bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO Baekhyun: Cry for Love Part 2
Just here to give a warning on the ending before you get started!! (ref to a/n in part 1!)
Part 1
Let’s go!!!
Characters: Baek x you
Baekhyun finds himself falling for you, but feels he cannot be so selfish to put the burdens of dating an idol upon you. In an attempt to control his feelings, he tries to stay away from you
That night they got to go home early. Reaching home close to 11, Baekhyun decided there was time for some computer games before sleeping.
After taking a shower, he quickly turned on his desktop, setting all his gaming gears ready. Realising his phone wasn’t with him, he went out to the living room to search for it.
‘Ah, found you!’
As he was about to head to his room after picking his phone up from the sofa, he caught sight of your gift that was sitting on the coffee table. 
He can’t help but feel really conflicted, taking a long look at it.
After a good while, he forcefully shook off those feelings and went back in to get started on his game instead.
‘ARGH! what a bad form today’ he took off his headphones and threw it on the table. Ruffling through his hair, he was so frustrated at himself. No matter how he tried, he just couldn’t keep you out of his mind.
Not having the mood to play anymore, he switched off his computer and crashed into bed.
In an attempt to push you out of his mind, he busied himself with work every single day for the next few weeks. Every free time he had, he decided to fill it up with more practice, more work instead.
But he had worked so hard (just to forget you) that his immune system gave up on him. He was eventually excused from work so he doesn’t spread the virus to the members.
And the worst thing of it all? It gave him ample time to think about you.
He thought about the way you smile, the way you listened to him when he shared about anything, the way you looked, so attractively, when you made your coffees. Did you think about him? Did another oppa come by?
Sighing, he got up from bed and decided finally to open the gift you gave him from a month back.
The following day, he woke up feeling much better.  But for the whole morning, he felt this annoying nudging inside of him to go see you. No matter what he did, that feeling just wouldn’t budge.
Did y/n put a spell in the tea she gave me or something. 
He was almost going mad from thinking about you. 
Giving up , he told himself 
Just once, I’m going to drive by and look at how she’s doing. That’s all. Then when I see her being all the same, I’ll finally forget all about this, and convince myself I’m just another customer in her daily life.
The journey to your cafe seemed faster than usual today. His heart was beating so rapidly but he kept telling himself over and over 
just once, doesn’t mean anything
and my heart’s just beating fast because im not completely recovered. Yep, sick people get exhausted easily. 
When he had reached , he park his car where he could get a good view of you. 
He was tempted to get out of his car but his mind was in chaos.
they say coffee helps with headache. Maybe I should get one in case I get a headache at home later right?
Then again, his logical self told him
Ya, Byun Baekhyun stop making up lame reasons. Just stay here.
As he was being wishy washy with himself in the car, a customer had arrived at the cafe. Dashing his hopes of having a private time with you.
Perhaps it was fate that he should admire you from his car today instead.
After getting a satisfactory treatment for his love sick heart, he drove away feeling like a small boy being fed with ice cream.
After that visit, it only got harder and harder to stay away. He returned again and again.
But he wasn’t the only one. 
There too was another man who kept returning to your cafe, and today was the fifth time he had seen the man, which really annoyed him.
But what position was he to do anything?
I’m telling myself that I cannot have her as my girlfriend but on the other hand im getting irritated she might become someone else’s girlfriend?
He thought of a crude but relatable phrase he heard from somewhere:
I’m really just wanting to ‘hog the toilet bowl without pooping’
His train of thoughts came to an end as he arrived at the company. After getting his car parked , he went to the meeting room where they were supposed to gather.
When all the members had arrived, the staff who was in charge of the album preparation started running through the day’s agenda.
‘Okay guys, we will be doing an additional MV for one of the side tracks. It would be an autumn special MV.
Since it’s an autumn concept, we will be mainly be doing outdoor shoots. There’s only 1 indoor shoot which will be at a cafe. Anyone has any questions ? If not we will start briefing on the storyboard’
Baekhyun wasn’t able to focus on the meeting. What was he supposed to you when he’s so drawn to you but yet wasn’t sacrificial enough either to be okay with seeing you happy with another guy. In fact, it made him scared to lose you when he never had you in the first place.
Baekhyun ah, let her go. It’s good for you and her. Stop visiting her, it only breaks your heart and at the same time make you desire her more. It’s impossible between the both of you..
By the time he was a little more settled with himself, the meeting had already ended.
‘Okay, that’s all we have today. It’s Thursday today... Alright, We will start shooting on Monday since this is quite a spontaneous idea, we might be a bit back on time. We will start with the cafe shoot on Monday at 10am, only Baekhyun and kyungsoo is involved for this as the cafe is too small. We will update the rest on the schedule later.’ --
4 days passed and now he is standing in front of the cafe for his shoot. Reading the signboard ‘Wendy Cafe’.
For the dramatic effect, he even blinked his eyes again to make sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. What in the world was this sorcery called fate... It felt abit weird for him to be here for work when he was normally here for his romantic pursuit. It got him into a little of a panic and shock when they alighted from the van.  He wasn’t expecting to see you, since they normally made sure the set was cleared completely for set up before the members even arrive. Though his heart felt it would really be nice to see you, he also heaved a sigh of relief that he doesn’t have to think about what to say to you since you wouldn’t be here.
Entering the cafe, kyungsoo and baekhyun greeted everyone politely and got ready for the set with the help of their make up artists. 
‘Annyeonghasayo Baekhyun ssi, Kyungsoo ssi. I am the director for the MV, Lee Taemin’
Quickly getting up, they bowed politely and returned the greetings.
‘Could I just explain the set to the both you right now?
So basically in today’s set one of you would be a barista, and one would just be a customer….’
The director trailed on with the briefing,
But there was something bugging Baekhyun. Baekhyun could swear there was something really familiar about this man; like he had seen him somewhere before. But he just couldn’t recall exactly right now.
‘Ok, We will have kyungsoo ssi as the barista and Baekhyun ssi the latter. A real barista will be coming in later to help you out kyungsoo ssi, don’t worry’
Finishing his brief, the director turned to leave. Then it finally clicked in Baekhyun’s mind.
Oh gawd, he’s the guy that keeps visiting y/n
Thinking it through, it now absolutely make sense.
When he arrived, he was thinking how were they even able to find this cafe for use?
He thought to himself, surely you and Director Taemin must be really close if you were willing to let your shop to him for use. 
ah, but im sure y/n would let me use it too if i had asked.
He can’t help but feel a little salty instinctively. 
Suddenly across the room, the director exclaimed
‘Y/N you’re here!’
At the sound of Director Taemin calling your name, his heart skipped a beat and he immediately turned his head around to find you walking through the door. And was absolutely taken away
You were not in your pony tail or your white button down shirt with a black apron. You were not in the plain make up you normally put on either.
You came through the door wearing a mid length denim skirt and a white v neck with a green khaki coat that ended at the bottom of your skirt. Your long hair sat nicely at the front of your coat.
Though he had seen a fair share of cute, pretty and sexy girls in the entertainment industry, you somehow still took his breath away. 
As you moved across the room with Taemin, his eyes unconsciously followed where you went. Till when Kyungsoo shook him, was he finally able to tear his eyes away from you.
‘Baekhyun ah, I was talking to you , were you listening?’
‘Ye Ye, what did you say?’
They went on discussing about some of the other schedules they were to be having, until a familiar voice caused him to freeze.
‘Hello, I’m y/n, I’m the owner of this shop. I heard Kyungsoo ssi would be the barista actor? I’ll be the one teaching you later’
Kyungsoo looked up and greeted you politely while Baekhyun was still in a daze.
Seeing how he didn’t respond, you greeted him with a bright smile
‘Hello Baekhyun ssi’
Without waiting for Baekhyun to respond, you asked Kyungsoo to follow you to behind the kitchen now as there wasn’t much time to learn.
Watching you and kyungsoo walked away together, he mentally hit himself in the head. 
oh shucks she must think im a real jerk now. Making friends with her, then not coming here for months and the next time we meet i didn’t even greet her. 
Argh kyungsoo, give me my time with Y/N.
Though he was feeling a little lousy about the situation, he knew there was nothing he could do about it. He sat at corner table inside the shop while waiting for his scene set up to be completed.
Looking at you and kyungsoo, he had a monologue with himself 
though i really like her, i should probably let her go. the smile on her face, though i am confident i will be able to give it to her, but what if i bring more sadness than happiness?
The both of you having fun made him so jealous. He started imagining you with another guy, you with Taemin? He hated that feeling so much, but he had to accept this. He told himself, he must.
About 2 hours later , he was done with his shoot and all could break for lunch. Over lunch time, you and kyungsoo stuck together as time was tight. Kyungsoo couldnt practice using the coffee machine earlier when baekhyun was filming. 
Not once did you look over at him or even seem to think about talking with him. It was as if you guys were strangers.
Ah, great, this is how it should be like. She’s better than me at this. While i’m over here suffering about how to forget about her, she seem to be getting along just fine. She’s completely acting like she doesn’t know me.
Not being able to stand being around you anymore, he annoyed his manager hyung to drive him back to the SM building first. Coming up with some crap excuses that were questionable. But his manager hyung still sent him back since there was still time to spare before kyungsoo was done.
On his ride back, he set his resolve to let you go but he told himself 
no matter what, we were once friends that could count on each other. i don’t want to end up hurting her, and making her lose more hope in friendships. 
I’ll go back tonight to find her.
At about 5.30 pm, kyungsoo sent a text message in their group chat that the filming has ended. Receiving that intel, he got ready to head off to your café. The production crew would need at least another half an hour to pack up anyway. He had ample time to get there.
As perfect as he had planned, when he arrived, the café was already cleared of the production team, but the lights were still on. He knew you would still be cleaning up after everyone left.
Out of courtesy, he knocked on the glass door, causing you to jump in surprise instead. Smiling at him, you beckoned him in.
‘Why are you back here?’ You asked while sweeping the floor.
‘It’s been a long time, isn’t it nice to see each other again?’ He asked casually, but he could feel his palms sweating already
You looked up at him and smiled without replying as you continued cleaning up.
‘So how are you? I’m sorry I haven’t been here for really long, EXO’s comeback is coming soon we are really busy ….’
Before he could even complete his sentence, you cut him off
‘Yes I know. It’s all on twitter and I watch your group’s vlive too. I know you guys have a lot to prepare and are really busy. Don’t have to apologise’
Though he knew you truly meant what you say, it broke his heart a little. He wasn’t really sure what to say anymore. But he wanted to ask this since the start
‘Why did you rent your place to be an MV set? Did you know it was for EXO?’
‘It’s just a favour I’m returning to Taemin ssi. He only told me it was for EXO when he asked for my help last week. But anyway, it’s really nice to see you being serious at work. Now I know why you have so many fangirls~’
‘Are you my fangirl now then?’ Baekhyun asked and waited expectantly.
‘Why? Are you going to give me your autograph if I said yes?’ You put aside the cleaning cloth and washed your hands while replying him jokingly.
‘Anyway, I’m done, shall we go?’
You grabbed your bag as you asked. As you walked right passed him, he reached out to grab your arm without even thinking.
Hesitantly, he started
‘Hey actually, I came today because I have something to tell you’
Staring right into his eyes, you replied
‘I kinda knew it already. Why would you suddenly come back here after not being here for so long. And the fact that you’re here at this hour… You’re definitely not coming here as a customer right?’
Looking at him with a hard expression, Baekhyun was surprised to see something other than ‘manners’ or indifference on your face after all this while.
‘I’m really sorry. I don’t even know how or where to start. I really liked your company, the friendship we had meant a lot to me. But as we got more comfortable, I don’t even know when... but....to be honest..
I started falling for you. I didn’t know what to do, can you understand this?’
He loosened his grip, letting your arm slowly slip out of his hands.
‘Remember the day you gave me the gift? I went home feeling so conflicted. I want us to be together so bad, but I know I can’t even promise you a regular and peaceful life, much less a stable relationship now. The weight of dating an idol, how could I put that upon you? ‘
‘You’re right, I could never carry that weight’ you reply came through like a stab to his heart.
He broke his eyes away from you momentarily. But you continued,
‘All this while, I thought I had done something wrong when I gave you the gift. I wondered why you didn’t come back, I thought we were friends, that’s why I even mustered up courage to get a present for you. But you never came back after that. I thought could it be that Baekhyun ssi started finding me weird like all my bullies last time? Was I over doing it? I asked myself that every now and then, worried that my desire to want to be friends with you may turn you off instead.
Sometimes when you tell funny stories, inside I thought how cute this guy is. When you were serious, I thought even though you’re so cheeky on the outside, you’re a man inside having to carry so many burdens. I wanted to say more, do something for you all this time, but I was worried about so many things.
Eventually when you stopped coming back for a while, I felt heart broken. 
But I used the time to think it all through. What did I want with you? A friendship? Something more? And I decided it’s best to not desire anything at all. I could never handle it if one day I want something more that neither of us could give each other’ 
Though you tried so hard to control, tears rolled down your cheeks. It hurts him to know he was the reason for your tears. 
He reached out to wipe your tears away, and you let him. 
‘Baekhyun ssi, I… I’m sorry too’ 
Overwhelmed with emotions at all the confession and looking at your beautiful face that leaned against his hand, he couldn’t hold back anymore, He closed the gap between both of you and gave you a kiss on the lips. A kiss so light it barely lasted a few seconds.
Heart beating fast, he pulled away slightly, his face still so close to yours. ‘I’m sorry for being selfish right now. But I want you to know this is how I feel.’
Before he knew it, your lips pressed against him once again. Briefly, then pulling away, you pushed him away, putting some distance between the both of you.
‘Me too. But Baekhyun-ssi...
Sometimes love isn’t about possessing, but giving
So I’ve told myself it’s okay for me as long as I can see you and support you in my own way. Be it your albums, shows, or whatever it may be.
My café doors will always be open for you as long as you need a listening ear or even just coffee....
Don’t be sorry. I understand, I just want to be the safe space you can still go to, rather than your burden.. If we were together.’
He could tell you were trying hard to manage a smile just so he could feel better. He moved closer and pulled you into a hug. 
‘I know you said not to be sorry, but I’m sorry ... And thank you’, his voice akin to a whisper
After a long pause, you returned his hug, and at your touch, he was at the brink of tears. You were possibly his once in a lifetime, but here you both were, giving up on each other, for each other.  He tried so hard to hold back his tears, but they streamed down eventually 
He rarely ever cried, but for you… If he couldn’t have you, at least he should be allowed to cry for you. 
He tightened the hug and could only wish for the night to never end. 
Was hella hard to write this, sorry for this really tragic ending.
But partly writing it this way because I guess as fangirls one of the best things we can give our favs is a safe space to be real with us. Love isn’t about possession. So let’s love them right ok☺️
On a side note, was shook at his fan sign convos. Especially the one he said though he said it’s ok if we leave him for a while because it’s difficult to wait, he didn’t actually mean it.
What a sweetheart!! All the more makes me feel like he might really respond this way if he is faced with this kind of situation (as in this fanfic)?!
Anw hope you guys enjoyed this !
Tag(s): @wooya1224
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Stolen Heart (5)
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Previous Chapters
Warnings: Bit of Violence
Word Count: 1.6k 
The second you and Baekhyun made it through the back door and into the alley, two of Jinyoung’s men cornered you, leaving you without any options. 
“Boss!” One of them yells.
The backdoor swings open again, and out walks a smug looking Jinyoung. 
“Ahh, there you are.” He smiles, eyeing you up and down. 
Baekhyun pulls the sleeve of your jacket, bringing you behind him before he places his hand on the gun he kept in the waist of his jeans. 
“What do you want Jinyoung?” Baekhyun snaps, keeping an eye on the men that surrounded the two of you. 
“I really just want one thing.” He says. “Her.” He fishes, pointing to you. 
“That’s not happening.” Baekhyun snaps. 
“What?” Jinyoung laughs. “Has the almighty, king of drugs found a weakness? Some good pussy has you wrapped up around her little finger? Is that it.” Jinyoung asks. “If so, I’d like to try it for myself.”
Baekhyun’s body visually tenses as Jknyojng continues to speak about you. However, the second you thought Baekhyun might care with how he reacted, the thought is ripped away by his next sentence. 
“You want her? Take her. Nothing but a quick fuck anyways.” Baekhyun spits, pulling you from behind him and shoving you towards an eager Jinyoung. 
You look at Baekhyun, you’re shocked. How could he just give you up just like that? Without any care? 
“Glad you do have a brain after all, Byun.” Jinyoung smiles. “Lets go.” He says to his men, grabbing your wrist and dragging you away. 
You turn your head, looking at the man who betrayed you one last time, when he winks at you and nods his head. 
How the hell were you supposed to know what that meant? 
Maybe he would come for you? You Could only hope. You didn’t want to spend anymore time with that psychopath than necessary. 
You decided not to fight the men who held onto your arm as you walked away from a confusing Baekhyun, seeing as he apparently didn’t want you after fucking you. Maybe that’s all he wanted? Maybe he was truly unobtainable and that was the most you would ever get from him. Due to the situation you were currently in, you probably should have listened to Lisa all those weeks ago and left him alone. Just thanked him for helping you with the drunken man who wouldn’t take no as an answer and moved on. 
But it was a little late now. 
“What?” Jinyoung snaps, answering his phone. “Race? Tonight? Yeah we’ll be there. And I’ve got the perfect prize.” He smirks, looking back at you. 
Pulling up to a house, your stomach is in knots as Jinyoung’s words replay over in your head. “The perfect prize.” Surely he wasn’t referring to you.. you weren’t a prize.. you couldn’t be. 
“Lets go.” One of his men sniped, yanking on your arm to get you out of the van. 
You walk into the grand house, eyes scanning over everything, when they land on a familiar face. 
“Yugyeom?” You laugh, seeing a friend you had known since high school. 
“Y/N?” He asks with a giant smile. “I can’t believe it. What are you doing here?”
“Jinyoung took me from me.. friend.” You say through gritted teeth. “I don’t really know to be honest. He saw me and then took me. It’s been a weird day.” You admit. 
“And you didn’t think of trying to fight or anything?” He asks. 
“A bunch of dudes with guns vs me and my friend, who only had a gun didn’t seem like very good odds.” You admit. “It’s not so bad, since you’re here.” You smile. 
“Yugyeom, get her ready for the prize tonight.” A man tells him. Looking at his face, it goes pale as he processes what he was told. 
“Jackson.. c'mon man, she’s a friend. Can we not?” He asks. 
“Bosses orders.” Jackson says, shrugging his shoulders before walking away. 
“I don’t want to.” You whisper. 
“I’m sorry. I’ll do what I can to keep you safe for now but I don’t have a choice.” He sighs, taking your arm to bring you upstairs. 
When you’re done, you’re extremely uncomfortable. Your make-up is heavy, dark and bold. Your dress is short, cut out and not something you would typically wear. 
“Please Yuggy.. don’t let him do this.” You whisper, tears threatening to fall down your face. 
“Sorry Y/N..” Yugyeom sighs, bringing you downstairs and placing you in Jinyoung’s office, where you now wait to go to the races, where you were going to be traded as a prize. You really wished you knew what Baekhyun was doing right now and if he had any plans to save you. 
Baekhyun had come up with a plan the moment you walked away from him. The second that van drove off, he ran to his car, dialing a number as he whipped out of the parking space. 
“Let me know what’s on the table for the race tonight as soon as you find out.” He snaps before tossing his phone onto the passenger seat. He should have taken you away from there the moment that Jinyoung left instead of thinking with his cock. But he knew Jinyoung well enough, not to mention that he had a habit of finding pretty girls and using them as trophies or prizes during races. Mostly because he won and got to keep them anyways but Baekhyun couldn’t let that happen to you. 
He didn’t want to like you, but he did. However, the situation you were in right now was because of him, and because of that he couldn’t be with you, regardless if you had stolen his heart or not. He wasn’t going to risk losing you constantly because of his lifestyle. He was selfish, but not that selfish. 
He reached for his ringing phone as he pulled up to the shop, answering it without even looking at the caller ID. 
“Yeah?” He answers. 
“Jinyoung’s using a girl tonight.” The man says. 
“Fuck.” Baekhyun spits. He knew it. And he knew how to get you back. 
Jinyoung usually only brought 3 or 4 men with hkm to the races, because he knows no one is dumb enough to truly try anything with him. He probably wasn’t counting on Baekhyun to get you back because of his acting as though he didn’t care and that’s exactly where Baekhyun wanted him. 
“Chanyeol, Kai.” He calls out, walking into the garage. 
“Don’t. Touch. Anything.” Chanyeol grits. 
Baekhyun rolls his eyes. 
“Yeah. Look, i need your help tonight.”
“Whats up?” Chanyeol asks, a little concerned. 
‘Jinyoung took Y/N, and is planning to use her as top prize tonight.“ He says. “I need to get her back.“ 
Kai smirks at Baekhyun. “And I thought she meant nothing to you.“ 
"Yeah well, are you gonna help or not?" 
"No way in hell I’m gonna miss fucking up Jinyoung.” Kai laughs. 
“A fight? Fuck yeah.” Chanyeol laughs. 
Great. Now he just needs to make sure you’re safe.
After hours of being kept on Jinyoung’s couch, having men stare at you, wink at you, lick their lips, you were finally escorted out of there and put back into the van that brought you here. 
“I don’t want to hurt you princess.” Jinyoung sighs. “So don’t be fucking stupid.” He warns you. 
You knew better than to run, Jinyoung and his men always showed off their guns. You knew you wouldn’t make it far anyways. You weren’t sure why you were so calm about it all. Maybe in the back of your mind you thought Baekhyun would come to your rescue but you doubted it. Though you held out hope. 
You arrived at a very familiar setting. The place that you had first met Baekhyun, the place that he had saved you and now it was the place that you hoped he would save you again. 
“This her?” A man asks, pointing to you. 
“Mhm.” Jinyoung answers. “Top prize.” He smiles, wrapping his arm around you, pulling you in close to his side. 
Baekhyun gets out of his car, followed by Chanyeol and Kai and almost immediately spots Jinyoung’s guys before seeing Jinyoung with his arms wrapped around you. You were wearing a tiny dress that barely covered your ass. Baekhyun could feel the rage building up inside himself as he watched Jinyoung hang onto you, acting as though you were his. 
You werent. If you belonged to anyone, it sas Baekhyun and he wasn’t going to let Jinyoung get away with this. 
“Let’s go.” Baekhyun says, making his way over to them. 
“Jinyoung.” He spits, approaching the group. 
“What’s up Byun? How can I help you?” He asks. 
“Give her to me.” Baekhyun snarls. 
“Her?” Jinyoung asks, pointing to you. “This pretty little thing? Nah, I wanna keep her for myself.” Jinyoung smiles. 
“I won’t ask you again.” He says. 
“And i won’t tell you again.” Jinyoung says, pushing you back and to the ground before walking towards Baekhyun. “She’s mine.” He smiles at Baekhyun who scoffs. 
A sarcastic smile on his face, Baekhyun cocks his fist back before punching Jinyoung directly in the nose, knocking him back to the ground. 
With giant smiles spread across both their faces, Chanyeol and Kai happily begin brawling with the few men that Jinyoung brought. Throwing punches and kicks, while receiving some back but not taking long to have his men laying on the ground withering in pain. 
“You want her back so badly? Race me for her.” Jinyoung spits, blood seeping from his mouth. 
“Baekhyun you can’t. He’s undefeated.” Chanyeol says, worriedly, Baekhyun’s eyes remain on Jinyoung, whose now smirking. 
“Winner gets the girl." 
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thenovicej · 4 years
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Chasing Lights - DISCLAIMER (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/rec7eXIkF8 There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights. -Bram Stoker How will knowing them change her? And how will knowing her change them? It wasn't long before they realized - they were all chasing lights. Started: May 23, 2020 Status: Ongoing
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superduperbyun · 4 years
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disjecta membra - bbh - o4 (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/VVHbYc7w75 (baekhyun x oc) she wasn't prepared to see her past lover again, especially seeing that he doesn't remember a thing from the past. ©superduperbyun all rights reserved ! also posted on aff @/finesseonyobitch
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seasage-phd · 7 years
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Cherry Blossoms. (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/J1qAXCyU9F You finally step out to expand your horizons when you get accepted at Yonsei University. What you didn't expect is to find love and loss.
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dollfacelulu-blog · 10 years
"To that one person who I will love forever, hello my Eun Joo. Can't remember me? Even what I look like? It's alright as long as I can remember you. I just want you to know... I love you today, I love you tomorrow, I love you every single time you open your eyes in the morning and close your eyes at night. My name is Baekhyun... died 1992. I am your demon, your protector, your lover and your firefly, don't forget I existed..."
Baekhyun, 7th Demon by littlepenguins (asianfanfics)  It is so sad to those who haven't read this yet you guys better do. I love this story so much and it made me cry really hard. (I just wish I can have a boyfriend like Baekhyun haha He is just so sweet.) <3
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thenovicej · 3 years
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Chasing Lights (EXO Fanfiction) - Cast (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/905229607-chasing-lights-exo-fanfiction-cast?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=thenovice_j&wp_originator=HN12%2FHIvU3M67chvOsY0ywJgvB7ho4%2BZwrFD5Zl4tTw1pyZY6e4qTPnfaqlpPlInoCh4lTgkGZxo2MUgxLQlWgCWLrEGns6AhgAwz%2BMnJ3TVuc9wkG72DIiyaTrEsvpw There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights. -Bram Stoker It wasn't long before they realized - they were all chasing lights. Started: May 23, 2020 Status: Ongoing (left this book Aug 2020, got back to it last July 5. 😂) 3-6 chapter update every week. Enjoy reading!
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