filmap · 2 months
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Pride Matthew Warchus. 2014
Village Roman Road, Banwen, Neath, UK See in map
See in imdb
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thesilicontribesman · 10 months
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'The Gnoll Stone' (Cefn Hirfynydd), Swansea Museum, Wales
The stone is part of a Celtic wheel cross carved during the eleventh century. The figure is a Celtic priest wearing a short pleated kilt. He has his hands raised in prayer. Above the priest is the bottom section of the wheel cross.
This piece of stone is the upright shaft. The wider piece, carved with the rest of the wheel cross, has broken off at some time and is now lost. It represents a Christian tradition brought to Wales by monks from Ireland. Human figures carved on Celtic crosses are very unusual in Britain.
It is not known where the cross originally stood; it was found on a mountain near Banwen, north of Neath, where it may have been used as a boundary marker. During the eighteenth century, Sir Humphrey Mackworth moved the stone to his home, 'The Gnoll' in Neath. It was included in the grotto which he built in his garden
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May 2, 2022 - Max Herbert, ex-master of the Banwen Miners Hunt who was spotted stalking hunt saboteurs at the Carmarthenshire Hunt last season, was himself caught by hunt saboteurs when he went into the toilets with his mistress at the Swansea Valley Point to Point, and somehow the toilet tipped over onto its’ door. Bad luck, Max! [video]
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apontamentes · 2 months
O Dia de São Patrício (Saint Patrick’s Day)
P´los repórteres Ariana Vital, Maria Galvão e Vicente Branco do 6ºH
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Vê AQUI mais fotografias!
"No dia 17 de março, celebra-se o dia de São Patrício na Irlanda, onde é santo padroeiro. Este dia, é também celebrado em vários países anglófonos (de língua oficial inglesa) principalmente devido à forte emigração irlandesa nos finais do século XIX e início do século XX que consigo levaram a tradição de celebrar esse dia até outras paragens.
De acordo com a história, apesar de não existirem fontes exatas, São Patrício nasceu no ano 385 d.C., na pequena localidade galesa de Banwen, na Grã-Bretanha. Quando tinha dezesseis anos foi capturado e vendido como escravo na Irlanda por piratas. Após seis anos de escravatura, conseguiu escapar e regressar a casa para junto da sua família. Pouco depois de ter regressado a casa, decidiu tomar os hábitos, ingressando na vida religiosa.
Mais tarde, S. Patrício voltou à Irlanda, onde foi missionário cristão tendo, posteriormente, sido bispo.
S. Patrício desempenhou um papel fundamental para evangelização da Irlanda. Utilizou um trevo de três folhas, para ensinar a Santíssima Trindade (Pai, Filho e Espírito Santo), símbolo que se tornou parte da cultura Irlandesa.
Segundo reza a lenda, São Patrício fez desaparecer as cobras de toda a ilha céltica. Por essa razão o santo é representado, em algumas gravuras, a esmagá-las com um cajado. Morreu em 461 d.C., aos 74 anos de idade.
Atualmente, para comemorar e honrar S. Patrício, as pessoas vestem-se, neste dia, com trajes brancos e verdes numa caminhada festiva, assemelhando a um desfile alegórico, usando orgulhosamente os seus símbolos que representam a cultura céltica que contém um grande imaginário de mitos e lendas.
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Entre os vários símbolos destacam-se os duendes, os trevos, a cruz celta, as harpas e a cor verde."
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manudraws · 4 years
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I’m way too obsessed with Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe so I just HAD to draw my ocs Banwen and Zoe as Hades and Persephone, sorry I don’t make the rules
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drunkscythmaster · 3 years
Year of STRQ: Bolt
“You gotta get better at this,” Qrow sighed as they looked for Raven. “How was I supposed to know she would run?” Tai demanded. “Because you tried to talk about feelings with Raven,” Summer sighed. “You managed to ask her out!” He complained. “Because I got moves,” she replied smugly.
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lifewithost · 5 years
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Let’s here it for these mamas
for bringing 2 of our main girls into the world
black and red...love it!
@summer-of-roses - : D
Personal List
List three
All the love so far
List Three
Gilded Rose
Wise Dragon
List two
JaunexReese and Lavalamp
Set 9 - Nora’s boys and Prismatic Ponytails
List one
Set 8 - WhiteRose , Blacksun and Bumblebee
Set 7 -  Greekfire and SilentKnight
Set 6 - IronQrow and Taiqrow
Set 5 - Sunflakes and War of Roses
Set 4 - YangxMercury and Flynt and Weiss
Set 3 - Arkos and ArmoredDragon
Set 2 - WhiteKnight, Dragonslayer and Knightshade
Set 1 - Lancaster, Martial Arcs and Sunnybees
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werefurb · 6 years
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flower bed Banwen
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kdinjenzen · 4 years
Rating the "Moms" of RWBY
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Summer Rose - 9/10
Has "every kid is my child" energy.
Willing to do whatever it takes to protect her kids.
Cinnamon roll but could actually kill you.
Gives great hugs and will make you hot cocoa any time you want.
Probably says "Oh sweetie..." a lot.
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Willow Schnee - 6/10
"Wine Mom" in both energy and actuality.
Most likely to say: "I have a husband, but begrudgingly."
Probably would stab someone with a broken bottle with a smile on her face.
Put down the booze for good and I'll bump you to a 7.
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Raven Banwen - 3/10
Yells "I DON'T HAVE ISSUES, YOU HAVE ISSUES" to her kid, but her kid’s issues are ACTUALLY her mom.
Looks like she will kill you and will actually kill you.
"Everybody gets one" energy.
The only reason you're not a 0 is because your VA is the best mom ever.
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Kali Belladonna - 10/10
Only one of the main 4 who didn't abandon her kids, even if it was for a good reason.
Cinnamon roll but CAN & WILL actually kill you.
"I made you your favorite meal to help you relax" energy.
Probably said "Nya~" unironically at least once in her life.
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Saphron Cotta-Arc - 8/10
More like an older sister than a mom, even to her kid.
Busts out the embarrassing pictures the moment company comes over.
When someone asks "Want some tea?" she goes "OH WORM, TEA!?"
Can and will steal your girlfriend energy.
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Terra Cotta-Arc - 7/10
"I'll teach you how to steal a car, just don't steal MY car" energy.
Brings home the bacon & also knows how to cook the bacon.
Voted most likely to "accidentally" start a fight.
Laughs at her wife's jokes even though she doesn't fully understand them.
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Glynda Goodwitch - 5/10
Everyone calls her "Karen" behind her back.
"Let me speak to your manager" energy.
Probably watches soap operas/dramas and complains that they aren't "realistic" enough, despite the world being ACTUALLY BONKERS.
If the "¯\_(ツ)_/¯" was a person.
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Lil' Miss Malachite - 2/10
If you ask her if she knows where her kids are, she'll respond "I don't have kids."
Looks like she can kill you and is probably planning to kill you right now.
"Eats a spider just to show you how much of a freak she is" energy.
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Salem - 4/10
Has pictures of her biological kids and stares at them longingly while actively yelling at her new adoptive kids.
Says "Mommy has business to attend to" and her business is JUST STRAIGHT UP MURDER.
Voice of an angel, face of the devil.
She's still hot tho.
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Sienna Khan - 8/10
Can and will step on you and you'd say "Thank you" while she does it.
All Faunus are her children & she can and will KILL for them.
Her subjects have accidentally called her "Mom" more than once & she thinks it's cute.
RIP Tiger Mom, we hardly knew ya. QQ
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Robyn Hill - 7/10
Not an actual mom but has MAD "Your daughter/son calls me mommy too" energy.
All the children of Mantle are her kids and she CAN AND WILL kill for them.
Smile that can be both calming and threatening, you never know which you'll get.
Probably can't cook.
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May Marigold - WEIRDO/10
"Gay Disaster Mom.”
"Smart but also really dumb" energy.
Says “Oh Sweetie...” in a threatening tone.
Will cook for you but makes you say “thank you” before actually giving the food to you.
Voted most likely to say “Touch my kids and die.” to literally anyone within 5 feet of them. even if that person is a friend.
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the-march-hair · 6 years
the events of pride took place in banwen which is less than 10 minutes from my house and its so crazy to see it in a film because my mother used to live on the street they used to build the set for the film, and before she lived there she was one of the teenagers who would go up and help out as much as she could so i had her stories to compare the film to and its so awesome!
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kevindurkiin · 4 years
REPORT: Illegal Raves & Parties Identified As “Super-Spreaders” In COVID-19 Cases
Illegal raves and parties are on the rise in the UK amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown — and so is the virus itself. According to a new report, these “super-spreading” underground events have lead to a recent surge in coronavirus cases.
The Sun reports a 300 percent spike in new cases and an increase among ages 17 – 21. An investigation led by the publication could trace regional outbreaks back to illegal parties in Bristol, Manchester, Yorkshire, Norfolk and South Wales.
In one case, “an £1500 Airbnb mansion is feared to have caused a staggering 50 new infections in a single town.” Another, “attended by 500 in Hertfordshire had to be broken up by police days before cases in the area lurched up by 350 percent.”
The government is able to issue fines up to £10,000 for anyone organizing such events.
More info and stats below via The Sun —
BARNSLEY: Cases before rave: 17 a day / After rave: 31 a day / Percent rise: 82
BATH: Before rave: one / After rave: 10 / Percent rise: 900
BOREHAMWOOD: Before rave: 13 / After rave: 60 / Percent rise: 361
LEEDS: Before rave: 28 / After rave: 97 / Percent rise: 246
MIDLOTHIAN: Before rave: 0 / After rave: 54 / Percent rise: n/a
BANWEN: Before rave: 11 / After rave: 33 / Percent rise: 200
  Source: The Sun
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: REPORT: Illegal Raves & Parties Identified As “Super-Spreaders” In COVID-19 Cases
REPORT: Illegal Raves & Parties Identified As “Super-Spreaders” In COVID-19 Cases published first on https://soundwizreview.tumblr.com/
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bestdjkit · 4 years
REPORT: Illegal Raves & Parties Identified As “Super-Spreaders” In COVID-19 Cases
Illegal raves and parties are on the rise in the UK amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown — and so is the virus itself.According to a new report, these “super-spreading” underground events have lead to a recent surge in coronavirus cases.
The Sun reports a 300 percent spike in new cases and an increase among ages 17 – 21. An investigation led by the publication could trace regional outbreaks back to illegal parties in Bristol, Manchester, Yorkshire, Norfolk and South Wales.
In one case, “an £1500 Airbnb mansion is feared to have caused a staggering 50 new infections in a single town.” Another, “attended by 500 in Hertfordshire had to be broken up by police days before cases in the area lurched up by 350 percent.”
The government is able to issue fines up to £10,000 for anyone organizing such events.
More info and stats below via The Sun â€”
BARNSLEY: Cases before rave: 17 a day / After rave: 31 a day / Percent rise: 82
BATH: Before rave: one / After rave: 10 / Percent rise: 900
BOREHAMWOOD: Before rave: 13 / After rave: 60 / Percent rise: 361
LEEDS: Before rave: 28 / After rave: 97 / Percent rise: 246
MIDLOTHIAN: Before rave: 0 / After rave: 54 / Percent rise: n/a
BANWEN: Before rave: 11 / After rave: 33 / Percent rise: 200
  Source: The Sun
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: REPORT: Illegal Raves & Parties Identified As “Super-Spreaders” In COVID-19 Cases
from Best DJ Kit https://www.youredm.com/2020/09/13/illegal-raves-parties-spike-covid-cases/
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bluebuzzmusic · 4 years
REPORT: Illegal Raves & Parties Identified As “Super-Spreaders” In COVID-19 Cases
Illegal raves and parties are on the rise in the UK amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdown — and so is the virus itself. According to a new report, these “super-spreading” underground events have lead to a recent surge in coronavirus cases.
The Sun reports a 300 percent spike in new cases and an increase among ages 17 – 21. An investigation led by the publication could trace regional outbreaks back to illegal parties in Bristol, Manchester, Yorkshire, Norfolk and South Wales.
In one case, “an £1500 Airbnb mansion is feared to have caused a staggering 50 new infections in a single town.” Another, “attended by 500 in Hertfordshire had to be broken up by police days before cases in the area lurched up by 350 percent.”
The government is able to issue fines up to £10,000 for anyone organizing such events.
More info and stats below via The Sun —
BARNSLEY: Cases before rave: 17 a day / After rave: 31 a day / Percent rise: 82
BATH: Before rave: one / After rave: 10 / Percent rise: 900
BOREHAMWOOD: Before rave: 13 / After rave: 60 / Percent rise: 361
LEEDS: Before rave: 28 / After rave: 97 / Percent rise: 246
MIDLOTHIAN: Before rave: 0 / After rave: 54 / Percent rise: n/a
BANWEN: Before rave: 11 / After rave: 33 / Percent rise: 200
  Source: The Sun
This article was first published on Your EDM. Source: REPORT: Illegal Raves & Parties Identified As “Super-Spreaders” In COVID-19 Cases
source https://www.youredm.com/2020/09/13/illegal-raves-parties-spike-covid-cases/
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bluepointcoin · 4 years
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Banwen illegal rave: Couple made ravers ‘cups of tea’ When thousands of ravers descended on their community over the bank holiday weekend, one couple was not fazed.
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ericfruits · 4 years
Why raves are enjoying a revival
Nightlife Why raves are enjoying a revival
Britons are partying like it’s 1988
IT’S GROUNDHOG DECADE in Banwen, a small village in Wales. When the makers of the film “Pride” needed a location for an embattled Welsh mining community in the 1980s, they chose the tiny village on the edge of the Brecon Beacons. When 3,000 ravers arrived last weekend, that dubious decade seemed to be making a comeback.
Headlines about illegal raves recall the “second summer of love” in 1988, fuelled by the rise of dance music and party drugs such as ecstasy. The closure of clubs has revived that spirit this year, despite coronavirus restrictions banning gatherings of more than 30 people outdoors. The Metropolitan Police has recorded more than 1,000 raves (which it defines as unlicensed music events with more than 20 people) in London since the end of June. Between 2015 and 2018, the most raves reported to the Met in a single year was 133.
Even before the pandemic, raves were making a comeback. A combination of expensive rents in big cities and precarious operating licences has changed Britain’s nightlife. Big venues have passed their costs on to clubbers—entry to Printworks, a factory-turned-club in south-east London, can cost £40 ($54)—and drugs are less tolerated. In 2016 authorities revoked the licence of Fabric, a famous club in London, after two drug-related deaths. It reopened five months later, but with stricter rules, including ID-scanning and lifetime bans for anyone caught asking for drugs.
Smaller venues have taken advantage of big venues’ problems, and so have rave organisers. “You’ve got block parties, hippies in the woods, and London ones with middle-class people, thrown in a professional manner,” says James Morsh, who runs PillReport, a group that encourages people to rave responsibly. In May Mr Morsh organised the first socially distanced legal rave, with permission from Nottingham council. He had over 750 requests to attend, but could only allow 40 people to take part. He admits that it’s “not really what partying should be like”, although the arrival of 12 police officers gave the event an authentic feel. Once the police were satisfied that the revellers were not breaking any rules, they let them carry on.
Tougher punishments were introduced last month to deter people from partying. Eight organisers of the rave in Banwen were given fines of up to £10,000 each under the new regulations. But stopping determined ravers is hard, when locations are kept secret until the last minute and details shared through WhatsApp and Instagram. Mr Morsh thinks that the new penalties will have little effect: “The people throwing parties are going to keep throwing parties.”
The consequences for Banwen were not as grim as some feared. “When that many people turn up it’s a bit like ‘Oh shit, what have they come to do? Have they come to ruin the village?’,” says Alun, who lives nearby. But on checking it out, he found a fairly civilised event. Some attendees were even using hand sanitiser.
This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline "Third summer of love"
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drunkscythmaster · 3 years
Year of STRQ: Summary
Summer frowned as she looked up at Qrow and Tai, both tangled in a net hanging from a tree. “How did this happen?” She wondered. “Short version? My semblance,” Qrow growled. “Didn’t see it.” “I’m sure that’s why,” Raven drawled. Tai’s face turned bright red. “What’s the long version?” “Unimportant.”
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