#background midam
nalivaa · 1 month
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just checking up on my little guys. they're okay <3
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fahclove · 2 years
Problems by Mother Mother // Midam Edit
Watch on YouTube here
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adammilligan · 2 years
michael and adam should’ve gotten out in s14. i’m sorry but the hilarity of having two michaels running around at the same time with one being an unhinged genocidal maniac and the other one being pretty normal all things considered would’ve been IT. and best of all while everyone else is running around and freaking out like oh god oh god there’s two of them oh god we’re so fucking screwed there would be adam in the middle like hm. two of them you say?
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mainenorth · 2 years
sometimes i have the urge to write an entire 50k supernatural fanfic. other times i want to collab with someone on a 50k supernatural fanfic. what im saying is anyone wanna write a 50k supernatural fanfic where we both actively do nothing.
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ramseynatural · 2 years
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Tfw u meet ur doppelgänger on a doomed expedition but he’s actually kinda cute 👀 for @midamdotlivejournaldotcom’s polar expedition au :3
Aaand samifer under the cut (tw blood)
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I decided to draw Michael from @quicksilver-castiel 's fic Twice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd!
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shipping-all-ships · 2 years
Back to that God!Adam AU
Adam is like. An amazing mystery to the heavenly host. Because Father- sorry, Chuck, Adam is Father now- never interacted with any of the lesser angels and rarely with the archangels.
And yet here new Father is, walking around with Michael trailing not to far behind, smiling and introducing himself like he needs to and shaking hands and putting faces to names. It’s baffling to have someone who controls the universe interact with such tiny specs on the radar but it’s also so exhilarating. And new Father remembers their names so when they pass each other in heaven, he greets them by name!
Adam spends so many days with angels crowding him, wanting to bask in Father’s light and warmth, and Michael gets pouty about it because that’s HIS husband, back off. (it doesn’t matter that he’s Father now he was Michael’s husband first so SHUT UP LUCIFER)
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weak-elbowed-wasp · 2 years
A revelation of unity
More Midam soulmate au but this time Michael knows what God did, they’re in the cage and also there’s a lot more interaction between Adam and Michael. 
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klayr-de-gall · 11 months
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What We Deserve
by butterflyslinky
Pairing: Midam
Tags: Adam Milligan, Michael (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Major Character Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Wing Kink, Post-Episode: s15e19 Inherit the Earth (Supernatural), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Implied/Background Dean/Castiel, Wing Grooming
Adam wakes up in a meadow, with Michael next to him, badly injured and with his wings present. He turns to his brothers for shelter to care for his angel.
[read on Ao3]
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@butterflyslinky and mine entry for the SPN Angel Bang, by @spnangelbang
I had an amazing blast working together again, and I just love Midam so much! Couldn't resist claiming that story! it's funny how the banner is absolutely angsty, while the actual work is so SOFT. Thank you so much for writing such a lovely story and being my partner in crime again!
Also, thank you so much to the organizers and mods of the event! it was a blast! 💙
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quicksilver-castiel · 5 months
The Devil's Triangle
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Rating: Explicit
Word count: 12,375
Pairing: Lucifer/Dean Winchester/Nick (established Nickifer integrating Dean), Background Saileen, Background Midam
Art by: @keziahrainalso
Read on AO3
Story summary:
After everything, when all is said and done, God beaten and all that good stuff, Dean figured that life would go on as he knew it, just with a few fewer ends of the world.
As it turns out, he instead gets a bunch of changes, including Sam moving out of and Lucifer and Nick moving into the bunker. That last one is temporary, of course, lasting only until they can trust that the archangel and her vessel aren't going to cause one of the aforementioned ends of the world again.
At least Dean hopes that it's temporary - that is, until he doesn't anymore.
This was written for the @spnproshipbang
It ended up being mostly an excuse to write smut. XD (Though then again, since when do I need an excuse.) It was also very fun to write a (for me - though also, it seems, for A03) new ship.
Thank you so much to @keziahrainalso for the wonderful art! Look at them. 🥺 And be sure to check out her other stuff, there's so much good stuff!
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nalivaa · 2 years
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Day 4: September 28
Prompt: FALLING (n.) – an act or instance of falling or dropping from a higher to a lower place or position. that which falls or drops. 
a bit late but i did it!! kind of last minute but better than nothing!!
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Unless it's a scene you've already planned out for plot reasons, a Sins of the Father prompt being the first time Adam falls asleep, and then actually wakes up in the real world with Michael there to greet him. :)
Thanks for the prompt, @just-prime! There is a scene in the fic, but I have it paraphrased, not fleshed out in my master outline. So, here is a drabble for you to enjoy!
If anyone has a prompt, my inbox is currently open for prompts! (See: Prompt drive post).
Background: Midam have been out of Hell for five days, continuously awake for plot reasons. They've taken refuge on a mountain, again for plot reasons. In this scene, Michael appears as an apparition.
. With his head pillowed across Michael's lap, Adam shifted. "Is it getting darker now, or are my eyes still acting screwy?" Adam wondered quietly.
"It is getting darker," Michael confirmed.
Adam squinted, peering at the fast-darkening skyline. "Okay. Yeah, okay," he finally agreed.
Gently, Michael stroked his human's head.
"I guess that means it'll be nighttime here soon."
"It's surreal to actually see it," Adam commented.
Adam moved his long legs across the ground until finding a more comfortable reclining configuration. He settled. Michael continued stroking his human's head. Together, they bore witness as the dwindling twilight submerged beneath the black inkiness of night.
It was peaceful. As well, it was surreal.
"Hey, is it okay to sleep, do you think?" Adam broke the stillness.
Well did Michael know his human. The five days prior had been overwhelming. Adam was emotionally wrought, and it was time for his mind to rest. After all, sleep was one of Adam's creature comforts, things that made him feel good emotionally.
Michael leaned forward to press a soft kiss on Adam's forehead. "Sleep, Beloved," the Archangel directed.
"I will protect you."
Adam's voice was warmly fond. "You always do."
The night passed uneventfully. The mountain was quiet. Adam slept peacefully, watched by the stars overhead and the Archangel beside him.
When the first light of dawn crept across the landscape, Adam slowly drifted to waking.
Eyelids fluttered open revealing liquid blue eyes. It was with a nervous apprehension that those eyes regarded the landscape, taking in the surroundings with a confounded, almost disbelieving stare.
This would not do.
"Good morning, Beloved." Michael interrupted Adam's introspection.
Blue eyes turned to searchingly regard the Archangel.
Firmly did Michael return the gaze.
"No, this is not a dream." The Archangel's voice was filled with unequivocal conviction. "Indeed, we are freed."
Adam smiled.
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adammilligan · 2 years
no matter how sweet michael is to adam he’s just not the type to like. summon him a bouquet of flowers or something. he probably thinks it’s silly and adam probably thinks it’s cheesy so it just wouldn’t be a thing that happens. however i think adam would be taking a class in college and researching extinct plants for one reason for another and he’d find one that seems interesting and be like huh that seems cool. i wonder what it looked like when it actually existed? and michael’s like say no more king and all of a sudden that particular plant is blooming all over the earth. just so adam can look at it <3
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
Lucifer Kate Milligan
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: N/A Fandom: Supernatural Ship: Gen with background Midam Additional Tags: Major Original Character(s), Post-Canon, Children of Characters, Identity Issues, Names, POV Second Person, Father-Daughter Relationship, Growing Up, Angst Wordcount: 1121 Summary:
Your name is Lucifer Kate Milligan, and your father will not tell you why.
Your name is Lucifer Kate Milligan, and your father will not tell you why.
You are a baby first, and all this name is, is a collection of sounds that mean you will get tickled or fed. It doesn’t bother you that you don’t know where the sounds came from. You are more concerned with chewing on your dad’s shirt collar or how your father spins you around the kitchen in his arms.
You are a child next, and at school, you are called Kate. It’s on your desk, and your bookbag cubby, and your lunchbox. It begins to bother you that at home you are one name and at school you are another. You tell your friends your father calls you Lucifer, and they snicker. Some of them stop being your friends. Some of them are nicer, call you Lucy.
Your father doesn’t let your friend take you to church, even though you could dress up pretty like them in one of your poofy dresses that he seems to pluck from thin air. Your dad takes him aside, whispers softly, and you leave the room when you see your father’s face turn to stone even as he starts to cry. You leave them embracing. Lucifer Kate Milligan, you tell yourself, you made your father cry. You don’t ask to go to church again.
You curl up in your bed and hide under the covers shaking, not sure what you’re feeling. It’s too big for your body. It’s too old for your soul. In the morning, there are cracks in your bedroom ceiling, along the windows. Your father wakes you up. He looks at the damage done, then at you, and he presses a kiss to your forehead. Something calms inside you. You think you hear him whisper, “Be my little angel for a few more years, please.” You nod and bury yourself in a hug.
He’s invincible because he’s your father. You believe this. There are no cracks in your room when you raise your head again.
You are a teenager, finally. You are Kate, you tell your father, you are only Kate because that’s the name your friends call you. You get into a fight with him for the first time. He doesn’t call you Kate once. He never has.
Kate Milligan, you made your father cry again. It won’t be the last time. You turn the name he chose for you over and over in your head.
Your friend smokes pot under the bleachers and makes out with you sometimes instead of going to class. You tell her your full name, guilty about it in a way you never felt when you were telling kids about it over basketball when you were nine. She stares at you. You stare back because the color of her eyes always entrances you when you’re high. You wish your eyes were as brown as hers, but you’ve got your dad’s blond hair and blue eyes so bright they scare you when you see them in your mirror at night, like there is something wrong with you, like there is a lighthouse spinning inside your skull that flares enough to blind you when you look at yourself too long.
(Your father’s eyes are suns when he gets upset. You never thought it was strange. You don’t meet other people’s parents very often.)
“Lucifer,” she says, “are you joking? Lucifer? ” You nod. She pulls out her phone. You have one, but it’s old like your dad’s. He says he never got used to time moving forward again. You think he’s funny, but you’re too old to tell him that anymore. Your friend opens up Google’s garden gates and leads you to webpage after webpage about Satan. You press against her shoulder as the phone’s brightness hurts your eyes. She whispers out forbidden knowledge until your gym teacher whistles at you.
You get suspended. Your dad drives you home. He’s not mad about the weed. He never gets mad about stuff your friends say their parents tear into them for. You only get in trouble if you don’t come in past curfew. You didn’t even get in trouble last year when you got into a fight and broke a kid’s arm. Your dad believed you when you said you barely touched him. (They had another of their meetings late at night when they thought you were sleeping, and now you’re wondering what all those words meant, why they echoed themselves around the shadow of your namesake.)
“Why am I named after the devil?” you ask.
“Kate?” he says like a man at the top of a cliff digging for a foothold. You know why you’re named Kate. You have pictures of your grandmother all through the house. Your dad talks about her often, sometimes like she’s still here, like he sees her to make new memories every once in a while.
“Lucifer.” You cross your arms.
He stops the car too hard. Your chest aches from the seatbelt digging into it.
“You’re named after your uncle,” he says. You don’t have an uncle.
“Why’s he named after the devil?” you ask about this ghost you’ve never heard of. You wonder if he got called by his middle name, too. The way all the websites put it, your name might as well be a curse. You’re not sure if you feel better that it’s a shared one, a family legacy.
Your dad is quiet for a long time.
“You should ask your father,” he finally says.
Your father never tells you anything. You learned this as a child. He will give you the world and all the precious treasures in it, but he will never answer your questions the way you want. You could ask him why the sky is blue. He would look upset and give you a toy horse to add to your collection.
Lucifer Milligan, who are you? You stare into the mirror. You have your dad’s face but your father’s nose. You think you love your best friend. You think there’s something wrong with you.
You put your finger on your nose. So does your reflection.
They love you. They’re protecting you.
Your father wants what’s best for you. You’re his little angel.
You drop your hand. Your reflection does as well, but it moves slower than it should. Your heart skips a beat.
For a moment, there’s a boy dressed in white. He’s a lot like you. You have the same eyes. You’re both too bright.
He looks sad. He looks like he wants to tell you something. He opens his mouth.
You blink, and there’s no boy. There’s just you. Lucifer Kate Milligan.
You’re scared of who you might be.
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spookyblazecoffee · 11 days
Listening to my Midam playlist while trying to write a Midam coffee shop AU with probable background Sabriel and Destiel>>
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Freeze frame on Adam and Michael falling into the pit in Stull Cemetery as “Once in a Lifetime” plays in the background
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