#anw i do in fact think about this fancam all the time
christakisbang · 1 year
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blue chan missing hours are 24/7
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majiimeebts · 7 years
I've been an active ARMY for idk months (welcome me, fam I just got converted lool), and it really stressed me out when people are saying that Jin is a narcissist, Yoongi is freaking lazy, Jungkook is bossy, Taehyung is annoying alien, Namjoon and Hobi are ugly and Jimin is fat. Wtf?! Who gave you the permission to talk sht about them when you yourselves are nothing near perfection. Lmao
Anw, I'll write some assessment that I actually observed (live shows, bts episodes, fancams, interviews, variety shows, etc).
Let's all start with our very own WORLDWIDE HANDSOME, KIM SEOK-JIN!
Objectivism + Subjectivism will infulence this thread. Since, I'm a Pyschology graduate and will pursue my masteral degree, I believe that my assessment and evaluation would be reliable. This will be long because I have lots of observations and analysis that I’ll put in here. I HOPE YOU BEAR WITH ME.
People say that Kim Seok-jin (a.k.a. the car door guy, the third guy from the left, the worldwide handsome, the great guy, and now the --guy with the grey sweater) is a freaking narcissist, that his mouth is flaring by his big ego, that he's too full of himself. Let me all tell you everybody that KIM SEOK-JIN is not a freaking narcissist.
For you to understand, you have to know well what are the REAL qualities of a narcissist.
I'll input some psychological perspective on this one.
There are two things you have to know: 1. Narcissism is a personality style (w/c means that narcissism could be dominant to you but you can change your attitude based on the situation. In simple term: you can adjust it to fit with your fellows.) 2. Narcissism when it's too irrational and cannot be adjusted, could lead to personality disorder. This is definitely not good because it will be hard to treat someone like this. This could turn out to some more other disorders--distorting his perspectives.
NARCISSIST person: 1. Interpersonally exploitive, taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends.
Argument: So let me ask you, when did Jin take other's advantage just to achieve his own success?
Let me remind you this shitty reality: KIM SEOK-JIN got 2 sec screen time in NOT TODAY MV; he has the shortest line in every damn songs, since he's not too good in dancing, he's always at the back and can't even got a center position, there are times that he didn't get any lines in a song, he is somewhat least appreciated in the group because he doesn't have lots of exposures! 
2. Has a lack of empathy and an inability to recognize and experience how others feel.
Argument: If you are really an ARMY at heart, you definitely know that Kim Seok-jin is like the "MOM" of the group. (I'm not telling that he's the mom-mom like a woman, but he acts like one and the other BTS members say it, too) He's the one who comforts the members especially when they are feel upset, disappointed and down.
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This is when Jimin got eliminated from high jump competition in ISAC. We all know how hardworking Jimin is, and he tends to be disappointed to himself every time he screws up. So here’s Jin, making the atmosphere light while comforting Jimin who was closed to tearing. He’s emphatic, people!
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Another, this one was Hobi’s birthday. Hobi burst in tears when he watched all the video message for him (esp of his family). Here’s our Jin, wiping Hobi’s tears.
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This is just another scene--which was happened naturally. Jin has an innate caring quality.
And this one is my fave:
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I literally cried while hearing his letter to Yoongi. I suggest, you search for that video. You’ll see how caring, sweet and kind our Kim Seok-jin.
There are lots of situations, happenings that Jin manifested his empathy and care to his members and even with the people around him. To see how caring Jin is (even to other people), try to watch the Law of the Jungle episodes 247 - 253.
3. Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, beauty, intelligence or ideal romance. | Shows arrogant behaviors and attitudes.
Argument: Let’s see this one, [POWER/SUCCESS] recently it was exposed that Jin is a son of a CEO. Did he ever mentioned it? Nope. Did he fantasied about it? No. Also, [INTELLIGENCE] remember when they asked him what are his favorite subjects? He never brags about it, he just said nothing. To tell you, this guy has lots of achievement. He graduated his gradeschool, high school/mid school, and he’s also a college graduate-- and now, an online student for his master’s degree. Did he brag about it? No. He also became an student exchange in Australia, so don’t be surprised that HE CAN ACTUALLY SPEAK AND UNDERSTAND ENGLISH WELL. Though he’s not that fluent like Namjoon, but he can freaking speaks and understands English--but did he brag about it? NO. I remember during fansign event, the question addressed to him was in English, a fan asked him if he understands it and he nodded as response as he wrote down his answer to the post-it.
I’ve been thinking, why can’t he just speak in English when he obviously understands it, there’s two reason that I think he’s thinking (this is an opinion based on my observation): a) he don’t feel confident enough to do it. b) he doesn’t want to get too much attention about it--or maybe thinking about the other members’ feelings (who are not really that good in English).
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Remember this? He said that he is worldwide handsome but the he added “To tell the truth...it’s really embarrassing to say this stuff. But it makes me feel good about myself.” This might sound contradicting, but I’ll explain it in a simple way: all of us have threats that can stress our ego, and in Psychology, it may resulted for you to become so insecure or can cause you other irrational feelings. That’s the case of our Kim Seokjin. The threat to his ego is his lack of confidence. Next, to be able to lessen the threat, we all need to defend our ego--so that’s what we all know: DEFENSE MECHANISM. So yes people, it’s only Jin’s defense mechanism. HE’S VERY INSECURE PERSON but to be order to regain his confidence, he needs to boost it with the compliments given to him by us, AMRY’s--which is not a FANTASY because in fact, he is really handsome. There’s no distortion of truth (narcissist believes that they are handsome/beautiful even they are not). So it’s definitely okay to say what’s true.
4.  Requires constant attention and admiration.
Argument: If you will observe, during Bon Voyage or any overseas’ trip with the members, you can see all hi dorky and bright side. He’s hella funny and it’s ok to him to make ugly faces just to make his friends laugh.
People, a narcissist person will NEVER do that. It will always be: I don’t care to you, I need to look good. Fvck fun, I need to look good. 
I will just leave these photos to you and you decide.
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Kim Seok-jin is not really that confident person. We all know that he started from zero. He really didn’t know how to sing or dance during his pre-debut days and he really work hard for this kind of success. Even his roommate, Yoongi, acknowledged his hard works. I’ll quote this part: “It seems like yesterday when you were concerned and not confident on stage. But when I see you on stage these days, I realize again how well you sing. It's the result of our hard effort for a long period of time.” 
I also remember, during a radio show, Yoongi told a story about Jin. Yoongi just got home because he was working for their new song, and then he heard Jin singing I Like It, and he got surprised why Jin was singing..after that, Jin suddenly said “Oh, sorry sorry.” then Yoongi realized that Jin was singing on his dream and being yelled out for mistakes. And Yoongi said “I realized that Jin hyung really practiced so hard even in his dreams.” This really teared me up because even in dreams, his insecurities of being not good enough is showing.
With all of these, let me ask you again if that Kim Seok-jin guy is a narcissist? I hope this note will enlighten you. Kim Seok-jin needs our support and comfort. He once said that he gains confidence to us, ARMY’s. So please, I’m asking you to give this guy a chance to prove himself more! Give him all the love that he deserves. Thank you for actually reading this!
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