#be happy thats the only reason why someone should post something
cartulina7 · 5 months
How funny the people is here ha
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remember-the-fanfics · 3 months
Part two of last post
To be fair (Y/n) didn't have trouble for the next month, with the extermination happening, they guess Timothy actually did find a hole to die in.
They would guess wrong when he showed up with friends, who thought it would be a good idea to burn the hotel down with people inside it.
Man, this dude just keeps coming up with bad ideas.
Alastor caught them in time and stopped them while allowing everyone to get up and see the who and the what, Angel Dust, being the first one outside, saw Timothy face and quickly realized the why.
"You!" Said Angel Dust, getting Alastor interest.
"Do you know this not so fine fellow?"
"He came in like a week or so before you showed up, wanted (Y/n) to break the deal they just made with him because he's a lazy asshole." Said Angel Dust just when Vaggie and Charlie showed up.
"Why did you come get us? I would have shown this estúpido not to come back." Said Vaggie with her spear, ready to hurt someone.
"Or offer to join the hotel instead?" Said Charlie, pushing Vaggie's spear down.
"I-I would have loved too if that bastard offered, they just threatened me to leave!"
"They did! He said he wasn't doing this rainbow shit." Said Angel Dust "and they only threatened you after you insulted me!"
"Can we stab them?" Asked Niffty, showing up on Husk shoulder with (Y/n).
"Who are we-." Said (Y/n) before seeing who it was. "Oh."
"You bitch!" Said Timothy, his friends had joined in on the insults as well.
"Quiet." Said Alastor, making all of them shut up. "What should we do with-."
Timothy with a knife went for the closest person, Angel Dust, that he could reasonably kill or injure, (Y/n) didn't ask and he wasn't in anyway to talk later. As quick as he tried, (Y/n) got in the way.
"M̶o̶t̸h̴e̷r̶f̴u̶c̶k̷e̸r̷." They said, grabbing his arm that held the knife and holding him back from anyone.
"Now." Said Timothy, confusing (Y/n) for a second until they saw each of his friends had a weapon.
Everyone was sleeping, they were prepared for a fight, only Alastor could take on these sinners and maybe Vaggie with her spear.
(Y/n) needed to do something! Do something, do something, do something-!
Then (Y/n) didn't remember the rest.
"I'll keep you safe!" A much younger human version of (Y/n) said,
"I know." Said Someone, (Y/n) couldn't look them in the face anymore.
"I kept you... safe." Said a slightly older version of (Y/n). They had so much blood on them, until then (Y/n) didn't know humans had that much blood in them.
"No no no, stay awake, (Y/n)!" Said the Someone, obviously trying to keep them focus and awake.
"I love you... more than anything."
"(Y/n) please-!"
'I love you more than anything, you know that?'
Was what (Y/n) trying to say.
"(Y/N)!" Said someone else, bring (Y/n) back to what they were doing. They looked around to see Timothy or what was left of him on the ground, in peices, and (Y/n) did not expect to see that much gore.
"Ew, thats not cash money to see.." They said before looking at themselves and getting the conclusion that they were the reason Timothy became a crime scene. "..What exactly happen?"
"You ripped his arm off!" Said Angel Dust, laughing nervously because how could (Y/n) not remember that. "Then you-."
"Ripped him to sheds while Alastor dealt with the rest! You kept making him into smaller and smaller peices!" Said Niffty, climbing up (Y/n). "I'm so happy this happened outside, this would be a mess to clean out of the carpet."
"Are you injured?" Asked Charlie.
"I don't think so- oh God, I'm standing in it, I'm barefoot. I'm gonna take a shower and burn these clothes." Said (Y/n), moving away from the mess they made and putting Niffty down away from it.
"That was a fantastic performance, my dear! You could almost be mistaken for a stray from Cannibal town, if only you used more teeth." Said Alastor, who enjoyed the show after making the rest disappear, killed.
"Thanks, I don't usually fight like that." Said (Y/n). "Can you magic me to my room? I need a shower and to process that." They asked, pointing at the remains.
"Very well, my dear." Said Alastor, sending (Y/n) to their room to clean up. "This was unexpected way to fix the problem, yes?"
"I'm also gonna take a bath, I feel like some of it got on me." Said Angel Dust, walking away.
"I think we all need a shower after watching that." Said Husk, joining him on the walk inside with Niffty following behind.
"Never took the young one to take a hand on approach when doing something like that, well see you all in the morning!" Said Alastor before disappearing in the shadows, leaving Charlie and Vaggie alone.
"Charlie, you okay?"
"I'm fine, I'm just worried about (Y/n). We've seen them fight before, never like this. They didn't remember doing this either... I just hope they are okay." Said Charlie, Vaggie nugged Charlie's arm with her own.
"(Y/n) will be fine, they are a powerful Overlord for many reasons. They were protecting us after seeing those sinners had weapons and most of us didn't, that's a good thing." Said Vaggie, trying to cheer up Charlie.
"Like a redeeming good thing!" Said Charlie. "Minus all the gore that happened!"
"Exactly, now let's go inside and take a shower please."
"Oh definitely. That got everywhere."
Ta dah! Slightly longer but lore about (Y/n)! They died protecting someone they care about, the why and how they actually died from is unclear for now.
I've had it in my head for weeks now on how they died, can't really spoil anything though.
I also plan for most things I write in my head and I was trying to get (Y/n) to kill the man in the last part but nooo, just arguing.
Sorry to any Timothy tis the name of the letter I typed first.
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emryste · 11 days
i know it was between u and a friend but if ur want to i would love to hear wackass character analysis…i love woy and i love hearing peoples thoughts on it on a deeper level!!
ghhhhghfghfhg thank you for asking, it was mostly just me overanalyzing behaviours in some episodes as we did our rewatch. if you're interested, i can gather what little bits i talked about under the cut! as a warning though, theres a lot of words, not all coherent, and most of it is me reading too much into things as well as a lot of personal opinion and bias.
the fremergency fronfract and the boy wander
to start, jay (my friend) mentioned something about seeing a theory relating to the boy wander episode, and how there's something about screwball that makes wander completely shut off to the point of putting on a whole different personality (if anyone thinks they know the post they were talking about, please link it to me! i'd love to read it). all the info we have is screwball is a villain 'from wanders past', and that for whatever reason, he clearly feels like stopping him is more important than befriending him. it's a complete departure from usual wander, and it's part of the reason why i find it so interesting having it follow the fremergency fronfract. in that episode, he is the shining example of what he dislikes screwball for — forcing someone to be happy. he says 'i only present the positive path, i dont force you to follow it' meanwhile in the previous episode took advantage of hater's state and quite literally suggested the dentist should zap hater so hard he would stay good forever.
i dont think this is out of character. at this point in the show, wander is personally attached to hater, cares about him, and is very invested in his happiness. s1 wander, back when they had more of an antagonistic relationship, most likely wouldnt have been selfish in this way. not because he didnt care, because obviously he cares about everyone, but he didnt have that incentive of his own personal feelings. thats why he acted in a way that under normal circumstances, he would think is super dangerous. not to mention, another reason he could be so averse to screwball's ideology is because he sees sometimes sees the same qualities in himself, but they're parts he actively doesnt like and tries not to encourage.
to me, i like the idea that after the fremergency fronfract, wander was feeling guilty about how he acted and his frenzy to keep lord hater as he was. that contributed to why he was so desperate about stopping screwball in that episode, being confronted by someone who is a living specimen of something you feel guilty about would definitely rattle you. as my friend said, it's like karma came back to bite him.
the toddler
a fun little thing i think about during the toddler episode is how wander and sylvia's parenting styles could be indicative of their own childhoods. sylvia makes sense considering what we see of her mum in her family episode and what her environment was like growing up, however with wander it's a bit trickier. my first instinct was either wander had no parents/family of his own so he doesnt fully understand the dynamic, or they were terrible/negligent. perhaps both. this idea mostly comes from wander not really grasping what looking after a child is like apart from his surface level view of what he thinks would work. sylvia's approach isn't as effective but is more indicative of how a lot of parents raise their kids and says a lot about how she was raised, in comparison to wander's which is idealistic and purely thinking about what the toddler wants to a detrimental degree. that, to me, sounds like someone who either has no idea how kids are actually raised, or who is trying desperately to give a toddler what they didnt have. but in the end, potentially all of that could just be considered moot since wander is an normally idealistic guy, and maybe it doesnt say anything about his childhood at all. fun to think about though!
the wanders
for the episode 'the wanders', i talked about how i feel like the wander who always does what you tell him not to (pathological demand avoidance wander as my friend called him lol) could also be the one responsible for his need for freedom and not staying in one place for too long. my reasoning here was the link between not wanting to be told what to do (valuing your free will and autonomy) and how that relates to wander's inclination for being nomadic. i could definitely go deeper into this but you get the picture.
also during 'the wanders', me and jay obviously spoke a little about the 'most important part' wander. they mentioned how whilst he did look tiny he still had the hat, so it's still technically current wander. but rather, it's a part of him that sees himself as helpless, and is a physical manifestion of that by being small and vulnerable. what i always found interesting was how wanders physical form came back before that part was added, whilst the other parts of him all needed to be there for his form to be actualized.
i dont know if the reasoning for this has been answered by one of the crew before, but my reading into it was just that it could be because of a variety of reasons. like maybe that part of him isn't part of his personality but rather something else, like a memory. or maybe, since when sylvia was putting him together and one of the other wanders said something like "if you dont accept all of us, you accept none of us" (relating to make wander whole again), it was something that those aspects of wander didnt want to be part of him even though actual wander saw it as an important part. whatever the reason is, it's always been something that itched at my brain after that episode.
lord hater's and cpeeps' motives
also, i very lightly touched on the topic of lord hater's whole character motivation boiling down to him wanting admiration, to be taken seriously and for people to love/care about him. meanwhile, whilst peepers also wants to be taken seriously, it feels less from a need for love but instead a compulsion to prove himself. to prove he can do things and be powerful despite his shortcomings (literally), which also leans into why we can see peepers' being more evil/ruthless than hater at times. he wants to be admired, but in a different way, to seen as competent.
and thats all the theorizing i did during that rewatch. i could talk about little intricacies and headcanons on how i view the characters for a billion years, but that would definitely make this too long LOL for the rest of the rewatch we just enjoyed the show and had a silly little time. for your enjoyment and as a thanks for reading, heres some highlights of (mainly) my friend whilst we watched:
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mschimdt · 1 year
what some avatar characters would do if you were on your period
i need help sprrading my work and i would appreciate if you reblogged my post
i dont know if naavis have periods but for the sake of this post lets just say they do
600 words
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jake sully
you were laying in both you and jakes bed, we'll atleast thats what you considered it because you had no idea what the naavi call it, you were having severe cramps, worst than you had ever experienced, jake was on his ikran, bob, looking for food
he came back about 2 hours later and you were still suffering from period pains, just much worse, now your lower back hurt aswell as your abdomen
jake had a concerned look on his face when he saw you in a fetal position shivering, "hey y/n you okay?" he said while rubbing your shoulder in attempt to comfort you, since you were both living as naavis, it meant you had no technonoly to solve this pain or any medicine
the only thing jake could do was lay by your side while rubbing your lower abdomen in attempt to sooth your pain, it worked for the least and you fell asleep in eachothers arms
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colonel miles quaritch
you were laying in your shared bedroom back in bridge head, quaritch was on a mission and should be back in a few hours, you just started your period and you werent having any of it, so you skipped a day of work inorder not to approach annoying colleagus that were just going to make you worse, you were in pain anyways, its a valid excuse to stay in your room for thr day
you were looking forward to seeing quaritch, hes the only person that doesnt annoy you, its gotten to the point where even lyle makes u mad when he spits out a single word (not saying hes not annoying)
the door to your shared bedroom clicked amd quaritch walked inside, your face lit up in joy and you spoke " someones back early " quaritch smiled whike locking the door
suddenly your happy expression turned into one of pain, quaritch gave you a concerned look "you okay, sweetheart?"
"y-yea just a cramp" you said while it looked like you were fighting for your life, quaritch walked over and said "you're on your period?" with a little smirk
"oh i know something that'll help with your cramps" you knew exactly what he was talking about, theres a study that shows that sex while on your period relieves cramps and pain, you hesitated at first but you decided to agree
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recom Lopez
you and lopez were out eating in the cafeteria, he knew you were on your period and he didnt want to bother yoy because he didnt want to be the reason your mood switches
you were both having a conversation about how you think lyle and quaritch have something between them, it was late so no one could hear you
this topic was pretty funny to you and lopez, but theres no doubt that its true
suddenly you stoo talking and you gain a angry look on your face
ofcourse lopez decided you guys have been down here for enough "we've been here long enough, we should probably get ourselves some sleep, we really need it" "yea lets go" you replied
you made your way up the stairs and threw yourself onto the bed, you started crying, you didnt know why
lopez heard your sniffles and layed down next to you, carrying you into his lap "whats wrong baby?" then he started blabbing cute spanish names, you didnt reply you just cried, he held you in his arms for what seemed like hours till the sobs finally stopped and you were sound asleep on his chest
ill make a part two soon, itll include
lyle,mansk, ja ,prager
but for now youre stuck with this
would anyone like to see human jake sully x human reader?? idk i just find human jake attractive ash ngl
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ygodmyy20 · 9 months
Okay I finally am getting around to this post! It's the 'Fuck how can mob psycho help me in so many ways god damnit I hate and love this show' post!
Shigeo joining the body improvement club, and everything about this part of his story is so personal to me. I just have to talk about it.
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So as we all know at the start of the story, Shigeo joins the body improvement club to impress Tsubomi. Thats it. Thats the goal. He also joins because he wants to get stronger and not rely on his psychic powers but really like...the main reason is to impress her.
And this isn't new. A character wanting to get fit, lose weight, change some physical part of themselves for a crush is SO common in stories that you barely notice it.
But what I love, what I ADORE is how this progresses and changes.
This gif from an amazing AMV by @thekagepro24 and it just UGH hits me so hard it is so perfect!!! I could watch this 5 second gif over and over and over again
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I just am. I just am dying while running, I just am making progress, I just am enjoying this because I really like it.
This puts everything I feel into visuals (it's so gooooood watch the AMV!!! DO IIIIIIT)
So many times society tells us to change something about ourselves, or we tell ourselves to change for the appeal of others.
Lose weight so people think you're pretty.
Get fit so you can get into clothes that make you look hot.
Get swol to make a person think you're attractive.
You are the one and only you, this is your one and only body. So why are you working out, why do you WANT to get "swol" who are you trying to impress. Is it for yourself? A crush? Society?
I have battled with the above for so long. I come from an athletic background, and did a lot of sports growing up, but I have never been small. I have battled with weight my whole life and had my own shitty bouts with ED.
I have been in therapy, I have read books, I have watched videos, I've been in and out of PT for nearly 5 years because of a lower back and hip pain that NEVER went away.
I never figured out WHY i wanted to exercise. It just always was "To lose weight" because I couldn't get that goal out of my head for years and years and years.
But then I watched mob psycho 100.
And I started a new type of physical therapy.
And was it mp100 or was it the therapy finally working, who can say which did it—probably both—but one day I thought...
....maybe I should just go for a run...for 5-10 mins. Just to see how it feels. It went against all parts of my athlete brain (because 10 mins is too short to see "gains"....which is dumb but whatever)
I thought of Shigeo and how he basically passed out every time he ran for like 2 mins, but he got better. He had to start from 0, well...kinda like negative 5 really. But then he was doing so much not even a few months in!
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35 pushups is so hard!!! You go my boi.
Shigeo started off doing it all for Tsubomi, for others, and even if he really wanted to do it to improve himself I think it was a secondary goal initially. Main goal was to impress someone. Secondary was to get stronger.
But then the marathon happened. And those goals SWITCHED! DURING THE RACE! just....man it hit me. It hit me hard. THAT WHOLE EPISODE IS JUST A LOT FOR ME GOD DAMN
He ran for her initially but he continued running for himself. He continued working at it because he wanted to and in the end, after everything, after confession arc, after all that
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This scene!!! makes me cry happy tears!! look at how happy he is UGH IT JUST IS SO UGGGHHHHHHH
Anyway if you made it this far, know that everyones journey through their body improvement, mental improvement, emotional improvement is different. We all have to tackle it in the way that works for us.
It took me nearly 10 years to start again because of this beautiful anime connecting the right dots in my brain.
Every journey is different, but just keep fighting on and you'll figure it out!
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itspkuwu · 5 months
EEnE characters ranked (MY OPINION)
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Let’s cut right to the chase, because I really wanna put this out there.
Lee Kanker is in last place. She gets lower than F tier. Where Marie and May had moments where they seemed to genuinely care about each other, Lee just sits there, manipulates, and spreads cruelty. And as for the times where Marie and May were fighting/being mean etc? Well, I have a theory. Remember in Big Picture Show where we see that Lee has a third eye? You know who else has a third eye for no good reason…?
And remember when Nazz kissed Double D and Eddy on the cheek? Compare that to how they react to the Kanker’s kisses. How big those lips are… that specific shade of red… the way the Ed boys become horrified every single time…
(that was a joke lolol)
Everybody in the “lol why” tier it’s just an object that isn’t Plank or I haven’t seen those episodes yet. So I can’t really give my thoughts yet.
Rolf’s animals get their own tier. They have an amazing caretaker :3
except his bike.
Eddy’s brother (whose name is apparently Tarry??) is also a jerk. But he makes a pretty cool antagonist. And he just makes me like Eddy even more.
also i feel like he would be a tumblr sexy man
Mildred blinks at you :D
Plank is an immortal God who will one day rule the world. This is my canon.
I REALLY wish we could have seen more of what happened to Jonny post Big Picture Show. Him being “The Gourd” and having a villain arc just sounds super fun. Other than that he’s just a weird kid. I like him.
Don’t let Jimmy fool y’all. He’s a lil maniac. He probably gets it from Sarah. And it’s always a shocker to me given how much he acts so innocent and harmless. He’s a pretty neat anti hero.
I KNOW I SHOULD HATE SARAH. But I feel like there’s more to her than meets the eye. I honestly think her parents taught her the hate her big brother. If they weren’t around, she probably wouldn’t been to mean to him. Making me feel extremely sympathetic for both of them. And at least she looks after Jimmy, giving her redeeming qualities.
To be honest this show needs a character like Nazz. Everything has to be balanced out with someone who isn’t constantly out to get something, being mean, or acting like a weirdo. But yes, she does have her moments, which are rightfully deserved. Plus, I just really like her chill and hippie way of going about.
Marie Kanker and May Kanker are being ranked together. The potential they have to be redeemed is through the roof. They deserve so much better. If Lee wasn’t around to mess with their heads, I think they would be truly happy. Marie could spend her days jamming out and living on the edge, while May is cute and ditzy and a voice of reason at times. Plus both of their hairstyles are really eye candy for me.
The Ed boys are also being ranked together. What else can I say that hasn’t been said already? The way these three bounce off of each other is extremely enjoyable and definitely gets good laughs out of me. I know they have their moments where they aren’t so friendly, but you don’t always have to get along with someone for you to still love them. And when the gentle giant goof, the soft hearted nerd, and the selfish man with a heart of gold do get along, it’s sweeter than jawbreakers :)
Rolf is hands down one of if not the best side character in animation history. He’s a goober for one thing. But a goober that’s gets us to take him seriously. You do not mess with this man. His pride is enough to break you leg. And yet, he still manages to be one of the nicest characters in the show. He’s so friendly and upbeat! And when he isn’t… his dark side is also a fun time.
And another thing, he’s a fish out of water. Which also allows the viewer to feel sympathetic for him. Like in Wish You Were Ed. Seeing Rolf cry is something you’d never think you’d see, but when you do, it makes you feel a somber emotion you had no idea existed. It’s amazing.
yeah, Rolf is amazing.
Also I asked my sister if she wanted to dance to That’s My Horse at her wedding and she said no. What a loser right?
So uh, that’s my list. Hope you enjoyed.
Go hug a chicken.
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orionsangel86 · 11 months
Good Omens S2 Episode Review - 201 The Arrival
You know how here on tumblr we often voice our grievances about modern film and television? Everything is too dull and washed out, too dark and grimy, too muffled to the point we can barely hear, and the writing seems to be done in such a way that you can almost feel the contempt oozing off of the writers for their own fanbases?
Maybe Neil Gaiman came across those posts and had a good chuckle, before nodding in agreement and taking notes, because at least so far in episode 1, GOS2 makes none of these vital mistakes! I can already tell I'm going to fall headfirst into obsession over this series again, and I've only watched one episode!
Spoilers for episode 1 only under the cut. Safe for anyone who hasnt watched any further (because I haven't either at this point!)
Gods its gorgeous isnt it? To the extent that I think gifmakers wont have to spend hours and hours doing colour corrections for once! The opening scene blew me away. I wonder if we'll ever find out who Crowley was before he fell? Seeing as he was clearly a high ranking angel. This is where the Crowley-was-Raphael truthers are throwing a party lol.
From that first scene its clear they are going heavy handed on the AziraCrow romance. Zira's little double take when he thinks Crowley is calling him gorgeous before realising he was talking about the nebula was already less subtle than anything they gave us in the entirety of season 1. So we are off to a good start!
"How much trouble can I get into just for asking a few questions?" Oh Crowley, my poor naive little angel! :'(
It's interesting how already there seems to be a general mockery of creationism and creationists (which I love btw) because of how idiotic these beliefs are. Crowley is asking all the right questions of course. Creating the universe just to center everything around a little planet called Earth just seems a bit, well, silly doesn't it!
The title sequence is an absolute ball and I consider it sacrilegious to skip it!
This episode sets up an interesting new dynamic for Aziraphale and Crowley that raises questions. If we consider where things were left off at the end of season 1, you would think they would be on very good terms, happily enjoying their retirement together (whether as friends or something else) but that doesn't appear to be the case. It was already something I picked up in the promo scenes, but seeing the full episode now it really isn't subtle that something has gone sort of wrong or at least somewhat disjointed for them. There is a tension between them which is completely new.
"There's only three reasons why you ever call me.
You're bored.
You have to tell someone about something clever you did before you pop.
Somethings wrong."
Do I detect a hint of bitterness there Crowley?
That plus the clear jealousy towards Aziraphale's "naked man friend" and the anger with which he responds "SO DID I!" indicates that Crowley is very much not happy with the current state of their relationship. Why would Crowley not be happy with their relationship when he should have everything he wants? Freedom from Hell, relative safety in retirement... okay so he's living in his car which isn't ideal (but something tells me that's more because he's waiting for Aziraphale to invite him to live at the bookshop than that he couldn't find another apartment if he wanted to). What else could Crowley possibly want thats causing this tension? Hmmmm.
I love how with Crowley, there is at least consistency in his motivations to do anything. In that if it's something that he doesn't want to do, but Aziraphale is in danger if he doesn't do it, he'll leap head first into the fire just to protect Aziraphale. Beelzebub's threat about "extreme sanctions" is clearly a horrible thought, and what would Crowley even be if Aziraphale was erased from existence? It raises the stakes beyond the threats of the first season. Destruction is bad enough, but at least you'll have your memories of your friend/6000 year old life partner, but to be erased from the book of life completely? Ooof that's worse. Far FAR worse. Poor Crowley.
So he returns. Of course. The catty bitchiness between them when Crowley returns though and has to grovel with that silly little dance (and I do hope I see at least a dozen gifsets of that silly little dance when I eventually remove my filters!). OMG Aziraphale you are such a bitchy gay I love you! But does Crowley tell him about the threat? No of course he doesn't. Because draaamaaaaa babes!
I have to scream about Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy being the first Queen song to play. You gotta hand it to Neil, he clearly knows his fanbase well!
Moving on to Maggie and Nina, I find their dynamic lovely and awkward, though I do think the narrative parallels are more heavy handed than in a season 8 monster of the week Supernatural episode (which is an impressive feat of brick-wall-to-the-face obviousness believe me). Still, I love narrative parallels as a storytelling device, so I am of course gonna eat all this up and gorge on "the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one" tropeyness to my hearts content.
Clearly Maggie is the Aziraphale and Nina is the Crowley (the twist being that Maggie fell first, whereas we all know Crowley has been holding a flame for Aziraphale since the Garden - then again, that opening scene puts Aziraphale's feelings in a new light!) so I am looking forward to seeing how else their budding relationship compares in future episodes!
Re the central mystery around Gabriel, I've gotta hand it to John Hamm, he's hilarious. I love him. I have absolutely no idea where this is going after only 1 episode, other than to giggle at the fact that if all of Soho didn't already assume Aziraphale was "as gay as a treeful of monkeys on nitrous oxide" then they certainly do now!
"You're funny. I love you." Amazing. No notes. Keep making Aziraphale squirm lol. Though doesn't it also pose an interesting question? Gabriel is still an angel right? Beings of love. They are supposed to feel love and I think part of the point of the beurocracy of Heaven is that the angels have forgotten their original purpose - to love others. Right? Maybe I'm just making that up, but I found it interesting that as soon as Gabriel found himself enjoying Aziraphale's company, he was so comfortable just expressing his feelings like that.
(side note that I love how in GO, they always give a fairly accurate representation of the streets of Soho, too many films and TV shows filmed in London underestimate just how bloody crowded the city is. You can't move without bumping into someone in the West End at any point and GO has gone all out on filling their film studio with extras which is a nice touch.)
So whats in the box? What's in the matchbox? I'm calling it now there is a connection. I also don't think either are actually "empty". Gabriel said his arms were heavy from carrying the box around, but if it was empty then it wouldn't have hurt his arms to carry it. A trick of some kind perhaps? Something invisible perhaps?
The Book of Job quote on the matchbox "Out of his mouth go burning lamps and sparks of fire leap out" Probably important. Isn't one of the episodes coming up about Job? Still, I am in no way a bible scholar I haven't even read the thing, so I'm not gonna attempt to analyse all this and I am sure some other very intelligent person on Tumblr has already done so!
It was a really good really enjoyable episode with some laugh out loud moments. I like the mystery, and all the new characters are interesting. So far nothing has bored me and I really am gagging to watch the next episode ASAP. Its wonderful having Aziraphale and Crowley back on the screen again, like coming home to see some old friends, but this time for some reason its all a bit awkward and the tensions a bit off and so I am sitting here wondering if maybe they got really drunk one night and almost fucked but then didn't go through with it and refuse to discuss it so now i'm going to have to subtly get them to talk about their relationship drama. Lmao.
I'm a slut for other peoples relationship drama though, and Neil Gaiman just handed it to me on a platter. ;-)
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slaythespire · 2 months
im sorry my tumblr followers who dont know me im mad rn, im just rambling mad under a readmore again thanksss
listen its not that i need to be dating someone im just chilling. in fact rn i would not want to date anyone.
but i HATEEEE HATE seeing people say shit like "You dont need anyone, you should learn to be happy without someone else in ur life! why do you need someone else! just be happy without that!" well damn sue me for wanting someone to deeply love me who i deeply love back!! why is that such a bad thing to want!! obviously if you cant function without being in a relationship that's not good, but people always say that shit to someone going "i feel unlovable and like no one will ever want me" and it feels so meanspirted!! damn!!
its been like almost a year since i got ghosted and i know its annoying to hear people complain abt the same thing over and over again. but its just HARD bcus i feel stupid, and used. i really thought my ex was like, THE person, we talked abt getting married and how we'd combine our last names, abt moving in together, supported each other through everything. when i was in inpatient this person called me almost everyday i was there to say hi and check in on me. i thought my future involved them and then they just dropped me without even an explanation. never in a million billion years did i think that would happen (outside of my bad brain telling me it would, which, well i was right so LOL) bcus they were my best friend of 8 years!!
and its scary bcus it makes me think there must be something wrong with me/"how could anyone ever love me when even the person who dated me for 6 years didnt". and people always say things like "you haven't met everyone who will care about you yet" but what if i have, and my one chance at having a relationship i was so happy in was ruined bcus the other person is a self-obsessed asshole who lied to my face abt so much for who KNOWS what reason. WHATEVER.
i feel like when i make posts like this i come off as an insane person in the "no wonder they broke up with you" way, but i promise im actually normal ive just been very emotionally ripped to shreds by a very bad breakup. barely a breakup bcus it was over TWITTER DM. whatever im just gonna be one of those people that obsesses over fictional characters so much i think were in a relationship.
i just rlly rlly wonder what their reasoning for doing this to me was and if they feel bad abt it. or if they think its funny, or if they just dont care. i also wonder if they think they can just message me one day and apologize and think itll be okay (i dont think this will happen, i used to but i dont anymore)
i lean towards they just dont care, i doubt they even think about what they did lol. i mean i HOPE they feel bad, but i dont think thats true. id be shocked if i ever heard from them again which is just, crazy. 8 years of knowing someone and it ends like that through no fault of your own. i wish i had a screenshot of the break up dm id post it in a heartbeat so anyone who actually read this far would feel whiplash like i do. (filled to the brim with "i love you so much" "i feel horrible for hurting you and i hate that im doing it" "i really care about you" "i hope you stay in my life bcus youre my best friend").
and it makes me really sad bcus OFC we would have stayed friends, i loved them so much that while id be sad abt breaking up i would still want them in my life. (WE EVEN TALKED ABT HOW IF WE BROKE UP WE ALWAYS THOUGHT WE'D STAY FRIENDS). but even in my fantasy world where they reach out after a few years all apologetic and guilty i just couldnt do it anymore.
one more but i don't understand what would compel someone to say all that knowing theyre lying and dont give a fuck about you, like it only comes off as evil and fucked up and cruel to me, so how else am i supposed to take that.
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yeppeudau · 2 years
Spike that! 11‣ Taehyun that traitor!
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#Synopsis➤ There is a reason your team doesn't let Lena spike, its for everyone's safety really. Too bad she doesn't listen and too bad that rule wasn't enough to stop her from accidentally hitting an unsuspecting Huening Kai in the head. But hey, at least it lead to his crush finally noticing him, aka you.
#warnings: brief mention of food thats it
#wc: 759
#a/n: omg posting sp! on a friday??? finally the chapter that has been giving me so much trouble.. tbh I am not very happy with this but if I didn't post this at all we would never get an update :/ so please lmk what you think! and I'll try to revise it! also ignore the dates
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It has been at least 10 minutes since Taehyun left to "use the restroom", that traitor.
First he invites you here out of the blue, which you didn't mind. Until you realized he failed to mention he also invited someone else, and then he leaves the two of you ALONE with your plate of now soggy fries. Unbelievable, you're going to give him an earful when you leave.
You feel bad for the boy sitting across from you, he probably had no idea what Taehyun was planning. Not to mention how awkward the air is, you haven't talked since you arived. You've only talked this boy twice and that was because your teammate hit him in the head so took him to the nurse along with buying him "apology" coffee.
Maybe you should tell him he can go? Or should you be the one leaving because he's Taehyun's friend? Or would that be too rude-
"Um.. nice weather we're having right?"
Your snapped out of your thoughts looking to the sheepish boy in front of you as he scratches the back of his neck. You stare at him blankly -for what feels like an eternity to kai- before you finally reply,
"Oh yeah..its really nice out isn't it." It was a midless reply but you can appreciate his attempt at small talk, no matter how quickly the awkward air settled back in.
Kai clearly felt it as well as simultaneously the two of you open your mouths to speak, only to interrupt the other. And when you both suggest the other to go first, the two of you let out a short chuckle before he tells you to go first.
"Ah I just wanted to say thank you again." You say sending him a small smile. And Kai swears he feels his ears burning at the sight of it. Ignoring it he tilts his head in clear confusion for you to clarify "For always supporting the team! You're a really dedicated fan huh?"
He pauses for a moment before mumbling the word "fan" under his breath, the taste that word left in his mouth was a bitter sweet one. A part of him was more than a little disappointed by the word if he was being honest,  but then again he only talked to you for the first time a week ago, he should be grateful right?
Huening Kai perks up in his seat as he replies "Oh yea! I mean I'm a big fan!! I bet you will make it to nationals in no time, I'll try and watch!" he adds at the end.
Feeling bashful you look down picking at the plate of soggy fries in front of you "Well I hope we do,  It gets really rough sometimes but I think I can do it if I know at least someone in the stans is cheering for us.." And maybe you sound a tad bit shameless but you mean what you said. Of course you're aware there are people on your side and rooting for your team, but it felt nice to let yourself think someone was rooting for you specifically.
Looking back up you see Kai looking at you with an expression you can't quite make out "Why are you staring at me? Did I sound ungrateful? "
"No! No! Not at all. Its just that a lot of people want to see you succeed, its more then just me I promise." he quickly explains letting out a little laugh at the end that has you frowning.
"Wait why are you frowning??"
"Sorry I just haven't heard something like that in a while, thank you." you say smiling brightly at him
It was something so simple but Huening Kai could swear he felt his heart tug in his chest, the butterflies in his stomach moving around ever so slightly when you smiled so sweetly. How were you so genuine even with such an awkward atmosphere? Or maybe you were always like this? The awkward stage was just something in passing.
Unfortunately before he can say anything in response Taehyun comes walking back, he almost forgot it wasn't just the two of you here.
Immediately you turn to raise an eyebrow at your brother "What did you blow up the bathroom?? Don't you know its rude to leave your friend alone?"
"Why don't you go check?" he teases causing you to hit him "Ow! Kai do you see how she treats me?" he rubs his arm to which roll your eyes and Kai just simply laughs.
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wisdominfumbling · 2 months
Taking accountability over actions.
My parents have always told me life is all about making desitions and hopefully making the right ones.. Now my dad specifically tells me that more importantly life is about making the wrong ones and learning from that. Learning from the pain, the suffering, the shame, the loneliness, the anxiety and so much more. At frist I didn´t understand when he would say that
¿Why would my own father want me experiencing those feelings?
Later on in life I have found the answer, cause he loves me and he wants me to be happy and life a full life, be a complete woman and in order for me to be that I have to have awful days and weeks, hopefully not months and years but you never know. Now I thought I knew what heartache felt like, a breakup, love related feelings but the truth is I have never been in love, never felt true relationship like love, out of my mind Romeo and Juliet love. I know guys have I´ve been with have felt that for me but I have never been able to reciprocate. ¿Why? I have a short (but still important) list of reasons:
Im immature, somehow I still believe in the perfect guy. tall, handsome (not pretty), smart, loyal, funny, pro family, respectful, athelic, good in bed, manly. And I blame my dad for that, he has always shown me that I deserve the world and the best and that everyone is replaceable and when someone doesn´t fit into one of those requirements I should leave. now the problem is that it really shouldn´t be like that. Im not telling you to settle for something lower but I am saying that some things can be fixed and you should focus on the core of the person. most important is that they have to be loyal, tall, pro family, have a job and respectful. the rest can be altered, I can style him better, cut his hair different, send him to the gym, show him tricks in bed. not so important things but the core should be top requirements for a boyfriend.
I only know how to obsess with guys, dont know how to love them.
Im scared of commitment, Im terrified of telling them everything and then im this vulnerable person and they´ll maybe do the same to me.
Im insecure, physically. im always gonna be comparing to other women specially the cute, thin, blonde ones. I always find them more feminine, prettier.
If there are more reasons.. i forgot them.
The point is, due to those reasons im not able to be in a relationship only situationships work until they start getting serious and i dip or do something to fuck everything up. And thats exactly what i did, if i can give you good and simple advice.. DO NOT DATE YOUR FRIENDS FRIENDS.. EVER. yes it can go really well but it also can go REALLY bad. and you dont want to go there, im telling you.
I was going out with my boy bestfriend´s friend, all good, he had more interest in me than i had in him, he asked me out we went out a couple times on dates, i stayed over at his house, all good (kinda, im not gonna get into the werid stuff that pulled me away) but even after i posted him on my story and people saw us out and about, i still got some dms of guys i used to talk to (and fuck) wanting to see me and stuff. This specific guy im kinda obsessing with dmed me and we talked. my situationship saw and yeah. so basically im a cheater, i fucked up and its been like a month and a half and i still cant get over it. i have so much guilt evenm tho my friends forgave me ? and told me i had nothing to worry about i still worry. i feel bad. i saw this great guy that cared for me, crying in his bed, asking me again and again why did i do it and i just didnt have a good honest answer to give him cause honestly i would end up causing more damage.
A month and a half and already fucked another person, I have been on a couple dates but i just cant seem to replace him yet. which is funny cause when we were a thing it seemed pretty easy to replace him. im also lazy cause if i wanted to be with the guy im obsessing with i could just take the metro and be there in a hour. maybe i feel guilty about seeing him too. fuck i feel guilty about seeing my friends too. i have only told three friends, my bestie that i called him the same day it happened and he helped me out a little but hes a guy so he didnt get it as much, my other guy friend and he was sweeter and told me to not worry and that everyone fucks up at a certain time but as long as i knew that it was wrong it was okay and that he had done much worse, and my other friend shes a girl so she understood better and was very sweet about it, i think they´re being sweet with me is because im the youngest and they can see the shame and the regret in my face everytime they see me.
I know that i shouldve been more straightforward and direct and just told him that i could not give him a relationship at the moment but i just didnt wanna lose on any side. i wanted to have him while having another other and not having any kind of limitation or whatever. I understand thats not how life works but sometimes i fool myself into believing that the universe loves me so mcuh that i get this "im gonna look the other way" treatment. i hope i can feel better now and start moving on with my life, i cannot be stuck on this for any longer. i know he is not stuck and i also know that we will see each other eventually and i want him to see me normal, even if i was the one that fucked up i dont want him to see me that affected.
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blazingstarship · 1 year
💍Engagement Night💖
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I have been waiting to post this artwork for a very long time cause I wanted it to be perfect and love the story behind our proposal.
We got to the marriage subject cause one of the guys made a joke about it. When it was just the two of us, I honestly told Yus it wasnt really something I dreamed off to do. I kinda made it clear marriage wasnt for me but didnt want to tell him my reasons. Yusei figured eventually by clicking one and one when I dont bring up my parents much. I told him the truth about why I dont like weddings. My parents had an unhappy marriage and even worst divorce. Heck I dont even know why they agreed to get married in the first place but it made me dislike the whole wedding concept.
Yusei said he never could imagine even a happy stable relationship without worrying if the other wouldnt leave him first (dead, betrayed, leaving the city forever). And marriage, the same page, didnt saw himself as marriage material too. People of Sattelite werent even allowed to marry so who wanted scum like him to love a life time.
Our relationship grow and the years passed by. It became stronger and we never felt so comfortable and save than to be with each other. After two years there was a moment in our lifes that changed us both and Yusei came suddenly with an own made ring with blue stone stickers on it and presented as a promise ring, we called a partnership. And I made one too from scraps and crafts so he knew I feel the same way about it. So we started to wear promise rings and after four years, we got our own house together.
I try not to drop spoilers but lets say Yusei felt alone and yet he got reminded someone always came home to him at the end of the day. Living together did him so well and the idea of having an own house with a backyard and garage and just a new chapter in his life thats about to start. He never could dream there was someone willing to spend the rest of their life with him and he cherish every day this someone goes to sleep and wakes byside him.
He wanted to place the bolt ring for the real thing and it was quite the time since he knew while I love the ring, it wasnt a real ring and deserved a real one. The real deal.
I was really worried about the house since I am not from Neo Domino City and what if we didnt work out at the end and I had to go back to my own country.
Yusei assured me its never gonna happen and we are not like my folks. As long as we talk to each other and give the space we need from time to time, everything will be alright.
After we got the keys, Yusei said out of the blue What if you will be named Fudo too. It shocked me how sure he said that, his face expression didnt change. He was really serious about it, like he was preparing me mentally and pulsed if he should go through with his plan.
I was really quiet about it as after a while, I only smiled at him and told him I loved him and that will never change. Then I gave a very long kiss on his cheek.
He didnt need to know more then this was a hint that I was ready. It was like he already asked the question but without the actual words. And my sensitive emotional ass (typical cancer lol) got me in tears as I assured him it was just a very sweet thing what he did.
The first night we would spend at our home was the same night he proposed. Yusei wanted to come to our home as family, as future husband and wife.
He took me for dinner and boy we didnt eat much. I may even was tired from work to notice he was nervous and couldnt think why he wanted to go out after we could have dinner at our own place for the first time.
He proposed at the Neo Domino City Point View close to his former place. It has the best view to see the whole sky and all the stars in it. Also it was the same place we catched a shooting star together and even started to feel a spark between us.
There were fairy lights around the rails and just watched the starry sky. Bringing up memories and getting deeper how much we have been through together. The deeper we got, the closer we holded each other. Suddenly there was a long silence and how I never could think I would be here and spending the rest of my life living here with him.
He whispered to me that I was his home, his future and couldnt imagine he would spend the rest of his life with someone else than me. He let me go but holded my hand as he went on one knee. After some sweet lines, he asked me. The way he asked was more like a promise than a proposal. Without knowing the real intentions, I said yes. As he wanted to put the ring on the finger, he realized he forgot to put out the box out of his jacket.
We laughed at this moment. He called out I even said yes without a ring. For me to reply confused “Saying yes without a ring?”
As he then showed the box and showed the ring inside. Saying he is asking the real deal, it is a real proposal. Causing me to been overwhelmed and crying.
He asked me again, but this time he did it in Dutch. It was so fluent, it got me so off guard. For me to answer Yes! In dutch, Japanese and English. A thousand times.
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manikas-whims · 2 years
What do you think is the reason why the MC Cheonliang gang, specifically MC Pesticides, we’re particularly scared of Mary and had some guilty feelings?
She was not bitter but she wasn’t buddy buddy with them either. I remember Vin once told MC Pesticides to apologize to Mary. I thought they may have played a prank on her back when she was bigger, or asking her on a date only to humiliate her.
Whatever it was, Vin sure wasn’t happy with them either.
sorry anon, took me a while to answer cuz i was looking up certain screenshots again 😂
⚠ warning ⚠ long post ahead:
So from everything said about Cheonliang Fam so far, this is how i perceive it:
It probably goes like Vin and his Cheonliang Gang were the strongest gang in Cheonliang and they were all good pals and respected him as the leader.
Around the same time, he was probably a member of the Judo club at his C middle school. And there, he probably knew Mary as another member of the club..you know like someone you just know in passing, not as a friend.
These panels right here are where Vin Jin suddenly starts reminiscing the old days. He was talking about Mary. About how she was the best Judo student of his batch and how every coach and manager wanted her..
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Mary was a plus size girl back then and most likely taunted over it, because we know how awful middle schoolers can be 😒
Around the same time, Vin probably met with an unfortunate accident that led to his eye condition– polycoria.
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Now, this is where things started going downhill for him. He probably got admitted to a hospital and upon his recovery, his left eye became like that.
From there onwards, probably his parents said some unpleasant stuff, his school kids began mocking him n all..
And i suppose thats when he talked to Mary for the first time. Like one day, she just found him ditching classes n sulking someplace. So she probably talked to him (she is pretty wise) and like..uplifted him and told him that his eyes are still fine.
And maybe thats when he realised she wasn't that bad. I feel like he probably already respected her for being the best of Judo club. As he has stated himself that when it comes to Judo, Mary can beat him. But this is the point where he actually saw her as more than a plus size girl at his school and you know..became friends with her.
So gradually, Vin picked up some glasses and his entire gang took up to wearing glasses as a sign of respect for him. And Mary (now friends with Vin) sorta became a part of their gang, hanging out with them, riding motorcycles and all..
Now this is where i incorporate your date idea..
Mary probably developed a crush on one of their junior members in the gang (just a bad guess). She probably confessed and got rejected and told that even though she's a friend, there's no way anyone would date her due to her plus size (yeah awful middle schoolers 😑)
Thus, she left crestfallen.
By the next year Mary lost all her weight and grew out her hair (Vin said this but I can't add the panel as tumblr only allows 10 pics in a post 😭).
Then, she probably went back to confess to the junior. And this time she got invited to a date but ended up being pranked.
Mc Pesticides is probably the one guy who knew about the prank and still let it happen. Which would explain why she has forgiven him for whatever happened.
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But from her gaze its evident that there's still traces of hurt and disappointment.
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But after so much time, now she just wants to talk to him like a mature person and get over it.
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However, a date prank can't be reason enough to kill someone.
This is my wild guess but probably something worse happened to Mary.
From how I see it, when Mc Pesticides called Vin a murderer, Vin wasn't fazed. He countered by calling out Mc Pesticides for his hypocrisy and said he should be apologizing to Mary.
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In Vin's eyes, him killing someone is equal (and even worse) to what Mc Pesticides did to Mary.
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Wild guess but not completely unbelievable: Mary was probably sexually harassed.
Lookism deals with a lot of societal issues and scary topics. Harassment of women, especially younger girls, is a common thing prevailing in many parts of the world.
It was their junior who probably touched her inappropriately or tried to force himself upon her.
Now Mc Pesticides probably knew about the prank but didn't expect his junior would go as far as to harass her.
And this is what led to Vin losing his temper as Mary is an important person to him. He ended up beating the guy, probably going too far in his anger and ending up accidentally killing the guy.
He probably also had a fight with Mc Pesticides for knowing about the prank yet not warning Mary.
Which also explains why Vin doesn't regret killing him. And also Mary thanking him for it.
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this is just a wild theory so take all of this with a grain of salt :)
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mobblespsycho100 · 1 year
GIVE ME THE ASPEC TWST HCS 🔥🔥🔥🔥 NOWWWWWW!!!!! (if u want to)
✧ first, the ones i feel strongly abt:
-> Aromantic Epel:
reason no 1.) his in game chat where hes like "if you think im a romantic person, dont" . sooo aro tbh
no. 2) he never has any romance related wishes hes too focused on getting those muscles and blastin on that blastcycle
no 3.) tbh i think theres a voiceline in his ghost marriage card abt like his ideals on loved ones and partners and its never explicitly a romantic thing he's just like "i wanna spend time with my loved ones and be strong enough to protect them, bake pie for them" and like yea i think he
no 4.) i think if he went on a date with someone he would just not feel anything romantic about it he's just there like "wow its so fun hangin out :D!!!"
-> Aroace Jade:
I'm not actually sure why I feel strongly about aroace Jade but it's definitely not like in a oh hes cold and unfeeling way like not at all... like he cares about his interests, he cares about certain people in his life. but in a way I don't really think he would want to find a partner or settle down because he doesn't really think about that. he's happy living on his own and doing the things he likes and he's happy if Azul and Floyd are happy, hes just vibing and I dont think romance or sex crosses his mind. bro lights up at seeing wild plants n fungi and mountains and also messing with people, thats his true love right there.
(okay but I think he could also be up for finding a partner/some kinda relationship besides platonic, like hes not completely closed off to the idea he just genuinely does not think abt it that much due to lack of experience or . smth)
-> Demiromantic/Demisexual Sebek:
guy who gets no bitches im sorry I think hes just super occupied with his whole Malleus guard business, training, and the thought of dating never crosses his mind and when he does he just listens to Lilia's old man advice and its so hopeless . F in the chat for Sebek
bullying his silly goofyness aside I think the thought of love does cross his mind but in a "am I worthy of this?" way and he doesn't really get crushes or stuff because he probably would feel guilty like "in my mind there should only be room for Malleus!!!" (not even in a crushing on or wanting him way he just feels that he has to protect and adore Malleus at all times and when he doesnt hes letting his guard down or something) thats why he would probably only feel or notice attraction if its someone close with him 👍
✧ the ones that im not super sure about but I like thinking abt it now and again:
-> Arospec/Demisexual Azul: mixed bag tbh i first thought of acespec Azul when I mistook the glove ring thing in his ceremonial robes groovy as an ace ring (which ik it isnt in hindsight but like, its funny to me). i rlly agreed with like your post abt the dating hcs and how Azul probably tried out dating once because he wanted to distance from his old self and then hes like "oh no theres vulnerability that has to be shared in this and its not just buying people things and going on fancy dinner dates with them???" and he reevaluates his entire view on romantic and sexual attraction and by that I mean he tries not to think abt it and just focuses on business
-> Arospec/Lithro Ruggie: I think it would be a silly idea if Ruggie would get crushes easily but never pursue them and they eventually just fade away because the thought of entering a relationship is like "uhhhh why do that when I can work and get that bag 🤙🤙" or smth. admittedly even tho i like him i dont rlly have the biggest grasp on his character. i thought abt kaliruggie sometimes i think its kinda cute and thats abt it LMAOO
-> Aroacespec Idia: is it him being emotionally closed off and not good at social interaction or is he aspec . who knows at least hes winning in his otome VNs go gamer go
-> "doesnt rlly want to think about that" flavor of aspec Jamil: he doesnt really want to think about that. focusing on issues rn
-> Ace Ace: would just be funny innit. i think he may just be gay and oblivious though
-> Demirose Riddle: guy who doesnt think abt it ever until it hits him in the face. also his mom probably like never told him anything abt dating except No Dating until u Graduate or something so hes like . ok. its like with friendship he doesnt know all the rules of it yet. and he studied medical stuff on account of doctor parents so he probably takes such a methodical scientific approach to like romance and sex and that probably puts people off. like he Knows and Understands he says but also he really does not and its making him #(-@&3-_8$;4///0ak#sjdh 💥
-> not actually an aspec headcanon or anything but i think Vil, Leona, and Rook only speaks in the language of marriage and divorce and not dating or breaking up
-> Arospec Diasomnia: well. theyre green arent they (blasted into smithereens)
and yeah thats it I think
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flaray25 · 11 months
In your au, why can't SpongeBob drive. Ik he can't drive in the show, but I'm just wondering why he can't drive in your au. (Sorry if I just repeated the question, also how's your day? :])
Thats alright you dont have to apologize!
In my own au why can't he drive?
Well the reason of that is simple enough, SpongeBob had that thoughts of his which keeps him getting distracted. Overthinking that-
(oh no what if I pressed the break from the pedal harder it won't stop?)
(What if I turn to the right quickly with my steering wheel, then eventually I'll bump into something or worse!)
(I should probably go slow. I think going to a highway area is dangerous for me, I might bump into someones car or worse!)
(I need my boating license but I'm not sure if I can. no matter how many times I tried- I failed)
(I think I parked the boat in the wrong angle... no wait- NO THATS TOO MUCH WE'RE GONNA CRASH-)
Due to also some traumatic events like how his parents were in the front seat and him in the back seat. They were in a car accident [dont worry no one died] but for Spongebob he feared about driving to the point of him turning 17 years old he was scared.
And at the age of 30 he tried gaining his positivity, enrolling himself at boating school where he meets mrs. Puff to the point he could see other of the boating students have learned it. He couldn't.
Sometimes Squidward is even worried that Spongebob won't even drive a boat at his 37th age.
And yeah!
How's my day?
I'm fine, how are you? (My tumblr account has a bug that won't let me DM any people here or reply to my posts on messages)
I've been continuing my drafted fanfics from SpongeTale and not only that also the other fanfic "I wish we never met" (Spongebob amd his Ex)
It's perrty funny to me how I just made a character who knew Spongebob and dated him. Also coming to an end of their break up. [Like how I see it in Squilliam and Squidward lol]
I can't really tell how my day is I wouldn't exactly say I'm good or happy or- today's the best day ever.
But I'm trying to manage- yeah-
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drageverywhere · 2 years
Ok so I was Team Jack and defended him a lot but I’m starting to see what people were saying about him. When they first broke up he seemed genuinely upset and V seemed irrational. I felt so bad for him and understood why he would want to keep posts of them up. But lately it seems like V is regretting what happened and trying to make up and Jack is the one being aloof and cold and wanting to move on. Which he’s entitled to if thats how he feels we dont know what was said to make him feel that way BUT I noticed he is deleting negative comments on the posts of him saying cute things about vanjie.…but still keeping those posts up? Why would he do that if he’s truly trying to move on now? It feels like he’s not wanting to give the relationship another chance but still trying to cultivate an image using his relationship with V as his resume to do it in a kinda bullshit fake way? Which is gross?? 🤢He’s also started following reality TV castings and casting directors? It’s putting a bad taste in my mouth. If he wants to be famous he should be aware of how this looks cuz it’s not a cute look. I can imagine dating V is challenging lol. But there are so many pros! Aside from the obvious that V is handsome cute funny rich well travelled interesting generous etc V has that irresistible magic vanjie charisma that radiates likeability. It surrounds her so much it touches the people she cares about and signals to us are worthy of our attention making them more special too by association. I dont know if Jack realizes how valuable that is and what he’s giving up if he lets it go. We saw how the same thing elevated B to even greater heights of fame after season 11. Jack has a good singing voice, he’s really pretty, seems to have a fun sense of humor and seems like a nice person. Hes probably very special to the people in his life who love him. But let’s be honest he doesn’t have stop you in your tracks obvious universal specialness like vanjie has to so many people, star quality that everyone feels on a global megastar level. Other than the fact that hes special to vanjie. Which makes him part of Vs magic circle of charm and watchability. Probably the main reason he was even cast on 24 hours of love is cuz he was such a perfect fit for vanjie. I can’t see him being cast or having much of a selling point as a character on another reality show unless its as vanjies ex (which would be GROSS 🤢 and make him immediately so unlikeable 😬) There are thousands of other good looking nice clean cut guys with pretty singing voices and anxiety in LA alone, let alone the country. There’s only one vanjie. Worldwide. It’s like giving up on Beyonce. Being given the opportunity to play the prince charming who won the heart of the gay nation’s sweetheart made Jack someone really special. He was so good at it! It made him endearing. It was probably hard work sometimes but the potential it gave him in return was huge too. If he really does want to be famous so bad he would be dumb not to do everything he can to make his relationship with V work. For the personal reasons of any genuine feelings he has, and because I truly want him and V to be happy if they can be, but also because it’s his best shot at being someone incredible who people want to know about. THAT is what elevates his other talents and qualities to something really special and interesting as a whole unique character people can buy into. When they were dating he seemed to be really good at being a loving boyfriend and making V happy. That’s a character I wanna follow! He should play to his strengths!! For the potential for his future ALONE its worth it. And if he really was in love with V then he also gets to be with the person he loves. And for us as fans we get to see V happy and fall in love with him for making her happy and being a sweet guy. We’ll wanna support him. Win win, no brainer. No matter how difficult V might be to date it cant possibly be more difficult than it would be for Jack to be as charming and likeable and famous and successful as he could be with V’s help and attention.
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signofthestriking · 9 months
"No matter what you think, she's probably quicker than you."
Since I already did Maize a while back, let's introduce Konnie!
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This is Konnie Sai, a half-Saiyan living on Earth with her parents. One's a royal scientist and the other is an alien fleeing the turmoil of North Galaxy. They live a peaceful and happy life together, and all seems grand... Except, Konnie's dad refuses to let her train.
Pretty strange, for a Saiyan to outright forbid their child from learning to fight. But her father, Okkoro, has his reasons. For one, Earth is a peaceful place in this AU. As far as Okkoro knows, there's no threat for Konnie to face, so why should she needlessly risk herself? And besides, he doesn't want Konnie to become like the Saiyans he once knew. But thats another story for another time.
The other thing Okkoro refuses to do is tell Konnie anything about Saiyans. He wants her to live a happy, peaceful life as a human. In a way, he wants her to almost forget that she's part Saiyan in the first place. And that, more than anything perhaps, is what gets to Konnie. She wants to know, she wants to learn, and she's stubbornly insistent on it too! And she gets that stubbornness from her father, who is just as unyielding as Konnie. It's an impasse between them and it always has been, despite the fact that they're otherwise a loving duo.
This leads to Konnie becoming a girl of lofty aspirations and pent-up rage. So what does she do? She vents about it on her blog. The Internet exists on this Earth, after all. She's definitely not the only kid venting their frustrations into posts that nobody will ever read. However, one day, she lets something slip...
"I mean does he actually think I'm gonna ignore the fact that I'm a saiyan too or something? Like what the fuck!!!"
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Somehow, gods only know how, Konnie's vent post attracted the attention of the only other Saiyan on Earth: Maize.
Over time, Maize and Konnie become friends. Konnie pesters her constantly about training, but Maize doesn't seem to mind and answers all her questions. In return, Konnie tells Maize about what her own life is like. It seems odd that Maize has no idea what a high school is, but she's nice to talk to. And although Konnie wasn't able to see the World Martial Arts Tournament in person, she still gets to see Maize win twice in a row. What a lucky friend she made!
However, she can't tell her parents. Gods know what her dad would do if he knew she was talking to another Saiyan, right? Nevertheless, the two keep in touch as much as they can.
kawaii-dipshit: so you've never once been to the larger cities? Not even a little bit? I wish I could invite you over! monke: that would be fun kawaii-dipshit: OH YEAH CAN I TELL YOU ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED AT SCHOOL TODAY monke: yeah kawaii-dipshit: I had detention cause someone called me a fat bitch and I told him to eat shit. I mean he got in trouble too at least but still monke: whats detention
Soon, Konnie's junior year of high school reaches its end. And one day, shortly before the end of the year, she gets detention after school. Again. And detention sucks, since they hold it in a classroom in the basement and it takes forever to get to the exit. However, Konnie serves her time and not a second more.
On her way out, something catches her eye: A little golden ball. Taking it, Konnie returns home and does a bit of research. But all she can pull up is an old myth about a wish-granting dragon. But that's ridiculous! No way could something like that be real, right...?
Hey, no matter what position the ball is in, she can always see the stars engraved on its surface. Even just by holding it, it seems to have some kind of deeper power, almost vibrating in her hands. And come to think of it, Konnie's an alien! If those exist, why can't there be wish-granting dragons...?
kawaii-dipshit: MAIZE I HAVE AN IDEA kawaii-dipshit: IF WE COLLECT ALL SEVEN WE CAN GET SOME ANSWERS ABOUT THE SAIYANS monke: wait you want to find the rest? monke: where are the rest? kawaii-dipshit: Idk but WE CAN TRY TO FIND THEM
The way Konnie sees it, if her dad won't tell her what she wants to know, the Eternal Dragon will. And that's why she decides to hunt for the Dragon Balls once school is out! With a little help from her mother, she gets her hands on a prototype radar and arranges to meet up with Maize for the first time, even telling her dad she's going to visit some friends for a day. After all, Maize can fly, so the search shouldn't take more than a day. Right?
Well... It was a very eventful day, let's just put it that way. So eventful in fact, that it sparked a whole chain of events! These ones, actually!
Anyway fun trivia about Konnie:
Aside from the Saiyan stuff, she actually cares a lot about her dad. She doesn't know that he's keeping these secrets out of sheer fucking regret for the things he's done.
Getting dental work done was a nightmare since Konnie inherited the teeth of a Saiyan.
The girl's a pretty decent chef, for a teenager. She's unapologetic about her passion for good food, even showing Maize how to properly gut and fillet fish during Three Musketeers. However, she will say that her mother's fried rice is better than anything she can make.
She thinks her short tail is very cute.
There is literally nothing that can stop Konnie from doing something once she gets the idea that she has to do it.
She's a furry.
Anyway that's enough of her for now-
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