#anti talia al ghul
outoftimewriting · 4 days
asking in a very neutral, gen way: what talia ever did in the comics to manage to gain fans/defenders? because everything i read just paints her as a villain and a bad mother, so...
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dyslexicandakeyboard · 2 months
Sorry - to correct. The place where Talia Al Ghul threatens to kill Huntress Helena Bertinelli out of jealousy that she might be Batman’s new “concubine” in the 90s Batman Legacy Event is in the issue Robin (1993) #33 and this was way way before Morrison and definitely way before 9/11. She was just not purely good person and was prone to these antics in her own ways (upset over Bruce not answering that they belonged together over Selina and threatening to rip their heart out if they got together at the end of Tec #526, for example) and I think it was really the Demon Trilogy (which O’ Neil who created her himself didn’t like and editorial wanted taken out because they didn’t approve and saw it as an out of wedlock romance), B:TAS nostalgia, and that era’s editorial (run by O’ Neil again) keeping Batman from his other significant romances that helped her a bit. Even when you go read the write ins for her classic stories she was never as popular as say, Selina (and you can tell from the Lazarus Affair Arc)
Yep, a lot of it is rose-colored glasses and nostalgia that has lead to this laughable brain-rot.
Many Talia Stans seem to think that Talia is Bruce's endgame (Which is not only stupid but a disservice to both their characters) and try to harken back to the good ol' days (Which weren't all that good) where Talia was this "heroic anti-heroine", which isn't really true, perfect for Bruce to prove their point. The Demon Trilogy, despite being non-canonical since it's conception, is taken as gospel in their circle and spurs them on. They also like to yap about how Talia is based off a Bond Girl, which in their eyes makes her Bruce's wife despite Bruce being a separate character from James Bond and that the character they say she's based off of dies.
Plus, most of their complaining that Morrison wrote a racist and sexist version of Talia usually fall short with this information (i.e all of the arcs she's been in where she's done bad and questionable things). This isn't to say that DC hasn't been racist or sexist (Batman Legends of the Dark Night first few issues, Holy Terror or any of their earlier works are examples) or that all Talia's depictions have always been free of any bigotry. But most of them use these accusations to stop any conversation that invalidates their version of Talia. Also, I've spoken about racism and sexism within fandoms (DC, Voltron, The Bear) in irl plus I'm literally mixed, so I'm not trying to invalidate anyone.
It's also weird how this attitude has flowed into the wider fandom and causes people to have this strange vision of Talia because if we look at this relationship without these blinders (nostalgia) still portraying Brutalia as a romantic relationship is just down right creepy and borderline abusive. Like in many of their interactions post O'Neil (And even under his editorial), Talia is honestly a down-right over-possessive, manipulative person with abusive tendencies and Bruce enables her. It's stifling because you can't treat it as anything other than romantic and healthy.
Plus, Talia's fans end up being more sexist as they take away Talia's agency when confronted with her bad actions and treat her like a child.
The panels mentioned.
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Plus more panels of Talia being unlikable/abusive
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electricprincess96 · 17 days
I desperately need Jason fans to stop depicting Talia Al Ghul like she's his saviour, like she's some surrogate mother figure to him. The only thing he has her to thank for is the dip in the Lazarus Pit. If Talia really cared about Bruce or Jason as soon as she found Jason she should have told Bruce. Instead she's the first person that points Jason in the direction of Gotham with a vendetta and full of rage. She finds ways for him to learn how to kill, fully aware he will eventually cross paths with Bruce and the rest of the Bat Family again. Talia was not good for Jason, she was good for herself and her own interests. Let's stop pretending otherwise, like that's literally why The Outlaws run created the All Castes to try and give Jason actual adults who did care about his wellbeing even if the All Castes are boring as shit and his story is more interesting when it is just Talia training him to be a weapon against her ex.
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axelwolf8109 · 3 months
Saw the absolute PERFECT description for Talia in the back of a comic and I was so happy....they called her a madwoman!!!
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testingcheats0n · 1 year
The Talia is a Good parent tag is an oxymoron by default she's putting Damian in an extremely dangerous situation the moment he's conceived. She can't ethically have children period as long as she's following her father. Especially if it's Bruce's child which always involves some sort of lack of consent (whether it's literal rape, or she simply didn't ask if he wants a kid)
Same with Lex Luthor, explain to me how is he a good parent if we follow an semi-canon timeline and he already messed up with the kid's genetics. Coupled with the lack of consent concerning Clark.
People love ignoring the lack of consent and turning it into a joke lol, ofc it's from a deep hatred for Batman and Superman but I think we agreed that human rights weren't conditional or smth.
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zeynyukine3011 · 8 days
Scrolling in the Ra's al Ghul tag is a jumpscare that you were expecting but still got jumpscared.
The amount of Tim related things I see.... I want to see just Ra's, Talia, Damian,Bruce and other Al Ghul members. I'm so sick of seeing "Ra's al Ghul cherishes Tim's spleen 🤗 and he wants Tim's babies 🤪 Tim knows everything about Ra's al Ghul and the League of Assassins 🥴"
Can Tim stans leave Ra's alone??? Let the man be the family guy he is. Let him love and care his daughter, son and grandson. Let him care for animals, plants, the whole planet! Stop making everything related to Ra's about Tim. Stop making him a creepy pedo.
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devine-fem · 4 days
Disturbing fandom behaviors is Talia erasure.
Selina is not Damian’s mother. Selina has called Damian vapid and annoying before.
This is one of the most classic ways to whitewash Damian, besides trying to make Damian’s mother be someone else is just odd, why would you do that? It’s weirdly misogynistic. No matter how terrible you think Talia is, she will always be his mother.
Bruce has literally chosen Seilna over Damian, neglecting him and overall, would it not be odd to see your father continuously be with another woman? A woman who’s literally not your mother.
Selina is not “mama cat.”
You’re just odd.
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punkeropercyjackson · 27 days
Batfanon Jason stans need to suck it up and accept that JT is a super gritty dark character that's a commentary on trauma,poverty and nuanced justice that he's sometimes straight up wrong about on PURPOSE for depth and to truly achive this instead of a white male power fantasy,he needs a diverse cast and he canonically has a fantastic one.This is why the original Rhato run was so awful and the reboot so much better by giving us Artemis and same for Lost Days continuing his and Talia's bond and making Duke and him eachother's Robin and Dick,Stephanie,Damian,Rose and Dana recurring Red Hood lore characters.In addition to multiple disorders and being lower class with a hatred for rich people,Jason has shown countless instinces of most likely being aroace either non-partnering or romance favorable,has the personality of an afro-dominican man with a backstory and following plots that would work as good representation too(that i will link evidence to as an irl one in the notes for any doubters,nonblack and gringo concern trolls especially)and is heavily audhd-coded on multiple levels
Not an infantalized teenage girl-coded adult white man like Roy treated him.Not an uphoalder of pure moral righteosness who's misunderstood because to be fair,you have to have a very high intellect to understand Red Hood.Not a poser asshole who just wants to be held and isn't actually goth punk but a rich daddy's boy.Not a 'fuck away the trauma' type or a bad friend and ESPECIALLY not a bad boyfriend.Not normal,not shallow,not palpable.The DC world dosen't revolve around him and contrary to the weirdass text posts i'm always seeing on here he's okay with that and cheers on his loved ones when they get the spotlight-Tim and his legit enemies are the exception to how he feels about other people,not the rule.Jason Todd is NOT just a white boy and he would NEVER even look in other characters general direction just for being white boys(and yeah,this is about Danny Dead Weight and Borky Barnes and Deadlastpool)or horny white girls or whatever neo-trad bullshit y'all got going on
If you actually watched Under The Red Hood or read Jason's comics that aren't og Rhato,you'd start getting scared not because of the extreme brutality and darkness but because you can't even handle a white cishet male protagonist who respects women and poc and prioritizes them over other white males instead of chasing oppressive fantasies.Your projection is showing and it ain't pretty
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
For "the antithesis of magic au" , how does Talia feel about having jason adopting mini bruce? Assuming she found out by accident, maybe damian confronts her about it when he first comes to gotham?
Damian is still waaaays off (like, 2-4 years-ish?) in that Au, but I can tell you right now Jason and Talia aren’t very close. So over all she wouldn’t care much… unless she thinks Jason having a child would somehow impede his abilities to watch out for Damian. Or screw with her agenda to pave the road for Damian’s arrival.
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f4riedimples · 2 months
pro IsNotReal dni
here’s some links for people in Gaza/Palestine and Congo! https://gofund.me/49e806ce
Even if you can’t donate, still post these, spread awareness to people who possibly can donate. Don’t let these people go ignored.
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outoftimewriting · 4 days
said i wasn't going to touch it, but: it kinda irks me the "talia is jason's mother" headcannon (fanon?) thing
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dyslexicandakeyboard · 4 months
Something that will always get me about this fandom is the lengths they will go to protect Talia for no reason. Like no fucking reason.
They'll complain and cry when she's written villainously even though she's been portrayed as a straight up villain since Death of the Maidens (Which gave reason to their shift).
They'll complain and cry when she's written as morally gray like her how she's been portrayed since her conception. (This means complicit with genocide of 90% of the human race and eco-terrorism along with destroying countless cultures and meddling with affairs that don't concern them. Which is a bad thing.)
Talia is not and has never been nor will ever, if she is STILL working with the league, be portrayed as MORTALLY GOOD and get in a relationship with Bruce by DC.
And the thing that will get me is that they just want Talia to be with Bruce! It's like they don't care about their characters as individuals as long as they end up together or DC makes their relationship more important that it really is/was. Not that it was a just a blip, but since like after the early 2000's, it's clear that there isn't romance in their relationship anymore. (Unless DC comes and fucks me over.)
Just read the shit that they're in and stop complaining! And stop spreading it in the main tags too!
Talia Al Ghul is a villain. From her conception as a character she has always been Bruce's adversary. Is there romantic/sexual tension, sure. Is that the same with villains like Poison Ivy, yes again.
If Talia Al Ghul stays a villain (which does mean if she still works with the LoA) she can't get with Bruce or they have to have a short, sexual, tragic FAILED relationship.
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axelwolf8109 · 3 months
Me, playing Arkham City: 😁😁😁😁😁
Bruce: "We have to save Talia"
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zeynyukine3011 · 1 month
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This page is so fucked up, if you stop and think about it a little. Batman, the hero of Gotham who protects everyone, the hero who comforts children with lollipops, intended to send his own 10 year old son to an abusive place.
In this context, Talia is a horrible mother who can (and did) willingly kill her own son. Damian didn't even meet her until he was eight. He was deprived of a mother's and father's love. Talia was an abusive and evil character, a cartoonish, a two dimensional villain.
In this context, League of Assassins wasn't an organisation that wanted to make world a better place for animals and plants. They gassed Damian's pets because apparently they were a weakness. They were a cult who terrorised everything and everyone with only evil intentions.
And Bruce Wayne, Batman, wanted to send his son, a ten year old child who didn't know anything other than pain, death and suffering, to this abusive cult and to his abusive mother just because he saw a dream of an evil Batman. He didn't even know it was Damian, he just assumed it was. And it took Damian's death to prove him that it actually wasn't him.
Bruce might have not abused Damian with his own hands, but sending him to League of Assassins, even while Damian said that he wanted to stay with his father, begged him to not send him to his mother, even while before this, Damian still had chosen Bruce over Talia, is abusive.
Writer tried to justify it by saying, "Oh, yes, this child will be a very evil adult when he grows up.". But that's also fucked up in it's own. No one should be punished for something they didn't do.
You see a dream in which your child allegedly becomes a villain in the future. So instead of, you know, raising him to be a better person and teaching him to be a hero, you sent him to a villain organisation where he will be a bigger threat by being a worldwide villain, not just a Gotham villain. Great idea, Bruce 😃!
Damian was desperately trying to gain his father's approval, he was desperate for his father's love. He tried, repeatedly, to prove himself to Bruce. And in return Bruce did this. And yes, Damian died because of this. Because he wanted to show his father that he could be good. Thus, this made it his end.
And no one around them said that it wasn't a good idea to send a child to his abusive mother. So they are not blameless too.
So yeah, Grant Morrison didn't only butchered Talia's character, he butchered Bruce's too. Didn't anyone in DC realize how horrible this was?
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devine-fem · 2 days
Say it with me: Talia would never touch Jason Todd and Ra’s would never touch Tim Drake.
When people preach this, I get violent like just slap me across the face instead.
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
For anyone wondering why Jason Todd is the biggest victim of 'fanon is better than canon!' when it comes to relathionships,this is the only white character he actively likes
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She's got a purely platonic relathionship with him on every level,her own personality and stories and never tolerates his bs and these are his brothers he gets along with-the first of who is also his Robin and vice versa-and his adoptive mom
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And these are the people he's in love with
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But these are the ones the fandom would rather see him with
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So yeah,now you know why(Insert that one gif here)
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