went on a date with you, remind me to thank Leah” You say with Alessia agreeing to thank Ella too.
After a few hours of talking Alessia seems to be getting sleepy so you walk her up to her room which is just across from your room.
“Tonight was amazing Y/N, I really do like you and I’m so happy you feel the same way” Alessia says nervously looking down at her hands. You grab her hands and intertwine them with yours.
“No need to go all shy on me now Lessi, you’ve spent all night flirting with me and making bets” You chuckle “Speaking of, I believe I still owe you a kiss”.
Alessia looks back up at you and rests her hands on the sides of your neck whilst you rest yours on her waist, you can feel your heart trying to escape through your chest at the feeling of you both being so close to each-other.
“Mhm, you do. What a coincidence it’s at the end of the date” She smirks at you, causing you to lean in and press a gentle kiss on her lips. You feel her grip on you tighten slightly as you both start getting more comfortable with the kiss, it quickly gets a little more heated until you pull away when air becomes an issue.
“Probably should save that for date number two right? I look forward to a holiday in Barcelona to come and see you play” Alessia says whilst getting ready to go into her room.
“Yeah about that, we may have an issue” You say nervously, Alessia turning around to look at you. “I can’t take you to watch me play in Barcelona as I wont be playing there any more, as I’m being transferred to Arsenal this week. Please try and forgive me for not choosing Manchester” You joke.
“Arsenal?! You mean I get to betray Tooney and go to your matches when we aren’t playing?” Alessia fake gasps in shock. “Wait when we play each-other in a few weeks, Reckon we can trade shirts at the end of the match?”
“For you, anything. Plus I’ll most likely be marking you so that’ll be fun” You hug her “Right, you need to go to bed as you look super tired and we can’t keep talking in a hallway”
“Night Y/N” She says as she pulls you in for another bruising kiss “Sleep well!” she winks as she goes into her room. You sigh peacefully as you watch her, once she’s gone you go in your own room to find Leah standing in the doorway waiting for you.
“Looks like you had a good night” She chuckles as you both get comfy in your beds, you tell Leah all about your night and keep thanking her for pushing you two to go on a date.
“Oh and I’m transferring to Arsenal” You say casually, watching Leah spring out bed and jump on you.
“Oh my god she’s a gunner!” She cheers “She’s a gunner that has to play against her new girlfriend!” She jumps back to her own bed and tells you all about each Arsenal player and the team in general until you both get tired. You finally sleep for a whole night without interruptions, thanks to Alessia.
It's been a while! You know I can't resist making more Lessi content!
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euphoricimagination · 7 months
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Summary: after getting comfortable with your new team, some getting too comfortable with you, it's time to retrieve Bachira from Rin; whether you win him back it doesn't affect you, but you probably played too hard, taking a toll to your body
Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 -> Masterlist
After taking a shower and eating a meal, you find yourself in the new dorms, this time with four individual beds. You enter the dorm and saw the other three boys there, Barou arranging his bed, Nagi lying with his phone and Isagi just sitting there.
You brought with you the hair dryer, your hair was rapidly getting longer, just enough to use a hair tie in it and to bother your face so you started drying it without a care in the world.
"Anyone listening?" You hear Isagi say
"Huh?" You and Nagi ask, both finally paying attention to the boy in front of you. You and Nagi share a look before Barou starts talking
"HEY THERE!" Barou screams "These socks and bath towel, who the hell was the one who just left this on the floor?"
"Socks are mine, i was going to sort them out once i finish doing my hair" you say
"The bath towel is mine, put it in the washing machine" Nagi adds
"Do it yourself! Don't just leave shit on the floor!" Barou reprimands you two
"Don't tell me what to do" you raise your eyebrow
"That's a pain"
Barou keeps arguing with both of you, about how Nagi should dry his hair a bit more or how you should do it less. Isagi was sitting in his bed looking uncomfortable at the scene in front of him, not knowing what to do. Admittedly, you were making things hard for him unintentionally, you weren't this messy normally, but Nagi's laid back attitude was contagious.
"Hey, hey, don't fight! How about we all go to eat together for now?"
"Nah, I'm not hungry yet, plus i need to do some self care" you answer
"I want to watch videos" adds Nagi
"I'm going. You guys! By the time I'm back, have it all sorted out!" Barou says to you, walking to the door with Isagi on his back
After a few minutes, you finished adjusting the bandages on your chest -a much more comfortable option than the tight binder for the night- and were organizing all your clothes and stuff as Nagi lays on the bed.
"Do you always change your points for your phone?" You ask him
"... Yeah, that's why i always make at least 3 goals in each match"
"Makes sense" you walk towards him "what have you been watching this whole time?"
"World soccer sorry plays compilations, i wanted to study some trapping" he says, showing his screen "isn't this guy really good? Makes me want to copy him"
"That guy is Noel Noa" you say incredulous
"Who's that?"
"Move" you say, he does confused as you lay on the bed next to him "that guy is just the best striker in the world right now"
"No wonder, this dude is seriously good" he says, his eyes slightly shining as he focuses again on the screen
"Hahaha" you laugh, petting his hair affectionately, you couldn't help it, despite his intimidating aura and height, he was proving to be really cute "you really don't know anything about soccer, huh? And somehow you're an amazing player, that's not fair"
"Thanks" he adds, you ruffle his hair one more time before turning around and laying on your back, looking at the ceiling, his eyes never left your body as you did this "by the way, is your chest wound or something? You had bandages…"
"Ah that" you sigh, remembering the made up story you had made at the very beginning "i had a surgery a few years ago, one of the things that they made me do to recover properly was to wear tight bandages or a binder so everything was protected, i used them for months ago now i don't feel comfortable letting people see me without them"
"Ah.. Doesn't it hurt when you run?"
"It did in the beginning, it's been years now, so I'm kinda used to it" you look at him, his eyes were showing some curiosity "but i don't mind it, when it starts getting a bit uncomfortable it helps me realize that i can still become stronger"
"Ooohh, that's so cool" he says, his face doesn't show much emotion but you can tell by his voice that the means it
"That means i need to surpass more people before becoming number one, you are one of them, so don't make it easy" you say hoping to motivate him, moving to ruffle his hair again
"I won't"
"Pass me your phone" you turn around again as he gives you his phone, both of you laying side by side once again "if it's trapping, there are other amazing players you could watch like Bergkamp or Ono Shinji"
"Really? Show me, show me"
You stay together watching some videos for a long time, Nagi always seemingly impressed both at your knowledge of the sport and the plays he's watching on his screen.
"I want to try, help me" he says standing up on Barou's bed
"How? We don't even have a ball here" you look at him confused
"It doesn't matter, throw me that cup stand I'll try to trap it"
"Sure, why not?" You laugh, seeing how excited he was. You throw the thing, he was able to trap it perfectly "dude, what the hell!"
"More, more"
You kept doing with almost everything in the room, cups, books, some bowls, everything that has enough surface for Nagi to trap it, he didn't fail a single one as the room started to get even more messy than it was before
"SHIT'S SCATTERED AROUND EVEN MORE THAN BEFORE!" Barou screams once he and Isagi enter the room, you were throwing Nagi a shoe, which he skillfully trap as well
"You can do it with a shoe too?! You're awesome!" You say to him
"What the hell are you doing…." Barou says dangerously
"Somehow, after watching Soccer videos we felt like doing this" answers Nagi
"Nagi Seishirou trap whatever you can championship" you say laughing, making Isagi laugh too
"You wanna try, Barou?" Nagi asks, sitting down on the bed next to you
"Like he'd do it" you say in between laughs, patting Nagi's hair again
"Ok, ok, let's relax" you say, making Barou sigh "let's clean up, Nagi"
"But it's such a pain…" he whines
"I didn't ask, I told you to clean up. Move" you say, pushing him so he stands up. He does it lazily, but still helps you organize things better, as Barou was supervising every move of yours and lightly scolding you if you put something out of place
"I'll finish accommodating things, go to eat" Barou says looking at the clock, it was almost 10 pm
"Thanks…sorry" you say, pushing Nagi towards the door before he lies down on the bed and claimed it was a pain moving "let's go"
"Ahhh” he whines again "carry me Yn"
"I physically can't do that, so move"
"But I'm tiiired" he keeps whining, suddenly moving you in front of him so he can lean his body onto yours "this is better"
"Ugh, Nagi" you scoff, trying to keep walking with Nagi's weight on top. The worst part is that he probably hasn't put all of his weight on you and you were already struggling with it "fine, just for now though. Just because we're close to the cafeteria"
"Okaaay" he drags, you ignore the way his arms pass through your chest, trying heavily not to blush at the fact that a cute boy was practically cuddling on you.
You help him by bringing his dinner to the table, his eyes looking tired as he thanks you. You watch him lazily cut his food, you following his act as you cut your own food
"Tell me Nagi" you call him, his head lazily turning to you "why did you come here?"
"Reo wanted to come so we can become the best players in the world"
"I see, so what about now? You still want to do that?"
"I do, i just realized how interesting soccer can be, so I'm trying to become better so i can do that"
"You're already amazing, can't imagine how even cooler you'll be once you start understanding everything" you say patting his head once again, his face had a very light blush on it
"Thanks..What about you? Why are you here?"
"I had stopped leveling up on my own, so this project was my chance to get better, it would be awesome if i can get to the world level, but I want to get better for myself"
"Ahh, you're cool"
You soon go back to the dorms, with Nagi again resting his weight on you as you walk back to it, and get ready to go to bed. You barely managed to enter the dorm with Nagi on your back, basically throwing him on his bed while you fall beside him, exhausted at the boy
"I hate you" you tell him
"Nah, you don't" he says, passing his arms behind his head "you're weak, but really comfy"
"Fuck you" you say with no illness in your voice
"Ah, you guys are here" Isagi says, entering the room alongside Barou "i have some news about the match"
"Did you confirm it then? The match against Rin?" You ask, sitting up. Isagi nods hos head, bringing a board to plan a strategy
"Right" you hear beside you
"I'll crush them" Barou adds
"I think our opponents will be like this" Isagi draws the names as you take Nagi's t-shirt to forcibly sit him up right before Isagi shows the board. Rin at front, Aryu and Tokimitsu on each side, and Bachira right behind Rin "I'll face Rin in the center, we'll use Yn speed and techniques on the right, so Nagi will go to the left. Barou, you'll be in position to devour the three in front of you as you wish, this formation should be good for us"
"So I'll match against the kid with the bob" Barou says
"I'm against that long ass dude? I guess that's right" you sigh. If you already looked like a smurf next to Nagi, you can't imagine how much smaller you'll be next to Aryu when he was slightly taller than the white hair
"And I'm against Tomitsu, that dude with self esteem issues" adds Nagi, leaning his weight on you again. How and why did he get so comfortable with you, you have no idea
"Yeah, if we win this match we'll win the second selection. Let's hit them with all we've got!"
"Like any of us is good at containing ourselves" you say taking Nagi's arms out of you before he falls asleep, going to your own bed "if you don't mind, I'll be sleeping now. I had to carry this dude to and from the cafeteria and I'm tired"
"I didn't even put all of my weight in, you'd have crumble if i did" he says lazily, also properly laying on his bed
"Shut up" you add as Isagi chuckles, he turns off the lights "if any of you slacks off I'll kick your ass tomorrow"
"Like a brat like you could" Barou answers
"We'll win" Isagi says, everyone starting to fall asleep. A brand new day was about to start.
You were in the field waiting for the other team to arrive, surprisingly, nobody seemed nervous, if anything everybody was getting excited about passing the second selection.
You were doing some light warm ups when you hear both Nagi and Barou say something, feeling a hand in your hair before you could question them
"Your hair! Despite being on the shorter side, it shines! And it's so soft too! What hair treatment do you use?" Aryu says to you, his eyes shining as if your hair was the most wonderful thing ever
"...just the one that's is on the showers, like everybody else" you answer before hitting his hand away "and don't touch my hair"
"Oh, my mistake. Your hair looks so healthy that I couldn't stop myself, you also have this androgenous look, you almost look like a girl, in the best way possible of course. I'm just so weak at stylish things. I'm honored to face someone with such a style, let's shake hands" he rambles, the only thing you could think of, besides how weird he was being, was about how huge he was, you couldn't even reach his shoulders.
"Nice to meet you. Let's have a good match, Jyubei-san" you say shaking his hand, his eyes widen before he freaks out
"Stop it, that name is my only unstylish point…" he kept rambling about how his name was his complex and started doing some poses, things that startled you before you could feel a hand in your arm pulling you away from the long haired boy doing poses.
"Get back, he's getting annoying" Nagi says with his characteristic monotone voice, pulling you slightly behind him
"Is he actually any good?" You ask him
"At soccer at least"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, ALL OF YOU! GET IN YOUR FUCKING POSITIONS AND LET'S GET STARTED" Barou screams, sending Tokimitsu into a big, before ramble about how confident people never had experience failure, making Barou visibly annoyed as he tells Isagi that he was going to match up with the nervous boy, trying to lift him up from the floor -and failing-.
"If he does that, that means you'll be with Bachira, is that alright Nagi?" You ask him
"Hmmm, sorry, can I be selfish too? Unless I'm playing someone who can get my pulse racing there'll be no point in having left Reo. I want to play against the number one over there. I want to get stronger" he says, you cross eyes with Isagi, you giving him a nod as you pat Nagi's back
"Ok, but if you lose I'll be stepping in to crush him" Isagi answers
"Me too, i want to humble that annoying dude"
You change positions as you wait for the match to stay, Itoshi Rin kicking it off.
He immediately passes to Bachira, who encounters Isagi right away, you see Nagi was nearby in case Bachira wanted to pass him as he notices how much Isagi has evolved in this short time. Suddenly Barou tries to steal Bachira's ball, which ends up with him having to pass to Tokimitsu, but the ball ends up being taken by Isagi.
You start running ahead as Isagi passes to Nagi, who immediately gets marked by Rin, a perfect spacing between them to the point that no matter what Nagi did, Rin had an advantage. Nagi jumps, his and kicks the ball sideways, his eyes locking with yours for a second as you understand his calling. You pressed forward faster, knowing that Aryu was right behind you, and noticing Rin coming to you, you had just one split second to make a decision; so you just push the ball forward, jump in between their legs and shoot, making the first goal.
"Don't just surprise me like that" you say to Nagi, high fiving him
"You reacted on time though" he retorts "well done"
The other team kicks off again, Rin quickly passing the ball to Aryu. Even though you were slightly faster than him and were right beside him when he was about to receive it, his leg reached out, extending his reach much more than before. You knew there was no way of winning that type of battle against him, after all he was a whole 35 cm taller than you, his limbs were going to be much longer too. Aryu sends a lass to Tokimitsu, who despite Barou's effort, doesn't bulge and sends a pass to Rin. He alone is able to trick Nagi into a fake, and Isagi into another, making a goal all by himself.
"Seriously, how are we supposed to stop that?" Nagis says
"I know i wanted to humble him and all, but he's actually pretty damn good" you add
"Yeah. Sorry, I couldn't do anything really" Nagi says, leaning slightly over you "but how's he able to play like that? Is he just wired differently from the rest of us?"
"No, it makes sense how he got past us. In that play just now, Rin was constantly positioning himself in a range from where he could shoot the ball. That’s why no matter what we did, we were always one step behind. He reads several steps ahead of the game, and while we’re still processing the situation, he lures us in. I think that’s his core style of play" Isagi explains as if it was a matter of a fact
"...damn" Nagi says "i don't know if i can keep up with that"
"Me neither. I never thought about soccer that much, i just do whatever feels right at the moment" you add "but the fact that you can explain that llay instantly is pretty impressive, you know?"
"THE SCORE IS TIED, LET'S FUCKING GO!" Barou screams before restarting
"Our attacks work too, we'll be fine" you add, receiving a look from Nagi as you walk towards your position
"It's time for our counter attack"
Nagi restarts the match, sending the ball ti yiu to start the counter attack from the right, you see Aryu in front of you with Rin to his right, getting ready for whatever you were going to do.
As the ball approached, you could see the confidence in his eyes, thinking he could easily overpower you. With a quick burst of acceleration and a touch of deception, you fainted to one side, leaving the towering defender lunging in the wrong direction as you tried to lure Rin in. You glance to your left, wanting to pass to Nagi, when you see Isagi going behind all of them, so you pass to him.
However Rin is able to intercept him and get the ball.
Nagi and Barou try to stop him, but he passes to Bachira, who makes a long pass to Aryu. You run as well too, not letting him get away with it so easily. Nagi was also in front of you, but the ball was going on a really high parabola, high enough for Aryu to reach when he jumped and marked another goal.
"I really hate how ridiculously good they are" you say, hands on your hips. Your competitive manner starts to build up the more time passes
"Same" he answers "but it's awesome…let's win Yn"
Nagi restarts the game one more time, passing it to you so you can advance through the field. Barou asks for the ball, but Tokimitsu is right behind him blocking him from properly doing something. Isagi is battling with Bachira while Rin is on the lookout for whatever movement he does, so you just keep running towards the goal hoping that Aryu couldn't take the ball from you.
You see Nagi passing through everyone, not caring about anything as you two lock eyes. 'Let's make a goal', his eyes tell you. You pass him the ball as you start running again towards him, closing the distance between you two. Rin is almost immediately near him, so he does a quick pass to you as he keeps running, evading Rin. You send the ball right behind the emo looking boy, but of course, he's able to react just in time, so Nagi does a two stage fake volley, tying the game 2 - 2.
"You're insane, Sei! That was awesome!" You say, standing on your tippy toes so you can ruffle his hair smiling
"Thanks" he lowers his head slightly, letting you pet his head easily "nice pass, you're awesome"
They start this time, Bachira quickly sending the ball to Rin, he surprisingly seems to be firing up, which could be a problem if he keeps leveling up. He sends the ball to Tokimitsu, who is directly against Barou and sends him back the ball only for Rin to pass it again towards Aryu. You ran and got just in the way to stop him from keeping moving forward, but he sent it right back to Rin, who was able to lure in both Nagi and Isagi before passing the ball to Bachira, who scored for them.
"Almost" you say to Nagi "so that's Itoshi Rin, he'll control everything and anyone who's on the field"
"Looks like he'll read through anything remotely easy, which means we have to go beyond what he can even imagine, right?" Adds Nagi, pushing back his hair
"Yep, a goal that even if he understood he couldn't possibly chase after. We're going to be playing at a mercilessly difficulty, but if we can go in with our weapons cranked to the max.." you say only to get cut off by Nagi, who leans on you again
"We might be able to break through"
Your team starts again, the ball quickly coming to you one more time so you can face Aryu, you quickly do a roulette turn, making him slow down just enough for you to keep going. You see Rin appear once again in front of you, so you send a curve pass to Nagi, Tokimitsu appearing stopping Nagi from having free movements, so he ends up sending it to Isagi, who Rin has been guarding all this time waiting for this ball. However, instead of any of them actually getting the ball, it is Barou who takes it, waiting patiently so he could steal the ball from Isagi and score his own goal.
"Yn" Isagi calls you right before the restart happens "can you go all out from now on?"
"Huh? Got an idea?"
"You're incredibly fast, the fastest one here, so i need you to follow whoever is in possession of the ball"
"Fine…after all I don't think i can fully win against Aryu with his height" you say
"So that means that I'm marking the style dude" adds Nagi just when the kick off starts. The ball goes to Rin, so you go to where he is, stopping him and forcing him to pass to Bachira. You run in that direction as well as Isagi makes the bumblebee boy stop for a few seconds, enough for you to catch up and change places with Isagi so he can go to where Rin is.
"We've never faced each other, have we?" You smirk
"Nope, go easy on me please"
He tries to run to his left, you follow him right beside to stop him, so he lifts the ball and moves it side to side, waiting for you to move. He goes to the right, you following him once again, Isagi appearing right behind you to make him try to pass you two. Once he does Barou appears to steal the ball, trying to do his chop faint, ultimately getting stopped by Rin, who sends the ball outside the field.
You throw the ball from the sidelines to Isagi, which ends up with both Isagi and Rin fighting to get the ball, Rin was dangerously close to your goal, so you run towards them and slide in to kick the ball out once again. The speakers announce the move while you lay in the floor for a few seconds, breathing hard as you try to stand up
"Nice one, i was actually trying to pass it to you" Isagi says helping you stand up
"Nah, it's okay. I could've stolen it if i was a bit faster" you say trying to calm down your breathing, your chest was feeling tighter than normal in your binder
"Hey…are you okay?" He asks you, seeing your lack of air
"I'm fine, I can run for a few more minutes" you say, lifting your best to swipe your sweat away "don't you dare to worry about me now, you're the only one who can think like Rin here, so don't you dare to lose"
"Yeah…so you better run till you die"
"That's the plan" you say going back to your position, Nagi sending you a look that you didn't notice since you were trying to ignore the pain.
The ball goes to Tokimitsu, who does a series of back and forth with Rin as he seems to be the only one with enough stamina to pull that off. The last one is straight into the goal zone, but you and Barou are able to react in time, you sliding in and kicking the ball away while Barou literally tackles him into the ground.
«Beep! Due to usage of a tackle from behind and a malicious slide, Barou Shouei and Yn get a yellow card!»
"I LITERALLY TOUCH THE BALL!!" both Barou and you scream at the speaker.
For that the other team had a free kick, Rin making the goal right above Isagi's head. One more goal and they'll win.
"ALL OF YOU. PASS THE BALL TO ME OR DIE TRYING!" Barou says after he loudly scream to Isagi after he didn't jump for Rin shooting
"Now it's not the time to scream orders Barou" you say to him, holding Nagi's arm to stabilize yourself,
"Yeah, it doesn't matter. We'll just have to catch up no matter what. Right?" adds Nagi, you nod
"Yeah…it's too soon to end up the game here"
Your team restarts again, Isagi going behind Barou as he tries to pass Tokimitsu; however, Barou is unable to do that, so Isagi just passes them easily. He gets cut out by Bachira, so seeing that he was surrounded by him and Rin, he decides to kick the ball towards you. You're able to pass Aryu despite how tired you were, jumping to trap the ball as you keep moving forward. You see Isagi breaking diagonally alone towards the goal, so you pass it to him; however, Rin was right behind him, for a moment there it looked that he was in control, but in a blink of an eye Isagi turns around and does a backheel shot. The match is tied once again.
"Well done, Isagi!!" You hit his back playfully before high fiving him
"That was amazing, you took out Rin on your own" Nagi adds. He then proceeds to explain to Barou, who begrudgingly seem rather impressed, how he planned that whole play, basically explaining that it was because he and Rin had the same type of eyes
"This means that in terms of score and ability we're on the same ground as those monsters there. Makes sense, really, we have the top 2 on our team" says Nagi
"I'm still really behind, i lack the right physique, so i need to get even better at techniques to even compare" you say, no matter how good you were, there was no way you could win against these boys, your bodies were just too different.
At that moment your head started spinning, so you quickly grab someone's arm -Nagi, apparently, since he quickly grabs you back to stabilize you- as you try to breathe as deep as you can, hoping the dizziness just disappears
"Hey, you ok?" Nagi asks you; Isagi's face was concerned, whether for you or the match you don't know; and Barou was raising his eyebrow, some worry in his eyes too
"I'm fine, don't worry about me" you say, blinking fast to make the spinning go away "let's just focus on winning"
"Yeah, let's show them who the better team is" Isagi adds, you feel a hand on your hair, noticing Nagi silently petting your head as if he was trying to comfort you
They restart for the last time, the ball going to Tokimitsu, who is stopped by Barou as you close in on them, making him pass the ball. Isagi tries to take the ball against Rin, but he passes it to Aryu, who's able to trap it with his chest; Nagi, on the contrary, seems to be waiting, almost stealing the ball successfully if it wasn't because Aryu stole it back. Aryu passes it to Bachira, who seems so distracted that he doesn't even notice you running towards him and kicking the ball away, going towards Barou.
Unusually, Barou and Isagi start working together, doing a perfect one-two pass between them; you keep running towards the ball with all your might when you see Bachira trying to steal the ball from Isagi, ending up in him sending the ball to you. You take it as far as you can before shooting it towards Nagi, who passes to Isagi so he can finish it off…but Rin receives it with his face right on time, preventing it from entering.
The ball goes right to Bachira's feet, who starts running towards your goal instead. He's able to pass everyone, from his teammates to your team as his movements started to become sharper than before. He shoots the ball after some impressive moves, but Isagi is able to block it just in time.
Time seems to go by slowly as all of you keep running, the ball falling right into Itoshi Rin feet, who's completely free to shoot and mark the winning goal of the match.
«Beep, beep, beep, game over! The score is 5 - 4, Team Red wins!»
You're breathing hard, your eyes completely losing focus by now, loud ringing in your ears as you try to not fall down…and yet you're still able to hear it
"Come, Isagi Yoichi, you can have a front row seat of my ascension to the world's number one"
Taglist: @suyaaachin - @anurst - @celestair - @futuristicxie - @miyanaranagikenmal-intp - @kaldurahms-lover
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coralinnii · 8 months
So um this is a really random piece of info but I binged like 8 manhwas in like a single week, and am currently binging through 'A Villainess No More' (Loving the FL rn she's iconic-) I've also taken to summarising them in the most out of context way I can think of-
Little Rabbit and the Big Bad Leopard(ongoing)
vore turned borederline beastiality because fl wasn't wearing clothes one too many times but somehow everything happened without a single sex scene
I Became the Sacrificial Princess (ongoing)
the equivalent of fake brands trying to replace the original but failing miserably
50 Tea Recipes from the Duchess (completed) (reread this one cus why not)
tea is the solution to all your problems
Adelaide (completed)
celebrity scandal turned political conflict and the fl just happened to be at the right place at the right time to snag herself a love interest
A Royal Princess With Black Hair (completed)
caramel tarheads
A Villainess for the Tyrant (completed)
arranged death sentence turned dimension travelling saviours
A Tender Heart : The Story of How I Became a Duke's Maid (completed)
raise your own love interest
Am I Your Daughter? (completed)
trigger warnings are practically a side plot
(I really apologise if this clogged up your inbox I just read a shit ton of manhwas in one go and really needed to tell someone about it-)
~ Idia nonnie <3
I'm sorry I never got to reply to this but my inbox gets weird depending on which device I use and certain messages don't pop up where I remember they should be. Is that just me having a really old phone model or something? I'm literally using my work computer to reply (don't tell my supervisor whoops!)
Considering that I've read some of these as well, I completely understand the need to binge this. I have no leg to stand on this xD
Being a tea b*tch, having a whole manhwa dedicated to how great tea is *mwuah* absolutely everything. (it's also funny that there's a number of manhwa dedicated to how great coffee is but I don't really remember them |−・;)
I gotta say, people who really like Little Rabbit and the Big Bad Leopard must be pretty open-minded considering the weirdness of it (that or maybe kinda kink-ahem) but I also read this so I have no right to judge anyone ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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coraniaid · 3 months
There's so many good ones so I wanna ask one more! (Feel free to ignore of course!) Fuffy + 91. "I can't breathe." Happy writing! (Tbh I am team full season rewrite tho if/when you feel up to it! 😂 I'd love to see another! You did so incredible with the first one)
You sent this prompt in months ago, I know, but ... uh, better late than never?
(This is canon compliant and set in late Season 3, so I hope you like angst.)
In her whole short life leading up to today, Faith's only ever memorized four phone numbers.
The first of them was the phone number of the tiny apartment she’d lived in with her mother ever since she was a kid.  The dismal too-small box back in Southie that she’d spent years dreaming of escape from. Not that she ever had any reason to call that one, or to invite anyone else to call her either.  Unlike some people, she didn't exactly have a fawning little gang of sycophants and hangers-on to arrange late night gossip sessions with. 
She used to have to give that number to teachers though sometimes. Before she was smart enough to just take the hint and drop out of school entirely.  They used to demand it after summoning her to some principal’s office or some classroom for after-school detention, then get pissed at her when nobody answered.  As if it were Faith’s fault her mom was too busy enjoying the drinking and passing out parts of life to pick up the phone.  As if she’d ever asked for her to do that.
(Hell, maybe if she’d just asked her to carry on drinking herself to death then her mom would’ve stopped.  God knows she’d never given Faith anything else she’d ever asked for.)
Anyway, that was one number she could go ahead and forget.  Good riddance to that.
Then there was Diana's number. Diana Dormer.
Diana was her first Watcher, and – in every way that mattered – her last Watcher too.  Snobby Rupert Giles had only ever looked at her like she was a cheap, flawed copy of his favorite golden Slayer, and lying Mrs Post had only ever been using her to get her hands on that stupid glove, and that jailbait-chasing creep Wesley was somehow worse than both of them put together. But Diana had been okay.  For a Watcher, anyway.  She’d been all right. 
Diana had given her her number early on, shortly after she’d first invited Faith to stay at her place.  "In case of emergencies," she'd said gently.  “Or if you just want to talk.”  
Faith had never known when to use it.  Never been sure what Diana wanted from her until it was too late to ask.  Her Watcher's house had been real nice, the few times she’d gone round to visit, but she'd worried that there was some kind of trick she wasn’t spotting, some strings attached that she’d not be able to escape.   So however much she’d wanted to, she'd never actually called her on it.  Not really.  
She'd rung the number once, for the first time and the last, only after Diana died.  When even a stupid little kid should've known it was way too late.  Driven by some weak childish impulse on a very bad night, after a string of at least a dozen bad nights, when she was already halfway across the country.  It rang and rang and rang and however long she waited nobody had ever answered.  
Well, what had she expected to happen anyway?  Diana was dead and she’d not been good enough to stop it and no amount of wishing would ever change that.
She could probably go ahead and forget that number too.
The Mayor had given her his number, as well, last of everyone. “Saving the best till last as usual, are you Faith?” he might have asked her, beaming at her in his office over another plate of cookies.  (The Mayor hated crumbs and mess and disorder, that wasn’t a secret, but somehow he never seemed to mind her eating at his desk.)
It was his private office number, direct line.  Not the one most people had to call.  The real one: the one Trick had used, and Mr Finch, and maybe some other dead losers Faith had offed without knowing it.  That was good. it meant he trusted her, that she was useful to him.  That she was safe.  She didn't think she'd ever call him on it either though.  What if she said something stupid and pissed him off?  What if he decided he could do better?
Mayor Wilkins wasn’t Diana.  The Mayor wasn't all right. Not really. He was a monster, and a killer, and he was wicked gross. Only … he was on her side, wasn't he? He’d set her up in this place, hadn’t he? A little nicer than that dump of a motel she’d been left to rot in.  He’d given her a chance.  He got her, the way nobody else in this town did.  The real her.  After all, she was a monster too.  Everyone knew it.  She belonged, with him, in a way she’d never belonged anywhere before.
Use it or not, she'd be hanging onto his number for a while.  It wasn’t as if she had a choice.
And then there was the third number.  The one she didn’t want to think about.  The most important number.  Her number.  Buffy Summers’s number.  The Buffy Summers, the one Diana had told her about almost a year ago. The one Faith had known about, somehow, even before that, the face she’d glimpsed in her dreams the night before she’d woken up stronger and stranger and different than before.
The other Slayer – the real Slayer, Faith supposes, the good Slayer – had given her number to Faith herself on her third night in Sunnydale, after the big fight with Kakistos.
They’d been hungry, after dusting that old monster.  Both of them.  Starving.  And, maybe, they'd both been feeling something else.  Something that Faith had been sure she’d seen, deep in Buffy’s eyes, that very first night they’d met.  A feeling she’d never been able to talk about it with anyone else, because they wouldn’t have been able to understand.  The feeling she’d always gotten after a good slay.  The high that kept her going, night after night, vamp after vamp.
They were hungry, but the only place open that late at night was a crappy little diner a few blocks away from the vamps’ old hideout.  It had been nearly deserted when they’d shown up, no other customers at all, and for a minute Faith had been worried they’d be turned away.  She probably would’ve been, she thinks, if she’d been on her own.  Something about her just had that effect on people.  She was trouble, she was a problem, and it was like everyone could smell it on her.  Like a stink she couldn’t ever wash away.
But she’d been with Buffy, Sunnydale’s golden girl, and nobody in the world had ever known how to say no to her.  That was why, not long after arriving, they’d been sitting together squashed up at a little plastic table, a table piled high with more burgers and fries and milkshakes than Faith had seen in one place for a long time.  More food than she’d ever had since she’d lost Diana.
Buffy might have claimed to crave nothing more than low-fat yogurt back when she was with her friends, but Faith hadn’t bought it.  No way that could be true.  And that night, when it was just the two of them, Buffy hadn’t bothered to pretend.  She’d torn through the burgers almost as fast as Faith, almost as if she didn’t have a mom at home who’d stay up late waiting for her and cook her hot food any time she asked.  Almost as if she was as empty inside as Faith was.
At one point, she’d looked up at Faith, mouth still slightly smeared with sauce, and Faith had had the weirdest feeling.  Because, fuck, this was Buffy Summers, the girl she’d dreamed about being the first night she was Called.  This was the girl whose death she’d lived through in her nightmares, just like she’d lived through a second death bleeding out on the library floor at some vampire’s feet, and falling through the air to the ground far below, and hundreds of other deaths before that.  
Buffy Summers, who Diana had told her stories about as if she were some kind of fairy tale.  Buffy Summers, who she’d dreamed about again as she fled across the country, running for her life, not knowing where else she could turn to.  Buffy Summers, who’d drowned but lived to joke about it, who’d never lost a fight, who blew up demons with rocket launchers and was really real.  Who was real and alive and warm and sitting so close to her, and who – even disheveled and dirty after a fight, even with fading bruises on her arms and ketchup stains on her fingers – was the most beautiful girl Faith had ever seen in her life. Buffy Summers, who was like her, but better.  Perfected.  Perfect.  
She’d looked up at her, and Faith had felt her heart lurch in her chest in a way that had nothing to do with all the greasy junk food they were eating.  And for the first time in the longest time, she’d dared to let herself hope that maybe everything was going to be okay.
If things had been just a little different back then, if Buffy had given her just the smallest, slightest sign, Faith thinks she might have kissed her right then and there.
Not a quick kiss on the forehead, like she had after their big fight back in Angel’s mansion, but a proper kiss.  The sort of kiss a girl like Buffy deserved.  Romantic.  Slow and deliberate.  Gentle and soft and forgiving  in a way that Faith could never make herself be.
But things hadn’t been different.  They never were.  Everywhere you went things were always exactly the same forever.  Buffy had glanced away; a tired-looking waitress had shown up to ask if they were going to be done soon; the moment had slipped out of her fingers, unseized.
So Faith had just helped herself to the last few fries on Buffy’s plate when she was almost finished, smirked at her with her mouth full when the other girl protested, then left her to foot the bill and made her way alone back to her motel room.
She’d been alone for months, out on the wrong part of town, and nobody had cared.  Not really.
Giles had come round to see her once, much too late, almost a week after she’d arrived in Sunnydale.  He’d looked over the place, peering over his glasses, barely managing to hide his distaste, and asked her haltingly if she was looking for somewhere else to stay.  Well, nice try.  Faith wasn’t about to fall for that one.  What was he going to suggest: putting her up in the spare room in his place?  Out of the goodness of his heart, or something? How dumb did he think she was? 
“I’m five by five here, G-man,” she’d smiled insincerely, almost as keen to see the back of him as he obviously was to leave.
You couldn’t trust guys, even older guys who seemed okay at first.  Even guys you were supposed to be able to trust.  Especially not those guys.  Faith wasn’t naive enough to think otherwise.  She hadn’t been that naive for a very long time.
Buffy had come around to see her a few times, too.  Not so much after they’d fought over Mrs Post’s glove – well, to be fair, Faith hadn’t exactly wanted to see her then either –  but a couple of times.  The last time was just before Christmas, when Buffy’s mom had guilted her into inviting Faith over for the night.
She might have kissed her that night, too.  She might have, if she could’ve gotten away with it.  Found some way to play it off as a joke.  Lurked around the mistletoe and surprised her with a shy and furtive peck on the cheek at the stroke of midnight.  She might have kissed her, if that damn vampire hadn’t shown up to ruin everything.
As it was, Buffy hadn’t even hung around to open Faith’s crappy little presents.  She hadn’t even cared.  Just abandoned Faith again, the way everyone else did.  Left her to guard her mom like she was some kind of dog.  Like she was a stray she’d briefly felt sorry for and invited into the warmth for a night, only to regret it when she realized how flea-bitten and mangy and disgusting she truly was. 
She always thought she was better than you, Faith reminds herself angrily, hating the way she always forgets. Right from the beginning, and you never ever let yourself see it.
Sometimes she still thinks about calling her, even now.  What for, she isn't sure.  It's not like they were ever friends, is it?  Not really. Buffy was just using her, same as everyone else. She gets that now, even if she'd never wanted to admit it.  There was no way Buffy had ever been going to let her into her life for real.  There was no way Buffy was going to admit that they were alike.
Still, she thinks about it, some nights.  Most nights.  She’s been thinking about it tonight.
It’s idiotic.  She’s idiotic.  She’s embarrassing herself again.  it's just like Red had told her, back in the Mayor's office.  It's too late, it's way too late.  She knows that.  She’s known it for a while.  She’s not a stupid kid anymore.
Only … she’s never going to get another chance, is she?  One way or another, it’s all going to be over soon.
It's well after midnight when she finally screws up the courage to pick up the phone.  Not long to go until graduation day now.  Not long to go until the Mayor's big ascension.  This town will get what’s coming to it, and so will Buffy Summers.  And so will she.  Everything will be different.
"Willow?" Buffy says sleepily on the other end of the line, when Faith finally has the guts to dial her number.  "Is that you?  Are you okay?"
Faith feels herself scowling at the mention of that little witch's name, the smile she’d not been able to stop when she heard Buffy’s voice curdling on her face.
Red.  That smug little witch.  Of course Buffy would ask about her.  Of course Buffy would choose her over Faith, again and again.  Willow’s not a Slayer.  She isn’t like them, she isn’t important.  She’s soft and weak and shy and coddled and she’s got a family and a house and a future.  She doesn’t need Buffy the way that Faith needs her.  Why can’t Buffy see that?
Too late, she realizes how long it’s taking her to answer.  Now Buffy's getting impatient. Sounding a little more stern.
"Who is this?  What do you want?"
Faith freezes.  The little script she’d pieced together in her mind all evening fades into gray nothingness.  What does she want?  Forgiveness, maybe.  Absolution. For somebody else to really see her and agree that this was the only way that things could go.  That, really, none of this was anybody’s fault.  Or maybe she just wants a chance to say goodbye.
I should have kissed you, back then, she thinks.  That night after we dusted Kakistos.
She can see in her mind exactly how it would have played out. Like a scene from a movie – not one of those grainy black and white flicks she used to watch on the broken television in the motel after patrol, but a real movie, on the big screen, so bright and colorful and sharp and real that it almost hurts to look at.
You'd have tasted sweet, but just a little salty, between those fries you were demolishing and the specks of strawberry milkshake waiting on your upper lip.  You’d have tasted just like I imagined, all those summer nights on the run.  And afterwards … afterwards, you’d have gone all shocked and wide-eyed for a second and neither of us would've said anything. Then you'd have turned all pink and protested and pretended you hadn’t been into it at all, and maybe you’d not have talked to me again for weeks and weeks afterwards.  You’d probably have been weird about it for months.  
But I think it would’ve been worth it.  To show you. Who I was, and who you were.  To take what I wanted, just for a moment.  To have what I was sure we both wanted, deep down.  What we both needed.  To know that I was right, and that the two of us were the same.  To taste it.
And now it's like ... it's like I'm drowning, like I can't breathe.  I’m in that quarry the kids used to fool around in, back in Boston. I’ve jumped in from way up top like always, only something’s gone wrong. I'm stuck. I can’t get out, I can’t even move, and I'm waving for help but nobody can see me.  Nobody wants to see me.
It’s just like it was back then, after I failed Diana, except I know nobody’s going to take my hand and drag me out this time.  I know there’s nowhere left for me to run, and no other Slayer I can trek across the country to find is going to save me.  I know the only way out is down into the dark.  The only thing left to do is let the water in and drown.
Faith opens her mouth.  Hesitates again, for the last time.  Buffy doesn't give her another chance.
"I don't know who you are or how you got this number, but I know this isn't funny," the other girl whispers furiously.  "It’s the middle of the night and I’m trying to sleep.  Don't ever call here again."
The line goes dead before Faith can say a word.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
oh i just had a dream/hob/calliope omegaverse idea and i need to share. so. dream and calliope are trying to have a baby (and this is maybe not a good thing! because they don't quite fit together, they're too intense with each other in the wrong ways, but on some level they're both hoping a baby will give them a place to direct their attention where it won't chafe the other, because they love each other and want their marriage to work, they really do). maybe female alphas have low to no fertility when it comes to carrying a child, maybe it's something else, but whatever the reason, they can't seem to get pregnant.
hob, meanwhile, is an unmated (or widowed) omega, close to finishing his phd but increasingly concerned about whether he'll manage before he burns through his savings entirely. he meets death out at a pub one evening, somehow the conversation turns to children, she happens to mention her brother and his wife are struggling to conceive. hob jokingly (but also not joking at all) says that he could be a surrogate, it's not like he's planning on using his womb anytime soon. maybe that would fix some of his money troubles.
he was decently drunk by that point, and he doesn't actually remember giving death his phone number... but he wakes up the next morning to a text asking if he'd be willing to meet her brother and his wife for lunch some time. no pressure, but they'd like to meet him -- if they get along and he'd be interested in actually being their surrogate, they'd take good care of him through the pregnancy and for a while after.
so obviously, they meet, they hit it off. they go on dates in between sorting out the surrogacy arrangement and moving hob into their house. they fuck him pregnant, of course -- both of them fuck him every night so either one of them could be the sire -- but they dote on him during the days as well. calliope helps him organize his thoughts for his phd thesis. dream distracts him when he's spiralling into frustration by pulling him into a debate on whatever comes to mind.
by the time hob's good and bred, dream and calliope are already getting along worlds better, because they have their sweet little omega to pour their devotion into. they absolutely adore him. and they're so, so excited to raise their pup with him.
Oh this!!! Is amazing!!!! It's already just perfect but I will add a few thoughts of my own <33
- Maybe Hob has already had Robyn (but he tragically passed away with Eleanor in an accident) so he knows for sure that he can safely carry a pup. He's the perfect surrogate, basically. And although nothing will ever replace Robyn, he wants to give the gift of a happy family to Dream and Calliope. He can tell that there's tension, but they're good people and Hob wants to help them. He firmly tells himself that he won't fall in love with them, he'll just be a friend and a fun uncle for the baby.
- As soon as he moves in with them Hob knows he's fucked (he's literally fucked, 3 times per day at least, but he expected that). He loves Dream and Calliope, together and as individuals. They're stubborn and silly and they get in the most ridiculous fights, but basically they're warm and gentle and in love with each other. Hob yearns. A lot. And enjoys living in their very expensive house and eating food from the posh farmer's market.
- Hob is pregnant, yay! And Dream and Calliope are so good to him. They literally dote on him 24/7, he's sleeping in their bed because he needs to feel them close by and they don't complain at all. He gets amazing massages from Dream, Calliope sings to him and brushes his hair. They still fuck him, which he wasn't expecting but God he needs it because the horniness is hitting different. He has to keep reminding himself that all of this is for the baby, not really for him. He won't get to keep any of this love and devotion.
- Calliope works out eventually why Hob is a little sad sometimes and she has to sit him down and explain that she and Dream consider him as their omega now??? If he'll accept them??? They just never mentioned it because alphas are dumb about communicating sometimes. After the baby comes they want to claim Hob for real and marry him. And Hob ends up crying in Dream’s arms while Calliope covers him in kisses.
- Fastforward a bit, and Hob is obsessed with his alphas (even though they can be SO stupid) and his newborn pup, and he has his PhD now!! Maybe they fuck pup number 2 into him after his graduation ceremony. Whatever happens, Dream and Calliope are a proper team, and Hob is always going to be there to set them on the right path. They're stuck with him now <3
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nakedmonkey · 8 months
Alexxxx prompt 5 or 12 from the prose section of the big swiss list <3 shivlina ALWAYS !
12. Shame was something you passed like kidney stones, and it was leaving her body at last
Shiv never thought she’d make it to this point, but finally, it seemed, this was how she’d win the war. With her father buried underground along with her marriage, and whatever revenge plot she thought she could birth into the world medically evacuated from her body. All for the best, all for the best, she told herself. Not that she needed a mantra. She felt lighter already. Lighter than she had in months. Her future seemed so much more tangible now, within reach. She smiled in the elevator through the cramping her doctor warned her about, because it was a sign of it. It must be. Of the end of it all. Or the beginning. She’d learned by now that endings and beginnings looked pretty much the same up close. 
The elevator stopped, and it occurred to Shiv that this would be her first night in her new apartment. It was still only half furnished and she dreaded what she’d need to catch up after her medical leave, but she couldn’t go back to the other place. Not as she was now, with her new skin. She didn’t feel particularly different in a deep, existential way, but she did feel unrestrained somehow. Untethered. She felt good. 
So much of her adult life had been spent in a constant state of apprehension. So much of her life, the part that her father dictated, and it was a large part, was so often ruled by shame, that briefly, after his funeral, she considered she might be lost without him. She felt that about Tom, too. She let go of other things, other people, that didn’t ever contribute to the shame, out self preservation, she’d thought. They wounded her, those losses–self-inflicted wounds run deep, but that pain she was used to. It was the other pain, the loss of the shame she’d learned to trust as a constant, that she wasn’t sure she could survive without. She couldn't believe now how little it hurt to not have it anymore. 
Shiv slowed her pace as she caught sight of something at her door. A huge floral arrangement, and she hesitated in reading the card at first before finally pulling it from the tiny envelope. It read: Happy Abortion! 
She laughed softly. The first real laugh in a while. She knew who the sender was before she even got to reading the name at bottom. 
Mondale greeted her at the door, and she petted him after setting the flowers down on the counter. She reached in her back pocket for her phone and dialed. Karolina answered on the second ring. 
“Thanks for the flowers.” 
“Is it okay?” Karolina asked, and Shiv closed her eyes at the sound of her voice. It made the ache in her chest grow hotter, but she wanted it, needed it even. “Roman told me,” Karolina added. “I–are you okay? Was the doctor nice to you?” 
Shiv smiled at that as she walked over to join Mondale on the couch. 
“Yes. She was very nice.”
An unspoken thing hung in the silence that followed, and Shiv felt the imminent end of the conversation fast approaching, but something pushed her to not let it end. Some Eat Pray Love bullshit feeling inside her urged her to not let this moment end here. 
“Hey, so, catch me up. What’d I miss?” 
Karolina waited, and then sighed. 
“Matsson and Ebba might be…involved again.” 
Shiv laughed as she idly stroked behind Mondale’s ear.  
“You’re joking. After the whole thing with the blood?” 
“Yeah, well. I think they think they're being slick, but they’re very obvious, so I’m–preparing for whatever happens when it inevitably implodes.”
“Matsson and Ebba? Implode? No!” 
Karolina laughed softly. Shiv bit her lip, considered not saying what she wanted to say. Anticipated the shame that would follow, but it was gone as soon as it appeared. Shame was something you passed like kidney stones, and it was leaving her body at last.
“Hey, Karolina?” 
“I miss you.” 
“I miss you, too.” 
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
turkey delirium
so the turkeys the farm raises are all 1) processed, on saturday, which went smoothly, and was fairly exhausting but nothing we haven’t done before, lovely 2) packaged, which went.... well it was going sort of smoothly, none of us could remember how it quite works, rocky start because while Farmsister is the one who knows how it works best, she was off getting the vegetables set up because VegMan could not miss a week of church services to be present for the busiest day of the year but he said he’d be back by 11:30 which would be great because vegetable-only pickup was going from 11-1 and then 1-3 was turkeys for people with vegetable shares and we *had* to have the turkey package-and-sort done by then so if he’d be able to cover most of that it’d really super help. But he didn’t get back from church until after 1, as it happened, so that sucked and we had to just be short-staffed. Anyway, we were making reasonable progress and then I went to get more bags and the box had one more sleeve of 100 in it. And I didn’t know how many we’d already done but I knew our total number was around 180. So that precipitated a crisis of where to get more turkey bags, underscored by both Farmsister and BIL being absolutely positive they’d counted and determined there were enough bags for this year so how could they have been caught short like this??? 3) sold. We did get everything packaged-- some turkeys just had to go into kitchen garbage bags, clean ones, and not one customer batted an eye so that was good. The problem was that BIL ran in to do the sorting-- people are matched with their size preference of turkey in order of precedence of when they placed their order, so it’s really critical to know the weight of each final packaged turkey-- and when he did the sorting he worked into the wrong spreadsheet and so it was only the people who’d used the online order form and so a solid dozen customers who’d mailed in an order form or called on the phone or emailed separately were not included, and that customer base was most of the oldest and most loyal customers. So that was a fucking crisis. Also he printed out the spreadsheet and gave it to me to use as the customers came up to the table, and the sheet he gave me was not alphabetized, was not in order of when they placed the order, was not in order of size of the turkey even-- it was arranged by NO criteria at all, it was completely randomized, I didn’t even know you could do that with a spreadsheet. And it was four pages long. And the first customer, who showed up fifteen minutes early to stand there, elderly and tottering, shivering in the fucking 20 degree gale-force winds, was not on the list; she’s on the edge of dementia and literally never actually places her order but is always convinced she did. (She’s vaguely aware that she’s not quite getting things right, but that doesn’t change that she’s been buying things here for years and expects to buy things here and yet consistently forgets to actually make her arrangements.) (We had to have her come inside and sit down while we worked out what turkey we could give her.)
The other thing is that the spreadsheet is supposed to tell me whether the customers paid the deposit on the turkey or not. They’re supposed to pay a $20 deposit. Sometimes they forget, sometimes they’re sure they did but they did not, and sometimes, fucking obnoxiously, they pay a deposit of a different amount of money, which we then have to know about somehow. One of them I was like “why the heck did you pay a $39 deposit” and she was like “oh that was the money i had, it was easier for me” and i’m like “cool do you see how confusing that is though” and she went off on her way and I know next year she’s gonna put down a like, $43 deposit or something, why the fuck. Anyway, usually that’s on the spreadsheet-- and in fact it was, on the sheet he was supposed to use, but anyway. It was gale-force winds and 20 degrees and the turkey juices that leaked onto the table froze instantly into sheets of ice and the THREE DIFFERENT COPIES of the spreadsheet we had printed out (one that included almost all the customers, one that actually included all the turkeys but wasn’t in any order of any kind, and one that said whether the customers had paid a deposit and if so how much) all kept blowing away and had to repeatedly be chased down.
But we sold all the turkeys we were supposed to sell, by and large, and now that huge stressor is gone and done and packaged up and the checks are going to the bank today and that’s like. $20k.
Today I get to clean and re-set the slaughterhouse so tomorrow we can process 115 more turkeys, 90 for one farmer and 25 for another.
I think I have Wednesday off though.
As an aside, it’s 18F out, and I did finish insulating my cabin but we didn’t get the heater installed so instead I have a little propane heater that clips onto a 20-lb propane tank and has no thermostat, so i’m struggling to get it up above 45 so I can get dressed, as I type this. I think I gotta just give up and get dressed now, lol, and also, brr.
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alisheaburgess · 1 year
The Death of 'Me': A Travel Memoir Part 2 of "yes"
April 4, 2022 (Still on the way to Vegas) (Full Journey Map)
My flight had a layover in Dallas. My experience there was not the best. The Dallas airport is kinda poopy. The people working at the restaurants in there were mean, not just like normal bad day kinda stuff, like MEAN! (I've worked fast food, and they were just poopy). And it was at all the places I checked out too.
Without going to into it, I can't eat gluten and they gave me the wrong items knowing that. I couldn't fix it... so I ate french fries that whole day... (Grammarly wants me to capitalize that 'french' so bad XD)
I need food to function, as most people do!
At this point I'm still so nervous because I've never done this before so it's all kinda whorly at the moment. And then...
I get to my terminal and there is a huge commotion. Huge crowd, and lots of yelling from one or two people. It sounded like a fight at first. People were huddled around the terminal and video. I couldn't see anything and it wasn't in me to ask (much like food wasn't in me...).
It was here that I was getting a bit scared about being on my own. Everything felt horrible (I was just hungry and nervous). I also had to call the hotel and tell them I'd be checking in late. Don't ask how I knew to do that. I don't know. In my over-planning and freak-out researching...somehow, I learned that.
I hate phone calls XD
You may have already guessed this, but I did, in fact, survive the phone call. I know, I was shocked myself. I'm also pleased to announce that it only hurt a little, and not enough for crying. Now I didn't cry, but I easily could have. Which is why I said "pleased to announce" and not "whelp" XD
This flight was a bit delayed I think... because of spooky airport things (I have no idea, we were just sitting there. I'm sure they told us but I really wasn't well 😅)
WOW... hold up! The sunset right now as I'm writing is the color yellow that looks red in the bottle. Like food coloring yellow... I didn't know they made the sky in that color... neat! -April 7, 2023... I just remembered that it's Amber... the color is amber
It was here that I decided I was never gonna fly again because being in an airplane was the reason I was feeling like a dehydrated potato. It wasn't but that was a hint... The noise was a lot because I was sitting on the wing for the first flight, as you can see in the photos in the first post. I think I was a bit in front of them this time... It was still loud, but the headache wasn't from the plane anyway XD
And oh yeah, Las Vegas is a desert!
Note: I arrived somewhere between 12am-1am. Which means we are on a separate day from the one dated at the top. I am of course used to this as I use the day I woke up in and not the date of the present when journaling. I usually wrote at like 3 am... Cause when else are you supposed to write how the day made you feel? After it leaves is the only option! Going forward just know that it is the 5th of April.
The airport was huge and had so many baggage claims. My airport has 2...small ones. And I've only seen them use one...
I arrange a pickup, get my luggage, and head to the 'place to wait.' Not the official name, but it sounds right. The cool part is that there are signs FOR EVERYTHING!!!
Now as soon as I stepped foot outside, my mouth went so dry... The darn desert stole my spit. It was so fast it was scary. Never experienced that. Never want to again. I decided that if I was gonna die though, it was my final mission to make it to the hotel. (I wasn't feeling well! I'm the drama, I get it XD)
This is my first time EVER riding with a stranger alone... so I was really worried about this part. Not safety-wise, but rather my anxiety... I also have really bad road anxiety (or whatever you call it...).
But I survived! And even though I was near unconscious at this point with a full migraine, I had a fun convo with the driver. I don't remember it because I was out of it... But I remember that it was fun!
Up until this point in my life, I thought I was shy... (spoiler: not) At this point in the trip though I thought I was just scooting by. I figured as soon as I ate and drank some water I would clam up again. I thought it was nerves. Oh, honey.
I get to the hotel and holy crap, there was a huge line to check in at 1am!!! But I didn't die yet so...
Next life mission: check into the hotel. I've never done this and was super nervous...
I think it took me an hour or more to get checked in. I was so miserable at the point that the couple behind me kept talking to me and I can only assume they were checking on me. I'm super neuro spicy and so whenever I'm uncomfy, or just existing, I move around a lot... They were super sweet and even as much as I couldn't interact, it was a pleasant distraction from the wait.
When I got to the desk, the guy who helped me was so nice!!! I stayed at The Link and the staff the entire time I was there was so nice. I asked him where I could get water. Cause I knew I wasn't in a state to find it on my own... He loaded me up with 4-6 waters to take with me. I thought he was gonna point me to a vending machine XD He was so sweet! I was worried after the Dallas airport 😥
So I didn't die! I didn't have any food yet though so I just drank water and went to bed. Don't recommend that but hey...
That was 2 life missions in just a couple hours. That's quite a night if you ask me. And that was the first day of my 7-day trip to Las Vegas. The majority of it was spent being nervous about it actually happening XD
This trip was already such a big step for me. I have never been anywhere by myself. Never went anywhere just for me. And this was for an entire week!!! And I did it all by myself. Something I was convinced I couldn't do. So if you are thinking about traveling, even if you need to go solo, you can do it! You can take safety precautions just as well as the person you are told you had to take with you. I was 27 years when I got to take this trip. It took a lot to get to this point, but once you get there, it's only a couple of life missions until you are in your hotel bed and safe again... XD You got this!
I don't have any photos or diary entries for this leg because of all the near-death experiences and life missions to fulfill. But the rest of the posts will have more! But these are from the earlier flight... I also looked at a cloud on the first flight and said, "I'd jump into that..." I then decided that I meant sky diving (I had to search for the word, I almost put 'sky jumping' XD help) So fluffy!!!!
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P.S. at this point in the trip I'm still listening to Shakira...
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
my daisy / chapter 5 | kim mingyu
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➝ CEO!Mingyu x Secretary!Reader
➝ strangers to lovers // single dad!Mingyu // fluff // lighthearted // non idol!au // like pls dont expect any dramas here lol // tiny bit of angst ig
➝ series warning: mentions of sex, no smut but there’s implied sexual activities, insecurity (as always jshbdjhsfshbf am sorry), curses, food, let me know if theres more ^^
➝ word count: 3.8k
➝ A/N: heh 4 more chapters and we're done already? how time flies by... anyway! as always, enjoy and don't hesitate to share your thoughts w me or ask about anything that might be confusing :D it means a lot to me, really<3
when your cousin asks you to be her substitute at SVT Inc. as she takes her maternity leave, you’re pretty sure this wasn’t what you signed up for.
series masterlist
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Friday comes and you’re cracking your neck after the last meeting of the day ends. It’s only somewhere between 4 and 5PM, but you’ve somehow managed to keep the promise you made to yourself about freeing Mingyu’s schedule so he can have time for Gyuri even just a few hours more.
“You’re finished for the day, Sir,” you happily deliver the news to him after he lets you into his office. “Unless you want to go over the meeting or you have other agendas, you’re free to go home.”
Mingyu looks up in surprise, telling you to sit down in front of him. “How come?”
“I’m just good at my job like that,” you jokingly say. Evidently, the dynamics between the two of you have shifted since that day, you’ve gotten more comfortable around each other and you no longer avoid his gaze everytime it wanders to you. His cold exterior isn’t really for you to see anymore, and you’re already getting used to seeing his playful side more often than not when he’s surrounded by people he deems himself comfortable with like you and Seungkwan.
Sometimes you’re even borderline flirty, and you want to say that Mingyu’s the same; but you remind yourself once again that he is your boss and he has a kid. Plus, you have no way of knowing if Mingyu’s flirty with you or if that’s just how he naturally is when he jokes. You can’t help the bitter taste in your mouth everytime you remind yourself of it. “But really, you can get off work now if you want. No one’s going to say anything about the boss leaving the office one hour early for once. Everyone knows how often you stay late here.”
“Gyuri would be elated,” he laughs a little. “I’ll just go over this file and call it a day, then.”
“Say hi to Lili from me,” you grin before you stand up. “I’ll return to my desk and revise the agreement with JS Corp. Have a nice weekend, Sir.”
You miss the way Mingyu opens his mouth to say something, but the guy makes no effort to call you and let you make your way out of his office. His mind goes to the ridiculous amount of time Gyuri has been asking about you, but it’s weekend and he doubts you’d want to spend your time off with your boss and his kid no matter how much you like Gyuri.
Maybe some other day.
Just then, his phone rings and he glances at the screen. At the name of his friend, he immediately picks up the call and asks what’s up.
“When will you be off today?” Wonwoo asks from the other end.
“In a bit. Why?”
“The guys want to hang out,”he laughs as if it’s obvious. “Wanna see if you can make it.”
“Is it anywhere I can bring Gyuri?” he asks first, not bothering to ask who’d be coming. He’s sure Wonwoo wouldn’t extend an invitation to him this sudden if it’s not with their close circle. It has been quite some time since he sees them too, maybe letting Gyuri play with her uncles would lessen the mention of you in his household.
“We can just go to your place and order in if that’s the case,” Wonwoo suggests, saying the guys wouldn’t mind. “But there’s this family restaurant owned by one of my clients near my hotel. We can arrange a private room if you don’t want Gyuri to sit in the open.”
Mingyu stays silent for a while, contemplating his choices in his mind. Going to a family restaurant shouldn’t be too bad, and remembering the area of Wonwoo’s high-end hotel, it should be safe enough for Gyuri and her privacy. He winces at the thought of the hotel; the last time he was there, he’d woken up by himself and he swears he’d never drink past his limit ever again.
He bites his lip at the memory and at the joke fate is pulling between him and you. He’s never had a one night stand—at least not since Gyuri was born. He can’t do that when he has Gyuri waiting for him back home.
Mingyu can still remember that particular day vividly. It had been a while since he went out to have a drink and Seungcheol had mentioned he’s going to Exodus with Minghao if he wanted to join. He’d usually refuse, but, between failed deals and incompetent employees he almost yelled at that day, the week had been stressful. Plus, Gyuri was sleeping over her grandparents’ house so Mingyu had figured it should be okay.
He wasn’t supposed to get drunk off his head and ended up sleeping with you—or anyone, for that matter. But it’d been a while and he actually forgot he gets weirdly competitive over Seungcheol’s alcohol tolerance against his—which is how he ended up with more alcohol than he would’ve liked. Mingyu assumes you’re more or less in the exact same scenario as him by the way you left the moment you woke up and how you were always tense at the beginning everytime he’s nearby.
Maybe you’re afraid he’d bring it up, and then make a problem out of it or make it awkward between the two of you. But he doesn’t really have any reason to bring it up; what was he supposed to say, anyway? Ask why did you leave the moment you woke up? Ask if you enjoyed it as much as he did?
Mingyu sighs at the thought. It’s a one time thing and he’ll leave it at that.
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“Where’s Seokmin?” you ask as you sit down next to Jihoon. You’ve never been here before, and you were supposed to go to the bar you usually go to when Soonyoung insists on trying this restaurant because his sister says it’s really good. He doesn’t really have any other friends to go to a restaurantwith except for your circle. His other friends are more fitting for a club—maybe a bar, but not restaurants, which is why he suddenly turns the steering wheel the other way when he remembers about this place.
“Dunno if he’s joining,” Soonyoung pouts. “He’s not picking up my call, too.”
“Should I try calling him?” you offer, phone already in your hand.
“And risk having my heart broken in case he picks up?” he dramatically answers. “No. I’ll just bother him some other day. It’s you, Miss New Secretary, that have been too busy to see us. You haven’t even told us where you work!”
You smile sheepishly at him, muttering an apology as you go through the menu. “I’ve been adapting, you know? And it’s been pretty good. I should be a bit freer after this, though.”
“I assume the new boss is good?” Jihoon joins in, leaning into his palm to look at you. “You haven’t been complaining to us at all.”
You automatically smile at the thought of Mingyu, but then you remember these guys know about the one-night stand venture and you remind yourself not to disclose the fact that your boss is that guy to your friends. They don’t need to know.
“Yeah. A bit too perfectionist, but it’s not surprising because he’s Jennie’s boss,” you laugh with them, and the conversation naturally goes to your cousin and her baby. Soonyoung, Jihoon, and Seokmin have always been affectionate towards you, which means their affection extends to the people close to you; sometimes you think Soonyoung and Seokmin are more excited about the baby than you are.
You’re about to ask if Jisoo is invited (because Jisoo is close with them through you, so she’s a part of the circle but not always) or if this is an exclusive gathering that Soonyoung has arranged just to bother you when a small voice squeals happily.
“Daisy!!!!” you turn in surprise at the voice, seeing Gyuri trying to get away from her dad’s arms as she tries to reach you. Your eyes find Mingyu and two guys behind him, looking at you curiously in a way that makes you a little too conscious. But your gaze refuses to leave Mingyu, already fit in his everyday clothes in contrast of his dress shirt and suit you’ve seen him in just a few hours ago. Instead, he’s wearing a simple navy bomber jacket with a black shirt hidden beneath it and a pair of black jeans covering his long legs. Have sneakers always looked that sophisticated?
Damn, doesn’t he look good in casual clothes. No one would’ve thought Gyuri is his child with the way he dresses and the friends with him; they’d probably assume she’s a sister or a niece. On another note, though, do handsome people only befriend handsome people?
“Miss you!!”
You haven’t got a chance to answer nor explain to your friends when another voice enters from the back of the small party. “Oh? What are you guys doing here?”
Soonyoung blinks at the sight of Seokmin, all sort of curses for not answering his call already on the tip of his tongue but Jihoon is quick to shut him up by jabbing his thigh with his elbow. He glares at his friend, but Jihoon has never been one to faze under Soonyoung’s glare.
“Hi Seokmin,” you decide to answer, addressing him with an awkward smile. “Soonyoung wants to try this place.”
And that’s how you end up joining their table in a private room with Jihoon and Soonyoung. Gyuri happily sits next to you in her baby chair and Mingyu on her other side. Jihoon is still next to you, but Soonyoung sits across him, and next to him is Seokmin, and then two guys called Minghao and Wonwoo. For reasons that you don’t know, there’s an empty seat reserved next to Mingyu.
Your answer comes fifteen minutes later when Seungcheol makes his way into the private room, blinking continuously at the two circles together in front of him as if he’s sure he sees wrong. He turns owlishly to you, and it’s Wonwoo who ushers him to sit and proceeds to tell him what happened.
“I would’ve brought Jisoo here if I knew,” he says, smiling cutely at Gyuri who greets him with a happy ‘Uncle Cherry!’.
The dinner goes smoothly after that, and even though Soonyoung’s a bit annoyed his plan to annoy you is basically cancelled, he’s happy to find new friends though he’s unsure if he’ll be able to mix well with these wealthy business men despite their close age.
“I didn’t know you hang out with Seungcheol outside?” you tell Seokmin in confusion. While Jisoo would often be included in your hangout because she’s practically a package deal with you, Seungcheol would sometimes join by Jisoo’s extension. Now that you think about it, Seungcheol would either stick with Jisoo or Seokmin when it comes to it.
“Did I never mention?” he grins sheepishly before he takes a bite of his salad. “Must’ve slipped my mind.”
It’s pretty plausible, if you’re being honest. You don’t really know about Seokmin and his ‘bigshot’ friends before this—he’s never even shown you pictures and none of you are ever curious; he’s only said he was a childhood friend with one of them and the friendship still lasts almost two decades later. You’d like to think the reason why you, Jihoon, Seokmin, and Soonyoung (even Jisoo) are able to be this close to each other is because none of you ever pries anything out of the other unless you deem it necessary for their sake.
A part of you wonders why he and Jisoo don’t seem to be close even though presumably they might have time to hang out together outside your circle, but you figure sometimes people simply hang out together without making a close bond with one another.
“Feels like I haven’t seen you in so long, man,” Seungcheol’s voice booms through the table, addressing Mingyu as he takes . “When was the last time I saw you? Exodus?”
You cough violently at the mention of the club, bringing attention to you as Gyuri’s little hand pats you on the arm. Jihoon looks at you in worry, telling you to drink slowly as his hand rubs your back. You mutter an apology to the table, excusing yourself to the restroom while you’re at it. Gyuri grabs your finger, asking to come with you. You don’t want to say no, but you dread having to look Mingyu in the eyes as the memory of that night stirs in you once again.
Daring to look at Mingyu for permission, the guy simply nods when you meet his eyes. You can’t read his expression, both because you quickly look away to take Gyuri in your arms and because his face isunreadable. It’s been sometime since you have to remind yourself once again that Mingyu doesn’t have any reason to bring it up and everything’s fine.
Gyuri happily sits on top of the marble sink as you splash some water to your face. She reaches out to play with the sink, trying to figure out how it works as the water turns on and off by itself.
“Okay, that’s enough playing, yeah?” you smile at her after your heart calms down. “Let’s go back?”
She readily jumps into your arms, finger already playing with your hair as you make your way back to the private room. Gyuri refuses to sit back on her baby chair, her grip on you gets tighter when you’re about to put her down, so you settle her on your lap which earns you a content babble from the little girl.
“I’m really sorry,” Mingyu says from beside you, having finally rid of the baby chair so he can move his chair right next to yours. Everyone’s practically done eating at this point, but no one seems to be in a hurry to leave as they converse with one another. “She’s always been touchy, but never this clingy with someone before.”
“Guess I’m special,” you manage to joke, though your heart is going wild at the way he’s caressing Gyuri’s head.
You don’t expect Mingyu to answer, but the guy nods in agreement, telling you that ‘yeah, you are,’ with a voice that’s only for you to hear. You tense a little at that, wondering if you heard wrong, but Mingyu’s already turning the other way around before you can ask about it.
Across you, Soonyoung and Seokmin are staring at you with something close to suspicion. You raise your eyebrow in question, but they just narrow their eyes as if you have any idea about what they’re questioning you about.
“What’s with your friends?” you ask Jihoon instead.
“You’ve been friends with them for years and you still question what’s with them?”
“You’ve got a point.”
“But, if you must know,” he leans closer to whisper. “They’re probably suspicious of your relationship with your boss.”
You let out a loud ‘What!’ before you even realize, making Gyuri jump a little in your arms. You mutter a quiet sorry, and Gyuri continues to draw patterns on your arm with her finger after mumbling ‘’ss okay’. Mingyu turns to ask if something’s up, and you reassure him that all is fine and you’re just overreacting. He doesn’t seem convinced, but he lets it go and returns to his conversation with Minghao about interior design.
“I mean,” Jihoon continues without missing a beat, subtly pointing at the kid on your lap. “Why did she call you Daisy and why did she say she misses you?”
Gyuri is blissfully unaware she’s being talked about, and she simply yawns before leaning her cheek on your chest, getting comfortable in your hold as she grips the material of your clothing.
You’re about to answer him when a phone is suddenly shoved in front of you, a very annoyed Jisoo on the screen and you can only assume it’s Seungcheol holding the phone from behind.
“Not fair!!!!” she pouts. “You’re ALL there without me?”
“Am here too,” Jihoon helpfully chirps from the side, only his eyes appearing on the screen. Soonyoung makes his appearance through voice only, telling Jisoo it sucks to be her.
“Wow,” she exclaims in disbelief, her face offended. “You told me only [Y/N] was there, Cheol!”
“Now, now,” you see him grin through the camera, his phone tilting down a little to show Gyuri on your lap. “Let’s not get angry with Lili present.”
Gyuri sleepily waves at the camera, melting whatever annoyance Jisoo has before. Jisoo promises to send her pudding one of these days, and the kid also makes her promise like Jennie did the other day. Mingyu chuckles at the banter, and then finally notices his kid falling asleep in your arms.
Jisoo sees you and Mingyu share a look then a smile before he takes Gyuri from your lap until Seungcheol moves the camera to himself again. He talks some more before eventually hangs up, telling her to have a good night and that he’ll text her once he’s arrived home.
She wonders if she was just imagining the fond look on your face when you’re looking at Mingyu.
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Two weeks later, you find yourself getting ready for your business trip to Japan. More importantly, you find yourself falling more and more for Mingyu and Gyuri as time goes by and you’ve been reminding yourself to keep your feelings at bay—to not act upon it and you should take a step back from where you’re currently at. Your tendency to throw (hopefully) subtle flirty jokes at him and his nonchalant way of returning them needsto be stopped.
It’s getting increasingly scary: the way you and Mingyu have been getting more comfortable with each other. You try to trample down whatever hope that’s trying to bloom within you, but Mingyu would give you a playful wink or Gyuri would randomly make Jooyeon call you and there goes all your effort. The father and daughter pair aren’t hard to fall for and you don’t know how you are supposed to deal with this feeling.
Perhaps going on a business trip with Mingyu isn’t currently the best choice for your inner dilemma. Though it’s not like you have any other choices.
“What do you mean you’re going to Japan?” Jisoo demands from the sofa as you’re busy packing on the floor.
“I mean just that,” you roll your eyes. “Boss has a meeting there and the other secretary has already filed for the week off before this meeting was scheduled.”
“So it’s just you and Mingyu?” she frowns.
You turn to her in confusion, unsure why she’s annoyed. “Does your boss take other staffs that might not be needed for a meeting abroad?”
“So you’re there to be his secretary.”
“I am his secretary.”
Your friend stays silent at that, and you give her a pointed look that asks for explanation. When she still doesn’t say anything, you huff and sit next to her to probe further.
“Do you… like Mingyu?” she carefully starts.
“Of course I do,” you reply without hesitation, surprising her. But your next words make her shoulders drop unceremoniously. “He’s a pretty good boss. Even more when compared to my old ones.”
She scratches her arm, hoping you won’t get defensive. “I mean… romantically. Are you interested in him?”
“Where does this even come from?” when Jisoo doesn’t answer, you track back to any moment that might lead to this question until you remember the video call from that night. “Is it because Lili was on my lap?”
Your friend exhales a deep breath. You’re not sure why Jisoo is this anxious, but she grasps your hands and you recognize the look on her face, it’s one she gives you when she’s concerned about something to the point where the worry is eating her inside out.
“Are you?” she asks once more and you know you can’t lie to her face, can’t say no like you mean it, not when her voice is gentle and her eyes are full of worry. She knows you too well, you’d like to say. She knows how hard it is for you to be interested in someone, and she also knows you tend to fall hard once you do. Whatever concern that fills her is probably valid and you know you should be worried too.
“I don’t know, Soo,” you truthfully say. Perhaps you’re still in denial, refusing to acknowledge that you’ve been unknowingly staring at Mingyu with longing looks and the way your heart would run faster at the sight of his smile. But admitting it feels like a commitment itself and you’d rather not go down that road. “He… I’ve always been attracted to him, I’ll give you that. But I don’t know if I’m that invested yet. It’s probably just a crush. It’ll pass.”
Your voice is a little too small for her liking, you sound so defeated and it’s not something that sits well with Jisoo.
“I’m not… trying to get you to forget him,” she starts. The small smile on her face is there to remind you about her well-meaning concern. “I know how you don’t date just for the sake of it, and I know how hard it is for you to even be interested in someone. It’s been sometimes too, right? But… you know he has Gyuri and I hope you’re prepared for what you’re getting into. This is more than the usual commitment between two people.”
It goes pass your mind how Jisoo doesn’t say anything about Mingyu’s family, as the mention of Gyuri brings an automatic smile to your face. Jisoo doesn’t miss this, but doesn’t have it in her to bring it up right now because she knows you’ll get defensive.
It was just two days ago that Mingyu had called you out of nowhere, apologizing the moment you picked up the call because Gyuri had been wanting to talk to you and it's getting harder to convince her you’re busy. You spent a good ten minutes talking to Gyuri until she’s satisfied and eventually agreed to hang up the phone.
You found yourself biting your lip until it almost bled until it’s one in the morning, Mingyu’s low voice whispering ‘good night’ ringing in your mind.
“There’s no… commitment, Soo. You don’t have to worry. I’m sure Mingyu’s not into me that way.”
You know Jisoo is about to convince you otherwise, that you’re a very great person and Mingyu would be lucky to be with you, but you don’t want to hear it so you stand back up to end the conversation there and continue packing.
Mingyu’s way out of your reach and you might not even work here anymore after Jennie’s back.
You’ll get over it.
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
taglist: @yslshua @penny-quinn @nollixtrml @dnylwoo @itsveronicaxxx @john-and-paul @wheeinz @rjsmochii
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A/N: am sorry but some accs can't be mentioned for some reason D:
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nobodyfamousposts · 3 years
Chloe’s Lament Part 3
She didn’t know how long she spent ruminating. What drew her out of those thoughts was the sudden shouting from behind her and the exclamation of Bustier ordering Ivan to go to the Principal’s.
Yes! Yes, this was it! This was the start of Stoneheart, the first akuma!
This was the start of the previous Ladybug’s debut!
And it would be the beginning of her own!
Chloe was almost squirming in her seat as Ivan was ordered to go to the Principal’s office. She watched eagerly as he stormed out of the room.
Soon, she reminded herself.
So caught up in her own plans and imagining all the things she would do with the Miraculous, she didn’t even notice when class was over until everyone was leaving.
That’s right! She had to go, too! Her Miraculous awaited!
Sure, she didn’t know where it would be, but it was supposed to show up when Stoneheart appeared, right?
All the more reason to head out now to start looking!
Or she would if it weren’t for Bustier calling her before she could get out the door.
“Chloe. Do you have a minute?”
No, she didn’t! She had a Miraculous to receive and a city to adore her!
But at Bustier’s expectant look, she turned back with a sigh and walked up to her teacher’s desk. This was just a minor and temporary obstacle. Surely her Miraculous would wait! It wasn’t like there was anyone else fit for the hero role.
Her thoughts shifted to Marinette briefly before she waved them off. Certainly not!
“Did you need something?” She asked. As much of a rush as she was to get her Miraculous, Bustier was her favorite teacher and had always been on her side. The least she could do was allow her a bit of her time.
“I wanted to check in with you before school, but it seemed you had gotten here before I did.” Bustier smiled but her expression seemed tense. “I heard there had been an argument before class started?” She asked gently.
Perfect! Just the opening she needed.
Chloe fixed a hurt expression. “It was awful! Marinette was dictating the roles for the work study and she was going to make Adrien work in the kitchen!”
There! Let’s see how that wannabe responds when the school calls her out on this!
Bustier listened to her cries and nodded in sympathy, so Chloe was sure she had this set.
“What did Adrien say?”
…except for that.
“Did Adrien say he didn’t want to work the kitchen?” Bustier asked curiously.
Did he?
“Marinette didn’t give him a chance!” She argued, though truthfully she didn’t remember how he responded at the time. She had just been focusing on calling out Marinette and getting back at her for everything.
“Did you ask Adrien what he wanted?” Bustier asked.
A long pause followed.
The teacher looked at Chloe almost pityingly.
What? What was that look for?!
“I already knew!” Chloe defended. Because she did! Of course she did! She didn’t have to ask! He was her best friend! Of course she knew him better than anyone! So of course she knew what he wanted! “I was just looking out for him!”
It was just to help him! It wasn’t about herself! Wasn’t that good? Didn’t that make her the good guy here? Where was the outrage at Marinette?
“Were you looking out for him or against Marinette?”
Bustier sighed.
“Chloe, I know it’s difficult coming back after what happened. And I know you want your feelings to be justified.”
Because they were. Chloe’s feelings were justified, but no one could possibly understand why. She was the only one who knew about the previous reality. 
“—don’t know what you were doing in her locker, though I’m sure you had a reason, you know that wasn’t the right way to go about it—”
How could she even begin to explain what had happened? Of everything she had suffered while Marinette had gotten to play the hero and deny her what was rightfully hers?
“—though I’m sure it was an accident, but the things you said before and afterwards gave everyone the wrong idea—”
No. There was no point trying to explain. Even Bustier wouldn’t get it. Especially not at a time before magic was shown to be real.
“—really tried to argue on your behalf, but you were caught on camera—”
Though it seems like she at least is still on Chloe’s side. Plus there was that time she believed Marinette cheated on the test and did whatever, so clearly her trust in the girl wasn’t that great.
“—have already talked to Marinette about it and she’s willing to try to forgive—”
Plus Bustier was a bleeding heart. She never punished her for anything. Even looking the other way with some of Chloe’s plans. Getting bi-colored hair out of the way so she could be in the class photo next to her Adrikens. Her methods to win the Class Rep position. She never even made her do anything as the Rep. Surely that meant she was on her side, right?
“—but her parents are still very upset. It took a lot of effort to get them to agree to—”
Whatever this ‘probation’ was, it wasn’t like she’d be held to it.
“—advocated to keep you in my class along with her to prove you can do it. I have faith in you—”
Chloe nodded, not really listening, her mind busy formulating new plans.
It didn’t matter that Chloe was starting at a slight disadvantage. She could work around this.
“—so I hope you can understand—”
It meant that she just had to keep under the radar as Chloe.
And complete her revenge through the mask of Ladybug.
All the better.
After all, what better irony would it be than to ruin Marinette by using her own former hero persona against her?
“—what your counselor has been telling you—”
Chloe shook her head, realizing she had missed out on what Bustier was saying. And one word in particular stuck out to her.
Bustier looked surprised at Chloe’s own surprise, then worried. “Please tell me you haven’t been skipping your sessions, Chloe. Those are part of the requirements per the agreement for you to continue coming to school here.”
Chloe blinked in shock.
“I was able to argue for you to stay in my classes, and the administration agreed to keep you on a probationary period, but these are part of the conditions, Chloe.” Bustier explained. She sounded particularly anxious about it, causing it to really hit Chloe just how serious this was. “You need to see your counselor weekly and you need to not antagonize any of the other students, especially Marinette. Her parents were willing to accept the arrangement and not demand a hearing with the school board to have you expelled, but there is only so much the school can accommodate.”
No…no way…
How could she start off with things this bad for her already?
Wait…was this Marinette’s fault, too? Had she framed Chloe somehow?
Bustier rested a hand on Chloe’s shoulder in some attempt at reassurance.
“I want to continue to work with you, Chloe. But please…you need to at least try.” She said more than asked, but was still pleading. “Marinette has been willing to forgive, but if her parents hear anything more about you antagonizing her, this will be your last strike and they may very well demand your expulsion. Maybe even press charges.”
“Press charges?!”
But no one had ever pressed charges against her! She had never even had a detention before! And now she was facing this immediately?
“They aren’t going to!” Bustier assured her. “Believe me, no one wants that!”
Clearly Marinette did, the evil bit—
Bustier crouched, just enough to be eye level with her.
“Chloe, things aren’t over yet. We want you to have the best chance for your future. That’s why I’m working with you this year and why you have a counselor to help you with all these feelings you’re having a hard time with. And that’s why you need to take this as a new chance and do your best with it.”
Bustier looked at her hopefully.
“Do you understand?”
Yes, she understood clearly.
She understood that this world was ridiculous, UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!
This was not at all what she had wished for and she would be having words with that little kwami as soon as she got the Miraculous!
But as she couldn’t exactly explain any of that to Bustier, she simply nodded numbly and returned to her seat. There, she looked over her notebooks. And when Bustier wasn’t focusing on her, she glanced over her phone. Really, she should have done that first thing as soon as she woke up, and she regretted not doing so sooner.
What she found was…illuminating…
Chloe had gotten it completely wrong.
It wasn’t that Marinette was a threat. Or that she was abusing her power to bully Chloe. Or just doing any of the things that Chloe had assumed she would.
It was that Chloe herself was on thin ice for a history of bullying and harassment. And this time around, as a normal girl without her former clout, people were not as inclined to overlook her behavior. Especially when the girl in question being targeted was the daughter of the Mayor and also unexpectedly well regarded (not loved, because surely it had to be the position that made people hate Chloe originally, right?)
Marinette may not have been willing to demand punishment for whatever reason--probably to look good to the peons, but the school administration, being the cronies that they were, would hardly risk the liability of something happening to the child of an official under their care.
She left the class but honestly didn’t know where she was going. She was running on autopilot at this point as everything finally started to sink in about the new reality she was in. Nothing was as she expected. If anything, it was worse!
She just needed her Miraculous! Everything would be fine when—
Speak of the devil…
She had nearly bumped into the very girl her thoughts were raging against.
“Chloe?” Marinette asked. “Are you okay?”
No! No, she wasn’t! Everything was wrong and nothing was how it was supposed to be and it was all her fault!
“What do you want?” Chloe demanded sourly.
Marinette held out a hand but hesitated. She drew back but instead pressed on verbally. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You seemed confused earlier, and—
Yeah, cutting that nonsense off right now! If she thought pretending to care would spare her once Chloe became the Ladybug hero, she had another thing coming! And there was no way she was going to let the traitor use her to try and make herself look better by acting nice.
Chloe sharply cut her off. If Marinette hadn’t pulled her own hand back, it would have been slapped away with Chloe’s motion.
“Stop faking! There’s no way a spoiled brat who is given everything by her parents would help others! You’re just as crooked as they are!” She shouted.
Because that’s what Marinette had to be! What she always must have been! Why else would she hoard all the Miraculous to herself and not give Chloe what was hers?!
Marinette looked at Chloe almost…pityingly.
That witch was looking down on her!
“I don’t know what is upsetting you, Chloe. But I’m not responsible for your problems. You can lash out for as little as it actually makes you feel better, but I don’t have to take it.”
Don’t have to—DON’T HAVE TO—!!!
Chloe pointed at her angrily. “It’s because of you that I’m having to see a counselor!”
And Marinette sighed! Sighed! Like she was the one being put upon here! Bad enough she stole Chloe’s life, but now she was trying to act like she was the wronged party, here!
“Chloe, the alternative was a restraining order and another fine. And I’m pretty sure your dad can’t keep paying them. All things considered, I think you got off lucky.”
Chloe broke off sputtering, wanting nothing more than to put the other girl in her place but having no way to do so without revealing anything.
Marinette stared her straight on, unperturbed.
“Whatever you’re facing now is a result of your own actions.”
How dare she?! Like she knows anything!
Who was she to talk?!
“Oooh!” Chloe stomped her foot before storming off.
She’d show her!
Just wait! Once she got her Miraculous, she would tear her down in every way possible and she would enjoy it! And THEN Ladybug would be sorry! She would regret ever denying Chloe!
She just needed—
From a distance, she could hear crashing and the sound of screams echoing through the school. Many people ran past her in terror. And peeking out, she caught sight of what could only be Stoneheart rampaging through the school. 
“No doubt looking for what’s-his-name.” She muttered. She hadn’t really cared to know the details of that first akuma attack aside from her involvement in it.
But still, there was an akuma, just as expected! Which signaled the first appearance of the heroes!
She smirked.
This was it! That meant she should be getting her Miraculous at any time now! She just had to wait for whoever to deliver it to her!
So she waited in place, grinning with excitement the entire time.
And waited.
And waited.
…but nobody came.
How was she supposed to become a hero if her power-granting jewelry didn’t show up? How did Marinette get it originally anyway? She seemed close to that old guy…wasn’t he supposed to show up by now? She hasn’t seen any old guy!
“Where is it already?!”
Well, someone had to deliver it, right? Maybe they just didn’t know where she was and left it somewhere she could find…which meant she had to be the one to search.
“I can’t believe this!”
Nothing in her locker.
“What kind of service is this anyway?”
Her desk was empty.
“Is this how you treat your hero?”
With little other options, she stormed home in a huff—not like classes would happen anyway with a giant stone monster running around. She didn’t even need to bother checking, as it was what happened last time. And if the way everyone was running around was any indication, it would no doubt be the same now.
She couldn’t afford to waste anymore time. Her moment had come! And that meant her Miraculous was here!
She flung open the door to her room.
“Where is it?”
Not on her desk.
“Where is it?!”
Not on or under her bed.
“Why would they make it so hard to find?!”
Really, she should be handed it on a golden platter as everyone begs her to save them! It shouldn’t be this difficult! And she shouldn’t be having to actually have to search herself!
That’s what the servants were for! Or Sabrina.
She was determined, however! Nothing would stop her, even a messy room! So she continued her search, throwing this or that aside—they weren’t a Miraculous, they didn’t matter.
She didn’t even notice that one of the items she tossed was a remove, which landed in such a way that it turned on the nearby TV.
“Maybe it’s in my closet?” She wondered.
That made sense. After all, once she got all the Miraculous, she’d be able to switch them out as easily as a pair of shoes. She would probably need to leave them in the closet when she’s not using them.
She opened the closet doors, giving a grimace at the small space and her much more limited wardrobe. It was so much smaller than her old one!
She briefly mourned the loss of the space and all of her top-brand designers as she forced herself to dig through the various clothes and accessories.
Not this.
Not that.
Ew! She wouldn’t be caught dead wearing that!
“—stone monster has been defeated!”
Chloe froze.
But she hadn’t even made her appearance yet!
Chloe spun around, nearly tripping over some shoes in her escape from the closet. All to get a closer look at the screen because clearly it was some cartoon or show or something. It was a mistake! It had to be a mistake!
But no, there was that news anchor—whatever-her-name-was. And behind her was a video of her classmate—Jim? Ryan? Whatever the rock monster had been, now back to normal—or as normal as anyone could be in THAT tacky shirt and getup!
And next to him…
A boy in black—blond but in a distinctly different getup from her Adrikens.
And a girl.
In red.
Red and black.
It wasn’t the Ladybug she knew. It couldn’t be. She had just seen the now Ex-Ladybug in the halls!
The new hero’s hair was as red as her suit with a black headband—almost like a tiara. Her mask was a mix of red and black. Her suit was a black bodysuit with red accents—with her hands covered in gloves that seemed to be red and red boots that reached just above her shin. And the collar of the suit seemed to expand into a sort of dress that lengthened in the back, which when she turned appeared more like a cape that was red in color. Like a Ladybug’s shell.
And of course, the outfit was sparse with spots of differing colors, with multiple black spots on her red cape and single red dots center on her gloves and the peaks of her boots.
And looking closely—to the point she was literally pressed up against the screen, she could swear that the spots were all…in the shape of hearts, of all things? How juvenile!
But there was no mistaking it!
That was Ladybug. Maybe not the same Ladybug as before, but still the Ladybug Miraculous! It hadn’t been waiting for her like it was supposed to. It had gone to—been stolen by someone else!
They had made her tear up her room for nothing!
“—day has been saved thanks to the combined efforts of Red Queen and Cheshire! Paris’s new heroes!”
Chloe felt something crack. It may have been her TV.
Not only did this upstart steal her place as the city’s hero. And her rightful victory over the Ex-Ladybug by taking her place…
She took her title as Queen!
“How dare she?!”
Bad enough to injure her this way, but to insult her, too?!
At this point, she didn’t even know whether she was more angry with this faker or with Marinette!
She froze at that as the realization hit her…
Chloe didn’t have the Ladybug.
She wouldn’t be able to fix anything.
Her Wish had switched her with Marinette so she could make the other girl experience the burdens of her life while she could become the hero and make her suffer for her past life’s crimes.
But rather than hated, Marinette was actually well liked by their classmates and just in general. A few internet searches had pulled up Marinette using her power over others much as Chloe had in the past, so it wasn’t like they were any different! But apparently cancelling talks to make a new building for a corporate gym chain in order to keep a lame old skating rink open was good somehow! And forcing people to do backbreaking labor to plant trees on a Saturday! And that work study program at her Dad’s hotel! That was just free child labor!
The fact that Chloe had done the same thing in the previous timeline only with putting people in the suckier jobs had no bearing on this!
Chloe growled, clenching her fists and shaking at the injustice of it all.
And while Marinette was getting to live it up, meanwhile, poor Chloe herself was despised and about two steps away from a criminal record for things that weren’t even her fault! She couldn’t even enjoy the one nice thing about Marinette’s original position of becoming a hero and being popular! And any attempts to call out Marinette for her evils only made HER look like the bad guy!
Becoming Ladybug had been her only chance to fix this. She could have used it to promote herself. To tear down Marinette. Even to go back to the previous reality where she could still be Miracle Queen if nothing else! But now she didn’t even have that! Whatever stupid power in charge of this must be broken somehow!
This meant…
Marinette had won before Chloe even had a chance to do anything.
And now there was nothing Chloe could do about it.
She didn’t have the Ladybug. She was going to need a new TV. She didn’t have any of her previous life’s accommodations or riches to replace them. Nobody liked her. Her Daddykins had no influence to help her. Her Mother was still in New York.
There was only one thing she could count on, she realized as she picked up a picture frame.
“At least I always have you.”
The picture of Adrien stared back at her, flat and unblinking.
Once upon a timeline, son of a fashion mogul, Adrien Agreste, was a popular model who was sad and cut off from the world, being isolated except for his only friend: daughter of the Mayor and the Style Queen, Chloe Bourgeois.
But someone didn’t like that story, so they changed it.
So once upon a timeline, son of a fashion mogul, Adrien Agreste, who only sometimes took part in his fathers business had two friends: daughter of the Mayor, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and daughter of the Style Queen, Chloe Bourgeois.
He was sad and cut off from the world for a time, true. But the current Mayor was a big believer of children having normal healthy childhoods and was not as inclined to ignore child labor laws. And her daughter, while happy to be his friend, was similarly a big believer of healthy childhoods and not as inclined to be Adrien’s only friend.
Being on good terms with the family, Sabine and Tom convinced Gabriel and Emilie to cut down on the modeling and activities for their son to let him go to school and spend time around kids his age. And being on good terms with Adrien himself, Marinette convinced him to interact with his various classmates and introduced him to a number of peers.
What followed was the beginning of beautiful—if not headache-inducing friendships.
A couple of years made all the difference. So much so that by the time that particularly Miraculous school year started, Adrien had already been going to school for a good couple of years. Long enough to become settled, join clubs, and make his own friends. Ones outside of Marinette and Chloe and their social circles.
Adrien Agreste was popular. Not the kind of popularity that comes with hundreds of fans chasing him down the street, thankfully, which he would certainly appreciate if he knew about. But rather, his popularity was the general school variety that came with a guy who was good looking and kind to everyone.
Adrien was, to put it simply, quite happy. And not at all alone.
He would play sports with Kim and Alix. Study with Max and Sabrina. Geek out over books and anime with Marc and Jean. Play games with Max and Nino. Blabber on about heroes and comics with Nathaniel and Mirelle. 
And of course, there was Marinette.
Adrien would be lying if he said he never had…some feelings for Marinette.
She was the one who had helped to convince his father to let him join public school three years ago. While it may have been possible for the man to argue with an hour long presentation complete with a fifty slide PowerPoint explaining why public school was beneficial for children including statistics and psychological studies, it was substantially more difficult for him to argue with the girl’s mother when she was both the Mayor and a close enough family friend. It couldn’t be sure which of the two had been the final push that had convinced Emilie, but once she was on board, Gabriel couldn’t help but cave soon after.
Either way, Adrien was grateful to his friend.
…and a bit smitten. Not that he could tell her that. Especially the way she would stick her tongue out when she was so focused on a drawing. Or how beautiful she looked when she took charge of a project. Or how cute she was the way she would get annoyed when she’d catch him wearing the worst possible combination from his closet, which was made all the better partly because it made his Father look ready to have a coronary as well. Plus it helped that she’d drag him to her house at the first opportunity to salvage his outfit into something bearable. He didn’t have to, but he let her every time.
She was adorable like that. And at least he wasn’t alone since it seemed many of his other friends had admitted a crush on her at some point that never went anywhere. He doubted he’d be different.
After all, he was admittedly a sucker for the childhood friend to lovers trope in anime—which made him all the more bummed that they hardly ever worked out.
And since he was apparently the equivalent of an anime protagonist now if his new little companion was any indication…
He looked down at his bag, where his new little friend smirked up at him.
…yeah, he didn’t want to risk it.
Especially given some of the things the little cat-god had told him.
“What do you mean we’ve done this before?” Adrien asked, rather confused to say the least.
“Yeah, it didn’t work out last time.” The creature—Plagg, replied. Though not actually answering his question in any way.
He looked up at Adrien with a smirk.
“But things will be different this go around. We’ve made sure of it.” He then turned away, muttering darkly something Adrien couldn’t hear about some “brat” and a “surprise”.
“O…kay?” He didn’t get it, but okay?
Plagg shook his head before turning back and floating up to eye level with him. “Just change up your suit, ditch the bell, and don’t call yourself Chat Noir and things will be fine.” It told him.
“But why?” Admittedly, his first thought had been “Wild Pussycat” due to his current favorite fandom, but Chat Noir actually sounded really cool.
“Trust me, kid. It’ll help.”
And apparently it had, since he’d met his partner and they’d defeated that monster easily enough.
Plus Adrien did rather like the Wonderland theme they agreed on.
He had been excited about the adventure—what teenage boy wouldn’t be? Still, it was a relief to return to the school the next day and find everyone safe and sound.
Ivan admittedly wasn’t having the best time, unfortunately. He was being crowded by everyone and questioned about the incident by the time Adrien had arrived. Everyone was clearly worried and no one knew for sure what had happened. Marinette in particular was being supportive.
Chloe was…not.
“He’s not a monster!” Marinette countered defensively. “He doesn’t even remember what happened!”
“He could just be saying that!” Chloe yelled, pointing at Ivan. “Once a monster, always a monster!”
“Hey, back off, Chloe.” Alya said, stepping in front of her. “It’d not like Ivan asked to become a stone golem, and besides, any damage was erased and he’s back to normal.”
Adrien sighed. He was going to have to play mediator again, wasn’t he?
“Hey, Chloe?” He asked benignly, stepping up to her. “If you’re worried he’ll transform again, maybe upsetting him isn’t a good idea? We don’t know what caused it or if it was a one time thing.”
Actually, he did know. But given what Plagg had told him about how the akumas worked, he didn’t want to risk Ivan getting reakumatized. And he couldn’t very well come out and say any of that until this Hawk Moth guy revealed himself and the city as a whole had a better idea how his powers worked.
“Of course, it—” She suddenly cut off, as if realizing something. “Whatever!”
With that, she turned and stomped off.
What was her deal?
Still, everyone else was uncertain of what else to do and with class about to start, several other classmates chose to leave as well. Soon, the previously larger crowd had only a couple people left. Adrien, for his part, figured he should step back and give Ivan some space.
Marinette took advantage of the opportunity the lack of crowd gave to push Kim forward. The taller boy began nervously apologizing while Marinette sat by Ivan as support.
Adrien sighed in relief as he walked away.
Marinette was a wonderful friend. 
Chloe, on the other hand…
Speaking of Chloe, the girl in question had realized a few minutes after she had stormed off that in her anger, she hadn’t kept track of where she was going and had apparently gone the complete opposite direction of her next class.
Seriously! She knew more than anyone! They should be flocking to her for answers and instead, everyone was focusing on Kim! Or what’s his-name! Rocker boy! Sure, he was only going to be the first of many akumas, but nobody else knew that! She thought she could use that to boost her status by confronting the “threat”!
Last time, she had led the crowd by calling him out for what he had done. Yet much like many things, that had gone wrong this time as well! Instead of rallying behind her against the clear threat only she knew about, most of the people were giving her the side-eye. And of course Marinette freaking Chang had to be the one to act against her!
Really! She was the victim here and nobody even knew it! Thanks to that new Red Queen stealing her rightful place, Chloe had lost everything! And she couldn’t even TELL anyone! Now what was she supposed to do?
She growled, smacking a wall with her fist.
And now she would have to walk all the way back! And she couldn’t just skip classes for the day to make them suffer without her presence for siding against her; the school wouldn’t allow it. Which meant she would have to face everyone again. And walk in these old shoes that were murder on her poor feet!
Oh, the life of suffering she lived!
She trudged back through the hallway the way she came, taking a slightly different route—just in case the others were still where she left them. She didn’t want it to seem like she was intentionally coming back or anything. That would just be letting them think they were right.
“That was something earlier, huh?”
“Yeah. Poor Ivan.”
She paused. Up ahead was a connecting hallway that led to another path to her classroom. And she could hear voices from around the corner.
One of them was Adrikens!
She almost felt herself floating forward, her feet no longer in pain and her shoes no longer a trouble to her. Adrikens always made things better! And surely he of all people would understand her misery!
She peaked. Sure enough, there he was. Her precious friend! The only one she could count on!
But she didn’t recognize the other boy with him. It wasn’t Nino. She couldn’t not know if it was him due to how his name was engraved upon her psyche with how much Adrikens would talk about him.
The other boy grumbled, though Chloe barely took notice of what he had to say. Not until he started talking about her.
“I can’t believe Chloe. Well, I can, because that’s nothing new for her. What a…”
Gasp! How rude! Who did he think he was? He was luck he cut off or she would have had his parents’ jobs!
She winced, remembering that she couldn’t do that anymore.
…well, she’d cause him some repercussions, anyway.
But unaware of her, he kept going, turning to Adrien.
“Dude, why do you even put up with her?” The loser asked.
How rude! She wasn’t someone he had to ‘put up with’, she was a joy to be around! Of course her Adrikens adored her! And he would no doubt admonish that low class nobody for talking about her in such a way!
‘Because I’m his best friend,’ Chloe thought smugly.
Of course Adrien would be on her side.
Because she was his best friend.
Because they were each other’s only friends for years.
Because they’re the only ones who understand each other.
Because even if everything else changed, that was one thing that would remain true.
He would never abandon her.
Chloe Bourgeois and Adrien Agreste—them against the world!
“Honestly, I don’t even know anymore.”
She froze.
"I mean, we used to be friends, but that was more because her parents were friends with mine. Right now her Mom is my Dad's business associate and I kind of have to be nice to her or she could complain or something."
"Oh yeah. She did threaten to run to 'Daddy' earlier. Stands to reason she'd use 'Mommy' the same. But do you really think her Mom would care that much?"
"I don't want to risk it. Being in school the past three years has been like a dream. The last thing I want is to lose it all because Chloe threw a tantrum."
He sighed.
“Besides, I do feel bad for her. I mean…she’s alienated pretty much everyone she’s ever been in a class with and I’m the only one who will even talk to her.”
“The only one who can, you mean.” The other said snarkily. “She insults anyone else who even looks at her.”
He shook his head. “She doesn’t have any friends. And it’s just…sad.”
“Dude, that’s not your fault.”
“I know that now. She was always a...” He hesitated for a moment before spitting it out, “well...a brat. I’m honestly not sure I ever liked her. I just hung out with her at the time because she was the first kid my age to interact with and I was told to. Back then, I thought that was enough to make us friends. That that was what friendship was supposed to be.”
“Thank God for Mari and her mom.”
“Tell me about it!”
His words were like a blade piercing her heart from behind.
One after another, they stabbed her.
And he—her only friend, completely unaware, he just kept going.
“When we were kids, neither of us knew better. But while I grew up, she…didn’t.”
That…that wasn’t right!
None of that was right!
Adrien sighed. “And I really wish she would.”
Chloe didn’t even realize she had lost all feeling in her legs until she had slumped to the ground.
He really thought that?
About her?
“I try to step in and help her when I can. Partly because I feel obligated to since we were close once, but mostly because I know she would just make things worse if I didn’t. I mean, you know what she did with Mari when she got mad. But honestly…I’m really tired of it. Of having to pacify her, the way she grabs me, her stupid ‘Adrikens’ nickname, and just…dealing with her. All of it.”
He sighed again.
“But who knows how much worse she’d be otherwise?”
“Dude, you’re not some sacrificial lamb here.” The other boy assured him. “And besides, you heard, didn’t you? Chloe’s been reprimanded and she’s only still in school on a trial period. If she does anything and people complain, she’ll be out of here and you won’t have to deal with her anymore.”
A weak chuckle. Her Adrikens—Adrien actually laughed at that.
“I’d feel bad if I said I was looking forward to it.”
The other boy laughed at that. “Y’know, I had a dream last night where she announced she was leaving Paris.”
“Sounds like a good dream.” Adrien replied, not even missing a beat.
“I know! I almost didn’t want to wake up!”
The two left, with Adrien just…continuing to chat and laugh and joke like they were best friends and like they weren’t making fun of Chloe who was supposed to be his best friend whose side he was supposed to be on no matter what…
Where was he just then? Where was his defense of her? Where was his declaration that he was still her friend no matter what? Where was his insistence that she wasn’t as bad as people think? Where was his lecture of that boy for speaking ill of her? Where was his disappointment of the others for being mean and wanting her gone? Where was his promise?
...Where was her Adrien?
That was what finally broke through.
Chloe sobbed.
It wasn’t just Adrien. That was simply the last straw.
Marinette had Chloe’s life and was apparently happier than she ever was in the previous life—happier than Chloe had been even! Someone else was the Ladybug hero and had taken her title as ‘Queen’. She didn’t have a Miraculous. She didn’t have Pollen. Her Father wasn’t the Mayor. Her Mother was still in New York. And everything was…
Everything that had made Chloe Bourgeois who she was was gone. 
What was she, after all?
Chloe Bourgeois was rich.
She was the Daughter of the Mayor.
She was the Princess of Paris.
Without that…who was she?
Who was this new Chloe Bourgeois she had become?
She wasn’t feared. She wasn’t respected. She wasn't in any way liked. She was an annoyance at best. An irritant. A bug to them. Someone to be avoided.
And in Adrien’s case…pitied.
That, more than anything, was what hurt the most.
Adrien didn’t love her. He didn’t even like her.
And maybe…
“…I hate you, Chloe.”
…he never had.
“You’re the sort of person who is never satisfied with anything.”
…did he ever care about her at all?
“Whatever you do. Whatever world you create. My feelings won’t change.”
Had he…been trying to warn her?
“It won’t be real, Chloe. Whatever we had…whatever you would call it is already gone.”
She slowly pulled herself up. She wasn’t quite sure where she was going at this point, but she didn’t want to be there anymore. She was deaf to everything but the pounding of her own heart and the memory of Adrien’s words.
“Chloe, you don’t know what friends are!”
“And I didn’t know better before because I only ever had you. But since I’ve started school, I’ve learned what friendship is!”
 “I wish I had learned it sooner.”
Well…it looked like he had gotten his wish. Seeing him now, surrounded by people in a way he had never been before. Not even just Nino this time, but others from other classes.
He looked happy.
…had he ever looked that happy when he was with her?
She bit her lip.
That liar.
He…he was a traitor!
Just like Ladybug!
Just like all of them!
She looked up to the sound of cheers.
From the angle she was at, she could see her classmates gathered close to the doorway of the classroom. Apparently rocker boy and rainbow-haired girl were together now? Oh yeah, that had happened around this time like time, hadn’t it? Wasn’t he supposed to have been akumatized a second time first, though?
It didn’t seem to matter. They were holding hands. And the others were going on about how great it was. And Adrien was congratulating them just as much as everyone else. And they were all just so damn happy.
And there was Marinette, in the middle of it all. Smiling.
And not once did she even look at her.
Chloe could only watch on as they ignored her. As Marinette brushed her off like it didn’t matter while she got to carry on with what had been Chloe’s life. Still kind. Still friendly. Still popular. And somehow even more despicably perfect than before now that she had taken Chloe’s place.
All that…having everything that made Chloe who she was, and somehow, she was still so…disgustingly happy.
Not despised. Not unloved. Not a hateful, selfish person. Not…anything like Chloe.
“Marinette is a better Ladybug—a better person than you ever will be. And that’s because she chooses to be kind! Regardless of the circumstances!”
 “Even if your positions were switched, that wouldn’t change.”
It wasn’t fair.
The Universe is a director. It doesn’t alter the script, merely the parts. When someone demands a different role, the most it will do is swap people around to put them in places that best fulfill the demand. And if the ones who saw fit to make demands didn’t like their new roles...well...
The Universe didn’t particularly like critics.
So the critic wanted the baker girl’s life? That was fine.
After all, the critic’s father had two roles.
One for two. Two in one.
Why not split the difference and see what comes of it?
At least, that was what it figured. And it turned out pretty well in its not so humble opinion.
The city had a steadfast leader. The hotel had a caring manager. The bakery had a decent owner. The heroes were both the same and different. The sad male lead would get to display greater range. The former hero got to take a break after carrying the entire production previously. And the invisible actor would get a chance to step out of a shadow and finally shine.
And if the little critic didn’t like it, maybe she shouldn’t have complained?
Some people just didn’t appreciate what they were given.
The Universe nodded to itself and turned its attention to the new heroic duo, curious as to what would come of this new dynamic.
It was getting bored of the old love square anyway...
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half-a-dozen-roses · 2 years
Hisoka as your best friend headcanons
I had a flurry of these all at once and just HAD to get them all down because I was enjoying them so much! I was mostly picturing myself as Hisoka’s friend in these scenarios. For reference I am a 5′4″ bi woman who is not remotely threatening in any way. If any authors find these then feel free to use them for fanfics also feel free to alter any of the “you” parts to fit more  to yourselves/your OCs. The rest is under a cut because I have no self-control and wrote far too much!
- YOU may think your best friend is that person you’ve known since you were 5 and spend every weekend with. Hisoka however, has decided HE is your best friend, and no, you do not get a say in this. (He also thinks of you as HIS best friend but will never actually admit that!)
- He will randomly appear in your house with no prior warning and just stay with you for up to several days at a time.
- The first time this happened it scared the life out of you and you hired a security firm to make your house burglar proof. Two weeks later you came home from work and he was on your couch. You hired another firm, the most expensive this time, and invested in a military grade security system. You ended up accidentally locking yourself out for 3 whole days while you got to grips with it. He STILL found a way in a month later. You’ve now given up and leave the windows open whenever you go out.
- When he does come for an impromptu stay, he’s a pest. He’ll use your make up, your toothbrush (even if you leave a spare out), eat all your food (forget any kind of meal planning) and uses all the hot water when he showers.
- When he leaves, you know he’ll return at some point because he ALWAYS leaves something of his behind usually playing cards, or jewellery.
- One time he left his shoes. That one was confusing, until you realised a pair of your own heeled boots were missing. His feet are a good 4 sizes bigger than yours. When he returned wearing them (and looking better in them than you) you asked HOW that was even possible. He just smiled and said “a magician never reveals his tricks.”
- You do kind of enjoy his visits though.
- He always brings wine, the good stuff not the cheap box stuff you usually buy, and you both drink A LOT of it.
- You tend to binge-watch awful TV shows together, usually Spanish tele-novelas (neither of you understand a word being said, but enjoy making up your own scripts and live for the DRAMA). Also some version of The Bachelor.
- Since meeting him your rent has mysteriously dropped to a quarter of what it once was... Hisoka won’t say what he did but promises your landlord is still alive.
- You’re both banned from the local casinos after he taught you how to cheat at various card games and you both went on a cheating spree together earning a sizeable fortune.
- You’ve gained some impressive first aid skills  - Hisoka doesn’t trust many people to patch him up after a fight, but you “have a gentle touch.”
- You both just... Throw things at each other. All the time (gently, not in Hisoka’s signature murder by playing card way).
- Sometimes he’ll text you at 3am. No words, just a silly cat video.
- Everything you do is a competition... One time, after making a New Years Resolution to get fit, you decided to go to the gym together... NEVER AGAIN! That man makes the gym instructors look like slobs.
- “Bungee gum” is officially a banned word in your house. You made a sign and everything.
- Hisoka is simultaneously the BEST wing-man you’ve ever had and the ULTIMATE cock-block. He set you up on tinder and manages to arrange dates with THE hottest people on there and if you’re out together at a bar he’ll somehow manage to set you up with anyone you show an interest in. BUT he also has a knack for either phoning you, or just strolling into your house at the exact moment things start to get spicy with whoever you’ve brought back. He claims it’s not deliberate, but his smirk and the sheer number of times it’s happened makes you suspect otherwise.
-  For all the meddling he does in your love life, you know relatively little about his. You do suspect there’s more to his “alliance” with Illumi than he lets on though, you’ve seen that little spark in his eyes whenever he mentions the assassin. You never push him for details though, you figure if you do he’ll either overshare to a sickening degree or he’ll get defensive and offended. You decide it’s safest to just leave it alone.
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songwriteoc · 3 years
The Sims 4 Challenge - The Pack(age) Challenge - 10 Gen Version
Ever wanted to explore other aspects of the game, but never had the will to do so? Well with this challenge… you can!
You can use whatever mod you want – it is a fun challenge that you can add your own twists to if you follow the guidelines given!
Recommended Settings:
-        Normal or Long (does not matter)
-        MCCC (for certain generations if needed, but you do not really need it)
-        Do NOT use the More Trait Slot Mod. I will update to add more traits once complete.
You do NOT need to stay with one pack for Create-a-Sim. I understand some of these may require other packs to fit the aesthetic :P
The generations will span over 10, however you can stop at ANY generation if you want to stop.
You can also skip a generation if:
1.    You really dislike the Expansion/Game Pack
2.    If you do not have the Expansion/Game Pack
Generation 1 – The Comedic Genius (Base Game)
You have always dreamed of becoming a comedian. Ever since that one knock, knock joke as a toddler. Your first sentence was even knock, knock! Your dream is become the best comedian in Willow Creek, Newcrest and/or Oasis Springs! You also wanted to create the best comedy household, wanting a large family full of kids to explore all the arts of comedy! Although you were not always down for marriage, you still wanted to act like a happy family even through the comedy home life.
Being raised in an orphanage and finally finding a home once you aged up into a young adult is where your story starts.
 -        Traits: Childish, Family-Orientated & Cheerful
-        Aspiration: Joke Star
-        Create Young Adult (YA) Sim of Any Gender!
-        Reach Lvl.10 of Entertainer Career (Comedian Branch)
-        Max. Comedy Skill
-        Max. Mischief Skill
-        Have a boyfriend/girlfriend, NEVER MARRY!
-        Have 3 to 4 Children.
 Generation 2 – A Serious Detective (Expansion Pack: Get to Work)
You hated the way your family made you do clown behaviour, forced to make jokes that did not even impress you, but made you mad! On a day like no other during high school, you helped a classmate get their money back from their bully, making you best friends till the end of time, with possibly more feelings later? (This is your choice). To get out of your home, you spent majority of your life of high school going to the gym on the weekends to get away from the chaotic life of a comedy home.
You never understood why your family gave you siblings, making you feel overwhelmed with the number of kids your parents naturally had, making you feel bad for the children put up for adoption and left alone with no parents.
-        Traits: Hot-Headed, Ambitious & Athletic
-        Aspiration: Professional Athlete
-        Generation starts as Young Adult (YA)
-        Reach Lvl.10 in Detective Career.
-        Have One Best Friend Forever
-        Max. Logic Skill
-        Max. Athletic Skill
-        Adopt One Child
-        Somehow with science, become abducted by an alien. (if it leads to a alien pregnancy, that is fine!)
 Generation 3 – Cooking is the Heart (Game Pack: Dine Out)
As a child, you always enjoyed watching your parent cook you fabulous meals – making them as perfect as you could imagine. Even for your own birthday, you always asked for cookbooks to read upon them so you could learn the recipes to start your own restaurant and teach your children to cook and hopefully take over the restaurant empire you want to build for your family!
Due to how your parent raised you, you were always keen on marrying before woohoo, which is exactly what you will do!
As a Young Adult (YA) this is when your story starts.
 -        Traits: Foodie, Perfectionist & Creative
-        Aspiration: Successful Lineage
-        Generation Starts as Young Adult (YA)
-        Gain 5 Stars in your Restaurant!
-        Max. Cooking Skill
-        No Woohoo before Marriage!
-        Marry before you reach Adulthood!
-        Have 2 Children! (If triplets, that is fine too!)
-        Max. Baking Skill (Requires Get to Work)
-        Read Every Week (As if you are reading a cookbook every week)
 Generation 4 – The Unflirty Critic (Expansion Pack: City Living)
You have seen people fall in love, hated that your parent spent more times cooking in the restaurant with your sibling than taking care of you. They may of gave you attention, but what was it for? So, you could critic the food they make? You seemed to also help your parent cook amazing foods with your own critical thinking. Was this a career path for you? Seems so!
In school, nobody wanted to be friends with you due to how brutal honest you were with their gifts and how they acted. Everybody hated you, and the only friend you had was your own sibling who stayed beside you, telling you to do what you can with the goals you want in life, making you flee to the city of San Mychuno! Yours was to be a food critic. With no friends, you never learned to love, apart from that one hook-up one night at a high school party your sibling brought you to after you graduated. You despised love. You despised the very thought of it. You were the Agnes Crumplebottom of love, whacking people with your clipboard of critic responses.
 -        Traits: Unflirty, Vegetarian & Loner
-        Aspiration: City Native
-        Starts as a Teenager (Teen)
-        Lvl. 10 of Critic Career (Food Critic Branch)
-        Max. Charisma Skill
-        Never Marry!
-        Become Pregnant at a Party As soon As You Age Up!
-        Never Talk to Child till they are a Teenager.
-        You may use MCCC to get your sim pregnant as a Teenager instead of as soon as they age up! (Still at a party!)
 Generation 5 – It is Nothing Like Twilight, I Swear! (Game Pack: Vampires)
Your parent always shoved you away. You always loved studying upon the supernatural and embraced the feeling once as a teenager, you befriended a vampire, only to have a teenager brain and ask to of been turned. Your now stuck as a vampire and need a way to find a cure for your offspring you want to produce.
You do not want your future child to live through the same fate as you, as you turn other sims into vampires like yourself, before falling in love with another vampire, making it a love for eternity. However, you always adored your grandparents cooking, its as if they gave you heaven for food.
Your sims story starts as a teenager!
 -        Starts as a Teenager (Teen)
-        Traits: Kleptomaniac, Bro & Jealous
-        Aspiration: Good Vampire
-        Purchase Almost Every Vampire Perk!
-        Be Turned as a Teenager (or early Young Adult)
-        Have 1 – 3 Children!
-        Find a Cure for Vampirism Before child(ren) reaches Teen stage(s)
-        Marry Your Vampire Love
-        Have HORRIBLE relationship with parent, but GREAT relationship with grandparent.
-        You can rebuild your relationship with your parent before they die, if your Sim wants to anyway!
 Generation 6 – I will adopt one, no two… No, all six! (Game Pack: Parenthood)
Your grateful for what your parent did for you, creating a cure for the vampirism you were born with. Although, you feel as if you need to prove to your parent that you can be the best parent in the world! Unfortunately, you were born unable to have children yourself (can be edited in CAS, or through mods).
You make it your mission to adopt as many kids as you want and making sure to spoil them with your video game greatness and parenting skills! Making them feel loved and adored!
 -        Traits: Family-Oriented, Good & Geek
-        Aspiration: Super Parent
-        You Start Once they reach Young Adult (YA)
-        Max. Parenting Skill
-        Max. Video Gaming Skill
-        Adopt 6 Toddlers Between Your Young Adult and Adult stage!
-        Never Get a Job! (Paint, Write… etc. for money!)
-        You can marry if you want. Requirements: MUST share ONE trait your SIM has!
-        Adopt to Max. Household Limit Between your Young Adult and Adult Stage!
-        Youngest Child is Next Gen!
 Generation 7 – Time to Meow to this Howling! (Expansion Pack: Cats & Dogs)
You were raised with a lot of adoptive siblings, making you feel tired of being surrounded by older siblings that rushed around you taking care of your parent(s). The only love you felt, was from that one cat you found on the streets on that one visit to Brindleton Bay.
Once you became a Young Adult, you moved to Brindleton Bay and decided to start your passion for having your own Veterinary and surrounding yourself with stray animals you found on the street or adopting cats & dogs from the computer and/or phone! Maybe also falling in love with your own co-worker you hired?
 -        Traits: Cat Lover, Dog Lover & Loves the Outdoors
-        Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
-        Max. Animal Training Skill
-        Max. Veterinary Skill
-        Own a 5 Star Veterinary
-        Adopt any Number of Cats & Dogs! (e.g., 3 cats, 3 dogs… 2 cats, 3 dogs… etc.)
-        Marry a veterinary co-worker!
-        Have child(ren) with co-worker! (Does not matter on how many)
  Generation 8 – Spring All Year! (Expansion Pack: Seasons)
With your family adoring animals, you adored them too! But there is something you always asked for winterfest and your birthday, and that was your own private greenhouse to grow your own flowers to build your own store to grow flowers and sell them!
Your own way of doing so, was getting yourself a job as a gardener, and helping to design flowers for your friends, family and customers that wanted their own flowers done as a hobby while you worked, which lead to your own romantic destiny… but was it a fling, or did you unknowingly become the serial romantic and had/got someone else’s child that wasn’t your lover’s?
 -        Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Non-Committal & Romantic
-        Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
-        Reach Lvl.10 of Gardener Career (Floral Designer Branch)
-        Max. Gardening Skill
-        Max. Flower Arranging Skill
-        Marry Your Highschool Sweetheart
-        Have One Child with Another Sim that ISN’T Your Lover!
-        Get Divorced from your Highschool Sweetheart!
-        Have One Child with your Highschool Sweetheart!
-        As a Teenager before gen starts, you can start with the Serial Romantic Aspiration!
 Generation 9 – “You love me! You really, really love me!” (Expansion Pack: Get Famous)
You loved the silver-screen as a toddler, looking at the beautiful actors/actresses performing on-screen and knowing instantly that is what YOU wanted to do.
Always laughed at for loving the arts in the countryside, you moved out of Brindleton Bay with your family so you could start your dreams of slowly becoming the best actor/actress the sims world has ever seen and seeing them raise their children to be just as famous as them in Del Sol Valley! The generation starts once you are a teenager!
 -        Traits: Creative, Self-Absorbed & Snob
-        Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity
-        Reach Lvl.5 of Acting Club (Teen)
-        Reach Lvl.10 of Acting Career
-        Reach 5 Stars as a Celebrity!
-        Max. Acting Skill
-        Max. Charisma Skill
-        Befriend a 5 Star Celebrity
-        Marry a Celebrity Same, or Higher Star Level
-        Get Money Worth of: $300,000
-        Have Three Children with Lover.
-        Max. Singing Skill (City Living Required)
 Generation 10 – Mother Nature is That You?! (Game Pack: Strangerville)
A sudden village has recently come back into the news after centuries of being forgotten and put through protection. You were invested in wanting to figure out what was going on while balancing your own military career.
Before then being sent to Strangerville to see what was going on in the village itself! You got told you could bring one person with you for security, and safety. However, once your friend eats a forbidden fruit found in a plant – things suddenly go south, making you know what you had to do, but all this chaos has made you more paranoid and scared for what could happen if you fail.
 -        Starts as a Young Adult (YA)
-        Traits: Athletic, Paranoid & Clumsy
-        Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery
-        Reach Lvl.10 Military Career (Officer Branch)
-        Max. Fitness Skill
-        Max. Charisma Skill
-        Have One Child once The Mother is defeated (if twins or triplets, that is fine too!)
-        Live with your Best Friend in Strangerville
-        Find love once The Mother is defeated!
-        You can bring a co-worker to live with you in Strangerville if you don’t have a best friend!
Part Two: Not Released Yet
Other Information:
There is a 2nd Part of this challenge going to be available once it is complete, in case you want to continue the generation for another 5 or so generations! Depending on the packs that are released that have careers, or something interesting to add.
Have suggestions for other packs that were realised before Strangerville? Say and I’ll put them into the part 2 of this challenge!
P.S. This is the first challenge, and it is in trial run. So there maybe some problems. If there is, please message me through here, or through my other social media:
Twitter: /@SongWriteOC  https://twitter.com/SongWriteOC
If you do the challenge, please use the hashtag #SimsThePackChallenge on all social media, such as Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr... etc. Even YouTube! <3 
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shurisneakers · 3 years
harmless (ii)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader, drabble series)
Warnings: cursing, stealing cultural landmarks, frustrated bucky
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: made a header 4 this fic but i couldn’t take it seriously enough <3 
if you have any ideas for future inventions/evil plans, lemme know! it’s always fun to hear from y’all. 
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Series Masterlist
It’s roughly a week before he sees you next.
Right on time too, according to the briefings he had received. Once a week you’d come up with your next batshit crazy idea and someone would be sent to make sure you didn’t execute it.
It was more of a babysitting gig than anything. Most people would do one, maybe two assignments before asking to not be sent again. 
He was not most people. He volunteers to go again. His afternoon is relatively free and he’s bored. 
Also, and more importantly, he needs to get out of the house before Sam finds out what he did.
“You’ll find her near the Statue of Liberty.”
“How do we know?”
“Oh, she tells us.”
“...she tells us where to find her?”
“Most times, yes. She says it’s time efficient.”
Absurd. He thinks you’re absurd.
Bucky finds you in line to board the ferry. You’re dressed to the nines like an obnoxious tourist, even though you were a local, topped with binoculars and a bucket hat. 
On an unrelated note, he thinks that maybe the mission today is to kill you for daring to wear sandals with socks like a suburban dad. A shudder runs through his body when he sees it.  
He’s wearing all black and a baseball cap. Somehow he’s standing out more than you are.
He boards the ferry behind you, keeping a close eye on all your movements. You take your place near the railing, a seat near the front of the boat. 
His phone rings. He answers it, expecting Sam to screech at him for painting Redwing neon pink again. He should have known it was coming after he shoved Bucky off the quinjet before he had time to strap his parachute on properly. 
“I thought I told you to bring a cape.” 
He quickly looks up at you but you’re not facing him. You have your phone held up to your ear, however.
“How did you get this number?” he asks icily.
“I knew you’d show up again.” Your head tilts to look at the statue in the distance. “Also, thanks for the door money, but I’m not sure I appreciate how you think the least creepy way to give someone money is to drop it off anonymously at their doorstep.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” He swiftly gets up, stalking over to where you’re sitting. He was advised not to do anything aggressive. Advised was a flexible word. 
“Because I wasn’t going to answer it.” You look up at his figure looming over you. “Oh, hey.”
The phone is still pressed to the side of your face even though he’s right beside you. He cuts the call, shoving it back into his pocket.
“Allow me to introduce my pl-”
“What are you doing here?” He cuts to the chase. 
You send him a glare. “I was going to say it before you told me to. And sit down before everyone thinks you’re going to kill me.”
“Why are you going there?” He doesn’t have time for this, he thinks. He has important things to do. Like watching the reruns of Masterchef Junior. 
He sits in the seat beside you.
“Look at us.” You grin at him. “Me with the evilest outfit I could think of, you with your... Addams Family cosplay. We’re like, two peas in a po-”
“Start explaining,” he interjects. 
You roll your eyes. “I’m going to shrink the Statue of Liberty and use it as a keychain.”
“What?” It’s probably the most benign plan he’s ever heard in his life.
“I’m kidding.” Oh, good. “I’m not using it as a keychain, I’m taking it to class.” Nevermind. 
“What?” He finds himself repeating his previous question.
“I’m shrinking all the statues I can find. I want to use it in my classroom to teach the kids.”
“You’re... a teacher?” He blinks.
“You got a problem with that?” You look offended, to say the least. 
“No.” It’s not what he would peg your occupation as. He didn’t think you had one at all. “How are you planning on shrinking it?”
You rummage through the ugliest fanny pack he has ever had the misfortune of seeing. You pull out a small ring box, complete with a bow tied neatly on top. 
“I was saving this for our third anniversary, but-” you offer him a nervous laugh.
His stony expression doesn’t change, not even a blink. 
“Fine, Jesus, you’re no fun,” you huff, dropping the emotional act when he doesn’t look amused. 
You flip open the lid. Inside there are a few small disks. It looks familiar, he realises.
“Your friend Ant-Boy didn’t file a patent, so I just took his whole shtick.” He wants to defend Scott’s honour; it’s Ant-Man not boy. He doesn’t. He’s too transfixed on what you have in your hand.
“Pym particles.”
“The diet version.” You pick up one of them carefully. “A ripoff, but effective. Just gotta attach it to the thing I want to shrink and give it a few minutes.”
“You’re going to steal the Statue of Liberty,” he says, frankly a little taken aback that you were serious.
“Would you relax? I’ll put it back.”
“That’s not the point,” he damn near exclaims. “You can’t take away the Statue of Liberty just because you feel like it.”
“I literally can.” You point to the chips in your hand. “That’s the point of this, keep up.”
He feels exasperated. He didn’t sign up for this when he became an Avenger.
“Give me the box.” He makes a grab for it but you yank it away from his reach.
“What do you think you’re doing?” 
“I don’t have time for this.” His reruns would begin in an hour.
“That’s my problem, because...” you trail off. 
He rolls his eyes, makes a grab at the box again. His tactic is different this time. He stealthily pins one of your arms down so that you’re basically incapacitated.
“Hey! Stop that.” You fumble against his reach, shoving him with your elbow.
“Just give me the thing and we can all go home for the day,” he huffs, unfazed by your squirming.
“No! Over my dead bod-” 
He doesn’t immediately notice what goes wrong in the scuffle. 
Until you look at the ground near your feet. A disk lay there, undisturbed.
“Is that-” All of a sudden, either he’s getting taller or the ceiling of the boat is getting lower.
“Oops,” you say, not remorseful in the slightest. 
“Are we going to-”
“I’d give it five minutes max.” 
Great. He was stuck on a boat that was beginning to shrink. The other passengers were either oblivious or ignorant to seats that were starting to become too small for them, but Bucky’s heightened senses and extreme reflexes made it hard to skip.
He nudges the piece of tech with his foot. Maybe he can kick it off the boat.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” you warn solemnly. He wants to disagree but doesn’t know enough about the device to dispute you. 
“Fix this,” he hisses, panic slightly rising. His fingers find their way to his phone to send out an emergency text requesting backup and mass evacuation. 
“I think it’s a rather lovely day for a swim, don’t you?” You stare dreamily at the waves that were inching closer up the boat. 
Or you were inching closer to the water. Technicalities were frivolous. 
“There are other people on this boat.”
“River’s big enough for all of us, I reckon.”
“Fix it.” 
“Or what?” There’s a wicked gleam in your eye. “We both know I have the upper hand here.”
“Or I call the entirety of the Avengers here and haul your ass to prison.”
“Will they bring snacks?”
You’re insufferable. You know it. But you also are the fastest way to get out of this situation and right now, he didn’t want to be responsible for a shipwreck simulation. 
“Fine. Tell me what you want.”
“I like soy chips.”
“Soy chi-” He nearly throws his hands up in frustration. “You know what I’m talking about.” 
“I want one historical artifact so I can impress the kids. They think I’m the cool teacher and I want to keep that reputation alive.”
“What makes you think I can arrange for that?”
“You’ve been alive since goddamn dinosaurs roamed this earth, I’m sure you have some connections.” You pause to assess his face. “You know, you don’t look a day over 29. Dermatologists must hate yo-”
“I’ll get you an artifact, now fix the fuckin’ boat.”
“You promise?” You grin brightly. 
He stares at you. You are unyielding. 
The boat’s uncomfortably small and people are beginning to take notice. Worried murmurs fill the air behind him.
“Okay.” You shrug simply.
You kneel over, picking up the chip from the ground. You do nothing else for two minutes, instead turning away from him to look at the Statue of Liberty that was coming closer.
It takes him a while to realise that half his body isn’t hanging off his chair anymore. The ceiling is moving further and further away from the top of his head. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He wants to strangle you. 
Why did he listen to you when all of this would have been over the minute he kicked it off the ship. 
“You can drop it off at my lair on Monday and pick it up on Friday.” You gather your belongings, leaving him steaming behind you. “Nice talkin’ to ya, Sergeant.” 
You step over him, flashing him a quick smile before walking off the boat with the rest of the tourists as if nothing had just taken place. When he looks down, the stupid ring box is on his lap.
He sits there, unmoving, eyes fixed on the container.
The ferry conductor asks if he’s going to get off the boat. 
He simply shakes his head.
Next part
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rlnacore · 2 years
I've seen a lot of people (especially more recently) trying to give a whole variety of reasons why it's impossible that Ricky delivered the chocolates, and why it was most likely EJ- and most of them make 0 sense. So I'm going to debunk some of them :)
1. EJ would've had Gina's mom's number meaning contacting her wouldn't have been a problem, but Ricky wouldn't have it.
- Out of all the arguments I've seen against Ricky delivering the chocolates and it being EJ instead, this one probably makes the most sense. With EJ buying Gina that plane ticket in season one, they definitely would have exchanged numbers to arrange travel arrangements for Gina. So I don't disregard that all, he definitely does have the number. But for some reason, a lot of people find it unfathomable that during the almost 2 months between Homecoming and Thanksgiving that Gina and Ricky were hanging out together (canon), that he wouldn't have somehow gotten a hold of her mom's number. In case it's been forgotten she did show up to his house in 1x07 unplanned, meaning she'd been there before. It could be as simple as her phone died once when they were together and she used his phone to text her mom, or even that her mom- knowing Gina finds it hard making friends- just wanted to know who her daughter was spending all her time with and wanted to exchange information (probably with Mike to). So yeah I think this is a fair(ish) argument but super easy to explain away.
2. Ricky was at home when Gina got the chocolates.
- This one is not even a fact, its just guessing his whereabouts at the time of the delivery. If anything, the window of time between Gina leaving Ricky's house and him sending his voicemail to Nini, backs up the theory that Ricky was the one who delivered the chocolates. We know that Gina went to see Ricky at some point between 3 and 4pm, and she received the chocolates around 9:30pm and texted Ricky back just before midnight, which was also the time he send his voicemail to Nini. His whereabouts between those times is a complete mystery to us the audience, we have no clue what he was up to. But to me at least, that window is more than enough time to: text Gina's mom about what's going on with her, formulate some sort of plan to deliver them and then have her mom text her soon after and get home just before midnight in time to play his song for Nini. Because otherwise that would mean that he just decided to wait over 6 hours at home doing nothing, not going to see Nini or anything and then play the song right when Valentines Day was basically over. So yes I think it's possible that he skated over to Ashlyn's, dropped off the chocolates, skated away and hid or whatever, sent his own text to her, then sent a text to her mom that she'd received the chocolates and she should send her own text (which she maybe didn't see til later).
3. EJ is known for sweet gestures, and Ricky has never given or shown Gina any sort of sweet gesture.
- Up until Valentines Day, the only "sweet gesture" that EJ had given Gina was the plane ticket back on opening night. So by 2x03 he wasn't particularly known as the sweet gesture guy because it was only a one off occurrence- at least until 2b. On the other hand to say that Ricky has never given Gina any sort of sweet gesture is false. Especially considering that the gesture she was referring to when she said she speaks from experience was when Ricky serenaded her in 1x06. I've seen some people say that the she was talking about the plane ticket which narratively doesn't make sense. The whole point of her saying she speaks from experience was to remind us of Gina and Ricky's relationship before she moved and he got back with Nini and show us how much has changed as a result of those events (also to reinforce that Ricky is an oblivious teenage boy).
Here's some reasons I personally think it wasn't EJ
- Ashlyn's house is like a second home to EJ, so he would've just walked into the house to drop them off.
- There's no way in hell EJ would've walked to Ashlyns, he definitely would've taken a car meaning we would've heard a car driving off by the time Gina got outside (I think Ricky used his skateboard
- Ricky is the only person who would've thought to be so anonymous about the chocolates, considering he's the only one she told how important a vday gift from her mom was to her.
In conclusion, speaking from a storytelling perspective, there's not really any logical reason for EJ to have delivered the chocolates or for it to have been made such a big deal of even up to 2x12 if it was him. Their storylines didn't cross over at all until 2x05 and before that point they had 0 interactions. A reveal that it was EJ would be meaningless because there was no storyline between them at the time of the incident.
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