#and started college as a sophomore instead of a freshman
starlitangels · 1 year
Me: *reads 100% of the new timeline with no filters so I know when everything is*
Me: *does some quick math*
So. Unless Vincent’s birthday is in January or the first 12 days of February, he was turned when he was 19
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writing-imagines · 5 months
Even Mean Girls Cry // Regina George
Summary: After hooking up with Regina for a year, you finally get to see her vulnerable side after The Plastics reject her at lunch.
Possible warnings: light swearing, bullying, and Regina being Regina
Pairing: Regina George x gender!neutral reader (readers gender literally isn’t mentioned)
A/n: first fic of 2024!! I love Reneé’s Regina so feel free to send me any ideas or thoughts about her
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Regina George wasn’t a good person. It was evident ever since the first grade when she told everyone that Peter Howell peed himself after she spilled apple juice on him. So, you did your best to avoid her, and her ever changing minions, every day as you grew up. When you reached high school, Regina’s antics became more frequent and hurtful. By the end of your freshman year, she had at least one embarrassing piece of information on everyone in school, yourself included. 
Your streak of successfully avoiding Regina came to an end after winter break during your sophomore year. Ms. Norbury asked you to be Regina’s Intermediate Math tutor since you had the highest grades in your Algebra 2 class. You were hesitant to accept the opportunity considering Regina’s reputation, but you knew tutoring would look great on your college application. You accepted Ms. Norbury’s request and so started your relationship with Regina George. 
At first, she sat across from you in the empty cafeteria after school, chomping loudly on her gum and texting a thousand words a minute. Her behavior continued every day that week and by Friday, you’d had enough. 
“Regina, stop wasting my time and pay attention.” You finally snapped after she blew an obnoxiously large pink bubble with her gum. Regina’s eyes slowly rose from her phone screen to you. 
“What did you just say to me?” Her eyes resting on you instantly made you lose the confidence you just had. 
“Oh-I…I meant you should pay attention. I’m trying to teach you, so you don’t fail your next algebra test.” You smiled nervously as Regina’s gaze dug further into you. After a few more moments of intense staring, the blonde let out a scoff. 
“You know, you’re actually kind of cute.” Her blue eyes looked you over, this time in a more flirtatious way. You felt like a lamb dangling over a hungry mountain lion. 
“Thanks.” You nervously looked away and rubbed the back of your neck in an attempt to get any relief from Regina’s presence. 
“So, you agree? You think you’re cute.” 
“Umm…I mean, I don’t really know.” Regina’s smile softened and she looked at you as if you were a lost puppy. Without warning, the blonde stood up and made her way to your side of the table. She sat down in the seat beside you and scooted as close as she possibly could, causing your face to warm and your heart to beat faster. 
“Have you ever kissed anyone, Y/n?” Regina questioned with her pointer and middle finger dancing on your thigh. Your throat went dry at the mention of the one thing you were embarrassed of. In a school full of hormonal teenagers, you were truly the only one who hadn’t kissed anyone yet. You were kicking yourself for accidentally telling Karen the sensitive information during a bonfire last year. 
“You know the answer, Regina.” You said with a defeated exhale. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at Regina, instead, you kept your eyes glued to the table. Suddenly, the two fingers that danced on your thigh were placed gently under your chin, forcing you to look at the blonde beside you. Her eyes were kinder, and her smile was still soft, making you feel less embarrassed. 
“It’s okay, you don’t need to be embarrassed.” You didn’t say anything, instead, you softly smiled and took in Regina’s features. You had never noticed how pretty her eyes were or how full her lips were. 
“Do you want to kiss me, Y/n?” Regina’s eyebrows lifted with the question. Without even thinking, you blurted out the answer. 
“Yes.” You swore for a moment Regina began to blush as she pushed a few stray hairs away from her face. 
“Okay. Close your eyes.” 
You did as you were told. For a moment, you were worried it was all just a prank, but when you felt Regina’s lips press against yours, you knew it had to be real. You did your best to reciprocate the kiss, causing Regina to let out a small moan, which caused your stomach to flip about ten times. Suddenly, you felt Regina’s hands find your neck and her perfectly manicured nails rested on the nape of your neck, effectively pulling you in deeper. 
The sound of a door slamming shut caused both of you to pull away quickly. You couldn’t help but stare at Regina with a bewildered look, seriously questioning if the kiss happened. 
“Wow, you're a pretty good kisser, Nerd.” 
“T-Thanks. You’re good too.” You sputtered with the most nervous tone you had ever heard from yourself. The blonde laughed before running her fingers along the edge of her lips to wipe away any smeared lip gloss. 
“I know.”  The two of you sat in silence for what felt like hours before Regina spoke up. 
“So, I’ll see you on Monday then.” She quickly stood up and gathered her things as if nothing had happened. 
“I’ll see you on Monday.” You echoed, wiping Regina’s cherry flavored lip gloss off your lips. 
“Bye, Nerd.” 
“Bye, Regina.” 
Almost a full year later and your hookups with Regina were still going strong. In fact, ever since Cady Heron started causing drama between the girls, you had been spending all of eighth period in the back seat of Regina’s Jeep, making out like it was your last moments on earth. Not to mention, secretly hooking up with the queen bee of North Shore gave you a major confidence boost that even Regina noticed. Your relationship had even gone to the next level: texting each other about things that didn’t involve when and where to hookup. 
You were sitting in Trigonometry when your phone pinged. You quickly checked it, not wanting to risk Ms. Norbury confiscating it. It wasn’t much of a surprise to see that Regina had texted you. 
RG: Sweatpants are the only things that fit me right now 
Y/n: So? 
RG: So? Jesus Y/n. I can’t wear sweatpants to lunch! 
Y/n: Because of the stupid rules YOU made?
RG: They aren’t stupid 
Y/n: I’m sure it’ll be fine. The girls will understand 
“Y/n, care to share with that class what on your phone is so important that you’re missing out on practice test questions?” 
“No. Sorry, Ms. Norbury. It won’t happen again.” 
“Good. Now, as I was saying…” You watched Ms. Norbury turn to write something on the board and quickly sent another text to Regina. 
Y/n: Just got called out by Norbury for texting you. Hope you’re happy 
You went the rest of class without hearing from Regina. In fact, you went most of the day without hearing from her. It was a little weird, but you knew she had a lot going on and it wasn’t like you needed constant communication with each other. 
When lunch came around, it was the same old same old. You sat down with some of your other tutor friends and talked about your day. As Daisy Smith talked about her failed attempt to teach Karen about fractions, you saw Regina walk towards The Plastics. True to her word, she wore gray sweatpants that grabbed your, and several others, attention. You didn’t eye Regina for long, not wanting anyone to accuse you of being a creep or being in love with her. You looked down at your lunch only for the room to suddenly go quiet. 
“You can’t sit with us!” Gretchen’s voice echoed through the silent room. No one dared to even gasp as Regina fired back. 
“Sweatpants are all that fit me right now.” Even though you couldn’t see her face, you could tell Regina was talking through gritted teeth. 
“What do you think, Cady?” Gretchen asked, her voice once again echoing through the room. 
“Sorry, Regina. Rules are rules.” Seeing the sly look on Cady’s face made you want to march over to her and smash a tray of food in her face. You knew that would lead to a suspension, so you made a mental note to figure out some way to get back at Cady that wouldn’t result in a week off school.
Regina turned around to see every eye in that room on her. You could tell by the look on her face that for once, she hated the attention. Not a single person in that room moved to make room for Regina as she walked down the aisle. 
“Daisy, scoot down.” You quickly nudged the redhead to make room for Regina.
“Regina, you can sit with us.” You offered, eyes slightly full of hope that she would accept the offer and somehow make the situation better.
“I’m not sitting with you losers.” She spat out as she stormed past your table. 
“What a bitch.” Glenn Coco scoffed. Your blood boiled at Glenn’s comment, but you knew you had to play it cool to avoid any suspicion. 
“Guys, I forgot my math book in Ms. Norbury’s. I’m going to grab it really quick.” 
You quickly got up from the table, leaving your tray behind, and stormed off to find Regina. You searched her usual hangout spots, the maintenance room and the girl’s locker room in the gym. When you didn’t find her in either place, you made your way to the only other place she could be, the parking lot.
Sure enough, as you approached her Jeep, you saw Regina sitting in the passenger seat. Even from far away, you could tell she was crying. Cautiously, you approached the car and tapped on her window. The blonde’s head instantly shot up, revealing her red eyes and mascara stained cheeks. You had never seen Regina cry before, and the sight actually shocked you to your core. Without saying a word, you walked over to the driver’s side and climbed in. 
“What are you doing?” Regina questioned through sniffles as you put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking spot. 
“I’m taking you home.” Your hands gripped the steering wheel a little tighter when you noticed a picture of Regina, Karen, and Gretchen resting on her dashboard as you drove out of the parking lot. 
“I don’t need you to take me home.” Regina tried to use her usual venomous tone, but it came out shaky and pitiful. 
“I don’t care if you need me to. I want to take you home. That was fucking ridiculous.” 
After a few minutes of silence, you looked over to see tears still rolling down Regina’s face. Based on how her bottom lip was quivering, you knew Regina really needed to cry. You carefully reached your right hand over to Regina and grabbed her hand. 
“It’s okay to cry. They tried to humiliate you in front of the whole school. You don’t have to hide it from me.” You squeezed Regina’s hand, which caused her to quickly pull her hand away. 
“I am not crying because of those bitches. I’m crying because all I can wear is sweatpants and my mascara is ruined.” That time Regina was able to spit out her usual venom. While her tone would intimidate most people, it let you know Regina was going to be okay. 
“Those are still valid reasons to cry.” You said matter-of-factly. You felt Regina’s eyes land on you again, causing you to glance over at her. 
“Why are you so nice to me all the time?” 
“Because I’m a nice person.” You shrugged, not wanting to give away your true feelings for Regina. 
“I think it’s because you like me.” 
“And what if I did?” You replied without missing a beat. Once again, you were kicking yourself for not thinking before you spoke. 
“I’d have to give you a makeover. I can’t date anyone who dresses like that.” 
“What’s wrong with the way I dress?” 
“Nothing, if you’re going for a grocery store clerk.” You scoffed and acted offended by Regina’s words, which made the blonde crack a smile. 
“I do not dress like a grocery store clerk.” 
You both chuckled as you pulled up to the George's home. You instantly took note that Mrs. George’s car was missing from the driveway. 
“Do you want to come in? My mom isn’t home.” Regina looked at you with hopeful eyes. Not wanting to leave Regina alone after a traumatic event, you decided that it would be a good idea for you to stick around for a little while longer.
“Yeah, I’ll come in for a little bit.” 
You turned off the car and let Regina take the lead into her home. The second the front door closed behind you, Regina took your hand and led you up to her room. 
“Shoes off and get on the bed.” The blonde commanded.
“Regina, I don’t think we should-”
“Relax, Nerd. I just want you to hold me and tell me I’m pretty.” 
You quickly kicked your shoes off and lied down on the right side of the bed. Once you were comfortable, Regina joined you. Within seconds, her head found a comfortable spot on your chest, resting between your jaw and collarbone. Her hand found its way down to your stomach and balled the fabric of your shirt into her hand. After Regina was comfortable, you snaked your arm around her and held her close. You couldn’t help but look down at the blonde with a smile. When she wasn’t ruining people’s lives, Regina was actually kind of sweet. 
“Hey, Regina?”
“What, Nerd?” 
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You could feel Regina’s smirk against your neck, which only made you fall a little harder for her.
You laid there, holding the blonde like your life depended on it. Your mind couldn’t help but wonder about finally telling Regina how you felt about her. It seemed like a good idea, especially after a hard day, but the thought of losing her stopped you. So, you just let Regina George, the meanest girl in North Shore, sleep on your chest while you held her close. 
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moonchild1 · 5 months
 kim taehyung fic rec list (Ⅴ)
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hello everyone i know it's been a while since i posted, work has been hectic, but i got some time and managed to finish a list so please enjoy i have a few lists ready to post so i'll que them up... here's my all time favourite taehyung fics, please show lots of love and support to these wonderful authors and their blogs, leave a heart, reblog or even leave a message or feedback under their posts i know they would appreciate hearing from you, some of these fics contain smut so no minors allowed you will be blocked ♡ feel free to recommend me some fics or just share what your reading right now i'd love hearing from you 🖤✨
a- angst s- smut f- fluff
only here to sin by @gimmethatagustd s a ft. namjoon
When your genius of a boyfriend returns to Harvard for his sophomore year of college, you never would have expected to have his worst enemy keeping you entertained in his absence.
our gray winter by @vyduan s a ft. jjk
“Were you looking for this?” Taehyung asked as he handed you the box of tampons you always bought. He remembered. You wanted to sink into the floor and die. Instead, you recalled your manners and said, “Thanks.” You put the box in your basket. “I can’t believe you remembered.” He beamed at you. It was patently unfair how he could look all glowy and soft while you looked… not like that. “Of course, Y/N.” If possible, Taehyung’s voice dropped even lower. “I remember everything about you.”
schemes and tricks to win her heart by @crystaljins ft. ksj
Rich company heir Kim Seokjin has a plan to win the heart of the girl of his dreams, and you, his little brother’s best friend, are dragged along for the ride. His younger brother objects, of course.
camboy!tae by @hisunshiine f s a
Give me all of your love, gimme something to dream about. KTH is your favorite camboy, and as a loyal subscriber, you are chosen to test out some new features on the platform he uses to go live. He’s really good at selling his viewers a dream, and as a thanks to a new milemark he’s hit on the platform, he’s choosing one winner to get their fantasy scene. 
tolerate it by @archivedkookie s a
Taehyung is your husband, and you love him. If only he loved you back; if only he cherished your love and not tolerated it.
what was hidden by @daechwitatamic s a ft. myg
This is how it all starts: Taehyung is flunking Western Lit. You're assigned to tutor him. His paper on Strindberg's The Ghost Sonata could pass or fail him for the semester. As you and Taehyung slowly become friends, then more, you learn that there's a lot more to him than you originally assumed. Together, you navigate your own experiences with the play’s themes: one's "true self" versus one's "shown self", darkness behind the facade, and how people can be quite literally haunted - and it has nothing to do with ghosts.
complete faith by @daechwitatamic
It’s Taehyung himself who admits that it’s usually around the one-month mark that he starts to lose interest in his relationships. So even though you’re so drawn to him you can barely stand it, even though he’s attentive and funny, even though you’re helplessly crazy about him… when you start dating, you feel like you’ve got an expiration date from day one. But will it be Taehyung’s issues that get in the way, or your own?
and they were roommates by @hoseok666 f s a ft. jjk
it all started with a rejection from your longtime crush, jeon jungkook. you decided to confess to him on your last day of high school. after a harsh rejection and a rough summer dealing with the heartbreak, you were starting anew once your freshman year of college came. you were going to be sharing an apartment with two other roommates that you don’t even know. what a surprise you’re going to be in for once you find out it’s the one and only: jeon jungkook and kim taehyung. 
with a brush of fate by @yoongiofmine f s a
Your roommate was sure she found you the perfect man. Her boyfriend believed he found Taehyung’s soulmate. The only problem was that you never wanted to date an idol and he never wanted to drag you into this life. Taehyung didn’t even know what he wanted anymore and was tired of being criticized for simply growing up. You just wanted to finish university and do something for yourself. What started out with the meddling of your friends became something neither of you expected. Could the two of you be what the other is missing? Or would things just fall apart?
groovy by @kinktae f s a
Even in the 70s, it goes without saying that you shouldn’t have feelings for your best friend’s little sister. 
tempting by @/kinktae s a
Y/N is an angel. She steers clear of the seven deadly sins, especially lust. She runs into a demon but, luckily for her, that demon doesn’t seem to buy into that whole “Angels and Demons are sworn enemies” idea. But unluckily for her, he just so happens to be the very embodiment of sin. Especially lust.
talk by @gukslut f s a
Finals week is kicking your ass, thank goodness you have a friend to help you relieve some stress. It’s a great arrangement, as long as no one finds out... as long as you don’t catch feelings. What could go wrong?
somebody to love by @cutechim
kim taehyung wins the heart of everyone he meets, and you—his self-proclaimed work “nemesis”—are not an exception.
tear you apart by @bratkook s
I want to hold you close, soft breasts, beating heart, as I whisper in your ear, ‘I wanna fucking tear you apart.’ demon au
clairevont by @/bratkook f s a ft. jjk
The second year of college starts off with a bang until you find yourself tangled in between your fuck buddy Kim Taehyung and his innocent room mate Jeon Jungkook.
free use by @littlemisskookie f s a
You tell your crush you want him to have full control of you in every way always. He obliges.
lost myth of truelove by @sugalaritae f s a
for six months you wait for him, a weekend spent together, finally able to reach the man your soul is tethered to.
because of you, blue by @ugh-yoongi f s a
nearly a year out from your breakup with taehyung, jin begs you for help saving his failing restaurant. the two of you aren’t exactly friends, but you feel some stupid sense of obligation and, really, what’s the worst that could happen?
true love by @jjkeverlast f s a
in which you're face to face with your ex again after 5 years, because both of your friends start dating each other.
obsidian by @kpopfanfictrash s a
The world of magic is divided into dark and light, witches and warlocks, choice and fate. You’re a prodigy of light, a witch who works within the police force. You’ve heard of Taehyung in passing, spoken in whispers as the warlock of dark who has the world holding it’s breath.  All this changes on the night you’re assigned as security for a mysterious singer named V and you come face to face with Taehyung himself. What happens after that might be fate.
baby, baby by @hobiwonder ft. pjm f s a
When you’ve run out of savings to continue on to the last semester of your Bachelors - you take an unorthodox route. Helping a desperate couple have a child and getting paid for it? Heck yeah. But what do you know - it wasn’t as easy as it sounds.
entangled by @caelesjjk ft. jjk s a
He saved your life twice. But he’s also been your sweet lab partner in college for the past two years and now someone who is more than just a friend. You care about him…maybe even love him. But something tells you that you aren’t quite sure what love even is. How could you when you have feelings for someone else as well. Kim Taehyung is the handsome stranger you’ve seen around campus and somehow ended up dancing with at Club Onyx. You were upset that Jungkook had stood you up once again and Taehyung made you feel like you were on top of the world. What you didn’t know that night, is the dark secret Taehyung is trying desperately to hide, but the closer the two of you get the more difficult that becomes.
buzzed by @junqkook f s a
maybe ordering a vibrator and letting your best friend open your mail wasn’t such a great idea.
queen cobra by @fantasybangtan f s a
when your boss offers the chance to take down the nation’s most lucrative gang from the inside out, you know you’ll do it no matter what the cost… even if that means entering an arranged marriage with the kingpin himself.
pulse by @rohobi f s a
You fell in love with Kim Taehyung during Medical School. Now living totally different lives in completely different hospitals, you're pulled together again as if by fate during a code black when someone plants a bomb in your hospital. 
things we don't say by @wintaerbaer f s a
Three years after graduating college, everything seems to be falling into place for you: stable job, cozy apartment, and a long-term boyfriend with a ring box hidden in his desk drawer. But when a mutual friend makes a remark that your best friend of nearly two decades is clearly in love with you, you realize that life may not be as simple as it seems.
mars by @to-star-lake s a
ahistorical au, military au, yandere!taehyung
satisy by @suga-kookiemonster f s a
 “listen,” taehyung says, eyes wide and eager as he smiles at you. “i figure we can just help each other out. i scratch your back, you scratch mine.” but when you find yourself suddenly in need of a massive favor, exactly how much scratching are you willing to do?
no kisses by @icedmatchatae f s a
It's championship week! The most anticipated week of the school year; however, leading up to the events, you and your council must collaborate with the football team to promote school spirit and pride. Unfortunately, you're forced to work with your number one enemy, Football team captain and fuck boy, Kim Taehyung, known for having a mysterious "no kisses" rule.
beyond desire by @strwberrytae s a
it’s never easy falling for your best friend when you have so much history. it’s especially difficult when you both share the same sexual desires and lifestyle. taehyung is a dominant CEO of a well known company in Seoul and you are an up and coming editor. while both of you come from a troubled and dark past, you lean on each other for support and comfort. what happens as your feelings blossom and grow over the years? what happens when you fear taehyung may be falling in love with someone else? will you confess your feelings or remain in the shadows?
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crazy for you by @oddinary4bts f s a
 you’ve known Kim Taehyung your whole life. When you meet again at a party hosted by your best friend, alcohol looses your lips and you spill your secrets to your childhood crush. Will Taehyung give in to your desire, or will you be struck by remorse?
seventeen times 17 by @cutaepatootie f s a
You loved him Seventeen Times 17.
ten out of ten by @shadowkoo f s a
For the past three years, Kim Taehyung has made it his mission to annoy you relentlessly on campus, finding every possible way to drive you up the wall during your shared classes. However, as you both enter your senior year, something strange happens. Taehyung begins to sense a shift in his energy, realizing he might just have some secret feelings for you. What unfolds when you make this earth-shattering discovery too?
under wraps by @jungkxook f s
there’s nothing you and taehyung seem to hate more than each other - except for christmas. having recently been dumped by your (now ex) boyfriend only seems to make this holiday even worse. but when taehyung suggests that you should pretend to be dating each other to save you both the embarrassment, pity, and bothersome questions from family and friends alike for a fun carefree month of celebrations, you can’t possibly say no.
always the bridesmaid by @kookingtae f s a
When you first meet Kim Taehyung, you’re determined to find every reason you can to hate him—or maybe he’s just looking for ways to get on your last nerve. But when a turn of events has the two of you working the wedding of the man you’re hopelessly in love with, you’re too late to realize the real reason to hate Kim Taehyung is because of the latest column he’s secretly writing: “Always the Bridesmaid, Never the Bride”, and it’s all about you.
any way you want it by @noteguk s
in which your best friend, Taehyung, finds out about your unsatisfying sexual experiences and decides to put an end to that track record himself. 
sharing is caring by @jjkpls f s ft. pjm
Taehyung is taken aback when his soulmate, Jimin, introduces his new girlfriend to him. Jimin tries to help them break the ice.
the end of all things (and the beginning of us) by @/kidguk f s a
the end of the world has come and passed, but there is still much to live for. there’s hope, there’s tomorrow, and there’s that guy you met while scavenging for supplies in an abandoned cinema. turns out he hates being alone, and the feeling is mutual.
aberrant by @kth1 f s
Meeting a handsome and rare fox hybrid was the last thing you had expected in a world of coexisting hybrids. What you also hadn’t expected was how this fox found a liking to you, showed up randomly at places where you were and next thing you knew - you were falling, hard, for the man.
lost in you by @/jjkeverlast f s a
the infamous kim taehyung, campus fuckboy and heartthrob is much more than you thought after an unexpected night.
the dinner date by @diortae f (ao3)
pretending to be on a date with your best friend to get a free meal at the fancy restaurant jeongguk works weekends at doesn’t sound so terrible, all things considered. there’s just one small problem: you’re pretty sure you’re in love with the aforementioned best friend.
until yesterday by @jimlingss f s a
You and Taehyung are hopeless as you are hopeless romantics. But five months after tying the knot and saying "I do", you're hospitalized after a car accident with him. But upon waking up, the doctors tell you that you don't have a husband.
the forsaken by @yoonia s a ft. knj
In order to save your people from the danger of drought and hunger, your father had sent you out on a mission across the ocean to find the heart of nature that could bring back the prosperity which your land had long lost. As the Chief’s daughter, you took the mission as your responsibility, even if you had to let the man that vexes you the most join you in your journey, even if you had to ignore the Elders’ warnings about the dangers and all the vicious monsters lying in wait.
blacklist by @httpjeon f s a ft. jjk
after departing from your dom, you’re assigned to two incredibly powerful men.
1-800-music-street by @/httpjeon f s
↬you’re enchanted by a street performer and then he saves you, resulting in multiple meetings one can only describe as fate.
farner boy i love you by @strawberrynamjoon f s a
↬Needing change in your life you decided it would be a brilliant idea to move to your uncle’s small farm, helping him and your cousin Jimin with the daily work. What you didn’t plan was to fall in love with your beautiful yet very annoying neighbour Taehyung, who seemed to make it his personal mission to tease you every chance he got. And what you expected even less was that he seemed to like you too.
waterloo by @/kinktae f s a
↬Taehyung is a famous but pessimistic art prodigy who doesn't believe in love. You are an art student studying in Paris, who sees the world through rose-colored lens and is a certified cheesy romance film enthusiast. And this is your love story. Or, “Well, it is the city of love. Maybe you just need to fall in love."
get you the moon by @bymoonchild f s a
↬Life has its ways of fucking with you, but you know you’ve hit 50 feet below rock bottom after being tasked to do a profile feature on Kim Taehyung, the varsity football captain, for your school newspaper. Pure torment awaits you, but this is alongside glassy eyes, pink cheeks and conflicted feelings that you’ve never dared to imagine with the likes of the devil incarnate.
fate of the fast & furious by @prolixitae f s
↬you’re a first-generation college student and taehyung is the hot guy with a love for motorbikes who lands the job babysitting for your family while you’re away.
fast & fearless: what comes first by @/prolixitae
↬taehyung is used to earning his keep through illegal street races, and he’s got every reason to win that upcoming promise of prize money for an old friend. but when the odds don’t fall in his favor, he turns to babysitting. enter, you: a first-generation college student with too much to lose to be spending all your time with a troublemaking biker. who also happens to babysit for your kid brother.
cobalt blue by @hobivore s ft. jjk
↬you ask Jungkook to draw you like one of his French girls. 
let it snow by @/suga-kookiemonster f s
↬it all started by accident, but it continues by choice—even before you began sleeping together, things with your friend taehyung have always been comfortable and easy. simple, and this new arrangement between you is certainly no exception to that rule. well...that's definitely what you thought before a major snowstorm traps the two of you in his apartment over the holidays. now? now, it is quickly becoming apparent that things are a bit more complicated than you realized.
muse by @/suga-kookiemonster f s
↬this could finally be tae’s big break, but he’s nervous and struggling to find inspiration. luckily, you’re willing to support him in all ways necessary.
falling, falling gone by @johobi f
↬Taehyung. Captain of the soccer team. Master of your heart. You'll never tell him for fear of rejection. So why the fuck are you about to do it in front of dozens of his peers?
new tricks by @geniuslab f s
↬When your newly adopted puppy turns out to be a lot more work than you expected, a cute dog trainer comes to the rescue. You soon become friends, but you begin to realize friendship might not be all you want.
guns & roses by @chateautae f s
↬he was cold-blooded, stone-faced and ruthless; a formidable force anyone in the criminal underworld sought to destroy. and he didn’t care, so long as it was never you.. anything but you.
saudade by @chateautae f s a
↬a demanding idol lifestyle was something taehyung and yourself were all too familiar with. it wasn’t so hard when considering your unconditional love for one another, but lately, taehyung wasn’t the same anymore; and you decide it's time to find out why.
strands by @xjoonchildx s a
↬taehyung can't figure out how he got separated from his men, or how he ended up stranded in these woods -- hurt. the only thing he knows is that he has no choice but to rely on the beautiful, secretive stranger who's found him.
cheap skate by @/gukslut f s
↬Who doesn’t know Taehyung and his lady? Cutest couple in town, I’d say, and have been since they started dating in their college days. Oh, that was a while ago, though. And still, they’re happy as can be in that place they have together. Almost hate seeing one without the other, y’know, it’s like seeing just one testi- oh, right, I’m not supposed to talk like that. Anyhoo, I only say that because I saw Taehyung at a jewelry store the other day while I was buying my sweet Jiminie his presents. Maybe that boy’s finally gonna pop the question, but I do hope he’s got a good plan for it. Something sweet and romantic. Maybe I’ll find out after Jiminie gets back from that cabin he’s visiting. 
definition of love by @taegularities f s a
↬When the gorgeous student from your literature class starts showing interest in you, you discover that there's much more to him than his know-it-all facade. But is this realization enough to get through your insecurities and secrets?
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↬looking for other kth fics or the other members check out my library for more
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Yan!Slasher headcanons
Yan!Slasher who’s your high school’s resident book nerd 
Yan!Slasher who sees you in the library and doesn't think he’s able to breathe
Yan!Slasher who thinks he's about to have a heart attack when he realizes you're in the same math class. How has he never seen you before? He didn't think his vision was this bad.
Yan!Slasher who starts accidentally overhearing your conversations with your classmates.
Yan!Slasher who once heard that you like athletic guys, decides he needs a complete makeover.
Yan!Slasher who begins working out and makes sure that by the time junior year rolls around, nobody from freshman year recognizes him.
Yan!Slasher who has completely changed with a more toned body, a taller and broader frame, and even a new haircut by that one celebrity you mentioned was hot. Don’t you love him he’s so thoughtful remembering what you said in the fourth month and second week of high school sophomore year in math second period?
Yan!Slasher who never gets flustered when a girl confesses to him, but whenever you pass by, his knees go weak. You just walked by him! It's the third time this week! You must really want him, and it's definitely not because he stalked you and found your schedule to see you every chance he got!
Yan!Slasher who nearly fainted when you showed up to one of his games. You're here? That's great! Now you can witness how amazing and handsome he's become, all for you.
Yan!Slasher who builds up enough courage to try and talk to you after his game, even though he's covered in sweat. But is he stinky? Do his armpits smell? He needs to make sure he doesn't smell like an ogre's morning breath and like a fairy's farts!
Yan!Slasher who almost considers asking you to a school dance but backs out when his friend suggests another girl. She might be curvy, but she's not you. Nobody is you.
Yan!Slasher who could only watch you dance, while his date mindlessly grinded on his thigh from the dance floor.
Yan!Slasher who accidentally ran into the girls' bathroom, preoccupied with the thought that he was about to die after his date got period blood all over his uncle's suit.
Yan!Slasher who almost screamed when he saw you washing your hands in the men's bathroom but instead stood stiffly.
Yan!Slasher who started to apologize when you corrected him for being in the bathroom. He swears he's not a pervert; he was in a rush to get here on time and only has one contact in!
Yan!Slasher who let out a forced laugh and a 'thank you' when you apologized for not being able to help get the blood out of his pants after crouching down for him.
Yan!Slasher who just now noticed the little details on your face and how the buzzing bathroom illuminated your features. How are you so beautiful? Why do you always make him feel like his heart is about to pop out of his chest when he's this close to you?
Yan!Slasher who decides to take his date for some fast food after the dance. He might as well thank her for being the reason he got to be that close to you.
Yan!Slasher snaps when his date asks why they're at the local Whataburger and not a fancy restaurant.
Yan!Slasher who asks his date if she can get the pack of condoms out from the trunk while he grabs the shotgun from the glove department.
Yan!Slasher who slams the Maserati Biturbos trunk on her body letting her stumble onto the ground so he could have a clean shot of her head.
Yan!Slasher who almost felt bad when he got a clean shot in between her eyebrows. Sure she was his first-ever date but she also got in the way of you and him and his future family of seven kids so of course she needed to die! 
Yan!Slasher who you don't need to worry about. he’s nice enough to bury her in a random ditch somewhere, with a Whataburger burger and Coke. How could you not love how fatherly and caring he is?
Yan!Slasher who overhears the colleges you applied to in senior year. Really? Those? They're so easy to get into. You could do much better than that, honestly.
Yan!Slasher who is convinced that your friends are holding you back. Do you really need them? They're taking time away from your studies. Without them, you could have been accepted into every Ivy League by now.
Yan!Slasher who decides to let your friends live for your sake. He's seen how emotional you can be, and he's worried that you might spiral and let your grades drop. After all, how can you both attend the same college if you're not able to get into one?
Yan!Slasher who of course, applies to those schools. Does he really need to attend Harvard Law? Nope, you silly billy! As long as he's providing for you, he'll go anywhere!
Yan!Slasher who sees you at prom with one of your best friends. Her? You've been making the worst decisions recently. Why go with her when he's right here? He's 6'3 for crying out loud. He's worked so hard just for you to go with your best friend to prom.
Yan!Slasher who needs to remind himself that you're just being manipulated. Your whole friend group is manipulating you. As if you wanted to go to prom with them when you're just so shy and have been madly in love with him this whole time! He's seen the way you glance his way; of course, you love him and are not looking at the board!
Yan!Slasher who makes sure that once the rigged prom queen ballots are counted, you and he would be king and queen together. What? You didn't put your name on the ballot? Are you just tired, of course you did.
Yan!Slasher who finally is able to truly smile for the first time as he wraps his hand around your waist and brings you closer to his body. They take a photo of you and him in your crowns, sashes, and a bouquet of roses that perfectly complement your dress and his suit, with a matching corsage that he totally didn't set up. Why would he ever do that? That's ridiculous!
Yan!Slasher who almost faints when you both get accepted into some random school he's never heard of. Yay, you'll be together forever! He can join a frat, and you can join a sorority. As you turn a corner at a party, he'll be there to catch you, and you'll recognize him as the handsome man you won prom queen with. A high school romance, how perfect!
Yan!Slasher who makes sure he gets at least one core class with you at his new school.
Yan!Slasher who stares at you in the only class you share. Why are you struggling so much? It's so easy for him! You should totally come up to him and ask for help. I mean, yeah, he’s a jock, but he also studies hard to be at the top of his class. He’s just amazing like that!
Yan!Slasher who cries and hugs his favorite plushie with a duct-taped photo of your face on it after seeing you talk to the professor after a class you had trouble with. Why would you ask that balding man instead of the hot boy you know from high school? 
Yan!Slasher who gets frustrated when he approaches the professor after you've left, but the professor says he doesn't have enough time. Does the professor have a crush on you or something?
Yan!Slasher who makes sure that he follows the professor home and slashes tires so he’s busy getting his expensive car towed while he’s memorizing the layout of his house.
Yan!Slasher who shows up to his house the next night and takes a knife from his kitchen so you can only smell whatever’s in the trash can.
Yan!Slasher who almost spills everything when you ask if he remembers you and if he wants to help you. Aw, you can’t ask for him to pay you because of student debt and loans? Don’t worry; why would he want your money when you’ll share a bank account once you both graduate, with him being valedictorian?
Yan!Slasher who creates a whole schedule for you because you’re so stressed and need to find time for his help. You really do care about him if you still ask for help when you have no time for it!
Yan!Slasher who now sits with you in that one class you share, leaning down to whisper answers or explanations in your ear. He even makes sure to freshen up, so you know he's not just another typical jock like the rest of his teammates.
Yan!Slasher who tries to build up the courage to subtly make physical contact, perhaps gently nudging your foot under the table or offering to lend a hand when you need to erase something. He wants to make this as romantic and casual as possible!
Yan!Slasher who after a month, sputters and blushes when one of his teammates asks if you're dating out of the blue. What-? No-? He’s just a kind friend helping with your homework? Please, go on about how you look at him! What? Who said that? Not him.
Yan!Slasher who has a frat bro who decides they need a party, and you need to be one of the first to be invited. Everyone just can’t bear how lovesick he is, always talking about you and how you glance at him in class with those pretty eyes of yours.
Yan!Slasher who sees you at the party and almost passes out. Why are you here? Is that a drink in your hand? What if someone poisoned you? You really need to be more cautious around strangers!
Yan!Slasher who makes sure to drop something into your drink when bumping into you. 
Yan!Slasher who talks to you, leaning against a wall, making sure to properly show off all the muscles he's worked so hard for.
Yan!Slasher who catches you when you start to feel dizzy and picks you up in his arms, taking you to his room.
Yan!Slasher who throws the plushies and photos he has of you in his room into a box filled with half-chewed pencils and blurry photos of you walking to class.
Yan!Slasher who untucks his bed and places you on it before tucking you back in and gently brushing away anything on your face. Are you already asleep? You must really trust him!
Yan!Slasher who decides it’s okay to maybe take off a few of your clothes and take photos of you. He’s so smart crawling into bed with you and taking photos! Couple goals~ <3 !!
“Sh, sh, don’t scream. You fell asleep on a couch and I didn’t want anyone to puke on you. Let me take care of you, ok?”
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sc0tters · 10 months
Save a Horse | Ethan Edwards
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summary: as the bombshell of Umich, you set your sights on Ethan and don’t give up, not without a fight.
song: Cowgirls - Morgan Wallen
request: yes/no
warnings: underaged drinking, allusions to sex but nothing explicit.
word count: 1.58k
authors note: this has me thinking that a part two should be in order. Don’t usually write with such a boss reader but literally loved it. This thing took me much longer than I want to admit but I wanted the first piece since we hit 500 followers to be perfect! If you want to check out the rest of the celly you can do so here!
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You surely knew what you were doing right?
The way you looked tonight in your little costume as you danced with your friends, the way your laugh lit up the room as one of the seniors tried their luck with you. The way your nose did that little scrunching thing that it does whenever you get excited that makes Ethan absolutely weak in the knees.
It should have been torture, the way your eyes lingered over Ethan throughout the night when you’d bite your lip and tilt your hat in his direction.
But the boy remained where he always was as his doubts clouded his mind, you were a total bombshell and you knew it. As a result of that though it meant you had been through the experience of sleeping with some of the hottest guys on campus. Because when you look the way you do and have no desire for a relationship, you’ll have men falling at your feet as they fight to the death to be the one in your bed.
Ethan had started to like you in freshman year, you were a sophomore and at some party when the Canadian spilt his drink on your white shirt and has he begun to panic when your black bra became obvious under the wet fabric. He thought you were going to kill him but instead you flashed him a smile and let your southern charm do it’s thing “don’t worry about it darling.” You sent him a wink as you squeezed his shoulder.
All of his friends had watched the interaction in shock as you sent those boys a salute before you walked off. The sight was amusing as all of the freshman hockey players had their mouths open as their jaws were practically on the floor.
A year on and his feelings for you didn’t let up, during hockey season when you’d see him and congratulate him for the teams wins he swore he might as well have not spoken English because you left him speechless.
You watched hockey? You watched him play? You, the absolute babe watched Ethan?
Was all that could go through his mind.
“You better not screw him over peach,” Owen sighed as he connected to the FaceTime call with you.
Owen quickly became your college bestie when you two had three classes together in freshman year. Sure Owen loved you but he also knew that Ethan’s heart wouldn’t handle it if you did what you always did.
A scoff left your lips “I’m going to his hockey game, not his wedding.” You pointed out as you continued to line your lips.
The hockey player smiled as you said that “wedding, aeh? That’s a little bit early even for you to be thinking about that.” He teased causing you to roll your eyes “now do I look cute or what?” You asked as you flipped the camera off “so sweet peach!” When Owen learnt you were from Georgia that became your nickname, why was only an answer that he knew and refused to tell you.
Ethan almost died when he saw you after game in that 73 jersey, sure he gave it to you in the hopes that you’d wear it but he never actually thought you would be in that yellow jersey and look happy about it “you played well today darling!” You cooed as you pulled him into a hug.
You might have treated Ethan like he was one of your friends, which he still didn’t know how he got himself into that position. But you wanted more from him, all of your advances seemed to either fall on deaf ears or you were starting to think he wasn’t interested in you.
Sure the chase was fun but when you don’t come back with a sliver of success after months of trying, it begins to grow boring. Which was why you had been cold to Ethan this past week. For the first time in years you were feeling stupid about a boy, something about him made you feel ready to change your normal ways and swap them in for something more stable but here he was not interested.
So as you were close to the end of winning another beer pong game Ethan couldn’t help but watch as Nick stood by your side pretending to coach you through the game. When your ball went into another cup “let’s go!” The boy cheered as he placed his hands on your shoulders.
The Canadian grew jealous as he thought about you replacing him with Nick, maybe the senior was the man who you were now talking to.
Despite the fact that you were the only thing that went through his mind. He thought you were interested in him, nobody seemed to captivate your attention in the way that he did. Yet the thing that caused his hesitation was the fact that you never stayed with a person for long once you got their attention.
You pouted your lips as you locked eyes with Ethan. His Scooby Doo jumpsuit made him feel stupid as you looked like a sight for sore eyes with your denim corset and little matching mini skirt.
Somehow despite it all he was all you wanted “I’ll be back,” you mumbled to Nick as you won the game letting yourself take a celebratory shot of vodka.
The senior smirked as he saw what caught your eye “just behave,” he warned as you placed your hands on your hips “when don’t I?” You asked as you smiled.
Ethan watched as you sauntered over to his side “I like this outfit,” you confessed as you toyed with the zipper.
It made him stutter “r-really?” His eyes went wide as he caught the sight of your breasts that were only hidden by the blue material.
You smirked as you pulled him into the kitchen with you “wanna do a shot with you,” you explained as here was your final idea to see if Ethan liked you or not.
This was the moment that if he was able to resist your advance then you’d accept your fate and lose him forever.
Members of the hockey team looked in awe as Ethan’s eyes never left your back, the way he followed you like a little lamb was something they would have teased him about if you weren’t, well you.
Ethan pulled out two shot glasses “you’re gonna drink this one,” he explained as he motioned to his favourite tequila.
You smiled as you twirled your hair through your fingers “I think you’re the one in charge now,” you mumbled as you took the cowboy hat off of your head as you placed it on his own.
He wanted to die as you let out that angelic little giggle “want to see you suck this baby,” you watched as he placed the lime on his lips letting it rest in his mouth.
You nodded as you grabbed the salt shaker from the table “gotta start it off right,” you pointed out as you forced his hand into a fist as you let the salt land on his fist.
Ethan’s breathing turned unstable as his eyes never left yours, not when you licked his hand, not as you took the shot and let your lips wrap around the glass like you would if it was his cock.
When the devilish smile formed on your face was when he finally let his eyes move, you stood on your tippy toes letting bite into the lime.
The sour taste poured into your mouth when you pulled away from him “did I do something wrong?” Ethan asked as he watched you grab the lime from his lips “thought about tasting something sweeter,” you explained as your fingers ran over the rim of your that was still on his head.
If it was the other way around you would have been pulling upstairs so that you could ride him like he was the last man you were ever going to sleep with. But since it wasn’t you tried to remain calm “think you should have worked harder for it cowgirl.” His voice was husky as he placed his hands on either side of you.
Your thighs clenched at the thought of what his fingers could do to you “been making me work for too long with no reward.” You mumbled as your lips turned into a pout.
Ethan smiled as he placed your hat back on your head “now you can really get what you want,” he ran his finger over your plump lower lip.
A groan left your lips as you didn’t know what to do “you’re a cruel man Edwards,” you grumbled as you furrowed your eyebrows “you want your reward?” He wanted to hear you beg.
To see the vulnerability that you had never shown before with anyone else “please,” you whimpered as his thumb massaged the bare skin between your skirt and your top.
The feeling caused you to gasp, it seemed like that was the moment Ethan’s self restraint was thrown out of the window as he let his lips rough up against your own mixing the taste of beer and the different liquors that you had been drinking.
His shorts grew tight as the smell of your perfume mixed with the feeling of your lips made him want to come “let’s move this to the bedroom,” he groaned as he let his lips hover over yours.
“Who’s the needy one now?”
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thebisexualdogdad · 6 months
Okay here me out...
Bully/Jock Kate Bishop x nerd male reader smut?
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Kate Bishop x Male!reader
*non-archer Kate College AU*
● Kate Bishop is one of the most popular (and richest) girls on campus
● she was made the captain of the soccer team, water polo team and track & field team all by sophomore year
● you on the other hand were quite the opposite and had been picked on by her group of jock friends ever since your were freshman living in the same co-ed dorm building
● though secretly you and Kate had been hooking up for months
● it started when her grades were slipping and she needed to hire a tutor to be able to keep her spot on all the sports teams
● her mom gave her a bunch of money and told her to find the smartest kid on campus which just happened to be you
● she had recently broken up with her douchey football playing boyfriend and kissed you while alone in the schools library during one of your study sessions
● “don't get any ideas I'm only making out with you for a rebound” she says taking you to one of the closed off bookcase aisles to keep making out
● but then a week later she was on a high from winning a soccer game and found herself knocking on your apartment door
● “don't you dare tell anyone about this its a one time thing” she says as you're taking off her clothes
● but it wasn't a one time thing
● she was coming over to your apartment at least twice a week to hook up
● she even invited you to one of her famous parties
● “what the hell is he doing here?” One of her friends asked when they saw you walk through the door
● “no idea but I'm kicking him out” Kate says
● but she doesn't and instead sneaks you upstairs to her room
● and in the morning makes you climb down from her second story window while her roommates were passed out in the living room hungover from the night before
● you fall straight into a bush and stumble out of it whispering “I'm okay” which makes her laugh
● Kate is quite demanding in the bedroom
● she knows exactly what she wants and isn't afraid to be direct in getting it
● plus she finds it really hot that you let her order you around
● and thanks to her athletic stamina she can go for hours and in the craziest positions
● when she rides you you get to watch every single one of the defined muscles in her body flexing
● she loves leaving hickies all over your neck and chest
● she proudly smirks to herself when she sees you walking around campus trying to cover them up
● you've gotten quite good at eating her out (which she taught you how to do to ensure she always gets the most pleasurable orgasms)
● some nights she makes you go down on her until your jaw can't take it anymore
● she'll return the favor by slipping underneath your study table at the library to give you a blowjob that makes your knuckles turn white from gripping the table so hard
● she's also big on giving you praise during sex
● you have plenty of quickies in your car in between classes
● and hook ups in locker rooms when her teammates leave after practice
● her mom bought her a huge house with a pool in a secluded backyard so she's able to do private training for water polo (and for her and her roommates to have pool parties)
● so she also invites you over when her roommates are gone to go skinny dipping in said pool
● you weren't aware that her ex had been trying to get back with her for a while
● one of his buddies who just so happened to live in the same student apartment building as you saw Kate leaving your place
● so he told her ex which led to him trying to fight you outside the food hall
● Kate sees him punch you and runs over to the commotion
● “what the fuck Kate? This is the guy you get with?”
● her friends are looking at her and she panics
● “you've got it all wrong, I'm just tutoring her,” you lie with blood running down your face from your nose
● “no, I'm dating Y/N,” she confesses
● her ex raises his fist to punch you again but Kate kicks him in the nuts making him fall to the ground
● she takes your hand and gets you out of there going back to your apartment to clean you up
● “so we're dating huh?” You tease her
● “yeah and don't make me regret it” she laughs before kissing you
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daisynik7 · 1 year
Give You Blue
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Chapter 3: Umbrella
🎶 I can't stop the rain, but I will keep you dry 🎶
Pairing: Eren x f!reader, Reiner x f!reader (past relationship)
Rating: Explicit (this chapter does not contain any explicit material, but the series as a whole will remain Explicit)
cw: switching POVs (reader is in 2nd person, Eren is in 3rd), angst, a little bit of fluff
Word Count: ~2.9k
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Give You Blue Masterlist | ao3 | Give You Blue Taglist
Summary: With your classes as a distraction, you manage to survive a month into your breakup. However, you hit a snag when you run into your ex for the first time since the start of the semester. And, as if it couldn't get any worse, you forget to bring an umbrella on a day with heavy rainfall. Luckily, someone comes to your aid. Author’s Notes: Introducing Eren’s point of view! Hope you enjoy this one! Likes, comments, and/or reblogs are ALWAYS appreciated. Thank you so much for the support! If you want to be tagged in any future chapters, please let me know in the comments or interact with the Give You Blue Taglist post. Appreciate y’all! Divider created by @/mikeykuns.
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Eren hates his major. 
It’s not that he dislikes biology. In fact, he adores it. He has fond childhood memories of Armin sneaking encyclopedias from his grandpa’s library so that the two of them can flip through each page, eyes wide open in awe at the information displayed. Eren has always been particularly fascinated with science.
No, it’s not biology; he hates being pre-med. He’s only doing it because his father, the renowned Dr. Grisha Jaeger, gave him an ultimatum. It was either pre-med or no tuition, without any room for compromise. Eren’s fate is to become a physician, whether he likes it or not, all because it’s what the Jaeger patriarch wants. To be fair, he’s never stood up for himself. Zeke, his older brother, is in med school at Marley. He can’t be the sole disappointing son; he just can’t. 
So, instead, he suffers. One month into the semester, and he’s already struggling with organic chemistry. Freshman year, he aced biology, no problem. But chemistry? It’s a totally different language that he can’t comprehend.
Inside the lecture hall, he stares at his graded quiz, a big 53% scribbled in bold red ink. He glances at the other students, sneaking a peek at what they got. His concerns lessen slightly, spotting a few other 50s. Luckily, because the exam was so difficult, the professor informs them that it will be weighted. Still, this isn’t good enough. He’ll have a hard time explaining this one to the doctor.
When class is dismissed, Eren remains in his seat, head in his hands, re-evaluating his life choices. Is it going to be this way the rest of the semester? The remainder of the schoolyear? For the next decade? He’s only a sophomore; it’s only going to get harder from here. There’s so much pressure to do well right off the bat. After all, a high GPA is required for him to get into the prestigious Marley School of Medicine, the same university Zeke is currently attending. The standard has already been set high, and Eren needs to reach it if he doesn’t want to be considered a failure. 
There’s a heavy burden weighing him down, sometimes he finds it difficult to breath. The first semester of freshman year was a breeze; he had a good handle on his classes, snuck into a few frat parties with Mikasa and Armin, made fond memories with his friends. It was fun. Now, it’s anything but. He signed up to be an RA to have his own personal space so he could study. Basically coop himself in his room without having to resort to the library across campus. He tries to see his friends, but rarely goes out to a party. Armin, of all people, joined a frat last semester and has invited Eren out several times, always resulting in him declining. 
College is no longer enjoyable. And maybe for him, it was never meant to be. Is this what his life is going to be in the future? All work, no play? Is he destined to become like his workaholic father, who is hardly home? His brother, who’s aged twenty years despite being under thirty? He’s constantly debating in his mind if this is the route he wants to take. It keeps him awake at night, stressing about it. 
Eventually, he gets up out of his seat, slinging his backpack across his shoulders, his other hand grasping a large umbrella. The forecast predicted rain all afternoon. Fitting for how he’s feeling at the moment. 
Walking out of the lecture hall and towards the exit, he notices someone standing near the door, leaning against the wall, face buried in their hands. He approaches closer, realizing it’s one of his residents. And she’s crying.
It’s been a month since Reiner broke up with you. Your classes have been a well-needed distraction, keeping yourself focused on assignments rather than memories of your past relationship. Still, when you’re in bed every night, desperate to fall asleep, the flashbacks play on a continuous loop, keeping you awake. It’s been difficult to get a proper amount of sleep because of this. It’s a vicious cycle, one you haven’t quite figured out how to get out of. But like Annie said, baby steps. 
With your midday class over, you walk to the nearest vending machine, purchasing a canned coffee beverage to fuel your perpetual exhaustion. Caffeine has been one of your saving graces during this trying time, aside from the support from your friends. It also helps that you haven’t seen Reiner since the drastic breakup. You’ve been actively avoiding all of the usual spots you used to frequent with him, going out to the cafeteria, library, or the mini mart at odd times of the day. He hasn’t reached out to you, most likely giving you space until you decide to initiate. What do you even say? You’re trying to move on, and keeping in contact with him would only make it harder. But there’s no denying it; you miss him. 
As you step towards the exit, you notice all the other students clad in their waterproof coats or holding umbrellas. It’s pouring now, and you’re not prepared at all. Annie’s reminder last night resurfaces in your brain a little too late. She mentioned how it was supposed to rain today, and you probably brushed it off. Or maybe in your rush to get to class this morning, running on only two hours of sleep, it slipped your mind. 
Directly across is the next building. Thinking quickly, you hunch underneath your backpack, making some sort of makeshift shelter, and hurry over, doing your best to avoid getting soaked. There’s a large crowd of students leaving one of the lecture halls. You push past them, pausing near the exit, trying to decide what your next move should be. And that’s when you her him.
Your heart drops when you hear his voice, uttering that all too familiar nickname. Slowly, you turn around, seeing Reiner standing before you with a pretty, blonde woman beside him. 
“Oh. Hi.” You do your best to sound nonchalant, actually stunned by his presence.
He swallows hard, clearly nervous. “I didn’t know you had a class in here.”
“No, I don’t. I was just passing through. I, uh, forgot my umbrella, so I’m trying my best to avoid the rain.” You glance down at your shirt, spotted with droplets. “Obviously, it’s not working,” you add, with a small chuckle. You’re surprised that you can laugh when there’s dread suffocating your lungs. Seeing him in the flesh, after weeks of miraculously avoiding him, is hitting you harder than you imagined. 
Reiner stares at you, concern in his eyes. The same expression he’s given you throughout your life whenever he was worried about you. “It’s pouring the rest of the day. You’re going to get soaked.” It’s genuine the way he says it; like he still cares about you. It makes you regret coming here in the first place. 
“We can walk you to your dorm, if you want.” Her voice startles you for a second, forgetting she’s here as you fixate on your ex. She gives you a small smile when she continues. “I’m Christa, by the way. Nice to meet you.” 
You shake her hand, introducing yourself. Glancing at her sweatshirt, two deltas stitched across with a floral pattern, you comment, “I like your letters. They’re very cute.” 
Her smile widens. “Thank you! My big gave it to me last semester. Are you also in a sorority?”
“No, I’m not,” you reply, suddenly feeling self-conscious. 
She wiggles her finger at you and Reiner. “How do you two know each other, then?”
“We’ve known each other since we were kids. We grew up together,” Reiner answers, a hint of pride in his voice. “We’re best friends.” He glances at you, checking your reaction. You look down at your sneakers, wet at the soles, trying not to show the emotions rattling inside. 
“That is so sweet! Well, if you’re ever interested in joining a sorority, we do informal recruitment in the fall, formal recruitment in the spring. You should stop by the house some time for dinner, maybe during the nights Reiner is hashing.”
“Sorry! So used to speaking in sorority language! Reiner is one of our hashers. He helps serve food and wash dishes, in exchange for a paycheck, of course. His shifts are usually at dinner.”
You finally meet his eyes. “Oh. I didn’t know.” 
He opens his mouth, wanting to respond. Then Christa nudges him with her elbow, giggling. “How can you not tell your best friend that you have a job?!”
He avoids your gaze, rubbing the back of his neck. “I guess I forgot.” The truth is more complicated to explain; you don’t blame him for that. Still, it hurts. You’re so used to knowing everything about each other. Now, he’s practically a stranger. 
Christa, blissfully unaware, repeats her earlier offer. “We can walk you to your dorm! And we can talk more about Delta Delta if you’d like.” Her offer is kind, even with the ulterior motive, trying to recruit you. It’s not the sales-pitch that’s deterring you, though. It’s the idea of sharing an umbrella with them, forcing yourself to act like it’s all fine and dandy. That he didn’t break your heart a few weeks ago so that he can hang out with sorority girls like Christa, gorgeous, sweet, and sociable. It’s not her that bothers you, not at all. She has no idea the pain you’re going through. Reiner does, and it makes you angry knowing he wants to play pretend for the sake of his image. 
“It’s okay, I can walk on my own from here. Greek Row is on the opposite side of campus, it doesn’t make sense for you to walk me.” You’re not going to accept the offer, no matter what. It’s better this way. You’d rather get drenched than subject yourself to this. 
“C’mon, Coco. We really don’t mind,” Reiner urges.
We. It’s a simple word, no significant meaning behind it. To you, it’s devastating. It used to be you and him. Now, it’s him with somebody else. You’re the third party here. And sure, they’re probably just friends, but the insecure part of you is going insane, wondering if he’s already moved on. 
More adamant, you say, “I’ll be fine. Seriously.” You give Reiner a stern look, one he recognizes instantly. He’s seen it many times before, and he knows that he should just drop it. Christa’s eyes dart between you two, picking up on the tension. “Okay, well, I hope you take up my offer for dinner. I’ll let Reiner contact you to schedule a time.” She smiles at you, waving. “It was really nice to meet you, Coco.”
Reiner makes a strangled noise in his throat, caught off guard by his special nickname for you being used by somebody other than him. You’re surprised at yourself when you let out a genuine chuckle, grinning. “It was nice meeting you too.” You’re not annoyed at her for calling you that. In fact, you’re relieved. In a way, you feel liberated from it. It no longer belongs to him. 
You’re overwhelmed with emotions as soon as they leave side-by-side under his umbrella. You wait until they’re out of sight, leaning against the wall, hiding your face as the tears stream down your cheeks. Suddenly, and at the worst timing, you hear a familiar voice call out to you. Peering up, you see Eren, your RA, standing in front of you.
You meet him in passing every now and then, walking out or into his room while you’re going the opposite direction, exchanging a friendly wave or pleasant greeting. There’s always a pleasant smile on his face, as if life Is great and everything is going to be fine. This is the second time he’s witnessed you crying, two times too many at this point. You’re hot with embarrassment, being caught a blubbery mess once again.
“Hi,” you sniffle, drying your cheek with your sleeve. 
“Are you okay?” He’s concerned, of course. Similar to the first time you burst into tears upon meeting him.
You take a deep, shaky breath before responding, “Yeah. I’m fine. I just…I didn’t know it was going to rain.”
It’s silent between you for a moment, Eren processing the situation before speaking. “If you’re heading back to the dorms, we can walk together.” He holds the curved handle in up, smiling. You’re grateful he doesn’t question it further, understanding there’s more behind your outburst than just a little bit of unforeseen weather. 
Once outside, he opens the umbrella, revealing a blue-sky pattern over your heads. You laugh at the irony of it. 
“Pretty cool, right?” he beams, holding the handle between you. “I always like to carry a bit of blue with me whenever it’s a gloomy day.”
“I love it,” you reply, returning his bright smile. “Almost makes it feel like it isn’t raining at all.” You huddle next to him, trying your best not to bump your shoulder against his. “Thank you. I would have been stranded if you didn’t come along.”
“No problem at all. Just consider this one of my responsibilities, as your RA.”
“To show off your super cool umbrella to your residents?” you joke, smirking.  
He turns his head to face you, gazing at you kindly. “No. To keep you safe and protect you.”
You focus your attention on the ground, avoiding any puddles and ignoring the slight flutter in your belly. “You might be the best RA ever with that kind of mindset.”
He chuckles. “Well, I haven’t forgiven myself for making you cry the first night I met you. So I’m doing my best to make up for it.”
You cover you face with your hand, remembering that humiliating moment. “Oh god, don’t remind me. It really wasn’t you. I was in a fragile state and apparently, red velvet cupcakes were triggering at the time.”
The rain lets up a bit, reduced to a drizzle now. Eren stares in front of him, relaxing the grip on the handle. “Are you feeling better now?”
You choose your words carefully before replying, “Yeah. I think so.” It’s not a confident answer, though it’s the best you can do, without going into detail about it.
“Good. I’m glad to hear that.”
The two of you walk in silence for the next few minutes, listening to the soft trickle of raindrops against the pavement. There’s something peaceful about the rain when you’re not getting absolutely drowned by it. You look up, admiring the blue-sky pattern, feeling the tiniest boost of serotonin on an otherwise dreary situation. “You’re doing a great job, by the way.”
A little louder, you repeat, “I said you’re doing a great job. Being an RA and everything.” You’re unsure yourself what you mean by “everything”. He’s basically a stranger to you. However, for some reason, you’re comfortable around him. 
“Oh. Thanks.” You can tell he’s surprised by your comment, which makes you smile to yourself. 
Another moment of silence passes as you approach the dorms. “I’ll have to find a way to thank you for this,” you say. 
“You really don’t have to.”
“If it weren’t for you, I’d either be stuck there, crying. Or back at the dorms, drenched from head to toe.” You remove the keycard from your pocket, swiping your ID at the door. 
He holds it open for you, beckoning you to enter first, folding and tying his umbrella closed. “Well, if you must know, I love Pocky.”
“Pocky?” You raise your brow at him, amused.
“You know, those little stick treats, covered in chocolate.”
“Yeah, I’m familiar. I’m just surprised by your answer,” you grin, stopping in front of his room. 
“Hey, I told you I have a sweet tooth, right? Just get me a box of that, and we’ll call this even.”
“Okay,” you reply. “I can do that.”
He watches you walk the rest of the way down the hall to your room. You face him, giving him one last wave before you enter, retreating inside. You set your bag down and sit at the edge of your bed, surprised at how okay you’re doing, despite running into Reiner. Maybe you really are doing better.
Soon after, your phone vibrates, notifying you of a text. When you check it, you find yourself staring at the screen, frozen in place.
Reiner: Hope you made it back to your dorm okay.
You’re doing a great job. On a shitty day like today, those five simple words give Eren the validation he needs. If he can’t be great at chemistry, it’s nice knowing he is succeeding in another way. It makes him feel good, as if he’s finally doing something right. Being appreciated for it isn’t expected, but it sure is nice. 
He doesn’t see or hear from her until a few days later, when he comes back from one of his classes. Outside his room, he spots a plastic bag hanging on the doorknob, a note attached to the outside of it:
Eren, thank you for keeping me dry from the rain the other day. Consider us even now. 
He smiles reading her name signed at the end of it. Peeking into the bag, he sees at least a dozen Pocky boxes scattered inside. 
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Taglist: @batafuraikisu @bloompompom @monirei @filunara @katestrophes @ichinosejager13 @hoperenae @zellskz @e-ayyy @liliorsstuff-blog @maliakealoha @holdmeclosebutdontloveme @chrollohearttags @sailorputa @squickkk @dnyllmh @hellomeow12 @s-cream-ing @potofstewie @conniesbbymama @erzascarlett28 @lem-hhn @roronoazorosbxtchh @ichigostrawberry15 @rhaelrence @lilshades @bigmoodyjoody @icansmellsouls @aangsupremacy @ashsauroras @bakuhoes-bxtch @mrs-wolfwood @si-kamo @jmtherula @imaddicted-b @monkemanjeager @neesiewrote @large-juice @chiinni @belovedackerman
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thebearer · 9 months
part one of the best friend au blurb series with lip gallagher. i figured the meeting would be a good place to start :)
"Hey, can you hear me?" You pressed your phone to your ear, your free hand plugging your ear so you could hear your friend on the other line.
The dorm was packed, people spilling out into the hallway, booze spilling over cups. Costumes of all kinds passing by you, the bass rattling the walls as the Halloween party was in full swing. It was your first, and your only- you'd decided. You wanted the true college experience as any eager freshman would. You just didn't know you'd be doing it alone.
Your friends had bailed, ditching you for a frat party instead. One all the way across campus. You supposed you could go, fight the frigid cold alone in your tiny angel costume, but you decided against it. Sitting on the couch in some room instead, where a guy was gaming at his computer.
"Yo," You looked up, a mess of curls and blue eyes standing above you, red solo cup in his hand. "You, uh, you with Ron?"
"Who?" You asked, brow raised over the music.
The boy jerked his head over to the guy gaming. You shook your head. "You a friend of Amanda's? She's... I don't know where she is, honestly."
"No, I, uh," You stood, cheeks tinging with embarrassed heat. "'m sorry. I just... I needed a second, and this was... Well, no one was having sex in here, so I just... This is your room, isn't it? I-I'm sorry. I'll leave, I just-" You rambled.
"Hey, no, it's-it's fine. I get it." The guy said, smiling at you softly. "It's a fuckin' zoo out there."
"Yeah." You nodded, eyes cutting to the open door, where people stumbled by.
"I'm, uh, I'm Lip by the way." The boy said, blue eyes blinking up at you. You mumbled your own name back, eyes cutting around the room.
"I can... I can shut the door if you want me to? If it's too much." Lip offered, eyes scanning your frame. Your tiny, white dress that hugged you in the right place. The tiny, feather halo that was tilted in your hair.
"No, you don't have to. It's your room. I don't-" You muttered, nervously toying with the strap to your wings.
Lip shrugged, nonchalant, so effortlessly cool. "Nah, no problem, really. I'll leave it unlocked. I, uh, I have to finish my Quantum Computing paper anyways."
"Quantum? What's your major?" You gawked lightly.
Lip grinned, pressing the door shut, the noise dulled. Your ears rang lightly. "Uh, robotic engineering? I think." Lip shrugged. "I haven't decided yet. Figure I got a coupla years."
"You're a sophomore?" You guessed, watching him sit at his desk across from you.
"Freshman." Lip smiled. "What about you, angel?"
You rolled your eyes, hoping it hid your blush. "I'm a freshman, too. First semester."
"Yeah? What're you majoring in?" Lip leaned back in his chair.
"Elementary ed." You mumbled. "Not as great as what you're doin', but I'm not good with math."
"Yeah, but it's important." Lip shrugged. "Lot more important than my shit."
"Doubt that." You muttered, taking a seat back on the couch. Your phone buzzed, a half-ass apology from your roommate about ditching.
"Boyfriend?" Lip asked, nodding at your phone.
"Roommate." You scoffed. "She ditched me. When to the Kappa Sig party instead. Didn't tell me until I was here."
"Ah, that's shitty."
"Tell me about it." You rolled your eyes. "That's why I was in here, by the way. I'm not just like some freak who sneaks in people's rooms during parties. I just... I didn't know anyone out there."
"It's cool." Lip shrugged. "I'm usually here at these things if you ever are. Kinda... have to be, I guess." He pointed to the closed door. You grinned. "If you ever need someone to hang with."
"Thanks." You mutter. "I can leave, though, so you can do your homework. It was cool to meet you. I just... I don't wanna bother you. Sounds like important stuff."
"Nah, I'll finish it later." Lip shrugged. "So, you, uh, from here?"
It was the start, born in the small dorm room, chatting over loud music that eventually fizzled out a little after three am. You and Lip swapping stories, laughing over shitty roommate tales, and mutual complaints about the school. A friendship blossomed, sprung from an unexpected meeting between the two of you. The start of something neither one of you were prepared for.
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azk0re · 6 months
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…and they were roommates! (pt. 1)
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pairing: roommate!abby x black!reader
synopsis: your sophomore year of college is starting in a few weeks, and you’re in dire need of a roommate. abby just so happens to be in a similar situation…
warnings: mdni, abby is bi (no bi erasure on this page), slightly older abby, reader is black, reader is femme, reader is a simp tbh, strong language used, (y/n) is used (i had to guys i’m sorry T-T)
an: i’m so terrified of posting this it’s not even funny T-T. i’ve had a really shitty week and wanted to post something about my favorite buff masc so here’s this. i know it’s bad but please be nice! i hope you enjoy. look out for part 2 because it’s coming soon! - with love, ellie ♡
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You were having an absolute fucking crisis. At the college you attended, all students were required to stay in a dorm their first year but could move out their sophomore year if they wanted to. You definitely wanted to move out especially after having a nightmare for a roommate your freshman year who snored like a banshee, always brought guys over, and, after finding out about your sexuality, constantly accused you of wanting to sleep with her even though she was far from your type.
In order to move out, freshmen had to alert the school of their decision at the end of their last semester of their first year and they only gave students a month to go back on their choice. You were not aware of this and, by the time you were, you’re month had very well passed and you still hadn’t been able to secure a place to stay. It seemed like every one and two bedroom apartment near the school was taken by someone.
You even asked the few friends you had that attended the school if you could room with them but all of them either had a one bedroom apartment or were rooming with someone else.
So, essentially, you were fucked.
You only had a few weeks to figure something out before school started and you were beginning to get desperate. Finally, after days of sulking over your shitty situation and complaining about it for an hour over the phone to your best friend, Heaven, she gave you the idea of looking through the school’s online bulletin to see if anyone had posted a ‘roommate wanted’ post recently.
The only problem with that idea was the fact that the school’s online bulletin was notoriously difficult to navigate. The layout was horrible and the website had no filtering system so all posts from different years were just mixed onto the website and, for that reason, most people didn’t use it.
It took you two days of sifting through hundreds upon hundreds of old roommate wanted posts to find a recent one. You were just about to give up the hunt for the night when you came across it.
The post itself was very short and simple. The original poster hadn’t put much information about herself other than that her name was Abby, she was a junior, what her email address was and the fact that she was looking for a roommate after accidentally renting a two bedroom apartment instead of a one bedroom apartment.
The moment you saw it, you opened up your gmail account and typed out a very quick email before sending it and finally turning in for the night. The next morning you saw a reply from this mystery Abby woman, asking to meet at a coffee shop in town for lunch for a small interview and to discuss the intricacies of the arrangement which you, of course, agreed to. An email was sent back to you almost immediately giving you the coffee shop’s address and where Abby would be in the coffee shop.
Knowing this was going to be one of those ‘first impressions are very important’ moments you put on one of your favorite outfits that fit the somewhat chilly, early autumn weather that included a tan mini skirt, black long-sleeve turtle neck, black boots, and you’re favorite pair of cream leg warmers, before heading out to the coffee shop.
When you entered the little shop, it finally dawned on you that you had no idea what this lady looked like. All you knew was her name and what booth she was going to be sitting in. So, as you made your way to the back corner of the shop where Abby had instructed you to go to, you couldn’t help but imagine what she could possibly look like. A million different ideas ran through your head as you walked. Maybe she was brunette? She was probably taller than you but not by much, and you imagined her voice to be similar to yours.
What you definitely weren’t expecting to see as you drew closer to the booth was a buff woman with dark blonde, almost brown, hair sitting at the table that you had previously been instructed to go to. The woman was absolutely stunning with her hair tied back, a few strands left out to frame her face, freckles splayed across her cheeks, and her brow furrowed in concentration. Her outfit itself was definitely more on the masculine side which is something you did not anticipate. Even just sitting there, typing away on the laptop in front of her, she looked very intimidating.
When you finally approached the table, you cleared you throat, effectively gaining her attention. Her blue-grey eyes were piercing as she turned her full attention to you, raising an eyebrow in question, “Um, hi, are you Abby?”
A small smile graced her features as she nods her head just so, “I am,” she confirms, her voice catches you by surprise. It definitely fit her face, deep and smooth, but it wasn’t what you thought she would sound like. “I assume you’re (Y/N)?”
Her question snatches you out of your own head. You nod and she motions toward the spot across from her, silently inviting you to sit with her. After clearing her laptop off the table top, she once again turns her gaze to you and you can feel the familiar feeling of anxiety rise in your chest.
“So, let’s cut straight to the chase,” she begins, leaning back in her seat and crossing her arms, “you want to be my roommate, right?”
You nod.
“Well, I have spoken to many people interested in rooming with me and a lot of them haven’t been very…fitting for me.” Just by the way she’s speaking and the look on her face, you can tell that she’s probably ran into some of the weirdos on campus, “But, from just looking at you, I think you’d be a good roommate but I do have some questions and things I’d like to discuss before I make a final decision.”
You nod.
Abby grabs a small black notebook that was sat beside a cup of what looked to be straight black coffee, before flipping open to a page and speaking again.
“Okay, so, for one, I think a huge part of what will make this work best for the both of us is full transparency. I’m gonna tell you what I need in a roommate and I want you to tell me what you need in a roommate, and then we can kind of decide whether or not we’d work well together, okay?,” she asks, looking you straight in the eyes as she speaks. Her gaze is unwavering and intimidating, analyzing every bit of you that she could see.
You nod again, “Okay.”
“Alright then,” she starts, “I’ve never really shared a living space with anyone before. Freshman year, I had a single dorm and sophomore year, I had a one-bedroom apartment. I’m a very private, organized, and clean person and I like my space to reflect that. Therefore, what I need from a roommate is for them to respect my space, my privacy, and just keep up with their end of the chores and house care.”
You nod again.
“Other than that, for the sake of being fully transparent, I have to tell you now that I am bisexual so if that’s going to be a problem then this arrangement will not work.“
Abby’s words catch you off guard. From the look of her, it made sense, but you always tried your hardest not to place a label on anyone based on their appearance. Abby studies the hesitance on your face but she doesn’t say anything, she just stares in silence as you collect yourself before finally speaking.
“Okay, um, that won’t be a problem at all.” You say, speaking honestly but you can tell by the look on Abby’s face that she isn’t convinced just yet.
“Are you sure?” She questions, leaning forward slightly, her voice slightly deeper than it had been a moment ago, and her eyes burning holes into your own.
“Yes, 1000% sure,” you smile at her, trying to ease the nervousness rising in your chest at her intense stare, “I mean, it definitely won’t be a problem for me considering the fact that I am a lesbian.”
Abby hums and you can visibly see the tension leave her shoulders as she relaxes back into her seat, “Is that so?”
“Mhm,” you confirm, “I was actually worried about that being an issue with you but it’s nice to know that it wouldn’t be.”
Abby nods and, after a moment of slightly awkward silence, she says, “What are the things that you would need from a roommate?”
“Um,” you start taking a moment to think Edie’s speaking again, “I think I basically need just about the same things. I like my space but, if we’re being 100% honest, I am not a very social person but I can be quite…clingy?” Uncertainty is present in your voice as you speak, not really sure if that would be the best word choice.
“Clingy?” Abby questions, raising an eyebrow, “How so?”
“I mean, I guess clingy wouldn’t be the best word for it,” you mumble, looking away from Abby’s intense stare and out of the window, “I like to talk to people a lot and sometimes I enter other people’s space without realizing it. I understand that some people don’t like that, so if we were to live together I’d want you to create boundaries and stand on those boundaries so that I don’t make you uncomfortable.”
You look back over to Abby, feeling much more confident in the way in which you’d phrased what you felt. Abby slowly nods in understanding after a moment, uncrossing her arms to jot something down on her little notepad, before looking back at you.
“Anything else?” She inquires.
“Other than that I just need you to be courteous and, um, when you have company over be respectful of the fact that I may be there and may need the apartment to be relatively quiet.”
Abby nods, “I can do that. I don’t typically have others over anyway.”
Abby jots something else down on her little notebook before looking back at you, “Okay, now I just a few questions for you and then you can ask me whatever you want, okay?”
You nod.
“Do you have a partner?”
You shake your head, “No.”
“Do you like to have friends over often?”
“Sort of?” You admit, “It’s usually just my best friend and her girlfriend, though.”
Abby nods, scribbling something down again on her notepad, “Do you know what your schedule will look like for the semester?”
You nod, “Most of my classes are late morning, early afternoon or evening classes, so I would be home most of the morning and sporadically throughout the afternoon and evening.”
Abby nods, taking a moment to write some more things down before continuing, “This one’s kind of odd but are you a morning person?”
“Sometimes,” you respond, “there’s days when I wake and I’m ready to tackle the day but there’s also days where I wake up and I want to slam my head against a slab of concrete.”
“I understand the feeling,” Abby snorts, smiling slightly accentuating a cute little dimple on her cheek that makes your own smile a little wide, “I think that’s the last of the questions I have for you. Do you have any for me?”
“Um,” you take a moment to think before settling lamely on your first question, “are you a morning person?”
“I am, I get up at 5 am every morning.”
You groan, “Why put yourself through that every day.”
Abby chuckles, “It’s not that bad. I just like to get my workout in early,” she shrugs, “it keeps me energized throughout the day.”
As you take in her answer, you can’t help but let your eyes wander over her broad shoulders and toned arms, straining against the tight fabric of her long sleeve shirt. You can definitely tell that she works out every day. After a moment, you realize you’re staring and snap your eyes back to her face to see her looking directly at you with a smug expression on her face.
You quickly look away from her own and down at your hands which were sat interlaced on the table in front of you. You felt the tell-tale feeling of embarrassment seep into you. You clear your throat, trying to ignore the butterflies now beating against your ribcage, “So, what will your schedule look like?”
“For this semester, I’ll be out most of the morning and home around late afternoon, hopefully.”
You nod, finally looking back up her to see that the smugness was gone for the most part but she still had a small smirk on her face, “Do you have any hobbies that would be nice to know about beforehand?”
“I play guitar and I play on our school’s rugby team, so during the fall and spring semester I’ll be gone often because of practice and also because of work.”
“Oh, that’s cool. I forgot our school had a rugby team,” you admit almost sheepishly, “I wanted to come to some of the games last year but I was always too busy.”
Abby hums in acknowledgement, “Hopefully you’ll be able to come this year, we’re going to be having quite a few interesting games against rival schools.”
“Yeah, hopefully,” you agree, “um, I can’t really think of any other questions.”
Abby nods at the admission, “I don’t think we’ll have any problems living together. I quite like your company and you’re a lot better than some of the other prospective roommates I’ve met.”
You smile at the praise, “So…does that mean I’ve passed this…interview?”
Abby chuckles at the question, “Yes, it does. You can be my roommate.”
“Oh thank goodness!” You exclaim, slumping down into the booth behind you dramatically getting another chuckle out of Abby, “You have no idea how much you just saved my life. I couldn’t find an apartment for the life of me and I was so worried about having a roommate.”
“Have you never a roommate before?” Abby asks, amusement apparent on her face and in the tone of her voice.
“Oh, no, I’ve had a roommate before.” You sigh, remembering the suffering she put you through, “I had one last year actually, but she was pretty awful and I was just afraid of having another bad one.”
Abby hums, “Well, I hope I haven’t disappointed you yet.”
“You have not,” your assure her, giggling a bit, “trust me, you’re a hundred times better than she was.”
“What was so bad about her?”
You sigh, “She was just not very…kind. She was quite selfish actually.” You admit, “She was very messy and she would bring guys over to mess around with even when I was there and basically kick me out so she could do her…thing.”
Abby’s face contorts into one of pure irritation as you speak, “That’s awful.”
“Yeah, it really was,” you agree, “she also was convinced that I had a thing for her after finding out I was a lesbian. She wasn’t even my type! She was far from it.”
Abby nods, looking at you sympathetically, “I hate when people assume that.”
“So do I,” you sigh, again before smiling up at Abby, “but it’s alright. It’s in the past now.”
Abby smiles back, nodding again, “Yeah, now you have me as roommate and I promise that I will try my best to give you a better experience than that.”
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You and Abby sat in the little coffee shop for a few more hours, getting to know one another better before heading on your separate ways for the time being, but not before exchanging numbers.
The next day, Abby texted you the address to the apartment, and told you that you could start moving in whenever but just to let her know so that she could be home to help. The two of you continued to text routinely almost every day until the day you were supposed to move in.
A week after you guys met in the coffee shop, you were ready to move in and had texted Abby as much. The plan was to start moving in that day with the help of Abby and your best friend, Heaven. In your mind, the move itself would be pretty easy and straightforward since you didn’t have a ton of stuff. In total, you probably had fifteen or so boxes and a few bags which all fit nicely in the tiny U-Haul you’d rented. The rest of your furniture and stuff would be moved in later in the day by a moving company, so nothing that you had with you was too heavy.
When you arrived, you texted Abby to let her know, expecting her to come out in something similar to what she’d had on the day you met, a simple shirt and jeans, but you were mistaken.
When Abby came out, both you and Heaven were distracted with taking things out of the U-Haul, it wasn’t until she called out your name that you noticed her walking up to the two of you. Her appearance caught you off guard…again.
Her hair was essentially the same, tied in the back and braided into a long braid that cascaded over her shoulder with a few pieces out in the front, but her outfit was dramatically different. This time she was dressed in what seemed to be gym attire. Black shorts that hugged her pretty tight, a black muscle tee, white Nike socks and sneakers. The main thing that caught your eye wasn’t really her attire though, it was the dark ink that littered her arms and thick thighs.
You were mesmerized, stuck staring until Heaven smacked you discreetly on the behind, hissing a reprimand at you about you staring at your new roommate like a piece of meat all through a polite smile that was pointed in Abby’s direction.
You quickly tried to pull your shit together as Abby reached the two of you, smiling kindly at the both of you, not seeming to have noticed you gawking at her only moments before. After introducing Abby and Heaven, the three of you began working on your boxes.
You were all able to get your things inside the apartment and into your room pretty quickly. You kept getting distracted though by the absolutely delicious view that was Abby Anderson.
You knew she was obviously strong just by the look of her physique but you couldn’t get over how easily she picked up all of your heaviest boxes without even breaking a sweat. Her outfit left nothing to your imagination, and it made it hard for you to focus causing you to run into and drop things all too often.
When you guys were finally done, Abby had left you and Heaven alone to relax and get you all drinks as the two of you began to go through your things.
Heaven kept giving you a look that you were pointedly trying to ignore. Eventually, she got tired of being subtle and hissed your name, “You need to get it together, girl.”
“I’m trying.” You whine, quietly.
Heaven sighs, glancing over to and out of the open door to check to see if Abby was coming or not. When she confirmed that the other woman was still downstairs she leaned toward you, “I get it, babe. She’s hot as hell but she’s also your roommate now. You’ve gotta tread lightly.”
“You have a girlfriend, you can’t call other people hot.” You throw back at her trying your best to ignore the last bit of her sentence.
Heaven rolls her eyes, “As if Ellie would give a shit,” she snorts, “we point out hot women to each other, and, trust me, if my baby was here, she’d agree with me and add a lot more vulgar comments.”
You ignore her statement knowing how true it was, sighing to yourself instead, you halt your work on the box of your belongings in front of you, “What am I gonna do, Heaven? She’s completely my type. I thought I could do it before, y’know? At the coffee shop it felt fine because I couldn’t see all of her, but now…”
“It’s the tattoos ain’t it?” Heaven teases with a shit-eating grin and you whine nodding your head before flopping backward on to the floor beneath you, laying flat on your back. Heaven simply laughs at your pain, enjoying the dramatic display in front of her.
“I mean, she might be hot but there’s no way she’s gay, right?” Heaven says, giggling a bit as she turns her attention back to the box of your belonging in front of her. When she’s met with no answer she looks at you, squinting, “Right, (Y/N)?”
“She’s bi,” you whisper with a sigh, covering your face with your hands.
Heaven gasps, dropping whatever she was holding back into the box, “You’re lying!”
“I’m not!” You groan, “I wish I was.”
“Oh, honey,” Heaven says, sounding sympathetic now, “the only thing you can do is try not to fall for her.”
You groan once again in absolute defeat. There was no way you were going to be able to manage that.
“Maybe she’s got a boyfriend or a girlfriend or something and you won’t have to deal with her being single and hot as hell.” Heaven offers, going back to rustling through the box in front of her.
You’re about to say something about how that wont help much at all because it would just piss you off to see her with someone else, when you hear the sound of footsteps approaching the room. You shut your mouth quickly and turn your attention to the doorway of the room, seeing Abby with three bottles of cold water, still looking as mesmerizing as before.
Abby hands a bottle to Heaven and then to you before speaking, “I’m sorry for taking a while to come back, I had to take a phone call.”
She opens the lid of her own water bottle and takes a few gulps from it, pulling your attention to her adam’s apple as it bobs in her throat.
Heaven nudges you with her foot, once again pulling you out of your embarrassing staring before Abby could see.
“It’s no biggie,” Heaven says, snickering a bit as she answers for the both of you knowing that you are far too distracted to respond to Abby.
Abby smiles at Heaven after pulling away from her water bottle, turning her attention to you, “The call was about your key. It’ll be ready tomorrow, so when I get back from the gym I’ll pick it up and bring it home to you, yeah?”
You nod, still too distracted to speak.
Abby doesn’t seem to think anything of your lack of verbal response, instead she just nods as well, “I’m gonna head to the gym. If you girls get hungry please help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I’ll be back in about an hour and a half, okay?”
You nod again and Abby spares you one more sweet smile, before telling Heaven that it was nice to meet her which Heaven, of course, reciprocates, and leaving the room.
When Abby is far enough away from the room, Heaven turns to you and shakes her head, “Girl, you are so fucked.”
You knew she was right but you didn’t have the energy to respond verbally, so instead you just cover your face with your arms and groan.
You were far beyond fucked.
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strawberrysohn · 1 year
on the low — choi san. 
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the prologue
pairing: fboy!choi san x inexperienced good girl reader
genre: smut, fluff, angst, (lowkey) coming of age [nothing really like any of that for this part tho]
warnings for this part: slight fluff, playful banter, slightly cocky san, one (1) kiss, swearing, flirting that goes nowhere, very much plot, rather boring tbh :/
part summary: it's the night before your first day of university and you get a ride home from one of your friends. wary of going into college without any romantic experience, you decide to ask your friend for some help.
word count: 2919 (because it's just the prologue lol)
for the longest time it was just the two of you. you, a girl trying to break free from the "girl next door" cliché you fit almost perfectly, someone who lived with her overprotective father and very critical mother and felt happiest away from home. and wooyoung, a bubbly, talkative boy at your school who became your lab partner for chemistry in sophomore year. you two clicked rather easily, and he got a kick out of the fact that he was your first friend that was a boy. who would have thought that in three years, you'd be friends with him and his seven other friends that were also boys?
you met yeosang and hongjoong next. coincidentally, they were in book club with you but you just never talked to them. then there were yunho, jongho, and mingi, who didn't go to the same school, but instead the next one over. then there was seonghwa, who you instantly got along with, seeing as he lived in a similar situation as you.
finally, you met him. wooyoung's closest friend, choi san, who was the perfect example of people you had been taught to avoid.
much to your family's dismay, you got along really well with san. even though he was nothing but nice to you, they knew that he was bad news. and so did you, but you didn't care. it's not like you were one of the girls lining up to be the next one he sleeps with. you were just the girl friend. that is...friend that's a girl.
so, there the nine of you were sat cautiously on the top of yunho's mom's minivan, staring at the night sky.
"isn't it crazy that in a few minutes, it'll technically be the first day of our freshman year at university?" wooyoung speaks, staring wistfully at the sky above.
"yeah, and we should be sleeping," hongjoong retorts. "do any of you have any idea how much we're going to have to do tomorrow?"
mingi chuckles and rolls his eyes playfully. "whatever, i'm just glad we all ended up at the same place," he says, shooting a small smile to yunho. "and that yunho's mom willingly gave us the van."
"it was not willingly," yunho says. "she only let us use it because san was showing up separately."
san dangles his feet off the side of the van. "do any of your parents like me?" he asks with a small laugh in his tone.
"i don't know," you say to him with a shrug. "my dad might be warming up to you now that he knows you're a car guy."
"i'm not a 'car guy', i have a car," san tosses his empty chip bag down to the ground. "there's a difference."
"twenty seconds to midnight!" seonghwa announces as he puts his phone back in his pocket.
wooyoung gasps excitedly and shakes jongho, who had dozed off, by the shoulder. "is everyone ready?" he looks at the time on his phone impatiently. "first day of the rest of our lives starts in 15...14...13..."
"this is so dumb," san leans in to whisper to you. you hadn't even noticed that he was seated beside you.
"he's enjoying himself," you chuckle, whispering back to san. "i say let him have his fun."
san shifts his position so that he's more comfortable, sat next to you with one leg tucked up halfway to his chest. "you know, i can give you a ride, if you want," he says suddenly.
you turn your face to look at the boy next to you, not realizing just how close he was. startled for a moment, you blink softly. his dark hair was slightly windswept from the late summer air. you were about to respond when wooyoung's excited voice interrupted your thoughts before you could say them.
"...1!" wooyoung claps enthusiastically. "happy first day of freshman year, everyone!"
a defeaning silence overtakes the nine of you after the time hits midnight. aside from wooyoung's bright smile and big eyes, no one shows any reaction.
san meets your eyes as you look around. a concerned look paints his face and you stifle a laugh. the both of you knew wooyoung and his antics the best, so you weren't surprised.
hongjoong sighs. "are we done now?" he adjusts his glasses and looks at wooyoung expectantly before sliding down the side of the van, dusting off the back of his jeans. "my mom is gonna be upset if she finds out i'm out so late on a school night."
"yeah, can we go?" jongho wipes his tired eyes with the sleeve of his black sweater. "i'm tired, in case you haven't noticed."
a small frown on his face, wooyoung looks around at the various faces around him. "does everyone want to go?" when everyone including you nods, the boy sighs. "alright, fine, whatever. thank you all for agreeing to do this, though."
the rest of your friends slide down onto the ground from the top of the van, yunho warning everyone to be careful because he 'still has to drive it back to his house before going back to campus'.
you meet up with wooyoung once you find ground. "hang in there, woo, okay?" you pat his shoulder softly. "i'll see you tomorrow. have a good night." you smile at him, but he looks at you in slight confusion.
he watches as you start to walk in the opposite direction. "aren't you coming with us in the van?"
"nope," you shake your head. "san offered to drive me."
your friend's eyes light up and he grins at you. "really?" he lifts a hand for a high five, which you return, although you're not sure why it was initiated. "have fun, y/n!"
"calm down," you furrow your brows. "it's just a car ride."
"with the choi san?" wooyoung shakes his head and chuckles, only deepening your confusion. "nuh-uh, honey. a car ride with san is never just a car ride. he's probably gonna try to make a move on you."
you blink slowly. "nice try, woo," you shake your head, tired of his games. you were used to him making things up like this. "i'm just gonna go, okay? have a nice night."
wooyoung smirks as you walk away. "you too."
san, who was leaning against the front of his car, looks up as you approach. "hey, you accepted my offer!" he smiles slightly and stands up straight to welcome you. "isn't this your first time being in my car?"
"yeah, it is," you tell san as you both walk around to your sides of the car. you slide in the passenger seat, taking in the interior of san's car. it was very him, if that made sense. "it smells nice in here."
"strawberry," san points to an air freshener hanging from the mirror. "bought it two days ago so it's still fresh."
you breathe in the scent and smile as san starts up the car. you wondered deep down if there was any truth to wooyoung's statement. you knew about san's reputation as a hit it & quit it kinda guy, but would he really make a move on you?
"there are snacks in the glovebox, by the way," san interrupts your thoughts. "hand sanitizer in the box underneath your seat. kleenex is there also." he informs you and you internally applaud how organized he is.
"thanks!" you lean forward and open the glove box in front of you, your eyes lighting up at the selection of snacks you saw. chips, pretzels, various candies and cookies.
"so, are you excited for tomorrow?" you ask san as you grab a bag of pretzels and close the glove box. "well, later today, i should say."
san chuckles and hums in response. "i guess so," he shrugs. "i mean...hot college babes, am i right?" he smirks at you and you shake your head at him in mock disappointment.
"san, i swear," you giggle at him. "i know you're not kidding, but there's gotta be more things you're excited for?"
as san starts to pull out of the spot he had parked in. "well, i guess i'm glad about the fact that i'm finally moved out," he adds. "you know what my parents are like."
you nod in understand. "yeah, of course," you dig into your bag of pretzels, feeling the familiar sweet and salty taste excite your tastebuds. "same here."
"right, yeah," san nods. "i bet your parents are gonna call you every night."
"oh my god," you roll your eyes at the thought. "i'm gonna have to change my number!" you laugh at your own words, and san does to.
you finally hit the road, the radio playing music so quietly it was inaudible to you. "you think you're gonna get a boyfriend this year?" san asks you suddenly. you were confused as to why he brought this up.
"well, it is college," you start before letting out a sigh. you knew the answer. "but no. i don't think i'll ever get a boyfriend."
san glances at you from the corner of his eye. "why's that?"
"i don't know," you toy with a loose thread hanging off the hem of your shirt. "i don't think i'm relationship material. i have literally no experience whatsoever."
"really?" san hums in thought, keeping his focus on the road in front of him. "you've never been with anyone?" you shake your head. "no first dates?" you shake your head again, and san is only more perplexed. "have you ever fucked someone before?"
your eyes widen. "san, oh my god!" you smack his arm as your cheeks heat up.
"it's just a question!" he smiles at you. "was it the way i phrased it?"
"yes!" you reply, shaking your head at him as you reach for another pretzel from your bag.
"okay, fine," he clears he throat and tries again, this time sitting up straighter and speaking in a pompous tone. "dear, have you ever fornicated with anyone, perchance?"
you burst out into laughs, so much so that tears prick your eyes and your vision blurs slightly. luckily you had already finished swallowing your pretzel, or else you would have choked. when you calm down from your laughing fit, you take a deep breath and compose yourself. "no, san," you finally say. "i've never done it."
"wow," the man next to you was actually surprised. why did he think you had done all these things? "how about...have you ever kissed anyone?"
embarrassed, you turn away and look out the car window. that was enough to give san his answer.
"you're 18 and you've never even kissed someone?" san was truly baffled. "have you at least thought about kissing someone?"
you roll your eyes. "of course i've thought about it," you respond with a sigh before continuing. "i just...don't know how to kiss, really. and i really don't want to go into university a complete loser but it's the night before our first day. who am i gonna kiss between now and 7:30 am? who am I even going to see then?" you look at the man beside who, even though was focused on the road, was listening to you very intently.
and then it dawned on you.
"hey, um, san?"
he glances at you for a moment. "hm?"
you close your eyes and take a breath. this could end horribly. "would you like to...do me a favor?"
"of course, y/n," he says. "what's up?"
you wince. did you really have to spell it out? "what were we...what were we just talking about?"
"uh, that you don't wanna go into college as a loser and that you want to kiss someone between now and the morning but you're not gonna see anyone– oh."
san pauses and looks at you momentarily. seeing your bashful expression he shakes his head. "wait, really? are you for real?" you nod and he mutters something like 'jesus' under his breath. "y/n, you want me to be the person you kiss between now and the morning?"
"san, i swear, we never have to talk about it again," you tell him. "i just know that you know what you're doing so this should be an easy task for you. please understand that this will mean and change nothing. okay?"
after a long moment of silence and consideration on san's part, he sighs and pulls over on the road, parking on the side of the street. "fuck it," he unbuckled his seatbelt and turns to face you completely. "you're fully 100% sure about this?"
"i mean, i'm a little nervous, yeah," you admit, following it up with a shrug. "it's just a kiss, right?"
san looks at you and smiles, nodding. "yeah, just a kiss," he repeats back to you. "you have nothing to worry about. just...follow my lead, okay?" he gazes at you and you feel your heartbeat quicken. was this really happening? were you going to finally have your first kiss?
san leans in closer to you, and you stay where you are. you figured that it might be weird if both of you leaned in. you watch as your friend's face grows closer to yours, your eyes drifting to his lips as his tongue darts out to wet them. you notice how chapped and dry yours are due to the wind but realize you have no time to put on any chapstick or anything.
san's face is two centimeters away from yours when he speaks, his hot breath against your skin. "i'm going to kiss you now," he says, his voice quiet, but loud enough for you to hear. "like i said, follow my lead."
you nod, watching as he closes the gap between the two of you completely, his soft lips meeting yours for the first time. you feel your heartbeat almost pound out its confinement in your chest. remembering what you've seen in movies, you close your eyes and start to slowly kiss back, your lips moving against san's in a beautiful harmony.
it felt like you were floating on a cloud. except, the cloud was san...weird. you expected kissing to be this satisfying but something about doing it with san just felt right. you wondered if he thought the same...
after what feels like the shortest long time ever, san breaks the kiss, opening his eyes and looking at you. he catches his breath and grins – no, smirks – at you. "so?" he quirks a brow at you in question.
yeah, like you could put together words at this point. you had just had your first kiss! there weren't words to express how you were feeling. so, you just nod in response to san's question, earning a chuckle from him.
"good then?" he smiles and bows slightly in his seat, a somewhat cocky look on his face. "pleased to please, my dear."
shaking your head, you smack his shoulder lightly. "whatever," you groan, hiding your reddening cheeks with your hand. "just drive, okay? i should get some sleep."
san laughs and starts the car up again. "yes, ma'am," he replies, making you smile a bit from behind your hand.
the rest of the ride back to your dorms was silent between you two. you figured that san just wanted to listen to his music, and so did you, since he had very good taste. plus, you didn't know what to say. you had just kissed, what was there to say? not wanting to make things even more awkward for yourself, you decided that staying quiet and thinking your calm little thoughts was the best way to go. you just wished that you knew what san was thinking. were you good? were you bad? did you need more practice? this was very important!
finally, you pull up in front of your university campus dorms and san turns to you. "this is your stop, no?"
you look at him quizzically. "isn't it yours too?"
"ah, nope," san responds. "late night cravings. gonna go get some food." he hums as he unlocks the door on your side.
"oh, okay," you say with a nod of understanding. you unbuckle your seatbelt and make sure you have everything you entered with. "have fun! don't stay out too late! remember, big day today." you smile at san, who nods, a matching smile on his face.
"gotcha," he says in response. watching as you open your door to leave, he sends one last dimpled grin your way. "good night, y/n."
"good night," you say to him before closing your door, leaving you outside the car. as you walk around the front of the vehicle, you take a deep breath. you had to say something.
"and san?" you call to him through the open driver's side window. he looks up, turning his radio down to hear you.
you smile, seeing him so intrigued as to what you were gonna say. "thank you, by the way."
san grins mischievously at you. "you're very welcome, y/n," he winks and you roll your eyes. "for a beginner, you're pretty good."
a blush creeps onto your cheeks. "thanks, i guess," you tell him. "from what i know with my very limited experience, you're not so bad yourself, choi san."
the boy laughs and shoots finger guns at you. "catch you later, okay? take care of yourself." he drives off as you wave goodbye, a giddy feeling in your chest.
this was going to be an interesting school year.
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gyusrose · 11 months
➵ the five lovers -> ot5
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⚠︎ fluff, angst
✎ non-idol! au
summary: being alone now, makes you reflect on how much you took for granted your love life.
ot5 x fem.reader
wc: 1 .5k
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“so uh we kiss now?”
Taehyun was probably the one person you knew better than yourself, you spent more time with him than your own parents. growing up together had its advantages, he always had your back no matter what. even when he got ridiculously popular during late middle school-early freshman year, he never forgot about you, how could you not fall? you had trouble figuring out if he was flirting or just being friendly, you seriously couldn’t tell. that was until a summer night before sophomore year..
“i really like you, a lot, not as a friend but you know?”
you almost screamed at that moment, thankful to know that it wasn’t one-sided.
unfortunately as the weeks and months went on, you noticed how much you didn’t act like a couple. yes surely you’ve kissed, but nothing more than a peck and would only hold hands occasionally. nothing changed from your friendship to your ‘romantic relationship’ just the title.
Taehyun noticed as well, that’s when during January he decided to have a talk with you regarding what y’all really where. you both decided to stay off as friends instead since it clearly wasn’t meant to be more than that. you hold nothing but brotherly love towards him still. you were sure of that when you saw him get a girlfriend and felt nothing but happiness for him and so did he when you did.
“you’ve never done this before?”
Yeonjun was a heck of an experience. he was the school’s basketball captain which also meant he had girls at his feet, swooning over him, yet he saw you. it wasn’t out of nowhere of course. over the summer you definitely grew into your face a bit and had a puberty bloom so going into junior year, you were pretty popular as well. destiny put the two of you in the same physics class and it started from there. he sat next to you and somehow always made a conversation with you, it escalated week by week, next thing you know he’s asking you out on a date. obviously you say yes.
he was your first REAL relationship. he made experience everything (if you know what i mean) although you’ve been worried about losing your virginity and feeling ashamed of it, Yeonjun made it as special as it could’ve been. y’all dated for the whole year. since he was a year older than you, he graduated high school. the two of you really wanted to keep dating ‘long distance’ but we all know how that’s pretty much a slow breakup. it didn’t help the fact that he went so far away. he was also surrounded by college girls, even if he denied it, you knew there was definitely a couple of kisses stolen from his friend’s instagram stories. it didn’t take much for the both of you to end it keeping in ‘good terms’.
“you sure you hate me?“
Beomgyu was the last person you’d taught you’d even think about dating. after taking a year to focus on yourself, the moment you got to college you were met with a crazy long-haired boy, bumping into you. he didn’t even say sorry or anything which was already enough to dislike him.
later you found out he was in a rock band, how ‘surprising’. you found this out when your roommate invited you to go with her to one of their gigs since her boyfriend was the lead singer she had extra tickets. you, not knowing he would be there, agreed since you needed to have some fun. your excitement was drained when you saw him playing the electric guitar and he was good, which made you more annoyed.
your roommate invited you to parties and he was always there, he noticed you the first time, after noticing your coldness, he kept bugging you day after day, trying to make you laugh once. the way he pushed your buttons made it almost impossible to not answer back. it became a love-hate friendship in a way? more hate than love. you clearly don’t despise him but you don’t like him at the same time. it wasn’t until during an argument, to shut you up, he smashed his lips into yours and you didn’t hate it? needless to say you both started dating shortly after.
unfortunately you can never enjoy things too much since he got signed with a company and decided to focus on his career and dropping out of university, in no way were you going to try long distance again so the only choice was to break up. you listen to his band’s music from time to time when you’re sad.
“my sister has good taste in friends”
HueningKai was perfect for you. one summer during junior year of college, your roommate , Lea, invited you to a vacation with her family, since you weren’t doing anything during the summer so why not? that’s where you met him. Lea’s younger brother wasn’t…bad looking. you didn’t start immediately dating, in fact y’all started off as friends, very good friends. both of you had a lot in common, some things you never seen someone also like. after the vacation you hung out at their home most of the time.
the both of you didn’t feel any romantic feelings until that one night. it was his 20th birthday and you two somehow ended up ‘accidentally kissing’. you guess you were just really excited for him and ended up kissing him. from there it kind of became awkward. you didn’t know if you should bring it up or just forget about it and pretend it didn’t happen. eventually he brought it up which ended up in a confession. you hesitantly accepted , you liked him but not to such point.
you loved him. yes you did. being with him for two years, making it your longest relationship, he made you love him, so much. he had this other part of him, the crazy one, which you adapted to love. he was like beomgyu but way softer.
this can’t be a happy ending right ? of course not. you got a job opportunity outside of the city and you would be dumb to not take it. once again you went through another break up. we decided to stay as friends and hang out form time to time, meaning once a year.
“i really like you”
Soobin was the love of your life. after three years of being single, you were craving love, wanting someone to be with and just love you, yeah you had your friends but it wasn’t the same. your best friend and coworker noticed this and decided to have a night out and go to the club, you didn’t budge and agreed since you actually needed it, at least to get laid.
you met this jaw dropping handsome guy, which didn’t seems like a club type of person since he looked really reserved wi to himself so for the first time, you started the conversation, thankfully he wasn’t creeped out or anything and continued ending up in exchanging phone numbers. soon you found out who he was, the son of one of the richest man in the country. you were surprised since Soobin was very humble and down-to-earth. you didn’t treat him differently though, knowing he’d probably hate that.
y’all started to go out to different places except his house since he mentioned how his dad was. after a couple of months he asked you out which you obviously said yes to, unknown to his dad but unfortunately he eventually found out and was against it since you weren’t “high class” . Soobin rebelled against this and still found a way to meet up with you one way or another. until one night.
he came with his head down dried tears down his cheeks. you were very confused, his next words explained everything though.
his dad had arranged a marriage with another woman.
your heart crumbled. his dad was too powerful to say no to you understood, but you still spent the next few days sobbing into your pillow. the marriage happened way too soon as well, it was all over the news, now making it impossible to watch television.
you can never have a happily ever after can’t you?
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comrade-ellis · 8 months
fantasy high junior year predictions/hopes
trackerbees breakup and kristen moves in with gilear
kristen discovers a disowned gay uncle and deals with the emotional fallout of having been kicked out of her family at 14 (can we please talk about THAT instead of more religion???)
her parents fucking die and through the power of friendship her gay uncle gets custody of her and her brothers
seriously can we please explore kristen's material familial relationships i think shes cool with god for now
gilear gets neutered
*gilear voice* i thought i was going to the doctor but it was the veterinarian fig. they took my balls.
ragh and aelwyn are friends and carpool to community college
aelwyn gets so much therapy and she gets super into zen and has a sand garden and picks up a multiclass in artificing
aelwyn and fabian retcon. they never banged and they actually do group therapy together. for some reason gilear is the receptionist at the therapists office he gets fired for breaking hippa
fabian is also in therapy. they all are
aelwyn gets super into welding. shes blue collar now baby
adaine starts sewing her own pants. i won't elaborate
fathrethriel comes back. don't know why this is in the adaine section. it is though.
adaine and ayda are friends more
adaine and ayda volunteer at the animal shelter together doing therapeutic readings to dogs
zane darkshadow is present :)
tracker transes their gender and kills a man any man is good maybe that like bird guy in the av club skrank
fig, fabian, gilear, and hallariel go to family counseling
sandra lynn goes on a scam therapy retreat but she gets really into the scam therapy. she doesn't get real therapy even though she should
jawbone + thistlesprings polycule. i dont want it and you dont want it but it could happen
gilear gets neutered
gilear successful yogurt enterprise foiled by sandra lynn's scam therapy
fig and ayda queerplatonic relationship
fig quits music. she starts doing slam poetry. it is unsuccessful and she experiences professional and creative disappointment
fabian engineered the gilear neutering
hallariel gets pregnant after gilear gets neutered and fabian obsesses over proving gilear is not the father. chungledown bim is the father. fabian obsesses over proving gilear is the father. fabian struggles with brotherhood. parallels to kristen's relationship with her brothers
cathilda gets a 2 bedroom and fabian moves in with her. new mom now. at strongtower luxury
fabian joins a competitive dance team à la dance moms
the night yorb is taken care of first combat
fabian is in a ballet class but because he started so much later than the other kids it's just a bunch of 6 year olds. there's a recital. this is related to the hallariel pregnancy story line
zelda and gorgug break up zelda is probably gay and gorgug is super supportive about it they're still friends they just weren't meant to be
gorgug and biological parents can we revisit this he met them last episode freshman year and didn't mention it sophomore year
gorgug decides to become a jazz musician and leaves fig and the sig figs
gorgug interns at tech start up. also elon musk is heavily implied to be the Big Bad. no one knows what gorgug does there
gorgug starts working at the ice cream place
gorgug fucking dies
gorgug and ragh accidentally get legally married and spend the season undoing that as a B plot
riz gukgak my beloved
riz and penny are penpals
riz and ayda are friends
riz considers getting his GED and leaving the group but is paralyzed by the notion of choice
riz laser tattoo removal arc
sklonda gets fired cuz her kid is a criminal and its a bad look for the PD
riz, sklonda, and gilear blow up elmville PD headquarters and seize control of dispatch to send every single cop to one address that's just a field so there's no cops in the city and the Bad Kids can break into gorgug's tech internship
arthur augefort dies of a congenital heart defect in the first seven minutes. garthy obrien new headmaster/principal
they build a new apartment building across the street from strongtower luxury called strongtower plaza. it's not relevant but it happens
torek railgrinder owns a sexy rat who is at the vet when gilear gets neutered
93 notes · View notes
golbrocklovely · 2 years
we went mad // sam and colby
A/N: let me tell you a story of how this came to be. i obviously got the idea from the scream franchise, in particular scream 2 which is set at a college. so originally i wrote this in second person, but i felt like i had already written pretty much everything up until now in that pov, so i had to switch ALL of the writing i had done (which was most of it) over to first person. and then… i had to finish writing it. and that for some reason just took so long for me. i think part of the issue was that when i originally came up with the idea of this fic, i saw the ending, and that was it. i wanted the famous kitchen scene with billy, stu, and syd, but god… getting there was no cake walk. thank christ i'm done with this fic. it's definitely one of my longer ones. let me know what you think ! hope you enjoy :)
prompt: someone on campus is killing all of your ex-classmates. and you fear you're next. || college!sam and colby x reader
trigger warning: murders, slightly gore and blood mentions, cursing, college setting, parties, drinking, douchy/emotionless bf, mentions of hs bullying, surprise/rollercoaster ending
word count: 6582
How could you have missed the signs? How could you not have known all this time?
Sam and Colby had talked about moving away from our hometown for years. They had major plans to move to L.A. and become big. But instead, they decided to go to our local state college with me, and half of our graduating class. And while I was confused by their choice, I was happy nonetheless. They were my best friends, and I was upset thinking that I wouldn’t see them anymore after graduation. But I understood why they wanted to get away in the first place: everyone at our school bullied them. The number of times Sam and Colby had been shoved into lockers, or had food thrown at them in the cafeteria, or were just badmouthed... let's just say that high school was nothing short of hell for them.
Freshman year of college, while stressful, was fantastic. We all lived on campus, our dorms across the street from one another. Hell, I could even see their dorm from my window. We took a lot of the same core classes together, always making sure to work on projects and help each other out. We hadn’t decided our majors yet and knew that this would be the only time we could be in the same classes together.
Things were good for a long time, all the way through the end of sophomore year. I was so excited to start the next half of college. It felt like the home stretch, even if we weren’t close to graduating yet.
But our relationship changed, our friendship drifted apart. By the start of junior year, we were no longer friends. And the major reason for it? I started dating someone from our old high school. I had met him at the end of sophomore year and dated him secretly during the summer. His name was Davis, and back in high school, he was popular. He got into this university on a sports scholarship.  And you might be wondering, was Davis someone that bullied Sam and Colby? No, he wasn’t. But he was friends with those that did.
I didn’t know that until I was already dating Davis. It was hard to keep up with who did and didn’t bully Sam and Colby back in the day. I told Davis to apologize to Sam and Colby for what his friends did. At first he was a bit confused, but he did it regardless. Sure, it was at a party and he was kind of drunk. But it still counted… right? He later texted the guys about it and they said they accepted his apology.
However, they couldn’t forgive me for dating someone like that. So, our friendship just… died.
But even though I wasn’t their friend anymore, I still knew them pretty well. And the moment we were no longer friends, something felt… off about them. We still shared the occasional class, so I saw them every other day. They seemed darker, broodier. And only ever with one another. But that wasn't that unusual for them. They relied on one another a lot.
On a cool fall day, shocking news broke on campus: someone was killed right outside the dorms late last night. Classes were immediately cancelled. Everyone was on edge. The university did its best to calm the nerves of its students, siting that we were in a major city and cities tend to have random killings happen. Police stayed on campus for the next couple days, and partying was prohibited.
Of course, that didn't stop the frat houses from throwing "secret" keggers in their basements. I didn't really want to go, but Davis begged me to. That I should "live on the edge" since I was never really a go-getter. So I went, and I was surprised to see Colby at the party. I waved at him, but his eyes glared back, and then behind me. I turned to see Davis, my face immediately dropping. I didn't see Colby the rest of the night.
The next day, the police finally released the name of the person that was killed on campus. It was in fact a student, but that didn’t mean there was an issue on campus itself. Since we lived in the city, bad things were bound to happen to us too.
The name sounded familiar, and it finally clicked: it was someone from our graduating class. James Cooper. I didn’t know him all that well, but I was still sad to hear he was killed.
Davis sort of knew the guy too; he had been on the hockey team. They had gone to parties together before, but he wasn't close to him. It clicked for me even more when Davis mentioned the hockey team: that guy shoved Sam and Colby into lockers our freshman year to impress his friends. He was a major dick to them for a while, until finally getting onto the hockey team and just ignoring all classmates that were "underneath" him.
…Maybe karma actually did work.
Less than a week later, another person was killed. This time it was a girl. She was found just outside of the library in some bushes. I knew who she was, remembering her from high school. She was a cheerleader, both years ago and now. Lizzie Campbell.
This was all so weird to me. In the two years of being on campus, I had barely heard about any robberies or petty crimes happening, let alone two murders. And on top of that, two of my ex-classmates? Davis shrugged it off, saying it was just a coincidence. But I couldn’t shake the feeling of something not being right about all of this.
And as time went on, my suspicions became more of a premonition.
Two more students, back-to-back, were found. But what made it worse was this time one was in the dorms. And it was in my dorm too, two floors down. Security had everyone on that floor evacuate and go to other dorms for the time being. I, and many other students, didn’t feel safe in the building. I decided to stay over at Davis’ frat house.
They ended up throwing a last-minute party that weekend. I begged Davis to tell his brothers not to throw one, especially because of how insensitive it was and that they could be fined for it. He told me it was out of his hands, that he didn’t decide whether parties happened or not.
How could he be so blasé about these deaths, especially since he even knew these people?
This was a side to him I had never seen, and I didn’t like it one fucking bit. I couldn’t stay there that night, so I trudged back to my dorm room. On my way there, I ran into Sam.
It was awkward to say the least. We talked briefly, and I told him how I planned to stay in my dorm since I couldn’t stay at Davis’. Sam offered his and Colby’s dorm instead; that it was much safer than mine, especially since I would be alone.
Part of me didn’t want to go to their dorm, mostly because of everything going on between us. But he was right about it being safer, and I did miss them a lot.
I followed Sam back to his dorm. He informed me that Colby was out working on a project and wouldn’t be back until later. Their dorm was nice and spacious, the benefit of being an upperclassman. It was like a mini apartment in some ways. We relaxed in their living room area and chatted for a bit. Eventually, the topic of conversation fell onto the recent murders. Sam spoke of whispers around campus that the killer wore a mask shaped like a melted ghost’s face, that that was how he got in and out of the dorms. My skin crawled at the thought of seeing that mask and prayed that that wasn’t the case. The killer could be anyone on campus, just lurking in the shadows.
I had this urge inside of me to tell Sam my theory. I knew we weren’t close anymore, but I felt like he was the only one that would believe me.
I explained to him what I thought was happening: how all of the people that had been killed on campus were from our old high school. The killer was attacking those from our high school only, possibly hunting them down for some unknown reason. Sam questioned if that was true for the newer victims.
We looked up the email from the university, speaking on the recent victims. "The selfish murders of Christopher Smith and Sara Goodwin..." Chris was from my homeroom. He was on the swim team. He won tons of medals and was celebrated. And Sara… she had dated the quarterback sophomore year and was generally a popular person.
Oh god, I think I’m right.
Sam was surprised at how on point I seemed to be. It was a nice change of pace compared to being shrugged off by Davis. But he didn’t fully agree with my idea. He considered that maybe this was a huge coincidence, that maybe the killer wasn’t targeting our class, just the people that still hung out with one another. Maybe all the victims – Chris, Sara, Lizzie, and James – were all friends and the person that murdered them knew them all and was picking them off.
I snorted, "And what? They saw something they shouldn’t and now they're getting I Know What You Did Last Summer-ed?"
"That could be it." He replied.
I sassed. "You can't be serious, Sam."
But he was. He didn’t argue that he was right, just that if someone was attacking our graduating class, or our old high school, they would have to kill half the population of the university. So, it was unlikely that that was happening. Maybe Sam was right about that. Sure – there was definitely a connection. But it sounded more plausible that Sam was right on his part in some way.
Sam decided to call it night not too long after, stating he had early classes the next morning. I dozed off an hour after he went to bed, sleeping on their somewhat comfortable couch.
I jolted awake suddenly, the front door unlocking slowly. It opened, and Colby tip-toed in. His eyes locked with mine, and they widened.
“Hey…” He mumbled awkwardly.
He wondered what I was doing in their dorm, and I told him what happened with me and Sam. I asked him where he was all night, glancing at the neon red lights of the clock shining back 3:20 AM. Colby spoke of a crazy party at one of the frat houses.
But didn’t Sam say…? Whatever.
I nodded my head at him, yawning loudly. He smiled, said goodnight, and shuffled off to bed.
The news broke two hours later - another body was found. Michelle Robinson. And this time, it was right outside of Davis' frat. He even saw the killer, or who he thought it could have been. A guy dressed in all black with a cloak and a mask running away from the house. But no one saw the body until the morning.
The mask… just like Sam said.
Campus was immediately shut down, all classes resuming online. Absolutely NO parties. How could the university think people were going to be able to learn when there was a killer on the loose? It was insanity to me.
I was forced back into my dorm. Police raided every car and dorm on campus to find clues. They determined after a thorough search that the killer wasn’t a student, just someone that new the dorms well. No evidence was found linking a current student to the killings.
The day the police announced this, I got a very strange text.
UNKNOWN: if they only knew....
I didn’t know the number or what it possibly could have meant. I tried not to think about it, already too concerned with everything else going on. The next day, however, I got another text from the same number.
UNKNOWN: what's it like knowing that people are dying on campus but your bf is throwing another party??? it’s almost like he’s celebrating their deaths. you really know how to pick them
I responded with what the hell are you talking about? and who is this? but the number never replied back.
Were they telling the truth though? Was Davis really throwing another party? He couldn't be.
I went straight over to Davis’ frat house, and when I saw the brothers pulling a keg into the back of the house, I knew the unknown number was telling the truth.
I argued with Davis that night. How could he be throwing a party again after what just happened? He even saw the killer and he’s just… shrugging it off like it doesn’t matter. People he knew from school are dying and he doesn’t care. It was gross and concerning beyond belief.
He rolled his eyes, saying that he wasn’t close to any of the people that died, just that he knew them in passing. And they weren’t throwing a party, just a kick-back with the boys in the house.
“Oh okay, that makes it all better…” I spat sarcastically. “Even if that was just the case, how are you in a partying mood?”
He groaned, walking away from me. “Oh my God, Y/N, you’re such a buzzkill.”
That was enough to set me off. I broke up with him on spot, not listening to another word he had to say. I held back tears as I raced back to my dorm. That was the last night I saw Davis.
And it was also the last night of the murders. At least... for a while.
Three weeks went by. This had been the longest period without any murders. It seemed as if things might have been getting back to normal. Even the university was starting to act the same again. The university announced the soon-to-be-open dorm that was right down the street from mine. I was even excited to stay there next year; I was actually looking forward to it - to senior year. To the future.
After breaking up with Davis, I ended up becoming friends with Sam and Colby again. I told them what happened, and they graciously accepted me back with open arms. It was nice to be with them again, for life to feel somewhat normal once more. But I couldn’t lie: I missed Davis. I knew I shouldn’t have, his weird lack of empathy for what was happening was alarming, but maybe something was going on with him and that’s why he didn’t seem to care. Or maybe I was trying to give him brownie points when he didn’t deserve them. But I couldn’t help but miss him. Even if I knew what he did was fucked up to me, I still cared. I worried something could still happen to him.
The killings might have stopped, but that didn't mean I wasn’t still paying attention and on edge all the time. I think everyone on campus could feel there was still a chokehold in the air from the murderer.
I texted Davis after a month of nothing from him. I asked to meet up with him, but he never responded. My messages were going through, so he didn’t block me. Sam and Colby caught wind of my texting and were highly against it, especially when I said I planned to go to the frat and see him for myself. According to Colby, clearly Davis either needed space or just didn’t want to see me, so I should just stay away for a while. I considered what he said but decided to go anyway. I asked around at his frat house if anyone knew where he was, since I knew he wasn’t in class. His ‘brother’ Kevin replied that they hadn’t seen Davis in a long time. Like, almost a month.
...The last time I saw him as well.
My stomach twisted up in knots at the first thought I had.
Was he the killer?
There’s no way. I was with him when the first killings happened. Maybe he had an accomplice? No. No, Davis wouldn’t kill anybody, let alone people he knew from back in the day… right?
I can’t tell Sam and Colby, even though they know my theory about the killer hunting people from our graduating class. I don’t want to give them another reason to hate Davis. Not to mention, I must be wrong. There’s no way Davis killed all those people. It was just a coincidence that he left and the murders stopped.
Unless… the killer got him too.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. Maybe Davis left because of the killings. Maybe it was too much for him to bear. Maybe a family emergency happened. Maybe he couldn’t handle the classes. There could be a laundry list of reasons why he left.
My heart skipped a beat when my phone buzzed on my way back to my dorm. The number wasn’t the one I was hoping to see, and all the text did was make my thoughts spiral deeper.
UNKNOWN: do you miss me?
Our campus was known for its Halloween parties, and while I definitely wasn’t in a spooky mood, Sam and Colby begged me to come with them to a random frat’s party. Sam wanted to introduce me to his girlfriend and Colby didn’t want to be left alone when they would eventually disappear off. I agreed begrudgingly. I dressed up in my costume from last year, a witch, and Sam and Colby dressed up as Batman and Robin; and by dressed up I mean they just threw on a t-shirt with the symbol. Walking into the party, I felt my skin tingle with anxiety. The music was loud and there were so many people around in an array of different costumes. I glanced around, hoping to maybe see Davis, but he was nowhere to be seen.
“Stop trying to look for him. He clearly left because he couldn’t handle the pressure anymore, whether from the murders or the workload.” Sam stated, pulling my attention away from the crowd.
“Maybe he couldn’t live without you so he left.” Colby joked.
“Either way, don’t waste your night looking for someone that’s gone.” Sam stood up pointing at me, “I’ll be right back, let me go find my girl.”
“Let’s see how long it takes him this time.” Colby rolled his eyes.
I stayed with Colby for a while, watching a table of zombies play beer pong. After two games had finally played out, I started looking around for Sam.
“Don’t bother. Sam has a tendency to disappear off with his girlfriend and only come back around super late. I don’t know, but sometimes I swear she’s not real.”
I questioned, “You’ve met her before, right?”
He shrugged. “Sorta. It was quick, and honestly, I was super drunk so it could have just been some random girl.”
“Sam wouldn’t lie about having a girlfriend.” I argued.
“Yeah because if he did, I’m gonna make fun of him so fucking much,” Colby chuckled. “I’m gonna go step outside and call him, see if he’s around here. If you want, go… mingle, until I get back.”
“Tell him to hurry back, with or without his girlfriend please.” I laughed, watching Colby smirk as he stepped outside.
I wandered around the party, running into some people from my English Lit class. We started taking shots and bitching about the professors giving us so much work during the murders.
I wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but it felt like it had been at least an hour, if not longer. I pulled out my phone, ready to text Colby where he went off to, and suddenly an urgent email went through. Everyone’s phones around me started blowing up as well, gasps and screams being let out as people read the message.
Three students were just found dead on campus. Police advised everyone to stay indoors and if they were out on the street not to walk home alone.
“Fuck this, I’m getting the hell out of here!” Someone yelled deep from within the party.
A major rush of people started going for the front door, making it impossible to leave. Mayhem was breaking out, people were crying, screaming, and begging to get out of the house as soon as possible. I rushed to the basement, knowing there was an exit there since all the frat houses were built with the same layout.
Fuck! Where was Sam and Colby?
A huge group of us ran back towards our dorms. I stayed with the group as long as I could until I was alone, running to my dorm.
“Y/N!” I heard Colby’s voice shout from across the courtyard.
I spun towards him, running up to him hastily. I fell into his arms, pulling him close.
My voice quivered. “Thank Christ you’re okay! Where’s Sam?”
“He’s with his girlfriend in her dorm. McFranklin Hall.” Colby informed.
“Oh thank god. Okay, let’s just get back to mine since it’s closer.” I urged.
We got into my building quickly, jumping into the elevator. I finally was able to catch my breath for a moment, my heart still pounding. “Where the hell were you all night?”
Colby furrowed his brows, confused. “I wasn’t gone that long, Y/N.”
“You said you were only going to go make a phone call.” I responded.
“Yeah I did, and then I guess I lost track of time.” He answered.
We walked out of the elevator and down to my dorm. “How the hell did you lose track of time?”
He huffed. “Can we just talk about this later?”
I shook my head, pulling my key out. “No let’s talk about this right-”
“Y/N?” He interjected.
“What?” I breathed, still looking at him.
“Did you leave your dorm unlocked?” He pointed.
My gaze fell upon my dorm. The door was open, but only a little. Like someone rushed to get out of it.
“Maybe we should head back to my dorm…” Colby backed up.
I stepped inside, pushing the door open all the way. “No I need to know what happen-”
I flicked on the lights and choked out a gasp.
My room was torn up, everything knocked over and on the floor. Someone ransacked it, looking for God knows what.
I shuddered, “W-who… did this?”
Colby bit his lip nervously. “I don’t know.”
“How did they even get in here? I locked my door, I know I did.” I dissented.
His face twisted in disgust, covering his nose. “What is that smell? I think it’s coming from behind the door…”
Colby pushed the door shut, jumping back as it slammed.
“Oh my god is that… blood?” He whispered.
#9 was smeared onto the door, still fresh from whoever broke in.
My mouth watered as nauseous rushed through me. “Nine… that was Davis’ jersey number.”
“Or… like how many victims there’s been.” Colby deadpanned.
My breathing labored at his tone. “There hasn’t been nine victims. The three tonight make it eight.”
Colby’s eyes were cold as he turned to me, “Well, then maybe you’r-”
A dark figure lurched out of my closet, grabbing Colby from behind. I screamed out, staring into the melted ghost face mask.
“Run Y/N! R-” Colby yelled, his breath hitching as the figure’s knife stabbed into his chest.
Pure adrenaline kicked through my veins as I bolted out of the building. I ran to the stairs, rushing down them as fast as I could. I wasn’t sure if the figure was behind me, but I knew I just needed to run. As I finally made it to the street, there were no cars around. It was late, already one AM. The police sirens and glow of their cars were so far away, possibly on the other side of campus.
I rushed down the street, praying to find a lone car or business open so I could call for help. But everything down the street was dark, deserted.
The only building that seemed to be open or have lights on was the new dorm. I raced around it, trying to find a single unlocked door. I found one towards the back of the building, an emergency exit that hadn’t been installed yet.
I needed to find a space to hide, knowing that once I felt safe, I could call for help. I didn’t want to run through the open lobby, so I kept going up the stairs to the second floor.
From down below me, the emergency exit busted open, the dark figure staring up at me as it raced up the stairs. My screams echoed off the walls of the staircase as I rushed through the second story door. I ran down the hallway, trying to find any room that was unlocked. The hallway was dark, only the occasional work light.
I could hear the slamming of the emergency door behind me. It was near; and getting closer. Fuck! I need to find somewhere to go. I just kept running, not knowing what else to do.
The building was almost in a circle shape, everything looping back around to one another. As I sprinted to the other emergency exit, the figure popped out, stopping me dead in my tracks.
How the fuck did he get over here?
I turned around, running back the way I came. As I got to an open living room area, the figure came down the hallway I was running towards. I spun around, gasping at the now two dark figures in front of me.
I backed up against the wall, the figures closing in. Tears clouded my vision as I stared at them, ready to die.
Suddenly they stopped, glancing at one another, and chuckling. Their laughs sounded familiar as they pulled off their masks.
“Sam…? Colby?” I sputtered.
Sam smiled. “In the flesh.”
“Surprise.” Colby smirked.
“W-Wha? What the- What the fuck?!” I screeched.
“What? Oh shit, did we scare you? Didn’t mean to do that.” Sam feigned concern.
Colby held back a laugh. “…Yeah, we’re only sort of lying about that.”
My body was frozen against the wall, “Is this some joke? A prank?”
“A prank? I think killing eight people is far past the point of a prank.” Sam glared.
“Our sense of humor isn’t that fucked up. What do you think we are, monsters?” Colby scowled, pointing his knife at me.
My stomach dropped as my heart raced faster. I could feel the color drain out of my face.
They killed everyone.
“No. No, y-you guys can’t be serious.” I cried.
“Oh, we’re dead serious. Why don’t you show her her prize, Colby?” Sam gestured.
“Sure. I’ll be right back.” Colby winked, backing away.
I moved forward as Colby turned the corner. Sam shoved me back against the wall, pulling out a gun from behind his back.
He pointed the gun at my chest. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
I whimpered. “Sam, why are you doing this?”
“Don’t worry, you’ll learn soon enough.” He grunted.
My eyes fell on Colby as he pulled Davis’ tied up body from around the corner. He was alive, but barely; blood soaked his clothes, and he looked dirty.
“Oh my God Davis!” I wailed, trying to run towards him.
Sam wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly against him. “Tsk tsk, Y/N. I told you not to move.”
“You’ve probably been wondering where he’s been. He’s been in here, just… chilling.” Colby snickered.
I shook my head, tears streaming down my cheeks. “No, no, no. This can’t be real. You guys-!”
Sam growled in my ear. “What?! We can’t be killers? Oh trust me, Y/N… we are.”
“And you know, all this happened… because of you.” Colby spun the knife in a small circle, until he rested it underneath my chin.
“Because of me?” I uttered.
“Yes. You see, that night you made Davis ‘apologize’, he didn’t actually do that. Maybe to you that’s what he said. But to us, he said something totally different.” Sam explained.
Colby mimicked Davis’ voice, “‘I remember you two dorks. Can’t believe Y/N has put up with you two losers for so long. My friends did nothing wrong in high school. You guys deserved every single thing that happened to you. I ain’t apologizing for shit.’”
“‘Honestly the shit they did was fucking hilarious. And if you’re not over it by now, that’s your fucking problem.’” Sam chimed in, doing the same voice.
“Well… now it seems like your problem too, Davis!” Colby cackled, kicking Davis in the stomach.
“‘You’re not gonna tell Y/N about this. She’s never gonna believe you anyway. I have her wrapped around my finger. She’s in love with me, so you might as well accept this as my apology.’” Sam quoted directly into my ear.
“Do you know how upsetting it was knowing he was right? You would have never believed us. Especially when he sent that dumb poor excuse of a text the next day claiming he was sorry.” Colby hissed.
“We would look like the bitter nerds that just couldn’t get over their dumb bully.” Sam replied.
“So you thought murdering our old classmates would make it better?!” I exclaimed.
“Every single one of them deserved it! They weren’t just our old classmates; they were the ones that bullied us!” Colby lurched at me, getting into my face.
My eyes widen at Colby’s words. He was right.
“The first one, James. That was my doing. Total accident, B-T-W. It was right after we stopped being friends, I was upset and we bumped into each other,” Sam recounted nonchalantly. “He recognized me from high school, and he called me his favorite name – you know, the old one he used to call me all the time back then. I blacked out, and when I came to, I had strangled him to death.”
“I killed Lizzie after seeing you at the party with Davis. You know, she was always so desperate, even back in high school. And she tried to get with me, and when I shot her down, she all of sudden remembered me. Started calling me a loser, and all this other stuff. It didn’t bother me at first, but then she brought up Madison and how she told everyone in school how bad I was our first time. So… I killed her.” Colby shrugged.
“We didn’t even know we had done these crimes until we both confessed to one another. And then from there, we just couldn’t stop.” Sam revealed, tightening his hold on me. “We basically went back and forth, one for one. Except Colby went a little rogue and killed… what was her name? Michelle. That night you were at our dorms. That… that one almost got us caught. Especially since you basically had pieced together that the killer was going after old classmates.”
“I’m sorry. What can I say, Michelle actually surprised me,” Colby chuckled darkly. “I was working on a project with her, we went to a party and… well, it doesn’t matter. Just know it was fun leaving her body outside of Davis’ frat. Too bad he saw me leaving. But that was when we realized Davis might actually be useful after all.”
“We got a burner phone, texted you once or twice, and things just fell into place. You broke up with him – because let’s be honest, we didn’t force him to throw parties after everyone’s deaths. That was all him. And his lack of caring? Also all him. So again, you really do know how to pick them,” Sam joked.  “And once you guys were done-zo, we realized kidnapping him and making him disappear would make you question if he was the one who did it.”
“Plus, we had mid-terms.” Colby added.
“How did you keep him here for a month?” I questioned.
Sam scoffed. “A month? No, we only just kidnapped him. Who the hell told you he’s been gone for a month?”
“A brother at the frat.” I remarked.
“Yeah, no. He’s wrong. Prior to that, Davis was actually ignoring you though. He was pretty upset about you breaking up with him.” Sam related.
Colby stared down at Davis who shook with fear. “He didn’t expect it since you were so wrapped around his finger.”
“I just don’t get it. Why would you do this?” I choked.
“We wanted to forget high school, we really did. The plans we had for life outside of this state were just too big. So, we made them smaller, thought going to the same school as our best friend would be fine and sure, we’d have run ins with old high school assholes, but who cares? That was years ago. We’ve all moved on, right?” Colby huffed.
“The thing is, when you deal with people who peaked in high school… life doesn’t move on for them. Their glory days consisted of making our lives shit day in and day out. They get to go on and not have to relive the trauma. Hell, they didn’t even have to pay for what they did. And what about that is right?” Sam spun me around to face him, his eyes glaring into mine, “Why do they get to live when a part of me and him died back then?”
His cold stare left me speechless. “I-I –”
“And then… you go and date one of them?” Sam shook his head in disappointment. “Now that… that’s fucked up. Which is why you have to die too.”
“Wha? No, no. Sam, Colby, please!” I begged.
Colby grabbed my arm, both of them gripping onto me. “There’s no point in begging now. You chose your fate the moment you picked him over us!”
“Please don’t do this. Just let me go and I won’t tell anyone.” I pleaded, lying.
Sam cocked the gun. “Yeah, right. You have a good moral compass on you, I remember our philosophy class together.”
“Wait! Can I kill her?” Colby interrupted.
“What, no dude. I’m the one with the gun, let me do it.” Sam protested.
Colby frowned. “But that’s no fair, you killed more people than me.”
“No I didn’t. We killed the same amount. I made it even tonight.” Sam bickered.
“Yeah, well, if you kill her than it’s uneven.” Colby complained.
“Then you can kill Davis and that way it’s even.” Sam compromised.
Colby breathed. “Oh oka-”
I punched Colby right in the face, knocking him back into the wall. I kicked Sam hard in the dick. He groaned loudly, dropping to his knees. The gun flung away from him, next to Davis’ body. Colby’s hands were suddenly around my neck from behind, choking me. I fought against his hold, elbowing him hard in the chest. Sam recovered from my kick, jumping up and pushing me back into Colby’s hands. He held Colby’s knife up against my chest, ready to stab me.
A loud gunshot echoed off the walls of the dorm. I felt a sharp, agonizing pain in my side. My vision blurred from the pain and lack of oxygen, and suddenly all was dark. Quiet.
Y/N’s body dropped to the floor as Sam and Colby turned towards Davis, who somehow came loose from his binds.
The gun was in his hands, pointed at them.
“Holy fuck, you shot Y/N!” Colby boomed.
“No! No! Fuck! I meant to shoot you!” Davis stammered, pure shock coursing through him.
“Oh my god bro, you actually killed her?!” Sam laughed. “Wow… you made this so much easier for us.”
“Don’t you step any closer! I’ll fucking kill you too!” Davis turned towards Sam, his finger on the trigger.
“Gonna be hard to do that. There’s only one bullet in the chamber.” Sam stated.
Davis stared at the gun, trying to open it to see if Sam was telling the truth. Sam rushed up to him, stabbing him in the chest hard.
Sam blinked. “Just kidding.”
Davis’ body collapsed on the floor, and Sam bent down and stabbed him three more times, each with more fury than the next.
“Aw man… I thought I was gonna kill Davis.” Colby pouted.
“Shut up, Colby. Okay, we gotta make this look like we fought. Put your mask on him. I’ll take my cloak off and leave it next to him. Then we gotta make ourselves look… beaten.” Sam barked.
Colby nodded his head, taking his mask and placing it on Davis’ dead body. Sam tore his cloak off, leaving it next to Davis. The extra mask and cloak they discarded, leaving it in the room where Davis had been held captive. They made sure to clean up somewhat, wiping their fingerprints off of all weapons.
“Alright so… I think we should at least give each other a black eye. Maybe a couple slices too.” Sam dictated.
Colby agreed. “Okay, should I go-”
Sam punched Colby in the face, snorting after Colby winced and backed up.
“She already punched me bro! You didn’t have to do that!” Colby whined.
“Sorry. Go ahead, take it out on me.” Sam pulled his arms back, closing his eyes.
“Man, I don’t know. I’d hate to h-” Colby decked Sam across the face, his rings cutting up Sam’s bottom lip.
Sam winced. “Fuck! Okay! Shit. Alright, I’ll slice at you once, and you do the same.”
“Okay…” Colby mumbled.
Sam grabbed the knife, swiping at Colby’s abdomen.
“Ow! Fuck, that hurt.” Colby grimaced.
Sam rolled his eyes. “You’re such a baby.”
“Give me the knife. Tell me how it feels.” Colby yanked the knife out of his hand, jolting it into Sam’s side.
Sam grunted deeply, holding his wound. “Why don’t you cut a little deeper next time, Colby?”
“Sorry, are you okay?” Colby asked.
Sam pulled out his phone, “Yeah I’m fine. Alright, that’s enough. Time to call the police.”
“Dude…” Colby exhaled happily. “I can’t believe we’re getting away with this.”
“Justice is finally being served.” Sam grinned.
Sam called 911, giving an Oscar-worthy performance on the phone. He even shed real tears. The police were over in a flash. Sam and Colby limping down to the lobby of the empty dorm to meet them, for dramatic effect. They made sure to make themselves look exhausted from the crazy night they just endured.  They told the police what happened – they saw the figure murder Sam’s girlfriend, one of the three that were killed tonight, and they followed him over to this building where they saw him dragging Y/N in. It was Davis, Y/N ex. He kidnapped her and killed her and tried to kill them as well. But they were able to fight him off and stab him.
They were escorted to the ambulance, a crowd of students lining up outside the building as they were being checked out.
Sam and Colby smiled at one another as they were loaded into the ambulance, needing to be fully checked out at the hospital.
A loud yell rang out as Y/N’s body was brought down on a stretcher. EMT’s surrounded her as they pulled her into a different ambulance.
“WAIT! She’s got a pulse!”
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 5 months
I just finished reading all of MrsCriss2012's works (I am completely devastated there's no new ones). Do you have any recommendations for authors/works similar to hers?
From a similar ask from January 2021 (which I can't tag) but Lynne recommended the age!gap tag, or these: ~Jen
Off Limits by munchkinpandas
For once in Blaine Anderson’s life he was pretty happy with how his life was going. He had an epic college experience with his best friend Jamie. They partied way too much, studied way too little and slept with their fair share of the best ASU had to offer. But one rejection letter later and Jamie was moving to San Diego to pursue his PHD while Blaine got accepted to the doctorate program at their Alma Mater. ASU without Jamie didn’t make sense to Blaine and he was not happy about it. To top everything off Jamie asked Blaine to look after his little brother Kurt who was starting his freshman year of college. Kurt wasn’t the little kid he pictured when Jamie asked Blaine to let him move in and it was clear things were about to change even more than Blaine had expected. In short, Blaine Anderson was screwed.
Pressed against the Glass by @gleefulpoppet
Is it possible that the most extraordinary love story ever told starts on a chilly October morning in New York with an impromptu twirl and an elbow to a stranger’s face? Kurt wouldn’t have thought so, but when it happens, his heart stops. It’s just one touch, but is that all it takes to believe? Should he take a chance and never look back? But what happens when the stranger runs away, even though he finally feels complete and brought to life? Is it just a dream—or will he let his walls come down? Will they live with regrets or find the love that will make them feel young forever?
AKA: The one about soulmates (by choice) and the italicized Oh.
Bite Your Lip, Pull me In by rayychelinfinity
Age difference: Blaine is 40, Kurt is 19, and this is the story of how a chance meeting between a successful businessman and a struggling young intern blossoms into something wonderfully unexpected.
Or MrsCriss2012 writes teacher/student relationships:
In The Key Of Us by  beautifulwhatsyourhurry
Kurt Hummel has an instant crush on the new English teacher, Mr. Anderson, at WMHS his senior year. Trouble is, Mr. Anderson might just have a thing for Kurt as well. How will they deal with the mutual attraction when Mr. Anderson offers to give Kurt piano lessons in his home, outside of school?
Consonance and Dissonance Verse by @whenidance
AU in which Blaine is four years older than Kurt and therefore they never meet at Dalton. Kurt ends up at OSU instead of in NYC, where Blaine is a grad-student-turned-professor, and also the object of Kurt’s crushing his sophomore and junior years. [Warnings: Student/Teacher relationship (both over the age of 18)]
Of Love And Literature by @star55
When Kurt Hummel started his senior year at Dalton Academy for Boys, he expected it to be normal. He would attend class, get good grades and graduate, all while being subjected to his two best friends being absolutely smitten with each other. He didn’t expect, however, to fall in love with his English teacher.
Walk The Line by canarian
AU where Blaine, who is 4 years older than Kurt and fresh out of college, comes to teach at McKinley. When Schue gets fired, Kurt asks Blaine to coach New Directions, but things get complicated when they discover their mutual attraction.
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nancypreggo · 10 months
🫄1️⃣🏙(a graduation/birthday/college/etc. party)🧠 👖
tags/kinks: nonbinary!pregnancy, singleton, in public (at college party), didn't know they were pregnant, clothing birth;; also vague birth denial from clothing-- technically??
After four taxing years in high school they were finally at college. They went to orientation, got acquainted with their roommate, and made sure they had their class schedule in order. For the first couple of weeks, they kept their nose to the grindstone and made sure to take diligent notes to get a good start to their studies.
What high school hadn’t prepared them for, however, was all the very attractive students-- and even some of the teachers. They didn’t know what to do with themselves and whenever somebody particularly attractive approached them, they were like putty. It wasn't long after that they were trading study hall sessions for secret hook-ups in the empty part of the school library, or trading all-nighters for parties where they would have their turn at multiple sexual partners in one night.
After all, this was part of the whole college experience, wasn’t it? Partying and finally getting a taste at independence since they were miles and miles away from any parents.
The following semester when they got their report card back with grades that reflected a partying lifestyle, they decided they needed a little bit more balance. They went to less parties and studied more, which was just as well because after the winter they seemed to contract some sort of bug that had them feeling a bit sick. It was probably better that they just stay in and study instead of possibly spreading whatever sickness they had.
Lounging around in the dorm room of staying cooped up in the library with reference books all of the time had them going out less, meaning they were beginning to put on a little bit of weight. They didn’t pay too much mind to their expanding belly, however-- they called it the “freshman fifteen” for a reason. They just started wearing bigger clothes and kept up with their studies.
That choice proved fruitful when at the end of their second semester as a freshman, they could proudly show their parents a report card full of A’s and B’s. Before they were due to go back home for the summer, they decided that all their hard work had earned them one last party as a freshman before he had to go back and do it all over again.
Dressing in a comfortable tank top and short shorts, they were going over to the Sigma Chi house that was hosting a huge party full of all sorts of characters. It was a pool party so there were sure to be scantily-clad babes all around and maybe the soon-to-be-sophomore was looking for a fun romp before they had to go back home for the summer break.
When they got to the party however, they found that they were feeling a little out of breath and that their back was aching a bit. It was probably nothing; with their belly sometimes they got out of breath a little quicker than months before but that wasn’t going to stop them from having a good time and partying with their friends. 
“Whoa..! When are you due?!” A partygoer asked them.
The student just cocked their head to the side, confused by the question. “Fall semester starts in September, duh..!”
They went about their way and they had just gotten to the refreshments table to fix themselves a well-deserved cocktail when a sudden pain hit them in their abdomen. Whoa. They wondered very briefly what they must’ve eaten to cause that sort of indigestion and decided that maybe adding alcohol to that mix was a bad idea. No problem-- they didn’t need to be drunk to have a good time.
After dancing for a little bit, they noticed that they had caught the eye of a possible suitor. Across the dance floor was a very attractive individual who had their eyes practically glued onto his large, dancing figure. 
“C’mere,” they said, making a come hither motion with their finger to beckon them over.
When the two met on the dance floor, their suitor couldn’t keep their hands off of their distended belly. “I’ve been watching you all year,” they murmured, loud enough to be heard over the music blaring from the speakers. “We have English together and god, you look like you’re ready to pop…”
They giggled then, placing their hand on top of their dance partner’s as they swayed their hips together. They could feel the way their classmate grinded against their ass. “I’m not a virgin, y’know. There’s nothing to pop…”
A small fit of laughter came from their suitor, who only accentuated their arousal by rubbing large circles against their protruding form. “Fuck if that’s not the truth…” they laughed.
Very suddenly, their little moment was broken when another bout of painful indigestion had them stopping their dancing altogether and clutching their belly. “Oof…” they whimpered.
“Are you okay?” the older one asked, their sensual tone now replaced for one of concern. “Are you… Shit, are you in labor?”
“What?” After the pain had passed, they managed to straighten up and took a deep, cleansing breath. It seemed they hadn’t heard those last few words and just pulled their dance partner closer. “I’m fine; c’mon, let’s keep dancing.”
They continued to dance with each other until they decided to move over to a nearby couch and take a load off. It was just as well, too, because the pains were coming back with a bit more force and they found that standing by itself was now a task.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Their concerned dance partner asked of them, placing their hand on top of their round belly. The surface was firm with very little give, clearly filled to the brim. 
Having just worn a tank top because of the warm almost-summer weather, the bottom of their belly was a bit exposed for all to see. There were definite stretch marks marred along their skin. “Y-yeah, I must’ve just had a bad lunch,” they said, rubbing their tummy. “I think-- I think maybe I should go to the bathroom.”
They waddled off in search of the bathroom, and when they sat on the toilet and tried to pass whatever it was that was making them sore, there was a definite expulsion of something splashing into the toilet bowl. “Oh..!” they gasped out in surprise, “I’m glad I didn’t wet myself!”
After using toilet paper to clean themself between their legs, they waddled back out to join the rest of the party. Their dance partner wasn’t where they had last been so it was back to the dance floor. Whoever was in charge of the tunes had put on something with a strong bass beat that had everyone jumping up and down. Despite their pain in their lower back, they wanted to join in on the fun. They could always deal with the consequences tomorrow and it wasn’t anything a little painkillers couldn’t alleviate, right?
Jumping to the beat, they almost looked like a gravity-defying feat with the way their belly bounced with them. They jumped up and down and up and down, wholly unaware of the growing pressure between their legs. It wasn’t until the song was over and everyone was cheering, that they realized even though they had gone to the bathroom the pains hadn’t gone away.
Deciding to take another dance break, they waddled back over to the couch and sat down with a heavy sigh. A greater pain gripped their side and that mounting pressure forced them to spread their legs. Unable to keep quiet, they let out a soft moan. The loud music had almost no one looking at them but when another pain had them digging their heels into the carpet beneath them and letting out an even louder moan, someone nearby finally took notice. 
“Hey, are you okay..? You look like you’re in pain,” a young woman-- probably a senior-- asked as she knelt beside them. 
They just shook their head, trying to just ignore the pain. Hopefully the pain would stop so they wouldn’t have to end their night when it had barely even begun. Right about now they were beginning to wish they hadn’t worn such tight shorts, however, because somehow they felt even smaller than when they’d put them on.
Suddenly, the mounting pain reached its apex and they bucked their hips up as much as their heavy belly would allow. They let out an especially loud scream as a very large bulge appeared in their shorts. They started to cry as many pairs of eyes turned to look at them, and someone turned the music down.
“Holy shit-- are you having a baby..?!” the young woman exclaimed, gesturing to the large protrusion filling out the individual’s shorts.
Before they could even answer or vocalize their realization, another contraction seized them and rendered them unable to speak. They writhed with where they sat on the couch, trying to push the baby out to no avail. Their shorts were too tight and the baby had no more room to be expelled. “H-help me..! Help me, please!” they screamed with tears in their eyes.
As they screwed their eyes shut to focus on pushing, they could hear a commotion go all through the party and they thought they heard for someone to call for an ambulance. Just when pushing the baby out seemed futile, they realized their little booty shorts were beginning to rip at the seams. The force of their pushing and the weight of the seemingly large baby was ripping a hole right between his legs. The wet mass that was the baby’s head was being pushed through their shorts as the shoulders were pushed through their stretched sex.
Someone-- apparently a student who knew some first aid-- appeared between their legs and helped pull the baby out the rest of the way. The fabric of the shorts were ripped and torn apart and their underwear was soaked with birth fluid.
The new parent wondered to themself as they looked down at their newborn son, if being born in the house made him an honorary Sigma Chi pledge.
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comphy-and-cozy · 1 year
The Mystery of Love - Andrei Svechnikov
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Pairing: college!Andrei Svechnikov x fem!OC
Summary: Boston University senior Vivian Adams is the quintessential Miss Terrier - President of her sorority and star student, with big aspirations waiting for her as soon as she crosses the stage at graduation. What will happen when she gets paired with her ex-boyfriend and BU’s hockey star, Andrei Svechnikov, for the biggest project of her college career? College AU.
Word Count: 11.8K
Author’s Note: I wrote this for @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 for @antoineroussel’s Winter Fic Exchange! I won’t lie, when I first received my match I had a minor (major) freak out (Demi can confirm). I admire you and your writing so much, Nat, and I was petrified of creating something for someone I think is one of the best writers on this site. Thank you for (unknowingly) challenging me to create something that felt worthy to gift to you. I hope you enjoy!
Huge S/O to Demi for beta-ing, dealing with my thousands of messages, and reminding me to be more confident in myself. And to @suitandtys for her endless support and being a sounding board (+ for the 90210 inspiration). 🖤
Warnings: Language, alcohol use/mention, smut (18+ ONLY), unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving), some angst, some fluff, brief mentions of/references to anxiety, Greek life themes/mention.
NHL Masterlist / Moodboard
When Vivian Adams met Andrei Svechnikov, she had no idea just how much he would impact her. Sure, he was handsome—anyone could see that—but he was also sweet, charming, and incredibly caring, and he understood her in a way that others couldn’t. He might not have been her “ideal type”, but he certainly became the one that made all of the others irrelevant. 
If she thought about it, it was no surprise how she fell for him as fast as she did. He lived in the dorm building next to hers, discovered at some “Back to School Bash” during their freshman year at Boston University. It was awkward, but so was everyone there, searching for connections to make with people that would very likely shape their college experience as Terriers. 
Vivian stood uncomfortably to the side with her roommate and a few others from their dorm, doing her best to mingle with other nervous freshmen. There were only so many times she could ask, “Where are you from?” and “What’s your major?” before she started to go insane.
But then, a tall, handsome boy approached her to join his volleyball team, gesturing to the sand court behind him. Andrei. All he needed to do was smile, and Vivian was gone. Soon enough, they were meeting for breakfast at the cafeteria, having weekly lunch in between classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays after psych lecture hall, and meeting up to study in the common room of her dorm with their other friends.
The friendship came quickly, and the romance wasn’t far behind. Andrei found comfort in Vivian’s soft smile and innocent nature, while Vivian felt at home in Andrei’s warmth and his inner child. It was like a movie, the pretty girl paired with the athlete, though instead of the football team’s star quarterback, he was a grungy hockey player. Regardless, he certainly had the good looks of the leading man, with prominent muscles and a dimple that could melt anyone’s heart. When Vivian joined a sorority and began climbing the social ranks of Terrier Nation, having a handsome athlete for a boyfriend certainly didn’t hurt her standing.
Their relationship made it through the summer, a difficult distance since Andrei went back to Russia to spend time with his family. Through regular video calls and frequent texts, they maneuvered the time difference as well as they could have, trying to enjoy their breaks while still looking forward to when they could be together again in Boston.
Despite the familiarity of campus and routines, fall semester of their sophomore year brought new challenges: more advanced classes, an Alpha Zeta leadership position, a part time job, and heightened expectations of a big year for BU men’s hockey. Andrei and Vivian carried the wisdom of sophomores who had learned lessons the previous year, but still had the naïveté of 19-year-olds navigating their newfound freedom. Their reunion after a summer apart was wonderful, but the feeling was short lived.
Between the hockey schedule, extracurricular obligations, and their regular coursework, Andrei and Vivian struggled to find free time to spend together. More often than not, their schedules conflicted; when Andrei was free, Vivian had class; when Vivian had a break, Andrei had practice. It became increasingly frustrating, only having time together at night, and even then, Andrei often fell asleep moments after his head hit the pillow.
Change was inevitable, but that didn’t mean they weren’t dreading it. 
The day they broke up was dark. Literally. It was storming outside, rain falling in heavy sheets as students ran for cover under their umbrellas and the awnings of campus buildings. Having forgotten her umbrella that day, Vivian got back to her dorm room drenched. With a rare two free hours before her herNetwork (an organization for women in business) meeting, she planned to take a nap before heading early to the library to knock out an assignment, but was instead met with Andrei waiting anxiously at her dorm.
Truthfully, Vivian had been feeling distant from Andrei, too, but genuinely hadn’t had any time to think about it between her Alpha Zeta obligations, planning the herNetwork fundraiser, and heading into the last stretch of the semester before winter break. Andrei was equally busy with travel, his season in full swing, along with keeping up with the rest of his schoolwork, but he couldn’t deny that the distance from Vivian was tearing him apart.
It wasn’t what she expected when she saw him, dark circles under his eyes and an uneven, patchy shadow of hair growing along his jawline. But as he sat on the edge of her bed, sadness in his eyes, it was both of their hearts that broke that day.
In the end, it was a mutual decision; not for lack of love, but simply due to the rift that had grown between them as their other responsibilities took priority. Andrei held her as she cried, staining his faded BU Hockey t-shirt with her tears. Their last hug was warm, but bittersweet, as Vivian did her best to soak in the last traces of his cologne on her sweatshirt.
Vivian wasn’t bitter, or even regretful; the only thing she regretted was that it hadn’t worked out. Andrei was such a kind, wonderful person, humble despite having every reason not to be, and she knew he’d have success wherever he went. Truth be told, she hadn’t really thought much about their future, past their wonderful BU bubble, but after they broke up, she realized how different their paths were. Andrei was destined to be an NHL star, while Vivian would surely make Forbes’ 30 Under 30 list at some point. Their lives just didn’t mesh – and she had to come to terms with that.
Two years later, Vivian was in the last semester of her senior year, fulfilling and exceeding every expectation set in front of her. President of her sorority and herNetwork, star student, expecting to graduate summa cum laude with a double major in Business and Finance and undoubtedly multiple full-time job offers, Vivian Adams was the quintessential Miss Terrier. 
Andrei was also in his last semester, though his college career had taken him on a much different path, focused almost solely on hockey. Drafted by the Carolina Hurricanes, he hoped to have a record senior season before heading to Raleigh to live out his dream of playing in the NHL. The Bachelor’s degree in Business was just a backup, a safety net, should things not work out. But, given that he was a shoe-in for the Hobey Baker and already expected to be a Calder finalist in his first season, his future seemed all but cut out for him.
As their social circles had drifted apart over time, Vivian and Andrei didn’t see each other much, the run-ins at bars and parties less than frequent but not entirely nonexistent. Their ties to the business school kept them in each other’s lives, albeit on the fringes, often passing each other in the hallways on the way to class. Though they rarely spoke outside of the occasional smile or wave, they had a few classes together over the years, a familiar comfort having him in the back of the classroom.
So, Vivian wasn’t overly surprised to walk into her capstone class to find Andrei already seated in the last row, scrolling on his phone. She settled into her own spot, across the room from him, just out of habit, though she offered a small smile when he looked up from his phone and saw her looking at him. 
‘Nervous’ wasn’t quite the proper word to use to describe how she felt about her capstone class, but it was close. As she listened to Professor Janes explain the partnered project, she became increasingly anxious and excited to get started. An intimidating semester-long project, surely the biggest one of her college career, it included bidding for company-sponsored projects with varying focuses ranging from marketing to strategy to operations, all ultimately culminating in a presentation of the proposal and recommendations in front of the company’s executives at the end of the semester. No doubt a successful presentation could result in a potential job offer, or at the very least, very crucial networking for a young professional about to head into the real world. In short, a lot of close personal time with whoever she was paired with, and a lot riding on their mutual partnership. 
Then, add in the fact that Professor Janes mentioned she’d be assigning partners rather than letting them select their own, an additional layer of suspense tacked on. Her justification was, unfortunately, sound, being that they wouldn’t have the luxury of picking their teammates and coworkers in the ‘real world’, and it was important to learn how to work with someone you may not know very well.
Fortunately—or unfortunately—for Vivian, she knew her assigned partner a little too well and nearly dropped her phone when she received the email from Professor Janes later that week. She read it over three separate times, part of her in disbelief when she saw her partner’s name listed beside hers.
Adams, V. / Svechnikov, A.
Then she saw his name pop up in a text, and she knew it was real.
[Andrei Svechnikov:] Well this is gonna be fun [Andrei Svechnikov:] Should we meet for coffee to talk about it? [Andrei Svechnikov:] The project, I mean
With a deep breath, Vivian’s eyes traced over his name in her phone, a brief but powerful rush of memories flying through her. Somewhere along the way—she didn’t remember when—she’d changed his name from ‘Drei 💖’ to his full name, sans emoji. Looking at it now, so formal and impersonal, it made her heart ache just a little bit.
[Vivian:] Brian’s at 2pm tomorrow?
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Coffee wasn’t awkward, but it was the first time they’d spent real time together since they broke up two years prior. To Andrei, Vivian had only gotten more beautiful in time, her confident nature making her even more attractive as she’d grown up; seeing her up close only solidified his thought with her long, dark hair cascading over her shoulders. She still wore the same perfume—wafting into his senses even from afar as she approached—and Andrei had to distract himself from the rush of feelings that flooded his system at the scent by waving to a friend passing by behind her. 
“Some project, huh?” he asked, watching her slide into the high-top stool across from him. 
Vivian glanced at him and shook her head in disbelief. “It’s an awesome project. Real world problems for real world companies—it’s such good exposure. It’s just also, you know, kind of petrifying at the same time, for the same reason.”
“I’m paired up with the smartest girl in the program,” he grinned. “I know I’m gonna be fine.”
Vivian rolled her eyes, brushing off his compliment. “You’re smart, too, Andrei.”
“I’m a hockey player,” he said with a shrug. “I’m only as smart as I need to be, and as long as it doesn’t interfere with competing for the Natty.”
“Andrei, this is the most important project of our lives. I need you to be as smart as possible, not only as smart as you need to be. You may already have your next step laid out for you, but I don’t have that luxury. Not all of us can be prospects for an up-and-coming NHL team.”
His eyebrow quirked, amused at her worry. “You know about that?”
He watched Vivian’s eyes widen slightly, shifting uncomfortably as she admitted to following news about Andrei even after they’d broken up. She cast her eyes down, thumb running along the seam of the cardboard sleeve on her coffee cup, as if searching for an excuse. “It’s hard not to know.”
“But you still did your research. The Canes aren’t even in the Bruins’ division.” He grinned again, pleased with her admission and the knowledge that she’d gone out of her Boston bubble to investigate his future plans. “You looked me up!”
With a roll of her eyes, she nudged his leg with her foot. “Shut up. Of course I did.”
Feigning pain, Andrei grabbed his ankle with both hands, giving a dramatic cry. “Ouch! You better be more careful around these superstar legs.”
“Can we talk about the project now?” she sighed, shaking her head at his antics. Andrei conceded, though he noticed the small smile that played at the corner of her lips as she pulled her laptop out of her bag, pleased at his ability to still make her laugh.
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After selecting their project—a review of an eCommerce site’s operations and subsequent marketing plan—it was easy for Vivian to morph into planning mode, creating a project timeline and documenting each necessary step to get there. From there, they worked together to divvy up the work, scheduling weekly meetups at the library to review and discuss their findings and any hiccups. 
Andrei was unexpectedly easy to work with, accepting the pieces she assigned him without complaint. Sure, he was still more committed to hockey than the project, but he still managed to complete his work (almost always by the deadline), and usually with minimal nudging on her end. He was a hard worker, always had been; she saw it every time he stayed late after practice to work on his one-timer, or the time he spent studying at the library, his thermos of tea gone cold beside him while he worked on his flashcards. He was smarter than she remembered, too, certainly not relying solely on her brain but contributing his own valuable insight and analysis to the project, even pointing out a hiccup she would have otherwise missed.
A lot had changed in two years, but Vivian was surprised to find that many things stayed the same, too.
Andrei still had the same endearing laugh, the one that made his Adam’s apple bob in his throat, and the same goofy sense of humor and positive attitude that she fell in love with. He still stuck his tongue out of the corner of his mouth when he concentrated hard, and sometimes still muttered to himself in Russian when reading an English article. 
Vivian was equally surprised that he still remembered her coffee order. About three weeks into their weekly library meetings, he started bringing a fresh cup for her—iced, with toffee nut syrup and a splash of almond milk—occasionally adding something different, like cold foam or an extra pump of vanilla syrup. It was a sweet gesture, something she continually offered to pay for, that he would wave off and smile, saying ‘it was the least he could do’ because she was the one keeping the project afloat.
Mostly, Vivian was startled by how easily she fell back into stride beside him. Things were different; she’d changed, and so had he, but the foundation of their relationship was still strong, having weathered the storm of time. While part of her felt like she was getting to know him all over again, there were parts of her that felt like she was reuniting with an old friend—and in some ways, she supposed, she was.
Having Andrei thrust back into her life wasn’t something she was expecting, and she was unprepared for how having him in such close proximity would affect her. Though they were amiable, she tried to keep him at arm’s length out of pure precaution, keeping the majority of conversation about the project and surrounding schoolwork. But, of course, it was only inevitable that there were extra details thrown in now and again; a synopsis of his latest game, his brother’s success in the NHL, his upcoming Finance exam. 
As the weeks went on, she began to piece together the parts of him that she’d missed, adjusting to the way it felt to have him reclaim a regular place in her life. The details of him that she’d forgotten, like his missing tooth and the way his hair flipped out slightly at the ends when it got long, came trickling back into her conscience, unexpected but not entirely unwanted.
On the nights where their project work went late, Andrei would walk her home, refusing to let her walk on campus alone at night. They’d laugh, tell stories, joke around about the crush Andrei had on Professor Janes. It was subtle, patient, slow in the way the rift between them began to shrink, a small but crucial crack in the hardened shell around their hearts. 
The project itself was going swimmingly. It was everything else surrounding the project that was confusing.
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Andrei was deep in an article about eCommerce operations, Vivian typing away across from him, when the buzzing of Andrei’s phone startled them both. With a glance at the screen, Andrei grimaced when he saw his Coach’s name appear. Sending an apologetic glance in Vivian’s direction as he stood, he stepped toward the door to take the call in the hallway.
“Hey, Coach. I’m at the library. What—?”
“I just got the midterm reports, Svechnikov. A ‘D’ on your Finance exam?”
Andrei’s eyes closed and he sighed, bringing a hand to his temple. “I know, it was a bad exam.”
“I don’t have to remind you what failing your classes looks like for both this team and your future.”
“I know, Coach. I hear you.”
There was an edge of empathy in the otherwise cool frustration of his Coach’s voice. “I understand that it can be difficult to juggle school and sports, but the rest of your teammates are doing just fine.”
Andrei choked out a weak I’m trying, doing his best not to give his Coach unnecessary attitude.
“Get a tutor if you have to. Playoffs are only a month away, and I need you to have your shit together. Okay?”
“Okay,” Andrei sighed.
“I’m serious, Svechnikov.”
“Yeah. I know.”
“Okay. See you at practice later.”
“Yeah. See you.”
With another frustrated sigh, Andrei hung up the phone and ran a hand through his hair while he composed himself. When he moved back toward the door, he noticed that it was cracked open and prayed that Vivian couldn’t hear his conversation. 
“Everything okay?” she asked once he came back in, not glancing up as she continued typing on her laptop.
“Yeah,” he smiled, settling back into his seat and returning his attention to his own laptop screen, though he couldn’t bring himself to resume his article perusal, staring blankly at the cursor on his document. 
There was a moment of pause as Andrei assumed Vivian bought his lie, his Coach’s voice echoing in his head. Then, her voice broke the silence. “Does your coach always call you to ask about your exams?” 
Andrei’s eyes shot to hers, a mix of surprise and embarrassment flooding his body as he realized she’d heard the conversation. Fuck.
“It’s nothing,” he said with a half smile, attempting to brush off the encounter nonchalantly.
“Andrei,” Vivian said softly. The warmth in her brown eyes told him that she saw right through him, just like she always did.
There was another pregnant pause as he debated if he should open up, a pivotal turning point in their relationship coming upon him all at once. Something unseen inside of him pushed him to go on, and reluctantly, he admitted, “My grades are… bad. If I fall below a 2.6 GPA, I’ll be on academic probation and I can’t play.”
“What are you at?”
Vivian was unable to stop the sharp intake of breath at his confession, which caused Andrei to look at his lap bashfully. He wrung his hands together, twisting them as he sat in his discomfort and shame, embarrassed in front of his ex-girlfriend who had only ever received one ‘C’ in her life. It was a miracle she’d ever been interested in him, the dumb jock, in the first place, only logical for the smartest girl in school to move on to someone bigger and better than him.
“I’m working on it,” he said quickly, in defense of himself. “It was just a bad exam. I’m shit at Finance. It’ll be fine.”
She didn’t have to say anything, instead watching him understandingly, reading right through his confident facade. Her eyebrows raised, silently telling him she knew he was feeding her bullshit, and before he knew it, the words were spilling out of his mouth, a confession of his guilt and worry for his future. He had made the decision to stay in school, finish his degree before heading to the NHL despite the fact that he would’ve been eligible after his junior year. He felt like a failure, delaying his hockey career to get a degree that, at that point, he wasn’t even sure he was capable of getting, afraid of flunking out before the semester’s end—in which case, all of it would have been a waste.
“I’ll help you.”
“You what?”
“I’ll help you. I can tutor you.”
“Viv, you don’t have to—”
“Andrei,” she said firmly, “my grades are tied to yours now. If you’re not doing well, then I’m not either.”
“But Alpha Zeta, and—”
“We’re already here together once a week. It’s not a big deal to add on some homework, too.”
She had a point. And she was one of the smartest in his class, majoring in Finance. It really would only just be a little extra help here and there. If he was being honest with himself, it would be silly for him to decline. 
His eyes held with hers, searching desperately for the words he could use to thank her. Nothing came, only jumbled bits of Russian and English that would surely not make any sense if he said it out loud, so instead he stood up, crossed the room, and engulfed her in a hug. She seemed taken aback, but she relaxed once he gave her a tight squeeze, a hug that was reminiscent of the last one they’d shared together two years ago.
“Thank you, Viv.”
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March Tutoring Andrei came natural to Vivian, a fond parallel to all of the times they had spent studying together freshman year in her dorm. What’s more, she found herself looking forward to their study sessions—she intentionally used that term rather than ‘study date’—though she told herself it was because they were finally seeing tangible progress on the capstone project, and it felt good.
She didn’t know why she offered, or what made her blurt it out as soon as the thought arrived in her brain. She only knew that she felt an overwhelming urge to help him, to not let him fail his dreams—even if a Bachelor’s degree ranked second on that list. 
Sure, she liked the ego boost that came from being smart enough to tutor someone else, but the more they met, the more she learned that she liked Andrei best when it was just them two in a study room, free to be himself without the outside pressures of the world. Out there, he was expected to be something, as was she, but being alone with him reminded her of the Andrei she used to know and the late nights they’d spent talking about dreams and goals and aspirations in the comfort of her dorm room.
As the semester progressed, Thursdays became Vivian’s favorite day of the week. Having only two classes and a large break between them, she was typically able to get caught up on the majority of her work. Surely, it was the rewarding sense of accomplishment that made her love Thursdays and had nothing to do with the fact that Thursdays were also her weekly meetings with Andrei.
Yeah, sure, they often ended up staying at the library late into the night, chatting as they worked on the project or his latest Finance assignment. And, sure, sometimes she’d feel his eyes lingering on her when he bid her goodbye. But those were minor details, obviously. Vivian certainly didn’t look forward to hearing the sound of Andrei’s laugh and the way his dimple lit up his entire face when he smiled. And she definitely didn’t like the way he felt sitting beside her, the way his arm would sometimes brush against hers when she’d lean over to look at his textbook. 
No, Andrei absolutely, positively, had nothing to do with why Thursdays had grown on her.
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The weekend before spring break was always a big party weekend, and this year, Pi Kappa Lambda’s “Life’s a Beach” party was the hot event of the season. Despite not having enough time in his schedule to formally rush and commit to a fraternity, Andrei was close with many of the Pi Kap brothers, and it had become the unofficial athletic fraternity. Needless to say, Andrei had the date marked for weeks. Pregaming at the hockey house with Jimmy Buffett on blast, he was excited for a highly-anticipated evening of drinking and debauchery.
Andrei was talking with a teammate when a group of girls walking in caught his attention. He wasn’t surprised to see Vivian there—Pi Kap was one of the top fraternities on campus, and while he had never really bought into the whole ‘social tier’ thing, he understood the importance of appearances at these types of functions. She looked good, he thought, with her safari hat, Hawaiian shirt, and those cutoff shorts that displayed her perfect legs. 
Vivian didn’t seem to notice him, engrossed in greeting her friends, but he continued to watch from across the room, admiring her commitment to the theme and, of course, the way her unbuttoned shirt gave him a view of the slope of her breasts. The more Malibu he consumed, the better she looked, unable to stop himself from glancing back over at her even as he made conversation with other people. He never approached her–partially because he was a little too inebriated to say anything that didn’t involve her tits–but, really, he was just content to watch from afar, observing the infectious impact she had on everyone around her.
Unfortunately, that also meant that he had to begrudgingly watch when she began to dance with a guy—some junior-frat-rat with a disgusting mustache on his upper lip. Andrei gritted his teeth as he watched his slimy hands make their way onto her hips, toying with the frayed end of her cutoff shorts in the way that he would have if she was still his girl. 
Andrei didn’t really know the guy—Derek, he thought his name was—but he knew for a fact that he didn’t deserve her, wouldn’t treat her the way she deserved to be treated. Did he even realize who he was dancing with? 
Had he been sober, Andrei probably would’ve written it off as two people dancing at a party, harmless, most likely meaningless. But he wasn’t sober, and Drunk Andrei was convinced that Dirty Derek would be popping the question anytime, and it drove him mad, his fingers itching to wipe that smug mustache off his face. 
Fortunately, Drunk Andrei was also smart enough to know not to interfere–or maybe it was his Coach’s voice in his head warning him not to do anything stupid before the playoffs. Either way, Andrei kept to himself and his rapidly depleting mixed drink. He’d had his opportunity with Vivian, and had thrown it away just as easily; it was his burden to bear, not hers, left to muddle whatever his feelings were for her alone.
So, instead of wallowing in his own pity, he turned his attention to the pretty blonde girl who had been flirting with him all night. Like any other 20-something-year-old boy, it was all too easy for him to forget about his long lost lover in a great pair of tits. As he kissed her, his tongue wrestling with hers against the dirty wall of the frat house, the coconut rum impairing his system was just enough to allow him to imagine she was Vivian.
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The sound of buzzing didn’t quite wake her, but the sound of her phone falling on the floor certainly did. Startled, it took Vivian a moment to recognize that her phone was, in fact, ringing. With a groan, she heaved herself out of her cocoon and leaned out of her bed to grab the phone, an unfamiliar number flashing across the top.
Vivian silenced it, wondering briefly why they were calling in the middle of the night, and figuring whoever it was would leave a voicemail if it was really important. Glancing at the time—1:17am—she sighed in frustration when she calculated she’d only been asleep for 2 hours before being interrupted by a call that wasn’t even important. Annoyed didn’t quite do it justice.
But then the ding on her phone alerted her to a voicemail. All she had to see was “Andrei Svechnikov” on the transcription before she was hurriedly pressing the phone to her ear.
Five minutes later, she was shoving on some boots and a coat before jumping into her car to drive to the campus security office.
The parking lot was almost empty, save for the handful of campus security vehicles. When she walked inside, Vivian’s eyes connected with a blonde woman behind the desk, glancing up at the sound of the door. 
“Hi, are you Ms. Evans?” 
She nodded. “Is Andrei okay?”
“He’s alright, just had a few too many,” she explained, causing a wave of relief to rush over Vivian. She’d process what that meant later. “One of our guys found him stumbling alone and picked him up. He’s over 21, so he won’t be charged with anything; we just wanted to make sure he got home safe.”
Vivian nodded in understanding, thankful for once that campus security was doing their job—she remembered the times she’d dreaded seeing their vehicles pulling up to parties when she was younger, having to slip out of a back window more times than she’d care to count. She sat as she waited for one of the security officers to retrieve Andrei from one of the back rooms, also thankful that they’d kept their hockey team’s star player hidden from public view while he was obliterated.
The tall Russian stumbled into view, his arm sloped over an officer’s shoulder as he helped walk him down the hallway. Vivian grimaced, noting Andrei’s bright red cheeks and disheveled hair. If she had to guess, she’d bet it was Jose Cuervo that did him in; tequila always made him lose his mind. 
“Viv!” he shouted excitedly, a bright smile lighting up his face when he saw her waiting in the lobby. “You here! Did you get invite to party, too?”
She shared an amused glance with the officer before saying, “Yeah, Andrei. I got invited to the party, too. But it’s over now, so we have to go home, okay?”
Blowing a raspberry in disappointment, Andrei pouted, but agreed. “Ohhhh-kay Viv. If you say so.”
Vivian thanked the officer for helping her six-foot-something ex-boyfriend into the passenger seat of her car, set up with a spare towel just in case he couldn’t make it home without getting sick. 
“Andrei,” she said to him once his seat belt was fastened firmly against his broad chest. “Do you have your keys?”
“You so pritt… ty,” he replied, slumping over against the window, the coolness a relief against his warm skin. Vivian did her best to ignore the compliment, writing it off as drunken nonsense.
“Andrei,” she repeated, more stern this time. “Are your keys in your pocket?”
“Why? You–” Hiccup. “–you comink over?”
Vivian took a deep inhale in, swallowing her frustration before she turned to look at him. “Andrei, you need to go home. Can you get into your house? Do you have your keys?”
Whether it was the firmness of her tone or the look in her eyes, something about her third attempt made Andrei swallow thickly, blinking slowly as his hands fumbled around his pockets. Her heart sank when his hands came out empty, a frustrated sigh leaving her mouth. Back to her place it was.
Andrei mumbled mostly nonsensical Russian as she drove back to her apartment, drifting in and out of silent moments as he’d doze off. The few moments of sleep he got seemed to help only slightly as she helped get him out of the car, legs nearly buckling under his weight as she helped get him inside. 
It was only after she stepped into the living room that she realized she had a decision to make. Her bedroom was upstairs, the couch downstairs. Technically, her ensuite bathroom was much closer to her bed than the ½ bath on the main floor was to the couch, plus she knew she wouldn’t be able to hear him getting sick if he stayed downstairs.
So, begrudgingly, Vivian steered Andrei toward the stairs, thanking the powers above when he began to put one foot in front of the other to climb them. She barely had time to think about how he hadn’t been inside her bedroom since they broke up two years prior. Now with a different mattress and a different bedspread—she’d upgraded to a larger mattress once she moved into an off-campus apartment—the thought that Andrei hadn’t ever been in this bed briefly flitted across her mind before he was stumbling forward into it, falling face first into the pillow. It wasn’t exactly what she envisioned when she thought about Andrei in bed—not that she thought about that, either. Not that often, at least.
Based on the instant snoring, Vivian assumed he’d cashed out for the night, and entirely dead weight, he’d be impossible to move. So, she retrieved the small trash can in her bathroom and set it next to him, moving his head to the side in case he did get sick in the middle of the night. She tugged off his shoes and pulled an extra blanket over him since he’d fallen on top of the comforter. 
Thankful that her housemates were all asleep—not wanting to deal with explaining why her ex-boyfriend was asleep in her bed—Vivian retrieved an extra glass of water, along with a few extra Tylenol from the cabinet to set on the nightstand beside him. She tugged off her own coat and shoes before crawling into bed, unfamiliar with the dip he created in the mattress.
The sound of his slurred voice and thick accent startled her, surprised that he was still conscious. 
“Did you kiss him?”
“Kiss him? Kiss who?”
Andrei was silent for so long that Vivian thought he’d fallen back asleep. “D… Derek.”
“From party... Beach party.”
The memory came flooding back, her vodka-infused night at Pi Kappa Lambda a few weeks back blurry but still recollectable. She didn’t know he’d seen her indulging in the warm touch of her dance partner, but what Andrei didn’t know was that though she was dancing with Derek, it was flashes of a tall Russian that filled her mind, imagining it was him running his hands along her sides. And when her fleeting sobriety returned to her in flashes, and she realized it wasn’t Andrei, she couldn’t bring herself to go home with him despite the throbbing need between her legs. 
“No, I didn’t kiss him, Andrei.”
Andrei hummed. “Good.”
Despite her foggy memory, Vivian couldn’t ignore the pang she felt in her heart as the image of Andrei kissing the pretty blonde Delta Phi in the corner, his lips no doubt working their sinful magic against hers. How could Andrei be bothered by her dancing with someone when he’d been doing the same with another girl?
“But you kissed that girl.”
He hummed again, this time accompanied by a loose wave of his hand. “Yeah. But was finkink… was finking ‘boutchu.”
In the pause that followed, as she tried to process what Andrei had said, the end of his sentence was soon punctuated with a loud snore. Not that she would have even known what to say to begin with, confused, disappointed, and relieved all at once. As she listened to his uneven but deep breathing, she pondered his words in his head until she fell asleep, the warmth from his body shielding her from the cool air in the room.
The next morning, she awoke to the sound of Andrei groaning loudly. What she saw when she opened her eyes, though, was not what she expected. Somewhere in the middle of the night, he’d stripped off his sweatshirt and his shirt, his chest entirely bare save for the familiar silver cross that hung from his neck. Before she could stop herself, her eyes were trailing down the muscles of his pecs, down the line of his abdomen, admiring that he was in even better shape than he had been when they were together. 
Fortunately, Andrei didn’t notice, instead busy rubbing his eyes and wincing at the movement. “Oh, fuck. Feel like got hit by truck.”
His accent and lack of pronouns were endearing, and she nodded toward the glass beside him. “There’s water and some medicine on the table. You should take it.”
With his eyes still closed, Andrei mumbled a thank you, groping blindly for the pills. Instead of grabbing them, though, he knocked the glass over, spilling water all over her nightstand and the floor. “Fuck. M’sorry.”
With a sigh, Vivian heaved herself out of bed, grumbling under her breath as she went to retrieve a towel. She refilled his glass with water from the faucet, thrusting the cup into his hands a little more forcefully than she intended. 
For a moment, the only sound in the room was that of him gulping down half of the glass, quenching only a portion of the Hungover Drought in his mouth. Breathing heavily, he laid his head back and shut his eyes tightly.
“Did we… ?”
Vivian resisted the urge to laugh, instead raising her eyebrows in an amused way. “You could barely walk, let alone make any specific body parts function.”
He hummed, then, “What happened?” 
“I don’t know. You had a lot to drink. I got a call from campus security at one in the morning to come pick you up.”
Andrei shut his eyes again; whether he was racking his brain for a memory, or willing away his hangover, she wasn’t sure. He let out a deep groan, the kind that she could practically feel the vibrations from.
“Come on,” she urged, nudging his shoulder gently. “Can you stand up? I’ll take you back to your apartment. By the way, you lost your keys.”
Andrei groaned loudly, fumbling in his pockets before he let out another. “Fuck, I lost my phone, too.”
“It’s over here, charging. It was almost dead last night,” Vivian explained, unplugging it and handing it to him. With one eye open, Andrei squinted at the screen to send a text to his roommates to see if someone could let him in.
They sat in silence for a moment, Andrei’s eyes closed tightly as he did his best to will away his hangover. Vivian listened to the sound of his breathing, doing her best not to glance at the way the muscles in his core rippled as he breathed. 
“Viv,” he said softly, glancing at her as if afraid of how she’d answer. “No one’s answering.”
With a heavy sigh, Vivian rolled her eyes and threw her head back in frustration. “Of fucking course they’re not.”
“It’s not my fault!”
“You’re the one who lost your keys and got yourself in this situation,” she shot back, standing up. 
“Where you going?” 
“If you’re going to stay here, you might as well shower. Might help you feel better. Hopefully they’ll answer by the time you’re done so I can get on with my day.”
“If you’re going to be so cranky, why did you even come last night?” he asked.
“Because I got a call from campus security at one in the morning, Andrei. Scared the shit out of me. I thought you were dead or something, but instead you were just obliterated out of your mind. Great time to get belligerently drunk, by the way, two days before our presentation. You should be grateful they didn’t charge you with public indecency or something.”
“Oh, yeah, because I definitely got picked up on purpose–”
Vivian scoffed, rolling her eyes. She tossed the towel at him, purposefully covering up his bare chest so she didn’t have to keep looking at it. 
“Why did you even have them call me? I’m not your–” she swallowed the word girlfriend, “– you have other friends. Teammates.”
It was Andrei’s turn to scoff, ignoring her question in favor of sitting up and pausing for a moment to let the lurching in his skull subside. She watched his long fingers massage his temples, though she knew it wasn’t helping by the way his brows furrowed on his forehead.
“I didn’t tell them to call you,” he finally said. “They called because you’re still my emergency contact.”
“I’m what?”
He shrugged. “My parents and brother obviously aren’t here. I just never changed it.”
Vivian didn’t know if she was touched, or annoyed, or sad—or maybe all of the above. At the end of the day, she had still dropped everything to make sure he was safe; would always come if he needed her to. No matter what she did, she couldn’t deny that she cared about him, deeply.
As he showered, she pondered what all of it meant. And when she dropped him off, making sure he was safely inside his house before driving off with a wave, it hit her so hard she had to pull over on the side of the road.
She wasn’t sure if it was a still, or an again, the details not mattering much. All she knew is that she was in love with Andrei Svechnikov. 
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While everyone else was preparing for the end of the semester and exam season, Andrei’s season was approaching its peak as BU prepared for the Frozen Four. As anticipated, his name had been announced as one of the three finalists for the Hobey Baker, adding an additional layer of pressure to his game. Although he already had been drafted and had his future in front of him, he couldn’t deny that it’d be extremely flattering to win the award—but he’d trade it without a second thought if it meant he could raise the championship trophy with his teammates.
The increased training meant less time to study and complete his homework, which also meant less time with Viv—though, as their presentation day grew closer, their communication amped up naturally. Andrei found that he was willing to put off the rest of his work in favor of focusing on the project, in part due to it being such a large portion of his grade, but largely because he couldn’t stand the thought of disappointing Vivian. 
Before he knew it, presentation day had arrived. Andrei made Vivian promise that she’d get a good night’s sleep—and she claimed she did, though Andrei noticed that she’d made changes to the slideshow at 12:06am, no doubt combing through every inch one last time.
They were driving together to CyberComm’s headquarters, a large high-rise in downtown Boston. Andrei met at Vivian’s apartment, waiting patiently while she checked her bag to ensure the flash drive with the extra copy of the presentation was tucked safely in the pocket. As he waited, he smiled when he noticed the vase of flowers sitting on the kitchen table; a ‘thank you’ he’d sent after the campus security fiasco. He also couldn’t help but notice that although Vivian was dressed professionally, he was pleased that her attire revealed the slightest sliver of skin on her chest, instantly reminding him of the cleavage he’d caught a glimpse of at the Pi Kap party. 
Vivian drove to the office, allowing Andrei to continue casting glances at her as she navigated traffic. His eyes slid over the shape of her lips, the dip of her nose, the way her dark hair spilled over her shoulders in luxurious curls—the ones that, in his opinion, always made her look like a model. She was beautiful.
Not that his opinion on the way she looked had ever wavered, even after they broke up. He had always thought she was pretty, and had since the first time he saw her during freshman orientation—it was half the reason he’d asked her to join his volleyball team. But something about the way the sun lit up her skin, casting a glow over her made his heart beat just a little bit faster. She was confident in herself, but not cocky; essentially, everything he aspired to be as an athlete. Even two years removed from their relationship, Vivian was still inspiring him to be a better person.
Once they arrived at the office, Vivian checked in at the front desk. While they were waiting for Sherry, the Executive Assistant to the CEO, to retrieve them in the lobby, Andrei’s nerves began to kick in. They sat in silence, Andrei running through his script in his head until the warmth of Vivian’s palm on his leg brought him back to reality.
She offered a smile that reassured him, only just then realizing his leg had been bouncing as he waited in his nerves. His heart raced, though he wasn’t sure if it was from the sight of a woman walking toward them, or from the touch of Vivian’s hand on his thigh. Either way, he didn’t have time to think about it, for the woman approaching them introduced herself as Sherry, offering to show them upstairs.
Sherry led them to a conference room with a long oak table and floor-to-ceiling glass walls, like an office straight out of Succession. Andrei admired as he watched Vivian channel her sorority recruitment charm as they were introduced to the CEO, VP of Sales, VP of Marketing, and VP of Operations. Vivian, he knew, was doing her best to ignore their decorated titles and the weight riding on making a positive impression; if she was as nervous as he was, she didn’t show it. Professor Janes sat on the other side of the table, offering an encouraging smile as Andrei set up their presentation and Vivian handed out the prepared booklets to each of the attendees.
Vivian’s voice wavered slightly as they started, but by the third slide, she was her normal, charismatic self, her practiced speech coming off as confident and rehearsed but not memorized. Andrei stumbled once or twice, a pink blush coating his cheeks as he smiled through it, glancing each time at Vivian for silent encouragement.
Thirty minutes later, the presentation was done, as were the onslaught of questions from each of the panelists. The VP of Operations, Janet, was the first to stand up to shake both of their hands.
“Thank you, Miss Adams and Mr. Svechnikov. I have to say that this has been one of the best, most professional presentations we’ve seen yet. Very well done.”
Andrei could barely contain his grin, thanking her and Professor Janes as Vivian tucked her laptop in her bag. Andrei led the way out the door with one final “thank you.” Once they were in the hallway and far enough from the door, he was spinning on his heel to lift Vivian up into his arms.
“We did it!” he exclaimed, spinning her around. “We fucking did it!”
“Andrei! Keep your voice down!” she scolded, though it was punctuated with a giggle that nearly punched Andrei in the gut.
“God, you were amazing,” he said, quieter this time as he set her down. “When they asked that last question about the inventory tracking, I completely froze. You are fucking incredible.”
“I know it inside and out,” she said, brushing off the compliment. “You did great, too, Andrei. I’m proud of us.”
“One of the best they’ve ever seen,” he mused, nudging her shoulder. “Put that on your resume, Viv.”
“Too bad you can’t use that skill in the NHL,” she joked.
Andrei barely had time to bask in the success of the presentation before he was on a plane to St. Paul for the college hockey championship tournament. Being a hockey school, his professors were more than understanding with their deadlines, many of them offering well wishes before he left for the short but significant tournament. 
As soon as he arrived, he was flooded with interviews in advance of the Hobey Baker announcement that was to take place before the game. Either way, it—both the media and the ceremony—was all a big distraction to Andrei; he had his sights set on a different trophy that was far more important than any individual award he could win. But, remembering his media training, he put a smile on his face and channeled his inner Vivian Adams.
When they called his name announcing him the winner of the award, Andrei was bashful and gracious, only allowing a smile once he was back in the locker room with his teammates who were waiting to congratulate him after the ceremony. A minor celebration—just the way he wanted it—before they were back in the zone, preparing for the semifinal game against Notre Dame. Truthfully, he was glad the award was done and over with, though he knew the questions would continue to come even once he made it to the NHL. 
After a hard-fought game—and a two point game for the Hobey Baker winner—the Terriers emerged victorious. Coach granted them the night to celebrate, though Andrei was very conscious of his alcohol intake; if all went according to plan, he’d be able to really celebrate in two days’ time, once he had the trophy in hand.
The night before the championship, Andrei tossed and turned, eventually dozing off into a dreamless sleep. He awoke the next morning to a text from Vivian, feeling a tug at his heart when he saw the familiar emojis next to her name; something she’d added herself at some point during freshman year and he’d never bothered to change them.
[Viv 😍🥰❤️‍🔥🎀🌼:] Congratulations, Mr. Hobey Baker! Good luck today! Bring home that trophy to Terrier Nation! 🐶
It was the only time Andrei allowed himself to be smug; something about Vivian being proud of him awoke the unfamiliar emotions in him. If Andrei thought hard enough, he’d have put two and two together then, but when he looked back on that day in later years, he’d blame it on the pressure of the game that made him blind to his feelings.
Despite his qualms and reluctance for the attention, it was only fitting for it to be Andrei who scored in OT, surely a goal that would be on his highlight goal for years to come. 
The horn sounded as confetti burst from the ceiling, raining a sea of scarlet and white over the arena. Andrei’s celebration with his team was cut short when the television crew encouraged them to line up for the presentation of the championship trophy. He was jittering, full of adrenaline; the words of the announcer barely registering with him.
When he lifted the trophy over his head, grinning from ear to ear, it wasn’t his family he looked for in the stands, but Vivian. She was the first person he sought out when he got back to campus, Pi Kapp quickly throwing together a celebratory championship bash despite being the week before exams. He didn’t expect her to be there, and she wasn’t, though that didn’t stop him from sending her one—or four—too many drunk texts inviting her out.
It wasn’t until several days later, as he was lying in bed and reading through the ‘good luck’ text she’d sent him before his Finance exam, that the weight of his feelings for her came crashing down on him. He knew he wasn’t Vivian smart, but he didn’t think he was that dumb either, to be completely oblivious to the way he felt about her. 
And of course, it was just his luck that his grand revelation came to him the night before graduation day.
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The buzz of Vivian’s alarm went off at 7am, but she was already lying awake, staring at the ceiling. She’d woken up around 5:30, or thereabouts, unable to sleep for the swirl of emotions building inside of her. 
It was graduation day, which brought a bittersweet sense of pride. She was excited to celebrate, to reminisce on all of her and her friends’ accomplishments over the last four years, but she was also anticipating the looming goodbye to the city that had become her home—and everyone in it.
Of course, there was one person in particular that she was dreading saying goodbye to. Now that she had come to terms with her feelings for Andrei, she’d been mulling over what to do about them—tell him, and risk her heart breaking, or keep it to herself, and wonder ‘what if’ for the rest of her life. 
Surely, she assumed, Andrei was already thinking ahead to his future, ready for the bright lights of PNC Arena, the fame and glory of the NHL, and beautiful girls lined up down the street for the chance to talk with him. He’d be signing his first contract soon, worth more money in one season than she’d make in five years. There was no way he would even be thinking about getting back together with his ex-girlfriend from his freshman year of college—not while he had the world at his feet.
Plus, there was the tiny detail that Vivian still hadn’t accepted a job offer, though she had received two to date; while one was in New York City, a fairly reasonable distance from Raleigh, the other was in San Francisco, on the other side of the country. Still, Vivian couldn’t shake the feeling that she should tell him, and she knew she’d never forgive herself if she kept it in and found out years later that he’d wanted the same.
Vivian had just finished applying her makeup when she heard a knock on the front door. Judging by the sound of it, her housemate was in the shower, and she knew the other two weren’t home, so she tightened the tie on her robe and ran downstairs to answer it. 
As she opened the door, Vivian came face to face with Andrei—or at least, face to chest. He was panting on the front porch, half dressed with his tie undone as he stood in front of her. 
“Andrei, what are you doing here? I’m trying to get ready—”
“I—you look beautiful,” he said, breathless. 
“Thank you,” she said, then repeated, “What are you doing?”
“I need to talk to you.” There was a fire in his eyes that told her it was important, so she stepped aside and let him in.
Before she could say anything, he was climbing the steps up to her room, two at a time, and she jogged behind him, confused.
“What is going on? You’re scaring me, Andrei.”
“I—I had to see you.”
She raised her eyebrows, silently asking for him to continue. He took a moment to catch his breath, then said, “I couldn’t sleep last night. I can’t stop thinking about you. I almost called you like, eight different times. And then it hit me.”
Vivian held her breath, anticipating what might be coming next, though nothing could really prepare her for the words that came out of his mouth.
“Ya lyublyu tebya,” he said.
Vivian stared at him, the foreign words hanging between them in the silence. Outside of the occasional curse word or when he was really drunk, she’d hardly ever heard him speak Russian, as he put much of his energy into learning ‘good and proper’ English once he had committed to finishing his degree at BU. “I… I don’t know what that means.”
Andrei smiled, his eyes warm as he looked at her. “I think you do.”
And she did. Vivian Adams wasn’t the smartest girl in her class for nothing. But in that moment, she wasn’t Vivian Adams, President of Alpha Zeta, Summa Cum Laude. She was just Viv. And fuck, if Viv didn’t love him too.
“God, I fucking love you,” he said, like he was unable to stop himself now that he’d said it once. “I don’t think I ever stopped. It just got hidden because you weren’t around. And then we got paired together, and I just—”
His monologue was cut off when Vivian lunged forward to press her lips against his. Suddenly, he didn’t give a single shit about what else had left to say, instead focused on kissing her back as he threaded his hands through her hair. He never wanted to stop kissing her, not now that he finally felt her perfect lips again.
For the moment, she was content to just kiss him, familiarizing herself with his mouth after being separated for so long. But when his tongue traced along the seam of her lips, she was all too eager to let him deepen the kiss, welcoming him into her mouth. Andrei’s hand gripped her jaw, keeping her pressed against him while his other hand wandered to her chest, massaging her breast over the soft fabric of her robe—the way he’d wanted to since he saw the glimpse of her cleavage at the party.
Soon enough, Vivian found herself lying on her back, Andrei’s large frame looming over her as he kissed his way down her jaw. Her hands roamed his broad, muscular back, feeling the divots of his shoulders as he held himself over her. The feeling of his mouth on the sensitive skin of her neck made her shiver, his tongue tracing the spot that always drove her crazy. Judging by the moan that slipped from her mouth, it was safe to say that spot was still a weakness.
“Andrei,” she mumbled, brain fuzzy as she searched for the words to say. “We can’t—have to—”
“I know, I know. Just give me a minute,” he pleaded against her neck, mouth making its way to her chest. “Please.”
‘A minute’ turned into ten, leaving her completely naked with his head buried between her thighs. A feral groan left his mouth when his tongue first lapped against her, instantly remembering the sweetness of the way she tasted. He’d never been a bad lover, but clearly the years apart had earned him a lot of practice, for his tongue flicking her clit sent her flying over the edge with ease. Smirking to himself, pleased with his ability, Andrei placed gentle kisses against the inside of her thighs as she came down from her high. 
“Viv,” her housemate called from downstairs, bursting her bubble sooner than she might have liked, “your parents are here.”
It only took a moment for Vivian to come out of her orgasmic haze, eyes widening as she realized the state she was in. Her eyes shot to Andrei’s, who was frozen with his lips on her inner thigh.
“Fuck,” she whispered, quickly standing up and gesturing for Andrei to straighten himself up. Then, she shouted down the stairs, “Hi, mom and dad. I’ll be down in a second—just finishing up!”
She was quick to throw on the dress she had set out, hanging completely forgotten once Andrei arrived. Her hair was only partially done, but she managed to salvage it by throwing a few loose curls in; fortunately, her head would be covered by her cap for most of the photos. 
It was only when she glanced at Andrei, wiping off the remnants of her orgasm in the sink before she realized how this would look. Obviously, this new stage of their relationship—where did this leave them?—was more than fresh; she wasn’t even sure if her parents would remember that she told them they’d been paired together for the capstone project. 
“I love you, too, you know,” she said, stepping forward to straighten his tie. He smiled, stealing another precious moment to press another kiss against her lips. “But now’s the real test—act normal with my parents down there.”
“And pretend I didn’t just have my head between their daughter’s legs?” he grinned. “Oh, baby, you know I’m a parent charmer.”
As expected, her parents’ reactions to seeing Vivian walk down the stairs flanked by Andrei was all but priceless. Her father visibly bristled, while her mother looked surprised but pleased—she’d always been a fan of Andrei.
Vivian hugged them both, apologizing for the wait and hoping they didn’t think too hard about Andrei descending from her bedroom at 8:30 in the morning. “Mom and dad, you remember Andrei.”
“Mr. and Mrs. Adams, it’s so good to see you again,” he greeted quickly, shaking her dad’s hand firmly and accepting a confused but gracious hug from her mom. “Viv and I had to submit a final analysis for our project—there was a glitch in the system.”
A weak lie, but Mrs. Adams was so pleased to see Andrei that she didn’t question it. 
“Andrei, will you be heading to the convocation center with us?”
“I’ve got to meet my family, but I’m sure my mother would love to meet you,” Andrei replied with a smile. “We’ll find you after the ceremony?”
Vivian nodded, sending Andrei off with a smile and a “see you soon,” followed shortly by an eyebrow raise from her mother once the door was closed. 
The ceremony itself was dull, but the day was a whirlwind nonetheless: many photos with friends and family (including a long-awaited introduction between the Svechnikovs and the Adamses), a boozy brunch with Alpha Zeta seniors and families, followed by a reminiscent stroll through campus, and finally a nice dinner with her family. Before Vivian knew it, it was 11pm and she was at the bar with her friends, taking celebratory shots that burned her throat. Vivian was happy, but something was missing.
And then that something came walking in, a smile on his face when he easily located her amongst the crowd. The dimple she’d always loved stood out, warmth flooding her body as he weaved his way through the throng of people toward her. 
“Hi,” she said, as if their earlier confessions left undiscussed made her suddenly shy around him.
“Hi,” he said back, mocking her a little bit with a playful smile. 
There was an elephant in the room—two elephants, really—crammed into the dimly lit room with 80’s music blaring over the speakers, but a packed bar full of fresh college graduates was hardly the place to address them. 
“You want to get out of here?” he asked quietly, jerking his head toward the door. 
Vivian didn’t have the words to describe just how badly she wanted that, instead nodding with a smile. He matched hers, following her out and completing an Irish Goodbye without a second thought.
The Uber ride back to her apartment was quiet save for the song playing softly on the radio, Vivian’s thigh pressed against Andrei’s in the backseat. His hand found hers silently, lacing their fingers in a gesture that went far beyond comfort in a dark car.
I saw you last night and got that old feeling When you came in sight, I got that old feeling The moment that you danced by, I felt a thrill And when you caught my eye, my heart stood still
Once again I seemed to feel that old yearning Then I knew the spark of love was still burning There'll be no new romance for me, it's foolish to start For that old, that old feeling is still in my heart
It felt like fate, and maybe it was, Frank Sinatra’s soothing voice warbling through the speakers about a love rekindled. Andrei hummed the same to her, softly, in the darkness of her bedroom as he took his time undressing her, unveiling each inch of her skin like it was brand new to him. 
Strong arms held her close as he laid her back against the bed, settling his body over hers before kissing her deeply. His tongue sought out her own, his hands running over her exposed skin as if he needed to re-commit it to memory. Their position was familiar, the same one they were in just over 12 hours prior, but the weight between them was much, much different.
This time, Vivian’s hands found Andrei’s slacks, palming the bulge she met with fervor and savoring the groan that left his throat. Encouraged and eager to produce that sound again, she dipped her hand beneath his waistband and wrapped her fingers around him, stroking him lightly.
“Viv,” he grunted, nose trailing along her jawline as he held himself up—barely. “Need—need to be in you.”
She agreed wholeheartedly, helping Andrei shuck his pants down his legs, joining her clothes on the floor. It was their first time being completely bare together in years, and though she shouldn’t have been surprised, Vivian was in awe of him, a sculpted Russian god in her bed. 
Andrei’s hands ran down her thighs, hoisting each of them over his hips as he settled between her legs. To slow down the moment, he pressed his forehead against hers, eyes gazing into her own before he kissed her deeply. Vivian could feel him, throbbing, bumping against the inside of her thighs, brushing against her core where she, too, was desperate to have him.
“Andrei,” she murmured softly against his lips, encouragement spoken in just a sigh of his name. 
She didn’t want him to stop touching her, whining reluctantly when he sacrificed a few moments to part his hands from her skin in favor of guiding his length toward her. Vivian had no breath left in her lungs when he finally pushed in, slowly, his considerable girth something she was no longer used to accommodating. Andrei stilled, telling himself it was so she could adjust; in reality, he needed the time just as much, fearful of busting his load far, far too early. 
No, Andrei wanted to savor this, to enjoy it. Though he’d had many partners since Vivian, none of them felt quite the way she did, squeezed him quite the way her perfect cunt did, made his balls tighten when she moaned out his name the way she did—but he hadn’t realized how much he missed her until that moment. Her skin against his lit him on fire from the inside out, and he was sure it was because of more than her body that he wanted to taste every inch of.
Andrei stretched her entirely, the feeling so incredibly delicious that all thought was absent from Vivian’s brain. All she could do was hold onto him, her hands caressing the skin of his arms, his shoulders, his back, her legs wrapped tightly around him as his hips dipped against hers. He was steady in his rhythm, patient, like he was following a beat only he could hear. 
When his lips found hers again, he drank in the moans that she offered, tugging her up toward him until they were seated and she was straddling him, unable to get close enough. His hands on her hips encouraged her to move, to drive herself toward the high she desperately sought, that he could feel in the flutter of her heat around him. With her head buried in the crook of Andrei’s thick neck, Vivian cried out as she came, her vision going fuzzy as the climax hit her like a freight train.
Andrei’s arms wrapped tightly around her, holding her closely as he, too, met his end, spilling into her waiting core with a grunt. His body was tingling, as was Vivian’s, but he couldn’t stop himself from kissing her again, doing his best to pour the love that had been forgotten for the last two years back into her.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, moments later when he was lying beside her, admiring the way her body looked wrapped in the sheet, pressed against his frame. The feeling of her, snug in his arms, made everything feel right in the world. 
Vivian smiled, shy, burying her face against his chest in embarrassment. He nudged her with his shoulder, adding for emphasis, “You are.”
The old nickname fell from her lips without her even realizing, familiar and warm in so many ways. Andrei smiled at it, liking the way it felt. 
Silence fell between them, comfortable as they basked in the glorious haze. Then, Vivian’s voice spoke quietly in the darkness of her room. “I don’t want this to end.”
“What do you mean?” 
“We’re both leaving BU soon,” Vivian said, not ready to burst their bubble yet, but the words just kept coming out. “And I don’t know where I’m going yet, but I have offers in San Francisco and New York, and you’re going to be this hot shot NHL star, and I’m sure your DM’s are already full of pretty girls and–”
“Viv,” he interrupted her softly. “I don’t care about that. I want to be with you.”
“But… I applied to jobs all over the place,” she fretted, hating herself for letting her anxiety ruin their perfect, blissful moment. 
Andrei paused, nudging her jaw with a finger to encourage her to meet his eyes. “I lost you once; I’m not going to do it again. I want this, and if you do too, then we’ll make it work. Okay?”
“You mean that?”
“Eto vsegda byl ty, Viv. The girl in my story has always been you.”
The next morning, the light streaming through the windows woke Vivian up, stretching her deliciously sore muscles before she registered the large, warm body beside her. She took a moment to watch Andrei sleep, his chest gently rising and falling with his breath, features so relaxed and peaceful. 
When she rolled over to glance at her phone, she saw the notification for an unread email. The sound of her gasp woke Andrei up, startled at the sound.
“What? Are you oka– what happened?” he spluttered, taking in her wide eyes.
Instead of speaking, Vivian simply turned her phone toward him to show him what had tears brimming in her eyes: An offer letter for a Financial Analyst position with CyberComm.
“That’s great, Viv,” he smiled. “Congratulations.”
“Andrei,” Vivian said, sensing that he didn’t quite put it together. “CyberComm has an office in Charlotte.”
“Charlotte is in North Carolina.”
Her eyebrows raised, watching the realization dawn on Andrei’s face as he processed. “You’re moving to North Carolina?”
“We’re moving to North Carolina.”
Vivian didn’t know if she should call it fate, chance, coincidence, but five months later when she watched Andrei debut in his first ever NHL game, a Svechnikov jersey proud on her shoulders, she decided it was best to call it the mystery of love.
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