#aviantale x reader
magic-hcs · 1 year
Drabble time: Kissy Faces
You can imaginethis with any boy
He had seen you do it a few times; pursing your lips together and creating a sort smacking noise. Being relatively new to human customs, he had not the slightest idea what that behavior could mean.
You did it at certain times, directed at certain things - or more accurately, certain beings - followed by a happy smile or a small giggle.
At first he only saw you do it when you were cooing and playing with animals. Letting your hand be grabbed by the paw of the stray cat who always pushed their body against your legs, you would smile and pucker those lips and push them forward, creating a smack sound. Or when that dog starts to enthusiastically lick your face you would giggle and stick out your lips. You would also do it when you greeted family, smacking your lips together before pressing them against the cheeks. He once had asked you what that was called and you told him those were kissy faces. No clue what that meant.
And now recently, you’ve been sending these ‘kissy faces’ towards him. Smiling and breaking out in giggles whenever he caught you doing it. It send warmth through his soul, why he didn’t know. He started to ponder, until one day a realization hit him.
You always gave ‘kissy faces’ to beings you cared a lot about.
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ant1quarian · 2 months
Question, How do you tell you're being courted by an Avian, and if so can you do the Bad sans, Classic and Red trying to Court YN?
How could you tell? They're actively around you and also protecting you- even outside of their territory.
They'll be following you around like it's normal, posing as one of the various monsters in society if they really have to- but always, always avoiding eye-contact with almost everyone else.
Classic is a lot more casual with how he hangs around. He's still got that likeable persona that he can put up if he needs to. He'll stroll up to your workplace and pop in to say hello if he misses you, but otherwise he's probably hanging around on top of buildings in order to escape any ignorant humans or monsters that might attempt to touch him. Avians aren't well known, and there are a couple of monsters with wings that he could pass as.
Red is also very charming, and will actively hang around. But be careful about hanging around other people that may show romantic interest in you- he can get somewhat jealous. Other than that he, like Classic, will somewhat manage to pass as a winged monster.
Nightmare is very devoted as a lover, but he will only be able to visit you within the night time as he is busy throughout the day as a Pastor to his flock. He will often wrap you up in his wings when he hugs you.
Dust is very attentive- always following, always around. Silent and very much the omen of death his legends tell of- but yours. Always yours. There. Intimidating. A threat glimmering in his mismatched eyelights, always softening whenever his gaze lands on you. You'd have to be an utter fool to not know how much he cares for you.
Killer is even more of a little shit, but in a warm, affectionate way. He doesn't like to explicitly tell you he loves you- but he does. He likes to follow you around a lot, sort of like a cat wanting food. He also likes to intimidate other people by simply being there. He's about as jealous as he is territorial.
Axe is... like a lost puppy, in some aspects. He loves to just follow you and hang around. It's also super common for him to just start doing random crap for you- including fixing things and uncharacteristically cleaning things up.
Cross can and will be your personal bodyguard and also the most devoted silly guy you'll ever know. He's very, very sweet but also very protective, which often leads to him hovering around you and glaring down anyone who tries to get a bit too close to you in his opinion.
Thank you for the ask! :D
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sillyunknownkitkat · 6 months
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Sans :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Papyrus :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Frisk :
Nothing yet
Chara :
Nothing yet
Asriel :
Nothing yet
Toriel :
Nothing yet
Asgore :
Nothing yet
Astel/Astelle :
Nothing yet
Mettaton :
Nothing yet
Undyne :
Nothing yet
Alphys :
Nothing yet
Muffet :
Nothing yet
Grillby :
Nothing yet
Blue (sans) :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Stretch (papyrus):
Hypersexual reader comfort
Swap (Gaster) :
Nothing yet
Others :
Nothing yet
Red (sans) :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Edge (papyrus) :
Hypersexual reader comfort
Fell (gaster) :
Nothing yet
Others :
Nothing yet
Viper (sans) :
Nothing yet
Puppy/pup (papyrus) :
Nothing yet
Sf/??? (Gaster) :
Nothing yet
Others :
Nothing yet
Other Au's
Ink :
Ink x clingy/touchy reader (kinda Ink slender I'm sorry)
Error :
Nothing yet
Dream :
Nothing yet
Nightmare :
Nothing yet
Axe/Bear (ht sans) :
Nothing yet
Killer :
Nothing yet
Dust :
Nothing yet
Fresh :
Nothing yet
Cross :
Nothing yet
Geno :
Nothing yet
Reaper :
Nothing yet
Birdie (aviantale sans) :
Nothing yet
G (echotale gaster!sans) :
Nothing yet
Epic :
Nothing yet
Others :
Nothing yet
All credits to the characters belong to their original creator. I do not proclaim them as mine. Undertale belongs to TobyFox
Last updated : the 2nd December 2023
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magic-hcs · 7 months
Hey! if requests were open i wanted to place a request ^^ what if the apparently human s/o disappeared for hours and when brothers AT and UT found the s/o he/she/they were in a hybrid goat form in a backyard/forest eating something and when the s/o noticed he was there just said "don't freak out, I can explain 😰" plz (if you don't want to, don't do it ^^)
I absolutely loved writing this! It was amazing and I always love an opportunity to dive deeper into my own Aviantale au! I hope it was worth the wait!
Raven: Aviantale Sans
Crest: Aviantale Papyrus
Time to cast some magic and see what we’ll get!✨
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Raven: Raven’s mouth clacked open as he stared at the scene before him. He had no clue what to think of it or what he was seeing in front of him in your garden. Someone had broken into your garden and was now munching on your precious hortensias you and Raven had planted together. The wisteria flowers Raven had found just earlier in the day when he had been exploring and brought with him are now spread on the ground. Raven had dropped them due to his surprise.
A panicked voice calls out a desperate plea of “I can explain!” that breaks the tense silence.
How has it come to this, you may wonder.
It started with Raven doing his usual hobby; soaring through the sky at high speed, relishing and rejoicing the freedom and air that rushes past him. This time during his flight he had discovered a ginormous, beautiful wisteria tree. Opening his little notebook full of plants and flower symbolisms, Raven discovered quite few meanings to a wisteria like resilience and longevity but it’s also a representation of love. It simply was a perfect gift for you, his lover.
With gentle hands, Raven took a few flowers and a small branch or two before flying back to you. Filled with lots of excitement, he forgot to give you a heads up he was coming by. Instead, Raven had soared to and landed directly in your garden. Expertly transferring the wisteria flowers and branches from his clawed feet to his arms as he perched on the ground. He was about to turn towards the door to knock on it when he heard a voice calling out to him, not from within your house but from deeper in your garden.
“Raven?” It was a startled squeak that made him snap his head towards the voice. A gasp leaves him and in his shock, Raven drops the wisteria flowers and branches.
There was a humanoid goat eating your hortensias!
In a blink of an eye, Raven’s feathers puffed and ruffled up in irritation and offense. Big startled eyes stared back at him.
“what in asgore’s name are you doing to my mate’s flowers!?” He said with a bristled tone. If there was one way to get Raven very passionate about something it would definitely be flowers.
The humanoid goat’s hands were raised with a desperate plea of “I can explain!”
It was soon after that Raven learned that the humanoid goat was you, his lover. Who apparently transforms into a half goat every now and again? And whenever you got into that goat form you couldn't always help the urge to munch on things that you shouldn’t; like your own flower beds.
Be prepared for Raven to give you a side-eye whenever he finds your flower beds lacking some plants. He loves you, but don’t eat the flowers you and he worked so hard on.
Crest: The sweetheart has this special ability to recognize you no matter how much you try to disguise yourself. You’ve tried, and he always just seems to know it’s you. You have no clue how one does it and Crest refuses to tell you either. He would just smile knowingly while looking at you.
So one day you disappeared without notice; one moment the two of you were just hanging out, having fun, the next, poof, gone. Now, this isn’t the first time this has happened. You do have the tendency to just vanish from the face of the earth for a little while before manifesting back on earth again as if nothing had changed. So Crest has gotten used to it. He would wait a few hours - three hours max - and then, poof, you’d be back.
But this hasn’t been like all those other times. This time you’ve been gone for almost five hours, and Crest has been getting worried.
He’s been looking for you for a while - of course, at first he had just messaged you, before calling you before going out searching when none of the prior options came through - and Crest doesn’t really remember why he ended up here in this forest. But looking back, he was very glad he did.
In the middle of a clearing was - he presumes - a goat monster, nibbling on some wild but safe mushrooms. Acting more like an actual goat than a monster, hence his uncertainty.
You heard him land and you turned to face him, mushroom hanging from your mouth. Crest saw your face, it was longer and furrier and resembled more like a goat, but he could tell it was you. No matter what form you would or could take, Crest would always know it was you.
Shock was an apparent expression on his face as he looked at you. He called your name, disbelieving. You throw your two nailed hoofs up and call out with a sheepish expression “don’t freak out.” Your voice had a slight bleating tone to it.
“I can explain!”
Yes, indeed you do, and afterwards, Crest wants to know if you can shift on command and if you wanna join him when he camouflages/dresses himself as other people unlike himself for jokes and fun.
Sans: Sans had been wondering where you disappeared off to regularly. At first Sans didn’t think much of it. Maybe you needed to be somewhere, or you suddenly remembered an important appointment you had forgotten all about. Stars know that Sans is guilty of this too - writing all his appointments down in an agenda is such a drag to do - luckily his dear younger brother is very vigilant of his own and Sans’ schedules. Papyrus has the tendency to bombard his phone with all caps texts warning and reminding him of upcoming events and the like. Date, time, place and all.
Yeah…Paps’ so cool.
But after a while, Sans couldn’t brush it off as mutual laziness of writing down reminders or forgetfulness with the amount of times it happened. And always around the same time and periods. No, Sans isn’t really keeping track of your disappearances like one does their menstrual cycle or in his own case; heat cycle. Not on purpose at least. Come on, the man managed to figure out what RESETS are and got a hunch that alternative dimensions are a thing just by finding a pattern in his dreams and the actions/reactions Frisk makes that shouldn’t have been possible if it was their first time. He has a tendency and likes to find patterns and connect them.
Anyways. Sans’ been getting curious why and where you keep disappearing to, so he decided to follow you. Only to end up very startled with what he discovered.
You had a lot to explain. Better get prepared for a lot of questions. You do look very adorable in your goat form though,Sans has to admit.
Papyrus: This happened when monsters had surfaced for just a year and a half and the two of you were still at the start of your relationship. The two of you were having a sweet picnic together when you excused yourself with a worried expression. Saying something about ‘human things’ before quickly moving through the bushes away from the picnic blanket. Papyrus didn’t mind it, maybe you needed to powder your nose or something. It was a thing many humans did apparently. Although Papyrus didn’t really get why humans sometimes needed to cover their noses in powder. But he did have a few theories as to why! Like maybe their noses got wet like dogs and the powder was supposed to keep them dry.
Either way, Papyrus let you do your ‘human thing’ and patiently waited for your return. He waited, and waited, and…waited…
Wowie! He’s been waiting for a long while now, that ‘human thing’ must take a lot of time!
Papyrus decided to find out what was taking so long and followed where you went off to. He didn’t have to look very far, you were already slowly transforming back into a human, so you were making your way back. You hadn’t expected to run into Papyrus as you slowly went back. Your goat face and horns were already gone, but your body was covered in goat fur.
“WOWIE! I DIDN’T KNOW HUMANS GREW SO MUCH HAIR IN SUCH A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.” You heard Papyrus’s loud boisterous voice call out, making you startle and jump in the air with a bleat. How embarrassing.
Papyrus looked at you with such sweet innocent sockets, believing he had just stumbled upon a very secret human thing that no text book talked about. You made sure Papyrus understood that no, this wasn’t a secret ‘human thing’ but a weird hybrid thing that you yourself didn’t completely understand yourself. Papyrus is very fascinated by this mutation or whatever it is that makes you sometimes change into a humanoid goat. He helps you keep it a secret, he’s very good at that despite what many may think. There’s many things he knows people think he has no clue of. But that’s a story for another time.
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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magic-hcs · 8 months
Hi Hi! Can I request an angst scenario with the guys from AT, Razzle and Charon where after rejecting reader (fem) thousands of times they see her fall in love and start a relationship with their brothers? Today I feel like a little anguish sorry. Thanks <3 (If you are going to create your anon list Can i be 💟 anon?)
There’s nothing wrong with feeling a little anguish 💟 anon! And of course you can be 💟 anon!
Thank you for being so patient with me on me making this ask. I’m getting back into writing asks again so I hope you all can expect your asks you all send ages ago to be done sooner rather than later!
Raven: AT Sans
Crest: AT Papyrus
Razzle: SF Sans
Charon: UF Papyrus
Time to cast some magic and see what we’ll get!✨
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Raven: Raven likes you as a friend, nothing more and nothing less, so he is glad that you stopped bothering him with your constant confessions. He had started to avoid you because of it. But then one day you stopped, and he felt relieved that you had become bored with him constantly rejecting you. Only to become surprised to find out you’re dating his brother now.
Raven definitely pulled Crest to the side to ask if you pressured him into dating you or not. And also to ask if you pestered Crest just as much as you had done to him, and to ask a few more questions. If it’s a no to both of those two questions and a positive answer to all of the other questions Raven will gladly let you date his brother. There will be some tension between you and him however. He just wants to make sure you won’t pressure or pester his brother like you did to him. Crest, being the awesome guy that he is, deserves only the best after all.
Crest: Crest feels very flattered by your heartfelt confession, human! But sadly he got to reject your affections. He just doesn’t feel the same way. Friendship is just as good if not better than relationships of the romantic kind, no?
That’s how Crest reacted the first time you confessed to him. By the second time he is less enthusiastic and tells you that he doesn’t feel the same and rather preserve the friendship you two share. Thinking that the first time he rejected you he hadn’t made his intentions clear enough or something.
By the third time, Crest is getting a bit exasperated. He gets it, he’s a very charming guy and you like him that way. He appreciates the sentiment, but Crest really isn’t interested in you that way, and you persisting even after he told you no really isn’t doing you any favors.
By the fourth and fifth time he looks down right annoyed. Crest can tell whenever you’re about to confess to him and stops you right in your tracks with a curt “NO.” If you try to continue your confession as if he hadn’t just cut you off, Crest will just ignore you and leave the conversation entirely.
Of course Crest tells his brother of these unwanted confessions by you. And Raven is quite put off by the notion. He advises Crest to just cut you out his life because he can clearly see that you are draining his younger brother mentally.
There’s no way that you’ll get together with Raven. Not after he knows about your repeated confessions to his brother.
Razzle: Razzle at first, felt honored that you had affection for him, and applauded your guts for confessing to him. However he politely declined it since he didn’t share the same affection and it would be rude to lead you on. However, you didn’t seem to take a no for an answer and kept on confessing, hoping that one time his answer would be different. But it wouldn’t change, only the way he rejected you changed. And it gets more rude - annoyance, an obvious tone in his voice - every time you confess to him again. He pretty much lost all care he had for you, and the reason why is quite simple.
Razzle doesn’t have respect for people who can’t take a no for an answer and persistently keep doing it anyways.
And then, one day, you stopped trying to confess your feelings to him. Razzle felt a cautious hope well up inside of him. Expecting that any time now you would go back to your annoying persistent self. But you didn’t, and Razzle felt relieved. At least, until he found out you had decided to pursue one of his brothers. That short lived relief he had felt had promptly been thrown out the nearest window.
Depending on who you decide to pursue, Razzle will behave as follows:
Coal can handle himself, Razzle knows that. Coal has shed his stripes so long ago, yet Razzle can’t help but fuss over him like he’d always done. It is with a heavy soul as he restrains himself from intervening at any moment notice whenever you interact even somewhat flirty with his youngest brother. Coal is a kind monster, he treats you nicely. The first few times you flirted with him he flustered and stumbled over himself in surprise, cheekbones flushing a golden yellow. However, he requests you don’t do that again.
If it’s Mastiff, he isn’t all that worried about him. Mastiff doesn’t care to play nice to those who irritate him. He will shut you down fast, and if you try it a second time he will bare his teeth and growl with a fierce glare. Telling you to get lost.
Oh yeah, both Mastiff and Coal know about how you kept confessing to their older brother. These boys are a tight knit family, if you tried to get with one of them and it didn’t work out, or didn’t happen; you won’t be able to get with a different brother.
Charon: Charon will shut you down quickly. He hasn’t gone to therapy and became a therapist himself to let your persistence and refusal to take no as an answer drain him negatively. To Charon, boundaries are sacred. And with your refusal to respect them, he will cut you out of his life. There is the door, don’t let it kick you on the way out. Charon is very firm in this, you can’t convince him otherwise.
Something that hasn’t been discussed about often with Red, and that fact is that Red got a bad side too where he can be a huge dick and a half. What has that to do with this you wonder? Maybe the fact that Red-when he catches wind that you’ve been bothering his younger brother like that-will accept to date you just to mess with you. Not that he’ll seek you out or anything to put his scheme in motion. Charon is an adult after all, but since you went after him next with the intention to date, why, it’s an opportunity too good to pass up. He’ll accept dates but ends up not showing up, or he shows up but dips at the end so you’ll be forced to pay. Red will make inappropriate jokes that you won’t like. Probably will sleep around while in relationship with you and leave evidence of said affairs around for you to find. And a lot more to annoy, hurt you emotionally and to mess with you.
Red’s not kind to those he doesn’t like. Especially to those who bother his brother like that. And be warned, Red holds grudges for a long ass time.
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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magic-hcs · 2 years
New boys!! owo
Can I have some cuddle headcanons with the HF and Birdtale bros pretty please?
But of course you can! I’m always to put any of my boys in the spotlight! I’m happy to hear you’re interested in my Aviantale boys.
Rust: HF Sans
Thatch: HF Papyrus
Raven: AT Sans
Crest: AT Papyrus
Time to cast some magic and see what we’ll get!✨
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Rust: This boy wants cuddles 24/7. Cuddle time is very important to Rust. He’s so touch starved any touch you give him he’ll treasure it with all his soul. He loves to lay his skull in your lap, letting you stroke his skull. Though, please be careful around the burst at his left eyesocket - what remains of it anyways - it’s very sensitive.
Rust is a puddle when you hold his skull so delicately in your hands, as if he’s the most precious piece of China you’ve ever laid your eyes on. Please pepper his face in kisses. His soul will sing out to you for days!
If Rust initiates cuddles, he’s going to pick you up. Cradling you to his chest, he can’t stop nuzzling you for five minutes. He's just so in love and happy that you care for him. That you love him just as much as he loves you. Once he has you in his hold you’ll have to stay for hours on end, or come up with a very good excuse.
Once Rust is on cloud nine with all the love and attention you’re giving him, he’ll start to mumble and babble about anything and nothing. Most times it’s incomprehensible, but the general gist of it is that he’s spouting stuff about how much he loves you, and coo at how adorable and soft you are. (listen, it doesn’t matter what you look like; buff, tiny, big, scarred, thick, thin, etc you are adorable and soft to him, always, there’s no ifs or buts about it)
Thatch: He won’t ever tell you but he loves it when you sit on his lap - with a cushion of course - playing with both his prosthetic hand and bunted claw so very gently. Touching the forgein material with curiosity, moving the fake phalanges with fascination. It touches his soul, for it shows you aren’t afraid of him, and his so very different body parts.
Thatch loves draping his body a bit over you as you sit in his lap. Covering you from the world, he wants to keep these moments for his eyelights only.
Love and warmth will cover his entire being whenever you crawl in bed or on the couch with him, hugging his side, or snuggling up to his front. Thatch wants time to freeze and stay with you like this forever.
Once Thatch is 100% sure you don’t mind his weird, sharp, hands and freakishly long legs, he’ll let his phalanges touch all over your body. Awe overtakes him at the revelation that his hands can do more than kill and maim: Being able to gently trail distal phalanges along your skin, forming random patterns and elicit all kinds of delightful reactions from you, without hurting or instilling fear or anxiety in your being.
He’ll move to tangle his legs with yours, holding you impossibly close to himself. It’s definitely a safe feeling for you to be covered by this giant, but what you don’t know is that Thatch feels the same. Having you so close, sharing your body warmth, hearing your heartbeat gently pulse inside your chest or feeling your body rise and fall with every relaxed breath you take, gives him the feeling of safety and tranquility. It’s as if the world can’t harm him no more whenever he’s inside this bubble of comfort and love with you.
You may not realize it. But you got Thatch wrapped multiple times around your fingers.
Raven: Listen, Raven is a very affectionate and touchy boy. He always wants to be touching at least some part of you. Walking together? He wants to hold your hand. Sitting together! He wants to lay on your stomach or lean against your side. You’re just standing around or working? (If you don’t mind all too much) He’s draping himself over you.
Absolutely loves to be cocooned in a blanket with you. Will give you lots of nuzzles. Listen, he just loves you so much, he doesn’t know how else to show it and he needs to do something otherwise he’s gonna implode.
Trail your fingers through his winged arms when you hug him from behind, just do it, he’ll melt. You’ll have him wrapped around your fingers multiple times faster than you can say ‘birdboy’. There may or may not be hearts in his sockets.
Whenever you’re sad, Raven is overcome with the urge to protect you from the outside world. Tugging you into his chest as he lets his winged arms cover you, shielding you from everything. Engulfing you in a blanket of warmth, comfort and safety. He’ll trill and coo soothingly to you, nuzzling the side of your head as he rubs your back. Raven may not always be the best at comfort and reassurance with words, but he’s there for you to listen and to cocoon you in a feathery bubble of love, protection and comfort.
Crest: Crest loves it when you sit in his lap. It makes him trill with love as he goes to tug you against his chest, nuzzling the crook of your neck.
Cuddles while stargazing or just horizon gazing in the tree is one of Crest’s favorite things! Being nestled in a tree was already something Crest loved doing, but being nestled in a tree, cuddling you takes the cake by a long shot. And if you play with his feathers or claws while being in this position you will find that Crest has ascended to heaven. Please don’t wake him up ever if this is a dream.
Sometimes Crest’s mischievous side comes to take a peek, and when it does there’s a high chance that you will be tackle-hugged and promptly taken into the sky. The first few times he did this was an experience to say the least. And lemme tell you why: Crest’s tackle hugs aren’t at all what you would expect, for one; Crest doesn’t run towards you, he soars towards you mid-flight. And right before his body collides into you, he spreads his legs forward - much like the position a predator bird takes when it’s about to scoop its prey in its claws. Only Crest won’t scoop you up like that, instead he’ll wrap his legs around your torso, clawed feet clenching firmly over the fabric of your clothes (little tears are possible if he isn’t wearing his special feet gloves that prevents his clawed feet from accidentally hurting someone) as he presses you against himself while continuing to fly. The impact doesn’t really hurt, but it can render you breathless for a little while. He may or may not twirl with you caged between his legs, that adorable infectious “Kyeekeekeeh” laugh of his filling the air.
Crest often carries Raven around when he finds him sleeping somewhere where he shouldn’t, so if you’re sleepy, Crest will insist offer to carry you - weight doesn’t really matter, Crest is stronger then he seems, plus he could use some magic to make you weightless if you’re really concerned.
To put it simply, Crest is an amazing cuddle/hug buddy.
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction!
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magic-hcs · 1 year
I saw you were doing match-ups, and I really like your blog (and your version of the boys) so I thought it'd be interesting to see who you think I'd get along with best. Hope I included everything.
The Basics:
Height: 5"8
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Demisexual
Soul Trait: Kindness
Personality Type: Introvert
Love Languages: (Giving) Gifts. (Receiving) Words of Affirmation (and/or) Quality Time
I like reading, video games, watching animated movies, and every once in awhile I'll doodle. I adore animals of all types, so I need someone who is willing to at least tolerate pets. (Bonus if they enjoy them as much as me). This extends to the typical cats/dogs, to "exotic" animals like reptiles.
The horror genre... just in general. (So no scary movies for me). And spiders...
And... I guess it's not a dislike, but I'm also a picky eater. The thought of trying something, not liking it, and wasting it is frustrating to me. So I don't bother getting something new when I could just stick with something I already know I like. (Complex tastes/textures gross me out in a way).
I'm also child-free. Kids just aren't something I want in life.
I've got some social anxiety, so I'm easily flustered and have difficulty speaking to strangers. But once I know you I can be talkative... especially if you have the same interests as me, (it can just take awhile to get there). But even if I haven't known you for very long, if I consider you to be a friend of mine, I genuinely care about you. If I know that there is something that lights up your world, I will ask questions about it and just listen, because it makes you happy. If you tell me you like something, I will write it down so I remember it later. I'm always willing to help out a friend if they ask me, and I'm loyal to a fault. Probably to sensitive/emotional for my own good, and I internalize things. To deal with this I just kinda... breath sarcasm. At least half of the stuff that I do will probably be said or done in an overly sarcastic way. You'll also catch me talking to myself a lot. No reason why. I guess it helps me sort out my thoughts... either that or I'm daydreaming and talking/acting it out.
People who don't take care of there things. Like, if you ask to borrow something, I expect you to return it in the same condition. But why wouldn't you do the same thing with your own stuff? Don't you want it to last?
People who shoot down others for enjoying something. It doesn't matter if I'm interested in the thing personally or not, if it makes someone happy I will listen to them talk about it. So it bugs me to see people tear someone else down when they just want to enjoy something.
I already struggle with talking to people normally, so don't cut me off or talk over me. It's frustrating and just makes me not want to talk to anyone.
People who ask for my opinion on something, and then blatantly ignore it. Why did you ask if you didn't want to know?
I don't mind messy people, but I prefer to keep my personal space clean and organized... so just repect that please. Don't go mess it up for no reason.
I just want someone I can be best friends with. But like... we cuddle as a bonus. Someone I can hang out and have fun with. We enjoy each other's company, and do romantic stuff on the side.
I think that's it? Idk, have fun! Thanks in advance!!!
Thank you for your matchup! Also it brings me great joy that you enjoy my blog and my boys, it fills me with warmth!
I didn’t know if you wanted poly or multiple so I went with one to be safe.
I hope you like it!
You match really well with Raven!
(AT Sans) Raven:
Lucky you! Raven really likes animals too - as long as they don’t munch on his flowers and plants - plus he’s partly a rivoli hummingbird.
While we are talking about Raven being part bird: Preening! Preening and touching each other’s wings is a very important and loving thing in the bird based side of the monster kind. It’s something family, friends and mates do for each other. Brush and touch his wings with your fingers softly, you’ll get a very sleepy birb on your hands. It’s the perfect time to ask him about his bird qualities while you’re preening him, because that way he can point out and show how it all works.
Expect him to look real smug while he wows you by lighting up the intricate patterns in his wings. Those glowing patterns are used to attract a mate, so you’ll be the only one who Raven will show this to.
He will return your preening by brushing your hair and braiding pretty flowers in it. Doesn’t matter if you have long or short hair, with his nimble and long phalanges he can do magic.
You’re taller than Raven (since he’s 147cm/4.9 feet) and he’s quite light with many of his hollow bones around the wing area so you have one great portable boyfriend! Just pick him up or carry him, he loves it. He gets flustered the first few times you do it.
Raven doesn’t mind that you’re sensitive and emotional, he himself is quite sensitive - he often tears up when watching a movie even if he sometimes halfheartedly tries to deny it. He does like your sarcastic quips and reactions, though sometimes when it isn’t very evident, he can get confused, wondering if what you just said was serious or sarcasm. So expect a questioning head tilt every now and again.
He gets so goddamn happy when you’re genuinely interested about his love for exploring. But watch out, if you’re too curious about it he’ll one day take you with him while he flies around to explore. Don’t worry Raven is quite strong, and if you’re still worried he can use magic to help out. The only thing you’ll have to be concerned about is how fast and agile he is in the air. You’ll have to shout at him to fly calmer and to not be so fast.
On the plus side, you’ll be able to see him do a sleepy belly flop after a whole day of flying.
Raven is a picky eater too, but he’s one of those guys that shares his food as one of his love languages. So be prepared to be offered pieces of his own food. Maybe this will be a great way to find new dishes you enjoy, or not. If you don’t want the offered food just say so.
Once you’re further along in your relationship and he trusts you a lot his tongue will flick out way more than usual which makes it more noticeable. His tongue is long and forked which will flick out when he’s near food, flowers or something delicious, he can’t control this when he’s not focused on it. So expect to get your cheek graced by a flickering tongue within a microsecond. Raven can’t help it! You’re his mate and you smell delicious! He’s very embarrassed and insecure about it so please be gentle with him around that topic.
Raven likes your voice, it’s very relaxing to listen to so you’ll never hear him complain if you start talking to yourself out loud. He will go quiet and listen attentively while you talk about things you enjoy. He loves to spend time with you, it doesn’t have to be something together, he just likes being in your presence. He’s not that good at video games, he ends up spam tapping/clicking every button. But he enjoys watching you though.
Raven treasures the gifts you give him dearly, he coos and thrills whenever you give him something, followed by a loving appreciative nuzzle. He got his nest and room filled with the gifts you’ve given him. Raven in return will make you flower crowns and flower wreaths with flowers that have special meanings that translate how much he adores you, and encouraging messages.
This simp will leave you little post it notes with sweet words of encouragement when he has to leave for something.
I hope you like it!
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magic-hcs · 2 years
✨✨Aviantale Sans x Reader✨✨
Title: Lovebird
Pairing: (Aviantale Sans) Raven/Reader
Important information: Second prompt of the bingo writing event called Sansgust, hosted by @msmkcreates, LeftBlind and @con-cognito , the prompt is “love at first sight”, fluff, light angst, mentions of past death, mentions of resets, pining
Words: 6374
Summary: If anyone were to tell Raven that the Underground would open up, gracing the entire monster population with rays of warm light and waves of fresh air, which they’ve been denied for as long as anyone can remember, Raven would’ve scoffed, glaring at whoever uttered such nonsense and told them to keep dreaming before stalking off.
But then someone actually said it. And it was none other than the human in stripes Frisk. who went through through the underground like a monster on a mission. What mission? Well, to free monsterkind of course. Raven didn't believe they could do it, until one day the mountain had split apart.
And now that same kid is telling Raven that he'll find someone special very soon. Who is he to doubt Frisk? Their determination could make a dream like going to the surface come true, who knows what more they can achieve? Fate works in mysterious ways…Frisk proved him that.
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magic-hcs · 1 year
can I just say u love your blog so so much and it makes me go YAYAYAYAYAYAYA6A6A everytime I see it?
well anywho, I would like a matchup :>
i am a fairly tall 6'6 male who is slightly chubby,I have very fluffy blonde hair and I wear glasses. i tend to wrar either trenchcoats or hoodiea most of the time with a few basic accessories like chokers, and I'm asexual, I crave the closeness of relationships the most and the most valuable things to me are the small little things that people do for you. I can be best described as someone who is very kind and gives lots of people second chances, even if I think I don't deserve one myself most of the time. I enjoy making art and animations as well as just sitting down and listening to music for hours on end
It makes me very happy that you love my blog and get happy every time you see it! Makes me feel like I’m doing right with this little place. *happy wiggles*
Let’s do this!
Matchups are closed!
You match with Raven!
(AT Sans) Raven:
Now you might be thinking, ‘why this boyo?’ Well, let me explain. First things first, Raven is a sucker for mates that are taller than him (most are but still). Second, this boy is very affectionate to his lover. You’ll be getting lots of nuzzles, preening, cuddles, hand holding and more!
When you’re wearing a trenchcoat be prepared to share it because Raven loves it when the both of you are tucked in it.
Raven often makes flower crowns for you (or if you don’t like flower crowns, wreaths made of flowers) and brings back all kinds of stuff he finds while he’s out exploring.
He is one very curious boy, meaning he always wants to see what you’re doing. He loves what you create and gets excited whenever you finish a drawing or an animation.
Raven doesn’t listen to music often, but he has come to really appreciate the music you play throughout the day. It somehow slows his mind down a bit, making it a bit less hectic.
You two balance each other out quite well. Raven can be a bit snarky and holds grudges. So you show him other perspectives and be a bit more polite. He does the same for you, showing that you don’t always have to give people endless second chances.
Raven loves your soft hair, to him it’s addicting to touch. He just can’t help but nuzzle his face into your hair. It’s soft, it’s you, it’s perfect.
Hope you enjoyed.
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magic-hcs · 2 years
✨✨Aviantale Masterlist✨✨
List for all the Aviantale content that I made both oneshots, lore and more!
- Aviantale introduction
- the two skeleton brothers: Raven and Crest
- Lovebird, Raven (Aviantale Sans) x reader, event fic, AO3
- Do the Aviantale boys purr or make other sounds?
- Is there something that you can do that is very disrespectful and inappropriate towards the Aviantale monsters?
- Raven getting his sensitive tongue pinched
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ant1quarian · 3 months
What if you made a plushie version of the avian boys and gifted it to them as a courting gift after you figured out they were trying to court you? (ft, Sans, Red, Axe, Dust, Killer, Nightmare & Error)
Sans would be super flustered, and super appreciative. He'd keep the plushie in his nest all cozy-like and show you it excitedly whenever you turn up to visit him.
Red secretly loves it. He eyes it with faint amusement and he's really happy that you want to court him as well, but he's not going to be like Sans when it comes to it. You don't think he likes it until you end up in his nest one day and your plushie is sitting there in prime condition.
Axe loves the plush- and loves to get you to smother it in your scent so he can snuggle with it at night. Sometimes he hands it back for a day so that you can snuggle with it while he has his scent on it.
Dust probably stares at his look alike before simply nodding. He definitely likes it, though. Keeps it in his nest in the corner that's the least likely to get wet.
Killer actively shows you how much he loves it, keeping it with him almost always. He likes to pull it out and show you it with a happy grin. It's not necessarily in a very good condition, but it's definitely well-loved.
Nightmare gives you a forehead smooch as thanks. He loves it, and he'll often start staring at it silently with a happy expression on his face. It's common for him to snuggle up with it or sit it in his fluff.
Error absolutely adores it and will make you one in return. 'Cause then at night it's kind of like cuddling each other from afar and he really likes that thought. You'll see him happily grinning whenever he plays around with his plush.
Hehe, plushies. Gotta love 'em
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ant1quarian · 3 months
Yn being the crazy wild person with no care
Nightmare pointing at her in disbelief looking at killer; "Her?!, you want that one!?"
Killer nods
Nightmare rethinking his life choices knowing his peace is at stake "No"
Killer and Yn already holding hands with grins in front of him
Nightmare; NOOOOOOO!!!!!
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It's already too late, Nightmare.
They're already in your walls-
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ant1quarian · 3 months
Hyper killer jumping around in the background.
Nightmare seems done and Reader is concerned
Reader; "W-why is he like this?"
Nightmare looks at reader
Nightmare; "He drank that liquid that keeps you energized, I think it is still the one you have that unhealthy obsession with."
Reader thinking; 'no wonder all my coffee is gone now.'
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( Reader is Gender Neutral in this )
Mmm, gotta love gigantic height differences.
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ant1quarian · 3 months
Could you do Avian Dust, Killer, and Horror when they accidentally hurt their mate?
Dust immediately recoils as soon as he realises he's hurt you. He'll probably disassociate for a long time- so please whisper assurances in his ear and tuck him up in a blanket as he numbly follows your directions because it'll take a long time before he's okay with himself again.
Killer's grin immediately becomes strained, his SOUL twitches, and he carefully removes his hands from you before stepping away. He's obviously very not happy with himself, judging by the way he completely avoids your entire body with his gaze. Take his hands in yours or pull him in for a gentle smooch and he'll probably calm down. Expect him to be actively doing more things for you for the next week.
Axe immediately takes his claws away to study your injury with clear concern in his socket. He immediately vanishes in order to get you supplies to cover it up and help you to heal- he feels like he owes you that much. He's incredibly guilty and apologetic and will proceed to do a crap ton of stuff for you in order to make up for it. (Please stop him from doing too much, it'll be very detrimental for his health otherwise)
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ant1quarian · 2 months
A Rogue Avian Sans x Wind/Sky God Reader
Like. I'm imagining whichever Avian Sans this is sitting on a really high rocky outcrop, wings fluffed and flicking as they stare up into the clouds. The wind everywhere else is absolutely roaring as it whips through the valley beneath, tugging at the branches of trees and tossing things around, but where he is, it's still. Just a gentle flutter brushing his feathers back into place. A gentle pressure on his cheek that makes it feel as if you're holding it.
Always having ideal conditions for flight because this mortal has caught your attention and you favor him greatly.
The Rogue getting his wings shredded, no longer capable of flight, staring up through the forest trees with a pained, wanting expression because if he got high enough when he was flying, he'd actually be able to see you.
Creating a cabin high in the mountains, filled with the SOUL-wrenching knowledge that never again will he be able to get high enough altitude to see you again. But comforted by the fact that you still see him, and are still present in the gentle winds.
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ant1quarian · 3 months
CC!Avian Cross
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Cross' and Epic's Anon, it's the Cyborg version of one of your guys :D
Cross is labelled an Ambush Hunter and almost Fully Solitary, taking on challenges by himself. His wings, though not seen in the drawing, are dotted with stars.
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