#bangaa bishop
chocodile · 11 months
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Another Sylvanian Family/Calico Critters set: Bangaa Bishop, Viera Elementalist, Nu Mou Hermetic (Ezel Berbier), and Moogle Gunner from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance!
These took absolutely forever to put together. Their clothes are layered and removable with fully painted bodies underneath and most of the added body parts such as ears and tails are posable.
These will probably be the last custom dolls I do for a bit. They were a huge undertaking!
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buddygrouse · 5 years
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a bunch of final fantasy tactics advance job classes I’ve been slowly adding to...its finally as done as it’ll ever be!! I love the solider, alchemist, and summoner classes the best but all of them are so cute . . .
please click thru for full quality!!
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twiichii · 4 years
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💐~Final Fantasy Art~💐 https://www.redbubble.com/people/twiichii/shop An homage to #FinalFantasy Tactics Advance with a Bishop Bangaa~✨ ... 🔮All art/photography by yours truly🔮 🔆DM for your own intuitive drawing... #ocs, #DND, #profile, and #fanart accepted... 🔆 🚫No reposts/edits/selling of any kind, please🚫 ... #chess #classes #ffta #magicalboy #magicalgirl #kawaii #cute #witchery #society #chibi #art #originalart #selfcare #charm #love #peace #castingspells #magick #magic #moonmagic #flower #stickers https://www.instagram.com/p/CBSFIPCHlCR/?igshid=1udld07qurq0b
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herzspalter · 7 years
So is there any pairings we dont know you like? (Or any rarepairs or crack ones?)
Hello, Lovely Anon!
Oh boy, I like a lot of rarepairs! And my OTP is a crack pairing (BumbleBlitz)(also used to be non-existent, so happy it’s more of a thing now! Thank you for joining this hell boat!), so for now, I think I’ll just mention a few that I don’t talk about that often and that I haven’t drawn a lot/at all! Also I’m gonna miss tons probably because I’m really bad at thinking of things from the top of my head, sorry for every rarepair/crack pair I forgot. Basically, I like any pairing if I see something cute and/or funny with them at some point.
I really really like ThundercrackerReflector from G1, InfernoMegatron from Beast Wars slays me good, I love RatchetPerceptor (listing this because I don’t see a lot of it), VelocityFirestar always makes me happy, I like Hubcap with all the Wreckers and all of Tarantulas’ furry squad because he’s a tiny sass man, I love MetalhawkStarscream because those dynamics, man, and I don’t know if this counts because there is quite some content with them by now, but I wanna mention SwindleLockdown too because they’re good.
And outside of Transformers, I fucking love KarsACDC (which I’m counting as a rarepair because there’s surprisingly little of it? They’re so perfect), AbdulJoseph (mostly because I love Abdul so much and I think too much about his relationships with everyone, I love him, he’s wonderful), KiraKiller Queen (listen,) and then there’s one that I’m almost kinda embarrassed about because I have a hate/love relationship with the series they came from and they don’t actually have personalities and it’s 95% headcanon, but I don’t wanna mention them yet because I do want to draw them some day and I want it to be a “””surprise”””, but I ship them so damn hard and it includes my fictional crush from when I was like 16 :’^) So yeah, Mystery Couple that shouldn’t exist, big love! 
Also hey, wanna hear about one of my first ships in my entire life? It was my Dragoon Bangaa with my Bishop Bangaa in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance :’) And to this day, I have never ever seen anything with them, maybe I should scribble it someday to give my childhood soul rest.
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