#astarion x tav
cucudoodles · 2 days
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How is she going to commit felonies if she doesn’t know how to stealth?
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tadpole-apocalypse · 2 days
Pretty much thinking of them 24/7 since the game came out
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shnezu · 2 days
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uhhhhh idk somethin somethin wine or blood
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mattness · 3 days
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One of the most favourite hobbies of Sylvia 💋
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destructive-poet · 2 days
astarion very unsubtly (and absentmindedly) staring at tav’s neck every time he’s hungry
finishing a long battle and the first thing they do is passionately hug (he is actually sucking tav’s neck like a caprisun for energy)
neck drinking to regain strength unabashedly MID-BATTLE, to the confusion of the opposing forces and annoyance of the other party members.
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jmliebert · 22 hours
☆lovesick astarion☆
who has a voice like silk, luring you in with every whisper
who sips wine with you, even if it's bad, your arms touching
who hides himself behind wicked words and sarcasm, his heart wary
who is stargazing, lost in thoughts, yet his mind is always wandering back to you
who is self-confident, but also not confident at all
who desperately clings to his meticulously crafted facade of indifference, only for it to shatter when you offer him your kindness again and again and again
who laughs with you, only to realise he hasn't laugh like this for the longest time
who finds you weaknesses adorable
who lets you do his hair (!)
who visits your tent every night, craving not just the taste of your blood but also your company; he realises
who takes a long time to open up, but when he does it's heart-wrenching, soul-ripping, clawing at your insides type of experience
who seeks redemption in your eyes
who craves your touch, even if he's scared, even if he's conflicted
who cries in your arms
who sinks his teeth into your skin, breathing deeply, his longing reaching far beyond a simple thirst for blood
who cares for you more than he cares for himself
who longs to hold you close, quietly wishing he could stay in your arms for centuries
who falls for your gentle touch and knowing eyes
who often wonders how different his life could have been if only he had met you sooner, way sooner
who feels a deep need of your constant presence, but it's hard for him to admit it outright
who kiss your neck and lick your wounds
who wants to be strong so you never have to feel afraid
who would literally become ascendant, losing himself completely in the process, only to keep you safe
who is scared of how much he cares for you, how much power you have over him, you could crush him in the palm of his hand and the worst part is; he would let you
who gives you kisses that leaves you breathless
who lets you sleep with Halsin despite it not sitting right with him, only so you could stay close to him
who is learning his sexuality all over again with you
who appreciates your patience
who travels the world with you, trying to make up for the years he’s lost
who yearns with every fiber of his being to walk in the sunlight with you
who kneels at your feet, his lips brushing your hands with tender devotion
who lets his ears droop when you say something hurtful, his emotions showing despite himself, so vulnerable with you
who looks at you with a soul-piercing gaze, his crimson eyes haunting your thoughts
who would burn the world for you
about this part when I said he would let you crush him, I felt it so much during the quest(?) with the drows and this moment with a *thousand yard stare* and it fucking crushed me, okay? when i'll be romancing astarion again in my playthrough I wont even go there and this is the statement i'll live by
okay, anyway!
you can find more of my works about bg3 ♡here♡
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froggyteehee · 2 days
I think there are two types of Astarion fans: the people there for sex appeal and the people who like his character.
Don't get me wrong: Astarion is hot as fuck. He's a freaking vampire who calls you 'Darling'. It's no wonder so many people have tried to romance him.
But that's not all there is to his character.
Sure, he's hot and flirtatious and charming but he's also manipulative and hateful (at least when you first meet him). Astarion literally says during his confession that his plan was to seduce and manipulate Tav for protection. There's a reason why he's like that.
For 200 years, Astarion was used and abused by Cazador. He's lost all love for the world because it showed him none. That's why the first time Tav and the others meet him, he's the hateful, scheming, manipulative elf that he tries to be. And through people like Tav (if you're good, that is) and the other party members, Astarion realizes that there is more to the world than every man for himself. He sees that he doesn't have to lie just to get someone on his side. If he shows kindness, he'll usually receive kindness.
Astarion's big moment is when he kills Cazador. Sure, you can have Astarion ascend but that completely undos all of the character development he's had over the acts. When he kills Cazador, it shows that he's free to make his own decision. He chooses the right thing over power which Act 1 Astarion probably would have chosen. He chooses to help others rather than himself and show kindness that he hadn't gotten for years.
So, yes. Astarion is a hot character. But there's so much more to him than that. I think his story gets pushed aside by players because they just want to fuck him. And while I completely understand, I just feel like there's more to that sarcastic, whiney elf than sex.
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brabblesblog · 2 days
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in every universe we gotta steal our man's jacket! thank you @shinkomiii <3 <3 <3
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justporo · 24 hours
By candlelight
A/N: Ah yes, you know the drill by now. I play barbies with @velnna's Staeve. And quite often so lately. If you followed me for Astarion, guys, I'm so sorry - but at least he's always in here as well! So this was inspired by something @reijenhere said, namely something along the lines of: what if Astarion notices Staeve has grown first grey hairs. So here we are, thanks again @velnna for letting me play with your son and @reijenhere for the inspo, mwa!
Astarion woke up in the middle of the night - shaken by nightmares like he sometimes still was. No matter how many years had passed.
The candle on the nightstand hadn’t fully burned down to its butt yet. So warm light still spilled from it, drawing long shadows on the pale elf as he slowly sat up with a silent moan leaving his lips, trying to not wake his partner beside him.
Staeve was sleeping peacefully on his stomach, one arm absentmindedly wrapped around Astarion’s waist, even in his dreams. As if he had felt that his love might need an anchor tonight.
The vampire felt the comforting weight of it as he pressed the balls of his hands to his eyes, leaning his head back against the wooden headboard. With deep breaths, he tried to let the unsettling memories and fear be washed away - piece by piece with every wave of air. Unknowingly adjusting to the calm rhythm of Staeve’s body rising and falling beside him.
And when his tension had eased enough to feel rooted in the present once more, he lifted his hands from his eyes and let them rest gently on Staeve’s arms. One wandered up over it, fingers tapping over the hairs and freckles softly before they wandered further over his shoulder and neck, then his jawline and one pointy ear before they lightly curled in dark green hair.
Astarion observed how the softly flickering light from the candle painted his lover’s skin and added a warm orange sheen to his hair. How it reflected on their matching pair of silver bands on their fingers.
He kept caressing his unaware lover, counted some freckles on his arm while feeling the fine hairs there beneath his fingertips, with his other hand curling strands of silky moss green around his fingers. Astarion’s shoulders slowly relaxed, the steep wrinkle between his drawn together brows flattened as crimson eyes kept wandering over the form of the resting half-drow, along with pale, light fingers.
Then all at once his eyes and hands came to a stop.
The vampire’s eyes were suddenly trained on a single strand of Staeve’s hair twirled around his fingers.
Something there wasn’t catching the light quite like the rest.
In fact, now that he had spotted it, it was blatantly obvious: a single hair that shone brightly in a sea of green. Silver, like the wedding rings on their hands.
Astarion stared at it, eyes wide, his whole body right back to being as tense as it had been moments ago, the wrinkle between his brows deeper than before.
It was hard to spot, even for a vampire and his heightened senses, barely more than a needle in a haystack. Staeve probably hadn’t even noticed.
But once noticed it was impossible for Astarion to overlook.
When he finally dared to let his eyes move further he quickly spotted more: single, painfully light hairs peeking through; on his arm too.
As another kind of dread than before slowly rose up within him, Astarion’s gaze jumped to his lover’s face. And he saw it there too, now that he was aware of it: how the lines around those lips and eyes had become a little deeper, more threatening to be drawn soon.
Staeve was inevitably growing older. While Astarion was doomed to never change.
Thankfully, at this moment the candle died out as it reached its end. It left the room in merciful darkness, forcing the vampire to lose sight of this harsh truth.
He sat there in darkness for a few more moments longer with his mind racing.
Then, void of anything else to do, Astarion softly took Staeve’s arm as he laid down beside him again. Unconsciously in his sleep, Staeve groaned lightly, turned to his side and drew his partner in closer with his arm looped around him until they were neatly cuddled up on their sides.
Astarion was left with his thoughts running through his head.
But he felt the steady rhythm of Staeve’s heartbeat and his warmth slowly sleeping in, his smell and the reassuring weight of the arm wrapped around his waist. 
Despite himself Astarion noticed how he was softly pulled back to hopefully more pleasant dreams, his body slowly falling victim to his lover’s calming presence.
Something that, despite anything else, hadn’t changed yet.
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slothquisitor · 1 day
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Half the reason I wrote this au in the first place was to put them in ball outfits.
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hell-alka · 1 hour
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Anyone know what type of wine this is??🤔
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cucudoodles · 18 hours
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Helping your daughter fall asleep 101
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usuallydyinginside · 3 days
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I commissioned the truly talented, absolutely incredible @kittyoperas to draw my Tav and Astarion from the Astarion Isn't the Best at Planning fics and I'm deeply in love. Look at theeeeeeeem.
(I maintain that the lack of ball in BG3 is a travesty, so I snuck in my own version alongside Gortash's coronation in Act 3. You can read it here starting with Chapter 76 if you're curious!)
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astral-veil · 23 hours
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batstarion favorite hanging place
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adharaphoenix · 2 days
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cleaned the lines a bit but I have a bunch of prompts/requests from last month to fill that I am starting to feel anxious about so who knows when this will get colour
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nenalunes · 2 days
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portrait photos of my Tav
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