#and then yeah I don’t think I need to explain Lita you guys get it
ilovebeingaturtle · 10 months
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Their weapons btw
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angrypedestrian · 3 years
THE TIME IDIOTS EPISODE ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ TITLED “Honestly I have no fucking idea what episode this is BUCKLE IN”
Previously on legends: Not gonna lie I really don’t remember. Sara’s an alien clone now? Spooner can speak alien? John’s off fucking around and so now he and Zari aren’t banging 24/7 and I’m kinda sad about that?
This week on legends: again do not recall a single piece of promo material for this episode. Are we getting Lita alien pregnancy this ep? One can only hope!
Sex, Behrad, they were having sex
but ALSO gideon plays GAMES with BEHRAD i LOVE THIS
spooner and behrad have like the same hair and they both look great
as a bald person i am envious
good for you astra!!! fuck these people over they deserve to do more chores
also thank you show for the confirmation that nate and behrad DID fuck and are also still currently fucking
oh damn i was right it is the Lita alien baby episode I absolutely do know what day and time it is good job me
mick yr kinda a deadbeat, acceptance is the first step
not only Vancouver, vancouver in a year and a half so we don’t have to spend any money pretending it is the *~future~*
okay oh no this show broke my brain again does he like this show because it is still on in 2042 or whatever, giving it at least 20 seasons, or he got into it as a high teen and watched old reruns on adult swim
ah well that explains it thank you Legends for actually answering my questions for once??
i expect this not to happen again
also the second bud stuy guy kinda looks like the original behrad in the picture zari 1.0 had, i don’t think it’s the same guy, but it’s hard to tell without the beard
i am....upset
but i am not upset that shayan is finally getting a real behrad episode, it is what he DESERVES
and this is how we know sara can’t be trusted anymore it is NOT cute
lita fucking rules. lita for president. you know y’all you have a time travel show you CAN make aoc president
if you can make gorilla grodd attack obama you can make aoc president in the future
honestly phil it is the least you can do for me
to make up for ms. alf
the hey girl!!!!! excellence. Give tala so much money she’ll agree to play both zaris full time.
then get her and tatiana maslany on a show together, for good measure
i’ve earned this
to be fair to everyone involved time does not matter on the time travel ship so like should anyone be expected to remember any birthday?
these posters in the background are very funny. “Five Roommates?” television gold
hell yeah astra is pro-union, we stan labor in this house
can we just get a puppet moratorium on this show? i think it would solve a lot of problems
glad everyone else is getting in on the shayan has amazing hair train, canonically
astra you need to be less horny at b school behrad
fuck you nick, you’re not clever
astra honestly just commandeer the ship, you would make such a better leader than the rest of these chuckle fucks combined
how much money did they spend on this fucking demonic puppet
the flash having 150 episodes feels like a crime. i’m not sure what crime, but i know someone should be tried in the hague for it
mick you can’t just murder nice young men like this
but do like the consistency of her loving a suit
every time i hear the word synergy i lose ten brain cell
and every time i watch an episode of this show i lose ten brain cells
so we’re really not doing well this week boys
oooohhhh nico’s actor is mad canadian, what an international baby you guys are gonna have
oh....no....is mick.....alien pregnant
oh god
i refuse to entertain this possibility
the non behrad parts of this episode are the worst things i have ever heard
i am suing phil for 5 billion in emotional damages
golf cart car chase is never not funny
also what else is nick filming why does he have highlights now lol
oh you’re gonna make ms. alf into a stoner that seems irresponsible
doughnuts and hawaiian shirts that’s my boy!!!!
awwwwww everyone got him such nice presents!!!!!
i have the goofiest smile on my face watching zari get to hug her brother??????
and now you’re gonna ruin it with mpreg
every day i suffer
every single goddamn day
Next week: and now we’re gonna have to see the fucking puppet again
at the VERY least i deserve a show with tatiana maslany and tala on it now
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thesmokingguns · 3 years
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Wendy and the Lost Boys Chapter 8
It was the week of Valentines Day and it marked two months since Nikki had seen Sasha. She hadn’t come to any of their shows or slept at the apartment. He hadn’t seen her at any of her favorite spots that he had been casually dropping by. There was no reason why he should go looking for her; if he saw her he didn’t know what he would even say to her. He couldn’t just say he was sorry because they had decided they were exclusive. Even though he had technically done nothing wrong he was feeling bad for his actions.
They had a few shows on the 12, 13 and 14th at the Whisky coming up and Nikki wanted to call and invite her to one. He could use a stupid excuse like the band wanted to see her or that they had a new song to play. If he could just lure her back out maybe when he saw her things wouldn’t be awkward or weird. He was standing in front of the payphone willing himself to make the call. He dialed her sorority house and when he got the busy signal cursed. What did he expect trying to call a house of girls the week of Valentine’s Day?
“Why are you on the payphone?” He turned to see Tommy looking at him, “Is Lita still at the apartment?” The drummer rolled his eyes when Nikki nodded to confirm this, “Get her to leave before band practice. She’s been stuck to your side for two months without leaving. Everyone wants time to just rehearse without her butting in.” For Tommy to say something meant that everyone was getting fed up.
“She’s just trying-“
“I don’t care if she’s trying to suck all our dicks and give us hundred dollar bills after. Get her out of the apartment for a couple hours so we can practice.” Tommy interrupted before moving to jump into his van and take off. Band practice was in an hour so he needed to figure out how to get her out before everyone was there.
The door to her room burst open and she glared seeing Tommy standing there. . Sasha had been avoiding him, only seeing him when he showed up for Sunday dinners at home. So him showing up like this wasn’t something that was completely out of character. She could see him still holding the keys to his van which meant he wanted to go somewhere and she didn’t exactly trust him to keep her away from the self prescribed segregation she had given herself to get over Nikki.
“No and get out.” She said flipping through her magazine, she wasn’t going to go along with whatever stupid plan he had. Tommy was moving closer and she watched him pick up her leather jacket and her purse. She shut her magazine now looking around for something that she could defend herself with. “What are you doing?” She asked  as he moved towards her. She screamed, slamming a pillow into his head trying to jump off the bed but slipping and falling half on her face. Tommy took her fall as a great excuse to scoop up the girl and toss her over his shoulder. She tried to point a Ked towards his balls, kicking at him.
“Play nice.” he warned, spinning around the room and then tossing her down. “I want you to come to band practice.” He watched the way that she looked at him, wondering if he was actually being serious. “Nikki is going to get Lita out of the apartment.” He stopped when he saw her eyebrows fold together.
“Is she living with you?” Tommy had said too much and he wanted to back pedal. This was absolutely not what he had wanted to happen. From him not answering she knew what that meant. Her eyes widened slightly, “Are they dating, Tommy? Like is she his girlfriend?” Everything in her wanted him to say no and to laugh it off. She wanted him to say she just hung around the apartment and that Nikki didn’t date but he just looked down trying to take a long time to find and light a cigarette.
“You know how Nikki is-“
“Yeah I do know how he is.” She snapped this at a Tommy and he could see she was upset. This anger had settled on her face with tears threatening to fall out of her eyes, “I want to punch him in the face.” She admitted as she started pacing around the room. “Why am I not good enough for him but she is? He told me a bunch of times he doesn’t date people. I guess it just means that I’m not good enough.” She had stopped and was looking in the mirror at herself.
“Nikki is just an asshole. You know nothing lasts with him. And you always talk about Len at home so I thought you were moving on from whatever you had with Sixx.” She turned to him giving Tommy a look.
“Don’t bring Len into this. That whole situation is complicated and you have a big mouth. And you’re trying to take the pressure off of me being mad at Nikki.” She added pointing a finger at him in warning. Sasha walked over, flopping on the bed next to Tommy. They both laid down looking up at the ceiling. “Do you think there is something wrong with me? Is that why I can’t be in a normal relationship where someone loves me?” She asked. Tommy reached out grabbing her hand.
“Nikki doesn’t love anybody. I don’t even think he really likes himself. I think Lita just walked into his life and he’s waiting for her to decide to walk out because he doesn’t know what else to do. It has nothing to do with who you are. You’re smart and beautiful. But sometimes you forget you’re only 18. You have a minimum of ten years before you should get married. Maybe you should just have fun. Forget Nikki, Forget Len. Just have fun.” She rolled her eyes at him. She was a serious person and that’s what was fun to her.
“I can’t forget Len and I’ve avoided Sixx for two months so I’m doing great there.” She knew avoiding Nikki wouldn’t fix anything but staying away from him meant she didn’t make any mistakes. Like kissing his stupid face or punching it. Both emotions seemed to be appropriate for him.
“Come to band practice.” Tommy asked. “Like forget about Sixx and just come and hang out with everyone. You can get drunk on the couch and throw beer cans at us like when we first started.” He knew she wasn’t going to come and the way she rolled over onto her stomach made him sigh, “Just stop by one day and stop letting Sixx ruin the Strip for you.” He warned, getting off the bed. Sasha shot him a look and he was gone. And all the problems were still there.
It was June 1st when she finally got the courage to finally show up at the house. The only reason she found herself at the house was because she had moved home for the summer and didn’t want to be home. So it was close to one in the morning when she was crawling through the window to a packed apartment, trying to take in everything that was going on.
Her eyes scanned trying to see where everyone was and just trying to get to Tommy’s room where she would lock herself until he tried to get in. She saw Vince being pulled into the bathroom by some random girl, Mick was in the kitchen grabbing a bottle of vodka with his back to her, Tommy was sitting next to someone talking excitedly with a mountain of cocaine in front of him, and Nikki was nowhere to be found. Not having eyes on the bassist left her unsettled. She kept her head down as she slid past people turning the door knob to Tommy’s room and pushing the door open. She said a silent prayer of thanks that the room was empty.
“Bedrooms are off limits.” A voice made her turn and she saw Lita was standing there, hands on her hips. She didn’t seem to recognize who Sasha was and for some reason that made her even angrier. She threw the backpack she had filled onto the bed and just slammed the door turning the lock and tucking a chair under it. She heard the smacking of a hand, “HEY. YOU NEED TO GET OUT.” Sasha lit a cigarette, knowing that her hope of staying out of sight until the morning was out. There was the sound of knocking and the door knob was shaking.
“HEY, open up.” It was Tommy’s voice now and she knew this was her chance to stay hidden. She opened the door a crack grabbing his arm and yanking him inside and slamming herself against the door so no one saw her as she locked it, “Listen babe, I can’t just let you-Sasha!” He couldn’t believe she was in his room.
“I need to stay here because I didn’t figure out my summer apartment so I’m living at home.” She ranted. Tommy just waved her off.
“If you’re here, you need to party. No hiding in this room. We’re all talking about Canada. You need to come with us.” He was already pulling her out of the bedroom back to the party. Sasha knew this was going to happen so she had dressed up a little in a skin tight short dress in white.
“Canada, what the-“ she was cut off as they entered the room again and she saw him. He was laughing leaning against the wall by the window. Nikki looked up when Tommy was rushing back into the living room and his smile faltered seeing Sasha there. She nearly tripped over her own feet as she was pulled into the couch, her eyes snapping away from the intense look the bassist was giving her. The feeling of her stomach doing flips made her feel sick and she wished she had just called Len instead of showing up at the house. It had been half a year and still just a Nikki looking at her made her forget how to breathe. She drank the beer pressed into her hand and tried not to turn and look again the green eyes she could feel staring into her.
Since Tommy had pulled her out of the bedroom Nikki couldn’t stop watching her. She was beautiful in that white dress, standing out among all the black shirts and leather jackets. Even in the chaos he could hear her laughter. Thank God Lita was there keeping him anchored or he’d go over and say something to her that would probably ruin his whole Nikki Sixx persona. She was practically holding a band meeting towards the end me of the night. The guys all huddled up with her heads bent as she explained something.
“Nikki, come here.” Vince called out. He watched the way she looked up at his name, the long eyelashes dancing to keep her gaze off him. He untangled himself from Lita watching the dirty look she shot over to the table.  “Sasha figured out how to do your publicity stunt in Canada.” He looked up at her, cocking an eyebrow at her. She looked at Nikki, her heart aching thinking of everything. She tore her eyes away from them standing up and smirking.
“I’ll talk to your manager tomorrow. But I’m going to bed now. Goodnight, kids.” He was jealous of the way she smiled at the other guys ignoring him big he also knew that she still must have felt something if she was leaving from him being so close. When she had slipped into Tommy’s room he heard Vince sigh.
“She is still pissed at you.” Vince pointed out making Nikki glare at him, “Wait until she finds out you’re moving out with Lita when we get back from Canada. She’s going to be thrilled.” He was so thankful for all his bandmates' support and understanding in the situation. They really did such a good job of making everything easier.
“Isn’t your wife pregnant at home?” Nikki asked making the singer glare at him, “Angel isn’t mad at me. Everything happened months ago and we never even had sex so it’s not a big deal.” He had given them too much information.
“Wait you didn’t even bone and you’ve both been moping around for six months?” Tommy asked, his mouth partly open. A hand of Nikki’s shoulder stopped the conversation as they all looked up at Lita.
“Who didn’t bone?” The guys all were silent and Nikki knew he had to get them out of them. He stayed silent moving to step outside of the apartment. He needed a second to collect his thoughts. He sat down in the chair that was outside to figure things out. There had never been a time where seeing a girl had absolutely consumed him like it had with seeing Sasha. He didn’t know why the time between them didn’t help. He still wanted to be around her and touch her; how did she get even more attractive in the time they were apart?
“Do you have a cigarette?” The voice brought Nikki out of his thoughts and he noticed the sun was starting to rise. Sasha was outside in her keds, shorts and a tshirt. Nikki realized he must have fallen asleep on the plastic chair. He handed her the pack, watching her light up the cigarette and sigh out a breath. “Tommy said I could come to Canada for your tour but I figured I’d ask you if it was okay first. I don’t want to step on any toes.” He could smell her shampoo and a new perfume. She looked at him and he realized he was supposed to respond.
“I’m sorry.” Her eyebrows furrowed together confused and then realization settled on her features. “I don’t even know what happened. I was thinking about you and then I was home with her and she just hasn’t left.” Nikki always articulated so now that he wasn’t being his cool calm self he was feeling off kilter.
“So I take it as it’s fine if I come on tour. Thanks.” She flicked her cigarette off the balcony and shook Tommy’s van keys at him. “You need to drive me to meet with your manager.” She threw the keys at him and he smirked feeling a little better knowing she would be back around them.
“RUN.” Tommy screamed pulling Sasha down the hallway. They skidded around a corner, the police hot on their trail. They ripped the door open to the stairs and he shoved her into the hallway before taking off in another direction. Sasha ran up the two flights of stairs and down the hallway slamming her fist on the door to Mick's room. When he didn’t answer she moved to Vince’s room.
“OPEN THE DOOR YOU ASSHOLE.” She gave it a kick and saw the door next to his open and Nikki stick his head out. She could hear footsteps and dove inside, shutting the door behind her and taking a deep breath. There was the sound of running and she bit her lip to keep in the laughter.
“What did you do?” He asked watching how she threw herself into the bed. She was obviously shitfaced or fucked up on something. Which seemed to be how things were going for the last week. Since she had showed up at the apartment she had been making moves for them and staying constantly fucked up. It had gotten so bad Nikki had asked Tommy what happened but no one knew.
“Tommy and I did mescaline.” She giggled at this and Nikki tried not to smile at how happy she seemed to reveal this. “And we were walking around and this dude came towards us and he was getting big and small like an accordion.” She started giggling again, kicking off her shoes. “So I told Tommy and he threw a plate at the guy. And we started throwing stuff at all these people chasing us around the halls.” She was wiggling out of her shorts and he had no idea what the fuck she was doing. “But we ran out of room service and the police came. So we had to run.” That’s how she had ended up here. She pulled off her shirt and he groaned seeing she was now just in her white underwear. “I’m tired from all that rubbing.” She said with a yawn, “Cmon, I’m probably going to have to bail Tommy out of jail in a few hours and I want to sleep.” She was laying in his bed, telling him to come in there with her but Nikki gave her the space and just let her fall into her sleep. As much as he wanted everything to be okay with her he knew she was going through something and trying to hide with the band. He just needed to find out what was going on with her.
The sun was hitting her back, warm and comforting, dragging her out of the deep sleep that she had fallen into. Sasha felt like she had been running around all night and that she had been hit with a sledgehammer. She groaned burying herself deeper in the pillow that smelled oddly like- She sat straight up the covers falling off her as she looked around the room. It was at least empty so there would be no awkward moment where she would have to talk to Nikki. The phone rang and since she was afraid that it would be Tommy calling from jail she reached out to answer it.
“Is this Nikki’s room?” a voice on the other line asked when she said hello. Sasha yawned, looking around and confirming that it was. She needed to get dressed and shower before going and finding everyone, “Why are you in my boyfriend's room?” she opened her mouth pulling the receiver away from her ear. Of course Lita was calling at 9am to check in Nikki when he was on tour. That was a sign of how much she trusted the bassist but also it was fair seeing who he was.
“Oh no, no no no. I did not sleep with Nikki. I did a bunch of drugs with Tommy, ran from the cops and ended up in his room to hide from them. I wouldnt have sex with Nikki well he is dating you.” She wanted to establish this understanding so maybe they could be friends. She got along fine with Vince’s wife and Beth knew she wasn’t a threat. Sasha watched as the door to the room opened and the woman's boyfriend walked in holding a tray with coffee and breakfast on it. He stopped seeing her sitting on the edge of the bed topless on the phone. She held out her hand signaling the coffee not seeing to notice that her tits were out. Nikki smirked giving her the cup of coffee watching the way she gave him a big smile.
“Are you on the phone with your boyfriend? Does he know that you spent the night in my bed?” he was trying to tease her thinking that it would be funny to get her in trouble but she just turned white. A pillow went flying towards him and all he did was smile. He didn’t care who got in trouble because of what he was saying. She also realized he didn’t know it was Lita on the phone and not Len.
“What the fuck did he just say?” the woman on the other line asked now getting mad about everything. There was no getting her to like Sasha now. Any idea that they could be friends and things could be nice when she hung out with the band was flying out the window because of SIxx’s big stupid mouth., “BUT HIM ON THE FUCKING PHONE YOU BITCH.” Sasha held out the phone giving Nikki a look like he was an absolute idiot. Now he had gotten them both in trouble from him being a moron
“It’s your girlfriend, Sixx. And now she knows I spent the night naked in your bed.” she said it loud enough that the woman would hear. That smile that she had blossoming across her face thinking that she was doing something to get him in trouble. Instead of taking the phone and talking to her Nikki just hung it up. Watching how her face fell realizIng that he wasn’t going to get into trouble like she had wanted for him.
“Don’t answer the hotel room phone, Angel. That’s just asking for trouble.” he threw her a shirt from the chair watching the way she smirked as she pulled it on, taking a sip of the hot coffee. The phone rang and she looked at it. “Tommy is sleeping off a very bad hangover in the room so there is no reason to answer that phone.” he watched her drink down her coffee, not talking to him for a second.
“Thanks for letting me crash here last night. Sorry that I answered the phone.” Nikki shrugged his shoulders. He wasn’t going to let her get arrested, “Can we talk about something and you can’t make it weird?” she asked after a few minutes of them eating in silence. He looked up at her wondering what would be weird of her to ask.
“I’m not going to get weird from a question, angel.” as he said this his heart started to race and he had to lick his lips as he felt like his mouth was starting to go dry from the nerves building in his stomach. Sasha sat on the bed, her hands wrapped around the ceramic cup wearing one of the Motley Crue shirts he had taken. He always imagined a life like this, a girl in his bed wearing his band stuff but seeing that it was Sasha there was something different. It was like at this  moment he was doing exactly what he wanted to be doing with exactly who he wanted to be with. All the ideas he had of letting her sow her wild oats were gone and NIkki wanted to be selfish and just have her. She could grow up with him and he’d show her everything that she would need or want  to experience.
“It’s about Len.” she gulped and her eyes flashed down at what was probably lukewarm coffee back up to look at  him, “And I think it’s about you too.” she made eye contact again with him. Sasha needed to ask him about why he didn’t want her and the awkwardness from the conversation was already weighing heavy, “Is there something about me that makes it so that guys don’t want me?” his eyebrows furrowed in. “I mean, Len and I got into this big fight because-” she paused as a pink blush warmed her cheeks and her hand went to touch her neck. He hadn’t seen her so uncomfortable before and didn’t like how uncomfortable she was getting talking about this. There was a knock on the door making them both look up.
“Nikki, it’s me. We need to have a band meeting now. I have everyone with me.” Sasha audibly groaned hearing the manager's voice. Of course there would be a full band meeting when she was just starting to talk to him again.She was on the bed in just his shirt too, awesome, she thought as she watch Nikki open up the door and all the band coming in. Mick saw her first and just shook his head at her, Tommy gave her a confused look but sat next to her on the bed taking her half a cup of coffee, and when Vince came in he started clapping.
“FINALLY!” he cheered smacking Nikki on the back like he was proud of him. He moved over trying to ruffle her hair but getting smacked in the arm before he could touch her.
“Sit down, Vince.” She muttered, not even bothering to correct them. Sasha got up ready to leave but Tommy pulled her down to sit with them just giving her a slight shake of the head as they all turned to look at the band manager.
“Tonight will be the last show of the tour. We will fly back to LA in the morning. I bought tickets for all the band members.” He gave a pointed look to Sasha to let her know she would be on her own for airfare, “We’ve lost money so far and pretty much all the bullshit you’ve guys have done has cost us more money than we have made. So that’s that.” She looked over to where Nikki was, a shattered look on his face as he was trying to process what this guy was saying to them. All the guys had this look of dejection on their face at this. “But when you get back to LA Elektra wants you to start working on your next record.” They all sort of peaked up at this information.
Everyone sat around talking for a little while about everything before one by one they all left Nikki’s room. Sasha was still on his bed, her head resting on her knees as she looked over at the bassist. He had switched coffee out for a bottle of Jack Daniel’s by now. He looked over at her, the way her blonde hair was shining in the sunlight and how the dark t shirt clashed with the white linen of the bed. They stared at each other for a second before he was moving over to her, his hand finding its way into the silken maze of her hair and he was tugging her to him. Sasha could feel her heart beating as he inched their heads together, his forehead resting against hers.
“I just want to feel better about everything.” He muttered. She was wrapping herself around him, easing him out of his misery with soft touches on his face, her hand on the skin below his shirt. Sasha laid him in the bed beside her, wrapping him up in her body and pressing kisses on his face. Her hands in his hair as she held his head to her chest and comforted him.
“It’s okay, Sixx. You have a whole new album to write about me.” She teased softly, feeling his smile. Nikki’s hands were creeping up the back of her shirt and she remembered what it felt like to be touched and feel on fire. He could feel the way she shifted closer to him and smirked.
“It would be easy to write an album about you, angel.” Shifting her and watching the way she sighed out her hands in his hair, “I’ve missed this.” He admitted, watching the way she was smiling in his arms. It was easy when they weren’t mad at each other.
“It’s nice to feel tired and want to sleep.” She joked, but she was yawning and he knew she was going to fall asleep. Nikki adjusted her in his arms watching the soft smile she had. It was going to be hard to go back to LA and regular life; If she was around he couldn’t just have his life with Lita. Plus Sasha had Len, even if she was being strange about the whole thing.  There were so many questions without any answers.
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the--blackdahlia · 3 years
One Night in Vegas Chapter 1
Title: One Night in Vegas
Summary: Hunter and Stephanie’s wedding is coming up. But with their wedding party, it’s not going to be easy.
Series Warnings: Language, some violence, drinking, drug hint, sexual content. If I think of more, I’ll add it.
AN: Feedback would be most appreciated. Not sure if I’ll do more if people don’t like it.
“Can you please explain this to me again?” Shawn asked as him and Hunter were fitted for their tuxes.
“How many times are you going to have me explain it?” Hunter asked. “Do I need to go slower and have pictures?”
“I just don’t get it,” Shawn sighed. “All the guys you know, and you ask Kane to be in your wedding?”
“Well, I asked Undertaker. And Kane’s cool. Stephanie’s trying to hook him and one of her bridal party up. Thinks it’ll do him some good.” Shawn just rolled his eyes. “Oh come on, he’s not that bad of a guy.”
“He electrocuted your brother-in-law's balls last week!” Shawn called out.
“Well, I mean, you’ve met Shane,” Hunter chuckled. “Wouldn’t you do the same?”
“Ok, but that’s not the point,” Shawn shook his head. “Like, does Kane even do things that guys do? Never seen him drink or smoke or anything.”
“I’m sure he does,” Hunter tried to think, but honestly, he didn’t know a lot about Kane. All he knew was what Undertaker had told him, and he hadn’t told him a lot either. The brothers didn’t let anything out that they didn’t want out, and while Hunter respected that, it was also annoying as hell. Especially when they were both going to be in his wedding party.
“Okay, so I just have to put up with Undertaker and his weird brother in Vegas? I think I can handle that. There’s plenty of bars and things to do. I’ve got this.” He looked over at Hunter, who gave him a sheepish smile. “We are still going to Vegas, right?”
“Yeah, of course…”
“Then why don’t I like that smile you have?”
“BEcause you hate joy?” Hunter asked with a shrug. “And…” He mumbled the rest.
“What was that?”
“Austin is...going with us?”
“I think I heard you wrong,” Shawn looked at his best friend. “Because Steve Austin doesn’t like fun. He likes beer, hunting, and hunting while drinking beer, and that’s it.”
“Oh come on, it won’t be that bad,” Hunter told him. “And...it was Vince’s idea.”
“Did you pick any of your best men?” Shawn asked.
“I picked you.” Hunter smiled at him, making Shawn roll his eyes.
“Well, while I’m flattered, now I have to make nice with Undertaker, Kane, and Austin for a whole weekend. Thank god for Vegas.” He took a deep breath. “Okay, is that all, or do I need to try to arrange for Mae Young to jump out of a giant cake?”
“Well…” Hunter laughed when Shawn punched his arm. “Easy man, Vince is paying for the tux and I’m not doing anything to piss him off.”
“God, you are pretty much Vince’s sugar baby.” Shawn laughed. “He gonna let you drive the nice car to Vegas?”
“HAven’t asked, too scared to.” Hunter told him. “But all I know is, this weekend is gonna rock.”
“This weekend is going to suck.” Kane pouted as he looked at himself in the mirror. “Why did you tell him I’d do this? I look like a monkey.”
“You don’t look that bad.” Undertaker grumbled before checking himself out. “Still not as good looking as me, obviously.”
“I hate this.” Kane pulled on the bow tie. “Is it too late to back out?”
“Yes. And you need to socialize more. Get out and make some new friends. Get Tori and Lita’s numbers. I dunno.”
“I have friends.”
“Me and Paul don’t count.” He looked at Kane. “Man, this weekend is going to be good. We’re going to have a fun time, and if you don’t want to participate, you can be the wet blanket in the hotel room, watching your cooking shows and drinking your fruity drinks.” Kane glared at him.
“You’re an ass, you know that?”
“Hey, they don’t call me the American Badass for no reason.” Undertaker smirked. “And Vince is paying for this trip, so let’s milk every cent we can, okay?”
“Okay.” Kane sighed. “But I’m not going to like it.”
“You wouldn’t be my brother if you did.” Undertaker gave him a smirk. “You never know, you might pull that stick out of your ass and have a good time.”
“Fuck you.” Kane grumbled as he looked at himself in the tux one more time. Maybe he could handle it for one weekend.
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feverinfeveroutfic · 3 years
chapter eleven: art whores
After they had had their cups of coffee, and Sam took the honor of checking out of the hotel for herself, she stayed in the passenger seat next to Dan with her shirt off the whole hour long drive up to Boston. He had rolled up his otherwise short sleeves up to his shoulders, and showed off his muscular arms all the while; he also had borrowed a little rubber band from inside of the glove box; his mirrored sunglasses reflected the early morning sunlight the whole entire way up the freeway. Every so often, she took a glimpse behind her to Joey, who had propped his hair over the back of the seat so it would be up off of his neck. He squinted his brown eyes against the amber sunlight and he bowed his head a little bit from the intense glow over the continual skyline of small towns to the right.
“We're gonna swing by another hotel to pick up Frankie,” Dan finally said at one point over the roar of the freeway
“Sounds good!” Sam declared as she gave her dark hair a slight toss back.
They took the next exit off of the freeway into a part of town near the Massachusetts state line: there was in fact a little hotel there and Frank stood under the exposed stone stairwell with his lush dark hair sprawled over his shoulders like the floppy ears of a dog and his mirrored sunglasses upon his face; Sam thought about Joey's old apartment at the very sight of him. He nodded at them and showed her a grin once they rolled up to the parking spot before him.
“Hey, all o' youses,” he greeted them; Joey slid to the seat right behind Dan, and Frank climbed in next to him.
“I like this look, by the way,” he said to Sam.
“I got hot last night,” she explained with a shrug.
Joey muttered something to Frank, which brought a little chuckle out of him.
“What's goin' on back there?” Dan demanded.
“Fuhget about it,” Frank said with a wave of his hand, and he buckled into the other passenger seat.
They rolled out of that spot and doubled back to the freeway for the rest of the way up to Boston.
Sam thought about what Zelda and Belinda had said the night after Cliff died, and she knew she was doing them justice by being in that car with those three men. She was headed for yet another brand new place that she never really knew about before and had only dreamed of in the past. She knew she would have to put her shirt back on at some point, but the feeling the cool coastal breeze on her chest and belly was something she hadn't done before, not even back home in California.
Within time, the skyline emerged under the amber sunlight: Sam spotted a large Cisco sign off in the distance. It seemed like the kind of place that had only cobblestones for streets and had horse carriages all around. When she peered out the window and beyond the freeway, she spotted a few alleyways down below that did in fact have those old earthy faded cobblestones all underneath the lush green oak trees. She wondered if it really was how she believed it to be once Dan took the next exit for the venue, a long low dark building called the Paradise Rock Club, nestled down in the heart of downtown about a block from the freeway: if she didn't know better, Sam swore it was movie theater, especially since the black sign over the front doors read ANTHRAX, TESTAMENT, and special guests THE CHERRY SUICIDES in large white lettering.
“This is also the very first time we're touring here, too,” Dan explained as he rounded the corner to the back alleyway.
“What better way to celebrate than for a couple of dates,” she exclaimed.
“Right?” Joey laughed.
“I guess this place is literally right by the college,” Dan continued, “so we might be seein' a lot of people of your caliber tonight.”
“I hope so,” said Sam. They rolled up to the pale white back door, which hung slightly ajar for them. Once Dan killed the engine, Sam put her top back on and fixed her hair before she climbed out with them. They were alone there, but Frank rounded the back side of the car and joined up with her.
“Can I tell you something?” he started in a soft voice. “This has just been—eating at me for a while now.”
Dan held the door for them, and she and Frank stepped into the cool, dimly lit back hallway first. Joey sauntered past them towards their dressing room, and then Dan followed suit.
“Hey, Joe—wait up—” he called after him, and that left Sam and Frank alone; he took off his sunglasses and tucked them into his shirt collar, and then he ran a hand over his smooth crown of lush dark hair.
“What's up?” she asked him.
“Really hope you don’t get mistaken for a groupie,” he admitted in a soft voice.
She frowned at that. “Why’s that?”
“Because groupies are often seen as whores or just women who sleep around with the band. I don’t want my best friend to be seen like that.”
“They won’t know that, though,” she said, albeit with a nervous feeling in her stomach.
“But that’s always the assumption, though,” Frank insisted. “You can’t stop people from assuming shit about you, even when you know in your heart that it’s not true. Not saying I don’t want you around—not at all. I love the fact you’re going to be with us for most of the summer. But what I am telling you is what you’re about to see when you come along with us more and more. And if you don’t believe me, let me show you what the people have been saying about your girls, the Cherry Suicides. Calling them the ‘n’ word, especially Morgan and Minerva; calling Rosita ‘fake’ because of her nails; calling Zelda a skinny bossy bitch. All kinds of nasty shit. We love and embrace our female fans, but most of our crowds don’t. How have they acted with you and Marla?”
“Like… we’re not even there,” she recalled.
“There you go then. Again, I’m not trying to be ‘that’ guy, but it’s just the truth. If only there was a way I could protect you from it, though.”
“You can always be like, 'hey! Quit pickin' on my friend!' or something like that,” she suggested, but he shrugged his shoulders.
“That's just a worry I've had,” he continued. “Y'know, I see how Joey looks at you, but I just wonder who else out there looks at you and not like that, either. Like you're fresh meat for the taking.” He then lifted his head to the hallway behind her, and she turned and followed his gaze.
“Even when there's duct tape on boots involved,” he said, that time in a louder voice.
Zelda walked up to the door right behind them with Chuck's boots latched onto her feet: the silver duct tape glistened under the low golden lights on the ceiling, still in place after Greg stuck it on with haste and after a few shows under her belt. She had slicked her black hair back with a handful of gel and wore nothing but a stained dark red sports bra and a pair of pearly white gym shorts. Her flat toned stomach already had a layer of sweat all over.
“If I was hot, I would dress like that, too,” said Sam, which brought a laugh out of both of them.
“Nah, I just put my head and body under a hose,” Zelda assured her; she pushed open the door and Sam realized that was the Cherry Suicides' dressing room. “You guys wanna come in?”
“Sure!” said Sam as she followed her inside.
“I gotta get to our room, but I'll poke my head in in a bit,” Frank promised her, and he kept on going to where Joey and Dan had run off to. Sam stood in the doorway for a second and she took in a whiff of the fresh incense in that little room. A vanity mirror stood on the left wall, as well as a small desk and a pair of accompanying chairs: Rosita's hats stood on a small rack on the wall opposite the door, and a long, shabby lumpy couch and a coffee table with a pitcher of water and a little wooden plate of smoldering incense right near the right wall. Zelda fixed her bra and she glanced down at the stains with a wrinkle to her nose.
“Does this thing make me look like I spilled ketchup all over myself?” she asked Sam.
“Damn it. It's supposed to be fake blood—I was gonna put some on my shorts once we get closer to show time, too. We're trying to hone in a more gory image for ourselves. You know, something to make people take us a bit more seriously. We have the songs, we just need the image. You thirsty? I'm dyin' of thirst—”
Zelda then reached for a stack of paper cups on the other side of the table and took two out, one for herself and one for Sam. She poured them both some of that icy water from the pitcher and then she raised it for a toast. They both drank it down in unison.
“Frankie was just telling me about groupies and all the nonsense you girls put up with,” Sam explained as she stepped inside more.
“Oh, yeah, we knew right away that was gonna happen with us,” Zelda pointed out as she poured herself a second cup. “We just demand more from the people who claim to support us.”
“I think it's a little harsh, though,” Sam confessed.
“Absolutely!” Zelda brought the cup to her mouth and guzzled it down. “Like I remember it kinda got to me at first, but I'm a Rhode Island chick who's not a rich snob. I look up to Wendy O. Williams, Lita Ford, and Bessie Smith, and also Peter Murphy, Henry Rollins, and Iggy Pop. I gotta be tougher than toenails, so it's part of the shit sandwich we eat. In fact—you heard this from me—that's a song Rose wrote just the other day. Called 'Shit Sandwich.'”
“Is it gonna be on your new album?” Sam chuckled. “We'll see.” Zelda poured herself a third helping of ice water and then she set the pitcher back down on the coffee table and took her seat on the couch. “We have to talk to Aurora some more, and then hopefully—it's the hope, anyways—we'll be knocking on Jonny Z's door soon.” She took a small sip from the cup and crossed her right leg over her left knee. “That's how Testament did it.”
“Do you guys have a manager at all?”
“Who, us? You're looking at her.” Zelda flashed her a wink, and then she stopped in her tracks, and a grin crossed her face. “Why? You wanna do our dirty deeds for us?”
“I'd have to do it plus school, though,” said Sam, to which Zelda shook her head.
“It's not hard—you just have to pick up the phone and shake hands with people. You gotta have a tough skin to do it, too—I mean, you saw us struggle.”
“Oh, yeah, definitely.” They fell into silence for a moment, and then Sam spoke again.
“How do you cope with it?”
“What, the struggle?” Zelda asked her once she took another sip.
“I usually like to poke fun at it. And the three of them do, too—like I said, Rosita wrote a song a few days ago about it called 'Shit Sandwich.' That's just our sense of humor: to be dark and bleak but not over the top with it. We make fun of the struggle because we're part of it.”
“You know, Aurora and I formed a bit of a duo called the 'art vixens'.”
“The art vixens?” Zelda smirked at that.
“Yeah, 'cause she thinks Joey has his eye on me and now she's married to Emile. We're like the vixens now.”
“It's funny, before the wedding, like back when you guys were shopping for dresses, I actually got to talking to Belinda and she told me she liked our name. And I was like, 'thank you, that's real cool of you.' 'Cause our name is very love it or hate it, you know?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely.”
“I told her it's akin to a woman stabbing herself in the chest, or a virgin sacrificing herself. And then she made a joke about cherries after that, and I started callin' her Miss Cherry 'cause of it.”
“So the cherries and the vixens,” Sam said.
“Together, we can be the 'art whores'!” Zelda declared.
“The art whores?” Sam burst out laughing.
“Yeah!” Zelda laughed along with her. “Yeah—you, me, Aurora, and Bel. You and Aurora are the vixens. Bel and I will be the cherries. The four of us collectively are the art whores.”
She drank down the rest from the cup, and then Sam helped herself to some more.
“I gotta get you to hang out with Testament more,” Zelda told her in a low voice.
“I partied with them over New Year's,” Sam recalled.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah, when they were preparing to record upstate. I got to join them all the way 'til midnight.”
“You gotta do it more, though. Even though Louie and I are broken up, they are literally the coolest dudes. Chuck and Eric are especially nice to Minerva and Morgan, mainly 'cause they're Hispanic boys and they're a couple of black girls, but they're our neighbors, though. I mean, Chuck lent me his boots for god's sake. And another case in point is Louie is still a really good friend to me. He'll call me once in a while and ask me how things are doing. He called me over Christmas and on my birthday. We just—can't really be a couple is all.” Her face fell a little bit upon saying that but she shrugged it off.
“Even Alex?” Sam asked her as she knitted her eyebrows together and took another sip of water.
“Alex is kinda standoffish—and skittish even—I mean, you saw the way he acted towards me when you ladies were shoppin' for dresses—but it's only because he's still breaking in his shoes. I mean, he graduated high school not even a year ago. Graduated and now he's on a lengthy tour with us and the five dicks from Manhattan—well, four of them are, anyways, unless Joey has another place that we don't know about. But he's a good kid, though, Sam. I promise you.” She paused for a second. “I think he's talked about you a little bit. I think—I haven't heard full conversations, but I have heard him mention you a bit before.”
“Who, Alex?”
“Yeah, he calls you 'Cliff's girl.' You know, 'cause you and Cliff were together. But like I said, I never really paid much attention to it so I only ever hear him mention you by the fact you're Cliff's girl.” And then the smirk returned to her face. “So Joey's been keeping his eye on you?”
“Yeah, but it's—platonic, though.”
Zelda squinted her eyes and she rested her elbow on top of the couch next to her.
“You sure? Because I swore that with Mr. Clemente when we first met, and then next I know, we're moving to a little place outside Narragansett together.”
“Wait a minute, how'd you guys work it out, though?”
“He quit Testament for a little bit, 'bout a year. Back when they were still referred to as Legacy and like right before you came into the picture. That was how we were able to work it out for as long as we did, but then he decided to come back because, you know—I was the one paying the rent.”
“So that explains why when they were about to record in that studio upstate, they had another drummer listed,” Sam recalled.
“Right! Right—Mike, I think was his name?” Zelda snapped her fingers twice. “Mike—Mike—something or other. I can't remember what it was now.”
“Ronchette, yeah! Good pull with that.”
The distorted sounds of a guitar floated in from the hallway behind Sam.
“Speaking of Testament, I think that's them,” Zelda said with a nod of her head. “I hear them jammin' all the time. So I kinda know Eric's tone when I hear it.”
Indeed, Sam leaned back a bit but she couldn't see anything. She stood in the doorway and she spotted Eric, Alex, and Greg right down the hall upon stools.
“Little bit of Mercyful Fate,” Greg was saying as he plucked at his thick bass strings.
Alex leaned his back to the wall with the guitar cradled upon his lap. He kept his head bowed a bit so his bangs hid most of his eyes from view; his arms looked a little more toned and  sinewy than before. His playing at such a quick and hard pace and in such a brief amount of time endowed him with much more strength. Sam tucked her hand into her pocket and she felt Cliff's pick inside of there. Maybe she was too hard on him, especially since that was how he saw her.
He lifted his head and fixed his hair, and then he gazed on at her with a grave look on his face. The corners of his mouth were turned a little bit so it looked as though he was smiling, but simultaneously wasn't, like that of the Mona Lisa. Those deep eyes seemed deeper than before; and the black hair dye was starting to fade off from his head: the plume of white over his forehead was trying to make its return, such that it looked rather ghostly over his head.
She thought about that evening in the Bay Area, where he and Greg dueled on the front porch. If only she could see that side to him again. But she had nothing to say to him. If only she could show Alex the Joey she had seen that morning. If only she could show him the other side to him, but she couldn't.
But then he bowed his head again and returned to the three man jam between him, Eric, and Greg, and she returned to Zelda, who had climbed to her feet and made her way across the room to the small fridge in the corner behind Rosita's hat rack. She took out a little fruit cup and then she gestured to one of the hats on the rack.
“D'you hear about this band called Guns 'N Roses?” she asked Sam.
“Yeah?” She vaguely recalled Eric talking about them in the few months before.
“They're awesome,” Zelda said with a twinkle in her eye. “I saw them last month here in Boston—they opened up for the Stones. Completely blew them off the stage. Their lead guitarist had on this big black top hat and afterwards, he chucked it out to the audience and I caught it.” She pointed at the black top hat on the part of the rack closest to her. “Gonna see if Rose wears it tonight.”
“Rose with a rose from Guns 'N Roses,” Sam joked, and Zelda laughed out loud at that.
The two of them hung out in the dressing room for a little while longer until Aurora bustled into the room in a white camisole and a laminated badge around her neck and a clipboard under her arm.
“I was just thinkin' about you,” Sam told her.
“I was, too,” Zelda joined in with a smirk on her face.
“I have some good news, some not so good news, and some bad news,” Aurora said, out of breath.
“Bad news first so it's out of the way,” Sam quipped, and Zelda nudged her for that.
“Okay, the bad news is the label is getting bought out, and Sam—” She fetched up a sigh. “I think you and I are gonna lose our jobs.”
“Oh, no!” Sam gasped.
“Oh, shit!” Zelda gasped with her, and they looked on at each other.
“I hope Marla finds a place to live in Hell's Kitchen because I don't wanna be stuck in the Bronx forever,” Sam confessed.
“No, you don't,” Zelda assured her. “I like the Bronx, but it's not really a place you wanna get stuck in.”
“What's the not so good news?” Sam asked Aurora.
“The not so good news is Emile is moving to Brooklyn.”
“So landlord's gonna be away from his building—sounds legitimate, though. I mean, it makes sense. You guys are newlyweds.” Sam shrugged.
“Now what's the good news?” Zelda chimed in.
“Good news is if all goes well tonight,” Aurora announced, “we just might see the Cherry Suicides en route to a legitimate record deal.”
“Things just have to go well, anyways,” Zelda said with a little wave of her hand. “So no tech problems, no drama, no nonsense, things like that.”
Zelda glanced over at Sam, who raised an eyebrow at her.
“Think we can do it?” she wondered aloud.
“Hell yeah,” Sam told her with an extended hand, and Zelda gave her a low five. “You got those big boots with you. You can so do it.”
Within time, Minerva, Morgan, and Rosita showed up, and the latter set the black top hat upon her head to go with her black lace crop top and matching short skirt. She tucked the signature rose onto the base to make it distinctly her own. Meanwhile, Sam stayed in her spot on the couch next to Zelda and watched the three of them. Even though she wasn't properly asked to do so, just sitting there alone made her feel like a band manager.
She could hear the audience outside, and she wondered what the rest of the place looked like. She ambled across the floor and she stepped out to the hallway: next door was Charlie and Scott talking to each other about something in soft voices. The former nodded at her and his soft black curls fluttered a bit over the top of his head.
“Hey you,” he said to her.
“Li'l Sam I am,” Scott followed with a raise of those thick dark eyebrows. “What'chu doin'?”
“Oh, just hangin' out—I also wanna check out the rest of this place, too.”
“Not much here,” Charlie explained, “just a little bar and a stretch of floor enough for a thousand people.”
“A thousand?” She was stunned by that.
“That's nuthin',” Joey called from their dressing room.
“Yeah, that's nuthin',” Scott echoed him.
“I think that's something,” Sam pointed out, and that got a laugh out of him.
“It's general admission, too—so everyone's either gonna have a bunch of folding chairs or standing up,” Charlie said. He then gestured for Sam to follow him out of the hallway, and he led her to a stretch of curtain at the very end, past Testament's dressing room. She looked over her shoulder and she spotted Louie perched on a small barren shelf on the wall with his white gloves on and his drum sticks in hand. He gave her a little wave, and she returned the favor.
“Right over here,” Charlie gently coaxed her: he pushed the curtain back a little bit, and she gazed out to the small stretch of black stone floor before her, lit up with some yellow and red lights overhead. Indeed, there were a few folding chairs on the floor but everyone else congregated about the place. On the opposite wall stood a small bar with a small crowd around it to boot.
“Nothing to it,” she remarked.
“Nothing to it at all,” Charlie echoed, and he nodded to the left. “That's where we're gonna playing in a little bit.” She spotted the stage adjacent to them. It looked awfully small, but she trusted the three bands behind her. Once the sun hung low over Boston, one of the people at the bar came backstage to check in on the Cherry Suicides.
“We're opening act, so we were born ready,” Zelda told her as she flicked a little fake blood onto those white shorts.
Sam lingered back on the side of the stage a bit and she watched the four of them take to the center. Zelda mounted herself on the stool while Rosita slung her bass down low: she had written “las putas” over the bridge, and Sam eagerly nodded at that. The lights turned low and she realized how small that room truly was once it erupted in noise.
“Hello, Boston!” Minerva declared into the microphone. “We are the Cherry Suicides, straight outta Rhode Island, and we're here to make all of youses into soup! Hit it!”
They opened with that gory song that Sam recalled from that night in L'Amour. The one she and Cliff danced to. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back. She tried not to think of him, but she couldn't help it. She missed him right there.
There was a loud crack! and she jerked back a bit. She looked around a bit and she spotted a guy near the front had put a fire cracker right near Morgan and lit it off there. But another guy pushed him away and one of the stagehands dragged him out of there.
“Fucking hell, dude, did the room clear out!” Morgan shouted, and everyone laughed at that. Sam swayed a little bit and she shook her head as she tried to shake Cliff away. He was gone, there was nothing more she could do or say right then. But the feelings persisted, at least for the next two songs. The fourth one was “Day of the Dead”, where a true mosh pit finally opened up for them.
They were moshing for the girls. Sam nodded her head at them, but then a guy close to her threw a punch to someone next to him. There was another punch, followed by a third, and a fourth, and the next one after that had been inflicted onto a woman. Zelda stopped drumming right there and she stood to her feet as a brawl broke out before them: several men but a handful of women in there as well. Sam gaped at them and she took a step back.
Even from a distance and over the wall of noise, she made out Zelda saying, “this is bullshit.”
Then someone picked up a chair from the floor and chucked it towards the stage.
“Oh, no,” Sam muttered as another guy threw a chair at Rosita. She ducked and held onto the top hat but it tumbled onto the stage behind her.
“Oh, my god!” Sam yelled.
“Jesus!” Zelda shouted as she bowed out from her drum kit: she picked up her sticks and ducked into the darkness. There was nowhere to go right there, and so Sam lunged to help her. But then something pulled her back.
“What the—”
“Get away from there!” She recognized Alex's big voice right behind her. She turned to find him putting his other hand on her shoulder. He yanked on her other arm and then bowed his head a bit before another couple of chairs sailed right past her ear.
He saved her life, but she wanted to save Zelda from the exact same thing.
“Alex!” she shouted over the wall of noise. “ALEX!” He dragged her off stage and back into that corridor. She tried to force herself away from him but he was such a strong boy. He threw open the dressing room door and all but shoved her inside.
“Stay in here!” he commanded. “No—Samantha, stay in here! It's not safe!”
“What're you—”
But before she could say anything more, he shut the door and left. Fuming, she threw open the door and she poked her head out to the corridor. No one there and the whole wing of the theater was silent save for the out of control mosh pit out there.
She let out a low exasperated sigh. But she spotted Louie and Greg at the other end of the hallway, both of them with spooked looks on their faces.
“What the hell!” she cried out as they came within earshot.
“I know, right?” Greg said, out of breath. “Alex just ran outside to get help and Chuck and Eric both just ran across the street to call the cops—Eric told us to stay here.”
“Yeah, Alex got me off the stage—I was trying to help Zelda, but he got me off of there before I almost got hit in the head.”
“But, man, Zelda's gotta be pretty pissed right now,” Louie told her as he ran his fingers through his smooth dark hair. “I saw her runnin' and she looked furious.”
“I bet she is—Aurora said they were supposed to get a record deal after tonight.”
“Hope they can do it tomorrow night,” Greg confessed as he folded his arms over his chest. “Hope there is a tomorrow night. Those girls are tough but—damn, they don't need all that.”
“Zelda told me they make fun of the fact they get called whores, though,” Sam pointed out. “I say 'kudos' to be honest.”
“Right?” Louie chuckled; the noise on the far end of the hall and on other side of the curtain seemed to die down a bit, but it was all noise from a distance to them.
“You know, that's not a bad idea to run with,” Sam continued.
“What, making fun of what they call you?” Greg asked her with a little toss of his black hair.
“Yeah. Like she and I decided to call ourselves art whores because of it.”
“Buncha art whores,” Louie chuckled some more.
“You guys!” Eric called from the doorway down the hall. In the dim light, Sam saw him gesturing for them to come on closer. “Come on! Come on! The cops are coming!”
“Where are the girls?” Sam demanded.
“They're fine—they're right out here, but come on!”
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Title: Love, Maybe? {33}**
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Chris Evans X Reader OFC Vixen Giovanni
Warning: Cursing, Plot, Fluff, Angst, NSFW 😁
Word Count: 10.3K 😳
Summary: After a night of drunkenness you wake up next to warm, hot as hell body, a migraine and no memory of the night before. When you come to realize that the hot body belongs to none other than Hollywood’s golden boy Chris Evans you freak out. As events unfold you become even more panicked to find out you got married in your drunken haze. What else is there to do but get it annulled, right? Before walking away, you share one more night of molten kisses and passion. Three years later you are still living with the repercussions of your brash decisions, but the surprises don’t stop there. The past has a way of coming back and have you questioning is this fate that you’ve been running from, hell could it have been love, maybe?
Note: Y’all said 10.3K was not a problem. Prove it, let’s see how many of y’all read it all. LOL.  Hope you guys like it, you deserve it. 🙃😏
Italic texts is an inner Vixen thought. Bold Italic texts is an inner Chris thought.
**Slightly Edited/Proofread**
Thank you guys for reading!!!! If you enjoyed this please LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG. 😊 ❤️  ❤️ ❤️
Chapter 33: Ready?
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  “Hello, earth to Vixen!”
  You shook your head and noticed your friends and Nexus staring at you. You’d zoned out—again. You’d lost track of how many times your mind drifted.
  “Hey, yeah.”
  “Hey, yeah? What the hell was that? where were you just now?”
  You shook your head and rubbed your forehead. “It was nothing. where were we?”
  They looked at you as if you’d grown a second head. “We were talking about how fine your baby daddy is,” Angie blurted out.
  “Oh boy, here we go.”
  “Yes, here we go. To think your disappearance act that night in Vegas was more than you being a workaholic choosing work over fun. You were off getting your back blow—wait, can he blow backs? He is white.” They all laughed, and you took the opportunity to take a long sip of your half and half iced tea lemonade. You really didn’t want to divulge any details about your sex life. You almost laughed because it had been years since you’d gotten any sort of blowing out of your back.
“You’re quiet. Oh my god, white boy can lay pipe Vixen?” Jia’s tone was full of shock, and it matched the bugged-out eyes of all your friends.
  “Why do you look so surprised? Have you guys heard the rumors about him over the years? I can pull them up right now,” Drea added as she took up her phone and scrolled.
  You were suddenly filled with dread as well as a strange level of curiosity. Over the years, you purposely stayed away from a lot of fodder that surrounded him. You couldn’t stay away from the movies and everything about that part of it, but anything personal you kept away from like the plague.
  “Okay, so for the last threeish years, he’s been a little quiet, but there have been girls. Jessie that was a fling that lasted a few months, but she told anyone that would listen about him being her ideal guy. She even talked about the sex said he was the best she’d ever had. Sarah, not much info on that one, but she’s pretty. There are rumors about a string of flings that he’s kept pretty low key, and one named Lita, they had been together most recent a few weeks ago,” she finished.
“Wow, he’s a whore.”
  “Every saint had a past, and every sinner has a future. I don’t think we should judge him based on tabloid fodder,” Nexus voiced. She looked at you, giving you a stern eye that said ignore it.
  “Saint, sinner, doesn’t matter to me. I am just trying to get some deets on how Captain America’s stroke game is,” Angie clarified.
  “Guys. It was years ago, who remembers that far back?”
  “If it were good dick, I’d remember it on my death bed and tell all you hoes about it,” Drea chimed.
  You shook your head and looked around the restaurant you were at. It screamed authentic Boston. It screamed lowkey but didn’t gimp on modern luxuries. The wooden tables looked like fine red cedar; the glass top roof gave the space an airy and warm glow thanks to the afternoon sun, and the scattered potted plants gave the restaurant great pops of color. Looking around at the faces of the diners you could tell they were enjoying the food as well as the ambiance of the place and that made you like it even more.
  You looked at them. You’d once again drifted off. Only this time, it wasn’t to thoughts of Chris it was to thoughts of a restaurateur. If it wasn’t one, it was the other.
  “Sorry I got lost. This place is great.”
  “Could you stay present and not drift off to work land?” You rolled your eyes at Joan. She should have been the one to get it; she was the one who’d gone to culinary school with you. She did the same thing all the time. That was one of the reasons you got along well; she knew what you were going through.
  “I would stay present if you all weren’t so damn nosy about what kind of dick game my kid’s father has,” you blurted out, the stress of everything was compressing on you.
  “Let’s get off the topic of dick,” Nexus suggested.
  “We will, she just has to admit one thing,” Angie began.
  “What Ang?”
  “You know and remember what kind of dick game he has.” You smiled though you tried not to. This wasn’t a smiling matter. You’d always worried about the day they found out who Ella’s dad was. You worried because you knew they would be like this.
  “Fine. I know and remember—kind of the kind of dick game he has. What I will not do is talk about it.”
  The four of them booed you while you and Nexus laughed. Your phone chimed in your bag, and you dug for it. Your first thought was something was wrong with Ella. This was the first time Chris was left with her. Your parents were close by, but for the most part Ella was his responsibility. When you looked at the screen you saw a message from Kassius.
  MSG Kassius: Second wave of publicity starts in a few days. The first batch of pictures we took will suffice for now, but soon we need to do reshoots to push that ASAP. When will you be back in LA?
MSG: A few more days. Four tops. I’m still dealing with a few things.
MSG Kassius: Okay. If it works, I can set up for you to get reshoots in Boston. The team can be out there in twenty-four hours and get it done in one afternoon.
MSG: Yeah, that actually can work. I don’t want to hold the timeline up anymore.
MSG Kassius: It’s fine, Vixen. We are right on schedule. The team has been doing excellent promo work, and I hear lots of whispers and interest in you. I think you are about to blast off fame wise.
  Your heart sunk a little. You hadn’t thought about fame when you decided on all of this. Fame was not what you were after. In San Francisco, you’d passed up on huge partnerships because the idea of fame was terrifying especially with Ella and your situation then. Now your situation was much more precarious. You didn’t know if fame was the best thing.
  MSG Kassius: I’ve been getting calls from the head bosses at Food Network.
  Again, your eyes bugged out.
  “Food Network? Holy shit!”
  MSG: Food Network? As in cooking shows Food Network?
MSG Kassius: Yeah. One of the executives saw you at Culinary Expo said you did a cooking segment and loved it. He says you have something. I wasn’t going to tell you until they requested a meet, but cat’s out the bag.
  You couldn’t believe your eyes. Someone at Food Network saw your segment at the expo and was now in talks for god knows what.
  MSG Kassius: I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything about it. As for the team and the reshoots, how about the day after tomorrow?
MSG: Yeah, I’ll confirm before then.
MSG Kassius: All right, thank you. Get back to it.
  You were so stunned you weren’t even hearing your friends.
  “What is going on with you?”
  “That was Kassius, the guy I’m working with. He just told me there was an Executive from Food Network that was at the expo, and they saw my segment and liked it, so now there may be talks about something.”
  They all squealed and clapped bringing all the eyes in the restaurant to you. Your smile was so broad that it almost matched how big your embarrassment was. They swarmed you with hugs and congratulations and even more questions about what it meant. You had no answer. You didn’t know.
  After another hour at the restaurant, the six of you were now checking out the types of shopping the area had. You found a few things for Ella and thought about finding a new outfit, but you didn’t know how you’d explain it to them. You knew they wouldn’t just leave it as you wanting to get a new outfit, they would badger and press and be invasive, and you didn’t have any more mental space. You were processing a lot.
  In a few hours, you were going on a date with your daughter’s father, who happened to be your ex-husband. This date was happening years after you’d met, slept together, had a child together, and divorced. You wanted to laugh at the mere thought of your entire situation. You’d jumped over every step and went right to the endzone. Now it felt like you were backtracking to dot your I’s.
  You didn’t know what you were doing. You always knew what you were doing—always. You were in unchartered territory, and you knew it. Once you realized you were still attracted to him, you’d entered unchartered territory. You didn’t know precisely how to be or what to say. You just knew you had an overwhelming desire to jump his bones.
  Before you knew it, you and Nexus were at their hotel helping them pack up so they could get to the airport. As you watched them dance around and act ridiculous you were grateful for each of them. Yeah, they drove you absolutely bat shit crazy, and they were loud and often times hella uncensored to the point of embarrassment, but they had good hearts and were always there when you needed them. You were born with one sister, but you’d discovered four more.
  At the airport, the goodbye was short and sweet. You thought you’d get away without one of them giving their unwarranted advice, but you were wrong. Joan was the one to turn back to give you one last hug. It was a hug that lasted a little longer.
  “You have a beautiful brain that loves to overthink and loves to ignore and avoid. It’s part of your charm. You also have a beautiful heart; it’s big and kind and broken. You can’t live with a cold heart Vix. You can’t live by shutting people out and never letting anyone in. All you have to do is let the right one in.”
  When she pulled back and looked at you, there was an “ah-ha” moment between you. You knew she’d caught the nature of yours and Chris’ relationship, knew she’d picked up on whatever was drifting around the two of you whenever you were near each other. In the glance that lasted a few moments the two of you understood each other. She walked off to catch up to everyone else, and you and Nexus got into the car and headed back to the house.
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When you walked inside, you expected to see chaos, but it was all quiet. As you walked around the house looking for Chris and Ella every expectation was not met. You expected to see nothing but mess, hear nothing but screams or cries, but every turn you didn’t find that. You were met by more quiet and calm. When you got to the back you expected to see them in the pool, but they were not in the pool. You walked further into the yard and saw Chris and Anthony playing with Ella. Both of the masculine men were wearing brightly colored princess costumes. You and Nexus stopped in your tracks and looked at each other with your jaws dropped.
  Anthony wore a yellow Belle costume with full-on Burnett wig. He was sitting at table decked out with teacups, flowers, pastries, and a few other items.
  “What the hell--,” Nexus began.
  Chris was walking around the table dressed as Rapunzel, but the one from Tangled. He also wore a wig, but it was blond and ridiculously long, so long he had the braid wrapped around his arm. He was serving tea to Ella, who was dressed as Ariel but wore items of Tiana’s as well. From the distance you stood, all you could hear was the high pitched voices of Anthony and Chris as they chattered along with Ella. You looked to Nexus again, who had her phone out and was filming the entire thing. The smile on her face was huge.
  “I’m gonna marry him.”
  Your head snapped to her again. Nexus never brought up the “M” word. She always said she was not the marrying kind. This was a first, and you knew she meant it. You’d be surprised if their relationship didn’t lead there at some point. They were extraordinarily compatible and similar. Half of you marveled that after such little time someone could know something so important. It was as if their hearts recognized each other the minute they met, and everything was pulling them together. You almost laughed as the thought popped into your head that if you and Chris had done things differently then maybe Nex and Anthony may have already been married.
  The closer you got, the more you could hear.
  “Oh, princess Ariel Tiana, this tea is just delightful,” Chris informed in a high-pitched tone that you were sure was supposed to resemble a woman’s voice.
  “I have to agree with our dear friend Rapunzel, can I call you rap girl? Your name is so long,” Anthony responded in his own high-pitched voice. He was sitting to the side of the chair with one shoulder poked out ad his head angled up. It screamed attitude.
  “Of course, rap has a nice ring to it.
  “Thank you, sis,” Anthony finished.
  Ella nodded her head and took a sip from the cup.
  “Goo tea sis.”
  You and Nexus busted out laughing, unable to hold it any longer. The “sis” took you out. All eyes went to the two of you. It was then you noticed the two men had very badly done makeup on. Chris had pink and purple glittery eyeshadow on that matched the deep purple blush that was applied to the high points of his cheekbone and bright pink lipstick. It all went very well with the outfit he wore. Antony, on the other hand, had yellow eyeshadow on with bright red blush to his cheeks and the same bright red lipstick. It made you and Nexus laugh even harder.
  “Mama!” Ella ran over to you just as you stooped down to meet her and hug her. You then noticed her makeup. She had on glittery green eyeshadow with a peachish colored blush to her cheeks and soft pink lipstick. It wasn’t bad, though none of the colors looked good together.
  “Wow, princess. You look—wow.”
  “Who did this to you, Ella?” Ella pointed to Anthony who batted his eyelashes quickly.
  “I did a marvelous job,” he informed in the same high-pitched voice. Nexus smiled again. Ella led you to the table with your pinky in her hand. It gave you the chance to take in Chris’ outfit fully.
  “Tea too mama, tee-tee,” Ella ordered.
  “Yes, please do join us for a spot of tea,” Chris pressed. You smiled and sat down adjacent to him as Nexus sat next to Anthony.
  “My goodness, I feel like we’re underdressed for the occasion, Vix.”
  You snorted then pinched your lips.
  “I feel it too Nex.”
  “Fiddle-dee, we understand don’t we princess Ariel Tiana. Not everyone can be as fashionably amazing as we are,” Anthony quipped.
  Looking at Nexus’ face, you knew she was head over heels, no way of getting up in love with that man. Your eyes turned to Chris to find him already watching you. Your face heated, feeling a little self-conscious.
  “Tea sis.” Ella said again, holding out two cups, one to you and the other to Nexus. All of you busted out laughing at the same time.
  For the next thirty minutes, you enjoyed teatime. You watched Ella’s interactions with Chris and took notice of how perfect it all seemed. She didn’t hesitate to touch him or to smile at him, and he looked more comfortable as well. You loved watching them interact. It was quickly becoming your most favorite thing. Your eyes dropped to his lips, and you mentally corrected yourself.
  “Second favorite thing.”
  Soon you were sitting and watching Ella just twirl around the yard. She looked happy and carefree, and it warmed your heart.
  “What’re you thinking?” You looked to Chris, whose eyes were already on you.
  “Uh—nothing, just she looks so happy and carefree. I think she loves it here.”
  He smiled and nodded. “Well, she’s always welcome here. Her room is always prepped.”
  You looked down at the table and snorted. “Who did this to you?”
  “She did.” You examined his face again.
  “You don’t like it?” You laughed, then nodded.
  “I love it. The purple and glitter really bring out the blue in your eyes.”
  Chris nodded and then shook his head. “Go on laugh it up. If I were a less secure man I’d be very self-conscious right now.”
  “So you’re secure wearing the prettiest Rapunzel get up I’ve ever seen and makeup to match?”
  “Absolutely, my little girl wanted to play princess tea party costumes and all, and I was not going to disappoint.” You smiled again. He had no sense of toxic male masculinity, and it was yet another thing to like about him.
  “How was your day?”
  “It was good. Got some food, did a little shopping, and took my friends to the airport.”
  “Maybe I’ll get another opportunity to get to know them better. They seem like great women.”
  You nodded again and wondered if he always knew the right thing to say.
  “Da-da, come ance.”
  “Go, dance, and frolic in the grass princess Rapunzel,” you teased.
  “Don’t mind if I do,” Chris responded in his high-pitched woman’s voice as he got up and skipped over to Ella.
  “That is the worst woman’s voice I’ve ever heard, by the way.” Chris turned back and stuck his tongue out at you then began skipping and dancing with Ella.  You couldn’t handle watching any more, so you stood and walked back to the house. As you walked inside you saw Anthony and Nexus whispering and giggling together in the kitchen. She never giggled.
  Once you made it to your door, there was one single long stem lavender rose taped to the door. Your steps slowed as you got closer. Standing in front of the door, you took it and took a whiff. The fragrance was strong but soft all at once, and you couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face. You bit your bottom lip and opened the door still lost in the flower. When you turned around you nearly dropped everything. There was a huge bouquet that housed pink, white and purple roses were wrapped around a few layers of soft white tulle lying across your bed.
 “Oh my god.”
 Slowly you walked to them. Each step felt like your legs were filled with lead. Once you made it to the side of your bed your fingers traced the tulle and then the delicate soft petals of the roses. They were beautiful.
  You perched on the edge of your bed, then bent to smell them and moaned. No matter how detached you were, you couldn’t ignore that flowers still gave you that warm and fuzzy feeling. You noticed you didn’t feel like this when Zack gave you flowers. You felt nothing then. That acknowledgment made your nerves rise.
  You saw the note sticking out from between two buds. Once you opened it, you read it’s contents.
 There was a conversation we had all those years ago that plays in my head often. I asked you what your favorite flowers were, and you said you didn’t have one, but you were a sucker for roses only if they weren’t red. You mentioned red roses were so typical and the only thing men ever thought to give. You said you liked the unconventional choice rather than the predictable one. That alone told me a lot about you. It said you preferred sincerity over intentional shows, you would rather a plain and simple expression over something fake and extravagant. You only needed the sentiment to be evident and real. I can do that. There are many ways to give you the world. I’ll see you at five at the gazebo.
  Your heart was racing. You began to wonder if he’d always been this charming. Thinking back to those years ago, you quickly found your answer. This had always been him. He’d just become more devastatingly so.
  “Oh dear god, I beg you help me keep my panties on tonight.”
 -That Night-
 You didn’t want anyone to know, neither of you did. You had an early dinner with your family, Chris and Anthony. Neither you or Chris ate or spoke; you were so wrapped up in your thoughts you just rolled it around your plate. Thankfully because of Anthony’s presence, you were not the topic of conversation; it was instead Anthony and Nexus. Then you allowed Chris to tuck Ella in while you began getting ready.
  You did and undid your hair more times than you could count and changed way more than you should have. It was annoying. You were never like this. By the time it was almost five you stared at yourself again and took a few deep breaths. With your shoes in your hand you walked out your room and downstairs, hoping no one saw you. Just as you were about to be home free you saw Anthony and Nexus cuddled up beside the pool. You froze and tried to think of another route. Before you could move Anthony was the one to see you. He smiled and nodded then fanned you along while he distracted Nexus. You scurried across the deck and then the backyard toward where the gazebo was.
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As you approached, you saw Chris standing there with his back to you. From behind he looked delicious. The closer you got, he must have felt your presence; he turned around and froze just watching you approach. You smiled, and the look on his face was like someone had kicked him in his gut.
  “Hi. Am I late?”
  Chris didn’t speak; he just stared at you for a long while. Then he shook his head as if he’d just zoned out or something.
  “Sorry, um—no, I think you’re right on time.” You smiled and watched him hold out another purple rose. Smiling, you took the flower.
  “Thank you; it’s beautiful. I love it, and the ones upstairs.” Chris smiled, and the two of you stood there, staring at each other. Chris cleared his throat and took a breath.
  “Shall we?” he motioned to two bikes, one blue and the other pink.
  “Are those bikes?”
  “They are. Tell me you remember how to ride.”
  “I’m willing to try to remember.”
  You shook your head at your dirty thought and smiled. “Sure. It’s been over ten years, at least.”
  “Same for me, but we’re not going too far, and the truck isn’t the best mode of transportation there.”
  You looked over yourself at the dress you wore then to the bike and shook off the worry. You were actually getting a little excited.
  “All right.” You approached the bike and dropped your heels in the basket then lifted your leg. “Don’t look.”
  Chris snorted and looked away and climbed on his bike. You sighed once you were finally on it.
  “All right, follow me.” Chris peddled off, and you followed close behind into the forest.
  As you rode, he pointed things out and teased you for the way you peddled trying to keep your legs together. The more he teased you, the more you got in touch with your tomboy self and pushed impropriety to the side and enjoyed the ride. You stood on the peddles and enjoyed the carefreeness you felt. After you’d been riding for about eight minutes, the house was no longer in sight. Chris went into a different part of the woods than you’d ever been and cautioned you to be careful.
  After another ten or so minutes, you pulled up beside a stopped Chris. “Why’d you stop?”
  “We’re here.” You looked where he was, and your jaw dropped.
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You’d made it to a lake, but it was not just any lake. There was a long walk path that was decked out with lanterns. It began at the shore and went out over the water for several feet. At the end of the way, there was a tiny cabin that was decked out It was decked out with twinkling tree lights that had it competing with the amazing backdrop of nothing but wilderness and the reflection of the lowering sun and the sky.
  “Oh my god.”  You pressed your palm to your stomach and tried to steady the butterflies that were rampantly causing havoc on your nerves. You didn’t know how long you stood there just frozen. A plethora of possibilities and outcomes ran through your mind.
  “Are you okay?” Chris’ voice brought you out of your head and back into the present. You looked at him, and for the first time you didn’t have any words. That was new for you. Staring in his eyes your mouth went dry, and you felt your body drift to him. Quickly you pulled back and cleared your throat.
  “Okay. This is where we leave these and go on foot.”
  “On foot? Down that?” You nudged your head to the steep dune before you.
  “Yeah. Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” Chris assured as he leaned the bikes against a tree and waited for you to take your heels and clutch from the basket of yours. You looked down to see his held out hand. “Ready?”
  You felt like it was a loaded question, felt like it didn’t just mean ready to go down the dune or walk across that walk path. You felt it asked if you were ready for what came now? Were you ready for what came next? Were you ready for whatever happened tonight and any other night or day beyond? You didn’t know if you were, but you also knew that everything had been leading here. Fate was on your ass, and that bitch was saying your move.
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With your hand in his, he took it slow leading you down the dune. He was glad you weren’t wearing heels because you may have twisted your ankle. Though the heels looked to go perfectly with the dress, he liked you barefoot, liked you looking carefree and down to earth rather than fully put together. He remembered he loved the way you looked that first morning he woke up to you. Your hair was a mess, mascara and eyeshadow smudged, lipstick smeared across your cheek and naked. He honestly thought you were the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen on spot. When you put on his shirt and paced the room, that was the first time he’d had a strange feeling in his chest. You squealed, and he saw you about to fall, without thinking about it; he scooped you off your feet and carried you the rest of the way.
  Once at the shore, he looked at you to find your eyes already on him, and you were breathing hard as if you’d run a marathon. “What?”
  Your Adam’s apple bobbed, then you cleared your throat and looked away as he let you down.
  “Nothing, just—I didn’t ehm—expect you to be so—strong.”
  He smiled and tried to prevent the blush he knew was creeping up his neck.
  “Well, I am Captain America.” You laughed, and the tension was immediately broken up.
  “Good one.” He began the walk to the boardwalk with you following behind.
  As you walked, he felt you lagging behind. When he looked back, you were looking around at the lanterns and the water and every so often the cabin ahead. Your expression was concealed so he was having a hard time piecing together what you were thinking. It was a miracle he was able to pull this off especially since what he wanted to be done in the time span was what some would call impossible. He made it happen though, another perk of being Chris Evans. As he looked at the cabin, he had no regrets. You deserved nothing less.
  “What is this place?”
  “It came with the property. Remember I told you the lake was the selling point for me? Well, on the lake there was this old decrepit cabin, and I restored it. I don’t use it really. I always found it interesting it was kind of in the middle of the lake rather than at the shore. There were so many possible places I could take you tonight, but this was my number one choice.” He stopped in front of the door as did you. You looked around your feet and saw the lavender moss floating above the water, then you looked up at the lit trees, and in the glow of the light you looked at him.
  “It’s beautiful.” He smiled and nodded, then opened the door and stepped over the threshold. Slowly you walked in and gasped. He watched your face as a few emotions passed across them, but you didn’t speak. Just when he began to think he’d missed the mark here and went way over the top, you rubbed your forehead.
  “Well fuck!”
  “I’m sorry, what?”
  You blew out a breath and looked to him.
  “Well, you just made it that much more difficult not to sleep with you.”
  He could have been knocked over with a breeze, and he was sure his expression showed it.
  You laughed, it began small but got louder and much freer, it was almost obnoxiously loud, but it was contagious. Soon the two of you were laughing together as if you hadn’t just said you would possibly sleep with him.  He motioned for you to take a seat, obliging him you walked around and sat on one of the cushions on the floor behind the table. He followed suit but took up the bottle of wine that was off to the side in an ice bucket.
  Nodding, you continued to look around as he filled your glass. He couldn’t help wondering what you were thinking, couldn’t help replaying your words from mere seconds ago. He knew you were kidding, but did he know you were kidding.
  “She was probably being truthful.”
  “Since I know you didn’t have dinner, I know you’re hungry.”
  “Starving, Evans. Feed me, please.” He laughed as he went into the insulated bags that were in the corner. He took out container after container filled with appetizers, salad, main course, and extras.
  “My God, where did all this come from?”
  “One of my favorite restaurants in Boston. Everything they make is good. I’ve had everything on the menu.”
  “Did you get everything on the menu?”
  “Maybe. I know you love tacos and burritos and nachos and all the os, and spaghetti but I got to thinking what else do you like so. Voila, we’re having a bit of everything.”
  When he was done, there were easily twenty containers that decorated the table. You snorted and laughed loudly again.
  “Wow, that’s one way to get answers.”
  “All right. So over here are appetizers, these are salads, and here are all the entrees. Pick what’s first.”
  You ran your fingers over the tops of a few containers he’d shown were appetizers, then pointed to one that was furthest away. Opening it, he held it out to you. Your face lit up as you took up a piece up with your fingers. He smiled, loving you didn’t bother with utensils.
  “What is it?”
  He looked at the lid and read the table.
  “Lettuce cups, they’re filled with oyster and pickled vegetables with a chipotle sauce.”
  You bit it chewed then nodded your approval.
  “Not bad.”
  “Is it a like or nah?”
  “Eh—I’m not big on oysters. I’ll cook them, but eating them is another thing.”
  “They say oysters are an aphrodisiac.” He had no idea why that came out, but your amusement was evident.
  “They do say that. Have at it, tell me if you agree.”
  He ate his lettuce cup with you watching him. After a few seconds, he felt no different.
  “Guess not,” he answered. You scoffed but didn’t look convinced. He picked the next container and read its contents.
  “Crab cocktail.”
 “Yay, I love crab,” you chirped as you took one and happily gobbled it down.
  “I like crab too, any seafood really.” You took another while pointing to the next container.
  “Avocado salad.”
  “Another favorite, I love eating and cooking with Avocado,” you informed.
  You ate a few forkfuls of the salad, as did he. The two of you went back and forth picking different containers then enjoying the different types of foods. There was a wide variety, seafood, various meats, textures, and flavors. You heartily ate and didn’t seem to care how you ate or how much you ate. He hated when women ate like they weren’t hungry all for the benefit of men. You didn’t care what he thought, and he was grateful for it.
  After almost an hour, all the containers had been opened and consumed, and you sat there, sipping your glass of wine laughing at his jokes.
  “No lie, ask Scott, that is exactly how it happened.”
  You pinched your lips and slapped your hand over your mouth to quiet the snort that escaped you.
  “Sounds like the perfect situation to scare you straight.”
  He laughed and nodded. “I was scared for a long time.” You laughed louder, and he just sat there nodding.
  “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to laugh at you, just—wow.”
  “No, by all means, I was an idiot kid.” You smiled and finished your glass.
  “Have room for dessert?”
  “Oh my god, Chris are you trying to get me fat? This was easily twenty-five hundred calories, not including those two bottles of wine.”
  “I never took you as  a woman who counted calories.”
  “Oh, what woman did you take me as then?”
  He shrugged and smiled to himself and took another sip from his glass.
  “Bullshit, that little smirk spoke volumes. Go on, tell me.”
  He shrugged again, then finished the glass. “I don’t know, maybe one who did what she wanted when she wanted no matter what.” You shimmied your shoulders as you made a face as if you were thinking.
  “Well--,” you stretched out. “I wouldn’t say you’re right, and I wouldn’t say you’re wrong,” you answered.
  “So you are that woman then.”
  “When I want to be.”
  “Well, Vixen. Do you want to be; here right now?”
  It was a question with double meaning. He was curious how you’d respond. He watched your tongue slowly dance across your bottom lip before you sucked it into your mouth.
  “Dessert it is.”
  With a smile, he stood and cleared the containers away, putting them in the trash bag in the corner. He walked around to you, held his hands out and waited for you to take it. He didn’t have to wait long before you placed your smaller hands within his larger ones. He led you out the cabin down the boardwalk, but only halfway, then he stopped.
  “Do you trust me?” Your eyes bugged out as confusion knitted your brows together. You looked at him incredulously.
  “Do you trust me?”
  “What? Why? What are you about to do?”
  “Give you dessert, but you have to trust me.”
  You stared at him, and he could see the ill trust shining through your eyes, you looked conflicted as if you wanted to say something, but something held you back.
  “Trust is a funny thing with me, Chris,” you began. He nodded, fully understanding what you meant and how you felt.
  “I understand completely. So I’ll modify, tonight, do you trust me?” You gazed into his eyes for a few moments then nodded your head. He had to earn your trust; he knew it.
  “Okay, thank you.” He sat at the edge of the boardwalk and slid into the waiting canoe. It was a fluid motion for him; he’d done it tens of times. When he turned to you, your eyes were as wide as saucers. He held his hand out to you.
  “What the fuck?”
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Laughing, he steadied the vessel and waited for you to take his hand. After almost a minute you took it.
  “Do what I just did, I’ll do the rest.”
  “Oh my god, are you going to pull me into the lake, Chris?”
  “No, I promise.” You took a deep breath and sat on the edge of the boardwalk just as he did. Just as he was about to take over, you stiffened and held your other hand out to his chest.
  “Wait.” Stopping, he looked at you.
  “What’s wrong?”
  “I don’t want to fall in.”
  “You can swim, it’s no big deal either way.”
  “No big deal? Chris, this took hours to accomplish,” you explained, gesturing to your figure from head to toe. “If I fall in, it’ll be ruined.” He smiled. It was sweet you’d put so much effort into the way you looked tonight, and it was sweet you even wanted to.
  “As I said, no big deal. You’ll still be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met in my life.”
  The air became thick, and the moment heavy. You sighed softly then took his other hand, quickly he pulled you into the canoe pressing you against his body as his arms engulfed you. Your soft gasp was cut short by the force of how your bodies met. Slowly you looked up into his eyes, and he had to fight the urge to kiss you. He brushed the back of his hand across your cheek then cupped your jaw.
  “Dessert better be mind blowing.” He smiled, nodded, and set you on one of the benches in the canoe. He untied the rope and pushed off from the boardwalk.
  “I promise it’ll be to die for.”
  He rowed further out to the lake. The setting sun cast a warm glow in the water, and you just marveled at it.
  “Wow. How the hell do you leave this?”
  “It’s hard, especially when I think what’s waiting for me back in LA. The only comfort is knowing I will be back. I spend maybe three to four months in LA, usually when working; otherwise, I’m here—home.”
  Your eyes fell to his, and that is where they stayed while he continued to row the boat. As you rowed in silence just enjoying the sounds of the paddle hitting the water and pushing through it and the trees rustling in the gentle breeze he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. Underneath the sunset here in the lake close to his home he’d never wanted to keep things the same as much as right now. If he could he’d press this moment, sealing it forever.
  When he stopped, he took the two containers from underneath his bench and held one out to you. When you opened it you smiled widely.
  “You look like you’re a cheesecake woman,” he theorized. You nodded.
  “I am. How’d you know?”
  “I remember the two of us buying and finishing an entire cheesecake after we got married.”
  You looked down and took a piece of the cake and began eating. “You then called room service for apple pie and drizzled a diabetic shock amount of caramel sauce all over it,” you added. He cut into his dessert and held up the forkful of apple pie drizzled with caramel. You snorted and laughed.
  “Some things never change,” he voiced.
  The two of you ate in silence for a few moments.
  “How long did it take for all of it to come back?”
  “About a week,” he informed. You nodded.
  “A few days for me.”
  “You know as far as weddings go, I think it was a good one,” he admitted. The two of you sat in silence and thought back to the night.
  “Eh—I guess it was all right.” You smiled at him, and it was a smile that hid so much. He pulled out the bottle of wine and poured a glass for you then himself.
  “What should we drink too?”
  He thought for a moment, then looked to the sky and smirked.
  “Sunsets?” He nodded.
  “I see sunsets as a sign of the beginning of something new. A lot of people see it as an ending, but I see an opportunity to start something fresh, new—something better.”
  You looked at him from underneath your eyelids, and you looked just like how Ariel did with Eric.
  “Sunsets,” he repeated. Your glasses clinked together then you drank still peering at each other.
  After enjoying the final remnants of the setting sun, the lake turned dark. The only light was that of the lanterns on the boardwalk and those in the trees that framed the cabin. It was more than enough to see you clearly.
  “Remember what you said in LA when your parents found out about Ella and me? You said you hid Ella because you were hurt.”
  Your eyes dropped.
  “What did you mean by that?”
  “Let’s not go there, Chris. Let’s just—stay present.”
  “My mom always says that you can’t move forward until you address the past. I want to move forward, Vixen. Any way we can.”
  You studied him for a few long moments, then took a deep breath and let it out.
  “Uuugh. Um--,” you stuttered.
  “Did I hurt you?”
  “Fine, yes. It is so easy in situations as those for someone to get hurt. Did I get hurt? Maybe—yes.
  He nodded and toyed with his glass. You averted your eyes and looked around the lake. The tension between you rose. As he looked at you, his mind went back to the last night with you. Somehow it felt like full circle. He went over every detail then he saw it. The one thing he’d regretted this entire time. The one thing he’d been running from facing.
  “Vixen, I’m sorry.”
  “For what?” Your face was blank as you took another sip from your glass, the cheesecake was long gone.
  “I was the world’s biggest and worst asshole three years ago.” You were lowering the glass from your lips when he said the words, but you lifted it again and finished the drink on one breath.
  “I said something to you--.” Your voice interrupted him “
  “Chris, you don’t--.”
  “Yes, I do. Please.” You reached for the bottle and refilled your glass then took another sip.
  “I said something to you that I am ashamed of, something that I have run from and deeply regretted every day for the last three years. I don’t even know where to start to--,” he sighed, closed his eyes, and tried to find the words he’d wished he’d been brave enough to say before.
  “The guy I was then—” he shook his head remembering all his younger antics. “I was a dick. I was self-absorbed, I knew women wanted me and would do just about anything for a taste of the lifestyle I’d been thrown into, and I let it get to me. I fell in that lifestyle headfirst. I became the douche brothers tell their sisters to stay away from. I slept around--a lot. I woke up to a different woman every week. I lived for the next party, the next pretty face, and the next movie. It was always about what was next. Settling down, sticking with one person was a nightmare then, I didn’t think I was ready. There was still too much I thought I wanted to do.” He took a breath; your eyes were on him, but he couldn’t read you. It was like you’d shut down and become android like.
  “I saw you that night, and you froze me, no lie. I didn’t expect that or everything else that happened that night. I didn’t expect the effortless conversation or the smooth way we grooved together. I didn’t expect to tell you everything I did, or feel so good with you, so effortless. The night at my house was great. It is easily one of the best nights of my life. What I said to you was wrong on so many levels, it was insensitive, disrespectful, rude and a bunch of other words I’m going to let you fill in. I didn’t think how it would make you feel, how it came across, how it sounded, I didn’t think at all. I’m sorry, Vixen. I am very sorry.”
  You didn’t speak or look away from him. He wasn’t sure you’d respond, and he intended to give you all the time you needed to process. As a few seconds, turned to a minute and a minute to a minute and a half, then two, he began to lose his nerve.
  “The insanely ridiculous thing is that what I said couldn’t have been further from the truth. I didn’t even realize it until I came back out of the bathroom and saw you were gone. It hit me that I was an idiot,” he rushed out.
  Silence fell between you again, and this time, he decided he wouldn’t speak again until you did. A soft melodious hum sounded, he looked down and saw your finger slowly rotating the rim of the glass. He remembered you doing this the night you met. He showed you his secret talent, and you showed him this. You switched fingers to your pinky, and the sound became higher pitched but still beautiful.
  Suddenly you stopped then sighed.
  “Yeah. Okay. I’m done holding on to that. Thank you for apologizing.”
  “I am so sorry. Can you forgive me?”
  You hesitated for a moment then spoke. “I forgive you.” Feeling as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, he smiled. It was a smile you returned.
  Slowly but surely, his body drifted to yours, and unless he was crazy yours drifted to his as well.
  “I have something I have to tell you,” he began with a whisper.
  Your faces continued to drift closer and closer. As he opened his mouth to tell you about the marriage, one of the ores fell into the water. You tried to reach for it but leaned a little too quickly, and the canoe rocked. In the blink of an eye, you screeched and tumbled over into the lake. When you came up your eyes were huge.
  “Oh my god! Chris! I told you my ass would fall in. Look!”
  He didn’t mean to laugh, but he did, and it wasn’t a small one either. It was a gut-busting one.  Your jaw dropped.
  “Oh my god, are you laughing at me!?”
  He shook his head as he tried to catch his breath, but every time he tried to stop laughing, a fresh wave began. You screeched and slapped the water. “You’re unbelievable.”
  “I’m sorry, I’m not laughing. Come on let me help you.” He reached over for your hand. You pulled him into the lake headfirst. When he reemerged you were cackling and not even trying to hide it.
  “Wow, that was petty.”
  “Then call me queen petty because that was funny.” You laughed some more as he came closer and splashed you in the face with a big wave of water. Your shocked expression made him laugh until you pushed your own wave of water in his face. That began the water fight. You each splashed, screamed, laughed and played in the water. He felt like a kid again, felt like he had no care in the world. Slowly the two of you stopped splashing. He drifted closer and brushed back your hair from your forehead.
  “See, told you,” he began.
  “Told me what?”
  “You’re still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” You smiled small at first, but it spread across your face until you hid it behind your hand.
  “Whatever, Evans.”
  The two of you swam back to the boardwalk. Once there, he hoisted himself up and onto the wood, then he reached into the water for you.
  “Come on. It’s warmer inside.” He led the way back to the cabin. Once inside, he closed the door and went for the small solar-powered space heater he kept in there until he brought over one of the blankets and wrapped it around you.
  When the two of you sat in front of the heater, you offered him some of the blanket. Soon you were huddled together sitting in silence. It wasn’t an awkward one either. It felt as natural as breathing.
  “Why did you stay at your house if you saw that night everywhere?”
  He took a deep breath and slowly let it out. He wondered if he could be this open with you. Half of him wanted to, but the other half was afraid. He knew he was in love with you, knew he wanted you without a doubt, but your feelings were still unknown. He didn’t know if he could be this vulnerable, then have you pull away.
  “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” you added.
  “In the beginning, I used it as a way to punish myself. I knew I’d messed up and regretted it. As time went on and years did I used it as a way to remember,” he admitted.
  “Remember what?” He looked at you and skimmed your face.
  “You—us.” Your eyes met his, and he knew this was the moment that would dictate everything moving forward. He decided to go for it. Closing the space between you, his lips met yours for a soft peck which turned into another, then another until it turned into a timid kiss, one he could feel your hesitation in.
  “We can’t,” you whispered in the middle of the kiss. His forehead pressed to yours.
  “Why not?” He kissed the corner of your mouth, then your cheek and your jaw. He loved your skin.
  “Because Ella. Our daughter.” Your eyes were closed.
  “So it’s not because you don’t want to? Don’t want me?”
  He had to know once and for all.
  “Do you want me?” Your counter question had him pulling back but only a little, and enough to look into your eyes. His hand cupped your cheek, making you look at him.
  “Vixen, you know I want you. How can I not? Jesus, I’ve wanted you for three years.”
  The shock on your face was evident. Your lips crashed to his taking lead of a passion-filled kiss, one that stole almost every ounce of his control leaving him with only a tiny sliver. As he was about to deepen the kiss you pulled back.
  “Mmm, No. God, Chris. There is a difference between wanting me and wanting this from me,” you expressed. He knew what you meant.
  “I know there is. I know the difference. I don’t want this Vixen. I want you.”
Needing you to take the lead, he waited. When your lips met, the kiss was a soft, sensual rapture. Slowly your lips danced, teasing one another, daring each other to let go and have everything they wanted. He didn’t want to think about anything else, not what he should do, or shouldn’t do, not the future. He just wanted to think about you and him right now.
  The kiss intensified, and your moan was the first to escape between you. It coaxed his free until the two of you were moaning and relishing in the feel of the beginning of your desire for each other. After several long minutes you slowly fell to your back atop the blankets and stared up at him. He held his breath afraid you’d pull away; instead you grabbed his shirt and pulled him on top of you to continue the kiss. That was what he needed for his confidence to take flight. His hand gripped your calf and slid up your leg to the hem of the wet dress.
  “You’re shaking,” you whispered. His embarrassment shone on him with his blush. He looked down to his hands that were, in fact shaking.
  “I am.”
  “Are you cold?” He shook his head, then met your eyes.
  “No, not cold.” The moment stretched with you staring at him. He wondered if you understood. You raised his hand to your lips and placed a soft kiss across his knuckles. Using the same hand, he caressed your cheek, down to your jaw, then chin. Using his thumb to softly rub across your bottom lip, he then dipped it inside. You kissed his thumb and never took your eyes off his.
  “God, she drives me crazy.”
  Your lips met again, but the heat he felt inward crept out as he took control of the frenzied kiss. When he felt your legs part for him he comfortably settled between them and pressed himself against you. You gasped and angled your head back, giving him the leeway he needed to taste your skin. He kissed, licked and sucked your neck as his hand found yours to entwine with. You pulled your hand away to grip the hem of his shirt and pull it up over his head. The material dropped to the wooden floor with a wet “splat.”
  Your hands were on his chest in seconds, and you slowly took him in. He sat up and allowed you to get your fill. Slowly your hands roamed across his chest, down his abdomen and back again.
  “Is it the way you remember?” You smirked and shook your head.
  “A lot has changed.” He smiled then lowered to kiss you again. You had lips that needed kissing and kissing often. Your hands at his waist surprised him. When he felt you undoing his belt and pants he nearly lost it. Until this morning, this was just a dream or a nightmare of his. He’d envisioned this so many times over the years, and every time he thought of it he wanted it, but he didn’t feel as if he deserved it.
  Your small hands began to urgently pull at his pants. Lifting off his knees he helped you get them off. Once they were at his thighs he broke the kiss, stood, and pulled them off kicking them to the side. You gazed up at him with half lazy eyes, and he’d never wanted anyone more.
  “Come here.” You sat up as he dropped to his knees and claimed his lips. You rolled him onto his back and sat on his need. His groan was more forceful than he intended, and it rivaled your moan. Just like that, his need for your rose exponentially. His hands gripped your back then trailed to your hips. Once there he squeezed and got lost in the feel of your full hips in his hands.
  When your lips left his and trailed to his neck, your hips began rotating making his need pulsate even more. Your moan said you felt it, and the way your rotations picked up speed said you wanted more. His fingers found the zipper of your dress, and he slowly lowered it as he did, the material loosened on your body. You sat up bit your bottom lip then slipped the straps off your shoulders revealing your bare breasts to him for the first time in years. A stronger man would have laid there marveling at your beauty and whisper sweet nothings into your ear, but he was not strong anymore. He had you the woman of his dreams—and nightmares in his arms, and he was filled with more wants than he’d ever had in his life.
  Sitting up, he cupped your breast and latched his mouth to one pert nipple. As he did you hugged his head to your chest and arched back. Your moans were like music to his ears, and the louder you got, the more he needed to hear them. Switching to the other he lapped at your flesh and moaned his pleasure. He rolled you onto your back and pressed your hands above your head. The new angle had your breasts poked out for him like they were offerings—offerings he happily accepted adding soft nibbles to your stiff peaks.
  “Mmm, Chris!”
  Slowly he kissed down the center of your body to your stomach, where he pulled the rest of your dress off. Once he made it to your pelvis he slowly pulled your underwear lower until he saw the tattoo he remembered, the tattoo that was part of his nightly haunting. He dropped a soft kiss to the design then pulled the remainder of the fabric from your body. With you fully bare before him, he thought you looked like a goddess.
  He parted your legs and wasted no time dipping his tongue to your sex. At the first touch, you arched your back and gasped loudly. He’d intended to tease you and go slow, but your reaction made it impossible. His tongue had a mind of its own. He flicked and sucked at your bud getting lost in your taste. He was a thirsty man, and your juices were the only thing that could satiate him. With every pass his tongue made you writhed and moaned. When he sucked your flesh into his mouth your thighs clenched together, trapping his head where it was. Feeding off of your pleasure he sped his tongue. You were soon bucking and riding his mouth as your hands gripped his head.
  “Fuck, Chris, yes, yes!” When he felt the gush of fluid into his mouth, he slurped at your skin and kept your sex firmly on his mouth though you tried to push his head away and pull yourself free. He wasn’t having it.
  “Shit,” you stretched out as your body convulsed.
  It was then he tore his lips from yours. When he looked down at you he watched you shake loving the way your breast jiggled and how hard you bit your lip. When your eyes met his, the fire he saw there matched every flame he felt within. He felt your hand grip his length as your eyes fell to his protruding need as it rested on your pubis. Your mouth fell open looking at the part of him he wondered if you had forgotten. He wondered often if you ever thought of him, of it, and touched yourself. Did you ever imagine him on top of you—inside of you.
  You positioned him right at your opening, but both of you were frozen as if taking in the moment. He moved forward, intentionally nudging your wet bud with the tip of his dick. You moaned and rolled your eyes back. It was a beautiful sight, so beautiful he did it again and again. On the fourth buck of his hips, he slowly slid inside your heat. At the first touch your eyes flew open, latched onto his, and your mouth opened.
  Every centimeter he slid in, he felt as if your body both accepted and rejected him. You were tighter than he remembered, and he nearly lost his mind because of it. After sinking halfway into you he pulled back to sink in again, feeding you more and more of him each dip. Once he was fully sheathed, you clung to him while your core squeezed him, sucking him in deeper.
  “Fuck, Vixen!”
  Of their own accord, his hips began a slow pace that quickly picked up, creating a steady rock that stretched you. Your moans egged him on and made him want more and more of you. The more he wanted, the faster his hips thrust, the faster his hips thrust, the deeper he plowed. It didn’t take long for your moans and grunts to compete against each other and bounce off the walls of the cabin. Your eyes locked onto his and held him captivated.
  “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
  Dipping down, he kissed you as your bodies collided together taking everything the other offered and giving even more in return. When he felt you clench around him for the third time he almost claimed his release, but he wanted too much and didn’t want it to end. He wanted to stay nestled deep inside you for the rest of his life.
  “Chris!” Your high-pitched moan brought him out of his head. Your hand latched onto his jaw. He kissed your palm and felt his release quickly approaching. The sight of your bodies connecting was enough to drive him mad. The way your body accepted him was a thing of beauty, and the way you responded to him was pure magic. It had never been like this with anyone—just you.
  “Vixen!” That was his only warning as his release claimed him, and he released himself deep inside you. His body shook from the power of it. his grunts fell from him one after the other. Dropping his head onto your shoulder he could barely catch his breath. Holding you tightly, he rolled taking you with him allowing you to lay across his chest. Slowly your bodies stopped shaking, and your breathing evened out. Soon all there was to hear was just nature all around you, but he’d already pressed to memory the sound of you shouting his name as you came. It was a sound he was already addicted to, a sound he knew would haunt him, as would his love for you.
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kyliexc · 4 years
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BUENAAAASSSSSSSSSS ! soy yo , mini from da 6ix , again . coming at you with my original kid . she’s changed just a bit , but still pretty much a god damn  M E S S .  and bad bunny’s vete came on shuffle soOoOooOoooOOOOOOOOOOOOO LEGGO !
chicago’s very own Kylie Castillo has been spotted on madison avenue driving a BMW X5 , welcome ! your resemblance to Becky G is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty second birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re impulsive , but being loyal might help you . i think being a Aries explains that .  3 things that would paint  a  better picture of you would be a bottle of patron, late night partying and 20grams of weed . 
hit the mfng like button for plots bc I WILL mssge u or else
Full Name: kylie valentina castillo
Nickname(s): ky, kyky, k, kybby
Age: 22
Height: 5 ft
Date of Birth: April 15th 1997
Zodiac sign: aries
Hogwarts house: slythindor (slytherin + gryffindor)
Ethnicity: mexican
Nationality: american
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic-catholic
Tattoos: a peach on her ass, #2 tramp stamp and canon becky g tattoos
Language(s) Spoken: english + spanish
Accent: american with a hint of spanish
kylie castillo is the third born child from alejandro and lupe castillo ! alejandro was a renowned soccer player from jalisco, mexico . he played for the mexican national team AND for Barcelona FC . lupe castillo is also from jalisco , mexico , but she attended school in spain where she began as a seamstress for a small vintage boutique before going off on her own to start her own exclusive brand that made it big - as in , only those who could really afford the clothing could wear it . lupe is owner to ROSARIO . lupe and alejandro met in spain , but ultimately moved to chicago to settle down with their kids since kylie’s paternal grandparents lived there.
Kylie was born in Chicago , Illinois , but throughout her childhood , she bounced between Chicago, Los Angeles , and Barcelona ! 
kylie took after her dad , immediately falling in love with soccer since she was little . it wasn’t like the castillos pushed her into it , she found the sport herself . kylie , along with her siblings were a sports family in general . most of her siblings got into some sport growing up , whether they took it seriously or not was up to them , but kylie definitely did. 
kylie and her dad are really close for the fact that he basically coached her throughout her entire athletic career . kylie is very competitive because of this , and super into keeping herself fit . she sees a goal , she wants it , and she’ll do anything to get it . her jersey is #3 !
besides soccer , she really loves to sing and it came out of nowhere but it was due to all the family parties she has . often an acoustic guitar would be brought out and everyone , including kylie would be singing along to vincente fernandez - heck , you know the castillos hired a mariachi band to be part of these gatherings . 
ky spent a lot of time with her grandparents who would ALWAYS be blasting old mariachi / love songs , singing at the top of their lungs to each other , and from this kylie enjoyed what music did for her . performing was just another thing that came easy to her . the stage , whether it be an actual stage or just a small little space where she was surrounded by family , it was home to her , and she was never afraid . the one place where she could vocally express herself is through her lyrics . ky and her cousins often would write down song lyrics , pretend to perform for thousands of people - but it wasn’t something she ever thought she’d do . it was just for fun , and she took up extra curriculars besides soccer that related to it . i . e dance , acting , etc. 
yet , that was something else , her eyes were on the prize , and that was soccer . sort of . 
kylie had everything set for her to continue playing soccer after high school , to eventually make it onto the US Women’s Soccer team - yet she deadass started to slowly give it all up at the beginning of her 4th year of high school , hanging with the stoner kids , practicing less , putting less effort. she eventually found the underground rap scene -  she loved soccer , but it was time for something else , especially when her dad was mad at her , the field didn’t feel like home like the stage did .
on soundcloud , and youtube , kylie lent her vocals to some guys she met , being on their tracks . her sound was unique because she sang and rapped in both spanish and english . she was earning a name online , her followers going up and tbh , she wasn’t trying but it came to her and when she saw the numbers rise , and her name get out there a bit . she rlly started working on that part of her life . 
A MESS ?! * TW : abortion , drugs , etc .
in high school , she met giovanni ho ho hoe narciso . they were friends for a long time until finally , they started dating . definitely one of the reasons, but not the main reason why she also didn’t care about the sport as much - but kylie’s dad blamed gio a lot fo kylie not playing soccer . so her dad didn’t like gio , and to make matters worse , he didn’t like gio’s dad . so it was a HOT MESS . kylie ultimately had to choose between her family and gio , and when she said yes to marrying gio , she chose gio .  
18 years old and she ran off to marry gio - except that didn’t happen . 
she woke up one morning , he was gone and she couldn’t get a hold of him anymore . ky really didn’t have a choice besides going back to her family , and BET her dad was all ‘i told you so’ 
she couldn’t contact gio but YOU BET she ended up finding him eventually to get in the lasdt mfng word but that conversation ended up with her just being hurt , and it was the last time she really saw gio . he moved on , whether she believed it or not , he did .
so fast forward not long after that meeting . kylie found out she’s pregnant . obviously , it was gio’s . and she had two choices , keep it or get rid of it . 
without telling anyone , except her best friend , kylie got an abortion . which , no one knows , not even her family , not even gio .
        ***again , not many people know this ? but the                  one above is a secret too ?? she’s just full of          secrets. JKFDHDFKG
from 20 - 21 , kylie moved out , hopping from place to place within chicago . but she definitely went off grid . not caring for social media , not contacting her parents . 
kylie went into a strip club and at first it was for jokes , but when she got on the pole - she was actually good ?? JDKHGDKFJHDFKJH so the manager offered her a job and well , bitch took it . so she did that for a year , hanging with the wrong crowd, drinking every day , smoking weed which is a staple for her , but she started to do blow - which is .. not a staple for her . it was a dangerous year for kylie .
but doing blow , and selling it for awhile while working the pole gave her the connections she needed to meet rich guys with status in the music industry. 
so eventually , her EP made it in the hands of a producer for sony music latin . 
so she left the pole and started being featured with big time Latin names 
think cardi b’s start up and yeah , she definitely drugged men and stole from them while doing this too DKJGFHDKFJ
kylie’s back bitches ! as in people already knew her but she’s been M.I.A for a year , so she’s back and ppl are like wtf KDJGHDKFJGHSFKDJ and she lives in New York now
currently she’s working on her first album release.
besides the mess , she’s a GOD DAMN GOOD TIME. if you ever need to get drunk and party. kylie is your girl . if you need to get fucked up, you better have her on speed dial.
kylie’s the bitch with the bottle of patron , serving tequila shots , and then dancing on top of tables.
highkey always ready for a fight . she doesn’t care where she is , she will always SWING. don’t play games thinking she’s gonna back down from a fight bc she won’t. if u want a fight , ky will give u one KJDHGKSFJDHGKSDJGH talk shit get hit is her motto and i hate her for it
she has a black cat named mijo
her friends and family are the loves of her life . literally , if you mean something to her , there’s nothing she won’t do for you . she will ADORE YOU
if ur her enemy .... that’s fun too. :)
confident AF
she’s an all around bitch i hate her , but she’s a mess , and she’s funny , and she’s too much sometimes .
too stubborn for her own good all the time bc she thinks she’s always right. 
she’s also really goofy when she wants to be
has a hell of a good work ethic , will get shit done when it needs to be done . is definitely the pushy friend to encourage others to do the same.
she loves assholes.
her lito, lita, ita, tito {grandparents} are her favourite people ever
will cuss you out in spanish and english
hella hot tempered and uhm...
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lovingthereign25 · 5 years
Never Again
You awake from an all night crying session with Levi. You look over to see Roman asleep your one week old son sleeping on his chest.
You and Roman had been up almost all night long with Levi.You and Roman tried to take turns but it seemed he only wanted his daddy.
You head downstairs to make coffee and breakfast.
"Good morning" Roman says in a raspy voice making you jump.
"Jeez, you scared me, Good morning" you smile
"Mmmm..I forgot how you wear minimal clothing in the morning" he smirks after checking you out.
"Sorry, I just really needed coffee after last night" you say realizing you were in panties and an oversized t- shirt that probably belonged to Roman at one point.
" Don't be sorry, I'm  enjoying the view, and if I wasn't there myself I wouldn't believe you just had a baby a week ago" he smiles walking up to you.
"Smooth but you still ain't getting laid" you laugh
"I can wait. As long as you keep using that pretty little mouth on me" he smirks slapping your ass.
"I'm gonna go throw some shorts on so i'm not in a t shirt and panties when Lulu comes down" you say.
" Hey, Y/n have dinner with me tonight..just the two of us. I'll see if mom will watch the kids"  he smiled taking your hand in his 
" I can't tonight I'm meeting an old friend what about tomorrow night?" You ask playing with his fingers
"Yeah, tomorrow sounds great, now please go get dressed before I forget that whole 4 week rule" he laughs.
You put the finishing touches on your make up for tonight, you were only going to snag a bitch but shit you mind as well look good doing it.
You fixed your hair one last time.
" Damn Y/n, you look absolutely gorgeous!" Roman said as you came down stairs.
" Thank you" you smile.
"Who you going with looking that good?" He ask spinning your around 
" an old friend, we're  probably gonna meet up with Becky and some girls for dinner" you say.
" Be safe, I'll see you later" he says kissing you lightly 
" I will. Kiss my babies for me?" you ask
" OUR babies. And yes I will kiss them for you" he says
Once at the arena you tried to keep a low profile one: you didn't want to blow this by Kelsey knowing you were there. Two: you also didn't want Seth or someone to see you and tell Roman.
You met up with Sonya, Becky and Mandy backstage Mandy expressing how sorry she was about everything going on.
"I know she's lying, she's said on multiple occasions how she wanted Roman and would have him if it was that last thing she'd do but this , this is too far!" Mandy says
" I agree. I'm not happy with the situation but I know my husband that isn't his character." You say. " And honestly I just want what's best for the children involved all of them. With these accusations against him it affects him being around his children" 
" Exactly" Sonya agrees.
Mandy sets her phone on record and heads to Kelsey's locker room.
" Hey babes" Mandy says 
" Hi mamas, what's going on?" Kelsey's asks playing with Autumn.
" Not much just came to see this little princess" Mandy smiles " So I hear the rumor mill is going around and the latest is Mella says Autumn is Roman's baby" Mandy giggles.
Kelsey laughs " Word travels fast round here huh?" 
"What do you mean? Is she Roman's?" Mandy's asks acting confused
"No, of course not. She's definitely Mike's but since he left I thought why not pin it on Roman since his wife thinks we already slept together being that she caught me kissing him" Kelsey laughs.
" Wow, So you didn't even have sex with Roman how does he think the baby is his then?" Mandy asks
"A false DNA test, I know a girl a the lab, Roman was so drunk he probably thinks we did but doesn't remember, but girl think of the support money ima get now" Kelsey says 
"Kels that's low even for you boo" Mandy says
"No he turned me down, its payback. The best part is I told my lawyer Roman forced himself on me" she says
"Kelsey you didn't?!" Mandy says shocked
" I did girl, if I can't have him neither can that tramp Y/n" she says.
" hey I gotta match, but I'll be back" she says kissing Autumn
 When Mandy returns she plays the recording for you and sends it to you. Hearing Kelsey lie made your blood boil you walk in right out and head to her locker room. Becky and Sonya running after you trying to talk sense into.
"Y/n stop you just had Levi" Sonya says
Becky sees Jeff Hardy who you had been friends with for years being that your cousin was Lita.
"Jeff I need you to help with Y/n" Becky says
"What's going on" he asks
Becky explained the story to Jeff, he came after you.
"Y/n calm down, your gonna get Roman fired, and think about your kids" he says stepping in front of you 
"Jeff, she tried to ruin my marriage, she's gone too far" you say
" I know I know but sweetie think this through" he says hugging you.Let's go somewhere and talk alright?" 
You leave with Jeff telling him the whole story crying in frustration. Jeff hugged you tight 
"Come on Y/n let me take you home" he says
Jeff drove you home. As he pulled up to your house you see Richard's car in front of your house.
"Thanks again Jeff, thanks for stepping in at the arena" you say hugging him.
"Anytime Y/n" he smile 
You get to the door as Roman was opening it for Richard.
"Thanks again Rich, keep me posted" he says
"Absolutely Roman, we are gonna figure this mess out sorry for coming so late" Richard says
"Hey everything good" you say 
"Hi Y/n yeah just trying to help our guy out here" Richard says
"When did  you get back?" Roman asks as Richard leaves 
"Just now, what Rich have to say?" You ask
"Same old, So since when is Jeff one of the girls?" He asks
"What?" You ask
"Jeff he dropped you off right?" He asks
" Yeah what about it?" You ask.
" You said you were going with the girls" he says
"No, I said an old friend, and that's kind of what Jeff is" you smile at Roman's jealousy
"A friend who has always had a thing for you, and who you've been friends with benefits with" he says
"Roman that was a million years ago" you laugh
"Did you fuck him?" He asks
" Excuse me?" You nearly shout
" You heard me Y/n" he says  
" I can't believe you'd even ask me that Roman!" You yell
" Why not huh? It happened before, why not now? Especially after what I've done why not" He says
" Umm. Maybe because I just had YOUR baby a week ago, or maybe because everytime I fucked Jeff before I wasn't married or maybe even because I love you Roman" you snap
"Well why else would you lie about being with Jeff?" He asked 
" I didn't lie" you say
"Y/n did you do anything with Jeff tonight? He asked
"No, Roman I was actually at the house show saving your ass from the Kelsey situation, but glad to know what you honestly think of me asshole" you says slamming your phone down for him to hear the recording before going upstairs.
 A little while went by before Roman brought himself up to apologize.He felt like a complete ass. 
"Y/n I'm so sorry,I'm an ass I should have handled that way different" he says sitting on the edge of the bed
"Roman, Do you honestly think I would sleep with someone just to spite you?" You ask
" No, of course not" he says 
"Roman, I swear I have never slept with Jeff since you and I have known each other" you say
"I know baby I do, but Y/n you could have just told me what was going on," he says
"I know but honestly Ro,I knew you tell me it was your mess and to let you figure it out" you say " but Roman we got her" 
"We do Thank you" he says kissing you.
"Don't thank me yet we still have to make a case" you say
" True but let's not think about that right now let's go to bed" he says pulling you close
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isakthedragon · 6 years
Steamed Hams, But the Aurora Borealis is Actually True.
Okay, I feel bad for the terrible Steamed Hams meme I did earlier for @noredditorhere, so I've decided to make a better one. This one involves Carmelita and Chief Barkley from Sly Cooper (With special appearance of the gang) going though the meme motions in their own special way. I shall link @blurrydawgo and @extraneousdominomask since you too are the prominent Sly fans here that basically every notices. :P I hope everyone likes this.
*The doorbell rings, and Carmelita opens the door to show Chief Barkley standing there.*
Chief Barkley: "Well, Carmelita, I made it, despite your strange directions."
Carmelita: "Ah, Chief Barkley, I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon."
Chief Barkley: "Yeah..."
*Carmelita enters the kitchen and gasps as what she sees.*
Carmelita: "AY!! ¡Dios mío!  The roast is ruined, but how?"
*She checks around the stove and finds the gas line is not working at all, but it has been 'repaired' by a new hose leading outside. She opens and leans out the window and spots her husband Sly along with Bentley and Murray working some device from behind the house.*
Carmelita: "What in the name of the Virgin Mary are you guys doing?"
Murray: "We're trying to get the oven working again so it can cook your roast!"
Carmelita: "Uh-huh... and why is it not working?"
Sly: " 'Lita, 'Lita... don't get hung up on the little details. Your hubby is fixing the problem."
Carmelita: " ... You forgot to pay the gas company... again?"
Sly: "Uh..."
Bentley chimes in: "Well, with my version of the Northern Lights battery working all the utilities, there will be no need to pay them anymore!"
Carmelita thinks: *"So that's why the electrical equipment is dead too, and I had to resort to using landmarks to lead the Chief here..."*
Sly: "Like I said, what's the problem? I'm fixing it..."
Carmelita: "The problem is that I now have nothing to serve Chief Barkley. I'm trying to treat him nicely to at least get on his good side again after your last outing with Interpol in Morocco..."
*Just then, Chief Barkley enters the kitchen.*
*Title Theme*
Chorus: "Carmelita has to explain away her thieving husband's exploits. The Interpol Chief gonna need his migraine medication, When he hears Carmelita's lame exaggerations! There will be trouble in the household tonight!"
Chief Barkley: "CARMELITA!!!"
Carmelita: "Ah! Chief Barkley!" *She returns inside and quickly puts a leg on the windowsill and stretches it.* "I was just stretching my calves on the windowsill. I like to be in peak physical condition to chase after criminals at any time."
Chief Barkley: "Why is there smoke coming out of your oven?"
Carmelita: "Uh... that isn't smoke, it's steam! Steam from the steamed clams we'll be eating. Mmm, steamed clams."
*Chief Barkely, while still suspicious, leaves.*
Carmelita: "Phew..." *She leans on the windowsill again and looks at the thieving trio.* "Ay... what am I going to feed him now?"
Sly: "Dimitri's place is just down the street. Perhaps he can give you some free food?"
Carmelita: "It's the only option I got, huh? Okay... good thing I stretched."
*Carmelita returns with a tray full of Dimitri's Lounge's signature hamburgers, the only thing they could make in such a hurry.*
Carmelita: "Chief, I hope you are ready for some mouthwatering hamburgers!"
Chief Barkley: "I thought you said we were having 'steamed clams'?"
Carmelita: "No, no, I said 'steamed hams'. My accent made you thought I said 'steamed clams'. And that's what I call hamburgers."
Chief Barkley: "Uh, huh... even though I've never once heard your Spanish accent ever slip up."
Carmelita chuckles: "Well, I keep changing voice actors so much, I'm bound to slur my words."
Chief Barkley looks confused again. "And you call hamburgers... steamed hams?"
Carmelita: "Yes. It's a regional dialect."
*Chief Barkley starts using his detective skills more pressingly.*
Chief Barkley: "Uh-huh... and what region is that?"
Carmelita: "Uh... Upstate New York!!"
Chief Barkley: "Uh-huh... I'm from Utica, and I've never heard of anyone who used the phrase 'steamed hams'. "
Carmelita: "Oh! I've heard it when you sent us on an Interpol case around Albany. That's where I heard it. Had to go deep undercover, remember?"
Chief Barkley: "Yeah... I do..." *He takes a bite of the hamburger, but then opens it up.* "You know, these hamburgers look quite similar to the ones they serve in Dimitri's Lounge."
Carmelita laughs: "Heh, no... patented Fox's burgers! Old familia recipe."
Chief Barkley: "For steamed hams?"
Carmelita: "Si."
Chief Barkley: "Yes. You call them steamed hams despite the fact that they are obviously grilled?"
Carmelita: "Uhhh..."
Chief Barkley: "What are you trying to pull over this old detective's eyes? I'm still very observant and something strange is going on here!"
*Carmelita stammers some incomprehensible Spanish phrases, and decides to get up and enters the kitchen, which is on fire. Not only that, some of the Northern Lights from the battery have entered the kitchen, and add some greens and reds to the fire's orange color. She returns a second later.*
Carmelita yawns. "That was wonderful! Good times was had by all. I'm pooped!"
Chief Barkley looks at his watch. "Yes, I should be go-" *He notices the raging fire and changing colors in the kitchen and gets up and slams the table with his hands.* "GOOD LORD! What's happening in there?!"
Carmelita: "Aurora Borealis!"
Chief Barkley: "What?! The Aurora Borealis?! At this time of year?! At this time of day?! And this part of the country?! Localized entirely within your kitchen?!"
Carmelita: "Si."
Chief Barkley is stunned, saying: "Can I see it?"
Carmelita smirks. "No."
*They both head outside. Sly is over on the side of the house.*
Sly, in his fake Italian accent, from the side of the house: "Carmelita! The house-a! She is on-a fire!!!"
Carmelita: "No, honey, it's just the Northern Lights."
Chief Barkley: "Well, Carmelita, you're still an odd policewoman, but I must say, you do steam a good ham.  See you Monday."
*Sly feigns screaming for help, which catches the attention of Chief Barkley one last time, but Carmelita thumbs up, saying everything is good as Chief Barkley leaves.*
Alternate Ending:
Chief Barkley: "Well, Carmelita, you're still an odd policewoman, but I must say, you do steam a good ham."
*Just then, Bentley runs from the side of the house, screaming.*
Bentley: "AH!!! Run away, everyone! My Northern Lights battery is going to blow!!!"
*Murray and Sly soon follow Bentley and run down the street. Carmelita and Chief Barkley barely can hop behind Chief Barkley's car as the battery explodes, taking out half the house and burning the leftovers and leaving the rest of the surrounding houses and streets on fire. But on the bright side, if there was any, the Northern Lights appear above the whole street, illuminating the whole block.*
Carmeltia growls. "Grrr... COOPER!!!" *She starts chasing after the gang.*
Chief Barkley: "Heh, yet another exciting Saturday at the Fox/Cooper household. Maybe I should promote her..."
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butch-chastity · 7 years
Shance Fluff Week Day 2 - Sea/Stars
“My mom used to sing me a song about the stars.” Lance whispered quietly. He looked at Shiro with sad eyes, normally baby blues deep and dark, filled to the brim with what Shiro knew was homesickness. They were sitting on a dock, on an alien planet, casually watching the waves roll beneath them.
The water was far, far below them. Lance had said that it was probably low tide, but the planet had three moons, which made Shiro wondered if high tide ever came in.
“She did?”
Lance sighed, and leaned back on his hands. “Yeah. It was more like a story actually.” He cocked his head, like he was trying to remember. “I can never remember the words, though. She never sung it to me unless I had a nightmare.” He laughed bitterly. “Which was a lot less when I was four.”
“Do you remember what it was about?” Shiro asked softly.
The Blue Paladin pursed his lips, then shrugged. “I, I um, yeah. I think so.” Shiro leaned back next to him. “Why don’t you tell me?”
Lance chuckled softly. It made Shiro’s heat melt a little, to see his teammate, and sort-of crush, so subdued. “Um, sure. Yeah.” Lance sighed. “Well, I’m pretty sure the story starts with something like ‘Callate, callete’, or ‘be quiet, be quiet’.” His mouth twitched upwards. “My mom was dramatic.” He explained with a shrug. Lance ran a hand through his hair. “’The stars are shining up above. They’re blinking out of sorrow for the love that they’ve lost.’” Lance sighed. “’Help them, help them, for they need help, and it has yet to come.’” He wrinkled his nose. “It’s really cheesy now that I say it out loud.”
Shiro laughed. “Keep going. You’re great.” Lance smiled. “The stars are lost there in the ocean, look, look down and see them, can’t you tell they are lost? They search for the sun, their lover and friend, but the moon betrayed them.“
Shiro leaned a little closer. Lance had gotten quieter.
“He told them the sun was taking a bath, that he had cast himself into the water to wash away his heat. The stars believed him, and that was their greatest mistake. The sun had thrown himself into the water at sunset, burning, burning, burning, until there was nothing left.”
Shiro let himself lean on his arm.
“But the moon.“
“What?” Shiro asked.
“The sun killed himself, and turned into the moon.” Lance whispered, with a smile on his face. He winked.
Shiro chuckled softly. “Why would the moon do that?”
“Shh, Shiro, I’m getting to that part.” Lance whispered. Without a second thought, he winked a put a finger on Shiro’s lips. “You need to learn how to think before you speak.” Shiro flushed, but Lance didn’t notice, and kept eye contact. Shiro didn’t say that it was actually Lance’s problem.
“The sun was sad. He was entranced with the stars, always watching them in the moments he could see them when he set. He fell in love with them.”
Shiro raised an eyebrow. “All of them?”
“Every single one.” He smiled. “And he planned to leave none of them behind.” Lance whispered. His hand moved from Shiro’s face to his shoulder. “So he fell with them, into the ocean. The stars didn’t realize that it was the sun with them, so they ran away.” Lance smiled. “But he didn’t chase them. It was enough, to be with them.” "So why do we see the sun every morning?” Shiro smiled.
“The sun found another to take his place. He drowned in the ocean as well, the first night.” Shiro chuckled.
“But the next sun made the same mistake.”
“He fell in love with the same stars again.”
“And did he fall into the ocean too?”
“Oh, yeah. And every one after.” Lance smiled.
Shiro looked away. “So, uh, where did your mother learn that story?”
Lance laughed. "My sister wrote it in the ninth grade.”
Shiro groaned.
"She made it up for her final project. Lita wanted to be a musician.” Lance winked. “All though we aaalll knew I was better.”
Shiro laughed.
Lance fell back on the deck. “Yep. That was me. I was gonna call myself Starboy, and move to Virginia.”
“Why Virginia?”
“Why not? I was eight. I didn’t care, as long as I was near the president.”
Shiro rolled his eyes and laid down next to him. “So, how did you get into the Garrison?”
Lance shrugged. “I saved a bunch of money when my family wasn’t looking, and applied when I told them. I didn’t think I’d get in.”
Shiro looked at him. “Why not?”
Lance shook his head. “Does it matter? I failed anyway.” He sighed. “I’m just a cargo pilot.” Lance laughed weakly. “Keith loves to tell me that.” Lance looked up, towards the stars.“Isn’t it weird? You know, looking at the stars and not being able to recognize them. If we were home— What season is it now, anyway? Winter? Summer? Damn, I don't—,”
“Lance.” Shiro moved back up to his elbow. “You’re not just a cargo pilot.”
Lance was silent for a moment. Shiro couldn’t see his face, it was almost like one of those cliche movie moments.
“Don’t.” Lance said firmly.
“I said don’t.” Lance looked at him. “Don’t feed me those lies. I’m sick of them.“ He sat up. "Hunk tries to say that too. I’m tired of it.”
Shiro sits up too. They’re both quiet for a moment.
Before long, Lance tries to say something, but he stops, and chokes, and it’s all Shiro can do to pull the younger paladin into his lap. Their armour is bulky, and hard, so there’s no way for Lance to press into him, but he tries, and it works, somehow.
There’s another moment of silence, and then Shiro asks, “Are you okay?”
Lance scowls. “Do I look okay?“
Shiro smiles softly. “You know, it’s okay to cry.”
Lance pulls of his lap. "No it’s not.”
“Hey,” Shiro coos. He reaches down, and gently wipes some tears off his face. “Yes it is. Who told you that?”
“I told myself.”
“Well,” Shiro holds Lance’s face. “Stop. It’s not worth it.” Lance looks up at him. Shiro doesn’t mind when Lance’s face gets red, and silent, frustrated tears slide down his cheeks, gently pressing a kiss to the younger boy’s forehead. “I’m not going to tell you to stop until you’re comfortable with it, okay? But you need to believe me when I say that you need to stop. It’s not healthy.” Shiro pulls back, and presses a firm kiss to the top of Lance’s head. “Okay, Lance?”
Lance sighs, frustrated. “I guess.” He grumps.
Shiro smiles, and presses his lips to Lance’s forehead, again. “You’re okay with me doing this, right?”
It was probably Shiro’s imagination, but he thought he saw Lance’s lips twitch up into a smile. “What? A hot guy holding me? Kissing me? Oh, no, I’m so opposed.”
Shiro laughed. “So you wouldn’t mind, if—,”
Suddenly, Lance reaches up and grabs the sides of Shiro’s mouth, bringing them together.
Lance pulls back before Shiro could register what really happened, and stood before he could react.
Lance offered his hand to Shiro. “I know we probably missed dinner, but we could probably get some food in town.” He winked. “I think we probably do some more of that.”
Shiro’s eyes widened, and he tentatively took Lance’s hand. “Um, I, uh… That sounds great.” He smiles, nd thankfully, Lance smiles back, just as wide.
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itsjaybullme · 7 years
'Triple H' Explains The Origins of the Mae Young Classic
Courtesy WWE
"The Game" still has a few tricks up his sleeve.
As WWE Executive Vice President of Talent, Live Events & Creative, Paul “Triple H” Levesque has made just as much of an impact on WWE as he did when he was a superstar facing off against John Cena and "The Rock". He was responsible for overhauling WWE's developmental division, leading to the rise of the much-acclaimed NXT brand. Last year, he spearheaded the Cruiserweight Classic tournament, leading to a brand new show, 205 Live.
His latest project? The Mae Young Classic. This 32-competitor, women-only tournament brings together a host of sports entertainers from across the globe to compete in a singles-only elimination format. The roster is diverse, ranging from relative unknowns to former UFC fighter Shayna Bazler and Japanese fan-favorite Kairi Sane.
Muscle & Fitness had a chance to talk to Levesque about the origins of the tournament, why it's named after WWE Hall of Famer Mae Young, and his thoughts on the future of the tournament.
To start, what was the genesis of the Mae Young Classic?
Paul “Triple H” Levesque: So for Mae Young, much like for the Cruiserweights, I try to look at the industry and then see what I think, where there's opportunities to create something special, and maybe where there's not as big of a platform as I would like to see, and be able to flesh that out and make it something more and something bigger. The Mae Young Classic kinda stemmed from that same deal.
When I first took over developmental, I saw the way we were using our female athletes and the way they were trained, and all of it was just not what it should be. I wanted to change that, and we did. We started to train them differently. We started to give them different opportunities in developmental and NXT, and that blew up and became the catalyst for kinda the Women's Revolution. Our fans really pushed for that. I'm sure you know the backstory and the trending hashtag #GiveDivasAChance.
Of course.
You know that division became the Women's Division, and morphed into what it is now with the women [having] a different level of athleticism and intensity. It really set the stage for something more to be done.
It's something I had been asking about for a few years, much like Cruiserweights. And the timing was right so, you know, we decided to do this tournament.
When we first started, to be honest, I was concerned with doing a 32-woman tournament. I thought it might need to be 16 to keep the skill level at its peak, but the more I started to dig the more I started to uncover gold and seeing these diamonds that were just kinda sitting out there. And I started this because women that are in this tournament, the respect level I have for them of doing what they do, they do it for the same reasons we all got into the business, [which] is for the love of it, right? You see something, or you go to an event, or whatever and you fall in love with it. You think it's the greatest thing you've ever seen and you determine that's what you're going to do with your life.
But the difference for the guys is [that] no matter what level you're at—even for the Cruiserweight guys—there's always this chance that there's this pot of gold at the end of a rainbow, right? And that's why you get on the rainbow in the first place. For these women, they got on that rainbow and they started to do it. They did the same grind, they tried to do the same, you know, make the same name for themselves and do all those things, except there was no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. For many, one or two or a small handful there was maybe WWE. Really outside of that, there wasn't much opportunity for them, but yet they still continued to grind and they made it their life and their life's work, you know?
That, to me, is an even bigger respect level than what the guys go through. So now I'm happy that they can jump on that rainbow, and now they're seeing that that pot of gold is there. That that rainbow has an end to it, and then there's something there for them. And now I feel like the Mae Young Classic, while the attention has been there on the main roster of the Women's Division and NXT, but now the main roster is going to be set by things like the Mae Young Classic. That's the pot of gold for these guys to transition into something more.
So in regards to the selection process, it sounds like your goal was to find 'diamonds in the rough'? Is that why the roster is only NXT and independent superstars? I know there are plenty of female superstars in RAW and Smackdown—Charlotte, Natalya, Becky Lynch, and so on. Did you decide that you wanted to focus specifically on lesser-known superstars to really give them that spotlight?
To me, the Mae Young Classic was about opportunity and breaking through a glass ceiling. And for a lot of those girls that you just mentioned, they had already broken through in some way. They're already playing in a platform that is an opportunity for them.
The Mae Young Classic was about the opportunity, and that the opportunity for a lot of these women they had never had before. When you look at who's in the Mae Young Classic, yes, some of those girls are signed to WWE Developmental, but there are more girls that either come just from zero starting with us and had just gotten to a point where they're ready for something like this, or there are girls that we just kinda signed and this is their first real opportunity to prove themselves.
That to me is what this was. Taking people that the average fan or maybe even beyond that, unless you're a super hardcore, a lot of these women you've never heard of, you know? To take them and give them that opportunity. Some of them had been doing it for a really long period of time. You know, they've been out there grinding with no end in sight, and just no opportunity, really. That's what this is for. That is what the Mae Young Classic is for, about that opportunity to become something more.
I was wondering why WWE ultimately made the decision to name the tournament the Mae Young Classic. How did you come to the decision to honor Mae Young with this tournament?
So there [were] a lot of decisions and a lot of names thrown around, and there was a team that went through all that stuff. At the end of the day, we were looking for something that kinda symbolized the transition.
And while I think a lot of people would say, like, you know, "Why didn't you name it The [Fabulous] Moolah Classic?”, or "Why didn't you name it after some other female?" To me, Mae was the one person that, when you look at it, Mae Young started at the very beginning of her life. Got into a men's-only business and against all conceivable odds stayed in that business and competed much like Moolah did or all these other people. But Mae was one of the only ones that was able to really transition into the modern day.
Mae was able to transition into the entertainment component of the Attitude Era in a way that if you look at the Attitude Era and you look at Mae Young, you can look at Moolah standing next to her. But Moolah was just kinda there in the straight man or straight woman in the equation. Mae was the one that was like, "I don't care. I'll do it." You know, she was half the time suggesting stuff that we're like, "Oh God. Mae, we can't do that." You know?
Yeah, I've heard stories.
Yes, she really, to me, was this one that, like, you know when the business switched, and...Look, you can say whatever you want about all those eras. It morphed, and while people were saying that DX and all those things were [hurting] the business from a traditional sense, or whatever, Mae was the one to go, "I love it. I'll do it." To me, she bridged the gap.
There was ladies wrestling business and then there was kinda the Glow Era, and then women's wrestling changed and you have the Trish Stratuses and the Litas. Mae was in it from the beginning. And Mae not only was in it from the beginning, but was able to transition through every single one of those eras, from in-ring as this hard-as-nails competitor to pinup girl in that timeframe, and hard-as-nails competitor to that modern Attitude Era just straight-out entertainer, you know? And I don't know that anybody else has been able to do that, and that's why...[in] the business now, you have to be able to do all those things. Mae could do all of them.
Do you see the possibility that Classic becoming a recurring event or leading to something bigger, much like how the Cruiserweight Classic led to 205 Live?
I do. Not 100% sure what that is.
In some ways, I think the Cruiserweights is a different platform that can have its own distinct individual show. I don't know if the women need that right now.
The Cruiserweights, they have a match here or there on RAW, and then they have their own division and their own show on 205. With the women, you have opportunities on RAW, you have opportunities on SmackDown, you have opportunities at NXT. Hopefully, over time you'll have opportunities in the U.K. You'll have opportunities in different localized markets. Those are the things, for me, that it begins to spread around.
I would love for the Mae Young to be this reccurring yearly, or whatever it is, this reccurring thing that is the opportunity for the girls that are out there grinding, for the girls that are out there working at the little armories and the little places and dreaming about that pot of gold to be able to jump on the rainbow and start to take the ride. And for us to scan around the world every year and say, "Who do we want to look at this year, and give them that opportunity? Who's really improved since last year to take this opportunity? Who's that next level? Who's that next generation of stars?"
To me, that's where something like the Mae Young Classic becomes a huge opportunity. And if it's my decision, yeah it will be exactly that. An opportunity that keeps coming back over and over.
The Mae Young Classic will air exclusively on the WWE Network.
The first four episodes of the single-elimination tournament will be available on-demand starting Monday, August 28.
Episodes five through eight will be available on-demand on Monday, September 4.
The final match will stream live from Las Vegas on Tuesday, September 12 at 10 p.m. ET.
from Bodybuilding Feed http://www.muscleandfitness.com/athletes-celebrities/interviews/triple-h-explains-origins-mae-young-classic via http://www.rssmix.com/
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Nothing But Time (Tommy x Nikki)
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Title: Nothing But Time
Summary:  Tommy and Nikki talk while in jail.
Warnings: Language mainly
AN:  So I've switched some events around, mainly Tommy going to jail. I hope you guys like it!
“Oh come on, is the holding cell really necessary?” Nikki asked as he was lead into the back of the jail. 
“Your bail hasn’t gone through yet, and we can legally hold you for twenty-four hours,” The cop told him. Nikki was placed in a jail cell by himself. He sighed as he sat on the bench. A few minutes later, another cop walk by with someone else in handcuffs.
“In you go Mr. Lee,” A cop chuckled a little bit. Nikki’s head popped up at hearing Tommy’s last name. Nikki made his way to the bars as he heard the clang of Tommy’s cell closing.
“T-Bone?” Nikki asked.
“Fucking hell Sixx, we really fucked it up this time, didn’t we?” Tommy responded.
“Yeah man, we did. But that fucker deserved it,” Nikki told him.
“Yeah, but did you really have to throw around that word? I mean, there were cameras there man. That shit’s gonna live forever.” Tommy told him.
“It’ll die. They won’t show it on America’s Funniest Home Videos and I don’t see it being on AOL for very long,” Nikki headed back to his bench and flopped down. A few minutes of silence went by before Nikki heard shuffling in the cell next to him. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing…” Tommy answered, but Nikki could tell he was pacing. “Hey Nik? I got a request.”
“I don’t have any smokes man. Left them in my hotel room when the cops showed up,” Nikki told him.
“It’s not that,” Tommy told him. “Just forget it dude. It’s dumb.”
“What do you want?” Nikki asked. He heard Tommy settle on his own bench.
“Can you...can you keep talking to me?” Tommy asked. “I don’t like the silence.” Nikki was about to start teasing him when he stopped. Tommy had only been out of jail a few months. He had been kept in solitary the whole time, and Nikki was sure that this was bringing up bad memories for the drummer.
“Sure man,” Nikki told him. “Anything particular you want me to talk about? You know I can ramble for hours if need be.”
“How’s that book idea of yours going?” Tommy asked. Nikki smiled some.
“Pretty good. Actually, the guy I found to help it flow and shit, he suggested we do the whole band. Give all the dirty details and shit. We each write a chapter and have fun with it.” Nikki explained.
“The dirt on the band is enough to get us an NC-17 rating man,” Tommy laughed. “I love it. Let’s do it.”
“Mick said he’d do it, but he’s a man of few words so his chapters will only be like a page,” Nikki told him.
“And he’ll throw in some alien shit or something into it,” Nikki could practically hear Tommy smiling. “I can’t wait to read his.” The silence fell then and Nikki was racking his brain trying to figure out what to say next. “I call bullshit on Vince being fed Big Macs and beer in jail.”
“Why’s that?” Nikki asked.
“I don’t know if he just got lucky with the cops he had, or if it was because of where I was, but they sure weren’t giving me Big Macs and beer,” Tommy admitted. “I got put in solitary. They said it was for my own protection. But there was this one little punk and he made those months fucking miserable.”
“Tommy…” Nikki closed his eyes. He had been to jail before, but it was usually overnight and it usually involved a bottle of whiskey somewhere in the story about how he ended up there.
“I mean, Vince fucking killed a guy Nik. And he said they were giving him alcohol like crazy. Pam fucking says I beat her. I guess potential wife beaters are worse than people guilty of manslaughter.” Tommy sighed
“Don’t worry. We’ll be out of here before we know it,” Nikki told him. “You think Vince and Mick even know we’re gone?”
“I highly doubt it,” Tommy told him. “Mick goes into some like, fucking deep sleep trance. And Vince is too busy screwing anything that walks.” He heard Nikki’s deep laugh then, causing a smile on his face. “Hey Nik?”
“Yeah man?” Nikki asked.
“Wanna go get a burger when we get out of here?” Tommy asked.
“Sure,” Nikki nodded. “When was the last time we just went out together?”
“I think two wives ago,” Tommy laughed. “Because we still went out when I married...what was her name again?”
“Shit if I remember,” Nikki chuckled. “You’ve had too many girlfriends and wives. I can’t keep track of it all.”
“I haven’t had that...okay never mind,” Nikki laid back on the bench and looked up at the ceiling. “At least I never dated Vanity.”
“In my defense, I was high pretty much that whole relationship,” Nikki told him. “Could you imagine how much fucking different my life would be if I had married her or Lita?”
“I can’t see you and Vanity getting married. But you and Lita? I think you guys would’ve been cute honestly,” Tommy told him. “Things happen for a reason. Just like me and Heather…” Tommy trailed off. “I miss her sometimes, you know? Like I love my boys, and I’m so fucking thankful for them, but I don’t see them as much as I would like to. And I feel like if I could’ve just hung on, her and I would’ve had the kids I always wanted.”
“Like you said, things happen for a reason,” Nikki told him. “But it makes us stronger in the end, doesn’t it?”
“I guess,” Tommy shrugged. “Who knew you were getting so philosophical?”
“Oh, fuck you,” Nikki laughed. “So, what do we do now?”
“Wish they would’ve put us in the same fucking cell. We could’ve like conned them out of a deck of cards or something,” Tommy told him. “Glad I got my makeup off though. That would’ve been twenty kinds of fun.”
“Thankfully we’re not with the general population,” Nikki told him. “Make up on would’ve caused a whole new set of problems.” The silence fell again. “Hey T-Bone?”
“I...wanna come over and watch the game with me Sunday?” Nikki asked. “San Diego is playing Indianapolis. Could be a good game and we’ll be back home by then.”
“Yeah dude. That sounds pretty awesome. Need me to bring anything?” Tommy asked.
“Well, we’re gonna get some pizza so if there’s anything else…” Nikki trailed off. “It’ll be fun.”
“Hell yeah it will! Because I’ll be there,” Tommy laughed. Nikki smiled a truly genuine smile.
Who would’ve thought time in a jail cell could make him smile like that? They had to wait still, but now they had something to look forward to. And that burger sounded better with each passing minute.
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