#blue flag manga
nantokanarusaa · 10 months
Seriously, don’t read this if you are planning to read Ao no Flag. That being said, go read the manga now!!
Finally finished reading Ao no Flag and I have so many feelings. Non-coherent, rambly, messy feelings. I was looking at reactions online and what mainly boggles me about the reactions to the final 2 chapters is people being “how is Taichi suddenly gay??” My friend living on this big planet he never was (he’s bi). He most likely just realized it later in life. Did the events of his 3rd HS year help him figure it out? Heck yes. Is he suddenly bi? No.
Not all queer people pop out into this world and instantly know they are queer. Heck, it took me 23 years to figure that out. It’s not like Taichi instantly realized he likes Touma and started dating him. He knew Touma mattered to him somehow, but it took him multiple years to realize how, as evident by him maybe starting his relationship with Touma after 5 years when Touma contacted them all. He gained life experience and grew.
People go through a lot of learning, unlearning and growing. Especially if you are outside of societal expectations and norms. Taichi grew up learning to and wanting to blend in with society. “Be normal, don’t stand out too much”. Add to that low self-confidence and you feel stuck. Feel like there is only black and white. only one right answer to life. It can be very difficult to look out of this dark box, trust me, I had a tough time and sometimes still do. But it feels like Taichi thought and thought and pondered even back in high school and came to the decisions that he did.
And isn’t that what the series is about? growing as a person, making mistakes, learning, allowing yourself to be visible and vulnerable, and eventually, making choices, even if they don’t make sense to anyone else, and continuing to do so?
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These two pages really hit me hard and I was wondering why. And then it hit me. This is possibly the happiest I’ve seen Taichi be since his childhood. Like genuinely happy. He’s reached max happiness points and is sharing those with Touma. He’s made his choices, and he’s happy. You can and are allowed to choose what or who makes you happy.
That’s all that matters.
#ao no flag#blue flag#blue flag manga#toumatai#is there a point tagging it as spoilers? might as well#ao no flag spoilers#blue flag spoilers#he ending and series in general does have it's flaws but it has become a near and dear one to me#anyways isn’t it amazing how different people have different perspectives and that how you have lived your life changes those#Taichi be gazing at Touma for multiple panels and people be like aww friendship :“)#the way the omamori was want jerked him out of his rage? heck the way he treasured it? their whole conversation on the beach#HE WAS GENUINELY CONSIDERING TOUMA'S FEELINGS FOR HIM!?! NO STRAIGHT GUY WILL EVER PONDER THAT MUCH#i'm alright#also all the hand holing symbolism which im sure other people have talked about better#which also raises the point: let kids express themselves freely without putting gender roles on them#god the hand hold rejection from Touma as a kid was a gut punch#last thing#KAITO HOW DARE YOU NOT SHOW US GROWN UP TOMA AND TAICHI TOGETHER#I WANT TO HAVE A CIVIL CONVERSATION WITH YOU#ok that was long thanks for reading if you have?? <3#my feeling for this series are immense#oh have i mentioned its from JUMP!? of all the publications???#granted jump plus gives the creators a lot more freedom but still?? a bi protag?? with a gay main charecter along with multiple queer#confirmed or coded characters?#dint think it could be real#kurosaki rambles#PS i want Ao flag to get a boom in popularity again so that we can get an anime adaptation#if done well and respectfully it will have so much potential#if done well and respectfully it can have so much potential
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bowledburrito · 3 months
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Two years later …
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digitalzombie · 1 month
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Ch. 5 | Blue Flag | KAITO
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bleachshippu5678 · 4 months
The Blue Flag Chapter 12 dub is here!
Thank you all so much for the patience, and I'm sorry for the wait! I hope you all enjoy it, and thanks as always for watching!
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emergencyrabbits · 4 months
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Blue Flag Vol.4
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ladsofsorrow24 · 2 years
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when everything's turning who do you love?
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mediacrushin · 2 years
Okay I just finished Blue Flag. And it was amazing, I so enjoyed it.
I’m kinda [but not really] surprised by some of the complaints I’ve heard about the ending. I like the little peeks into everyone’s futures, I think it was just enough to top things off... but the big one I can’t understand is Masumi.
I’ve seen takes that she’s comphet, and she’s gone even further in the closet and she got the raw end. But based on her arc and the things she struggled with in the series I’m perfectly happy with her deciding she’s bi, and from the way her husband talked it was very clear he was aware those were and still are her preferences. Like, he straight up said he gets a little jealous seeing her around men and women both, present tense, [even if he recognizes that he’s the one she picked] so it’s not like she got this depressing end where she went deep in the closet and settled for a guy. She seems so much happier and comfortable with herself now I was just really happy for her. I think all the talks she had with other characters really did help her, the way each of the other main four also took a lot away from the talks with others. Different perspectives really did a lot for all the characters, even side characters, it was really great as the series went on.
I’m happy everyone made the choices that let them be happiest, and made peace with everyone else doing the same. It doesn’t always work out like that, but sometimes it does.
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ghostqveen · 2 years
I just finished working on my first YouTube video! It’s just a short vlog of what manga I read in July. I’m excited to start this journey and I’m still in the process of learning how to record and edit videos! ✌️
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aciddaffodil · 15 days
Blue Flag Thoughts
I just am in awe of the art and especially the utilization of screentones. I feel like modern mangaka authors (mostly in the shounen category of stories) don't use it enough.
Its more than texture on clothing, which is the default choices, but the way it can enhance shadows and also inversely with highlights. I love the way it can be cut and used for gradients, especially in emotional scenes. I just admire how much depth it gives to scenes when its used thoughtfully.
Ultimately, I understand why the manga ended the way it did in showing the time skip and the insinuation of the two ML being together without showing it. I love the way it handles and tackles the conversation of coming out and accepting people and having to change one's mindset. It's a very difficult thing if one hasn't met other queer people or has any knowledge.
I know with coming out to my family, my dad has taken a long time to adjust and STILL doesn't grasp or fully respect what my preferences are, but he no longer is trying to change me and loves me for who I am. I feel like the discussion after Toma comes out is important for any person to read.
Would I reread this again? No, nor do I desire to collect it. But some parts of the story are moving, and the art is absolutely stunning.
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milaisreading · 18 days
Enough time has passed
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lisard148 · 1 month
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confused arospec & fed up arospec
I have so many thoughts about each of them, but I can't put them into words. I just love them so much. I just love characters that defend importance of platonic love, especially in romance genre. I just love characters calling out bullshit of "you can't be close friends with opposite sex". I just love them so much
I wanted this post to be funny haha meme, but I'm not normal about them
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bowledburrito · 2 months
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i heart her
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digitalzombie · 1 month
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Ch. 6 | Blue Flag | KAITO
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bleachshippu5678 · 7 months
Chapter 11 of the Blue Flag manga dub is here!
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yummycrummy · 4 months
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well thats one way to confess- (note: I continued off from this)
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