#bap yongguk scenarios
bapdaydreams · 2 years
Can I ask for a B.A.P reaction when they see they s/o walking down the aisle on their wedding day?
Hi! I am so sorry, I never get notifications on the app on my phone and when I finally opened Tumblr on my laptop I saw your request. I am also not taking requests but I don't want to disappoint you after so long so I hope you enjoy this short scenario.
Bang Yongguk: This soft man would have his heart in his throat watching you walk down the aisle. He's teary-eyed but he has the biggest, gummiest smile on his face and nothing would ruin this day for him.
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Jung Daehyun: Oh this happy-go-lucky ball of energy would be so quiet and so emotional. He tries his best not to cry as he watches you walk down the aisle with a small smile on his face. He is so smitten and definitely the luckiest man in the world.
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Yoo Youngjae: He would be so happy and excited but all that stops when he sees you walk down the aisle. His heart is pounding against his chest and his jaw hangs open at how beautiful you look. The man is stunned!
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Moon Jongup: Send help. Jongup exe. has stopped working. He is stunned silent. He knew you were pretty but damn something about watching you walking down the aisle just made you 10 times prettier. He may or may not be crying silently.
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Zelo: He is just so happy to see you. He is practically vibrating with happiness and he can't wait to call you his. He thinks so are beautiful and every part of his just aches to hold you and kiss you. Just so much joy.
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daebakinc · 2 years
D-20: Dragon
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Pairing: Dragon Yongguk x Royal Reader
Genre: Angst, Action
Word Count: 1.6K
You must be faster, but nature is set against you. Bushes and branches tear at your face and limbs. Underfoot, rocks and dips in the earth threaten to bring you down. Even your own body is ready to betray you. The muscles in your legs and lungs are on fire, but you demand more. So much depends on you.
The howls and thrashing sounds are getting closer. They are fresh whereas your energy has been spent searching for the past three days. If they catch you, it’s not only over for you, but for your family and your kingdom as well. Your world as you know it will end if you can’t find him. If you can’t convince him to help.
The ground beneath your foot gives way and sends you tumbling down the hill. Your fingernails claw and break on dirt and grass, but you can’t stop yourself. Your back slams into a tree trunk. A black darker than the night threatens to steal your vision.
Fighting the pain, you stagger to your feet using the tree and gritting your teeth against the pain. You realize you’re just outside a small meadow. The grass that  glows white in the moonlight seems to reach toward a small boulder in the clearing’s center.
As your vision clears, the boulder comes more into focus. It’s not a boulder at all, but a roughly carved. The dark stone roils with storm clouds and weaving in and out of them is a long-bodied beast. A dragon.
You found him.
Your steps stumble as you try to run. Just behind the statue is a cliff face. There.
A victorious shout breaks through the night. “There they are! Remember, capture them alive!” 
Alive only long enough to return to the city to be publicly executed, you’re sure. 
With your last burst of strength, you push yourself straight at the solid rock. Instead of crashing into stone, you fall through what feels through a curtain of water so cold it feels like a shock.
Your body hits the ground and rolls a few feet. 
Outside the cave, you can hear incredulous shouts and other sounds of confusion, but there’s something more important. A rumble from within the cave as if the earth itself is growling a warning and the growl is growing. 
Footsteps echo from within the cave approaching you, but you can’t even lift your head, much less open your eyes. You made it. You’re safe.
A surprised yell sounds from behind you, followed by “I found them!”
Ice fills your soul. No. No, it can’t end like this. Your hands blindly reach ahead, scrambling to pull yourself deeper into the cave.
A hand grabs your ankle and cruelly yanks you back. A sword rasps as it’s unsheathed.
“Who enters here?” a voice deep as the ocean booms.
The hand releases you. One of the men hunting you yells, “Stay where you are! This isn’t your business.”
“You have made it my business by entering my front door. Who are you and why have you come?”
Using their distraction, you kick out, hitting bone. But it was a futile attempt, because you’re grabbed and dragged once again.
Suddenly, a man yelps and you hear a sword clatter against rocks. Similar howls and clanks follow shortly.
“Violence is forbidden here,” the deep voice says. Its owner is getting closer still. “You would think those who enter my domain would know this.”
“Please, Lord! I beg your protection,” you cry hoarsely, lifting your head. The torches cannot break far into the cave’s darkness, but you can just make out an even darker shadow rising from the depths.
“Quiet, you!” a man shouts, kicking you in the back so hard you can’t help your scream.
A loud crack splits the air and something heavy behind you crumples to the ground to the gasps and cries of those around you.
“Did I not make myself clear? I said, violence is forbidden here. If it is your only intention, leave, but leave the child.”
Immediately, people start running. Someone tries to drag you up to take you with them, but there’s another crack and you drop, their body falling on top of you.
Dust sprays your face as a foot stops in front of it. A hand, warm and rough, lifts your chin. All you can make out is a blurry face before succumbing. 
You wake up in such luxury that you bolt up, uncomfortable. The bed beneath you is softer than a cloud and the scarlet silk blanket covering you is so smooth it seems woven from water. When you push the curtain surrounding the bed aside, you find the room is open on three sides, all of which look out over a body of water so large you can’t see the edges where they disappear in the dark. But the lake itself is lit by low-hanging stars brighter than you’ve ever seen. 
When you swing your tentative feet out from the blankets and onto the floor, you discover another miracle. All the sprains and scratches and other injuries you’d endured are gone with not a single blemish left on your skin.
“You’re feeling well, I assume?”
The voice from the cave.
Your head snaps up. A man stands before you in a white robe with twisting black marks along the arms. He’s tall and slender, but something tells you he’s much stronger than he looks. Then, you meet his eyes. Beneath his curly black hair, they shine gold.
You immediately drop to the floor and bow so low your head touches the cool stone. “My Lord Dragon. Thank you for saving me.”
“You don’t need to do that.” Hands grip your elbows to pull you up, but you resist.
“Please, Lord, I need your help. Do you remember my great-grandmother? When you were still an imugi, she found you being attacked by a tiger. She drove the tiger off, then cared for you until you could leave.”
The dragon lets go and you hear the silk of his robe whisper as he sits in front of you. “I do. That was a long time ago. Does she still live?”
“No, she died many years ago.”
“Ah. I’m sorry.”
“I never knew her, but her story was passed to all of us. But Lord-”
“Please don’t call me that. I’m not a lord. My name is fine. Yongguk.”
To do so feels treasonous, but you need him. “Yong-yongguk, thank you again for saving me, but I need to ask one more thing of you.”
He makes an affirming sound.
“Does your promise to my great-grandmother still stand? That you would help her and her family in their time of need?” You finally lift your head, watching him.
There’s nothing on his face for you to read, only thoughtfulness. “Does it pertain to the men who followed and tried to take you?”
“Yes. I’m sure you knew my great-grandmother was a high noble related to the royal family. Her grandson, my father, became king. Our people are under attack and we can’t hold off the invaders forever. We are a peaceful people. I promise on my life, it will just be this once. I nor mine will ever come again. Please, lend us your power.” Your voice sounds pathetic in your own ears, but you don’t care. Your pride means nothing in the face of losing everything you love. 
Yongguk stays still, scarily so, instead of answering you for a long time. Your knees, legs, and back begin to ache in protest, but you can’t move. 
“How,” he slowly says at last, “can you guarantee it will only be once? I have lived for a long time, child, a very long time.”
He reaches into the folds of his robe, closes his eyes in concentration, then pulls his hand back out. In his palm rests a small globe, glowing a smoky emerald green from within. A chintamani stone, the source of dragons’ power.
Yongguk continues, his eyes on the stone. “I have seen countless well-intentioned humans whose virtue withered in the face of their greed for power. I am always grateful for your family’s kindness, but you know a dragon’s powers are next to a god’s. That could be dangerous in the hands of a human.”
“I don’t ask that you give it to us. I just ask that you come with me. After, we will not keep you. I promise, Yongguk. Please...”
His gaze drifts from the chintamani to you and you feel his eyes searching down to your very soul. The gold in his eyes looks so cold. 
“Would you give up your life in exchange?” he asks.
“Yes,” you answer instantly. You grab the knife at your waist, unsheathe it, and put it against your throat. 
A force yanks the knife from your hand so it skitters across the room.
“I did not mean your life’s blood,” Yongguk says. “You are ready to sacrifice everything for your people, and I can see your heart is strong, so I trust you as I trusted your ancestor.”
Your body automatically lurches forward, closer to him. “Then you’ll help us?”
“However, I cannot trust other humans. I will help, but I cannot risk others trying to assume or manipulate me. That has been done too often. If I help you, will you give me your freedom in exchange?”
You still. “You mean stay here? With you? Forever?”
He nods, rolling the chintamini stone in his palm.
You sit back on your heels, a chill shooting through your body. What a hollow victory it would be to save your family and kingdom only to never see them again. A sacrifice upon a sacrifice. You have a choice, but do you?
Looking back at Yongguk’s face, you infuse your spine with all the steel of your bloodline. “I will.”
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coffee-for-himchan · 5 years
Yongguk and cuddles please~ love your writing
done!! Hope it meets your expectations!~
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The bed dipping in under Yongguk’s weight was the highlight of your evening.
You were exhausted. So much work, so much pressure.. Your worries didn’t exactly cease to exist the moment your back hit the bed either, no. They only bottled up more, plus the realization that tomorrow wouldn’t be any different compared to today. It would always be work, responsibility, pressure and such.
Yongguk’s arm that slowly wrapped around your waist seemed to make it all better in the time span of a heartbeat.
Automatically, used to experience immediate peace by just being exposed to his touch, you let out a content sigh, snuggling further into the pillow and the blankets. Noticing the action right away, Yongguk paused for a moment before resuming his movements at a softer pace, as if not to disturb your partial slumber even more than he already has.
“Are you still awake?”
You mumbled something in return, hoping it was enough for him to understand that you were somewhere between consciousness and dreamland. He didn’t say anything more than that and simply continued settling in. The moment after his chest pressed against your back you felt a shiver coursing down your spine - for some reason, his body temperature seemed oddly cold compared to yours, or maybe you’d just spent too much time under the soft and warm duvet. 
Yongguk’s legs slowly tangled with yours, as if he knew exactly how much you needed that extra comforting feeling right now. His lips, warm and soft, rested against the back of your neck, where they found a comfortable spot to stay longer. The moment he felt you stirring, he simply tightened his grip around you a little more, his deep voice quietly making it’s way to your ear and getting it’s point across without having to try hard.
 “Shh, it’s alright. I’m here, let’s just sleep now.”
The proposition wasn’t too bad, and you figured greetings or good nights were irrelevant at this point anyways. His lips graced upon that little spot behind your ear, and he left a little kiss there before nuzzling his face into your hair and seemingly stopping all other movement. You could clearly feel his heart beating against your back, and the monotone action only seemed to set you more at peace. Breathing patterns matching up, you snuggled further into the comfort of his arms and the warmth of the duvets, feeling like everything that had been troubling you before didn’t quite matter at this exact moment. Not now, not in this little space that belonged only to you and Yongguk, where you could calmly be in each other’s company without needing to speak, just lying there, resting your tired bodies in each other’s arms and awaiting tomorrow together.
It didn’t surprise you that you woke up an hour late the very next morning, but since it was the weekend, you’d planned to spend the day cuddling in bed with Yongguk anyways.
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sweetjekyll · 2 years
Aphrodisiac Connoisseurs — Bang Yongguk
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pairing: Bang Yongguk (BAP) x Reader
genre: one-shot, love at first sight, some light smut with a dash of fluff rating: 18+. IF you are not of legal adult age, please do not under any circumstances read this work as it is not meant for underage readers. chapter warnings: heavily implied SMUT even though it’s nothing graphic, sexual content, alcohol consumption (Please read carefully the warning tags in the masterlist and those at the beginning of each new work of fiction to avoid any unpleasant misunderstandings.) word count: roughly 1k+
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A/N: this is for my babyz out there and those who would just love to savor some wine with our one and only Bang Yongguk <3 and for @vivaoh​, I hope you like it bby 🥰
⟶ To my dear readers: feedback is highly encouraged and important! as it gives me motivation to write with more passion, knowing that you like what you are reading. Please LIKE and REBLOG so more people can find this and read it. ❤ My askbox is always open for questions or to chat ❤
Enjoy! ❤
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A glass of a deep red wine sat comfortably in your right hand, rolling the liquid slowly by tilting the stem of the glass between your fingers; you lazily stared as it oscillated a couple of times and then decided to bring it closer to your nose, taking a quick whiff and then licked your lips in anticipation for its taste. It smelled of sweet grapes, yet it tasted rather acid and made you scrunch your nose.
You eyes went quickly back to look at the liquid after you moved away the glass, but as you pondered whether you should just leave your second glass on the counter and call it a night, your pupils caught sight of a dark haired man grinning softly towards your way. Were you tipsy and possibly imagining things? Well, it was a possibility indeed, but in an inebriated state of mind you felt a sense of boldness and grinned back, tilting your glass towards the handsome stranger for a silent toast. He reciprocated the gesture and held your eye contact as you both took a sip from your respective glasses of wine. You weren’t sure if the warmth inside your chest came from the Merlot or the brief exchange of intriguing glances.
“Huh, how interesting,” you thought in an attempt to distract yourself from the lingering feeling of the handsome man’s attention on you, you eyes scanned the few patrons of the bar you found yourself at on a lonely weekend night. It was quiet despite the radio playing a soft jazzy tune, and you preferred it that way. It was a rare occasion to be able to enjoy such a peaceful night after long hours of work almost every day of the week, your friends had other things to do and you didn’t have a significant other to keep you company either… Not that it mattered, you were perfectly content enjoying your solitude in that moment.
“Hi.” Your hazy train of thoughts was quickly put on a halt as soon a velvety and deep voice reached your ears. He had your full attention, pupils dilated and nose flaring as you took in the wild musk scent of his cologne, a cozy black cardigan enveloped his body as a chest tattoo picked from behind the collar of a white t-shirt. Not really the kind of guy you would expect to be solo and drinking wine out on the weekend. But then again, it’s not like you were wearing a cocktail dress or something else that was fancy; a pair of jeans and a turtleneck were just fine for drinking wine by yourself… or in company.
And you could’ve sworn you stopped breathing the moment you saw him up-close, feeling warmth pool in other parts of your body too. “Hi,” you couldn’t help but smile back at how friendly yet shy he sounded and looked, black wavy hair brushing against his eyelashes.
“I saw you sitting alone from across the bar and I thought I should keep you some company, if that’s alright with you?” You don’t think you’ve ever heard a man speak with such a baritone voice, and it was pleasant to listen to. You weren’t really planning to spend the night with anybody, in fact, you had turned away the advances of others, but this guy gave you a good feeling. Yeah, you were definitely sober enough to acknowledge that, but still tipsy enough to think “what the heck, let’s do it!”. You simply nodded, smile slowly growing bigger as you watched him place his glass of wine on the counter and pull the stool towards him so he could sit next to you, leaving some room so that he wasn’t too close either. “I’m Yongguk.”
“Nice to meet you, Yongguk.” You introduced yourself as well and again tilted your glass towards him. “So, what are you drinking tonight?” You asked him a simple question to make for some conversation, not many people are wine enthusiasts like yourself.
“Pinot Noir.” He furrowed his brows slightly as he looked at his glass, picked it up and gave it a light swirl before inhaling the aroma. “I believe the label on the bottle said France.” He ran one of his hands through his wavy locks of black hair, then looked back at you with a glimmer in his eyes. “What about you, mademoiselle?”
“Merlot, I believe the label said Italy.” There was a moment of silence where you couldn’t take your eyes off of each other’s, breath caught in your lungs with your lips parted because you were too stunned by his aura to speak… and this time you knew that the warmth inside your chest wasn’t from the wine.
It wasn’t long before you abandoned the empty glasses on the old, wooden bar counter and made your way to his place, chanting his name like a mantra until the early hours of the morning. Soft lips and gentle hands soon started exploring your body’s every curve, making you moan and melt at every touch. Both of your senses were heightened from the aphrodisiac nectar you shared and little to no words were needed to know that there was something that just drew you in like magnets.
The way Yongguk had you writhing in his bed made you ask for more and he always gave it to you, like a reward for taking him so high and holding him there for as long as he needed it. By the morning the tips of his fingers were drawing imaginary constellations on your back, following invisible lines from one mole to the next one, making you squirm and giggle until you were finally awake in the arms of a man you never wanted to let go of. A youthful smile you were sure would give you butterflies every time you looked at him for more days to come.
And he felt the exact same way. He felt it from the moment you looked back at him in that dim, old bar, he just knew you were meant to meet and be together like a puzzle piece… Not that any of you could explain it with any sort of coherent logic, you just both knew.
Oh, wine… What a powerful aphrodisiac.
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254bpm · 3 years
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oxhaven · 3 years
Kawaakari : Last Light On The River
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➹ description - sequel to kawaakari | samurai!yongguk comes back to your lonely town but it seems he has his mind on other things. You’re distraught on what to do and how to feel but it still remains, who will you serve?
➹ pairing - samurai!yongguk x reader as oc(yeji)  
➹ rated - M for mature | 18+ | NSFW
➹ genre - NSFW | smut | angst | edo period japan | samurai!au
➹ word count - 5k
➹ warnings - this is smut | profanity | NSFW | 18+ | unprotected intercourse | drunk sex | alcohol | bad representation of the edo period | tattoos
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You could see the mirage of sweltering heat lining the orange dirt path. People lined up in front of their stores and even customers and passerby's stayed towards the side to keep the path open for the royal carriages coming forward in the distance. Their loud gossip turned into hushed whispers as the carriages came closer, seeing samurai in full armor leading the extravagant royal display that was pulled by finely dressed servants.
You scoffed to yourself, folding your arms over your kimono as you watched the applause and cheers begin for the presence of the king in your humble town. He had returned from meeting with some diplomats on the other part of the district, and purposely rode through town to flaunt his power over the people. You were proven to be correct, the gold rimmed door swinging open with the sight of a black covered leg kicking out before the sun gave light to the recognizable grace of the King himself.      
Bodies crowded together just to get a glimpse of the King make his way down the dirt path in the gold court carriage that two servant men pulled from the front. His fine gold and black robes hung from his pale body loosely, leading up to the small flawless face except for the single scar over his eye. His joyous laugh roared over the cheers of people pushing amongst themselves to wave at the King. You recognized the red tint in his cheeks and half closed eyes, his body staggering in the entrance of the carriage as his hand grabbed hold of his falling crown, the hanging beads crashing against each other.  
Ah, he’s already drunk. And in a good mood.
You had served the King with feminie company a few unfortunate times during past summers where he called upon your sisters. Head mistress never passed up the opportunity to offer the King her services, making you and the rest of your sisters dress your best and head to the castle to dine with the Emperor. It was uncomfortable and stomach churning, the deadly rumors about the King refusing to leave your head. King Yoongi was known as a tyrant, torturer, and sick bastard who took pleasure in every form of pain. You were proven right with the suffocating tension when you all settled into the dining room, the men keeping their hands off the ladies until King Yoongi flicked his wrist; permission granted to enjoy the feast and wine. The mood only lightened when your sisters got enough wine in him, a more comfortable expression on his face that was able to make you loosen up as well.
You remembered the many parties you attended like that for the King, making sure to keep a safe distance away from him as he served his men that he granted to join his events. You managed to avoid the many summonses this summer to serve the King, passing the responsibility onto your sisters as you settled for laundry duty. Serving the King meant more money; ten chickens, five pigs and a goat you could send back home for your sickly mother but you couldn’t handle that much murderous tension in a room, it was too much on your heart. You took on basic work back at the oiran with the other men that frequented the shop but you mainly helped out with errands such as these. Trying to gather fruit in the market that now was bombarded with attention to the King rolling through. You sighed out in annoyance though you kept a safe distance hidden away in the crowd, taking in the sight of the foolish King about to fall out of his carriage. You noticed the many samurai surrounding him, raising an eyebrow to their armor cladded bodies and stone faces as they led the way towards the castle. They definitely garnered attention to themselves, making you wonder what entailed during the meeting with the noble diplomats.
You watched the carriage continue to move forward, the many townspeople following the gold display in hopes that he would drop some gold coins for them. You shook your head, wondering if you should pack some extra unpaid fruit in your bag since no one was planning to do their jobs today. You moved to head back to the stalls but quickly stopped in your tracks with eyes going wide.
There were still more men coming, but you recognized this attire on instant. They didn’t wear bulky armor like the samurai in front, but you knew these guys were the real deal with their black robes and glimpses of the familiar crest on their bodies. The group of them followed behind with a significant distance between the carriage, greeting the people as they came by.
Your eyes scanned the group of men, searching out the person that you begged your mind to remember. Remember the appearance, the distinct features, call back on the love you once shared.
It was as if time had slowed, the glimpse of the black hair being pushed back with a tan hand, long fingers getting lost in the black locks before they moved to the back of his neck to massage the tense muscles. You recognized his thick eyebrows, above those dark eyes you could get lost in if you stared for too long. You recognized the nose, pink full lips and the peek of the assorted tattoos along his body right underneath his neck being hidden by his black robe. You recognized it all, drinking him in as quickly as possible before you dared to utter his name.
Your mouth didn’t even fall all the way open before you were roughly pushed aside, screaming women mingling in the group to convince the samurai to take a chance on them. If it wasn’t for your eyes frantically searching for Yongguk again you would have knocked this heavy basket of fruits on each of their hands and started a brawl.
You managed to find him again in the larger crowd, only for your face to fall with the sight of the many women between his arms. A tiny hope of him acting a bit humble, pushing them aside and focusing on his own task at hand. Instead he welcomed the attention, heated bodies against his own as his mouth moved saying something to rile the girls up in a fit of giggles.
You didn’t notice the way your body quivered or the tears stinging your eyes making them grow red. The basket of fruit that you carried suddenly grew too heavy on your arm, intense wave of emotions filling your chest as you watched his head tilt downward, red painted lips beside his ear as a girl whispered something you assumed to be words of desire, a slight smirk on his face before his eyes darted up to catch yours.
A breath hitched in your throat as you rapidly blinked, feeling hot streams of liquid burning a path down your cheeks. You staggered back as you swallowed a building lump in your throat, unable to read the look in his eyes as he continued to look at you. You finally found your footing to quickly turn around in the direction back to the oiran.  
“Yeji-ah, you can’t stay like this forever.”
You muffled your sobs into the satin pillow you buried your face in, your body shaking with the cries you let out as you laid on the fluffy futon underneath you. Your friend sighed in the mirror, carefully drawing a winged line over her eyelid as she painted her face with the make-up on the table.
“Crying all night isn’t going to do you any good.” she tutted, not sparing your form a glance as she continued her work in the mirror.
The night air that came in through the open windows was cool on your hot skin from a very long soak in the bath that you spent crying in there too. You still had more sobs in you to get out, believing that this broken heart was never to be healed.
“I will cry for many more then.” you drawled, moving your smushed face to the side and finally breathing in some fresh air.
“You can’t do that~, you have work to do.”
You raised up your heavy body on your arms, pushing yourself up into a sitting position with legs crossing over. You wiped your nose with the back of your hand and pulled the snot back in with a sniff, hearing your friend make a small noise of disgust.
“I waited and waited for him to return back to me. I worked so hard even though I missed him so much.” You whined with another sniff, your numb heart being hit with another wave of sadness mingled with jealousy as the memory of the woman whispering in his ear flashed in your head again. “He’s a sleazy bastard. I should have listened to him the first time he said not to pursue him. I hope the gods give him what he deserves and-”
A hard smack against the table made you keep quiet, peeking up at your co-worker who was finally looking at you with a kind smile and freshly painted face. “This is not the Yeji I know.”
You made a noise of surprise when she hopped out of the chair and toppled over you, wrapping her arms around your form in a tight hug making you groan. Her hands clasped your face, mushing your cheeks together as she made you turn your attention on her.
“I’m not going to sit here and say I told you so because I already did but you can’t keep ruining this beautiful face with tears for a man.” You blinked at her, your smushed face making pout as your eyebrows knitted close together. Her mouth turned into a brilliant smile, playful eyes sparking with mischief.
“I heard the yamazaki is dining in a bar near the castle, and it’s going to be a very fun party.”
Your head began to shake with denial but her tight clasp kept you still as she continued, “How about we go stir it up a bit more, and I’ll give you a makeover that’ll make every man drop to their knees before you get through the door.”
You blinked at her, your voice coming out muffled, “But Yongguk will be there.”
“That’s precisely why you’re going my love.”
“I don’t want to see women on his arm.”
“And he probably doesn’t want to see his men drooling all over you. But that’s what’s going to happen. And you will take back your pride and ego and show him the power of a courtesan that can kill men and women with her appeal.”  
There was a long pause between the two of you, her words settling in before her eyes smiled at you and she smacked a kiss on your lips. She released her hold on you and moved to return back to her seat, giving you the option to let her help you or not. You didn’t really like the idea of going out to a party, much less know that Yongguk was going to be there giving other women attention. Your emotions were unstable; the idea of having to let go of a lost love you’ve waited so long for that you changed your whole demeanor to that of a young girl being married off to a fine prince. Thus, this fine prince ended up being a sordid asshole who had no morals. Though, you couldn’t hold back the excitement in your heart, a little piece of yourself coming back. The look on his face when he saw you in all your glory and unfazed attitude proving two could play this game. And you wanted the last laugh.    
That’s what it means to work in Oiran.
Adrenaline coursed through your veins, mixed in with the couple cups of wine you downed to get you going. You took extra care in getting ready as fast as you could before the night wasn’t young anymore. You dressed in the finest gowns you could borrow, a kiss to your forehead from the headmistress as she prompted you to bring back customers since you weren’t making any money. Her nose wrinkled in disappointment but she let you and your sister go, holding hands as your laughter filled the night along with whistles of approval from men passing by. There were more people frequenting the district up near the castle, probably due to the King throwing another extravagant party to himself. But you made sure not to go too close, recognizing the famous bar you and your friend were headed towards that was lit up with joyous noise.  
You squeezed the hand in yours a little tighter, your friend sparing you a glance as you held your head a bit higher, moving along the path towards the entrance of the bar. You heard the catcalls and whistles, men already falling to their knees to capture your attention like withered flowers. A naughty smile played on your lips, the fire lit lights from the windows shining on your face as you stepped in, your presence being made known by the men who were fascinated with your beauty. Donned in silk red and white robes, shoulders and neck exposed the cool summer air as your hair was pinned up in a messy bun with fringes of your hair coming down to tickle your exposed skin.  
You glanced around, already gaining company as paid drinks were offered to you before you could even find a seat. Your friend and you loved to play a game of hard-to-get, only showing each other attention as men tried to get in between. Your eyes scanned the bar in search of the bastard you had your mind on all this time, biting down on your glossed bottom lip as your brown eyes searched through the yamazaki men.  
Indeed you found him in the hazy smoked corner of the bar, giggling women at his feet and pouring him drink after drink, even feeding him a chicken teriyaki. He seemed to have noticed you first, dark eyes boring into yours as a red tint washed over your body. You cleared your throat and looked back at your drink in hand, throwing your head back as you let the burning liquid course down your throat.  
A few more men sat at the table with you and your co-worker, compliments and words of desire already spewing from their mouths as you turned your work switch on. As a maiden who pleases men this was the same exact scenario, but instead of money you were earning Yongguk’s attention.
“What’s your name, pretty girl?”
This one had caught your eye, among the others that your co-worker was keeping entertained he had his dark eyes on you. You scanned him over, being surprisingly reminded of Yongguk as you took his features in. Tan skin, thick eyebrows, short black hair and an adorable smile that made his eyes smaller. He was much more giggly, his body leaning towards yours as you rested a hand against his chest to steady him. “Yeji.”
He chuckled foolishly, “Nice to meet you, pretty girl. Name’s Himchan.”
You chuckled to yourself, laughing at his drunken actions as you watched him take a bottle of liquor out of the hand of his companion beside him, not even sparing him a glance at his flustered face. He poured the liquid into your cup, up to the very rim before he did the same with his own.
You could feel heat against the nape of your neck as you took your cup into your hands again, carefully bringing the rim to your plush lips and drinking down the alcohol. Your face scrunched over as the strong alcohol filled your senses, making your body shiver. Himchan watched your actions closely, all the while letting his hand creep up your leg. The rough hand trailing up your thigh exposed more of your skin, his face leaning in as his tongue wet his pink lips ready to press against-
You watched his face fly onto the table, his hand torn away from your body as you held back a sudden scream. Himchan was out cold before he could even put up a fight, his body slumped against the table. Your head spun to the side, seeing Yongguk stand tall over you with a hand rubbing over the knuckles of his fist.  
Both of your attention was turned to the loud roar of one of his men, seeing the rest of the bar had taken notice of what went down. The large man staggered before dragging a bottle of one of the wooden tables, swinging it back over his shoulder before throwing it towards Yongguk. He dodged expertly, the wasted booze splattering over the wall as the rest of the bar went into an uproar. Yongguk had spurred on a drunken brawl, the yamazaki men beginning to fight amongst themselves.
Fists were flying in each other’s faces as women screamed and moved to get away. You stumbled back, pushing away the heavy bodies that threatened to collide into you as you searched out for your friend. Your search was short-lived, a familiar rough hand wrapping around your wrist and pulling you out.
A rush of fresh air hit your heated face as you welcomed the outside, gathering your loose robes with your other free hand. You stared at the back of the man pulling you away from the bar, an ocean of mixed emotions washing over your body as you searched for your voice.  
He didn’t even spare you a glance, continuing to drag you along to wherever he was going.
“Stop!” you let out again with a shaky voice, attempting to pull your arm back but his grip proved stronger.
“My fucking arm, stop!!”
You collided into his body abruptly, his familiar scent filling your senses as you instinctively grabbed his body. You didn’t have time to gather your bearings, your head being tilted back with a possessive hand in the back of your hair and pulling it down. Soft lips met your own and it took every muscle to tighten over for you not to melt. His lips were firm but needy, kissing you just like you imagined you would when the two of you were granted to meet again.
You heard a growl rip from his throat the same time his other free hand clutched around the fabric on your chest. Your heart skipped at the thought of him ripping your garments off of you when you were still outside, but he controlled himself as he released it and let his hand trail up your heart skin to wrap gently around your neck.
He pulled away from your lips much to your disappointment, the hand on your neck keeping you in place as your eyes fluttered open.
He looked just as completely entranced as you probably looked to him, holding each other’s stares as your breaths mingled together in the short distance. He dragged his hand down from your neck, stepping back with his hand now in yours before leading you off again to a nearby ryokan. The both of you hurried in, ignoring the judging eyes of the innkeeper who recognized the face of the yamazaki. Yongguk led you down to a room, guiding you in and shutting the door behind the two of you.  
You brought him into your arms, leaning up to kiss him like you did before with more desire as you fought with robes on your body. He pushed you down, falling onto the floor and silently thanking that there was already a soft futon set up underneath you. He didn’t stray too far from your body, kissing you hungrily before dragging his lips down your neck.  
You had played this out in your head a trillion times, thinking of all the different ways this could go. But now here you were, unable to do anything with your hands as they scratched and pulled on his body trying to anchor yourself with the pleasure and emotions your body was experiencing.  
He managed to suck a few red patches over your neck and chest, already putting claim on you as his lips trailed down further. Your silk robes were no match for his steady hands putting shame to the hard time you were having earlier. You couldn’t decide if his kisses were hot against your skin or if your body was so hot that his kisses were cooling you down. Either way he had reached down to a region that needed him the most, your thighs spreading on instinct for him.
A finger dipped into your pool, swirling about before he pulled it up to the light revealing a sheen of wetness on his digit. His dark eyes caught yours in a heated gaze, making sure you watched him take his middle finger into his mouth, sucking it clean. You moaned wantonly at the sight, quickly biting it back with a whine in fear of your loudness.
He watched his head dive in, feeling his tongue against your slick folds as he licked up hungrily. You covered your mouth in silent scream, feeling his tongue quickly work into rhythm that circled around your folds and lapped up to flick your clit.
You pressed your hand against your mouth tighter, the noise in your throat finding its way out as your lips mouthed curses into your palm. Your free hand found it way into his hair, but he quickly pulled your grasp into his own hand and held on securely. His tongue dipped into your hole, pushing it in as far as it would go making your walls sputter in desire for more length, more girth, and more heat. Your legs were a quivering mess as he lapped you up, altering with his tongue going inside you in a mocking gesture of what was soon to come.
You had needed this. Badly.
Your robes were beginning to stick to your body though you were quite exposed to the air that began to fill with sex. You almost couldn’t take it when his mouth wrapped around your rosebud, sucking into his mouth and letting his tongue swirl around making you scream into your hand. You began to buck into his mouth, wanting even more of the pleasure you didn’t know what to do with.
He swirled his tongue over your pussy a few more times, a squelching noise filling the room shamefully as you whined to mask over the sound. Disappointment washed over you when he moved away, only to clench your walls at the sight of him sitting on the back of his heels, loosening the tie around his yukata.
Your eyes darted down as his robe opened up gracing you with the sight of his tan skin, toned body that was donning fresh new battle scars since the last you’ve seen of him. Nothing caught your eyes more than the hard meat standing at attention. You didn’t notice your legs were quivering in anticipation until his hands were underneath your thighs, pushing them back to fold over your torso. The concept of time had escaped from you not knowing if Yongguk was moving too fast or too slow as your eyes strained to watch him the pitch of darkness. You realized you didn’t need to when you could feel it, feel the head of his cock at your entrance coating itself in your wetness all the more making that same shameful sound.    
He was pushing himself in before you knew it, making a lustful noise tear from your throat as you stared up at him with eyes losing focus. You heard hiss out a curse, something about the tightness as he permitted his dick to go in deeper.
Claim you.
He held the back of your knees firmly, letting them shake in his hold as he guided his cock to go inside of you. He was so large, too thick for you to take in all at once. He knew this, which is why he pulled back to push in more slowly earning another fucked out whine from your throat. The two of you continued on like that until he was satisfied with what length you could take, pulling his hips back and experimentally snapping back in. Your body took the move well, coating his dick in a sheen of wetness as he built up a steady, slow rhythm. Even though your body was taking it well the pleasure was too much for you to handle. It had been so long since the last time for you never dared to have sex with another man if it wasn’t Yongguk. No amount of fantasizing and masturbating prepared you for this as you held onto his wrists so you wouldn’t lose yourself to the pleasure.
Yongguk watched his dick slip inside you, picking up speed as you took more of his length. Your wells sputtered over his girth, the tightness coaxing him to spill himself so early in the act. He chased the temptation away, snapping his hips into your own until his trance broke with your noise breaking into a high pitch. He whispered a soft apology, before returning to a bearable pace and letting his eyes scan over your body. You were a mess that was all his, in a shameful position that opened up just for him. You couldn’t hold himself back from picking up speed again, wanting to hear more of the noises spilling from your mouth. You were calling upon the gods, not bothering to hold back your wanton sounds as you spurred Yongguk on. You ignored the soreness in your legs as he pushed them back further, letting his body hover over you as he slammed his cock into your squelching pussy. Your eyes rolled back as you begged for it, making sure to tighten your walls over him everytime he came down.  
He cursed aloud before falling back onto his knees, halting his movements as he gained a tighter grip on the back of your knees. His dick slipped in and out of you, a slower pace than before though you weren’t complaining. The oncoming feeling of heat building in your lower stomach made you whine, as you reached out uselessly for Yongguk.
He stared down at your pleading expression, messy hair sticking to the sides of your face, lustful eyes begging out, “Make it last...please, make it last.”
You whispered the words over and over, listening to the growl that tore from his throat as he disciplined himself to keep a steady pace as he felt your walls squeeze over his cock. Your orgasm washed over in waves, a gurtled moan of his name as your eyes rolled back and curses spewed from your shameful mouth. You choked on a whine when he picked up speed, your sore legs falling to his sides as he released them and his hands fell between you. You listened to his mingled grunts and moans as he fucked you like he wanted. You wrapped your heavy arms around him, letting your mouth trail kisses along his neck and whispered dirty nothings into the air just for him to hear. He cursed loudly, quickly pulling out and emptying himself on the lower part of your stomach. You felt the hot spurts of liquid on your skin, the act of it almost turning you on again.
He fell over you again, welcoming his body in open arms as a tired smile played on your face. The both of you were spent and sleep was calling to you but the excitement of being with Yongguk after so long kept you up. You traced pictures into his back, your mind racing with the things you wanted to say to him.
You felt the weight on your body raise off of you, a look of surprise donning your features as you watched him gather his robe to cover him again and move away from your body. You quickly sat up, pulling your own silk to cover your body as you silently watched his back turn to you.
“So we have sex and that’s it? No I’ve missed you or this is where I’ve been this whole time?”
He was silent to your shaky questions, a hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. “You’ll be safe here tonight. Go home in the morning.”
You scoffed in disbelief, a familiar twinge in your heart as you blurted, “You’re a sleazy bastard. You take all the women you want and throw them away after one night. If I didn’t show up tonight it would probably be another woman in here with you wouldn’t there?”
“Stop it.” his deep voice gently commanded, his back still turned to you as anger welled up inside.
“I’ve waited all this time for you and the first thing you do when you get back is play with some prostitutes and ignore me? When were you going to make time for me!?” Your voice was much louder, enough to wake up other possible guests in the inn. Your mouth pressed closed when he turned around with a harsh stare until you realized what was being held in them. Your jaw trembled as you felt your eyes burn, hoping to get the rest of it out in a clear voice.  
“Did you forget about everything between us?”
You stared each other down for a long while, refusing to break eye contact in fear that if you did it meant he no longer carried those feelings for you. You blinked when he moved towards you, a hand on the back of your neck pulling you to the lips that placed a soft kiss on your head.
“Keep your feelings close to your heart. Don’t let anyone else see what’s inside.”
You gasped when you felt the tight tension on your neck make a snap, your consciousness quickly going out and sleep welcoming you home.
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maribellec · 2 years
Another shameless promotion--if you like what I’ve posted so far, send me a request!
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l000ey · 3 years
sex list ━ red
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𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨: 2007 — 2014
𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: first time, dated
𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨: distant friends
Having started her training at a very young age (at ten years old) and later became the musical sensation of the country, Red did not have much time in her adolescence for romantic relationships until at sixteen when her friendship with the leader of BigBang turned into something else when he kissed her and confessed his feelings for her. It was not until she was eighteen that she lost her virginity, since when they began to start dating she was still a minor and both decided that it was better to wait, for the good of both of them. Jiyong was her first everything, her first kiss, her first love, her first time although we already know how that ended.
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𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨: 2015
𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: several nightstands
𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨: best friends
Between these two there was always sexual tension. They both like to flirt with each other, it's a big part of their friendship. Jay was always there for her when she broke up with Jiyong, Red was sad and depressed since she believed that he was the love of her life, plus the issue of 2ne1's separation had already been mentioned a couple of times so one day Jay showed up in her studio with several bottles of soju and between a few laughs they both began to get very touchy and the friendship took another step. When it happened the second time they both talked and decided that it was nothing serious and that the most important thing was their friendship so they finally decided not to have sex again until it happened again for the fourth, fifth and even sixth time. At the end of the year they both decided to stop since they did not want to screw up their friendship. Today they are still best friends, only a few know what happened between them.
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𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨: 2017
𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: one nightstand
𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨: acquaintances
There are few times that Red remembers that this really happened. It happened when Yongguk decided to rent Jigoku for his Yamazaki mixtape release party, he obviously invited the owner of the club to the party and even invited her to sing along with him on stage. They both started talking about music, Red told him that she loved the song and that he had done a great job plus she was a fan of BAP. Again the alcohol did its thing and both ended up in the girl's office fucking on her desk. They had never spoken or been close so they did not speak again and when they saw each other at a party or event they simply shared polite smiles.
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𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨: 2015 — 2016
𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: friends with benefits
𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨: distant friends — acquaintances
At the end of 2015 Red was hired to do a drama in China (another reason she cut off her physical relationship with Jay) in which the former EXO member was her character’s love interest. Red didn't know anyone in China and he knew that, so he reached out to her —more because he was a fan of hers than because of his kindness— and helped her feel comfortable in the unknown country. The two began a friendship after multiple outings in which Yifan taught her his origin country or reviewed their lines for the series. As soon as she saw him, Dara found him attractive so she didn’t complain when one day they had to practice a kiss and he touched her ass, it was accidentally and the boy apologized multiple times with his face redder than a tomato, breaking his image of bad boy, though his face turned two shades darker when she took his hand and placed it back on her ass and then kissed him. They kept having sex during the recordings until the time came when Red had to return to Korea, Yifan who had already started to have feelings for her decided that it was best if they did not talk for a while. Red was hurt but still she accepted, she proposed that if he ever returned to Korea he would have a friend there, he told her the same. Nowadays they exchange messages from time to time like birthday wishes or sometimes Red goes to China and asks if he is there to get a coffee together.
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𝙮𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙨: 2014/2018 — Present
𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: two night stand, dating
𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨: married
It all started at that YG end of the year party, Red was depressed and somewhat drunk due to her breakup with Jiyong so Taeyang made Mino her babysitter. Winner's rapper had always found her attractive, how could he not? It was Red, the queen of kpop, a goddess in all Asia. He had grown up listening to her songs and being a fan of hers, in fact it was her who had given him the idea of ​​being an idol so when he met her in Mix & Match he almost fainted but that was a silly celebrity crush. He kissed her and she returned him the kiss, that night was the first they spent together although he knew it had been out of spite because she was still in love with the king of Kpop, and his theory was confirmed when during the following weeks she ignored him as if he didn’t exist but after confronting her they managed to remain friends. It was not until three years later that they returned to have an approach of another type, when he realized that he was in love with her. When Ikon and Winner found out that she was leaving the company and probably the country he decided to show up at her house and confess his feelings in a desperate action to make her stay, I guess it worked since now they are happily married and are parents of two babies.
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promisesox · 4 years
Kawaakari : Last Light On The River
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➹ description - sequel to kawaakari | samurai!yongguk comes back to your lonely town but it seems he has his mind on other things. You’re distraught on what to do and how to feel but it still remains, who will you serve? 
➹ pairing - samurai!yongguk x reader as oc(yeji)  
➹ rated - M for mature | 18+ | NSFW
➹ genre - NSFW | smut | angst | edo period japan | samurai!au 
➹ word count - 5k
➹ warnings - this is smut | profanity | NSFW | 18+ | unprotected intercourse | drunk sex | alcohol | bad representation of the edo period | tattoos
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You could see the mirage of sweltering heat lining the orange dirt path. People lined up in front of their stores and even customers and passerby's stayed towards the side to keep the path open for the royal carriages coming forward in the distance. Their loud gossip turned into hushed whispers as the carriages came closer, seeing samurai in full armor leading the extravagant royal display that was pulled by finely dressed servants. 
You scoffed to yourself, folding your arms over your kimono as you watched the applause and cheers begin for the presence of the king in your humble town. He had returned from meeting with some diplomats on the other part of the district, and purposely rode through town to flaunt his power over the people. You were proven to be correct, the gold rimmed door swinging open with the sight of a black covered leg kicking out before the sun gave light to the recognizable grace of the King himself.       
Bodies crowded together just to get a glimpse of the King make his way down the dirt path in the gold court carriage that two servant men pulled from the front. His fine gold and black robes hung from his pale body loosely, leading up to the small flawless face except for the single scar over his eye. His joyous laugh roared over the cheers of people pushing amongst themselves to wave at the King. You recognized the red tint in his cheeks and half closed eyes, his body staggering in the entrance of the carriage as his hand grabbed hold of his falling crown, the hanging beads crashing against each other.  
Ah, he’s already drunk. And in a good mood. 
You had served the King with feminie company a few unfortunate times during past summers where he called upon your sisters. Head mistress never passed up the opportunity to offer the King her services, making you and the rest of your sisters dress your best and head to the castle to dine with the Emperor. It was uncomfortable and stomach churning, the deadly rumors about the King refusing to leave your head. King Yoongi was known as a tyrant, torturer, and sick bastard who took pleasure in every form of pain. You were proven right with the suffocating tension when you all settled into the dining room, the men keeping their hands off the ladies until King Yoongi flicked his wrist; permission granted to enjoy the feast and wine. The mood only lightened when your sisters got enough wine in him, a more comfortable expression on his face that was able to make you loosen up as well. 
You remembered the many parties you attended like that for the King, making sure to keep a safe distance away from him as he served his men that he granted to join his events. You managed to avoid the many summonses this summer to serve the King, passing the responsibility onto your sisters as you settled for laundry duty. Serving the King meant more money; ten chickens, five pigs and a goat you could send back home for your sickly mother but you couldn’t handle that much murderous tension in a room, it was too much on your heart. You took on basic work back at the oiran with the other men that frequented the shop but you mainly helped out with errands such as these. Trying to gather fruit in the market that now was bombarded with attention to the King rolling through. You sighed out in annoyance though you kept a safe distance hidden away in the crowd, taking in the sight of the foolish King about to fall out of his carriage. You noticed the many samurai surrounding him, raising an eyebrow to their armor cladded bodies and stone faces as they led the way towards the castle. They definitely garnered attention to themselves, making you wonder what entailed during the meeting with the noble diplomats. 
You watched the carriage continue to move forward, the many townspeople following the gold display in hopes that he would drop some gold coins for them. You shook your head, wondering if you should pack some extra unpaid fruit in your bag since no one was planning to do their jobs today. You moved to head back to the stalls but quickly stopped in your tracks with eyes going wide. 
There were still more men coming, but you recognized this attire on instant. They didn’t wear bulky armor like the samurai in front, but you knew these guys were the real deal with their black robes and glimpses of the familiar crest on their bodies. The group of them followed behind with a significant distance between the carriage, greeting the people as they came by. 
Your eyes scanned the group of men, searching out the person that you begged your mind to remember. Remember the appearance, the distinct features, call back on the love you once shared. 
It was as if time had slowed, the glimpse of the black hair being pushed back with a tan hand, long fingers getting lost in the black locks before they moved to the back of his neck to massage the tense muscles. You recognized his thick eyebrows, above those dark eyes you could get lost in if you stared for too long. You recognized the nose, pink full lips and the peek of the assorted tattoos along his body right underneath his neck being hidden by his black robe. You recognized it all, drinking him in as quickly as possible before you dared to utter his name. 
Your mouth didn’t even fall all the way open before you were roughly pushed aside, screaming women mingling in the group to convince the samurai to take a chance on them. If it wasn’t for your eyes frantically searching for Yongguk again you would have knocked this heavy basket of fruits on each of their hands and started a brawl. 
You managed to find him again in the larger crowd, only for your face to fall with the sight of the many women between his arms. A tiny hope of him acting a bit humble, pushing them aside and focusing on his own task at hand. Instead he welcomed the attention, heated bodies against his own as his mouth moved saying something to rile the girls up in a fit of giggles. 
You didn’t notice the way your body quivered or the tears stinging your eyes making them grow red. The basket of fruit that you carried suddenly grew too heavy on your arm, intense wave of emotions filling your chest as you watched his head tilt downward, red painted lips beside his ear as a girl whispered something you assumed to be words of desire, a slight smirk on his face before his eyes darted up to catch yours. 
A breath hitched in your throat as you rapidly blinked, feeling hot streams of liquid burning a path down your cheeks. You staggered back as you swallowed a building lump in your throat, unable to read the look in his eyes as he continued to look at you. You finally found your footing to quickly turn around in the direction back to the oiran.  
“Yeji-ah, you can’t stay like this forever.”
You muffled your sobs into the satin pillow you buried your face in, your body shaking with the cries you let out as you laid on the fluffy futon underneath you. Your friend sighed in the mirror, carefully drawing a winged line over her eyelid as she painted her face with the make-up on the table. 
“Crying all night isn’t going to do you any good.” she tutted, not sparing your form a glance as she continued her work in the mirror. 
The night air that came in through the open windows was cool on your hot skin from a very long soak in the bath that you spent crying in there too. You still had more sobs in you to get out, believing that this broken heart was never to be healed. 
“I will cry for many more then.” you drawled, moving your smushed face to the side and finally breathing in some fresh air. 
“You can’t do that~, you have work to do.” 
You raised up your heavy body on your arms, pushing yourself up into a sitting position with legs crossing over. You wiped your nose with the back of your hand and pulled the snot back in with a sniff, hearing your friend make a small noise of disgust. 
“I waited and waited for him to return back to me. I worked so hard even though I missed him so much.” You whined with another sniff, your numb heart being hit with another wave of sadness mingled with jealousy as the memory of the woman whispering in his ear flashed in your head again. “He’s a sleazy bastard. I should have listened to him the first time he said not to pursue him. I hope the gods give him what he deserves and-”
A hard smack against the table made you keep quiet, peeking up at your co-worker who was finally looking at you with a kind smile and freshly painted face. “This is not the Yeji I know.” 
You made a noise of surprise when she hopped out of the chair and toppled over you, wrapping her arms around your form in a tight hug making you groan. Her hands clasped your face, mushing your cheeks together as she made you turn your attention on her. 
“I’m not going to sit here and say I told you so because I already did but you can’t keep ruining this beautiful face with tears for a man.” You blinked at her, your smushed face making pout as your eyebrows knitted close together. Her mouth turned into a brilliant smile, playful eyes sparking with mischief. 
“I heard the yamazaki is dining in a bar near the castle, and it’s going to be a very fun party.”
Your head began to shake with denial but her tight clasp kept you still as she continued, “How about we go stir it up a bit more, and I’ll give you a makeover that’ll make every man drop to their knees before you get through the door.” 
You blinked at her, your voice coming out muffled, “But Yongguk will be there.”
“That’s precisely why you’re going my love.” 
“I don’t want to see women on his arm.”
“And he probably doesn’t want to see his men drooling all over you. But that’s what’s going to happen. And you will take back your pride and ego and show him the power of a courtesan that can kill men and women with her appeal.”  
There was a long pause between the two of you, her words settling in before her eyes smiled at you and she smacked a kiss on your lips. She released her hold on you and moved to return back to her seat, giving you the option to let her help you or not. You didn’t really like the idea of going out to a party, much less know that Yongguk was going to be there giving other women attention. Your emotions were unstable; the idea of having to let go of a lost love you’ve waited so long for that you changed your whole demeanor to that of a young girl being married off to a fine prince. Thus, this fine prince ended up being a sordid asshole who had no morals. Though, you couldn’t hold back the excitement in your heart, a little piece of yourself coming back. The look on his face when he saw you in all your glory and unfazed attitude proving two could play this game. And you wanted the last laugh.    
That’s what it means to work in Oiran.
Adrenaline coursed through your veins, mixed in with the couple cups of wine you downed to get you going. You took extra care in getting ready as fast as you could before the night wasn’t young anymore. You dressed in the finest gowns you could borrow, a kiss to your forehead from the headmistress as she prompted you to bring back customers since you weren’t making any money. Her nose wrinkled in disappointment but she let you and your sister go, holding hands as your laughter filled the night along with whistles of approval from men passing by. There were more people frequenting the district up near the castle, probably due to the King throwing another extravagant party to himself. But you made sure not to go too close, recognizing the famous bar you and your friend were headed towards that was lit up with joyous noise.  
You squeezed the hand in yours a little tighter, your friend sparing you a glance as you held your head a bit higher, moving along the path towards the entrance of the bar. You heard the catcalls and whistles, men already falling to their knees to capture your attention like withered flowers. A naughty smile played on your lips, the fire lit lights from the windows shining on your face as you stepped in, your presence being made known by the men who were fascinated with your beauty. Donned in silk red and white robes, shoulders and neck exposed the cool summer air as your hair was pinned up in a messy bun with fringes of your hair coming down to tickle your exposed skin.  
You glanced around, already gaining company as paid drinks were offered to you before you could even find a seat. Your friend and you loved to play a game of hard-to-get, only showing each other attention as men tried to get in between. Your eyes scanned the bar in search of the bastard you had your mind on all this time, biting down on your glossed bottom lip as your brown eyes searched through the yamazaki men.  
Indeed you found him in the hazy smoked corner of the bar, giggling women at his feet and pouring him drink after drink, even feeding him a chicken teriyaki. He seemed to have noticed you first, dark eyes boring into yours as a red tint washed over your body. You cleared your throat and looked back at your drink in hand, throwing your head back as you let the burning liquid course down your throat.  
A few more men sat at the table with you and your co-worker, compliments and words of desire already spewing from their mouths as you turned your work switch on. As a maiden who pleases men this was the same exact scenario, but instead of money you were earning Yongguk’s attention. 
“What’s your name, pretty girl?”
This one had caught your eye, among the others that your co-worker was keeping entertained he had his dark eyes on you. You scanned him over, being surprisingly reminded of Yongguk as you took his features in. Tan skin, thick eyebrows, short black hair and an adorable smile that made his eyes smaller. He was much more giggly, his body leaning towards yours as you rested a hand against his chest to steady him. “Yeji.”
He chuckled foolishly, “Nice to meet you, pretty girl. Name’s Himchan.”
You chuckled to yourself, laughing at his drunken actions as you watched him take a bottle of liquor out of the hand of his companion beside him, not even sparing him a glance at his flustered face. He poured the liquid into your cup, up to the very rim before he did the same with his own. 
You could feel heat against the nape of your neck as you took your cup into your hands again, carefully bringing the rim to your plush lips and drinking down the alcohol. Your face scrunched over as the strong alcohol filled your senses, making your body shiver. Himchan watched your actions closely, all the while letting his hand creep up your leg. The rough hand trailing up your thigh exposed more of your skin, his face leaning in as his tongue wet his pink lips ready to press against-
You watched his face fly onto the table, his hand torn away from your body as you held back a sudden scream. Himchan was out cold before he could even put up a fight, his body slumped against the table. Your head spun to the side, seeing Yongguk stand tall over you with a hand rubbing over the knuckles of his fist.  
Both of your attention was turned to the loud roar of one of his men, seeing the rest of the bar had taken notice of what went down. The large man staggered before dragging a bottle of one of the wooden tables, swinging it back over his shoulder before throwing it towards Yongguk. He dodged expertly, the wasted booze splattering over the wall as the rest of the bar went into an uproar. Yongguk had spurred on a drunken brawl, the yamazaki men beginning to fight amongst themselves. 
Fists were flying in each other’s faces as women screamed and moved to get away. You stumbled back, pushing away the heavy bodies that threatened to collide into you as you searched out for your friend. Your search was short-lived, a familiar rough hand wrapping around your wrist and pulling you out. 
A rush of fresh air hit your heated face as you welcomed the outside, gathering your loose robes with your other free hand. You stared at the back of the man pulling you away from the bar, an ocean of mixed emotions washing over your body as you searched for your voice.  
He didn’t even spare you a glance, continuing to drag you along to wherever he was going. 
“Stop!” you let out again with a shaky voice, attempting to pull your arm back but his grip proved stronger. 
“My fucking arm, stop!!”
You collided into his body abruptly, his familiar scent filling your senses as you instinctively grabbed his body. You didn’t have time to gather your bearings, your head being tilted back with a possessive hand in the back of your hair and pulling it down. Soft lips met your own and it took every muscle to tighten over for you not to melt. His lips were firm but needy, kissing you just like you imagined you would when the two of you were granted to meet again. 
You heard a growl rip from his throat the same time his other free hand clutched around the fabric on your chest. Your heart skipped at the thought of him ripping your garments off of you when you were still outside, but he controlled himself as he released it and let his hand trail up your heart skin to wrap gently around your neck. 
He pulled away from your lips much to your disappointment, the hand on your neck keeping you in place as your eyes fluttered open. 
He looked just as completely entranced as you probably looked to him, holding each other’s stares as your breaths mingled together in the short distance. He dragged his hand down from your neck, stepping back with his hand now in yours before leading you off again to a nearby ryokan. The both of you hurried in, ignoring the judging eyes of the innkeeper who recognized the face of the yamazaki. Yongguk led you down to a room, guiding you in and shutting the door behind the two of you.   
You brought him into your arms, leaning up to kiss him like you did before with more desire as you fought with robes on your body. He pushed you down, falling onto the floor and silently thanking that there was already a soft futon set up underneath you. He didn’t stray too far from your body, kissing you hungrily before dragging his lips down your neck.  
You had played this out in your head a trillion times, thinking of all the different ways this could go. But now here you were, unable to do anything with your hands as they scratched and pulled on his body trying to anchor yourself with the pleasure and emotions your body was experiencing.  
He managed to suck a few red patches over your neck and chest, already putting claim on you as his lips trailed down further. Your silk robes were no match for his steady hands putting shame to the hard time you were having earlier. You couldn’t decide if his kisses were hot against your skin or if your body was so hot that his kisses were cooling you down. Either way he had reached down to a region that needed him the most, your thighs spreading on instinct for him. 
A finger dipped into your pool, swirling about before he pulled it up to the light revealing a sheen of wetness on his digit. His dark eyes caught yours in a heated gaze, making sure you watched him take his middle finger into his mouth, sucking it clean. You moaned wantonly at the sight, quickly biting it back with a whine in fear of your loudness. 
He watched his head dive in, feeling his tongue against your slick folds as he licked up hungrily. You covered your mouth in silent scream, feeling his tongue quickly work into rhythm that circled around your folds and lapped up to flick your clit. 
You pressed your hand against your mouth tighter, the noise in your throat finding its way out as your lips mouthed curses into your palm. Your free hand found it way into his hair, but he quickly pulled your grasp into his own hand and held on securely. His tongue dipped into your hole, pushing it in as far as it would go making your walls sputter in desire for more length, more girth, and more heat. Your legs were a quivering mess as he lapped you up, altering with his tongue going inside you in a mocking gesture of what was soon to come. 
You had needed this. Badly.
Your robes were beginning to stick to your body though you were quite exposed to the air that began to fill with sex. You almost couldn’t take it when his mouth wrapped around your rosebud, sucking into his mouth and letting his tongue swirl around making you scream into your hand. You began to buck into his mouth, wanting even more of the pleasure you didn’t know what to do with. 
He swirled his tongue over your pussy a few more times, a squelching noise filling the room shamefully as you whined to mask over the sound. Disappointment washed over you when he moved away, only to clench your walls at the sight of him sitting on the back of his heels, loosening the tie around his yukata. 
Your eyes darted down as his robe opened up gracing you with the sight of his tan skin, toned body that was donning fresh new battle scars since the last you’ve seen of him. Nothing caught your eyes more than the hard meat standing at attention. You didn’t notice your legs were quivering in anticipation until his hands were underneath your thighs, pushing them back to fold over your torso. The concept of time had escaped from you not knowing if Yongguk was moving too fast or too slow as your eyes strained to watch him the pitch of darkness. You realized you didn’t need to when you could feel it, feel the head of his cock at your entrance coating itself in your wetness all the more making that same shameful sound.    
He was pushing himself in before you knew it, making a lustful noise tear from your throat as you stared up at him with eyes losing focus. You heard hiss out a curse, something about the tightness as he permitted his dick to go in deeper. 
Claim you. 
He held the back of your knees firmly, letting them shake in his hold as he guided his cock to go inside of you. He was so large, too thick for you to take in all at once. He knew this, which is why he pulled back to push in more slowly earning another fucked out whine from your throat. The two of you continued on like that until he was satisfied with what length you could take, pulling his hips back and experimentally snapping back in. Your body took the move well, coating his dick in a sheen of wetness as he built up a steady, slow rhythm. Even though your body was taking it well the pleasure was too much for you to handle. It had been so long since the last time for you never dared to have sex with another man if it wasn’t Yongguk. No amount of fantasizing and masturbating prepared you for this as you held onto his wrists so you wouldn’t lose yourself to the pleasure. 
Yongguk watched his dick slip inside you, picking up speed as you took more of his length. Your wells sputtered over his girth, the tightness coaxing him to spill himself so early in the act. He chased the temptation away, snapping his hips into your own until his trance broke with your noise breaking into a high pitch. He whispered a soft apology, before returning to a bearable pace and letting his eyes scan over your body. You were a mess that was all his, in a shameful position that opened up just for him. You couldn’t hold himself back from picking up speed again, wanting to hear more of the noises spilling from your mouth. You were calling upon the gods, not bothering to hold back your wanton sounds as you spurred Yongguk on. You ignored the soreness in your legs as he pushed them back further, letting his body hover over you as he slammed his cock into your squelching pussy. Your eyes rolled back as you begged for it, making sure to tighten your walls over him everytime he came down.  
He cursed aloud before falling back onto his knees, halting his movements as he gained a tighter grip on the back of your knees. His dick slipped in and out of you, a slower pace than before though you weren’t complaining. The oncoming feeling of heat building in your lower stomach made you whine, as you reached out uselessly for Yongguk. 
He stared down at your pleading expression, messy hair sticking to the sides of your face, lustful eyes begging out, “Make it last...please, make it last.”
You whispered the words over and over, listening to the growl that tore from his throat as he disciplined himself to keep a steady pace as he felt your walls squeeze over his cock. Your orgasm washed over in waves, a gurtled moan of his name as your eyes rolled back and curses spewed from your shameful mouth. You choked on a whine when he picked up speed, your sore legs falling to his sides as he released them and his hands fell between you. You listened to his mingled grunts and moans as he fucked you like he wanted. You wrapped your heavy arms around him, letting your mouth trail kisses along his neck and whispered dirty nothings into the air just for him to hear. He cursed loudly, quickly pulling out and emptying himself on the lower part of your stomach. You felt the hot spurts of liquid on your skin, the act of it almost turning you on again. 
He fell over you again, welcoming his body in open arms as a tired smile played on your face. The both of you were spent and sleep was calling to you but the excitement of being with Yongguk after so long kept you up. You traced pictures into his back, your mind racing with the things you wanted to say to him. 
You felt the weight on your body raise off of you, a look of surprise donning your features as you watched him gather his robe to cover him again and move away from your body. You quickly sat up, pulling your own silk to cover your body as you silently watched his back turn to you. 
“So we have sex and that’s it? No I’ve missed you or this is where I’ve been this whole time?” 
He was silent to your shaky questions, a hand coming up to rub the back of his neck. “You’ll be safe here tonight. Go home in the morning.”
You scoffed in disbelief, a familiar twinge in your heart as you blurted, “You’re a sleazy bastard. You take all the women you want and throw them away after one night. If I didn’t show up tonight it would probably be another woman in here with you wouldn’t there?”
“Stop it.” his deep voice gently commanded, his back still turned to you as anger welled up inside.
“I’ve waited all this time for you and the first thing you do when you get back is play with some prostitutes and ignore me? When were you going to make time for me!?” Your voice was much louder, enough to wake up other possible guests in the inn. Your mouth pressed closed when he turned around with a harsh stare until you realized what was being held in them. Your jaw trembled as you felt your eyes burn, hoping to get the rest of it out in a clear voice.  
“Did you forget about everything between us?”
You stared each other down for a long while, refusing to break eye contact in fear that if you did it meant he no longer carried those feelings for you. You blinked when he moved towards you, a hand on the back of your neck pulling you to the lips that placed a soft kiss on your head. 
“Keep your feelings close to your heart. Don’t let anyone else see what’s inside.” 
You gasped when you felt the tight tension on your neck make a snap, your consciousness quickly going out and sleep welcoming you home.
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angelily95 · 4 years
"A winter date is cold. I'll secretly buy her coffee and present it to her."
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96 notes · View notes
flyfireflyfly · 3 years
A Possibility
Length warning: 3400 words
Quality warning: I haven't done any writing in so long and it just feels weird doing this. Like something has to be wrong with the story, especially since I honestly have no idea how this managed to happen at 4am.
"I'm just saying that if the guy really was a big shot athlete in college who broke national records, then you would find at least one thing about him on the internet." You set the box of dishes you had been carrying on to the kitchen counter. Tamar rolled her eyes as she began filling one cupboard with cups. "I don't think the girl who has been pining over the same guy her whole life should be giving out relationship advice." You froze for just a second and then turned towards your friend to glare at her. She glanced at you before sighing. "Okay, sorry. That was a low blow." Smacking the counter angrily, she added, "Damn it I really like him." Turning away from you, you worked on putting away the plates. "Just confront him about it then. If he admits he lied to impress you, you can work with that and warn him not to do it again. If he sticks with his story, then you know he cares more about his image than about having an honest relationship." "Hmm..." she hummed, mulling over what you said. "Yeah I suppose that works." She grabbed her empty box and tossed it towards the other boxes waiting to be taken to the recycle. "Ready to get out of here and go shopping? I need to load up on snacks and booze if I'm gonna have a housewarming party." You tossed your own empty box away. "Only if you buy me lunch first. I'm starving." Tamar laughed at that and nodded. "Deal. As a 'thank you' for helping me move in."
As soon as you walked in to the restaurant, you waved at the server and headed over to the back booth. The place you and your friends always sat at when you came in. "Hey, the usual?" asked the server. "Yep." you answered and slid in to the booth. "Except change my fries to tater tots." Tamar piped up. The server raised his hand in acknowledgment as he wrote down the order. Then he passed it to the cook in the kitchen. Drumming your fingers on the table, you eagerly waited for your food and turned your attention to the window. It was a nice, sunny day that went well with your happy mood. Today was a good day your decided. Suddenly your eyes were covered and all you saw was darkness. A breath tickled your ear briefly and someone asked, "Guess who." A shiver went down your spine, but you ignored it. Instead you chuckled and rolled your eyes. As if you could ever mistake that voice. "Hi Yongguk." The man laughed and removed his hands from your eyes. "How'd you know?" he questioned as he slipped in to the booth to sit beside you. "Please. I've had to listen to that annoying voice for years." you told him. He barked out a laugh and shook his head. Then he turned to Tamar. "You settled in?" "Yes, finally!" She let out an exaggerated groan. "You gonna make it tonight, right?" "Of course." At that moment, the server brought over your meals. The food smelled absolutely heavenly and you quickly popped a french fry in to your mouth. A small moan escaped you, causing the guy next to you to chuckle. Then his had shot out towards your plate. You went to smack his hand but you were too late. He made off with a fry and hurriedly ate it. You glared at him and scooted a couple of inches away from him, taking your plate with you. Only for him to follow you while attempting to steal more of your food. "Mine!" you exclaimed with a small giggle. You kept smacking his hand while moving away until your side was pressed up against the wall. "Come on, share." He gave you a mischievous smile. Then he was right there beside you, his body touching yours as he trapped you in the corner. "Get your own." "But sharing is caring." "Who says I care?" That earned you another laugh from him and he slid away from you, giving you some space. Tamar shook her head. "You two are unbelievable." The sever appeared again with a to-go bag. "Here you go." he said and put the meal down in front of Yongguk before walking away. Yongguk stood and grabbed the bag. "Well, see ya guys tonight." Then he left and you resisted the urge to watch him walk out of the restaurant. "Girl." Tamar while giving you a pitiful look. "Don't." you hurriedly demanded, not wanting her nagging to sour your mood. "We're friends. That's it." Another sigh. "Fine." Turning your attention to your meal, you felt your mood shifting anyways as your mind filled up with Tamar's opinion about you and Yongguk. About how good the two of you would be together as a couple. A tiny part of you agreed, but you couldn't let yourself let that part be more than a passing thought. Yes, you had a crush on your best friend. Some would even say it was a 'major' crush, and you've been suppressing those feelings for years after flirting with him did nothing. It was obvious he didn't feel that way about you so you gave up. At first it wasn't easy and it hurt like hell to be around him. Time helped ease that pain though so now there was only a dull ache in your chest when you allowed those feelings to briefly surface. Shaking your head and pushing him out of your mind, you changed the topic to Tamar's party. The two of you made a plan on how many people were coming and everything that you needed to buy.
Well, at least you tried to plan for the party. More people than you were expecting showed up and you were dangerously close to running out of drinks. The snacks were gone an hour ago. Tamar didn't seem worried about it though as she danced to the music with some friends in the living room. You sat on the couch and watched her with a grin on your face, until she beckoned you to join them. "Uh, no." you said as she stretched both arms out towards you. "No, no, no, no." Your denial fell on deaf ears as she grabbed you and pulled you off the couch while laughing. She urged you to dance and you half-heartedly followed along, causing her to laugh more. Then there was loud knocking on the door and you quickly proclaimed, "Got it!" You escaped the make-shift dance floor and went to the front door. When you opened it, you smiled in relief to see Yongguk holding a large box that was overflowing with bags of chips. "I brought supplies." he said as he walked in. "Yes!" You turned towards the crowd. "More snacks on the way!" Several people cheered as you led Yongguk into the kitchen. He put the box on the counter and began emptying it. "I figured you didn't bother with some 'just-in-case' extras." You rolled eyes. "Yeah, yeah." You grabbed the empty bowls and began filling them with chips. Once they were full, the two of you carried the bowls out in to the living room and set them on the table that was pushed up against the wall. "Dancing time!" You turned to see Tamar beckoning for you to join her again as she slowly danced toward you. You turned towards Yongguk and desperately pleaded, "Save me." "Nope." Then he pushed you. You stumbled slightly as Tamar grabbed you. Giving in, you let her lead to back to the group of people dancing while glaring daggers at Yongguk. He merely smirked at you though. With a sigh, you decided to go with the flow and started dancing. It wasn't long until you were genuinely enjoying yourself. You weren't sure how many songs had played by the time you collapsed on to a chair. "Wimp!" You stuck your tongue out at Tamar before laughing. How in the world she was still dancing was beyond you. Your legs and your feet had had enough. Though a drink sounded wonderful and groaned like an old woman as you got back on your feet. You headed towards the kitchen and came to a sudden halt in the doorway. Yongguk was leaning against the counter and he wasn't alone. A girl stood next to him and by the way the two of them were smiling, you pretty sure they were flirting. Suddenly a phone went off, snapping you back to reality. You walked over to the fridge as Yongguk pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Hold that thought." he told the girl and answered the phone. He left the kitchen and you guessed he was going to the bedroom so he could talk privately. Looking at the drink selection, you momentarily eyed the liquor before settling on a soda. Then you closed the door and you jumped. The girl had moved to stand by you. "Sorry." she offered. "You're friends with Yongguk, right?" "Uh, yeah." you replied. She lifted her right hand to show the phone she was holding. "My ride's here. You think maybe you could give this to him?" With her left hand, she offered you a napkin. Scribbled on it was the name Jessica and a phone number. "Oh. Yeah. Sure." You took it and stuffed the napkin in to your pocket. "Thanks!" She beamed happily at you while blushing a little. Then she turned and left. With a heavy sigh, you closed your eyes to center yourself. This wasn't a big deal. Yongguk has had girlfriends before. Heck, you've even dated a couple of guys. The only reason it feels weird now is cause of Tamar constantly insisting that you and Yongguk should date. She was like a dog with a bone in her mouth. If only she'd just drop it. Ignoring the dull ache in your chest, you went back out to the party.
As the night went on, the party slowly died down until it was just you, Tamar, and Yongguk left. And you weren't sure how much longer they would last. They both sat on the floor, leaning against the couch, and it was obvious they might have had one two many beers. "Best night ever." Tamar stated with a lopsided grin. "Um, have you seen your apartment?" you asked and indicated the mess as you plopped down in front of them. She giggled and shook her head like a little kid. "I don't even care right now." Yongguk giggled as well and rolled an empty liquor bottle across the floor. All of a sudden Tamar sat up and fixed her gaze on you. "So, anyone catch your eye?" You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "What?" She rolled her eyes. "Oh please. You had to have realized how many more guys there were here than girls." She smiled and lean towards you. "Did any of the single guys I invited catch your eye at all?" "Uhh..." Yongguk suddenly sat up as well. "Wait, was this a hook up party for her?" "And a housewarming. Two birds, one stone." she told him before turning back to you. "Well?" "Well?" Yongguk parroted, amusement in his eyes as he grinned at you. Feeling yourself blush a little, you shook your head. "I wasn't exactly looking for a date." Tamar sighed. "Damn girl. What am I going to do with you?" "Well if you would have said something beforehand." you told her. Then you noticed how she kept glancing between you and Yongguk. Dread welled up in your stomach as your heart started to race. "You know what..." She trailed off as if she was thinking about something that just came to her. "I think you two would look good together." A shock went through you as if someone had dumped a cold bucket of water on you. You gaped at her, not believing what she said. "Oh hell no!" exclaimed Yongguk. "That would be horrible." He gagged, as if the idea repulsed him, and then laughed. It was only when his laughter faded that you realized you hadn't reacted at all. You hurriedly smiled and forced out a laugh. "Uh, yeah. Horrible." The smile on his face started to slip though as he looked between you and Tamar. Several emotions flashed in his eyes. Amusement, confusion, disbelief, and then horror as he gaped at you. You looked away from him. "That reminds me." You dug the napkin out of your pocket and set it on the floor by him. "Jessica wanted me to give you this. You should call her." Standing up, you surveyed the living room. "I'm gonna start cleaning up." Then you went to the kitchen, pretending that you didn't hear Tamar call out your name. Going straight to the sink, you found the box of trash bags under it and grabbed a couple. You began to fill one with the empty bottles and chip bags. "Hey." You kept focused on your task. "What?" "He left." Tamar informed you. Sighing, you dropped the bag and ran your hands through your hair. "Fuck." "Sorry. I didn't..." You whipped around to face her. "Didn't what? I told you over and over again to drop it. Now look at what you did." "I just thought..." "No. Just stop." you told her. "He's been my friend for years and you fucked that up. Things will never be the same between us." Tamar stepped forward. "You don't know that." You scoffed. "Yeah, sure. Just look at the way he reacted." You mimicked his gag before giving her a dirty look. Then turned away from her and started cleaning up again. "Look, I.." "Drop it." you demanded, interrupting her. She didn't say another word as she grabbed the broom and went back in to the living room. You were very thankful that she listened to you this time. If she would have kept at it, you probably would have started yelling at her.
About twenty minutes later, you set the two trash bags down and looked around. "That everything?" "I think so." answered Tamar as she indicated for you to help her with the coffee table. You grabbed one end and together the two of you carried it to its rightful place. Stepping back, you looked around once more but didn't see anything out of place. "Let's get the trash out and call it a night." Tamar took one of the bags, leaving the other for you. "You can crash here if you want." Those magic words made your sore muscles throb. Between helping her finish moving in, all the dancing, and now the cleaning, it had been a long day. Well... that and the Yongguk disaster but that would have to wait another day. "Yeah thanks." you replied. You followed her to the front door and opened it to find a person standing there. Startled, she jumped back in to you though you barely noticed. Your heart leaped in to your throat as you stared at Yongguk. The man had his fist up, as if he was just about to knock. "Oh, sorry." He glanced at you but quickly looked away as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Um..." The three of you stood there in awkward silence for a moment before Tamar spoke up. "I'll just take these," she took the trash bag from you, "And you two can talk." She squeezed passed Yongguk while simultaneously pushing him into the apartment. Then she closed the door. If it was awkward before, now you didn't know what to call it. He could barely look you in the eye as he shifted uncomfortably. Sighing, you said, "Look, just forget about tonight, okay? It's not a big deal. And I meant what I said, you really should call Jessica. She seemed nice." That finally made him look at you with a surprise look on his face. "Huh? Oh.. yeah. Um... But..." He furrowed his eyebrows and licked his lips. Then he took in a deep breath and closed the distance between the two of you. Before you had a chance to do anything, he cupped your face with his hands and pressed his lips against yours. You were so shocked, all you could do was stand there. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. What the fuck was happening?? He pulled back and looked at you. "Okay this is weird, isn't it?" That jolted you from your mental panic and you swiftly stepped back from him. "What? I mean, yes. Yeah. It's weird. Why would you....?" You glared at him, anger rising in your chest. "I told you to forget about it. I don't need your pity." His eyes widened. "No, no, no. That's not.." "I said it's not a big deal and I meant it. You shouldn't.." He grabbed your arms, preventing you from moving further away. "That's not what I meant!" The words you were going to say died on your tongue as you gaped at him. "I just... I..." He let go of you to run his hands through his hair as he turned away from you. "Fuck." He took a couple of deep breaths before turning back to you. "It's weird cause I never thought that this could happen." "This?" "Yeah, this." He indicated the two of you. "Us. I never thought... And now I know that yeah, it's a possibility and I don't know what to do or how handle it or..." Your heartbeat sped up. A possibility. This was possible. "Let's try this again." He stepped closer and cupped your face once more. Then he kissed you a second time. When he pulled back, the two of you shared a look. A silent agreement passed between you and you gently put your hands on his arms. "Third time's the charm." he stated before kissing you once more. Something inside you bloomed, causing a rush of happiness to well up in you. This time when he pulled away, you couldn't help but smile. "There it is." he proclaimed, smiling as well. A small giggle escaped you. "Okay, yeah. It's weird." He stepped back and laughed. "Yes! Thank you!" Then he quickly closed the distance and wrapped his arms around you. You hugged him back, relishing his embrace. The sound of a door opening caused you both to jump back, separating the two of you. "Sorry, sorry." Tamar offered as she closed the front door. "Don't mind me, I'm not even here. Just turn off the lights." She swiftly fled the living room. That did you in and you dissolved in to a giggle fit. You couldn't stop. It also didn't help that Yongguk was hysterically giggling as well. The two of you started shushing each other, which of course turned out to be counter-productive. So you did the only other thing you could think of and kissed him. That did the trick, though the small moan he let out sent a shiver down your spine. "I'd say I'll walk you home, but I really don't want this night to end." he declared. You eyed the couch and looked at him. He seemed to have the same thought as he glanced at it as well. Taking your hand, he led you to the couch and when you sat down, he scooted closer so the two of you were pressed up against each other. This time, you didn't move away. "First thing's first." He shifted a little so he could look at you better. "No matter what happens, you'll always be my best friend." You sighed in relief. "That's exactly what I was afraid of. And, same. Always." He smiled. "Good. And... I don't have to call Jessica, do I?" You barked out a laugh before covering your mouth to silence yourself. "No. Absolutely not. I will end you." That made him laugh this time. "Good, good." Then he smirked. "You do realize this means I'm entitled to steal your fries." "Again, I will end you." He chuckled and shook his head. Then he pulled you in for another kiss, which you eagerly gave in to. The feeling of his soft lips against yours was heavenly. "Okay." you murmured. "The fry stealing is a possibility." "A possibility." he agreed before kissing you again.
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astroyongie · 4 years
i loved to see what you wrote abt yongguk on types of aries!!! do you think you could write a type of boyfriend (w/ nsfw detais) about him or maybe a yongguk as a husband?
Note : sure thing !! I love Yongguk so damn much. He has been through so much and I hope he finds nothing but happiness ❤️
Yongguk As A Boyfriend
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Yongguk would be a very caring boyfriend
The type that is able to make you laugh with his own smile
He acts confident when you two are out, but between you two he would be a precious thing, very shy
Very demonstrative lover
Loves to cup your face before kissing you
Finds it hot when you wear his clothes
Lazy morning where he traces your skin with his fingertips
You will never know but he murmurs how much you mean to him once you are asleep
Dates happen sometimes, he values quiet time at home with you more
Despite being an Aries and acting a lot on impulse, Yongguk would never be violent toward you
Or even in general
During fights, he would simply shut himself down and leave the room, avoiding all types of conflits and confrontation
This would last a few days until he calms down from the feeling
Honestly he only does that because he knows his words can be hurtful and he doesn’t want you to be hurt by him
Arguments also happen because he can be pretty negative and blunt about certain aspects
Communicating his feelings is very complicated with him so he would appreciate when you give him time to express himself
He is very thankful when you just hug him when he is down. Affection without any questions asked
He would be independent and give each other space to breath
Very stubborn he will always stick up with his position
He is an intense, possessive and jealous lover
For some reason he never get your orders right
Also he knows he can be quite imposent sometimes and he would try to work on that if you can’t handle it
Sexually speaking he is straightforward about what he wants
Don’t try to take charge. It just won’t happen
Yongguk would be rough yet caring
Leaves marks all over your body that’s for sure
His sex drive is quite high
Also he is the type of lover to enjoy eye contact during those moments
Because despite making sex quite physical, Yongguk still needs to see burning passion between you two
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coffee-for-himchan · 5 years
Yongguk and a window nook?
I literally had to look up what a window nook was (English is still so full of words I don’t know despite all these years of learning smh) but omg this is perfect I need one of those. Hope this turned out alright!
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“I’ll be back,” he said. “I’ll just go grab my phone,” he said. 
You glanced over at the clock on the wall to see that it’s already been ten minutes since Yongguk had gone missing, saying he’d just locate his phone that he left somewhere before you’d start watching your movie. You guessed it was about time to go and check where he’d gone to.
Having someone over was stressful enough already, but having him over was a whole other story. You found yourself thinking about everything that could possibly go wrong, those thought seeming especially scary this time around since Yongguk was, well.. Somebody you really liked. Really, really liked. And it was the first time you had him over at your apartment, which left you more nervous than expected.
On your way down the hallway, your glance trailed over the creaked open bedroom door.. Just to see Yongguk stationed at the window. On the window nook that you’d recently been trying your best to make extra cozy and comfortable.
Creaking the door open, you took a little moment to inspect him. He was sitting in a comfortable position, some fairy lights that were hung up along the window frame casting light on his face that displayed foll concentration. He was holding something in his hands, a book, or so you thought as you first scanned over his hands and then over the nearby bookshelf. 
You would’ve looked at him for a little longer if he wouldn’t have caught you staring at him that very same moment. It took you another second or two to realize and process the turn of events, and you felt instant embarrassment building up inside your chest, a blush creeping across your cheeks. 
You had to take a breath and hold yourself back from just slamming the door and leaving him there to be. Getting caught staring was simply embarrassing, or so it felt, but you guessed he felt somewhat uncomfortable as well, because he’d vanished without a trace and gone into a territory he maybe should’ve stayed away from.
“I’m sorry if I shouldn’t have wandered in here-”
“No, it’s completely fine,” you immediately reassured with a smile and fiddled around with your fingers behind your back, cursing at your heart for still beating a little too fast for your liking, “I was just wondering where you’d gone to, and went to see where you were…”
Awkward silence filled the room, and at first, you felt like you couldn’t possibly recover from this. But the longer the silence stayed around, the less awkward and more comfortable it became. Neither of you knew how to start conversation, but somehow you realized that it was fine this way, you really didn’t mind, as it felt alright. He was just as awkward and probably just as anxious as you were about this.
“Do you really want to watch that movie?”
Your looked back at him, snapping out of your previous trail of thoughts. He was looking back at you patiently and calmly, waiting for any sort of reply.
“Well… What else would you want to do?”
“It’s really comfortable here.. Maybe we could just sit and talk, if you’re up for it,” he said, his glance trailing away for a moment before landing back on the book in his hands, and he held it up for you to inspect the cover, “I stumbled upon this in your bookshelf, by the way.. I didn’t expect you to be into this type of literature.”
For a moment, you simply looked at each other, until you slowly felt a smile creeping across your face.
“Is that a compliment or not?” you chuckled lightly, your feet guiding you into his direction. The offer was too inviting to reject. Your heart continued beating fast, and you knew it made you nervous, but you knew you couldn’t help it anyways. It wasn’t just the nervousness, it was also the thrill and excitement.
“Definitely a compliment,” he replied with his own chuckle, scooting to the side a little to make more room for you, “I’ve read it twice… I’m not really that much of a reader, but this is one of my favorites.”
Conversation - a thing that first seemed so hard to start up - slowly started flowing by itself, and at moments it didn’t it seemed completely fine, since the silence he offered was comfortable and you didn’t mind it at all. For someone who’d seemed so untalkative at first he was sure the opposite, and little did you know how much courage it took him to open up to you like this at first. But he’d wanted to do that for a while now, because he figured why he felt so damn nervous every time he was around you. He really liked you. Really, really liked you. And maybe, just maybe it was about time to do something about it.
His hand that had been stationed on the window nook right next to yours for a while now slid on top of your hand almost unnoticeably, and by the way you only smiled in return and didn’t say a single thing about it, he figured it was alright. Maybe, just maybe, he could stop worrying so much. 
Maybe, just maybe, you liked him too.
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smitten--kitten · 4 years
B.A.P as Bunnies:
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scenarioslovers · 4 years
Morning| Yongguk
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Prompt no#97 “I apologise sincerely if my handsome/beautiful face has kept you awake all night.”
 Some things could be impossible to have.
And one of these things is having him by your side right now. He was sleeping soundlessly like an angle. You could not process how a person could change so much by sleeping. People tend to misunderstand him for his strong gaze and stern eyes. However, once you get to know him you would know that he has the heart of a child.
Nevertheless, he was a devil who possessed your life and your heart. 
Bang Yongguk, the man of many talents. He was most known for stealing girls' hearts which made you wary about him at first. Until you fall so hard with him, it was hard to stand up again.
You could not have enough of him. His sharp jaw, his pointed nose, and his well-defined eyes. Well, god must have taken his time creating him, because he was so beautiful it almost hurt. His muscles were so defined. You could not stop staring at his collarbone area, his well-toned chest.
You gulped as you remembered last night. Heat crept into your cheeks as you remembered how your hand roamed over his stiff back and ran into his fluffy hair. This man, he was all yours now.
Reaching for his tempting hair, you played with it between your index and thump so faintly so that he will not wake up, feeling how smooth it was recalling the memories you made of that night.
Out of the blue, a hand grabbed yours making you jump slightly in your place. You met his eyes and heat flushed your cheeks; anyone could mistake you for a tomato.
“H-Hey, you were awake?” You stuttered feeling embarrassed about being caught.
“You have been staring for so long.” His deep voice sent chills through your spine. His eyes roamed over your face before catching your eyes. “I apologize sincerely if my handsome face has kept you awake all night.”
You swore if you touched your cheeks you would burn yourself from how hot they felt. You needed to run away now. But before you could even take one movement away from him, he pulled you closer. You yelped in surprise as you found yourself somehow beneath him.
His body was hovering over yours, his elbow resisted by your cheeks for support as his face was so close it was torturous. His breath flaming hot against your skin.
You waited for him to close the distance, but he would not do that. Your skin tingled with craving of his touch on your body. You could not look away from his deliciously buffy lips.
“I-I am…” You murmured softly as you leaned forward to catch his lips in yours. To your surprise he pulled away, but never got up from over you, a smirk stretched so widely while he caged you between his arms.
At that moment, you wanted to hide. You probably looked so eager; it was too embarrassing.
“It’s so unfair.” You said as you hide your face in your elbow.
You gasped when he pulled your elbow away from your eyes and put it above your head. His eyes switched from teasing to wolfish.
Too intense and too dark, it sent electric waves through your whole body.
“what’s unfair?” He asked with his deep voice, too close to your ears. “Are you so eager for a second round? Something to refresh your memory about last night.”
“Stop it.” You whined as you looked at him nervously. “You like teasing so much.”
“I still didn’t do anything yet.” He breathed against your lips, before capturing them between his. You let yourself be drawn into his spell.
Losing yourself to him was the one thing you knew how to do the best. His kisses started out soft and tender as if you were made of glass and he was afraid to break you, but then those kisses turned into heated ones that left you breathless and shaky.
“Good morning, my lovely wife.” He breathed between kisses.  
“Good morning, my handsome man.” You giggled as he kissed your forehead and then your nose.
“I think we will cancel our plans for today.”
“Sounds like a good plan.”
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stormxac · 5 years
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「 𝗸-𝗽𝗼𝗽 𝗶𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀, 𝗽𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀, 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀 」
Lee Taemin ~ SHINee
Bang Yongguk ~ B.A.P
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