#artist: 極道畫師
animepopheart · 3 days
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★ 【@jidaohuashi】 【極道畫師】糸師凛 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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kenghaokang · 5 months
平行與斜率 – 耿晧剛的第三自然
第三自然 耿晧剛個展
The Third Nature / Daily Pattern Keng Hao Kang
9.9 – 10.8 2017
月臨畫廊 台中
Moon Gallery Taichung
1969年出生的耿晧剛,已經是屬於玩著機器戰警、打著電動玩具長大的一代;在東海大學美術系畢業之後,便前往歐洲古老卻也時尚的城市米蘭,進入布雷拉藝術學院就讀,主修繪畫與裝置,指導教授Prof.Diego Esposito更是一位強調觀念與思考的前衛藝術家。這樣的背景,讓初至異國的這位東方少年,學會了用心眼去觀看、認識、掌握、紀錄那個既古老又時尚的歷史名城;那曾經是歐洲文藝復興的故鄉,也是達文西、米開朗基羅這些偉大的曠世奇才生活、創作的地方……。
蕭瓊瑞 《國立成功大學歷史系所教授》 台灣美術史學者
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Parallel and Slope – The New Works of the Third Nature by Keng Hao-Kang
Of the abstract painters in the new generation, Keng Hao-Kang, born in a family of artists, is one of the best who combines the rational constructivism of his father and the lyric style of his mother. When Keng studied abroad in Italy between the late 1990s and the early 2000s, he had gradually revealed his personal unique taste of art creation whose works show strong and young colors of the new generation to express the curiosity towards the world to explore, absorb, reflect, and collage.
Born in 1969, Keng grew up with robot police toys and video games. After he graduated from the department of fine arts in Tunghai University, he left for Milan, an ancient and fashionable city in Europe, and studied in the Art Academy of Brera with is major in painting and installation art. His thesis advisor, Prof. Diego Esposito, is an avant-garde artist, who taught him to observe, understand, explore and record the historical city through his mind because Milan used to be the origin place of the European Renaissance and also the place where Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo lived and created the master pieces.
However, compared to the ancient history of the city, the deployment of store windows, various colorful products, geometric patterns and textures of ancient mosaic walls, and the arrangement pattern of paving stones were more attractive to him. And these visual elements have naturally blended into his art pieces, forming a part of the paintings.
In traditional western landscape paintings, the rolling hills used to the theme for the painting artists in low-lying countries such as the Netherlands, and this is also the reason why the landscape paintings are named as “landscape.” Then, with the rise of impressionism and citizen class, the urban landscape forming in the beginning of the industrial society had become the new topic concerned by the artists. Therefore, the Mother Nature is called “the First Nature,” and the urban landscape is called “the Second Nature.”
When the industrial civilization became mature, the man-made objects, products, printings, digital images…etc. have replaced the streets and buildings of urban landscape, forming “the Third Nature.”
Furthermore, for the new generation like Keng who played robot police toys and video games in their childhood, “the Third Nature” is obviously a closed, familiar, interactive and integrated theme in their lives.
In the beginning, Keng neither fully grasped nor concluded the ways to absorb and use the visual aesthetics of the Third Nature, nor he expressed the entire emotions. It is rather to describe him as a troubadour who presented colors, formats and words with open, flowing and enjoyable minds of their own warmth and personality on the paintings. When he first arrived in Milan during 1998-2000, he made some colorful ink paintings that used simple strokes to capture the ideas or images emerged suddenly, or some repetitive parallel lines, overlapping symbols and strokes, and outlines of human figures… These early manuscripts were served as reference for his creation in a later date but also recorded his ideas; moreover, these also revealed his thinking trace and focus in his early creation stage.
We can see his efforts on his acrylic paintings, where he overlapped colors to create imprinted texture of color lumps. He also painted light bright color on the lower layer, where actually covered multiple layers of dark colors. This articulating-paper effect not only increases the texture of the paintings, but also presents the layers and echo of history and memories.
In addition, colors also bear the mission to express warmth. As in some of his art pieces, such as “Tropical” (2014) and “24 Degrees,” we can see his sensitivity and management on the environment. Of which, sometimes you see the ancient mosaic patters of buildings, colorful square glass windows, and even cartoon figures like Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, Sponge Bob, Superman, and Bat Man, while there are animal furs like zebras and leopards appeared in the geometric patterns in his art pieces in 2013 to fully reflect the nature of an enthusiastic artist who cares a lot of everything.
Obviously, Keng is inspired by various topics from both cities such as walls, shop windows, sign-boards, and paving stones and living objects such as envelopes and papers. Some of the named pieces like “Joyce” (2012-2015), “Stairs” (2014), “Camouflage” (2014) also showed the fragment that the artist’s life.
To be a successful artist, the key is to arrange and deploy these things and objects in a limited frame to present certain meanings or aesthetics, instead of the sentiment and capture of the external world. It is very obvious that the success of Keng is that he detaches the independent fragments and terms from his language context and collages and combines with another context to form new meanings and contexts, creating a space for audience’s viewing and understanding and even different interpretation. This kind of method is very similar to the construction of installation art.
The art piece “Navigation” in 2015 is a new beginning which is very different from the self-explanatory or symbolic half-image construction. The painting is comprised of completely horizontal and vertical images with the two-thirds of the left half painting by lower brightness including pink, greyish yellow, black, blue, blackish green, and purplish blue and with one-third of the right half separating by smaller parallel cutting and some high brightness blocks near the middle including pure white, grey, and citrus red (especially setting by one purplish blue in the middle and a big black block on the left side), serving as the visual focus of the full frame painting. The “Navigation” effect is like a spot light that navigates boats on the black sea.
Since “Navigation,” he further created a series of art pieces named “Moving Forward” in 2016. Although the size of “Moving Forward” is comparatively small compared to “Navigation” (2015), the parallel and slop splits of dark color blocks bring people elegant and introverted feelings.
Through the changes in parallel and slope construction, he developed another series of “Abstract 1,” “Abstract 2,” “Dynamics 1,” “Dynamics 2,” “Dynamics 3,” “Dynamics 4,” “Tangled 1,” “Tangled 2,” “Anchoring,” “Working Day 1,” “Working Day 2,” and “Stairs.” By parallel and slope intertwining, the changes in color field size with different color hue, the genius comparison between colors and achromatic colors produce various visual and spiritual feelings. Of which, the series of “Dynamics” have a strong comparison in brightness with the space sense created by linear and plane slope changes, leaving strong impression for the viewers on the pink lines.
The curved spatial changes constructed in “Dynamics 4” and “Stairs” in 2016 are served as the trailer for the development in 2017, including “Growth,” “The World in the Eyes 1,” “The World in the Eyes 2” and “Reaching the Summit.” These art pieces show a new appearance of the artist and they are also the most mature development of the geometric construction of parallel and slope development as seen from the comparatively complicated changes in color fields and short color lines.
The most challenging geometric challenge is to maintain the thinking characteristics of art creation without trapping by pure designing. The new series by Keng have expressed his ability to manage colors and spatial depth perception. The crossing parallel lines and regular slope changes is the most expressive presentation of buildings under the sun shining; however, the color painted by the artist gave the art pieces more musical and spatial senses.
We can also observed the calligraphy lines that the artist intentionally added into the art pieces from 2015 to 2017, including “Peach Blossoms” (2015), “Lemon Tree” (2015), “Coastline” (2015), “Sunbathing” (2015), “It is Cloud 1” (2016), “It is Cloud 2” (2016), and “Working Day 2.” These art pieces are another possible trial for the artist under his chief focus on parallel and slope.
As the abstract artist of the new generation, Keng uses his strong creativity and diligence to prove his existence and efforts to the art field, which is worthy of recognition and expectation.
Hsiao Chong-Ray, Taiwanese art historical scholar
Professor of the Department of History, NCKU,
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patkite · 1 year
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🚩 翻譯文學
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🚩 漫畫繪本
《亞人》(全17冊)、《霸王傳說.驍》(全20冊)、《獵人們:貓爸爸、李家寶》、《雲之獸:來自遠古的守護者》、《虐待我的爸爸終於死了》、《先生白書:從「幽☆遊☆白書」到「靈異E接觸」,我在冨樫義博身邊當助手的日子。》、《K-登山者》、《神之犬》(全2冊)、《光年之森》、《悠悠哉哉》、《最高的山.最深的海:世界自然奇觀》、《繪本東京》、《從天空看桃太郎》、《超乎想像!工作大不同》、《病毒星球》、《來自清水的孩子 Son of Formosa 1》、《100天後會死的鱷魚》、《我的生活不可能那麼壞2》、《解壓放空店:八耐舜子的笑看青春集》
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8964free · 3 years
國民妹妹談戀愛 Vol.4 、5、6
唐老師有云,世界上有六件事最可怕,其一便是:「對象 #雙子座 」
(中間大省略)後來實果子跟Tustomu終究還是分開了,小騎士就這樣忽然地出現在實果子的生命裡,在她日夜哭泣的時候,小騎士確確實實就是實果子的 救贖,是她的Oasis Boy(以下簡稱少年OB)
其實少年真的很厲害喔,總是可以在實果子心情低落的時候承接住她,不過,實果子每次遇見(愛上)的,真的都是可以參加奧運撩妹國手的人欸。對於未來立志要成為 #次世代徐譽庭 的實果子來說,有很多體驗真的是很有幫助啦。
有一次,大家要��動去另外一個地方,當時實果子要把掛在脖子上的手機拿下來給少年,請他幫忙看手機裡的地圖怎麼走(實果子是路痴),結果少年竟然直接拉住她脖子上的手機繩,霸道地說:「我要這樣看!」兩人之間的距離瞬間只剩下10cm,真的讓人害羞到讓人想要捧頰尖叫。(定番的 #壓力測試!)
但,少年的某個人格也是抖M,他曾說:「#我喜歡被逼到絕境的感覺」,有一次,他說他要跟朋友去玩策略型的桌遊,實果子接著說「哇,我都會說 我不會,大家就會讓我,最後我就當上大富翁了!」結果愛吃醋的少年非常生氣的說:「賤人!」然後在實果子的耳邊殘忍又壓低聲音慢慢地說:「Green~ tea~!」
生平第一次被罵 #綠茶婊 的實果子,很生氣的說「道歉!道歉!」但因為他是 #小公子,所以一語不發,只是一直看著實果子的眼睛,但脾氣不好的實果子憤怒的說「你要發出聲音來才叫道歉」他才鞠躬說「すいません」
(ㄍㄢ 真的抖M!! 從平常生活中就熱愛戲劇效果欸好瘋⋯)
不過,少年的某個人格並不如他的長相甜美,他根本是 #人格分裂患者。實果子雖然在少年的陪伴之下感到十分安心,但慢熱的實果子需要很長的一段時間觀察對方,所以就算有好感,對少年的態度也不夠明確。而且實果子給人的感覺似乎還是很執著於Tustomu的事,所以後來少年也變得有點焦慮,「你為什麼要花這麼多時間跟心力在我身上?你也不是什麼很閒的人吧?!我在你心中到底是什麼樣的存在?!」他挑明著對實果子提出質疑,讓實果子嚇了一大跳。
愣了三秒之後,實果子努力地表達自己的情感:「就大概是 #蔡明亮 對 #李康生 那樣的狀態吧」(自認為是最深情的告白了)
因為少年的願望是要當個很棒的Artist,於是實果子一直嚷嚷著說「那我以後要當你的Artist Producer!」少年又挑釁地說:「搞不好我會在美國開公司啊!」實果子一聽到少年這麼說,當場呆掉,只好含著淚水跟他說:「那就...那就只好祝福你啊!」其實倔強的實果子幾乎從來不在人前掉眼淚,只有室友以及少數親友看過她的淚水,但少年總是一次又一次不斷試探她的反應。
(這對話其實他倆也有在line講過類似的對話,因為實果子怕造成少年的壓力,跟他說『但如果有一天你要 #飛高高,我也會祝福你的!』這些雖然當初也是真心的話語,但萬萬沒想到少年會刻意當著實果子的面說出那些 #揪心的玩笑。
因為兩人的年紀真的相差太多,所以實果子會故意催眠自己,逞強地跟少年說:「反正我們就是 #工作夥伴。」去年年底,實果子問他:「那所以我在你心中是什麼樣的存在?」(也故意用少年的句型反問他) 少年以眼還眼,   用實果子講過的話語回敬:「 也不完全像是蔡明亮跟李康生那樣啊,因為對李康生來說,蔡明亮就只是工作夥伴。」雖然後來知道他是拐著彎在說『你對我來說,並不只是那樣的關係。』但在那個當下,實果子完全無法克制地噙著眼淚,怒視著少年。
實果子後來完全不理解為什麼本來這麼溫和的少年會���成這個模樣,她問親友Y:「為什麼他要不斷弄哭我?或者惹我生氣?!」Y:「哎呀,#少男漫畫 不都會這樣嗎?欺負喜歡的女生、讓他生氣就會覺得『好爽喔~~~~~』(還表演 #全身戰慄 的模樣,演技有夠好 XD)」
實果子的飼主T曾經告誡過她:「這個年紀的孩子,你怎麼對他,他就怎麼對你。」其實一開始兩人還願意坦率地表達自己的心意,因為之後少年可能會去一個很遠很遠的地方,實果子有一次忍不住哀嚎說:「4年好久喔~~」 他安慰實果子:「4年很快就過去了啊!!」實果子知道少年會 #記住她全部的說話,她講過的她寫過的每一句話,這是少年默默守護著她的證據。
細心的少年觀察到實果子那陣子難以入眠,因此當她催促:「你趕快回答我啦,我想速戰速決」,少年很緊張地說:「對不起!佔用了你寶貴的睡眠時間!!!」或是,只要是實果子講過的話,少年定會以行動來表達、回應,但即便是這樣,實果子也還是不斷地克制自己,並且也還在觀察他「真的有喜歡我嗎?」因為他倆的年紀真的相差極為巨大 >______<
實果子訪問少年,是想要更了解他,但每一次少年提出的話題, 總是蠻常圍繞在實果子的戀愛話題上,他很在意Tsutomu的事,也狠想知道實果子的恋バナ:
「我想聽你的 #獨家新聞」)
在公園裡,他倆會一起在大理石的桌子上躺下,開著 #凝視派對,不斷地說話,實果子對他訴說「小學時我總是被男孩們捉弄,」很委屈地跟他說「有人還把蝙蝠放在我的背心後面的帽子裡>_____<」 他安慰實果子(?):「那只是把恰巧出現在手邊的東西放上去啦!!」只要實果子扁嘴,他就會跟著她扁嘴。實果子嘟嘴,他也會學她嘟嘴。他告訴實果子:「#你很獨特。」
少年總是會很猖狂地一直看著實果子,無論是有眾多他者在場的場合,或是只有兩人獨處的珍貴時刻,在那個下大雨的晚上,少年其實一邊要趕著回家,於是下半場走路走超快,但還是時不時會回頭 ,轉過身停下來等實果子,無奈地問她「是我走太快還是你走太慢?」她笑著回答「都有。」
一路從中山 散步到圓山,再從圓山走到大直,因為途中實果子跟他說「我有話想問你,但要等你完成那個艱鉅的任務再說」;少年一路上拼命想要套話但還是徒勞無功,但因為實果子根本還沒想好要怎麼告訴少年自己的心情,結果走到大直時實果子還是沒有說出口,就是說不出口、開不了口。於是焦躁的少年自己加碼說:「那你陪我走回家。」
 那天雨下得很大,這兩人竟然就在雨中濕噠噠地走了三個小時!!少年說:「我鞋子都濕了。」實果子才確定說「這是在談戀愛沒錯吧?!誰會跟不在意的人在雨中漫步三小時啊???????」(不好意思,實果子真的就是非常 #後知後覺)
有一次少年發現實果子又因為Tsutomu的出現而崩潰,溫暖的他很認真地安慰實果子將近兩小時。實果子忍不住跟他說:「你的名字取得很好,只要你在我身旁,不可思議地,我的情緒比較穩定。你是我的 #精神安定劑。(但我會努力不要太依賴你)」
去年底的某個下午,少年順著實果子的話跟她說:「我可以當你的 精神安定劑,也可以當你的小騎士,在你傷心難過的時候,秀秀你,保護你」而且這時(他特意帶來的)電腦歌單剛好又播到 #李權哲 的「搬到合歡山上」(雲端司機),
你不給我 我不給你"
好,大問題就來了,為什麼少年要拼命詢問是否可以接受 open relationship,其實是因為他最近剛交了一個女朋友,少年說:「一個人有的,另外一個人沒有;我對另外一個人當然也會有愛,跟一些其他的東西」實果子猜測,他是在輾轉跟自己表示:「我也愛著你,我想要守護你。」但!!對於愛吃醋的實果子來說,當然無法忍受開放性關係。她希望可以獨佔少年,她傷心地想著:「不是說好『愛是唯一』嗎?」更何況,橫亙在他們之間的其實有許多巨大的鴻溝。
final,因為他真的人格分裂症發作,但還是在窺探實果子的臉色(無論坐在什麼方位,他都會一直注視著實果子)實果子很憤怒地說:「 #看屁看啊!」少年笑得很爽的說:「你很多表情啊!」最後分開的時候,實果子故意發狠說 「你是不是應該要走了」,少年只好開始收拾行李,後來實果子又忍不住撒嬌伸手說「抱抱」,他輕輕地露出「#哎呀真是拿你沒辦法」的神情,無奈又寵溺地走來坐在沙發上的實果子面前說「這樣我要怎麼抱?」足足矮上他十幾公分的實果子乖乖站到沙發上發號施令:「你把東西放下就可以抱!」因為實果子有預感 ,兩人暫時不會再見面,於是開始耍賴,一次又一次地要求:「再抱十秒就好」「八點九秒 、九點一 、九點二、九點三」
初戀女友跟實果子說:「你根本就是在演台版的 #艾蜜莉在巴黎 吧」
 VS 愛恨分明、被喚為是核彈等級的傲嬌小王子的love story
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hisoka-morow · 5 years
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Gilgamesh 【極道畫師】吉爾伽美什 / 極道畫師 [pixiv] Permission to upload this was given by the artist.
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robinswhitehat · 6 years
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Chinese ink wash paintings.
Artist: 極道畫師 Please go to the original site to support the artist.
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inputanimeoutput · 6 years
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【極道水墨】羽鳥智世&艾利亞斯||極道畫師 *Reprinted with permission from the artist.  Do not repost or delete source information.
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basarafanworks · 6 years
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上杉謙信 by 極道畫師
Written permission personally granted by the Artist Don’t repost without permission or remove credits. ◆ Please, rate this artwork on the Artist’s Gallery~
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animepopheart · 16 days
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★ 【@jidaohuashi】 「 neji // hinata 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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gamehayapkmod · 4 years
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Game 妖怪餐廳-異世界人氣美食經營手遊 là dòng game Role Playing
Giới thiệu 妖怪餐廳-異世界人氣美食經營手遊
美味一週年,妖您齊歡聚 妖怪餐廳週年店慶開始啦! 異世界美食經營手遊,靈域冒險START! 【遊戲簡介】 店長大人,您終於醒啦!歡迎來到「妖怪餐廳」 聞名三界的美食餐廳,開始營業啦!這是一間會飛的移動城堡,三尾狐、熊貓娘、兔子精、重明鳥等種族紛紛化身主廚、店員、牧場飼養員;餐廳經營、牧場養殖、自由DIY、烹飪美食,快來與妖怪們一起,打造專屬你的靈域餐廳! 【遊戲特色】 ===超豪華日本聲優 冒險之旅有聲有色=== 眾多日本知名聲優加入妖怪餐廳啦,杉山紀彰、子安武人、田中理惠、小松未可子等聯袂演繹眾妖百態。動聽的聲音有溫度,靈域的故事因他們的演繹更加引人入勝,喜怒哀樂的情緒,百轉千回的劇情,等您一一領略。 ===練就美味必殺技 人氣爆棚熱賣開啟=== 超豐富的美食經營玩法,成為全靈域的餐飲大亨!牧場養殖生產食材,再利用食材研發菜譜、改良菜品、製作便當一氣呵成,用最可口的料理征服靈域最挑剔的客人!還可以隨心DIY您的小店,百變裝飾,打造獨一無二專屬於您的靈界餐廳,帶給客人獨特的體驗。這,就是您的超人氣美食餐廳進階之路,讓您的餐廳成為靈域客人們心中的小確幸吧~ ===神秘靈域大冒險 綺幻世界華麗啟程=== 頂尖畫師連袂巨製,Live2D全動態呈現,帶來靈域世界沉浸體驗!收集來自全靈域的擬人化靈獸,三尾狐、熊貓娘、鮫人、蛟族等種族紛紛化身廚師、店員、牧場飼養員,和您一起展開未知冒險,獲取極致美味的秘密!來到這個療癒夢幻小世界,一秒擺脫憂鬱! ===精彩劇情戲不斷 百妖千怪羈絆上演=== 故事在這裡上演,超越時空因果的羈絆就此展開。現在開始,收集千姿百態的的個性店員,養成最強餐廳團隊!這些妖怪們擁有異能,性情難以征服,但同時他們也擁有比人類更為單純的情感。他們之間的精彩故事等著您去發現~ ===雖兇但萌料理獸 顛覆認知美味源頭=== 料理獸抓捕行動開始!你要對抗的不再是邪惡勢力,而是潛伏在靈域各地的“恐怖”料理獸!探索靈域的各個角落,擊敗料理獸,即可在牧場放置圈養兇萌的它,並且養殖產出超多意想不到的奇妙食材。得到這些千奇百怪卻十足珍貴的食材,您就可以製作出充滿靈魂的美味料理!讓您的客人流連忘返,縱情饗樂! 在靈域,每道美味不僅關乎技法和食材,更承載著一段曾經不為人道的故事。 千百年,關於美食,關於羈絆,「妖怪餐廳」始終都在見證。 店長大人,您準備好了嗎?一起來冒險吧~ 【聯繫我們】 如在遊戲中遇到任何問題,我們非常樂意為您解決,請及時和我們聯繫唷! 官方客訴郵箱:[email protected] 更多訊息請Facebook搜索關注「妖怪餐廳」官方粉絲團 【請注意】 ※本遊戲內容涉及一般不雅但無不良隱喻之言語、角色輕微打鬥、戀愛交友情節,依遊戲軟體分際管理辦法分類為輔12級。 ※本遊戲為免費使用,遊戲內另提供購買虛擬貨幣、物品等付費服務。 ※請注意遊戲時間,避免沉迷。 Delicious first anniversary, you all get together Yokai Restaurant’s anniversary celebration has begun! Different world gourmet management mobile game, spiritual adventure START! [Game Introduction] Mr. Manager, you are finally awake! Welcome to "Youkai Restaurant" The famous gourmet restaurant in the Three Realms is now open! This is a flying mobile castle. Races such as the three-tailed fox, panda mother, rabbit spirit, and heavy bird have become chefs, shop assistants, and ranch keepers; restaurant management, ranch breeding, free DIY, cooking food, come and monsters Together, create your own spiritual domain restaurant! [Game Features] ===Ultra-luxury Japanese seiyuu, the adventure journey is vivid and colorful=== Many well-known Japanese voice actors have joined the monster restaurant. Sugiyama Kiaki, Koyasu Takeshi, Tanaka Rie, Komatsu Mikako and others have joined forces to perform all the monsters. The beautiful voices have warmth, and the stories of the spiritual realm are more fascinating because of their interpretation. The emotions of joy, anger, sorrow and joy, and the story of thousands of times are waiting for you to appreciate one by one. ===Practice delicious nirvana skills, popular and hot sales start=== Super rich food management gameplay, become a catering tycoon in the whole spirit realm! Farm farming produces ingredients, and then use ingredients to develop recipes, improve dishes, and make lunches in one go. Conquer the most discerning guests in the spiritual realm with the most delicious dishes! You can also DIY your shop at will, with various decorations, and create a unique and exclusive spiritual world restaurant, bringing guests a unique experience. This is the way to advance your super-popular gourmet restaurant. Let your restaurant become a little fortunate in the hearts of the spiritual realm guests~ ===Mysterious Spiritual Domain Adventure, Gorgeous Departure in the Wonderful World=== The top artists continue to make huge productions, Live2D full dynamic presentation, bringing an immersive experience in the spiritual world! Collect anthropomorphic spirit beasts from the entire spiritual realm. Races such as the three-tailed fox, panda mother, shark, and Jiao tribe have become chefs, shop assistants, and ranch breeders, and join you on an unknown adventure to get the secrets of the ultimate delicious! Come to this small world of healing dreams and get rid of melancholy in one second! ===Wonderful dramas continue to be staged in the fetters of a hundred monsters and monsters=== The story is staged here, and the fetters beyond time and space and cause and effect unfold. From now on, collect all kinds of individual shop assistants and develop the strongest restaurant team! These monsters have supernatural powers, and their temperaments are difficult to conquer, but at the same time they also have simpler emotions than humans. The wonderful story between them is waiting for you to discover~ ===Although fierce but cute cooking beast subverts the knowledge of the source of deliciousness=== The food beast capture operation begins! What you have to fight against is no longer the evil forces, but the "horror" cooking beasts lurking in the spiritual realm! Explore all corners of the spiritual realm, defeat the cooking beast, and place the ferocious and cute captive on the ranch, and breed it to produce many unexpected and wonderful ingredients. Get these strange but precious ingredients, and you can make delicious dishes full of soul! Let your guests linger and indulge themselves! In the spiritual realm, each delicacy is not only related to techniques and ingredients, but also carries a story that was once inhumane. For thousands of years, the "youkai restaurant" has always witnessed food and fetters. Sir, are you ready? Let's take an adventure~ 【contact us】 If you encounter any problems in the game, we are very happy to solve it for you, please contact us in time! Official complaint email: [email protected] For more information, please search Facebook and follow the official fan group of "Youkai Restaurant" 【caution】 ※The content of this game involves general indecent but no undesirable metaphors, minor character fights, love and friendship plots, and it is classified as supplementary 12 levels according to the game software management method. ※This game is free to use. There are also paid services such as purchasing virtual currency and items in the game. ※Please pay attention to the game time and avoid obsessing. 1.新增藏寶圖功能 2.新增餐飲協會會員功能 3.戰鬥改版:重新配置所有關卡怪物、重新配置推薦陣容 4.重新設計所有妖怪的技能;戰鬥機制修改,妖怪攻擊、受擊會獲得怒氣,怒氣滿後玩家可手動釋放妖怪必殺技等 5.佈陣功能改版 6.餐廳改版:新增廚具功能 7.靈域功能改版 8.妖怪緣分功能改版 9.花園功能改版 10.妖怪圖鑒功能改版 11.新增餐廳升級預告 12.新增擴建功能:餐廳升級不再直接擴建餐廳,需要收集材料手動擴建 13.主介面全新改版 14.新增心願卡池活動 15.新增雇傭兵功能 16.鑄心境介面重構 17.傢俱圖鑒介面優化,配合傢俱繁榮度優化修改 18.新增限時頭像框功能 19.新增UR品質妖怪:妖神•凰女 20.新增虛空秘境功能 21.遊戲內許多優化 22.其他部分BUG修復及優化
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hisoka-morow · 5 years
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Nakano-san 【極道畫師】中野三玖 | 極道畫師 [pixiv] Permission to upload this was given by the artist.
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marshongxox · 4 years
#3 你應該每個月都來一次,2020年1月 免費Wordpress免費主題下載-DONA/Soho Pro/MAIDEN - Themeforest
New Post has been published on https://imayday.co/themeforest-2020-01/
#3 你應該每個月都來一次,2020年1月 免費Wordpress免費主題下載-DONA/Soho Pro/MAIDEN - Themeforest
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2020 1月 WordPress免費主題
Soho Pro – Photography Portfolio
而 Themeforest 也會每月都會釋出一些WordPress免費主題下載給大家,雖然這些主題不是最新的,但免費這點就很值得了
2020 1月 WordPress免費主題
DONA is a Creative Multi-Purpose Parallax WordPress Theme for creative agency/corporate/business websites and other businesses. It’s a fresh and clean design. It’s a 100% bootstrap responsive design and compatible with all major browsers, tablets and phones. You can easily change the text, color, images etc.
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最後更新19年2月6日已建立17年4月5日古登堡優化是高分辨率是準備好小部件是兼容的瀏覽器IE9,IE10,IE11,Firefox,Safari,Opera,Chrome,Edge兼容於Visual Composer 5.1.x,Visual Composer 4.12.x,Visual Composer 4.11.x,WooCommerce 3.6.x,WooCommerce 3.5.x,WooCommerce 3.4.x,WooCommerce 3.3.x,WPBakery頁面構建器5.7.x,WPBakery頁面構建器5.6。 X,WPBakery頁面生成器的5.5.x,WPBakery頁面生成器5.4.x版本,WPBakery頁面生成器5.3,WPML,引導3.x的,自舉2.3.x版本,引導2.2.2,引導2.2.1,引導2.1.1軟件版本WordPress 5.1.x,WordPress 5.0.x,WordPress 4.9.x,WordPress 4.8.x,WordPress 4.7.x,WordPress 4.6.1,WordPress 4.6,WordPress 4.5.x,WordPress 4.5.2,WordPress 4.5.1,WordPress 4.5包含的ThemeForest文件PHP文件,CSS文件,JS文件列4+文獻資料有據可查佈局反應靈敏標籤代理商,引導程序,商業,公司,創意,多功能,多語言,一頁,視差,響應,rtl,seo友好,視覺作曲家,wordpress,wpml
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Soho Pro – Photography Portfolio
簡介 :
Soho PRO is a diligently made portfolio WordPress theme jam-packed with splendid features and available with a number of pre-configured web-page layouts you can edit to represent your content in a very attractive manner. The power of GT3 products!
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最後更新20年1月13日已建立17年6月16日古登堡優化是高分辨率是準備好小部件是兼容的瀏覽器IE10,IE11,Firefox,Safari,Chrome,Edge兼容於Visual Composer 5.1.x,WooCommerce 3.8.x,WooCommerce 3.7.x,WooCommerce 3.6.x,WooCommerce 3.5.x,WooCommerce 3.4.x,WPBakery頁面生成器5.7.x,WPML軟件版本WordPress 5.3.x,WordPress 5.2.x,WordPress 5.1.x,WordPress 5.0.x包含的ThemeForest文件PHP文件,CSS文件,JS文件列4+文獻資料有據可查佈局反應靈敏標籤乾淨,創意,全屏,畫廊,同位素,定位,極少,現代,網上組合,視差,照片,相冊,攝影,投資組合,投資組合網站
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Maiden is a Responsive One Page Portfolio WordPress Theme for freelancers, designers, photographers, illustrators, portfolio websites, creative artists or agencies.
It’s based on Bootstrap framework and HTML5/CSS3 technologies, with a minimal design, clean and elegant, fully responsive and customizable.
Maiden is the perfect solution for any type of business, specially smart companies or startup with a very minimal style, modern, clean and elegant.
Quick and easy setup to create a portfolio and show your works and services. The Theme is optimized for smartphone and tablets, it provides a clear documentation and the code is clean and well-organized.
This Theme uses Parallax effect and content animations, so you can create an awesome website. Your projects will be amazing using this fluid and flexible layout, that is adaptive to all needs.
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最後更新19年10月19日已建立17年9月9日古登堡優化是高分辨率是準備好小部件是兼容的瀏覽器IE9,IE10,IE11,Firefox,Safari,Opera,Chrome,Edge兼容於Visual Composer 5.1.x,WPBakery頁面構建器5.7.x,Bootstrap 4.x軟件版本WordPress 5.2.x,WordPress 5.1.x,WordPress 5.0.x,WordPress 4.9.x,WordPress 4.8.x,WordPress 4.7.x,WordPress 4.6.1,WordPress 4.6包含的ThemeForest文件PHP文件,HTML文件,CSS文件,JS文件列4+文獻資料有據可查佈局反應靈敏標籤廣告公司,博客,引導,乾淨,創意,設計師,優雅,自由職業,最小,一頁,視差,投資組合,反應靈敏,視覺作曲家,白色
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每次來都有不同的主題,這次以上三個Wordpress在在2020年1月31日23:59 AEDT +11:00之前免費提供
※ 若您喜歡Mayday麥帶先生的文章,在麻煩請幫我按五下Liker,請給我的創作一個鼓勵唷!
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inputanimeoutput · 6 years
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【極道水墨】克勞斯.V.萊因赫茲||極道畫師 *Reprinted with permission from the artist.  Do not repost or delete source information.
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