#autumn's concerto
old-dramas · 11 months
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It's okay… It's okay.
Autumn's Concerto (2009) 1.08
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nemainofthewater · 2 months
Best Character surnamed: Ren
Come and vote for the best characters with the same surname!*
What does best mean? It's up to you! Whether you love them, are intrigued by their characters, love to hate them, or they're your '2 second blorbos whose personality you made up wholesale', these are all reasons for you to vote for your favs!
*note, the surnames are not exactly the same in all the cases, as often there will be a different character. I am, however, grouping them all together otherwise things got more complicated.
Propaganda is very welcome! If I’ve forgotten anyone, let me know in the notes.
This is part of a larger series of ‘best character with X surname’ polls’. The overview with ongoing polls, winners, and future polls can be found here
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hkctvdramas · 2 years
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Asian Stars Years Before (34/?):
Chris Wu in Autumn’s Concerto (2009)
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goose's autumn's concerto rewatch
so this is a taiwanese drama that i came across circa 2014. it was released 2009 and only now i came to know about its popularity back then.
i still remember how i was surfing youtube for twdrama recommendations as i was introduced to dramaland back then. the image of those pixelated slides and old school editing is imprinted in my mind and i will never forget it. i remember liking it very much back then and now that ive watched an episode, i still like it.
i realise that i didnt really take in the beauty of autumn's concerto and was too young to comprehend the things that it addressed. i just wanted the 'bad boy' to be cured of his bad boy sickness by the 'good girl' like most of us did back then. but i trust young goose in their drama taste cause one of the best dramas and novels that have become famous today, i have already either read or watched them. i have to give a pat on the back to my younger self for finding this gem.
it was released when twdrama and their OSTs were getting popular. i still remember how the theme song made me feel all mushy and gooey and honestly, that time holds a lot of affection in my heart.
so, for nostalgia's sake and better comprehension, AHOY!
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mikhayhu · 5 months
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"You've said before, Once you've had your hands on, you can't Let go."
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chisaiyume · 6 months
Title: Autumn's Concerto
Synopsis[drama_fandom]: Ren Guang Xi, a cocky law student, seems to lead the perfect life. He's the sole successor to a huge and famous business and is a talented ice hockey player. But in reality, his lonely life lacks joy, laughter, and motivation. That is until he meets Liang Mu Cheng, the new bento seller at his school canteen. A harmless bet brings the two together and Guang Xi slowly changes as Mu Cheng teaches him how to give and love. Tragedy strikes when Guang Xi suddenly has to go through a major brain surgery which causes him to lose his memory.
Not really a drama watcher, but I do hop on whenever I see my sister watching one that seems interesting. Other's watch drama because of the story plots, but I find it hard to watch when characters make really dumb and stupid decisions. But I guess that's the whole point of the movie. I'm after all if those characters didn't make the choices that they did, then there wouldn't be a drama to watch. For someone who isn't into dramas, I thought this one was really good.
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idontwanttowhy · 10 months
Review: Autumn's Concerto (2009)
AKA Next Stop Happiness, AKA the reason that I don't hate time jumps anymore
Liang Mu Cheng has had a tough life. Between her parents dying young, having to give up her passion for playing the piano, and being forced to live in a house with her step-mother's predator boyfriend, she can't seem to catch a break. When fate forces her in the path of one Ren Guang Xi, a law-school-flunking rich kid with anger management issues, things only seem to get worse. Meanwhile, Guang Xi, though he appears to have it all, is being torn apart from the inside--physically and emotionally. The accidental meeting sets in motion a drama that takes place over the span of years, complete with political intrigue, amnesia, courtroom trials, and of course, beef and carrot stew.
MZ Overview: 11/10, can't wait to watch it again!
I watched this at the recommendation of one of my friends who said it was a good entry into the world of Taiwanese dramas, and she was absolutely right! Each one of the 34 episodes was a treat where I was left wanting more. I went into this knowing nothing about the plot, so I was confused at first at the pacing of the show. Surely, I said, there isn't anywhere to go from here? But reader, there WAS. In the best way possible. One major component was a time jump, which was done so well and with so much story afterward that I didn't even mind. Hell, I even liked it! The cast of characters in the second half are so endearing that I kept forgetting that they weren't there the whole time. Don't even get me started on Liang Xiao Le.... one word: ADORABLE. I will most definitely be watching it again, especially when I need to constantly ask "WILL THEY JUST GET TOGETHER ALREADY?" (Because that's a thing I need in life, apparently) Be prepared for major second lead syndrome!
MZ Review (spoilers): I'm not crying YOU'RE crying
CW: Sexual Assault
We meet our heroine, Liang Mu Cheng, as she is trying to transport an expensive fish back to her family, who have designs to use it in a VIP's lunch. The VIP, of course, is none other than the president of the university where Mu Cheng's family now runs the cafeteria. She is warned as she sets out on her journey that the fish needs to be brought home in a certain time, otherwise it will go bad and will not be suitable to be served to such an important person.
With this warning she hops on the bus to her house, which is stopped dead in its tracks by a couple in a fancy sports car ahead of them. Desperate to arrive home on time, Mu Cheng decides to intervene. That is when Ren Guang Xi, the driver of the sports car, is introduced.
What ensues from this point on is in turn touching and traumatic, yet it manages to toe the balance between them, as any good drama does. Yet I do have to say that if I didn't love the characters I would have major issues with the plot lines in this show. Mostly because of the use of sexual assault/trauma over and over again.
I would say its definitely worth watching even with this in mind. The characters are SO GOOD. Not so much in a character development way, but in an exaggerated personality way. Take Mu Cheng for example-- she is the ultimate martyr. Time and time again through the show, she makes the decision to sacrifice for others over herself. While this could get annoying, I appreciated that she was consistent. You know what to expect from her, which is a lot more than you can say for a lot of other main leads.
The best (or worst) part of the love triangle was that I had MAJOR second-lead syndrome from the jump. Hua Tuo Ye is so cute and wholesome, despite the hard edge he tries to portray as a farmer who isn't afraid to throw hands when necessary. We should really call him Hua "I'm his human dad while his alien dad isn't here" Tuo Ye. When he said that to Liang Xiao Le, my heart MELTED. I knew the entire time there was no chance for him and Mu Cheng to end up together, especially since he was already the "big boss" of the house, but I HOPED. At the same time, I couldn't be too mad about this development, because SIX YEARS? Dude, you have to make a move in that time. C'mon.
Everything between Ren Guang Xi and Liang Mu Cheng developed as I expected, so it was nice to watch their love overcome the multiple hurdles that were placed in their way. The only thing that I hadn't really predicted was the way Guang Xi's mom would develop. She starts off as your typical chaebol mom who wants to control the life of her kids, but ends up a loving grandma. I was surprised since I thought she was going to be evil the whole time. So it's not 100% true none of the characters had any development, but I'd say its still pretty accurate.
I'm really glad I watched this show! It was a journey from beginning to end, and as promised the next stop is happiness!
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pocketgalaxies · 2 months
do y'all ever slide into the brainrot from your middle school years at 5am
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ecccentrick · 1 year
On episode 5 of Copycat Killer and they already basically caught the perp, what's the next 5 episodes going to be??? Is there another accomplice??
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lovedbythemooon · 1 year
Antonio Vivaldi's Decline & "The Four Seasons" Concerti
A/N: I'm becoming addicted to posting music analyses as of late. I'd rather do anything other than math homework *giggle*. This includes minimal information on Vivaldi's decline and The Four Seasons analysis, with an in-depth analysis on "L’Estate - Summer".
Although Vivaldi’s fame as a composer and musician earlier in his life did not translate into his lasting success, which affected him greatly financially. Shadowed by younger composers and more modern styles, Vivaldi left for Vienna, Austria, possibly trying to find a position in the imperial court. However, he found himself without a prominent patron following the death of Charles VI and was left to die in poverty in Vienna on July 28th, 1741. Vivaldi was buried in a simple grave after a service that proceeded without music. 
Antonio Vivaldi was an Italian Baroque composer and virtuoso violinist, and whilst he was incredibly popular and influential during his earlier lifetime, his music fell out of favour after his death and was largely forgotten until the early 20th century. There are countless reasons for Vivaldi’s decline later in his life and after his death. One of the main factors was the change in musical taste of the time. The Baroque style of music that Vivaldi was known for, was replaced by the Classical style, which emphasized clarity and simplicity over the elaborate and complex composition of the Baroque era. Another factor was the decline of Venice, where Vivaldi spent much of his career. Venice was a cultural and economic powerhouse, and its love for the arts was a major factor in Vivialdi’s success. However, by the mid-18th century, Venice had lost most of its wealth, influence, and its cultural significance had diminished. Vivaldi’s music was simply forgotten as time passed. After his death, many of his pieces were lost or destroyed, along with his music not being performed for many years. It wasn't till the early 20th century that musicians and scholars began to rediscover his work and recognize its importance. In today's age, Vivaldi is recognized as one of the most important composers of the Baroque era. His influence can be heard in the works of many other composers, including Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart. 
The Four Seasons
One of Antonio Vivaldi’s most renowned pieces, The Four Seasons. The Four Seasons is a set of four violin concertos accompanied by sonnets, in which each represents the seasons of the year. Each concerto is divided into three movements, fast-slow-fast, like ways with the sonnets, each being divided into three stanzas. The concerti include:
La Primavera - Spring: This concerto is laced with features of spring, the sound of birds singing and the gentle breeze of the season. This piece represents the coming of spring and the renewal of nature, it depicts growth and peace. This concerto is more joyful and energetic in its movements. 
L’Autunno - Autumn: This concerto depicts the sounds of hunting and the harvest. The second movement represents the cooler air of autumn arriving with the softly arching strings. It is known for its rhythmic and lively movements. 
L’Inverno - Winter: This concerto is high-toned, it is to be associated with ice-cold wind, and freezing weather. The representation of the fast movements depicts a natural process so strong it cannot be controlled by man. This concerto is known for its dramatic movements all throughout. 
L’Estate - Summer Analysis
L’Estate, also known as “Summer”, is one of the four violin concertos that make up Antonio Vivaldi's “The Four Seasons”. It is a Baroque masterpiece that depicts the season of summer through vibrant melodies and extremely vivid musical imagery. 
As stated previously, this concerto is divided into three movements:
Allegro non molto - The first movement is noticed by its fast tempo and aggressive characteristic. It starts with an introduction from the orchestra before the solo violin enters with a series of virtuous chords and trills creating vivid imagery through the music. Throughout this movement the violin switches between quick fiery passages and softer, more lyrical melodies, creating a sense of tension and release all throughout. 
Adagio e piano - The second movement is slower, calmer, and tranquil in comparison to the first. The solo violin takes the centre, playing longer, softer cords that show the stillness of a summer evening. The orchestra provides a soft, but quicker, sustained flow of chords that depict the peacefulness of nature. 
Presto - The final movement is extremely fast, almost like a race in needs to be finished. The solo violin leads the change in tone, tempo, and dynamics with a series of almost lightning-fast chords, while the orchestra provides a driving, rhythmic pulse. This movement is known for its frequent sudden shifts in tempo, and dynamics, which reflects the true unpredictableness of nature and the violentness of the summer storms.  
Vivaldi’s impression of Summer; the intense heat begins to soon be replaced with a cool breeze and singing birds. Although the sudden shifts in tempo and dynamics, as well as the dramatic undertones and minor cords, show that even a cool refreshing breeze could turn into the most violent storm. Summer is an extraordinary example of Vivaldi’s talent and skill in his ability to use his music to create vivid imagery of the real world. 
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pianosheet · 2 months
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old-dramas · 1 year
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Do you know that giving your hand to an opponent in the ice rink is like handing your life over to him? When I say I'll hold your hand, it means I'll protect you, no matter what.
Autumn’s Concerto (2009) 1.02
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auroraluciferi · 1 year
Antonio Vivaldi - The Four Seasons
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Track of the Day #2: Vivaldi’s “Autumn III--Allegro”
One of the most well-known classical music pieces for Autumn! Just listening to it makes me excited for chilly breezes and brightly colored leaves.
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baberbackbookstack · 2 years
so true of Vivaldi to make his Autumn Concerto the liveliest one. autumn may be the season of nostalgia and death but it is also the crisp air and forgotten assignments and the bliss of ignorance
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mikhayhu · 5 months
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"You've told me before I just have to call for your name
and you'll come and rescue me, You're here. It's fine now"
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