#are these even the right tags to use anymore. i haven't made a video in over 2yrs and it's always a fight for my life
deadlyanddelicate · 5 months
✨ a perfect all-american bitch ✨
happy birthday to THEE all-american bitch, dean winchester!!! 💘
this vision literally came to me as soon as i listened to guts... it was a long road getting here but i'm glad i was able to get this done by the best boy's bday 🫡
[ youtube link ]
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starstruckmoony · 1 year
pairing - sirius black x fem!reader
summary - you and sirius start dating after accidentally running into each other at a concert but confirm nothing (till now), just to watch everyone lose their shit online.
trope/tags - band/celeb!au, instagram/social media!au, modern!au, fluff, terrible humour
word count - 1k
warnings - language
part 1 / part 2 / part 3
yourusername added to their story
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❤ liked by yourusername, ev.rosier, marymacdonald and 856,327 others
starmanblack shades
yourusername cigarette*
starmanblack ok duolingo
yourusername smash tbh
starmanblack not you copying my comment
yourusername i don't have the rizz it takes to come up with something original
starmanblack ain't no way you just said that
prongsyboy stop stealing people's glasses 😤
starmanblack never
vance_emm i'm like ragingly gay but you're kinda cute
starmanblack this is why you're my favourite lesbian
mmmckinnon TRAITOR
mmmckinnon it's not too late to delete this
starmanblack get out of my comment section
user828181 address the rumours sirius
user000423 run me over with your car i promise i'll pay for the damages 🙏
user999653 i'm perfect wife material, just saying
user424227 y'all realise that he's less likely to address the rumours if we keep being annoying 💀
user209996 nah fr he's gonna start hating us all
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❤ liked by starmanblack, prongsyboy, pandorasbox and 899,997 others
yourusername never would have though that my shows in dublin would be the craziest ones out of all but you guys actually delivered and i couldn't be happier! 💕 these past three nights were absolutely insane and i can't wait to be back (and i may or may not have already booked a few venues 😩) PLUS someone got proposed AND I DIDN'T EVEN SEE 😭 so if any of you beautiful people who were there have the video my dms are open for business lmao 🙏💞
tagged ev.rosier
starmanblack apparently the proposal happened right next to me 💀
starmanblack my guitar ate as always
yourusername she's even signed 😱
starmanblack slay 😝
yourusername GO TO SLEEP OMG
starmanblack say it to my face 😤
xeno_lovegood i had so much fun
yourusername i'm smiling so hard rn
pete__ sirius is a certified simp because how do you miss a proposal that's happening next to you?
mmmckinnon it's because he's both sirius and a simp petey
prongsyboy sirius doing sirius things 🤣
user552520 dunno bout y'all but i got my confirmation tonight
user843632 i'm so lonely the proposal made me cry
user439546 love me some sappy shit fr
user674848 this was un fucking real no joke
user200017 learn to read between the lines lol
starmanblack added to their story
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❤ liked by starmanblack, bellatrixieb, cissy_blck and 901,077 others
yourusername date night ⭐
starmanblack pretty dress
yourusername why thank you
starmanblack my stomach feels funny from all that wine
yourusername my precious toilet 😭
marymacdonald gorgeous!!!
yourusername i was impersonating you
ev.rosier am i about to get fired?
yourusername of course not, you're my second favourite person
starmanblack i'm first
pandorasbox my friends are all so beautiful 🥺
yourusername us hot people stick together 😌
pandorasbox ONG
user329295 sirius is so lucky
user400128 i've never been more jealous of a man
user883265 mother is mothering
user306084 THE STAR
user243123 if this is another sike istg
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❤ liked by mmmckinnon, ev.rosier, casmeadowes and 916,222 others
starmanblack platonic snog
yourusername people just don't appreciate friendships nowadays 🙄
starmanblack it's just so so sad 😣
yourusername i have better photos of us 👹
starmanblack strongly disagree
yourusername you don't wanna make this a competition
marymacdonald my mum said friends don't do that
starmanblack mama macdonald may be onto something
r.a.black affection 🤮
starmanblack i thought you unfollowed me?
r.a.black i did but i like lurking around here
starmanblack fan behaviour
rjlupin best friend things
rjlupin you were supposed to play along
user500447 you still need therapy
user432777 AIN'T NO WAY
user718710 I DIED DEAD.
user138282 are you still alive?
user907015 NO
user882446 this and platonic don't go together sirius 🙄
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❤ liked by walburgablack, cissy_blck, bellatrixieb and 933,052
yourusername pda is afraid of him
starmanblack FINE you have better photos
yourusername see? that wasn't so hard to admit!
starmanblack i actually won in life
yourusername damn right you did
starmanblack celeb_gossip losing their minds rn
yourusername the kettle is B R E W I N G 🥵🫖🤩👀😳☕😝😻
yourusername well you're the favourite child...
lily_evans kinda illegal how you're both so hot
casmeadowes i've been saying!!!
cissy_blck REG'S SISTER IN LAW 😭
bellatrixieb he's one lucky man
r.a.black lucky isn't exactly the right word but okay
user292920 swifities can't relate
user993929 narcissa is so real LMFAOOO
user032386 THAT SHOULD BE ME (idk which person i want to be more)
starmanblack added to their story
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❤ liked by cissy_blck, luciussy, bartyyy and 942,773 others
yourusername happy birthday to this idiot who i unfortunately love very much 💕
tagged starmanblack
starmanblack tragic how i love you back
yourusername absolutely
starmanblack rizz god since 12
yourusername are you still 12?
lily_evans got me tearing up over here
yourusername awwww 🥺
rjlupin you should have used that one photo where he was on the potty
rjlupin denying it would have worked yk
casmeadowes i woke up to this 💀
starmanblack good
mmmckinnon mondays.
user939355 THE CAT
user019661 i'm making this my profile picture
user763772 tell him i said happy birthday
user195666 imagine having someone say they love you so publicly ha ha ha ha ha
user244488 fuck being single fr
yourusername added to their story
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420 notes · View notes
elli3luvs · 1 year
falling in love at a coffee shop pt. 3 [ELLIE W]
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summary: watching movies with your favorite barista was never easier
genre: fluff/angst
wc: 1.9k
a/n: thank you guys for loving this! i don't feel as if im too good at telling stories but im glad you guys enjoy it hehe sorry if i missed anyone on the tags as well!!!!
part two
Who even knew video stores were still a thing? You surely didn't think they were — you were almost certain they died out in the late 2000s with the rise of streaming services. Every store around town seemed to be shuttered up. But Ellie, being the cool girl she is, somehow knows of a still operating movie store. You have to admit, putting in a DVD somehow feels cooler than pulling it up on Netflix. There was something about the sound of the DVD player that made you a little giddy. The giddiness was totally not because of the girl standing in front of you.
Totally not.
She raises her eyebrows when the tray slides back into her DVD player, "Super cool, huh? Feels... retro." She lets out a shaky breath while rubbing the back of her neck. She makes her way over to the couch — plopping down, making your body slide closer to her. Her scent fluttered over your nose. She smelled woody and like coffee.
On brand.
You still couldn't believe you were sitting in Ellie's living room. The room smelled similar to her minus the coffee smell. The room wasn't necessarily tidy but it wasn't overly dirty. There wasn't trash everywhere but random trinkets were scattered over the surfaces. There were hoodies thrown over the backs of chairs and a couple of empty water bottles on her coffee table. Lived in is what you would describe it as. There were a couple of picture frames on a mantel above her TV but the room was too dark to make out the figures. 
"I haven't watched anything on DVD in like, I don't know, years." You let out a small laugh as the home screen pulls up. It was a movie you have never heard of, but it looked similar to Star Wars. Grand music filled the room before she turned the sound down a bit. 
Ellie nods at your words, "I love it," You turn your head to look at her. There was a giddy look in her eyes you have never seen before, "Going to the video store is, like, my number one hobby."
You laugh at the ridiculousness of that statement, "What about making coffee?" 
Ellie clicks the 'Play Movie' option and a bright light flashes over her face as the commercials play before the movie. You forgot movies used to have commercials even on the home versions. 
She rolls her eyes playfully at your question, "Making coffee is my job. Even though I love it, I definitely don't want to think of it once I'm out of there."
"I get that." 
A comfortable silence falls between the two of you. It's hard not to stare at her through your peripheral. All you wanted to do was stare at her. You feel her legs pressed against yours, her legs spread a little more than yours. You take in a deep breath so you don't freak out at the contact. 
God, is this middle school? 
You shift your eyes slowly over to her figure, just wanting to take a tiny little peek. She was too pretty not to look at. It wasn't weird to look casually, right? When your eyes connect with hers, though, you rip them away while you blink rapidly. 
Shit, she was already looking? 
A pounding feeling against your chest makes it nearly impossible to focus on the now-playing movie. A spaceship rips through outer space as the main actor barks orders at his crew on the ship. Techno music plays in the background. You had no clue what was happening as a little vermin-looking creature started speaking in a made up language. 
Was she still looking? Surely she had to be focusing on the movie she chose. She looked so excited to start it. She definitely wasn't staring at you anymore.
You slowly move your eyes across the room and slightly turn your head to look at her. Your eyes connect with her green eyes once more but instead of looking away, you keep them there. You can feel your face flush under the intense gaze she has you under.
Ellie's eyes widen once she realizes you weren't going to look away. Another flash from the TV illuminates her features. You could tell that she was blushing. Neither of you looked away even as the tension built.
She was so cute.
"I can't," She starts, voice barely more than a whisper, "I can't focus on this."
You smile at her, "I definitely have no clue what is going on," Ellie smiles at your honesty, "Turn it off. We can just talk."
Ellie seems to like your suggestion as she reaches her hand out and presses the off button on the remote. She fully turns toward you. Your knees knock against each other with how close the proximity is.
Ellie rubs her hands together while a breathy laugh escapes her lips, "I guess I'll ask the question that's been burning me the most."
A laugh bubbled out of your throat, "What is this 21 questions?" Ellie joins your laughter at the realization of what she's doing, "Go ahead, I guess. I might have an answer for you."
"What's your major? And... why did you decide to come into my coffee shop that day?"
"Woah, these are... really hard-hitting questions." You sarcastically reply. Ellie pushes your shoulder lightly with a chuckle. She mutters, Shut up' before looking back at you with expectant eyes. There was a glint in her eyes.
You loved the way she looked at you.
"I'm a literature major, boring I know, and the reason I went in is that my friend dragged me there," Ellie acts fake offended at your response, "I actually hate coffee."
Ellie gawks at the last part, "You what?"
You throw up your hands in surrender, "Don't hate me. It is just so nasty to me."
"I feel as if you have just shot me. You always order something," Ellie's hand goes over her heart in a dramatic manner, "But if I'm being honest, I don't really like it either."
You shoot up from your position. Ellie may have been faking shock but this was true for you, "What do you mean? You own the coffee shop!"
Ellie copies your surrender motion, "I know. I know. The only reason I opened the shop, well became a barista in the first place, is because my dad really loves coffee," You can feel your heart melt at the kind words, "Gave us something to bond over."
"That's really cute, Ellie." You look at her with eyes gushing with love. You hoped she couldn't tell how infatuated you were becoming with her.
"I know, I'm adorable," She leans in closer as if she's about to reveal a huge secret to you, "You do realize we have other drinks than coffee, right?"
She laughs at the way your face pales and how your eyes widen, "Oh my god!"
Her laugh was perfect.
It was becoming impossible to ignore your feelings for much longer. Each moment was another reason to fall for her. She was extremely sentimental and super observant, remembering the tiny details. Ellie was the first to notice if you parted your hair a different way or did a new thing with your makeup. It made your heart soar with happiness when she remembered another tiny detail from you.
Throughout the rest of the night, you guys talked about random things on that stupid couch situated against the wall. You talked about her love of space and how she wishes she could see the stars up close at least once. You talked about your worries and fears, things you wanted to do when you grew up, and the things that make you happiest.
You got closer to her with each passing second, knocking knees turned into your legs thrown over hers. That turned into you scooting closer (almost sitting on her lap) and your head leaning against her shoulder.
You weren't sure when you fell asleep. All you knew was it was the most comfortable you felt in a while.
Burning light was what woke you up. It definitely wasn't how you wanted to wake up, much preferring the smell of food cooking. Damn those stupid curtains for being pulled back. You furrow your eyebrows at the blinding light, not yet used to the morning sun. Your hand shoots out to feel around where you were. Still on the couch but no Ellie. You blink the bleariness away from your eyes while wondering where Ellie went.
There's slight muttering coming from the kitchen, it's hushed but urgent. There she is but you can't make out what or who she is talking to. You sit up from your laying position, back aching from sleeping on the tiny couch. Your ears strain to hear the conversation.
"Wasn't really expecting... come home... random girl!" That definitely wasn't Ellie's voice. It was too high-pitched and sweet.
"...Quiet... still sleeping... been broken up... had no right." There was the voice you came to know. 
Curiosity filled your mind at the quiet talking in the kitchen. She never mentioned a roommate while talking to you last night. You fully push yourself off of the couch and creep your way to the area they were in. Ellie's back was turned from you so you got a glimpse of who she was talking to.
It was a shorter girl with black hair with an angry expression painted on her features. Her eyes landed on you and she scoffed. 
Oh shit. She was furious.
"Great," Her voice cut the tense silence, "Now she's walking around as if this is her house."
Ellie whipped around with a look that made your heart stutter. It looked as if she had been caught doing something wrong.
She gave you an apologetic look, "Cat, can you for once..." She cut herself off, reaching out to you, "Hey, listen-"
You decided to cut her off this time while stepping back, "You never told me you had a girlfriend. This changes a lot, Ellie." 
Cat scoffs again at your words. Her arms cross over her chest as she mutters, 'Good god, Ellie.' Ellie gives her a pointed look before turning back to you.
"I can fully explain this." Ellie's words are punctuated by the movement of her hands. They were shaking slightly. 
'She's just stunned that she was caught,' an evil voice in your head bounced around.
You shake your head, "No need to." You turn on your heels ready to get the hell out of the tense situation. Ellie calls your name but once you are out the front door she doesn't make any moves to run after you.
"Great," You roll your eyes trying to ignore the feeling of your heart shattering, "This is fucking great."
You couldn't wait to talk to Dina.
tags: @ellieismami, @minillie, @dankpunks, @elliesgff, @muthafuckingstargirl, @deafelliewilliams, @pinkazelma, @fairybr3ad, @me-and-your-husband, @intrnetdoll, @kyleeservopoulos
632 notes · View notes
bteezxyewriter12 · 2 months
Text Disaster
Pairing- Hobi x Named Reader
Word count- 3.2k
Includes- Oral, pussy eating, cum eating, dirty talk, cock riding, squirting, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Hobi Masterlist
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"I haven't done blonde in awhile and ARMYS liked it last time so I figured why not?", he says
I nod, smiling at him, "It's light this time though. But still looks good"
He laughs, "Thanks. It was like a neon yellow for the butter video but it washed out and I'm left with this"
"I like it a lot", I compliment, my cheeks heating up
God, I'm so fucking bad at flirting
Especially when it's Hobi
He's just so... gorgeous and he makes me nervous
Even though I've known him for a few years now
Through my best friend Namjoon
Namjoon said the guys were going to a bar to hang out tonight and asked me to come
Apparently the guys were bringing friends
Hobi and I both wanted a drink so we went to the bar together
He got his drink while I'm waiting for mine
"Your hair is pretty too", he says, looking at my purple and blue hair, "Like the braid. The colors look cool mixed like that"
I blush harder, "Thanks"
"You're welcome", he smiles, making me swoon at those dimples
I hear my drink being called out by the bartender
"I'll be right back"
He nods
We wandered a bit from the bar to give more people room to order
Squeezing between people, the bartender hands me my drink
"Thanks", I say, then take out some money and put it in the tip jar
"Thanks!", he smiles
I nod, then move out from between two guys
I look for Hobi and when I spot him, my heart deflates
Some girl dressed in super revealing skanky clothes is flirting with him
Smiling, batting her eyes, her hand on his arm as she giggles
And he smirks at her as he talks
I wasn't even gone for two minutes and he's already flirting with another girl
Not that he can't but he made it seem like he was gonna wait for me
And I'm not interrupting them
It'd just be awkward
I'm pissed
Namjoon dragged me here, hyping me up to get with Hobi tonight
Or at least talk him up
I even dressed up
Black mini skirt, red lace tank top and heels
Clothes I had to buy for tonight because I so do not wear this on a regular basis
It was all for nothing
Turning away, I walk to the other side of the bar, sit at a stool and take my phone out
I'm gonna blow up at Namjoon
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Why the fuck isn't he answering?
I clearly told him he'd get sex tonight
Normally he'd be at my side immediately
We don't sleep together a lot
Only when one of us is very stressed or angry
Just to get the feelings out
And that's all it is
But he's not answering and I'm getting more pissed
Glancing up, I'm startled when I notice Namjoon across the bar
Engrossed in a conversation with a girl
His phone is on the bar, face down, his hand no where near it
There's no way he got into a conversation that fast
Especially not when I was offering sex
He would not stop to talk to a girl if we were going to leave
So that means I wasn't texting him
If I wasn't texting him, then who the fuck was I texting?
I open my phone and look at the recipient of my messages
And proceed to go into a sheer panic
Oh my fucking god, I was texting Hobi all that
He knows
Oh fuck, he knows I love....oh my god I need to get the fuck out of here right now
I need to go home and go AWOL for awhile
Until he doesn't remember this conversation anymore
Fat chance of that
Oh god, I can never hang out with BTS again
I need to go
I stand up from the stool and turn around, my heart jumping in my throat when I see Hobi standing behind me
Oh fuck
I can't do this confrontation right now
We just stare at each other for a few seconds then he comes closer to me
I feel like I'm gonna throw up
He reaches out, his fingers pushing some stray hairs behind my ear
He leans forward and suddenly he's kissing me, his lips so soft, so smooth against mine
I grab onto his shirt to steady myself as my head spins and the ground sways beneath my feet
Oh my god, this kiss is fucking perfect
It's just a simple sweet kiss and it rocks my world
All too soon he pulls slightly away from me, his eyes on mine
"You have no fucking idea how long I've been waiting for you"
I blink in complete shock
Which is what I say
"I thought you'd never notice me"
Is he kidding?
He's all I noticed
"Come home with me?", he asks shyly, then leans closer to my ear, "I'll let you ride me until all your frustrations are gone"
I swallow hard as he pulls back, suddenly smirking and the cocky Jay persona he has when he's in America comes out
I just nod, his smirk widens and he grabs my hand, dragging me behind him
And I follow him so willingly
He kisses me hard, his tongue playing with mine as his hands tear clothes off me
He made it to his apartment in record time
Once inside his apartment, his lips have not left mine as he carried me to his bed, laid me on it and got on top of me
I managed to get the buttons of his shirt open while he got my skirt and panties off
Shoving it off his body, I whimper seeing his hard muscles in his chest and abs
Fuck, I just got so much more wetter
He sits up, his hands grabbing the hem of my lace tank top, pulling and tearing it down the middle, the sound of the fabric ripping so satisfying
"Fuck, you're tits look so good in this bra", he murmurs, his hands cupping my boobs over the red lacy bra I wore to match the shirt, "Too bad it has to come off"
With that he lifts me up easily, taking the remnants of my shirt off, my bra following
He lays me back down, his eyes running all over my body, his eyes wide, desire pooling in them
"My god, you're fucking perfect", he murmurs, his hands squeezing my boobs, then running down my body, his fingers leaving fire in their wake
When he reaches my thighs, he opens my legs, his eyes immediately lighting up
"Fuck you're so wet", he says, mesmerizingly, "Is this because of me?"
I nod, "Yes Hobi"
"Is this all for me?"
"Yeah Hobi"
His eyes move to mine, "Are you all for me?"
"Always", I answer truthfully
He smiles, leaning over me, his mouth so close to mine
"I'm all for you Jo. Always"
Then he's kissing me passionately but the kiss is gone as soon as it was there
And his mouth is now pressed against my pussy, his tongue licking rapidly, his voice moaning into me as pure pleasure consumes my body
My hand slides in his blond hair, holding on as his tongue runs along my cunt then slides down and into my hole
I gasp at the bliss, my cunt squeezing his tongue hard, his moans sending vibrations up my spine
"Hobi", I cry
"Fuck yes", he groans, his hands digging into my thighs as he keeps them wide open, "Fuck moan my name baby. God, always wanted to hear you moan my name"
Shit, he wasn't kidding when he said he was waiting for me to notice him
His tongue moves fast, fucking into my hole, the sounds of him eating me out so messily so fucking hot
His mouth sucks as his tongue repeatedly slides in and out, both of us moaning the entire time
His wet tongue slides up then rolls over my clit, intense pleasure running up my spine as I cry out
"Fuck, your pussy tastes so good", he groans, lapping at my clit, "And your fucking clit baby, fuck. Throbbing so hard. Gonna let me suck on you?"
"Yes Hobi!", I yell, in so much bliss
Fuck, he can do anything to me as long as this euphoria stays
As long as it's him doing it
"Mmm good girl", he moans, now using the tip of his tongue to flick back and forth
"Oh god, oh god", I moan, feeling the pleasure building
Pulling his hair, he moans loudly his mouth latching onto my clit and sucking hard
"Fuck!", I shout, looking down between my legs to the completely erotic sight of Jung, Hoseok eating me out
He looks completely at home, like he could just stay there, eating my cunt all day
His eyes move to me, watching me as he continues, his hard jaw moving with each suck
My hips move involuntarily, fucking into his face and he nods, his brown eyes not leaving mine
We move like that together, my legs shaking around his head, my orgasm building and building
I'm so close and the next move of his beautiful mouth has me coming so fucking hard as I scream his name
I can't, the bliss is so fucking good, taking over every inch of me
He sucks me though it, moaning like he's getting blown
When I finish, his tongue moves to my hole, licking away, groaning loudly
"So fucking good. So good"
When he pulls away, he sits up, his face drenched in my cum and juice, making me blush
"Promise I can eat your cunt everyday", he demands
My mouth drops in shock at his words
"Promise baby", he repeats
"I...I promise", I answer
That will not be a problem
None at all
"Good girl", he smirks, sending a shiver up my back
I really like him calling me that
He gets off the bed, getting out of his jeans and boxers
I gape at his huge hard cock
Like really, that is so fucking massive
He just smirks, his hand wrapping around his length, stroking it a few times
"Ready to ride me?"
I blink, "Uh-"
"You said you wanted to ride Namjoon until you're not pissed anymore", he reminds me, "Sorry to say that you're not riding him anymore. Ever again actually. Not as long as you're mine"
I just nod, his words sinking in
This is more than just a one time thing to him
And that makes me so happy
"Whenever you're pissed off and you need to fuck away frustrations, you ride me"
"Ok", I agree, immediately
He nods, moving on the bed, kissing me softly before laying down
"C'mon aegi", he says
I smile and immediately climb in his lap
"There's my good girl", he murmurs, holding his cock up for me
Hovering over him, I move down, feeling his head right against my entrance
"Sit baby"
I push down on his cock, shivers of pleasure running up my spine as his fat dick spreads my cunt around him
"Oh fuck yes", he groans, his hands on my hips, helping me down, "So tight baby. Feels so good"
We are a tight fit, my pussy opening just enough to let him in
My cunt sucks his cock inside me as I move down, each fat inch pushed into me making me wetter and wetter
I have never been in such pleasure just getting a dick inside me
"Yes Hobi", I murmur, moving my hips in a circle to open my cunt more on his dick
"God, you're throbbing so hard already", he moans, his head pushed back into the pillow, "Fuck, you like my cock inside you this much?"
"Yes Hobi", I whimper, as I bottom him out, rocking on his perfect cock, his head in the perfect angle to rub against my spot, "So much"
"Mm I can see that baby", he murmurs, "You're moving on my cock already"
"So good Hobi", I moan, closing my eyes, grinding on him, "Fuck, big cock baby. So big"
I lean on his abs, starting to bounce softly on him, only sliding a little bit up his cock
"Yes baby. Keep going", he urges, as I slip up his cock more and more with every bounce, taking him deep inside, "So fucking pretty for me. Pretty little pussy taking my cock greedily inside her, creaming my cock like a waterfall. Pretty body out for me to watch. And you're beautiful face aegi, feeling so good because of me"
"Mmm hmm", I moan, riding him harder, his cock so deep I can feel him in my stomach
It feels phenomenal
I can hear how wet my cunt is, the squelching sounds mixing with the rhythmic slap of my ass hitting his legs with every move
Sex has seriously never felt this good before
His moans are so pretty, his hands gripping my thighs hard, pleasure all over his face
Pleasure I'm giving him
It's surreal
I keep moving faster, now sliding up to his head and bottoming him out over and over, the pleasure increasing
How does he feel this good?
Each bounce brings me closer and closer, the pressure in my stomach ready to snap
I take him in again, my body thrown into an utterly blissful orgasm, the ecstasy something I haven't felt before
"Hoseok!", I scream, my whole body shaking uncontrollably, "Hoseok!"
I vaguely hear him moaning about how good it feels but I can't concentrate on anything but the pleasure
When I finally finish, I open my eyes I didn't know I closed and look at him
He's gazing up at me in awe, "That was the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen"
I just raise my eyebrow, no longer shy
"And it felt so good too", he smirks
I giggle, leaning over and kissing his soft lips
He kisses me back and I'm in heaven
When we pull away, I press a kiss to the completely adorable and hot as fuck beauty mark on his lip
I always wanted to kiss that
Moving my finger over the mark, I murmur, "I love this. I hate when they cover it up in pictures"
His cheeks blush an adorable red , making me smile softly
I kiss the mark again, then sit up, ready to move on him again
Leaning on his abs, I start bouncing, watching the pleasure on his face
He's so fucking beautiful, his body drenched in sweat, his wet hair plastered to his forehead, his mouth slight open as he breathes
His hands move up my body, slowly touching my sweaty skin, his fingers feeling so fucking good
I move faster on him, his cock feeling so good, spreading me wide open for him
He's so hard, every clench around him feels amazing and I can feel every inch of him
My brain is turning off from the euphoria, my skin trembling
His hands move around my boobs, kneading them as his fingers pinch my nipples
"Hobi!", I cry, my pussy gushing around him as the bliss is turned up
"Mmm so wet baby. Love listening to this little pussy fuck my dick"
One hand drops to my clit, fingers rubbing, making me shout in pleasure
"Yeah aegi", he urges, "Cum for me baby. Wanna feel you gush around my cock"
I whine, leaning over, my hands on his shoulders as I ride him the hardest and fastest I can
"That's it baby", he smirks, "Ride my cock just like that. Fuck you feel so good. Pretty tight pussy so good"
His fingers keep moving as I bounce, his voice so desperate, his skin shivering under mine
He's close too
"Please cum around my cock baby", he begs, "I need to fill you with cum"
God, I want that so much and those words are just the push I need to fall headfirst into my orgasm
"Hoseok!", I scream, stars blasting in my vision as I squirt all over him, clenching on his cock so tightly
"Yes, yes yes baby!", he yells, "Fuck! Joanne!"
His cock throbs inside me, then I feel his warm cum filling me right up
I watch him orgasm and it is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
He's so ethereal
"Baby", he groans as we finish, pulling me down on top of him
I lay on his shoulder, burying my face in his neck, holding onto him tightly
His arms move around my back, one secure around me, the other running in my hair
"I love you", he says softly
My entire body is shocked as I lift my head, staring at him in disbelief
I had no idea what he felt was love
Lust yes
Like yes
But love?
I didn't think he was there yet
"Don't look so shocked Jo", he says, smiling softly, "You're not the only one who unloaded your feelings on Namjoon"
"Namjoon knew?", I ask, surprised
"That I'm stupidly in love with you? Yeah he knows", he nods, "He told me he would get you to come tonight so I can talk to you. Maybe ask you out if I got the courage to"
Ok that's surprising
But what about that girl?
She swooped in right away and he didn't look for me until after I mistake texted him
"But I saw you with that girl-"
"That didn't mean anything Jo", he says, "She just showed up out of nowhere. I wanted her to leave me alone. The second I was able to get away from her I did. It was actually your texts that got me away from her"
That's ironic
"But you flirted with her"
He shakes his head, "No Jo. She flirted with me. I just smiled awkwardly to try not be rude"
I dunno
Maybe I thought he was flirting because I was so heated
I don't know
"Look at me baby", he says, his hands cupping my face
I raise my eyes to his, seeing the love in them
He really does love me
"How could I ever want anyone but you", he murmurs, "I never could. I don't want any girl but you. You never have to be jealous aegi. Never. I want only you. I love you. You're perfect. My perfect everything"
I can't help the smile that creeps on my face
"I love you too Hobi. You're kinda my everything too"
He smiles widely, his adorable dimples on display, "You have no idea how happy that makes me aegi"
Oh I know because I'm over the fucking moon
"Well this night turned out better than I expected", he laughs
I giggle, running my fingers in his hair, "So much better"
I lean down, kissing his perfect lips, so happy that he's mine and I can have his kisses all the time now
After the kiss, we cuddle into each other, his hand back in my hair, playing with it
"Sleepy time?", I ask
He nods, chuckling, "Sleepy time baby. Are you comfy?"
I nod, snuggling into him, "You're so soft baby. My Hobi pillow"
He laughs, kissing my forehead, "I love you"
"I love you", I answer
Closing my eyes, I lay in my boyfriend's arms, so happy I fucked up the texting tonight
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seidenbros · 1 year
Hi there :) If you’re still taking requests, could I request a one-sided “rivals” to lovers type of fic with Eddie where he becomes jealous of the reader who started a club with Dustin, Mike, and Lucas back when she used to babysit them? She’s back from college for the summer and Eddie gets all dramatic about the kids “cheating” on him and gushing about how fun their club is so he spends his time whining about it to Steve at Family Video and convinces him that they have to crash a meeting to regain custody but once he sees the reader he falls head over heels immediately. I hope you have a good rest of your day!
I'm so sorry this took so long, but I haven't written that much due to work and stuff, and I started this... weeks ago, but I am finally finished. Because I just love this idea so much, so I hope I hit the right mark with this and you enjoy what I came up with 💖💖
Requests are open | prompt lists for inspiration | Stranger Things Masterlist
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female!Reader Word count: 4140 Warning/Tags: one sided enemies to lovers (kinda), fluff, falling for each other, D&D references from someone who's never played, did I mention fluff?, oh and jealous Eddie who whines a bit
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Let Your Passion Set the World on Fire
“Congratulations, you’ve really managed it this time!” Eddie said with a grin, leaning back in his throne, looking over the table in front of him while the others celebrated their victory. This campaign had been so much fun, and the club had enjoyed it as well, especially because they had defeated him. School was over (for Eddie completely), the summer lay ahead, and they had had their last session before they would resume in the new school year, because even though Eddie wasn’t a student anymore, Hellfire would still be there, and he’d make time for it. Sure, he’d said that he would get out of Hawkins, but there were now a couple of reasons for him to stay. At least until he figured out what he wanted to do.
The summer was for earning money in Eddie’s case, playing a couple of shows with Corroded Coffin and relaxing a little bit. And the boys should go out and have fun as well, and not spend their whole time inside, right? Yeah, not really, as Eddie was about to find out.
“That was really good training for the summer,” Mike said, grinning at Dustin. Will nodded along straight away.
“I can’t wait to see what she comes up with. It’s been quite a while,” Lucas agreed, leaning back in his chair, a smile spreading on his lips.
“What are you talking about?” Eddie looked at all of them, one after another, because that had certainly caught his interest. Who were they talking about and what. He had an inkling that he knew what it was about, but he had to be sure.
“Ohh, you remember y/n?” Dustin immediately said, looking up at Eddie, a brilliant smile on his lips. “The one we used to play D&D with? My old babysitter?”
“Our old babysitter,” Will made it clear, and it was obvious that all of them still adored you.
“Yeah, you mentioned her once or twice.” Or pretty much every other week, which had annoyed Eddie at first, but once they’d started with their campaigns, it had died down a bit. But of course, the boys had told him how much they’d enjoyed your campaigns, that you’d really gotten them into it in the first place. That they were glad that they had Hellfire now with Eddie and the others, because it was even more fun like this. But still, he’d been curious about you, and yes, even a little jealous when he heard them gush about you and your campaigns. Oh, he knew that his campaigns were awesome, hard to beat, but still… there was this little nagging feeling whenever they mentioned your name.
“She’s coming home for the summer,” Mike spoke up again, gathering his dice from the table so they could start putting everything away.
“And she already said that she’s got a pretty epic campaign for us!” Lucas' eyes lit up when he said that.
“And when she says epic, she means epic!” Dustin winked at Eddie, followed his words up with a chuckle.
“So… you’re abandoning Hellfire for a girl. Nice one!” Eddie rolled his eyes and got up from his throne. Clearly, he didn’t have his emotions under control right now, and he was completely overreacting, but he was already a bit… touchy because of not going to school anymore and spending most of the time with the boys - if he attended his lessons that was. Life was about to change, and he didn’t know whether he was ready for it or not.
“What are you talking about? I thought Hellfire was on break for the summer?” Mike scowled at Eddie, watching him pack up his stuff in record time. Usually, Eddie took his time, made jokes with the others, but right now, it felt like he wanted to get out as quickly as possible.
“Yeah, didn’t we want to resume when school started again?” Will watched Eddie, picking up on the slump in his shoulders, the way his lips were pressed together.
“Yeah we did,” Eddie eventually said, taking his bag, before he looked back at them. “You’re right. Hellfire will be back when school starts again.” Even if he wanted to, he didn’t have a full-fledged campaign anyway, so they needed that break. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, gentlemen, I have places to be, businesses to attend.” And with businesses, he meant turning up the newest Metallica album as loud as possible while he lay on his bed and stuck his nose in a book.
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It was nice to come back home after your first year of University. You’d been home before, sure, but the summer break gave you an opportunity to really relax and catch up with old friends - and that included the kids you babysat back in the day. You’d been in contact especially with Dustin all the time, and when you’d told him that you’d come home for the summer, he’d been more than excited about this, immediately asking you about your plans. With a grin, you’d told him over the phone that you’d prepared a campaign for them, if they were interested.
“Are you kidding? We’re so in!”
You’d always loved his enthusiasm, and that had shown again once you stood in front of him and he hugged you. He’d grown quite a bit since you’d last seen him, but to you, he’d always be the little curly haired boy that you’d read good night stories to. Dustin had been the first one you’d babysat, and then it had kind of become a group thing when you’d started playing D&D with them, when you’d made campaigns for them. Finally, someone who’d enjoyed it just as much as you.
It hadn’t been the same at University, mainly because you really hadn’t had the time for it, to find a new group, when you should actually do stuff for your courses, start painting again and get your assignments ready. But in the background, you’d worked on this campaign to surprise the boys with it.
Of course, they’d told you about Hellfire, had gushed about Eddie and his campaigns, and you’d listened with excitement. Because you had been happy for them. Having Will move halfway across the country hadn’t been easy on them, so Eddie had been able to distract them a little. Luckily, Will was back home, among his friends, where he belonged, so you had the whole gang for the summer. You couldn’t be happier.
You remembered Eddie vaguely, had heard his name, but you’d never really crossed paths, but from everything Dustin had told you, he seemed like a pretty cool guy.
“You know he can join, right? If he wants to,” you told Dustin once more when you set up the table in his basement, taking everything you’d need out of your bag. God, you’d spent so many hours down here, it almost felt like a second home to you.
“Yeah, but he’s always our DM.” Dustin watched you intently, trying to get a hint at what you were coming up with. Maybe, he could get a glimpse at your notes somehow, but you kept them close to you. No peeking!
“Even a DM just wants to be a player sometimes,” you reminded him. While you enjoyed leading campaigns, you didn’t back away from participating in one every now and then. You still remembered Mike’s first campaign, where you’d felt like a proud Momma bear.
“Yeah, but he reacted rather… pissed when we talked about this here.”
“What do you mean?” Your head whipped up, your eyes focused on Dustin, your own dice abandoned on the table for a moment.
“Well…” Dustin started, scratching the back of his head. “He thought we were not gonna play during the summer and then we brought this up. You. He thought we were abandoning Hellfire.”
“You’re not, it’s just a meeting between old friends.”
Still, you had to smile to yourself, because you knew just what it was: jealousy. You’d felt the same way when the boys had told you about Hellfire and this supercool dude the first time, because you’d missed them, had missed playing with them. But it had died down, when you’d realised just how good it was for them, and that you weren’t able to give them that kind of club with being miles apart from them.
It was kind of satisfying that you weren’t the only one with that knee-jerk reaction, but that only made you more curious about Eddie.
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“I’m telling you, she’s stealing the kids from me - us!” Eddie moaned as he collapsed onto a chair behind the counter of Family Video. Steve was alone today, so it was just the two of them. Business was usually slow in the summer months, but someone had to be here.
“Talk about being dramatic,” Steve mumbled, rolling his eyes. Eddie hadn’t stopped talking about this, but Steve could understand why it irked his friend. You’d been here for nearly two weeks and every time either one of them had asked the boys if they wanted to hang out, they’d declined, because they wanted to get along with the campaign. It was strange not really seeing them altogether in so long after pretty much spending all their time together when they could. Granted, everyone deserved a little time to come down from everything that had happened.
“Harrington!” Eddie suddenly sat up, spilling some of the beer he’d brought with him onto the floor, making Steve wince, because he’d have to clean it up later on.
“What?”Steve rubbed a hand over his face before he looked at Eddie, taken aback by the mischievous grin on his face. That was never a good sign.
“You still have the key to Henderson's place, don’t you?”
“Yes. Why?” Steve eyed him a moment longer, before it clicked. “You don’t really want to go over there, do you?”
“Why not? Crash their little party, and drag their asses out of Dustin’s basement so they get some fresh air. It’s not good for them to be inside all the time!”
“Look, who’s talking!” Steve couldn’t hold back a chuckle, because Eddie wasn’t exactly the guy to spend a lot of time outside bathing in the sun, but he still had a point.
“Yeah yeah, shut it.” Eddie rolled his eyes at Steve, but got up nonetheless, stepping up to Steve. “Look, these little assholes are not only cheating on me…”
“Really, Munson?” But Steve couldn’t deny the fact, that Eddie’s words were beginning to sink in, and make him realise that he missed those buttheads more than he’d like to admit.
“Well, they are!” Eddie shrugged his shoulders, rocking back on the heels of his feet, pushing his hands into the pockets of his jeans, leather jacket abandoned due to the weather, but he was still repping his Hellfire shirt.
“Alright, alright,” Steve eventually gave in, taking a look at the clock on the wall. One more hour and he could lock up. “Let me just get changed at home and then we can head over there.”
“I knew I could count on you!”
Oh Eddie was already looking forward to their stunned faces, and especially to see a look of annoyance on your face when he crashed your campaign, because he knew that he’d be fucking pissed if anyone dared to do that to him.
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It was the fifth session you had, but you’d seen the boys apart from that as well, had spent some time with them at Lover’s Lake and had made a movie night with them, including Max and Elle of course, who were just wonderful to be around. They’d won your heart over in no time. But for your campaign, it was just you and the boys - and Erica, who brought so much joy into this round, so much fierceness, that you couldn’t help but smile whenever you looked at her. She was so witty, had so many great ideas, that she reminded you of yourself at that age. Sometimes speaking before you thought about the consequences and being called a big mouth by your elders, just because you knew more than they did sometimes.
“Now, Lady Applejack, you had to leave your companions behind, some of them hurt, the others taking care of the rest, but they put their trust in you.” You fix your eyes on Erica, leaning forward slightly, elbows on the table, the tips of your fingers touching. “The dragon has not yet taken notice of you, is still fast asleep, but what you need to save the others, lies directly beneath its right claw. You can see the wooden chest with the big metal lock from your hiding spot. Now, the dragon is a very light sleeper and someone who doesn’t like getting his things stolen. What he is up for is a trade, but I don’t know if you have anything to trade that is worth enough for the dragon. Or… you could just call the dragon by its name and throw him off guard. What do you want to do?” You smirked at her, leaning back in your chair, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I don’t think you made it as easy as calling the dragon Rumpelstiltskin.” Erica levelled a look at you that told you that she’d caught up on where you’d gotten your inspiration from.
“Good idea, but nope.” You shook your head, when you suddenly heard trampling noises from upstairs and the door to the basement flung open. Instinctively, you knew that it couldn’t be Elle and Max, because they didn’t behave like that, but there was nobody else upstairs.
When two figures bolted down the stairs and stopped next to the table, you knew immediately who they were, because they boys hadn’t shut up about Steve and Eddie. Of course, you’d known King Steve, but you hadn’t been in the same group of friends. It had surprised you to hear from Dustin and Mike just how much he’d changed, but they loved the guy. And they loved Eddie. When your eyes met, you couldn’t deny the fact that your heart skipped a beat. After hearing so much about him, you were of course curious to meet him, but the effect those deep brown eyes had on you when they were levelled on you, was something nobody could have prepared you for.
“What the hell? Eddie? Steve?” Dustin spoke up, looking from one to the other, but Eddie didn’t even react, his eyes were still firmly on you.
You were not what he’d expected. Not at all. Though to be fair, he wasn’t sure what he’d expected look-wise, but he’d expected someone with their nose stuck up in the air, who would be mean and just wanted to keep the boys to herself. You looked nothing like a mean old witch wanting to destroy his life. Okay, that was a little over-dramatic, but still. In fact… you looked stunning, though a bit shocked judging by your big eyes that stared back at him.
“Surprise!” Steve said, poking his elbow into Eddie’s side, pulling him back from his thoughts.
“Yeah… s- surprise!” He managed, all but blushing when he looked at you once more. He was usually so witty with his words, never one to lose his ability to speak, but right now`? Right now, you rendered him speechless and that even without having said a word, but when you finally opened your mouth, he hung on your every word.
“Gentlemen, we’re kind of in the middle of something? We were just about to find out whether Lady Applejack would tame our dragon or not.” You rose to your feet, leaning over the table, putting your weight on your hands, while you looked at both men.
“A dragon”?” Eddie’s ears perked up, his eyes scanning the table, and he had to admit that he was impressed with your whole setup.
“Yeah the dragon can wait!” Steve spoke up again, rolling his eyes at Eddie, because this had been his idea after all, and now, he was all heart-eyes for you. Oh Steve knew that look, but he was hoping nobody else was picking up on that right now, and would just attribute it to the game or whatever. He honestly didn’t care, he just wanted to set this plan in motion.
“But we are hurt and Erica has to save us!” Will spoke up, the desperation clear in his voice, because he was always playing with his whole heart.
“Erica can still do that tomorrow!” Eventually, Eddie had found his voice again, and spoke up, not looking at you anymore, because he knew that he’d fumble with his words otherwise.
“Just take a break. We already ordered pizza to my place. Parents have gone on vacation at the start of the week, so we can hang there.” Steve shrugged his shoulders, a smile taking over his face, because he knew that he could get the kids with pizza and the pool at his house, especially when it had gotten so damn hot again.
“Wait, why didn’t I know that?” Dustin got up from his chair, reaching for his bag already.
“Because you were busy, butthead,” Eddie ruffled Dustin’s hair, a smile on his lips, that caught you off guard. He looked even better when he smiled with that kind of adoration in his eyes that was reserved for the kids. You knew it all too well, because they brought that out in you as well.
“Can we?” Mike looked at you expectantly, and you felt transported back in time to when they were all still little, when you’d been their babysitter and they’d asked you for permission.
“If you want, of course! We can resume some other time,” you said with a smile, watching them all get up excitedly grabbing their bags and bounding up the stairs. You turned away from them with a smile on your lips, as you gathered your most important stuff. Everything else could just stay here, but you needed your notes before anyone else would be able to read them.
“You coming?” Eddie called over to you standing at the bottom step of the stairs. “Don’t wanna miss out on pizza and cooling down in the pool do you?”
“Oh, I didn’t know the invitation was for me as well.”
“Of course! Now that we finally met, I need to know more about you!” Eddie winked at you, suddenly getting a burst of confidence back, and it made you smile - and your stomach tingle, which you tried to ignore as best as you could.
Everyone was talking a mile a minute while they were sitting around the pool, enjoying their pizza. The boys talking about your campaign as well, discussing their next moves with Erica.
“You gonna give us a hint at the name of the dragon?” Lucas called over to you, tilting his head to the side. He’d already finished his pizza and was getting ready to get into the water.
“Nope. Not a single word will leave my lips,” you said with a smile, making a motion with your hand that you were locking your lips and throwing away the key.
“That’s gonna be on their minds until you continue,” Eddie said, sitting down next to you at the edge of the pool. Your legs were dangling in the water and he’d pushed up the legs of his jeans as far as possible so that he could dip his feet and legs into the water as well.
“Let them burn a little bit. I love getting them so curious that they practically start begging me for information, because they can’t wait to continue.” Your lips curled up into a smile, your head turning slowly to look at Eddie. “But I guess you know that.”
“Oh yeah… all the time. But I didn’t tell them, instead I just revelled in their misery.” Eddie nudged your shoulder with his own, nibbling on his bottom lip before he looked back at you. “Sorry for crashing the campaign like that. I would have freaked out if someone had done that to me.”
His honest words made you smile, and you nudged him back, aware of a couple pairs of eyes on the two of you, but you just tried to ignore them.
“Don’t worry about it, I get it. Besides, I’m happy to finally meet you, even if it happened like that.”
“Well, we could have had that sooner, but you guys were all so busy. The kids didn’t even want to hang out with Steve and me at all.”
“But you could have just joined us, I made the offer.” You shrugged your shoulders, leaning a bit forward to trace your fingertips across the water. 
“What do you mean?” Eddie turned his upper body towards you, focusing solely on you. His eyes scanned your face, the curve of your cheeks, your plush lips that gave him all kinds of ideas, back up to your kind eyes that looked back at him with such warmth that it made his breath hitch in his throat.
“Well, I told Dustin that even a DM likes to participate in a campaign now and then. Hand off the reins and just play. He said that wasn’t your cup of tea.” You wet your lips with your tongue, eyes darting from his lips up to his eyes.
“That little shithead,” Eddie mumbled under his breath, but you still picked up on it, chuckling at his words. “I said some… not so nice things before, so maybe that’s why he didn’t say anything to me.” “I get it… you were jealous!” You smirked at him, and before he could protest you kept on talking. “I was too. When they told me about you? About this supercool guy who made these awesome campaigns and had his own club for D&D? I really was jealous of you, because you got to spend time with them. But them I realised that I was happy for them, that they got to do what they loved because of you. So thank you for making them part of Hellfire.” You put your hand on his thigh, feeling him tense up beneath your touch. “That was definitely not what I expected.” Eddie managed a chuckle, leaning back on his hands while still watching you. “You’re really something, you know that?”
“Can you stop flirting in front of the kids?” Steve called over to both of you, making Eddie blush, while you also felt the heat creep up your neck, but when you heard Eddie chuckle, you relaxed.
“You’re just jealous, Harrington,” Eddie called out to his friend.
“Maybe so!”
You both started chuckling, but it died down when Eddie looked back at you again.
“Now, as someone not part of the campaign… would you confide in me and tell me the name of the dragon?” Eddie’s eyes lit up with mischief, because he would love to know that, tease the kids with it, because he knew something they might need for their campaign.
“If you promise to keep it a secret?” You raised your eyebrow at him, biting your lip again.
“By my honour! I will not breathe a word until the campaign is over! But I will tease the shit out of them.” You both started to chuckle.
“Okay… from one DM to another,” you lowered your voice, leaning over to him, one hand on your shoulder and your lips brushing the shell of his ear when you whispered the dragon’s name into Eddie’s ear. You could feel his hand land on your thigh, squeezing it slightly as his lips curled up into a smile.
“They weren’t lying when they said your campaigns are epic.”
“They say the same about yours…”
“Imagine what we could come up with together then,” Eddie said, rubbing his thumb over your thigh before giving it a gentle squeeze. Usually, you wouldn’t let someone you barely knew get so close to you, but with Eddie, you felt like you both already knew each other.
“It’s a date then,” you said, beaming up at him. “Now we have to make one together.”
“A date it is.”
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Tag-list: @violetpenguinkris @tellhound @ghosttownwherenoonegoes @spideyanakin-interacts @bellamy-barnes @beepisbeep @snapefiction @hardysbitch @give-em-hellfire @sadbitchfangirl @kimmi-kat @lacrymosa-24 @ruinedbythehobbit @samlealea @hacker-ghost @kirsteng42 @princesseddie @anaisweird @harringtonfan4 @ethereal27cereal @theywitchsblog @goldenkinglouis 
Let me know (send me a message) if you want to be on one of my tag-lists (or want to be removed). I have one for the Promises Series, Eddie x Reader, Steddie and Steve x Reader 💚
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writingjourney · 2 months
I’m in need of some advice and kind words. As a fellow writer I’m really struggling to believe people will and want to read my stuff. There’s no real engagement anymore and I’m worried that if I post my long-form fic that no one will give it a chance. It’s really bringing me down because I love it so much but it feels like no matter what I try to do my stuff just doesn’t get seen or liked? I’ve even thought about changing my entire way of how I do things since I don’t think the way I write is working for the masses. How do you keep up the motivation as a popular writer and do you have an advice?
Hello anon!! I feel like this is something many of us currently deal with. And first of all I seriously hope that you do share your story!! ♡
To be completely honest with you the lack of engagement in the fandom has for sure impacted my own motivation which is why I haven't been putting as much time into longer fics (nor the Friday Nights series or IKNBS, I do write but I refuse to force myself). I don't feel any urgency because uploading fics hasn't made me as happy as it used to. It feels like only other active writers are reading fic atm and it creates a lot of pressure on creatives to stay super active.
I'm aware that I'm insanely privileged to have the engagement that I do have, that the type of stories I want to write are also the type of stories that generally seem to appeal. However, engagement tells you NOTHING about the quality of your work, only how many people are active in a fandom or like a specific pairing/character/trope. Your own unique voice matters more than numbers.
I also notice that a lot of people who used to read my works have disappeared which I completely understand. The fixation can ebb away during times of inactivity or when a certain hype dies down. People just don't get that dopamine hit anymore and move on. It's also entirely possible they get tired of a certain style of writing and prefer other writers at times, what do I know. I definitely don't blame anyone for that. First and foremost people should read for their own enjoyment and engage with fandom in a way that makes them happy. It makes no sense to pressure people into engaging. A huge issue right now is people overthinking these things which makes support transactional instead of genuine.
I don't care much about notes but I REALLY miss the feeling of sharing a fic with people who are excited for it, that sense of an active community. BUT the activity will come back – the movie will come out, new music and videos, heck even a whole new Papa!!! That's the natural flow of things. We can't be excited and super active all the time, we need phases of calmness as well (which is an act of rebellion in the capitalist hellscape of overproduction and churned out content. I am honestly glad Ghost is taking it easy).
Now, I recommend you write your story exactly how you want to!!! do NOT change it for the sake of popularity because it will lose its very soul and you will struggle to be happy with it by the end. You know how you want to tell your story and nothing else matters. It will find its readers or you can wait and share it at a later point. I recommend that you approach other writers and readers and intensify that contact, make friends and talk to them about your stories, hype each other up, share snippets. It's even more meaningful to know people you like enjoy what you do. I am currently working on super niche fics for non-Ghost characters and I'm honestly having a great time chasing that dopamine by just writing what I'm really into and sharing it with friends. Fandom is community, fandom is fun and we can work to make it better for everyone.
A few general tips when it comes to making stories accessible: Format them to be readable (paragraphs!!), add a "read more" break, add proper content information and a nice summary to draw people in, add some visual appeal like a banners or stock image edits (like i do for IKNBS) and then tag the fics with relevant tags (and only those). Also make sure to tag the OG post, tags on reblogs do nothing for reach. Engage with the community when you feel like it and it's likely that the community will engage back. Being supportive is worth it, being kind is always worth it even if it amounts to nothing.
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cycat-carisi · 9 months
I Left My Pretty Baby With Ralphie
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x f!reader
Summary: If you haven't heard the tune "Ralphie" by Joe's former band, Post Animal, check it out! The tune inspired me to write a little thing about our favorite former King of Hawkins High and the massive crush he has on the reader.
Tags: Fluff, Summer of '85, Post-season 3, Pre-season 4, Steve Harrington has it bad and he really doesn't know what to do about it.
Warnings: some alcohol consumption, partying high schoolers, spoilers for season 3
Length: ~2.5k
A/N: This is pure, unedited word vomit. I don't have the time to write right now and yet here we are. (:
Fic below the cut or on AO3 here
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Steve should have known better. Afterall, when one king falls, another is always waiting to take his place. Steve’s fall from grace had been less than glorious. Billy had shown up to claim the crown and had rubbed Steve’s face in it for good measure. And now, with Billy having succumbed to the Mind Flayer, the position of king had once again been ripe for the taking. This time it was little Ralphie Baker who rose to the occasion – well, not so little anymore. Over the summer of ’85 he had finally gotten a long-overdue growth spirt in both height and muscle. At six feet tall and a hundred and sixty pounds, Little Ralphie Baker’s ascent to the throne came just in time for his senior year.
Steve wouldn’t have been so bothered by Little Ralphie Baker if it hadn’t been for what happened at the last house party of the summer…
~~“It’s not in the way that you walk that gets me off. It’s the way that you think. It’s the way that you talk.”~~
The summer of 1985 started out pretty decent except for the obvious humiliation of working at a place like Scoops Ahoy. Sure, Steve struck out with the ladies and sure, Robin made fun of him for it, but at least working at the mall allowed him to see the people he cared about regularly. People including you.
You were Robin’s age, about to go into your last year of high school. After having been paired for a group project in one of your classes last year, you found out how awesome Robin actually was. The two of you became fast friends and during the summer you would visit her at Scoops for free samples and a back entrance into the theatre.
That’s also how Steve met you. The first time Robin introduced you to him made quite the impression on Steve. After all, he had come to respect Robin’s judgement on a lot of things, so, for you to be worthy of Robin’s friendship already spoke volumes about the kind of person you were.
As time went on, you and Steve found yourselves getting along really well too. So much so that it became the highlight of Steve’s day when you’d walk into the ice cream parlor with a lovely smile springing to life when you spotted him. The two of you would chat on his break and Steve was more than happy to show another member of Hawkins High that he wasn’t the same person that he used to be.
The lovely friendship between the two of you continued to grow, even after the Mind Flayer wrecked havoc on Hawkins. Instead of free ice cream, both Steve and Robin would let you use their Family Video discount; the store being your new place to hang out over the remainder of summer break.
Having such a strong and effortless connection, it was no wonder Steve found himself falling for you: your pretty smile, the shy way you’d tuck your hair behind your ear when he gave you a compliment, and especially how you just seemed to get him. He never felt judged when he was around you, only accepted. In his head and in his heart, Steve knew that he loved you; he had just never found the courage to tell you yet.
That’s why the last house party of the summer bugged Steve so much. You had generously offered him to tag along with yourself and Robin, but the former king of Hawkins High, Steve Harrington, had completely blown it.
~~“But I can’t tell this girl what’s on my mind. And it seems it's getting closer all the time.”~~
The night had started out fine. Your little trio flitted from social group to social group, sipping drinks and exchanging pleasantries with the other guests. Being the only one with a car or driver’s license, Steve had graciously agreed to be the DD for the night allowing you and Robin to let loose to rhythms like Phil Collins’ Sussudio blasting over the boom box.
Seeing you so relaxed and carefree sent shock waves straight to Steve’s heart. And when you rushed over to grab his hands in yours to dance, his heart nearly stopped altogether. Your cheeks were rosy from laughing and the slight buzz of alcohol, yet Steve still found you gazing at him with the same softness that you always did, even while twirling him around to the beat.
Then abruptly, the upbeat song came to an end, switching to the ballad of Bryan Adam’s Heaven. Awkwardly, Steve released himself from your grasp as if the lyrics would reveal every feeling that he was too nervous to share on his own. A party like this just wasn’t the time.
Steve saw you glancing at him with a mixture of confusion and something that bordered on hurt as he slowly retreated backwards.
Before anything further could transpire, the sound of Robin’s slurred voice calling out Steve’s name caused both your heads to turn. She clearly had been sipping back a few more drinks than you had. You both went to her aid finding her contemplating whether or not she was going to throw up.
“Take her home,” you told Steve, sympathetically. “There’s nothing more humiliating than puking at another person’s party.”
Steve knew you were right. Even though the night was young, Robin’s inability to hold her liquor warranted her an early retirement.
“You wanna stay longer?” Steve asked you while propping Robin against his shoulder.
Steve watched as you turned to glance around the room. Some of your other classmates you actually liked were still here to chat with. He tried to hide his desire to steal you away for some quiet one-on-one time after dropping Robin off. Steve hated to admit to himself just how often he daydreamed of taking you out for late night milkshakes at the local diner.
“I think…” you began, shaking Steve out of his thoughts. “hmm…are you coming back?” you asked him, almost shyly.
“I uh, I can if you want me to. After all, I did drive you here.” Steve shifted to reposition a now sleepy and very slouched Robin while simultaneously trying his damnedest to avoid your eyes.
“Steve,” you beckoned him to look at you. “I didn’t invite you with us just to be our driver. I wanted you to have some fun too.”
Steve knew that. He knew that you actually cared about him and wanted him to be a part of your life. Yet, Steve wasn’t convinced that you’d want him to be part of your life in the same way he did.
“Yeah, sure then,” he replied simply. “I’ll come back later. Will you be okay here by yourself? I know you didn’t have as much to drink as this one,” he gave Robin a nudge causing her to groan. “But still. Parties can get weird nonetheless.”
His concern caused you to smile that gorgeous smile he loved so much. “Thanks, Steve. I’ll be okay though. Promise.”
And with that, Steve set off to haul Robin home. But it was as he was leaving the house that he heard the voice of Little Ralphie Baker enter the room.
~~“I went to the party and I left my pretty baby with Ralphie, baby, and now I’m alone.”~~
Steve returned about a half an hour later ready to laugh with you about how difficult Robin was to sneak into her house while wasted. She was all uncoordinated limbs, swapping between jaunty giggles and annoyed groans. Except as he entered through the living room’s front door, his ears were met with the sound of your melodic laughter. There you were, holding your solo cup and stood beside none other than Little Ralphie Baker. His now broad shoulders were squared to your petite frame, narrowed eyes gazing down upon what Steve could only imagine was your chest and, of course, smiling a devilish grin. And you – you were taking it all in! Just standing there chatting and laughing with the new king of Hawkins High.
Steve felt his stomach knot in jealousy while it seemed as though his heart fell right out of his chest. Sure, he could waltz over there and butt in. He knew exactly what Ralphie was doing; Steve used to pull the same shallow moves himself. But the fact of the matter was, despite how much Steve loved you, you were never really his to lose to begin with.
Steve wanted to run. He wanted to jump in his car, speed home and burry himself under his duvet. He hated how each and every time he felt something genuine for a girl, she never felt the same way. Steve had tried so hard to change and be a better person, yet he still couldn’t find anyone to love him for who he had become. He thought that person could have been you, but once again he had clearly been wrong.
~~“And now I'm feeling something and I know she's doing better, without me, baby guess I'll go home whether that's with or without you.”~~
The gravel crunched under his sneakers as Steve marched himself back to his car. He got in and slammed the door, hands slapping against the steering wheel. He slid one off, about to put keys in the ignition when he stopped. He had made you a promise. Even if he refused to witness the rest of the party, he would still wait here to drive you home when you were ready to leave.
With a sigh, Steve turned the key only slightly, allowing his radio to come to life. Like a curse, Heaven’s romantic notes filled the car, and Steve yanked the dial to the right until something more upbeat replaced it. He let his head bounce back against the headrest and closed his eyes, dreading the inevitably long wait until you were finished partying with Little Ralphie Baker.
Then suddenly, a soft rap sounded on the passenger’s side window of the burgundy bimmer. Steve jumped, peering through fallen locks of brown hair towards the sound. It was you.
You gave a small wave and smile as he reached over to unlock the door and let you in. Confusion was etched across his entire face. “What are you doing here?” he stammered.
You gazed at him with your own hint of bewilderment. “Uh, getting in your car?” you reflected the question back at him as you buckled your belt.
“Why?” he said a little too coldly. “The party isn’t over yet.” Steve couldn’t bare to look at you any longer. He didn’t want to show you just how stupidly jealous seeing you with someone else had made him.
“What the heck has gotten into you, Steve?” you fired back, angling yourself towards him in the velvety seat.
Steve paused. This was not the can of worms he wanted to open right now. You still had alcohol in your system and Steve was high on his feelings for you. It could never end well, he thought. “Nothing,” he dismissed, once again reaching for the ignition.
“Steve,” you spoke smoothly. Then your hand reached for his forearm. Steve swore your touch would burn a hole in his sweater, but that voice, that sweet, calm, soothing voice...it compelled him stop and turn.
“What’s wrong?” you asked when he finally met your gaze.
Those big eyes of yours were so sincere and so sweet. How could he not tell you the truth? “I just,” he began, voice low in the small space of the car. “I just thought you’d want to stay longer. I walked in earlier and saw you with Ralphie Baker. Seemed like you two were getting along well.”
“Ralphie Baker?” you scoffed. “Ralphie Baker?! I couldn’t get that creep away from me fast enough!” you exclaimed. “He wouldn’t stop staring at my boobs! I didn’t want to make a scene or else I would have given him a slap.”
With your words, the vice around Steve’s chest suddenly released. His eyebrows unknitted and those dark eyes lit up in the dim light. “Really?” he spoke meekly. Shaking himself out of it, he continued, “Sorry, I should have stepped in to help…”
“Nah, it’s fine,” you assured him. “You came back and that’s all that matters.” Steve found himself captivated by the smile you give him. Maybe he was imagining things, but he was fairly certain that this very smile was one reserved only for him.
Your hand still rested on his forearm, thumb now rubbing lightly over the material of his shirt. The little gesture caused Steve to return a heart-felt grin. Maybe now wasn’t such a horrible time to lay it all on the line. It’s a huge leap, but the pounding of his heart was never going to stop if he didn’t say something.
“I,” Steve inhaled deeply. “I promised that I would come back, and I care too much about you to ever go back on my word.” That was a start. Just come out and say it, Steve. He examined your features closely for any signs of discomfort. Instead, all he found was intrigue. “I,” he began again. It was hard to hear his own thoughts over the sound of his pulse in his ears.
But before he could finish, Steve witnessed you leaning across the center console, hand using his forearm for leverage. And the next thing he knew, your lips were brushing softly against his. The kiss was better than he could have ever imagined. A million butterflies exploded inside his tummy and he found his free hand making its way to cup your cheek of its own accord.
As the pair of you leaned back, Steve’s face was plastered with a dopey grin. Yours was in much the same state. “I’ve been trying to figure you out all summer, Harrington,” you whispered. “I just never knew if I was reading the signals clearly.”
Steve’s eyebrows shot towards the roof. “Really?” he spoke gently.
“You were jealous about Ralphie, weren’t you?” you quipped. Steve opened his mouth to deny but you quickly added, “It wasn’t my intention, just so you know, but seeing you out here moping at least gave me the confirmation I needed.”
A warmth spread throughout Steve’s chest. “I guess I’m not so good at hiding my feelings, huh?”
You shook your head at him affectionately.
He smirked. “What am I feeling right now, then?” 
“Hmm,” you pretended to contemplate. “I think you wanna take me out for a late-night milkshake, but only after you kiss me again here first.”
The twinkle in your eye made Steve’s heart melt. “You really can read me like a book,” he grinned before leaning into your lips once more.
~~“And when I see something I like you know that I gotta pounce. All the things that you say, say, say, I can trust every ounce.”~~
Thank you for reading and feedback is loved!
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go-learn-esperanto · 2 years
I would like to have finished writing the well thought out post I was gonna do initially but I've been extremely busy today, so I'm just gonna say.
I am so distraught by what this situation has done to my community.
Right now I'm in constant anxiety and terror because I don't know which of the blogs I followed and loved, and even possible friends, are just gonna leave forever.
It hurts seeing something that was mostly build by the fandom - let's be real, the last year of Dream SMP popularity has mainly remained because we are so many and we created fics and art, and videos and everything. It wasn't the the Minecraft server. Definitely not just that.
And more than that the Minecraft server isn't just Dream. There are so many CCs who poured all their art in it, and to see the story gone? The community gone? Just like that? That would destroy me.
I spent the last 2 years dedicating so much of my time, love and happiness to it. I made so many friends in this community.
I really don't want to say I left a fandom not because I lost interest but because the fandom sinked all around me.
The last Reblogs aren't done with lightness in my heart they're made of desperation, of simultaneously trying to maybe make my followers happier with fun posts and trying to convince them to maybe not leave, or even the worst of them all, scattering trying to reblog a posts of a blog that has said they won't be here anymore.
To me the Dream SMP was ours. We all got together when there was a new Sad-ist or Late August animatic, a lot of my music library is Dream SMP fan songs, Passerine was a fanfic with fics, music and animations made out of it. A lot of us talk about the Super Hero au like it's canon sometimes, we fought to get that Ao3 tag!!! We made content in the Dream SMP canon (the white streak, YCGMA limbo).
I am inclined to say that the fandom as a whole is as much of a Content Creator as the the Dream SMP's content creators, if not more (we are a lot of people).
And now some are leaving for very valid reasons, and us that are staying know that we'll have to find way to make this work in a sensible way - that we'll also suffer consequences of having extra hate thrown at us, even if we really haven't supported Dream directly in a long time (I for example never really liked manhunts that much so outside that really small lore video of Dream I haven't touched a Dream video or stream for more than a year).
And to think of the community that bonded around an Ode to L'Manburg and still knows how to sing it today. To think of a community that is such a safe space for LGBTQI+ people. To think of the inside jokes about salmon. To think about the zines. To think about the fact that I could live of fan content!!! Because we had almost all art forms! From embroidery to book binding, to composing to drawing, animatics/animation, sculpting, cosplaying, writing, programming, etc... I have seen it all.
And to think it can all be threatened by a single person? When we are literally millions? It's a feeling I can't really describe.
I can only wish that on the best case scenario something happens like what happened to Hermitcraft - the server goes to another person. But part of me thinks we might end up like Yandere Highschool, although worse because everyone knows about the Dream SMP. I'm starting to wonder if that even is wishful thinking. Because at least people leave Yandere Highschool fans alone because almost nobody knows about it.
All of this to say - more than the lore I am worried about the people and friends I might lose because of this situation, and what I wish is for we all to come out of this the least scratched as possible, so that maybe we can still play a little melody.
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
the sea around us; chapter thirteen
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In which Rafe Cameron has to choose between his dad and a pogue who's changing his outlook on life more and more every day.
(rafe cameron x f!oc)
(eventual!jj maybank x f!oc)
warnings/tags: violence, drug/alcohol use, smoking, sexual content (if you squint), slowburn, older brother’s best friend, (these tags are obv not exhaustive but regardless it’s pretty PG13)
wc: 1.6k
my masterlist
series masterlist
~Rafe's POV~
"Rafe, bro, I am so god damn serious right now if that wasn't my sister I would've thrown one your way, man." Kegs says to me, lighting up a j as we stand in the parking lot of the theatre, leaning against my bike and watching the screen burn and smoke and ash fly into the sky.
"Yeah, I get that." I respond, holding my hand out for him to pass it to me.
"What's up with her now, anyways?" He asks, taking a hit before passing the joint over. I take a drag as well before answering.
"She's staying at John B's." I answer, blowing the smoke out of my lungs.
"I figured that much." Kegs chuckles. "I meant more what's happening between you guys."
"Oh, yeah, uh.." I take another hit and hand it back. "Not fully sure, man, to be honest." I lie, avoiding eye contact as I hand him his weed back. It's not completely a lie. I mean, I know in my gut that I want to be with her. She's all I've been able to think about for a while now, even before I offered her a ride home on the night of the storm, but Snowy had never looked twice at me before then, I just don't know what she wants. Or how she feels. I just know that it took everything in me to leave her standing behind the burning screen as she cried over what we did to her friends. Fuck- it makes me sick remembering how she watched me walk away, the way her long, red hair hung down in front of her, and her cute little shorts. I need to stop. I just need this high to kick in so I don't think about it anymore.
"Really? 'Cause that's not what that video of you guys making out at Kelce's made it seem like." Fuck.. Someone filmed that? I sigh, running my hand through my hair. "I don't think I need to mention what I'll do to you if you hurt her."
"Yeah, man, of course. I wouldn't do that." I mumble.
"Dude, I'm serious. You haven't had a serious girlfriend the whole time I've known you." Kegs laughs and I shrug.
"I've just never had a nice girl." I chuckle.
"Snowy is nice." Kegs says, nudging me. "Listen, I'm not trying to scare you. You know that. I just don't want her to be another chick you hit and quit. She deserves better." I know that. She deserves better than me at my best, honestly.
"I agree." I tell him. "I don't know what she's doing hanging out with those pogues anyways." I say, in attempt to change the subject.
"Yeah, I mean, she thinks they make her happy." He shrugs. "She doesn't get that in the long run, like, she won't want to live on the cut forever. She'll marry that JJ kid and stay at her three jobs until the day she dies, funding his drug addiction." I feel my teeth grinding just at the thought of that. She deserves everything. I want to give her everything. I'm being crazy- I hardly know her, yet.
"Listen, I better dip. I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask, grabbing my helmet and straddling my bike.
"Yeah, of course man." Kegs nods, handing me the j for one last hit before I leave. I take it, then pull my helmet down and start my bike. Snowy wouldn't want me to drive high. I find myself pushing those kind of thoughts out of my head more and more.
I get home, and my dad has this great idea, more like demand, that I invite Snowy to Midsummers this weekend as my date, obviously to keep up appearances. I love that idea, I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about it, but I didn't want to put her out of her way, and I couldn't imagine she would want to come. Especially after she just hardly forgave me for what we didI don't have much of a choice now anyways.
I'm on my way home from the gym, and I see her old, beat up car parked outside the coffee shop she works at. Now is a better time than ever, I suppose. I park outside and sit on my bike for a minute after I take off my helmet, looking inside through the window. I don't see her, but I don't see anyone else either. It's perfect.
I take a deep breath before I get off, putting my helmet on the back and approaching the door. My hands already feel sweaty. Gross. I wipe them on my shorts and then look at my reflection in the glass, quickly making sure my hair looks okay before I open the door and walk in.
"Good morning, what can I get for you?" Snowy asks as she walks out from the back, customer service voice in full swing. She has her hair up in a ponytail that looks like it could fall out at any minute, and wearing these leggings that hug her curves perfectly. She is so pretty. She wipes her hands on her apron, since they're dripping wet. She was probably doing dishes- I feel guilty for interrupting.
"Iced Caramel Macchiato please." I say, trying to mimic her from when she ordered those for us the other day. She looks up, her face relaxing into a more genuine smile. It is so contagious.
"Oh, hey." She says, reaching down and clicking a few buttons on the register. "Just get back from the gym?"
I laugh slightly, gesturing down to my clothes. "How could you tell?"
"Just a guess." She shrugs, walking over to the espresso machine.
"So, uh, I needed to talk to you about something." I say, and she hums back in hesitant acknowledgment as I rub the back of my neck. I'm sweating like crazy- it's hot in here for it being before 8 am. "There's this thing this weekend, kind of a big deal apparently, and I was wondering if you would be okay with going with me?" I internally cringe at the way I said that. God- that probably made no sense.
"Midsummers?" She asks, pausing making the drink to look up at me. I'm getting butterflies in my stomach, just looking at her brown eyes.
"Yeah, that. My dad is getting some sort of award or something." I explain. "So? What do you think?"
"Uhm.." She pauses, clearly thinking. Great. I screwed this up with her already. Of course, I saw this coming- she should still be mad at me. "I would love to, I really would, but I don't think I'd be welcome there. Besides, I don't own anything even remotely appropriate to wear." She replies, with a nervous-sounding laugh.
"If you're my date, you'll be welcomed. Besides, my dad wants you there." I tell her, smiling despite how anxious I'm feeling.
"Ward? He specifically requested that I come?" Snowy raises her eyebrow at me, getting back to working.
"As a matter of fact he did- I can tell you don't believe me, but he loves Kegs, and he wanted me to bring someone to keep up appearances, since he's the guest of honour or whatever." I say, immediately hearing how bad that sounded. "Not like- fuck, that sounded bad. Not like I don't want you there." I laugh nervously. "I do want you there, and so does my dad. There. That's what I meant to say." This is humiliating. I'm waiting for her to laugh in my face- even though I know she would never do that. She's too kind.
"Okay.." She nods, placing my drink up on the counter in front of me. "I still don't have anything I could wear. I just don't want to embarrass you. I'm sorry. Maybe ask one of Sarah's friends? I'm sure they would be all over you." She jokes.
"That's the easiest problem to solve." I dismiss her comment. "I've got it. Here.." I say, pulling out my wallet and digging around for the bills I'm looking for.
"Oh my god, Rafe, no. I seriously can't let you give me any money. I can borrow something from Kie, maybe. I'll sort it out. I'd love to go." Snowy says quickly, shaking her head at me. She is so cute.
"Okay fine, then this for my drink." I say, placing eight hundred's on the counter. She just looks at me, as if to say 'come on, seriously?' and that makes me laugh.
"Your drink is free." She replies, crossing her arms. "On me."
"Oh, thank you. How sweet. Then that's a tip." I grin, pointing at the cash and she rolls her eyes.
"I'll pay you back, Rafe." She sighs, picking up the money and folding it before putting it in her pocket. "Thank you." Snowy says honestly, looking back up at me.
"Don't worry about it. I really want you to come." I say as I pick up my drink. "Can I pick you up from John B's at 3 and you can get ready with Sarah? That's a thing girls do, right?" I laugh, totally unsure. I've just seen that in movies.
"Yeah, totally." Snowy laughs, leaning her elbows on the counter. "I'm looking forward to it."
"Me too." I smile, taking a sip of my drink. "This is good, I need to come while you're working more often, Juliette." I tease her, reaching down and flick her name tag.
"Oh my god, ew. If you keep calling me that I'll get you banned!" Snowy laughs, swatting my hand away.
"I gotta run, but I'll talk to you later?" I suggest and she nods.
"Of course. Thanks again, Rafe." She says as I wave and start to head for the door.
"Oh, and one condition on me paying for your dress," I say, turning as I walk back toward the door. "Send me pictures of everything you try on." I wink, seeing her roll her eyes.
"Bye, Rafe." She giggles, waving me off. I don't know when I stopped feeling nervous, but I leave feeling much better than I did when I walked in.
A/N; Bet y'all didn't see his POV coming lol I hope you liked it though! I tried my best but as always feedback is appreciated :) -R
taglist: @boo22sstuff @madelynie (you mentioned you liked this series so i added you but lmk if you want to be removed!!)
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ragecndybars · 3 months
AO3 tag game :3
thanks so much for the tag @mvshortcut !!!!! much appreciated, this was a blast to fill out :D
How many works do you have on AO3?
86! Damn, that's more than I remember 🙀 I have been writing pretty fervently since I was pretty young, though, and I transferred all my old fics from fanfiction dot net to AO3, so it's a long stretch of time. All my old wattpad fics are still rotting somewhere though lmaooo I can't even access them anymore bc I forgot my password and I can't reset it bc I used a school email 😔
What's your total AO3 word count?
443,734! When I get to half a million I'm gonna have to throw myself a party. With boba and everything
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
Oof, okay, here we go. A lot of the fandoms I have tagged on AO3 don't really "count" because they're just aggregate tags for the same fandom, so even though AO3 says the number is 48, I'm gonna count the TRUE number as 17. (It got cut down so much because of how many video game series have different games with different fandom tags on AO3, lmao)
Here's the breakdown of the list:
Persona (Mostly Persona 3)
Fire Emblem (Mostly Shadow Dragon and Blazing Sword)
Legend of Zelda
Professor Layton
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Red vs. Blue
Voltron Legendary Defender
Final Fantasy XV
Harvest Moon
The Mysterious Benedict Society
The Avengers
Animal Crossing
Care Bears (despite having never actually consumed any Care Bears media to my knowledge)
The worst part is that this stupid list would be much, much, MUCH longer if I finished even a quarter of my WIPs 😭 Hell, even just my "Video Games" subfolder in my "Fanfiction" subfolder has more than 17 subfolders in it...
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Y'all don't understand how many random fics my ADHD spares you from ever seeing I have no focus
Top five fics by kudos:
Ash and Emotion (Zelda) - Not surprising, I knew this was my most popular fic. It was for a ZeLink zine full of beautiful work :)
Resemblance (Naruto) - bro I always forget people really liked this one. Literally an unedited drabble I did in an hour for a "pride month drabble challenge" which I immediately abandoned. Trans rights I guess
Always Wanna Play (But You Never Wanna Lose) (Persona 3) - This one isn't surprising either, and I'm very proud of this fic so I'm quite chuffed to see it get so much attention... thanks everyone :')
The Beat of Your Heart (Zelda) - Now this one surprised me a lot. This was just a little piece for ZeLink week... Another unedited one, I literally was writing it on the toilet in church so I could get it out in time 😭
Comfort (Zelda) - Another ZeLink week piece, but I knew this one was popular. Also unedited, lmao. I was writing it on the day of my AP Calc finals and I rushed through the exam so I could have more time to work on the fic 😭 I made some Choices that year
Do you respond to comments?
I try to! But I get very anxious about it and tend to work myself into a tizzy, so I often put it off for later and then forget, haha. Then I'll go and respond to all my comments from the last few months and feel even weirder about it... T_T
What's the fic with the angstiest ending you've ever written?
Oof. That's... a hard one, haha. I've written a couple of fics without happy endings, though I typically don't. At least three fics which end on a canonical character death, for instance. But I'd say the ending which made me the most emo writing was Butter, a Mother 3 fic. It ends with Lucas, who's like 9, recently lost his mother, then lost his twin brother (and thinks it's his fault), and is now being neglected by his father, crawling into bed and crying. So yeah, pretty bleak, lmao... but at least he doesn't die I guess?
Do you write crossovers?
I do, but I haven't posted many yet. I'm not always huge on writing them, but I do think about them a lot. I was working on this one Persona 3 x Fire Emblem Awakening crossover but I lost steam on it, and now there's a really lovely crossover on AO3 with a similar premise that I was SO delighted to come across!!! Hope y'all don't mind me taking a break from linking my own work to shill for this one, hehe
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
Unfortunately, yes, about six times, I'd say. Even more unfortunately, most of those times happened earlier on in my fanfic writing career, and I was pretty sensitive to hate back then, so I deleted many of the relevant fics, and some of them I don't even have access to myself anymore.
Not gonna talk about the ones that are still upsetting, but I will talk about the funny examples: on a (since deleted) RWBY fic, I said in the author's note that I "wrote them as platonic, but the fic can be read as WhiteRose", and then I got a glowing comment gushing about how good the story was which ended with "but then you had to ruin it by shitting all over WhiteRose, how about you [long suicide bait]". Third most baffling comment I've ever received.
The two most baffling were on different fics, but both were making the same weird accusation??? One was on a ZeLink fic (actually, on Comfort, my fifth most kudos'ed fic of all time now), and y'know I think I'm just gonna show you the comment in question:
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The other one was on a long-since deleted fic which focused on both a romantic ship, as well as a fatherly relationship between one member of the ship and the other member's father. I guess having a fatherly relationship with your father-in-law makes your boyfriend actually your brother (and therefore you can't date him anymore). IDK man people are crazy. (tbf the commenter in question thought I was setting it up so that he'd get adopted by his boyfriend's parents, which would give them more of a case, but like... that didn't happen in the fic and wasn't going to. they just guessed at a future plot development and got angry about their guess)
Do you write smut?
I do, but I've never posted any. I've posted one fic that was very suggestive, I'd even call it "NSFW" in a sense, but never anything explicit. Maybe I will in the future? We'll see if I can ever finish anything smutty, lmao.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep, I had Ultimatum, my longest chapter-fic (and by far my most popular fic in the ff.n days) stolen and posted on another site by somebody. I reported it but never checked back up to see if it got taken down.
I also feel that I've had my work plagiarized pretty damn blatantly in another fandom (I was browsing a certain AU tag and read one which contained all the exact events and sometimes word-for-word dialogue from a fic of mine, just very very slightly rewritten) but the poster had no other works and their writing was definitely extremely juvenile, so... I figured they were a dumb kid and just decided not to raise a fuss. Checked back later and they deleted it, hopefully because they realized they shouldn't do that, so I figure there's no need to start shit over it. Honestly, if that person used that experience as a jumping-off point to write their own fics, then I'm glad it happened, imitation being the highest form of flattery and all.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, though I had someone reach out to me on fanfiction dot net a long time ago and ask permission to translate An Unheard Goodbye, which was super exciting! I agreed, but I don't believe they ever got around to it, or if they did, they never posted it. Still very flattering, and I think about that a lot, hehe.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'm.... gonna say Zelda/Link? I haven't written it in FOREVER but it was such a huge part of me coming into my own as a fanfic author, so I have to give it credit for that.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
.......all of them 😭 god I have so many of these damn things. But for the prime example, I'd point to Ultimatum, an old Pokemon fic that I started in middle school. I got all the way to the climax and I feel bad leaving my readers hanging, but... at this point, if I did continue it, I would honestly have to rewrite the whole fic first just to be in line with my current understanding of the characters.
What are your writing strengths?
Y'know, I think I get character voices down extremely well in a way which elevates my dialogue and narration. That's probably the thing I'm most proud of in my own writing, at least.
What are your writing weaknesses?
BREVITY. Or the utter, glaring lack of it. I have also been known to muddy up my writing with an overabundance of A) adverbs, B) unneeded clauses tacked onto perfectly good sentences, and C) em-dashes 😭
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I think it's dope as fuck, but I currently can't really accomplish it because I'm monolingual (NOT FOR LONG IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT, I'M COMING FOR YOU, JAPANESE FLUENCY!!!!). I will also say that I don't like when authors will write characters having a story-important conversation in another language, then put the translations in the end notes or something, requiring you to either read the chapter confused or else keep scrolling back down and back up.... I think even that's totally fine to do if what's being said isn't plot-relevant, though.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Naruto. I hadn't read or watched Naruto btw, I had only read other Naruto fanfics. I have spoken on this topic many times, but it remains hilarious to me. Also, so many of my old Naruto fics are lost to the Wattpad times, but I will take this opportunity to once again share a quote which I recently managed to unearth from my long-lost unsung magnum opus:
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Never ever will I intentionally attain the level of comedy gold that I managed while writing completely dead serious Naruto fanfiction on Wattpad in 2012.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
See above. How could I ever top that fic.
In all seriousness, this question always makes me sweat, but I think I'm gonna say Oil, a slightly older fic from my EliHec days which I absolutely obsessed over for months before finally managing to finish. And, unlike most of the fics that I obsess over, I think the obsession actually made it come out better rather than worse, haha.
thanks again for the tag!!!! as for me, I'll tag uhh, hm, @wizard-finix @dreamedge @misty-wisp @flyfish1999 and any other AO3 writers who see this!!! (idk how many of you use AO3 and most of the MBS authors I know have probably already been tagged hehe but anybody who wants to should absolutely feel free!!!!!!!)
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bastardtrait · 1 year
huge get to know me post
hi friendsies. I feel like sharing today. some of these are from a really long time ago because I've been hoarding them like the sewer-dwelling critter I am. thank you to everyone who tagged! if you also feel like sharing today then please by all means, use this post as an excuse.
last and current things tag! for this one I was tagged by @moonfromearth @newvegastrait and @airbussy-a330.
last song: water colour by Wheein
last show: I watched an episode of From with my brother & SIL which was pretty intriguing
currently watching: I do not...watch shows...I can't stick to shows if it'd save my life tbh
currently reading: Love Hate & Clickbait by Liz Bowery. it's fine so far. a solid 3/5 read. could I recommend it? if you're bored maybe.
current obsession: God of War Ragnarök. in fact I'm so obsessed I'm hellbent on 100%ing this game and I might even go back for NG+. please send help.
15 questions for 15 mutuals! for this one I was tagged by @autonomousllama and @thelastairsimblr.
Are you named after anyone? Yes, I've got my parents' names in my full legal name.
When was the last time you cried? you're gonna make me say it huh. fine. I cried during the middle part of God of War Ragnarök omg bye
Do you have kids? No...but it'd be nice someday...
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I don't know if I'm sarcastic. not really my form of humour. but I could be wrong.
What sorts of sports do you/have you played? I like swimming and diving, and football/soccer.
What's the first thing you notice about other people? okay this is gonna sound completely fucking unhinged so bear with me but...smell. like yeah that's a really normal answer right. but it's true. don't sue me.
Eye colour: brown
Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings because I watched the ever-loving shit out of horror movies between 11-21 and now I don't care about them anymore.
Any special talents? I hate this question goodbye
Where were you born? the Philippines
What are your hobbies? cooking, video games, making and playing music, tabletop rpg's, painting. normal tweecore shit I guess.
Do you have any pets? yes, one overgrown rat the shelter tried to pass off as a dog but I know better. and I love him dearly.
How tall are you? driver's license says 173 cm which is around 5'8".
Favourite subject in school? god idk I haven't been in school in years. I guess history? maybe?
Dream job? I do not dream of having a job.
shuffle your playlist tag! I was tagged by @beebeesiims a while ago. in which I must shuffle my on repeat playlist and share the first 10 tracks GOD HERE WE GO...
Set Me Free - Twice
夜に駆ける Racing into the night - YOASOBI
きらり Flash - Fujii Kaze
真夜中のドア/Stay With Me - Matsubara Miki
Umaasa - Skusta Klee
Burning Friday Night - Lucky Kilimanjaro
Supernova - Ellegarden
Gunshot - KARD
Perfect World - Twice
Wonderland - iri
get to know the blogger tag! I was tagged by @lynxsimago aaages ago. some of these questions are the same as the ones above so those, I will skip.
show your wallpaper:
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yes I use windoze 7. sorry my slay is so gigantic.
last movie: Mambo Italiano from 2003. one of those so bad it's good movies.
craving: some ice cold aiyu jelly on bright, blistering summer day!
what are you wearing right now? shorts...and a bandage on my torso bc I burned myself last night lol
piercings? earlobes and left nostril. I want an eyebrow one too though.
tattoos? a bow and arrow design on my right forearm and the word "انتظار" on my left wrist.
glasses/contacts? I wear glasses
last thing I ate: a panino I made. it slapped.
favourite colour? yellow!
favourite fictional character? Samwise Gamgee probably.
last place I travelled: if driving an hour+ away from home counts, then it was to Brockville. if it should be longer than that, then it'd be Vancouver.
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gunsli-01 · 3 months
I was tagged at @qrevo in this tag game. Thanks for the tag! Anyone else who wants to do it can. I am gonna tag a few people to pay it forward but no one has to do it. @apatchworkstar, @peccadrome, @givemeanaccountalready, @genderqueer-miharu, @doctorbunny, @siverfanweedo.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Yeah my middle name is my grandma's first name and the first letter of my first name refers back to my father. It's the same with his last three kids.
2. When was the last time you cried?
This week and I will cry again. It's allergy season and on top of that I have spring seasonal affective disorder. So, that's here until like summer.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope and right now I don't have any plans to.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I've never played a sport. I was told that I was in ballet when I was way younger. Because my mom signed me and my sister up for it but I don't really remember it. if we're speaking casually I played all the ones you'd find in a regular american high school gym class. Basketball, dodgeball, jumprope etc.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, but it's very extragerated instead of catty which people say takes the bite away from it. I tend to be sarcastic for fun unless really ticked off.
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
Their facial features be it their hair eyes or something else.
7. Eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I'm a fan of scary movies mostly psychological horror or horror comedies.
9. Any talents?
Writing. Though people also say I'm a good listener and give good advice to the point I've been getting prompted into going back to college for psychology. The thing my family did not want me to do when I did want to do it~
10. Where were you born?
The US state of Michigan. Been here my whole life. It's pretty decent and the people tend to be personable and interesting in various ways. However, it can be very stereotypically American out here. My sister came into town with her bf who'd never been to the midwest and he was stunned at how talkative the everyday person is here. It was funny to hear that sort of culture shock actually exists. Plus when I visited London it wasn't much different in atmosphere. So, I was pretty comfortable. The people did keep to themselves more though.
11. Hobbies?
I'm slowly getting back into enjoying writing original stuff. I've been doing it since I was ten. My first longest hobby is music appreciation if that counts which i've been doing since earlier than that. I tend to like listening to all sorts of music there's this good graphic novel on it I saw at the library a while back too.
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Oh and i like video games too. I tend to play roguelikes and rhythm games a lot.
12. Any pets?
I have two cats. Angel who is going on fourteen and Luco who I adopted last year and is going on two.
13. Height?
I'm around five feet and four inches. Though I haven't gotten it measssure in a while.
14. Favorite school subject?
Science mostly the parts focusing on biology and medicine. I really enjoyed it in high school and when I was in college.
15. Dream job?
My dream job and life plan was to be a school psychologist and a writer under a pseudonym. However, writers have become a sort of influencer these days and I literally have zero interest in that sort of attention.
The school psychiatrist thing was burst by the college I was going to literally being too expensive for me. Made funnier by the fact I was going to a community one that mysteriously lost my grant mid semester. Putting me in a pay us this pile of money you don't have or leave situation. I had all A's at the time. Ha, ha... So, I'm at a I don't even want to bother anymore point honestly. Also schools are unsurprisingly dangerous in the states and pay staff very little. So it's more risk than reward.
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swordarmsaxelegs · 10 months
Hi :) I was tagged by @macleod to be a part of this chain. Here's my top 5 songs on repeat (in no particular order)
Shinedown - What a Shame
Shinedown is one of my favourite bands of all time and this song is from my favourite album that they released. It was hard to narrow it down to just one song of theirs to include in this list, so I thought about a recent playlist I've been listening to and decided that this the one I have been most likely to loop out of all of them.
Shinedown is pretty mainstream among metal/alt-rock fans, but if you're not familiar with them or even if you're not usually a fan of those genres then I recommend checking them out. Some of their songs on this album kind of border country territory. I have also listened to some of their more recent post-grunge stuff and think it's a bit pop-y, so I'm sure there's something everyone would enjoy.
Vansire - Metamodernity
I don't have much to say about this one. A girl I had a crush on once used this song as background noise in her Instagram story. I'm not sure anymore if I like this song because of her or if I like her because of this song. All I can say is that there was a couple of months where I would only listen to this.
Tom Cardy - Level Clear!
I haven't been able to get enough of this song since Mr. Cardy posted it four months ago and it is embarrassing. If you're not familiar with his work, Tom makes silly musical videos for Tik Tok and YouTube. I love his videos, he's very creative and entertaining, but this song has no right to go this hard.
Allie X - Old Habits Die Hard
I could probably list Allie X as a top 5 artist on repeat. She was my introduction to the synth pop genre and I think her music is consistently great. I picked this song specifically because it's a lot of fun and one that I'm always excited to hear when it comes on shuffle. As for an album I would recommend, most of her songs that I listen to come from Collxtion, No 1. This song in particular appears on two albums, but I haven't personally listened to the newer version of the song. I'm sure it's great, though.
System of a Down - Aerials
I am very sorry to include this one in the list, but it would be wrong of me not to. One time I was listening to this song so much that it started to become a problem for me. I would try to sleep and this song would be on loop in my brain. I tried learning all of the lyrics so I could sing it to myself because I read that songs get stuck in your head because your brain likes to see things through to the end, but then that just made it worse. I didn't even play this video before sharing it here because I'm scared that if I do it will happen again. This is absolutely one of my all time favourite songs and also I would like to start a conspiracy that System of a Down songs are so weird because they're trying to lock us into a trance.
As a bonus, I was thinking of including Nirvana - Heart Shaped Box because there was a period where I would listen to that song a lot, but I figured everybody on Tumblr can probably say the same thing and I had to limit this to only five songs.
I haven't been very talkative on here since I came back a few years ago, so I don't have anybody to tag in this. If you see this post and think it would be fun to participate then feel free to share your own top 5 and tag me in it :) Maybe it could turn out to be a way to make some new friends on here :D
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gyuworm · 1 year
Hihi lili !! ✨️✨️
Hope classes went well and you're resting now!!
One of my all time favorite TXT mvs would have to be Can't You See Me. I think you'll like it 😁 It has like a horror vibe to it. I also really like the mv for PUMA which is from the same album 😅 All the mvs are so good tho. They're supposed to all blend together as a story line. MY BIAS that's a funny question. It started as Kai and then went to Taehyun but now it's Taehyun, Beomgyu, and Kai. But I feel like I'm more Ot5. It's too hard to pick.
OOO! I wanna see it but I have to be honest. I haven't seen ANY of the Scream movies.. I dunno why I just haven't been around to it yet. My favorite is The Conjuring Universe. I even have the book from the first movie. And it's signed. But idk if it's real?? I got it second hand.
I do the same thing you do. I guess the ending and 9 times outta 10 I'm right.. Maybe that's why my favorite board game is Clue lol. Squid Game made me think of AIB but I didn't have any emotional attachment to the characters like I did with AIB. And I found out they're based off of like the same book?? I think it was a book or something.. i forget 😅 so don't take my word for it!!
Also tyty✨️°▪︎♡ that means a lot 🥹🤧 I used to write romance.. a loooong time ago lol I was on a lil website called Quotev. It's like stories and quizzes. I don't really write fics anymore.. I feel like I'd like to but I wouldn't know how to set everything up to reach who I'd like to reach. My genre was always romace or angst. I'm a sucker for some good angst. Imma force u to watch a romance drama 😈 ✨️
UR KILLING ME AAA lemme think.. top 5 between bothhh
1. Can't you see me
2. Answer
3. Wishlist
5. Cat & Dog
#1 would be every single txt song if i could pick that honestly. I have 0 skips. What do you listen to music on?
~ 🍓♡
classes were okay! i took a nap when i got home whoop whoop! 🥳🥳
i’ll definitely check out those two videos and a few others then let you know what i thought!!
the scream franchise is pretty good overall but there’s a few that don’t really hit as good 😭😭 idk if i’ve ever seen any of the conjuring movie(s)? (is there more than one?? hahah)
i know AIB is based off a manga but i didn’t know squid game was? 0: i guess they do have similar elements so i wouldn’t be surprised!
HAHA yes i know of quotev i used to read on there. tbh when i started writing on this blog i didn’t know what i was doing (and i still really don’t) a big part of engagement comes from using tags!! it honestly just depends on the fandom and when people are active i think. + i’m down to watch a romance drama!!
i listen to music on spotify!! what about you?
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leahblackk · 3 years
Lies pt.3
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(The gif is not mine. Whoever made this thank you so much and I’m sorry)
Summary: After Y/n is kidnapped Spencer needs to find her before it is too late, but this makes Spencer being put into a very familiar position.
Type: Angst.
Alright people, finally we have the last part of lies and I have to thank all of you for the support and for being so patient with me. I am so sorry for taking so long, and I am sorry for what you will read. I might or might not have cried while I was writing it and editing it. And this fucking thing is so longgg so i am sorry. It took 16 pages like what???
With so much love and pain, Leah.
If you haven't read the first and second part here are the links. 
And if you can read this while listening to Moonlight by future Islands it will be perfect because I was definitely listening to it while I wrote this.
People who asked me to tag them: @rexorangecouny, @b-a-utiful, @measure-in-pain, @jemimah-b99, @brod16​ 
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Y/n and Spencer have never been apart from each other. There was something that made the two young doctors crave each other. There was a connection with so much chemistry, with so much love and appreciation. The love they felt for each other wasn't like the others, and they never felt that way with anyone. After all, they belong together because they fit together. Because they were meant to be.
One of their first dates was to watch stars while they made a picnic. Spencer remembers the way her hair was being softly moved by the cold wind of that night. The moon wasn't complete because that way, they could see the stars better. The constellations were connected in the way they were, how the sky was being decorated by the little space things we call stars.
Spencer remembers very vividly how she always talks about astronomy and how the sky and space made her feel.
And that night, the stars were out. Spencer wishes she could be there with him to tell him facts about astronomy even though Spencer already knew all those facts. Still, in the way she narrates it, how she talks so happily, how she moves her hands, and how her eyes are sparkly and lighter than the stars itself make everything better. It was better to hear and learn those facts from her than in a boring book he could finish in less than an hour.
But she wasn't with him. He didn't even know where she was, but when he was out there watching the stars while hot, painful tears were streaming down his face. The universe was the only one who could know how he felt because the universe himself was the one that made them be together. Or well, that's what Spencer liked to think.
But certainly, the night sky wasn't that beautiful now she wasn't there. The night was colder, and he felt alone, empty. The stars seem dull in his eyes. The universe and astronomy weren't that beautiful anymore because the only stars Spencer wanted to watch were her eyes.
And then and there, Spencer made a promise. If he didn't find Y/n, he would never look at the night sky ever again. He won't even going to talk about astronomy in his life because that was her thing, and Spencer didn't want to take that away from her, but if he did find her, he would look at the stars every night before he goes to sleep. He would talk about astronomy, but only to her. He would thank the universe for the rest of his life. He would read all the facts so he can tell her because she always wanted to learn. She always asked Spencer about astronomy.
Spencer wanted his universe again.
He was so stuck in his mind. His eidetic memory wasn't a blessing at that moment. So he didn't hear his friend Derek Morgan approaching him.
He stood beside him. The doctor wasn't looking at his friend. He was looking up.
"Did you know space is complete silence? Some people might think it has a specific type of sound. But is silent." He murmurs while Morgan looks at him in confusion.
"No, I didn't know." He was going to encourage his friends, but the young doctor interrupted him.
"Did you know that on mars, the sunset is blue? I think it's something interesting."
"Did you know that the name milky way galaxy has something to do with Greek mythology and Hercules? It says that Hera was nursing Hercules while she was asleep, and then when she woke up and pulled away, her breast milk spilled across the heavens. But in Greek mythology, Hera didn't like Hercules because it wasn't her son. Y/n told me that."
"Spencer, I think that's pretty interesting, but-"
"Did you know that-"
"What?" Spencer finally looked at his friend with tears in his eyes.
"We are going to find her. I promise."
"Are we? I mean, it's been an hour, twenty minutes, and three seconds since she was kidnapped, and we don't even have a clue where she is. Do you think we are gonna find her, or you just say it because you know this is all my fault, and if I didn’t kiss Cat, she wouldn't be kidnapped?"
Morgan sighed and hugged Spencer. The young doctor was known because he didn't like physical contact, but at that moment, he needed it. "This is not your fault. None of this is your fault, and we both knew you had to kiss her. You err was not telling her why you did it, but you will."
"I tried Morgan," Spencer cried. "I tried, but she wouldn't listen to me. Why didn't she listen to me? I love her. I love her more than anything. I can't lose her. I can't."
"You won't, kid. You won't."
And there, Spencer cried in Morgan's shoulder.
 Twenty minutes after, Spencer tried to help the team in everything he could, but sometimes he would space out, thinking in those moments where Y/n would bring him back to reality by holding his knee. He looked down and put his own hand in his knee, trying to remember what it felt when it was her the one doing it.
"Go ahead, Garcia," Morgan said. There weren't pet names anymore. No one was in good humor to flirt. Even Penelope, her best friend, was missing, and his lack of pet names, cocky and sarcastic answers was showing. She didn't smile, but everyone knew something was wrong besides their current situation.
"A-A video has been sent to- to Spencer. It is Y/n" Penelope tried to talk. Her eyes were red, meaning she was crying.
Everyone looks at Spencer. "Show us." He said.
"Right away."
Everyone looked at the screen in front of them, waiting anxiously for the video. Spencer knew it wasn't a good one.  The video started with a woman in front of the camera not giving a chance to see what was being her but apparently it was a chair.
The woman was trying to get a good angle, and when she made it, she started to walk away from the camera, not losing her view—everyone gasped except Spencer and Hotch, who already had their suspicions. The woman was Cat Adams.
"Hiya Spencie, sadly, I don't get to see you, but at least you can see me," she greeted. "I found someone outside of your office, and it was easy to catch her, and you thought she was smart."
Cat stepped aside, leaving Y/n in everyone's view. She had some minor bruises in her temple, and her lip was bleeding, meaning she had to fight for her life. She was awake, but she was looking at anything more than the floor. Her wrists were tied in the back of the chair, so were her ankles.
Spencer looked carefully at her, looking for lethal injuries, and when he didn't find them, he felt relieved. He looked at her face, and his heart hurt at the view, but even at that moment, he thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world to him, she always has been, and she will always be.
"Look at the front Y/n," Cat said. She didn't do what she wanted, so Cat walked where she was and grabbed her chin, moving it to the camera. Spencer watched her eyes, empty, without light he always liked and red, she had been crying. Those pretty eyes weren't looking at him. Those eyes he loved so much were lost, and Spencer thought it was his fault. He believed it was his fault. "Say hi to Spencer," Cat demanded. Y/n didn't listen to her. "I said to say hi to Spencer," she slapped her cheek, making Spencer's tears finally drop, and a few of the team as well. But even though Y/n didn't say anything. "So, someone has decided to be a little brat. You like brats, Spencer?" Cat asked.
Cat disappeared from the view just leaving Y/n there. She exhaled and looked at the camera. She moved her head to the left, trying to escape from the camera view. Adams came back with something the team wouldn't recognize. She smiled and lit it, the tip of the strange object lit up like a small candle, and put it in Y/n's arm, inside of her arm. She gasped and sobbed. She was trying to be strong, strong for them. "You decided to be a brat and don't do what I say, so this is your punishment."
When she didn't receive any painful reaction from the young agent, she put the object away, watching the slight burning she left in Y/n's arm. "Now, I think we can negotiate with your little friends, don't you think?" She looked at her, but she didn't respond. "Alright, crime fighters, this is what I want. The little bitch here aka Spencer's girlfriend, or should I say ex? Did you break up with Spencer Y/n? After you saw how he kissed me, did he kiss you in the same way? I bet he didn't." Y/n remained silent. "When I talk to you, you will answer me," Cat slapped Y/n’s cheek. She looked at Cat with anger this time.
"How far did you go with your obsession for him? If I wanted to be with you, we would have, but he didn't, did he? So you had to plan and do all of this so you can have all the attention and recognition you didn't have as a child, isn't it? How pathetic you are." Y/n finally talk.
"You don't talk to me like that." Cat slapped Y/n cheek with so much strength that it made Y/n spit blood. And then she looked at Cat again and chuckled.
"You wanted me to talk."
Cat ignored her words, being annoyed by them. She looked at the camera and smiled. "How I was saying, what I want is to Spencer to come. You can bring your team I don’t care, besides I want to all of them watch the show, but you had to enter the building alone, and you can’t do dirty tricks or anything like trying to get the FBI inside because I had cameras everywhere and if I see someone else trying to be inside I will kill her. All of you can watch everything from outside, that's actually the plan, and then maybe I can give you back your little girlfriend. You have to enter with any guns, with anything. Just you, and maybe without clothes, only if you want," Cat smirked and then began to walk close to the camera. "You know the rules, but the question if you dare to play the game Spencie. I see you soon." She winked and took the camera, and the video stopped.
Everyone stayed silent.
"Oh! She sent an address." Penelope knowledge.
"How did she escape?" JJ asked.
"That's what I like to know. Care to explain, Strauss?" Hotch talked, wapping the few tears in his eyes when he saw Erin Strauss walk to the BAU.
"Don't talk to me like that, Aaron. This is not my fault."
"Then who is? One of our agents is being there torture, and you didn't even have the decency to say that maniac escape from prison?"
"I didn't want to alarm the team. She killed a few cops on her way out, but apparently, she had everything planned for weeks."
"Obviously, she had," Rossi said. "Remember when you bring Aaron down because you said he wasn't doing a good job? What is this, then? Are you doing a good job, Erin?"
"This is not my fault, and you know it. I have the power to fire you both for being so unrespectful," Erin attacked.
"Oh yeah? Please do it. I really don't care, Erin. Fire me if you want, but I promise you that I will end you if something happens to her. I actually would like to know what your superiors would think about Erin Strauss. The section chief let a criminal escape and then don't say anything about it.”
"Guys, thank you, Hotch and Rossi, but I don't think how this can help to rescue her, and my girlfriend is out there being tortured by a psychopath, and I really don't think that fighting will help."
"Reid, it's right, we can discuss this later. Right now, we need to think about how we can act," Erin proposed.
"There's any other way than me going," Spencer said with confidence.
"No! Of course, no, that's the worst plan, Spence. I don't think it would work. She's crazy, remember? She would kill you and-" JJ started.
"JJ, she's my girlfriend, and she's suffering, and it's probably my fault."
"It's not," Hotch said. "We will act, and we will find her, I promise you. Besides, she's really strong."
Spencer nodded. She is strong.
She is strong.
He repeated like a mantra to try to calm his nerves.
She is strong.
. . .
 Y/n could see everything so dark and tried to see where she was. She wasn't where Cat left her first when she recorded that video and probably sent it to her friends. She was worried, and not because of her life but for Spencer’s.
She knew he would appear at any moment with the team's approval or not. He was like that. He would give anything for her, even his life, just to save her, and at any other time, that would be comforting, but at that moment, that wasn't good. Her anxiety was all over her body, she could feel the blood in her mouth after the slap Cat gave her, and she could feel the injuries where Cat burned her, she could feel the tight hold in her hands and ankles, she was worried about the team, she was concerned about Spencer, she was concerned about Diana. And last, she was concerned about her life.
Was her life going to end?
Why wasn't that worried about her life? She was sick and concerned about everyone around her but her. Why wasn't she worried? Did she didn't care if her life ends at that moment?
She was confused, concerned, and full of anxiety. She was hurt. She wanted to get out there and never come back.
Cat interrupted her thoughts when she came in. With a black chair and put it in front of her. Cat looked at her and smiled. "Don't worry. I won't kill you even if I want to. I made a promise with Spencie, and besides, if I kill you right now, the show wouldn't be that fun, don't you think? " She walked and sat in front of Y/n. "You know, I always felt that you and Spencer needed couples therapy, you didn't trust in him, and he didn't communicate with you, and you didn't tell him the truth, but maybe when he comes, we can discuss that," and then she left leaving the young doctor confused.
. . .
 Spencer enters the building. Of course, he did. He wasn't going to leave her girlfriend in the hands of that woman even if she didn't want to see him after what he did. And he knows that if she didn't look at him while he was in there, he wouldn't be mad about it. He deserves it, after all.
He was worried. A man he didn't know was escorting him where he was supposed to be. And he was nervous, of course, he was. Her mom was with Penelope, he didn't tell her what happened because he loved Y/n so much that she would feel bad, and Spencer didn't want that.
The man stopped in front of a black door and then left him there, alone. Spencer felt confused, looking everywhere to see what was happening, but then the door got open, letting him see Cat, and he looked inside of the room trying to find Y/n, but Cat blocked his view. "Don't be rude, Spencer, here you follow my rules, and my first rule is to cover your eyes," Cat smiled while she showed him a black tie. Spencer took it, and he put it in his eyes.
Cat took his arm and guided him where she wanted him to be, in a chair in front of Y/n, who also was covered, she tied his ankles to the chair. The room was empty, only with the three people there and two chairs and a table in Spencer’s left. It was dark and cold. The two doctors were anxious. She knew he was there, she could sense his perfume, and Spencer knew she was there because he could feel her in the same way he always perceives her when she came into a room.
Spencer wanted to see her and Y/n deep down. Her soul wanted to see him as well.
Cat took the tie off Spencer's eyes first, and at that moment, his eyes, for instinct, looked for hers. Those beautiful eyes he was craving for, those who were his strength and debility.
He finds them blind on a black tie like his. But there was her, with her hands free in her lap, but her ankles tied in the chair. Her lip was bleeding, and he could see some minor injuries in her temple, the burning in her arm. There she was.
Cat walked to her and took the tie out of her eyes, they were closed, and then she opened them looking for something that Spencer didn't know what it was, she wasn't looking at him yet, but he was craving for it.
Her eyes were red from the crying and how tired she was. Spencer promised that when they get back home, she will sleep for three days straight to recover. She was so beautiful. She was everything Spencer ever wanted and more, and she was his love. The small light of the room, making her look like an angel. His angel.
Y/n finally looked at him, she was scared of what might happen with him, but she was glad to see him even if she was scared of it, even if she didn't know if she really wanted to, but there he was. Looking straight at her, looking at her like she was the most precious thing in the world to him, at that moment, or maybe she has always been, and she never knew.
But his brown hazel eyes were so comforting. That was what she needed to feel strong, to feel free? His lips were highly red, so his eyes, he has been crying, and she could tell. She wonders if she might have something to do it.
She feels baffled, but she sees him, and that was what she needed, even if she says otherwise.
"All right, I guess it is time to begin," Cat starts talking. The surprise was that at that moment, they forgot they weren't alone. "First, don't you think this feels familiar. Don't you get some kind of dejá vú Spencie? This doesn't bring you memories for a certain brown hair girl?" Cat starts passing around the small room.
"I don't know what does that have something to do with all of this," Spencer says, not taking his gaze out of Y/n, but she does. She looks at the floor and his heartaches. She isn't looking at him.
"Oh, Spence, it has all to do with. Did you know that your little girlfriend here felt threatened by her?"
Spencer looks at her, trying to understand or see some kind of emotion in her, trying to find the truth, but she doesn't let him.
"Is that true?" Spencer asks with fear of what the answer might be.
Y/n doesn't respond.
"He's talking to you, sweetheart," Cat says.
"Is not that I felt threatened by her," She says, and Spencer's breathing contains because he is hearing her voice, her sweet voice, "is because I never thought- I felt like I wasn't what she was for him, for you," she looks at him this time, "she was practically your first love, and I came later. Sometimes you have this person in your life, and it is the first time you feel this way. You don't want it to end. And sometimes you feel like you're not good enough even when they say you are, mostly if they loved someone with their entire heart like you did with-with Maeve."
Spencer's face softens by her words. She felt like this, and he never knew.
"But-"Spencer says but is interrupted by Cat.
"Oh no, you are not going to say anything, and all the bullshit we all have heard. I want you to tell her the reason why you kissed me, "she smiles.
"It was because she told me that if I didn't kiss her, she would make your life miserable, and I couldn't stand that. I am so sorry."
"Yeah, but look, I did otherwise. I just have to say that I really loved that kiss. Don't you want to give me another one?" she got closer to him.
"Cat, I don't think-"He says.
"What I told you about rules?" She says and walks to a table and brings a knife with her. "You will listen and do what I say, or bad things will happen," Cat walks to Y/n and puts the knife in her arm.
"Wait! Please don't hurt her. I will do what you want."
She looks at him and smiles, "Good boy."
Cat gets closer to Spencer and sits in his lap. She looks at Y/n first and winks at her, then takes Spencer’s face in her hands and kisses him, but this time Spencer doesn't close his eyes, doesn't even touch her. He is looking at Y/n, trying to apologize with his eyes. She looks the other way while a tear escapes from her eyes.
"Mhm, I bet you enjoy those kisses Y/n. But you need to learn how to share with the class." She gets up and claps her hands together, "Now this night is getting boring. Ugh, I guess it is time to decide whom I will kill," She takes a gun out of her back and points it to Spencer and then to Y/n.
"You said you wouldn't hurt her, "He says.
"I said I wouldn't kill her if you come in, and I didn't. But now you are here. I can do whatever the hell I want, and I want you alive, so the only option is her," She points to her.
"Kill me instead. She doesn't have the fault I didn't end it up with you. It's me who you should be angry with, not her! The only bad thing she ever did was love me."
"I know, Spencer, But I see it in this way. Do you remember all those pretty and lovely letters I wrote you, Y/n? When I said, he didn't love you because he loved Maeve first, and well we all saw how that ended it, but then he found me, and because he couldn't have me, he chose you. You never loved her truly, Spencer, if you think about it. She is just a replacement. And besides, I am mad at you, of course. But I will prefer to see you suffering every day of your life for not choosing me. That is the worst punishment."
“But you should kill me instead, she doesn’t have anything to do with this,”
“I can’t believe you actually prefer to die. But you are right, you have all the fault, because of what you did to me and all the things I did for you and you never accept me. I guess the only way we can fix that is taking something you care about,” she points to Y/n.
Then suddenly they heard a loud noise they couldn't figure out what it was, but Cat was concerned. "What was that? I swear to god it is one of your agents. I will kill you both, "Cat shouts.
"No, it is me. Come look at this Cat, it is urgent," The man said. The man who was with her in all of that, the one who help to bring Y/n. Her brother.
"I will come back soon. You can't escape here, and I will be on the other side of the door. Besides that, we have cameras, so you two will wait until I come back."
Cat leaves, and silence remains in the room.
"Angel, look at me," Spencer says, but she doesn't look at him, "Y/n please," He begs and then she looks at him. "It doesn't matter what she says, or what she is trying to make you believe or what she said to you before, but I do love you so so much. With my entire heart and soul, you are everything and much more to me. I love you so much. And I am so sorry for what you have been through because of me, and I am sorry I didn't realize the way you felt about Maeve. I did love her I am not gonna lie, but what I felt for her wasn't real love, and what I feel for you is much deeper, and you are everything I ever wanted and If someone ever tells me that I can change what happened to her I wouldn't because of what happened I get to know you and love you, and I don't regret anything. You are my universe, and please believe when I say you are everything to me. " Spencer was desperate to let her know what he truly felt.
And then the door got wide open, and it wasn't Cat on the other side or her brother. It was Hotch. Y/n started crying softly when she saw him. There he was. He approached her while Morgan and Prentiss entered the room to help Spencer.
Hotch hugged her, and she cried on his shoulder. "You are okay. Everything is okay now. You will be home soon," he says while he unties her ankles without breaking the hug.
"Thank you, Hotch."
"You don't have to thank me, that's what family is for," Hotch says while he let her free. With tears in his eyes, Prentiss was full of worries that faded away when she saw her and hugged her.
"Oh my god, Y/n, please never do this to us ever again. I was so worried."
"I’m sorry," she chuckles, and Prentiss does the same.
Then Morgan hugged her, crying as well. "We are so glad you are okay. You don't have any idea how worried we were and Penelope, oh my god," He says.
Y/n chuckle and smile. "What happened to Cat and the other man?" She asks.
"We entered the back door, there weren't any cameras, and then we got him before he said anything, we made him call Cat, and we got her as well. They are with the police right now, and you won't see them ever again." She nods.
Spencer looks at her, and Y/n looks at him, but he knew she needed to be checked out for her injuries, so he doesn't say anything yet.
They walked her outside, and JJ and Rossi hugged her, leaving her without air, but happy to see her family again.
. . .
After they checked her and see her injuries, they drive back to Quantico. Spencer was dying inside. He didn't know the next chapter in their life, he didn't want to lose her, but he did understand if she didn't want to be with him.
Everyone greet her, happy to see her again. She couldn’t see Diana because she will be worried about her injuries, Y/n cried with Penelope, but she was happy. Those were happy tears. She was finally in home.
And then she walked outside being called by the sky, looking at the stars. The same ones he was looking at hours before. It was three Am, and he was tired. He walked where she was, looking at the stars and then at her.
"I think we need to talk," he says, playing with his fingers.
"Yeah, I think we do." He looks at her.
"Y/n I want to start saying that I am really sorry. For everything, and I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore, I don't know if we are together right now, you know? You kinda broke up with me," he chuckles, and she does as well. Good sign, Spencer thinks.
"I think we can try, you know? I understand why you did what you did, but it doesn't ease the fact you didn't tell me," Y/n signs. Of course she wanted him back, after all. But she was concerned about their communication skills, not only Spencer’s but hers.
"I know, but I will make it up to you, and I can work that out. Please.” Spencer takes her cold hands into his, giving small kisses to them.
"We need to try the communication, but it can work," Spencer smiles and hugs her.
She hid her face in his neck, and he does the same. He felt like home, he felt like everything was okay, and it was now. She stepped back, but then she hugs him, this time putting her head in his chest.
She looks at the stars, but he's looking at her. She looks at him, smiling. "Why are you not looking at the stars? It is a beautiful night."
He smiles at her, "Because you are the only star I want to look at."
She smiled at him and hid her blushed face from him. He smiles and hugs her tight.
Even though they had an awful night, she still looks at the stars at the end of the day.
At that moment, without them knowing, they made a promise to all the stars in the night sky. At that moment, when they were the only ones in the world.
They enjoy each other warmth, the one they have been craving for, the one that keeps them in their track, with the promise they will try one more time, and maybe a happy ending with love and pride.
Finally everything will be okay, because they were together like the stars in the night sky who were looking at them with pride and love, to always and forever to the end of the world.
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chaos0pikachu · 2 years
I haven't seen KP discourse in the tag since that person who said it was bad representation of LGBTQ+ people and had a problem with the way queer men present their sexuality 🙄 but I won't get into that. The only other posts I've seen are people who are complaining that it isn't serious and don't like the comedy of the show while others were complaining during the first episode (on Twitter) that it was too serious, that they didn't like Kinn, etc., ironically.
There's no way to please everyone.
If people read the novel, they would understand that the chaos and Porsche fucking everything up, and the guards not liking him, and Tankhun's character in general, is exactly how it started in the book. Obviously the whole water thing, pantsing Ken, and the mermaid thing weren't there, so some things aren't exactly as in the book, but that's to be expected. It's a TV series and they need to fill in the time whilst also not diving too deep into the plot since its only episode 2 of 14, like, people need to chill.
People not liking the show because its comedic or they don't like (or understand 👀 full shade intended) Porsche's character... the best you can do is block them. I think the reason people are very protective about this show is because people have already been shitting on it since before it even aired. If you were in the tag before March 2nd you know... and on top of that, people have been waiting for this series for 1 or 2 years and then it got dropped, so people have gone through a rollercoaster with this series and to get it to even air on our screens after so much uncertainty has made people a little hostile with any criticism against the show (Apo, Porsche's actor even got depressed, I heard, and left the country to decompress with Mile, Kinn's actor after the show got dropped by the previous production company. So imagine, it been rough for everyone).
That's not to say the hostility is justified, but I think if people are only hate watching the show, then others have the right to tell you to fuck off. Don't dampen the excitement for others. If you're hate watching it either keep it in your blog or tag it #KPcriticism or #antikinnporsche or whatever, people just need to chill with the hate, the show's only just begun.
Firstly, hot DAMN asks got long this isn't a knock on you Anon I'm just surprised b/c the last time I used tumblr asks could only be like 200 words lmao this is WILD I'm impressed damn tumblr y'all finally were annoyed to death by users to give us something
ok on to the ask:
some things aren't exactly as in the book, but that's to be expected. It's a TV series and they need to fill in the time whilst also not diving too deep into the plot since its only episode 2 of 14, like, people need to chill.
so here's a thing folks need to understand, things will change in adaptions because you are changing the medium in which the story is being told.
The Producers is a good example, originally it's a film, then it was adapted into a musical. I recommend Sideways video on the subject (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXjK50kEgvo) but to sum up his thesis: one of the reasons the Mulan live action movie sucked is it didn't replace any of the music with moments of equal emotional weight. In adaptions you also have to account for things like audience expectations.
Kinnporsche's novel is intended for Thai readers, not international readers. Kinnporsche the TV adaption, is clearly intended for both a Thai audience, but also a broader international audience. So adjustments have to be made to take that into account. Also, you tend to have more hands involved with film productions over book ones (speaking from experience on all of this btw).
Novel changes are to be expected simply b/c internal monologues aren't really en vogue anymore in film save for rare cases, so all the internal thoughts of Porsche you'd get in the novel have to be cut.
(Apo, Porsche's actor even got depressed, I heard, and left the country to decompress with Mile, Kinn's actor after the show got dropped by the previous production company. So imagine, it been rough for everyone).
JFC I didn't know that and that's horrible I hope Apo is ok no, depression is no joke.
That's not to say the hostility is justified, but I think if people are only hate watching the show, then others have the right to tell you to fuck off. Don't dampen the excitement for others. If you're hate watching it either keep it in your blog or tag it #KPcriticism or #antikinnporsche or whatever, people just need to chill with the hate, the show's only just begun.
yeah I agree with this. Like, I'm not gonna stop anyone from disliking KP like honestly who fucking cares you don't like a show trust you aren't changing the world by not liking KP nor liking KP. I think folks have all the right in the word to not like KP and talk about why they don't like KP. It's your blog man.
But that's the thing, either keep it on your blog aka tagless, or tag it something outside of the main tags so fans don't have to see it.
Like, ok I don't like the show 1000 Stars, nor To My Star two shows I know are like really popular in BL spaces. I have my reasons for not liking these shows. But even if I did ever get the firey chaotic urge to write an essay on why I don't like these show I wouldn't post it in the fucking main tags.
Why? Why would I? Fans who love the show are in those tags! Why am I coming into their house while they're chilling, having a good time, enjoying their party to bust down the door and say "well actually your chips and dip suck balls and your punch taste like mildew".
Idk about how others grew up but that's a quick ass way to get my ass dog walked lmao it's picking a fight - however unintentional - for no reason. Just invite a new tag! KPcritical or KPNegative or whatever it's all good.
And it's not even like you can't have disagreements in fandom, I didn't agree with a take that Porsche is depressed but the user and I were really cordial about it b/c we're both fans and we just enjoy the show. No big! But folks are posting outright just negative shit or hate watching the show and posting it in the tags like, my dude, keep that snaps on your blog there's no reason to tag it and if you tag it to organize your blog just do so with different tags cause otherwise you're unintentionally bringing the party down. And the rest of us are just trying to jam.
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