#arson boyfriends<3
sommerregenjuniluft · 7 months
sunday snip snip
aaaaa i've been tagged by so many lovely peoples thank you @divinerapturee, @veryinnovative, @kaaaaaaarf, @grimjobs & @fruityindividual i'm smooching u all
i've finally approched a detrimental scene in Ant Pile the last 2 hours that i've been breaking my brain over for weeks and i'm not 100% happy with it aside from this bit:
The candy is long past Evan’s lips, resting against his molars but Barty seems entirely undeterred. Chases after with another lick of his tongue and kind of sucking on Evan’s lips and they’re– fuck, they’re kissing aren’t they? They’re fucking kissing. And neither of them is stopping.
so you get another scene since it's the last thing i wrote :p (regardless im glad i brought something new to the sheet and now have something to work with at least jsdnsjk)
“Ouch, fuck,” Barty sticks the tip of his finger into his mouth. Evan rolls his eyes, pushes him away a bit and tries reaching for the rough cable, “Let me do it.” Barty bares his teeth with a growl. Evan rolls his eyes harder, “It was my idea.” “Shh.” “Don't fucking shush me, fuckface.” “Shhh.” “You–” Evan grunts as he grapples with Barty for the lighter, trying to snatch it away. “Ev,” Barty half-squeals when Evan bends his wrist at an unnatural angle to pry the green little thing from between his clammy fingers. Evan curses, “Give it to me.” A breathless chuckle. “Maybe if you’d asked nicely, Rosier,” Barty grunts, digs a pointy knee into Evan”s hip, pitches his voice into something syrupy sweet over the breathlessness of wrangling, “I‘d give it to you so good, baby.”
also check out my microfic tag where i've been going crazy today, lesbian wolfstar and jegulus!
np tagging @plecotusauritus, @static-radio-ao3, @delicris, @themuseoftheviolets, @xjustakay, @kaleidoscopexsighs & @messerflower (ignore this if you've done this already lol i've lost oversight) <33
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mellowwillowy · 5 months
“Merry Christmas, where is my present?”
CW: Gruesome shits
LIfE Project — CatboX
Yan! Hacker will casually give you all sort of blackmail materials.
Yan! Mafia Ringleader will give you the head of your enemy <3
Yan! Lawyer Husband will commit arson for you to warm you up.
Yan! Boyfriend will clear your whole wishlist and shopping cart. Or maybe secretly break another person’s leg for you.
Yan! Supermodel will bring down this person’s very reputation with her influence and social status.
Yan! Best Friend will diss you for it before giving you the thing you’ve been wanting along with something you don’t remember ever telling him about.
Yan! Knight will give you his sword (aww, he uses this sword to slaughter all those people who tried to court you)
Yan! Priest will let you defile the holy statue of a God that he doesn’t acknowledge (because you are his God, duhh)
Yan! King will let you torture and kill any concubine that you deem annoying while backing you.
Yan! Crown Prince will let you burn a whole ass village just for funsies.
Yan! Puppeteer will give you a voodoo doll of your enemy, made of their skin, hair and flesh.
Yan! Aristocrat will rip your enemy’s fingernails and make you watch him do it.
Yan! Collector will teach you how to preserve your enemy’s limbs and organs properly.
Yan! Calamity will show you the demise of the very hometown of your enemy.
Yan! God will give you a land of your own after making the previous citizens flee from it.
Yan! Henchman will let you have a feel of his literal heart, thumping for you.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 2 months
arsonist's lullaby
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words: 3.3k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, p in v sex, unprotected sex, female receiving oral pregnancy, proposal <3, established relationship, arson, lots of talk about fire lol, camping, mentions of rafes bad childhood
you watch as rafe strikes the match. he prefers it over a lighter, holding it between his finger as the flame inches lower, lower, until it gets too hot and he's tossing it into the fire pit, right on the bushel of kindling that instantly takes light.
rafe looks up at you, the fire sparking in the reflection of his eyes as you make your way towards him. he doesn't have to say a word, the way he sits back in the camping chair, silently telling you to take a seat.
you slide onto his lap, placing yourself sideways with your bum on his thigh. you look at rafe for a minute, just admiring his illuminated features as the orange flame flares up and down with the wind. you listen to the sound of rustling leaves, the distant lapping of waves on the nearby lake.
“are you having fun?” you ask rafe. he may be your boyfriend of two years, but it can still sometimes be hard to tell.
rafe nods, before grinning and leaning forward to press a kiss towards your lips. “i always have fun with you.”
you weren't sure that he would enjoy camping, especially tent camping it, but you always used to go every summer with your parents, and when you asked if he would be down to go, he didn't think twice before saying yes.
“you're sweet.” you giggle, leaning in to press the side of your head against his shoulder, tucking your nose into his neck, inhaling his scent after a long day of relaxing on the beach and taking strolls through the well trodden paths through the woods.
“you're probably the only person alive who would call me sweet.” rafe places his hand on your hip, squeezing it gently. 
it's not that rafe puts on a scary demeanor with everyone else, it's more like that's his natural state and you bring out a side meant just for you.
you kiss his neck, it's not enough, but it's a thank you for his vulnerability, his willingness to please you.
you both sit in comfortable silence, your eyes closed as you recover from the day while rafe stares at the fire, the flames calling to him. he holds you tight to his side as he reaches and tosses another log into the fire, a spit of sparks shooting up.
“who taught you how to build fires?” you ask rafe, looking at the now smashed teepee of sticks he had built up.
“i guess i taught myself.” rafe shrugs. “i always used to build them in the fire pit in the backyard whenever my dad would take sarah to softball practice.
“mmm.” you hum, pressing another kiss to his neck, before moving to his jaw. “we should go into the tent.”
“yeah.” rafe nods, picking you up effortlessly, his pants already beginning to swell just from having your lips on him. he walks quickly to the tent, having to duck down to fit inside, placing you on the inflatable mattress.
you let out a giggle as rafe zips the tent closed before tugging his shirt off, opening your arms up as he sets himself over your body, one hand sneaking beneath your shirt to your waist while his other hand cups your jaw, holding you in place as he kisses you.
“i love you.” you whisper to rafe before picking your shoulders up off the bed, letting him pull your shirt off.
the windows of the tent are zipped mostly shut to protect your privacy from those camping nearby, but you left the top open to just a screen after double checking there was no rain forecasted.
you look up at the stars, your soft moans and rafes low grunts lost to the music of the forest as the wind moves through the trees.
“here, baby.” you hand a crumpled up newspaper to rafe. “we need it hot to roast our marshmallows.”
“mhm.” rafe finished building the fire, the embers still slightly warm from your fire last night before he places the newspaper at the center to get the fire going quicker.
“gosh, i can't wait.” you pat your stomach. “it's been so long since ive made s'mores.”
“i don't think ive had them in… ten years.” it may even be more than that. rafe hates the way it makes you pout. his lonely childhood hurts you as much as it hurts him. he fears sometimes even more from your reactions.
“come on.” rafe taps his knee. you really should have just packed one camping chair, it's not like you're sitting on your own as he pulls you into his lap, pressing kisses to your cheeks and jaw as you wait for the fire to grow.
“mmm, the s'mores…” you blink your eyes open, not even realizimg that you've relaxed so completely against rafe that you were almost asleep.
“ill make one for you.” rafe grabs the stick from the nearby table. “how burnt do you like your marshmallow?”
“just a bit.” you smile as rafe rolls his eyes. 
“i like mine burnt.” 
“oh im sooo surprised.” you joke as rafe sticks the marshmallow into the flames, just until it gets gooey before making your smore for you, adding extra chocolate for your sweet tooth.
“so good.” you moan when you take a bite, making rafe shift you slightly on his lap.
you eat s'mores as the moon rises, minutes ticking by until all of your graham crackers are used up.
you let out a yawn, eyes blinking the smoke out of your eyes as the wind momentarily shifts before blowing back in the same direction.
“gonna go put pajamas on.” you press a kiss to rafes forehead before moving to the tent, glad you went for a bigger size with enough room for you to get dressed and undressed. you sigh as you sit down to change your socks before laying back on the bed, not even realizing how exhausted you truly were as sleep takes you.
rafe checks on you after a few minutes, smiling when he realizes you're absolutely fine, just already in a deep sleep. he zips the tent back shut, keeping one eye on it as he goes back to the fire, building it up bigger and bigger as the flames grow, watching with excitement until he runs out of logs to add.
rafes fingers twitch. you've been home for two weeks from the camping trip. he wonders when is it an appropriate time to suggest going again. he longs to feel the heat of a blaze against his skin, to feel the ultimate power of building a fire to his will.
“hey.” your soft voice interrupts his thoughts, his face easily shifting from one of intensity to soft love.
“hi baby.” rafe presses his lips against yours in a greeting.
“missed you today.” you hum. you work two days a week at a local animal shelter, mainly just to keep busy and do something to feel accomplished, and they almost always coincide with rafes work, but today was a rare occasion where he was off and you were busy, leaving rafe to roam the house in boredom until you get home.
“missed you more.” he says, placing a hand on your waist to pull you into a more intense kiss, his lips smashing against yours. “how's casper?”
you blink, it takes you a second for your mind to start working after the passionate kiss before the corners of your lips turn down. “still no one wants to adopt him.”
you couldn't believe it at first when the adorable little white puppy came into the shelter, you thought for sure someone would snatch him up instantly, until you saw that he's missing his two hind legs. clearly people in the area don't want to take the initiative to have a dog with only two front legs.
“im sorry.” rafe sighs. he kisses you again, this time soft and comforting. “it's best he waits for the right family though, yeah?”
rafe echos the words you always say when a dog takes a little longer to get adopted. better to wait for a forever family than to wind up back in the shelter after a few weeks.
“yeah.” you nod. “so, what'd you get up to today?”
“nothing.” rafe says honestly. 
“nothing?” you raise your eyebrow. “what are you gonna do when im gone next weekend?”
rafe let's out a curse. he forgot you were going on a girls trip. out of town to some spa that he has the address and phone number, along with any other information he might need to know, typed out in his notes when you first told him about it. just in case.
“shit, i was trying so hard not to think about it that i pushed it out of my mind completely.” he says with a light chuckle, but his face isn't one of happiness. 
you swipe your hand through his hair, combing back the dark blond strands. “maybe we need to get you a hobby. you can build a lego set or do a paint by numbers.”
it's mostly a joke, but you do want rafe to enjoy himself while you're away. you make a mental note to yourself as you go into the kitchen to make dinner to find something to keep his mind occupied while you're separated for the first time for longer than a day since you began dating.
rafe looks at your contact on his phone. his finger twitches over the call button, despite you just getting off the phone after talking for an hour, skipping out on drinks with the girls to chat, but you didn't tell rafe that, telling him everyone was in their rooms and that you had plenty of free time to keep him occupied.
he sighs, clicking on your contact picture. you set it at the beginning of your relationship, a kissy face selfie and rafe hasn't changed it since.
“fuck.” he groans, heartbeat starting to rise as a bead of sweat forms on his forehead, anxiety building.
he walks out of the house, no set route in mind. rafe tells himself the walk will clear his head, but what he put in his pocket before leaving says different. he needs to get the feeling out somehow.
he walks and walks until it's dark outside, moving towards the run down side of town until he comes to a small shack, purposely taking mostly abandoned roads. rafe scopes out the area quickly, looking around to see if theres anyone nearby, close enough to see him.
when the coast is clear, rafe lets out a sigh of relief as he pulls the matchbox out of his pocket, a fresh one, having to repurchase after using an entire box camping. 
rafe isn’t sure how easily the place will light up. the shed looks dry and old, and when he looks inside, its empty other than some old long forgotten gardening equipment. rafe strikes a match and sets it on the wooden window sill, watching as it burns out. rafe continues striking the matches and tossing them at the shack as sparks ignite the scraps of wood. 
rafe steps back when he throws the last one, tossing the empty cardboard box into the flames as they slowly take over the structure. rafe smiles, the anxiety that was building up inside him blowing away with the smoke.
the flames eagerly ate up the wood, spreading quickly and before rafe knew it, the already unsturdy roof was collapsing in on itself, sparks adding to the stars in the sky.
he stands for a moment longer, the warm orange glow causing an odd comfort. rafe knows its wrong, but he can’t help that he feels better after setting the fire, walking away as the wood turns to ash, the shack long forgotten and reduced to nothing.
rafe paces, strikes a match and lets it burn to his fingertips before blowing it out, paces some more, then pulls out another match. he’s not anxious this time, doesn’t feel the itch to set a place ablaze as he did two nights ago, having to shower three times before he finally got the smell of smoke out of his hair.
now, he’s just impatient. the front door is open, letting in a cool breeze and giving him a view of the driveway as he walks around the foyer, waiting for your car to pull in, for you to finally return home.
rafe blows out a match right when he sees your car turn down the street, his eyes widening as he tosses the matchbox onto the hallway table, stepping out onto the porch, unable to keep himself farther away, moving down the steps as you pull into the driveway.
you barely put the car in park before you’re flying out the door, jumping into rafes arms as he spins you around.
“oh my god, ive missed you so fucking much.” rafes arms are wrapped firmly around your waist, not letting your feet touch the ground as he walks towards the door.
“wait, rafe-” you giggle.
“we can bring your bags in later.” rafe says. he has other priorities.
“no, the car is still on!” rafe sighs and sets you down. you quickly run to pull the keys out of the car and lock it, rushing inside with rafe quick behind you. you toss the keys on the table, noting the matchbox but you're too busy being swept off your feet and carried up the stairs by rafe.
he lays you on the bed, only now pausing to take a minute. you may have only been gone for three nights in total, but it felt like a lifetime to rafe. he leans forward, pressing your lips together before continuing to just stare at you.
“stop looking.” you tug at rafes collar. “do something.”
rafe listens to your command, moving quickly to sink down the bed, tossing the hem of your dress up, not even bothering to take your underwear all the way off, simply sliding them to the side and burying his tongue in your cunt.
“did you see a second shack burned down?” you look up from where you were mindlessly scrolling on social media. 
of course rafe knows. but he certainly isn’t going to just admit that to you. he can’t have you leaving him, he’d probably burn the whole town down if that happened.
“oh really?” rafe says, keeping his voice level, disinterested.
“yeah.” you zoom in closer on the picture, nothing more than a pile of ashes and dust. “damn, i wish i could have seen it on fire.”
the fire department didn’t even get to it until it was completely burned to the ground with how isolated it was. just as rafe planned it.
“really?” his eyebrows raise.
“yeah.” you nod. “i love fire.” you give him a mischievous smile. you surely don’t mean it in the same way as rafe does, but he feels a little more at peace. if you somehow found out, maybe you wouldn’t leave him because of it, or at least hear him out.
“hmm.” rafe just hums.
“we should build a firepit in the backyard.” you mumble the suggestion, but rafe quickly nods. “yes.”
you giggle, setting your phone down to move off the armchair and onto the couch next to rafe. “you wanna keep practicing your fire setup for the next time we go camping?”
rafe smiles, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips. “maybe.”
rafe tosses another log onto the flame, smiling at you as you rock gently in the hammock, set up precariously close to the fire so you can feel its warmth as you relax, the summer coming to an end.
“you look beautiful.” rafe says. the orange light illuminates your features, along with the twinkling fairy lights strung up along the back porch.
you just smile at him. you don’t need words, not anymore.
rafe pokes at the fire with a stick, opening up the center to allow more airflow into the bottom as the flame grows larger, but not too large, never when you’re around. 
“come lay with me.” you open your arms to rafe, who moves with ease onto the hammock next to you, the fabric pushing you both close to each other, glad you opted for the larger size so you could sit together. “i love you, baby.” rafe kisses your head, looking around the yard, at the fire, then up at the stars. “i love this life.”
“i love this life too.” you press your hand to your stomach. there’s a surprise you’ve yet to tell rafe. its only a suspicion, partially confirmed by a stick test, but you want the doctors confirmation to be sure before you tell rafe. you look up at him, tilting your head to the side so you can see his face. “you’re happy?” “yes.” he says honestly. “when im with you, i am.” 
“ill always be with you.” you grip rafes hand. you turned down opportunities for trips with your girlfriends. if they didn’t want rafe to come along, it was a no. you can’t blame them, but you refuse to leave him alone after putting the pieces together.
the first arson could have been a coincidence. but the second, on a night you were also away from rafe? you know its him. it’s why you suggested the fire pit in the backyard. why you won’t force him to spend another night without you, alone and anxious, having to face the demons of his past, his childhood. you know he’s not a bad man, not at heart, not deep inside. 
you turn to rafe, tears brimming in your eyes, overwhelmed with your feelings for him. “i love you so much.”
“baby.” rafe coos, bringing a hand to the back of your neck, pulling you in for a kiss. your hands run all over each others bodies, the moon and fire illuminating you as you work bits of clothes off, just enough for you to sink down onto rafes cock, more grinding together than thrusting at risk of spilling out of the hammock.
“god, you feel so good.” rafe groans, hands gripping your waist as he pushes in before making a miniscule movement back.
“filling me up perfectly.” you undulate your hips. sex with rafe is often wild and intense, but moments like this, where you’re just indulging in each others bodies, relaxing and slow, just like the swinging of the hammock.
“yeah, gonna fill you up real good.” rafe smirks, the corner of his lip twerking up.
the words spill out of you. “i think im pregnant.” you immediately want to take them back when rafes eyes widen.
“rafe-” you lean back, a look of regret on your face, but rafe just pulls you back in, slamming his lips against yours, hips moving faster, hand gripping your ass, pulling you against him as he cums, cock swelling inside of you before releasing.
“if you're not pregnant, im gonna make sure you are.” he gasps out, chest rising and falling, keeping his cock pushed inside of you.
“you’re not worried?” you ask. clearly the couple glasses of wine you had at dinner are giving you a loose tongue. 
“no.” rafe says honestly, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “i would be if this was anyone else. you know…” he swallows thickly. “you know how messed up my childhood was. how hard my dad was on me… i feel like this is a chance to heal that, to treat my kid better than i was ever treated. and i want this with you.”
“i want it too.” you coo, kissing him softly.
“oh, and i guess there’s no better time for this.” rafe chuckles, his softening cock still inside of you, fire dying to just embers as he reaches to his shorts, halfway down his thighs and pulled a small black velvet box out of his pocket, flipping it open with one skilled hand, turning the ring to glint in the orange light.
“will you marry me?”
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysillycomics @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @auryyz @mayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra @tobiaslut
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fairytale-poll · 7 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Linh Cinder:
Her glass slipper is her prosthetic foot. She's a cool badass mechanic queen. She's named Cinder because her aunt set her on fire as a toddler but she survived. She's a a cool cyborg with psychic powers, and she's also a really good mechanic.
She's a cyborg and she's from the Moon
She is a badass mechanic who is also a cyborg and did not intend to get dragged into this mess. She becomes a fugitive of the law, running from the prince who is also her romantic interest and is just objectively the best.
I love a sarcastic character and I love a good confrontation scene and she's great with both
she's a cyborg she's a mechanic she's a princess she's a fugitive she's the best.
She's a mechanic she's the lunar princess she has two prosthetic limbs she's supposed to be dead. Her best friend is an android who's a fangirl of her boyfriend (Kai, the emperor). Her ball was actually her showing up to keep Kai from getting seduced by her aunt (who's queen of the moon) and then killed. Instead of losing her slipper she just lost her entire foot. (That's all just in the first book.)
look man, if you've read tlc you know why but if not: cinder here goes through a lot, from living in a shitty household to leading a rebellion and witnessing what's practically a massacre (TWICE), getting stabbed in the mc'freaking heart and surviving, being a wanted fugitive, Oh, and also, she loses her goddamn FOOT instead of a glass slipper lol (albeit the foot is a prosthetic, which i might've forgotten to add, her left arm and (i think) leg are metal due to getting BURNED as a toddler by her somewhat power hungry aunt)
She's SO cool she's a mechanic and really clever and also an amputee and her prosthetics are very cool and she has fun space adventures with her little gang of found family and is also the heir to the crown on the moon and is trying to get control of it from her aunt (who's a dictator) so she can help the moon people be less oppressed! tl;dr she's a girlboss
She literally got set on fire. Shes a cyborg. Shes such a girl boss that her love interest kept her severed prosthetic foot as a memento. She is a revolutionary [against her will] and a politician [also against her will]. Shes a skilled mechanic, and called the queen of a super-powerful alien race with the ability to manipulate people’s perceptions of reality ugly TO HER FACE. Queen does not give a shit and just wants to hang out with her robot bestie and her dork ass boyfriend who is also the leader of an entire country. Shes iconic, she is the moment.
she's a teenage cyborg who works as a mechanic and is secretly royalty - a badass and i love her!!
Kickbutt cyborg Cinderella princess
Cyborg and mechanic is a fun new twist on classic Cinderella! (At least when I read it and it was new). Plus she’s got her Prince/Emperor all wrapped around her fingers before the ball!
she's cool as fuck that's why!! cyborg cinderella in a cool-ass future sci-fi world, she doesn't have glass slippers so she loses her ill-fitted cybernetic foot, she has a gun in her cyborg hand (mostly uses nonlethal projectiles), she has cool sci-fi magic mind powers, she's from the moon, she's a mechanic & she's smart as hell, she literally forms a ragtag team of other fairytale inspired characters & dethrones the evil queen of the lunar monarchy. also her prince charming is cool & funny & they're so sickeningly in love their feelings could power the sun. anyway vote Cinder ✨️
cinder is a mixed cyborg mechanic who has acquired beef with both her stepmother (adopted) and her bio aunt (tyrant queen levanna) and manages to escape their attempts to keep her down (including arson when she was like. 3 years old) and ultimately overthrows her aunt in a revolution lead by her and the other fairytale retellings (red riding hood and wolf, rapunzel and her ‘prince’, and her cousin snow white and her prince) and establishes a democracy! i enjoyed the series growing up and i personally think that cinder is very cool :]
The first book in The Lunar Chronicles is a retelling of cinderella, and my gosh it’s amazing. Cinder is a cyborg and faces a lot of prejudice, and it’s interesting to see that even in the future, where the book is set, there’s still so much discrimination, and Cinder faces it so well. She’s smart and snarky, and has such character growth and cares so much and akhjfqwthbj
shes cinderella if cinderella was a cyborg and also secretly an alien moon princess. fucking amazing series everyone should read it. It's very common for Cinderella retelling that "girlboss" her end up sending the weird message that victims of abuse should simply stand up for themselves <3 I really like Cinder because she's spunky and snaps at her stepmother, but it doesn't. do her any good? It just makes her stepmother worse. Also one of her stepsisters is nice, I love Peony.
Cyborg Cinderella, long-lost princess of the moon, revolutionary against the evil queen.
she’s a cyborg! instead of losing her shoe on the steps of the palace her entire foot comes off 👍 thats hard as fuck she’s so cool
Because she is so cute in this, I love her outfits before and after the transformation, and this movie is just such a good adaptation of Cinderella
the 1997 cinderella movie is the best one ever to me like. you have whitney houston as the fairy godmother and brandy is so so so pretty and she's such an amazing cinderella. 10 minutes ago the best cinderella song of all time ever she sounded so good<3
does this movie even NEED propaganda?
Brandy Cinderella with Whitney Houston! Need I say more?
Brandy plays one of the best iterations of Cinderella actually
I just think she's neat. Also she looked the best in the ball gown
One of the most iconic Cinderellas of all time, Brandy brought tenderness, earnestness, and heartfelt poignancy that transformed the story and emphasized its humanity and themes of dreaming for the future. Her voice is celestial! The power of her performance is undeniable! As a lifelong Cinderella fan she was always one of my favorites.
A lot of children grew up watching this movie around the holidays.
This is my favorite version of Cinderella and Brandy absolutely KILLS IT as Cinderella!! Her voice is so sweet and beautiful. And her dress!! I love her peplum. ALSO HER BRAIDS MAKE A BUN AND ITS SO ADORABLE. just look up the soundtrack for this movie PLEASE
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yoihoshi-maki · 1 month
Reyna no last name was found outside a top secret World government building when she was 1 year old, years later she has now became the richest and the most feared spy in the government even tho she is only 16, with the government injecting a chemical that can give her fast healing and reflex’s, she became the top spy with the help of her friends( 5 friends) she saved the world on multiple occasions. Now with a new threat not on the world but more on Max Verstappen and his small family, the government sent her to watch over them, what she didn’t know about this, was that she will find the love of family the warmth of it and the love of an actual lover.
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Name: Reyna
Age: 16
Birthday: May 21 2007
Occasition: Spy
Nationality: Korean
Knowledge: She was trained in every field of science, mathematics, languages, English, combat, and weapon training
Title: mother of women, spy of century, the most savage woman, The North Star, the she-devil,
“i don’t make the same mistake twice…..I make it four or five more times just to be sure”
“when Life gives you lemons, squeeze them in people’s eyes”
“its called karma and it’s pronounced ‘‘haha fuck you!’l
“ you know……slapping is an option….…right?”
“ I am her favourite godmother go suck a dick if you think otherwise”
“remember when I said Oh I am so in love with you?……..No okay me either”
“ I don’t care I claim these People as my children”
“ Twinkle twinkle little Shit I hope you get hit by a truck “
“ I know how to swear in 21 different languages “
“ you would think people would invent fly cars but no we are stuck on the ground “
“ you want my honest opinion …..you look like a rat”
“ ……SHIT IS THAT A ROCH…Oh wait it’s just you”
“ So who’s dieing today”
“ someone better being dying because it better be worthy of me stopping my show”
“ Hold on guys I need to take a shit”
“ Well, you have two choices, either you tell me who is sending you or I could stick this thing, sooooooooooo far up your ass that your whole generation line will feel it every time they take a shit got it?”
“ your too kind to me…”
“ you love me?…..”
“ let my family go!”
“ P I am back with new stories!”
“ thanks…..dad”
“ mom what are you doing?”
“ max and Kelly adopted me so I will forever love them “
Aiden: I have an idea, how about we kill them
Reyna: Aiden no
Aiden:Aiden Yes!
Reyna: Did it hurt when you fell-
Lando : From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt-
Reyna: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs.
Lando: ...
Reyna: You just laid there for 3 minutes .
Reyna : What’s the dumbest thing you believed as a child?
Lando: That naptime was a punishment.
Oliver: what’s on your mind love?
Reyna:………… arson
Oliver: okay that’s enough phone for today
Lando: I can't imagine what Reyna is planning. But I can tell you two things. We won't like it and it won't be legal.
*reyna in the back holding a pan over her head ready to smack an opponent*
Emma: drop it!
Reyna: b-but-
Emma *glares*
Reyna: your no fun* throws the pan away hitting the guy by mistake and walked away*
Reyna : When I get Doordash I order 20 Cheeseburgers at a time and heat them up throughout the week so that I don’t have to pay the delivery fee multiple times.
Oliver: I hope you understand how food poisoning works.
Reyna : I hope food poisoning understands how I work. I never met a burger i couldn’t eat.
*reyna walking around with Penelope*
Reyna: so you see P, that’s why you shouldn’t date yet
Penelope: I am only 6
Reyna: oh….well never too early!
Oliver: you need a kiss?
Reyna:*hugging him tightly* yes please
Reyna:*beating a enemy agent in the verstappen home*
Max:*walks in* what are you doing
Reyna: preparing for when P gets a boyfriend
Max: let me join
Max:*cuddling with Reyna* your so cute
Reyna: *half sleeping* I could break your spine in 51 different ways
Max: I know 🥰
Reyna: so you’re telling me that these girls find a rich person and fell in love for the first time?
Penelope and oille:*nods*
Reyna: sign me up
Oille sighing dreamily with a love sick smile: I think I am in love
Auther leclerc: call the doctor
Reyna: *watching Emma holding a brick over her head ready to hit the ex boyfriend of Kelly* “ drop it”
Emma:*pouts* but-
Reyna:*glares* if I couldn’t then you can’t
Emma: asshole
Reyna: * walking in the wrong apartment, stopped dead in her tracks seeing two people having their’fun’* I am so sorry!!! KEEP MAKING BABIES I SUPPOSE!!!* runs away*
Max: Reyna Verstappen! Come down here
Reyna: ………I swear I didn’t eat the last donuts
Oille: I love you
Reyna: thanks bro I love you too
Reyna: Can I have 2 straws with that milkshake?
Oille : Aww-
Reyna: With 2 straws, I can drink it double as fast!
Ollie: when I look in your eyes I see little stars
Reyna: ………..thanks?
Ollie: Are you ready to commit?
Reyna : Like, a crime or a relationship?
Ollie: So... what would you do if you were in bed with me?
Reyna : Depends. Is your bed comfortable?
Ollie: Yes.
Reyna : I'd sleep.
Ollie: Reyna and I are no longer friends.
Ollie: I’m in love with you.
Reyna : We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.
Ollie: I know.
Reyna : Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-
Ollie: My hands are cold.
Reyna : Here, let me hold them.
Ollie: My lips are cold too.
Reyna : *covers Ollie's mouth with their hand*
Reyna : I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness—
Ollie: Hi.
Reyna : *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
Reyna : I truly go into housewife mode when I'm someone's soulmate- like, I'll make you pancakes and bacon every morning.
Ollie: This is a lie.
Ollie: I'm literally dating them. This is a lie.
Enemy agent: *tells his sad life story* I wish I was dead
Reyna: *crossed arms* I could throw you off a building if you wish?
Everyone: !?!! what no! Reyna! Reyna Verstappen! Baby no!
Ollie: baby you need therapy
Reyna: what! He wanted to die I am just giving him a push!
Max: well she is right-
Everyone: Max no!
Kelly: Max Verstappen!
Max: *hands Reyna a ring* I need you to promise this to me, that you will wait until your marriage to have………sex
Reyna: I am only 16!?
Max: promise me
Reyna: fine
Max: good I will be doing this for P too so-
Emma: we have something to tell you…
Reyna: who died?
Emma: what-
Reyna: you’re pregnant!?
Emma: how-
Reyna: is someone in the hospital?
Emma: you got it on the second try-
Emma: how- yes
Reyna: I am a trained spy I know everything
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pamgkrthwrites · 11 months
Hi! I'm curious about LMK yanderes x reader in a scenario where they have kids, but like after some time passed kids are teenagers and start to date, especially daughters, what would be daddy's reactions? Would reader be able to stop them from making the potential boyfriend dissapear? :3
Wukong, Macaque, Nezha, Red Son, Mk
This took me two days and one church service to finish. My head hurts from the amount of Pepsi I've had.
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Warning, the following content has disturbing/triggering themes such as; Yandere Themes, Unhealthy/Abusive Relationships, Mentions of past Forced Pregnancy, Stalking, Bodily Harm(Breaking legs), Kidnapping, Burning/Arson, Murder, Mentions the Dugger Family(from 19 Kids and Counting/Counting On), and others. I do not support or encourage these themes or actions, they are merely written fictional events for entertainment. The character(s) depicted within this post are over the age of 20.
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As I've alluded to this in past posts, Wukong only has children with you so he can have control over you.
But once one of your children starts having a romantic interest?
There's something that snaps inside of him.
He suddenly becomes extremely overprotective of your children, growls are their partners and will tell the love interest he doesn't approve of them dating his baby princess/prince.
If you are able to stop him following after your child while they are on their date, he will be grumbling while you rub his head.
Similar to Wukong, something will snap deep inside of him.
"Your- Your boy/girlfriend?"
Will stalk your child on their date, will stalk the romantic interest back to their him, will learn everything about them.
If he finds out that the partner does anything, even something small like not washing their hands after going to the bathroom, he will tell your child they aren't allowed to date them.
It is extremely hard to get his permission to date any of his children.
It will fly over his head when he first learns of it and does the slowest double-take.
Will be like days later when he's shopping as his smile just drops from his face as he goes "Wait hold on-"
Rushes home(after paying of course), barging into the house with tears in his eyes "MY BABY IS DATING?!"
Is actually rather supportive, just makes sure his baby isn't going to get hurt.
Red Son
Tries his fucking best to keep himself sane.
One the outside, he seems rather cold about the situation. In reality, he has a burning rage regarding.
Better pray for whoever is dating your child cause the moment he even heard his child being upset about something the other did, it's death.
They will go missing, they will be burnt alive, and their teeth will be removed from their body.
"Sorrows sorrows prayers."
I don't think Nezha will ever be ready for any of their children to have a romantic life. Emotionally, anyway.
I think Nezha would have a rule where their children aren't allowed to date until their coming-of-age ceremonies(Apparently it's called The Guan Li for men and Ji Li for women and from what I can tell the ages are between 15-20).
Are you aware of the Dugger family? If you are, you might be aware that the father has a quiz the would-be sons-in-law have to do before they can date his daughters. I feel as if Nezha would do this too. However, if there is even one answer he doesn't like then it's a no.
Nezha will insist on sitting through all the dates to make sure their little lotus is safe and happy.
Unlike the others on this list though, if the child expresses to Nezha that they really do like the person and want to date them, Nezha is going to let go and let them date. They watch from afar and make sure their child is safe, but they will let their Lotus bloom.
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okay here we go thank you lovely @kaaaaaaarf, @bellaxisworld, @c0mbatchameleon, @messymoony, @carniferous
@a-lilypad, @veryinnovative aand @kaleidoscopexsighs for tagging me for the
wip it out!
share whatever project you’re working on right now, except ‘project’ is incredibly open ended. fic, original work, playlist, art, whatever it is you’re doing!<3
today i bring to you many many Ant Pile rosekiller crumbs because I finished it!!!!!!🥳🥳 in anticipation of the 1 year anniversary of the song Ant Pile lmao
so: May 30th, clear ur schedules!!!! (im kidding) but like yes i will post in 3 days jfkskf
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protective boyfriend mode🤞🏼:
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arson boyfriends❤️‍🔥:
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the reason for barty’s praise kink🥲:
(shit father behavior ahead)
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smut below<3
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i’ve seen this do the rounds so sorry if you’ve done this! i’m taggingg mmm @bloodbruise, @royalthorned, @moon-seas, @sixlane, @honeybcj
@foursaints, @rottin6, @itmeanssungod, @casstration and @itsjaywalkers mwah mwah
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azaarchiive · 3 months
ᥫ✦azariah’s solar system
CURRENTLY ON BREAK FOR EXAMS (sorry, a levels kicking my ass rn)
notes: hi guys, this is just something for origination and practicality. i do take suggestions btw! open to anything except noncom, bodily fluids (except for the white one) or anything glorified abuse or anything of the sort. pls submit smth wanna prove im a good writer. proper rules list will be coming soon tho.
semi eita
• holiday girlfriend - ON HOLD
- you were one of semi’s many flings every time he flew to (country), always waiting for him with open arms. what happens when he comes back to a baby bump? (series)
hinata shoyo
• only the elite
- y/n is stinking rich and shoyo is the complete opposite. what happens when y/n oddly falls for him despite her equally rich friends and boyfriend and introduces him to the fucked up life in hiroo (series)
oikawa tooru
• blackout
- a cute little fluffy one shot about a blackout in your neighbourhood and what you both do to pass that time
• fanfic bakugou vs real size
- katsuki finds you reading a fanfic about him (one shot)
gojo satoru
• be mine?
- satoru is never second, so why aren’t you with him right now? (one shot) (valentine’s special)
• countdown
- your new year was welcomed with a kiss from the one and only gojo satoru. womaniser of the east quickly sees the damage it’s caused and starts to generate a little white lie pertaining both of your marital status to try and salvage both (mostly his) reputation. (smau) (series)
TO BE MADE: theres quite a few spoiler alert
unlikely paring; atsumu miya
• “being blamed for a school fire and going from the it girl to an arson freak is not ideal. the school luckily scavengers its losses and it rebuilt but something seems different, especially after a dead body is found. now you have to team up with the only guy that knows you’re innocent despite him being your biggest victim since middle school: atsumu miya.”
soo, what do we think? :3. y/n is a massive bully but changes her ways for the better fr, atsumu, suna and osumu are stem nerds. series
gangsta paradise; oikawa tooru
• “you’re a sweetheart who moved into a ruthless and dangerous area and you just wanted to make friends, who knew that ‘friend’ would turn out to be a gang member? it’s not like you did.”
gangsta oikawa (lol), sweetheart y/n. series
back to me; suna rintaro
• “you and suna had just broke up, after three long years it was over, at least you thought it was. what, you thought suna was gonna let you go that easily?”
i mean i wouldn’t call him toxic but i guess that depends on what you think. this is truly just a funny little fic about him trying to get you back. series
write it in your blog; bakugou katsuki
• “you are the most successful journalist in the whole of japan! and you’re only 22, however your whole blog is based on your hatred in the hero society, especially bakugou katsuki. which only grows when you post about a highly confidential case which you have hot evidence about and he turns up at your house.”
heheh reader is rich in this but bakugou is even richer. series
on his birthday; todoroki shoto
• “in which you died on his birthday and he’s learning how to cope with it”
idk whether i should make it into a proper series or just a long ass fic
i hate this place; kiyoomi sakusa
• “your friend group is toxic as fuck yet you find solace in someone who arguable better than the rest.”
don’t know whether to make the friend group ocs or haikyuu boys. long ahh one shot
before it happens; osamu miya
• “osamu sadly took his own life, yet you have a chance to save him by going back in time and stopping him. through that, you fall back in love with him despite dating his best friend rintarou.”
meh idk i’m not exactly feeling it but maybe when i start writing it ill like it more. might be a long ahh series.
FACE2FACE; akaashi keiji smau
• “you and akaashi have been texting for a couple weeks now, yet have never seen each others faces. when the training camp roles in you have no choice to face him… but instead you don’t and pretend your a whole different girl.”
black reader, ideally has the boho, earthy aesthetic and believes in tarot readings/astrology! (sorry to anyone that doesn’t believe in them :(( ) series.
tell ur boyfriend; gojo satoru
• “satoru and y/n have a one night stand and he can’t get his mind off of her, satoru just had to have her. not like that would be a struggle- he gets whatever he wants- who cares about her boyfriend! who happens to be toji fushiguro… as well as his child’s biological father..”
no-curses au, collage au, spoilt gojo fr, he takes care of megumi who is around 7
ever after high x jjk
• it’s literally just that, royals and rebels with curses in the mix
rebel(lol)!reader x itadori
• series of their dynamic, how the got together and what their relationship means to them.
y/n is like that one kid that just never does the school work, is always in trouble and is always late
detective!gojo x lawyer reader
• murder mystery series with love in the mix heheh
i am not creative enough to make my own cases so i will be ripping off of mr monk (if you know, you know)
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the-amazing-simp · 2 years
congrats on 500 followers! for 📸 can you write tasm!peter x reader where the reader is baking and peter is just there to sit and look pretty
Thank you so much for requesting this! I'm so sorry it took so long <3
My 500 celebration is now closed!
Sweet Tooth | TASM P.P.
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“Please, I promise I’ll be careful.” Peter pleaded, giving you the best puppy dog eyes he could muster. 
“Peter, for someone who’s Spider-Man, you managed to almost burn down the apartment twice. Both times you were in the kitchen.” You said, swatting him away with a wooden spoon.
“I won’t even go near the oven.” He kept on trying.
“How about I make you a deal?” You dragged him to the stool at the end of the counter, “If you sit down and cause as minimal damage as possible, I’ll let you lick the spoon.” 
Ever a child at heart, your boyfriend nodded with a smile, eyes lighting up with delight. 
While Peter was snacking on a bowl of chocolate chips and you were whipping the batter, he suddenly contemplated, “What’s with you and Aunt May getting on my case about domestic stuff?” 
You shook your head, silently telling him that you had no idea what he was talking about. 
“First, when I did the laundry, Aunt May goes all laundry sheriff commando on me and I’m basically banned from doing laundry at her house. Now, you ban me from the kitchen.” Peter practically pouted.
“Well, when you did the laundry everything turned pink. It was like something from the set of Mean Girls.” You laughed.
Your boyfriend jokingly rolled his eyes at you, “I forgot to separate the Spider-Man suit.” 
“Yeah then when Aunt May interrogated you, you washed the American Flag.” You said, going to preheat the oven.
“That’s a perfectly good reason. It has red and blue and white.” Peter argued.
Placing the cookie tray in the oven, you turned to him, “If that’s the case, then congratulations! You will be put down in the Guinness Book of World Records as the first ever person who washed the American flag.” 
“Whatever.” He huffed, “But there’s still the kitchen matter.” 
As promised, you handed him the bowl and spoon to lick, “Peter if you wanted to commit arson, then do it at an abandoned house where they will be zero casualties.” 
“You’re quite on a cheery strike today.” Peter teased.
“Keep going and you’ll lose the bowl and spoon and you won’t get any cookies and you’ll be banned from stepping into the kitchen altogether.”
General Taglist: 
@rogueharrington, @hunnybunimdun, @andrewgarfield2022, @jasmin7813, @andrewgarfieldsbae, @spxiiee, @shaded-echoes, @holy-macncheese-balls, @mcugeekposts, @dwindlinghaze, @anonyymoouussssss
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kinardsevan · 8 days
BuckTommy/911 fic masterlist
as promised, here is your master list for everything I've written so far (and will continue to update as it changes):
The Song Lyric Series:
Just as the title suggests, these have mostly been lyrically driven. The intention is for them to remain looser than a story, but so far it's been the same plot. (subject to change)
what if there's a little boy that needs a safe place :
Chapters: 1 Rating: M Warnings: n/a
“I’m sorry Evan,” Tommy stated genuinely as he watched Evan drop his towel and then redress. “I honestly don’t know what to say.” Evan huffed, unable to hold all the feelings in any longer. Everything felt so tight—his chest, his throat, his stomach. He couldn’t keep it all buried inside against Tommy’s lack of an answer. OR. The one in which Evan is not okay with a drunk rando flirting with his very beasty, very sexy boyfriend and it leads to professions of love.
they all led me to him (he's one of the good ones:
“I might’ve mentioned fucking you properly earlier this evening,” Tommy says, and even in the midst of wanting the older man to tear his body apart, Evan knows that this moment is as serious for Tommy as it was for Evan earlier. “Yeah,” Buck rasps, unable to stop himself from grinding his hips against Tommy. “Please do so.” “I’m not going to,” Tommy replies softly. OR. Tommy wants Evan to understand just how in love with him he is. Chapters: 1 Rating: E Warnings: n/a
i'll be here (and you can lay by my side) :
Chapters: 2/? Rating: E Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
When Tommy has to look back on this weekend in the years that come to pass, he won’t have the words to express how things went from so right, to so wrong. He’ll struggle to even find a way to comprehend the trauma inflicted by having his soul shredded right in front of his face and absolutely unable to prevent it. And at its worst, he won’t even have words to explain it all. OR. part 3.
Multi-Chapter Stories
your arson's match, my somber smile (the love of my life): Chapters: 4/? Rating: n/a (subject to change) Warnings: graphic depictions of violence
In that moment, the nanosecond in which he had crystal clarity, only one thing mattered to him. As his feet finally slipped out from under him, just before the warped metal came swinging down at another angle, he looked Bobby in the eyes. “Tell Tommy I love him.” And then the world was black.
guilty as sin (i choose you and me, religiously): Chapters: 1/2 Rating: T Warnings: n/a
Buck and Tommy's first kiss, as told through Tommy's POV.
the rhythm of your heartbeat: Evan has night-terrors. Tommy has to contend with them.
you are the reason: post 709 buck/bobby conversation in which Buck makes it to Tommy's.
Connecting: 709 deleted scene. Evan is getting dressed before the medal ceremony, and Tommy's pretty sure he's going to make them late.
something stronger than me (i can hardly stand up, i can hardly breathe): Chapters: 1/1 Rating: E (for language) Warnings: graphic depictions of violence, TW: Self-harm, TW: Suicidal ideation
It had been years since he’d been down this low. At least, that’s how he’d been presenting it to others. But in the darkness of his apartment, where his boyfriend couldn’t see his legs because their schedules were conveniently not aligning ever since Gerrard’s arrival…his thighs were coated in fresh wounds.
The Saboteur: Chapters: 1/1 Rating: M (for language) Warnings: TW: homophobic language, TW: harrassment
Five times Tommy Kinard is faced with having to file a complaint against Vincent Gerrard, following his reinstatement at the 118.
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akkpipitphattana · 1 year
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gentrychild · 2 years
Hey! For the 5+headcannons Please do Shoto is stuck in a timeloop of him trying and failing to save his boyfriend from death.
What does mine ears perceive? You are asking me to make a raadsc au where Shouto is aware he is trapped in a timeloop? But of course, Anon!
1 - Izuku and Shouto meet in their childhood and stay in contact through emails and chats on Internet. Shouto wasn't aware he had caught feelings and by the time Izuku jumped from the roof, it was too late to perceive his lost as anything but the loss of his one true friend. However, unbeknownst to him, his friendship with Izuku was the result of an earlier draft to justify the rival's animosity towards Katsuki but it was ultimately scratched by the author.
2 - In the second loop, Izuku and Shouto have never been friends but Shouto still has his memories and is determined to save him. Unfortunately, between the fact that Izuku doesn't know this strange boy and the fact Shouto isn't great at communicating, Izuku's death can't be prevented. When the scenario changed so one time in two, Izuku doesn't die until Kamino, Shouto immediately asked Izuku out. Izuku doesn't always accept but they stay friends and have a pretty fun story until Izuku invariably dies.
3 - During the latest timeloop, something changes. When Shouto arrives at Aldera to prevent his boyfriend (who doesn't know it yet) from jumping, he is almost bulldozered by a green tornado running for his life and cursing the world. He runs after Izuku but he is taken out by several banana peels and a very big anvil. The Plot, tired of dealing with Izuku's bullshit, focuses on Shouto and makes sure that he doesn't see him until the first day of school.
4 - When he sees Izuku, he flat out asks him if he is aware that he is trapped in a timeloop. Izuku wasn't but he told him he is aware that he is fated to die. Shouto himself doesn't remember what happens after the start of the first day of school because the Plot erased his non protected by several quirks memories. This conversation ensues.
Shouto: "Go out with me and only me, please."
Izuku: "Why?"
Shouto, who has also read the reincarnation romance webtoons: "Because I madly fell in love with you from the moment I saw you?"
Izuku: "..."
Izuku: "What is the real reason?"
Shouto: "Because I would like to prevent you from dying again, being your boyfriend seems like a good excuse to follow you around and holding your hand while doing is a bonus."
Izuku is confused as to how holding hands improves protecting someone but he is "Sure! Why not?"
5 - During this loop, Shouto let Izuku decide everything. He is here to provide support, burn to the ground anything that needs some arson, answers all the questions about his quirk, and hold Izuku's hand.
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deadboyswalking · 11 months
This is just a long post-war fantasy post about shigadabi
Idk why I've latched onto "wow Dabi must have really good investigative skills if he figured out who Hawks was and tracked down his mom" but now I'm thinking that several years post war, he could be free and secretly run an independent news website, reporting on anything he can without interference from the hero commission or various PR reps. He writes under a pen name, of course, and the public is intrigued by the mysterious person behind one of the most popular news sources in Japan. The subscription-based website is notorious for publishing the ONLY interview ever given by Shigaraki Tomura, the reclusive former leader of the League of Villains (unknown to the public, he's the anonymous journalist's longtime boyfriend and also the person who runs all of the tech for the website).
The website is so popular that it easily allows them to support themselves and the quiet life they've chosen out of the cities. They're close enough to a big city that Touya can take a train to where reportable incidents happen or to meet with sources (in disguise, of course), and Tomura can piggyback off of its internet infrastructure in order to run their digital platforms. However, due to his still recognizable appearance even after years of healing treatments, Touya's specialty is deep-dive investigation into old cases/incidents, not new ones.
All that is to say, the two of them spend most of their time in their small house. Touya's father paid for the down payment as a form of apology to his eldest son. He was very surprised to find out that:
1) his son was dating the most dangerous former villain he'd ever encountered and had been for years
2) said former villain was quiet and not particularly friendly, but still remarkably less unstable after years of court-mandated therapy. Despite his reservations, Enji could see that the young man treated Touya and his own therapy dog very well.
3) the pair of them had found a way to support themselves financially within a year of release. He doesn't know what it is, but poking into their circumstances has yielded no evidence of illegal activity.
Touya writes and researches with his therapy cat, Arson, curled up on his feet. It's the ugliest cat in the world, but he adopted her when he was still in rehab and he loves her deeply. When he's not actively doing tech, Tomura tests and streams various video games (with his camera off and his voice slightly modulated) for money.
They're alive. They're safe. They aren't suicidal anymore and they have each other.
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an incredibly personal rating of bmc ship names (ship names only, regardless of my feelings toward the ship itself)
boyf riends - 6/10. cute but so hard to tag. i think i saw backpack boyfriends being used back in the day that's a cute alternative
stagedorks - 9/10. a little basic but a classic it's cute
spicy bis - -5/10. this one is awful. makes zero sense, sounds atrocious, jeremy isn't even canonically bi. the other alternatives were even worse (i don't even wanna say it) but why use any of them when richjer exists
deere - 9/10. i fucking love it it's just their last names smashed together but it's fucking deere (dillinjer is a 4/10 because pronunciation-wise it's too similar to dillinger)
puppy love - 5/10. cute but straying a little into the tired 'jeremy is a furry' joke imo
expensive headphones - 3/10. idk it's just lazy and it's a common enough phrase for me to get violent whiplash when i encounter it in the wild
pins and patches - 5/10. super super cute but soooo niche like how is one supposed to figure this out???
upstage - 10/10. makes complete sense, simple and cute. love it.
playride - 10/10. basically same as above
dramatical theatre - 3/10. it took me so long to get this especially since none of chloe's other ship names involve the word 'drama' (to my knowledge at least??)
cinnabun - 0/10. none of y'all really gave a shit about jenna or christine and it shows
richjake - 10/10. look idc if it's 'boring' it's hilarious that these two out of all the characters got the most basic-ass shipname so ic of them (choosing to ignore arson bros which is a solid 0/10!)
arsonberry - -10/10. including all its other variants like fucking. hot dog. the only acceptable one is richbrooke. what's wrong with richbrooke anyway why are we not using that??
pupgrade - 2/10. just my personal opinion. like c'mon where's the effort
royal pains - 10/10. absolutely immaculate, captures their vibes perfectly. yes they are royal pains indeed.
pinkberry - 6/10. really cute and simple, fits the vibes but it's also the name of an already existing brand it's so hard to search for
iced tea - 7/10. there is a slight problem with searching but it's so clever and cute it makes up for it
gossip gals - 2/10. i always thought this would be more fitting for the smartphone hour girls' polyship??
boardwalk boys - 4/10. makes no sense but eh sounds cool lol
lesbihonest - -10/10. where do i even begin what does lesbihonest even have to do with the bmc girls. none of them are canonically lesbian. god i hate it so much this fandom really didn't care about the girls did they. if you named the boys' polyship boardwalk boys bc new jersey is famous for boardwalks or whatever then obviously the girls' polyship should be garden girls. bc y'know. nj the garden state?? it's literally right there oh my god i'm so salty about this one and i don't even ship it
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sorikkung · 1 year
good boy gone bad | 27
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bad bitch lessons, a.k.a the "audition"
wc: 4.8k
a/n: my god we're FINALLY BACK after half a years unofficial hiatus because i forgot how to write <3 on god i wrote this chapter 4 times and its not my favourite still but im not writing it a 5th and i like it Enough so i hope yall enjoy it too SDFGKJSFD we should be able to pick up the pace quickly with normal smau chapters soon :) thank you all for waiting!!!
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Having a dozen men all crammed in a one-man studio apartment is about exactly as cramped as it sounds. How you wish you could have had one of those more spacious studio apartments, complete with floor to ceiling windows, a proper kitchen, and a living room. For now, you will have to settle for six men sitting on your bed, Wooyoung sitting on Yeosang's lap at your desk, Chan and Felix standing in the bathroom doorway after washing the dye and bleach out of their hair, and Hongjoong standing ominously in the corner, pouting after realising the “fake” in the “fake punk polycule” included the punk part, and not just the polycule.
You make do.
Describing exactly the kind of character you want them to play is the easy part – cocky, brash, sleazy and obnoxious are the names of the game, and if everyone absorbed your in-depth explanation as much as Seonghwa has been diligently typing it down on his phone, you think this should be a breeze. The next part of the plan is to see them in action and test their wits — in other words, time for them to audition.
By whatever miracle, you are able to explain the auditioning process without tipping off the others to you and Wooyoung’s little deception – he catches your eye during the explanation and gives you a grateful wink – and set up the scene for your improvisation game. These boys need practice, as too much unfamiliarity will be far too apparent on the day, and it’s already going to be a tough sell to prove that you managed to pull twelve boyfriends. You damn well might be in over your head with this one, but you are in too deep to pump the breaks now.
“Basically, I need you all to show me what you can do. Cause if your acting does not cut it, I’m gonna be the laughingstock here and my back-up plan is probably arson.”
Beomgyu snorts from his spot on your bed. “I think arson is a pretty good back-up plan.”
“Pretty good except for the criminal charges, yeah. So, time to partner up! Who’s got the balls to go first?”
Seonghwa blinks a few times, looking at his phone, then looking back up at you in confusion. “Why is your back-up plan arson?”
“I’ll go first!”
Saved by the bell, Yeonjun pipes up just in time to avoid another hasty bluff to throw the aspiring actor off your tail, and you have no idea if he did that on purpose but you don’t look a gift horse in the mouth either way.
“Perfect, who do you wanna do it with? For the first scenario, I’ll play my dad.”
“I can-“ Hyuka speaks up, but you notice Soobin tugging on his sleeve and freezing in alarm at all the eyes on him, and it seems to make Hyuka hesitate as well. There’s an obvious tension there that you can’t quite place the origins of, but judging by the way Wooyoung is excitedly biting his nails, you figure you can pry later. “Um. Uh-“
Yeonjun smiles at them apologetically, then turns back around to you. “Actually, I was hoping you’d be my partner for this.”
He says those words like he intends for them to linger, and you figure after how forward he’s been so far coming onto you that he means it, but you don’t want to throw Felix under the bus like that after he begged you to bring him along so he could shoot his shot with the man, so you try not to indulge him too much.
“Oh.” You try to ignore the way that makes your face heat up. “Sure, okay. Yeosang, you play my dad, act really judgemental and pissy at us.”
Yeosang wrinkles his nose. “I don’t want to be your dad.”
You were hoping he would say that.
“Perfect! You already know your lines. Annnd, action!”
His disgruntled expression is honestly quite fitting for the role you just cast him in, and Wooyoung stands up to instinctively take what you assume is the role of your mother as he leans on the backrest of your desk chair to mutter to him, “I cannot believe him right now. Does he really think crashing the wedding with all his friends will do him any favours? If only he’d just settled down with a nice girl…”
Yeonjun stares the couple down, then takes a confident step towards you; that’s about as far as he gets before he visibly falters. You raise a brow at him.
“That’s your cue, Yeonjun. If they’re talkin shit, it’s time to act up.”
He fidgets with his sleeves, posture shrinking in on himself, and suddenly his striking appearance and features look far less intimidating than they did just a moment ago. “Um. Well. I should first probably uh… ask. How far I’m meant to go with this?”
You get the feeling you know what he’s asking by that, but not being entirely sure, you press. “What do you mean?”
“Like…” he takes another step closer, this time all the way up in your personal space and cages you to the wall with both arms. His stance seems confident, but the look on his face is very pointedly not, a stark juxtaposition to his usual shameless bravado. “Like, how far can I go to cause a scene? Cause if I was really with my boyfriend hearing his parents spout that shit about him, I’d just kiss him on the mouth and see how mad they get.”
“I like how you think.”
“Is that—” Yeonjun wets his lips in anticipation, wide eyes flicking between yours and your lips as he leans in even closer, “—consent?”
It’s honestly quite charming of the effortlessly flirty one to be so concerned with explicit consent even now, so you just take the leap for him and grab the collar of his shirt, closing the distance. The others erupt behind you, hoots and hollers all drowned out by the feeling of Yeonjun’s plush lips on yours and your heart dancing in your chest so wildly you think it could trip and fall out. He seems completely caught off guard, taking a moment to really process what was happening before he’s kissing you back with such a shocking gentleness that when he reaches up to cup your chin with a feather-light touch, you almost feel like you should slow down for him.
Instead, you back off, leaving him there gawking at you like you just grew a second head while his fingertips ghost over his lips where yours just were. His ears are flushed pink.
“You’d think you’ve never kissed a guy before, with that face you’re making,” you tease, flicking his nose. “It’s very cute. But as much as I enjoyed that, it doesn’t exactly quite have the impact I’m looking for, and that’s exactly why I set today aside to practice— we have to act familiar. It has to be natural, and comfortable, otherwise it’ll be very obvious that it’s an act.”
The way Yeonjun droops at the comment makes you want to rescind it, but you have enough restraint not to. It is quite clear to you now that Yeonjun obviously does seek your approval a lot more than the others do – such as much was hinted to you by Beomgyu, but his reaction here further confirms it – so you want to be nice to him, but without playing a clear favourite.
Lord knows what Felix will think, is the first rogue thought to cross your mind, and suddenly reminding yourself why he’s part of this plan in the first place, you look over to glance at your best friend in horror – did you just string him along this whole time to go directly for the one guy here you wanted to wingman him with most? – but surprisingly enough, the look Felix gives you two isn’t one of burning jealousy or betrayal.
He has half his fist in his mouth and his eyes are positively sparkling.
You make a mental note to ask him about that later.
“Aw, don’t look too down, that took guts to go for straight away!” You turn back to praise Yeonjun, affectionately clasping his shoulder, and he nods quickly with a tiny, hopeful grin. “My only feedback is to not be so careful. I’m not gonna flip out at anything less chaste than a peck, I’m trying to cause a scene. Has to be somewhat scandalous, without, y’know, actually getting us arrested for public indecency.”
Yeonjun chokes on nothing, then recovers with a laugh – but before he gets to say anything back, Taehyun has bolted upright from his seat on the bed, a sudden determination in his steely gaze. He makes himself quite difficult to read, whether on purpose or otherwise; you know factually that this man has some sort of crush on you, that is, if Beomgyu’s word is truthworthy, though, you have no real reason to doubt him thus far. Unlike Yeonjun who wears his heart on his sleeve, Taehyun’s expression remains consistently unreadable to you whenever you observe him. Part of you wonders just how much of that wall is intentional. Regardless, the words that come out of his mouth next are the ones you expect the least.
“Let me try.”
It’s not a question. He gives you room to decline, but it’s very pointedly not a question, and just that confidence from one of the more reserved members of the group is enough to get your heart thrumming again – not that it had much of a chance to calm down yet. Your mind flickers back to the back-n-forth between him and Gyu in the group chat, the hickeys left all over his neck, and the tip he oh-so-graciously gifted you in a pre-emptive strike of revenge, and suddenly you feel hot.
“Sure, go for it.”
Taehyun grabs you by the back of the neck. He doesn’t even hesitate, pulling you in to slot himself where Yeonjun was just a moment ago, crashing your lips together and shoving the other man out of the way with his free arm as he backs you up into the wall again, pressing you against it and kissing you breathless. He’s fucking intoxicating, the way he dares to taste you on his tongue without care for the audience around him, without care for anything else except his hands in your hair and on your hip and the way he gasps against your mouth when you loop your arms around his shoulders and hook a leg around his waist. He shoves his hips forward against you in response and the others react so loudly your neighbours probably thought everyone’s favourite soccer team scored a winning goal.
“Woo! More tongue!” Beomgyu hollers, and Taehyun doesn’t even break the kiss for the one moment it takes for him to presumably flip him off, if the hand leaving your hip was any indication, followed by a very prompt “Fuck you too!” from his roommate. You realise quickly that he isn’t going to be the one to pull away first, so regrettably, you push him back with a coy smile and a thin string of spit connecting your mouths.
“Eww, gross,” Soobin snickers, hiding his laughter with large hands over his mouth. “Wow, I’m shocked. I didn’t think you had it in you, Tyun.”
He shrugged in what sure looks like nonchalance, but you start to think it looks more like self-restraint, given how keen he was on not stopping. “He said he wanted a scandal, and if that won’t scandalise his conservative homophobic parents, I’m not sure what will.”
It takes you a good few seconds just to re-gain your ability to speak, but by then, he’s already turned back to you with his hands in his pockets and a smug grin on his face. Fuck, you must be blushing – the way Chan and Felix are grinning at you from the side with a knowing look in their eyes tells you you’re probably definitely blushing.
“So, how was it?” he prompts cockily, and you hate the way you instinctively swallow and betray how flustered he got you that easily.
“G-Good,” you hum weakly, clearing your throat before repeating yourself. “Good. Um. Yeah that was like, kind of exactly what I was looking for. Flying colours. You pass! Though, I have to say, and don’t get me wrong I am thoroughly happy to kiss you all, um, we do kind of need to be able to sell the act without relying on just. Making out repeatedly every time they look in our direction. Try and save those for when they seem the most pissed off. But yeah, that was like… good.”
Felix wriggles his eyebrows at you suggestively. “That good, huh?”
“Oh, shut up and get over here,” you mutter, making a harsh jerking motion for him to come forward and save you from your embarrassment – he has a towel on his head from drying out the dye in the sink just before, so you snatch it from him to quickly and roughly towel-dry it to distract yourself from your burning face. The black hair looks good on him, you think, the way the dark wet strands fall in front of his face and frame his features in a way you haven’t seen on him before – last time his hair was any darker than blonde, it was his natural brown and didn’t reach past his eyebrows, and now his hair was getting long enough at the front to tickle his nose. He looks like a completely different person, and frankly, now is the worst possible time for him to be looking a lot more attractive than you would allow yourself to internalise prior.
“Right, so we gonna show them how it’s really done, now?” Felix teases, and you punch him in the arm with a scoff, making him recoil as if you just bowled him over. You can’t even tell if he’s gotten flirtier with you if he’s just pulling your leg, but you did say you would use him as a demonstration for the kissing part. Not that you need to, anymore, with Taehyun setting such an example, and you tell yourself that’s a good thing. “Ow, ow! How you wound me, lovebug.”
You wrinkle your nose at both him and how hard you’re thinking about kissing him now. “Don’t call me lovebug.”
“Why not? Aren’t we meant to be boyfriends, now?”
A breathy laugh escapes your lips at his attempts to lighten the mood while you finish towel drying his hair and tossing the cloth into your laundry hamper, fixing the strands atop his head to sit nicely.
“Yeah, yeah, but lovebug is a bit much, I think. You’re on the right track, though, take notes of that everyone – casually dropping pet names between each other in a way that looks natural will be perfect for making a convincing polycule, so utilise that, just try not to lay it on too thick.” You’re back into dedicated drama teacher mode before you even know it, Felix content to stand beside you with a curiously pleased grin as you explain to everyone further.
“For today, I don’t expect all of you to start kissing each other on the mouth, but I do want you all to start getting familiar with breaking the touch barrier, obviously within whatever your partner consents to. Using Felix as my example, some other things I’d like to see and focus on are placements of hands—” you wrap yours around Felix’s waist, and he’s quick to mirror you, only to blush when you slide a hand into his back pocket, “—or small yet intimate actions, like, tucking hair behind their ear, playing with each other’s hands, touching their neck, things like that.”
You demonstrate each action on Felix as you say it, and by the time you have a hand on the side of his neck and caress it gently with your thumb, you find he’s completely relaxed into your touch, leaning back against one of your shelves as he pulls you in front of him between his legs and plops his chin on your shoulder with both arms around your front and playfully patting patterns on your belly.
“Hey,” he murmurs, breath fanning against your neck, and you can hear the smirk in his voice that’s usually so playful and silly but now, standing in front of everyone like this, has goosebumps rising on your skin. “I think just playing around with each other will look the most natural. Real couples do stuff like this all the time, right?”
Frankly, you fully expected you would be using Felix as a human test dummy, figuring he would be content with you throwing yourself at him all you want for the purpose of demonstration, and comfortable enough to do so, but you hardly expected he would be the one demonstrating anything on you of his own accord, and you swear it must be the residual adrenaline of kissing the two men before him that has you still riled up and on edge enough for the rumble of his deep voice in his chest pressed to your back to make your legs feel like jelly. Only a little bit, though, you are not getting genuinely flustered over the flirtatious actions of your best friend, rather, merely surprised at him being a lot less shy in front of others than you thought he would be. Not that he’s ever really been shy towards you, not in a long time now, especially when it comes to things like physical affection, but… you don’t know where that train of thought is going anymore.
“Right, yeah,” you agree, pliantly allowing him to grasp your chin and turn your face towards his, so he could plant a tiny little peck on your nose and beam at you widely. His face is so close, and unlike the previous two, you have not thought about having this man’s face so close to yours since the two of you were in high school. His face has filled out so much since then; he’s lost all the baby fat in his cheeks, his jawline sharper and his features more pronounced, and now that he’s actually started using chapstick his lips aren’t permanently chapped and gross anymore either, in fact they’re now quite glossy and shapely-
You look away before he can kiss you.
You didn’t even realise you were staring so hard at his lips until you were leaning in, and all you hear of the commotion from everyone else around you sounds like static. Gyu is screaming, Wooyoung is cheering, Yeosang is trying to stop him from climbing onto your desk chair, Soobin has bowled Hyuka over with his face buried in his back while the newly-bleached blonde just laughs at him, Yeonjun, Taehyun and Hongjoong seem fixated on you and Felix, all for different reasons, Seonghwa is furiously typing down notes on his notes app again and Chan is nowhere to be found. Probably in the bathroom washing out his hair dye, you think.
“Yeah, so, um, all of that, and like, of course general flirtatiousness, is the kind of thing I’m looking for, even better if you can be an obnoxious prick about it,” you joke, trying to seem chill with no idea how well you were actually succeeding in it. “So, partner up and have some time to practice, I’m gonna go finish up Chris’s hair and then I’ll come back to evaluate y’all.”
Felix’s brilliant grin falls to a slight pout when you pull away from him, arms trailing after you as you leave for the bathroom. “You good?” he calls out after you, and you want him to know he didn’t do anything wrong to make you uncomfortable, but you also can’t handle looking at him right now when the face of your old high school crush in the body of a supermodel stares back at you, so you have to leave.
“Yeah, I’m fine! Just juggling this many people and makeovers is hard,” you reassure him with a slight smile, and that seems to console him enough to allow you to dip to the bathroom and leave the door only slightly ajar behind you, letting you take a deep breath to collect yourself.
Good fucking god. Okay, so Felix is hot now – that shouldn’t really come as a surprise to you, but it does, because you’ve spent the last god knows how many years trying to tell yourself he’s not really your type anymore, but especially in the clothes you picked out for him and his hair styled like that, he fucking is. He’s the spitting image of your type and all of a sudden with the balls to match – or maybe he’s had the guts for a while now, but you pointedly did not want to notice – and you do not know how you are supposed to feel about any of it. You already have a crush on one of your two closest best friends, you definitely don’t need two – especially on one that already rejected you years ago, and especially not when surrounded by plenty of other equally as attractive and far more eager men who would give you their time of day.
You shake your head, ridding yourself the thought, instead letting yourself linger on the kisses you did have, how different they felt but how heart-fluttering each of them were anyway; Yeonjun’s uncharacteristic shyness and gentleness, how cutely flustered he was after in a way you really want to tease more, and Taehyun’s shocking boldness and confidence, how handsy of a kisser he is, how determined—
“Hey, can you pass me that towel?”
And of course, your actual crush, the one you oh-so-desperately want to get over but it’s kind of hard to do that when he’s standing shirtless in your shower with streaky blue dye dripping down his face and neck.
“O-Oh, yeah, sure.”
It’s not the first time you’ve seen Chan shirtless and definitely won’t be the last. That man hates wearing shirts around the house if he doesn’t absolutely have to, and even pants are optional if its warm enough, but you will never truly get used to seeing his muscular body that he works so hard on, all on display like this. You’ve gotten a lot better at not staring as much, though, not that he ever seems to notice, and just as good at acting like it didn’t affect you at all, so falling back into the familiarity of that is a relief after the whirlwind of emotions you just went through outside.
Once Chan finishes towel-drying his hair into a bright blue fluffy cloud, he slips his top back on, re-attaches his earrings and accessories, and it’s only now when you get to realise just how much effort he’s put in his appearance today to match your aesthetic. Not that the two of you were ever that far apart in that respect – he too didn’t have much colour in his wardrobe other than black, and preferred clothes with a bit of an edge to them, albeit, cranked down a significant few notches from your usual over-the-top attire.
When he looks at his reflection in the mirror, though, he doesn’t seem too happy with it.
“Something’s missing,” he mumbles, scratching his chin. “I don’t know what it is. But while I’m dressed the part, even with bright blue hair, it doesn’t quite feel… drastic enough, I guess. I feel like I still just look like the guy down the road your parents know and like enough.”
You give him a long, hard look – while you’re pretty sure part of it is his own low self-esteem not being able to see himself as cool, intimidating or attractive in any calibre, he has a point – he still looks too soft and familiar.
“Can I put makeup on you?”
Chan brightens up at that a little. You wonder if he was hoping you would say that.”
You grab a stool from the corner of the cramped bathroom where you had the boys sit in earlier for him to sit on, but once you get your makeup out and decide on what kind of look you want to try on him, you realise it’s a little too low for you to work on his face without bending over. Glancing over your shoulder at the crack in the door, and hearing all the liveliness out there filter through it – shrill squeals, lots of laughter, some yelling, someone’s started playing music again – you decide you don’t want to leave the quieter comfort of your bathroom into that chaos just yet, so you straddle Chan’s lap on the singular chair with a shrug and get to work.
Chan has to steady you with both hands on your waist so you don’t both go toppling off the stool – suppose not having a back made it a little more precarious than anticipated, but his strong arms hold you in place just fine. You try not to think about it, because you really, really don’t need to be thinking about that right now, and try to simply focus on the dramatic smoky eyeshadow you’re applying instead that you think will really pop with the spare blue contacts you had lying around that’ll make his warm and approachable gaze a lot more piercing.
He doesn’t say anything, so neither do you, despite your heart beating arguably heavier now than it was what you were being pressed to a wall and made out with – and it becomes a lot more dangerous to think about that now instead of a welcome distraction, because his face is so close that you can observe every little detail, including the tiny, faded little freckles that dust his cheek in the warmer weather, and how plump and soft his lips look. Fuck. You’re rather glad he has to keep his eyes shut for you to do his eye makeup, because you’re looking down at his lips a lot more than you’d usually allow yourself to, but with all the kissing talk and practice and the weakness you’ve always had for his thick, perfect lips, you are just not a strong enough man today.
His hands shift you closer on his lap, and you feel just the slightest bit more insane.
“Open your eyes?” you ask him, to observe your work and snap you out of it, and he blinks at you a few times cautiously. A smile is creeping across his face, the nervous kind you’re all too familiar with – he has a certain smile he does when he knows he’s being perceived whether he likes it or not, and it’s just as adorable as it is saddening that he clearly has no fucking idea how breathtaking he is.
“How is it?”
“You’re beautiful,” you breathe out, a little choked up. The situation seems a lot more tense than you intended it to, but he must feel it too, because he shies away under your gaze. “I mean it. Not because of the makeup, I just used it to enhance your features further, but I really just…”
I really just think you’re fucking gorgeous.
What the fuck has gotten into you today?
“Just… what?”
You slide off his lap, ignoring the way his grip on your hips tighten for the slightest second before letting you go to rummage through your cabinet for the unopened blue contacts you knew you had in there. “Here, put these on. I think they’ll really complete the look.”
He shrugs, taking them from you and taking his time putting them in, not all that used to putting in contacts, but it isn’t his first time, either. You’ve roped him into enough cosplays with you and Felix over the years to have him familiar enough with the process of putting them in, and eventually he turns back to look at you with an icy blue gaze that is equal parts unsettling and arousing.
“Yeah, you definitely look fiercer now. Take a look.”
Chan finally turns to the mirror, taking in his new look, and his long evaluation of himself seems more intrigued this time around than distasteful, which is a win in your book. If he likes what he sees, maybe your confidence can start to rub off on him some, too.
“Wow,” he exhales, twisting his face this way and that. “I look like a completely different person.”
“Not really.” You know that it was against the point, so you elaborate. “Just a different flavour. You’re still the Chris I know and love, but you look more… confident, almost. And half of any act or aura of intimidation or coolness is just that. Confidence.”
“Confidence, huh…” Chan stands up a little straighter, squaring his gaze a bit more and trying to channel his inner you. He looks hot. Ridiculously hot. But that really can’t be your focus right now. “Yeah. I feel more confident, too. I’ll try see if it’s enough for me to put the moves on one of the boys,” he chuckles, and you smack him on the ass and playfully shove him out the door.
“Go get ‘em, tiger.”
taglist: @jaxavance @fiantomartell @roulette010 @jcngh0-hq @remiee @syunderful @absentcaryatid @yunho-leeknow @inarizqkis @pastelsicheng @john-joong @i-dont-know-me-either @xavi-in-kpopland @beautifulcolorgarden (idk why the tags arent working for a couple of yall sorry if you changed urls and i missed it!!)
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softhairedhotch · 2 months
gabriel's tattoos <3
first things first, here's gabe!
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tom hardy is his faceclaim :3
if you don't know who gabriel is, he's my cm oc! his full name is gabriel henderson and he used to be a firefighter before moving to the fbi and later joining the bau :) he's a love interest of aaron hotchner and he specialises in arson related crimes in the field.
and he has quite a few tattoos! i haven't thought all of them through yet, but here's the main ones!
hand tattoos:
i think he'd have a few hand tattoos. probably a few nonsensical ones but it'd be aesthetically pleasing. maybe even a word across his knuckles - maybe the word "flame" but i'm not sure. it'd probably be a tattoo he regrets or thinks is kinda cringey lol but he'd have gotten it when he was like first becoming a firefighter in his late teens/early twenties!
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but he'd have something like these! the second one specifically, but it'd be the number of his old firestation. i haven't picked the number yet, but i'm thinking station 17 or station 29. i'm leaning more toward 17.
torso tattoos:
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ignore that these are on people's arms lol. i can picture something like this so vividly on his chest, right under left pec. it'd be much smaller and less detailed than these, but it'd be a sword with a snake coiled around it. at first i was thinking it'd be a cross with a snake but i don't see him as the religious type so i doubt he'd get a cross.
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he'd have this on his lower stomach, i think. either right in the middle or slightly to his right side. no, it's not when he was born lol. it's the year his boyfriend passed away (as of right now anyway, the date n year might change) so he wanted to get something related to that. i don't think he'd get someone's name but he likes the look of a year tattoo and it can have many meanings. the leaves add a nice touch to it as well.
back tattoos:
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he'd have one on his upper spine/shoulder blades, but i can't decide between a bird/eagle or wings on their own. it could be a phoenix too, i think it'd make a lot of sense, but i couldn't find a design i liked that i think he'd have. it'd definitely be something to do with wings tho!
arm tattoos:
he'd have a full sleeve, maybe a colourful one. i'm just not sure entirely of what. i feel like it'd just be random stuff but it'd have a traditional look.
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something like these!
and that's all i have so far <3 i'll probably come back to this at a later date if i have more ideas or wanna switch something up, but these are the main ones!
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