#ardra moon
sunisglowing · 5 months
Full Moon in Ardra Nakshatra ✧
(sidereal gemini)
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✿paid readings available after Jan 23rd, 2024✿
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What has changed in your life is that you listen to your inner voice now, unlike the past. You hear what your gut and your intuition says and you go with it. You listen to your body now and have gained trust with yourself. Your inner world has become rich I see.
Apart from that, I see that speak your mind now or have become better at it as compared to the past. I do also see that you might have rather become a little impulsive.
I also see that you have become indulgent too. You have been getting praise in work and your career has been growing pretty well. It might also be that you gained a lot of following in any social media. That praise and attention is hyping you up.
But do remember to be balanced. Don't let success and attention get into your head and make you delusional. Enjoy the efforts of your actions while being humble at the same time.
You might have been getting new opportunities that you waited for a long time, so don't make impulsive moves about it. Although I see you getting in that energy. It feels good too.
I am saying all this because with huge success comes great responsibility and accountability. Don't say things in a way that hurts others and still have humbleness while you speak to others.
Also, don't show off. It may fire back and show your excitement and success to trusted ones only.
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For you guys, I see you have entered a new phase in your life, or just have or will be starting something new. What has transformed is that you have taken the lead and control of your life. I see you become independent.
Maybe in the past you used to be pretty dissatisfied and depressed about how life was going on for you. I see that you realized the parts of you that were keeping you limited.
Maybe it was indecision or that you were felt bound to or controlled by others in your life.
It could be peer pressure or family. And more of your mind and limiting beliefs about yourself. You were hearing too many opinions that you lost yourself in it
You are also allowing love to come into your life. I see that you might have started dating or there's people interested in approaching you.
You might have been pretty protective about yourself and emotions. But I do see you are becoming mature. You know what to take into heart. You understand now that if someone hurts you, it's their bad, you are still open to receiving love.
And I also don't see you bored. Whether it's family, career, or relationships, you are taking the stand and lead.
You have realized that you can take control, you are not bound or stuck.
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I think regarding your relationships, you weren't very clear about your needs and emotions in the past. There was just confusion and things were pretty boring and not that satisfying to you.
It could also be that you had a hard time deciding on which partner is the right one for you.
Some of you might also have felt detached and uninterested in dating in general. Or you just fantasized or daydreamed about relationships in general but never got in one. Maybe because you thought it took a lot of your energy and work.
What I'm seeing now is that you became more honest with yourself and came accepting reality. You came in terms of your wishful thinking and imagination.
Previously you didn't wanna commit in any serious relationship but now you are having more faith in the universe.
You are more critical and realistic now in matters of love than before. You have more clarity in your head about what you want in relationships.
Also you are better or (courageous) at communicating. I do see you being in a relationship and if you aren't right now, you will be finding someone you'll love a lot.
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I think for Pile 4, most of you guys have left your family or someone you considered very close and moved somewhere far away from them. I think what has transformed is that you have freedom in your hands.
If not family, it could be the company you work for because of the environment. I see that a lot of you come from financial well off families and you have had become dependant on them.
Many of you could have had families that didn't allow you to be financially independent and free and controlled you a lot with that aspect.
Now you are choosing to go and be financially independent. You might have successfully gotten out of that situation.
I see a lot of you starting something new, a business of your own. You might have been earning from your creative pursuits and earning from that has helped you be free.
I also see you traveling around now and you will make a big move soon. Many of you might be getting skilled, taking up education abroad to improve your career.
You will be experiencing a lot more that you didn't experience before, new cultures and meeting new people.
You have ended in the phase of being controlled by other people and now you are out of that phase. You will be enjoying that freedom.
You have left and burned the past for the good and moved on. Not letting the past challenges dictate how your life goes.
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moonastrogirl · 7 months
Vedic astrology and Celebrities Part 2
Keith Lee VS Atlanta
I love me some Keith Lee omg this Atlanta´s food scene situation is so crazy. Let me break it down to y’all why this is happening based on Vedic astrology.
Keith Lee is an Ardra moon (Rahu ruled) in Vedic astrology. Ardra nakshatra is ruled by Rudra who is the god of storms and the hunter. Ardra nakshatra’s goal is to destroy through storms and clear the path of someone’s life from inconfortable/painful/bad situations.
Before Ardra nakshatra there is Rohini and Mrigashirsha nakshatras. Those two were stuck in family issues and situations that were no good for them, obstructing their path. Ardra then comes in their life and cuts those issues, helping them escape and be free to start on a new path.
That’s exactly what the Atlanta vs Keith Lee situation is all about. I also assume Keith Lee’s wife is a rohini native.
So the restaurant called «  the real milk and honey » created issues for her and then Keith Lee had to intervene to clear the path for her so she will never have to experience this situation ever again. The thing is ardra nakshatra cannot stop until it has cleared it out all. That’s why Keith Lee kept doing what he did cause he was doing it to help his wife and to help local people so they won’t have to go through what she went through.
The storms are blessings in disguise cause afterwards people can build new foundations and start fresh.
Now the most interesting is on Monday 30th October the moon was in Rohini nakshatra then the whole week the moon was transitioning in Gemini nakshatras and on the 2nd November the moon was in Ardra nakshatra.
In conclusion Keith Lee was victorious because he was doing his mission as a food critic for the greater good (aka how Rahu ruled people can excel), he was honest (one of the main amazing qualities of Ardra natives) and he cleared the path for people to have better and improved experiences in ATL restaurant scene. He is really the ultimate avenger Istg.
Btw The Real Milk and Honey saying they don’t know who Keith Lee is was beginning of the end on social media for them because Rahu ruled people are known and international. Plus Rahu ruled people dominate social media. They even had to release an apology statement please y’all couldn’t handle the heat after starting some bs with him 🙄
I also saw some videos saying some people threatened the safety of Keith Lee and his family in ATL. This is insane 😨
Based on numerology 2023 is a 7 year and this number is a Ketu ruled one. In the name Atlanta there is the energy of 7. Ketu energy can be a really dangerous one. Especially when Ketu’s bad behaviours are being exposed to the world. Just think when politicians or judges or humanitarian groups are being exposed, what we learn is always on another level. They can use their power to abuse people they were supposed to help or lead or provide a service to. For instance Oxfam workers/volunteers being sexually harassed by their group leaders in 2018… Ketu ruled institutions can act completely unhinged and even dangerously. People said on Tiktok ATL had that energy with or without Keith Lee. It’s like dark vibes. It’s ketu vibes. Ketu energy can be really threatening.
Rahu ruled people need to be more careful this year until it’s over ! I am an Ardra sun and I had been to several places ruled by ketu energy and I felt the dark energy this year. Tho it only made me stronger to stay in my power and not let it consume me. Thanks to my strong ketu mostly ong 😭
I hope y’all enjoyed my analysis of the situation let me know by liking, commenting or rebloging and thank you for reading me once again 💜
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rawestrarityfairy · 9 months
I love going so hard for all I am like my whole birth chart I’m in love vishaka sun jyeshtha rising chiron & Pluto 👁 ardra moon Hasta mars Mula Venus in the 1st house
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steadyghostlightpony · 10 months
Astro Observations 2
- cancers and people with moon in the 1st house/conjunct ascendant often have very soft, plump physical features and their weight fluctuates a lot.
- 5th house moons are obsessed with youth and sometimes even afraid to grow up. the 5th house represents children, fun, and play, so these people always feel like kids at heart and don’t want to get older and deal with serious adult life.
- virgo moons love to read and write. i notice that these people are often very passionate about literature and language.
- taurus moons are often passionate about fashion and beauty. they have great style in my opinion and a taste for luxury and the finer things in life. however, sometimes these people have a problem with spending too much money. the same can be said about 2nd house moons as well. examples of famous people with taurus or 2nd house moons are emma chamberlain, elvis presley, and trixie mattel.
- people with sun in the 4th house are often shy. however, if they have placements that make them more outgoing, like moon or venus in the fifth or ninth house for example, this may not be true for them.
- sagittarius suns and risings tend to have very long features. they are often tall or, if they are short or average height, they have long limbs that make them look tall on camera. they also often have large/long feet, hands, and fingers. they can also have long faces and facial features.
- women with rahu ruled (0°31 - 13°51 of tropical cancer, scorpio, and pisces) placements, especially rahu ruled suns, are often funny.
- cancer women (sun, moon, and/or rising) often have bags under their eyes. ardra (early tropical cancer) women in particular tend to have them, often along with large eyes. ardra is ruled by rahu and rahu women are known to have large, sort of bug eyes. i always recognize ardra women by their eyes. examples of this are aubrey plaza, phoebe waller-bridge, selma blair, and nicole richie
- scorpio moons are often very self-assured. they know themselves and are not that bothered by external opinions. they are also often very intuitive/psychic.
- scorpio moons also tend to really enjoy life and have fun? strange because this is a sign that i don’t really think of as the most fun loving, i would expect fire moons to be more that way, but i’ve noticed that scorpio moons in particular really enjoy living. i guess since they’re not bothered by much externally that makes it easier for them to enjoy life?
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venussaidso · 3 months
𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧-𝐑𝐚𝐡𝐮-𝐊𝐞𝐭𝐮: 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐦
the prominent themes of vampirism such as desire, hunger, mystery and illusions tie so perfectly with the moon and its nodes. it wasn't surprising to find the nodes dominating this genre the most, along with the luminaries (moon & sun nakshatras, but more fittingly the moon). i will not be touching on the few sun nakshatras playing vampires, as the moon makes far more sense symbolizing true vampiric nature.
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So many vampire movie posters have this luminous glow to them, likely done consciously because of these creatures' affinity for nighttime, and generally being nocturnal as they're extremely sensitive to any type of sunlight.
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I've once briefly mentioned, in my "Moon Dominant Themes" post, that lunar natives can operate very secretly, such as 'working in the shadows'. And the whole lore of vampires always emphasizes their ability to hide themselves while still living among humans.
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Vampires undergoing periods of dormancy and resurgence is interesting as that can also be linked back to the moon's cycles of waxing & maning. The influence that the moon has on vampires, in some legends, is during certain lunar phases in which they become more active. A full moon could literally mean that their strength has enhanced, whilst a moonless night could mean their desire for blood is heightened.
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Rohini Sun Colin Farrell
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Claire Nakti explored, in her "TOP 3 Most Magical & Mystical Astrology Signs | Cults, Divination, & Occultism | Part 2 (Nakshatras)" documentary, on the ability of Moon nakshatra natives to brainwash/mind control/hypnotize.
daniel kaluuya is a hasta moon, not rohini.
As these natives are often cult leaders, their ability to influence the mind goes back to their lunar-rulership. The Moon rules over the mind, emotions and subconscious. A vampire's ability to hypnotize humans and other lesser beings is in parallel to the Moon's influence over the psyche and subconscious.
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This illusory nature found in vampires can be connected to the shadow planet, Rahu. As Rahu is illusions, desire, hunger. Rahu is very seductive and tempting; this could tie back to some legends in which vampires lure their prey giving them promises of pleasure.
Ardra Sun Tom Cruise.
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In "Interview with the Vampire", Tom Cruise plays Lestat who is an overindulgent, greedy vampire. Rahu governs desires and the pursuit of worldly pleasures. It's related to insatiable cravings that lead to greed. The lustful nature of Rahu is seen in Lestat's intense bloodlust and the chaos it brings.
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Rahu's associations with eclipses relates to their ability of being hidden in the shadows. Another hint is in Rahu being a Shadow planet itself, just like Ketu is which is also related to vampires.
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The story about Rahu's head getting decapitated by Vishnu for trying to get a drink out of the nectar of immortality can be brilliantly paralleled with vampirism. Due to Rahu's consumption of the drop of the nectar, he became the infamous dismembered immortal. His dismemberment a symbol of the detachment from humanity to vampirism.
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Rahu is considered an entity of darkness and malevolence, preying upon cosmic forces and defying the natural order of things (such as vampirism which does defy nature itself, ie. the dead becoming undead) in pursuit for immortality. Vampires are literal parasites, and Rahu is also parasitical. Vampires feed on humans without providing any benefit in the ecosystem in return, a one-sided relationship which resembles one between a parasite and its host. Rahu is depicted as insatiable and consuming, feeding and draining one's energy. It creates a cycle of thirsting for more without any fulfillment, a predicament vampires find themselves in.
Ashwini Sun Luke Evans
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Rahu and Ketu represent the lunar nodes, respectively depicted as the head and tail of the celestial serpent. Their energetic interaction can be likened to the endless chase between a vampire and a vampire hunter, villain and hero, the friction between unlikely lovers. It's obvious in how Rahu embodies the insatiable hunger for experiences and the craving for fulfillment that it can be the vampiric force in such a dynamic. Like a vampire, Rahu relentlessly pursues its desires, often leading to greed and excess. And then you have Ketu, on the other hand, which embodies detachment, spirituality, and liberation from worldly attachments. It quite literally symbolizes the renunciation of desires and the quest for enlightenment, opposing Rahu's restlessness for more. Ketu is a cutting force, and like a determined vampire hunter, is skilled in tracking down illusions and breaking free from temptations.
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Although it sounds like a more fitting interplay between Rahu as the evil force and Ketu as the hunter, it's actually more seen in the other way around.
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It is more so that Rahuvians are the vampire hunters, which I found so intriguing; showcasing how Rahu is both the parasitical (illusory), and also the one to be rid of parasites (disillusionment). And I have explored this particular theme in my Rahu post -- how Rahu natives experience a lot of disillusionment from their reality, wanting to cast away the illusions that drain the life force.
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The reversal of roles showcases the fluidity of the nodes; their roles almost always expected to reverse, illustrating just how Rahu and Ketu are deeply intertwined with the concept of karma, representing the push-&-pull between cosmic forces of destiny.
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More nodal-vampire movies, and other examples in which Rahu & Ketu find themselves on opposite sides of the same spectrum in which they are both vampires, similar to the friction seen between Louis (Ketu) and Lestat (Rahu) in "Interview with the Vampire".
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In the film "Fright Night", the one who has to kill the villainous vampire is an Ashwini native. It is also interesting how in "Queen of the Damned" (above, right), the villain is a Magha native who must be stopped by her Mula lover -- both being vampires.
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As mentioned in the figure image about the film "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter", where a nodal-ruled native is paired up with someone who is lunar-ruled, this is a type of pairing seen a lot in these supernatural stories.
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Similarly to "Twilight", as Edward was the one to turn Bella into a vampire, we see the planetary reversal of this in which the lunar-native is the one who turns the nodal-native.
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Or the film "Vamps" in which Hasta Sun, Shatabhisha Moon native Alicia Silverstone turns Mula Sun, Magha Moon native Krysten Ritter into a vampire.
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It isn't a surprise that the moon and its nodes are related to the extremities of the mind. These energies can cause isolation due to how polarizing they come off in regular society (furthermore validating its relation to vampirism), so they become attracted to one another -- especially the nodal natives to the moon natives, because of how much they feel magnetized by them, and vice versa.
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The presence of some Sun nakshatras in vampire stories is present and that could tie to the Sun's influence over the Moon despite the fact that solar symbolisms regarding vampirism don't exist, and vampires are far too sensitive to the Sun so much so that they get sunburn during the full moon where the sun's light reflects (interesting to think about). The whole point of a vampire is to lurk in the shadows or during nighttime, so the strict avoidance of the Sun could make sense in there being solar-natives in vampiric roles. It makes for an interesting contradiction, certainly.
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Ketu is the body of the severed demon Rahu following the consumption of the elixir. Much like Rahu, Ketu is also associated to darkness and illusions. But it symbolizes the darker, unseen aspects of reality -- all the hidden forces and energies as I've touched on in my Ketu exploration. Ketu and Rahu are two sides of the same coin, it isn't surprising to see them share many vampiric roles/stories.
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Ketu is about spiritual liberation, detachment (in this context, becoming a vampire means a harsh detachment from normality/the old life), transcendence; these existential themes are found in vampirism.
The character Louis in "Interview with the Vampire" played by Mula Sun Brad Pitt describes his existential crisis as a vampire to a Magha Sun human who interviews him.
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The enhanced strength, agility, speed, hearing and all these abilities are gained after the painful transformation process, going from human to vampire. This process is seen in the film "Interview with the Vampire", Mula Sun Brad Pitt's character going through excruciating pain when turning. My mind immediately takes me to Claire Nakti's first Mula nakshatra exploration, in which she touched on the interconnection of pain and evolution for access to more powers.
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robert pattinson is an ardra moon, not sun. and i accidentally used jk rowling's face as l.j smith, ugh! 💔
Vampires are caught between worlds, trapped in a liminal space between life & death. Ketu can cause feelings of entrapment. The yearning for release from their eternal existence is a common theme, as Ketu wants to escape its body. Louis de Pointe du Lac is the best character as example of rejecting one's own nature and wanting to cease to exist.
Mula Sun Brad Pitt
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nodals being so emo jfc
notes: colin farrell's birthtime accuracy is botched, he's definitely a mula ascendant. tom hiddleston stays a possible ashwini moon until he's not (until his birthtime is available and accurate).
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naisaspalace · 3 months
Personal Nakshatras observation series:
obs: this series will have multiple sources from random websites to authors/professors that contributed to the creation of this "Article". my opinions are not the ultimate truth and everyone has a different understanding of the same topic. my purpose is to spread my interpretations to help people. contact info will be available at the end of the post.
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Nakshatra Characteristics:
6.40 –20 degrees in Gemini.
Meaning: the star of sorrows.
Translation:  "The Moist One", "Fresh", "Green"
Deity: Rudra. (one of Shiva's manifestations)
this nakshatra story starts on the Rohini where Brahma (the creator) wanted to have an intimate relationship with his daughter, Rohini, so in the following constellation, mrigashira, Rohini turned herself into a deer to run from Brahma and he also became a deer to chase her and shiva became so furious that he opened his third eye in anger and from that a powerful spark emerged and transformed into Rudra and he cut off brahmas head to save Rohini.
this action shows the empathy and protective nature of Ardra.
ruler: Rahu. (north node)
element: water
guna: tamasic
dosha: vata
tree: Long Pepper or Krishna Kamal Flower (karimaram)
symbols: teardrop, diamond, and a human head.
yoni: female dog.
star: Belteguese
mode: balanced.
goal: kama (pleasure, desires, fulfillment)
Body parts: Top and Back of Head & Eyes.
Sex/Gender: Female.
Upward Facing.
Direction: West (or southeast). Color: Green. (mercury gemini)
Disposition:  Sharp and Forceful (Tikshna)
Chakra:vishuddha (throat chakra)
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story interpretation:
Ardra nakshatra is the first rahu-ruled nakshatra of three and it comes after mrigashira, ruled by Mars, the previous constellation talked about a mind that was constantly chasing something that most of the time ended up being things that would bring a sense of temporal satisfaction. Those people are those who usually are lost trying to search for something to satisfy themselves and after they are satisfied they simply go out searching for the next thing.
But things change when they arrive at Ardra, here is the first time the mind starts to wonder about what the mind storms and turbulences mean, and this time they actually are focused on getting to the end of the search that usually started at mrigashira, by dissecting the problem and arriving at the end goal fiercely like Rudra.
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The star of sorrows
The nature balances the universe with its constructive and destructive abilities. water creates lives and also ends lives by hydrating and drowning and by striking lightning to end the bad and damaged environment that can eventually become powerfully strong as a diamond or cause mass destruction. This is how Ardra's energy manifests itself they bring a storm that transforms us either for good or bad, you are the one who decides who you face this.
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pop culture manifestation
effy stonem (drug abuse, destruction, illusion)
Kaya Scodelario has moon-ketu (conjunction) at Ardra and she played Effy a troubled teen who started to drink and use drugs to cope with her emotions and ended up bringing destruction to herself and the people around her.
she was often seen as this sexy attractive woman and she used a lot of her seduction to cause chaos among the men
the illusion of drugs that make you feel like the mind is now pacified
she loved chaos so much that she chased it constantly or at least thought she loved it.
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a beautiful young woman having fun you might wonder what is wrong with that? effy grew up around an unstable family and this led her to idealize the use of substances to escape herself to a point where she would constantly run away and record vlogs asking her mom to find her and nurture her.
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ardra is the first rahu constellation, also called as the “birth of rahu” or his “infant state” alongside rahu it comes with the birth of the intellectual mind ardra is also called the star of sorrows and the symbol is a teardrop
effy represents a state of disorganized destruction and the consequences of self-neglect created by Maya, illusions, where one fails to find the strength to leave their storms and continues to feed their infinite hunger for emotional satisfaction and the inability to face reality as it is
the storms come to us but they don't come to destroy us they are here for us to thrive above to raise the heavens, just like Rudra throwing his arrow to the sky.
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"Rudra is known as the divine archer, who shoots arrows of death and disease and who has to be implored not to slay or injure in his wrath"
Effy ended up with a psychotic depression. She attempts suicide but Freddie (her boyfriend), foreseeing this, saves her and she is taken to the hospital and later, institutionalized. Eventually, she lost her memory because the doctor used strong medication and he also manipulated effy into breaking up with her boyfriend and attempted to make her fall in love with him and murder her boyfriend.
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to me, this is where the actress ketu comes into play, as you know ketu represents detachment and liberation and she finally achieved her freedom by losing her memory even if it was momentarily she finds a few moments of peace.
three years after this whole situation she moves to another place but we find her, she seems to be better but she ends up being arrested at the end of the series for being framed by her boss, he frames his fraud crimes into her. Eventually, she told his superiors and he got arrested as well
refusing to heal her past traumas, ketu, she ends up being followed by outside storms that mirrored her mental state; The star of sorrow indeed.
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Taylor Swift (profit, high goals and achievement, superation, philosophy, and fame).
taylor is a pop singer and writer who started her career at young age when she was discovered by a executive of a record label and became a famous celebrity later on.
revenge, pain, mental disturbance.
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(The snake is one of the rahu's symbols, hes the head of the snake represents the mental part)
she became successful due to her telling her heartbreak stories on her music, specifically her ex-relationships, her sorrows became her brand and she is often described as a revengeful person because if you mess with her she will just write a song and win millions with all of this chaotic mess.
Taylor has ardra moon-jupiter and her birth time is not confirmed some will say she is a sideral scorpio rising and others will say she is a Sagittarius, I personally agree with both but for the sake of this interpretation, I will ignore the house where this conjunction falls and give a general interpretation.
moon grants taylor the emotional unbalancing experience and jupiter grants her the wisdom to work with multiple music genres and the writing ability. We all know that jupiter amplifies whatever he touches and this granted taylor her huge popularity and success and guaranteed that she would be able to rise above all of the chaos she faced during her career. Taylor also knows how to play some musical instruments and when she began her career she also had some acting jobs.
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“Patience in the times of conflict, Humbleness in the time of success, Cleverness of tongue in company, Attack in battle, Wish during fame, Addiction in weaponry – These 6 virtues are in-built and can only be seen in the brave man. Whoever houses these virtues becomes a great soul. Thus, the one who wants to succeed and become greater than he is shall house all 6 of these virtues.)” ― HEM RAJ JAT, RUDRA: The Name of Destroyer
taylor symbolizes the high ambition and dreams of the ardra native, the amount of chaos she passed not only made her strong but she managed to won again and again jupiter guaranteed her success and the ardra moon gave her the ambition drive to achieve it all.
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rahu is highly ambitious and material-obsessed/attached and taylor shows this attribute by never stopping working on her career, she is one of the few artists who did not have a pause during her musical career and during the pandemic she not only announced two new upcoming albums with new and expensive merchandise
the world was in a pandemic state yet Ms. Taylor didn't lose the opportunity to make millions she broke records and became even stronger. rahu is also the significator of social media and taylor is highly influential there.
her gigantic success overshadows her character flaws and she also managed to create this persona, illusion, of ultimate good and moralistic character. this is once again due to rahu being a good manipulator and liar.
don't be mistaken I was once a huge fan of hers but this is an analysis and I cannot act blind towards her motives and actions, she is talented and manages to earn her success and she has good and bad actions just like all of us but we shouldn't be blind towards Rahu, right?
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overall she behaves like a good agent of maya making fame seem delicious, fun, and worth having. to me, her story is of superation, hard work, and good writing with philosophical intellectual exploration on her folklore and evermore albums and just like effy sorrows seem to follow her around.
Daenerys Targaryen ( illusions, transformation, strength, fantasy and victory)
Emilia Clarke is a famous actress most known by her role as Daenerys Targaryen and she have a possible ardra moon
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daenerys had a hard life and she was dependent on her abusive older brother, Viserys, and was forced to marry Dothraki horselord Khal Drogo in exchange for Viserys' army to reclaim the Iron Throne in Westeros. she becomes the khaleesi and with this new title, she also gained three petrified dragons as a wedding gift.
a little time has passed and pregnant Daenerys loses her husband and child, but blood magic allows Daenerys to hatch three of her dragon eggs. The dragons provide her with a tactical advantage and prestige.
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Oftentimes serpents were described as dragons and magic is also another significator of rahu.
she managed to conquer the seven kingdoms and became the queen after many years of pain and trial she won with fierce and ultimately strength
Daenerys finds her inner strength and courage and emerges as a natural leader adored by her people. She is often described as honorable and compassionate, if somewhat naive, although she can be harsh and vengeful against those who seek to harm her or her followers.
here ardra manifests as a warrior whos strength and ambition led her to the ultimate goal the throne that she had lost and was willing to fight until she won.
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Don't forget that also took revenge and created destruction all around yet shes a manifestation of a fearless warrior determined to eliminate the opposition without hesitation, just like rudra.
however she had a sad ending, she was betrayed and killed by her lover Jon who was also another candidate for the throne, she found out near the end of the show, after she became mad like her ancestors
the mad queen was dead but her legacy and story lived on to show how great one can become by using the right methods and having a good character one is also capable of greatness but just like all of the ladies before the sorrows followed her into her death.
okay being serious the last season was awful and neither her nor Jon had a proper ending we didn't get the chance to see her becoming mad like her father and her character was destroyed yet her story was awesome i dreamed of jon having the throne and i hated the forced sibling rushed romance and I've loved jon i am a sucker for the forced to become a hero trope fight me ... she was doomed to fall because of the prophecy and she did but she didn't enjoy the throne and deserved better.
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End of the first part of ardra analyses.
this was my first post analysis so please be kind and i did my best to be impartial because i do enjoy taylor's work and the other two characters are good! i did not intended to throw hate at any these women i just did my personal observation using the constellation behaviour i hope i was able to spread some knowledge and also to help those who desire to learn.
please share your thoughts and if you want to recommend a theme for me to talk about feel free to do so.
and my reading services are open.
contact info.
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divinatorydoll · 1 year
ardras and crying as a remedy:💧
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ardra, the sixth nakshatra, is symbolized by a teardrop and governed by the deity rudra. last week, i made a thread about how crying is good planetary remediation for anyone with ardra placements because of these associations !!
sidereal degrees: 6°40’ - 20°0’ gemini
tropical degrees: 0°31’ - 13°51’ cancer
planetary remediation is the practice of doing specific things to improve the function of the planets in your chart. if you have a planet in ardra, let yourself cry even if other people think it’s stupid
personally i have an ardra jupiter — with jupiter’s connection to film and acting, i like to let myself cry to movies, shows, etc. because the release feels good !!
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my thread was inspired by this wonderful post from @siderealsnake, who talks about rudra’s rulership over ardra and how crying pleases him as a divine healer. as she says here, rudra possesses 1000 remedies and crying is one of them
the sun: while laughing, receiving praise or achievement
the moon: with family, during moments of vulnerability, before sleeping
mercury: while journaling, driving, reading, or studying
venus: while singing, dancing, creating art or music
mars: while working out, playing sports, during arguments, or when excited
jupiter: during movies or shows, while praying or giving offerings
saturn: with the elderly or authority figures, during funeral services
(what is planetary remediation ?)
book a reading !!
my linktree
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lychee-angelica · 2 years
moon through the nakshatras p1  ੈ༺
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♡ these are just my personal observations and opinions, so don’t take them too seriously! ♡
moon in vedic astrology signifies the person’s mind and their emotions. it also symbolises their home and mother. what follows is a description of fundamental characteristics of the native. although can be interpreted as traits of their mother and home environment as well.
+ some nakshtras are split into two signs, whatever sign moon is placed will effect nature of moon. i do provide a brief description of the distinctions for the dual signed nakshatras.
art source ♡
♡ moon in ashwini (0° - 13.20°) aries
(symbol: horse head), (lord: ketu) ~ "born of a horse"
the horse relates to the ashwini kumaras, horse headed twin healers. these people possess great ability to heal one’s own body and health and that of others. they have an innocent and youthful nature. go-getter attitudes, driven toward achievement, energetic mind, attracted towards occult/ spirituality. born healers.
♡ moon in bharani (13.20° - 26.40°) aries
(symbol: yoni), (lord: venus) ~ "the woman who bears"
the yoni represents ferility and sexuality, this makes bharani moon sexually inclined. these people are deep thinkers, attracted towards research of hidden knowledge/ occult. also posses unstable minds & emotions. intense mind and emotions.
♡ moon in krittika  (26.40° - 10°) aries - taurus
(symbol: knife), (lord: sun) ~ "the cutter"
as krittika represents a knife these people have sharp minds. they are critical, perfectionist, analytical. calculative mind, strong in mental focus. these people take on authoritarian or administrative roles naturally so. in aries they are ambitious people, in taurus they are concerned with their material possessions and security. 
♡ moon in rohini  (10° - 23.20°) taurus
(symbol: chariot), (lord: moon) ~ "reddish one"
rohini means the reddish one, like red blushing cheeks, relating to their sensual and sexual natures. rohini moons have are calm minds. they are creative and tend to be good in buisness. afraid of instability, jealous in love. fond of luxury, beauty and material possessions. 
♡ moon in mrigasira (23.20° - 6.40°) taurus - gemini
(symbol: deer head), (lord: mars) ~ "deer’s head"
deer symbolises mrigasira, bestowing the nature of curiosity to the native. research oriented, fond of instigation, possibly buisness minded, stalking nature, can also have sexual inclinations. in taurus these people are inclined toward material pursuits and have mental stability. whereas, in gemini they have less mental stability.
♡ moon in ardra (6.40° - 20°) gemini
(symbol: tear drop), (lord: rahu) ~ "the moist one"
the tear drop relates to crying due to the destruction and chaos of ardra. these people have a chaotic mind. unstable mind and emotions. confusion is present as the mind is seemingly submerged within the illusion/ smoke of rahu (ardra planetary lord). intelligent and attracted toward things related to technology.
clear direction in life/ decisions is essential for ardra moon natives.
♡ moon in punarvasu (20° - 3.20°) gemini - cancer
(symbol: bow and arrows), (lord: jupiter) ~ "return of the light”
 the return of light after the chaos of ardra represents return to one’s righteous path. these people are caring and perceptive and supportive toward other’s emotions and needs. they are intelligent and reasonable people with great imaginations. driven towards achieving their goals. in cancer they nourish and care for others. in gemini, they act more so as teachers or counsellors. 
♡ moon in pushya (3.20° - 16.40°) cancer
(symbol: cow udder), (lord: saturn) ~ "to nourish and nurture”
the cow udder symbolises nourishment. they are caring and soft hearted individuals. they may take on the burden of responsibility for supporting others. they have pure hearts and are protective over their loved ones. 
♡ moon in ashlesha (16.40° - 30°) cancer
(symbol: coiled serpent), (lord: mercury) ~ “entwining”
the coiled serpent represents the mystifying and sharp gaze of these people. they are highly attuned to their senses and so possess psychic abilities. inclination towards spirituality. hardworking and ambitious people who would do well in business. on the negative aspects they can be cold and manipulative.
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duskyvenus · 7 months
hello!! id love to participate in your recent big three moodboard game. my initials are h.o.y., and i am a jyeshta (scorpio) sun, ardra (gemini) rising, and anuradha (scorpio) moon. thank you so much and congrats on your followers!! ❤️❤️
Heyy!! Thank you for your kind words 😊
Here's your moodboard:
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h.o.y.✧ ˚. 🎀
Jyeshtha (Scorpio) Sun
Anuradha (Scorpio) Moon
Ardra (Gemini) Rising
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azure-cherie · 2 years
Nakshatras as gifs part 1 😈
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sunisglowing · 2 years
What changes are you manifesting in your life?-PAC
NEW MOON IN ARDRA (SIDEREAL GEMINI)- destruction ,release, renewal, transformation
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what's being released
what's transformation
what's being destroyed
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You are leaving someone loyal and comforting from the past. Maybe this is someone from your childhood or with whom you grew up with. Maybe its a dog or a pet. This feels like a childhood or teenage friend. Maybe you are moving to college or step up to do something more independently, leaving your comfort zone. This feels like home. Maybe its that you are completing your graduation abd now you will have to leave your college friends, or something like that. This isn't someone toxic at all i see. This someone has been loyal to you! But it's time to leave.
What's transforming is your mental health and worries. If leaving this person or people has been making you anxious and worried, know that you will be just fine and happy!! The SUN card came out!! You WILL BE HAPPY! Don't worry!!💙
What's being destroyed is your heartache. See i told you, you will be happy! You just have to be patient with yourself and give yourself the time and space to move on! Also your childlike and immature attitude is being destroyed. Not that you won't be having fun! But what I see is that you are adulting and growing up! Getting more mature in a way that stuff like moving on from your comfort zone will bring you more wisdom and growth!!
I hope you have a fruitful New Moon Pile 1!!🦋
Pile 2
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I think you may have been in that nurturer receptive role for a very long time. You might have been all out there for other people, putting all your energy towards others and that's what is being released this New Moon. If you are a parent, you will be taking time off for some yourself. If you work in an healthcare field, it's time to take a break.
What's transforming is that you will pull your focus from others to YOURSELF. Go and run after YOUR dreams and wishes. You will be in that go getter energy. Some of you might be traveling by plain. Others of you will be doing something that's fast paced and spontaneous. Something thrilling and exiting. Pursue what you have been hoping and desiring for a very long time.
What's being destroyed is the feeling of boredom and dissatisfaction which makes so much sense. Maybe you have so much around but still you were not much satisfied because you had other things you desired and aimed for. And you will be pursuing that!! Which is great!!
I hope you have a fruitful New Moon Pile 2!!🦋
Pile 3
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Your guards and competitiveness with others is being released. Your enemies, challenges and obstacles are being released. Your hyper independence and your mindset of doing it all by yourself is being released. You will not always have to be tough on the outside. Some kind of resistance that you may have been showing or seeing from others is being released. But mostly i sense this energy from you.
What's transforming is that your ability to ask for help and accept help will improve. You don't have to do it all by yourself. You will recieve help financially. There will be an healthy give and take in your relationships. And you will recieve the help you need. It is healthy to depend on others sometimes.
Your old friendships and relationships that were not appreciating your efforts are ending. You releasing your tendency to keep everyone together and rather just going by yourself, doing your own thing, not caring whatever you kept holding tears apart! I love it and I'm rooting for you idc what you think!!😘
I hope you have a fruitful New Moon Pile 3!!🦋
Pile 4
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What's being released is the reckless and risky nature you possess. Look, I'm the first one who will stand up for thrill and drive if you ask but your fire needs some direction. You are releasing your acceleration fast paced mode. While for the others of you, you are releasing your creations. Maybe you might have been doubting yourself and your abilities a lot. You will never know the outcome if you don't put out your story and creativity. Release the doubt.
You transforming old habits like doing things recklessly, the ways in which your pursue your goals, your actions. You are learning the value of discipline and consistency. You are becoming more resilient. You are taking planned action. Your social circle is also transforming. You are leaving people that don't serve you.
Again that recklessness and impatience is being destroyed. You becoming more grounded and faithful. You are giving your fire a direction to move towards. Anything thay you weren't passionate about is being removed or you should do that. You have a choice to make.
I hope you have a fruitful New Moon Pile 4!!🦋
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Hi! I would like to know more about my vedic astrology placements
Purva phalguni asc
Ardra sun
Mrigashirsha moon
Idk if you are gonna do it but thank you already ❤️❤️❤️
Hello there!
Where's your Venus?
Ascendant lord is in a Rahu ruled nakshatra. Affinity for dogs. Where is rahu placed?
Mrigashira : clueless, constantly misplacing things, deer trails, redoing things? Hesitant.
Perfume. Hammock. Lazy summed. Outdoorsy but casual. Risky adventures when travelling. Aries 9th house. Start courses.
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marsprincess889 · 2 months
Basic themes of nakshatras
May edit this later, this is as far as I understand and have observed them, and I think it's pretty nice to see them simply.
Newness, freshness, the unmanifest, speed, energy, vitality, instinct, healing, fast healing, unlimited energy, self-expression, selfishness, blocking outside noise, trusting yourself, self-empowerment, unfiltered actions.
Things that remind me of Ashwini: bees, the sun, horses, two white horses, golden deserts, horses gallopping, honey, long hair flying in the wind, apples.
Love, death, sex, the female, the feminine, limitations, the material, fate, destiny, coming into the body, struggling against limitations, struggling against fate, mind trapped in its own hell because of the inevitable, dealing with the harshness of life, harshness of mothers and mother nature, the hierarchy, privileges and deprivations, desire, going after your true desire, the immortality of the soul, adapting to changes, passion, tragic love, bravery, facing the truth, choicelessness, nessecity, revenge, violence, gatekeeping, reduction, denial of access, conquering your fate, everlasting beauty.
Things that remind me of Bharani: hot pink and black, darkness, roses, the yoni, gateways, keyholes, caverns, boats, rivers, the damsel in distress, fantasy, high fantasy.
Adam, the main character, naming things, language, rationality, precision, sharpness, criticism, the poet, the "it" person, simplicity, cleanliness, expressing oneself, selectivity, the heat, the knowledge, the light, masculine ideals, stoicism.
Things that remind me of Krittika: knives, razors, lighers, sparks, fire, hearth, cooking.
Eve, sugar babies, growth, receptivity, enjoyment, pleasure, unrefined, doted on, subconcious, absorbtion, sharing, union, creation, the youngest daughter, naivete, feeling no shame.
Things that remind me of Rohini: sugar, stickiness, sweetness, heaviness, red, pink, flowers, the A.I(lol).
Distraction, realization, fickleness, adventure, running away, chasing, the hunt, excitement, softness, pleasure, altering conciousness, magic substances(iykwim), curiosity, fulfillment, insatiability, teasing.
Things that remind me of Mrigashira: silver threads, deer, green forests, green and blue, running in the woods, alcohol, the moon, Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream".
Disillusion, crying, lamenting, awareness of others, awarness of other's expectations, hyper-awarness of everything, intellect, the rational mind, pressures from society, rebelling against society, anxiety.
Things that remind me of Ardra: tears, water, storms, technology, teenage angst, emo culture, the rain, sad songs, dogs.
Mercy, forgiveness, permission, freedom, flying, expansion, gentleness, regrowing, realigning, returning, home, unconditional love and nurture, celebration, peace, peacefulness, centering oneself, sunlight, warmth, fostering, taking care, being taken care of, luck, unlimited fertile space, shelter, genuine kindness, believing in humanity again, cycles, patterns, seeing the cycles and the patterns, predicting future, openness, second (and third, fouth...) chances, a comeback.
Things that remind me of Punarvasu: staying at home, pets, plants, cats, gentle rain, a bow and arrows, a target.
Asceticism, routines, self-restraint, servitude, control, self-control, working, working on yourself, patience, simplicity, striving for perfection, nurturing, nourishment, quiet ambition, symmetry.
Things that remind me of Pushya: milk, milkmaids, country life, milking, symmetry, goats, sheep, agriculture.
Manipulation, abuse, poison, emotional abuse, blackmail, resorting to everything for safety, protection, pent up energy, the nervous system, purity, water, sensitivity, cleanliness, energetic build-up, tension, restraint, preservation, self-preservation, virginity, feminine tactics, being "mean" for protection, lying for safety, sensuality, mother issues, agitation.
Things that remind me of Ashlesha: the color white, transparent things, cats, poisoning, snow white, Sofia Coppola films, teenage girlhood, ties, strings, knots, snakes.
Royalty, power, ancestry, family trees, history, the past, regality, honoring the past, honoring the elders, honoring the authority, religion, traditions, customs, confidence, ego.
Things that remind me of Magha: crowns, thrones, churches, goth culture, the smoke, big hair(like the lion's mane).
Purva Phalguni:
Pleasure, enjoyment, being spoiled as the feminine, loving to spoil as the masculine, procreation, sex, leisure, art, holidays, parties, exclusivity, pride, charisma, sexual dispersion, love as a method of self-expression, admiration, directness, active pursuit of your passions, indulgence.
Things that remind me of Purva Phalguni: fruits, eating fruits topless, rose gold color, the "rizz"(lol), the phallus, dramaticism.
Uttara Phalguni:
Favors from friends, family and partners, contracts, beneficial agreements, the perfect wife, likeability, popularity, friendliness, appearing cool, stoicism, beneficial arrangements, gaining power through partnerships, self-expression through relationships.
Things that remind me of Uttara Phalguni: the "chads", simplicity, genuine friends, loyal companions, the perfect male stereotype, the "rich heiress running away" trope.
The earth, the veiled feminine, manipulation, denial of access, materialism, cheating, everyday matters, empowerment of women, deception, skill, seeking knowledge, wanting to be in control, activism, street-smarts, manipulation of masses.
Things that remind me of Hasta: the hand, Goddess Persephone, skilled hands, thieves, easy money, fairies, witches, scammers.
Crafting, building, perspective, truth, law, gems, sacrifice for your craft, vanity, stereotypes, aesthetics, the truth in stereotypes, building based on the law and the truth, the surface of things, the appearance of things, the substance reflected in the vessel, gossip, cliques.
Things that remind me of Chitra: the god Hephestos, martian gods in general, jewelry, fashion, make-up, drama, pettiness, the coquette aesthetic, pranksters, Olivia Rodrigo(ig).
Space, the cosmos, shifting realities, love, rebellion, alternate realities, possibilities, seeing beauty in everything, inspiration, art, the cosmic egg, creation of the world, creation of worlds, microcosm and macrocosm, freedom through love.
Things that remind me of Swati: video games, the wind, plants beggining to sprout, the sword, technology.
The lightning, snapping, splitting, joining opposites, compromise, marriage, repressed anger, repressed aggression, alter egos, passion, enthusiasm, standing up for yourself and others, repression and then expression, energy, love and hate.
Things that remind me of Vishakha: lighning bolts, Zeus, Thor and other lighning gods, superhero "Shazam", celebrations.
Friendship, devotion, depth, loyalty, unconditional loyalty, bonds, the occult, sex with love, numbers, gatherings, friend groups, groups, gentleness, humbleness, discipline, seriousness, organizing society, social groups.
Things that remind me of Anuradha: the color burgundy, dim lights, bunnies, "Sex Education" (tv show), sci-fi (for some reason), "The Vampire Diaries" (and very similar teen shows), frat boys, cheerleaders.
The battlefield, war, hunger, thirst, insatiability, conquering, the underdog, street-smarts, competition, strategy, extreme independence, mind games, the art of war, survival, ruling, rising above, self-reliance, wisdom, becoming the authority, the eldest, dryness, trust issues, enemies, destroying enemies, outsmarting all enemies.
Things that remind me of Jyeshta: grandmothers, owls, eagles, dry places, flags, marching, chess.
Horror, the abnormal, the truth, the core, the center, the absorbing darkness, the black hole, the roots, violence against falsehoods, seeking the truth, seeking the cause, seeking roots, uprooting, chaos, from chaos to order, the unchanging truth, taming beasts, holding to your truth.
Things that remind me of Mula: "Phanton of the Opera", "Twilight", final girls, horror movies, dark murky green, the wilderness.
Purva Ashadha:
Art, beauty, alliances, artistry, ideals, fighting for the ideal, discrimination, exclusivity, philosophies about beauty and art, passion for love and art, attachments, secrecy, luxury, vitality, vigor, going for victory.
Things that remind me of Purva Ashadha: the sea, seafoam, goddess Aphrodite, seashells, mermaids, sirens, fans (the ones you hold in your hand lol), Arwen from LotR.
Uttara Ashadha:
Victory, loneliness, individuality, government, empowerment, independence, being looked up to, composed self-expression, ease, simplicity but regality, confidence, self-assuredness, melancholy and hardships of aloneness but contentment, stoicism, invincibility, unapologetic behavior.
Things that remind me of Uttara Ashadha: earnest people, goddess Nike, mint color for some reason.
Connecting everything, secret knowledge, interest in everything, reading between the lines, subconcious access, extreme sensitivity, holding the humanity together, secret agencies, percieving what others can't percieve, saving humanity, navigating, receptivity, mysticism.
Things that remind me of Shravana: Superman, Geralt of Rivia, Aragorn, King arthur, pathways, footprints, ear, color blue, spies, astrology, outcasts, fringe societies.
Celebration, celebrities, fame, visibility, aggression, agitation, action, bringing people together, idols, propaganda, wealth from fame, that which attracts attention, public image, benefits and downsides of fame, openness and flashiness, branding.
Things that remind me of Dhanishta: supermodels, Princess Diana, dancing, rhythmic drums.
Complexities, seeing everything, lurking in shadows, holding the knowledge, secrets, secrecy, hiding, technology, innovation, being ahead of your time, advising but manipulating, society, the collective, trends, the conciousness of masses.
Things that remind me of Shatabhisha: midnight sky, stars, the seas, water reservoirs, the circle, the all-seeing eye of Sauron(lol), Lord of the Rings, rings, the movie "Stardust" (the book too).
Purva Bhadrapada:
Notoriety, expansion, uncontrolled expansion, persmissiveness, growth to ruin unless restrained, fighting for your soul, the scapegoat, going against society, getting tested, the point of no return.
Things that remind me of Purva Bhadrapada: gangs, famous criminals, laziness, femme fatales, the grotesque, deserts, werewolves, the black sheep.
Uttara Bhadrapada:
Finding grace, hardships, working, inner strength, steeliness, resilience, patience, restraint, contol, self-restraint and self-control, bravery, honesty, stubbornness, fighting for your truth, perfect control, freedom through limitations, seeking a permanent foundation built on truth, working for the foundation, long-term goals, innocence, purity of soul, stillness, refinement.
Things that remind me of Uttara Bhadrapada: butterflies, clouds, baby blue color, Cinderella, warriors, knights, ice, coldness, queens, ice-queen, dragons, water dragons, deep waters, deep sea and its creatures.
Ultimate freedom, creativity, wisdom, gentleness, compassion, guiding, herding, fun, laughter, mischief, lightnness, ease, finding peace, reaching the end, enjoying what you have, contentment, nurturing, open-mindedness, conclusions, gratefulness, freedom and free will, having choices, diversity, finding the truth, true wealth.
Things that remind me of Revati: shepherds, everything easy and light, the tricksters, the fool, jokes, Loki, The Joker, fish, comedy, the movie "A Fish Called Wanda", caring for everyone and everything.
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venussaidso · 1 year
Saturn nakshatra women with Rahu/Moon nakshatra men
(shit was made by incels btw)
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(literally water sign women with air/earth sign men if you wanna be precise because those are literally the elements in this dynamic).
This is a funny stereotype.
"Saturnian women's cool queenly strength can have an emasculating effect on many men, just like her consort (Sun men) tend to have this effect on other male types as well." — Claire Nakti in her Uttara Bhadrapada video.
No, I don't think Saturn nakshatra women are particularly one way. But I do find it true that they are very misunderstood and can come off unapproachable/intimidating to others. Whether that's a conscious act on their part or not. For some people, they may find them out of reach or out of 'their league'. It's just the vibes Saturnian women give off, like they're inaccessible to most people.
Rahu and sometimes moon nakshatra men can be more receptive to them because they're also cold in nature. But it makes it seem like they're submissive to Saturn women when that's not actually the case. They just have less of an ego to put on this masculine front that other men put on. They love being around strong, 'colder' women because they don't like women feeding off of them or women who are dependent on them or incompetent. These men admire Saturn nakshatra women for their strength, competence and even their demanding nature that can be off putting to other men. Saturnian women's standards can make other men feel insecure in general, but Rahu men can find this very admirable as they have a similar mindset towards life (especially Swati). I think the same can apply to Mercury nakshatra men. And sometimes Venus.
I do think that Solar nakshatra men would feel incompetent or useless around Saturnian nakshatra women because Saturnian women are very self efficient and have high standards. Saturn nakshatra women are not impressed by the casual nature that Sun nakshatra men have, and Sun nakshatra men can feel like he can't keep up with her. Jupiter nakshatra men can also feel this way.
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naisaspalace · 2 months
Personal Nakshatras observations series: MULA NAKSHATRA part 1
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nakshatra characteristics:
Translation: The root Symbol: A tied bunch of roots or elephant goad yoni: A male dog Presiding Deity: Kali or/and Niritti. Ruling Planet: Ketu Ruling Deity of the Planet: Ganesha Body parts: Feet & Left side of trunk. Nature: Rakshasa (demon) Mode: Active Number 19 Gender: Neuter or male (depending on the source) Dosha: Vata Guna: Tamasic Element: Air Disposition: Sharp and dreadful Bird: Red Vulture. Trimurti: Brahma/Creation. Direction: North Motivation/Goal: Kama. Downward Facing.
"The root star, origin star, foundation star"
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Power to ruin, destroy, scatter things.
small overview of the nakshatra:
So Mula is the nakshatra that is opposite ardra and naturally, it's going to deal with opposite themes or at least is going to deal with the same matter but using another tactic
this time mula instead of simply cutting the problem right away now we are going to see an individual who will find the truth by digging into it.. digging into the roots to find the source of the problem.
mula its the "matured" state of ketu contrary to ardra which is the infant or initial manifestation of rahu
mula can be just as chaotic as ardra or even worse because this time there's not head only the body, ketu, and the challenge now it is to cut off only the part of the root that is sick or bringing problems.
this time instead of cutting the problem straight away we will go on a journey to see what happens when you decide to go after to eliminate the root of the problem and its consequences.
i also highly recommend that you check my previous post, that i will link on the end of this post, to be able to get a better understanding of the matter.
Pop culture mula representations:
Gerard Way (depression, singer and songwriter, fame, and art)
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Gerard Way is a famous 00s punk rock vocalist of a band called My Chemical Romance. he has mula moon with mercury Bharani conjucted ketu Ashwini and just by looking at his placements we can already see that he has huge ketu energy on his chart.
He is a Taurus rising with mercury-ketu on his 12th, exalted rx venus on his 11th with the sun. The 12th house is the house of liberation, salvation, losses, and things that are hidden from us and the 11th is the house of earned gains and social networking.
(i use astroseek to see the carts so i believe that might be some differences although i don't think his nakshatras change regardless)
I am going to discuss the lyrics of his albums that, according to him, are very personal.
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his second band album was launched in 2004 and it is called "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge"
okay lets just start by looking at the cover because i just found out that i was inspired by "bonnie and clydes kiss" and i just checked and clyde, just like Gerard, he have exalted venus (but gerard have retrograde venus and its at revati and clydes is at purva bdp),and they have their lagnas on the same nakshatra the difference is that g's is at taurus mrigashira and clydes at gemini
meaning that sad mula emo boy took inspiration on a couple of murders to make his band's debut album and to be even more coincidental is the fact that he have strong synastry with the man meaning that
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"In the drawing, you can see a small white heart on the male character's forehead. It is the only spot on his bleeding forehead, as it represents the couple's bulletproof love."
and on this album there's a music dedicated to his dead grandmother, called Helena.
I will not elaborate further on this album because the focus of my analysis will be on the second album of the band, but this first observation is here to show that Gerard's way of dealing with his pain, alongside drug use, was to write songs.
my main focus will be in the bands second album, where through the lyrics, we can see his mother's issues, his fear of abandonment, and more of his personality.
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the third band's album is called "the black parade" and the band recorded this album in a haunted abandoned house where the members lived for a while only to be able to record the album. The members spent 2 months inside a haunted mansion isolated and said to have experienced supernatural stuff.
It is a rock opera and concept album centered on a dying man with cancer known as "The Patient". The album tells the story of his apparent death, experiences in the afterlife, and subsequent reflections on his life.
in short, the man died and saw his life in the form of a parade, hence it was called the black parade, it was a place where he reflected on his life choices after arriving at the afterlife.
now lets go over the album songs in a quick overview to see the story (the tracks are listed according to the order.)
"The Black Parade" focuses on the journey of a man known as "The Patient", diagnosed with cancer, as he reflects on his life and impending death. The album begins with "The End", where The Patient prepares for his funeral without expecting much mourning. In "Dead", he faces the reality of his imminent death and regrets not living his life fully. In "This Is How I Disappear", he realizes he will be forgotten and faces the consequences of his actions. "The Sharpest Lives" explores his toxic behavior and substance abuse after his lover leaves him. In Welcome to the Black Parade, The Patient recalls his father's advice to help others. In I Don't Love You, he breaks up out of self-hatred. House of Wolves sees him mocking fake faith. Cancer shows his fear of being remembered at his worst. Mama reflects on a mother's love despite her son's actions. The Patient learns that his family's love remains, like the mother's in the story. The Patient in "Sleep" faces internal turmoil and regrets, viewing himself as a monster unworthy of sympathy. Memories of his heinous acts torment him in death. The theme of disconnection from society, as portrayed by teenagers, reflects his warped perspective. "Disenchanted" portrays his wasted life and fear of death. In "Famous Last Words," The Patient finds hope for a second chance at life with his lover after facing his fear of death.
(I got this explanation from Reddit. tumblr didn't allow me to post the full explanation so please go to the post and read for yourself to see the detailed version.) (the explanation will use the detailed version of the track story explanation.)
in my personal opinion, Gerard was just as personal on this opera as he was on the song about his grandmother. This time we got to see mula's form of trying to fix the problems that disturb an individual's mind.
the lyrics feel way to personal, especially knowing that mulas tend to have mother issues, as we can see on the track mama where the dying man is begging for his mother for help and he feels desperate and looking for love and care, following the "welcome to the black parade" track where the man is remembering the words of his father and that to me portrays his rising ruler, Revati venus rx at 11th conjuncted his sun, the internal feeling of wanting to save people and to do good for others
In The Sharpest Lives, he says "he promises that if he has her back he will give up all of his addictions, as her light would be so bright in his world that the sun would be ashamed", the nodes are eclipsing the sun(Rahu the artificial sun) and the moon (ketu artificial moon), here I believe he meant that by facing her without the drug addiction he would be have no choice but to actually face his shadows because he uses the drugs to run from reality to run from his head demons.
he have rahu libra ruled by his rising lord, venus 11th that is conjuncted with his sun, libra = relationships, rahu fake or artificial, the artificial sun is ruled by exalted venus and pieces also deals with addictions, maybe the sun that he mentioned is the artificial sun, the one who would be ashamed, as his soul and venus are together.
everyone wonders what happens at the afterlife and no wonder he wrote this opera..... and by last the fact that he wonders through the whole album if he wasted his life away and desires to have his lost love back, again coming back to venus and union of two souls.
by he i was talking about gerard, who i truly believe mirrored himself on this punk opera as a way to express his mental tortures and transform into art. in the end the dying man and Gerard can be the same they sound the same.
differently from ardra, mula expresses his soul pains in a way more artistic to be able to find out what is wrong with him why does he feel so much pain in his life and regardless of gerard knowing or not those pains were put in his life as a test to achieve his soul liberation, something that I believe years later he find peace.
gerard said on a interview on 2022 :
-“The triumph of the human spirit over darkness was something that was kind of built into the DNA of the band from the beginning,” he explained. “The self-actualization, the triumph of the spirit and things like that, getting through really hard things. “There’s darkness in the world. And I think overcoming that darkness, that darkness externally and internally, is a beautiful thing. It’s a challenging thing, but it is beautiful if you can do that if you can kind of triumph over that. So that’s a theme that’s definitely in ‘Black Parade’, the song, and it’s in my work.”"
Billie Eilish (singer, famous star)
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Billie is a famous pop singer that has mula sun-mercury-ketu 11th, 12th shravana moon, jupiter ardra rx - rahu mrigashira 5th, with lagnaand mars at purva bdp aquarius ruled by 4th rohini saturn rx.
where we got two famous singers with big saturn (gerard have cancer saturn i forgot to mention) ketu and Jupiter Energy that they channel to create their arts, but this time is billies brother who writes for her or co-writers with her (depending on the source you use).
finneas (her brother) have jupiter rx capricorn, leo stellium (mercury, venus and rahu) , mrigashira gemini moon and saturn pisces.
billies moon conjuncts her brothers jupiter and his moon conjunct her Jupiter-rahu and his ketu conjunct her first house lagna and mars so i truly believe that they are very close to each other and can understand each others internal mental battles to me they channel together, funny because one of the symbols of gemini is the twins.
also his sun conjuncts her saturn which should bring discipline to their work.
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this time we got to see how mula operates under the umbrella of rahu, mula stellium ruled by jupiter ardra. In other words, we are going to see how, through an intellectual lens, Billie channels her inner mental torture and expresses her unique yet common emo mindset to make a career out of her pains.
she have her 10th ruler at 1st, 10th jyeshta venus ruled mars aquarius, this explains why shes very famous and why we are able to see her channelized expression of herself. 10th planets are what is exposed to the world, our reputation.
the 10th house is oposite the 4th, where the fourth house is the most private house of our chart and her chart ruler is at 4th, Rohini Saturn. Wealth is what, usually a rohini wants but its ruled by a jyeshta very public venus, venus does not like to be that public (exposed) and definitely had a hard life, two things that a rohini doesn't like at all.
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just like Gerad, Billie displays mommy issues within her artwork, alongside her social difficulty, ketu = detached and is with sun-mercury meaning having a harder time with her mind.
her debut album called "When We Fall Asleep Where Do We Go" was inspired, in part, by lucid dreaming and night terrors. again two common nodal themes. According to her, night terrors and lucid dream is what happens when you fall asleep.
the album talks about hopes and fears surronding drug addiction, heartbreak, mental health, and suicide.
even tho the themes are and can be very personal billie said that she and her brother like to write as if they were someone else, meaning that she often likes to separates herself from the artwork this mimics the relation with herself, the 5th house is the natural house of the sun, the ego, and its located at the 11th, the house of social gains.
so this time, the idea of being a separate persona makes way more sense to her instead of gerads, because she really feels detached from all of these matters, mercury 11th with ketu.
yet she have 4th saturn and its said to be the worst house for saturn, i truly believe that they (the siblings) channel their bad mental experiences that they had as a child to write her music because her 12th moon is ruled by 4th saturn, and a Capricorn moon is also said to experience mental anxiety and problems.
this time she might actually feel separated from the art but the art, once again, truly mimics the inside of our hearts.
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so as we can see in order to heal, these two mulas use their pain and transform into art and by doing this they liberate their heads from the pain and eventually, even if takes long they find some kind of peace.
in 2021, billie launched her album called "Happier Than Ever" and this time the inspiration was the covid 19.
this time billie was more, just like the rest of the world, isolated and said that the album creation felt very natural and she also mentioned that was able to feel more confident on her work.
she further adds that self-reflection was the biggest muse behind the record and she mentioned that wrote the track "male fantasy" by herself which helped her realized some unprocessed feelings she previously had.
and just like gerald, with the help of isolation came the biggest form of inspiration.
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hi thank you so much for reading until the end i hope you enjoyed and were able to learn something ;).
please feel free to request any suggestion of themes you would like me to talk about and share you personal feedback :))
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ardra nakshatra p1 analysis.
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rabiosantologia · 1 year
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MOM (4H) & DAD (9H)
SATURN IN THE HOUSES: 1H - 3H | 4H - 6H | 7H - 9H | 10H - 12H
ASHWINI (0°00' - 13°20' ARIES) — SWATI (6°40' - 20°00' LIBRA) | ASHWINI NAKSHATRA
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