#aries stellium
ezukll · 3 months
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Having a fire stellium is a powerful and dynamic energy. You may have a very strong internal fire, and this can make you extremely ambitious, passionate, and driven. You may have a strong desire to do things your way, to make things happen, and to create a spark or ignite something within others. It can also give you a strong sense of purpose and direction. It can give you the energy, drive, and will power to push through anything.
Having an Aries stellium can indicate that you are a very independent and self-contained person. You may have a strong sense of your identity and have a strong sense of your personal power. You may be naturally self-motivated, a go-getter, and extremely determined. You are likely to have a strong self-belief that you can achieve anything.
Having a Leo Stellium indicates that you have a very strong and powerful sense of self. You likely have a strong sense of pride, self-belief, and authority. You may be a natural leader who has a strong need to take charge and to make things happen. You may have an innate desire to be the center of attention and to take the spotlight. You may have a strong need to be respected and admired.
Having a Sagittarius Stellium suggests that you are a very independent, adventurous, and driven person. You are likely to have a strong sense of self-belief and self-confidence. You want to explore and try new things, and you have a relentless passion and an openness to new experiences. You have a strong sense of ambition and a need to pursue personal growth and your own interests. You likely have a strong desire for freedom and independence and may feel restricted if you feel confined or held back.
Having an Earth Stellium brings a very strong grounding energy to your personality. Your Earthy side thrives on stability, routine, and physical comforts. You appreciate and thrive on stability and predictability. You likely find a sense of comfort and balance in being in a routine or a consistent environment. You may have a strong need for security and comfort, and you may find joy and satisfaction in small, everyday things. You may also be very grounded, steady, and stable in yourself and in the choices you make.
With a Taurus Stellium, you likely have a strong emotional core and a deep need for security and stability. You may find the grounding nature of Taurus comforting, and you likely have a strong foundation in your life that brings a sense of stability and a feeling of emotional safety. You may also have a strong need for physical and material comforts and may value material possessions and resources. You may have some difficulty with change and may prefer to stick to what you know and what feels familiar.
With a Virgo Stellium, you likely have a very strong sense of self-awareness and self-analysis. You may have a tendency to overthink and overanalyze everything, including yourself. You may have a deep desire to be precise and accurate, and you may feel a strong need to be in control of all aspects of your life. You may have to strive for self-balance and balance in all areas of life. You may find yourself feeling stressed and anxious when things are not neatly organized or when there is uncertainty.
Having a Capricorn Stellium gives you a very strong sense of responsibility and a deep-seated drive to achieve success and status. You may have a very strong work ethic and a need to strive for higher achievements. You are likely to have a strong sense of maturity and stability in yourself. You may have a strong need for authority, control, and a strong sense of discipline. You may have a strong desire to be recognized and respected for your accomplishments. You may also have a strong need to protect and care for others, especially those you are close to.
Air Stellium brings a very cerebral vibe, with strong focus on communication, knowledge, and ideas. You likely have a very curious and analytical mind. You may have a strong desire for knowledge and new experiences, but you may also have a strong need for logic and rationality. You may feel like an observer or a thinker rather than a feeler. You may have a strong inner dialogue and a tendency to dissect and analyze everything internally. You may feel a strong attraction toward mental stimulation.
A Gemini Stellium indicates a very dynamic and flexible energy, with a strong desire for freedom and a tendency to adapt and shift gears quickly. You likely enjoy a good debate and a lively conversation. You may feel a strong need to be connected to others and to the outside world but also be very independent and self-reliant. You may enjoy being social but also enjoy having plenty of alone time to think and process.
With a Libra Stellium, you likely have a very strong need for balance and harmony. You may feel comfortable in groups and may enjoy a mix of perspectives and opposing viewpoints. You may have a tendency to avoid conflict and to seek peaceful resolutions. You may be very focused on your interpersonal relationships and want to ensure that things are fair and equal. You likely have a tendency to be compassionate, empathic, and to see the best in people.
A strong Aquarius Stellium may indicate a very individualistic and quirky approach to life. You have a strong need for independence and a tendency to be creative and inventive in your approach to life. You likely have a strong desire to push boundaries and to challenge norms and conventions. You may have a strong belief in your own unique ideas and perspectives. You may see yourself as an outsider or a non-conformist. You may also have a strong desire to be part of a community and to connect with others who share a similar outlook on life.
A Water Stellium indicates a very deep and emotional side to your personality, with a strong tendency to feel things deeply and strongly. You likely have a very sensitive and compassionate nature, with a strong empathy for others. You may also have a strong connection to the spiritual and the soulful. You may feel a deep connection to nature, animals, or the beauty of life in general. You may also have a strong tendency to be affected by the emotions and energy of those around you.
With a Cancer Stellium, you are likely to bring a very deep sense of compassion, empathy, and warmth to the table. You likely have a very strong sense of nurture and desire to care for others. You may find yourself being very intuitive and emotionally perceptive of others' needs and emotions. You may have a strong tendency to take on other people's feelings and to take on a nurturing or mothering role. You may also have a strong connection to your family and an emotionally bonded and protective nature, with a strong focus on home and family.
With a Scorpio Stellium, you bring a deep and powerful energy to the table. You likely have a strong sense of intuition and insight into the hidden depths and mysteries of life. You may also have a deep connection to the spiritual and the occult. You may also be a very deep and transformative person who can see into the darker aspects of life and who can explore and transform the deepest and most challenging parts of the human experience. You may have a very unique and powerful perspective on life.
With a Pisces Stellium, you bring a deep emotional and spiritual energy to the table. You likely have a strong connection to the spiritual world and a deep sense of sensitivity to the suffering of others. You may have a tendency to feel overwhelmed by the weight of the world and to get lost in your feelings. You may have a deep artistic or creative side, and you may enjoy expressing yourself in expressive and artistic ways. You may have a strong sense of compassion and a great capacity for empathy and understanding.
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #9
• Composite Aries suns might walk on eggshells when around each other, it also makes the couple be highly based on physical attraction and this is a couple who might have a lot of sex!! Or just be horny on the daily lol.
• If you have an Aries stellium in the composite then you probably have people who are against you dating especially your parents and you might sneak around to see/be with each other very frequently! It might also indicate fucking your anger away.
• Aquarius mars in composite is a couple who just have sex whenever. Not even planned it just happens and they may be very experimental with each other, integrating both sex styles together and discovering certain kinks you individually wouldn’t have. Very fun placement!!
• Pisces mars in composite normally happens when 2 partners have their mars signs in the same element. E.g. Taurus mars and Capricorn mars.
• Pisces mars in composite is the placement where you don’t have to worry about your partner not being into the same sexual style/kinks and they make for a tender couple who understand each other perfectly in the bedroom!
• Aries venus in composite loveeee to tease each other, they’re the type to leave the other craving them or to be in the same room as their partner watching their every move and have that “You belong to me.” vibe while they’re not talking to each other. Literally the “Oh yeah? Make me.” couples! And the guys might have a thing for feeling on their woman when nobody’s watching and grabbing her ass! They also don’t care if they’re in public, as long as nobody’s around they WILL feel on their partner’s private parts and rub them, in broad day light too, these people don’t care!😭
• They tend to plan EVERYTHING together. Literally. Future house. Where it’s gonna be located. How many kids they’re going to have and what their names are going to be. They might boast about the other to their close friends too and many tend to be jealous of their relationship!!!
• They might also be into passionate make out sessions and wrapping their arms around each other and stuff like that. Also very possessive of each other and might be vocal about it if they have a Fire Mercury or Mercury at Fire degrees.
• If they have an Aries mercury or mercury at (1, 13 & 25) degree they might verbally clash at times but they are so feisty, teasing and playful with each other! They might also roast each other for fun or make jokes about other people.😂🤝
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vampirae · 11 months
Stellium in the signs
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A gathering of three or more planets in the same sign or house in a person's birth chart is referred to as a stellium in astrology. Stelliums provide a concentrated energy in that specific sector of a person's chart, which can have a tremendous impact on their personality and life experiences.
Stellium in Aries: an individual with the Aries stellium is likely to be active, ambitious, powerful, and assertive. They are competitive, driven, and frequently assume the initiative in a variety of spheres of their lives. They might like taking the lead on new endeavors and have a strong desire for independence.
Stellium in Taurus: people with a stellium in Taurus exude a realistic, determined, and grounded spirit. They place a lot of emphasis on financial stability, security, and sensual pleasures. These people frequently have a deep connection to the physical world and are trustworthy, patient, and reliable.
Stellium in Gemini: the energy of a Gemini stellium is inquisitive, versatile, and intellectually focused. These people are adaptable, friendly, and enjoy talking to others and exchanging ideas. They could be very diverse in their interests and be very good at things that call for quick thinking.
Stellium in Cancer: those who have this stellium are perceptive, sensitive, and nurturing by nature. They appreciate their home, family, and intimate relationships and are very emotionally connected. These people may prioritize emotional security and possess strong maternal or protective impulses.
Stellium in Leo: people with stellium in Leo have a lively, assured, and expressive vitality. They enjoy being the center of attention, are naturally creative, and have excellent leadership abilities. These people adore spreading happiness and warmth to others, and they thrive on recognition.
Stellium in Virgo: denotes a practical, analytical, and attention-to-details energy. These people have a strong sense of duty, are organized, and strive for perfection. They are excellent problem-solvers and critical thinkers, and frequently have a strong desire to help others.
Stellium in Libra: a harmonious, diplomatic, and friendly temperament characterizes a Libra stellium. Fairness, balance, and harmonious relationships are things they appreciate. These people are highly aesthetic, like the arts, and perform well in vocations that need teamwork.
Stellium in Scorpio: people with a Scorpio stellium possess powerful, transforming energy. They have a keen emotional understanding and are frequently drawn to mysteries and uncovering secrets. These people can grow profoundly personally and have great instincts.
Sagittarius Stellium: a Sagittarius stellium denotes a spirit of adventure, optimism, and philosophy. These people are intellectually curious, love learning about other cultures and belief systems, and have a strong desire for personal freedom. They may succeed in subjects like as education, travel, or spirituality.
Capricorn Stellium: capricorn stellium people are realistic, disciplined, and ambitious. They cherish established organizations and regulations, have a strong work ethic, and aim for long-term success. These people are dedicated and frequently have a natural capacity to lead.
Stellium in Aquarius: those with an Aquarius stellium have a distinct, autonomous, and imaginative vitality. They are frequently ahead of their time, believe in progressive ideals, and love being a part of a community. These people may thrive in areas such as technology, social action, or humanitarian concerns.
Stellium in Pisces: denotes a sensitive, creative, and sympathetic spirit. These people are very intuitive, typically have psychic talents, and have a strong sense of empathy. They are spiritual and creative, and may be inclined to artistic or therapeutic professions.
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astrojulia · 11 months
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Born to lead: Aries assume leadership roles not out of ego, but due to their natural gift. They guide people on a common path and easily take the leadership role when they see that no one is playing that role.
Calm in danger: To witness a calm Aries, put them in a situation of stress and danger. In those times, they put their attention and intelligence to work and don't just stay in action. Ruled by Mars, war is their true field and not the same thing as everyday life.
Refined sense of humor: Aries raise the energy of the place and do so through jokes as well. Their sense of humor can also be different, accepting jokes about their appearance and manner when made by people closest to them.
They have a unique style: Aries like to show themselves through their appearance, so they also look for something in which they can stand out. Whether it's using a more hardcore haircut or wearing a piece of clothing in a dark green tone, it doesn't matter - it needs to be recognized as their own brand.
Rebels by nature: Don't try to tell Aries what to do, as they will find an argument to do it their own way. If you're not Aries and you're reading this, learn to "eat around the edges" - speak indirectly and softly so they'll change their minds. Because if you're going to face them head-on, you're lost.
Honest to the extreme: Aries hate lies, and that's why they always seek to confront the issue head-on. They speak the truth promptly instead of prolonging unnecessary deception - it's one of their mottos.
Loyal: You've probably heard that fire and air signs aren't loyal at all, but that's a lie. Aries want to have strong bonds with their loved ones and try to be always present in their lives. When something goes wrong, they try to fix it, but when it's over, it's over.
Opinionated: Aries strive to be heard in situations they witness, refusing to be passive when action is necessary.
Sweet dreams or a beautiful nightmare: Aries tend to be very sweet and polite, yes, they know how to socialize and are not rage animals, but their moods can change quickly when they feel hurt.
Competitive: It's not surprising that Aries are competitive, but it's important to remember. Aries can change their environment, even if it's something comfortable, if it doesn't ignite their competitive spirit.
Sensitive heart: Aries are very emotional when it comes to matters of the heart. They become sensitive in their relationships, giving their all to form intimate bonds with people. That's why, after a breakup, they take time before getting involved again.
Dislike of waiting: Okay, was that a secret for anyone? Now, jokes aside. Aries don't like to wait, especially when there's no explanation for the delay. More than 15 minutes, and they're gone.
Engaged in various activities: If the whole world had complementary activities in schools, then I could say that all Aries do them. But since that's not the case, Aries seek out different activities in their routine. Similar to Geminis, Aries enjoy having more than one thing to do and find it dreadful to just go home and go to work.
Dislike of routine: Aries don't like routine at all, neither in life nor in love. They need something new and something to do. Every now and then, let your Aries friend create a spontaneous itinerary.
Authenticity in expressing feelings: Just as they dislike lies, Aries never lie about anything, including their feelings. If they don't like something or someone, they make it clear. They may try to disguise their emotions, but if you get close, they'll drop the façade.
Quick learners: Being passionate doesn't mean being unintelligent. Aries rule their heads and have active minds, just like other air signs. However, Aries use their mental capacity to assimilate information quickly. They often excel in specific types of intelligence that align with their interests, such as mathematical or kinesthetic intelligence.
Distorted self-perception: Aries tend to have a skewed view of themselves, particularly regarding their bodies and appearance. Sometimes they exaggerate their flaws, while other times they underestimate their true qualities.
Guardians of secrets: When someone confides in an Aries, they keep that person's secrets confidential. Their commitment to truth and trust prevents them from gossiping or sharing private information. They believe that "some things are best left unknown."
Difficulty opening up: Especially in matters of love and intimacy, Aries find it challenging to open up unless they feel a deep sense of trust. This goes against the popular belief that Aries are more relaxed in these areas.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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belpheg0r-luna · 1 month
Falling madly in love with every single aries rising woman is a gift actually and i couldn't care less how much they are going to hurt me. Its my price to pay for their presence
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tinselxoxo26 · 2 years
𝕄𝕪 𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕘𝕪 𝕠𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕠𝕟 𝕔𝕖𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕖𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 💫
[Note: this is based on tropical astrology]
➼ Libra moon = pretty privilege (argue with the wall), even if they're not conventionally attractive their charms never fails my dear. You gotta give credit on how they know everyone from their class, even their juniors/seniors. They might also accidentally make someone fall in love with them just cuz they wanted to help 💀
➼ Gemini ascendant/rising, I LOVE y'all. Y'all are so funny and gorgeous with the craziest stories to tell I swear. (My gemini venus is screaming)
➼ Aries stelliums walks so godamn fast, like hello??? Some ppl don't have legs built like a beanstalk to keep up with your Usian Bolt speed pls- 😭
➼ Virgo stelliums can be very competitive, "Oh you hit me? *hits you twice as hard*", even when you're arguing they will come up with things that doesn't make sense just to win. They will roast you in the most creative way cuz of their wit if they wanted too. (tbh this is my least fav placement coming from someone who is living with a virgo stellium)
Extra: mothers who has a virgo moon might be critical to their children & be obsessed with cleaning, calling out their room on how dirty it is, telling you to fix your posture/the way you walk, looking at your face and stating the obvious about your non-clear skin etc.
➼ Taurus suns my beloved, every Taurus sun I've met have left me a good impression on them, they're just so likeable. Taurus is the superior sign (and yes I'm biased)
➼ Sagittarius placements especially sag moon are one of my fav placement, they're so generous, caring and open hearted. Those that I've met literally 2 hours ago will offer to buy me bday presents when I told them about my bday.
➼ PISCES PLACEMENTS PLEASE SET BOUNDARIES. I love y'all but y'all be in your own lil bubble and tend to be delusional when in love, sacrificing anything just to make your partner happy, especially pisces venus. (coming from someone who has friends with prominent pisces/12H placements)
That will be all for now, thank you for listening to my Ted Talk. Remember depending on your other placements in your chart it might not resonate with you. I shall dissappear into the void now.
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Welcome back to another special edition of my astrological chart readings… Today we have Seonghwa.
✦ Disclaimer I do not know him personally, no harm intended, others may interpret differently. I’ve been studying astrology for six years, and I take this seriously and try my best. Feel free to ask any questions you have! This is not a full chart reading, just a couple of interesting things for his birthday.
✦ Sun, Mercury Rx, Mars, Saturn conjunction, Sun conjunct Midheaven in Aries (Tenth House) Quick rundown, when I found out that if you swap the characters in his given name (성화 seong-hwa to become 화성 hwa-seong) and it means Mars, well… Aries is ruled by Mars. They’re inherently connected in astrology as they have the same energy. And he has four planets and his Midheaven all in Aries, which is crazy! Things that seem fated.
Back to the actual analysis. Stelliums, or three or more planets in one sign, are common occurrences. He has two stelliums, one in Aries (Sun, Mercury, Mars, Saturn) and one in Aquarius (Venus, Uranus, Neptune).
There is an overall need to be noticed—he wants to be recognized for whatever he achieves, and he will achieve things because he’s determined enough to and has the iron-clad will to get him through any trials he will come across. Despite this need to be noticed, the Aries Sun thriving in the spotlight, he has a penchant for being sensitive to how others perceive him, thanks to Saturn being here as well. What others say about him matters. He wants to conform, yet he wants to rebel. It will take a while for him to come out of his shell, but when he does, it’s wonderful.
That Mars-Saturn conjunction is the most interesting because it’s the most powerful, the domicile Mars overpowering the exiled Saturn. Someone who is simultaneously afraid of conflict yet constantly testing his will in extreme situations. Impulse vs steadfastness. There are many ways this can be interpreted, though for brevity I will say that part of him will always need to let his individuality out, his need for independence, and there’s a battle against authority going on inside of him at all times.
Mars-Saturn sesquiquadrate Pluto, the patience and depth is astounding… Endurance, survival, in it for the long run. When he devotes himself, he devotes everything he has. He’s all in. He doesn’t know how to do things halfway.
Mercury-Mars conjunction, a quick thinker, though with Mercury in retrograde, it may come out unplanned or not as it should be taken. A little witty, a little silly… Bored easily.
Sun sextile Uranus makes him open to being a little quirky and odd, more willing to associate himself with people who don’t fit in, and that Venus placement emphasizes this, too.
✦ Moon in Cancer (Twelfth House) This is his chart ruler, an overpowering presence in his chart. Moon rules over what is secure, emotions and the presence in the home. Whatever is in 12H bleeds into the collective consciousness—your feelings are his feelings, and he isn’t sure where yours end and his begin. Extremely sensitive to whatever and whoever is around him. There needs to be a…refined aspect to this though. He doesn’t like to deal with anything too unpleasant if he doesn’t have to. It’s good that he has the Aries and Aquarius to offset this, the doers of the zodiac, otherwise he could get too stuck in his own head and avoid confrontation altogether in order to keep the peace. I suppose one could also associate this placement with someone who lives in a chaotic home, many unplanned things happening all at once, though it could also mean someone who wants to maintain a perfect home, perhaps in spite of the chaos. Since Moon and Cancer both are associated with the mother, this could also mean an idealization (12H) of all motherly or homely things.
✦ Venus in Aquarius (Eighth House) I sort of covered this when I did Hongjoong’s chart reading a month ago, but it’s likely that Seonghwa runs very hot and cold with people, very either/or. Venus doesn’t naturally like to be here. He has a lot of walls… Once you’re in his circle, you’re in it permanently—unless you betray him somehow, which would be the ultimate offense. Very protective over others. Uranus in 7H emphasizes the hot-cold of his personality, though he has 7H of one-on-one relationships in Capricorn and 11H of friendships in Taurus, so whatever friendships and relationships he does have are long term. He probably likes to give gifts of some kind to others, an exchange of sorts. “I do this for you, you do this for me.”
✦ Final thoughts Seonghwa is a very passionate and devoted person. He simultaneously wears his heart on his sleeve but keeps his cards close to his chest… Everything must surface eventually though.
I don’t talk about parents because I do not wish to speculate, but I do feel like he’s very similar to his mother in a lot of ways due to all of the planets in tenth house and his Ascendant being in Cancer.
Thank you for reading! You can check out my other chart readings on my blog or on Twitter.
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rainy-astrology · 1 year
TWICE Mina Birth Chart Analysis
Based on my opinion and observations. Not a professional astrologer. May change later.
If you like kpop and astrology, I read idols' birth charts and astro notes. List is here.
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March 24th, 1997
San Antonio, Texas, USA
5:03 AM
☀️♈️, 🌙♎️, ⬆️♓️
Sun, Venus, and Saturn Aries in 1st house. A lot of Aries energy and focus on herself
Sun Aries is exalted and in 1st house, which I believe gives her a lot of confidence. While Mina is shy and quiet, she definitely has confidence when she performs. She's not afraid to show bolder sides that contrast her soft appearance e.g her dance in sixteen, her sexy dance on a variety show that even surprised jyp (either weekly idol or idol league...i can't recall at the moment), when she was watching their hip rolls in one of their concerts and she said she could do better lol.
Sun conjuncts Venus and Saturn...Overall charming and kind individual who's responsible and hard working. There's a lot of indication of Mina being a quite serious and intense person internally but softer and nicer externally.
Moon in Libra in 7th shows a value for relationships. She likely likes to form deep bonds with others, she feels happy and secure when she knows she has a reliable support system. The theme of companionship seems highly valued with her North Node Virgo also residing in 7th house.
Mars Virgo also sits in her 7th. Mars Virgo people are often perfectionistic and detail oriented, which Mina is. She even prefers activities with specific instructions rather than just doing whatever. Mars in 7th people should be wary of power imbalance in relationships. From what I see in her chart, Mina may struggle to speak up for herself...I know she does not like to cause conflict and tries to avoid it, even if it were to make a good change. She may need to be careful about letting others walk over her, whether she likes them or not.
Venus Aries is in detriment. Mina is shy and may be slightly awkward at times, but she definitely cares a lot for her members. In the 1st house, it gives her a charming and likeable first impression. Makes her quite a beauty as well.
Saturn in 1st makes her very reserved and serious, maybe even a bit of an old soul. Jupiter in 12th also adds more emphasis to this trait. She wants to be a good and wise person, a person with strong morals and beliefs.
Neptune and Uranus are also in 12th. Internalized. Vivid inner life and likely very intuitive due to Neptune. Uranus longs for freedom and unrestricted self expression.
She also has Venus conjunct Saturn, which can give her trouble with love and affection. It may be hard for her to learn how to show affection to others. May struggle with self love. As much confidence she has, she also seems to have a very overly critical nature.
Merucry in 2nd shows a carefulness with finances. She could also probably make money through mercurial activities such as writing, teaching, being on tv, etc any type of communication to others. Iirc, a fortune teller said she would be good at doing Youtube/streaming. Streamers/youtubers do engage with an audience while staying in their physical comfort zone and given how much of a homebody Mina is, it would be perfect for her.
Pluto in 9th shows she can get deeply interested in different subjects and tries hard to learn about those topics. She holds strong opinions but doesn't express them openly due to her reserved nature.
Pisces rising explains her melancholic yet elegant look. Water risings in general look melancholic lol and Pisces tend to have soft features. Like most water risings, she's calm and quiet, even a bit shy. However, I think she holds a lot of intensity and passion in her, especially with her Pluto square Asc...All the Aries placements add more to her tension, but Pisces rising softens it.
MC Sagittarius wants to be open minded and free. Mina seems to have some sort of restraint on herself, only showing real parts of herself here and there to people. She'll truly be happy when she can finally be free of hers and others expectations.
Other analysis:
MBTI | Enneagram
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misssn0w · 2 years
Kpop Idols and Their Placements as Astro Observations
Note: As always these are just personal observations but with Kpop Idols and their placements.
Leo placements in general have no trouble stealing the spotlight but especially Leo moons seem to be effortlessly noticed. Something about their personality or appearance just stands out in a very good way. They are usually the ones with the most popularity in their respective groups. Add a little bit of Air placements and they are just super vibrant. 
Examples: Sooyoung, Tiffany, Yoona (SNSD); CL (2NE1); Taeyong, Haechan (NCT)
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People with their Sun opposing their Moon usually have a very playful and child-like energy. Initially could come off as slightly immature (amplified if Fire and Air signs are involved). These individuals also have an amazing duality to them. 
Examples: Jackson (GOT7); Hyunjin, Han, I.N. (Stray Kids)
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Men with Venus in Aquarius or Capricorn seem to be the most prominent placement for being the ultimate “ideal type”. They are also extremely heavily biased in their respective groups. This effect is only amplified if they have a stellium in one of those signs.
Examples: Kai (EXO); JB (GOT7); Kun, Jaehyun, Lucas (NCT)
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Women with prominent Aries placements (especially stelliums) usually stand out for being very genuine. More than the aggressive stereotype, they just seem to be very chill, unique and honest. They are also super popular with other women. 
Examples: Hani (EXID); Ryujin (ITZY), Irene (Red Velvet)
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Your Mars sign is pretty under looked when viewing at what aspect of yourself brings you fame. Most idols are very well-know for working hard on the traits that their Mars sign represents. 
Examples: Venusian Mars (Jeno, Jaehyun - NCT) - Known for their visuals, their positive interactions with other members and their sense of style. Also very adored by the fans. 
Pisces Mars (Ten, Jungwoo - NCT) - Known for their creativity, flexibility and being very open and in-tune with their emotions.
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When we are talking about fashion, I think Pisces Venus is extremely underrated. Venus is exalted in Pisces and these individuals are just so aesthetic in the eyes of others. They are widely appreciated for being elegant and exquisite.
Example: Jennie (BLACKPINK)
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More than any other signs, I feel like prominent Sagittarius placements have the most athleticism. They just look like they will do good with sports and they actually do. They also seem to enjoy working out very very much. Bonus points if they also have Aries placements. These individuals also tend to eat very well. On the other hand, Leo placements seem to look at it more as an obligation. 
Example: Minho (SHinee); Jeno (NCT); Victoria [f(x)]
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Venus in Scorpio are the type of individuals who tend to pour their all into relationships and are very devoted. And if the relationship comes to an end, they need to put in twice the effort to just move on. But once they are done, they are done. They don’t look back (More true if they have an Air Moon).
Example: Krystal [f(x)]
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Gemini Moons are more than capable of being very introverted and closed off but they really can’t hide their Mercury energy. They really rationalize their emotions but in such a hilarious manner. If you want to make them feel better, try making jokes or just let them rant (depending on the situation of course). The standard emotional approach really does not work with them. Also all the Gemini Moons I have seen are like super smart and they know it. 
Example: Doyoung (NCT)
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I have heard so much about Cancer Sun (especially men) being traditional, boring or over-emotional and yet I haven’t met a single Cancer Sun like that. Although other placements are vital as well, these individuals are so funny and even savage. I think the stereotypes tend to be more prominent in Cancer Moon/Mars individuals.
Example: Heechul (Super Junior), Taemin (SHINee)
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esotericfaery · 16 days
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April 23rd, 2024 - The first Full Moon after the Aries Total Solar Eclipse (leadership, cosmic consciousness healing), Scorpio (just from Libra) happens, with attention to aesthetics & the need for emotional balancing. This Scorpio Moon then Wanes Gibbous (release to receive, harvest, service towards others) through the 25th.
All of this Aries / Mars / Scorpio energy continues; not to drive us crazy with it’s inherent presentation of fearful aggressiveness, or to make us blame everything on Mercury retrograde, but to motivate us to recognize stale patterns and creatively explore new ways to succeed.
Mercury is no longer cazimi the now Taurus Sun, and is conjunct only Venus. Those who have either planet prominent in a personal chart will still feel those transits
Check yoself before you wreck yoself, and then wreck it with others.
This is heavy leadership energy also being presented, and we have access to the creativity of Venus (light hearted beauty & love) exactly inconjunct Black Moon Lilith (difficult, yet rewarding integration of inner sacred feminine with sacred masculine) to help us.
As Jupiter conjunct Uranus is a few days into it’s first journey in Taurus since 1941, pay attention to your surroundings for synchronicities and to avoid slipping or tripping.
Or I’ll start making memes like, “What you trippin’ on Uranus fo’, when you could be mind expanding wit’ Jupiter?!”
Explore ways to expand your spiritual awareness, and then we will feel more like goofing off with the Sagittarius Moon.
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infp469 · 2 years
Daenerys Targaryen’s Birthchart
natal chart / astrology / zodiac signs / personality
~*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*~
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✧・Sun in Aries・✧
Daenerys with her Sun in Aries makes her gifted with a direct, fiery nature that always makes her one step ahead of the crowd. She takes charge of a situation, and her sense of certainty usually makes others fall in line. This placement makes the her a born leader. Aries is the sign of the Warrior, and having an Aries Sun can rise to the challenge of any battle. Sometimes Dany can go too far and scorch those she loves with hurtful words said in the heat of the moment. She’s quick to forgive and forget, but often deals with the fall out of her brusque demeanor. Dany wants to achieve great things, and is propelled by an inner drive that is a force to be reckoned with. Her bright mind and ability to initiate can make her a trailblazer. Aries is cardinal fire - action is her middle name. At times, the rush to action can cause Dany to take unnecessary risks, or forge ahead without planning out crucial details. Some say the Sun in Aries native can learn the hard way, by leaping before looking. But being an active sign, Dany learns best through experience. She filters out the non-essentials, and this clear sight helps her make speedy progress in life. Once fixed on a goal, she will blast forward with a power that leaves others in the dust. Often larger-than-life, Dany can light up a room with her charisma. If a gathering is dull, she’ll quickly move on – and she’s among the ones with the stamina to party ‘til dawn. The Sun in Aries craves excitement and her restless spirit seeks out the next big thing. She’s not as good at tying up loose ends, and has been accused of ramming into situations without a lot of subtlety. Very often she’ll speak with outside voices and is aggressive about what she wants. Her style for some is too blunt, even brutal. It all depends on the maturity of the Ram in question.
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✧・Moon in Cancer・✧
Daenerys having a Cancer Moon means she would be more emotional than others. She is loyal and capable of deep love; but be careful not to hurt her, or she can become very dangerous. Only her sensitivity and insecurity can make her fail. She know where she stands and she will never change her ways. This placement will make her more patient and calm. Cancer Moon has a knack for being in touch with their feelings, as well as those of others. She may be so in touch with her feelings that she becomes very self-absorbed. At the same time, she is so in touch with others feelings that she can see through any superficial statements of well-being. She has a terrific memory, especially for emotional things. The Cancer Moon Sign looks for familiarity and security. Dany tends to cling to her home, her family and friends, and her possessions. She really appreciates peace and quiet, and she is also not a big fan of change. Devoted and accommodating, she does not like superficiality. When she has feelings of insecurity, she may attempt to create a sense of it by accumulating things around her. While others have moved on from a hurt, those born under a Moon in Cancer may tend to keep dwelling on them. She can become very manipulative in some ways. Dany has a delightful sense of humor that borders on the loony and can be amazingly funny. At the same time, she can be moody, which can confuse those who don’t know her well. She may behave erratically at times, but she also has a unique angle on life. She is very affectionate and protective. When she feels understood, she returns the feelings of tenderness and warmth in abundance. She is creative and sensitive. If she doesn’t have her own artistic talents, she will have a fine appreciation of the arts. She can also be very nurturing and she may express this through philanthropy, or through hospitable and compassionate behavior. She is quick to make everyone a part of her family. Emotionally, she can become her own worst enemy. Her dignity imposes respect and admiration. The fact that she is too sensitive and capable can’t be denied. She is also very creative and intelligent. Proud of her talents and abilities, she will want to be the best in both her personal and professional life all the time. Artistic, Dany will want to make the world a better place with her work. There’s an innocence and naivety about her that will never be spoiled by the outer world. It’s not difficult for Dany to catch her audience’s attention. And when she express’s herself, she won’t hesitate to let her individuality surface. It’s very important for her to be herself. While driven by goals, she will sometimes take her time to be more philosophic. Family is everything to her, as are relationships. People will count on her to be of help and strong in difficult situations. When it comes to protecting, she is selfless. Noble and fun, many will want her as a friend. She is sharp and lives at a fast pace. She has a great memory and can remember what happened years ago. She wants to have a purpose and she’s proud, self-confident and intelligent. But don’t think she’s too selfish because she’s in fact very caring and kind. It’s impossible to have her treating others badly. Sincere and simple, she’s sensitive and easily disillusioned by people who want to take advantage of her. When bothered, Dany is extreme in her reactions, but she’ll be back to her old self very fast. It’s difficult to predict her moods and emotions. If she wants to be more effective, she needs to think more before speaking, as her harsh words and honest opinions can hurt others. She’s loyal and a good friend, who defends and supports her loved ones. Her emotional sensitivity can make her prone to be deceived by those who are looking to exploit this type of weakness.
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✧・Rising in Libra・✧
Libra risings are governed by Venus, which rules luxury, beauty, and sex appeal. They are born with intense killer looks. Like Daenerys she has a direct poking gaze as if she can see inside the soul of a person. She always has flawless fair skin, and has lush dense long hair. She is graceful, elegant and a true diplomat. She’s a Noble soul and a very kind person who appreciates value. However, she is a little bit spoiled. Often, Daenerys is a reputable person who leads revolutions or protests injustice because all Libra Risings are preoccupied with matters of equality and fairness. She likes to carefully think of her options, to plan and to correctly assess a situation before giving her opinion. When someone opposes her, she slows her pace and starts to become hesitant, indecisive and more opportunistic. She often prefers for others to make the big decision instead of her or to get her confidants opinions first before making a decision. With her Rising in Libra, the influence of the opposite sign Aries can be immediately felt. Therefore, the Libra rising natives will also be enthusiastic, full of life and interested in sex. Dany won’t mind hitting on the people she likes, but when settled, she will work hard to make the relationship work. The Aries influences her to be surprising after the relationship has advanced a little bit. Daenerys will simply shine and be loved by people for her Venus-like characteristics. She knows how to flirt and to make people feel good. She will make a great beautiful kind leader.
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✧・Mercury in Aries・✧
Mercury in Aries is quick thinking. Daenerys doesn’t have a lot of patience for studying every angle to every problem and she would rather make a decision and let you know. Candid and direct, she gets to the point. While she may appear crude or aggressive at times, it is usually because she is trying to overcome opposition to her ideas. Like a child, it doesn’t occur to her that someone may disagree with her, and so she may act out of frustration. Mercury in Aries is very attached to their ideas. Dany tends to streamline her learning so she doesn’t get too bogged down in details. She will take what she wants and dismiss anything she may feel be irrelevant. She has a certain innocent charm. She loves to begin new things, and she is very enthusiastic. Any negative criticism will be taken personally, even if it was not meant that way. She is not afraid to stand up to a challenge. While idealistic, she is very intelligent. She may quickly jump from old ideas to new if they seem more exciting. She enjoys competing with others, and may argue a point just for fun. She is mentally agile and can think well on her feet. Obstacles in her path are terribly frustrating for her. This may bleed over to other areas in Danys life as well as communication. Aries Mercury is known for their impatience. Concentration may be difficult for long periods of time. It is easy for Dany to jump to conclusions, and she tends to be impulsive. Witty and inventive, she’s a great conversationalist as long as she doesn’t need to delve deeply into a subject. As charming as she may be, she can also be brutally honest. She will do anything to win an argument, even with those she loves. She can become a terrible know-it-all if this is not controlled. On the other hand, Daenerys can let her confidence inspire others with excitement. She tends to be original, and stand out in her areas of expertise. She’s challenged to learn to love details and stick through projects no matter how tedious. Opinionated almost to a fault, she is quick to share her opinions even when it isn’t wanted. She is not blessed with a lot of tact. She can be restless, and seem to be full of nervous energy. She needs to be kept busy, and often doesn’t seem to have any time to spare. She likes to do things her own way; she also doesn’t like to be told what to do. She is a great leader, and even when not in such a position, she may have a handful of followers. Her excitement and enthusiasm is infectious.
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✧・Venus in Aries・✧
Daenerys having her Venus in Aries means she is very dynamic and active, always stands up to her principles, and never takes back her words. With a strong impetus and a fiery determination, she goes forward with an indomitable will, topping all the competition and taking big steps towards achieving her objectives. She never waits for things to come to her, even though she might have an advantage, given her feminine charms. Instead, her highly spirited personality and combative character demand immediate gratification. Even though Venus instills in her a sense of endless love and tender affection, the marring fires of her natural disposition burn everything eventually. She likes fulfilling the role of hunter, or prey for that matter, as both consists of an active role. Innovative and with the spirit of an initiator, she does want to have a long-standing relationship to last throughout the ages, but the truth is, that’s highly improbable. Why is that? Simple, because her unending energy is so powerful that not many can stand face to face with her. Mostly all of Daenerys relationships are infatuation-based. The beginning phases, when the impetuosity drives her every action are the most important, and the ones that offer her the greatest satisfaction. She loves to be in charge, to go after her chosen one, to cook up seduction plans, and to put them into practice with her overwhelming desire. Once things start coming to a standstill, and it looks like her target is starting to get used to her advances, even reciprocate them, she loses interest. However, during those times of great passion, she rationally realizes what she’s doing, and this explains a lot. The woman born with Venus in Aries bases her desires on spontaneity and impulsiveness, so it’s not really a surprise that she gets herself involved with all sorts of people, each more different than the last. It’s pretty rare for her to really become serious with someone because she wasn’t looking for serious in the first place. Adventure, the thrill of adrenaline, the rapid flow of blood in the veins, that’s what she was looking for. If she were to get to that level, she would need a free-spirited, independent, and free-flowing partner who has the same natural callings as Her. She’s frank, direct, honest, and she doesn’t beat around the bush. You won’t find a more intense and passionate woman in the entire world than her. She wreaks havoc everywhere she goes, but not out of a destructive tendency, but because she likes to compete, to challenge herself to be better, and this takes her throughout many dynamic encounters most of the time. A lot of other women hate her because she’s so much better and puts so much effort into everything she does. Moreover, her impetuousness plays a major part in her personal life, but she knows how to take it slower when it comes to romance, and we’re speaking to when she actually gets interested in someone for more than a fortnight. Daenerys born with Venus in Aries is very resolute, firm in her beliefs, and will try her hardest to get what she wants. So, pay attention to her behavior. Her style is feisty, dominative, the kind most men only dream about, the perfect woman. Resolute and determined, she doesn’t take shit from anybody, and she always takes the reins of her own life, going forward to achieve her goals. She doesn’t really like romanticism, sweet whispers, and tender affection that much. In other words, this woman perfectly fits the description of an Amazonian, the warrior women of the Greek mythology that lived a spartan style, and who took what they wanted with ferocity. Her prey might get terrified seeing how she haunts him constantly, how she enjoys the thrill of the hunt.
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✧・Mars in Leo・✧
Daenerys with a Mars in Leo means she deserves and demands praise, recognition of her abilities, the fulfillment of all her desires, and admiration from everyone. What’s good is that she doesn’t have to put in a lot of effort into achieving her goals. She’s very proficient, always learning, always taking steps toward self-development. She’s the very epitome of feminine charms and fighting spirit. It literally cannot get more combative and dynamic than this. Her charms, her beguiling attitude, her foxy and enthusiastic attitude, even her dressing preferences, these all lead to her ascension up the social ladder. She enthralls any man that falls in her net. Professionally, she has no match among her peers. Any challenge is nothing but mere dust in front of her. If the future prospects are brilliant and the rewards are promising, she will struggle against anything and come out victorious. She usually has no problems achieving her goals. With a strong resolute determination and great confidence, she goes along her way, from conflict to conflict, gathering experience and trophies. She likes to showcase these trophies won through hard fighting, and the spotlight seems to be her birthright. Her ideal man is the adventurer type, a dynamic and flexible individual who will always come up with great ideas to have fun. However, he should never try to steal her attention and admiration, never take the spotlight away from her. The woman born with Mars in Leo knows she deserves a queen’s treatment. She is known for her spontaneity and impulsive instincts. With Mars in Leo sending its fiery energy down on this woman, she has enough fuel to continue the journey until its end. She’s creative and imaginative, and she will live to see the day her efforts are rewarded. She’s bound to make quite the impression anywhere she goes because of her attractive and spicy charm, the confidence and reliability, and the good looks to complete the picture. Her love for drama and showy situations is truly mind-blowing. This native is bound to change the world through her creativity and expressive gusto. If there is no inspiration or interest in something, she immediately abandons it, only to focus on her true passions. Only those grand causes excite her enough to even lift a finger. And when she does, it’s bound to result in a legendary adventure of epic proportions, filled with risky encounters, deadly challenges, and strong friendships made along the way. She will have a unique perspective on sex, and an even more splendid approach, one that will make her partners hairs stand on edge. She brings a lot of intensity and passion into the mix, turning it into an experience the bards will sing about, one that is going to last throughout the ages. With such emotional power behind it, and such glorious and confident love-making, She touches upon her highest potential and achieve constant fulfillment in the arms of her loved one. She feels best when in a position of dominance, when she can control the situation, so it goes by her wishes. Most partners might not even notice this tendency of hers because she acts in such an affectionate and charming way, but it’s definitely there. Both physically and psychologically, she will try to subdue her lover, to make him obey her silent commands, to lead his life based on her guidelines. Of course, she isn’t that possessive or exaggerated, in that she only has a few areas of life where she tries to assert her dominance. Sex, for example, is one of them. How could anyone resist her charming and ravishingly beautiful approach? From a point onward, you don’t even notice that she’s been the one to dictate all her partners moves and decisions, even when it comes to sex, especially then. However, she is realistic and thoughtful enough to change her tune in public, where she will let her partner go free, be independent, and even praise him constantly.
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kastanik · 2 months
My Aries Stellium be like:
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If my Saturn wasn't working overtime, it would be over for everybody.
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Celebrities you share placements with Aries placements edition
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Aries rising:
• Little Richard
• Rebbie Jackson
• John Lennon
• Heather Locklear
• Steve Vai
• Stevie Nicks
• Eazy-E
• Shakira
• Chris Rock
• Rihanna
• Shaq
• Paris Jackson
• Brandon T. Lee
• Cardi B
• Kendall Jenner
Aries sun:
• Aretha Franlin
• Elton John
• Diana Ross
• Al Green
• Celine Dione
• Guccio Gucci
• Mariah Carey
• Steven Tyler
• Reese Witherspoon
• Pharell Williams
• Selena Quintanilla
• Akon
• Leona Lewis
• Hugh Hefner
• Jessie J
Aries moon:
• Whitney Houston
• Jackie Jackson
• Janet Jackson
• Stevie Wonder
• Anita Baker
• Marc Bolan
• Lita Ford
• Lionel Richie
• Pamela Anderson
• Tupac
• Salma Hayek
• Enrique Iglesias
• Tyra Banks
• Will.I.Am
• Selena Gomez
Aries mercury:
• Shirley Temple
• Albert Einstein
• Irene Cara
• Nat King Cole
• Michele Pfeiffer
• Willie Nelson
• Liza Minelli
• James Franco
• Joan Crawford
• Mark Zuckerberg
• Carmen Electra
• Leonardo Da Vinci
• Rosario Dawson
• William Shakespeare
• Queen Elizabeth II
Aries venus:
• Morgan Freeman
• Helena Bonham Carter
• Bob Marley
• Jennifer Aniston
• Michael Bolton
• Audrey Hepburn
• Daddy Yankee
• Lady Gaga
• Jet Li
• Gigi Hadid
• Christiano Ronaldo
• Drew Sidora
• John Cena
• Carrie Underwood
• Smokey Robinson
Aries mars:
• Leon Sylvers
• Katherine Jackson
• Prince
• Angelina Jolie
• Maurice White
• Margot Robbie
• André Cymone
• Nina Dobrev
• Michael Ealy
• Elle Fanning
• Jared Leto
• Iggy Azalea
• Sam Smith
• Vanessa Hudgens
• Michael B. Jordan
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vampirae · 3 months
About stelliums
Not be a critic or just turn down your special snowflake vibes, but as a person with a stellium (who hated it for most of her life and studied them meticulously), personally I wouldn't consider outer modern planets in a stellium (as they're not as influential as people want to make them appear). Stelliums are considered so, only if you have at least a triple conjunction in the same sign or house (whole sign not placidus baby).
But why so meanie? Easy, stelliums are considered rare patterns in a chart. Again rare, it means few people have them, really few, those (un)lucky ones. You should have at least three planets in the same sign or house that are in conjunction (max at 10°orb degrees), mostly composed by personal and/or social planets, if you want to use outer planets or take them into account at least 4 to 5 planets. The same rule applies to planets that aren't in conjunction but still in the same sign or house.
Another specific reason is, the latest planets movements, think about young millennials and gen Z, who had Uranus and Neptune both in Capricorn or in Aquarius, it's already 2 "planets", just because you have another placement in those signs it doesn't automatically means you have a stellium, or think about placidus system which often happens to have uneven houses, which literally makes no sense.
Plus, usually stelliums as many other rare patterns tend to be considered negative in a person's chart, it does make you "special" but it comes with difficulties and hurdles.
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belpheg0r-luna · 2 months
April is the best month. Fight me.
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sayhoneysiren · 1 year
🎸𓏸 ͘ ࣭⸰ ARIES SZN * ͘ ͘ ࣭⸰
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It is now time to come face to face with all the insecurities that you have been putting aside, as well as other issues you believed you could not face. This fiery season gives everyone the strength and courage to overcome their fears, with powerful ambition and relentless focus.
- from It’s YOUR Szn
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