sailormoonsub · 4 months
ok so i am obligated as both a longtime mutual who thinks i have a handle on ur tastes/interests, and as someone who has been desperately obsessed with a piece of media for months and needs to drag more people in with me, to say: i think u should watch shoujo kageki revue starlight. i'm not even saying u should liveblog it if u dont want to, but i think you'd genuinely love it. idk how much u know about it and i dont want to spoil anything but i will say the director worked with ikuhara and was pretty influenced by him. also it's very very gay (plus besides the anime+movie there's a bunch of stage musicals and the cast has a wild amount of sera myu revival overlap. koyama momoyo, who played ami in petit etrangere and un nouveau voyage, plays the protagonist in all the properties, and in the stage musicals they also brought in nanaki kanon (rei), nomoto hotaru (usagi in amour eternal and le mouvement final), and kuge kokoro (one of the chibiusa actresses))
also of course this is all moot if you've already seen it sometime in the past few years but. if you haven't i really really think you'd enjoy it
THANK YOU for your service as someone who is always right about what I would like. I haven't seen Revue Starlight yet but it sounds soooo Audrey-coded and I will definitely give it a watch!
This ask in particular is also reminding me that I haven't reviewed (revued) most of the Sailor Moon stage musicals yet and GOD I MISS THEM SO MUCH
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joelslegalwhre · 1 month
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I've read so many amazing works last year, and I feel like my tagging system wasn't the best, so a fic rec list for every month of the year seemed like the perfect way to show those incredible fics some love and support. I already did a "big" fic recs list, but these monthly ones will be more up to date!
If you decide to read a fic (any fic) don't forget to leave the author a reblog or comment! Supporting the creators is to show them love!💜
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puzzle cube - steven grant x f!reader -> literally everything by @winniethewife is so good!!
Who's your daddy? - soft daddy!joel x f!reader by @joelmillerisapunk
Bad Habits - soft daddy!joel x f!reader (pt.2 to who's your daddy?)
loosing my religion - arthur harrow x priestess!reader by @darlingverse
unbelievable - mechanic!joel x f!reader by @joelmillerisapunk
crush - bfd!joel x reader by @girlboybug
meet me in the back - sleazy gas station clerk!joel x fem!reader (absolute BANGER) by @atticrissfinch
the new girl in tinseltown - dieter bravo x actress!reader by @chiriwritesstuff
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I'm posting this at the end of April, ik, I had a shitty end to february and an equally shitty march but I didn't want to let these great fics sit in my drafts or delete this post so here it is.. just a bit later
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kittenintheden · 4 months
You’re gonna have to update your masterlist because your story replies are bangers and must be accessible to EVERYONE
How about a what-if where Astarion was captured along with one of Cazador’s faithful servants, like a werewolf or whatever, because maybe Astarion was late to return, and as soon as Astarion wakes up after the crash he has to flee from the servant. Enter Tav and whoever she picked up, and being the big hero she steps in and stops the abduction. The servant, tadpoled or not, tries to convince her to hand the vampire over but she says he’s under her protection and slays him.
Astarion the damsel gets saved by the knight-in-shining-armor *finger guns*
He isn't breathing.
Not that he has to, really, but breathing is still a natural impulse. In, out. A way to speak, a way to sigh. A way to scream. A reminder of the life that was.
But now, he's huddled in shadow on the far side of a rock outcropping, not breathing at all. He'd been in Baldur's Gate, living the painful tortuous monotony of his life, and then he'd been elsewhere with a monstrosity in his face. Now he's on the ground among smoldering wreckage, and the sun is shining.
The sun is shining.
He is so unbelievably fucked.
In the very smallest stroke of luck, he'd woken in the shadow of this rock, but the sun is moving in the sky and the light creeps closer and closer. His head aches horribly, the new passenger behind his eye squirming unpleasantly. But it's honestly the least of his problems.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are, little brat."
The quiet clatter of moving bone, of one of Cazador's many skeletal servants, which somehow came along for the ride. Perhaps because it'd had one bony hand about his wrist at the time, dragging him toward the palace with promises of familiar-but-fresh tortures waiting for an arrogant spawn who failed to do his job for the third night in a row.
Astarion squeezes his eyes shut, not making a sound. He'll worry about the sun later. For now, he'll settle for not being discovered.
Unfortunately, his luck has run out.
"Found you," the skeleton says, peeking around a corner with the permanent grin of the fleshless undead.
"No," Astarion says, scrambling back, his hand going to his dagger. "I won't go back, I'll end you first, I'll -"
He stops just short of the line of the sunlight, cornered between burning and the threat of Cazador. Burning is looking better all the time.
The skeleton draws its hand crossbow, leveling it at his dead heart. It tilts its head, neck cracking. "You know I can't allow that, little one."
Astarion's a split second away from accepting his fate when there's a flash of silver and a flare of radiant magic. His hand goes to his eyes, shielding them from the searing brightness, and then it's over. When he lowers his hand, he sees a large figure before him, armor dented and sword poking through the remains of a broken bone man. His gaze flicks to the side to see another there, a half-elf woman with a long braid lowering her own hands, the shimmer of sacred magic still on her fingers.
The large figure turns and regards him. Another woman, tall and broad, her dark hair piled atop her head in a messy bun. Stoic. Imposing. Beautiful.
She holds out her hand. "Are you all right?"
Astarion huffs a surprised laugh. Blinks. Reaches up cautiously to accept her offered help. She pulls him to standing. He can't stop looking at her face.
"I'm better, now," he manages. His long years of instinctual charm kick in. "And thrilled to be in such... capable company. I'm called Astarion."
The woman nods. "Call me Tav."
"I'd be delighted to."
"Why don't you come into the sun? You'll catch cold."
She continues to grip his hand as she pulls him into the light and his flight-or-fight response comes back full force.
"No, I can't, I don't want, no, no-"
But then he's standing in the sun and he isn't burning.
He isn't burning.
Next to him, his knight in shining armor tilts her head toward the path. "Come on. Let's get somewhere safe."
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andmaybegayer · 7 months
Last Monday of the Week 2023-11-06
It was Bandcamp Friday so I'll open with a rundown.
Listening: One song per album let's go
Do The Hate by MiSLeD, off TERRORTORIES, a deeply uncomfortable sounding song.
I originally picked up MiSLeD's acoustic album a few Fridays ago and took a while to come around on their unbelievably blunt and hyperlocal style. A sledgehammer through Johannesburg concrete, I have come to love 'em. Do the Hate has an aggressive chant that makes it genuinely kind of uncomfortable to listen to and also extremely fun to yell along with.
The Length of the Chain by Chamber Mage, off their 2022 demo tape and thus far their only album release unless you go see them live.
I picked these guys up off I think the Topic Lords podcast? Solid reliable heavy metal. Can't wait to see their first full album, they're from Denver so if you're from that part of the world definitely find out if they're playing.
All On Fire by Double Sun, from the album of the same name, Pretoria boys playing bluesy punk.
One of the last bands I saw in Johannesburg before I moved. I had the three-part Dead Wreck Beach stuck in my head for a good long while. I'm still not sure what it is about Gauteng that produces so many psychedelic punk bands but I'm not complaining.
Two Jack de Quidt albums, soundtracks from Friends at the Table which I have been getting really into.
First up, The Tower, As Built By The Divine Candidate Chital, from the soundtrack for COUNTER/weight, meditative track to match the meditative and still incomplete two-player game The Tower.
Apperances of The Tower in F@TT games are always great. It's a game that the GM and composer have been working on forever and they get really, really into it.
Next, gotta be Marielda, from the season of the same name. The clarinet from this is so memorable.
The intro tracks to every game are obviously the ones you hear the most, and they're all bangers.
All Through the Night [Patrick's Version], from the Titus Andronicus demotape for their most recent album The Will to Live. Rough cuts from studio sessions.
I adore The Will to Live, when I'm honest I really don't care much for most of Titus Andronicus's work other than The Monitor and now The Will to Live. These are good at capturing what I like about live performances: performers going ham and not necessarily performing well but definitely performing the most.
And lastly, Threshold from sungazer, off the album Perihelion. This was an experimental piece combining rhythms at both extremes of human perception, with the overall rhythm of the song being as slow as possible with individual bars being impossibly fast.
There's a whole Adam Neely video on it, because he's one part of sungazer.
Alright on to the rest of the show:
Reading: Back into The Count of Monte Cristo, rapidly seeing the roots of many other stories I've read crystalize into this genre, most notable Eoin Colfer's Airman.
Watching: The various Hackaday talks that have been uploaded over the past week, some good ones lately like A Hacker's Guide to Audio and Video Formats.
Playing: on Saturday evening I finished making dinner and sat down to play Titanfall 2 from the start because for some reason my save was incomplete and I figured I'd just start over. And then it was two in the morning and I had beaten Titanfall 2. Great game.
Making: Abortive attempts at designing some adapters for my vacuum cleaner because I realized I took my reference images wrong and had to start over, fortunately before I wasted any filament.
Also Hack Week at work, so I'm working on some original code with two much, much more experienced python developers, which if nothing else is a good learning experience.
Tools and Equipment: Modern text editor configuration systems can be rigged to almost completely bootstrap themselves if given an internet connection. You should use this to your advantage. I use lazy.nvim in bootstrap mode now and it's so easy.
Side note, nvim's lua configuration mode is real nice, major improvement over vimscript when you want to do anything complicated. Sorry Tim Pope.
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cherry-girl444 · 2 months
Music i think the pastas listen to or what reminds me of them<3
JEFF THE KILLERִ ࣪𖤐◞ ꙳ ๋࣭ ⭑ `
(I mean i totally head canon him as emo and a metal head so here are some ones that i took from my "For jeff the killer" playlist <3)
.Partners in crime-set it off, ash costello (ARE YOU KIDDING THIS SONG IS SOOOO GOOD AND ITS SO HIM)
.Sexy drug-falling in reverse (SEE WHAT DID I SAY)
-Criminal-Brittany spears (ITS LITERALLY HIM)
TICCI TOBY ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
.Father-The front bottoms (I DEFINETLY SEE THIS IN HIS PLAYLIST)
. Chop suey! -System of a down (HE DEF LISTENS TO THIS RELIGEOUSLY)
.Tears over beers-Modern baseball (I SO SEE HIM BEING MIDWEST EMO)
.Tear you apart- she wants revenge (I ALSO SEE THIS AS A JEFF SONG AS WELL BUT ALSO TOBY)
NINA THE KILLER⛧°。 ⋆༺♱༻⋆。 °⛧
.Pretty little psycho (THIS SONG IS SO HER IDC)
.Kiss me again-kets4eki (KISS ME KISS ME KISS ME AGAINNN)
.Im so crazy for youuu </3-Rebzyyx (UR SO UPSET WITH ME BUT IM SO OBSESSED WITH YOU<3)
.Freak show-punkinlovee (NINA CORE)
.Welcome to the internet-Bo burnham (IDK ITS JUST SO BEN)
.Nowhere to run-Stegosaurus rex
-Carousel-Melanie martinez (THIS SONG IS SO SO SO SO LJ)
-Insane in the brain-cypress hill
-HAHA-lil darkie
-Mad hatter-Melanie martinez
-In my room-ICP
-Vending machine of love-The stupendium (I SERIOUSLY DK WHY WHENEVER I LISTEN TO THIS SONG I PICTURE LJ)
-Pink elephants on parade-Disney studio chorus (U BEST BET THIS IS PLAYING AT HIS CARNIVALS
-The masochism tango-Tom lehrer (AAAAH)
-An unhealthy obsession-the blake robinson synthetic orchestra
EYELESS JACKﮩـﮩﮩ٨ـ🫀ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ
-The zombie song-Stephanie Mabey (IF I WERE A ZOMBIE ID NEVER EAT YOUR BRAIN </3)
-Misery meat-Sodikken
-Monster-Lady gaga
-Blow my brains out-Tikkle me
-Animal i have become-Three days grace
-People eater-Sodikken
-Brutus-The buttress(JANE CODED FR)
-Killer queen-Queen
-Living dead girl-Rob zombie
-Shes my collar-Gorillaz, kali uchis
‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊ ♡ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ·͙̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥̩̩͙‧͙ °̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥ ♡ ‧̍̊·̊‧̥°̩̥˚̩̩̥͙°̩̥‧̥·̊‧̍̊
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transmascpetewentz · 9 months
Here are a few of my thoughts on Velvet Goldmine after my first watch:
The Maxwell demon is definitely symbolism for the discovery of treatments for HIV. Maxwell's demon is a thought experiment who how you can reverse the constant chaos of the universe, so it seems obvious that a bisexual Maxwell's demon from a 1990s movie would have such symbolism. Also, "six feet down at age twenty five" sounds a lot like young deaths.
Curt was insane in a good way. I liked his character arc, actually. Gimme Danger was such an emotional moment because this victim of torture who was abused for showing desire, finally got up there and screamed to thousands of people in the crowd what his desires were. His support of Arthur, a younger MLM man, at the end shows how much he actually cares about other people despite his almost un-human portrayal at the beginning with TV eye.
Brian Molko is unbelievably hot in that film especially. But more seriously, Placebo's appearance in the film was particularly unique. I liked it a lot and 20th century boy is a fucking banger.
I liked the Oscar Wilde plot point, actually. I think it very much ties into the "from an older gay to a younger gay" theme in the film, which shows up when Brian Slade gives Arthur the courage to come out, when Curt and Arthur have sex, and many other times. It goes all the way back to over a hundred years before the events of the film.
The film didn't make sense for the first 3/4. Then the last 30 minutes were some of the most emotional parts of a film that I have witnessed. It is truly incredible.
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beta-adjacent · 10 months
Hi ^-^ I just wanted to say how happy I am to see an active miscecanis blog. I don’t really post about it but I’m miscecanis too, I’ve felt so for 7 or 8 years. I’ve always loved nesting even as a kid not knowing what the omegaverse was. My favorite nest spot I’ve made was in college I had a space above the built in closet in my dorm (sort of a cabinet) and if I climbed on my desk I could worm my way into the cabinet and I had a vantage spot of the whole room (had 3 roommates it was big) and a cozy spot with blankies and pillows that only I could reach (nobody else was small enough to fit in there or flexible enough to climb in). I’ve also always loved the idea of scenting, where I live people wear lots of fragrance so as a kid I would cuddle one of my mom’s scarves if I was scared, to smell it, and I sort of still do that with my best friend’s clothes (it’s not weird, she knows/doesn’t mind). Sorry this is sort of an unsolicited ramble I am just so happy somebody gets me :)
This just made me tear up a little 🥹 /pos
Thank you for sharing your story!! That nesting spot sounds so unbelievably comfy, and ugh yes, scenting is just a god-tier concept!!!
I'm happy I'm as active as I am (it's a blessing granted to me by summertime) but I'm not the only one here!!! It only feels right to mention some of the cool people I've met on this site, who've made me feel seen and welcome. @pack-the-pack and @pin3-vin3 have both been hella active recently and always make banger posts. @sunshine-omega, @moonlitomega, @alphabumblebunny, @omegapheromone, @vinnofthebluemoon, @feral-omega, and @liuwithheadcanons are just a few of many others who have made my experience on Tumblr an absolute joy.
Seriously, this community has been so kind to me, and I'm so happy to be a part of it. Even though I know e-packs our not our strongest suit, and most of us live in a state of casual hiatus, it still feels like we're here for each other. Like, even if I never hear from y'all again, the passion you've spoken into the world is still felt by me. And I'm really, really happy to learn that my passion has touched others too
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It’s Friday again, friends, and we’ve got more fandom essentials and must-reads to share! We hope you’ll enjoy these community recs and leave some love for the creators when you check them out.
Favored Nations (@blueink3)  “I'm sure so many people are going to rec this piece, but oh, it's wonderful. A fully realised world and narrative with gorgeous characterisation and beautiful writing. The love blueink3 has for the theatre world and for artistry in general comes through in every line. The slow build of love between this universe's David and Patrick is so lovely and tender, and there are so many iconic moments that hit you right in the feels. Honestly, if you haven't already, spend the time on this fic. You won't regret it.”
“This series is one of my absolute favorites in the fandom.  Theater director David, famous musician Patrick, Broadway, pining, secret romance, all the feels!”
Bonus: “Anything written by blueink3. Favored Nations! Vroom Vroom Bitches! my heart was broke, my head was sore! as greater things crumbled! happy golden days of yore! you got a big old heart in there, david!  It's really bangers all the way down with blueink3.” 
Just As Long As I'm Here in Your Arms (@princess-tiger-lily) “This piece is considered a must read for the fandom for sure. The author has been writing it since 2019 and it covers every episode from Motel Review (when Patrick arrived) and it is the love story of David and Patrick told through their sex life (with much tenderness and minimal angst).It is canon compliant, but gives us a BTS view of how each episode's happenings impacted their sex life. It is explicit, but is also filled with fluffyness and love. Note: the author has one episode to go! I cannot wait for their take on 'Happy Ending'.”
Meet me out at the end of my rope (@yourbuttervoicedbeau) “I love this fic so much sometimes I just go visit it for awhile. Just to read a chapter or two, make sure it is still doing okay. It’s a long exes-to-lovers canon divergence fondly nicknamed “angstapalooza” by the author, so it’s intense, but in that lovable way. It is creative, well-thought-out, full of great details, and emotionally satisfying. I particularly like the epistolary interlude and how integral Stevie and Alexis are to the story. If you’ve somehow missed this, put reading it in your planner for tonight.”
Strike Anywhere ( @madlori) “This is definitely my go to fic. Sometimes I read it all the way through, sometimes I pick a chapter at random and go from there. It is beyond hot, so sexy and tender, sweet and funny. The chemistry and tension between D&P is phenomenal. The characters thrive in this setting and nothing about it feels forced or unbelievable. I absolutely love this story. 💙🖤” 
Sometimes, home is a person (houdini74/@mostlyinthemorning) “If you were to read anything post-canon, it should be this. Five years post-wedding, the Brewers have moved to Schitt’s Creek. As everyone figures out what life looks like for them now, the love is so real, and the story is just such a great look at the future it could well be canon.”
What we didn't see at Stevie's ( @lizzie-bennetdarcy) **ART** “This artist creates the loveliest images but holy🔥 this one in particular holds me fast. Something about how David's head is tilted back just so, his hand on Patrick's face... I don't know, man. Just check it out. So steamy.” 
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gangplanksorenji · 5 months
As a titty connoisseur that chaehyun fic ticked all my boxes. It's really hot when the girl is really into titfucking even when it doesn't do too much for them
Also every fic so far has been a banger
OMG anon.... thanks for reading and gladly it checked all the boxes you're finding in this fic! And YES, BIG YES, it's such a hot sight and i can't literally how that chaehyun is unbelievably hot in so many ways that it made me crazy........
also, thanks!! will try my best in every fic and hoping to finish them all! <3
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
okay your turn if nobody else has asked: TOP FIVE JH CHARACTERS GO
... girl... how does one choose? how does one??? when there are so many beautiful boys??? ok. OK I'll give it a shot.
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5. Captain Crow - The Sea Beast This film is just incredible on every front. One of my favorite concept artists worked on it (which I did not know until a few weeks ago but now that I know I feel like kicking myself because I REALLY SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THEIR STYLE WELL ENOUGH BY NOW). But I remember watching this, and screaming when the credits began to roll because WAIT?!?!?! THAT WAS JARED HARRIS??? OH!!! WHAT A DELIGHT!!! I LOVE THAT GUY!!!! (oh babygirl wait a few months it's gonna hit you so bad). He's great. I hope we see more of him in the sequel that would be great for me.
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4. Hari Seldon Honestly. What a little shit. "But Egg," you might ask "If he's such a little shit why is he on here?" well. He's hot. Really I am not over how hot this dude is. I know I couldn't fix him not in a million years. But idk. Something about him always makes my brain go brrr. So he's on here. Also I just love how fucking atypically written this show is and I have a wee soft spot for asimov. They didn't have to cast Jared as Hari and make him unbelievably hot. But they did. And he's so enigmatic. I love that.
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3. John Lennon Egg's love for Jared Harris Origins. I was a Beatles girlie, ok? I'm not ashamed to admit that. It was my introductory fandom experience at the ripe old age of baby, and I really ate it up. I remember going into this movie being like "oh it's some dumb TV movie about John and Paul how good can it be?" Very good, as it turns out. And having assigned myself a John Lennon girlie I literally could never get over this depiction. The mannerisms, the fucking tripped-out way he philosophizes in conversation, the softness, and ofc the old friends tension. Jared got it all. Of course I'd seen him in stuff here and there, but this was the one that cemented him as a beloved actor in my mind for me (I literally re-wound the kiss scene as well like 20 times don't judge me but that awakened some stuff in me). Been following him ever since.
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2. Lane Pryce - Mad Men This dude broke me for real. I didn't get into Mad Men until college, and binged it all on my friend's hulu account. And lemme tell ya. Did NOT see his final episode coming. Did not. And it made me genuinely weep. He was a highlight in the show. He was one of the only guys I could actually say is a good dude in that show, and he deserved so much better than he got in the end. I look at him and I'm just like... leave ur wife. Leave your job. Lets just go out of this capitalistic hellscape. I want to make him Well. I will love him forever for how he just completely destroyed me.
1.Francis Crozier / Valery Legasov - HA! you thought I was not going to tie them? WRONG! I can't keep these bad bitches apart.
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Francis really needs no explanation at this point. I am so actually genuinely in love with him I'm writing a whole ass gothic romance novel of a fic for him, as you all know (and which has summarily turned out a BANGER of a modern AU as well). I made a bloody self-insert oc for him. Gothic Cinema is literally my favorite genre and Francis is the most Gothic Hero of all time, honestly (well besides Valery obviously). The serotonin he continually gives me makes my meds redundant. He is my sweet husband who I love with my whole life and that's that.
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And Valery? sorry you can't put a babygirl of a man like that in front of me and not expect that I would want to jump his bones like? Not only is the constant existential dread relatable, but as much as people tell him he's not brave, he IS without a doubt, and honestly, just by virtue of uttering the most iconic logline ever fucking created he deserves this spot on this list. Both of these dudes make my soul ascend in a certain way not just with how brilliantly they were written, but with how incredibly Jared executed them (for which I want to kill the academy for not giving him awards on either). Top Beloveds forever and ever and ever amen.
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joyflameball · 1 year
Do you have a Frenrey fic recommendations masterlist? I need them for emotional support and to feed my hyperfixation <3
Breaks my knuckles yes
A lot of this is pulled from my bookmarks, which you can peruse for more. I need to read the rest of my fanfics in my tabs, I have so many, fucking help
First and foremost: FUCKING Disconnect. Premise is "Gordon is touch starved and derealized out of his mind and Benrey gives him a hug and there is crying and emotions." It's actually the fic that got me into HLVRAI in the first place! My friend sent it to me like "I know you're not into HLVRAI but I think you'd like this" and it was right. And now I'm stuck here. It's 7k words
All Fools On Deck! Based on @/melonsharks's pirate AU (not tagging them because i don't wanna be annoying), which is exactly what it sounds like. HLVRAI but they're pirates. It's got a load of feels and the sillys and they're so the most, it's 48k words and it just pirate-ifies HLVRAI and I love it sooo much
secure and guard. Post-canon, Benrey's keeping an eye on Gordon but really doesn't wanna go near him because he doesn't wanna hurt him he's protecting him and it causes chemicals in my brain, 4k
bad dreams and soft things, Benrey has a nightmare of Black Mesa and gets comforted and gay kissing and this has one of my favorite paragraphs related to kissing ever it's so soft....... 3k words
Love, Benry and its sequel, Love, Gordon, Gordon finds Benrey's diary and learns ohh shit Benrey's not a heartless monster he's actually FULL OF LOVE and in the sequel there is gay kissing. About 5k words together
because you're like a fever dream but twice as sweet! Logic version: Benrey gets infected by Xen and might genuinely die, content warning for one scene where Benrey's a tad a smidge a bit kinda very suicidal. Emotional version: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Sleep Over, Benrey hibernates and Gordon is in soooo much denial about how gay he is. It's 2.5k words
Pretty much anything Antilocapra writes. Fuckin bangers all the way. I haven't read a few of them due to brain weirdness, but judging by the rest of their fics they're most definitely spectacular. I'm gonna recommend a few specific fics because
Speechless. Holy SHIT. SPEECHLESS. Basically, Gordon loses his voice, canon diverges from there. It recently finished up, and it's REALLY GOOD. The way canon changes is SO GOOD. Bubby is in HELL. CHAPTER FUCKING EIGHT. It's one of those fics that I wanna just like. Make fanart for every chapter. It's about 50k
One Man's Trash. Not a game AU, it's a Frenrey meet-cute and Benrey meets Gordon because he's rummaging in his trash like the fucking creature he is. They can both be creatures, as a treat. Benrey's very gay. About 3k
Alien Abduction, in which Benrey gets kidnapped by the government and is really chill, he gives Gordon military to kill for enrichment and he is so fucking silly. 7k
I was gonna recommend a lot more but I need to hold myself back just you get the gist read Antilo's fics
Uhhhhh and now I recommend my own fics because I can be egotistical if I so wish!! AND I DO SO WISH!!!! /ref
My absolute magnum opus so far: You're still here, and you're beautiful to me. It's got a fuckload of angst, read the content warnings, be careful and take caution. Benrey respawns after Xen, and none of his injuries have healed. And he's kinda very mentally fucked. Again, read the content warnings. I'm really proud of it, I feel it balances humor and angst well, and there's this one conversation that I'm really fuckin proud of. It's 20k words
This one that I didn't name, Benrey's agoraphobic and chronically depressed and runs into Gordon in a grocery store and reunion, I'm so fucking happy I wrote it I can write now, it's 4k
As long as your heart continues to beat. Gordon Fucking Dies that's all I'm gonna say lmao. 3k
If ten million fireflies lit up the world as I fell asleep. I swear to god I don't just write angst, Benrey is full of love, they're gaymers, they have a gay chicken relationship, there's stars, 4k words
Cuddles are the best cure for depression actually, this is my shortest and honestly sweetest fic, they're cuddly because Benrey has depression LOOK AT MY BENREY HAS DEPRESSION HEADCANON BOY about 1k
also (un)forgettable is pretty good and i should read it but the horrors i'm so sorry dims my energy is in the negatives help girl /silly
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ihearyou-jikook · 1 year
This is dedicated to some sweet Jimin Vocals 🎤🎵
A highlight of snippets of Jimin vocals that live rent-free in my mind.
***Side note: I know I keep posting about Jimin. I told you before I refuse to leave Jiminland for now. I know JK is preparing for his album. But Jimin already wrecked me and I know JK is going to ruin me. Jikook is going for the good ol’ 1, 2 punch. TKO. && I want it. I’m here for it. But I’m not ready for it.
Alright, let’s get this ish. Go Go Go! 👇🏽
This song is my jam. It may actually be my favorite BTS song. I wish wish wish in the recorded version you could hear the part I want to highlight better, but it just doesn’t do it justice. So I frequently watch the Jimmy Fallon performance to get my fix. I will never get over how Jimin sounds here. Nevvvver.
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Is it just me or does Jimin sounds like Michael Jackson here?? Like his voice is so versatile it’s unbelievable. 
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This song is a banger. Every time I listen to it, I remember RM talking about how Jimin’s voice has this edge to it. 
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And I can't help myself. Gonna drop this gif. 
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Credit: Best of Me
***Side note: Jimin with long fluffy hair is a must. Like he whips that hair around when he’s dancing and its just…..😵
Like Crazy - English Intro
I typically prefer Korean versions of songs just because I love the way the language sounds. The english version of Like Crazy was so well done AND the intro vocals just hit different. It sounds higher, angelic, and sexier than the Korean version and it gets me every time.
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Boy with Luv - TMA
This ad-lib. Period.
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Angel voice hummmm. Talk sweet to me Jimin!!! 
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Last but not least, the ever-sexy: Filter. I love Jimin’s background vocals that fill up this song and literally consumes me. I want to drown in his vocals yall.
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There are so many more to highlight but these are the ones always popping up in my mind. 
I would love to hear about anyone else's fav Jimin vocal highlights.
I will do one for JK in the future probably after his album drops. If I make it through the album. 😵
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eemcintyre · 1 year
My (possibly controversial bc the "Top Gun" films aren't there) list of favorite TC films and why:
**There will be a wealth of spoilers below, if that’s something you want to avoid**
P.S. I still enjoy the Top Gun films every now and then, but they’re not really my jam as much as a lot of his other films/characters :)
Jerry Maguire
Pros: So funny but also so inspiring and wholesome; his performance is so intense and sweet and entertaining too- my man was robbed in the awards category as ALWAYS >:( I also find this to be his most relatable character, as I too am constantly teetering on the edge of sanity and everyone is mildly concerned, I enjoy talking to little kids, and am also struggling with what to do with my life and petrified of commitment. Everyone’s roles, even the smallest ones like Marcy, Laurel, Ray, and even the divorced women’s support group are crucial to the experience, and Ray in particular is simply the cutest. Additionally, I love “Shelter from the Storm” and Renee Zellweger's delivery and the fact that she is constantly serving fits. A bit of everything for everyone- we have romance, we have comedy, we have drama, we have sports for lord's sake
Cons: ummm… it ends?? Literally nothing?
2. Far and Away
Pros: I ship it so hard; all the good tropes are there, as another Tumblr user pointed out- enemies to lovers, there’s only one bed, class differences, etc. The vintage aesthetic goes hard, the John Williams score goes even harder; all the fight scenes with a sweaty, rosy-cheeked, bloody, shirtless Tom Cruise, and all the humorous moments I love to quote in my equally poor Irish accent: “That’s in about five hours”; “You came back from the dead to tell me that I’m odd?” The only Tom/Nicole collab that I enjoyed, but I enjoyed it so damn much.
Cons: ummm… same goes for this one- it ends? The first time I watched it too, when I thought he was going to die at the end I was unbelievably pissed and drowned in unfathomable sorrow, if that counts?
3. Cocktail
Pros: So many laughs (most intentional, some not lol, we can all be adults and admit it gets mildly ridiculous, but this movie is meant to be enjoyed not overanalyzed), the under-appreciated goddess Elisabeth Shue, Tom’s floofy hair and baby voice, and something for everyone- a bit of romance, comedy, drama, coming-of-age, etc. Little moments like the part where he flips two bottles and sticks his tongue out, the part where he says “the orgasm” and bends to kiss a girl’s hand, oooooohh boy it’s cold shower time. I also never knew bottle flipping could be so sexually charged. Is that a kink?
Cons: Brian is not the brightest a lot of the time and his excuses/rationale for doing things can be very frustrating (we all know what I’m talking about- if sOMEONE DARES YOU YOU’VE GOTTA TAKE A DARE are we TWELVE??); I also find quite a few of the characters irritating- Doug, Kerry, Bonnie, Coral… I know they’re supposed to be, but STILL, a girl can only take so much
4. The Last Samurai
Pros: Tom’s glorious mane and his character being such a sweetheart and redeeming his honor; everyone’s subtle but extremely expressive performances, the gorgeous scenery, the cute lil children. The inspirational quotes about "finding the perfect blossom" and "life in every breath", and the power duo Nathan and Katsumoto; the bros, the buddies, the besties, if you will
Cons: that almost everyone frickin DIES??? Also poor Tom gets hit with sticks a lot
5. Knight and Day
Pros: Incredibly funny and we need more movies like this that don’t take themselves too seriously. My mom almost choked to death on a Perrier water the first time we watched this. The chemistry is good. Roy Miller is incredibly wholesome, enthusiastic, and full of romantic whimsy. “Private Eyes” by Hall & Oates is always a banger. A fun and cheery comfort movie.
Cons: literally none if you don’t overanalyze it and just enjoy a fun movie the way it was meant to be enjoyed
6. American Made
Pros: Fun, artsy directing style, intriguing story that I couldn't guess the plot twists of; very different character from what he usually plays in terms of mannerisms and voice (lord take the wheel the things that the Louisiana accent does to me) and he is serving so many fits; the soundtrack is full of bops, and I forget just how very funny it is, especially scenes with Lucy. Lucy is a wonderful character and God bless Sarah Wright for pushing to give her more screen time.
Cons: …he dies? The end makes me v sad tbh. Also, the brother-in-law character was irritating and unnecessary as hell, imo
7. Mission: Impossible franchise (esp. 1, 3, 5, 6)
Pros: just Tom being Tom. Benji, Luther, Ilsa, and Julia are all wonderful, the theme is fire, and don’t we all just want to participate in a heist while in our best designer formal wear
Cons: we D O  N O T talk about MI 2; I could also personally use a bit more character development, but at the same time I know that’s not the kind of movies these are
8. Valkyrie
Pros: love a good anything about WWII; everyone has a favorite historical period and that is mine and idc if it’s BASIC. I can’t believe I never heard this story before, and it was so fascinating and exciting (even tho you know what's coming the whole time, you somehow still think "y'know, maybe they're really gonna do it"). I'm also not afraid to admit that he looked fresh as hell with that hairstyle and the eyepatch and in uniform. Good soundtrack too.
Cons: light on the character development and interaction; it’s pretty much just *down to business* from the beginning. And sure, you know this going into it, but THEY FAIL AND EVERYONE FREAKING DIES
9. A Few Good Men
Pros: love a good crime/legal drama, love a good autumnal aesthetic; Demi being a girlboss icon who has Been Through It and is just so done with anything and everything, lots of entertaining humor; Jack Nicholson is always a plus.
Cons: The guy from Twin Peaks annoys me, Daniel Kaffee is kind of an annoying lil bitch too a lot of the time, and I wish Demi and Tom would have kissed, just o n c e
10. Minority Report
Pros: another John Williams score, Agatha must be protected at all costs, the scene where she tells John and Lara about what Sean could have grown up to be like TEARS ME TO SHREDS. Very exciting overall, and I love a good free will vs. determinism debate. I’m also glad it ended happy and for once the dystopian hellscape was defeated.
Cons: It gets pretty slow and boring from time to time, I don’t care about most of the other characters (particularly the wife), and I am not a fan of that type of filmmaking where all of the colors are washed out and lighting is scarce
Thank you for coming to my TED talk; fare thee well
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frociaggine · 1 year
crazy to me how many really good fics there are about john & the original lyctors. it’s just banger after banger as they say. anyway this is not about any particular existing fic or theory but I’m obsessed with the fact that augustine and mercy and john developed that “shorthand” language that they seemingly only use with each other. weird immortal bonds that show how much they understand each other (or how much they used to)! they’re so much! their relationship is of course incredibly fucked up but i feel like there’s this extreme and intimate hyperawareness of each other that’s become a permanent part of the way they think, something that can’t be disentangled from any of their minds. they’re the emperor’s gestures but they’re also each other’s gestures. or whatever. to me that adds another level of existential horror to john’s realization that there’s no one around to “laugh at his jokes” anymore. i mean, that is 100% his fault, but the idea of being the only person left who remembers earth is just unbelievably sad and horrible no matter who it is—so is losing the only people alive who speak your language. and right after all of those connections are lost, *that’s* when kiriona gets named kiriona? possibly in an attempt to revive another connection to a lost language? god there are a lot of layers to these people. wow
crazy to me how many really good fics there are about john & the original lyctors. it’s just banger after banger as they say.
tbh they are extremely fucked up psychosexually codependent immortals! it's fic writer catnip. Also, ime, medium-sized fandoms that have a very popular juggernaut ship nearly always have excellent fic for more minor characters! there are enough people in the fandom that the pool is large, and enough content scarcity that people craft it lovingly. Anyway #blessed.
to me that adds another level of existential horror to john’s realization that there’s no one around to “laugh at his jokes” anymore. i mean, that is 100% his fault, but the idea of being the only person left who remembers earth is just unbelievably sad and horrible no matter who it is—so is losing the only people alive who speak your language.
and right after all of those connections are lost, that’s when kiriona gets named kiriona? possibly in an attempt to revive another connection to a lost language?
this made me unwell. I loved this ask but also. Wow
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irregularcollapse · 5 months
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Tagged by the lovely @angelfruittree to share my top 9 movies of 2023 🖤🖤🖤
I didn’t watch as many movies as I normally do, and didn’t go to as many festivals as I normally try to, but! Still many bangers:
Pandora and the Flying Dutchman (1951): a romance like they simply don’t make them anymore. Gorgeous to look at, beautiful to listen to, just meticulous ❤️
Pearl (2022): I quite liked X, but Pearl was something else. It’s stylish, it’s heightened, unbelievable performance from Mia Goth!
May December (2023): so tense, so darkly funny, another one packed with insane performances, but especially Charles Melton
Bones and All (2022): I don’t know why I didn’t watch it sooner. Gorgeous exploration of queerness, romantic cannibalism, beautiful soundtrack… what’s not to love huh?
Creature (2022): this is a filmed performance of a ballet that never made it to the stage. Haunting and sinister, eerily shot, just completely arresting
Monster (2023): does such incredible work with perspective and subjectivity, and the way the story unfolds is bittersweet and lovely
Neptune Frost (2021): a visual and auditory marvel that got me to sit through a sci fi! The imagery, oh my godddd
Moonage Daydream (2022): in my top 9 not for the subject matter, but because I think it’s truly innovative in the scope of music/art doco filmmaking
Inspector Ike (2020): the only comedy made in recent years, I swear. So clever and silly, incredibly high joke rate, a spoof movie with so much love in it
Honourable mentions to Tàr, Flux Gourmet, and Infinity Pool 🖤🖤🖤
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gumy-shark · 7 months
gumy how do u have so many banger posts. are you okay
Im Doing So Awesome Rice. So Unbelievably Great. You Wouldn’t Believe How Incredibly Well I’m Doing 👍 <- she has a research paper that is 2 weeks overdue and still not done so she has been shitposting instead of working on it
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