#ao no flag spoilers
5-pp-man · 3 months
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i havent seen anyone talk about this but Arajin and Matakara remind me of Taichi and Touma so much man.
small dark haired guy chasing a girl he likes. major inferiority complex. complicated feelings about his childhood best friend that have to do with those feelings of inferiority, causing him to initially avoid him now that they're in high school. Said childhood best friend has no parents and only has his big brother left. He idolises his former friend to a fault, and still calls him by a childish and overly familiar version of his name (Tai-chan, Ara-chan). hes tall and fit and seems to be popular / well liked, but all he really cares about is his (former) best friend.
the bigger one has kept a memento of their friendship for years. best friend power. best friend stone.
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ao no flag was all about making choices. bucchigiri is about not running away and facing things head on. with the way things are going for bucchigiri, it's inevitable that Matakara and Arajin will reconcile, just like Taichi and Touma did
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well. maybe not exactly like they did...
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nantokanarusaa · 11 months
Seriously, don’t read this if you are planning to read Ao no Flag. That being said, go read the manga now!!
Finally finished reading Ao no Flag and I have so many feelings. Non-coherent, rambly, messy feelings. I was looking at reactions online and what mainly boggles me about the reactions to the final 2 chapters is people being “how is Taichi suddenly gay??” My friend living on this big planet he never was (he’s bi). He most likely just realized it later in life. Did the events of his 3rd HS year help him figure it out? Heck yes. Is he suddenly bi? No.
Not all queer people pop out into this world and instantly know they are queer. Heck, it took me 23 years to figure that out. It’s not like Taichi instantly realized he likes Touma and started dating him. He knew Touma mattered to him somehow, but it took him multiple years to realize how, as evident by him maybe starting his relationship with Touma after 5 years when Touma contacted them all. He gained life experience and grew.
People go through a lot of learning, unlearning and growing. Especially if you are outside of societal expectations and norms. Taichi grew up learning to and wanting to blend in with society. “Be normal, don’t stand out too much”. Add to that low self-confidence and you feel stuck. Feel like there is only black and white. only one right answer to life. It can be very difficult to look out of this dark box, trust me, I had a tough time and sometimes still do. But it feels like Taichi thought and thought and pondered even back in high school and came to the decisions that he did.
And isn’t that what the series is about? growing as a person, making mistakes, learning, allowing yourself to be visible and vulnerable, and eventually, making choices, even if they don’t make sense to anyone else, and continuing to do so?
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These two pages really hit me hard and I was wondering why. And then it hit me. This is possibly the happiest I’ve seen Taichi be since his childhood. Like genuinely happy. He’s reached max happiness points and is sharing those with Touma. He’s made his choices, and he’s happy. You can and are allowed to choose what or who makes you happy.
That’s all that matters.
#ao no flag#blue flag#blue flag manga#toumatai#is there a point tagging it as spoilers? might as well#ao no flag spoilers#blue flag spoilers#he ending and series in general does have it's flaws but it has become a near and dear one to me#anyways isn’t it amazing how different people have different perspectives and that how you have lived your life changes those#Taichi be gazing at Touma for multiple panels and people be like aww friendship :“)#the way the omamori was want jerked him out of his rage? heck the way he treasured it? their whole conversation on the beach#HE WAS GENUINELY CONSIDERING TOUMA'S FEELINGS FOR HIM!?! NO STRAIGHT GUY WILL EVER PONDER THAT MUCH#i'm alright#also all the hand holing symbolism which im sure other people have talked about better#which also raises the point: let kids express themselves freely without putting gender roles on them#god the hand hold rejection from Touma as a kid was a gut punch#last thing#KAITO HOW DARE YOU NOT SHOW US GROWN UP TOMA AND TAICHI TOGETHER#I WANT TO HAVE A CIVIL CONVERSATION WITH YOU#ok that was long thanks for reading if you have?? <3#my feeling for this series are immense#oh have i mentioned its from JUMP!? of all the publications???#granted jump plus gives the creators a lot more freedom but still?? a bi protag?? with a gay main charecter along with multiple queer#confirmed or coded characters?#dint think it could be real#kurosaki rambles#PS i want Ao flag to get a boom in popularity again so that we can get an anime adaptation#if done well and respectfully it will have so much potential#if done well and respectfully it can have so much potential
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piratadelamor · 8 months
still cant believe touma really loved taichi for all those years ever since they were little and he watched as taichi fell in love with futaba and as they started dating and as how they continued dating for 2 more years after graduating high school and he just waited and waited and he waited for so long until taichi finally grew up and understood his own feelings and became comfortable with them and now imagine how happy touma must've felt when taichi finally confessed his feelings for him oh my god i can't believe they were really waiting for each other for this long i wanna cry everytime i stop and think about them 😭😭😭
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I discovered Ao no Flag about the time the 5th chapter came out and sort of intermittently checked up on it now again over up until Touma's injury because it seemed promising but a lot of works seem promising only to not handle the subject matter well. So I was worried the series wouldn't be able to do justice to its queer cast or wouldn't be able to carry the delicate feelings of adolescence. I came back to it today and read the last 4 chapters and now I'm frothing at the mouth like am I reading the implications right? stone cold lesbian Masumi marries a dude and Taichi and Touma are married?????? Guess I'll have to actually read it now. wait. if the last chapter was from touma's perspective then he signed his family name as ichinose. aaaaaaaaaaa
Someone else brought it up but its interesting how artsyle is used here to convey character relationships. Most of the manga is from Taichi's perspective and he has a low opinion of himself which is reflected in him being drawn cartoonishly. But once in a while the audience sees him how the other characters see him. This applies to the other characters too like Touma, I haven't counted but he might be the character with the most close up shots on his face and remember that this is mostly from Taichi's perspective. ch 22:
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When I first read the last 2 chapters earlier today I was surprised and happy that the manga focused on how important friendships were because its true that romantic relationships are not always the most important or intimate relationship in someone's life or the people that stay with you and then I read the last chapter and realized KAITO made it gay which was honestly also very good. Here at ch 31-32 the manga is very good at pointing out the double standard and how the same friendship can be seen differently just because of the genders of the people involved. Ah the emotional immaturity, we the audience is suppose to at times look at the characters and think "wow they're being stupid", its very highschool, oh teenagers and their insecurities.
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ch39: she's right if you come out to someone and they're homophobic that's their problem not yours.
Touma's my favorite character in this series not going to lie. I admire his courage in ch 41, rumors are spreading that he's gay, and he calls out Taichi and confesses to him so that Taichi hears it from him and not some second hand gossip. Like he just got in a fight and suspended and that's on his record now and might have just lost his friends and even if it were just a rumor that sort of gossip about the gay kid will ruin your highschool career, and he still manages to be proactive and do what's important.
ch44: intolerance towards the intolerant is a pretty good plan. no all ideologies or opinions are equal and they are not due equal consideration.
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Holding hands is a recurring thing for them, the used to hold hands all the time before Touma realized it was a "girl thing" and in the flash back chapter we see Taichi reaching out for Touma when they run away together. Chapter 48 which is from Touma's perspective is foreshadowing that he's also the pov character for the final chapter. In both chapters we literally see the world from Touma's eyes and never hear what he says only what other people are saying.
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I really like this page, the paneling with Taichi reaching across the panel to Touma, with his hand displaying his wedding ring. I'd like what they have.
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delarverie · 8 months
(ao no flag + personal stuff things under the cut)
MAN. man. yesterday i was talking to a mutual about this certain character and i told him that sometimes i feel like there are pieces of media whose characters resonate with me on a deep level. ao no flag did that. once again i wished younger me had access to this kind of representation about life because it would've been easier to. yk. live? as a lesbian person as a coming of age kid as a girl who doesn't feel like a girl and wants to be something more... i am actually squeezing my head like an orange right now because the manga was Beautiful and i felt like a 14 year old again trying to overcome my feelings for my best friend and having no one i could talk to about it. being a teacher and realizing that now kids that age have ppl around them and aren't scared anymore is beautiful yet i would've loved to have that opportunity but ugggggh time only moves forward right.
anyway. ao no flag. Man. MAN. i'll add some spoilers in the tags so be careful hehe
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londonspirit · 8 months
(The YT video gives a tad more background due to the ratio!)
Taika Waititi for AoNZ
(putting the spoiler tags on this because it's bits of S2 filming/setting for those who wanna go in blind/have NOT watched the OFMD trailer(s))
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curapicas · 2 months
Guy who in 7 years will marry a man: Oh Touma is popular and athletic and handsome and everyone loves him, I can't even be friends with him since we're so different, compared to him I'm not manly at all
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bubblyshortie · 6 months
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i love them so much they are my kids
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i love homosexuals
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taichi is so cute he gets flustered by everything
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raini-day · 2 years
Blue flag spoilers! my thoughts after finishing the series & about the ending
just finished reading blue flag and it's a great series! I was interested in it at first because of the love triangle actually being a love triangle. It pulled me in from there, but the ending really cemented my love for the series.
I saw a lot of people complaining that it came out of nowhere and didn't make sense for the characters but I STRONGLY disagree. Blug flag isn't about how Fubtata, Tachi, and Touma fall in love with each other and how their relationships progress - it's about these teenagers learn to love themeselves (literally. that's their arcs! every one starts off hating themselves and admiring the others and grows to have more confidence.) and the core message of the story is the idea things don't always turn out as is 'normally expected' and that's ok!!  
So the ending, where things suddenly (for the readers anyway but these characters have had years to grown and change since we last left them) change course and characters end up in places you don't expect is EXACTLY fitting in with that message. Plus it felt super realistic to the experiances I and other queer people go through, with strangers making assumptions of how we should live our lives and how we fit into certain boxes because of our identities when that’s often not how it goes. Masumi who you thought was a lesbian ends up with a guy? Is that so unrealistic? Maybe she’s had a bi awakening since high school. Maybe she’s still closeted (a whole part of her character was being unable to come out after all) and her growth and journey with her identity isn’t complete yet, things generally don’t get wrapped up all neatly in high school and you can still be figuring yourself out your whole life. Maybe her partner isn’t a guy at all. The point is we don’t know and we shouldn’t be trying to judge or make sense of her story and her experiance based on our own assumptions. Tachi literally comments in the last few pages that other people may not understand his choices but that’s just how life is, you’re constantly changing and growing and even this end isn’t an end. Things will still continue to change.
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gourmetfever · 2 years
i finished reading blue flag yesterday and i have some thoughts (spoilers for the ending below)
i was SO shocked with the ending that not only i re-read the last chapter a bunch of times i also had to google “BLUE FLAG ENDING EXPLAINED???” like a fucking idiot just to make sure i wasnt imagining things.
i guess early on i just accepted that this wasnt a possibility and went through all the five stages of grief like denial (everyone talks about this manga. they MUST end together right??) --> anger (goddamnit im going to read All Of This just so the protagonist can end up with the girl. right.) --> bargaining (taichi has two hands!!!) --> depression ( :( ) --> acceptance (thats fine. this is still really good. im glad either way) SPECIALLY after mami talked about losing friendships to love (which by the way was so good? i was really surprised to see that. not only is super relatable and something i went through before but also it made her one of my favorites characters.) and i thought ‘oh so they’re gonna stay friends after everything. friendship lasting even after heartbreak. thats it’. even when taichi said he broke up with futaba i was ‘SEE he broke up with her and still is friends with touma. beautiful friendship’. but nope!
and i love this. i love how you really believe this is gonna end like it always does until the very end.
if i had to criticize something it would be how i wanted to see more of masumi and her feelings. but im really glad she found happiness in the end.
overall, amazing read. my expectations were pretty big already so i was afraid of being disappointed.
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snalsupremacy · 5 months
Top 3 manga panels
Like last year and the year before, I read a lot of manga. Here are, of all the manga I read this year, the top 3 panels that stood out to me + an honorary mention.
Mild spoilers for: Yuri Espoir Spoilers for: Ao no Flag, MADK
1-Hikaru Ga Shinda Natsu/ The Summer Hikaru Died, Ch 2
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I made an entire post on why this is my fave panel. You can read it here
2- Ao No Flag/ Blue Flag (Ch 54)
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I vomited the day I read this chapter and ngl when I saw this panel I almost vomited again. I sometimes re-read ch 54 JUST so I can get to this scene and re-experience the pure joy of seeing this page. Can you guys believe there are people out there who don't like the end of Blue Flag? It's literally the best end to anything ever
3- Yuri De Naru/ Yuri Espoir (Ch 1)
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I should do an analysis post for Yuri Espoir like I did for HGSN, it deserves one just as much, especially bc literally nobody knows of Yuri Espoir TOT And it's so good! If you're curius as to why I love this panel so much, go check out Yuri Espoir! This is literally chapter 1 ;)
Honorary mention: MADK (Ch 19)
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Literally clapped when I saw this. Considering this is the resolution to the entire plot, the way the authors draws it is so satisfying and mesmerizing to look at. I can really feel all of story weighting on this single moment, and how he doesn't look triumphant at all, but a much darker, much more evil emotion, which exemplifies the whole message about the cycle of abuse and revenge the story is going for.
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voidofgrace · 9 months
So, I've done a couple play-throughs of Baldur’s Gate 3 now, and I have some thoughts regarding companion romances; namely, Astarion and Gale. Warning, this will contain spoilers.
In my first game, I romanced Astarion (because obviously), and I loved the way they handled his traumas, his growth, and the nuances of his character. I could pen an essay, but I doubt there is anything I could say that hasn't been said already.
My second game, I decided to romance Gale. I won't lie, I mostly did it because thanks to the weird way he was bugged, I got a flag for his act 2 romance cut scene in my other game. Out of curiosity, I went through it, and it was honestly so sweet, and kind of sad. After that, I wanted to see how the rest of his romance played out.
And folks, I hate to say it (no I don't), I loved his romance more than Astarion’s. By the end of Astarion’s story, while wonderful, I didn't want to be with him, but just like, protect him and help him live his life and just learn how to be free. The revelation of his headstone, and his age of death. He was so young when he was murdered and turned, and it's so heartbreaking.
Also, the man literally says he really didn't like you at all at first. I mean, fair, but was that really the time to say "I thought you were a total loser, but ily now ❤." Kinda rude, Astarion.
And then there's Gale. The man who loved his Goddess so much, he tried to return a piece of magic to her he thought she had lost. Now don't get me wrong, he did it as much out of hubris as he did love, but in doing so, he wanted to earn a fraction of the love he felt for her in return.
This is a man who was sentenced to death by the woman he loved, as a means to an end that she and the other gods could achieve.
And what does this man do, when thinking about how he was close to the end?
He creates a sky full of stars, a pocket of something beautiful in a place that's cursed. And he tells you he loves you, laments about how he wishes he could do it properly. He gives you a glimpse of his life in Waterdeep, the place where he is happiest, because he wants to share that with you.
It is so wonderfully sweet, but it's also soured by the fact that he believes he has no choice but to carry out Mystra’s will. He believes he needs to be forgiven for his transgression against her, and that forgiveness will only be granted with his death.
Then we get the the start of act 3, and the circus. When you take Gale through the Dryad's test, the questions felt very shallow, especially when compared to the ones given with Astarion. What kind of food is Gale? Really? At least, until the very last question: what is Gale’s greatest flaw. One of the answers you can choose is "He thinks that he, and the world, might be better off if he were dead."
His response? He agrees... As someone who has struggled with mental health and similar thoughts, that one hit home. But then, in the next sentence, he shows that he has hope. Maybe it's not true. Maybe fate can be defied.
Moving on to later in act 3, there was the revelation of the Crown of Karsus, a relic from Karsus' attempt at achieving Godhood that survived. And Gale sees the possibilities that crown opens up. A chance to do what the other gods refused to do - what Mystra refused to do. He saw the chance to save Faerûn, to save his friends, and to save the person he loves (which again, Mystra refused to do, in his eyes), Ao be damned.
But, he also sees it as a way to finally be worthy. Worthy of the love he had been denied by Mystra, deserving of the love you have given him. After all, in the past, it was only ever because of his power that he was ever deemed worthy for anything, and what greater power is there than that of a god?
And that is HEARTBREAKING. The man only thought he was worth anything because of his power, because that had been the only thing people had really cared for about him. And when you tell this man you love him just for him, not because he's powerful or because he could he a god, but because he's a sweet man who loves books, who sometimes writes poetry, who loves curling up by the fire with his cat, a book and a glass of wine, he turns down that power. Show him care and love for who he is, and the man shines.
How could anyone NOT love Gale?
But yeah, Gale is 10/10. And Mystra sucks.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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shimamitsu · 2 months
if u ever wanna complain abt blue flag id be all ears. ive had it recommended a ton but never got around to hear abt it
ah, the old blue flag. every few months i remember this manga and i feel pure anger deep in my heart. long post incoming! i know a lot of people like it so i'll preface this by saying that this is my opinion, you can still like it, let's hold hands and read manga together. anyway, blue flag. my main problem is that it feels like something that was written for heterocis people to sympathize with lgbt's people's existence instead of something that actually included lgbt's people's experiences and opinions. all you have to know is that there's this scene where a character makes a list of lgbt songs or smth like that and one of them is shake it off by taylor swift. yeah. i said this yesterday but it's not like i think it's bad for lgbt manga to be educational, that's totally ok. there are works like 'i think our son is gay' that are very good at that. the whole plot of the manga is that a mom finds out her son is gay and it follows how she learns about sexuality, lgbt issues, etc etc (it's also told from her pov). its purpose clearly is to be educational for a non-lgbt audience. with blue flag... it felt like they were trying to explain lgbt 101 to me and failing. it raised a lot of questions about sexuality that in the best of cases the author couldn't give an answer to (and sometimes it's ok not to, but we weren't dealing with queer theory here, the question was like. do gay ppl deserve rights), and in the worst of cases just fumbled the resolution completely. the best example for that is how a character's outing got handled. spoilers here ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ but man. the mc gets outed by his homophobic friend, later it is revealed that this friend is homophobic bc he got assaulted by a man (wow gay predator trope, never seen that before), and the manga could've taken 10000 different directions to deal with that but what did the author decide to do? yeah -> homophobia is just a different opinion! we have to understand where both sides are coming from <3 hell no. die. (it was awful and heartbreaking to read btw). more big spoilers ‼️ another thing that made me violent (and i mean it), was how the manga handled another character's sexuality. one of the main characters, a girl whose name i can't remember, spent the entire manga rightfully struggling with coming to terms with the fact that she liked women. she explicitly said she couldn't like men if i remember correctly. well. here comes a time skip. she's married to a man. how. what. and ofc i'm not saying she can't be bi, but she was clearly written as a lesbian. why on earth is she married to a man then i wanna KILLLLLLLLL. anyway the ending also sucked. in the time skip it's implied the main boys were dating (idek how we got there, ig we skipped the entire sexuality journey of one of them) but it was told from a 1st person pov for some reason so we literally don't see them together (i wonder if it was too gay for shonen jump). when this manga was ongoing, even when it ended, people were promoting it to hell and back, saying how good the "representation" was. i assure you i never saw a manga that centered lgbt characters be talked about THAT much, except maybe shimanami tasogare. it seriously was huge. it was a lot of people's first approach to lgbt manga as well. why people think lgbt manga peaked with ao no flag is beyond me. last year a mutual made a post talking about it and they made a great point which was that blue flag would've never gotten that popular if it wasn't a shonen jump manga and i totally agree. and i'll be bitter about it being licensed where i live while shimanami tasogare isn't until the day i die. but yeah that's a summary of my issues with it. obviously i don't recommend it lol
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Poetry Month 2024!!
April is nearly upon us once again, and that means it’s time to get ready for poetry month!! Just as in years past I’m planning to write and share a poem every day, and I could use your help. Send me an ask (or a dm on discord) with a fandom, a character or pairing, and a word or phrase. I’ll mix it all up, throw it in the oven, and see what comes out!
Below is a list of fandoms I’ve either written in the past (or would like to write)…
Battlestar Galactica
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (no Angel, please)
Carry On (the Simon Snow series)
Doctor Who (modern Doctors/companions, plus Eight)
Good Omens
Harry Potter (Draco/Neville is my fave but I’ll write just about any character)
His Dark Materials (the books, I’ve still not seen the show!)
Lord of the Rings
The Magnus Archives
Marvel (the Avengers, Venom, Moon Knight)
The Old Kingdom (book series by Garth Nix)
Our Flag Means Death
The Raven Cycle (I haven’t finished the Dreamer trilogy yet so please no spoilers!!)
The Sandman
Star Trek (TOS/AOS)
The Tortall universe (multiple book series by Tamora Pierce)
Welcome to Night Vale
The Witcher (mostly Netflix, but I have a sprinkling of book and game knowledge)
Thanks so much for all the prompts y’all have sent over the years! It is truly a joy to write for you. 💜💜💜
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rosbifestalk · 1 year
30 sinais de red flag feminina.
Apresentando 30 sinais que indicam que uma mulher possa ter tido um passado sexual de fazer inveja nas cozinhas dos restaurantes chineses, e grandes aventuras nos 🎠 da vida!
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Ela tem um piercing na 🐸 ou nos mamilos
Ter piercings em áreas sensíveis mostra tolerância à dor e gosto pela autodestruição, atenção e validação. Quanto mais pendente e chamativo, maior a contagem de entalhe.
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2. Ela tem pelo menos duas tatuagens visíveis
As tatuagens indicam uma alta tolerância à dor. E a mesma atração pela dor combina-se com uma necessidade crônica de atenção. Entenda que as tatuagens não são ousadas e não “quem ela é”. É uma marca, antes reservada às GPs.
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3. Ela acha sexo casual com desconhecidos normais.
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Nunca é um bom sinal se elas toparem na mesma noite ou em algumas horas depois de conhecê-lo, não importa o quão gata ela seja. Dormir com você é o objetivo dela na interação, em vez de ser um passo em direção a algo mais significativo. O sexo (e o processo que leva a ele) parecerá uma formalidade.
Sua bela, recatada e do lar, é especialista em fazer ⚽🐈
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Uma amiga Italiana gosta de dizer: “Ela chupa o 🍭 bem demais para ser uma boa garota da igreja”. Hectoslags não precisam de direção ou treinamento. Suas habilidades gritam “Tenho PHD nisso” enquanto elas não mostram absolutamente nenhuma emoção.
Ela manterá contato visual, falará obscenidades e usará a língua em todos os lugares certos. Se ela te engolir profundamente sem reflexo de vômito ou se ela tentar lamber sua 🍑, você caiu numa cilada bino.
o olhar de mil jardas/rolas
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Mulheres com alta quilometragem ficam permanentemente marcadas e isso se mostra através de um olhar sem brilho e sem emoção. Ela tem os olhos de alguém que teve sua alma roubada.
Esse olhar vazio vem da ausência de simples felicidade e afeto feminino em relação aos homens, pois elas só podem se conectar com eles em um nível sexual.
Aprenda a reconhecer o olhar de mil jardas e nunca se comprometa com uma garota que o tenha.
Ela não gosta de beijar-te fora de 4 paredes
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Ela evita o afeto para estabelecer uma barreira emocional entre ela e os homens. Mesmo que ela não demonstre afeição física, ela tende a abusar de termos carinhosos como “amor”, “baby”, “gatão”. Ela tenta compensar a total ausência de sentimentos reais para manter seu alvo inconsciente de sua indiferença. 7. Ela fuma, bebe e bate pontos em baladas.
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Ela não pode passar um fim de semana sem bebida, pílulas ou narcóticos. Eles tiram a dor que vem com sua solidão espiritual. Seus estados de embriaguez ou estupor geralmente resultam em vergonha pública, sexo degradante ou acidentes em que outros pagam o preço de sua estupidez.
8. Seu ânus não esta em festa, pois perdeu a prega Rainha a tempos. 👑
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Este provavelmente deve ser uma das #redflag mais pesada da lista. Para as meninas que frequentemente jogam de costas, a “superfície enrugada” do ânus torna-se maior e mais escura do que uma membrana mucosa normal, devido à dilatação e contração forçadas. Geralmente parece um nó de balão saliente em vez de ser plano 😂. Também pode apresentar rasgos devido à entrada excessiva.
Tanto que o clareamento anal, outro procedimento em ascensão, vem de estrelas pornô que queriam esconder as consequências de anos de abuso anal.
Leiam os textos em anexo:
Ela só pensa no orgasmo
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Ela permanece egoísta e só se concentra em seu prazer e seu orgasmo. A membro ereto do homem, embora sagrada, não é sua prioridade. Ela também pode pedir favores financeiros ou materiais de homens em troca de “bônus” sexuais. Faz X ou Y se tu pagar uma viagem ou uma bolsa e etc… Ela vê o sexo como completamente transacional.
10. Ela tem uma conta popular no Instagram onde usa e abusa de foto sensuais.
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O advento do Instagram foi para as modernetes... o que a invenção da roda foi para a humanidade, uma maneira de ser mais eficaz e levar a taxa de produção para o próximo nível com o mínimo esforço (conseguir atenção, dinheiro e alfas neste caso em particular).
As duas necessidades básicas do sluturion
Dinheiro e atenção, são atendidas com o uso do Instagram. Elas recebem…
⭐ um fluxo interminável de curtidas e mensagens privadas de homens sedentos, levando-a a pensar que “ela uma nona 6/10 é uma 10/10”.
⭐ uma maneira de exibir sua vaidade com selfies e fotos em roupas de ginástica apertadas, enquanto atrai o homem de maior valor para entrar em contato com ela (Neymar, Mc, etc)
E se você ver uma garota no Instagram com fotos de Dubai, saiba que Sheiks de Dubai contrata mulheres bonitas do Instagram para passar algumas noites com eles.
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Tem problemas (pai ausente) com o pai.
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Ter “problemas com o papai” é mais comum entre os sluturions. Ela tenta encontrar a afeição paterna que raramente sentia através de legiões de parceiros sexuais, mas sem sucesso.
Ela não é tão “bonita” quanto imagina
Ela pode ser “gostosa” ou “sexy”, mas as rodadas ou "sluturions" como dizem os americanos, raramente são bonitas. Seu apelo físico vem principalmente dos sinais sexuais que ela transmite, em vez de sua beleza genética.
Um exemplo claro de mulher "sluturions", basta olharem para a Anitta.
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Uma garota bonita pode desencadear sentimentos de amor e proteção de um homem, mas a "sluturion" só gera uma mistura de luxúria, desdém e fascínio mórbido. Não é raro encontrar alguns hectoslags no departamento de “butterface” (nossa famosa Raimunda) e ainda estou para conhecer uma garota que manteve um rosto deslumbrante depois de dormir com vários homens, provavelmente porque a ciência mostrou que as fêmeas dos mamíferos absorvem o DNA da ejaculação de um homem.
13. Ela é uma carpe diem
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Ela não se incomoda em melhorar sua situação ou parar de beber. Ela não sairá com um bom homem que não atenda aos seus padrões delirantes. Ela tem zero interesse em desenvolvimento pessoal ou realizações. Ela nunca lê ou questiona seus arredores. 14. Ela sempre mostra o corpo com roupas provocantes.
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Ela cultiva o estilo “bimbo” de estampa de leopardo, short cavado na bunda e decote absurdo. Em outras palavras. Ela aparece como uma GP de baixo grau. Vento, chuva ou neve, ela sempre se veste de piriquete, mesmo com a família por perto (se tiver).
Ela anuncia ativamente sua promiscuidade para os homens destacados, enquanto envergonha os homens comuns (betas, normies) Que ousam olhar para sua carne exposta. Ela não tem noção de vergonha pública. Ela está pronta para fazer sexo em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora dependendo do seu status social.
Ela adora dormir com homens em cada cidade/país que visita
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Ela pode fazer isso em casa, caso ela more na 🇸🇪 e os “refugiados bem-vindos” agradecem, ou ela pode ser uma “viajante horizontal” que pensa que Comer, Rezar, Amar é um manual para a vida. A diversão das milf's americanas por exemplo, estão com raízes hoje em Istambul e Mogadíscio. 16. Ela ficou viciada em cirurgia plástica
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Ao perceber que esta perdendo seu VSM, e esta sendo preterida para a nova safra de novinhas. Elas começam a trabalhar para se tornar mais atraente progressivamente (quando o problema não é um defeito de nascença) está fora de questão, então ela fica com lábios maiores, sobrancelhas falsas, uma plástica no nariz, seios falsos e lente de contato nos dentes e etc…
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Tupac disse uma vez que “quanto maior a mentira cosmética, maior é a v4g4bund4gem”. 17. Ela participou de uma Marcha das Vadias
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Ela participa de uma aberração dessas, para mostrar o quanto ela se preocupa com a positividade do corpo, buscam a destruição da família, religião, e ditas as regras da sociedade. Ela quer viver em um mundo onde as vadias possam ser elas mesmas sem ter que arcar com suas responsabilidades.
18. Ela tem um ROSBIFE FALANTE na calcinha
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O comprimento de seus lábios depende de fatores como genética, etnia e idade, mas uma vagina em “acordeão” que tem um aspecto de rosbife é o resultado de fibras de colágeno quebradas por impacto forte durante a relação sexual.
Doenças sexualmente transmissíveis e distúrbios hormonais causados por controle de natalidade (Fonte: Sean A Runacres, Journal of Cosmetic Gynaecology, volume 29).
É por isso que a labioplastia se tornou tão popular. As modernetes sabem que ter lábios que se arrastam no chão vai classificá-las como rodadas 😂
(agora vocês sabem o significado do nome da nossa pagina LOL)
19. Ela odeia passar a noite na sua casa
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Você disse a ela para vir. Na 1 conversa depois que ela chega, ela já diz que tem um compromisso urgente, vai levar a avó no balé. Para não perder tempo, vocês vão pro quarto, colocam os umbigos para baterem papo e olham para o teto.
-Em silêncio (dois minutos) - Ela vai tomar um banho (10 minutos) - Como uma pizza (cinco minutos) - Ela pega um Uber, pega as chaves e sai (cinco minutos) -Ela tem outro encontro, menos de vinte minutos após o clímax. Uma vez que a ação é feita.
-Ela não vê sentido em ficar por perto. E você também não. É algo 100% mecânico e casual, tu é apenas 1 dos 5 PA's. 20. Ela agrediu fisicamente alguns ex's
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Ela é muitas vezes confrontadora e hostil. Ela anseia por drama e é mentalmente desequilibrada. Seu temperamento é tão instável que ela briga com qualquer homem independentemente do status do mesmo. A acusação usual é a infidelidade (projeção) antes de levar à violência física. Ela usa e abusa de medicamentos como Alprazolam, Sertralina, Lamotrigina e etc…
Explosões de violência também são dirigidas a ela mesma. A automutilação é comum entre os hectoslags. Eles muitas vezes tentam cometer suicídio como um pedido de atenção. Ela é diagnosticada como borderline.
21. Ela fez sessões de fotos “profissionais”
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Ela sente a necessidade de transmitir seu narcisismo enquanto atrai potenciais Chads & Alfas. Ela é especialista em usar filtros/ângulos do Myspace. E tira em média 100 fotos para postar umas 5, porque esconde uma de suas falhas. Ela pode fazer “shoots” regulares no início, mas logo envolverão cada vez menos roupas, pois a vaidade feminina a empurra para maximizar a quantidade de atenção que ela recebe.
22. Ela assiste pornografia com frequência
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Ela assiste regularmente a vídeos com gangbangs, interracial, cuckoldery, hardcore e lesbianismo. Ela chega a um ponto em que seu cérebro foi completamente reconectado e ela só consegue chegar ao clímax assistindo e imaginando .
Fazendo as mesmas coisas. O sexo normal que era bom no passado se torna chato.
Graças à pornografia, a vida amorosa parece forçada e encenada. Suas falas na cama durante o ato soarão como se tivessem saído direto de um set pornô.
23. Seus hobbies, círculo ou profissão estão diretamente ligados à indústria do sexo
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Pássaros da mesma pena voam juntos. Ela era uma bartender em um clube de strip? Ela tem amigas stripper, GP ou camgirl? ela tem amigas rodadas feministas? ela já trabalhou a noite? Ela já trabalhou em Vegas, Montevidéu, Macau ou outros locais ricos em cassinos e ricos empresários? Ela fez aulas de pole dance, fez strip no passado ou ajudou a promover um clube burlesco? se já, dude… é só leitada e ghost.
Ela já trabalhou em Vegas, Montevidéu, Macau ou outros locais ricos em cassinos e ricos empresários? Ela fez aulas de pole dance, fez strip no passado ou ajudou a promover um clube burlesco?se já, dude… é só leitada e ghost.
24. Ela mente sobre sua vida nas redes sociais
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Ela coloca uma fachada na internet enquanto ela vide de outra forma na vida real. Ela diz que trabalha na empresa X, mora na casa Y e tem 22 anos. Mas ela trabalha na empresa H, mora na casa W e tem 28 anos.
25. Ela culpa os outros e a sociedade por chamar uma mulher de rodada
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Ainda mais do que outras mulheres, ela não pode aceitar a culpa. Tudo o que acontece é sempre culpa de outra pessoa. Ela não pode evitar, ela é apenas sexual. Ela apenas faz o que o homem (alfa) faz. O hamster da racionalização já está bastante ocupado com mulheres normais, por isso deve trabalhar dia e noite dentro do cérebro do hectoslag. Outra #redflag é se ela já viu um psiquiatra no passado. Em vez de tentar resolver a raiz do problema (cultura do namoro, abuso de substâncias, falta de objetivos, existência sem filhos), ela acaba tomando medicamentos prescritos para piorar ainda mais o problema.
Ela é M$OL
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Além de todo aparato estatal ao seu favor, com paternidade socioafetiva e etc… Ela pode até ter fotos de seus filhos em todo o Facebook, mas secretamente detesta, porque eles tiraram sua aparência (em vez de apenas ter um estilo de vida ruim)
Atrapalharam sua agenda sexual ou não foram gerados pelo macho alfa que ela queria. E na tentativa de encontrar um homem ideal, elas possuem uma vasta coleções de parceiros.
Ela tem +30 anos e ainda é solteira (The wall)
O temido três-zero (10 + 10 +10) finalmente chegou sem namorado, mas isso não significa que ela foi sexualmente inativa durante os quatorze anos anteriores (sete homens por ano é o suficiente para ela atingir cem por 30)
Imagine o impacto psicológico de estar com tantos homens, mas ainda não encontrar um homem para se comprometer com ela?
Não é surpresa que a taxa de atividade sexual precoce e o número de parceiros sexuais para mulheres estejam diretamente ligados
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à estabilidade de seu casamento, sua felicidade e sua sanidade mental.
28. Ela tem amigos YAG Ele coleciona mais cigarros do que um cinzeiro no Soho. A fofoca! O drama! A promiscuidade sexual e as emoções induzidas pelos riscos de contrair H-I-V!
O fato de os sluturions serem conhecidos por gostarem da companhia de gays é uma notícia muito ruim.
Monkey see, monkey do. As mulheres que frequentam avidamente homossexuais tendem a imitar seu comportamento sexual debochado e desonesto e muitas vezes têm as mesmas doenças mentais e doenças sexuais com risco de vida.
Ela mente sobre o número de homens com quem dormiu
“Eu tive apenas dois/três namorados.” Os encontros de uma noite e ⚽🐈 bêbadas em banheiros da baladas nunca contam.
Ela evita ao máximo falar sobre seu passado sexual. “Eu faço coisas sujas só com você”
“Todos os meus ex parceiros foram apenas papai e mamãe”
são respostas comuns. Ela se torna defensiva sobre sua contagem de entalhes ou projeta sua própria culpa acusando você de ser machista/misógino. E esta sendo abusivo com ela.. Uma jogada que muitos amigos fazem, é se fazer de feministo, contar mentiras que já foram pra cama com 100 e deixar elas se soltarem. Ouvir essas coisas da mulher que tu achava ser sua 🦄, fará você entrar no território das #Blackpill.
Se prepare psicologicamente antes.
30. Ela adora apanhar sexualmente Ela responde positivamente ao sexo violento, violência física real, tortura psicológica e humilhação. Ela sai sendo espancada quando você a pega por trás. É pior se ela bater em si mesma. A maior #Redflag é quando ela...
Pede tapa na cara, soco na costela, pisão no pescoço, especialmente se ela pedir em palavras. O mesmo vale para asfixia (não se esqueça, se ela usar a Maria da penha contra sua pessoa, Game Over)
Essa necessidade de dor vem dos limites que ela já cruzou
Quando esteve com tantos homens que o sexo tradicional não é suficiente para ela chegar ao clímax.
Ela busca um novo fetiche através da dor e da humilhação.
S'associer aux putains nuit gravement à la santé
Nenhum homem quer investir mais do que algumas horas em uma mulher que foi manchada pelo suor e sêmen de uma centena de homens. É repugnante, além de perigoso. Portanto, que esta lista seja um aviso para os colegas que nos seguem.
Compare esses sinais com algumas mulheres que passaram na sua vida. E responda: dos 30 pontos, quantos a mulher mais promíscua que você já conheceu pontua? ☺
(🥩 Falantes 🥩)
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hey, call me ernie 👍
this'll be reblogs w/ jaunty tags
and the occasional original post if i dare? (is my humour for you? find out next on--)
(99% of posts are fandom-oriented--if not, it's tagged #ernie-general)
(heads up that i try not to reblog long posts--my scroll wheel is dying, as is my hand)
anyway, here're my main special interests if someone wants to froth at the mouth together over favourite characters, read heavily into scenes or commiserate over investing too much into fictional people:
currently spinning in my mind microwave (chronological order as accumulated, ed. 15-Feb-24): - aubreyad (books, 2003 film; oh uhuh okay, *jackles voice* sTePhEN?!) - botes in general? (also see ship media inc. aubreyad, the terror, ofmd, hornblower, star trek arguably) - star trek (tos, data; wacky adventures in space based around scientific exploration?, it's been another bbc sherlock interest situation with aos i feel)
my most consistent spins: spn (regrettably) sherlock holmes (primarily acd, elementary, granada, jonk, lenfilm, and nrh) clue
(tag index + total spins below cut (ed. 16-Jan-24))
(note: i am a young adult, hi, i don't know what i'm doing)
complete(?) list of spins:
my tv show spins: a kind of spark (a+ autistic rep) bbc ghosts community daredevil dirk gently's holistic detective agency good omens julie and the phantoms merlin our flag means death sherlock holmes sleepy hollow spn star trek the terror what we do in the shadows the witcher (for jaskier and the setting) zoey's extraordinary playlist
my video game spins: la noire the last of us life is strange (1 and bts) the walking dead
my musical spins: be more chill beetlejuice dear evan hansen newsies
my film spins: bill bright young things clue master and commander
blog-specific tags index:
(i go by this post for writing text and image IDs)
(my spoiler tags are the media tag then 'spoilers' e.g. '#bbc ghosts spoilers')
(my trigger warning tags start with 'tw')
(in my intro current spins: no symbol means it's sticking around, ~ means i'll prob go off it soon)
#ernie-speaks posts by me
#ernie-spin-cycle posts for changing between spins, or talking specifically about spins
#ernie-autistic-things posts to do with me being autistic
#ernie-general posts outside of fandom entirely
#ernie-mutuals posts that are asks by mutuals or commented on by mutuals
#fandom nonspecific posts fandom-related but not tied to one specific fandom (even if my tags are fandom-related)
#multifandom posts that involve multiple fandoms (not inc. '#fandom nonspecific' or tags that cause multifandom)
#[would pin] posts that i would pin if i didn't fundamentally require this organising post to explain myself
#ernie-pause posts involved with taking breaks from tumblr
#ernie-wait that's me my peer-reviewed posts (not public prob)
cool, that's, yeah, okay, bye o/
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