#ask lew
asexualzoro · 3 months
Hello, I'm from Gaza City because of the war,my house was destroyed. We lost everything,my family and I did not have anything left. We left our homes in search of a safe place and we were displaced three  times to different places to survive, but unfortunately there's no safe place in Gaza. My mother is very sick and she's a kidney failure patient in need of treatment outside. She suffers from LS. Help me and my family to survive. Please, your small donation can make a huge difference. A friend outside Gaza has come in to help me run the donation program so that my mother can be evacuated. My friend Mr. Fred Odhiambo is receiving the donations on our behalf to help us organise how to evaluate Gaza in the next four days
i’m posting this ask instead of just deleting it like i normally would with these kinds just so everyone else can see and be aware: this is almost certainty fake, and you should watch for similar frauds
how do i know? this account is about 13 hours old. there’s maybe 10-20 posts on it, all reblogged today—enough it looks like a real account at a glance, but so few that you can scroll to the bottom and see the age of the oldest post in less than a minute. this person also followed me immediately after sending me the ask
this is exactly what any scam account ever looks like. the people who send asks for help with their “sick pets” look exactly the same—relatively new accounts you can scroll to the bottom of on maybe five minutes max, pinned donation posts, following you immediately after begging you for money. the advice for those scam pet donation questions is always “there is no cat,” and i’m inclined to assume the same of this
the link in this asker’s pinned post links directly to some guy’s paypal, not a gofundme or similar, and this person claims to have raised hundreds of dollars and to be so close to their goal despite the post having, at the time i looked at it, only 18 notes. donation posts don’t work like that, no donation post gains donations that quickly
there are a lot of people who need help in gaza, with a lot of reputable campaigns and charities and aid groups. but when people need help and money, you’re always going to get scams. people like this are hoping you want to help—we all do, right now—and are also hoping you’ll be moved do so without checking too hard. trying to profit off of a genocide through low effort tumblr scams like this is fucking vile, but use this as a reminder to check your facts before you send your money anywhere. and, if someone sends you, as a random fandom blogger without much wide-reaching influence, an ask begging for money, remember: nine times out of ten, there is no cat
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driflew · 9 months
Could we get some fun facts about "First sign of a house fire"? 👀
oh god sure
cherri came up for the au name for this literally as i was posting the fic. we've just been calling it hero/villain this whole time. yellow rose au IS rlly good tho. lots of meanings to yellow roses
this is one of the only like 2 aus we have where Ren and Martyn are teens (rather than like, in their late 20s-early 30s) bc when we were fleshing out Martyn's deal i was like. i literally refuse to believe he's an adult. no one who isn't a teenager thinks like this. so Ren and Martyn are late teens (like 18?) in this au
we gave Martyn an elaborate backstory w an oc parent for yellow rose au and im so damn attached to that guy it's stupid. robot dad you will always be famous (patently untrue). i have that whole backstory written
im outing cherri actually. that design for martyn's vtuber lore character doc (we've been calling him docv for short / to distinguish him from docm) she posted? originally for this au. in the original sketch hes next to Thorn!Martyn lmfao. docv shows up briefly by mention at the end of house fire, but he's the major antagonist for this fic. ive got so many thoughts about docv now and he's barely even appeared in the actual vtuber lore really--
that title is more meaningful than you think
this au has. oh god where's the-- cherri gave me permission to post the hero/villain part of our au and offshoots map (The Great VR Timeline). forgive me this image is so crunchy it's a very small part of a stupid large image. anyway this au has a stupid amount of offshoots and alternate paths and we have written for at two of those as well as the actual plot
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anyway. thanks for your interest! this au makes me insane
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pseudonymphomania · 1 month
Could I trouble you with a Barbatos request? Something with him being "totally lowkey" attention seeking with his booty (+ Demon form and elevated tail optional) and/or Diavolo or Sheep!MC touching the booty? SFW preferable, however I would certainly not be opposed to a rather cheeky non-SFW if you were inspired to lewd the Buttler 👉👈
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boatboysrowout · 1 year
i am So Very Interested in the burger king vs mcdonalds au if you're willing to share more 👁️👁️
i'm so glad you asked
it's all grian's fault, of course. 'it'll be great if all my friends got a summer job around the same place!' he said. 'it'll be fun hanging out on our lunch breaks!' he said. 'this is a genius idea, nothing will go wrong!' he said.
it goes wrong in less than a day.
it all starts with scar's job application getting rejected from burger king. he takes this very personally, as the man who interviews him is grian's friend who had just been hired the day before, and scar had been assured he would get an easy in. ren, however, didn't like how many questions scar was asking about their ice cream machine and where their security cameras were placed.
so out scar goes, sulking his way through a successful interview to work at the white castle down the road, joining bdubs and cleo. the rest of grians friends end up scattered in shops around the two restaurants with varying degrees of satisfaction with their summer jobs.
grian, as he is wont to do, waffles around a bit before committing to a job. he's pretty sure he's going to join bigb at the library, but before he decides, he goes to pay scar a visit to make sure he's still not sulking about the burger king fiasco.
that, too, is a mistake.
grian doesn't know what happened. he swears he just meant to stop in and say hi. and maybe play a little prank! just a funny little joke! only he didn't realize how much hair spray bdubs uses and how flammable that made his hair, and really, how could grian have known that the second after he fled the scene of his crime, scar would walk in at the exact wrong moment holding a lighter, making him look like the guiltiest motherfucker on earth?
it's absolutely not his fault.
now scar is out of a job again, and he's gotten it in his head that the only way to get his revenge on ren is to work at the mcdonalds across the street from the burger king and, to quote scar, "make him regret not taking my offer." and listen. this is the third job scar's had in two days. it kind of feels a little bit like grian's responsibility to make sure he doesn't get fired from this one too. but it'll be fine. what else could go wrong?
so much. so, so much.
scar almost immediately goes off the rails. he creates his own customer rewards program in which he refuses to serve a customer if they don't pledge their undying loyalty to the mcdonalds in exchange for scar certified McReputation points. this somehow is remarkably successful despite grain's repeated warnings that this is a scam- scar pulls some strings and grian is forced into kitchen duty after he tries to warn one too many customers. martyn and ren catch word of this and try institute a similar program, albeit to a much less successful degree. scar, however, cannot let that stand.
grian also cannot let that stand, but this is more due to martyn coming over every day during his lunch break and annoying grian by telling increasingly convoluted jokes all ending with a punchline relating to the mcdonald's broken ice cream machine.
so that afternoon grian and scar pay the burger king a visit. scar goes up to the front counter and gives ren and martyn the longest sales pitch of his life, something about cereal, and while they're distracted grain climbs through the drive through window and smashes their ice cream machine with a baseball bat.
that's the beginning of the end.
ren takes the attack way too personally. he gets naked, makes martyn crown him with a shitty cardboard crown, dubs himself the burger king, and declares war on the mcdonalds.
he and martyn set out to recruit for their army amongst the rest of their friends in the area to varying degrees of success. they first go to visit joel in his art shop, but quickly decide to leave after the first thing they hear upon walking in is a conversation in the back room in which someone appears to be blackmailing joel over something in the basement.
they decide to try impulse and tango down at the arcade, and both of them are so confused by ren's sales pitch they just agree to make him go away (they do the same thing when scar and grian visit them a few hours later).
ren and martyn's visit to the white castle is the worst yet. instead of walking in and recruiting bdubs and cleo with their impassioned speech and thirst for justice, the burger king and his hand walk into an active warzone.
there's smoke everywhere. bdubs is screaming. martyn swears he hears a gun go off. cleo is cackling. someone runs past them entirely engulfed in flames. as ren and martyn make a hasty retreat etho cheerfully greets them from his seat on a bench outside the building, tinkering with something that looks suspiciously like a pipe bomb.
they decide to take a break from recruiting after that.
meanwhile, scar and grian have been busy. they've recruited jimmy and scott from the florists down the road to launch a yelp smear campaign against the burger king, tanking them from a respectable 3.8 stars to 1 star in an afternoon. to a normal human being, this would mean nothing, but they text a screenshot of this to martyn and ren with the caption 'this u?'
martyn and ren have never once reacted to anything normally or proportionality in their life.
skizz, one of their regulars, also takes great offense to this. he insists that this is a devastating blow against the burger king's honor, and vows to get revenge.
no one's sure exactly how he does it, but within an hour he manages to trace one of the bad reviews back to jimmy and promptly doxes him, getting him fired due to the content of his surprisingly popular google+ account.
scar and grian, after laughing hysterically for an hour over the fact that jimmy was a google+ influencer, continue their reign of terror over the burger king by taking a selfie of them next to the burger king drive through menu, which they somehow have relocated to the roof of the mcdonalds.
it's the last straw for ren.
decked out in a red cape made of the burger king curtains and armed with a spatula and the fury of a thousands suns, ren marches across the street to the mcdonalds and challenges scar and grian to a winner-takes-all duel.
a crowd begins to gather, with nearly everybody grian knows save for the people involved in what has been dubbed the white castle war, forming a loose arch behind ren and martyn as they begin to chant for a fight.
grian and scar, who came outside to see what all the commotion was about, both predictably panic at the sight of two men in capes charging towards them backed by a crowd chanting for blood. grian tries to claw his way back up the roof while scar, possessed by the spirit of apollo, does the only thing he can and chucks a potato at ren's head.
that potato hits ren square in the forehead and knocks him out cold.
the crowd goes silent.
martyn, thinking ren is dead, drops to his knees and cradles his unconscious body close to his chest and dramatically confesses his everlasting love, vowing to never leave ren's side and to never stop spreading the tale of ren's 'grey long and strong' bits.
grian, upon witnessing this, realizes to his abject horror that he also has gay feelings for his manager.
he has no idea what to do with these feelings, and the crowd is still chanting fight, and he's experienced a lot of stress and unexpected emotions in the last five minutes, so he really can't be blamed when he turns on his heel and punches scar in the face.
scar, surprised but absolutely willing to go along with it, punches grian back, and they begin beating the shit out of each other in the most pathetic fist fight a mcdonalds parking lot has ever witnessed.
meanwhile, there's police cars and fire trucks with sirens on speeding down the road past them, and someone in the crowd realizes 'oh shit are those all going to the white castle?'
so the crowd immediately abandons the world's worst fight to go see what the hell has been going down in the white castle.
it takes a bit, but, with martyn still confessing his love and sobbing over ren's unconscious body, grian finally manages to land a lucky hit and knocks scar out, sending him crumpling to the ground. for the second time that day, grian realizes with horror what he's done, and frantically tries to run to get a medic only to trip over scar's unconscious body and knock himself out as well.
The headline of the local newspaper the next morning reads as follows:
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...anyone wanna ask me about my last life mall au
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cerealbishh · 17 days
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"We get to, this season, explore their chemistry and their real love and their intimacy. So we get to have a glimpse into that world that just feels so pure and beautiful and romantic! And then, sort of navigating those other circumstances once they're out in the world, dealing with real... challenges." - Isa in an interview with The Knockturnal(x)
#outer range s2#outer range s2 spoilers#maria olivares#rhett abbott#isabel arraiza#lewis pullman#rhett x maria#i know the last gif is blurry but trust me she was holding his arm and i just thought that was adorable#i might add a lew quote if he ever gets asked about outer range s2 in an interview smh(i'm begging someone to ask him more about it!)...#she is always going to pull him in for a kiss like how she pulled him in for a small peck in s1#the biggest fucking grin on her face whenever they kiss#i feel like i could hear an ''i love you'' sometimes with how they just look at each other? crazy#her smile and him smiling back at her before the forehead kiss is EVERYTHING to me#also her little smile as he kisses the side of her head like she knows he's doing his best and doesn't really blame him for anything? uGH#there was an article that said that maria and rhett may screw royal over? i say they should go for it!#truly if it gives isa and lew more screen time i'm all for it!#i say all this but i still want a spin-off of them just on a roadtrip#i am convinced that he kisses her just because he thinks she's being really cute#they're so annoying... y'all haven't even been dating that long and you're acting like this!! smh /j#i kinda had a feeling that was maria in the trailer doing something to rhett in the trailer(iykyk) and my heart still fell into my stomach#i'm not including any dream/nightmare sequences because as far as we know they can't see the future... right?#do i sound stupid and biased? maybe... please don't judge me#she's hungry but her heart aches to stay... will the flesh have its way in s3? will she be ... ''already gone'' a la eurydice in hadestown?#tw: food?#will forever be sad they didn't get a dance :(
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babey-lewis · 2 months
hi hi! todays a bit of a flare up kinda day so I wanted to see if you had any tips or reassurance for disabled regressors? totally fine if not, Im just thinking about it.
-🧵(except not regressed!)
I do! As a disabled caregiver and little, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve!
Take it easy! I know it can be hard to rest, but sometimes your body needs that, and that's okay!
Take all your meds! Especially symptom controlling medications!
Drink water and keep up with food!
Play games from your bed! Games don't always have to involve running around or being hyper! Sometimes, games just mean cuddling your stuffies and having a picnic with them :3
Use a heat/cold pack on any aches and pains!
Sometimes I find that wrapping my joints in bandages helps keep them in place, so that reduces my pain, find what works for you and use it!
If you need to wear any specialised equipment/technology, maybe you can put stickers on it to help make it not so medical! And please make sure to wear it all!
And at the end of the day, always remember that I love my fellow disabled siblings. You are all so important to me.
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lewmagoo · 2 months
What punishments are dolled out when the boys are being submissive?
Obv. Rhett likes it to hurt.
in this scenario, i feel like rhett is the one who's the most fun to punish, because there's so much you can do to him. he can withstand a lot before he finally becomes penitent. he's stubborn, and doesn't like to admit defeat. usually, orgasm denial does the trick. edging him until he's nearly crying. if you're rough with his cock and balls while you're at it, he likes that too. (example: bringing him to the edge and then giving a warning slap to his sensitive cock as it twitches against his belly. it drives him wild). he's also partial to being spanked with his own belt.
if bob is being punished, making him watch while you touch yourself is torture for him. he wants so badly for his face or dick to be buried between your thighs, but instead, he's watching you fuck yourself with a toy, all while he's forced to sit on his hands at the edge of the bed. he'll watch you with wide, pleading eyes, but he will not beg for a taste unless you tell him to, because he desperately wants to get into your good graces again. it usually isn't long before you're allowing him between your legs again, because you want to reward him for being so patient.
if miles breaks your rule about not touching himself without permission, then he gets locked up in a chastity cage for a specified amount of time. could be for a night. could be for a few days. it just depends on the headspace he's in. during that time, he isn't allowed to touch himself at all, and he isn't allowed to fuck you. which is torture for him because he loves being nestled inside your warm, wet pussy. you'll let him cum, but only with the cage on, holding a vibrator to it as he writhes and sobs beneath you. usually, he learns his lesson for a good long while after a punishment, and he keeps himself in line.
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liloinkoink · 1 year
today i offer you a dramatic no context scene from the middle of a beauty and the beast au. tomorrow? who knows...
After the seventh time Ren falls asleep in with Martyn in his room, Ren gives him back his knife.
He’d taken it the day they met, along with all the other trinkets Martyn had been collecting since he first stepped foot in the castle. Martyn hadn’t understood the point, then—sure, take back everything he stole, but what is Martyn going to do with a knife? With deadly claws and a long reach, Ren could tear his throat out long before he could do anything with a dagger. Martyn wouldn’t even dream of being able to get close with his stupid knife. Why even bother taking it except to demoralize him even further?
Lying against Ren’s sleeping body, Martyn understands.
It would be easy, is the thing. Ren sleeps light, but he’s adjusted to having Martyn around. He’s no longer cracking his eye open every time Martyn shifts his legs, doesn’t raise his head whenever Martyn touches his side. He wouldn’t see it coming at all, and it would be his own fault for trusting a stranger to brush the dirt and knots out of his hair.
Ren is an idiot. Giving Martyn his dagger back will be the last thing he ever does.
Martyn sits up slowly, listening to the sound of Ren breathing. It doesn’t change, not even as Martyn pushes Ren’s tail out of his lap.
He always sleeps well on the nights Martyn is in here, doesn’t he? Might have something to do with how long he fights falling asleep, trying his best to talk to Martyn for as long as possible. Martyn is starting to recognize the signs of when he’s losing that fight—his eyes close, though he shakes his head to try to keep them open, to keep his gaze on Martyn as long as he can. His words start to trail off, no matter how desperately he struggles to keep up their conversation, until his words turn dreamlike, incomprehensible. The constant wagging of his tail slows to a gentle tap, then stops entirely.
Ren’s insistence on fighting off sleep has never made any sense to Martyn, either, but so few things about Ren do.
Not that it matters now, anyway.
Martyn turns, as slowly as possible, back toward Ren. Still, he doesn’t react, not even a twitch of his ear. He’s fast asleep, has no idea what’s coming for him.
Carefully, without breaking his stare, Martyn reaches for his dagger.
Ren hadn’t thought anything of Martyn setting it on the side table, in the place where the brush usually goes. Hadn’t thought anything of giving it to Martyn at all, the little blade held proudly between his teeth.
Maybe it had been a taunt—Just one of his own fangs had been the size of Martyn’s weapon. Martyn isn’t sure if he believes that, though.
Ren… doesn’t seem the type.
Ren is trusting. Far, far too trusting. Martyn had lasted one day, one day of Ren’s posturing, and the king had folded immediately to following him like a pup. Bringing his meals, assigning him easy tasks, accompanying him throughout the day, convincing him to rest when the sun sinks to the tree line, inviting Martyn to sleep at his side.
Martyn holds the dagger in his right hand, now, knuckles white around the hilt.
For a monster, Ren is naive. His eyes shine with joy as he stands at Martyn’s side, as though that’s something he should be happy about. Didn’t anyone ever tell him? There are things crueler than beasts running around these woods.
Martyn reaches out, slowly, with his left hand. He feels around Ren’s fur with his fingers, looking for Ren’s pulse. He feels it under his fingers, a steady rhythm. Martyn glances to Ren’s face—Still does nothing. There’s not even a flicker of his eyelids as Martyn feels for Ren’s ribs, finding the space between them.
It’s the smart thing to do. Martyn needs a safe place to stay, one where he won’t be found. This place is safe…ish, minus the beast whose mercy Martyn lives at. Ren may be kind for now, but the limits he places on Martyn’s freedoms are dangerous.
Martyn can’t eat, not properly, not when Ren can't cook and keeps him from the kitchen. Keeps him from the gardens, too, and the armory, and that keeps his strength in check. He’s constantly helping clean and repair the dusty, crumbling rooms, which gives him less energy to fight back. There’s a lot of this castle Martyn doesn’t know, and Ren has been here for years. Ren is powerful, and Martyn knows from running his hands through the fur that Ren is all muscle beneath the coat.
Martyn can’t leave. He can’t go home, and he has no one else to hide with. He needs this castle. He needs this place, all of it. Ren stands between him and the perfect haven.
And Ren, fool that he is, has given Martyn a knife.
Martyn draws his hand back, away from Ren’s heart. Both hands close around the dagger’s hilt. He'll never need to worry about a thing again, so long as he buries it up to the guard.
Martyn raises his weapon high above his head. In the faint light of the moon, the blade glows a dim, cold white.
Martyn is calm as he holds the blade in the air. His breathing is silent, mouth set into a firm line. His eyes are steely sharp, zeroed in on the space between Ren’s ribs. It’s basically black, dark fur hidden by the shadow of Ren’s legs, where Ren is curled around himself. He'd be curled up entirely into himself, hiding his heart and every other vital thing, if it weren't for the fact he left space for Martyn to lean against him.
Martyn, fool that he is, takes a glance at Ren’s face.
Ren looks content. His snout lies in the square of light from the window, gently illuminated against the white sheets, soaking in the midnight moonlight. In the still of the night, Martyn can see clearly his soft breathing. If Martyn had to guess, he would say Ren isn’t even dreaming, at a sort of peace second only to that found by the dead.
Not that Ren’s death will be peaceful. It will be fast, sure—he’ll be dead before the stain of his own blood sullies his snout, but bleed he will. Will he be able to move, Martyn wonders? Should Martyn be prepared to dodge? Or will Ren’s body continue to hold as if to fit him, even in death?
Will he even have time to know who killed him?
Martyn hadn’t understood the point of taking his knife. The weapon is too close, too personal—he’d never get a chance to use it, not before Ren could stop him, not unless Ren was an idiot.
Will Ren have time to open his eyes? He’ll see Martyn immediately. He’ll know what Martyn has done, what Ren has allowed him to do so very easily. Even as quickly as Ren will die, he will know what Martyn has done. He’ll understand his mistake.
Knives are personal like that.
Personal enough Martyn knows that he’ll see Ren’s eyes, when they open. Martyn himself will know, intimately, the exact moment Ren understands what Martyn has done.
Ren’s eyes, when he’s happy, seem to glow. It counters the fact he can’t smile without looking like a monster, the way they shine with the light of the sun. What will they look like, in the dim glow of the moon, as that light fades? Will it die with him? Or will it go just a beat too soon, in the moment Ren understands what Martyn has done to him?
If Ren opened his eyes now, what would he see?
Martyn holds the knife above his head, though he does not manage to keep it very high. He frowns, biting his lip on the inside of his mouth. His eyes are wide with a growing, pleading horror.
The only thing that stops Martyn from slamming the knife back down onto the nightstand is the fear Ren will hear it.
Tomorrow, Martyn will take Ren’s face into both of his own and scratch every spot he knows Ren likes, listening to his laugh and to the way his tail thumps against the bed. He’ll move to Ren’s back when the weight of Ren’s eyes starts to crush him, running his nails up and down along Ren’s spine, keeping his hands from following Ren’s ribs too far down. Ren will laugh, will relax, will sigh and roll so that Martyn can more easily access his stomach, and Martyn will feel so suddenly and violently ill that he has to leave the room.
Tomorrow, Martyn will duck away the moment he’s able, taking the mop and bucket to the worst, dirtiest, most disgusting corner of the castle he can find, and he'll scrub away like it will clear red-black shadows from the back of his mind. He’ll wave Ren off once, twice, three times, shooing away his food and his company, up until all the blood is gone and there’s nothing left to clean.
Tonight, Martyn settles back into the space Ren makes for him at his side. He pulls Ren’s tail back across his lap, and notices, not for the first time, how perfectly he fits.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 months
I wish Lewis just had an easy peasy rom com I could mindlessly enjoy with a glass of wine on a Friday night 😂
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if i had to list my top 3 band of brothers characters itd be
1. Roe
2. Speirs
3. Dick
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asexualzoro · 9 months
bro how did u get the little one piece badge. i want one. also OP LIVE ACTION!!!!!!!
go to the little tumblrmart thing and click claim badge. you can keep claiming them theyre free and itll let you have up to 50
if youre using the normal dashboard idk where tumblrmart is located, if youre using dashboard unfucker make your window smaller until all the menu options go under the hamburger menu in the top left corner and it's over there
youll see this thing vvv
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and then itll take you to this other popup here, where you can hit "claim this badge for free" up to 50 times. until you get an error message. and then you have 50 hats to put on all your various blogs
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driflew · 9 months
for six sentences.... batb au???
hmmmm, the au as a whole? what've i already posted...
this au is back from February! while the scene i posted was written for tbw, cherri and i have a few thousand words from it from several months ago
this scene actually changed a fair bit from the original draft we had of it. in the original version of the scene, Ren finds Martyn skulking around in the castle in the middle of the first night and confronts him. there was more of an actual physical threat w that as well i think, but i had the image of Ren in the garden with the deer and liked that more
we ALSO didnt specify at all about what Martyn actually stole in the OG draft lmfao. we didnt figure it out till we decided to use the crown prompt for this. i think in my head i pictured like. a nice vase
Ren's been cursed for about 4 years. though i dont think they've been mentioned in any of the posted works, but Ren isn't entirely alone in that castle
though it's a beauty and the beast au, we changed the way Ren's curse works quite a bit from the movie curse. he received it differently, it's broken differently (we needed a non-romantic curse lmao), and it has a different effect on his staff (they are not furniture because i did not want them to be furniture)
the horns on ren's design were a last minute addition. up until cherri decided to add them in the tbw sketch basically the week of he was just a normal dog (but large)
thanks for your interest! hope these facts are to your liking!
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racewinnerlandonorris · 11 months
lewis liking landos podium post on twitter iktr 😌
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lewis really loves lan!
also see:
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his likes are so full of lando tweets this is just this weeks editions
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lewis-winters · 7 months
going feral blood in my mouth thinking about small dick being there for small lewis and the probably literal bruises on his back
I want to recommend two fanarts (done by two wonderful hbo war fanartists whomst I adore) that tackles Exactly This anon
one is by @onefineginger and you can find it over here; the other is by @hanisaway and you can find it over here!!
and uh. there's a fic series about an AU where they meet as kids (though older kids, and not canon era) called Lancaster County, that I think is a Winnix Classique(TM) and should be read. Immediately.
and I've written something about this before, but I have it in my head that every time Dick finds something out about Lew's childhood, he becomes a thousand times more protective of him, or at least doubles his effort to be extra loving. I bet a lot of his late night musings consist of wondering about what life would have been like, had they found each other earlier. It would have been impossible, they occupied very different worlds, during a time when class divide would've been vast and fraught (they're Depression Era boys after all), but Dick isn't above thoughts of whimsy, and I bet he thinks about all his boyhood games and little boltholes and haunts and how he would've loved to show Lew all these things and places, if only to take his mind off his crazy home life. He sometimes tells Lew about this, and Lew would laugh and I suppose Dick would think he's humoring him, but I very much think that Lew would've wanted a friend like Dick, too. It sure would've made a lot of things a whole lot easier.
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cerealbishh · 2 months
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"Maria and Rhett knew each other way back when, they went to high school together. (...)Yeah, I think the spark is immediate because I think they maybe, secretly, always wanted to be together."
"I think that it's one of those relationships that never happened and never was but it was almost. And, I think, spending so much time apart, one can tend to fantasize what could be. (...) All of that ease of them seeing each other again is right there and it's almost as if they never left each other's side." - Isa and Lew on Maria and Rhett in an interview with Down and Nerdy(x)
"I also love that I get to tell a story about love in this really crazy, scary world(...) and we really want to root for them!" - Isa in an interview with SciFi Vision(x)
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babey-lewis · 2 months
I'm really sorry for asking but I'm really confused bc it's been on my mind for a few months :[
Is there anything that qualifies for being a little? Again, this is probably a dumb question but I'm confused sorry :[[
like. do you have to have more than just the vague fuzzy staticy feeling in your head to qualify or whatever??
sorry for asking, I'm just. I. I'm confused.
Have a nice day :]!
Its not a stupid question!
Is there anything that makes you a little: Yes and No! Yes, because if you feel like the term "little" helps identify who you are, then guess what! You are a little! No, because, being a little isn't the same experience for everyone. While one person might age dream, another might age regress and another person might not even feel small at all! They just like to be taken care of and enjoy kid like things!
If regressing is a static-y feeling in your head for you, then guess what! That's what it's like for you! /gen for me, regressing means I feel younger, for another person, it means enjoying childhood again, for others, it's just about playing with toys! It's all so unique and different! So do I think there is some magical yes or no answer? No! Agere is individual and special to the person!
Have a lovely day, sweetheart, and please be happy!
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