#angel card readings
starseededhippie · 9 months
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gatewayofhealing92 · 3 months
The Therapeutic Aspects of Aura Beaming for Healing
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Imagine a world where healing isn't confined to physical touch, where energy flows freely, cleansing your aura and restoring balance within. This isn't a fantasy – it's the reality of Aura Beaming, a powerful technique that unlocks the therapeutic potential of your own energy field.
But wait, what's an aura? Think of it as your energetic fingerprint, a luminous tapestry reflecting your emotions, thoughts, and experiences. Just like a dirty mirror distorts your reflection, a congested aura can cloud your well-being. This is where Aura Beaming steps in, acting like a cosmic vacuum cleaner, removing energetic debris and restoring vibrant flow.
Why choose Aura Beaming?
Non-invasive, gentle healing
This alternative therapy involves channeling pure, positive energy toward your aura without the use of needles or potions. It's perfect for those who prefer non-invasive treatments or have a sensitivity to traditional therapies that involve physical touch.
2. Remote healing magic Aura Beaming is a remarkable healing technique that defies the constraints of distance. With this amazing practice, healers can harness the power of energy and direct it to anyone in the world, regardless of their physical location.
This means that you can now receive powerful healing energy without having to leave the comfort of your own home. Aura Beaming is a convenient and effective way to experience the benefits of energy healing, and it has the potential to transform your life in profound ways. 3. Holistic approach Aura Beaming is a holistic approach that aims to resolve the underlying causes of imbalances in your body. Unlike traditional treatments that only focus on physical symptoms, Aura Beaming targets emotional, mental, and spiritual blocks to restore your entire being. This multi-dimensional tune-up is designed to promote overall wellness and improve your quality of life. 4. Turbocharged benefits Anticipate a vivid blend of favorable results that will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. You can look forward to experiencing an upsurge in your energy levels, a marked improvement in your sleep quality, a noticeable reduction in your stress levels, a heightened sense of intuition, and a stronger bond with your true inner self. In short, it's a soul-nourishing experience that's akin to a luxurious spa day!
How Does Aura Beaming Work?
The process of how it works may differ based on the practitioner, however, the general procedure typically involves: 1. Intention setting During a healing session, the practitioner will use their intuitive abilities to connect with your energy field. They will then be able to identify specific areas that require attention and focus on those areas to balance and restore the flow of energy. 2. Channeled energy When you engage with them, they function as a channel, guiding revitalizing and comforting energy toward your aura. 3. Visualization and affirmations Advanced techniques are employed to enhance the curative power of the treatment, and tailor it to the individual's distinct requirements, resulting in an exclusive and customized healing experience. 4. Relaxation and receptivity Find a comfortable spot to sit and take a deep breath. As you close your eyes, feel the soothing energy flowing through your body, relaxing your muscles and calming your mind. Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment, letting go of any stress or tension. As you continue to breathe deeply, let the healing energy do its work, nurturing and revitalizing you from within. Just be still and let the magic unfold.
How to Instill Aura Beaming for Healing
Ready to dive deeper? Here are some exciting ways to integrate Aura Beaming into your healing journey: 1. Find a certified practitioner Gateway of Healing offers Aura Beaming sessions conducted by experienced Access Bars Facilitators. They'll guide you through the process and ensure a safe, transformative experience. 2. Explore the Abundance Magnetizing Program This unique program at Gateway of Healing combines Aura Beaming with other powerful techniques to help you manifest your desires and create abundance in all areas of life. 3. Learn the art yourself Gateway of Healing offers Access Bars classes, equipping you with the skills to perform Aura Beaming on yourself and others. Imagine the ripple effect of spreading healing energy through your community!
Remember, Aura Beaming is just one piece of the self-healing puzzle. Combining it with other modalities like:
: Crystal Healing Enhance the energy flow with specific crystals known for their cleansing and balancing properties. : Color Therapy Bathe in the healing vibrations of different colors to address specific emotional and physical needs. : Angel Card Readings Gain insights from the angelic realm and receive personalized guidance for your healing journey.
Unlock the limitless possibilities of a healthier, happier you with Aura Beaming and holistic therapies. Discover your inner radiance and transform your life with Gateway of Healing as your guide.
You hold the key to unlocking your own healing potential, and Gateway of Healing offers a wealth of resources to help you on your journey. Visit their website today to learn more about Aura Beaming, upcoming events, and special offers. From online resources like angel card readings to distance healing options, Gateway of Healing makes it easy and convenient to embark on your path to vibrant health and well-being. Don't wait - shine brightly and start your transformation today!
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Why You're Single
Yeah. Here you go.
Please choose between the numbers one, two or three. Or, choose one of the following charms. From left to right is one two or three.
One is the teapot, two is Blossom from powerpuff girls, and three is a sparkly blue clip.
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This may be brutal. Don’t hate me, or if you do, you’re allowed I guess but just move on and get a little treat or something. Always a little treat.
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You got some quite funny mini cards in my opinion, one was literally The Joker, which made sense when I turned over Pay attention to red flags. Then the other could be a hint to yourself or someone important. It was a king card, not sure which one. The animal depicting it was a monkey.
That could signify to me (yes, I do read into everything) that someone could have been ‘monkeying around’, someone likes monkeys, someone is silly as a characteristic. It also has another side that shows a football. So someone could be a football player or really into it (or soccer), or they like to watch it. This could be yourself, a past or current interest. There is also the letter M as a possible initial, doesn’t have to mean anything.
So what I’m going to do, I’ll give you the basic run down on each card meaning but I will be looking at what I feel when I look at the images for you.
Unrequited love – There’s not enough attraction or chemistry to keep this relationship going. Speaks about one of the two retreating and disappearing often. Talks about how some can attract unhealthy situations with another romantically to try and heal childhood wounds. You deserve to be in a relationship with mutual love, respect and attraction. Ask the angels to help you attract someone of a similar nature.
Oooooof. Your intuition strikes again and again but you seem to keep ignoring it, or something holds you back from taking action on your insights. All very valid, not gonna judge. But I see in the woman’s face that she knows something is wrong in an interaction with a suitor, but she stays planted in place. It’s like she has trouble walking away. Maybe she is scared what the suitor will do if she walks away. Maybe she doesn’t like to be cruel, maybe she has issues saying no. This could be connected to possible childhood wounds, like the original meaning suggests.
I see a past love interest (whether serious or not) may have genuinely hurt your feelings. Repeatedly. This could be on a scale of low to high severity on what may have happened.
I’m going to be straight up, pretty fast. This combination of cards just gives me the initial thought that you could be giving the wrong people chances. You may have chased after love interests that didn’t show you the time of day compared, you seem to naturally be interested or go after those that don’t really seem for you, versus people that would be helpful or healthy for you. I get the thought block in my brain of liking drama (thinking it means something is happening), or thinking attraction is something that true attraction…isn’t quite? Love means something different to you, it’s misconstrued. The expression of it, at least.
It’s like if someone hurt you, but they came back and it was this big thing, or event or something. It’s like you want to be proven to that you are wanted. Maybe, just maybe there’s a part of someone here who deep down thinks if they can have someone interested in them or love them that initially seemed unreachable…Then finally, that means they are wanted.
But in reality, this is just you giving and giving, I think.
PAY ATTENTION TO THE RED FLAGS – The signs are cautioning you. If you are swept up in a new romance, this card is cautioning you. Pay attention to your feelings and thoughts. Don’t allow emotion to blind you to characteristics or habits that won’t serve you in the relationship. A red flag is a sign that something is off. Indications of dishonesty, disrespect, flirtatiousness with others, substance abuse, lack of integrity etc. A person may treat you very well at the start, but watch for the way they treat others. Red flags can be markers for healing, in the right places.
Nah, nah nah nahhhh. I feel like you have given attention to people who were definitely nowhere near your level. What are you doinnnnn. Your angels are saying protect yourself, protect yourself. Giving too many chances for the wrong people to talk to you, you’re giving people the time of day and they don’t deserve any attention at all. I see someone trying to appear more smart or well learned than they are, nooooo. Excuse me while I get a bucket. It’s like “Yeah this thing you brought up, I know all about it, let me talk over you or teach you to assert my dominan…I mean attractiveness.”
But I kind of see you putting on a mask. And it’s not in way that’s on purpose I don’t think. Or to manipulate for gains. I guess subconsciously it’s to manipulate for something you think you desire. Maybe. This mask, it could be as simple as people pleasing. It could be that you don’t quite express your honest self out of shyness or fear. That’s a journey in itself, and you’ll feel comfortable being yourself when it’s the right person.
People might say they want something, and ghost. People might say they want to try and fix something, but go back to a pattern. People say a lot of stuff. Give your relationship a chance just makes me think you could be listening to what people say, more than looking at what they do. And they’re wasting your time. And that’s not fair. Watch the person. Watch what they value. When they say they want something, do they make plans? When they say they love their family and they’re a family person, do they even spend time with them? They say they love football? (lol) well do you see them going to matches? Do they ever have it on tv?
It says in the meaning for this card, if you do end a relationship, know that you gave it your all. But some things and people don’t deserve your all, because they never gave it theirs. So don’t effing give it. Watch and wait and see if someone deserves all of you. Because you deserve all of the right person.
Right angel card guidance/notes and charms.
You have a penny which has me thinking see a penny pick it up…You know the rest, and be mine.
You’ve got count your blessings – Study and learning – Live your joy
You’ve got a lot going on in life and a lot going for you. You’re a smart cookie, and you’ll learn more how to navigate romance and relationships, but for now I feel like one or more have wasted your time, which annoys me a bit to be honest, because you have cool stuff to do. Way cooler than entertain dorks. You know more than a lot of these people that might approach you, so don’t let them think you’re not as smart as them either. The more you live your life, enjoy yourself and pay attention to your schoolwork, studies or work, the more likely you are to energetically attract someone better for you. It’s like releasing shackles. You don’t need to prove anything, you don’t need validation, you are your own darn blessing and you will be the ultimate blessing in someone elses life. So the next one better be real, and better know they’re talking to a good egg.
I do like eggs.
 That’s it good luck look at your childhood but don’t forget your cool hobbies or to get one.
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PASSION – allow your heart and soul to sing with joy
CHILDREN – Your love life is being affected by children
ATTRACTION – You attract romantic love by enjoying this moment fully
Mini cards are jelly fish and tent. Jelly fish makes me think you’ve been stung. Tent makes me think of a safe place outside.
Your charms are D as a possible initial, and flowers may be special to you, especially cherry blossoms or pink flowers.
Passion talks about reviving passion in your own life. Romantic improvements beginning with yourself. Maybe things have been a bit apathetic lately, or mundane. Maybe you’ve been focussed on just getting on with things. It says when you can enjoy your life completely and be involved in it, it brings that energy into your relationships. Suggests that you could meet someone through hobbies, activities or causes.
Children suggests that yourself, or a love interest may be affected by children right now. So perhaps you are looking after a child currently, perhaps you work with children. Sometimes this can mean inner child work. The meaning says there could be a need to be more playful or lighthearted, or it’s time to heal an inner child wound. (I personally would recommend guided meditations, there are some free ones on youtube.)
Attraction says you are most attractive when you are being yourself and enjoying yourself in the moment. (so many hints to play, have fun, do something interesting or a hobby). Your joyful laughter, self expression and body language are beautiful. If you are straining to find romance, can create stress and unpleasant consequences physically as a result of stress but also energetically. The fear that you may not find someone can create blocks. Enjoy simple things in life such as flowers or art, and visualize what a loving healthy relationship looks like to you.
All together this is out right just telling me you’re too stressed. It’s like your body freezes up when someone tries to invite you to dance, or play a game. It’s like you’re not used to relaxing, and you’re naturally tense. I’m going to check with you now – are your shoulders high up, is your jaw clenched? What about your back. Is it straight or hunched? Listen to your body.
First, I suggest you go out just with you yourself and you, no judgement, no eyes one you. Go out and enjoy a day at the museum, or a café, or visit a historical place. Whatever seems interesting. Or even just dance like a weirdo in your living room with no one there. I feel like you need to be more yourself and in your body. Because, I feel like you could attract the right person, it’s just a matter of you being ready and in the right place mentally.
If there are childhood wounds like suggested, this could be around self-expression or individuality. Or maybe you didn’t feel allowed to enjoy things. Just some brainstorming.
I am seeing that having a partner who is kind is very important to you. Someone familial, someone loving. Maybe you even want someone who is passionate, even a go getter. But I feel like that’s something that you can be, too. You don’t have to wait for that type of energy to come into your life. I get the idea that maybe you play it safe. Maybe it’s time for you to step out of your comfort zone a bit. You never know if you will either really light up a connection already, or if you’ll attract someone you never would have before.
Your angel card is study and learning. This goes hand in hand with doing something new or getting involved in a hobby/cause. Maybe you could meet someone at school/university? The book meaning suggests asking yourself ‘what is this situation teaching me?’. While you’re single, what do you think is happening for you? What does it enable for you? If you’ve been considering taking a course or learning something new, the angels are giving a yes to that. I see as well that someone could get your attention because they are interested in the same thing you are. Mutual interests are a great ice breaker.
There you go group 2, I’m hoping that you have some fun soon, let loose a little.
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You seem like you’ve been working hard. Backs hurting here at the top.
 Gone and given me more cards to read, lolllll
You guys are always on the go, that’s why. These mini cards just have a car and a plane taking off. You’re too darn busyyyy.
For charms, I have ‘love’ and what I call a mystery, because the purple looks mysterious. With the hello kitty charm. I see this is maybe you see love as a mystery, maybe you have never been in love or experienced it yet regardless of age. Maybe relationships are confusing to you right now. The cat and the mystery seem to me like maybe you’re mysterious and/or hold back a bit too much.
Do you like traveling? Or do you travel for work? This could be affecting your chances to hold down a partnership right now. It’s not inherently bad, it just is what it is. However, practically speaking, most people stay put and would like to have their partner with them most of the time. Decisions/priorities may need to adapt or there may need to just be acceptance of the situation.
Addictions are affecting your romantic life.
Someone is wearing a false self-mask in this relationship
This is the romance of a lifetime
A lot of you here seem to have a soft heart, and as a result, can be easily hurt and it may be more difficult for you than others to overcome when others lose your trust or harm you. It may take longer, or you might find things to distract yourself, from games/socializing, all the way to the other side of the spectrum such as harmful substances.
I feel like I might have to be a bit hard line with you here. There are a few possibilities with this combination of cards, and honestly there’s no real judgement because they can be common, but it may be things that people don’t like to hear, quite frankly.
Some here might be scared of love so they jet off, or are always on the move or tend to run from potential relationships. It’s like a secret little inner self sabotage person in the back of your brain. Figuratively speaking.
Someone here may have been cheated on (I’m sorry) and ever since have kind of lamented about it, and been afraid of trusting again so you may wear a mask of not caring or being more interested in something/someone else. You may do things just for show, to protect your feelings and ego.
Someone here might have been the ‘toxic’ one, and this has been a growth experience, even if upsetting.
There may also be idealistic thinking and unrealistic expectations, which is not what true love is in the grand scheme of life.
Codependency is what it says on the tin. This could be within relationships (for example needing validation or attention, feeling that you can’t do something without a particular person, feeling like you need their permission, even.) or substances, or activities. Some co-dependency’s in life are more subtle than others. You can even be addicted to work. It may give a sense of meaning to the point you rely on it to feel important or valued.
Deception shows that you aren’t being real with others romantically, but it also means with yourself, too.  Take some time to understand your real desires and priorities. It can also mean you’ve had people lie to you, and you find it hard to trust and open up. My advice for that would be to try, but wait and watch for a little bit and open up bit by bit yourself. It doesn’t have to be all at once. It’s not true love when someone just let’s their whole life story out at the first conversation, though some might like to think that. It just means they like talking.
It’s important for you to be honest with others as well, even if you feel paranoid that they won’t be honest with you. You can attract the energy by being it. Keep having integrity.
Overall, I see fear, and using something to run away. You may claim to want a partner/healthy relationship but you are your own barrier. You deserve a healthy relationship that is loving and full of mutual trust. But do you agree?
 Please don’t let shame hold you back from enjoying your life moving forward as a human being. Everyone deserves love.
Your angel advice is
Don’t hate, meditate – Thank you angels for sending me love through meditation
Synchronicity – Thank you angels, I trust your well timed guidance and signs.
Yeah, you’ve definitely been burnt. The angels say any time you feel the anger or frustration, to close your eyes and connect. The meaning says that these feelings don’t serve you and they will help you to remove them. It talks about having an independent and self sufficient soul, but the angels invite you to meditate and ask for their help. Every time you think of the ‘hate’ word, just try and switch to something you love.
I want to say to remember that you’re better than this, as well. You’re growing into a better person every day, and if you’ve been wronged, you’re miles further in development than they are. So never lower yourself, and never lower your standards. You’re both strong and kind in your own way and you deserve a unique soul, someone who understands things differently too.
Synchronicity talks about how some things happen for a reason in life. They’re asking you to trust the process and try and have faith. They also suggest if there’s a project you’ve been thinking of, now is the perfect time to start. I see Neptune, so it makes me think of a creative project.
Ok good luck with your romantic life and your whole life in general hope something cool happens bye
Well that was interesting. No tomato throwing please. Have a good dayyy
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thecosmicangel · 4 months
Love Reading - Pick-a-Picture Edition ❣️💌✨
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1. 📷
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You may see this person as someone who you could have something very passionate with. You find this person extremely attractive and mature but you may feel like they have player or flirt energy and don’t know if they are taking you seriously. They may come off as very confident and self centered or selfish. You could simply be very confident in this relationship or it may feel one sided at times as you too may be very selfish.You at times may feel detached and overwhelmed with this connection and may feel like running away because it gets too deep or it triggers unhealed traumas you may have not been aware of. You may at times feel like moving on from this person or giving each other some time apart. You ultimately see this person as a long term partner and someone you could build a happy home with. Probable marriage material, filled with happiness, love, celebration and abundance. You feel like this person fits right in with your family and will give them the chance to continue growing your connection. Now the other person sees you or the relationship as emotionally fulfilling, they are ready to invest their time and energy on this connection. They feel like they could be vulnerable and emotionally open with you. You may bring out a certain side of them emotionally. They may also be scared to open up to you due to past relationships or heartbreak so they could be breadcrumbing you because they don’t want to show you how deeply they feel for you yet. For some this person feels like you are helping them heal wounds from the past.They plan on making you happy because you make them happy. For a few I'm getting that this may be someone from your past coming back after they ghosted you and are ready to offer you a real commitment. They realize how much you mean to them and regret treating you a certain way which hurts your feelings.  I see that this relationship or connection will need teamwork if you two want to make it work. You must work individually and as a team in order to see positive movement, even when roadblocks appear you will need to learn and communicate to solve problems together. The advice is for both of you to keep grounded and take things slow and steady instead of rushing into something. Overall the energy seems happy, emotional and full of celebration. 
💌“ I want to be more than friends” 
💌“ I wish i had treated you better” 
💌“I left you before you could leave me”  
💌“Past is in the past don’t look back” 
💌“Planning for the future” 
💌“Travel is good for the soul” 
💌Past is in the past don’t look back 
💌Planning for the future -travel 
💌I want to be more than friends 
💌I left you before you could leave me 
💌I wish i had treated you better
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Someone has recently had a dream, vision or breakthrough about how they feel for you.They are falling hard for you, but they also feel deceptive or may be hiding something from you or from themselves. They aren’t acknowledging something. This person could visualize you two being together and what life could be with you. This person could be very artistic or imaginative. This person sees you as the ideal person who they will be happy with. They see you as an opportunity for wish fulfillment. You are their wish to come true. This looks like a new opportunity at love, you or the person could feel trapped or lost. This person could be a friend or in your group of friends and you may not be aware of their feelings for you but it is worth giving them the chance if they confess to you their feelings. Another thing I'm picking up on is that this person friendzoned you in the past but now is realizing they have actual feelings for you. This person could be sending you messages through music, or they think of you when they listen to music. 
💌“ I want to be more than friends.” 
💌“You don’t know how hard it was to let you go”
💌“I lost myself for a little while” 
💌“Finding the truth crushed me” 
💌Hidden desires/ hidden intentions 
💌“Social media got me in trouble”
💌“You speak to me through music” 
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You may feel like this connection or relationship is breaking or not stable so you feel defensive and feel like you need to guard yourself. You may be scared of heartbreak, you feel like the other person is hiding stuff from you and you just want them to be honest with you. You want balance to be restored in this relationship, feeling like something is unfair or unjust. You may be overthinking multiple scenarios or expecting many possibilities of what could go wrong or right with this person. Your emotions may be all over the place. Your person sees you as a potential partner and they have some feelings for you but they are currently going through some mental conflict and can’t decide what they want with you. You or them or both could be going through a transformation or about to go through a transformation. In general I see the connection going through a transformation, whatever has caused a block or conflict in this relationship has caused both of you to go through a transformation. The structure or foundation of this relationship is being transformed, it’s like you guys are starting new or having a different approach to how you go into the relationship. I see the other person is having mental conflict or blockages because they don’t know if they are ready for a relationship or may be indecisive as to follow the logic or their emotions. They want to make the right decision for themselves, I kind of feel like they are being selfish and only thinking about what will benefit them most. They want to be successful and may be too focused on their career and finances. Some of them are deciding between money, material things or love. I see them going with the flow and just letting time give them an answer, they want to break certain cycles they have continued in the past. I feel like they are defensive or trying to hold on to something or a certain cycle. They may be someone who would always block or remove themselves from others when things got hard or they became overwhelmed. This time around I feel like they actually found something real with you, so that is why it’s not so easy to run away. If there is a breakup or separation some of you could rekindle the relationship with them, but you are being asked to take things slow. A need to nurture yourself or spend some time in nature. Going through an awakening or healing moment. You both have triggered certain traumas that need shadow work & healing. Balance will be restored whether you work things out or not, you will find healing and balance. 
💌“I want you”
💌“I wish things could be different”
💌“I remember every detail of that day”
💌“I lost myself for a while” 
💌Devotion , hopelessly devoted to you 
💌Stuck at a crossroad- major intersection
💌Reciprocity - adjustments are being made 
💌Reminiscing on past precious moments 
💌Guilt for past actions & behaviors
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You feel that you have done inner healing and this person is here because you did the work. You see this person as strong and nurturing, they protect and make you feel safe. They are a safe space for you. You can show them the best and worst parts of you and they still embrace you and make you feel loveable. You are willing to open up more to this person, and you may also want this person to open up more. You have strong passionate feelings for them and want them to express their passion for you, but they may be holding back their true feelings. They feel like they need to guard their true feelings for you because they are scared of being vulnerable. They may also feel like they can’t put all their focus and attention on you just yet because they are fighting inner battles or trying to get other things in order before they can commit fully to you. They want a reconciliation with you after having an awakening or becoming aware of what they feel for you. They want to rekindle the connection because they feel like they haven’t been true to themselves or to you. They might have been standoffish towards you because they have other issues or conflict going on. They feel like you are their wish fulfillment and want something long lasting with you because you make them feel like no other has before. There seems to be a completion of a cycle but also a new beginning or opportunity at love for this pile. Maybe this person and you took a break or stopped communicating but things will pick back up. You may be receiving a message from them soon or communication will improve. For a few I'm picking up that you are in their mind  a lot but they try to ignore you. They are fighting themselves or are hiding from their true feelings because they feel they are not ready to express them towards you. 
💌“ I am becoming a better person” 
💌“ I wish things could be different”
💌“ You and I were too young” 
💌“ You were the best thing in my life” 
💌“My life is not as together as it seems” 
💌Lurking in the shadows 
💌Reconciliation is coming 
💌Still working on it 
💌Fairy tales fo exists
Take what resonates and leave what doesn't!!
Pictures used do not belong to me, they were found on Pinterest
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thesensteawitch · 4 months
Insights About Your Destiny!💌🍃
Pick A Pile Reading
(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)
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Hey, Senstea Souls!🤍
This collective reading is divided into three parts:
-Your destiny when you were born
-How it changed due to your karma
-Where it's leading you now (Paid)
Parts 1 & 2 are available in this blog but to know Part 3 you'll need to pay $10 and get a personalised reading about where your destiny is taking you.
Choose your pile intuitively. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't as it's a general reading.
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Pile 1
Your destiny when you were born
Tarot Cards- The Devil, King of Cups, 7 of Swords, The Lovers, The Moon
Okay, my dear pile 1. The first thing that I heard was 'twins'. It's very specific but some of you have twins. I also sense that your mother may have faced difficulty during delivery. Probably a lot of pain. You have been emotional since birth. Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio are coming up (sun, moon, or rising). I also hear, “When you're young they assume you know nothing.” When you were born your destiny was all about dealing with relationships. You were a child who could easily absorb people's energy. A lot of karma you carried in this lifetime. When you were born some of it started settling in your subconscious. Your destiny was all about choosing because I also sense Gemini energy here which shows confusion and difficulty in finding balance. It was written that you'll find it difficult to say no. I am sorry to say but I also sense that some of you have even dealt with sexual abuse of some kind. That too at a very early age. My heart is with you pile 1. I send you so much healing and love. It was written in your destiny that you will face many betrayals and will see the devil behind sweet faces. But no one would believe you. So you'll keep a lot of truths to yourself. Not to avoid conflict but because you had conflicting thoughts. You questioned yourself when others were the ones to be questioned! Up until now, you may have faced a good number of heartbreaks. All the relationships in your life were/are meant to make you realize your true potential. Because you are so different from the crowd pile 1. You couldn't see that since childhood. You felt like an outcast or maybe unimportant. But that's not true. You were born to be different and realize how unique you are! I also sense that you developed your intelligence. It wasn't like you were born intelligent. Since the day you were born, you are only shedding skin and becoming new now and then. Your destiny was all about finding true connections right through the false and painful ones. Many of you were born to be artists or do something different/out of the league. I also sense that your decisions have always been governed by the trauma you went through and the good thing is that you are aware of it.
How has your destiny changed based on your karma?
Tarot Cards- 7 of Wands, 6 of Swords, The Fool, 4 of Pentacles, 7 of Pentacles
I am so proud of you pile 1. You worked hard to be who you are today. You've changed so much. You were practically pushed towards your purpose. Your soul couldn't take it anymore is exactly when rage intervened and you found your strength. You always did your best. You changed your destiny. Where it was written that you're continuously going to face relationship trauma you found your way out of those patterns. You made yourself aware. Despite opposing forces and disempowering words, you stood your ground. I must say your initial years of stubbornness made you walk to the other side. Your rage and stubbornness were the beginning. You suddenly became the warrior. You have finally unlocked new chapters and have shifted the vibrational frequency of your destiny. Otherworldly concepts influenced you a lot to change your perspective towards life. You left the fear-based reality far behind. You became a risk taker. You have developed some very special gifts and are holding onto them. You're also hoping to grow yourself further. You have got a lot to learn and you know that. You want to learn more. You are continuing to be on this transforming journey. No matter how painful it is, you're still moving ahead. You have a thirst for truth, hence you have the patience to wait for it. Currently, you are letting go of the control. Slowly but steadily.
To know where your destiny is taking you book a reading with me only at $10.
Pile 2
Your destiny when you were born
Tarot Cards- 10 of Pentacles, Ace of Pentacles, 5 of Cups, Page of Pentacles, 4 of Cups
Hello, my beautiful pile 2. The first thing I saw was that either you were born into a well-to-do family or a family that was financially facing a tough time. For some of you, I also see a big family. But when you were born something major happened. Someone with whom you were close to when you were born or someone who loved you dearly when you were born is no more. I say this with utmost sincerity and love for you. I sense that your destiny was about dealing with a family where everyone and everything was perfect except you. You were ridiculed a lot for how you looked or your overall personality. I also sense that you were given everything but still, there was something that you were looking for. Your destiny was about coming out of the cocoon of the perfect world and truly experiencing life with its imperfections. I also sense that you have lived among perfectionist people. Deep in your heart and destiny's chart, you were meant to give something to the world. Everyone around you was focused on taking but you wanted to know how you can make others lives better. You were destined to be dependent on yourself and create a life of your own. A life that is not defined by your background. You are someone who was destined to see the darkness behind the gold and glitters. You have been somebody who always questioned the ways of the world. I hear, “You're on your own kid. You always have been. You were destined to bring a powerful change in your family. Any direction you have chosen was only meant to take you to a better place, closer to your purpose. Some of you may even have gone through some health crises as it was written because you function differently compared to other members of your family. You were meant to be the trailblazer.
How has your destiny changed based on your karma?
Tarot Cards- Knight of Wands, King of Pentacles, 3 of Wands, The Emperor, King of Cups
I hear you had to break your own heart to free yourself and move towards your purpose. You weren't understood and that created a deep wound, a longing to move away, especially from your family dynamics. I strongly sense that you lost someone very dear to you. For a very few of you, it might be literal death. Based on your karma you created a certain reality in your mind and it still gives you pain. You're asked to change your thought patterns and question yourself. To want what you want you had to learn what you don't want. And what you don't want is what you got since the beginning. But I see that you've made yourself firm about certain aspects of life. You have your guard up but deep down you are a very emotional and caring human being. You somewhat have your emotions locked up but you do feel them in silence. You are now moving towards making yourself a better human being and growing yourself so that you can genuinely contribute to the world. I also see that some of you have been traveling for quite a while now but still some days you feel restless. You are still being asked to look within and look closer. You're somewhat distracted and still aren't following your purpose. Making money is not the end goal and you know that. Your soul knows that. Always staying on your guard is stressful and you feel that. You're still living in a survival mode. Though you have made slight progress you still need to see the truth. You're missing the details. You're afraid of expressing yourself. I hear your destiny saying, “I just wanna keep calling your name till you come back home.” Now, go deep into the meaning. Don't read it on the surface level. Stop feeding your mind with negative thoughts. Your destiny is still calling you to look in the right direction and release the pain. You deserve love and you'll find love. For some of you, I also sense that love will heal you. Finding someone who loves you dearly will heal you. All you need is love. You're passionate but you stop yourself as you think you need to present yourself in a certain way. You are looking for something and I am telling you all you need is someone who can provide a safe space for what resides deep within your heart.
To know where your destiny is taking you book a reading with me only at $10.
Pile 3
Your destiny when you were born
Tarot Cards- Knight of Cups, Judgement, King of Swords, 3 of Cups, The Devil
Hello, my beautiful pile 3. The first thing that I observed was that your cards were very eager to come out. There was a desire that you couldn't fulfill in your past life and your soul wanted to have that fulfilled in this lifetime. I sense that you have been an active kid in your childhood. Someone who loved making friends. But there was also something saintly about you. You seem to be a bit flirtatious too. I sense that your purpose was to reconnect with your soul tribe. Some of you are walking on the spiritual path. Your purpose was to find romantic connections that could liberate you from your patterns and make you reborn into a different being every time. You were destined to go through all the unwanted situations and meet unwanted people to finally find what you want. You were meant to heal your wounds around friendship and romantic bonds. I also hear your shadow side saying, “You broke me first.” As you may have been aware of this destiny for a very long time so you lived in pain and stayed in this cycle where you kept hating those who broke your heart or who played with your heart. Some of you may even like to dance. Move your body often and release stuck energy. Dancing can have something to do with your purpose too. Your destiny was to go through emotional ups and downs to finally think logically and see the truth of your life. To see why things happened the way they did. You were meant to reflect years after a situation happened. You may have found many answers to your trauma years after it happened. This is for your inner child, “I keep every hour of every day keeping you safe.” You won't be able to escape your destiny. BECAUSE IT IS THE PATH LEADING YOU TO YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH. I also hear, “I am just protecting my innocence. I am just protecting my soul.” Protect your inner child. It's a part of the destiny you were born with.
How has your destiny changed based on your karma?
Tarot Cards- 3 of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, 4 of Wands, 8 of Pentacles, Strength
Wow, pile 3. Well done! You're healing your heart chakra. You're appreciating and seeing the lesson in situations you came across. You're no longer blaming people but trying to see the divine reason behind things. You're not stuck on one polarity. You see all the perspectives and can make peace with them. You've gained a lot of strength right through this desire to find the right people that match your mindset. Though you haven't found them yet you soon will. I see some of you are even working so hard to make yourself financially stable. The painful cycle that you have been in for years is now approaching its end because you were willing to learn the lesson. You're so brave, pile 3. You've developed this spark and light around you that others can't help but notice. You've mastered the art of self-transformation pile 3. You didn't let yourself stay stuck in the energy of looking for your worth in the other people. Some of you may still be realizing it and are working on it. You've finally found your balance. You're keeping your calm and continuously learning the lessons. Some of you may have strong Sagittarius placement (it's not necessary). You are no more afraid of the predators that are out there in the wild. You have trust in your intuition. Consider reading pile 1 too if you were drawn to it. I am finding some similarities. You're currently on the verge of balancing your private and personal life.
To know where your destiny is taking you book a reading with me only at $10.
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katiifaetarot · 3 months
THE READING TODAY IS: What Reassurance You Need to Hear Right Now ˗ˋˏ ♡ ˎˊ˗
-short and (mostly) sweet messages
There are 3 piles and you will be picking through the picture right below this text!!!
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✨️🧚🏽‍♀️please choose your pile and may your intuition and inner knowing guide you to the pile with the energy most suited for you and most suited to help you along your path at this current point in time, no matter what that looks like🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
PILE 1- Useful Tension
PILE 2- Both Strong and Delicate
PILE 3- Contemplate Your Gorgeousness
** sometimes ( most of the time ) i will pick up on multiple energies that need attention or want to be expressed during the reading so i ASK YOU TO UNDERSTAND THIS DURING MY READINGS:
depending on how the reader(YOU) chooses to look at the situation or however the situation resonates for the reader(YOU) and because this is a general reading;
⚠️you HAVE to be able to use your better discernment + better judgement skills to fully absorb the message and be able to do the necessary work to keep you on track for the future you WANT for yourself⚠️
The pain, turmoil, obstacle(s), challenge(s), unwanted situation(s), etc-- you are going through right now; they're here to teach you how to use this lesson or difficult situation to your advantage and fully adapt to the harsh conditions being thrown at you! You cannot give up on yourself or your goals/dreams, its tough right now so you are able to utilize the lessons being taught to you at this very moment, later in life. You arent the only one going through something like this. Out of billions of people in the world, you GOT TO assume you're just another human going through another human expirence, like so many others, and yes while you may be learning different things or excelling in different places, you still are not alone pile1.
--sorry if it got harsh at the end, but i think the message of reassurance really would be to understand you are not alone so you can better assess YOUR personal situation from an objective perspective while understanding you are apart of millions IF NOT BILLIONS, of people who all go through something similar!!! So dont care so much and start utilizing this dark, negative, unwanted situation to YOUR benefit, and get yourself OUTTA THE DARK TIMES AND LOOK TOWARDS A BETTER FUTURE!!! dont get stuck in self-victimizing!!!!!
There's a VERY clear duality to you pile 2. you know how to be soft and endearing, as well as tough and strong!!! You always know where you're headed even if you theoretically "feel lost" sometimes!!!! You have an innate understanding that you are just flowing with the wind and the answers will come to you when they and YOU are ready!! So keep going KEEP FEELING and keep being your most free flowing self!!! So many surprises await your willingness to recieve and innate mighty but gentle nature. Stay Saucy and Pretty Pile 2 ;)
When was the last time you hyped yourself up pile 3? When was the last time you REALLY did a self care/self love day?? BECAUSE LET ME TELL YOOOUUU!!! YOU'RE ONE AMAZING HUMAN WHO HAS SO MUCH TO OFFER!!! YOUR ABUNDANT AURA IS JUST WAITING TO BE UNTAPPED BY YOU AND YOUR GORGEOUS SELF!!!!!!! You deserve so many good things pile 3🥺 so please dont miss out on opportunities because you lie to yourself and say you're not good enough for them or dont want to try because theres "competition."
What isnt for you, isnt for you; what is yours will come to you when you're open to receiving and willing to be in that gorgeous energy and attract!! Competition is EVERYWHERE!! so accept that and do your best!!! you got this!!!
I sincerely hope you received what you needed and released what you don't !! See you again soon!! Take it easyyy and just breathe and fllooowwww!!! you got this! byyeee~🧚🏽‍♀️✨️
**please let me know how I'm doing in any way you can! That is the easiest way to supprt me. Dont forget to Follow Me on Youtube and Tiktok for messages, guidance, and advice 🥺 🥹 🙏🏼
***AND REMEMBER: your own free will is always present within you; which has nothing to do with me or ANYBODY else. I am NOT responsible for YOUR choices after YOU consume my content on ANY of my platforms.
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neptunes-sol-angel · 6 months
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Well let's fuck around and find out 🤭😉
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Pile One
This could be someone who's a friend that you need to cut off or someone who you've already cut off. I would say that this is a parent, but this is looking like someone who has this false sense of authority over people and in general isn't a good person to be around. I'm getting this image of someone hiding in the shadows who comes out at just the right time at the right place to make a move on you. The parental energy that I'm picking up on could relate to one of their negative traits, which is analyzing voids that you could have internally. It could seem like they're fulfilling you emotionally, but really this is deception that they use against you later. Affection, validation, or someone who listens is what could they hold above your head to convince you that you need them or that they hold the answers to how you should live your life. This person fucked around trying to gain control over you and now they're finding out that you're no one's puppet and that you're strong enough to both walk away and wake up from the trance that you don't have any glamour. Or this could be someone who was very delusional thinking that walking away from you would make your life halt, but there's light being shed on just how powerful your magnetism actually is. They walked away just to come back to watch how you're flourishing and still gaining attention from unapologetically being you, they see you birthing abundance in your life, they realize how your originality is undeniable, if your presence on social media is public, they could be lurking and taking notes on the shine that you vibrate effortlessly. Pile One you're the blueprint, baby!
Pile Two
This is an opportunist who is a friend to no one but themselves. Their concept of loyalty is that they're ok with you giving it unconditionally to them, but theirs has terms and conditions, and they're strongly offended when you reflect their way of thinking by withdrawing your loyalty. This is someone who is constantly in some drama, never has their priorities together, and if you dare suggest what they could do to help themselves, they'll give an excuse for why they don't want to do the things that will bring stability to them or at least reduce the trouble that they get into. An overall immature person. This could also be someone you work with or had a partnership with, there's envy and jealousy that they have over you and instead of working on their feelings, they'd rather do something slick behind your back to to to make sense of the animosity they have for you. This is someone who doesn't play fair and see things as deep enough for them to sabotage you. They fucked around and found out about how karma and your guides don't play about you. They overestimated their reign of how much they could overstep and they're in a position now to where they can't weasel their way out of the consequences. The theme here is a loss of security. Their self-grandeur is withering away to a lack of confidence, they could have lost their job or are severely losing momentum in getting ahead in their life. It's like their tricks are no longer working and how they tried to stagnate others has now blocked their own blessings because they're incapable of moving forward. This person has to get out of having this main character syndrome, their inability to be a team-player by supporting others or clapping for others has left them in a pit of the same cycles that they thought they could take shortcuts out of whether it be understanding how immoral it is to use others or learning that trying to knock someone down doesn't truly elevate them from their insecurities.
Pile Three
This person could have you on their mind a lot or you show up in their dreams frequently. This could be a love interest from the past or someone who you've used to talk to on an almost daily basis. You could have helped them in some way or there was something in this connection that they may have tried to downplay or had trouble understanding. I'm getting that they fucked around and found out about your effect on them which is someone who they'll never forget lol. I'm also getting that this could be someone who you're currently talking to who underestimated the feelings that they get when they're around you, or how much you positivity you bring in their life. However, this really does give a chaser and runner type dynamic, where you were eventually the chaser and now they're the runner. If this is a past person, this is someone who misses you dearly, and may have fumbled in the beginning of you two parting ways with each other, by pretending and overcomenpensating the facade of someone who has "moved on". For some people, this could be ex-friends or family members who are deeply feeling the downsides of your absence but are too prideful to apologize to you or tell you that they miss you and would like you back in their lives.
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cupiddivinearrow · 7 months
Advice From Spirit
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🦅 PILE 1 🦅
🕊️ Key Indicators 🕊️
Healer/ High Priest(ess)/ Witch
Powerful, Strong, Strengthened, Courageous
Ascending, Growth, Enlightenment
Look on notes on phone for this pile
Throat & Sacral, Root chakra may be blocked
Highly Intuitive
May love to sing
Freedom, Setting yourself free of any limitations, limiting thoughts, and/ or beliefs
Phoenix energy, Rebirth
Divine Timing
Drawn to the night, the Moon
Feminine Energy
#️⃣ Numbers of Significance #️⃣
May be seeing:
3s (333)
4s (444)
5s (555)
⭐ Animal Spirits of Significance: ⭐
🦅 PILE 1 🦅
P1, the saying: The Eagle Has Landed…
P1, have some of you in this pile been focusing on growth and expanding your abilities/ gifts? Some of y’all in this pile may be healers, high priestesses, witches, etc. You’re pretty pure and straight forward. And as of late, you’ve currently have been gaining enlightenment about how to stay balanced and focused. This pile is strong. Powerful. Intuitive. P1, I feel that you’ve been listening to your intuition more lately, which is allowing you to find your voice and let go of unrealistic expectations that are keeping you bound emotionally. Did you just come out of a storm? You should be celebrating making it through, if you haven’t because it is an achievement. Whatever situation you just fought through, could’ve hurt you, and made feel incredibly alone. I’m glad that you made it though this lesson P1. Because that’s what it was. A lesson. That had to be learned to create a catalyst within you. You may be learning about Divine timing in this pile. Coming to a realization that time is an illusion and where you are at this moment is where you’re meant to be. This pile has been learning to stand alone, to speak their truth. And teaching others while doing so. This pile is setting themselves free of any limiting beliefs or lack mindsets. Congratulations on your freedom P1, you have completed a cycle. You’re learning, or will, how to balance out your material and spiritual world. The balance between the 3D (Earth) and the 5D (Astral). You’re healing and manifesting a world of abundance. Through tapping more into your spiritual side, you’ve made the balance that has brought, or will, bring you peace. You have risen like the phoenix, or a rabbit.
P1, You are safe. Continue to be patient, as well as, focused. You are on the right path. Keep going! You are about to have a whole new world. Try being more compassionate with yourself. You had to go through lessons to be able to be who and where you are today. To be able to help others and guide them through your experiences. Try disconnecting from the internet and others for a day and go out in nature. Spend more time with yourself to continue breaking free of things that do not serve you. Continue to set and keep your boundaries and practicing self love. Try giving yourself advice by imagining giving a friend advice and taking that advice. Ask yourself what would you do to really show that you love yourself? Or what do you really enjoy most? When do you feel most intune with yourself? Try to really take the time out to think and answer as realistic as you possibly can. Then act on it. And don’t worry, the Universe has your back. YOU ARE SAFE P1!!!!
The Universe/ Spirit would like for you to learn how to further respect your body and to detox your body this winter. To continue trying to learn your spiritual abilities and gifts by going out in nature or sitting by a body of water and meditating. Tuning in. Exercising. Dancing. Singing. That help keep your mind and body right, respectfully of course. Also, try returning back to the basics. Retracing what you’ve learned on your spiritual journey so far. You can always learn more by retracing your steps and seeing if there’s anything you’ve missed and can use now. In addition, maybe it’s time to declutter. Look around you and think, do you really need all the stuff that’s around you? If you do not, it’s time to consider cleaning your area, which will help with any stagnancy energy around you at the moment. This should be your sacred space. If it’s cluttered, you can’t really relax or enjoy yourself. It’s time to let go of Earthy materials that aren't necessary. It’s important to take care of your physical surroundings and body, as well as your spiritual energy. It is important. Try listening to music more or tapping into your creative side. Slow down. Without your vessel, you lose access to the material world, so treat it well.
✨ PILE 2 ✨
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✨ PILE 2 ✨
Masculine energy
Distracted, Unfocused
Emotionally Burdened
3D, Material World, Earth Energy motivated
Spends time outside alot
Crown, 3rd eye, Heart, Sacral chakra may be blocked or being aligned
Brave, Courageous
Taking Lead
Passion, Desire
Angel Wings- Earned their wings
Connection to Lady Gaia, Mother and Goddess of Earth
#️⃣ Numbers of Significance: #️⃣
2s (222)
4s (444)
5s (555)
8s (888)
10s (1010)
⭐ Animals of Significance: ⭐
✨ PILE 2: ✨
Pile 2, the saying, “Team work makes the dream work” comes to mind when I tap into this group.
Recently, or you will be, P2, you had a glow up. You have put in the work to close cycles and you have done it!!! And because of this, the Universe is blessing you with a gift. In partnership, In new beginnings. Possibly (very) in love… Oh la la 😘
P2, you’ve been working hard on yourself after a possible heartbreak or betrayal that left you feeling like you needed to close yourself off to love and kept you in a confused or negative mindset in the past. Maybe with a False Twin Flame, a karmic. But as of late, you’ve been trying to find your peace by focusing on things that helps you to heal. You’re currently gaining the courage of a lion and growing your power. If you believe in terms such as Earth Angel, then P2, you once may have lost your wings after indulging in lower vibration activities. You’ve earned them back.
You may be drawn to nature at this time, P2, or doing some inner child healing. You may be looking back into the past, wondering what you couldve done better. But P2, dont you see, you have achieved alot. You should be proud. You’re learning to trust in your intuition, and to let go of the past, which will benefit you soon, if it’s not already.
Some of you in P2 will be offered a new opportunity in business or with your gifts. If its business, trust in yourself, stay resilient, move in silence. As for those who gifts are enhancing, protect yourself. The bigger you get, the more haters you will have. (But i appreciate the haters. They let me know I’m doing my job well.)
Some of you in P2, I see a love or new partnership coming in. Try to keep boundaries but dont be afraid of starting something new in your life. Yes, love can be scary, but it’s meant to be a gift. Not feared. When something doesn’t work out, we often forget that it’s the Universe's way of protecting us and helping us learn a lesson that we must learn. And sometimes, we have to learn that lesson the hard way, due to Ego.
The Universe wants what’s best for you, and is just waiting for us to figure that out P2. And I believe you have. You understand how important it is to find balance within ones life by not letting one thing or person take over it by having a career and social life to focus on. And P2, I believe you’re about to receive it. A blessing. Either you’re about to be blessed with a new opportunity in business, life, or you’re about to experience a great big love that will leave you feeling safe and cared for. Pile 2, you’re about to be blessed with security. However, you will need to use discernment. You’re about to have many options available to you. Go out and explore. But take baby steps. It’s time to discover who you are in your heart P2. But, remember to use caution. And you will figure out which is the right path, hobbies, activities, people, things for you by letting your intuition and experiences to guide you. Allow yourself to partake in ALL OF THE SWEET THINGS LIFE HAS TO OFFER YOU.
For those that are receiving new opportunities in life, gifts and business, please let the past go. Balance yourself. Continue to try to find direction if you havent already. Your gifts are growing. Keep pushing forward.Your gifts are enhancing.
Now, for those of you that are having love come in, if you are not ready for a baby, please be careful. I see a baby might be coming in soon. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SOON TO BE PARENTS! BLESSINGS!!!
🌄 PILE 3 🌄
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🌄 PILE 3 🌄
Feeling Insecure, Not At Home
Shadow Work
An Ending
Connection to Egypt
Lady Hathor: Egyptian Goddess of Beauty, Sensuality, Music, Dancing, and Maternity
A whole new world
Throat, Heart, Solar, & Root Chakra may be blocked
Spiritual (Vision) Quest
#️⃣ Numbers of Significance: #️⃣
1s (111)
4s (444)
⭐ Animal Spirits of Significance: ⭐
💫 Astrological Signs: 💫
🌄 PILE 3 🌄
The statement: “It’s the Beginning, Not the End.”
Pile 3, are you currently feeling confused, lost, confused. Or maybe this was your energy in the recent past? Did you start to lose hope in a situation? Were you currently in a dark place? Seems to me that maybe, P3, just maybe, you just experienced what I call a Dark Night of the Soul, or should i say, Ego Death and now you are seeing a brand new world. Have a whole new perspective. P3, the veil has been lifted and your spiritual journey has stepped into a new chapter. It is time to focus more on your spirituality, for the world that you once knew is gone. Now, or in the near future, you will face a 2nd chance in life after some news is revealed and helps you find release.
It’s time to tune into yourself and ground yourself. To figure out who you really are and what your life path, your purpose, is. Deep inside yourself, there are secrets. Secrets that will reveal lost wisdom if you just look a little deeper inside. You may have the ability to see visions. And in this vision, you will see you way forward. You will let go of the past and embrace the future. Learn to experience life as it comes It’s time to forgive. Speak out. HEAL. Set your intentions and believe it. You have limitless possibilities waiting for you. You just have to let go of the past and take a step into the future. Instead of looking at the past with regret, change your perspective. Don’t use the lesson to be hurt, but as a lesson on where to heal. It’s all about “The glass is half empty/ The glass is half full” kind of thing. Life is what you make of it. And only you can decide how you’re gonna react to a lesson. But, it’d be easier on yourself if you try to connect with your ancestors. There may be one that’s reaching out. A grandmother spirit. And she’s wanting to help you heal. You just need to listen. She will help guide you.
Let go and try to have no regrets. There is beauty in the pain. Beauty comes from our perspective on how we see things. We prefer to look at the sky vs trash. We prefer what we call beauty vs believing that everything and everyone has some beauty to it, or a lesson, which is beautiful. Its guidance. Its love from the Universe. Ever heard that saying when someone stays quiet to worry vs someone that nags because it shows how much you are loved? This is the same. The Universe shows us where we need to improve to have a better life. It’s a gift. So when we hurt, there’s something that need to be fixed or taken a closer look at. Just because something seems like its a matter of concern because it’s ending, doesn’t mean it’s not a blessing… It could actually be a blessing in disguise. But that’s for you to determine. Try not to focus too much on this and push forward. Gather the strength from this issue that caused an imbalance in your life and try to focus that energy elsewhere in your life, where you know you’ve needed to take a closer look at. Find your peace by not focusing too much on one area in your life. It helps. Believe me when I say that. It’s time to nurture the whole of you – mind, body, soul. Also, if writing is your thing, go ahead and start journaling. Write about what you’ve been through on this journey. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Try to find the positive lesson there for all your hardships you’ve through…Writing will also help you to manifest your goals and desires faster. It helps you to capture your ideas, plans, dreams, memories, etc. And it can be extremely therapeutic, while also releasing that creative streak inside you. Try to determine what charms and rituals you do or could do everyday to invite a little magick within your life. Try to go out in nature and meditate. Try to get in touch with the water and nature spirits around you. Remember to protect yourself psychically. Also, try making a talisman for yourself or use crystal magick for protection. When it comes to those focusing on their careers, if you’re not already, it’s time to develop some more skills or look at your career and figure out what needs to change there. Go after what you want. If you have to go to school, do so. If you’re not happy where you’re at, start looking for a job to feed your soul. Do what you have to to bring more happiness and joy into your life, now’s the time.
🕊️ Blessings 🕊️
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
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What does Venus have in store for you? Pick a number and get a feel of what its saying with some numerology secrets!
There is also a bonus part of this reading to help with your souls desires!
The bonus reading does not have a numerology decoding.
This is an Intuitive Reading.
What do you have to do to upgrade yourself?
414, 333, 222, 111, 1212, 17 , 85
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4+1+4= 9 
9- new beginnings , endings, letting go, cycles changing
4 - foundation, being centered, earthly bounds, physical reality
1 - do it yourself, ego, enjoyment, the sun, let it shine
“Joyous Fun” (The Quantum Oracle)
Its time to enjoy yourself for once, love. Go on that shopping spree. Enjoy that scenery. Make moves and enjoy the dance. You have to let go. Laugh it out. The world is yours.
“Sacrifice” (The Psychic Tarot)
Your past life is not your current one. You can change your life at any given moment. Be yourself and let go of that super serious character.
Sacrifice does old thought patterns that tell you that you cant have fun at the moment. That’s a lie. Be more joyful even if it doesnt make sense.
3+3+3= 9 
9- new beginnings, endings, letting go, cycles changing
3- creation, adventure, joy, life, control, expansive
Its easier for you to get what you want if you just believe. Your willingness is what connects you to your divine feminine. Be like the ocean, in flow and in love with life. Be your best self, it attracts the suitors!
“Mental Conflict” (The Psychic Tarot)
Move on from those old wave patterns. Just like your friend 414, your mindset is the primary problem as to why you won’t leap. The number 333 relies on your faith. That’ll be how you secure your desires. You can only go by what you know, sure.. but what happens when you take that leap without knowing how deep you will fall? It only goes up from here. Do what it takes to be the butterfly. You have what it takes. Dont forget to smile while doing it ;)
2+2+2 = 6 
2 - love, relationships, partnership, connection
6 - Harmony, family, love, relationships, art, creativity
“Teacher” (The Quantum Oracle)
You’re Venusian upgrade counts on you to be the master at your craft. You have goals that you should continue focusing on and enjoying the work you’ve put into them. Be patient and listen out for new information given to you by the divine at this time.
Show the world what you’re good at, and host gigs that show off your skill. People are fascinated by what you do, and what you know. Be open to sharing with us what ideas, thoughts, and talents you have because people will listen.
“Spiritual Strength” (The Psychic Tarot)
Your spirit upgrade needs time in meditation and getting to express your outer world with calmness and peace. Work on creating a spiritual routine where you can embrace the moment ahead. The power is your subconscious mind, take time to focus on reality as is, and work towards being a mentor, volunteering to be of service, and helping others in need.
1+1+1 = 3
1 - do it yourself, ego, enjoyment, the sun, let it shine
3 - 3- creation, adventure, joy, life, control, expansive
“Fear” (The Quantum Oracle)
Underneath all that fear is the most beautiful essence there is. Why do you hide yourself? Be more kind to yourself and let the rage burn. Let your soul feel all those feels and let out a big roar. Dont be scared to show people who’s under all that love you give yourself when no ones watching. You are a light, truly. 
“Mental Conflict” (The Psychic Tarot) + Angels Of The Four Directions (The Quantum Oracle)
Subconscious thoughts need work. Focus on positive words for healing yourself. Your angels want you to pick where you go next. You can be anything you want. Just make sure to balance your mind-body-spirit with being more thankful of your growth and challenge yourself every time you feel that annoying fear. 
1+2+1+2 = 6
1 - do it yourself, ego, enjoyment, the sun, let it shine
2 - love, relationships, partnership, connection
6 - Harmony, family, love, relationships, art, creativity
“Status Quo” (The Quantum Oracle)
Travel! Travel! Travel! New adventure awaits darling. Whats stopping you? Create new memories by just experiencing a new horizon. A road trip, a bus ride or a plan ticket is what you need to invest in and go enjoy the scenery. This could be calling you to move across the city, state, or country. Either or its asking you to enjoy the motion that is forever changing. This is what we need to embrace our divine feminine flow!
“Flower” + “Scorpion” (Nature & Soul)
As change in scenery is good, it helps to transform you and your perspective on the way things should go. Be more open to new places, new jobs, new people from all cultural backgrounds. You shine the most when you explore your options. Take care of yourself by being down for the ride.
1+7 = 8
1 - 1 - do it yourself, ego, enjoyment, the sun, let it shine
7 - mysticism, spiritual, luck, god, the creator, universe
8 - transformation, power, the will, change
“Joyous Fun” (The Quantum Oracle) 
Your luck comes in by the enjoyment you allow to grow in your life. You should try having fun at a concert, going to a art exhibit, or just simply finding the laughter and joy in just being. Experience the moment and allow your life to sore. You may not know the answers to everything but when you truly move forward in just doing something it gets favored. Take a chance on living! You never know what you might get ! ;)
“Foundation & Achievement” (The Psychic Tarot)
Its incredible to be able to live the life we want to live but how are you going to receive it? Start slow and relax. Still take moments out of your day to find the time to be in pure bliss. You dont have to stop your life to ‘have everything in place’ like you think. 
8+5 = 13 / 1+3= 4
8 - transformation, power, the will, change
5 - change, adventure, the mind, agility
13 - divine feminine, transformation, ‘the witch’
(For this reading 13 is divine order. Its the mother/universe. The feminine urge)
“Courage” (The Quantum Oracle) 
Take pride in who you’re ancestors made you to be. You got the juice. You're the originator. The trendsetter. The one who starts it all. They may not get it now, but they’ll play catch up later. Take control on how the world sees you, thats your gift. You control the cards. They wish they had it like you, however they dont know what darkness you had inside of you alchemizing itself into power.
Your power causes reactions out of people that can attract or repel. You’re a magnet to others emotions but this is how you keep balance. Being who you are proudly causes others to look at themselves deeper to the point it shifts their thinking. You mirror those who need healing, they cant take you with them to their shadowy nightmares but you sure can bring it out of them. Dont let them get to you, they just wanna see you down because you’re too high for em.
“Peacock” Nature & Yoga
Beauty is surrounding you. Be cautious with who you let in your circle. They’re not deserving of you. Be kind as what comes around goes around. If they’re not kind back, it will surely come back to them. You’re mother natures brightest jewel, they cant keep treasure hiding for ever. Be open to letting the world see your new self. Its time to embrace that beautiful nature of yours. The world needs to see it. 
Bonus Reading
(this one will not have numerology decoding)
212, 999, 1111, 717, 888, 777, 33
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Throat Chakra
Speak highly of yourself. Have more higher standards for others and tell them about your boundaries.
Take a hike. Go to that new sushi restaurant. Try ice skating. Traveling is more than just going abroad. Take trips to different places you haven't been. It's all about changing your perception of reality with Venus. Be up for surprises.
Fragmented Energy + Destiny
Have a better diet for yourself as your energy can be dense from having a poor diet. When our energy is low, we're not able to connect with ourselves, the intuition and the divine. Clarity is necessary for this new journey you're embarking. Time to change the environment you're in beloved.
Soul Mate Connection
So what I'm getting for this group is that a divine connection is going to bloom for you shortly. Be honest and vulnerable with this connection as this can bring in the rawest form of love you could possibly receive. This is a higher vibration. You're ready. Their is a need for soul growth in this connection so being who you're truly are to them will create a flow where you can build a garden with this beautiful connection(s).
Share the experience with everyone around. There is so much in store you just have to pick one. It's like wandas vision, you control where this movie goes. Your desires are getting a chance to bloom this season. Be grateful for all the universe brings, and you will see a whole fruitful banquet in front of you.
Take a journey in the mind. The shrooms are calling for you to take a look. It's time to get more into the peace-light-love attitude. It'll calm you down. Your safe. Connect to the divine to embrace beauty in your life. Journal. Take a picture. Go outside and enjoy nature. River and taking hikes are significant here, as the silence in nature can give you the clarity you need. As well as grounding you to embrace yourself as nature itself.
Embracing your darkness is where your true power lies. The gateway to your beauty is through the hidden realms of the psyche. Your power holds a force so powerful its harder for people to walk away. You have gifts in artistic endeavors that generate an audience and a source of income due your mind having access to cosmic gateways not many are willing to find themselves. Within that darkness is a skill in creation. Enjoying the arts not only gives you a place to enjoy, but to overcome obstacles. Let it go, and enjoy what your soul wants to say in the power of art.
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sapionic · 2 months
Numerology And Your Name
The Numerology of your name is insight to your character. Let's be honest, nobody is changing their name like we change solar charts every year. You most likely had your name your whole life, right? Let's look into some characteristics and energy people are likely to have just focusing on their first name as it's the strongest and most demanded. This is using regular, basic numerology because there are multiple systems people use.
Winter - This is a cute name as it is linked to the season so you automatically get fluffy or bright vibes from this name alone. Let's now break it down
W=(23)5, I=9, N=(14)5, T=2(20), E=5, R=9(18) We see that there is a pattern of 5 with this name so we know that 5 is linked to Leo in Astrology and linked to Mercury with the Numerology system. I have seen the energy play out in the astrological ways though. Looking at people with this name, we know they are likely to be feisty, sexy, and sexual. They can be spicy, creative, and complex. Likely to be deep into the party scene. 5 is the strongest energy of this person so they are likely to prioritize joyful experiences as much as they can. Notice how the W is 5 once the 2 and 3 is added. 23 is linked to high social activity. This person would be a good party host. Someone with this name also has significant 9 energy as you can see. They are good in authoritative roles, but they are likely to prefer authoritative roles in places they can also enjoy. Club owner, club host, promoter, dancer,etc. Likely have good basic life skills with the one 2 energy that they carry. This makes them efficient with money opportunities, cooking, and showing compassion, but also being comfortable with self. Winter would be a person who could be difficult to deal with and won't always be easy to handle, so she would need to grow up and mature. Change will be prominent. Winter=8
Whitney - Well known name, but not extremely common at this same time. We can see some repeating energies from the first name we did above, but let's now focus on this name in its entirety. W=5(23) H=8 I=9 T=2(20) N=5(14) E=5 Y=7(25) Whitney would share a lot of traits with winter, but with a splash of secrecy and sensitivity. Whitney would require a little more depth in her experiences, thanks to that 8 influence. She would likely do things while focusing on the long-term. She knows how to have fun, but still play for keeps. She is a hard worker and likely keeps a job. Likely came into lots of money and knows how to seize good opportunities. She likely had a little more taboo experiences than Winter(8 influence). Since Whitney is someone who likely endures many pressures in her life, her destiny # is 5 which balances out the drama and chaos she experiences. What better way to balance it out than good ole fun? Whitney=5(41)
Jasmine - Common name. Let's get into it! J=1(10) A=1 S=1(19) M=4(13) I=9 N=5(14) E=5. We can see that Jasmine has big 1 energy so that would make a person with this name innovative, impulsive, daring, bold, and active. The next significance we see is a 5 so we know Jasmine would be no stranger to sex appeal or activity. She is likely a fun loving individual who can be silly, playful, and childish, but also very protective. Where is the protective energy coming from? The 4. Any pressure or anger she has is expressed outwardly. Any excitement and urge she feels is acted on promptly. Any desires and interests she has is acted on promptly. Jasmine doesn't do anything she don't want to do. If she does anything, it's because she wanted to. Heavy 1 energy can make a person a hot head in some way. This is why changes will come to Jasmine. JASMINE=8 which is about growth, maturity, and transformation.
Mariella - Interesting name that I wanted to use for this post. Let's get into it. M=4(13) A=1 R=9(18) I=9 E=5 L=3(12) L=3(12) A=1
We can see that someone with this name has a nice 1 and 3 balance going on. Mariella likely has a good deal of initiative and social spark. She finds it easy to connect with others and there is a charm and grace to her mannerisms. She is likely proactive and good with responsibility. She likely has resourceful and intelligent friends who enrich her mentality in some way. She may sometimes talk herself out of things or downplay her capabilities. She prefers to be part of a group although she can handle things well on her own. Very high social energy. Likely to have a relaxed demeanor. People like talking to her. Could easily find herself being a manager of some sort. Would make a good marketing expert. MARIELLA=8 She will need to learn how to be more consistent as her energy initially may be scattered and she change plans often. She will also learn to be more private.
Danielle - Common name that I wanted to use. I had a friend with this name. Met her at work. Let's get into the general name of this person though. D=4 A=1 N=5(14) I=9 E=5 L=3(12) L=3(12) E=5. Someone with this name is likely to be fun loving and even funny, just like Mariella above. There could be moments where Danielle would be a little shy, but that is temporary as people with this name has very fluffy and upbeat energy. They are likely to be big on having a good time and socializing. Danielle and Mariella likely have big social networks physically, but Danielle may be the one that parties a little harder in this equation. She is always focused on where the most fun is and that is where she will go. She likes to laugh and would rather live on the bright side of things rather than worry and be sad. She won't handle sad situations how typical people may expect her to. Danielle likely has more drama in her life than Mariella, but it's more than likely linked to pettiness more than anything. Sex and fun is a highlight for Danielle. If she don't do nothing else, she's going to attend a fun event or create it. You may notice that every Danielle you know loves to be on the scene or it seems from your view that she is always on the scene. Day and night events, it doesn't matter. She would likely value friends that supports this lifestyle. It can seem like she is hard to catch up with if you are more on the controlled side. This party lifestyle is a highlight, but it isn't the end all be all which is why Danielle will change. Danielle=8 She would have to learn to take life more seriously and to smell the roses more. She will need to learn how to slow down and make sensible choices. Double 5 and double 3 energy can make someone too impulsive for their own good.
Hope you enjoyed. You can now do your own or comment and I can keep this thing going by replying and linking things together all with just a first name. This is fun and simple, especially when you dont know people's chart info.
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heaven444child · 11 days
Angels Reading ♥️
Message from your ancestors ❤️
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which pile drawn your attention choose it and please take what resonates with you and leave the rest ✨🍀🫶💜
AND Read these readings mindfully 👻and if you want a personal reading then DM me✨🍀
Pile 1
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Pile 1 First of all I am being told that (ruka ja ladki) stop it girl…. It is possible that many of you might be in some bad habits or addictions👾Then your ancestors want to tell you that you should leave these addictions behind and move ahead🦾Your ancestors want to tell you that they know that it is not so easy to get rid of bad habits, but you try, slowly slowly these bad obstacles will soon go out of your life and positivity and blessings will come in your life and you will move towards spiritual growth✨🍀 And if you are again wondering how this will happen, then do not worry about it because I will help you in this🦋 Just make a firm resolve once to fight your addictions💕 then everything will be fine……
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Pile 2
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Pile 2 Your ancestors want to tell you that you should be ready for everything that you have been waiting for till now 🫶❤️ Your ancestors are telling you that you don't need to be afraid at all 🦾 Your current situation might seem a little difficult to you, but your ancestors want to tell you that you are now ready to handle this situation ♥️ You just have to make decisions by balancing your mind and heart 🍀 Whatever stuckness is there in your life, that blockage will now go away, whether that blockage is related to finance or personal life 💕 Now balance will come in your financial situation or personal life too✨💕 Your ancestors want to tell you to stay blessed baby and I love you 🥰
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Pile 3
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Pile 3 If you are seeing 33 or 77 angel numbers, then through these angel numbers your ancestors may want to communicate with you, then try to connect with them and if these days you are feeling pain or something in your feet or hands, then this can be a confirmation for you that this Pile 3 is for you only. Now I will tell you what your ancestors want to tell you that you should take any decision only after talking to your elders or family members. If you want to purchase any property and you are a little confused, then you are asked to talk to your family and take their advice and your ancestors want to tell you that something good is going to come in your life very soon, very soon. My son, be happy and it is possible that an opportunity is about to come in your life.
(I hope this pile resonates with you)
Stay blessed ✨🍀 AND thankyou for your support 🫶♥️
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faerytreealtars · 8 months
₊˚⊹♡ Your Love Story ˏˋ°•*⁀➷♡•°`.
Hello again, Saplings! 🌱 A new PAC today that I hope you enjoy, take a deep breath, and choose whatever images resonate with your soul and heart, Happy reading! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚  
I wouldn't say I am one for love readings, Don't get me wrong I adore Love, helping and seeing others find the love worth them and bringing loving energies into this world, and that comes in many forms throughout life but I personally feel more drawn to focusing on self-love, we shouldn't chase after love. Whatever is meant to find you will find you, the right time and right place. That's my belief, perhaps a bit stoic in its methods. Still, I know many of my lovely saplings do care for love readings, and in appreciation of all of you I have made this reading which tells a little snippet of your love story.
I would love to hear if the message you received resonated with you, so don’t feel afraid to comment, for it makes me so happy to connect with you all! 💕
Song: Exist for Love - Aurora
Faery-Tale: The Little Mermaid - "We must all make our sacrifices in the name of true love, are you willing to make yours?"
[ My Instagram ♡ / Personal Readings ♤ /  Faery Masterlist ☆  ]
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Pile 1
[Cards: Knight of Swords, Four of Pentacles & Ten of Cups + "The Tinderbox Soldier: Ambition" ]
This is a love story spanning years or centuries, this true love is one that is from the past, Perhaps you knew of them in childhood, or for others, I am picking up a past life connection that is unbreakable even through death and rebirth you will find each other again and again. Before this love story can open up to chapter one many of you will be making an important decision that will be bringing the final chapters of your old life to a conclusion. This will allow the new book of life to begin with your soulmate as a main character in it. In any case, they will be the ones to approach first. They will come across as very well-spoken & intelligent, perhaps a bit of a charmer. This may cause some mistrust at first as they may come across as a 'player' But they are actually a very mature, loyal, and stable person looking for a lasting and fulfilling connection. If they are not mature & stable they're not the one. You may meet overseas, while traveling or on a trip of some-kind
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Pile 2
[Cards: The Hierophant, Two of Wands & Knight of Pentacles + "The Frog Prince: Intimacy"]
This love story may begin with a change in jobs, or workplace, or the beginning of a creative passion project close to your heart. This person may join up with you to work on this project or be a colleague, I'm also hearing for a very small percentage of you they may be a client, take that only if it resonates and is allowed in your job role. I got overwhelmed with the feeling of annoyance and stress while shuffling the cards so I think this person may annoy you at first, they will not seem your type or there was a misunderstanding at the beginning of the connection. Besides that, I see a traditional and loving courtship taking place with the masculine energy taking charge but remaining gentlemanly & courteous. It will be a slow-burn relationship but that is what will bring more fulfillment and deep bonds to the connection. You will both create a life of comfortable abundance and stability together.
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Pile 3
[Cards: Wheel of Fortune, Five of Wands & Strength + "Red Riding Hood: Rites of Passage"]
This is a love story that has been devotedly written, watched, and protected by higher beings, spirits, and angels. This is a high-level soulmate or twin-flame connection so don't expect it to be easy, it will require deep strength, persistence, and patience on both your parts for it to work, but it will be guided and protected always. Do not worry or fuss over how to meet them or when it will happen for these divine unions are unpredictable, the advice today is to focus on yourself and live your life for you, not some mystery soulmate. The rest is being shrouded from me as it is not yet to be known by us mere mortals - actually, I'm getting the Frodo Baggins meme "All right, then keep your secrets" in my head so sorry that's all I've got for you today
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Many thanks to all of you lovely souls, Your Guardian Spirits and Angels, and, your future loves too for letting me do this reading for all of you. I hope you enjoyed it!
If you are looking for more in-depth readings catered to only you, and you alone. Feel free to check out my personal readings, the link is up top or you can check this helpful post to understand how my readings will aim to help you!
~Much love, Fae 🍀🧚🏻‍♀
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thecosmicangel · 8 months
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If you feel called to participate and pick a photo please do so as it may contain a message for you. Please take a few seconds to breathe in and out with the intention of being guided towards the photo that holds a message for you and turn your attention inward. Once you feel ready, pick a photo you feel most drawn towards. I channeled the messages with the intention of reaching the people that need to hear this message in divine timing, as well as making the message timeless and not having a time frame. Remember to take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
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thesensteawitch · 4 months
A Long Awaited Message From Your Spirit Guides 🩵🧚
Pick A Pile Reading
🩵(Left to Right- Pile 1, Pile 2, Pile 3)🩵
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Hello, Senstea Souls!🦋🩷
This is a collective reading on a long awaited message from your spirit guides about a specific situation in your life. Take a deep breath and choose your pile/piles intuitively. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Feel free to DM me in case you want to book a reading with me.
Now go ahead and read your pile.
Also, thank you for all the reblogs that you guys do. I am forever grateful!🌻
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Pile 1
Tarot Cards- Ace of Cups, 8 of wands, King of swords, page of pentacles, 4 of Pentacles, ace of pentacles
Hello, my dear pile 1. Well for you I see that this specific message is regarding your health or some insecurities regarding your body. For a very long time, you have not been feeling good in your body. Some of you may even be going through some health issues. It has been pretty overwhelming for you to deal with what was coming towards you on the health front. Your spirit guides want you to stop thinking of the worst-case scenarios or look down upon your body in any way possible. Because your thoughts create your reality. But the good thing is that none of the worst-case scenarios that are playing in your head are going to come true. Nothing will come out of this worry but if you don't stop thinking of negative thoughts then you'll develop a pattern that will lead you to manifest worst-case scenarios in other areas of your life. So please, my dear pile 1, stop worrying. Rewire your brain to think of the best-case scenarios. The card here says, “You do not have to think specific positive thoughts about your body, but you have to not think specific negative thoughts. If you could never again think about your body, and instead just think pleasant thoughts, your body would reclaim its natural place of wellness.” I also sense a rigid mindset. Your energy is inflexible. I see two polarities but it's difficult for you to find a common ground between them. The two polarities confuse you. You must learn to accept both worlds and find peace in that acceptance. As much as gray there is in this world, it's equally true that black and white exist too. You need to ground your energy. Your root chakra may be imbalanced. Spend time in nature. Open your heart to the healing energy of the earth. Don't hold onto the idea that your body should be a certain way. You can't afford to do that! Don't think you have so less and hold onto it. There's abundance and soon you'll be shown the way. Give yourself a chance. Don't try to look too much into the way your body is. It is lovely the way it is. Once a doctor said to me, “Your heart is still beating, isn't it? Your lungs are still working perfectly fine, aren't they? That means you have a purpose to fulfill and your story isn't over yet. There's nothing wrong with you. You're perfect the way you are. There's no one else like you. God didn't make the exact same human as you and sent them to this earth in the same family as yours or the same environment as yours. You are unique!” Know that the universe will test you and will see if you've learned your lesson or not. So do not look down upon your body in any way. It's your safe abode. As soon as you let go of the insecurities you'll soon notice your creativity birthing out of your sacral chakra. You'll start expressing more and won't let anybody make you believe otherwise about your body. I also sense new opportunities in terms of healing and career are coming your way so keep your eyes open. Free yourself, free your spirit.
For any further clarification or to book your personal reading on this situation feel free to DM me.
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Pile 2
Tarot Cards- The Lovers, King of Pentacles, Eight of Swords, Seven of Cups, Eight of Pentacles, Eight of Cups, Two of Wands
Hello, my dear pile 2. Well, the first thing that I sensed is that some of you may be projectors by human design. Because the card here says, “The entire universe is being affected by what you are offering.” You have this sweet child-like energy but at the same time, you are a wise old soul. You may be seeing a lot of angel numbers, especially 888. I hear, “What comes down must go up.” Your life is about to change pile 2. Your guides want you to know that whatever decisions you are making right now are drastically shaping your future. Many of you are stuck between two decisions and your only way out is to take a balanced approach. There is strong water and fire energy in the cards. Opposing forces but very powerful. Both can cleanse and heal. Some of you are even going through a period of cleansing. A lot of negativity is being released from your life so don't hold onto your past. Your hard work will pay off and soon you'll find the clarity regarding a certain situation you're very confused about. All your long-awaited dreams are soon coming true. Your spirit guides want you to know that all the pain and confusion you went through was part of the plan only to bless you beyond your imagination. Your patience will reap rewards. For some of you, I hear that your patience will bring true love in your life. A time of celebration awaits. No one and nothing can put you down. Nobody will be able to stop you. I hear ‘Unstoppable’ by Sia. Being a projector you took in a lot of negativity from people's aura and now it's time for you to release all of that. It's time for you to come to yourself. Call all your power back that you gave away to others. I sense that some of you are even highly sensitive. You can easily pick up on people's true intentions. Don't underestimate your own power pile 2. You're gifted. Do not undermine your own gifts. The world needs someone like you. And you guys are soon going to receive a big boon and you guys are so intelligent that you will know how to make the best use of it. I sense strong psychic abilities in this pile. You are beyond beautiful, pile 2. I am in awe!!!!!! The only guidance here is to listen to your intuition and to leave the toxicity behind. Be it people or places. Those who can't reciprocate what you have to offer don't DESERVE to be in your life. Period. Protect yourself, you beautiful souls!
For any further clarification or to book your personal reading on this situation feel free to DM me.
Below I am sharing the links to:
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Pile 3
Tarot Cards- Page of Cups, 10 of Cups, The Lovers, 7 of Cups, 6 of Swords, Queen of Swords
Hello, my dear pile 3. For most of you, the message has something to do with ‘love’. I am even hearing, “To love, love, yeah. I needed to lose you to love me.” I also sense that fun times are coming for you but it seems that some of you are heartbroken about a situation or relationship that ended in your life. You are looking for closure. You need to make some adjustments in your life because what happened in your life happened to teach a very important karmic lesson. I also hear, “In this world, it's just us. You know it's not the same as it was.” Your card says, “Be easy about all of this. Life is supposed to be fun, you know. We want you to feel love for your life, for the people of your world, and most of all, for yourself. There is great love here for you.” Some of you may be moving places or recently moved to a different place and are feeling disheartened. The card wants you to know that love is everywhere you go. And I don't think that you guys are alone. There's someone still sticking around with you. It's time for you to explore what it truly means to love and feel loved. It doesn't mean that you're supposed to go on multiple dates but experience love in every way possible. Write someone a letter, paint, give someone flowers, or apologize to someone if any apologies are pending. As you embody love soon the romantic love will find you and it will stay with you for a lifetime. You may be tempted to go back to your ex or the person you broke up with. But please don't, especially with the same energy that you sent out previously. Do the right thing. There's no point in writing the same story over and over again. Don't start many things just focus on one thing. You may end up feeling tired or low in confidence at the end of the day as you may end up having high expectations from yourself. It's time for you to write a new story and not repeat the same old patterns. That's why your guides are asking you to make some adjustments in your life. Have fun with your work but don't end up burnt out. Forgive those who have left you and forgive yourself if something didn't work out. It's time to let go. Remember what's meant for you won't pass you by. So take things lightly and hold onto the spark of inspiration that you may get now and then. Keep your heart pure and don't let your love be overcome by any temptations.
For any further clarification or to book your personal reading on this situation feel free to DM me.
Below I am sharing the links to:
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tarothouselattier · 10 months
What’s arising for you this Venus retrograde in Leo pick a card
Your expirience + advice from your Barbie as a spirit guide.
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Pile 1: Barbie as Rapunzel
your experience this Venus rx
I think you are focusing on some sort of plan you have. You've turned your big dreams into practical plans that you dreamed to nurture and to bring into life and you were so excited. It was so shiny and new and you really put the venture on a pedestal in your mind so much so that it has now become a burden to you. These dreams don’t keep you warm at night, they keep you up instead and you're tired. You put so much pressure onto yourself to achieve this. The fact that maybe it's not coming into fruition is tied like a rope around your neck. You are in over your head with the things that you want to create so much that the thought is now controlling you, and you are now afraid of what you used to love.
I also see that this kind of thinking keeps you stuck in a loop and you're frustrated. You’re tired, you are paralysed with fear and you feel like you can’t do what you love because it’s kind of turned against you and you are sitting here sulking, looking at what other people have. Because at this moment your thing isn't working out you're saying "oh, I can’t have this, I can’t have that", so you find yourself in your tower away from the world. You're saying with what you have, but you don’t like what you have, and you are sitting there looking at other people's experiences, feeling left out in the cold and like you can’t have what you want.
The only one who is keeping your bag away, weather that bag is monetary or your bag of dreams and desires that you want to bring into life is YOU! You’re in over your head. And now you feel like you can’t have it because you're not participating in your own life to the fullest extent. By watching other people you kind of part your power with them (and I can't say that you're sharing power (like a person who thinks there is only one way to use words and you can't brake the mold whenever you please), because you are not doing it willingly). Don't watch other people, wishing it was you. And what is even graver is living vicariously throught other people. If you think watching videos of people living your dreams, watching them do/make things you want to make without taking action yourself will miraculously satisfy your desire to do this thing, honey, YOU'VE GOT A BIG STORM COMING.
It’s like you’re protecting something no person has taken away from you.
What you need to realise is that you are the only one who can just shift your perspective. And to tell you how SERIOUS I am about you shifting your perspective, listen to this.This is my pile as well, and that means your pile gets THE MOST from me. Why? Because I've done this reading 3 days before coming back to edit this text, and this whole lot of time helped me gain perspective. I literally channeled this much information and needed days to fully realise what this reading is about. I've literally come back to the cards and with my new-found expirience of 3 days and because of that I now see another message I can give you. I understand you better and your message, because I understand myself better. You just need to shit your perspective on evrything going on around you. You can still do all these things, they’re not going anywhere. It’s not about the things it’s about your attitude.
let’s take a really basic every day thing as an example. You do the dishes. They’re still gonna be the dishes, they’re still gonna be dirty. They aren’t going anywhere, they’re sitting there and they are needing to be done regardless of what you feel, right? So you can either be happy in yourself and have a positive attitude and wash the dishes with that happy attitude and do those dishes in a breeze. You enjoy it not because you're washing dishes but because you are enjoying life and you have joy inside of you. And on the other hand, you can be all sulky, bitter, angry and frustrated because nothing you what you want to do seems to be getting you anything you hoped it would. Now you're angry at the dishes while you're doing the dishes. But they are still the same dishes that would not be bothering you if you would jsut calm down and realise that what you need and what you lack is not physical accomplishments and money, but love.
You’re in over your head.
Advice from your Barbie guide: Rapunzel
Her archetype also came through in the cards, look:
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The truth always comes out.
Just felt enclined to say that. Now that I have watched the movie, I remember that the truth plays a big part in the point of Rapunzel's story.
You may think that you are fighting an internal battle and you’re losing and like you’re spinning on a spinning wheel of life and nothing seems to be going in your favour. Maybe you’re just so used to external forces being against you. You’re so used to fighting with everybody, and even if there’s no one to fight you’re still doing it. Don't you get tired my love? isn’t like the whole point of fighting people is that you don’t wanna fight? You just want to happily live your life without interference from stupid people. zyou probably had to fend for yourself a lot when you were younger. Fight for your place and prove to people that you deserve to be as happy and well-off in live as you are. That you deserve to live your dreams easily and have fun just like that. People are jelous because they believe nothing in life comes easy and of course they're never satisfied. And when they see you just enjoy life and have fun, recieve anything you ask for and more within a blink of an eye they start to have you. They want to have it in life like you do, but they don't undestand your ease. They believe that it's impossible to live life from a state of hope, trust and ease. They believe everything is hard.
You don’t want anyone to tell you what to do, how to be. you don’t want anyone to be the story-teller of your own life. You are clinging to the idea that you’re lost, but the real thing is that you’re actually living in the big picture, okay?
Realise that you’re living in literal Cosmos and life is so much more generous than what it is you think in your head, it is so much more expancive and kind. The wheel of life is always turning. You never know what happens tomorrow, but you do know that you have your passion and your drive and you need to move. Forget everybody who may say something shit about you. You have your passion, you have your drive, the truth always comes out. You're good to go right at this moment.
Complain with me, let it out. It’s foggy up in the head but we gotta blaze our own way out with fire and magic like the Knight of wands that is coming through for us🔥🫡
Your Barbie‘s quote of advice from my self-made “Pinterest quotes” deck:
Literally pulled this card for myself TWICE before doing your reading.
If you chose pile 3 in my previous pick a card “What you need to say YES to instead of the usual NO” and you’re seeing this now, it just proves we’re in the same boat. It just proves that your dream is your kifeline and you're not delusional, I promise you. I feel like I’m checking up on my friends and this is how your things are going after the last time we talked.
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PILE 2. Barbie and the Enchanted Garden(it’s a book) Barbie Lily
You are my magical, light, fairy-tail creatures!
Castles crumbled, you were left dissapointed. You're picking up the pieces now willingly and like it's fine, you're on your own. You're making up with someone but you're in this process on your own. Not making up with the physical person, but with their..spirit..more like the mental image of them in your head. It's like "it didn't work out, that's fine. I'm just picking myself up, forgiving and moving forward" But I feel like you're really snarky while doing so lol.
"Go and tell your friends that I'm crazy and obsessive, that's fine!"
It's like "ókay, I've got one less problem without you.(I'm really breaking into song here. Do you do that?) oh, you're leaving? Wheh, 'kay, I was tired because of you you anyway" I'm crying you're so sassy. I thought you were all love'n'light at first.
There was a person involved. I feel it stronglyyy. But there is literally no direct indication of that in the cards. "Out of sight out of mind bitch" lmao.
I feel like it's really time for you to revaluate the self. Really pick YOURSELF up.
Pile 2, I’m on a roll with you.
I am tuning into your energy literally the next day and you have already changed your perspective and see this situation and person clearly.
You’ve taken a loss and you have done so gracefully.  I am sensing this is definitely because a person let you down. This could either be your ex romantic partner, your business partner, or they are one in the same. Either way, fuck them .
I heard “I’m taking the dog, you bastard!!😠” and I kid you not, seconds later this card came out WITH THE DOG.
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I thought it was more of a figurative situation to represent your power in the fight with this man. I can’t even say person. I would give you my left arm(left-handed) because I bet this is a man. If you are battling with this person and they literally have your dog, go get your dog mama!!!!!
You don’t need no coins from this person, you don’t need their money. You just get your “dog” back, get your power back!!! Kick him out of your life. You are on your own business, on your hot girl shit, on your plans, you’re assessing your own life situation. You’re so much better off without them. You see them clearly now. Gone are the chains that bound you to this person, you’re setting yourself free. Fuck shit up!!! I feel like cursing in this reading, I feel you are passionately mad. You have been disrespected by this bitch-ass man. But you see right through their schemes and their bullshit. You are withdrawing your energy, you’re having none of it!!! God I love reading tarot. AND I LOVE THIS FOR YOU. YES. BE FURIOUS. Channel your devine rage into building the life of your dreams. Fill yourself with meaning. You are no mother, no bride, you are KING. Your power is yours, and ain’t nobody taking it from you.
It’s the feeling of when someone gaslights you all the time, and there comes a point when you’ve had enough of their bullshit(you can feel the’re bullshitting you), realise your own power, step away and then see how much of a PATHETIC WORM that person is.
ADVICE FROM YOUR BARBIE GUIDE: LILY(Barbie and the Enchanted Garden)
Disappear off the face of the Earth.
I think what she means by this is become completely unavailable to that person and ANYONE who is not serving your highest good for that matter. Trust me, this is the best thing you can possibly do for yourself. 
Redefine yourself entirely and do it FOR yourself. You can do that by answering your inner call.
“You guys, your real strength comes from being the best you you can be, so who are you? What are you good at? What do you love? What makes you YOU!?” - Po in Panda King Fu 3. Kung * I decided to leave the autocorrect part because KING is very fitting for you. Maybe watch that training clip if you want. It’s when Po is training the Pandas to defend the village. You don’t have to be someone else in order to achieve your goals. You are not part of that person you left behind. You are not intertwined or attached at the hip, you never have been. Discover and nurture your inner power. You’re on your own now. You’re actually stronger on your own! Because you don’t have to split yourself apart for others and live with your cup half-full all the time.
“She’s beautiful 🥹” you’re going off on your own now, something you have been afraid off. This is the death of life as you once new it and your big entrance into the life you always dreamed of and deep down always knew you were meant for. You are meant for MORE in this life!!!! Just like you’ve always felt. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing wrong with believing in yourself. You cut the cords with that person and in doing so you cut the cord to your old life, that you once believed would be all that you could have. I feel spirit, your guides being just so incredibly proud of you. The energy of “that’s my beautiful girl🥹🥰👍🔥 YOU GO HONEY!!!!!!! ayyyyy”
“And if I fall - they got me” - the song I can’t live without (haven’t heard it in a long-ass time😂) CAN’T HOLD US - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.
I’m so fucking hype right now, this song is PERFECT FOR YOU!!!!! And me. I’m going through the same shit, high-five Queen ✋😂
Please feel free to text me, send a message in my ask box or a dm, ‘cause I feel this hype energy so strongly right now, I want to know what is happening for you at this moment sister!!!
You are NOT a care-giver to everyone around you! They are responsible for their own shit, and if they are an irresponsible crybaby who never takes accountability then that’s their own.fucking.problem. You take that responsibility and accountability like a KING. And that’s all you need to know.😌 Don’t waste your emotions and energy and your love on someone who gives you NOTHING!!!! Stop overflowing that cup. What have they ever done for you, huh??? They didn’t ever pour into you and never held space for all that beautiful love that you spilled for them willingly. It’s like this: YOU BOUGHT THE TABLE, YOU BROUGHT THE CUP, YOU PUT YOUR WHOLE SELF INTO IT AND THEY JUST SAT THERE AND STARED AT IT. AND THEN HAD THE AUDACITY TO MESS UP THE TABLECLOTH SO IT ALL SPILLED OVER AND THEY MADE A MESS OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL LOVE.
NAH-AH BITCH. KICK THEM OUT THE TABLE!!! YOU DID THAT!?!???? GOOD. EXACTLY AS YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE!!!🥰🥰🥰🥰 Spirit is really so proud of you and they applaud you for your strength and resilience and your love and power. NOW GO GET YOUR LIFE BECAUSE SPIRIT WANTS TO POUR WATERFALLS AND OCEANS OF LOVE AND ABUNDANCE ONTO YOU ASAP QUEEN🥰🥰🥰😂😂😂
PILE 3. Barbie & the magic of Pegasus
“I won’t rest till I’m in hell”. You have a personal “vendetta” against rest.
“Low-born” heard this multiple times while shuffling for your pile.
Let me give you a song.
“Angel” - Halle.
“Witch blood”
Paint it. Red.
Cut ties. But you won’t let this go.
These messages and energy are intense to a fault.
“Remember me for centuries” - Fall out boy.
God I love my job - me to myself while doing this reading.
Is there like a family situation? Greed? Expectations. Having to hold up family traditions that are EXTREMELY intimidating and harmful.
You just want to live a happy life on your own terms, but your hell of a family won’t let you. They corner you and your love wherever you go. Just when you think you escaped out of their clutches - boom, clap. You’re in their clasp. You don’t see a way out. Don’t exchange money for love or love for money. Those things aren’t in the same lane.
You have to choose love in your life. Cut trough this hell like a sword. “Wounds will heal, time will not.” - I think what this is referring to is that if you cut ties now you WILL hurt. BUT it WILL heal. What won’t heal is the time you’d be wasting by not cutting off those merciless gnomes(?): your family, friends, whoever or whatever it is. I don’t care. You MUST.
You won’t find what you’re looking for in greed and piles of money. What are you good at? Use it.
There is no expansion or generosity in greed. You will lose your family. You will lose everything. EVERYTHING YOU DON’T NEED. Everything that is not your soul’s to carry. This is divinely guided. You KNOW what you must do!
Once you were a hope for a dynasty. You will feel this immense loss of expectation buried in your chest.
There is nothing wrong with being who you are.
If you don’t cut your family off, or end and slash through whatever it is you must end, you will just become a frozen statue, a stone figure in the merciless house of your choosing.
Yes, YOUR choosing. If your choice will be not to walk away.
Wow. I am channeling like CRAZY today.
Go through with it. Or you will be just like the rest of those.
“Time will heal, but this won’t.” - time will pass, and so you might think that becoming complacent and conforming will save you. But make no mistake: you will spend THE REST of your life with this wound in your chest.
“You can make it different. You can make it right. You can make it better. You don’t have to fight”
A lot of generational trauma and karmic density is what I’m getting with your pile.
Break the chains- reap the benefits. Take! the last stand!
There is always hope to shine the light on the darkest of winters.
“Now I reap the benefits with no congregation.” - Doja Cat in “Attention”.
You ARE the Empress of your own world.
You are more than this world could ever imagine. You’re running out of time. Don’t let it pass you. Your time is NOW.
You sit in the debris and wonder if it’s time.
- YES, it is TIME. What you’re reaching for is also reaching for you. The nine of pentacles. It is your birthright. seize your power.
“Woke up this morning - I feel so f*cking important. I looked in the mirror - I’m different. I finally made a decision.
All the rejected that lost a lack of respect in
Themselves 'cause people get hectic
They hurt you and make you feel helpless
They're not brave like you
They're too scared to do
Anything that's different
Anything that new
I don't need lessons
I do what I want, it's refreshing
As soon as you taste independence
You start living life in the present”
BOMB SONG. Recommend. Will BLOW yow mtf mind. Idk why, but I felt such a need not to swear in this reading, but now I feel the need to say mtfucking. Feels so important. Like breaking free😁
You look down and see all that your family has done to you. stop looking down and cut your own head off if that’s what you must do to live.(with loving intention). Do you have everything you need? YES.
You have YOU. You, separately. you as in you personally. You own yourself. You alone get to define yourself you own your power. You are power, they are nothing. YOU want to Break free. Once you do, you realise you are everything you need. Once you claim your power and wield it like the Knight, Queen and Empress that you ARE, you realise they NEVER had ANY power over you. You just refused to wield your own power for fear of judgement. Of hurting them. They are the ones who hurt ppl. Not you. Them.
Their forces COMBINED don’t stand a singular chance against the sheer power that you alone yield.
Nothing. Period.
Wow, pile 3. I am speechless. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TEXT ME. Send an ask, a dm. I want to talk to the divine royalty that you are.
May the Gods bless you🙏
Now may you go in peace and fight with what is yours to wield. I’ll be waiting.
I hope you enjoy.
I feel this pile deep within my bones.
We are royalty, pile 3. I know in my heart this pile is meant for me, but I’m so afraid to admit it. But I’m doing it anyway. I’m facing this fear that I stand up to and say: NO MORE! I feel like this is what we do. Say no to this with me.
Shine bright like the Star in the night. You are. You are. We are STARS. And stars are made to shine. That is their nature. No more hiding our true nature, my dear soulfamily.
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Pac Reading/Angel Messages😇 1-4(left to right) pick one pile. how do you pick a pile? try to calm down, close your eyes, take a deep breath, and choose the one that you feel drawn to
please let me know your feedback 💖thanks! and don't take it too seriously, this is for fun💞 this is my first reading ever ✌️ AND PLEASE, LIKE REALLY PRETTY PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR FEEDBACK! do you want me to do more readings in the future?
😇Pile 1: You have toiled consistently and have been persistent in pursuing and serving your soul mission, and this has manifested a continued supply of abundance in your life. Give any financial concerns or worries to the angels for healing and transmutation, and trust that your hard work and efforts will continue to manifest ample supply into your life. Your wants and needs will be met, and you will reap rewards for work done well.
Part of your life purpose may involve teaching others about their true spiritual origin and potential. Have the confidence and self-belief that you have all the necessary characteristics and talents to achieve all you put your heart and mind towards.
Your material life is changing positively, significantly increasing your prosperity and abundance. It may be indicating that some new possessions or additions may be entering your life shortly. If you have an inkling or idea that you would like to put into practice, now would be a most auspicious time to look into your options and take positive action. ______________________________________________________
😇Pile 2: This a message from the angels that important life changes are upon you and these changes will bring about many positive opportunities for you. The angels ask that you look upon these changes with an optimistic attitude as they are destined to bring you many long-term benefits. Remember to be grateful for the auspicious opportunities ahead of you.
When this type of guidance comes through, it's a message to do with your health and well-being. Your angels are helping you to make positive, healthy lifestyle choices and changes that will enhance and benefit you in many ways; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Rest assured that your angels love, support, and encourage you through these transitions, and if feeling any fears, ask for angelic guidance any time you feel the need.
Only you know your true heart’s desires, and only you can fulfill your destiny in your own unique way. _________________________________________________________
😇Pile 3: This is a message from your angels and the Ascended Masters that you are being ‘congratulated’ for living and serving your soul mission with faith, love, and trust. You have followed the guidance from the angels and Masters and are currently living your Divine life purpose.
Pay special attention to your dreams, daydreams, visions, recurring thoughts, and feelings. The angels and Ascended Masters are sending you Divine guidance regarding your life path and purpose and ask that you take action according to direction. Your meditations, prayers, and positive affirmations have aligned you with your Divine spiritual path, life purpose, and soul mission. You will be called upon to take action and apply your knowledge in useful and helpful ways. Use your natural spiritual values, intuition, and communication skills to uplift others.
Give yourself the time to breathe, re-center and re-balance yourself, and connect with your higher self in the present moment. Allow your soul to speak to you. Listen to your gut feelings and intuition and trust your feelings when making decisions for your life. ______________________________________________________
😇Pile 4: This is a message from your angels that you need to believe that you are worthy of receiving success, abundance, and prosperity into your life, and know that it is your Divine birthright. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to achieve your goals and aspirations. Have faith that you have all you need to attain your desires, whatever they may be.
Try to maintain faith and trust and allow yourself to receive with grace and gratitude. Being thankful and appreciative of the rewards and blessings reaped from karmic work well done in the past will manifest a continuous and steady flow of abundance and prosperity in your life. Remember, the more you have, the more you have to give.
Also, guidance from your angels indicates that a door is about to close for you, and your angels are assuring you intuitively that another is about to open. Trust that the angels are guiding you towards and through new doors of opportunity, and these doors are leading to the next steps along your spiritual path and life purpose.
Trust the guidance from the angels and follow your intuitive directions with faith and trust in your actions.
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