#bap reactions
bap-ftw · 11 months
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jongup being an angel as always and saying what we all feel.
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bangzyah · 1 year
Happy birthday to my favorite person:
(Tiktok video by: mybiasishappiness)
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
Artist's rendering of a hilarious moment between my grumpy 13yo cat & my silly 1yo cat
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bapdaydreams · 2 years
Can I ask for a B.A.P reaction when they see they s/o walking down the aisle on their wedding day?
Hi! I am so sorry, I never get notifications on the app on my phone and when I finally opened Tumblr on my laptop I saw your request. I am also not taking requests but I don't want to disappoint you after so long so I hope you enjoy this short scenario.
Bang Yongguk: This soft man would have his heart in his throat watching you walk down the aisle. He's teary-eyed but he has the biggest, gummiest smile on his face and nothing would ruin this day for him.
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Jung Daehyun: Oh this happy-go-lucky ball of energy would be so quiet and so emotional. He tries his best not to cry as he watches you walk down the aisle with a small smile on his face. He is so smitten and definitely the luckiest man in the world.
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Yoo Youngjae: He would be so happy and excited but all that stops when he sees you walk down the aisle. His heart is pounding against his chest and his jaw hangs open at how beautiful you look. The man is stunned!
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Moon Jongup: Send help. Jongup exe. has stopped working. He is stunned silent. He knew you were pretty but damn something about watching you walking down the aisle just made you 10 times prettier. He may or may not be crying silently.
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Zelo: He is just so happy to see you. He is practically vibrating with happiness and he can't wait to call you his. He thinks so are beautiful and every part of his just aches to hold you and kiss you. Just so much joy.
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Is That The Shower Head On Your Clit?
Soul Mates? A dancer and producer?
Can I have my heart?
Stray Kids
9 or Nothing
SKZ Reaction to You Getting Your Period
SKZ Reaction to Another Member Walking in on You Kissing
Bang Chan
Lee Know
Seo Changbin
Don’t Mind Me, Just Enjoying The View
Hwang Hyunjin
Han Jisung
Lee Felix
Kim Seungmin
Yang Jeongin
The Meaning of a Rose
Himchan and His Betrayer
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throwedgenji · 26 days
Interview with | ​⁠@ThrowedGenji ( Metroid )
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sxgarp0pz · 2 months
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"Mrooow?"— Ramshackle x cat reader Hcs.
GN READER. Cw: death/injury joke, may possibly be OOC In which, reader is a strangely smart cat— a specific three scraps’s cat. did they adopt reader? Of course not! Yet they’re here to stay ****************************************************** • Now, how exactly did they all meet? Cat!reader found them a stash of beans, and the scraps gave them affection. That’s it. And from then on cat!reader stuck around!
“No, we are not keeping that thing- we can barely afford to feed ourselves.” Stone said harshly. “But stooneee,” skipp whined, “they found us beans!” stone was silent for a moment, hearing what just came out of the other male’s mouth. “what the f—”
•They ended up letting cat!reader hang around, as long as they kept finding things for them.
•also, they nicknamed cat!reader whiskers. Of course they still call the kitty by name, but it’s just more fun that way. they’re truly a little endearing pack, aren’t they. •Vinnie definitely treats them like a truffle pig or bloodhound, having them sniff around for everything they need
•She also gave cat! a little bandanna! (even if it’s a little worn down, its still lovely<3) • I imagine them having a little stack of old newspapers laying kinda like a nest? Right by where they all sleep
• I can see the two of them’s relationship could be like an orange cat and a black cat.
• Skipp likes to practice his music with cat!reader around, as cat!reader always give feedback- whether it’s a flick of their tail or a purr, he’s appreciative
•It’s the same with any of his other hobbies, they’re always right there.
•Skipp is usually the one to carry them, in his arms or on his shoulders.
•The two of them’s relationship is most definitely like a golden retriever who talks, and a black cat who listens.
•Stones an interesting one,, if skipp’s not carrying them, they’re most likely laying on his shoulders!
• I love the idea that he calls them whiskers the most out of the three.
•Sometimes when Stone’s laying down or finally took it off, they’ll snuggle into his coat.
•I imagine the two of them’s relationship is like two black cats. One caring brooding void, and one silly void!
•This isn’t to say cat!reader’s an angel, no. They’re really quite a trouble-maker to the town, honestly.
•No one can’t leave bread of fruit on shelves or vendors, lest they scamper off with it. • I can see cat!reader picking fights with the actual “proper” pets, cat or dog but especially birds.
•Their first reaction to maggot was to immediately lightly bap his face, but then they felt bad so they started caring for him.
• When the pageant came, cat!reader begrudgingly switched out their bandanna for a white “necktie” (it was just a clean piece of ribbon)
•I can see cat!reader ending up scratching someone who booed at maggot
•I imagine that when the fight happened, they were going all out and ended up being like that party cat meme. “Beauty pageant horror!: rogue feline attack, 5 dead 9 injured”
• All in all, I see Maggot & cat!reader’s relationship like; weird kitten/over-protective sibling cat BONUS: they were given a toy mouse by maggot
((I have never done anything like this, so feedback is appreciated! Feel free to send asks if you’d like as well, I’ll get back to them soon as possible!!))
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jester089 · 7 months
(Romantic) Tadc cast x reader who's tail wag hard when near them pls
Puppy of a person
Autism brain strikes againnnn! I wasn't sure if you wanted just the tail or not soooo. I did just tail. Can be read with other animal features though.
He initially wouldn't get it. I mean I seriously doubt he has ever seen an animal in his life. It confuses him. Every time you realize he's in the room your pupils grow and your tail starts wagging. He patted you once and it was a blur. After enough time he brings it up with someone (hopefully not Jax. For your sake.) That's when he realizes what that means. And nothing changes. He might intentionally fluster you now but past that nothing is different. He still has a circus to run and a very loose grasp on emotions. But he at least knows it's a positive reaction so it brightens up his days a bit. And if he's had an extra bad day he'll do something nice for you just to see your tail turn into a blur behind you.
She'll know what it means but outright ignore it. She's got some self worth problems and seeing your body start doing, that when she doesn't even do anything. It makes her all blush-y. So she tries to avoid thinking about it. Now if your talking to her that's another story. She can't just act like you don't exist. And all her ignored/bottled up thoughts pop up then. If you're able to get through a convo without her going pink, then start worrying cause that means she's had an abnormally awful day. If anyone can cheer her up thought it's you. Honestly just you giving her some attention and affection will brighten her right up. Do watch your tail though cause if it baps it it'll probably knock her over.
Their are two ways this could go. 1. It annoys her because of the sounds it makes or how distracting it is so she'll ask if you can stop. All you need to do to make her take it back is pull some puppy dog eyes and she'll feel bad. 2. She finds it cute and uses it to tease you a bit. Only a bit though, she still cares about you. For this I'm going to focus on the second one cause it's cuter. You and her would be sitting in one of your rooms doing something chill when she hears the telltale sound of you staring at her. The little whap whap whap she hears behind her. She turns around and isn't surprised by your giant eyes staring at her. She's let out a little sigh then join you on the bed knowing she's going to be covered in fur and not let go for at least the next hour.
Kinger would find it really cute. I doubt you're taller then him though so prepare to be at least a little condescended. He never means to. Your just too cute for your own good. He's also never startled by you. It's hard to be when you have a constant noise maker attached to you. He out of everyone would be the one to find all your little spots. You know when you scratch a cat at the base of it's tail and it gets incredibly overstimulated. Those. He'll find every single one. He also keeps a lint roller on hand now cause his impenetrable fortress and his robe always need them whenever you visit.
She strikes me as the kind of person who will try and hold your tail still. Then the physical touch and attention makes it wag even more. And you end up with her hair messy proudly holding your tail. She's still be gentle though, she doesn't want to mess up your fur. If she does mess it up without a doubt she'll brush it to help. She knows it wont stay brushed for long while you're with her but she's going to try. Overall she would love it. It's a little strange sure but she's a walking talking rag doll, this place isn't exactly normal. Every time she walks into a room, is relaxing in a room, or hanging out with you and she hears your tail beating against your legs or a wall it makes her smile giving her a little dopamine burst.
Oh poor you. Having a tail is basically just an easy target for Jax. But for this I'll chill him out a bit. He'll never admit it but it does make him happy. He's always thinking about how you deserve someone better or how you're going to leave him. But when he lightly yanks your tail as a joke and to get your attention. You spin around to yell at whoever it was but stop when you realize it was him. Then he gets to watch in real time your pupils expand and your tail start. It reassures him that you love him. He wont in public, but I unironically see him tying little bows around you tail then commenting on how pretty you look before switching back to usual. If you pay attention you'll notice he's kind of always staring at your tail. This can be for many reasons, wanting to mess with you, thinks it's cute, thinking about what it's like to have one. Up to you to decide which it is at any given time.
Their isn't a universe where she doesn't find it at least a little annoying. I mean their's a good chance she's face level with it and gets whapped in the face every time you're together. Moving past that though because of her smaller height she can and will lay on it whenever she can. It's always all warm and soft, and she knows that it's connected to you. Makes her feel nice. I can 100% see her having a rough day and breaking into your room and without a single word flopping onto your bed and either you or your tail. I feel like she's one of those people who will half sneak up behind a cat or dog and start petting them freaking the animal out. She of course will do that with you too. She feels a little bad when you jump but gets over it when you turn around and realize it's her. Then she gets smacked in the face by your tail again and gets annoyed. She doesn't blame you though.
(Writing this used up my burst of energy so this is it for today. Hope you enjoyed it.)
xoxo, Jester
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neoarchipelago · 5 months
Of course ghost is the first one to get baped! Omfg now my brain is like what happens if red panda!reader just syoped the baps all together for like a month or 2 how would the boys react? like omfg my brain is just going brrrrrrr. And then starts it back up after another month of not doing it like omg. I can't my brain is now rotting with questions
-your local dumbass 🐺
The boys are so confused!!!!
Soap does something silly and is just waiting for the baps but nothing comes! You turned around and walked away.
What was that? What? Wait. Come back. Where's my baps...? 🥺
Gaz is in shock. Already typing in the boy's group chat, 'SHE DIDN'T BAP HIM!'
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Thinks you're mad at him or something.
He practically does dumb shit just to see if you'll bap him. But you don't. Gaz starts right behind. Nothing. Ghost even did a few times but had the same reaction. Price didn't try to bring you to do it to him but he keeps his eyes on you whenever you're in the room, trying to notice what's wrong.
But you're just trying to avoid doing it cuz they expect it too much!!! They're starting to like it!!
It takes yeah... A good month for you to end up actually snapping at Ghost and bapping him on the head. Soap is whining like a child 'what do you mean?! Why does it get the baps back?!'.
Ghost just stares at you before hugging you close. You're shocked at the sudden group hug seconds later.
"guys... You're squishing me..."
"you're very squish able.."
*bap bap bap*
"thank you!!!"
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thedensworld · 7 months
Naming Is Fun | K.Mg
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Pairing: husband!Mingyu x reader
Genre: fluff
Words count: 450
Summary: Mingyu knows that you are his laugh button, but he can't believe your suggestion over the baby name.
"How about 'Bapi'?"
Mingyu let out an exasperated groan, clearly accustomed to your antics. He'd heard countless suggestions, and you couldn't help but chuckle at his exaggerated reactions. It had already been almost a thousand suggestions, a number he playfully exaggerated. But he had indeed heard them all: Kimchi, Kimchijim, Kimchiguk, Kimchi Bokkeum, Kimtteok, Kimmari, Gimhae-si, and everything else that started with Kim.
It all began when Mingyu, in a rare bout of confidence, claimed that his surname could make any name sound beautiful. As his loving wife, you couldn't resist the temptation to playfully challenge his assertion.
"For a person with a word like 'seaweed' as their surname, you're certainly very confident," you quipped.
"What does it feel like to have 'seaweed' as your surname?" you asked, trying to stifle your laughter. This question led you to start listing possible names for your future child.
"How about 'Chijeon'? 'Kimchijeon'..."
"Or 'Kimguk'... We'll make them seaweed soup every day, because every day would be their birthday." Your excitement about giving the baby a name with the most random words you could think of brought a smile to Mingyu's face, even though he playfully claimed to dislike them.
"Imagine naming them Bap, 'Bap! Kimbap, come here.' They won't live their life in peace." Mingyu chuckled as he played out a scenario in his head of his future children trying hard to navigate life with a name given by their mom.
"But 'Bapi' is a cute nickname. We haven't had a nickname for them." Your hand went to your growing tummy, feeling several kicks from inside your belly, assuming it was their response to the nickname you'd given them.
Mingyu let out a soft chuckle when he saw a line of little feet on your stomach. "You like your nickname, Bapi?" Mingyu asked. His hand reached your belly before he planted a few kisses on it.
After kissing your belly, Mingyu cupped your cheeks and planted a kiss on your lips. "Stop throwing out silly names! We'll have a serious discussion later about it," he stated and planted another kiss on your forehead before enveloping your body with his arms.
"What's important now is your health. As long as you're healthy, the baby will be healthy."
"Happy mother, happy baby. I'm happy naming them 'Po'," you said, suddenly mentioning 'Po' as Gimpo, a city where the international airport was hosted.
Mingyu couldn't help but chuckle. "Gimpo... I can't believe you would think about Gimpo," he said, pinching your cheek.
When you were about to mention another name, Mingyu immediately planted a kiss on your lips, stopping any names from escaping your mouth.
"Kimbap?! You're kidding, hyung. You want to make another Boo Seungkwan?" Chan stifled his laugh as soon as he gained a scowl from none other than the Boo Seungkwan himself when he heard his name mentioned.
Mingyu chuckled while he painted the wall blue, "nah, just a nickname. I already have a name in mind, but I want it to be a surprise. My wife is too lazy to discuss a name with me," he explained to the two younger boys who were currently helping him with the nursery.
"Just don't name him Bap," Seungkwan muttered while painting the other side of the wall with white paint.
"Bap is cute." Your voice was heard as you entered the room with drinks and snacks on a plate. Mingyu smiled, releasing his hands from the gloves as he approached you and took the drinks and snacks.
"Bap likes his nickname," Mingyu said to Seungkwan, handing him the snacks. Seungkwan rolled his eyes, "he was indoctrinated even before he was born," he sighed, gaining a laugh from Chan.
"Why not Mari?" Chan asked you and Mingyu. You raised your palm to give him a high five while Mingyu sighed.
"Right? But it was for a girl though... Since he'll be a boy, Bap it is," you said, your hand going to your belly and rubbing it with love.
Seungkwan laughed, "Kim Mari..." He stifled his laughter when he realized what Chan had initiated earlier.
Mingyu playfully hit Seungkwan's arm with his gloves, "shut up," he said. "You have a worse surname."
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skin-teeth · 1 year
aaaa i love your little drabbles! if you dont min, could you do (seperate) headcanons for all the guys (and frank) getting a surprise kiss?
Surprise Kissing ____ and their reactions!
Ya got it! :oD Glad you're liking my silly posts! I really do enjoy writing these haha, these are distracting me from my actual fic!
Wally: - "Thanks, dear." - He acts all calm about it but his face goes all red - Lets out the smallest little laugh imaginable - Takes this opportunity to get revenge on you with a surprise kiss back! Howdy: - "Wh- Now?! I'm working!" - Laughs out of embarrassment - If you do it while he's cleaning he clutches tightly onto his cleaning rag - Casually breaks eye contact and fidgets with his apron Eddie: - "..Can I get another?" - He holds onto both sides of your face when you give him a second one - When he realizes how cheesy he was being he apologizes then runs off without another word - But before he leaves he returns the favor Barnaby: - "You tease!" - Picks you up so he can give you a kiss back - Definitely puts you into a headlock to pepper your head with lil kisses even more - Baps you in the face when you make fun of him for how blushy he is
Frank: - "*Stunned silence*" - Pushes your face away from theirs and mumbles to himself - They cover their face with his sleeve so you can't see their cheeks growing redder - Takes a moment to recollect himself
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Could I ask for courting/relationship headcanons for my pathetic boy Idia in your AU?
Sorry, this took a while.
Man, poor OG Idia already has it hard as a cursed human, he's not the type to make the first move, even with his brother providing him with all the evidence and statistics showing him that you would accept his feelings.
But now we're adding him being a big spider with those courting and mating instincts that conflict with the guy's other anxiety-driven instincts telling him to avoid it all and that everything would go wrong and that you would tell him “Ew no, you're a gross spider that’s blue all over.” and then poke him with a stick.
Most spiders tend to be solitary creatures, they don't live in groups and only come together when it's time to find a mate. It doesn't happen all the time but it’s common for the males to get eaten after mating or even before they have the chance to when their advances are rejected. Now that is for regular spiders but there might be a chance of it if you go up to the wrong person and these guys still have those instincts telling them to be warry thanks to their ancestors. People always say “The worst that can happen is they say no.” But really there's the chance they might say “Ew no” which is way worse. Or the extra way way worse when you are a spider cuz your crush might get freaking aggressive with you and take a bite out of you. You being a little human def ease his worry about the latter, but not the former.
It's later after you guys start to hang out that he starts to be a snarky little shit, who knew such an anxious guy could have so much sass. He’s a weird combination of having issues with self-loathing while also having a big ego. It's one of those times where he starts mouthing off that you do actually try to bite him, he was legit scared for a sec but once he saw those little teeth of yours couldn’t even make a scratch on the exoskeleton on his arm, he gets super freaking smug, and now he’s even more of a shit when teasing you.
With Idia romantic feelings will develop slowly over time after becoming friends though. It's def a new feeling for him, he gives me demi-ace vibes and I think this would be the first time he had this kind of interest in a real person, it was always fictional characters before.
But also I feel like with him it could turn into him thinking these fillings are just how it feels when you have a best friend since he’s only had his brother for all those years and you're the first person outside of his family that he felt this comfortable around and when he actually does these courting behaviors its subconscious and his instincts are kicking in and his brother is actually the one to point it out.
The male of the orb weaver family (Araneidae) and some others court by rhythmically plucking the threads of a web. After the female approaches, he pats and strokes her before mating. I head canon that not only is he able to create webs but they are cool and glowy and he makes a cool hammock for you to chill in sometimes or even hang out with him on one he made for himself…and then without thinking when you're leaning against him and enjoying the soft blue floof of his legs he gives you a few gentle pats and baps with spider paw and Ortho lets out a gasp and startles him. Oh, he gets so embarrassed once Ortho starts asking him about how long he’s been courting you and how he’s so proud that he made the first move despite his anxiety. Hopefully, he does his questioning after you're out of the room.
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(Oh, to be patted by one of his cute spooder paws.)
Or perhaps…he pulls a male wolf spider and ends up doing that purr after you say or do something that hits him in those feelings and oh boy, he is so embarrassed when he realizes he did it thanks to your excited reaction to hearing it. Though it hurts his ego a bit when you squeal about how cute it is…I mean…even if he didn't mean to do it, it was supposed to be sexy…still with spiders if you're rejected you either get ignored or attacked…even though he knows better, the inhuman part of his brain is telling him your positive reaction is a “yes” to getting with him which lends to him actually considering that this might actually work out and that Ortho is right. 
(Tbh I don't get why the video says it's creepy, it kind of sounds like bird sounds to me.)
Silk-wrapped gifts and offerings, expect snacks and games. Though admittedly he’s going to give you ones that he wants you to play with him. Beating a boss in co-op counts as a date…right? Right. Best believe he’s gonna be getting you hard-to-get items in game, armor, and whatever else. It’s easy to forget his rich until he gets you some decked-out gaming computer or that handheld you wanted, all wrapped in glowing blue silk of course. Actually, driders giving gifts made of their silk is very much a thing they do but Idia mostly does small simple things, expect to get really cool bracelets and hair ties infused with his scent. He gets so happy and so smug if he sees you wearing them.
I found out recently that another thing some males will do is do sort of a silk-involved message, though I think that is another thing he would do after you guys start dating and not before to...get you in the mood.
The massaging motions of the spider are officially called mate binding. Basically, the male massages the female, so that she'll allow him to mate with her, without killing him before he gets the chance. The male spider releases silk over the back of the female as he massages her. The same study also suggested that it was the feeling of the massage that soothed the female, and not the smell of the silk as some scientists suggested.
NSFW: I just found out that Darwin’s bark spiders figured out they're less likely to get eaten by ladies if they do oral. Do with that info what you may.
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spookyghostbunny · 7 months
Throws this fic at you then runs
The circus members couldn't help but to feel sorry for their new little jester. Everybody who enters the digital realm has similar reactions, but Pomni was a constant walking ball of anxiety. You couldn't blame her. The overly bright colors alone were enough to drive anyone insane.
Ragatha was absolutely furious. Jax had played yet another cruel prank on her, and she was out for revenge. On her way to confront the prankster, she spotted Pomni's picture. Poor Pomni. Even her own door displayed how fearful she was. It made Ragatha's digital heart ache more for the girl.
Completely forgetting about Jax, she lifted her hand and delivered a few hesitant knocks. "Pomni! It's me, Ragatha! I was uh- wondering if you... wanted to talk? I understand if you don't! That's completely cool, and I respect if you didn't want to! You don't really know me, and you probably want to be alone-"
Ragatha's rambling was cut off when she noticed a pair of nervous colorful eyes staring up at her.
Were Pomni's eyes always that cute?
Ragatha flushed and shook her head. "Oh! Hey, Pomni! M-may I come in?"
Pomni nodded, leaving the door open for the doll as she went back inside. Ragatha followed, sitting down on the bed next to the smaller girl.
After a few minutes of awkward silence, Ragatha tried to strike up a conversation. "So! How... How are you doing?"
Pomni glanced up at her before looking back down at her hands. "I- I don't know anymore... I'm still convinced this is a t-terrible nightmare.... Sh-shouldn't I have w-waken up by n-now?" Ragatha could feel Pomni trembling beside her.
Ragatha's eyes soften as she puts a hand on Pomni's shoulder. "Hey, it's ok, new stuff. I understand how you feel... We all do. You'll get used to things eventually and-"
"BUT I DON'T WANT TO GET USED TO THIS! I WANT TO LEAVE- NEED TO LEAVE! I CAN'T STAND BEING HERE A SECOND LONGER!" Pomni curls up into a ball, hiding her face in her arms. "I just want to go home..."
Ragatha was surprised by Pomni's outburst. Each word sent another sharp pang through her heart. Not wanting to make things worse, she quickly thought of ways that could help her friend? feel better.
A silly idea popped into her mind. Hmm... This might just work.
Carefully as to not startle her more, Ragatha pulled the jester onto her lap. Pomni looked at her with a mixture of confusion and surprise. "R-Ragatha?"
The doll smirks, forming her hands into claws and wigging them above Pomni.
The anxious jester squeaked when she realized what was about to happen. "Wait! Ragatha- Nohohoho!" She immediately giggles when Ragatha starts scribbling her sides. She weakly kicks and squirms, but she doesn't put up much of a fight.
Ragatha's smirk melts into a fond smile. This was the first time she saw a genuine smile on Pomni's face. And her laughter is adorable! The doll just had to hear more of it. "Aww! Is the newbie ticklish?~ Tickle tickle, Pomni!~" She teased, moving down to squeeze Pomni's hips.
Pomni's giggles turned into full blown laughter. "Nahahaha! D-dohon't tehehehease!" Pomni cried, hiding her blushy face in her hands. She was actually starting to feel a bit better. It felt nice to laugh and let go after feeling so many negative emotions.
"Why? Does it make the tickles worse?~"
"Yehehes!!" Pomni squeals, lightly bapping at the doll's plush arms.
Ragatha just laughed. Pomni was truly adorable.
5 minutes later Ragatha slows her tickling until she finally comes to a stop. She holds Pomni close, rubbing away the phantom tickles. "How are you doing now, Pom?"
Pomni snuggles against Ragatha, still feeling very giggly. "Fihihine.... Thank you."
"Anytime, new stuff."
They sat there cuddling and enjoying each other's company for a while.
Suddenly, Ragatha remembered something important. "Wanna help me get back at a certain rabbit?"
For the first time, Ragatha saw some mischief in Pomni's colorful eyes.
(You don't wanna know how difficult this was to write)
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seirindono · 2 months
Giving baps to all the crew, what are their reactions
(Also a kiss for Reds head after I bap him :3)
UT Sans: *amused shrug* UT Papyrus: *nyeheheh intensifies* until he notices that he has no nose to boop
US Sans: boops back (competitive) US Papyrus: "oh. no... you got me" *proceeds to lie down in defeat*
UF Sans: *confused but still smirking* UF Papyrus: *gasp* "The audacity-"
SF Sans: Will slap your hand away and glare. SF Papyrus: banned from answering
HT Sans: b i t e s HT Papyrus : boops back enthusiastically
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siren-sashimi · 10 months
Sweet spot HC Scenario; [Marquis Vincent de Gramont x pastry chef!reader]
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notes: Based on an anonymous request. They meet before Vincent owns the title of Marquis. Assumed the reader and Vincent speak French with each other.
☞ So here it goes: It's the time shortly before Vincent intrigues himself into the position of the Marquis de Gramont. Still working as practicing assassin, starving for luxury, well and a breakfast after this shit night, he drags himself through the dawn, through the streets of Brussels. There're a few bakeries open, here and there but none look good enough for his taste, nothing hand made, too fatty and sugary ready mades just shoved in the oven. No he looks for something in which the balance of butter so well beaten it's almost creamy white, the flour, taste thick, the caster sugar a compliment to not a compensation for taste. He passes by a more highclass looking establishment, the fancy one with glass windows installed with the intend for the passerby's to see how the baker's are baking fresh bread, sweets, baps, cakes, and anything else human hands are capable to make out of flour. It is the bakery in which you start your formation as pâtissier, as apprentice relegated to cover the (too early) hours. You just tried out your new variant with you're still critical about: A croissant with pistachio-cream-filling. The cream tastes too strongly against the unique yet delicate nut flavour, overpowering instead of transporting the flavour.
☞ Just one minute, a single minute after the shop officially opens a roughed up looking guy stares (good grief, his big eyes and gaunt features make for a unsettling stare) at the displayed goods. Expensive clothing is nothing uncommon in Brussels (after all, not incorrect joke has it that Belgium's population is by half only European parliamentarians) but in this state, you really hope that you don't have to take care of an entitled rich prick at 6.02am... ☞ So far he orders a coffee (one of the pricey Middle Americas blends, two spoons of sugar) and your pistachio croissant variant. In spite of your initial hesitance... you would be curious how the guests like it. ☞ From the corner of your eyes you see him closing his eyes in a relaxed manner after his first sip of the coffee (good), slightly nodding when he bites of the tip of the croissant (good too, a good croissant should be something you can bake in your groggy half sleep), he bites closer to the middle, where the filling is. A crease between his brows (not good). ☞ "Pardon ? Qui l'a fait?" (Excuse me? Who made this?) "C'était moi, monsieur. Comment pourais-je vous aider?" (That was me, Sir. How can I help you?) His face contorts for a bit. "For this price..." he starts, you can smell the trouble from 5 miles ahead "this is not worth it, just mashed together." Quick deep breath. "It is still in development..." "And you offer this to guests?" (Well, you're not Neuhaus here and your chef deemed it good enough for selling.) He stands up, ready to leave, and you notice without paying. "I'm sorry, Monsieur" you intervene quickly "I can offer you anything on the house - as an excuse. Everything else is our regular offer." Speaking these word hurts your own tongue. Prick.
☞ With a quick raise of eyebrows and a shrug he sits back down, orders a chocolatine. Now you feel feisty. You choose darker, almost too bitter chocolate which the butter smoothes down, tames within the dough, while the deep cocoa flavour unfolds to dark bloom, passing the comfortable warmth of the pastry to a dark floral aroma. You'll make him get something to taste for sure. ☞ One bite of his. Eyelids collapsing in delight, chest heaving, nostrils blowing slowly, while his jaw moves slowly. You got him. Somehow his visible satisfaction feels like sweetest revenge. When he pays you can't help shooting him a quick: "This one of mine too." Prick leaves with no reaction*. You're still feeling a bit triumphant.
☞ What have you done wrong? Some mornings he returns, ordering the pricier coffees (always two teaspoons of sugar, preferably brown sugar - damn he has good taste) yet he rotates between different baked goods, tries out different things. You two barely talk. Most often he looks tired, sometimes a bit dishevelled, other times just like he's been up all night (bags under his eyes not helping to make his face look less haunted) although not as bad as he did when he first set foot into the place. Sometimes he comes with bags, probably he travels a lot, always wears good materials. At some point you wonder if he's either a callboy... or maybe a spy? You wouldn't be wondering if many of them shuffled around Brussels too. Maybe you shouldn't read so much Largo Winch before bed time.
☞ Some day, early December, certificate awaiting you within a few months, he walks in again, no hair straying out of place, new coat, even with... could it be? Real fur on the neck hem. "One Jamaica Blue Mountain-" "Two spoons of sugar, Monsieur?" (question out of courtesy) "Certainly. And..." Green eyes narrowing down on you "one pistachio croissant." Somehow this feels like a test... he hadn't ordered this croissant since his first visit. You think, over the time passed, you nailed it, almost pure nut flavour, cream carrying the taste, ideal medium for cream, canvas for the nutty, almost salty flavour. For whatever reason, serving this sleek peacock your croissant wakes excitement in you. Actually, apart from thinking that he too visibly displays wealth, there hadn't been too much to stir your ire against him anymore... Trying to keep yourself from following his reaction, your try to busy yourself, sorting trays, setting timers for the next baking time - kinda difficult to discreetly shoot an observatory glance when this early he's your only costumer. ☞ You heard the last crunch, you can't help but eyeing him. A smile spreads over his lips. It suits him, the way he's so well dressed, the upright posture, legs folded properly, thoughtful look, slight smile. As if he noticed you staring he looks and asks straight through the empty room: "Why are you stuck here in Brussels?" "Pardon?" He gestures around. "That's a very good place, splendid even, I would say but aren't the true masters not in France?" You have to hold back a laugh. Twat. His French is so clearly Français de l'Hexagon, it would be too easy to assume him having reservations. "I've been to France." you reply with a shrug "Paris even. It was okay." "Okay? Isn't it one of THE capitals of fine cuisine?" "Êtes-vous Parisien?" you mock "I'm afraid to say, that yeah, indeed one really learns excellency in Paris, most reputable places but... even here in Brussels you're given room to breathe. Excellency yes yet you're allowed to take time and experience, refine by reflection. By the way both, Paris and Brussels aren't actually what the countries actually are like. Too clean." He leans back, now looking at you, that comfortable smile on his face. "Not, Parisian, no. Not yet. I see you have thoughts on this matter." "Better call it experience. Here I can dabble a bit in chocolatery as well." "Aren't the best chocolatiers in France as well?" (Not wrong but more like among the best…) "The Swiss would heavily argue against it. And guess what, Jean Neuhaus was Swiss, he emigrated to Belgium." ☞ At that he laughed, baring his teeth. Strangely, for a man this tall, with such intense eyes, large teeth, broad hands, pouty lips… it gave something nice to look at. He stands up, walking up to the counter, reaching out his right hand. "Vincent." You shook it and replied in return. Vincent's hands are enrapturing, callused at the fingertips and palm, lukewarm, a bit of cold from the outside weather on the back of his hand can be left when your hands part. "I will miss this place…" he announces, giving everything around him a quick look "Things played out that I won't visit this city for a while. Yet I will miss the quality here. At my working hours it's difficult to find a decent place." Quick hesitance on your part. Judging from his calluses the possibility of a callboy-occupation diminishes. "If you want, I still got some contacts of my senior apprentices, and some from Paris even. They landed mostly good jobs or opened their own shops. I can give your their addresses, if you want to. Tell them you know me, they give you something to try. Also, it's nice to have someone who appreciates our work and isn't taking the next best thing."
Vincent huffs. "If you vouch for your friends' good craft." He takes your notes. Before he leaves he turns around and tells you: "That pistachio croissant…. Finally worth it's price." Jerk.
*In the Netherlands and Belgium people rarely tip since tipping is included in the prices. (And something, something minimum wage even in food service.) For once Vincent isn't entirely a rich jerk
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semisolidmind · 1 year
Okay, so. One line from the Mac stays with immortal Reader when SWK is sealed for 500 years stands out to me. "Before he could", referring to getting her pregnant. And it got me thinking. What if in the middle of him quietly raging over the situation, his sons walk in? Sons, mostly because twins run in my family, so I am fond of the image. They would be about 500 years old, so very grown up. But two, strapping, handsome, very clearly NOT Mac's, men walk in. Each carrying a bushel of peaches (I don't know that Mac has a favorite fruit but I imagine it isn't peaches) under one arm and eating one with the other. After the three way spider man meme, what's his reaction? For what it's worth, the sons know the history and while they aren't happy SWK is here, they just want him to leave without hurting their mother or Mac, who has functionally been their father this whole time.
PS: Thank you for getting me hooked on Isekai'd to the West. Bada Bap Bap Baaaa, I'm loving it.
(ah, i see. so this is if swk was able to get reader pregnant before his imprisonment, but since mac helped raise them, the kiddos think of him as their dad, ok. )
alright so, twin baby boys.. since i think there need to be more monster babies, these boys are monkey demons like their dad. i kinda imagine the kids being fraternal twins, like maybe one of them has the ginger fur and the other has reader's hair color.
after the spider man pointing meme moment, the boys are obviously on edge. ooohoohoo, they know this guy, their dad (doesn't matter that he's not their "real" dad, mac raised and trained them) told them aaaall about him. even though he hasn't done anything yet, doesn't mean he won't. The boys go to sit by their mother and macaque, one on either side, putting themselves between her and the warlord who sired them. they remember their manners, though, so they make polite conversation with the disciples and their master.
wukong on the other hand...he's in awe. those are his kids. the evidence of his and reader's union, now grown and strong. he can't help the grin on his face despite their mistrust and readers obvious anxiety. of course, he's still incredibly pissed that his wife and children were stolen from him.
however, given that his sons are now grown and have been raised under the traitors' ideals...perhaps it'd be best if he just took back reader. after all, he'd always planned on having a ton of kids with her, so these next few will be raised his way. and it's not like his firstborns will be able to take their mother back. they were trained by the weaker version of him, so they'll likely never surpass him.
with her sons subtly guarding her, wukong doesn't get the chance to deliver his threat. regardless, mac, reader, and the boys make plans to move somewhere far away the moment swk and the diciples are out of sight.
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