#audition songs meme
farragoofnotes · 1 year
Hello, I'm auditioning for El Higgins and I'll be singing School's Out by Alice Cooper.
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glamourweaver · 6 months
Hello, I will be auditioning for the role of Orpheus, and I will be singing “Don’t Turn Around” by Ace of Base.
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soviet-space-ace · 2 years
Hi, I’m auditioning for the role of Lee Harvey Oswald and I will be singing “Waving Through a Window” from Dear Evan Hanson.
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natsumebookss · 2 years
Hi, I'm Yachiyo Nanami, and for my audition song, I'll be singing "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor.
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gj340 · 2 months
hello. i'll be auditioning for the role of the spam bots that spam innocuous tags, and i'll be singing "don't stop me now" by queen.
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mickmilks · 1 year
uhm hello what post? SPILL??? 👀
so my url used to be mienti, back in my broadway-blogging days and i accidentally created a meme with my friend caroline called inappropriate audition songs as linked here LMAO
you can also go through my #the-meme tag for highlights :-)
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psiidol · 1 year
tag dump 1/?
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pommpuriinn · 17 days
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ㅤㅤ⁔⁔ ۟ㅤ ⊰ ㅤ ۫ㅤ 𑁤ㅤ ۪ㅤATHENA’S JOURNEY IN ILANDㅤ֗ ⸃⸃
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᱈ ۫ ﹏ 𐀓synopsis››› ִ ࣪ - many highlights of Athena’s journey during land and what got her where she is now, enhypen.
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𖥨᩠ׄ݁ the camera slowly pans up to Athena making her way down the trail heading towards the iland building. “Wow I’m really in the middle of nowhere.” Athena chuckled softly while walking up to the huge front door
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena was greeted with a moving stage and seeing all the other trainees watching her with shocked expressions, mostly liking because she’s a female trainee
“it’s a girl!”
“Is she going to be the only one?”
“woah, she looks imitating.”
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ as the stage moved her closer to the other side she met eyes with Sunghoon, she hid her smile by rubbing her lips together. Athena’s favorite figure skater wants the same dream as her, it caught her by surprise. “Hello.” Athena bowed towards everyone and took the empty seat next to Jay
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ once it was Athena’s turn to perform everyone was on the edge of their seats and the second they heard the song everyone cheered making Zico, Rain, and Sihyuk laugh at their reaction. Athena was performing ‘Monster’ by Red Velvet’s Irene and Selugi, people that were and weren’t watching iland kept on reposting her performance video gaining lots of attention for Athena
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena ended up passing the audition round with getting everyone’s vote to enter iland
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ throughout watching everyone’s performance Athena kept a poker face until people started messing up she would rise an eyebrow at them, which people thought it was funny and made it a reaction meme
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena was very hesitant about joining iland because of the all boy group concept and her knowing that she was going to be the only female trainee
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ she was a bit awkward at first and always thought the boys would vote her off to ground, but it never happen since the boys really admired her talents and skills
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ many times the producers gave Athena compliments while giving harsh criticism to the other trainees, which Athena felt like there would always be tension after the producers would leave because they wouldn’t give the same harsh words to her and only them
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena was very quiet during iland until Heeseung would constantly try to get Athena out of her shell sometimes it would work other times he respected that Athena just wasn’t comfortable enough to let loose
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ “Athena-ah let’s eat together?” Heeseung asked with big puppy like eyes. “Mmm…ok.” Athena shrugged, and got out of bed. Heeseung felt like he won the lottery because Athena only eats with Sunghoon and sometimes Jungwon
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ before Sunoo was in ground for the first part of iland Athena quickly got comfortable about him just because she liked his vibe and they instantly clicked and got along. She would sometimes cry because she wanted Sunoo in iland with her instead of ground, and he finally entered iland again she cried because of how much she missed him
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ during Athena’s time there she didn’t really get into arguments not even with Heeseung for center parts, they both knew in their heads they were rivals, but never had full arguments about it. Until most group members agreed to give Athena a part that K also wanted
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ “I think that part should go to me because I want to showcase my skills while you had many parts already. Plus since I’m older I should have that pick instead of you.” K argue to Athena. The room fell into silence everyone was taking little glances between the two. “I understand that, but this mission is about teamwork and having everyone agree on the same thing, plus doing what’s best for the team.” Athena’s voice was no longer soft and timid, it was stern company with sharp eyes staring down at K
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ “well it doesn’t matter about the team because we are going to be individually graded!” K was getting more irritated by the second. “The whole point is-you know what? Just do whatever you want then.” Athena stood up and walked out of the room. The members were shocked seeing Athena storm out of the room
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ thankfully Athena and K did have a heart to heart conversation with K immediately apologizing for his behavior, and Athena accepting it saying ‘no hard feelings’ Athena knew they’re in pressure inducing environment, and they’re going to lash out at one another at some point
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ whenever Athena would be shown on the big screen everyone would be blown away from her visuals. “Woah handsome Athena!” Sunoo called out. “She’s perfect.” Jay was in awe. “I’m jealous~” Jake whined.
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena found it funny whenever the members would tease anyone would be staring too hard at Athena, it was mostly Sunghoon who they would tease a lot. Since everyone knew the two had some history before entering the trainee world (they were talking about Athena being a Sunghoon figure skater fan and meeting him)
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ once Sunoo finally was able to enter iland in part 2 both Athena and him became inseparable, even choosing to be in the same team together
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ chamber 5 Athena made the girls kick their feet because of how cute she was acting while performing, even all the boys were giggling when Athena came on camera
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena would play tag with Niki during their break time so the cameras would just catch two blobs speed running throughout the whole place
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ the editors made a mini montage of Athena sleeping anywhere at anytime with the footage that her team members would take of her
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena ran the practice room like the military when it came to singing live while dancing, she didn’t want to ever rely on backtrack
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ Athena global votes were very similar to Sunoo’s she was a fan favorite for sure because of her constant help towards her team members making sure no one was behind, along with her own amazing skills and visuals. Lots of female fans started crushing over Athena
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ during the last episode once Athena’s name was called to be in the final line up she fell to her knees, it was like the huge pressure of debuting was lifted off her shoulders. The members gave Athena a big group hug welcoming her into Enhypen
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ “don’t cry noona!” Jungwon wiped Athena’s tears, while still hugging her. “I never seen you cry this much Athena-ah.” Jake rubbed her back. “She held it all in.” Jay patted Athena’s head affectionately. When the other team members cried because someone got eliminated she would be the first there to comfort them, so now it’s their turn to care for Athena like she always did for them
𖥨᩠ׄ݁ iland was not an easy experience for Athena, but it did help her open up and meet new people who she can call her family
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yeuheart · 1 year
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Synopsis: BlueLock characters as idols | CW: mentions of diets, crazy fans, fainting, little bit of Hiori backstory spoilers, tiny angst | Featuring: Isagi Yoichi, Chigiri Hyoma, and Hiori Yo | Notes: Can be read as in a group or soloist. @hiorisgf
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In general
Blue Lock is a entertainment company with Ego as the founder.
Probably one of the most difficult companies to audition for since Ego is very critical about who he chooses. Also definitely went bankrupt once. Anri is the one who makes all the announcements regarding the idols because if Ego does it he’s gonna get flamed.
All the idols go through lots of exercises (vocally and physically), sometimes it goes on until early in the morning.
They get paid well, and have decent breaks but their schedules are really busy.
If they’re trainees then they are required to sign a form regarding leaking things and such.
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Isagi Yoichi
Idol!Isagi’s main genres are ballads and RnB, he really likes the flow of it. He’s definitely open to other genres such as pop, soft pop, etc. His singing voice is really nice but he can’t do really long high notes and such.
Ido!Isagi who loves to work with other singers on songs.
Idol!Isagi when it comes to dancing he’s kind of stiff and the choreographer always tells him to loosen up, at first he does feel a little awkward but he gets used to it as he goes. He probably likes contemporary, jazz, and hip hop dance but is also open to different dances. Although the may not be as good in others than the ones he likes. Sometimes he feels awkward if it’s the first time he’s doing a dance in front of the mirror, he thinks he looks funny but the choreographer tells him it’s because he’s not yet used to himself dancing in front of the mirror and that he should practice more in order to get used to it. Not a fan of break dancing or freestyle, he just freezes on the spot if you ask him to do those.
Idol!Isagi really really loves his fans, he especially appreciates the ones who have been there since the first day he debuted. Also if his managers allow him, he will absolutely reply to all of the comments if he can on weverse. He’s really scared of the sasaengs, and is always looking over his shoulder whenever he takes out his phone, wallet, etc. His fans definitely make lots of memes out of him, he even has some saved on his phone. Tbh he probably doesn’t really care to speak about haters and just chooses to ignore them (definitely talks mad shit abt them tho).
Idol!Isagi sometimes gets the least lines.
Idol!Isagi is kinda hesitant to go on diets sometimes especially when he’s starting to feel weak and stuff. Will literally argue with his manager if they ask if he can go on a ice cube diet, tries to convince his manager to let his group mates eat and not go on diets too much. Has actually gotten sick and fainted once because of a diet he went on. He’s his group mates N1 fan literally no question and will not hesitate to defend them if someone says something insulting that isn’t true. (Sneaks food in for his group mates)
Idol!Isagi who is definitely the mom of the group and is always nagging at his members to take care of themselves
Idol!Isagi is definitely the center or face of the group
Idol!Isagi is the ambassador of Burberry and probably Nike
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Hyoma Chigiri
Idol!Chigiri’s main genres are electropop, nu-disco, city pop, dark pop, and alternative rock. Occasionally he’ll make songs that are very poetic and hard to unravel without someone actually asking him. The meanings are usually sad but have a nice beat to it. His singing voice is not the top but his visuals, talents, and personality make up for it.
Idol!Chigiri isn’t the worst or best dancer and usually just sticks to singing if he can. But if he does dance he likes to have minimal moves and also likes if it’s slow, although he does warm up to more dancing depending on how much he likes his songs. Once in a while he’ll do these fast paced dances and he’s really good at it. He probably went too fast once and tired himself out before his choreographer and backup dancers and had to take a 10 minute break. He likes contemporary, breakdance, modern, and traditional. The least stiff out of the ones mentioned here.
Idol!Chigiri who is known for his really soft hair even if he has dyed it countless times.
Idol!Chigiri doesn’t really mind diets as long as they aren’t too intense and if they don’t have the foods he doesn’t like. But he does go on mild diets so he finds it okay but he does get a little uncomfortable if he’s having to actually starve for longer than he usually does. Let’s his members take bites of his food in secret if they’re on a diet.
Idol!Chigiri is the visual of the group and is famous for his hair most of the time. He’s also the lead vocalist (main and lead vocalists r different btw!)
Idol!Chigiri uses his phone and wallet more freely than Isagi but is still careful of the really crazy fans.
Idol!Chigiri is the silent protector in his group and subtly encourages his members.
Idol!Chigiri who as a trainee was really secretive and wouldn’t open up to anyone until he got really close to them. He would make his members food and help them if he couldn’t speak their language.
Idol!Chigiri loves his fans and admires their (false) loyalty towards him. He watches edits of him sometimes when he’s bored. Is absolutely flabbergasted when he sees that someone found out about something he’s never ever shared.
Idol!Chigiri who always promotes Paul Mitchell and poses with a small bottle of the product at the airport (he has a a whole suitcase filled with products whenever he goes somewhere). Recommends that brand to everyone if they ask but depending on their hair he will mention different brands. He absolutely loves that brand (me too).
Idol!Chigiri is the ambassador of Dior and Paul Mitchell
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Hiori Yo
Idol!Hiori’s main genres are rnb, electronic, bedroom pop, and alternative. Has his bedroom in his studio. He has one desk for music making and one for gaming, the cost of the whole room is honestly more than what he gets paid yearly and it keeps building up cause of the stuff he buys. He has a nice voice but it depends on the pitch. He can do high notes but just not really high but he can hold the notes well.
Idol!Hiori who isn’t the best singer and dancer but his friendly personality makes up for it and that’s how he’s able to keep gaining fans.
Idol!Hiori likes hip-hop, freestyle, and lyrical. He also likes popping because it’s fun but doesn’t do it often. When he listens to songs he does little dances here and there. He’s probably one of the stiffest dancers mentioned here but he’s still working on it.
Idol!Hiori streams and lets his fans join him in games as long as they don’t try to hack him or whatever. He was nervous the first time cause someone made a comment that there was a hacker (they lied)
Idol!Hiori’s position in the group is center and sub-vocalist. Does take pride that he has those titles. Sometimes he gets the least lines.
Idol!Hiori is never seen without a Yakult, there’s always one in his hand or just nearby. Lots of Yakult merch in his room, and the walls are probably a light soft pink.
Idol!Hiori checks on his members' health especially the ones that are quieter than others. His members are always recommending that if you want a room idea you can just ask him. Also, they always mention how he gives the best company.
Idol!Hiori makes sure that when he buys something on stream or wtv he ends it or stops the screen recording. He changes his password once a month to make sure. Never got hacked during his whole career.
Idol!Hiori as a trainee was really encouraging and told others to not give up. He was usually in the corner by himself unless dancing. His members are grateful for him because if he wasn’t there then they may not be an idol now.
Idol!Hiori’s parents made him go through lots of training just to be an idol, but he’s glad he’s away from them more often. He’s also unsure if this is really what he wants to do since his parents made him do this.
Idol!Hiori loves his fans so much, he’s grateful for the support they give him. He probably admitted once that he wanted to give up and leave this career because he wasn’t sure if this is what he really wanted to do. Regardless his fans gave him the support he needed and told him that even if he wanted to give up they would still support him in whatever comes next. He got really emotional after hearing that.
Idol!Hiori is the ambassador of MSI, Jo Malone, and Yakult.
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hollowboobtheory · 6 months
okay as a person who was raised on new wave but has gotten into goth recently. how the ever loving fuck did tiktokers think rock lobster was goth. how??? they out there listening to love shack and own private idaho and somehow thinking that was goth???😧
couple factors
tiktok kids do not seek out context generally. this is how we got any/all pronouns cartman. they engage with south park based only on the sound clips that become memes on tiktok. similarly, i think they just heard the song and accepted it at face value and didn't look into who the b-52d are or notice that these are the same people who made love shack.
goth is a very broad (group of) genre(s). rock lobster admittedly sounds like it could have been made by the cramps.
goth dad (@awfullysinister) has admitted to playing it at the clubs he djs for years
there are a lot of bands whose goth status is contested like strawberry switchblade and even the fucking cure.
in my opinion rock lobster on its own is goth purely because a lot of goths like it. same with strawberry switchblade even tho stylistically they're more like an early ancestor to vaporwave.
goth classification in general is quite complex tbh there's a lot of nuance. imo its more of a vibe check. and rock lobster passed the goth vibe check to those kids.
the blind leading the blind is kinda the guiding principle of tiktok and none of those kids talk to people older than them.
now now it turned into drama. hot takes coming.
i think a lot of them have tricked themselves into thinking that gothery is objective and easily quantifiable and not largely vibes-based.
they've tricked themselves into thinking that "music based subculture" means the music itself IS the subculture nothing else that grew out of the goth scene is important (they do this while stanning elvira and collecting bones and ofc wearing tradgoth apparel but ignore that doublethink is at play here)
i'm blaming the influencers with amazon affiliate links here. they're seeing girlies posting their looks plus a shopping list for how to replicate their life exactly plus affiliate links (or worse, tiktok shop links ew) and it doesn't pass the sniff check for them, but because they don't talk to people older than them and because the version of goth that's presented in mainstream media is stripped of its anticonsumerist ideals, they only way they can think to counter it is to parrot "goth is a music-based subculture" back and forth forever
not thinking about how the fashion being antique and vintage and reused and diy and gloomy and spooky are extensions of the ideals put forth in the music, as applied to a more everyday form of self expression.
they get that goth isn't something that you can buy but they don't know how to articulate that
um in case you haven't noticed, tiktok, a highly trend-based and consumerism driven platform, yanno with all its influencer shills and brand accounts and ads disguised as content and clones of each other and viral song of the week and they've recently baked shopping right into the app itself and every other video you see has that damn "eligible for commission" badge under it, where everybody is copying each other to sell shit or as an audition to sell shit, just might not quite line up with goth ideals.
which imo is more important than the music but obv the platform itself doesn't really lend itself to putting that into practice. again frankly tiktok as a platform is fundamentally incompatible with the goth subculture.
ok back to rock lobster bc the politics have been cut out all these kids have to back up their sense of gothenticity is music based subculture. meaning when they find out they've been dancing to a song that isn't even technically goth, that's really fucking embarrassing.
cue one zillion identical "um we can still listen to other genres and still be goth" tiktoks. which, like, true. still funny that you were preaching that shit while dancing to the boomer equivalent of like. idk old town road. what does the fox say. i don't fuckin know.
anyway now everybody's having a damn identity crisis calling each other posers and elitists and the influencers are laughing all the way to the bank. also setting their makeup haul videos to rob zombie who while liked by many goths is DEF not goth.
oh yeah and dollskill have been making the sponsored content rounds too. because this wasn't already enough of a shitshow
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pupphe-additions · 3 months
✴Jamie's Relationship With BTS✴
Jamie x RM
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Quote: “We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.” Dynamic: Fatherly Love
RM’s contact in Jamie’s phone is “Father Joonie”
Jamie says that RM is very protective of him and he’s always babied him.
Jamie says that RM is like Ametrine, which is a crystal that’s a combination of both amethyst and citrine. The younger idol has hand made RM a necklace with the gem but hasn’t gotten around to gifting it to him yet.
Jamie says that they are both really clumsy and when they are together it’s a mess.
Jamie finds RM to be really goofy but admits they aren’t close. 
Jamie says that RM gives him a lot of advice and that RM keeps his head on his shoulders.
Jamie admits that sometimes he will send RM memes when he doesn’t know what to say to the older idol.
RM was the first idol that Jamie ever met even before becoming a trainee.
Jamie admits that RM is a big reason why he auditioned to an agency to begin with, he finds RM to be very cool.
Jamie likes to make RM gifts but he’s always too afraid to give them to him so he just has a little box full of handmade goodies to eventually give the older idol.
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Jamie x Jin
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Quote: “The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.” Dynamic: Motherly Love
Jin’s contact in Jamie’s phone is “Mother Jinnie”
Jin is known to scold Jamie if he is late for anything and he finds out.
Jamie says that sometimes Jin feels more like a mother figure than a father figure.
Jin and Jamie have eaten together a few times and Jin always makes sure that Jamie eats as much as he wants.
Jin has offered to help Jamie become a better actor.
Jamie says that Jin is like Golden Calcite and he has made the idol a bracelet using the stone, Jin wears it often.
Jamie has given Jin an alpaca plush and in return Jin has given Jamie a racoon plush.
Jamie and Jin send each other food pictures most of the time when they talk to show each other what they are eating that day.
They share dad jokes with one another and always laugh over them.
Jin always treats Jamie with kindness and he sort of took Jamie under his wing when he joined Hybe.
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Jamie x Suga
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Quote: “I can do anything I set my mind to” Dynamic: Golden Retriever X Black Cat
Suga’s contact in Jamie’s phone is “Agust Kitty”
Jamie said that when he first met Suga he almost cried because he’s always looked up to Suga as a role model.
Jamie says he wants to be a great producer like Suga one day.
Suga shows extreme gentleness and kindness toward Jamie, and Suga has said he sees a bit of himself in Jamie.
Jamie says he’d really like to do a song with Suga in the future and he would love to work with Suga on a big project if he could.
Jamie says that Suga is like Fluorite and has gifted Suga multiple pieces of Fluorite like a handmade necklace and a handmade bracelet as well that matches it.
Suga enjoys when Jamie sends him pictures of his cats so Jamie does that often. In fact most of their messages are just the two of them sending pictures back and forth.
Suga is extremely protective of Jamie and constantly checks up on the younger idol even though they aren’t the closest.
Suga teases Jamie sometimes because of how shy Jamie is around him, he finds it cute and endearing.
Jamie says that Suga is one of his biggest inspirations as an artist and it’s an honor to know him.
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Jamie x J-Hope
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Quote: “When you focus on the good, the good gets better.” Dynamic: Sunshine Duo
J-Hope’s contact in Jamie’s phone is “Sunshine Hobi”
Jamie and J-Hope are both sunshines and always make each other smile and laugh.
J-Hope says that he has a big soft spot in his heart for Jamie and that he wants to get to know him better.
Jamie says that J-Hope is like Green Jade and he hasn’t gifted him any yet but would like to, he just hasn’t had the chance to yet.
Jamie says that he wants to dance with J-Hope on a stage if he can as he feels he could learn a lot from him.
Jamie says that when he first met J-Hope he was extremely anxious and afraid of what the older idol would think of him and was on his best behavior.
Jamie finds J-Hope very charming and outgoing but he gets nervous around him for some reason.
J-Hope and Jamie don’t talk a lot through messages so they aren’t that close, but both have said they’d like to be closer friends.
J-Hope says he sees a lot of potential in Jamie and hopes to see him thrive as an idol.
Jamie enjoys when J-Hope messages him first because it makes Jamie feel less awkward.
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Jamie x Jimin
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Quote: “People cry, not because they’re weak. It’s because they’ve been strong for too long.” Dynamic: Golden Retriever x Calico Cat
Jimin’s contact in Jamie’s phone is “My Calico Cat”
Jamie loves watching Jimin perform and he finds Jimin’s dancing to be captivating.
Jamie thinks that Jimin is really beautiful inside and out and he’s always afraid to message him first.
Jamie says that Jimin is like Hematite and he’s given Jimin the stone and a handmade necklace with it as well. Jimin says it’s something he cherishes and he doesn’t really take it off often.
Jimin has a habit of asking if Jamie has eaten if he hasn’t Jimin urges him to eat when he can, Jamie also does the same to him.
Jamie has stated that Jimin likes to tease him a lot.
Jimin calls Jamie a puppy and says that he can be clingy when he feels scared or nervous.
Jamie and Jiimin don’t message each other a lot unless it’s in the group chat.
Jamie wants to learn to dance as beautifully as Jimin and will often push himself when it comes to dancing as he knows he can do better.
Jimin always listens to Jamie if he needs to rant or vent about anything.
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Jamie x V
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Quote: “I like you because you’re weird like me.” Dynamic: Yapps, Yapps More
V’s contact in Jamie’s phone is “#1 Handsome Man”
Jamie says that V makes him flustered because he finds V to be very charming and handsome.
Jamie says that V is like Moss Agate and he’s made V a handmade necklace using Moss Agate that the older idol adores with his whole heart.
V gives Jamie advice when he can and has told the younger idol if he needs anything he can come to BTS for anything.
V is protective of Jamie and he says that he sees Jamie as a little brother and he wants to see him thrive.
V and Jamie tend to feed off of each other’s energies so they can get a bit wild when together.
Jamie likes to send V any cool photos he takes and see what the other idol will rate it out of ten.
Jamie sends any pictures of himself to the group chat before posting them to get their opinions.
V always checks up on Jamie to make sure he’s taking care of himself.
Jamie would like to work with V one day if he is allowed to.
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Jamie x Jungkook
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Quote: “You’re my favorite place to go to when my mind searches for peace.” Dynamic: Hidden Gem Friendship/Lowkey Besties
Jungkook’s contact in Jamie’s phone is “Best Kookie”
Jamie is closest to the maknae line as they are all in a group chat together created by Jungkook, out of all the members of BTS Jungkook is who Jamie is closest to.
Jungkook is extremely protective of Jamie and he has stood up for the younger idol a few times already.
Jamie and Jungkook play games together from time to time.
Jamie says that Jungkook is like Red Jasper and he has given the idol the stone twice. Jamie says he hasn’t made him any jewelry yet but he wants to make Jungkook a Red Jasper ring or bracelet when he has the chance to.
Jamie goes to Jungkook the most out of all the other BTS members for advice.
Jungkook checks up on Jamie often and will go out of his way to make sure he’s okay.
Jamie says that he talks to Jungkook the most and that if it wasn’t for Jungkook Jamie likely wouldn’t be close with any of BTS.
Jamie wants to rap on a song with Jungkook.
Jamie enjoys cracking jokes with Jungkook and Jungkook says he can see Jamie going far as an idol all he has to do is believe in himself.
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The butterfly effect is based on the idea that the everything is deeply connected, and one tiny change, such as a small butterfly flapping its wings, can affect the environment in a much larger way, such as causing a typhoon...
Welcome to A Butterfly Flaps Its Wings, a Project Sekai AU fandub!
We will be voicing our own original stories, covering songs both in the game and not in the game, and dubbing memes.
We currently have 6 voice actors, so there's plenty of opportunities to audition! Hope to see you soon!
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duckapus · 1 month
Since splatfest is it's own thing in the squid meme au what teams was Meggy?
(so I'm going with the North American Splatfests for this since in SMG4 canon the Mushroom Kingdom and Inkadia are in the US for some reason)
Splatoon 1
(since this would all be before she met Mario I can only base them off her pre-character development personality and Vibes. I have explanations for a few of them but for most I'm kinda-sorta picking at random)
Cats (since she eventually gets a cat in canon)
Roller Coasters
Marshmallows (we saw how that one food fight episode went)
Pokemon Blue
Costume Party
Early Bird (She would be a Morning Person, wouldn't she?)
Marie (I HC that she used to have a celebrity crush on Marie. Because I Can)
Splatoon 2
Flight (Mostly because she picked her team right after getting home from Mario's Challenge and was thinking that flight would've made some of those floors a lot easier to get through)
Vampire (This one's just for me ;))
Sci-Fi (the Fest started the same day she did a Matrix scene for a movie audition, it just makes sense)
Sock (honestly she kind of just picked one at random since she was too worried about Paige to really care. she almost didn't bother going at all)
Action (duh)
Soccer (anyone notice a pattern developing?)
Leo (okay losing streak aside I genuinely think Leo would be her favorite of the four)
No Pulp (the texture just feels wrong to her)
Octopus (She ended up in matches with Desti a few times and it was awkward being on the same side)
Fork (FINALLY A WIN! Just in time for Waluigi Time...)
Skipped (she was a little busy being the first victim of the Waluigi Apocalypse)
Salsa (she may or may not be allergic to avocados)
Friends (considering what I've implied Meggy and Paige's parents are like compared to the NSS and Glitchy Gang is it really surprising?)
Pancakes (she might have just flipped a coin for this one)
Skipped (she doesn't have time for Splatfest there's TRAINING TO BE DONE!!!)
Skipped (kind of hard to participate in Splatfest when all your weapons are stolen)
Skipped (both because she wouldn't have had time with the Tournament going on and...you know...the whole Being Kidnapped Thing)
Narwhals (after Mario's pep talk part of her getting back into the swing of things includes doing Splatfest stuff)
Chaos (she probably would've picked Order before she met Mario, but...)
Ketchup (a lot of things have changed for Meggy. her preference in condiments isn't one of them)
Super Mushroom (apparently she likes how they taste)
Splatoon 3
(I know she doesn't live in or even near Splatsville but thanks to the DLC we know that Inkopolis participates in Splatsville Splatfests and I figure that by this point there's be a large enough population of Inkfish living in the Mushroom Kingdom that they would too. Plus Meggy's still at least part inkling and is still culturally an Inkling so...)
Skipped (since her very existence happened to be illegal at the time and she and every other OC dropped dead the exact same day the Fest started)
Milk Chocolate
Aliens (in honor of Greg, of course)
Skipped (depending on how the timeline works out this is either during or immediately after everyone being stuck in a simulation for about a month. no way they're bothering with an ice cream Splatfest of all things)
Love (time changes a person)
Big Man (she did feel a little awkward picking between people she considers friends by this point. that being said, BIG MAAAAAAAN!!!!!)
Skeleton (I know this happens at the same time as Heist WotFI but she isn't even in that episode (I don't care that she was credited for the song that was her voice actress not Meggy herself she was not physically present and had no idea what anyone was doing that night))
[We interrupt this broadcast to bring you PUZZLEVISION!!!]
[And this one too!]
Save the World (obviously)
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welcomehomerandomness · 7 months
Welcome Home Randomness Masterlist 1
If Welcome Home characters have Squishmallows
This user loves Welcome Home characters
I do not have an original personality. I stole it from Welcome Home characters.
Welcome Home characters but I give them Genshin Impact voices parts 1 2
A rainy day with the butterfly expert, the mailman, and the shopkeeper
Welcome Home characters as Project Sekai songs
Welcome Home is therapy
Frank is not nobody's housewife
POV: Wally is introducing you to his neighbors.
Wally tells the truth
Top 10 Welcome Home Villains
Welcome Home Character Aesthetic Collages
If Welcome Home characters have houses and cars in the real world
Sunny looks familiar...
Wally Darling be like:
Frank, Eddie, and Howdy Appreciation Edit
Welcome Home characters as hilarious paint shade names
Lady Dimitrescu and Wally Darling have a chat
Wally Darling and his gay boyfriends go on a road trip
Welcome Home characters as scientific diagrams and textbook images that look like memes
POV: You're watching a Welcome Home character's Instagram stories: Wally, Barnaby, Julie, Frank, Eddie, Howdy, Sally, Poppy
Things to do with your friends this summer
The most shocking thing ever
Dances to get rid of creepy dudes on the dance floor
Welcome Home characters as IKEA items
Welcome Home slander
Wally's audition
Welcome Home characters as Florida man news headlines
Silly and goofy puppet content parts 1 2 3
Welcome Home Website Prediction Post (July 22, 2023 Update)
Welcome Home Website (7/22/2023 Update) Bingo Card
Welcome Home Website Update Reaction Notes (7/22/2023) (SPOILERS) Parts 1 2
Welcome Home characters but I made them into cursed inspirational quotes
[SPOILERS] Welcome Home catchphrases but I played them at the same time
[SPOILERS] Nostalgic Reminiscence
Give the Welcome Home characters faces
[SPOILERS] “It’s-For-You!” Telephone calls but I played them at the same time
[SPOILERS] Welcome Home mystery audios but I played them at the same time
[SPOILERS] Welcome Home answer videos but I played them at the same time
(Un)helpful guide/infodump to Welcome Home
[SPOILERS] "Eddie's Big Lift" Storybook Record but every time Eddie speaks, it gets faster
Welcome Home characters as Ensemble Stars songs
All About Me (Welcome Home Edition)
[SPOILERS] “Just So” Song Demo but Frank is gone
Welcome Home characters but they have Wally's face (TW: Cursed)
Why you should get into Welcome Home
[SPOILERS] Live Interview Audio Segment but the interviewer and the audience are gone
Welcome Home Canon Deaths (TW: Emotional 😭)
[SPOILERS] Wally’s secret audios but I sped them up and added the vine boom sound effect
My Welcome Home Theory (Hear me out…)
10 Canon Facts about Every Single Welcome Home Character You Totally Didn’t Know About
Random Frank, Eddie, and Howdy Fact
POV: Wally explaining to the neighbors what being controlled feels like
Welcome Home Babies
Wally finally brushes his hair
Welcome Home characters as fairy comments
Welcome Home Live Action Cast Reveal
The Neighborhood Powerpoint Night
A Welcome Home website secret has been discovered!
Who ate all the food
Welcome Home characters as elements (educational)
Welcome Home characters as YouTubers
Welcome Home during quarantine
Kermit did not care 😭
Kung Welcome Home ay isang Filipino teleserye (If Welcome Home is a Filipino teleserye)
Welcome Home but everyone is living in an apartment
Welcome Home but the home is not welcomed Parts 1 2 3 4
My Top Nine Favorite Welcome Home Characters
The Official Wally Darling Makeship Plush Toy ad but I edited it (WARNING: Loud sounds and music)
Wo Xing Shi Trend: Wally and Barnaby; Frank, Eddie, and Howdy; Julie, Sally, and Poppy
Smurf Cat Wally Plush spotted!
Welcome Home characters as AI-generated inspirational quotes (SOURCE: SootHouse on YouTube)
Howdy's message in Makeship Wally Darling plush ad reversed
Welcome Home is better than Justin Bieber
Welcome Home as Jeaney Collects videos Parts 1 2
Ah hell nah they done turned Welcome Home characters into pronouns
Single Celled Organisms
The neighbors found out about AUs
Welcome Home Questions Game 2023
Wally, Barnaby, Julie, and Sally play Roblox at 3 am
Welcome Home characters as hilarious street names and addresses
Welcome Home Birth Month Game
Welcome Home Halloween 2023 Update Reaction (SPOILERS)
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demonoflight · 1 month
So. Eurovision.
Not gonna lie, it doesn't feel much like a celebration this year. For like. All the reasons? And I'm really displeased with some of the choices made this year, to say the least.
But, I need to be very real with everybody right now: the Eurovision pre-season was the only reason I survived the horrors I've endured the past seven months. I watched nearly every pre-selection, from my regular Melodifestivalen liveblogging through Festivali i Këngës and Benidorm Fest, hours of San Remo, even the live audition phases of Una voce per San Marino and Etapa națională 2024. All that just to feel something. Having something to look forward to every week, new songs and new performances and new artists and new memes to fall in love with... that's basically the only thing that kept me going. If everything else was going terribly (and boy howdy it sure has), at least I had a few hours every week of something fun that put a little musical bandage on my soul.
I have loved Eurovision dearly for most of my life, but I've never been super torn up about missing some or all of it. But this year, for the sake of my mental health, it IS essential that I watch. I... apologize if that disappoints anyone...?
Really hoping things go well.
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I have a special announcement for those who are interested in voice acting in a Project Sekai fandub but who weren't able to get cast in Harmonic Depths
The butterfly effect is based on the idea that the everything is deeply connected, and one tiny change, such as a small butterfly flapping its wings, can affect the environment in a much larger way, such as causing a typhoon...
Welcome to A Butterfly Flaps Its Wings, a Project Sekai AU fandub!
We will be voicing our own original stories, covering songs both in the game and not in the game, and dubbing memes.
We currently have 6 voice actors, so there's plenty of opportunities to audition! Hope to see you soon!
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