#anti Laenyra
lady-corrine · 6 months
Rhaenicents, laenyras, rhaewins and some daemyras I need all of you to stay as far away from Rhaenyra as possible.
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dulcewrites · 1 year
It’s the year of our lord 2023, and people are still acting as if a small, grossly insinuated single paragraph in f&b translates to rhaenicent’s story somehow being taken from laenyra (or whatever it’s called) and given to Alicent and Rhaenyra.
We can all agree to the notion that Laena, all of the black girls/women on the show really, got the short end of the stick. No need to dispute or argue that because it’s just a fact. So, don’t take this as me saying I didn’t want more laena. But the idea that Laena’s story would’ve been more fleshed out as the ‘third’ in a throuple with her first cousin and old ass second cousin is hilarious to me. As if the character development would come through her being in a relationship with the people that marry immediately after she tragically dies. Not seeing her claim vhagar, not finding out how she, grown up with two daughters of her own now, really felt about her parents pimping her out when she was 12, no real scenes between her and laenor as adults. Hell, not even just her and Rhaenyra as adults, since this is apparently about wlw representation that was ‘taken from them’. But her relationship with *checks notes* Rhaenyra and daemon.
Mind you, the people that say they care about laena and her lack of development are the same ones that were cheering about those leaks (which more than likely could’ve been fake knowing how much this fandom likes making shit for the sake of it) depicting daemon possibly cheating on laena with a man. Pushing aside the cheating/disrespecting his wife to call him a ‘bi icon’ lmao.
Oh and this isn’t even touching how people pretend to care about Baela and Rhaena. They are more worried about how that leads back to Daemon’s characterization than how those girls are surrounded by people who undermine their best interest at every turn
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bohemian-nights · 5 months
what do you think of laenyra? 🤔 (Whether book or show or both)
I’m not interested in any ship that involves Miss Maegor(except her x the first van to the nuthouse), but if we are talking about the validity of the ship(there is none) then that’s a different story.
Show!Laenyra does not exist. I wished the morons who are trying to make fetch happen would stop using Show!Laena in their fanart because show!Miss Maegor viewed Laena as competition(see Missy Anne glaring at her at her wedding).
It’s disrespectful as hell to put show!Laena with the woman who shamelessly threw herself at her husband at her funeral(karma hit her fast though, see chokegate). This ship is worse than Rancid. At least that’s show canon.
Don’t even get me started on how the dumb fucking Karen’s who love to shit on Nettles for being Black and existing suddenly care about racism when it comes to Laenyra. The fact that these clowns would rather make up racism than admit the truth is hilarious.
Let me break it down for those who pretend to be death dumb and blind, the show is not racist for not entertaining this bullshit ship.
The show is racist for making Laena seem like second place which is coincidentally the same thing that Becky and them are trying to do with Laenyra and Nettles when they say she should be fucking cut from the show because there are too many darkies around.
The show is racist for screwing over Laena. This show is racist for racebending a character and then proceeding to kill her off in the most brutal way possible in order to make a racist white woman’s death(she had it coming for her) look less pathetic while labeling your deplorable decisions as “empowering.”
Laena is treated as a pet or a prop by these deluded stans and not an actual character who deserved respect love and cherishment. Her purpose was not and has never been to bow down and thirst over a fucking lunatic.
Anyone who doesn’t acknowledge that isn’t ready to have a conversation about this shows biases and their own.
Moving on! The only basis for book!Laenyra is the word fond(which is used in as a comparison between how Missy Anne viewed Laena vs. her stepmother). That’s not enough proof to show that they were fucking or in a throuple situation with Daemon.
If they had actually been in the former Daemon would’ve gotten Missy Maegors dumbass pregnant and Joffrey would not exist(anyone who doesn’t think so is a dumb fuck who needs to brush up on their reading comprehension).
I’ve said it once, but I’ll say it until I’m blue in the face. No one actually cares about this stupid ship. Notice how the only people who ship it are Rhaenyra/Dumbnyra stans.
The only reason why Rhaenyra’s dumbass racist white-supremacy lite stanbase pretends to care about Laenyra is so that they can squeeze Rhaenyra’s ass into Laena and Daemon’s marriage and make it seem like Daemon just can’t live without her.
(Which makes total sense considering he couldn’t live without her so much that he choked her the fuck out in the show after she gave birth to a lizard and abandoned her for Nettles when she went fucking crazy and tried to murder her in her sleep in the books. I guess it’s not true love unless you completely don’t care about your partners emotional and physical well-being☺️).
To wrap this up, I cannot express how much I loathe this nonsensical ship(that’s why I’m censoring any of my cursing). Period point blank show!Laenyra isn’t fucking canon and book!Laenyra has only lint to support it being “canon.”
*I should add that there are people who genuinely support Laenyra and aren’t trying to use the ship to insert Miss Maegor into Laena and Daemons marriage or only view Laena as a prop, but they are few and far between.
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alicenttully · 6 months
there are valid reasons that justify a dislike for rhaencient as there are to be drawn to them but laena velayron is not one of them lol.
like i don't know what to tell y'all but if there was any relationship between a targaryen dragonriding queen and her good-sister who was acossiated with the sea that has strong romantic implications (to the point where said good sister gets called her "one true love"), that was elissa farman and rhaena targaryen lol. not only do they get way more focus than rhaenyra and laena who get a single paragraph basically, but the way they're written about is very different compared to these two.
not only that because while headcanons are fine laena velayron wasn't queer. at least nothing that gets written about her in fire and blood suggests this like it does rhaena targaryen where you read her story and it's kinda obvious the ideas about her sexuality we're meant to draw. i'm sorry but the same approach does not exist for laena and it's fucking dumb to act that it does just because of a dislike for rhaencient. like i said there are a lot of valid reasons to dislike the rhaencient (romantic) but laena velayron is not one of them.
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seohyun0306 · 2 months
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The fact that we were robbed of what was possibly Rhaenyra’s only genuine, loving and reciprocal female relationship for a terribly written fanfiction plot line with her canonical abuser. If you don’t think it was racially charged, you’re dumb. Rhaenyra genuinely loved both Velaryon siblings and the show fucked one of the most important relationships in Rhaenyra’s life. I will be complaining about this on my death bed.
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atopcat · 6 months
For every gifset Rhaenicent fans reblog gushing about Alicent and Rhaenyra’s “great love” they will post a dozen essays attacking everything Nyra does and justifying Team Green’s coup.
The fact of the matter is the vast majority don’t even like Rhaenyra, the only reason they ship them is because Alicent has no other female connection except Helaena.
If I wanted sapphic!Rhaenyra I have the choice of:
Laena Velaryon (Rhaenyra’s actual love but was shelved by the racist writers)
Sabitha Vypren
Alysanne Blackwood
Jeyne Arryn
Elinda Massey
One of the midwives who begged her to let them help when she suffered a horrific miscarriage
Rhaenyra is a girls girl, she is surrounded by women so her fans don’t have to resort to pairing her with the stepmother who stole her throne. Instead we can couple her with one of the many ladies who came to her aid and pledged their allegiance to the True Queen of Westeros.
Alicent doesn’t have this, there are only two people you can ship her with: the white knight who although devoted to her has no interest in sex or the stepdaughter who ordered the killing of her grandson.
They don’t like Rhaenyra, she’s just a self insert because Alicent has no one else.
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daenerysies · 3 months
“laena/rhaenyra wasn’t even a paragraph why are you so mad that they were scrapped for the show?”
oh i don’t know janice maybe because it being in a historical text written 200 years after the fact by ultra religious MEN who despise women and queerness all together IS noteworthy? ‘more than fond of’ is an allegory used multiple times in the asoiaf main timeline to describe romantic feelings and you’re mad that people read that phrase the way it was intended? not to mention it’s used in conjunction with ‘while the princess misliked her stepmother’ like COME ON at this point you’re being deliberately stupid. i’m sorry they weren’t scissoring each other for 200 pages but in actuality what did you expect? acting like rhaenyra and alicent were so so in love when we were only shown a couple scenes of them getting along max during a six month period. the only way that ship will ever be canon is through the actors. the show leaves crumbs for asshats like you because they know you’ll bend over backwards to defend them. apparently it’s still okay to queerbait in the year of our lord 2k24; along with sidelining a woman of color because diversity was important until it came to fleshing out a black woman and her canon sapphicness.
laena, for the limited time we had her character, was fiery, bold, and adventurous. she claimed the largest and oldest dragon alive at 12! the show choosing to racebend her only to mitigate her affect on the plot is gross! they did it to keep the ‘what if they were in love’ guessing game and gift it to a white woman. a white woman who vehemently HATED rhaenyra. we just wanted the story to have complex and multilayered characters rhaenyra has NO FRIENDS besides the first *two* episodes that is the definition of shitty storytelling. a targaryen princess at the height of her families power the literal protagonist of the dance and you all want her to be a lonely spinster boy mom who’s not like the other girls so bad when she was literally surrounded by women all of whom she cared about dearly. multiple relationships with others helps bring a story to life and would’ve helped tremendously with making the dumb as rocks audience understand rhaenyra’s character and how she was a girls girl in a time where you really couldn’t afford to be one which is why it’s so tragic when she starts turning on them during the dance but nooo the ONLY relationship that matters is a busted up friendship that the writers have in a chokehold for no good reason and fuck everyone else that these women might care about right? fuck rhaenyra fuck laena fuck alicent fuck their kids fuck their GRANDKIDS they’re all just mostly blank slates anyway what impact is their death going to have on the narrative? next to nothing because of these fuckass decisions. let’s just all agree to throw stones at glass houses THAT would be more fulfilling for the show than half of the shit they gave us.
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eliaism · 2 months
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saying you want rhaenyra to die for something viserys did and then tagging #rhaenicent. TGs are exhausting. I used to ship rhaenicent, when I first watched HOTD because I didn’t own F&B, now I don’t. TG rhaenicents really don’t try to hide their hatred for rhaenyra at all.
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sukibenders · 5 months
Ah, but could Laenyra and Daemyra have existed together? I don't think it was Alicent x Rhaenyra that caused the downgrade of Laena's position within the story, I think it was the framing of Daemon x Rhaenyra. What do you think?
I'm screaming because you don't how giddy I am to answer this anon. I've literally been trying to frame a way to state this exact question you asked, but was struggling so thank you! Okay so, in my opinion, Laenyra and Daemyra definitely could have worked side by side and even together in the show. In the books, I believe, it's alluded that they may have been a throuple and many fans already ship them all together (though some do just use this ship as a shoehorn to rush Daemyra without giving Laena her time to shine as well, which is so stupid but this doesn't go for everyone). There are many ways that this could have been a possibility in the show, had the writers and creators cared about Laena and their other black characters. Rhaenicent could have been over, heck even with some old flames between them here and there, but ultimately Laena and Rhaenyra would be together. And there were ways in the show that this could have been possible, but this brings me to your second point.
Rhaenicent is definitely not the reason for, or at least the sole reason (I'll be generous there) for Laenyra not happening, or for Laena's character downgrade and I feel that by, personally, only blaming the second main queer ship present feels like a cop out, especially since Rhaenyra is able to have other relationships within the show (eg. Harwin and even, briefly, Criston). From episode one, the show frames Daemyra as something that is going to happen one way or another (with Rhaenicent still existing in some way so there goes the point of the former making it impossible for another ship to happen), and when they do get together it's this big thing. If there was ever a ship that the show creators run for the most, my first choice would be Daemyra (especially because they give them more time to shine). However, problems arise with the introduction of Laena, and by problems I mean the creators of the show. They frame Daemyra as the ultimate ship so much that it overshines and overshadows Laena in every aspect---from her as a character to her relationship with both Daemon and Rhaenyra to even her children. Rhaenyra and Alicent have been for a decent amount of time, so at the point of the Driftmark episode and Laena's funeral, it makes no sense to blame Rhaenicent for Laena's lack of character when that should fall on Daemyra (at least in show canon). We see her framed as the second choice to Rhaenyra in Daemon's love life, we hardly see him tell her or show her that he actually loves her, we hardly see him spending time with the kids that they have together. Same with Rhaenyra, as we hardly see them talk to one another again, or even about one another except in passing (with Laena it's mainly about mentioning how Rhaenyra had given birth to another son and for Rhaenyra it was just asking Daemon if he loved her [Laena]). And this is so different from the books where, I believe, Rhaenyra flew over to be with Laena during the birth of her children something of which is a big thing for the crowned heir to do. The creators of HOTD failed at Laenyra and even Laena's relationship with Daemon when they framed Daemyra as being the ship that was destined to be and failed to give Laena character development that she deserved.
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lady-corrine · 6 months
I couldn't help it and went into the anti Rhaenicent tag here and the way 90% of them were anti Rhaenyra and that's why they didn't ship them???? Not bc it didnt make sense or that Alicent was jealous of Rhae's position, or anything else, just that they *hated* Rhaenyra????
I even saw one stating she would have been glad if Alicent gleefully slashed Rhaenyra's arm durning Driftmark and I'm????
Like bae, Rhae MANHANDLED the bladed and stepped between it and her son. I know she knows how to fight and Alicent would have been on the ground, lmao. Rhae may be a princess but I just know she knows how to fight hair up and earrings out style.
Tell me about it.
Rhaenicents make fun of Rhaenyra being murdered, saying they can't wait to see it on screen. They call her illiterate, make fun of her suffering, call her a fat cow and so on. They call Daemon names but completely ignore Alicent cutting Rhaenyra's arm open or Alicent making Rhaenyra walk to her chambers the very second Rhaenyra gave birth, with a trail of blood after her. And I won't even get into Alicent teaching Aegon to see Rhaenyra as his enemy. Most of them detest Rhaenyra and detest the fact that Rhaenyra did not grovel at their fave's feet, while Alicent is completely obsessed with her.
Rhaewins constantly use the choking scene as a gotcha, constantly pray Daemon will abuse Rhaenyra in season two to "win" with their ship, constantly hope Daemon will cheat on Rhaenyra to... prove a point I guess. They reduce Rhaenyra's pain at the loss of her sons to "Rhaenyra actually mourned parts of Harwin", as if she wasn't the most loving mother we were presented in asoiaf and couldn't care any less about Harwin dying.
Laenyras never mention Rhaenyra outside of their ship. They make fun of Rhaenyra's traumatic miscarriage, they make fun of Visenya, they constantly whine about how Laena should have been presented as Daemon's "true love" and always throw Rhaenyra under the bus to uplift their fav. They cheer for domestic violence and wish for Rhaenyra to be subjected to it. The ship is nothing else but them trying to make their irrelevant fave somehow significant.
Daemyras are most of the time the ones that love Rhaenyra the most. But here too I see self inserts that only care about Daemon and his character. Saying Rhaenyra loved him more than he did her, that she should have been somehow grateful to him, that they don't see why Daemon would love her, that Rhaenyra would forgive him if he would kill her Velaryon sons to put his on the throne, excusing the choking scene and so on.
These people do not like Rhaenyra for herself or her character traits. They just use her for their petty fights in the fandom, because she is a popular and mostly beloved character. And I for one got very tired of it.
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bohemian-nights · 4 months
Laenyra just sucks like Rhaenycent. Free Laena and Alicent from this ass ship with the only purpose of making useless fraud Nyra on the centre of something.
The last part is why I don't like those ships. It's not about Laena or Alicent. It's all about their psycho self-insert who adds nothing to their lives and has been outright hostile to both in the show (and had a mutual dislike of Alicent in the books).
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dragynkeep · 1 year
HOTD for the ask.
my favorite female character: rhaenyra. she's my queen.
my favorite male character: tie between daemon & harwin.
my favorite book/season/etc: there's only been one but we'll see whether or not they can top the troubles this season had & a lot of my grievances with it.
my favorite episode: driftmark. it was the epitome of messy family drama & violence which i adored. also had some of the best looks in the entire show tbh.
my favorite cast member: emma is just having a ball here & i love them for it.
my favorite ship: daemyra, helaemond, laenyra, haelace.
a character i’d die defending: literally all of team black lmao, i'm defending all their shit tooth & nail & going to the goddamn grave that way.
a character i just can’t sympathize with: aegon. which tbh, is pretty much the whole point with him & i do love dissecting his character to see all that pathetic sinew in how this is something he's as trapped in as his opposite rhaenyra, but that he just doesn't have the spine to stand up against those around him. aegon is so much more interesting when greens don't try to excuse him mass raping the underage female population of king's landing.
a character i grew to love: rhaenys. something about her just rubbed me the wrong way when i first watched the show but as the episodes went on, i really came to appreciate who she is.
my anti otp: rhaenicent. i just can't get into it & it chaps me because this is the toxic wlw i want, the fans are just fucking awful & a scary amount of them just. hate rhaenyra & use her as a train to get what they want.
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seohyun0306 · 2 months
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bohemian-nights · 4 months
I’m curious about your opinion of Laena x Rhaenyra. I’m of two minds on it, 1. Yay people see how good Laena was and want more!! 2. Laena being used to put down other wlw ships and also boost Rhaenyra and Daemon.
There’s always an undercurrent of people wanting Laena to be the bridge between Rhaenyra and Daemon to lesson their immediate latching onto each other or they’re just outright being hostile to Alicent and using Laena as a cover for their misogyny
I have already discussed this topic in a previous ask.
To summarize, there is very little evidence to support it in official sources, and I personally find it unappealing. It seems that most people who do ship it may do so to downplay Laena's significance to Daemon, rather than having a genuine interest in the relationship.
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bohemian-nights · 7 months
While the topic is on Rhaenyra's racism, can I just say how much I dislike Lae///nyra ship (well at least the show version of it) because Rhaenyra would not be making kissy faces at Laena but saying racial slurs behind her back. Just as how she treated Nettles when she heard about the affair. It's no wonder Rhaenyra was so disrespectful at Laena's funeral. Daemon is always an ass in every situation so his bhaviour isn't anything notable but Rhaenyra specifically went out of her way to seduce him at his wife's funeral and I can't not see the insidious intent behind her actions based on what we know of her racism (not having a problem with Mysaria sleeping with Daemon but wanting Nettles dead for the same reason).
I hate show!Laenyra. It’s a crackship. They only interact once and in that same episode Valyrian Karen is glaring at Laena while she’s dancing/flirting with Daemon. Fast forward two episodes latter and Missy Anne is literally throwing herself at her husband at her funeral and asking Daemon if he even loved Laena and getting mad that he was semi-content with her 🤡
She hates Laena’s guts and Laena wasn’t interested in her. (It definitely feels like a precursor to what will happen with Nettles).
They keep talking about they were robbed, but it’s not that fake relationship we were robbed of, it’s Laena and Daemon’s relationship that we were robbed of. They screwed them over.
The only reason why Miss Maegors fans use show!Laena in their art, fics, or whatever else is so they don’t come off as racist when people call them out for their behavior towards her and to make digs at Alicent🤷🏽‍♀️
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bohemian-nights · 1 month
It's always interesting how as soon as black women become a love interest in a straight ship 1 of 2 things will happen.
A third thing, the double standards, an example:
Laena x Rhaenyra ship- in the books we know they were close and some fans use the phrase"more than fond of"to reinforce they were a couple(nothing against this couple it's still fiction eh)
Everything normal here.
But when we learnt more about Rhaegar and Elia and their relationship, the sentence "fond" is still used to describe their relationship and now you have people saying "oh they were just friends" "oh he didn't love her" "oh Elia will be okay with Rhaegar and Lyanna being a couple"
First at all, the racism, Dorne is not okay with adultery in marraige, they don't care if if man or woman, UNMARRIED, take a paramour,UNMARRIED; it's different for them, a different mindset
•Convenient how now when their white fave needs to be paired up with a white character(nothing against Lyanna, the girl was 14 year old)when there are POC characters that show interest in them(Elia loved Rhaegar and I can dream he loved her, why? BECAUSE I LOVE ANGST)
Read about the Sophie's actress' scandal(if you called that) -just wtf.
Also Bethany's harassment.WTF.
If they are not happy with Sophie being black, then they are free to read the books or ignore it! It's not that difficult.
Bethany is gonna slay this season, so stay mad colonizers😏
Sorry for the rant, tired of this nonsense🤣
Ps: Some people are starting shipping Dettles out of spite, for the racism's nonesense so yeah, IT'S GONNA BE A LONG YEAR HERE!!All of you are doing great sweeties🥰
Don’t apologize for ranting cause everything you said is the truth👏🏽
I hate Laenyra. People mainly hype it up to move attention away from Daemon and Laena’s marriage and center their self insert into their relationship .
Yeah it’s ironic that the same people hyping up Laryngitis and saying all those who oppose it are racistare the same people who love dunk on Elia non-stop and say that she was fine with her husband sleeping with Snow Becky because she’s dornish. The same people hyping up Jon’s parents are the same people who dunk on Dettles.
I’ll be the first one to say that I don’t give a damn about Ravioli and Snow Becky, but I’ll admit that it was GRRM’s intention to make them romantic(it’s definitely not supposed to be grooming even if I find the whole situation weird). I’ll even admit that there are plenty of similarities between Dettles and that ship, but you’d have an easier time finding a leprechauns gold than getting those people to admit the same.
Don’t get me started on the Bridgerton fandom. A bunch of ungrateful bigots who keep making demands of Shonda while at the same time degrading her and saying there are “too many Black people” on the show (and then crying when people call them out for being the anti-Black morons they are).
And I get that Masali hasn’t been officially announced as Sophie, and of course she’s not the only possibility, but she’s the only one whose name that has been circulating around that fits the casting call. Her schedule was cleared last year and she’s got no upcoming projects. She’s following multiple members of the cast and multiple members are following her back.
(Nicola, Hannah Dodd, Hannah New, Victor Ali who is suspected to be playing John, as well as one of the hairdressers who does the main casts hair to name a few. Hell, there was even one of the directors following her, but he mysteriously unfollowed her for some reason).
More importantly, no one else has produced another casting call to contradict said casting call or to show that the role she was cast for is a member of the Stirling family.
(I’m not going to get into it, but if you’re “evidence” hinges on Masali and Victor Ali looking alike please go down to Lens Crafters cause they don’t look nothing alike outside of being dark and Black. It’s fucking offensive as fuck to say they do).
And as I said in a previous ask, the Bridgerton team has cast a role with a specific race in mind cause they were looking for an Indian woman to play Kate(which is how some people figured Simone Ashley was playing Kate when most of Kates fancasts were white women👏🏽).
So the fact that you have so many people running around like a chicken with its head cut off claiming it’s impossible for Sophie to be Black, that Sophie should be x race, or just being racist jackasses is disturbing asf. You shouldn’t have to see this bullshit:
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You bet your ass I took screenshots cause everybody likes to lie and hide their hands after typing out the most vile shit.
And yeah I get everyone wants representation, but people keep trying to silence and speak over Black people specifically Black women and that's where we have a problem.
Because for any other group, this behavior would be absolutely unacceptable. Especially if you are making demands that an EP not cast any more people of her race on her show, but with Black women that doesn't matter. They don’t care.
We haven’t even had a fucking fully Black female love interest get her happily ever after with a man(the people saying Masali should be a gender-bent Michael need to have several seats cause you’re creating a OC just because you don’t want to see her as Sophie) like everybody else and yet they want us to step aside and cheer them on. Fuck that.
This is why I don’t believe any of you hateful bitches when you say you care about misogynoir because the moment a Black woman is cast in a role you want, even in a role that’s meant for a Black woman like with Nettles, y’all either start demanding she be cut or made into something else.
This literally happens every single time Black female characters are involved and yet you can’t even talk about it because people want to ignore and perpetuate our oppression.
I’ll leave it there cause I’m too exhausted by all of this drama(it’s making my blood boil), but these fandoms piss me off so much. They make it hell for non-white and especially Black fans to exist within them. Even in shows created by Black people.
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