skybrushus · 2 days
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The first drawing I started during my 9th anniversary Picarto stream. It's that time of the year when graduations take place, and here we see the CMC on that special day. Their family and friends are there the congratulate them. Miss Cheerilee is so happy to have seen them grow up into such fine young mares.
      And the Ponyville School District breathes a sigh of relief, and hopes that their insurance policy goes down in the fall.
I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like this possible by supporting me at Patreon
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mediumsizetex · 6 months
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Herald of a dark future by Baron-Engel
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weepylucifer · 7 days
glorious 25th makes me think again about that one idea i once had for a discworld spinoff set in the future that would deal with the natural conclusion to the industrial revolution arc: communism comes to discworld
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nitewrighter · 11 months
What Large Teeth You Have
Seeing the Genji and Mercy Knight and Dragon skins made me realize it's been a hot minute since I've last done a fairytale AU. Also WOW! This one turned out to be almost 10k words!! CW for animal death because this is pseudo-medieval land which means critters get eaten.
"I mean, of course you're a girl dragon! 'Cause, you're just reeking of feminine beauty."
--Source unknown
Genji frowned at the bounty board. Behind him, the tavern was quiet, dust motes hanging in the early afternoon light streaming through the windows. Come sunset it would be full of the usual boisterous bands of adventurers, their drunken boasts, and even more drunken brawls, and then their drunken tearing down of local bounties, so he preferred to come in before all that.
"Are you sure this is everything?" he glanced over his shoulder at the tavernkeeper, who was sleepily polishing a flagon.
"Eh?" the tavern keeper glanced up at him.
"Are these all of the available bounties posted?"
"If't ain't on th' board, 'tain't worth doin'," said the tavern keeper, returning his attention to the flagon.
"Really?" Genji yanked one flier off of the board, "'Kill the dreaded six headed possum that's taken over my rubbish heap?'" he yanked another flier off the board, "Find my prized goat with two extra nipples?"
"T'ain't on th' board, 'tain't worth doin'," the tavern keeper said again.
"Counting goat nipples is not a valorous deed," Genji said sullenly.
"Them's fully functioning nipples, from what I heard, they are," the tavernkeeper said, whipping his polishing cloth at Genji in admonition.
"Surely this can't be it!" said Genji.
"Genji, Genji, Genji," a voice tutted and Genji's shoulders slumped. He pivoted where he stood to see a figure with dark spiky hair and pointed ears in a blue tunic.
"...Lena..." he grunted.
"You know what your problem is?" Tracer strolled right next to him and took the fliers from both his hands, "You think an adventure is all... fanfare and bravery and blood and grand deeds, when really it's about the little things."
"...like goat nipples," he said flatly.
"Like answering the call!" said Tracer, stuffing the fliers into her own belt, "No matter how small! Letting the realm know you care about them!"
"If you want to find random animals for people who likely cannot tell their heads from their buttocks, by all means," Genji folded his arms, "My sword thirsts for glory."
"'My sword thirsts for glory,'" Tracer imitated his timbre with a mocking flail of her hands. "Welp. My coin purse thirsts for commission. So with that I'll be off."
"I bet the possum doesn't even have six heads!" Genji called after her. She just flailed an arm up in an 'I don't care' gesture of goodbye before heading out the door.
He leafed underneath the more recent ones, knowing that if those ones hadn't been taken, they were likely just as arbitrary as the goat and possum, and indeed, they were. Jobs that were little more than being hired muscle for petty disputes of dubious legality, jobs that seemed to amount to courier work with equally dubious legality, one that had definitely been written out by a child apparently dealing with some bullies, a dragon cult in the ashlands to the west, pest control for a local mill--
Wait, what was that last one?
Genji seized a flier off of the board with interest and read it.
By Order of Duke Engel of Sinteroth
Adventurers of able body and sound mind needed to clear Castle Ziegler of the dreaded cultists of the Order of the Emerald Flame, and rescuing the Duke's ward, Lady Angela, from their clutches.
The adventurer successful in ending the threat of the dragon cultists is welcome to as much of the cultists' treasures as they can carry, as well as an official reward 500 Gold sovereigns, the ownership of a 20-acre plot of land, and the title of 'Baron.'
"What do you know about this one?" Genji held the flier up to the tavern keeper.
"Eh?" the tavern keeper bumbled over and squinted at the flier, "Ah, shite. Meant to take that one down."
"Take it down? Why?" Genji tilted his head.
"Word is, Engel died not long after the Lady Angela was kidnapped--nerves or heart or some such thing--and his heir, his nephew y'see, had no interest in giving away so much of his father's wealth for a ward who would only be a potential rival for his own succession. So there's no reward now--no gold or land or titles. Ye'd be headin' into whatever horrid black magic them cultists been cookin' up for nothin' but whatever fell trinkets they have scattered around, and a highborn orphan shrew--if'n she's still alive, that is. Which is doubtful."
"...so they just... let the cultists have that castle," Genji tilted his helmeted head.
"No one's fixin' to kick a hornet's nest--not without an offer of 500 gold and barony, that is."
"I have no desire for land, gold, or titles," said Genji (this was perhaps only 60% true), "I shall reclaim Castle Ziegler from the cultists, so the shadow of their dark magic no longer threatens the realm." With that, he dramatically rolled up the bounty flier and stuck it in his satchel.
"I mean, as long as the flier doesn't stay up--" the tavern keeper shrugged but Genji had already swept around into a heroic stride out the door.
"I go to seek my destiny!" he declared, "Wish me luck!"
"The flier did call for 'Sound mind' you know!" the tavern keeper called after him.
"Thank you!" said Genji, who hadn't heard him and definitely interpreted his yell as some variation of 'good luck.'
The tavern keeper just awkwardly waved after him. "Poor sod," he muttered under his breath.
The journey to the ashlands was long and arduous and more than once did Genji feel a bit foolish riding out so far for a quest he knew little about, save that there was no actual certain reward. Even his own promise to himself that he would at least have a good story to bring back home seemed dubious. But then again, he figured if all of Tracer's claims were to be believed, then this truly was adventure for its own sake. Storming castles, slaying dark mages, rescuing fair maidens, the parts were there, but doubt set in more and more the closer he got to the ashlands.
Days and nights he rode, deeper and deeper into the west. Traversing plains, clambering up and over mountains, fording rivers, sleeping under the stars or shivering in lean-tos. He was guided by the stars, by the wind, by the growing scent of smoke in the air. Any living soul he came across, he asked about everything they knew about Castle Ziegler, about the cult of the Emerald Flame, and about the Lady Angela.
"They're old wizards, I know that much," said an elderly tinker at a farming village where Genji spent the night in a barn. "Used to conduct their nasty rituals at the old stone circles in the hills. Don't rightly know if it was them what put them stones up, but I remember seeing their fires blazing on the hills on starless nights as a lad. Mothers wouldn't let their children out of the house after dark in those days. The taking of Castle Ziegler and the kidnapping of Lady Angela—that's the most any of us have heard of 'em in a while."
"Bloody charlatans giving a nasty name to all other magic users in the land, that's all they are," said a traveling wizard Genji shared the road with for a few leagues, "Did you know they're worshipping a mistranslation? They claim their dragon god Vernihiloth was banished to the infernal plane, but a proper translation and proper historical context indicates that Vernihiloth was slain. Not the first fools to worship a dead god, but they could at least be less of a nuisance about it." He caught himself. "Not that I would call the kidnapping of the dead Duke's ward a 'nuisance' mind you!"
"The Lady Angela?" A traveling merchant said, as he and Genji rode in the back of a wagon together (Genji offering his protection to the caravan in exchange for a ride to give his own horse a break, of course), "I've seen her a few times. Beautiful, but curious woman. Always asking me for new books. Dreadful, what happened to her."
"Her parents threw their lot in with the wrong lord," an old mercenary said as he and Genji hunched over bowls of rabbit and pease pottage, huddled under tarps as a miserable drizzle rained down a few nights later. "They were just a breadbasket for that uprising. Hardly raised swords, themselves, but were executed for treason all the same."
"She came to the Duke a sad and hollow creature," a bard explained at an inn a few days after that, "But quickly grew into a lady of surpassing beauty and intelligence. Still, her parentage would more or less doom her to the life of a spinster."
"We all knew old duke treasured her, but she had a soft spot for us smallfolk," said a shepherd in a field Genji was riding through, "She had a gift for the healing arts and would ride out to the villages to help set bones or mix medicines."
"I saw 'em grab her!" a boy of no older than 11 declared while Genji was having a farrier look at his horse in another village, "They killed her horse! And then she was kickin' and yellin' and I think she stabbed one only I dunno if I can say that since highborn ladies oughtn't be stabbin' people!! I ran to get grownups, but by the time I was able to get them to come, they were all gone..."
"The Old Duke did attempt to ransom her, and later sent the finest of his personal guard after her... neither attempt ended well." a weaver woman said, not looking up from Genji's trousers as she was darning them, "First they sent back the hands of the messenger, then they sent back his guards' heads. Most have kept well away from Castle Ziegler since then. Haven't heard any word from the village near it, either. The current duke would rather see the whole thing forgotten than even look."
"I shudder to think of what those cultists would want with her," said a traveling cleric, "Black magic like that---no one wants to say virgin sacrifice, but that might be a more merciful fate than other alternatives."
Genji did not question much on the Lady Angela after that. And as he rode further along, the fewer and further between the villages and travelers got. The problem with saying you're going to do something, and punctuate it with a phrase like 'I go to seek my destiny' is that the closer and closer you get to that destiny, the more you realize its ramifications. Genji became increasingly conscious of the fact that this was not a valorous story, if it would be anything, it would be bringing closure to a very sad story.
Still, the ashlands weren't nearly as bleak as their name suggested. Rather than bleak gray flatlands, Genji found himself in rolling, forested hills shaded by massive ash and maple trees, their seeds fluttering down like fairies in leaf-dappled light. For all its beauty, though, there was a distinct loneliness that seemed to hang in the air. Perhaps it was the ancientness of the trees, or perhaps it was the other features of the land. True to the tinker's words, some hilltops had been cleared of trees and were crowned with stone circles. They hardly seemed like structures that would have been erected by the cultist's predecessors, it seemed to Genji more likely that they would simply co-opt these ancient stones without any knowledge of their original spiritual purpose. It was in one of these stone hill circles that Castle Ziegler finally came into view. Here now, was a place that matched the name of 'ashlands.'
Perhaps before the cultists had moved in, it had been much like everything else here—tall, and lonely, and old, and lovely, maybe with a village clustered around it—but now it was a blackened craggy ruin, several of its towers collapsed, jutting itself up from a nearly acre-wide radius of scorched earth and the sharp black shards of what used to be trees. Genji's horse nickered nervously.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained, old friend," said Genji, stroking the horse's neck (though he had largely made peace with the fact that there would be nothing gained regardless of what was ventured at this point.)
Genji walked, for some reason it felt wrong to ride in, as close as they were, until they reached the edge of the blackened earth, where the grass was brown and dead with what must have been a blast of instantly drying heat. Genji looked at the castle, surrounded by the charred remains of trees and buildings, then looked back at his horse.
"You need not go any further," he said, stroking the horse's muzzle, "I can take it from here."
The horse gave a low rumble of a nicker and a wary look at the castle as if to say, 'Good, because there's no way in hell I'm going in there,' and Genji gave him another pat on the neck before going forward. The ashen soil was soft beneath his feat, and tinged his boots black and gray and white, making his movement toward the castle completely silent.
Genji moved low, darting behind various burnt-out building frames and peeking out from behind them as he drew closer and closer to the castle. He scanned the castle's towers and ramparts for spies and archers and saw... nothing. He still kept his furtive approach, regardless, though feeling slightly more stupid doing it. Just because you couldn't see archers, didn't mean they weren't there. But for all his caution he still found himself at the blasted-open-from-the-inside remains of the main portcullis. He could hear the low sighs of the breeze bouncing around the interior of the ruined castle, and somewhere from deep within, a rumble. Genji swallowed hard and drew his sword.
"I go to seek my destiny," he said very softly to himself, stepping over the stones and twisted iron grate, into the shadows of the ruined castle. Ash and dust motes lingered in the air in massive shafts of light from the blasted-out parts of the ceiling overhead, and instantly something crunched beneath Genji's foot. He glanced down to see he had stepped through a blackened ribcage of a twisted human skeleton.
It was not the first human remains he had seen in his adventures, but he noticed something hanging around the skeleton's neck. He stooped and picked it up, brushing off some soot with his thumb. Miraculously it hadn't been melted down, but it appeared to be an amulet featuring a dragon's roaring face with startlingly bright green jewels for eyes, ringed in runes. He probably should have asked that wizard more about the whole 'worshipping a mistranslation' thing, but he was used to adventures where you sort of go off of 40% of what random strangers are saying. So all he did was go "Hm," before pocketing the amulet.
He gingerly stepped around a mess of blackened skeletons, and his eyes scanned the walls where the shadows of human shapes were outlined in what must have been a blast of smoke and soot. Somehow that made him shudder more than the actual skeletons on the ground. He had run into his share of magicians who had bitten off more than they could chew in his adventures as well, but something this widespread, something this indiscriminate, something this seemingly all-consuming and instant, made his blood run cold. In an ironic way he wished he was currently slashing his way through cultists and dodging out of the way of spells and crossbow bolts--that was something he could deal with, that was something he could recognize.
Deeper he went into the castle, glancing around at the positioning of the skeletons. They all seemed pointed toward the exit, in that same way the portcullis had seemed blasted outward. They had been fleeing something. He passed under a doorway leading to a large chamber where a massive stone staircase framed the room, but between and the staircase was a massive hole in the floor. Carefully, Genji edged toward the hole to peer down into its depths. He had a length of rope on his person, if he found something to anchor himself to, he might be able to--
The floor gave way beneath him. His free arm flailed out and gripped the edge of the chasm, leaving his legs dangling over the darkness below and his sword gleaming against the blackness. The rocks that had fallen beneath him were tumbling into the depths below and he heard them land far too far down with more cracks and rumbles. With a grunt he tossed his sword up onto what was hopefully more solid ground, and swung his body around to grip the edge with his sword hand.
He froze at the sound of a deep rumbling far below him. The sheer vulnerability he felt hanging there was enough to make his palms slick with sweat, but he steeled himself.
Just the stones settling, he told himself, hauling himself out of the chasm. A few more stones were collapsing in at the edge and he quickly picked up his sword and scrambled away from it. He was catching his breath as the continued cracks of the stones below once again gave way to the gentle moan of wind through the ruins. He was checking his sword for nicks on its edge from the throw, when the rumbling sound came again. And then there was another sound, that wasn't quite the moan of wind through the ruins, nor the rumble of settling stone, and Genji slowly, silently got to his feet. The sound came again, a warm sound, a living sound, but a sound that was unlike any animal he had ever heard before. His feet were already backing away from the chasm, his sword gripped in both hands. He briefly considered saying 'I go to seek my destiny' again to calm his nerves from whatever was in that pit, but at the same time, he knew for all their evil and cruelty, his flesh wasn't any more fireproof than the cultist skeletons that littered this place.
A massive green scaled limb suddenly jutted up and out of the chasm and slammed claws as big as Genji's forearm into the stones in front of him, sending up a spray of dust and stone and ash. A furious flood of regret rushed through Genji's mind. Forget destiny, all common sense told him, Fuck destiny. You are going to die here. Run. Run now. Run. Just run--
But Genji's legs were frozen in place as a vast shape hauled itself up out of the pit.
Genji was aware of dragons. At least in concept. To him they just seemed like something people tossed into a story to make it sound grander. He had understood that the Order of the Emerald Flame was a dragon cult, that is, a cult that worshipped a dragon. But staring up at it, at the golden lobster-plating of its stomach, of the glittering green-gold scales shifting over powerful legs and expansive, bat-like wings, of the furious eyes, like molten peridot, the ivory horns and rows of massive gleaming white dagger-sized fangs, backlit by glowing embers at the back of the creature's maw, this then when he realized this was the source of that instant, all-consuming blast that had scoured this castle and the lands around for nearly an acre. This was that fell shaper of the twisted skeletons that had tried to flee this place. This was that cruel painter of the human shapes blasted into the walls. Staring at this creature, all wings and scales and sinew and claws and fire, glaring down at him with those furious eyes before raising its jagged jaws skyward in an earsplitting cry, was when he realized: Oh. This is their god.
He stared up at the dragon and it stared down at him, its throat rumbling. Genji's eyes settled on a jagged collar of black iron around the dragon's neck, where a green gem that must have been the size of his own head gleamed at him like a third, cruel eye. Genji held his sword at the ready. Facing down cultists would have definitely been more preferable, and yet, all the same, this was what he had hoped for when he was scanning that stupid tavern board what seemed like another lifetime ago (It was like a week and a half). He steadied himself, rolling his fingers along his sword's hilt. I go to seek my dest---
The whack of the dragon's tail sent him flying, then bouncing along the floor, before finally slamming hard into a wall with a grunt. He practically peeled off the wall and flopped in a heap on the stone floor. He heard a short ting ting ting of metal bouncing away from him--too small to be his sword, and he knew he still had a death-grip on the hilt. There were stars in his vision from the impact as he glanced up to see the amulet he had picked up now rolling like an oversized coin before tilting and spinning onto its flat side with a faint, ringing rattle. He heard a growling, questioning noise from the dragon, and then a short huff of its nostrils. Genji hauled himself up to his elbows to see the dragon, a ways away from him (How far had that tail strike threw him?). The dragon's head was held in catlike alertness, and Genji saw a few feet in front of him was the amulet he had picked up earlier. It must have fallen out when he hit the wall. The dragon didn't seem to have the same furious contempt in its eyes, but rather an animalistic alarm, its attention completely fixed on the amulet. The gem on its collar was thrumming with a green glow. Genji wasn't sure what instinct drove him to scramble forward and seize the amulet once more before the dragon lunged forward for it, but he thanked the gods for the surge of adrenaline that let him push himself up to his feet and run away as fast as he possibly could. The dragon took in a breath and blasted fire at him.
It's really remarkable how the immediate fear of imminent, flaming death makes your own disappointment in yourself seem very muted. As he sprinted and dipped out of the way of deluge after deluge of roaring cascade of flames as the dragon leapt and lumbered and twisted after him, Genji was not thinking 'This isn't valorous at all, I won't be able to tell a story about this.' His line of thought was more along the lines of 'Please don't let there be more fire around this corner. Please don't let me be running into tail or jaws.' Every time the dragon's powerful clawed feet made contact with the stone floor, dust was shaken down from the ceiling and the vibration in the ground nearly made Genji stumble himself. He was in that wide-legged, mad dash where you seem inches from crashing and falling for all your desperation, yet somehow your own momentum seems to barely keep you upright. The dragon blasted fire again and Genji dodged in a roll out of its way. He raced around columns and the dragon seemingly turned on a dime to twist after him, jaws snapping. He desperately struck back against a swipe of its claws, but the claws on steel set it ringing in a way that warned the next strike would make his sword shatter. He leapt over a pile of rubble and huddled against the ground as fire blasted over his head and sent stones tumbling down around him. He even scrambleed up the half-ruined stairs circling the dragon's pit, and with a beat of its wings knocking against the walls and sending hot air and soot and dust everywhere, the dragon was right after him, its jaws snapping behind him. He pivoted on his heel and finally struck at the dragon's snout with his sword. It flinched back and snarled, perhaps not expecting this much fight from something that had been so desperately fleeing it before, but then Genji felt the air getting sucked around him--the dragon was drawing in a breath. He leapt out from the stairs and barely managed to slide down a ceiling column as the fire blasted after him.
His one advantage was that he was relatively small, agile, and capable of breaking the dragon's visual fix on him by virtue of his own erratic movements and hiding behind rubble and dodging over half-collapsed walls. He was an adventurer, he knew how to use his environment to his advantage, even if it wasn't exactly brave. Clever was better than brave, at a time like this. He heard the dragon's breath catching in his throat, that rumble shifting in the room behind him as the dragon's neck swayed this way and that, searching for him. He fled down a corridor to catch what little breath he could in an increasingly hot castle, but could hear the dragon lumbering toward the entryway and ruined portcullis to cut off his only known means of escape.
Genji wondered how long he could stay in this castle before all the heat bouncing off of the stones would cook him alive. He wondered how long he could keep his helmet on until his brain cooked. Maybe it already had, otherwise he wouldn't still be caught up in trying to slay a dragon. He fled down a half-ruined corridor that he prayed was too narrow for the dragon to scramble into, but he knew he couldn't stay long. Eventually the dragon would stop guarding the exit, seek him out, and in an area this cramped he wouldn't be able to dodge his way out of a blast of fire.
He hastily yanked the amulet from the interior of his brigantine and tried to squint at it in the faint lights of the ruins. Why would it be so important to the dragon? He knew of dragon hordes, but the dragon had been chasing him all over the castle and he found no piles of gold anywhere. His mind flashed back to one quest he and Tracer had shared, when they had to defeat a lich that had taken over some local catacombs by destroying its reliquary. Genji wasn't much of a magic scholar, but he knew the lich was just as erratically obsessed with its reliquary as this dragon seemed to be with the amulet. If this was a beast that was brought here by tearing some sort of veil, much as the lich had by keeping itself alive through magic, then perhaps it needed an anchor. Perhaps that skeleton close to the door (back when it had flesh) was trying to get to a safe distance so it could use the amulet to take control of the dragon.
He set the amulet on the stone floor and hovered the tip of his sword over it. Like a lot of things he had done to get to this point, he felt somewhat foolish. He wasn't sure what breaking the amulet, if it could be broken, would do. At this point what logic he was able to put together in a brain flooded with adrenaline and dread, was that the dragon wanted the amulet, and if it was the evil god of an evil cult, it probably should not get the amulet. Further, Genji reasoned, if he got killed here, it would probably very easily retrieve it from his corpse, so he decided, whatever the amulet was to the dragon, he should remove that possibility. He squeezed his eyes shut and drew in a long breath, trying to will strength, rather than desperation, to his muscles. Then he plunged the sword down.
When he and Tracer had destroyed the lich's reliquary, there was a sort of expected outburst of evil magic—a great howling of the countless souls the lich had sacrificed to keep himself alive, a horrible upward whirling of black and violet spirals of smoke-like energy that smelled of foul death that he and Tracer had covered their nose and mouth at for fear it was poisonous. He wasn't sure what he expected when the sword split the amulet, but the reaction was definitely bigger than that. There was a great surging of green flames, splashing up from the fissure in the amulet like a great fountain, and an otherworldly scream. There was a voice in his head, cruel, and crackling, and ancient. It wasn't speaking the common tongue, or any tongue that Genji knew, and yet it seemed to pierce understanding through his psyche like a pike. 
And all at once it seemed... sucked away. Suddenly pulled into a small, tight space where it shrunk into nonexistence. Genji winced, feeling a strange searing pain-that-wasn't-pain in his chest and across his sword arm. He opened one eye, then both, to see the amulet cracked in half, blackened and smoking on the ground. He then flinched to see the runes from the amulet now blazing along the blade of his sword, in green flames that faded to etchings in the steel, and green light spiraling along his sword arm. The very weight of it seemed different in his hand, now. The blade seemed to vibrate, not quite with that typical ringing impact of striking stone and metal, but with an otherworldly hum. He was suddenly overcome with the desire to sheathe the sword, and maybe to throw it in the nearest body of water and never see it again, but it was still his sword, and gods knew he wasn't about to be caught without his sword with a dragon about. He heard a distant, high roar of the dragon that almost seemed like a woman's shriek. So whatever the amulet was, it was affecting the dragon, somehow. Not knowing what he would find, he rushed toward the sound.
He found the dragon back in the main foyer of the castle, still blocking its exit as it has presumably planned, but it was thrashing and shrieking and flailing its head along its snake-like neck, still letting out that shriek-like roar. Genji's eyes flicked down to the hideous collar around the dragon's neck, now crackling with green bolts of electricity or something. The dragon continued thrashing around like it was being attacked by insects, until it fixed its eyes on Genji, and suddenly all that desperation seemed to be laser-focused into pure rage, pure rage at him. It drew in a long, furious breath, stilled to a tense, quivering, shape, shaking like a too-taut bow, its tail lashed out behind it.
No more running, a voice that wasn't quite Genji's, nor that strange tongue sounded from his chest. He brought up his sword as the dragon exhaled all of its fire in a roar. Genji squeezed his eyes shut, expecting instant searing death--but instead he felt a rush of heat, and heard his sword singing with that strange vibration again.
The dragon's breath blazed against the blade of his sword, the green runes singing and glowing as the fire split around him like a flooding river around a stone. He glanced around at the fire roaring around both sides of him in awe, then looked back at the dragon, still unleashing that furious breath. He wasn't sure what compelled him to twist his grip on the sword so that the flat of the blade faced the dragon--and then the flame pouring toward him bent. He could hear whispering in that tongue that he knew and didn't knew as his eyes scanned down the runes on his blade. For all the brightness of flames and runes, he wondered if he would be blinded. The dragon shrieked with surprise as its own breath came pouring back at it.
The whisper of the runes turned to a roar in his head again, in the tongue he should not have been able to understand:
But Genji anchored his legs and then pushed forward, he watched with equal parts wonder and horror as the bright glow of the runes along his sword sent out a smoke-like light that spiraled around his sword arm. There was that pain-that-was-not-pain again as he got closer and closer to the dragon's throat. The dragon had ceased its breath and swiped out at him with its claws, and he easily struck the claws back with his sword, it gnashed out at him with its razor teeth and he ducked and rolled out of the way. Now, he thought, pouncing out of his roll. He leapt toward the dragon's throat, as it reared its head back to try and snap at him again. He had no doubt that with these cruel runes running up the edge for this blade would have no problem biting into that lobster plating of the neck, maybe even severing the head, but at the last second, his eyes flicked down to the crackling ugly iron collar and its cruel green jewel. He wasn't sure why he heard Tracer's voice in his head at that point. It's about the little things. He swung his sword and it hewed into the gem with a strange, unnatural sound, like ice forming and cracking on a lake. The crack on the gem spread and crumbled and suddenly, there was a massive blast of magic as the gem shattered.
Genji was sent tumbling back once again--not flying, but bouncing, and this time quickly being stopped by the friction of the multiple skeletons crumbling beneath him each time he made contact with the floor--blackened bones crunching against his brigantine. He only barely pushed himself up to his hands and knees to look up at the dragon, swaying and screaming, as the iron collar crumbled off of its neck, before it finally collapsed onto the stone floor, kicking up a shockwave of dust and ash in all directions that sprayed Genji and sent him sputtering. He stayed there on his hands and knees, watching the dragon. Was its form... smoking? Was that from being blasted with its own breath?
Keeping himself low and ready, Genji edged toward the fallen dragon warily, sword still in hand, weakly spurting off the odd green spark. The percolating stillness of the dragon's form, the settling of the dust and ash after all their scrambling and clashing of sword and claw and blasts of magic, seemed to summon the adrenaline-suppressed exhaustion back to Genji's muscles. His mouth and throat were horribly dry, but his curiosity at the sight before him still managed to keep his collapse from exhaustion at bay.
The giant form of the dragon was burning away, scales crackling off of it and being borne aloft on the heat of its own flames. Green sparks rippled off of Genji's own sword. Heat waves blurred the air around it, and then the flames rose higher, burned denser and brighter, seemingly shrinking down, hotter, and hotter, until there was a white-hot shape at its core--the dragon's heart? Genji flinched as a rush of hot air hit him. Where the dragon had previously laid, was a woman, naked and covered in soot and scratches. Dead?
Her side rose and fell with a rasping breath. He made out fair hair, strong shoulders, wide hips, all dusted with scratches and ash like she had been shoved down a burnt hill.
"...Lady Angela?" he said after a few long beats.
She coughed and flinched from where she was laying down on the tiles--or at least the remains of the tiles. The heat had cracked the stone like a dried up riverbed, or even turned it red in some spots in some kind of pre-molten state. He instinctively wanted to grab her and yank her off of the stone for fear it would hurt her, but it didn't seem exactly chivalrous to just grab a naked woman, nor did she seem to even notice the heat. She pushed herself up to a half-collapsed position, "That..." her eyes trailed around the room, trying to gauge her surroundings, "That is me." She said those words as if her name was something she had forgotten for a long time, and she was just now picking it up off the ground and dusting it off. Her voice was thick and raw. All those roars--had she been screaming? Crying for help?
"Do you remember what happened?" asked Genji, glancing over his shoulder slightly so she could hear him better, but now depending on the way his helmet cut off his peripheral vision to keep from looking at her.
"They--they tied me down to the altar...They were singing this horrible song...about how their god would return..." her hand went to a point between her breasts. Genji averted his eyes as hard as he could "I--I felt the knife go through me. I felt my blood running out, and it felt like fire--I thought--I was feeling myself die, but something happened. Something went wrong or, something changed--Everything was burning. Everything. I couldn't see anything because everything was flames and then, suddenly... I was... big."
"Big," Genji repeated.
"Everything is so much in that shape..." she pressed her fingers to her forehead, "There was a voice in my head pushing me down... down... And... and I tried to leave. I couldn't stay here, something was wrong with me, but I couldn't leave. There--there was something around my neck...?" she felt at her throat. Her eyes widened. She had pulled herself up to a hunched over kneeling position at this point, and seemed a bit more... covered. "There was someone--" she cradled her forehead in her hand again, and then her head slowly raised. "You--Who are you?"
Out of pure valiant hero reflex, Genji pivoted around and started (with what would have been punctuated with a flourishing bow) "I am Gen--" he realized she was still naked and immediately swung around again and muttered, "Genji of Overland."
"Come again?" said Lady Angela, "You're a bit hard to hear in that helmet--and facing away from me."
"I am Genji of---Look, can we just--?" Genji yanked off his helmet and let it drop to his feet with a clank, then started furiously undoing the buckles of his brigantine, "It's not knightly to continue this discussion when you are in such a state."
"State...?" Lady Angela squinted, then glanced down at herself. She seemed to consider her own nudity with a vague concern, like there was probably something she should be remembering but was very close to coming to the conclusion of 'If it was important I wouldn't have forgotten it.'
"I have a cloak in my horse's saddlebags," Genji had gotten the brigantine off at this point, and it was clear his intention was giving Lady Angela his tunic to cover herself with, but he had now realized that the tunic had become completely plastered to his torso with sweat, due to previously running from blasts of fire. Her fire. "But I can't ask you to walk out there naked. And I can't exactly leave you to get the horse so--" He peeled off the tunic with no small amount of effort and was desperately flapping it to dry some of the sweat and stink out when he heard crackling behind him.
He flinched a glance over his shoulder to see Lady Angela looking at her hands, which were both on fire.
"No!" he stumbled toward her but then stopped when she glanced at him with a perfectly calm albeit reasonably confused expression. The flames were consuming her entire forearms, but just as suddenly as they had come, they disappeared, like they had been blown out by a strong breeze. Where the flames had been, were now plates and scales and claws at her fingertips, her whole forearms looking almost like gauntlets. Genji watched as Lady Angela seemed to burst into flame at her breasts and hips all with the same curious but unhurt expression. He watched with the sort of 'I should not be watching this' embarrassment as anyone might have of seeing a stranger dressing or undressing, and yet the whole process was so removed from any semblance of dressing, he couldn't tear his eyes away.
"Hoooow are you doing that?" asked Genji as scales sprouted across her stomach.
"I don't know," she said, as the flames died away, leaving a scrappy coverage of plates and scales over her torso that... could pass for clothes? Armor? Unfortunately he knew it was, technically her flesh, and was a little scared and embarrassed to ask if those scales were going to be there forever. "But is this better?" Her legs and most of her upper arms were bare, but she had seen fit to give herself clawed feet and scaled calves, that Genji hoped he would be able to convince people were very interesting boots.
"...I don't know," said Genji, after a beat.
Angela seemed to regard her surroundings with a bit more clarity now. "The men who took me..." she said vaguely, as if trying to remember, "Are any...?"
"There were none when I arrived," said Genji, "I mean they were all..." he trailed off, "There was only you. Alive."
She stared at him, and then glanced back at her own clawed and scale-gauntleted hands. "It felt like a dream..." she murmured.
"What was so important about the amulet, do you remember?" asked Genji.
"What amulet?" asked Angela, with sincere blankness.
Genji's mouth opened for a few seconds, "It's... fine. We--I can figure it out later."
Angela studied him for a few seconds, but then seemed to startle with realization. "Duke Engel--I have to get back to my guardian! He's probably worried sick about---" she noticed the shift in Genji's expression and her brow crinkled.
"H-how long have I been like this?" she asked, her voice hushed.
"I don't know," Genji said softly, "But... I think we should get out of here."
The journey out of the Ashlands was... quiet. One would have ventured to say awkward. The horse was, for what it was worth, waiting for him and nonchalantly grazing only a few dozen yards into the trees. For all the horrifying noises that must have issued from the castle, either the horse was deaf, or had its own odd sense of loyalty. This loyalty towards Genji did not go as far as Genji's attempts at comforting the Lady Angela, however. He tried to offer to let her ride back, and the horse pulled as far away from her as it could, stamping the ground and flattening its ears and taking significant effort from Genji just to convince it that it was safe to walk with her.
"It's fine," Lady Angela said, "I... need to get used to two legs again."
And so they were off.
Genji was embarrassed, not just over the whole nudity and flesh-becoming-scales bit, but at the idea that for him this had been a quest for glory and now was... actively dealing with someone who had lost everything, with someone who would, for all they knew, never be the same again. It was practically sunset when they began their journey away from Ziegler castle, so it wasn't long before they had to make camp.
"I know you've been through a lot," said Genji, "But we don't have a lot of time before we lose the sunlight. So if you could gather firewood while I set up a snare, we might be able to--"
"Shh--" Angela's pupils turned to slits, she had a hand on his shoulder as she scanned the ash trees around them. She gave the air a short sniiff. "I'll find food." she said, as if entranced.
"What-?" Genji started but she suddenly took off in a sprint leaning so far forward she was practically horizontal. "Lady--!"
But she disappeared into the brush. Genji tried to convince himself that that had not been a tail lashing out of the bushes as the last thing he saw of her. He was left standing next to his horse. The horse grumbled and stamped the ground.
"Don't give me that," said Genji, picking up some sticks for firewood.
Nearly half an hour passed. Genji had barely gotten his tinder lit when he heard a distant, animalistic bellow. His stomach dropped as he wondered if she had taken the form of a dragon again, but that hadn't sounded like any noise she had made before.
"Angela?" he called out to the all-too-quickly darkening woods.
There was a feminine grunt and a rustle of branches and Genji turned on his heel to see Angela coming from a completely new direction. He would have thought to wonder how far she had run if he wasn't distracted by the massive stag she was carrying across her shoulders. Those slit pupils of hers had dilated like a cat's, either from the dimming light or from adrenaline.
"I got it!" she said, dropping the dead stag onto the ground. No visible gashes--but he soon realized she had broken its neck.
"G-good job," said Genji.
Her eyes flicked from him, down to the dead stag, back up to him. Her nostrils flared and she slowly ran a forked tongue over her lips as she looked back down at the dead animal that was entirely too big for two people."
"You know what? I'll butcher it," said Genji.
"R-right," she seemed to remember herself.
"If we keep the fire going all night we can smoke what we don't eat rations for the next few days," Genji went on.
"Mm-hm. Rations. Yes. Few... days. Yes." She had folded her arms tight across herself, and was itching at her scales
"...you want to eat it now, don't you?" Genji asked cautiously.
"Please," smoke billowed out of her mouth and nostrils, and her teeth had gone sharp in her mouth as she spoke.
"Well, obviously you caught it, so you should decide what to--"
He shrieked and hopped back as she blew a billow of flame onto the dead deer. Genji's horse whinnied with alarm and Genji had to calm it down. But out here in the night air, the fire wasn't nearly as hot as it had been in the castle, but it also seemed... only comfortably warm. Like a campfire itself. Instinctive control of the the temperature of her own flames? Then she walked around it, stuck her hands under it as it was still burning, flipped it, and blew fire on the other side.
"...so you can do that in human form--?" he started but she didn't seem to hear him as she threw herself onto the still-burning stag.
He couldn't look away as she clawed and bit into the animal on her hands and knees. Genji's horse nickered with disturbance as she tore away burning hide to reveal sweet-smelling smoky venison, and dug in, tearing with teeth and claws. It was horrifying, it was animalistic, it was savage, and it was a lot more erotic than he wished he was recognizing it as. She made sounds like she was eating the most exquisite delicacies in the finest halls. She was almost moaning in ecstasy, blood and juices running down her chin as she yanked out a whole leg bone, blew a short flame on it for good measure, then snapped it in two and sucked out the marrow of one jagged end. "Mmh!--" She paused only to catch her breath, wiping at her chin with her scaly wrist, before she seemed to remember he was there. "Oh--" she looked down at what was now a burnt and ravaged wreck of what was once a stag. "Let me just---" she tore off a steak-sized rag of the meat of its leg round with her claws. and held out the other half of the bone she had sucked marrow out of to him. "Here."
He took both gingerly. "...thanks." he said, kind of wishing he had at least pulled his knife out to cut the meat into more manageable bites.
She was looking at him expectantly. He sheepishly lowered himself to a cross-legged position across from her so he was at her level, the burnt stag between them. He took a bite of the venison round and was... honestly impressed that it had been cooked to perfect rareness. She seemed to note his position and assume a more human sitting position, still reaching forward and grabbing random bones out of the stag, breathing a short flame on them, then snapping them and sucking the marrow out. They both ate quietly. Those first few bites seemed to remind Genji's body of its hunger, and soon he was drawing his knife and cutting out more little filets of venison to eat for himself. Angela was eating far more than him and faster, though it was clear she was more mindful of his eating as well--clearly a little embarrassed that this was her first meal with another person in what must have been a long time. Finally, both flopped back from the smoking remains of the stag with a sigh, staring up at the stars framed by ash tree branches. Genji's comparatively pithy little campfire crackled gently.
"...you know, you're a pretty good cook," said Genji, breaking the silence.
She just snorted with amusement. "I--I didn't even think about it. It just...felt like the thing to do. And the fire came so easily. The fire came because I was hungry. The only thing that made me realize it wasn't normal was... you shrieked like a little girl."
"I won't deny it. Maybe the fear makes it taste better," said Genji.
A soft chuckle escaped her. Another long pause passed between them.
"I can't go back to Sinteroth," Lady Angela said softly, "Not--not like this. I'm not a fool..." she trailed off.
"Do you... think there might be a way to reverse what's been done to you?" asked Genji.
She propped herself up on her elbows and looked at him, those pupils turning to slits again. "Do you think that's what must be done?"
"I don't know," Genji was starting to feel like he said that a lot to her, "When I started this journey, you were an idea. Maybe a beautiful maid in a tower to be returned home, or... nothing but a necklace I could bring back to your people to give them closure." He made a snarling sound. "Gods dammit, Tracer was right."
"What's a Tracer?"
"Valor and bravery is about small things," he said, sitting up, "Or... at least it's not just one big thing you can just knock out and not have to worry about."
She was looking at him, perplexed.
"Never mind," he said, quietly, "I mean... I set out on this quest to win glory for myself. But now there's actually someone who needs my help--or maybe you don't need my help---and it's all messy and--" his hand went to the hilt of his sword, "Something's... changed me."
An amused 'hmph' issued from her.
"Well, obviously not as much as it's changed you--" Genji started.
"I understand," she said. She looked at her own clawed fingers against the stars above. "I like this body, and it frightens me that I like this body."
"I... like your body too," said Genji, "I mean--" He cut himself off. He was trying to be encouraging and signal that his previous suggestion about reversing her state was completely up to her, but immediately realized that was terrible phrasing for it. She just chuckled again.
"It feels as though its only been truly mine for a few hours... and it was so awful for the time before... when I was trapped. But now it's mine and I can't stand the idea of giving it up." Those slitted pupils widened again as she lowered her hand and stared at the stars. "Trapped in that castle, this body longed for the sky, and now so do I. But it's terrifying. I know... the moment I'm flying, I'll never want to be human again."
"You don't... have to be?" said Genji. He had known a decent number of adventurers that lived with their own enchantments and curses--an arm that had been turned to stone and was kept mobile by gnomish steamworks and earthweaver runes, a donkey's head from a fae prank, men and women cursed to take the shape of animals by either daylight or night---a lot of them lived with it, a lot of them had more interesting stories for it, but also adventurers set out without a lot to lose to begin with. Being a lady who, from what he heard, had already lost so much, he could understand her mixed feelings on the matter. All the power of a dragon though...and one brought to this plane by black magic... this would be a pretty delicate matter.
"You're very adaptable," she said, a smile in her voice.
"I try to be," he shrugged. They both watched the stars a while longer.
"...I remember the amulet," Angela said slowly.
"I really... don't know that much about it," she sat up and hugged her knees, "Only that one of them was holding it when the knife went into me. Part of the reason my head's so foggy is... I was sharing that body with--with something else. I don't hear the voice in my head any more but..." she squinted her eyes shut, "I can hear it from you--but not really. It's like it's muffled in another room."
Genji remembered the voice in his head: You would set soul against body.
If she was the body---
Genji's hand tightened around his sword hilt until his knuckles turned white.
"You hear it too, don't you?" said Lady Angela, "That's what you mean by something's changed you."
"Yes," Genji admitted.
"I'm sorry," said Lady Angela.
"I chose to go to Castle Ziegler. I'll live with my choices. Whatever's happening with my sword, I'll... figure it out."
"You're very brave," she said quietly.
"'Brave' and 'didn't think a lot of things through' aren't the same thing."
"They aren't mutually exclusive, either," She gave a short huff out of her nostrils again. "So... you said you came from Overland?"
It was a few days later in the Overland tavern. It was the evening, when most of the patrons were at least a pint in, and all the adventurers were boasting and telling stories and drunkenly ripping down bounties from the board.
"So," Tracer was holding up her massive stein of beer, surrounded by several tough and burly-looking adventurers with a redheaded tavern maid in her lap, "It turns out it wasn't a six headed possum--just a mama possum with five babies. Which they carry on their back. Felt kind of wrong to take the bounty money just to pop them all in a sack and drop 'em in the middle of the woods, but that's the job for ya!"
"You're so brave," the tavern maid tickled Tracer's chin.
"Oh I know," said Tracer, smugly.
A goat bleated next to her.
The bell hanging over the door rang and Tracer glanced over to see Genji holding the door open for a tall cloaked figure.
"Oi, Genji! You had us all scared there, love!" Tracer raised her stein to him, "Where have you been?"
"Oh--just... traveling around," Genji shrugged.
"I told 'em about the cultists," the tavern keeper offered from behind the bar, setting down two pints for both Genji and Angela, "Told 'em you were probably dead."
"So what were they like?" Tracer pushed, "Did your sword get its taste for glory sated?"
Genji vaguely gestured, "Well, it looks like whatever plans the cultists had... blew up in their faces. No trace of her ladyship, either, unfortunately. Maybe she ran away, or... maybe she met the same fate as them. I can't say for sure."
Angela shot him a knowing look from the periphery of her hood and he smiled beneath his own helmet.
"And...who's your friend?" said Tracer, watching as Angela walked over to the bounty board.
Angela pulled back her hood, and gave Tracer a smile. "Just another adventurer. You may call me Mercy." They had managed to get her a cheap tunic and trousers in one of the villages on the way here, and her bare hands appeared human, but she appeared to be wearing some fabulous clawed scale-armor boots.
"We um... met in the ashlands," said Genji, "Same quest. Same disappointment. You know how it is."
"The ashlands!" one of the adventurers suddenly exclaimed, "Did you two see the dragon?"
"The dragon?" Mercy and Genji repeated with faux-shock.
"A great green beast! There's been word from the west! Past few days it's been showing up, circling around in the sky, then it lands and by the time anyone gets to where it's landed, Fffft! Gone!"
Genji could feel his sword softly, moodily thrumming in its scabbard.
"It hasn't been razing villages, has it?" said Mercy, putting a hand over her heart with concern.
"Well... no."
"Stealing sheep?" Genji guessed.
"Er... not that I heard," said the adventurer.
"And it just disappears as soon as it lands?" Genji leaned against the bar.
"Well... yes."
"Sounds awfully convenient," Mercy walked up next to him and arched an eyebrow.
Tracer was looking at both of them skeptically, eyes narrowed.
"You're suuuure you didn't see anything out there?" she asked, looking between him and Mercy.
"Nothing but ash and bone," said Mercy with an unsettlingly level glance at Tracer and a wide, calm smile. She blinked and Tracer could have sworn she saw the slick slide of nictitating membranes. "I'm with Genji on the 'fell magic blowing up in their faces' theory, but if that dragon is real, well, it's probably best to stay out of her way."
"'Her' way?" said Tracer.
"'Its' way," Mercy corrected herself with a dismissive hand wave before glancing over at Genji, who was sipping his pint. "Do you know if they have venison, here?"
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loving-n0t-heyting · 6 months
as someone who does sadly get most of their information through posts (looking to change that but also, busy and bad at reading) can you elaborate/explain the theory behind how artisians should be paid for their labor?
(disclaimer that i am not an expert, and also do not attribute to marx/engels the kind of prophetic status a lot of ppl on here do, but do know enough to spot some truly egregious eisegesis)
a big theme in marx/engels is the "socialisation of production" under capitalism; it comes up in capital, obviously, but also in a lot of shorter works, including eg socialism: utopian and scientific. it refers to the integration of formerly bespoke, domestic, individual productive labour into industrialised, public, mass production whose paradigm case is the industrial textile factory in contrast to women's household production of fabric goods. this is essential to capitalisms ability to reap the efficiency benefits of economies of scale, and to its formation of a large cohesive working class responsible for the tasks of production, while coming at the cost of making any given individual's level of contribution to overall output imprecise and illegible. it stands in contrast to medieval feudal production, in which it makes more sense to think of the labouring peasants as a large number of individualised workers whose productivity scales more or less linearly wrt man-hours of work
marx/engels dont see this process as essentially good per se; they clearly regard it as a very serious exacerbator of exploitation and class inequality. but it is for them bound up with the possibility of a communist transition: the efficiency and wide-scale social integration afforded by socialisation are an important part of what lays the groundwork for a transition to socialism/communism under an organised working class, and it is why socialism was hitherto at best a pious wish detached from economic reality. so in this sense capitalist socialisation is a (latently) revolutionary development, and opposition to it is reactionary
this marxist attachment to the socialisation of production goes hand in hand with a suspicion of peasants and small-scale artisans (both often falling under the reviled heading of "petite bourgeois"). theirs is a form of production incompatible with socialisation: insofar as they are peasants or small-scale artisans rather than proletarians, their way of life is inimical to mass, industrialised, divided labour, and thus is inherently reactionary. this was a source of major friction between marx/engels and other less "scientific" socialists of the time, such as proudhon, who saw in individual artisans a preferable alternative to industrial capitalist barons. and this why ppl talking about marx spinning in his grave over bespoke seamstress hobbyists getting paid poorly are being idiots: handwringing over the payment due to such small-scale, unsocialised producers is antithetical to his core revolutionary beliefs
now you shouldnt take this too seriously purely in and of itself. the fact marx said smth is not in its own right a great reason to believe it if yr not already committed to thinking he was the brilliantest most insightfulest economist ever to walk the earth. he wasnt a fucking oracle. and in particular a lot of the most annoying leftists on this site are eager to import into wholly inappropriate contexts (like bizarre shittings on etsy artists and patreon furry illustrators) sentiments at home in 19th cent. tirades against small textile merchants. but if yr going to invoke the name of one of historys most prominent political philosophers as some sort of socialist talisman its not a good look if you bungle the contents of his writings that badly
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olumsuzsozler · 3 months
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Her insan "deist" olsa ne olacak? Bir insanın kafasının içinde bir ur gibi tanrı fikiri yine kutsal olarak kalacaktır. Dinin uzun yıllar ayakta kalmasının nedenlerinden biriside budur. Önce Bireyin zihninde kutsalın yıkılması esastı. Buda Tanrı fikri denilen bu kurguyu anlatıp işi temelinden söküp atmaktır. Yaşar Nuri Öztürk ve Ülkemizde Arif Tekin, Turan Dursun, İlhan Arsel, Gibi Yazar ve düşünürler bunu dini islamı kuranı kitaplarında hep eleştirmişlerdir. Ancak bana göre dinlerin özünü ve temeli teşkil eden "Tanrı fikrini" yıkmadıkca bu işi bir tık ileri taşımak imkansızdır. Anlatılan eleştiriler doğrudur ancak "Metod" yanlıştır. Tanrısız din eleştirisi hep eksik kalacaktır. Zira zihinde bir kutsal birakmak tekrar o inancın filizlenmesine yol acaktı. Zira Tanrı fikri içinde taşıyan her bireyin muhakeme yetisi olmayacaktı. O kutsal Tanrı inancı doğru düşünmesine engel olacaktır. Bilim insanları örnek gösterenler mutlaka bu konularda da araştırma yapmaları gerekmez mi? Atatürk'ü İkide bir dillendiren islam eleştirmenleri niçin Jean Meslier'in Sağduyu" Kitabını okumazlar onu tanıtmazlar? Neden niçin? İşlerine mi gelmiyor yoksa gözden mi kaçıyor o kadar kitap tanıt o kadar kitap oku ama Atatürk'ün çevirtmiş olduğu kitabı es geç olmaz bu samimiyet olmaz. Eğer gerçekten bir şeyler yapmak istiyorsalar bu arkadaşlar mutlak her şeyi açık seçik ortaya dökmek zorundadırlar aksi halde İnsanların zihninde bir "Deistlik" bir "Ağnostiklik" sürüp gidecek. Bu netice vermiyecek bir boşa kürek çekmektir inanları yine dinin içinde bir inançın içinde tutmaktan öte geçmeyecek bir tekrar olacaktır. Ağacın kökü ve gövdesi dururken dalları ile uğraşılmaz.
Şu kafa nedir? Ben Allah'ın kitabını kabul etmiyorum, ama Allah'ı kabul ediyorum... bu nedir? Deistlik" Kafada bir kutsal birakma fikri onu bütün yönleriyle ortaya koymamaktır. Tanrı mutlaka ele alınmalı bilim insanları bu konuda ne demişler. Gelmiş geçmiş ne kadar tanrı vardı? Sanki hiç araştırma yokmuş gibi davranmak ciddiyetten uzaktır. * Tanrı bir varsayımdır! Friedrich Nietzsche * Stephen Hawking Fizikçi ve kozmolog / Bu konuda ne demiş? "Bilimi anlamaya başlamadan önce, Tanrı'nın evreni yarattığına inanmamız doğaldı. Fakat artık, bilim çok daha ikna edici bir açıklama sunuyor." "Kainatı kimse yaratmadı; Kimse kaderimizi çizmiyor." "Bilim, tanrıyı gereksiz kılıyor." "Tanrı'ya bir ihtiyaç yoktur. "Stephen Hawking * "Tanrı adına işlenen cinayetlerin sayısı, şeytan adına işlenenlerden çok daha fazladır. Erica Jong * Tanrı fikri insanın mantığını ve muhakeme yetisini yok eder. Mihail Bakunin Muhakeme yeteneğini yok eden hastalık din belası mıdır yoksa Tanrı belasımıdır? * "Eğer gökyüzünde bir şeye saldıracak isen, tanrıyı hedef almalısın. "Vicdan, insanın içindeki tanrıdır. Victor Hugo * Tanrı kavramının kaynağı, insanın duyduğu acıda, korkuda ve tedirginliktedir. Baron d'Holbach * "Tanrı fikri, insandaki adalet isteğini ortadan kaldırır ve insan özgürlüğü önündeki ciddi bir engeldir. "En başta, ilahiyatın ilahi zorbalığına, tanrı’nın hayaline başkaldırmak gerekir. "Tanrı fikri insanın mantığını ve muhakeme yetisini yok eder. Mihail Bakunin * Zihninde bir tanrı fikri olan insana, din eleştirisi yapılmaz. Bu yanlış insana, doğruları anlatmaktır. Ve metot yanlıştır! * İnsanlar Tanrı'ya inanırlar çünkü öyle şartlandırılmışlardır. Aldous Huxley * Çoğu insanın Tanrıya inanması küçük yaştan öyle yetiştirildikleri içindir. Bertrand Russell * "Tanrı'ya inanmak otomatik bir çocukluk alışkanlığıdır. "Tanrı'nın varlığı kanıtlanmamıştır. "Tanrı bir ruhtur demek, hiçbir şey söylememek, hiçbir anlam ifade etmemektir. Jean Meslier * "İnsanlık Allahı yarattı. Nihayet insanlık vicdanında bir kuvvet yarattı. O da işte Allah’tır. Herşeyi ondan beklediler, ondan istediler. Hastalıktan, felaketten korunmayı hep Allah’larından istediler." Mustafa Kemal Atatürk EsenKalın.
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bandiera--rossa · 1 year
"The history of every society that has existed up to now is the history of class struggles. Freemen and slaves, patricians and plebeians, barons and serfs, guildmen and journeymen, in a word, oppressors and oppressed, always stood in opposition to each other, sustained an uninterrupted struggle, sometimes hidden, sometimes open; a struggle which always ended either with a revolutionary transformation of the whole of society or with the common ruin of the warring classes... Modern bourgeois society, which arose from the ruin of feudal society, has not eliminated class antagonisms. It has only posed new classes, new conditions of oppression, new forms of struggle in place of the old ones. Our era, the era of the bourgeoisie, however stands out because it has simplified class antagonisms. Society as a whole is increasingly splitting into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly opposed to each other: bourgeoisie and proletariat".
The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
Photos: Paris 2023
by Lewis Joly; 2. by Kiran Ridley
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morerogue · 11 days
Taking it for a walk by Baron-Engel
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byneddiedingo · 10 months
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David Bennent in The Tin Drum (Volker Schlöndorff, 1979)
Cast: David Bennent, Mario Adorf, Angela Winkler, Daniel Olbrychski, Katharina Thalbach, Tina Engel, Berta Drews, Heinz Bennent, Ernst Jacobi. Screenplay: Jean-Claude Carrière, Volker Schlöndorff, Franz Seitz, based on a novel by Günter Grass. Cinematography: Igor Luther. Production design: Piotr Dudzinski, Zeljco Senecic. Film editing: Suzanne Baron. Music: Maurice Jarre, Friedrich Meyer.
I don't have much of a taste for satiric grotesquerie. (I'm one of the few people I know who disliked A Confederacy of Dunces.)  But Volker Schlöndorff's The Tin Drum did, after all, win not only the Cannes Palme d'Or but also the foreign film Oscar. It's true that 11-year-old David Bennent gives an astonishing performance as Oskar, who has consciously chosen to remain a 3-year-old for the rest of his life. But some of the scenes in which Oskar makes love to Maria (Katharina Thalbach) are queasy-making, with Bennent and 24-year-old Thalbach going through the required, if discreetly filmed, motions. And I find the acting in the film overstated and the thematic coherence of the story wobbly. I have to admire some of the comic sequences, such as the one in which Oskar sabotages a Nazi rally by playing a waltz rhythm on his drum, confusing the brass band and making the participants dance with one another. But as a fable about German history, which the film's source, Günter Grass's novel, is said to be, the movie lacks a focus that's clearer on the page than on the screen.
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skybrushus · 5 days
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One of requests from my 9th Anniversary Picarto stream. One of the people in the chat asked for me to do the Royal Sisters as the Dirty Pair.....I mean the Lovely Angels. Link  That or they are cosplaying at their local anime convention.
    FYI. The weaponry is not based on any specific ordnance that the ladies used in any of the OAVs, TV series, or movies. It was just what I thought up on the fly. Although the rocket launcher is a fusion of a RPG-7 and a Pzf-44 2a1 from 1960s Bundeswehr.
I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like this possible by supporting me at Patreon
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mediumsizetex · 2 years
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I'm Bad and that's Good by Baron-Engel
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thepoptartsavior · 3 months
The Baron looked at Gabriel longingly. He almost had to convince himself. Maybe this time would be different. Maybe this time, nobody would have to die. But he was so used to this failing he didn’t want to put his hopes up too high. Gabriel was beautiful, his red hair flared around him like a lions mane. One touch couldn’t hurt? Right? He cautiously reached out to move a strand of hair from Gabriel’s face, careful not to wake him. He was of supernatural blood. This was going to work, Friedrich told himself . With a sigh, he rose up from the side of the bed he was sitting at and began to walk away when he felt someone pulling him back.
A soft, sleepy “Friedrich?” came from Gabriel’s mouth. He stood frozen, not expecting to be caught. “What are you-“ came the sleepy voice again. He had to think of an excuse. Fast. Not wanting Gabriel to see that he caught him by surprise, he turned around. “I didn’t mean to wake you, I apologize. I wanted to check up on you.” Smooth. Good comeback.
“I’ll leave you be now. Get some rest mein engel.”
And then a word he didn’t expect. “..stay?” Every instinct in his body wanted to. He wanted to stay. Wanted to feel Gabriels arms around him. He hoped Gabriel couldn’t see the conflict going on in his heart.
“I -“
Damn him.
“As you wish”
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doronjosama · 10 months
Up now on my eBay (Seller ID: RadioIndy)! Furrlough #154 from 2005! Classic anthropomorphic anthology featuring a dramatic Baron Engel cover from #RadioComix! #comics #IndieComics #FurryComics #furrlough #baronengel #2005 #anthropomorphic #SmallPress #ComicCollector #comicdealer #IMadeThis #IWorkedOnThis #VintageComics #auctions #ebay #RadioIndy #DownSizingMyCollection #EverythingMustGo #BuyMyStuff #PandemicHustle
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missfinefeather · 2 years
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mastersoftheair · 2 years
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long time, no cast update. but there’s a couple more faces cropping up:
alastair galbraith as professor lindsay (or alexander “sandie/sandy” dunlop lindsay, 1st baron lindsay of birker. pretty long introduction). he was a professor at balliol college, university of oxford during ww2. as for relevance, he taught harry crosby for some time while he studied at oxford during the war, so that’s (probably) at least one episode dedicated to some of the guys at university in england!
maximilian henhappel as lieutenant otto engel (at least i think so. he’s the only “otto engel” that showed up when searching for this man, and the dates and the ranks/positions line up, him being a bomber pilot in the luftwaffe)
there’s also tommy harris as a “replacement officer jones”, taraash mehrotra as “kriege 3″, ralph maystone as a polish soldier, david goodall as a scottish raf (royal air force) officer,
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sporadiceagleheart · 12 days
I watched that #jeeperscreepers last night and it was scary and speaking of scary school shootings and children and people have been passing away in sad moments and they became heavenly angels this is my tribute to Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, Jailah Nicole Silguero, Eliahna Torres, Layla Salazar, Maite Yuleana Rodriguez, Alexandria Rubio, Makenna Lee “Kenna” Elrod Seiler, Jacklyn Jaylen “Jackie” Cazares, Nevaeh Alyssa Bravo, Rylee Erika Goodrich, Olivia Twenty “Livy” Dahl, Ava Jordan Wood, Olivia Pratt Korbel, Elizabeth Shelley, Sara Sharif, Charlotte Figi, Charlotte Bacon, Charlotte Louise Dunn, Olivia Engel, Lily Peters, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Olivia Twenty “Livy” Dahl, Skylar Annette “Sky” Neese, Daniel Eli “Danny” Stutzman, Tristan Charles “little man/ baby boy” Clements, Star Hobson, Nathan Scott Anderson, Olivia Ryan Anderson, Jessica Anders, Baylee Almon, Marivel Mercedez Alvarez, James Vincent Barone, Mia Ugalde-Jorris, Nylah Sa'rae Williams, Bella Fontenelle, Jasmine Nicole Weaver, Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, deezanae dawn tyo, Mary Catherine (Mullany) Hubbard, Sarah Catherine Martin, Alexandra Hope Kelly, Emilie Parker, Catherine Violet Hubbard, Ana Márquez-Greene, Allison Wyatt, Avielle Richman, Caroline Previdi, Jessica Rekos, Grace McDonnell, Nylah Anderson, Judith Barsi, Heather Michele O'Rourke, Shirley Temple and baby Leroy, Rachel Joy Scott, Kelly Ann Fleming, Rose Pizem, JonBenèt Ramsey, Alyssa Miriam Alhadeff, Hannah Louise Scott, Mercedes Losoya, Sloan Mattingly, Audrii Cunningham, Wayne Scott Arnold, Bessie Barker,
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