#and we're all starving
izartela · 10 months
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All turtles for the @somerandomdudelmao fanart series are now done. :D I may do some more later on if inspiration strikes, but for now I'll be moving on to other projects (some also turtle related).
On another note, if anyone would like to get any of these fanarts as prints, let me know in a comment or message me. I'll post a specific poll and info sometime later but I wanted to know if there actually is any interest first.
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starlightomatic · 2 months
Why is it that it never seems to occur to y'all that Jews who oppose the war in Gaza, or name the Nakba or the apartheid system in the West Bank as things that exist and are bad, or oppose Zionism, are doing it out of actual sincere desire for justice and ethics?
Why do you always assume we're doing it to be "good Jews" or to save our skins or for social media clout? It's never occurred to you that we oppose the war in Gaza because people in Gaza are suffering and we actually sincerely care about that?
Honestly the level of false motives you ascribe to us would be antisemitic if it was coming from goyim.
And it's just disrespectful. Feel free to disagree with us. But please for half a second assume that we're not doing this to try to earn cookies from goyim.
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weezerpilled · 1 year
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a couple of forever wips
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da-proti-toku-grem · 12 days
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joker out pics that i never got over part 20
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madamemiz · 2 years
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touch, y'know?
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morethanwonderful · 2 years
I've made posts circling this idea before, but it really just re-hit me how significant it is that the TomGreg "marriage" scene comes the episode after Greg laments that he wants someone who will love the "real him."
Like, the whole problem with Greg wanting someone who loves the real him is that the real him kinda sucks. He's a spineless, entitled little worm of a man who has spent the past year neoptism-ing his way up the ladder at a corporation that is genuinely evil. He's power hungry and manipulative, and he was instrumental in covering up a horrifying mass of crimes.
You think the fucking Contessa would want to be seen with him if she knew what a weasel he really is?
Then, right as this conundrum is presented, as the conclusion to his season arc, Greg makes his deal with the devil and looks Tom in the eye to say that having a soul is boring.
He blatantly admits that he doesn't want to be good, and Tom's response is to laugh along in encouragement. And that's because, while Greg may have complicated feelings about Tom, Tom is one of the few people in the world who knows how much Greg sucks and still rather likes him. He's the one goddamn person who stands a chance of looking at Greg's true self and saying "yeah, I'll stick around."
Their bizarre little metaphorical wedding offers Gregory exactly what he was missing from his relationship.
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charlieconwayy · 9 months
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PHILIP J. FRY & TURANGA LEELA — 8.06, “I Know What You Did Next Xmas”
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rukafais · 3 months
My favourite phenomena is seeing how consistent Kimmuriel's little ioun stone is among fanartists because it's featured prominently in one of the like, two pieces of official art he's ever had and that's all we have to go on as far as visuals go
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magpie-trinkets · 3 months
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what insomnia does to a motherfucker
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yellowloid · 10 months
girls when it's been a year since the car tour started and it's all gonna be over in a couple of months
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gibbearish · 7 months
kinda frustrating how we've spent the last few months acknowledging how a lot of well intentioned but guilt trippy social justice posts are like specifically designed to worm into ocd ppls brains and then now every single post abt palestine is "i dont care how bad your mental health is, i dont care how bad looking at all this makes you feel, if you don't read every single post you see on this topic in full you are a horrible person and directly contributing to their deaths. 'waaaah my mental health' well at least youre not being bombed, did you think about that??" and its like. i absolutely get where youre coming from but you dont get to complain that guilt tripping is bad then turn around and use it anyways because you think the cause youre using it for is worthwhile. like. everyone thinks the cause theyre using it for is worthwhile, thats why theyre using it. but its still a shit way to do it
#like when you make a tumblr post to your tumblr blog youre not guilt tripping people who disagree with you#youre guilt tripping your followers who if theyre still following you probably already agree with what youre saying#and esp on a topic with so much brutality involved like. yeah OBVIOUSLY theres people who have to look away#like. yall know a bunch of these posts and articles and videos show graphic injuries in them right?#like i physically cant watch news videos abt this bc i will spend days with my brain making me imagine#peoples deaths in graphic detail specifically because it knows that will upset me. and i would prefer not to do that#in fact me doing that helps palestinians exactly as much as finishing my brussel sprouts helps starving kids#by which i mean none. its just a cheap guilt trip to get you to do something you don't want to#which when it's brussel sprouts thats whatever but when its 'deliberately expose yourself to extremely triggering#things otherwise youre a bad person'. not so much#idk i feel like maybe its due to ppl feeling. agitated abt not being able to do anything abt it#like the government isnt listening and we're a world away so physically /all/ we can do really is sit and watch#so i can understand a) wanting to find someone to lash out at to alleviate that feeling#like if you cant stop the actual problem at the very least you can shout down the people supporting it right?#and b) seeing 'not watching' or even just 'not watching as closely as i am' as a transgression#bc well its all we can do so if youre not even doing that you must be bad#and its like. i really do get it. but the whole world is watching right now‚ like this is THE big news thing happening rn#so a few people choosing to avoid to subject will not make a single iota of difference#idk. i guess what im saying is if youre feeling the urge to yell at someone for not looking close enough#just donate some money to a support fund instead itll do a lot more
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bumblingbabooshka · 5 months
If 'Resolutions' happened with Chakotay & Tuvok they would have made a beautiful home down there on that planet. It'd be Better Homes & Gardens material by the time they left. If it happened with Tuvok & Janeway it'd just be the captain running around barefoot chasing a monkey while Tuvok grew flowers and made comments about her not tracking dirt into the house after he just cleaned the floors.
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nemisisnemi · 2 months
hi...it's been a little while? here's a leona im working on
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sorry i haven't been posting, i got sucked into another fandom for a hot sec after playing a new game
hate the laces, it's the bane of my existence
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Your the reason Laughingstock raids my brain every day all day/pos
HEEYAW WE GOT ANOTHER ONE!!!! siddown par'ner an' crack open a can'o beans by the fire, yer in for the long haul
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vulpinesaint · 1 month
i very much keep myself in my own little bubble on the internet because i am aromantic and also a hater and so fandom spaces are generally pretty hellish for me. however in the witcher fandom specifically i am forever surprised to see the complete lack of engagement with the actual themes of the text. like,,, i am certain that there are people out there having great conversations about it but the fact that the only widely accessible discourse (in the epistemological sense of the word not internet arguments) around the story is surface level character discussions when there is SO much to talk about there in OBVIOUS ways. obvi there are deeper character conversations to be had (so little about geralt's like. deep grief at his perceived inability to be human. i'll forgive it cause it is much more prevalent in the books but it's still a shame...) but there are SO many larger-scale things to talk about. the witcher as a story about colonialism i feel like i never see mentioned and considering the sheer integral nature of that discourse in the text it seems really improbable that nobody wants to talk about it? from the very beginning the story is telling you very openly about the way that humanity assumes itself to be the rightful occupant of the land when it is in fact an occupying force, and it's discussing what makes for a rightful use of violence in pushing back against that colonizing force, and what is necessary for survival under colonialism, like... i've still only read a few of the books but even JUST in the edge of the world story, without considering the scoia'tael and the larger dynamics of the fantasy racism and systemic discrimination in the world of the witcher, it is a VERY clear story about the aftereffects of genocide and the question of integration into the occupying force. like you CAN'T ignore that or write it out of the story for the netflix show cause that's what the larger story is About. and beyond engaging with the direct themes of the text i feel like i'm missing so many critical discussions. so much to talk about with the men-writing-women of it all, the way that yennefer is treated by the original author and then the way that in trying to work around that characterization she sort of just gets girlbossified in the other direction by the netflix writers, the way that yennefer is either beloved without criticism or hated without critical thought by the fandom. idk. again i say nothing with absolute certainty because i do take pains to talk about this in my own little corner and not seek much out about it but man. all this fanfic and we're not gonna talk about Any of that? not even geralt of rivia's central motivation of being a guy who wants to do the right thing?
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juricore · 5 months
there is also a lot to say about the implication that general jarjayes only decided to pull a switcheroo and insist oscar get married and start acting like a woman when he was the driving force behind this the whole time was because oscar took a far less prestigious position w/ the french guard rather than remaining in versailles. something something if he can't be successful as my son she's going to be successful as my daughter
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