iputaspellonyou2024 · 4 months
There is no such thing as a true tale. Truth has many faces and the truth is like to the old road to Avalon; it depends on your own will, and your own thoughts, whither the road will take you.
The mists of Avalon - Marion Zimmer Bradley
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annalouisemay · 2 years
Kundalini Energy: Your Questions Answered | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | & Updates
Kundalini Energy: Your Questions Answered | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | & Updates
Kundalini Energy: Your Questions Answered | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | Read at http://www.mayastar.net/kundaliniarticle.htm or visit https://youtu.be/N3eQllxn54g to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork. EXCERPT: “Kundalini energy is the potency of your divine source: the fire within. It’s the origin of spiritual power that comprises your soul. In some spiritual philosophies…
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sentient-cloud · 1 year
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moved2024 · 2 years
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Morgana le Fay Dress and Details by Tagtraum Kleider
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archersgoon · 3 days
the key difference between standard marchetta protags and modern froi is that i am sending his sorry self to public school. co-ed.
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nehalenniaspeil · 5 months
— Welcome 🌞⛲🍀
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Hello Pagan Tumblr!
My name's Artemisia, and i've been walking a pagan path for 5 years. Here's a list of traditions/deities/ways that i'm working with :)
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I. My Paths
· Avalonian tradition
· Celtic polytheism
· Hellenic/Roman polytheism
· Norse polytheism
II. My ways of Witchcraft
· Bath witchcraft
· Crystal witchcraft
· Elemental witchcraft
· Green witchcraft
· Hearth witchcraft
· Kitchen witchcraft
· Ogham
· Sacred wells & springs
· Sea witchcraft
· Sun witchcraft
· Swamp witchcraft
· Water witchcraft
· Weather witchcraft
III. Deities & spirits
· Airmed
· Andraste
· Ataegina
· Brigid
· Coventina
· Elen of the Ways
· Epona
· Eriu
· Gráinne
· Gwenhwyfar
· Lady of the Lake
· Lugh
· Medb
· Morgan Le Fay
· Nantosuelta
· Nehalennia
· Nemetona (Arnemetia)
· Nimue
· Rhiannon
· Rosmerta
· Sequana
· Sirona
· Sulis Minerva
· Baldr
· Eir
· Eostre
· Freyja
· Frigga
· Hlín
· Idunna
· Óðinn
· Rán
· Sunna (Sól)
· Thor
· Valkyrjur
· Amphitrite (Salacia)
· Aphrodite (Venus)
· Artemis
· Asklepios
· Eos
· Flora
· Fortuna
· Juno
· Jupiter (Zeus)
· Salus (Hygieia)
· Mars
· Minerva
· Neptuno (Poseidon)
· Pax
· Pomona
· Proserpina
· Sol Invictus
· Vesta (Hestia)
· Lady of the Fountain
· Lady of the Lake
· Melusine
· Mermaids
· Naiads
· Nereids
· Oceanides
· Sisters of Avalon
· Spring/well spirits
· Undines
· Valkyrjur
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weatherman667 · 4 months
part two
one with self: this technique is taught by rens family for the main part and now ren is the only one who knows how to do it. he goes on to teach it to everyone in his team though. the philosophy is simple for the most part even those with their aura unlocked don't have access to 100% of their power anyways as you naturally reject power coming from parts of yourself that you don't like. by accepting that these parts do exist and are a part of you you gain access to the whole of your soul's power. in time you can shrink or even remove these parts by replacing them with parts of yourself you seek to grow. thus making you a far more capable fighter even if you haven't experienced as much or grown for as long as others. meditation for this one mainly centers around sitting down and calmly sorting through your thoughts and past experiences. breathing exercises help with this. as a result users of this style are far more stable and stoic than others. though they can tend to be slow to react to issues.
Avalonian imperative: a man is measured by the impact they have on another's life. through inspiring others, whether through virtue or vice, their souls begin to send the power that naturally emanates from them to you regardless of distance. providing effectively infinite power though typically less than a soul would produce normally unless they impacted a lot of lives and knew how to atune themselves to the people they impacted. again you have to not only accept the world view of every one of these soul refining methods but also learn to use the power granted by them. The Avilonian imperative is meditated on by reaching the state of avilon, we would call this the flow state, where the world narrows to only the actions you preform allowing you to feel more keenly the connections you have to others. users of this style either become over the top villains sparing all they defeat to help inspire more fear in others to feed their legend and impact on others, or shining knights of the world protecting and helping wherever they can empowering their virtues as they do because the energy feeds into that part of their souls.
team jnpr become the fastest growing team in beacon by use of combining the avilonian imperative with one with self. each side of their new chivalrous refinement style being taught by either ren or jaune. pyrrha starts off getting far more energy than she knows what to do with due to her already global fame and her access to 100% of her soul. but the others quickly catch up as they start helping around beacon and vale and winning in various smaller fighting tournaments held throughout the city or through taking on tasks or challenges for others naturally growing their own souls while increasing the impact they have on other's lives.
rwby on the other hand start learning about sacrifice and learn some of the more esoteric abilities, like weiss learns delayed gratification or investing as a training technique. by agreeing to grow slowly now while in beacon she guarenties that her potential will remain limitless for the future. blake learns specialization by giving up on certain abilities her other abilities and skills increase their growth by orders of magnitude. yang learns to trade pain for power taking blows she could otherwise dodge or block in order to gain aura. effectively making her unstoppable when combined with her semblance. and ruby learns the heroic oath from watching jaune. by swearing to do something she gains greater power in order to complete the task she's sworn to, but it can lead to obsession if she promises something too difficult for her to accomplish quickly. the oath taking up more of her thoughts the more power she gains to accomplish it.
thoughts on the idea of soul refining and any ideals or philosophies you think would work to refine a soul? also thoughts on the Avilonian imperative? really just tell me what you think of everything lol
These are all really good ideas for explaining how Aura works. And need to be shared.
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lancelought · 7 months
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Angraxaethe Sevsarstra, also known by her nickname Angy, is a Nova-turned-Protege I play in a game of Masks:A New Generation, a ttrpg about teenage superheroes.
Angy is a dragon from Avalon, a dimension of myth and legend and the source of many arthurian knights and wizards that became superheroes in the setting. Dragons are not well loved, and Angy herself was the only remaining egg from the hoard of the ancient avalonian Queen of Dragons, a terrifying beast the size of a mountain range that famously took hundreds of knights to defeat decades ago. In the aftermath of this campaign, all of her eggs were destroyed - except one, which was saved through the interference of one Archwizard Misaurystes of Anfwynn Tor, the headmaster of Avalon's best-known magic academy. She was allowed to keep the egg to raise herself under one condition:
Once hatched, the dragon would be shackled, in magical manacles, bound in humanoid form until such a time the magic deemed her no longer a danger to the people of Camelot.
So Angy grew up, with her adoptive mother and sister (Morgan le Fay), knowing she wads a dragon but not what she really looked like, not what that meant, nothing except that dragons were dangerous and so was she. The only stories she knew of dragons were from books on their terrors and their defeat - all except for a scant few stories of good dragons, the white ones and the sky blue, who appeared on scant few occasions to help the kingdom.
She knew she was not one of those, so she decided to be the other kind, and overcompensate.
Angy is kind of a bitch. She doesn't know how not to be, because it's what she thinks she is supposed to be. She is mean and vindictive and openly desires to be a tyrant. Of course, she never directly hurts anyone, tends to think of excuses to go out of her way to help or defend people, and when given a pocket dimension full of humans with no choice but to follow her spends most of her time making sure they are fed and happy... but that's not important, she's totally evil.
Without the use of her draconic form, Angraxaethe spent her childhood learning to channel her innate dragon magic into wizardry, and she is an accomplished wizard with specializations in defensive magic and dimensional magic, and a natural talent for burning things.
With the help of her girlfriend Mistilteinn (Misty), a personification of the mistletoe from norse myth (superhero settings are WILD), she eventually managed to break free from her shackles, and she is now capable of becoming her dragon self. Still, she spends most of her time walking around the city in humanoid form.
It's just more convenient, and has nothing to do with the fact that she can hold her girlfriend's hand, and look people in the eye.
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temperednuvi · 15 days
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High Elvhen || Earth Manipulation || Co-owner of Bacchus || Avalonian
About || Biography || Skeleton || Connections
Tags: Visage ; About ; Headcanons ; Selfparas ; Musings ; Music ; Edits
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Little Things I Dig About STRANGE WORLD
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Much like the one I did for PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH, this post will be a list of unorganized thoughts on STRANGE WORLD. And as usual, if you haven't seen STRANGE WORLD and were planning on doing so but haven't really had the chance nor gumption to fire up Disney+ and watch it, there be spoilers ahead!
'They're The Clades'. This is a hit the ground running opening right here. An all-too-brief cel-shaded depiction of Jaeger Clade's adventures and exploits, and how his son Searcher was by his side but was never really the rough-and-tumble explorer type. The song would do the Mello Men proud, as it recalls the songs of various live-action adventure movies that Disney had made throughout the '50s. This whole movie, if it wasn't clear before, is a massive homage to that era of adventure stories. The scene alone is evoking an early-to-mid 20th century pulp comic. Also during this sequence, we see these really lovely paintings of the Clades on their adventures. Particularly the visuals of them encountering birds of prey and a bear. It hits all those classic wilderness aesthetics in mere seconds flat.
Avalonia itself is actually quite a cool-looking world. It being on the back of a giant turtle-like beast swimming around on an all-water planet is very much Terry Pratchett's DISCWORLD, but being someone who lived the early 2000s as a kid, it also struck me as very BIONICLE. Hey, did you know Walt Disney Animation Studios was looking to option DISCWORLD for an adaptation of MORT? That was to be Ron Clements and John Musker's movie after THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG, but due to rights issues, that fell through, and they ended up pitching other ideas that would later morph into MOANA.
Continued, Avalonia in the post-Pando era: The retrofuture setting, the sortakinda steampunk-like aesthetic, very TREASURE PLANET in some ways. The graphic design recalled various decades of aesthetics of the 20th century, too. Some '30s and '50s touches on Callisto Mal's ship, the Venture, subtle and neat stuff. Loved the architecture, technology, and cruisers. The cruisers, especially the one the Clade family uses to dust the crops, in particular reminded me of the hovercraft vehicles in the JAK & DAXTER series. That was another action-adventure franchise from the early 2000s that I was very much big on back in the day (and still am!).
Legend. Just Legend. He's literally one of my dogs, but in Disney animated form. Plus he's a tripod. Disabled rep, even for a doggie! It was also nice to see a shot of a disabled Avalonian, too.
Primal Outpost reminds me of game called Heroscape, which I remember being advertised a lot circa 2004... Though my 12-year-old self never played it or got invested in it, I thought it always looked cool. The hexagon pieces and such... But yes, I liked that a role-playing/strategy game played a part in this world, it just added a depth to it: This is a game that the kids/teens play. Today I learned that Heroscape ran from 2004 to 2010, and there was a failed revival somewhere down the line. I kinda wish STRANGE WORLD came out in 2004, this would've been my *shit*. Big time.
The lighting choices are what really make the "strange world" pop. The subtle sunset-like oranges and pinks, the misty-like layers, really brings out a lovely look to everything.
There's a particular shot when the Venture is crash-landing while careening into the insides of the Avalonia turtle-beast-creature... Searcher and Legend drop off as the ship is still speeding, it's a particularly well-done shot.
What little there is of the vibe - both good and bad - between Callisto Mal and Meridian Clade, particularly when it shows up during their confrontation in the Venture cockpit.
Right before Ethan meets Splat in that cave of bioluminescent creatures, some of them are apparent in a few frames: They look kind of like glass vases with fireflies inside of them. A small but cool detail, and the framerate on them is much slower.
Splat slapping Ethan when you think they're going to do the HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON-esque connect-with-each-other moment, a well-timed send-up of those kinds of person-and-creature scenes.
The Clade men playing Primal Outpost is a standout scene to me, and I absolutely love the jab at the well-repeated "criticism" that Disney animated movies don't work without traditional bad guy villains in them.
How Searcher and Jaeger can't get the handshake/gestures right, they're preemptively doing a different one. It's a fun little character beat for both of them.
Everything about the much healthier insides of the beast after the heart is restored. A colorful, near-psychedelic set of images.
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sieveplayer · 10 months
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Map of my current fantasy world, Theia. The one on the top is an updated version of the map with some improved borders, bottom is a more outdated version of the map, but with accompanying lore, though I'll fully update everything in the future. Main premise is that the world is undergoing a cold war between major mago-industrial powers with one story I'm working on taking place within the Io Consortium, which is an unstable megacorporate state being fought over by the Demonic Confederacy and the Avalonian Empire.
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annalouisemay · 2 years
An Exploration of the Emissaries of the Light: Ascended Masters, Avalonians & Pleiadians | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | & Updates
An Exploration of the Emissaries of the Light: Ascended Masters, Avalonians & Pleiadians | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | & Updates
An Exploration of the Emissaries of the Light: Ascended Masters, Avalonians & Pleiadians | A Mayastar Energy Healing Article | Read at http://www.mayastar.net/thelightarticle.htm or visit https://youtu.be/2eQRs_YGW_I to enjoy the audio with my latest animated artwork. EXCERPT: “There are certain qualities that apply to this force; reflecting on these can assist us to find a deeper communion with…
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thequeendomhq · 2 months
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NAME. Ikaros AGE & BIRTH DATE. 567 & June 15th, 2457 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Cismale & He/Him NATIONALITY. Avalonian SPECIES. High Elvhen FACTION. N/A OCCUPATION. Prince of Avalon FACE CLAIM. Matthew Daddario
( tw: n/a )
To reach out through time, through what is seen and felt, is a gift. That’s what Ikaros’ grandmother would whisper to him as he sat on her knee as a child, on the highest branch of the Laurelin where it seemed like the stars could fit in the palm of their hands. The monarch was a gentle soul, whose radiance passed to her daughter, and finally her grandson – Ikaros. The one who touches the sky, his name held meaning, as he reached with her under Mythal’s glade, a broken Eluvian not far from their spot. This was the honor that Ikaros was raised with.
An ambitious mother, a kind father – one that would let him down in more ways than one. His father frequented the glade, but that wasn’t Ikaros’ issue as a child. Nothing that he ever considered strange until it was too late, perhaps. As a child, Ikaros would run through the branches of the Laurelin, Arvandoril being his home. Yet the call of all the different sights to see, as magic created small biomes for him to uncover. There was nothing that could harm him within Avalon, though the Moongate was always barred to him. He was never allowed to pass through, not unless in the presence of another that would take him. Finding someone proved difficult, but it was for his own good, perhaps. 
His ability manifested itself when he was deep within Mythal’s Glade. When another child went to shove and he simply moved out of the way, having seen that coming moments prior. It was a natural instinct, a reaction that he didn’t know how to control. The child fell, and a laugh escaped Ikaros before he could stop it. It was hard enough to remain friends with others, some remorseful part of Ikaros after being chastised by his family. He was heir to the throne, that was never an attitude befitting of a prince. So he learned the hard way. He learned to try and repress what his sight would show him, ignoring it at times if it meant another could win, or another could reap what they wouldn’t be able to with his help. Or sometimes he’d let them fail, a young and naive part of him glad that he could say I told you so. 
What he didn’t see coming, however, was the sorrow that would befall his mother. His father had wandering eyes, no longer a noble spirit – and Ikaros turned away. He stood behind Titania, a young adult now that could see what was right and wrong. Though pieces of the puzzle made sense. Oberon’s time in Mythal’s Glade, a bastard who now had a bastard son to be raised on one of the highest branches. Ikaros’ favorite escape, somewhat tainted by the actions of his family. A shattered picture of perfection, Oberon was sent on his way – there was no hell like the wrath of Titania. Either way, Ikaros had a brother, someone that could not be blamed for the actions of their parents. Perhaps his only true friend, Ikaros held on to Abelas in the hopes that they wouldn’t have to have some weird generational issue.
As Ikaros got older, he learned that his precognition would simply take what it wanted. He could focus on something that he wanted, receive the vision that he desperately asked for. And as it kept going, the worse his headache would get. Visions would become unreliable, he wouldn’t be able to see straight, either. Fatigue that would leave him out of the light for days, locked away in the palace so he couldn’t be bothered. His grandmother would tell him that even gifts require penance, and while the gods had given the Elvhen an Oracle, he had to take care of himself, as well.
When Titania had deemed Ikaros old enough to venture out into Taravell on his own, it was with a warning. To not get too close, to make sure that he returned, there was a timeframe on everything. Ikaros would do as asked, though he wished to travel and learn what he could. He’d been to the Tower, he’d seen a crumbling Legionnaire Keep, and he’d seen Caribella. The places he’d heard of, the places he’d wanted to see and bring back to Avalon. He’d been to Lorien’dal, to live amongst the Silver Elvhen – all things his mother had done centuries upon centuries prior, only to be called back as distress filled his heart.
His grandmother had turned ill, a few days short of his three hundredth summer, the Blight having taken hold finally. His mother was crowned, and Ikaros was there to be the first to bend the knee to their new monarch. Titania was loved, and as her mother began to get more ill, there was terror that filled the hearts of the Elvhen. The Blight had been spreading so quickly, things that had normally seemed untouchable to the Elvhen becoming the things of waking nightmares.
Ikaros had watched as visions began to swarm his head, as nightmares began to become real. Blighted hands, a dying tree – the earth would shake as one fell from the Laurelin, another remembrance of a time where there was peace, and how it had shattered. Ikaros could feel the new weight of tradition and life fall on his shoulders, and while he would spend his time trying to give other Elvhen answers, he had to pull away. Titania would tell him that his time would come, he could help others but only if he took care of himself. Frustration would boil, and Ikaros would have to wonder if he would spend his life attempting to grasp at futures that weren’t his own.
Blighted hand after blighted hand, nightmares that would come to fruition – the more time he spent caged, Ikaros would wonder if he would ever see the sky again. So he did what he could within Avalon, told his mother and grandmother that he would return, and set out for answers within Taravell.  
+ observant, patient, perseverant – pessimistic, spoiled, manipulative
played by lauren. ???. she/her.
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moumantaimf · 6 months
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Watching together
Panel 1: Roi says "I'm thankful for this chance. I've wanted to visit Earth again ever since I returned home 16 years ago". D replies with "Good". Panel 2: Rowi says "I'm uploading an Earth Christmas film to the ship, so we can watch it together while we keep eating the holiday snacks Sher baked for us!" Panel 3: Its a wide panel. There's a narration box pointing at the ball-shaped snacks they've been eating that says "Lakriyaw Balls: They're made by mashing the avalonian Lakriyaw fungus into a paste, then making balls with that, flour and a bit of sugar, then baking them until they roast. Their taste is a bit like vanilla biscuits with a tad of anise". One dialog box (from the screen) says "Kevin!", D says "Ah, I remembered why this movie annoyed me as a kid. A family so rich and big that they forgot about their son". Rowi says "Sawi would be mortified if she was watching this", and Roi says "At least Kevin has the house all to himself now". Panel 4: It shows the ship approaching to Earth. "As we approached Earth, we started thinking how much this planet meant to us, to the point we had adopted one of its biggest holidays. Sure, being 'aliens' we had visited many, many places. Some were just as pretty. Yet… Yet this blue planet, Earth, had claimed our hearts. It was the place we got to meet to start with! It will always be special for us. So… Happy Holidays!"
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kailysander · 1 year
I love seeing your Avalon characters!! Is there anything else we can learn abt them?
Thanks so much for asking! Avalon is a story very close to my heart and is honestly kind of the antithesis of Golden Hour. I don’t get to work on it often, so you’ll have to put up with some (very) old character art.
It can be a bit to bite off explanation wise due to it being scifi, so I did my best to make sure context was available for character descriptions:
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Avalon- Name of the story, but also the name of a very technologically and ecologically advanced utopian city-state. They’re generally a closed off society, save for special exchange programs and the culture itself is based on the philosophy that you can learn intrapersonal empathy through your relationship with plants and nature (how to love and care for something that cannot speak or communicate directly to you). There’s a lot I can say here but the main thing is that some generations ago they handed their judicial system off to an AI/OS called Venus that now oversees nearly all aspects of their society. There are a lot of very interesting aspects to their societal structure but I won’t go listing em all out.
Avalonian- Someone who was born in and lives in Avalon. Genetically distinct variation of humans. Typically verdant or cerulean in complexion, Avalonians have been subject to genetic modification for many generations, at first as a way to better protect their bodies from residual radiation present in the area, and much later down the line for things like temperament/superficial aesthetics/etc., though genetic diversity is still very present, as it is understood to be beneficial and important. Typically, Avalonians have their genetic sequences picked out by Venus for the specific purpose of fulfilling a role in their society.
Venus- the AI/OS in question. Does not have a physical body for sometime, but may eventually have something similar to a large flower (as it is illegal in Avalon to construct AI that imitates a human person). As Avalonians do not have true parental figures do to being born of extracorporeal pregnancy (artificial womb), so Venus is often regarding as a mother figure.
Scena- Huge indoor city located in modern day Los Angeles. Ended up clinging to golden age film as a cultural identity, and has a very deco vibe about it. Steampunk without the steam, import economy reliant on what technology and recourse Avalon is willing to share. Typically non-Avalonians live here, and there are a lot of human-bodied AI running about as well, usually as household servants or entertainers.
Minervan- a person born in Avalon who exiled to live in one of the embassies/territories outside of Avalon itself. Typically they haven’t done anything heinous but a little bit of off-behavior in a very strict society + a review of their genetic code may show they have a propensity to. The less advanced OS in this society is named (you guessed it) Minerva, and they do not have a line of contact to Venus. Not considered to be Avalonian by Avalonian standards.
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Characters of importance:
Laurel Leigh (she/her): an android originally from Scena that unlocked sentience & free will as result of a fluke injury to her CPU. Not having much of a schema between right & wrong, she often participates in whatever might offer a bit of camaraderie. Generally kind and enthusiastic, she retains an encyclopedic knowledge, though the contents of which is often inapplicable to the real world outside of a trivia competition.
Eli (He/him): Having run away from his city of origin as a teenager, Eli has lived in the highly hostile outskirts for some time now, and has learned to adapt to surviving in the extreme weather and pollution. Worry-prone and serious, he is often very protective of Laurel for her gullibility and vulnerable state, and is generally a bit suspicious of Avalon’s habit of hoarding resources and innovation for themselves. Generally a well meaning, if slightly blunt individual, he has a knack for getting others to question their own resolve and introspect a bit. He is highly intelligent and skilled in improvised engineering.
Solani Fusarium (they/them): The main character of the story, and the hardest to describe in short since their character goes through a lot of growth.
An Avalonian who works in agritech, specifically in the realms of meat cultivation & animal welfare. Very intelligent but can be a bit socially daft toward non-Avalonians in a way that can feel both patronizing and overly familiar, though does not harbor ill-intent beyond a bit of teasing.
They are ultimately the person who ends up playing hosting/playing ambassador to Eli and Laurel when they arrive as unexpected guests to Avalon. This rather leisurely stay not last terribly long as there is a general focus on getting them back out as they do not have visas, and Solani follows them out to Scena on a six-month exchange program after about a weeks time. Originally not seeing eye-to-eye, Eli and Solani grow much closer over this time, and all three of them become very tight knit (Solani and Laurel have always gotten along.)
Without giving away much, Solani breaks some Avalonian rules through good intention and is entirely exiled as an alternative to literally being executed
Not even allowed to live in a Minervan embassy, they are left in an odd state where they cannot really be defined as Avalonian or “human”, this experience of existing in between states and learning to redefine values outside of their formally very rigid structure mirroring Laurel’s situation. Solani, now aware of Venus/Avalon’s propensity for cruelty is now painfully aware of their own a concept that had never occurred to them. (Avalons are not cruel, therefore nothing I do can be cruel.)
They go to live in Scena and get a receptionist job at a company that manages railways. Generally, this period in their life is pretty tough for them, though they remain determined in the resolve to remain empathetic and ethical despite the bitterness and anger that grows in them. They begin to uncover what purpose they were born for.
The Ambassador (she/her): A nameless Avalonian known only as “The Ambassador” who is something of Avalon’s PM. Considered to be the direct interpreter and physical “body” of Venus before the actual body is constructed. Caring but strict, may come across cold. Also considered a mother figure.
Lesser characters:
Avium (he/him): Solani’s (former) partner. Seems to be a bit rebellious, but is in truth very status-quo.
Selah (he/him): A Minervan and Solani’s coworker, an engineer at the railway company. Becomes one of Solani’s closer friends, and often checks them in to the Embassy so Solani can be in a more familiar environment for periods of time. Seems to oscillate between being generous and selfish, has a habit of acting out of interest.
Tom (he/him): A [non-Avalonian] archivist and inventor that lives in a remote part of Avalon. He manages most of Avalon’s history, including parts that are not known to the general public and is the person set to invent Venus’ body.
Ada (she/her): Tom’s daughter. May not be human.
And ofc there’s much more minor cast as well, but no one I have pics of haha
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avalonbestiary · 8 months
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We start off the southern coasts of new avalon a pod of boxer whales (a small but suprisingly agressive rorqual) are acompanied by the equally intolerant sea bears (large walrus relatives also fairly agressive). these two species usually highly intolerant of other creatures close to them but along the southern artic seaways and south avalonian coasts these two surly giants come together to feast on the vast schools of fish and other sea life that gather in these cool waters. initially this relationship seems one sided as the sea bears school the fish into tighter and tighter bait balls allowing the boxer whale to swallow them in one easy gulp leaving the bears the stunned individuals from that but the boxer whales are pulling their weight, as even though the sea bears are large Being nearly as big as their living earth relatives here on avalon there's always predators large enough or tenacious enough to hunt them especially in the open ocean but few predators will risk the wrath of a pod of boxer whales while smaller than a lot of their earth cousins they make up for it with a agression going out of their way to attack anything that might be a threat which since the arrival of humans has included boats hence has made studying these feisty beasts a difficult task
(Swear i haven't forgotten this blog just had a hard time actually knuckling down and making presentable works and updating old models i made an age ago)
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