#basimah bashara
Please reblog for exposure and look at my other polls maybe?
* canon only
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wt-nv-quotes · 2 years
To have your father, lonely and inquisitive, think of you as his only friend in the world, while you look to him for guidance and love. But he is incapable of both, at least not in the way you need to be guided and loved.
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canonlgbtcharacters · 3 years
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The canon LGBT character of the day is
Basimah Bashara from Welcome To Night Vale, who is WLW!
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is-there-gay-in-it · 4 years
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Basimah Bashara
Show: Welcome to Night Vale
Category: Podcast
Portrayed by: Aliee Chen
Status: Main character of one episode
First Appearance: Episode 79, “Lost in the Mail”
Orientation: Lesbian
Orientation Confirmed: Episode 79, “Lost in the Mail”
Check read-more to see if Basimah is alive
Basimah is alive
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wtnvcrossword · 5 years
WTNV - Ep 147 - The Protester
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2. What is the name of Carlos and Cecil’s dog?
3. Protestors gathered in front of city hall demanding an end to what war? (2 words)
7. According to this war veteran, the general used time travel to successfully stop the Polonians from ever reaching Earth, but the change in the timeline caused thousands of people to go missing from Night Vale because they never existed or never moved here in the first place. (2 words)
9. The Night Vale City Council announced that they would be taking a family vacation to what US State? (2 words)
11. How old is Basimah Bishara’s father?
12. What kind of Danish did Carlos eat?
13. What sequence did Simone Rigadeau spray paint on cars in the college parking lot?
14. Jameson Archibald claimed that his watch face was made from a piece of what famous Vatican site? (2 words)
16. The collective misremembering of an event was called what kind of effect?
18. Simone Rigadeau sang a song about what kind of objects?
1. What municipally forbidden area that was next to the Ralph’s no longer existed in Night Vale? (2 words)
4. What was a group of astronomers is called?
5. What kind of facial hair did Carlos grow?
6. According to Sarah Sultan, the only reason Simone Rigadeau had the title of professor is because of what kind of antiquated rights laws?
8. What kind of Swiss watch did senior strategic advisor Jameson Archibald buy? (2 words)
9. Cecil remarked that “it’s hard to get an emotional reading on ___.”
10. The intergalactic military is developing an app and a subscription service that allows people to engage in what kind of warfare any time they want for only $12.99 a month?
15. A 2016 city ordinance proclaimed that what can be true if you say it loud enough?
16. What is the name of Basimah Bishara’s girlfriend?
17. What kind of scientists were trying to determine why a chunk of the moon was missing?
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m-ultipass · 7 years
yo yo yo saw you were taking requests can you draw Tamika Flynn, Janice Carlsberg, and Basimah Bashara being happy together?
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im sorry this looks bad
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WtNV "Side characters" story?!
In the novels we hear about Diane and Josh, Jackie, Nilanjana and more. But if you could decide 3 people to appear in such story , which would it be?
I would like to hear either of these teams:
Sarah Sultan, Simone Rigadeau and Leann Hart.
Megan Wallaby (in full Russian sailor body), Janise Palmer and Roger Harlan.
Louie Blasko, Michelle Nguyen and Basimah Bashara.
(Inspired by the fanzone of a Good Morning Night Vale episode.)
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allow-me-to-speak · 6 years
Alrighty everyone, I’m gonna just apologize in advance, but I have spent the past week and a half going through over three years of Welcome to Night Vale content and I am feeling both extremely nostalgic and overwhelmed.
So I’m just going to ramble.
Reasons I love Night Vale:
I’ve never seen / heard / read anything like it, for one. Has anyone? I’m not even really sure how to vocalize how different Night Vale is. It’s just ridiculously and brilliantly unique.
They took a media platform that could be insanely limited and turned those limitations into narrative strengths. You can’t see anything? Great! That gives you the opportunity to be constantly surprised and have your expectations subverted, and forces you to rely on an unpredictable and not necessarily reliable narrator. 
They don’t fuck around with ambiguous representation. Like, right off the bat, episode one: the main character is gay. Have fun. They have queer men, lesbian women, and nonbinary characters, and healthy queer relationships. 
They somehow manage to have a shockingly large cast of POC characters as well, despite not being a visual medium. Like, they could have come up with Generic Whitebread names for all the people in town, but instead you get Carlos, Basimah Bashara, Tamika Flynn, Juanita Jefferson, Nazr al-Mujaheed — and then they continue to deliver by hiring a diverse cast as well. 
When they decided to have Carlos become a recurring voice on the show, the writers made the active decision to hire a Latino actor to play a gay Latino man instead of having Jeffery Cranor, a straight white man, continue to voice him.
Their penchant for repeating certain phrases is such a fascinating and useful tool. I’m not just talking about “John Peters — you know, the farmer?” I’m talking about “Past performance is not a predictor of future results”, or “a dark planet lit by no sun”. Things that aren’t necessarily connected to anything, but they’re repeated just often enough and in such a way that you notice those moments and care about their implications. 
Subtle character development. Since the whole show is supposed to be a professional radio broadcast, a lot of the character development happens offscreen, and you have to infer the changes. They do it so well, too. Cecil spends the first year mooning over Carlos, constantly calling him ‘perfect’ and swooning on air. The first time you hear Cecil refer to Carlos as ‘perfectly imperfect’ I literally gasped out loud.
They can say the most fascinating, philosophical, surreal shit, and then immediately cut to a discussion about the detached adult man’s hand named Megan.
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life-is-a-fantasy · 6 years
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“you’re going to see, i’m gonna run, i’m gonna fly, i’m gonna bring this love back to you...” basimah bashara from night vale aesthetic
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The signs: Welcome to Night Vale Edition
Aries: The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives in Your Home
Arsces: Tourniquet
Arrius: Erika
Ariborn: Hugh Jackman
Arittarius: Feral Dogs
Arpia: The Sheriff’s Secret Police
Arza: The Baristas
Arga: Telly the Barber
Aro: Eternal Scout
Arcen: Big Rico’s Pizza
Armini: Simone Rigadeau
Arun: The Museum of Forbidden Technologies
Arist: Cecil’s mom
Arsci: The Shape in Grove Park
Arnius: Erika
Aricorn: Cactus Jane
Arittanius: “Are you an earthworm?  You’re probably an earthworm.”
Arpio: Chad Bowinger
Arra: Megan Wallaby, when she was just an adult man’s hand
Argo: The Moonlite All Nite Diner
Arlo: Leann Hart
Arcer: Sand Wastes
Armino: The Hooded Figures
Arus: The Gray Head of Hiram McDaniels
Taurus: Intern Maureen
Taurist: Frances Donaldson
Taursci: Plastic bags mistaken for a pack of feral dogs
Taurnius: Erika
Tauricorn: Larry Leroy, out on the edge of town
Taurittanius: The Man in the Tan Jacket
Taurpio: Dark Owl Records
Taurra: Pamela Winchell
Taurgo: Chad Bowinger
Taurlo: Janice
Taurcer: The Night Vale Harbor and Waterfront Recreation Area
Taurmino: Marcus Vanston
Taurun: The cactus Telly the Barber was last seen trying to give a haircut to
Tauries: every mispronunciation of “Michigan”
Taursces: Blood Pact Scout
Taurrius: Erika
Tauriborn: The Brown Stone Spire
Taurittarius: The Ralph’s
Taurpia: Lauren Mallard
Taurza: That computer who tried to take over the town that one time
Taurga: Siobhan Azdak
Tauro: Guns don’t kill people, people kill guns
Taurcen: Radon Canyon
Taurmini: The Night Vale girl scouts
Gemini: Fey
Gemun: Wheat and wheat by-products
Gemries: The Dog Park
Gemsces: City Council
Gemrius: Erika
Gemiborn: Eggs aren’t real.
Gemittarius: Nuh-uh, show me an egg!
Gempia: That’s not an egg!
Gemza: What’s an egg?
Gemga: Who let you in here?
Gemo: Cecil’s fun fact science corner
Gemcen: Mission Grove Park
Gemino: Hole in the vacant lot out back of the Ralph’s
Gemus: They come in two’s.  You come in two’s.  Kill your double.
Gemrist: The Traveler
Gemsci: Carlos
Gemnius: Erika
Gemicorn: Michael Sandero
Gemittanius: Flaky O’s
Gempio: Michael Sandero’s other, more attractive and intelligent head
Gemra: The House that Doesn’t Actually Exist
Gemgo: Sheriff Sam
Gemlo: 8,000 Angora Rabbits
Gemcer: The Blood Space War
Cancer: The Glow Cloud
Camino: Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex
Canus: Earl Harlan
Canrist: Soft Meat Crowns
Cansci: The Apache Tracker
Cannius: Erika
Canicorn: Hazelnut
Canittanius: Mystify
Canpio: Lark
Canra: Lurk
Cango: Robert
Canlo: Anglican
Cancen: Pheromone
Camini: Halter top
Canun: Marmalade
Canries: Hardware
Cansces: Laser
Canrius: Pepper
Caniborn: Release
Canittarius: Kneecap
Canpia: Falafel
Canza: Period
Canga: Chaste
Cano: Chased
Leo: Leggings
Lecen: Wool
Lemini: Sweater
Leun: Heartbeat
Leries: Heartbeat
Leiborn: Heart
Leitarrius: Beat
Lepia: Heart
Leza: Beat
Lega: Beat
Lelo: Beat
Lecer: Beat
Lemino: Beat
Leus: Memorize that list exactly
Lerist: John Peters, you know, the farmer?
Lesci: Gino’s Italian Dining Experience and Grill and Bar
Lenius: Erika
Leicorn: Night Vale Community Radio
Leittanius: Trish Hidge
Lepio: The Child of the Glow Cloud
Lera: The Green Head of Hiram McDaniels
Lego: The Underground City located in the pin retrieval area of  Lane Five of the Desert Flower Bowling Alley and Arcade Fun Complex
Virgo: The Woman from Italy
Virlo: Pyramid
Vircer: Fashion Week
Virmino: Strex Corp
Virus: Jackie Fierro
Virist: Librarians
Virsci: A Vague Yet Menacing Government Agency
Virnius: Erika
Viricorn: Intern Kareem
Virittanius: A man who is not tall
Virpio: A man who is not short
Viro: The otherworldly desert
Vircen: Teddy Williams
Virmini: Dreadnaught Scout
Virun: Subway? More like Wowza.
Viries: Megan Wallaby, after her surgery
Virsces: The Registry of Middle School Crushes
Virrius: Erika
Viriborn: Sigrid Borg
Virittarius: Used and Discount Sporting Goods Store
Virpia: “Ask your doctor if right is left for you”
Virza: The Haunted Baseball Diamond
Libra: Tamika Flynn
Ligo: Helicopters depicting birds of prey diving
Liblo: The Whispering Forest
Licer: The Blue Head of Hiram McDaniels
Limino: Deb the Sentient Patch of Haze
Libus: History Week
Librist: Michelle Nguyen
Libsci: Illiterate spiders
Libnius: Erika
Libicorn: Desert Bluffs
Libittanius: Abandoned Mine Shaft
Lipio: WZZZ, the Numbers Station
Libo: Lights above the Arby’s, but not the lights of the Arby’s
Licen: Sarah Sultan
Limini: Lucia Tereschenko
Libun: Double Secret Police
Libries: Poetry Week
Libsces: The Emissary
Librius: Erika
Libiborn: The Barista District
Libittarius: Louie Blasko
Lipia: The Distant Prince
Scorpio: Steve Carlsberg
Scorra: Steve Carlsberg
Scorgo: Steve Carlsberg
Scorlo: Steve Carlsberg
Scorcer: Steve Carlsberg
Scormino: Steve Carlsberg
Scorus: Steve Carlsberg
Scorist: Steve Carlsberg
Scorsci: Steve Carlsberg
Scornius: Steve Carlsberg
Scoricorn: Steve Carlsberg
Scorittanius: Steve Carlsberg
Scorpia: Steve Carlsberg
Scorza: Steve Carlsberg
Scorga: Steve Carlsberg
Scoro: Steve Carlsberg
Scorcen: Steve Carlsberg
Scormini: Steve Carlsberg
Scorun: Steve Carlsberg
Scories: Steve Carlsberg
Scorsces: Steve Carlsberg
Scorrius: Steve Carlsberg
Scoriborn: Steve Carlsberg
Scorittarius: Steve Carlsberg
Sagittarius: Kevin
Sagipia: Shriektronics
Sagiza: Abandoned Missile Silo
Sagiga: The Gold Head of Hiram McDaniels
Sagio: Invisible Clocktower
Sagicen: The Summer Reading Program
Sagimini: Station Management
Sagiun: A Smiling God
Sagiries: Hadassah McDaniels
Sagisces: The Ghost of Buddy Holly
Sagirius: Erika
Sagiborn: Weird Scout
Sagittanius: Leonard Burton
Sagipio: Mountains? More like nothings.
Sagira: The Night Vale Zoo
Sagigo: Nulogorsk
Sagilo: Abby
Sagicer: Bloodstone circles
Sagimino: Street Cleaning Day
Sagius: The Hierarchy of Angels
Sagirist: Basimah Bashara
Sagisci: Khoshekh
Saginius: The Dark Planet
Sagicorn: Poetry Week
Capricorn: Emotions you don’t understand upon viewing a sunset
Caprittanius: Lost pets, found
Capripio: Lost pets, unfound
Caprira: A secret lost pet city on the moon
Caprigo: Trees that see
Caprilo: Restaurants that hear
Capricer: A void that thinks
Caprimino: A face half seen just before falling asleep
Caprius: Trembling hands reaching for desperately needed items
Caprisci: Sandwiches
Caprist: Silence when there should be noise
Capriborn: Noise when there should be silence
Caprittarius: Nothing when you want something
Capripia: Something when you thought there was nothing
Capriza: Clear plastic binder sheets
Capriga: Scented dryer sheets
Caprio: Rain coming down in sheets
Capricen: Night
Caprimini: Rest
Capriun: Sleep
Capries: End
Caprisces: Sorrow Songs Singalong
Capririus: Erika
Aquarius: Erika
Aquiborn: Cal Palmer
Aquittarius: Beagle Puppy
Aquapia: The Violet Head of Hiram McDaniels
Aquaza: Joanna Rey
Aquaga: Auction of Contraband and Seized Property
Aquo: The Air-Filled Earth Society
Aquacen: Hidden Gorge
Aquamini: Old Woman Josie
Aquiun: Randy Newman Memorial Night Vale Airport
Aquaries: The Dark Box
Aquasces: Night Vale Green Market Co-op
Aquanius: Erika
Aquicorn: Fear Scout
Aquittanius: The Night Vale Subway System
Aquapio: Imaginary corn
Aquara: World Government
Aquago: The Monolith in the Dog Park
Aqualo: Harrison Kipp
Aquacer: The Smithwick House
Pisces: Cecil Gershwin Palmer
Pirius: Erika
Piborn: The Green Head of Hiram McDaniels
Pittarius: Ash Beach
Pipia: The Night Vale Transit Authority
Piza: Dana Cardinal
Piga: “Do not trust the angels.  They only tell lies and do not exist.”
Pio: Hiram McDaniels, a literal five headed dragon
Picen: Weird Scout
Pimini: Huntokar
Piun: The Old Night Vale Opera House
Piries: eGemony
Pisci: Lazy Day
Pinius: Erika
Picorn: “Nice try, giant worms.”
Pittanius: The Masked Army
Pipio: Paul Birmingham
Pira: Skeleton Gorge
Pigo: The National Guard Station and KFC Combo Store
Pilo: Lee Marvin
Picer: Windhind and Hungry Man Brand Frozen Foods Officially Sponsored Illuminati
Pimino: The Weather
Pius: That specific shade of purple
Pirist: “Good night, Night Vale, good night.”
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bellabooks · 7 years
5 scary fiction podcasts featuring lesbian and bisexual characters
Check out these five eerie and very LGBTQ friendly or focused podcasts, that have the goods to get you through Halloween.   Welcome to Nightvale: Welcome to Nightvale is arguably the most popular and well known podcast of the bunch, and has been groundbreaking in its LGBTQ representation. The lead narrator, Cecil (Cecil Baldwin, an out gay voice actor), who leads us through the terrifying and sometimes hilariously bizarre world of the Nightvale, is gay and in a relationship with a scientist named Carlos (out actor Dylan Marron). Out lesbian actress Jasika Nicole plays the reoccurring character of Dana Cardinal, who went from a Nightvale intern to Mayor.  Among other LGBTQ characters, there is Basimah Bashara (voiced by Ailee Chan), who is a devout Muslim and lesbian high school student.   Alice Isn’t Dead: Jasika Nicole appears again on our list in the fabulous podcast by the creators of Nightvale, Alice Isn’t Dead. Spooky, scary, and incredibly smart, this podcast follows Alice, a truckdriver who is in search of her missing and presumed wife, Alice. Along the way, she confronts her demons, both literally and metaphorically. I can’t really say much without giving away major plot points, but Nicole does all of the heavy lifting in the show and is incredibly compelling.   No Sleep Podcast: This podcast was inspired by a long-running reddit thread where people shared their fictional scary stories. (Think of it as an internet campfire.) The podcast uses stories from reddit and more, and used professional voice actors to tell the chilling tales. This podcast is not for the faint of heart, but it’s perfect for those who love to get their scare on.  What No Sleep does very well is incorporate LGBTQ characters, especially lesbian and bisexual characters, into their stories. They are scattered throughout, but check out “I Still Get Letters from My Dead Best Friend” and “My Best Friend’s Instagram”   ARS Paradoxica: ARS Paradoxica is less scary and more sci-fi based, but it very much works for a Halloween binge. The podcast is the story of Dr. Sally Grissom (Kristen DiMercurio), a scientist who is accidentally send back in time to the middle of WWII. While there, she works with a secret governmental agency to harness the power of bending time, all the while trying to get home herself. One of Sally’s new team members is Esther Roberts (Katie Speed), a brilliant young woman who recruits her ex-girlfriend, Bridget (Preston Max Allen), to join the team.   The Penumbra Podcast: The space age, sci-fi, spooky, funny story series has queer, non-binary, and trans characters a plenty. The show is made up of many different stories, and I love what how the podcast describes why they created the show. “We’ve always loved stories, whether they be science fiction, swashbucklers, high fantasy, horror, or mystery. We grew up passionately reading, watching movies and TV, and playing video games. But eventually we started to notice that a lot of the stories we consumed were the same ones over and over again, and we got tired of it. Why did every boy and girl who adventured together have to end up romantically involved? Why couldn’t a woman be tough and fierce without also being sexy? Why did every gay relationship end in tragedy? And where were all the people who didn’t fit into the gender binary? And one day, we realized that we couldn’t wait any more for the stories we wanted. So we decided to write them ourselves. Maybe you’ve been waiting for them, too. If you have, we hope you’ll join us at The Penumbra to listen.”  Well said. http://dlvr.it/PyLprx
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desert-bluffs-and-me · 10 months
WTNV quick rundown - 79 - Lost in the Mail
This episode was co-written by Zack Parsons.
Featuring the guest voice of Aliee Chan as Basimah Bashara.
We brought something back with us. Something we cannot escape. Memories of a great vacation to deepest space! And the merciless Distant Prince. Welcome to Night Vale.
This episode is about the Remembrance Day for those who will, a thousand years from now, presumably die in the Blood Space War. The fight is said to be against some kind of dangerous idea. Time between those recruited and those in NV is vastly different due to how time travels across space, or something.
People are invited to tell stories on air about their experiences/memories. Citizens called Black Dauphin and Sara Bismuth are briefly mentioned, but we get to hear the full story of Basimah Bashara.
Basimah is a junior in high school. Her father, Fakhir Bashara, was recruited to the Blood Space War when she was six. She hasn't grown wings like the cheerleaders, but she fits in. She's in an all-girl thrash band called Mizz Fits where she plays guitar. She's good at English and Science but not Maths because she stopped paying attention. She's a lesbian and has a girlfriend. She's wears her hijab to mosque but rarely to school. She had a pet snail. She has a large family so she still feels loved even without her dad but does miss him.
She receives a message from her dad once a year around her birthday. To him it's like only a eleven days or so have passed whilst for her it's been most of her life. Basimah laments that she can't properly communicate with her dad, because he still thinks she's a kid. He talks about her and her various milestones of her life which have already happened as if they're going to happen in the future. This makes it feel like he's talking about somebody completely different and not her.
Basimah talks about the families of the other Mizz Fit members. Clara is in a nuclear family straight from the 1950s, but, like, literally from the 1950s even as she lives her life in 2015. Nisha has a council of fathers. Jacquelyn's mom is a spider.
Towards the end of the episode, Basimah says she wishes her dad had never left. It ends with her calling out happy and tearful for her dad, hinting that he has come back/is visiting.
Weather: "Sharon" by Good San Juan
Earlier in the episode, it is mentioned that an emissary from the blood space war which is the only being to return from it and was imprisoned in a pit has been released. It's helmet contains a void and it talks about the war being meaningless and how it needs to end but only by whistling. This is hinted to be the same person who goes to see Basimah later, so is Fakhir returned from the war. Or she is interpreting it as her father. Who knows.
The emissary also tries to tell Cecil about the pointlessness of the war and the nature of unreality. During this exchange, Cecil says he has seven senses.
Cecil says at the end of the episode that the tapes from Basimah are three days old, whilst the emissary was only released on that day, so he has no idea how the emissary was both there and here. He also says that rememberance day is over at 12:01, am or pm unsure.
Stay tuned next for events that will or will not happen, in the order that they may or may not occur. And from the present as I am currently experiencing it, good night, Night Vale. Good night. 
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wt-nv-quotes · 2 years
I have seventeen dollars in my bank account, and my teenage father is living with me. So things are going great here.
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Just finished the second Night Vale novel It Devours! that I got my hands on when I got a hold of my pre-order yesterday. (So sue me. College strike up here gave me some free time)
So some thoughts?
Firstly I’d just like to say that I LOVE the ending. Specifically I love the way the relationship between Nilanjana and Darryl ends. GOD that was so refreshing! Honestly their relationship felt rushed and empty anyway and it was SO fucking nice to see a realistic potential end to a new adult relationship.
In regards to the early parts of the relationship? The writing seemed to have a preoccupation with kisses and lips that squicked me more then anything, but I’ve never been a big kissing person in general so maybe it’s just that.
The sex mentioned, especially with how explicitly they did so, kind of felt... I’m just going to say it, a little annoying? *sigh* Now I get that there aren’t too many places where even this minor level of detail and frankness about sex could come up, but seeing what felt like the first slightly more explicit handling of it then like, Carlos jokingly getting turned on by science or some such as the podcast has done (Not counting the semi-obscure and one time live show they recently did of course. Night Vale after dark I THINK it might have been called? With Cecil and Dylan reading some nsfw content?) what felt like the first more explicit handling went to... well a hetero sex scene and, eh, call me a bitter queer but like, ANY thing else would have felt more interesting. Idk, I was just rather meh about the whole thing.
Oh and well I’m at it, “Sex in Night Vale take’s a little longer, but when it starts it happens much like anywhere else.” also felt kind off to me. Just picky queer sex positive feminist things I guess. It ain’t a big thing, but if anyone else had written it I’d be rolling my eyes going “yo there’s more then one way to fuck my hetero dude friend. It’s not all about cis ass, able bodied penis in vaginal sex.) but again, that’s just me being picky as SHIT because I, to be frank, expect a heckuva lot from Night Vale what with them consistently delivering for 3 year (Specifically how long I’ve been listening I mean. Don’t recall how many year’s they’ve been around in general.)
Also like, the lead up TO the sex was weird? We had a window into both their heads but at no point were we lead to believe they were physically particularly attracted to each other before the sex? It jumped from “maybe he’s kind of cute” to fucking? Like give us a few bits of her (preferably her because fuck yes not shying away from female sexuality) eyes getting caught on his body or some overt desire or something. Direct us to something that says “physical” attraction. (and let’s REALLY not have it be a possessive stereotype about her getting jealous over some female friend of his and taking it out by getting touchy feely with a guy she barely knows for that matter) It just felt really flat. Really lacking it what should have been easy build up. Minor build up, because sex can absolutely and should absolutely be shown sometimes as something human, and pleasant, and potentially just chill and fun to do, but like, we have an internal view of their heads, as such we should have seen SOME small nudge of physical attraction before hand. Some tug. Don’t give the audience nothing and then expect them to buy a relationship that, as it turns out in the end, was largely just based on good/fun sex.
Um, also; IF anyone else had written that whole “let’s cosign forms and get blood work done, lol look how long this is taking” pre-sex bit, then I honestly would have taken it as a “consent is a mood breaker and millennials are prudish idiots ruining sex with their safe sex and their checks for consent.” Idk. That joke felt a little off the mark. Just me being picky again.
Another thing? Nilanjana is fat! Yaaay! That was unexpectedly cool! (Would have preferred if they had said “fat” versus “overweight”. Fat’s not a dirty word, being fat isn’t a reflection on your morals and all that, but hey, not everyone is up with the latest fat acceptance stuff I guess. But like, “over” weight. Over whose weight? Over what supposed perfect weight? Is that supposed to be your short hand for “doesn’t exercise” ‘cause those sure as hell aren’t inherently connected. Correlation doesn’t equal causation. Pbthhh. >.>)
Speaking of being picky, or maybe this was just a very clever sign that Darryl and Nilanjana’s relationship wouldn’t work out in the long term, did Nilanjana REALLY have to get so jealous and competitive with Stephanie? Did she have to instantly dislike and distrust her because of “the way Darryl looked at her”? Because to recap that made all the women in the book in relation to Nilanjana, judgemental, shallow, and foolish (Lusia), cold, untrustworthy, and naive (Stephanie. “Naive” because of her religion in Nilanjana’s books and soooort of by the narrative as well), literally just a world threatening zealous cultist (Munn), or a goofy, initially untrustworthy sidekick (Jamillah).
I mean even Josh Crayton got better billing in this round then either his mum or Jackie who got tiny cameo’s each. =/ I would have liked to see more of those two.
While we’re on the subject of female characters. NIGHT VALE PLEASE. PLEASE give us some more background or remotely confirmed wlw!!! Jeeze. Seriously! We got another random background guy, or at least person getting refereed to with he/him pronouns who got a boyfriend, (The helicopter fellow) and though we already knew Josh was bi/pan otherwise not straight, he got a briefly mentioned boyfriend in this one! And of course the show focus is always Cecil and Carlos which racks the points waaay up for amazing, awesome mlm representation. We DID get a tiny cameo from Basimah Bashara which was neat, and a small moment with Michael Nguyen, but that’s the thing with those two and wlw in Night Vale in general isn’t it? While one can... hope? Somewhat with evidence? That Maureen and Michael might be a couple now, might be positive wlw representation, that was never actually made super clear. (Looking back on it it WAS made super clear with Basimah, so good on them with that!)
There’s also Jackie and Sheriff Sam. I HAVE to say, I was absolutely PREYING Jackie and Dana got together when Jackie mentioned she was dating someone from “high up in the government” so the let down I felt from finding out it was Sam instead came mostly from that. =p (Give Dana a girlfrieeend. Sure there’s always Alice Isn’t Dead but that ain’t the same. =p) Sam uses they/them pronouns and we can probably safely assume from that that they’re meant to be NB, genderqueer, genderfuild, or otherwise just not a cis character, so that’s wonderful, and Jackie dating them pretty much pings her as some variety of queer (or at least queer friendly, but then the majority of Night Vale is.) as well, so that’s also neat! I dooon’t think we had that from her before? Maybe there was something in the first book I’m forgetting. (I am personally mad happy that Jackie is queer or at least chill with nb folk, as she reminds me of myself in way too many ways. Awkward high-fives and “dude’s” and all.) That being said, how old is Sheriff Sam? I always pictured them at like 40 something from the voice. >.> Lol apparently not.
So on a more world building, less representation based note; Kevin.
Kevin is a prophet in the churches lore apparently. That’s neat? I guess? Here’s the thing, when WAS the Joyous Congregation founded? And my main concern; when did Kevin go through the Old Oak Door that showed him the smiling god for the first time??? The Congregation, or at least the general concept of the religion of the smiling god seems fully formed back during the Strex arc, and more then that Kevin hasn’t (as far as we know. Also please Finknor give us more Kevin. Triptych Broke. My. Heart. and I’m begging you.) been back to Night Vale or otherwise out of the desert other world since the time Steve pushed him in at the end of the Strex arc.
I don’t WANT to think that Kevin founded the whole religion. It’s always seemed very much like a thing that existed before him and more importantly not a thing he did before Strex!him if you will, but who knows I guess. =/
That’s the thing. I always thought of the smiling god AS ENTIRELY a Strex concept, and I’m going to wager a guess that at least at the start Finknor did too. It’s so tied into Strex. Inseparable from Strex’s meaning and purpose. Smile. Work. Be empty. Pretend to be happy. Smiling IS Strex, it’s a Strex thing, so it kind of made me feel... like it felt a bit rewrite-y to not even mention Strex at all during this book?
I mean was the smiling god NOT behind Strex? Was the congregation not at least back a couple years ago indistinguishable from Strex? Idk. These are all questions I have.
Talking about things that feel rewrite-y, I’m not sure I did the idea of Carlos actually being in the desert other world for TEN YEARS. Here’s the thing. We were, at the very least, as the audience lead to believe that Cecil and Carlos were thinking of LIVING there. Of moving there. a MASSIVE freaking part of the Carlos in the desert other world arc had us second guessing Carlos and Cecil’s whole relationship ffs! That WAS the subtext of the arc! The purpose! That Carlos seemed more interested in science and research of the desert other world then getting back to freaking Cecil! And now you’re going to claim that not only was he there ten years, which we had NO foreshadowing of during the arc at ALL as far as I can see, but he only ever wanted desperately to get home? Again the twist at the end of the desert other world arc is Cecil unexpectedly NOT MOVING THERE. WHAT? Nah man. That was some silly re-write stuff right there. Contradicting what world building we have on the desert other world until now.
Another thing highly related to that? Where the fuck was the nomadic giant army?? Or hell, even just Kevin and that dumb roller coaster they built? (I GUESS you could say that they all... died... ? And the roller coaster... vanished completely? But nah. Not really because aging doesn’t work there now does it?) Doug and Elisha thanks? Yet more stuff that made Carlos seem at home (and for that matter time passing relatively similarly from the sort of relationships he formed and reported on) in the desert other world. Ugh. I really don’t like that whole ten years thing. It seemed excessive too. Like two or even three years would have been more believable from what we saw of Carlos during that time, and even with only the single year I could already understand Carlos being traumatized from the event. Idk.
Speaking of world building for the desert other world? Assuming we keep with previous would building regarding it we are NOT done with it yet. Or rather, we probably shouldn’t be. There’s WAY too much going on there. Kevin’s still in there, he named it DESERT BLUFFS ffs. (I’m still waiting for the day we get the plot twist that the other world IS the desert bluffs we know from the past or something very similar to that. I also noticed a hella conspicuous absence of talk about desert bluffs OR the desert other world during the Huntokar revelations of the last finished arc. That place is MAD secret to the point that it’s not even on the radar of Huntokar, and probably The Glow Cloud, Distant Prince, Woman from Italy and other elder god type things.)
Then there’s Dana’s drawings up on the mountain. The spiraling murals of triangles I believe it was? We are NOT done with that place. I know at the end Darryl is like “well maybe the smiling god wasn’t that stupid centipede” and we’re supposed to at least sort of think like Nilanjana and be like “Yea huh. Sure. You just want to think that to protect your beliefs.” but honestly yeah, I don’t remotely think the centipede was really... the smiling god? Unless like I said, Kevin started the religion all together which I very much hope he didn’t? So yea, probably not the smiling god, DEFINITELY not the biggest threat in the desert other world. Up until now the “light” trying to get into Night Vale has been really obtuse and obscure. Really vague and therefore menacing and cool. I don’t think Finknor are bad enough writers to just toss all that away on a giant centipede. I’m a cynical person. Usually I’d add “At least I hope not” to that sentence, but damn it all if I don’t KNOW that Finknor are better writers then that.
Also there was the whole “hey wait the “ritual” to summon the god probably wasn’t just a coincidence” idea dropped in there to explore. So yeah. Lot’s to look at still.
Speaking of the ritual? Did you guys caaaaatch iiiiiit??? The jumping. How frantic jumping was a big part of the ritual? Maybe I’m just reaching but it sounded SO much like Kevin’s narration jumping bit from way back in The Sandstorm that Cecil mirrors with his own narration bit in his episode.
I’m SOOOO glad we got a glimpse into additional meaning for that kid jumping trying to recapture the feeling of flight scene for Kevin. It would be cool if more meaning was discovered for it in the future.
I’ve always read Cecil’s retrospective kid scene in those episodes as maybe relating too whatever happens in Cassette Tapes, or maaaybe some weird shit with Kevin himself in a metaphorical or otherwise obscured reference to why the heck the whole doubles thing happens anyway. (Also again, doubles, Desert bluff weirdness. Another thing I attributed to possibly the smiling god that could definitely not be if it were just a centipede, but honestly whether it’s a centipede or not I think it would be much more interesting if the smiling god was only a corrupting force for Desert bluffs and not the “weird Night Vale thing” that causes them to exist in the first place. And like I said? What’s cool is that it seems to not be Huntokar’s fault either that Desert Bluffs exists so that’s neat. That mean’s there’s some other weird shit going on there for us to find out.)
Ok one thing I forgot about the time rules of the desert other world and Kevin? You don’t AGE in the desert other world. Kevin when he contact Cecil in the last section of Triptych say’s he is very old. Now he could mean ancient as in “lived a very long time” but he specifically says “very old” and seems like his health might even me failing. Certainly he puts on a different voice. Anyway, all that leading up to the theory that we can extrapolate from that that Kevin will escape the desert other world at some point. Which isn’t too much of a stretch, and I think we all kind of expected (and I desperately hoped for after Triptych tyvm. FFS Cecil if you know how he ends up and also what he used to be like why not GO SAVE KEVIN FROM THAT FATE! Jeeze man! I really wish that had been part of the arc following Triptych and genuinely thought it might be. Like please. Cecil how can you just leave him there???)
All and all I liked the first novel a LOT more, but I liked this novel. Heck if it it wasn’t from Night Vale crew, meaning I had kind of hyped standards for it already, it probably would have been super awesome.
I mean there were some parts of the first novel I didn’t like, and I’m feeling some similar feelings regarding how the smiling god and desert other world turned out looking a bit mundane in this story and left a lot of “but if they were really just this, then why this old plot point” feelings just like the Man in the Tan Jacket did last novel (WHY was he interested in the underground city damn it? Especially with what we now know about Huntokar? WHY was he working with the Apache Tracker? What the hell were they doing? What was the post office all about?) but all and all I still preferred the first novel to this one. It felt more... human I guess. Had that good good recognizable story about a mom and her kid, growing up, parents, relationships, becoming an adult and a helluva lot of other stuff. Not that this one didn’t have a neat story about religion and science (that part honestly felt a little too basic for me) and fitting into one’s communities (that part was alright) but the first novel just hit the right cords more. Personally at least I felt more attached to everyone AND enjoyed the treatment of the themes more. Idk exacccctly why, but I absolutely enjoyed the first novel way more. It felt more like it’s own entity. A valid reason to use a different medium. A really new and cool thing where we could step into the shoes of likeable, fully rounded characters. This novel felt a lot more like a sometimes wacky one off live show with new characters or something. =/ I still enjoyed it, but not as much, and mostly the parts I did enjoy were all humor and surreal Night Vale goodness.
Alright. Well. That ends my rambling for now. I’m sure I’ll have many instances of trying to get to sleep and thoughts of the novel bouncing around in my head begging me to write them down or otherwise talk about them, so I guess I gotta emphasize the “for now” part.
This is long as shit and I’d be mildly surprised and utterly flattered if anyone can make it through my rambling.
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hit night vale episode 79: lost in the mail
when i tell you i cried
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ao3feed-wtnv · 4 years
Welcome To Night Vale
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31gyjdM
by CateyBear123
WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events.
"With its uncanny blend of the macabre and the mundane, the news out of Night Vale sounds like what might occur if Stephen King or David Lynch was a guest producer at your local public radio station." - NY Times Turn on your radio and hide. Disclaimer: WTNV does not in anyway belong to me, it belongs to Joseph Fink and Jeffery Cranor. I made this book for people who need to follow along with words, would rather read then listen. Please support the podcast and the books, thank you!
Words: 2471, Chapters: 2/150, Language: English
Fandoms: Welcome to Night Vale
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Abby Palmer, Adriano Copiello, Agatha Oglivy, Alondra Ortiz, Angels - Character, Annette Traylor, Apache Tracker, Arnie Goldbulm, Barks Ennui, Basimah Bashara, Betty Lucero, Big Rico, Brandy Lance, Cactus Jane, Cal Palmer, Camilla Cortez, Carlos the Scientist, Cecil Palmer, Cecil's Mother, Chad Bowinger, Charles, Charlie Blair, Chelsea Dubinski, clair, Dale Salazar, Dan Cardozo, Dana Cardinal, Darryl Ramirez, Deangelo Flynn, Deb, Diane Crayton, Donald Penebaker, Donovan, Earl Harlan, Esteban, Felicia Good, Fey - Character, Frances Donaldson, Frank Chen, Glow Cloud - Character, Glow Cloud's Child, Gordon, Gordon Moreno, Hadassah McDaniels, Harrison Kipp, Hierarchy of the Angels, Hiram McDaniels, hooded figures, Hugh Jackman, Huntokar, Intern Kareem, Intern Maureen, Intern Vanessa, Jackie Fierro, Jake Camp, Jake Smithwick, Jamillah, Janice Palmer, Janice Rio, Jeremy Godfrey, Joanna Rey, Joel Eisenberg, John Peters, Josh Crayton, Juanita Jefferson, Junius Duncan, Kevin, Khoshekh, Lacy, Larry Leroy, Laura, Lauren Mallard, Leann Hart, Lee Marvin, Leonard Burton, Lisa Smithwick, Lorelei Alvarez, Louie Blasko, Lucia Tereschenko, Lucinda Fierro, Lusia, Lutrice Beaumont, Mab, Madeline LeFleur, Maggie Penebaker, Maliq Herrera, Marcus Vanston, Martin McCaffrey, Martin McCaffry, Mayors of Night Vake, Megan Wallaby, Melony Pennington, Michael Sandero, Michelle Nguyen, Miriam Adelman, Missy Wilks, Mr. Smithwick, Mrs. Smithwick, Nazr al-Mujaheed, Nick Teller, Nilanjana Sikdar, Nina Gordon, Old Woman Josie, Otherworldly Children, Pamela Winchell, Pastor Munn, Paul Birimingham, Prince Reynolds, Roger Harlan, Roger Singh, Sabina, Sarah Sultan, Scientists of Night Vale, Sheriff of Night Vale, Sheriff Sam - Character, Sigrid Borg, Simone Rigadeau, Siobhan Azdak, Station Management, Stephanie, Steve Carlsberg, Strangers - Character, Susan Escobar, Suzanne Thurgood, Tamka Flynn, Teddy Williams, Telly Williams, The Beagle Puppy, The Computer, The Distant Prince - Character, The Faceless Old Woman, The Man in the Tan Jacket, The Masked Army, The Shape in Grove Park, The Smiling God, The Woman from Italy, Them - Character, Thomas Charles Fleming, Trish Hidge, Tristan Cortez, Troy Walsh, Jeffery Cranor, Joseph Fink
Additional Tags: Reading, A lot of reading, for people who like reading instead of listening, please read this
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31gyjdM
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