#and with so many questions for everyone involved
mlarty · 1 day
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A couple of ppl asked us about Astarion and Marrow's relationship, so here is some text to the last illustration with them. Or.. more precisely about the best part of it. For them
So... they're like two cats. Two gremlins. A beautiful elf and a bedside monster. The chemistry between them is passionate, chaotic and in many ways weird, and it's hard to call their relationship any kind of healthy thing — they're both traumatized and not perfect people. They argue, they fight, and then BAM!, they are in love again. They are freaks with questionable morals and views on life that unexpectedly resonate with each other, although everyone else thinks they're the normal ones here. Marrow absolutely accepts the vampire nature and pesonality of Astarion, and he calmly understands her durge side and wildness. Another murder, another body, another nightmare — it's okay, as long as he's not involved. And it can even be used. And Marrow uses him too
This leads to a deeper bond — they’re monsters who share a deep mutual passion and the ability to see humanity in each other, even when it seems there is nothing human left. And monsters don't always mean something bad, it's just their love is a bit, well, twisted: their relationship isn't about typical romance stuff, but filled with almost animal adoration and desire. Kind of a dark magnetism that would freak out (and for good reason) the average people. But here's the thing, they're totally okay with that. Neither Marrow nor Astarion are about to change themselves or pretend to be these so-called "normal people" — they're not relearning how to love the "right" way, they're learning to love in their own style
And of course none of them planned to really love each other. And no one thought about "true love". True love is hard stuff when one is a vampire ex-slave and the other — a Bhaal's daughter and a murderer. It all started with manipulation: Astarion was looking for someone who would save him from Cazador, while Marrow wanted someone to save her from herself (or should we say she didn't dare admitted it openly, but needed). Then something happened and they fell in love because they finally found someone who accepted them just as they are. Because the scars on their lives are so similar. And because baby, let's live in darkness and sin together because that's what we want, not because someone told us to
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elvenbeard · 2 days
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(I was tagged by @cybersteal and @arcandoria for this a long while ago, and got real carried away with this idea xD also inspired by everyone else who took the "interview" bit a bit more literally, so yes! :D thank y'all for the great ideas and being an inspiring af fandom!)
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Juanita Tseng: V, thank you so much for taking the time today, so happy to have you here! Let me ask, is that your full name?
V: Hah. Well, obviously not, but it’s served me well for many years now.
J: Any special story behind it?
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J: What’s not a secret is that most of our viewers only know you as “mystery man” so far, at least that’s how the scream sheets often choose to refer to you. How do you feel about that?
V: Well, nothing I could say against either. I like my privacy and I’m a man, so they got that right at least.
J: Hahaha, that’s fair! Even more so I’m glad we’re getting the opportunity to get to know you a bit better today. As I told you in advance, there’s some burning questions our viewers have, and everyone’s been eagerly submitting them already as we speak. So, without further ado, let’s get to the first one. When is your birthday?
V: It’s in June, but I’d like to leave it at that.
J: Interesting! Gemini or Cancer?
V: Whichever is the one that comes first.
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J: That’s fair! Alright, how tall are you?
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J: Who is taller?
V: Me of course.
J: Of course! Okay, next question… Ah! Let’s stay on the topic of Kerry for a moment longer. From my last interview with him we know you two met through a mutual friend.
V: That’s right.
J: How did it go? Was it love at first sight, or more of a slow burn?
V: Well, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to him when we first met. But it wasn’t love at first sight, no, more… curiosity. We crossed paths a few more times, also thanks to that friend, and got to know each other better like that. We just clicked. That’s all there is to it really.
J: Awwww, that's so sweet! Now, it’s no secret that Kerry has led a quite adventurous life and there is a bit of an age gap separating you. So, I gotta ask:
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J: Only men?
V: Yup. And now the next question please, cause none of it matters.
J: Hahaha, sorry, I know I’m such a tease! But we gotta ask our viewer’s questions! Speaking of which, one of them is curious about your upbringing and cultural heritage!
V: Now that’s a 180° turn. Born and raised in and by Night City. Can’t say much about cultural heritage, as it’s a bit of a mix of many things.
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V: Mh-hm.
J: Let me see… would you be up for some quick shotgun-style questions?
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V: Ready when you are.
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J: Favourite season?
V: Anything that doesn’t involve sandstorms.
J: Favourite flower?
V: Lotus.
J: Favourite Scent?
V: Clean bedsheets.
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J: Average hours of sleep?
V: I aim to get at least 7.
J: Numer of Blankets you sleep with?
V: One or none.
J: Favourite Fictional Character?
V: Oh no, uuuhh… Hmm… No, I can’t just choose one.
J: Haha, that’s alright. Would you say you’re a bit of a nerd?
V: Oh yeah, unashamedly. Me getting started about my favorite fictional characters would be a whole interview on its own.
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J: Anyway, that’s right on cue, we’re almost out of time for today! I think we could fit one… no, two more questions!
V: Alright, let’s hear ‘em.
J: What would be your dream trip?
V: Hmmm… Kerry asked me to come along for his tour next year. I imagine that could be fun.
J: Oh, definitely! By the way, dear fans, don’t miss out on buying your tickets!
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V: Maybe.
J: It’s been really nice to have you here today, V!
V: Thanks again for the invite.
J: As you know, I like to end my show with a random fact, something fun I’ve heard about in the past week or something about myself! Would you like to share a random fact with the viewers today?
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V: I try.
J: Haha, well, I'm glad you found your way to my little studio, too! As I said, would love to have you over again anytime!
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########## a few minutes later ##########
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Thank you again for the tags! This was so much fun and really turned into its own thing beyond an OC ask meme XD I did this meme before with some slightly different and/or more in-depth answers for anyone curious [here] cause like stated back then, how Vince replies to personal questions always strongly depends on who's asking. And he might be more or less truthful about the information given or keep it all very surface-level instead, too.
For this lil story here the idea was obviously that the whole interview is basically just a promo thing for Kerry's upcoming tour xD So of course Vince is gonna support his bf if it helps boost ticket sales XDD A year earlier he might not have done it even then, because he was veeery reluctant about having their relationship be known beyond telling their closest friends. But here at this point some time in mid-to-late 2078, he'd feel secure enough with his life, their ilfe really, that he wouldn't mind being seen in the public together like this and also "outing" himself like that in front of a larger audience, for lack of a better word. It's the character growth and support of each other and a love language and everything \o/
Also: not sure who to tag at this point cause I think most of you already did this, but if you're reading this and havent answered all of Juanita's questions for your OC yet, consider yourself tagged!
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sharptoothed-gaze · 2 hours
Okay guys I know everyone is mourning rn, but I can't resist the call of analysis and overarching lore. So yeah what the fuck!
Apparently to move and keep people in a world, out of the one they originated from, it takes energy. Like,, a fucking lot of it. Fit has only been allowed to stay on quesadilla island for so long because Madagio has been using the remains of Vaccus island to do so.
That power requirement is fucking insane when you think about it. Fit's lore shows that it takes the remaining power of a whole other world, which the Federation destroyed into becoming a battery, for enough power to cover a single one year trip for one human.
Cutting Fit's journey short shows that Madagio places a lot of value in this power source. Nothing can be wasted. Moving world's/dimensions is an incredibly high risk and expensive thing.
WITH ALL OF THAT IN MIND - My question now is... what the fuck have the other big entities, like the Federation, been using to tie down other qsmp characters??
Like we know damn well qPhilza, qFoolish, and qBad don't come from this world. Some dimensional or timeline fuckery is happening with them at the very least. My first thought is maybe their deities were involved with sourcing their travel, and that makes sense for some, but certainly not for everyone.
I'm willing to bet that many of these characters and people on the island come from entirely different worlds/servers. If that's true, that means Quesadilla Island a project that requires a vast amount of energy and purpose to fund.
The Federation was, for some reason, willing to spend its energy to move all of these specific people and that's interesting!!! I'm so curious about their selection process too, because these islanders got tickets /sent/ to them, some of which were personalized.
I think the Federation had a purpose for selecting, transporting, and trapping these people, much like Madagio had a purpose for Fit. After all, the reason Fit /needed/ Madagio to get on the island is because he didn't have a ticket from the Federation.
It's possible that the Feds covered the cost of at least some of these chosen islanders to hop dimensions. If that is the case, then WOW I'm incredibly interested in how they manage that. Maybe they’ve always used islands like Vaccus for that very purpose. Maybe its something we haven't seen before at all. Either way, that process clearly takes a fuck ton of energy to do.
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fortunatelylori · 4 hours
A defense of Eloise Bridgerton and her friendship with Penelope Featherington
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I should probably start this post by pointing out the fact that I’m not the biggest Eloise fan out there. In fact Eloise has consistently annoyed me for two seasons straight with her I’m “not like other girls” shtick and the writers using her as a prop for modern feminist talking points. 
Mostly what I disliked about Eloise was the bluntness and lack of charm used to put across the themes of women’s role in recency society and the lack of options for girls not interested in playing the marriage mart mind games. 
Jane Austen, for example, makes many of the same points regarding women in her novels but instead of beating us over the head with it, she uses wit, eloquence and wisdom to get her points across. 
But, above all, I disliked just how self involved Eloise was, what a major chip on her shoulder she had. She’s a privileged girl from an immensely powerful and rich family that spends her days whining and being dismissive of everyone around her. 
She spends most of season 1 picking fights with Daphne for no reason and the second season making fun of Colin and running around town like a chicken without a head not so much because she wants to find out who Lady Whistledown is but because she’s bored and wants something to do (something other than talking to men potentially interested in marrying her because she’s gay she’s not like other girls). 
Even as I’m writing this, I’m questioning whether I’m even the right person to defend Eloise because, as you can clearly tell, I don’t much care for her. But I do think Polin and Penelope fans are really misjudging Eloise and wanting to make her the villain of season 3 due to her resentment towards Penelope and her anger at the Polin engagement.
So I guess I have to be the hero without a cape in this instance. 
Here it goes …
It’s very easy to look at the friendship between Eloise and Penelope in season 1 and 2 and conclude that Eloise has always been a bad friend to Penelope. After all, almost every scene they have together is about Eloise, her interests and passions, her frustrations at the ton and the marriage mart, her inability to fit in with societal expectations, her quest to find out the identity of Lady Whistledown etc, etc. There’s almost never room for Penelope to even get a word in because Eloise talks and talks and keeps on talking. 
But I’d like to put forth another interpretation and say that perhaps this dynamic in the relationship isn’t all on Eloise. That it’s Penelope herself that prefers it that way. That she’d much rather talk about Eloise and her issues than to reveal anything truly meaningful or vulnerable about herself. 
A scene that supports this theory is the scene they have in season 2, episode 1: 
This is about as open and vulnerable Penelope ever is with Eloise and in this scene we can observe several things: 
Despite her being more open than usual, Penelope is still lying to Eloise. She talks about how she enjoys being a wallflower because she can have all the fun without the pressure that comes with being in the spotlight. In reality we know Penelope would love to be in the spotlight but is frightened of being rejected. She’s not having fun hugging the wall at all and yet she’s unable to share that with her friend. 
As soon as Penelope opens up, albeit only partially, Eloise is quick to notice that, despite pretending not to enjoy the balls and the marriage mart, Penelope actually likes all of these things. This shows not only that she knows Penelope pretty well (as well as Penelope herself will allow Eloise to know her) but that, despite disagreeing on the topic, she’s supportive of Penelope and listens to her. 
It’s also worth comparing the way Eloise behaves with Penelope vs. the way she behaves with Cressida in season 3. 
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Cressida and Eloise’s relationship is much more balanced and equal because Cressida stands up for herself, pushes back at Eloise when she needs to (like explaining why she needs to marry Lord Debling despite not being compatible) or when Eloise accuses her of telling everyone about Colin helping Penelope find a husband. 
And Eloise learns to adjust. She becomes a more supportive friend, sharing her knowledge of birds so that Cressida can impress Lord Debling, making conversation with him when Cressida doesn’t know what to say and coming to her house to visit her and offer support. 
My point is: Eloise is not perfect. She’s self involved and dismissive of things she isn’t personally interested in but is willing to put in the work for a friend if said friend is honest with her about what they need from their friendship. 
Which leads us back to Penelope. Eloise is the most meaningful relationship in her life (Colin is as well but that’s a much more fraught relationship for Penelope because she wants to be lovers not friends) and yet she refuses to share the two most important aspects of her life with her friend: her love for Colin and her being Lady Whistledown. 
Let’s leave Colin to the side for now because Eloise being his sister complicates matters as far as Penelope telling her she’s in love with him. 
But why doesn’t she tell Eloise about Lady Whistledown? Particularly in season 1, when she’s just starting to write the scandal sheet. She has no idea where Lady Whistledown will even lead, if she’ll keep going etc. She’s basically doing it because she’s a writer and she wants to have fun talking about the society she knows so well. 
So why not share the fun with her friend? It’s pretty clear Eloise doesn’t even know Penelope is a writer and hasn’t seen anything she ever wrote before Lady Whistledown because, otherwise, she’d know it was Penelope doing it. 
Also let’s not forget that, in season 1, Eloise was Lady Whitledown’s number 1 fan. She can’t stop talking about how amazing and brilliant she is. 
And yet Penelope says nothing. She’d rather grin proudly behind Eloise’s back than go: “Actually this woman you like so much … I am she. She is me.”
She again fails to do it in season 2, despite knowing that Eloise helped her in escaping the queen’s men at the end of season 1. 
And then the worst part of their friendship begins as the pressure from the queen mounts and Eloise is more and more determined to find out the identity of Lady Whistledown. Penelope chooses to gaslight and manipulate Eloise for weeks.
It’s not just Eloise’s relationship with Theo and her attending political meetings that put her in harm’s way and eventually forces Lady Whistledown to write about her in order for the Queen to stop suspecting Eloise. It’s Penelope’s refusal to be honest with her friend. 
Penelope is so determined to keep Eloise in the dark that even at the end of season 2, when she walks into her bedroom and sees Eloise, she still tries to gaslight her one last time. 
Penelope: You’ve been reading too much Whistledown. Her voice is echoing in your head. 
Penelope is stuck in a pattern of toxic behavior because that’s what she’s learned to do from her family. She cannot be honest about Lady Whistledown or anything truly meaningful, despite how hard it is for her to remain isolated and in the shadows: 
Penelope: You have no idea how horrible it has felt to keep this from you! From everyone! For so long. 
It’s no wonder that, in their fight scene, Eloise tells her: 
Eloise: I do not even know you. 
That’s because Penelope herself has made it so that the people closest to her, Eloise and Colin, don’t actually know the real her. She’s given each of them what she thought they wanted and needed (she’s very similar to Colin in that way) but not enough of the real her.
So when the Lady Whistledown revelation happens, there’s nothing for Eloise to fall back on in order to try and understand Penelope. 
All of a sudden her best friend feels like a stranger. A stranger that has exposed her intimate affairs to the whole world and who tells her this: 
Penelope: At least I did something. All you ever do is talk about doing something. You have all of these great ambitions, these great plans but I am the one who actually did something great and you can’t stand it, can you? 
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Now, because we, as the audience, are privy to Penelope’s inner world and we know just how riddled with low self-esteem she is and how she’s used to those closest to her being dismissive of her or her achievements, it’s easy for us to see that Penelope tells Eloise this in anger. Particularly after Eloise tells her:
Eloise: I look at you now and all I feel is pity for you. Sequestered here, in this very room, writing your secret little scandal sheet, tarnishing everyone in town all because you are too afraid to stand up for yourself in reality. You are something else, Penelope. An insipid wallflower, indeed. 
Eloise’s words hit too close to home. Too close to the reality of Penelope’s isolation and fear of being alone and abandoned so she hurts Eloise back the only way she can. By pointing to the fact that despite talking and talking endlessly about all the great things women, and she in particular, could be doing, Eloise isn’t actually doing anything. 
Basically, these two manage to hurt each other worse than anyone else could because they’re best friends, because they know each other and what makes the other one tick. 
But from Eloise’s perspective? In this moment, where she’s been betrayed by her best friend? Well, Penelope doesn’t feel like a friend at all. She feels like someone who got close to her only to exploit her so she could write a scandal sheet and make money off of her misery: 
Eloise: This was personal. 
Penelope: Eloise, I’m so sorry. I was only trying to protect you. 
Eloise: Is that what you were doing? By writing about me in your latest sheet? By telling the entire world about things I trusted you with? [...] The only person you were interested in saving was yourself. All so you could keep making money at the cost to everyone else. At a cost to Miss Thompson. To my brother. To my entire family. To your entire family. [...] All because of your self serving manipulations. 
Which brings us to Eloise’s reaction to the closeness between Colin and Penelope and the announcement of their engagement. 
To Eloise’s credit, since their fight, she’s tried her hardest to be an adult and not punish Penelope more than she needs to. She’s very hurt by what her friend did and she can’t trust her but she also doesn’t want to hurt Pen.
She’s kept the Lady Whistledown secret and refuses to tell Colin why their friendship fell apart because she doesn’t want Penelope to lose the one friend she still has. 
She also misses Penelope which is why she ends up telling Cressida about Colin helping her find a husband. She’s trying to figure out what’s going on with her friend and the only way Eloise knows how to figure stuff out is by talking … and talking … and talking … in full earshot of everyone at the ball. 
But despite all of this, as far as she knows, Penelope is still the girl that divulged her secrets, ruined Marina Thompson’s reputation and hurt Colin, not only by revealing Marina’s pregnancy but by taking cheap shots at him only weeks before her brother waltzes into the Bridgerton drawing room to announce he’s engaged to Penelope Featherington. 
What kind of sister would Eloise be if she wasn’t angry at Penelope for that? If she didn’t want Colin to find out the truth as soon as possible? 
Personally, I think she’s showing real restraint. She cares so much about Penelope that she’s not dragging her brother into the study the moment she hears the engagement news to tell him that he’s about to marry the dreaded Lady Whistledown. 
Which brings us back to my earlier point: Penelope never trusted Eloise enough to tell her she was in love with Colin. Maybe if Eloise knew that Penelope has had a crush on Colin since she was 10 years old, she might be able to understand this engagement better. 
But from her viewpoint, all she’s likely to see is that Colin is an impulsive romantic who once again has gotten engaged to a girl who is lying to him and using him to avoid social ostracization. 
I know that by the end of the season Eloise and Penelope will have mended their relationship and they will go back to being the besties we know they are.
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But what I would love to see in part 2 of the season is Penelope actually being brave and honest with the two people that she loves most in the world. Not just about her being Lady Whistledown but about the reasons why she became Lady Whistledown. It’s only by her decision to be vulnerable and open that she can actually mend her relationship with Eloise. 
Friendships aren’t just about being there for your friend, about listening and giving them what you think they need but also about allowing your friend to be there for you. To allow them to truly know you: your fears, your sadness, your hopes and dreams. That’s the only way for a friendship to thrive.
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starlit-crossing · 1 day
Lost in Foster (Working Title) Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Stuck in the System
The days that followed Danny’s half reveal were primarily uneventful. The GIW were still swarming the state and with his hiccup at the state border they had begun to search Indiana as well. Since he was so far north it had taken a day to leave. With each stop he was able to test the limits of his parents’ invention. If the GIW were near the Greyhound routed stops, he would be able to practice keeping his emotions in check. As his parents had explained, any expression of emotion on a standard level or higher seemed to trigger the tracker.
Anything from frowning, laughing, even going wide eyed seemed to ping on the radar. Thinking about emotions and keeping any thoughts internal didn’t seem to have enough strength to activate the device. It wouldn’t be long before his parents realized this and figured out a way to upgrade the tech. At the very least it was enough to get him to Gotham without being tailed.
After leaving Indiana things began to quite down. Danny was able to grab a few things during the scheduled stops. Books, crosswords, and the like were the only things keeping boredom at bay. Sleep was a welcomed friend on the drive, allowing him to skip many hours that would’ve been spent staring out the window. As Gotham approached sleep became harder to hold. He could barely fend off the instinct to bounce his leg.
Blüdhaven soon came into view and each stop felt longer than the last. On the second to last stop in the city, a small group of men made their way onto the bus. Each was dressed similarly, a chorus of jeans and t-shirts, all of them looked to be in their mid to early thirties. They had climbed onto the bus just after everyone had hopped out to stretch and use the restroom. They had squeezed themselves into a single row towards the back with duffel bags at their feet. The oldest of the four was leading the group and had a scar running down the side of his cheek. The youngest picking up the end looking like he’d explode if you tried to talk to him.
They were obviously not part of the group and were up to no good. Part of Danny wanted to at the very least tell someone, to get the authorities to involved to question them. That was the last thing he needed right now, so he turned a blind eye and shuffled back onto the bus with everyone else. Gotham and Blüdhaven had their own heroes that could worry about some sketchy guys sneaking around. So, he kept his head facing forward, he only had a little longer to go.
“Hey, Boss?” He heard one of the men whisper rather loudly. “What do you think happened to Ricky? You know he don’t up and leave like that.”
“If I’m being honest, he’s probably in a cell. That car was stolen, and we hadn’t gotten the chance to switch the plates around yet.” A gravely voice answered mostly the man with the scar.  “So long as he keeps his mouth shut, we can still finish the job. So, let’s do the same and just get to Gotham.”  It hadn’t even been five minutes when the sirens went off behind the bus. The driver pulled off to the side of the road. Danny could hear the one of the men’s breathing quicken and a zipper being undone.
“What do you think you’re doing?” The oldest urged, the zipper quickly closing.
“I’m getting ready! There is no way they just happened to pull of this bus!” Another voice frantically answered, if Danny’s guess was right, it was probably the jumpy one from earlier.
“Keep it cool, the driver probably ran a red or something.” The leader said trying to calm him down.
“Or Ricky ratted us out to the police. You know he doesn’t want to go back to jail and would do anything for a lighter sentence.” The young one unzipped the duffel, the clicks of a gun being cocked sounding behind him. The next few seconds happened faster than Danny expected. The leader of the small gang growled in annoyance grabbing a rifle of his own firing it into the ceiling of the bus. The other passengers fell in between the seats trying to garner any cover.
“Drop your weapons!” An officer shouted from the front of the bus as he ran up the steps. Rather than listening to the man’s reasonable request the gang leader moved forward and grabbed the closest civilian to him.
Fuck! Danny thought as his shirt was stretched as the older man pulled him from his seat. Holding him close, the leader aimed the gun to his head, eyeing up the officer ahead. When everything settled the men were in a standoff. Danny forced himself to keep a straight face, I haven’t gotten this far just to die as a hostage a city away! He caught the stare of the police man who looked confused at his lack of a reaction. Sirens wailed in the distance as more cops were making their way here. Danny searched for anything that could help, he couldn’t risk his powers and there were too many people here to chance fighting the men with guns.
Tired of the quiet the man holding him began to shout demands, “What are you doing just standing there! We want a car! And nobody better do anything or we’ll start shooting!”
*Crash!* Danny watched as something crashed through the window. It was a small silver canister about the size of Danny’s hand. Smoke began to fill the bus causing everyone to cough and blocking his vision. Someone must have entered through the back emergency exit as fighting could be heard behind his captor. Danny took the chance, shoving his elbow into the leader’s stomach and grabbing the gun from his hands and throwing it down the aisle. The man roared in rage swiping the air in front of him. Danny dodged easily, even the Box Ghost faster than this guy. Danny could hear the cop behind him trying to get people out, so whoever was in the back of the bus was hopefully on his side. He took advantage of the smoke cover, using its cover to keep the on viewers from seeing him pummel the guy. His previous captor wasn’t ready for the quick barrage of jabs coming at him from the teen previously known to him to be weak and scrawny.
Danny was about to try a knock the leader out when he saw the man convulse and fall to the floor. Standing where the old guy stood was a man dressed in black and blue wearing a domino mask and holding two black sticks the length of his fore arms. It was definitely a superhero, but not Batman though there was a bird on his chest. He spun the sticks around before storing them away.
“Hey, kid, are you okay? Let’s get you off this bus.” He asked, placing a hand on Danny’s shoulder.
“Yea, I’m fine but I need my stuff.” Danny explained, keeping his tone even, he walked over to his seat and grabbed the backpack. Nothing seemed to be amiss and aside from the bullet holes in the ceiling it didn’t seem anyone had gotten hurt. The hero followed him off the bus making sure he went to the police and ambulance rather than sneaking off. A woman stood near; she was dressed nicer than the other cops with a bulletproof vest over her uniform her brown hair in a low ponytail.
“Nightwing, good to know you’re back in town.” The woman said exasperated. So, this guy is called Nightwing. Okay, that’s an actually a good hero name, also the first hero I’ve met outside Amity. Danny thought excitedly watching the two speak.
“It’s just a visit, Chief Rohrbach. I just got back from helping the League and the Bat wanted me to stop by Gotham. I was just passing through and thought I could help.” Nightwing seemed more relaxed now, his hands on his hips despite the fight moments before.
“None the less we appreciate it when a hero has their eyes on helping our city. So, who’s the kid?” The chief’s attention on him. Both adults’ gazes were focused on him now.
“Uh, I’m Danny. I was on the bus to visit some family in Gotham?” He lied, hoping that was enough for them to just pat him on the back and let him continue his merry way.
“Okay, Danny and is there a last name to go with that? You were just in a shooting we should probably give your family a called.” Ms. Rohrbach asked pulling out a notepad.
“I plead the fifth?” Danny retorted sheepishly.
“Kid, that’s not how that works and you’re not under oath.” Nightwing laughed, “Listen if your home life isn’t safe or you’re worried about being in trouble we can help. Just give the officer your name and we can help.”
Danny looked between the two of them, before sighing. “Nope, can’t do it. Just Danny for me, thanks.”
“Okay then Danny, you can join be in the back of my car and we’ll take a trip down to the station.” The chief rolled her eyes grabbing his arm and leading him to the car. Once he was inside sat on the leather seats, she locked the doors and turned to Nightwing. The stepped away just far enough that Danny couldn’t make out what they were saying. He strained to hear anything, but they kept their voices at a whisper. Eventually the cop came back, sliding into the driver’s seat before pulling away from the bystanders and scared bus riders.
“So… Am I being arrested?” Danny questioned; she gave him a strange look in the rear-view mirror.
“No, but we can’t just let a kid go back on the streets after being held hostage. Without your last name or the names of your guardians, we’re going to have to find somewhere for you to stay till things get sorted out.” She lamented; eyes glued to the road ahead.  “Fortunately for you, I had just been helping one of our local CPS agents safely place a kid into one of the few foster homes we have. So, I know that everything in Blüdhaven is full at the moment. You get your wish kid; you’re going to Gotham.”
“Really? You have that few homes willing to take on new kids in Blüdhaven?” He inquired, leaning his head against the window.
“Oh, we have plenty of homes, but it’ll never be enough due to how many kids are in the system. Not to mention the ones willing to take in metahuman youths.” She went on, pulling on to the highway connecting the two cities.
“I’m not a metahuman.” Danny stated. Not a lie, but also not the whole truth.
“I never said you were it doesn’t change the fact we need a place for you to stay safe. For yourself and for whatever courts might need you to testify down the line. I had someone give the Gotham police department a heads up on our arrival, so we’ll have somewhere to stay very soon.” She smiled.
“Oh, joy.” Sarcasm almost bleeding through as he watched the highway race by.
When Danny arrived in Gotham, he was not given the courtesy of tour. Or an explanation as the once sunny skies of Blüdhaven were replaced with the dark, grimy overcast of Gotham.
Sam would both love and hate this city, he thought looking at the old gothic architecture and gargoyles sitting among the buildings. The lack of plants would’ve been a large downside for her. They had briefly stopped by the GPD to grab photos of him and to get the address of the home he’d be staying in. The home was a simple town house with raw brick walls and dark red door, located just outside the business district. The couple who owned the home reminded Danny of Tucker’s parents. They were dressed for suburbia; the interior of the house kept simple with dark brown tables and cream shag carpet.
“I know we can trust you’ll look after Danny for us while we work to locate his family, Mr. and Mrs. Danbury. We’ll be in touch within the next few days after we have his case work figured out.” Chief Rohrback had decided not to bother the GPD with dropping him off and wanted to personally see he had made it to where they wanted him to be.
“It’s no problem, we’ll keep an ear out for your call.” Mr. Danbury smiled, following her to the door. With a click of the door and the turn of a lock he was stuck in the foster care system. They led him to a room with a twin-sized bed made with a plaid comforter and plain sheets. The room came with a desk for schoolwork and a dresser which he ignored as he didn’t have many clothes with him. Not to mention there was no way he was staying.
“Okay, Danny feel free to settle in! We know it’s early but we’re making some spaghetti for dinner if you feel up to eating. We know it can be hard to adjust but it’s easier to sleep with a full belly!” Mrs. Danbury suggested cheerfully. He’d stay for dinner at the very least, who knows when he’d have a chance to eat a real meal again.
He left his bag on the desk and read till the couple called for dinner. They spoke to him freely, careful not to mention his lack of expression. They explained how they’d been fostering for the last ten years and had lived in Gotham their whole lives. Saying how dangerous the city could be and that they felt it was only right to do their part to help families were disrupted by the consistent attacks on the city.
They showed him photos of their past fosters and laid some ground rules for his stay there. No going out past dark, avoid Crime Alley, don’t eat any snacks before dinner, and other simple rules. The couple even gave him some extra ones due to him not being a native Gothamite. If a villain attacks, run, or hide and if you can’t get away follow what others are doing. If you see a lot of plants, suddenly avoid them. If someone in a clown mask enters a building just leave and a more all related to the villains that seemed to run rampant every other month.
By the time he headed to bed Danny felt like he had a good idea of what to avoid in Gotham. All of which would only help him as he waited for the Danbury’s to go to sleep. Sneaking out was a sinch, lifting the window open and moving the screen to the side, Danny was able to make his way onto the fire escape. It was laughable how easy it was to make his way down and start walking down the street. Gotham was certainly different at night; the smog hung low in the sky and if anyone was out, they looked like they were up to no good.
Danny never understood the saying a city never sleeps when in Amity; it was a sleepy city and too oblivious most of the time. Gotham felt alive in comparison, the streets breathed history and walls felt like they had eyes. He had been following his phone’s map to the harbor on foot for the last hour before he heard a thump as something landed behind him. He turned expecting a trash bag to be slumped over or a fallen bike. Instead, there was nothing, spinning around to go back to his desired path he came face to face with Nightwing once again.
“Shouldn’t you be in a foster home, right now?” The hero smiled.
“Shouldn't you be helping Batman with a crime or something?” Danny returned, keeping his eyes on the phone. He needed to keep moving, he couldn’t risk going back or being sidetracked again.
“Touche, but he can handle himself. You however have been in a crime today and still sounding off about it. Where do you think you’re going?” He had kept walking, hoping the hero would take the hint, he didn’t need saving.
“Anywhere but here! The Danbury’s are nice and all, but I need to get going, places I need to be.”
“Nice try, kid but I can’t just let you leave! Whether you like it or not, you’re a runaway and I can’t just leave you. Come on, I’m taking you back to the station.” Nightwing started grabbing Danny and dragging him a couple blocks before hitting a button. An alley was lit up as the headlights for a really nice car turned on and the engine roared to life. “Good thing I took the car and not the bike.”
Danny was placed inside as the hero got in the driver's seat and took him back to GPD. Annoyed, the police called the Danbury’s and let them know Danny was going to be rehomed. The next time Danny stayed for two days before getting away. Nightwing found him again and dragged him to the station. They repeated another three times each home getting him to stay longer but unable to keep him there. The last home, the Geller’s, had no clue how he got out with security cams and locks on every door and window throughout the home. The foster system was running out of homes that could handle a runaway teen. Finally, the GCPS made a call to a not a foster parent but a successful adoptive parent who would have the means to keep Danny in check. Or at the very least his butler would as Gordon called in a favor to the one, Bruce Wayne.
Hello! Sorry for the tardiness in the delivery of this chapter! But it is here and is my longest chapter so far so it was worth it! It took me a while to figure out how I wanted the scenes to play out and I ended up scrapping a lot of my writing that I wrote during my breaks at work.
Again I want to thank everyone who is enjoying the story so far. Seeing everyone interact with this has been so fun and we've broken over 3k in views across all platforms! Can't wait to see everyone's reactions as the story continues and I will see you all later this week!
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owlwithanapple · 21 hours
Bird & Fox
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Chapter 11
Y/N meet Batfam!🎆
Jason POV
"She sleeps upstairs?" I pointed upstairs and looked at Bruce. Is she having a relationship with Bruce? Impossible, there is a big age difference. She just came to Gotham City recently , it is impossible for her to hook up with Bruce so quickly, unless Y/N is very active. I never heard she say dating with who or any friends here.
Wait... Why is it impossible? I don't know much about Y/N, but there are indeed many suspicious about her. She came to Gotham City alone, lived in a good place, no job but rich, a beautiful face, a good and slim figure, and a likable personality.
Could it be what I thought? Y/N and Kirin in the manor, Bruce said she was sleeping in the room. Y/N was here before I came back, could it be what I thought? Damn, what am I thinking about, if she and Bruce in relationship then only can be like that, if not what I thought, then what?
I swallowed the saliva in my mouth, first regained my sanity thought calmly, I wouldn't get a conclusion just by thinking about it, what can I do now is sort out my thoughts and ask Bruce what's going on, it's possible Y/N knew Bruce before coming to Gotham City, why the hell she have to involve Bruce?
"Jason?" Bruce's hand reached out to touch me. My mind went blank and reluctance surged in my heart. I shook his hand away. When I woke up, found that Bruce's expression was worried and confused. I shook my head blinked a few times to wake myself up. My palms were covered with sweat. What on earth was I afraid of?
I brewed what to say, adjusted my mentality and calmed down, then pointed at his face. Frankly speaking, Bruce and I still have a rough period has not been completely resolved. Now it's involved in Y/N's matter. I can't stand this kind of blow, and I don't know how to face the future life. "Bruce, who is she?"
I asked cautiously. The answer to this question would determine what kind of relationship Y/N and I would have in the future. If she was Bruce's partner, it would take me some time to accept it. But if they were in a physical and financial relationship, I really wanted them to stop.
"Jason? Are you okay? You're sweating." Bruce held my shoulders.
"Answer the fucking question! Bruce!" I roared, shocking everyone.
"Babybird..." Dickhead was about to step forward to stop me.
I inadvertently said what I didn't want to say the most. "Please, Bruce….Answer me." I begged Bruce humbly to give me the answer. I knew I was coward , but I finally saw my redemption. I didn't want her to involve my family because there were too many grudges to count.
"Why this annoying guy so nervous all of a sudden?" Demon brat said with a dog-eye look down on people. I really want to beat him up, but I can't do it. I can't calm down yet. If I wake her up impulsively and let her see my unbearable side, how can I save myself?
Bruce saw that something was wrong, he opened his mouth and said, "I met her at the pet clinic, and she helps me take care of Titus."
"Are you not kidding me?" I confirmed it again.
He nodded, his expression didn't seem to be lying, "Believe me, Jason. Really."
"Isn't it your mistress outside?" I don't know why I want to confirm it again to prove there is nothing wrong with my ears.
He was troubled by my question, with a puzzled and wry smile on his face. He showed his embarrassed side. His hands gently held my shoulders. The wry smile on his face made me feel uncomfortable, but he still answered my question calmly, "Absolutely not. Please. Believe me, Jason."
I heard his answer for sure. I put my hands down stared at his eyes. I didn't know what expression I was looking at Bruce with. I only knew his answer was circulating in my mind. With such a simple and clear answer, I breathed a sigh of relief and the fatigue in my body disappeared.
I was stiff and weak. The melancholy in my heart had disappeared. Coming back from business trip was already fucking tiring enough, and there were things related to Y/N. Many contradictions came to my mind. I couldn't breathe. I really wanted to cry. Fortunately, Bruce's answer didn't give me a fatal blow.
"Woof!" Kirin suddenly barked to wake me up. Bruce's hands still on my shoulders. He gently pressed me to tell me that I was okay. Everyone looked at me with concern, except for demon brat's dead eyes. I sat on the sofa with my hands covering my forehead. I couldn't help laughing out loud because of the suppressed emotions.
Demon brat pointed at me with disdain, "This annoying guy's disease recurring?"
I put my hands on my knees looked at him, "You'd better shut your fucking mouth. No one will think you're dumb if you don't speak."
Demon brat approached me with great displeasure, standing in front of me arrogantly, with a look of contempt for me printed on his disgusting face. I hated his arrogant character, just like a devil. I stood up looked down at him, a brat , it was not his turn to point fingers at me.
We stared at each other like enemies, my fists were so hot because I clenched them tightly, ready to punch him in the face at any time, Dickhead inserted between us, he pulled my collar pushed me to the sofa, and Demon brat was pushed aside by him, he said in a heavy tone, "That’s enough."
I sat upright and looked around with a dissatisfied expression. Demon brat finally learned his lesson and stood aside silently. Our momentary impulse caused the house to fall into silence. After Dickhead spoke in a heavy tone, no one dared to speak. They just kept silent.
In the silent house, there was a sound of someone coming home. It was Timbers who came back. He stepped into the living room looked at everyone with a confused face. Usually the house was noisy, but now it was quiet and uncomfortable. "I'm back... What are you guys doing?"
Dickhead took a breath and smiled again, turned to Timbers and pulled him aside. He told him the whole story of what had just happened. Timbers nodded slightly to show that he understood. He scratched his head and thought about how to ease the atmosphere. After all, even Bruce was silent.
Dickhead was usually silly, but as the eldest son, he had fulfilled his responsibility to take care of his younger brothers. When the brothers quarreled, he would try to reconcile, but rarely was his tone as harsh as it was now.
Timbers hesitated but still sat next to me, put his hands on his knees, rubbed his palms together, and mumbled as he was about to speak. The current situation was very embarrassing.
Timbers coughed twice then said, "Hey, why don't you go upstairs and see her first?" I relief and left living room to go upstairs. I walked up a flight of stairs, I was thinking whether it was really her. Because unbelievable, I knocked on the door of the room twice, but no one opened the door for me. I turned the doorknob pushed it inwards, stepping into the dim and quiet room. I approached the bed and saw a girl. It was Y/N.
Her long brown hair was scattered on the bed, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, making her look uneasy. Under her tall but small nose was a cute little mouth with a faint pink color, and her moist lilac tongue licked her plump and sexy lips. Her snow-white collar was half open, revealing her white shoulders and a pair of cute and beautiful feet, which was infinitely tempting.
I slapped my cheeks hard. The sound made me more awake. What the hell am I doing? An exciting picture suddenly appeared in my mind. Seeing a familiar face sleeping comfortably in front of me, how could I have such a dirty thought? I squinted my eyes to make the picture in my mind disappear, but I couldn't help sneak a peek at the lovable Y/N.
She felt different when she quiet, like a kitten curled up in bed. I reached out touch her cheek felt a warm breath. Her body rise and fall of her breathing. This was the second time I could see her face up close. The first time was as Red Hood. She was so tempting. I couldn't help but kissed her through the helmet. Later, she scolded me. Damn, how bold I was to do such a thing at that time.
"Piak!" A sound made you shudder, and you woke up from sleepiness. You didn't open your eyes at first, but squinted saw it was Jason next to the bed. You remembered he was away on a business trip hadn't come back yet. How come he was next to you and mumbling something, but you couldn't hear it clearly.
Dreams are illusions. You are still in the dream haven't woken up yet. You want to confirm whether it is really Jason, so you put your hand on his face. He looked at you in surprise. You can feel the temperature of his face. The dream so realistic, and you can feel the temperature. This face is so close.
You said in a daze, "You look like Jason..."
He held your hand on his face, and he smiled beautifully, "Hahaha, I'm Jason. Princess, I'm back."
You blinked and got up from the bed to look closer. He didn't step back but closed the distance between you. The distance you two getting closer and closer, as if you were attracted by something. You shook your head tried to wake yourself up quickly. Jason's hand placed on your cheek instead. He looked at you lovingly with a smile and gently stroked your cheek.
"Hey, princess, wake up~" He shook you gently.
You opened your eyes wide woke up immediately "Jason! It's really you!"
He let go of you sat on the bed "It's really me, haven't seen you for few days."
You nodded excitedly, then looked around found yourself in a strange room "Eh? Where is this?"
"This is one of the rooms in the manor."
You blinked because it felt unreal, "Manor... Wait... Jason, why are you here?"
He pointed to the ground "This is my dad's house."
"Your dad? Who?"
He smiled and nodded, "Bruce Wayne. Are you taking care of Titus for my dad?"
"I am indeed helping Mr Wayne take care of Titus... Wait... Who are you? What is your relationship with Mr Wayne?" You were so excited kept talking.
He was embarrassed but soon regained his composure. He crossed his legs and said, "Ermm... Let me introduce myself to you briefly. The Mr Wayne you are helping is my dad Bruce Wayne, and Titus is my brother's dog, and this is where I used to live."
You shouted, "Are you Bruce Wayne's son?!"
He bit his lip, then released it "Yes, that's right."
You pressed his forehead, "Are you sure you're not breaking into someone's house?"
He shook your hand and pointed at the clothes he was wearing, "Have you ever seen someone broke into house look so handsome and wear a suit?"
You shook your head, "No, I only saw a conceited handsome guy."
He snapped fingers, "That's right."
You noticed his collar was a little messy, you moved forward help him straighten it. Something incredible happened again. Since the day you two met, neither of you mentioned each other's families. You had a vague feeling that Jason was conservative and cautious about his own affairs, so you didn't ask too much.
"Sorry, I didn't make it clear at the beginning." He seemed very remorseful and uneasy.
You held his hand tightly. "You are not wrong, no need to apologize. I came here by accident and met Mr. Wayne, that's all."
He asked you cautiously, "Don't you know I am Bruce Wayne's son?"
You shook head, "I really don't know."
"You didn't lie to me?"
You were annoyed and punched him in the stomach. "I will not choose to make friends just because of whose son you are! Do you understand, Jason Todd! Baka Jason Todd!"
He covered his stomach pretended in pain and laughed out loud. "Hey! Did you mean to scold me by the word Baka at the end!"
You made a face stuck out your tongue, "Sou desu!"
(That's right!)
"Hahahaha! Damn! What a bullshit! And what kind of face you do!" He was amused by your face and couldn't stop laughing.
The two of you laughed for a long time. Although hadn't seen each other for a few days, you two laughed happily as soon as met. It seemed you two had been playing for a long time even though only known each other for a short time. You two threw all troubles into the sea and enjoyed happy time together. It was so comfortable to get along with Jason. You were not bound by anything. He would make you happy until you forgot about own things.
You fell on the bed looking at the ceiling. He lay beside you. The smile on his face made him very charming and dazzling. You found Jason always taken care of your emotions. With him by your side, everything seemed easy. You lay on your side beside him and smiled in response. The expression on his face showed that he more relaxed.
He sat up with his back to you, "I'm never tired being with you."
You lay down with your hands on the back of head, "Me too."
He whispered, "It would have been nice if I had met you earlier."
You stood up, "Erm? What did you just say?"
He looked back at you, "I said you were an idiot."
You kicked him off the bed, he dodged your kick with agility, standing by the bed laughing at you proudly, "Hahaha! You're ten years too early to attack me!"
"I'm going to break off our friendship!" You threw a tantrum like a child.
After he laughed enough, he knelt on one knee front of you and held your hands, "Okay, okay, I know I was wrong, don't be angry, okay?" He winked at you after he finished speaking.
"I'll forgive you if you take me for ice cream." You stated the conditions for reconciliation with him.
He held out his pinky finger, "I'll definitely take you, promise."
You hooked his pinky finger, "It's settled."
"Actually, there's something I want to discuss with you, I wonder if you would mind." He suddenly asked you with a hesitant expression.
"Tell me about it."
He scratched the back of his neck. "I haven't formally introduced you to my family yet. Since you are here, would you like to say hello to my family?"
You clenched your fists eyes lit up. "Of course! I'd love to!"
He breathed a sigh of relief. "Get yourself ready first. I'll go downstairs tell them and pick you up."
Jason POV
I left the room leaned against the door. I was feeling complicated but happy. It was my ideal life to laugh so happily with her. I could spend my life in a comfortable environment without complicated emotions. I gradually got used the feeling of laughing because of her. Every move she made, made my heart melt and couldn't hold back my smile.
Actually, I felt uneasy when I first met her. I wondered if I could make friends with her because she knew I was Bruce Wayne's son, or because she was the daughter of some family and needed Bruce Wayne's support. Many suffocating and unhappy scenes appeared in my mind. After getting to know her, I found she was not as superficial as I imagined.
After I calmed down, I walked downstairs slowly. Everyone saw me coming downstairs and stood up from the sofa. I saw Bruce looked very worried, Dickhead regained his sunny smile, Timbers threw his laptop aside, Demon brat was still the same as usual but holding Kirin in his arms, and Alfred stood beside Bruce and looked at me.
I looked at them calmly, with my hands in my pockets, not letting them see my nervous and shaking hands, thinking about what I should say, and after being prepared, I decided to introduce her to everyone, "Erm..., the girl upstairs is my new friend. She's the one you guys always wanted to meet."
Dickhead rushed over and put his hand on my shoulder, "Finally!"
Bruce was surprised but smiled again looked at me, "It's really her!"
Alfred smiled silently, "This is what is called fate."
Demon brat said with disdain, "I really want to see that girl's face, she make friends with a jerk like you."
Timbers leaned next to me excitedly, "She is really destined to be with our family!"
Dickhead snapped his fingers nodded to indicate Timbers was right, then pointed at me and Bruce, "First was Babybird's friend, then a guest who helped Bruce! This coincidence is really amazing!"
Bruce stepped forward to stop Dickhead and Timbers who were sandwiched between me. After they separated, Bruce politely asked me, "Do you think it's the right time to introduce her to us now?"
"I just asked her, and she said yes." I told him calmly.
Bruce stroked my hair, "Then can I meet your friend?"
I was relieved to hear Bruce's words. The tension and the heavy burden on my shoulders was gone. This meant it was a good thing. I turned around ran to the room. I knocked on the door, she opened it from inside. Her face was full of sunshine and smiles. I don't know why I felt more confident with her around.
"Have you been waiting long time?" I stood outside the door with anticipation.
She recovered from surprise, "Not yet! I'm still a little nervous... Can you help me check my clothes are neat? Is my hair messy? Is there anything dirty on my face?" She kept making sure that there was nothing wrong with her.
This was the second time I saw her nervous, but in my eyes she was the best girl who was impeccable. I held her shoulders tried to calm her down. After fixing her hair, I said, "You are always beautiful and charming. I can guarantee that. You can go to meet my family without worry. I can help you with anything."
My words made her regain confidence. "Yes! Thank you, Jason!"
I stepped aside to let her step out the room. I walked in front and led her downstairs. I could hear her pace slowing down with each step. I turned around held her hand remind that I was still here for her. She held my hand tightly relieve her stress because I knew she worry about herself.
After arriving in the living room, I asked her to stand behind me and not show her face for the time being. I didn't tell her how many people in my family. I was worried she would lose confidence because of the large number of people. I saw everyone was standing, their faces were obviously looking forward to her arrival. She pulled my clothes, and I took a deep breath and stood aside. "Everyone, this is my friend, Y/N. Y/N, this is my family."
She looked at everyone and bowed to show her politeness. "Hello, I'm Y/N , Jason's friend."
Bruce was the first to step forward l smile at her and hold out his hand to her. "It's a small world, Y/N. Let me introduce myself again. I'm Bruce Wayne, his father. Thank you for being friends with my son."
She raised her hands and shook them in panic. "What a small world, Mr. Wayne. I didn't expect you are his father. I should thank Jason for being friends with me. I've always caused him trouble."
"Hahaha, I believe Jason is willing take on the trouble you caused." Suddenly Bruce said something inexplicable.
"Hey Bruce! I heard you!" I interrupted awkwardly.
Seeing the three people standing behind Bruce, Dickhead pointed at himself excitedly couldn't wait to talk, Timbers joined in the fun with a look of relief and excitement, Demon brat pretended to be indifferent but I saw him stealing glances at Y/N, Bruce stood aside waited for me to introduce the other people.
Before introducing the three people, I introduced Alfred to her first. Because he is one who takes care the family the most. "Y/N, this is Alfred, the housekeeper of this family."
Alfred humbly extended his hand "It's a pleasure to meet such an excellent and beautiful girl like you. Master Todd is really a lucky man."
She laughed "You are flattering."
Alfred shook his head "I am not exaggerating, Miss Y/N. Our family is honored that Master Todd has such an excellent girlfriend."
I heard the word girlfriend immediately interrupted them "Alfred, just a friend! Not a girlfriend!"
Alfred nodded "Oh, I misunderstood, it's a female friend."
I breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Y/N. She stared at me and said "What?"
Fortunately, she a natural naive person. I awkwardly changed the topic, "I'll introduce you to the others."
I took her to the three people. To be honest, it was bit difficult introduce these three people who had no blood relationship with me. After all, our family names were different. We became a family with Bruce because we became Robin. I didn't know how to explain it to her when she asked.
Dickhead the first come forward, so I started with him. "Y/N, this is my brother, Dick Grayson, the eldest son of the family."
Dickhead took the initiative to shake her hand as enthusiastically as usual. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N! I learned about you from Babybird, and today I can finally see your beautiful face in person."
She tilted her head and looked at me. "I'm happy too, Mr. Grayson. But, Babybird?"
"Just call me Dick. Babybird is the nickname I gave Jason." It was a bit awkward.
She laughed softly, her cheeks flushed. "What a cute nickname! Why didn't you tell me your nickname!"
Dickhead pushed me away, pulled Y/N to a place and whispered, "Y/N, although our Babybird looks very manly, he also has a cute side, especially when it comes to you, he is particularly shy."
I saw Y/N holding her chin with her hand "Unbelievable."
Although Jason couldn't hear the content of your conversation, he had a bad feeling. He rushed over and dragged Dick away. You could hear Jason angrily yelling in Dick's ear, "What the hell did you say to her!"
"Secret!" Dick yelled, and you saw them arguing from the side. Jason kicked him a few times, and Dick dodged smoothly. They didn't really fight, it seemed like they were just playing around. You covered your mouth laughed quietly at the way they got along. You envied having such a lively family.
When you are watching the fun, someone approaches and pokes your shoulder gently with his finger. You look back see him extending his hand to you, "Hello, I'm Tim Drake, just call me Tim, our ages are not much different."
You shake his hand "Nice to meet you, Tim. Are you Jason's?"
"I'm his younger brother." He said politely.
You are surprised for a second, everyone's temperament really different "Wow. If I hadn't seen you all today, I really didn't know Jason had brother."
Tim smiled calmly "Jason doesn't talk about his family all the time."
You nodded to show you understood what he meant. Jason actually similar to you. You didn't talk about your family all the time. You almost forgot about them. Then you saw a little boy holding Kirin on the sofa. You had noticed him for a long time because you could feel his eyes on you.
You said "Kirin! Kocchi yo!"
(Kirin! Here!)
Kirin pricked up his ears looked in your direction. He broke free from the little boy's hand, then ran straight to you excitedly, barked a few times and circled around your feet. The boy expression was a little lost. The son who took care of the dog mentioned by Mr. Wayne should be referring to him.
You held Kirin sat next to him. You blocked Kirin in front of you. "Hello, my name is Y/N. What's your name?" After saying that, you tilted your head to let him see your face. He was a little surprised but didn't show it exaggeratedly.
He retracted his expression and said coldly, "Damian Wayne..."
You handed Kirin to him, "Did you have fun with Kirin?"
"Not bad." He took it and hugged it. He seemed to be a very silent person.
Jason came over and sat next to me. Damian glared at him like an enemy. You were sandwiched between two of them. The atmosphere seemed particularly tense. Is their relationship very bad? Even Jason didn't introduce Damian like he introduced Dick just now.
"Hey, say hello." You heard Jason speak in a serious tone.
Damian looked at you two with disdain. "Say hello then? Say I'm your little brother? Say we're a family? We're not related by blood, don't act so close. It's disgusting."
"Huh?" You were shocked by his words. You clearly heard Damian say they were not related by blood. Then you remembered that their last names were all weird, all different. Dick Grayson, Jason Todd and Tim Drake. Only Damian is Damian Wayne. How come they're a family?
"Damian!" Mr Wayne called him.
He returned Kirin to you and stood up. "Father, am I wrong? Why should I admit they are my brothers? Is it necessary to insist on maintaining a good family? We are not related by blood, except you and me."
"Damian, stop it. This is not the thing to be brought up now." Dick interrupted.
"You know I am right. This annoying guy is dead. Why should I admit he is my brother when he comes back?" Damian said.
"Enough, don't say these in front of Y/N." Tim told him calmly.
Damian expressed dissatisfaction. "Why not? Since she wants to be friends with him, she will know sooner or later. Why avoid? I am telling the truth. If Y/N doesn't like it, she can leave our house at any time."
At this moment, you suddenly felt a chill, and a strong fierce breath rushed towards you. You turned and it was coming from Jason. He staring at Damian like a ferocious beast. It was the first time you saw Jason's expression so ferocious and scary, not as gentle as before. Obviously, Damian had touched Jason's pain.
"Y/N, second room upstairs is my room, you should avoid first." Jason pulled your arm.
Damian mocked, "Why? Is it necessary to avoid it? Isn't it better to tell her everything? Or are you very concerned about your past and afraid Y/N will ignore you forever?"
"Past..." You muttered to yourself.
Jason's hand was clenched more tightly than before. He had his back to you but could feel his anger surged. "Y/N, listen to me and go back to the room first."
"Jason..." You worriedly shook his hand that was holding yours.
"I beg you..." His voice sounded very humble.
To be honest, you never mind anything about anyone. For example, no matter how crazy Harley is, you are not afraid to chat and be friends with her. You know very well everyone has their own difficulties and unbearable past, but the past is the past, and it is no longer the present. Even is the fact, it is terrible that Damian would open people's wounds without any hesitation.
You can't hold back your anger, you let go of Jason's hand and walk to Damian. "Your name is Damian Wayne, right?"
He was confused. "What? Want to speak for that annoying guy?"
"Do you hate me?" You blurted out.
He shook his head. "I don't know you, and I have no reason to hate you."
You don't know what Jason has experienced, you can't stand in his position and speak for him. You shook your head with a smile. "Then let me ask you, have you ever been involved in Jason's past?"
When he heard what you said, his expression changed. "It's none of my business..."
"Are you happy to expose someone's wounds?"
He looked aside with an arrogant attitude. "If you want to teach me a lesson, I advise you not to do it."
"Let me make it clear that I'm not as kind as you think. I won't speak for Jason because I haven't experienced what happened to him, and I'm not qualified to speak for him. But at least I won't trample on other people's scars, including yours. It doesn't matter if you want to listen what I say or not. Even if related by blood, but there are more suitable to be family."
Your words shocked everyone, including the fierce Jason who became much gentler after hearing your words. You can no longer feel the fierce aura on him, at least you don't have to worry Jason fighting with Damian.
To be honest, you envy them for being a family. You have always been alone and you can't imagine that there will be someone by your side when you are sad. No matter how hurt you are, you return to home, an empty life, a life without anyone to accompany you. Only a corgi dog Kirin accompanies you.
You looked at Mr Wayne bowed to him politely. "I want to apologize for interfering in your family affairs without permission."
He hurried forward to let you look up. "I am the one who wants to apologize. I didn't expect to make you so uncomfortable and embarrassed."
You shook your head with a smile. "I really don't mind, so don't apologize."
"Miss Y/N..." Alfred said in a low voice.
You hugged Kirin in your arms, "Well... I am really happy to meet Jason's family. Then I go back first, don't see me off." You left a few words and bowed again to express your gratitude before leaving the living room and walking towards the door.
Jason POV
When I was lost, I just wanted Damian to shut up. He and I were the most difficult to get along with. I was really afraid Y/N would never see me again because of my past. At that time, I really wanted to pull her away and let her leave. I didn't want her to see my most miserable side.
However, what she did always exceeded my imagination. Not only she not run away directly, she also confronted Demon brat. She communicated with Demon brat calmly. Every word she said was so sincere that Demon brat was completely speechless and stood there motionless.
"Please wait a moment, I'll take you home, Miss Y/N." Alfred wanted to follow.
I heard Demon brat muttering "TT, a good girl, I feel sorry for her to be friends with a nasty guy."
"Damian! Stop talking!" Tim tried to shut up Demon brat.
I turned to them, and for some reason, I kept smiling on my face. Maybe her words touched me, maybe I was waiting for what she said, she made me less afraid of losing her "Let him say it, Timbers."
"Hey! Babybird! Catch!" Dickhead threw the key.
I caught it with one hand, I understood what he meant and ran away "Thanks, Dickhead!"
Seeing my figure going away, Demon brat blurted out "Why would a good girl like to be friends with a complicated person like him..."
"Personality. They are attracted to each other." Tim said.
You walked for a long time still haven't reached the gate of the manor. How can a rich man's house be so big? It feels like the end is getting farther and farther away. If known would be like this, you shouldn't have tried to be act cool just now. You would have just let Alfred take you. It's even more tiring to hold fat Kirin in your arms.
Suddenly, the road was illuminated. You stopped and looked behind you. A cool car was moving towards and then stopped behind you. You wondered if you were blocking the car's way, so you stood aside. The car door opened and the person who got out was Jason. You looked at him awkwardly, "Why are you here?"
He took Kirin from you and put him in car, then stood in front of you with his hands in pockets. "I'll take you home."
You felt ashamed for what you just said. "Really, it's not necessary." You left this sentence and walked away.
He grabbed your hand and hugged you without saying a word. Although there was a layer of shirt between, you were so close to him that could faintly hear his heartbeat and feel the fluctuations of his breathing. When you looked up to see his face, he held your head in his hands and let you lean on. You didn't even have the chance to see his face, but you really liked his hug, it was so warm and soothing.
"Sorry, stay for a while, I'll take you back later."
You closed your eyes responded him with a hug "Alright..."
"Thanks for what you did for me."
"I didn't do anything."
"Haha..Fuck..Idiot, you did."
"You're the idiot..."
"I'm sorry for letting you hear something unhappy."
You pushed him away and held his face with both hands "I'll say it again, listen carefully, I don't mind at all. I just care about you being happy."
He leaned his forehead against yours "I'm almost dead happy to hear you say that."
"Hehe, of course. Oh, by the way, you still owe me ice cream."
"Fuck...I will definitely do what I promised you."
You stepped back "When day you feel ready, are you willing to tell me about your story?"
He was a little surprised but still smiled "Yeah, I promise."
You took his hand "Let's go! Kirin is clamoring to go home!"
"Okay, okay, I'll do whatever you say."
Chapter 11 End.
If you have any ideas, don’t be shy. Just leave a comment below. Your opinions would be valuable and will be added in story. ♥️💙
AO3 Chapter 11 🆕
AO3 Bird & Fox by owlwithanapple
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girl-bateman · 1 year
I dont say this in any superior sort of way, but if you werent subjected to destiel in your formative years as it unfolded in real time then you simply don't get it
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brother-emperors · 8 months
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man. the fucking. cycles of violence going on here. war, condottieri brothers, the execution of paolo vitelli (but the on the matter of guilt: questionable! no proof besides the absence of potential violence, but what conspiracy-betrayal wants to leave behind proof? torture and execute him anyway. maybe machiavelli has a point! unfortunately you left a surviving brother), the congiura della magione, all of it coming together at the strage di senigallia. just blood and gore and war all the way down, never stopping for a breather, already on to it's next battlefield. also malaria is there!
in other news! it turns out if you want to draw a comic about the strage di senigallia, you have to figure out designs for all the people in the room, but if you draw vitellozzo, you also have to draw his brother because he's like. there. in a dead way. something something vitellozzo's desire to avenge his brother manifesting in his desire to brutalize florence for their role in his brother's death.
that said, I did not want to draw military armor for an illustration that was partially designed to test out some splatter brushes. in the future though….I will have to revisit that visual…..
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usa--hime · 7 months
Never thought I would say in earnest that I'm being gaslit by a bunch of 2D felons who sing cryptic songs about murder but here I am
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sysig · 10 months
Hm ok what's your favorite or a really cool worlbuilding thing you've done? For any fandom or original or even an unimplemented idea
Hmm well at least in the past decade, my big worldbuilding projects have mostly come down to three-ish stories: Other Side of the Gun, Adventures of Gæilo and Ethon, and Just Desserts
OSG was an Invader ZiM fancomic concept I started around 2013 to justify every single Irken headcanon I ever came up with lol - I never finished it, or even really started it, but I put a lot of time and energy into its roughs back in the day :)
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^A stick figure recap of Ch. 1, inspired by - what else - the Vargas stick figure recaps lol
One that you can see over here is all the work I did for my DnD campaign, AGE! (Though its sideblog hasn't been updated in a while haha - the AGE tag over here works just as well) I basically homebrewed a pantheon and had an absolute blast designing all the gods and their forms before they became gods and even things like architectural differences in their churches and the BBEG and his motivations and just ah <3 Such a fun project :D
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It also laid the groundwork for things like Pokemon Homestyle, specifically all my papercrafts! You can really see how I leveled up haha
And my latest has been Just Desserts! Even with less time under its belt, it's still pretty expansive, as evidenced by my icon and theme and the backlog lol, and it's the one I have the most AUs of! (Though OSG does come close actually haha) There are still some thorny details I'm trying to iron out, especially to do with the magic system, but all the characters and creatures and the fact that I made my own fighting minigame, ah, pleased! I've never been so happy with a sona before Charm! ♥ From the very beginning it's been so fun to work on and I still want to improve!
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#Long post#There have been others of course - things like BunBonBop and TMatM and quite a handful of original species lol#I was also involved in an IZRP that got very in depth which is where Bar comes from actually!#As well as my brief stint into being a TGWDLM askblog lol soz to everyone over there ouq#And little stories like Karera no Kotogara and Yanderapy but those mostly set in cartoon-reality y'know?#No magic or sci fi there haha#Man looking back through the OSG stuff kinda makes me wanna unstore Ch. 0 - I've grown a lot since then!#To the point where it almost doesn't feel ''mine'' anymore haha - it has been almost ten years! Maybe to celebrate its anniversary :)#Also yeah if you look hard enough I've been in love with and inspired by Vargas for as long as I've known about it haha#AGE was so much fun <3 I would like to get back to it someday but picking back up after so long is hard!#I still hold all of them fondly of course ♥ Mar especially since they were the tipping point for me loving spiders :D#It's hard to believe Just Desserts is already four years deep! It still feels so new to me haha#I know I big up Charm and her design a lot lol but for me it really is exactly what I want <3 It's my perfect :)#I still really want to get into 3D modeling to make her as I originally envisioned her!#If I had the funds I'd absolutely commission someone but tbh I don't know many names on that side of art haha#I've also heard about people who give advice/brainstorming sessions for magic systems and I've been intrigued ever since :0#I'd love to sit down with someone and hash out Exactly how their magic works! It feels like it just needs a few more pushes!#Then again that's what I said about the TVAU outfits too haha ♪ Maybe it would all fall into place!#To the base question tho: I never know how to qualify ''implemented'' - does just putting it out there as a concept count?#Writing a story? Making a comic? A series? Polished? Completed?? Where's the line haha#I'm always so full of ideas but focusing on anything long enough to make it ''pretty'' is so hard for me still#I just keep creating never stopping haha
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cockmcstuffins · 2 years
there’s pure comedy in film red and the retcon of shanks’s daughter who was there the whole time and no it won’t ever not make me laugh that every single scene uta appears in feels like 2003 oc fanfiction come to life we came full fucking circle on this one
#i've already seen some detail points of the movie which make it seem super questionable#but i also enjoy everyone fucking fighting over this retcon hope it tears this house apart#sara's not watching the one about pirates#i'll forget about this in the months before it actually reaches the US but it's funny now and that's what counts#well except for the apparent ending that is actually extremely questionable and raises some serious concerns#that being said there are so many smarter workarounds they could have used to still use this sort of plot they did#instead of just making uta shanks's daughter for clout points#they could have gone saga from zoro's background route and just have luffy take a trip as a child at an unspecified point in time#he meets uta who has a red-headed father who distinctly reminds us of shanks#but uta's father leaves her when she's very young and luffy's trip as a child ends and memories of his time spent with her fade#but uta does remember him because it was a happier time in her life and not knowing the fate of her father has hung over her head for years#so when the straw hats go to the concert uta recognizes luffy and luffy eventually recognizes her so that's still a plot#and yeah sure involve shanks somehow but not so deliberately i guess that just caused pure comedy#could have even had uta mistake him as her father which he corrects but then still tries to help her#just a number of different ways this could have gone that wouldn't make this all feel like a long joke slash tone deaf af fever dream
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made-nondescript · 2 years
figured what todays productive activity will be! going to make an infographic with the average mcc stream start time of every participant since mcc 14. this will require having to open all of my mcc viewership excel files all of which have 15+ sheets which may or may not crash my computer! but i think its worth it to shame always-two-minutes-late-grian
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: June 2022 ~  
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Dailymotion and Youtube. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post!
New breakdowns coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green tick = seen or currently watching)
🌟 Pa Thirsty - June 1st (Philippines)
🌟 Sky In Your Heart - June 3rd (Thailand) ✅
🌟 To My Star 2 - June 5th (South Korea) ✅
🌟 I Want To See You - June 5th (Vietnam)
🌟 Check Out - June 11th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Old Fashion Cupcake - June 13th (Japan)
🌟 Senpai, This Can’t Be Love! - June 16th (Japan)
🌟 I Only Want to See you - June 17th (Japan)
🌟 Love Mechanics - June 18th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Unforgotten Night - June 22nd (Thailand) ✅
🌟 You Light Up My Life Again - June 26th (China) 
🌟 Even Sun Series - June 29th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Wash My Heart - June 29th (Japan)
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ My Secret Love - I’m absolutely loving this show!! it’s so hilarious and the perfect proof that you can actually make something out of a seemingly simple bl plot lol. The dynamic between Mek and Kim is super entertaining, also Lee and Park have no business being the most adorable couple I’ve ever seen djkghfd. I love them so much. The setup is nice and it plays with several bl clichés in a very cunning way. Super excited for the rest of the season!! 💜 
👎🏻 To My Star 2 - Never thought I would ever put this as my dislike of the month lol and if you’re following me you’re probably fed up with me constantly ranting about it jkfgdf but yeah. Very disappointed and I don’t see any way to fix this mess in the remaining 2 episodes. Pity. 
New series announcements
🎥 Punk Spy (starring Mii2 & others) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 A Shoulder to Cry On - coming September 2022 (South Korea)
🎥 Blueming: The Movie (147 min runtime) - Date TBA (South Korea)
🎥 사랑은댕냥댕냥 (produced by Strongberry) - Date TBA (South Korea)
🎥 Eccentric Romance (Thai-Korean collaboration, from the producers of Peach of Time) - Date TBA (South Korea / Thailand) 
🎥 Star Struck (web novel adaption) - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 180 Degrees Longitude Between Us - Coming August 14th (Thailand) 
🎥 Jun and Jun -  Date TBA (South Korea)
🎥 Semantic Error: The Movie (178 min runtime) - Coming August 23rd (South Korea) 
🎥 Love in the Big City (novel adaption) - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 Back to My First Love - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 Unintentional Love Story - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 Oh My Assistant - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 Love is Like a Cat (starring Mew Suppasit and others) - Coming 2023 (South Korea/Thailand) 
Other news from the BL world
❗️Thai actor Copter Panuwat came out as non-binary on Twitter and had an interview with TeenVogue. 
❗️The post-apocalyptic Thai BL “Till the World Ends” (starring Art Pakpoom & others) will premiere on September 3rd 2022. 
❗️The upcoming Korean BL “Heesu In Class 2” will start shooting in August and will most likely be released towards the end of the year. It will have a runtime of 40-60 minutes per episode. The main actors have been chosen but not revealed yet. 
❗️The upcoming Thai drama “Remember Me”, starring JaFirst and others has been announced to air on October 9th. It is still unclear whether or not it will be a bl. 
❗️”Our Season” is a 3 episode variety show that features the cast of Semantic Error. It premiered on June 29th on Gagaoolala. 
❗️Fittings for the upcoming Thai BL “Moonlight Chicken” have started. 
❗️Mew Suppasit will star in the upcoming Korean-Thai BL “Love is Like a Cat”. His costars are 2 former kpop idols from the group JUST B. Details have yet to be announced.  
❗️Fiat Patchata (formerly Pattadon) was announced as the lead of the upcoming BL “Wish Me Luck”. Further details are yet to be announced. 
Upcoming series & movies for July
☝🏻 Rainbow Lagoon (short film) - July 4th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Oh! My Sunshine Night - July 4th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Vice Versa - July 16th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Coffee Melody - July 18th (Thailand)
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drumlincountry · 2 years
one silver lining of our collapsing world order is that scifi and fantasy writers will maybe be moved to put some fucking thought into how farming & food systems work!!!
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fungalwarp · 2 years
not to be autistic, but every time someone says 'i want ur honest opinion' and then gets pissed when they get an honest opinion i die inside
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cinnabeat · 3 months
googling pneumothorax for a project and rapidly discovering that adults are terrible at explaining things to little children
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