#because SCILES is what makes this show SO GOOD!!
kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay but can we just talk about...
How HARD Stiles is trying to keep his cool.
How he tells the doctor he doesn't need anything, and shrugs it off like it's no big deal.
How he says "okay" to his dad and Melissa and gives his dad that little shoulder pat.
But then the SECOND it's just him and Scott in the room...
He's done.
He loses it.
Because it's SCOTT, and as much as he doesn't want to admit it, he's TERRIFIED.
And then it's THE SCENE!!!
The way that Stiles starts by explaining it all matter of factly, like it's nothing new, and like it might not be the thing that ruins his life forever.
The way Scott looks at him, so intently and with so much concern.
The way he gets to the end, and mentions his mother, and then mentions the lack of a cure, and his voice finally breaks, ever so slightly.
The way Scott just closes his eyes, processing and worried and scared and tearing up and trying so hard not to lose it when Stiles is the one that he feels deserves to be scared and upset.
The way he's so desperate with the "Stiles if you have it, we'll do something."
The way he realizes that he can do something, and his grief and worry turns into something more determined.
The way he turns to Stiles, and sets his jaw, and looks him right in the eyes, and says "I'll do something", because if turning him means saving his life, he'll do it in a heartbeat.
The way that Stiles looks at him, fear in his eyes, but hears the hidden "I'm not losing you", and just tears up even more in a mix of fear and gratitude.
The way Stiles just reaches for Scott and Scott immediately reaches back.
The way Stiles just holds Scott desperately and finally lets go of all of his emotions, because Scott is the only person he can truly do that with.
The way Scott pats him on the back and squeezes him with as much comfort as he can give, because he needs his best friend to understand that no matter what happens, Scott will never leave him, and he will always be here to give that comfort when he needs it the most.
The way the most beautiful, unspoken "I love you" passes between them in that one hug as they embrace with all of their might.
The way Melissa and Noah look at each other with those sad smiles, grateful that their boys have each other, but heartbroken that they have to go through this at all.
SCILES IS LITERALLY THE BEST I'M CRYING I CAN'T!!! :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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(There were no gifs of the quotes or of Melissa and Noah, but, like, the hug is the important part anyways. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3)
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dunsbar · 2 years
the season 5 sciles angst was bad tv to YOU. to me it was incredible and ardently romantic.
#genuinely one of the most romantic (painful) moments in the show imo like it’s TRUE stiles in love with scott implications#and vice versa imo. like scott is SO devastated that he thinks stiles has killed someone in cold blood like that is so devastating and#shocking to him that he can’t even compute it like he can’t absorb it. and meanwhile stiles thinks scott. aka the man he loves. is putting#him down for not being good enough for him not being perfect enough. because for like the first time in their lives there’s been a#miscommunication. theres an interloper making stiles jealous and scott unsure. theo literally homewrecks them.#so theyre in the rain literally homewrecked having this tender and heartwrenching messy breakup conversation IN THE RAIN#and posey and dob are both ACTINGGG and once again it is a RAIN SCENE the best kind of scene#and people can hate on this moment all they want and say it’s ooc or that it makes scott a bad friend (fundamentally misunderstanding#scott’s knowledge of the situation) but the fact remains that 1) it’s refreshing to have serious character conflict between the two BECAUSE#they’re so close. and it’s also like prime prime prime angst. chefs kiss. and theyre also ignoring that neither characters have the full#knowledge of the situation (scott has basically been told by theo that stiles killed in cold blood#and stiles thinks scott has full knowledge of what happened) ON PURPOSE. and that is why they fight. and it’s GOOD. and i actually think it#proves how close scott and stiles are and how good they are for each other. because this miscommunication is such an outlier in their#relationship that people call it OOC. anyway i love that scene its for the sciles girlies#sciles#teen wolf#talk tag#scott mccall#stiles stilinski
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moonmoonloves · 1 year
Kinda confused at Sterek hate. Like, I’ve just been sitting happily in my little corner that I’ve curated for myself with lovely people that love all the ways they can fall in love. But a lot people really think we’re gross?
I thought Hoechlin said the age gap between them was originally supposed to be three years so that he would have been a senior when they were freshmen and that’s how they would’ve known him, but then JD decided to have Kate rape him so he had to age him up?
A lot of the haters try to pretend that Sterek shippers weren’t purposefully queerbaited, like that “we’re on a ship” moment didn’t happen. Also, they don’t seem to understand time progressing? In ALL of the Sterek fic I read their relationship is consensual and Stiles is above the legal age of consent. Stiles is in college, or back from college, or they’re just grown adults living their lives. I love a good slow burn, like years in the making: from enemies to begrudging allies to begrudging respect to friends to lovers. My favorites are Derek gets therapy. I would say the driving force behind me even getting into teen wolf fic was Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things, because holy shit JD hates him (which can be further proven by the recent movie, not that we were ever in any doubt).
Let’s also not forget that canon doesn’t have to matter in fic. We can pick and choose. You can age them up, down, make them the same age, there can be time travel, time skips, au’s where you can change literally anything.
Shipping them for me boils down to the chemistry between the actors playing them. The ship wouldn’t exist without it. If Hoechlin had been cast as Scott for some reason, I’m quite sure we would have been Sciles shippers. And the fact of the matter is the actors playing them were 19 and 23. Their chemistry on and off screen is what fueled their ship despite the fact that that may not have been the intention of the show, the writers, or even the actors themselves. I started watching Teen Wolf thinking Sterek would eventually be canon just from gifs of them together because that’s how strong their chemistry was.
I have read so much great Sterek fic, some of it was better written than books I’ve read, and it was given for FREE. I think that’s amazing and I just don’t get the hate lol.
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
One thing I love about the sciles dynamic is that Stiles is never afraid of Scott. Maybe in s1, when the werewolf thing was new, but not after. Stiles is 100% sure Scott won't hurt him and he's RIGHT
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I once made a post here talking about Stiles's relationship with Peter Hale, only to realize, after I received your question, that I can make a similar statement about Stiles when it comes to Scott: Stiles's need for Scott is only exceeded by Stile's love for Scott and this fact remains unchanged throughout the seasons.
The most important person in Stile's life during the series, the one he would do anything for, is without question, his father. But the relationship between fathers and sons, particularly this one, has certain land mines, even at the start of the series, that Stiles and his dad have to navigate carefully around, mostly arising from the traumatic circumstances of Claudia. There are things they don't talk about and badly healed wounds, as the audience can tell by the scene in Co-Captain (1x10), Party Guessed (2x09), and The Girl Who Knew Too Much (3x09).
At the beginning of the show, that complexity didn't exist between Stiles and Scott. Stiles had no boundaries with Scott. He doesn't think twice about showing up in the middle of the night with an impulsive decision to go looking for a dead body in the woods, calling Scott a dumbass, mocking his dreams of being first line, all with perfect confidence that Scott not only wouldn't reject him but there is a very good chance, he'll follow right along.
For a person who endured the violent rejection of his own mother and her tragic death, a friendship seemingly without limitations is something to be treasured. It's something to be fought for. Please, as if something like the threat of bodily harm could deter Stiles from keeping the person he needs and loves safe. Derek scares him because he doesn't care about Derek; the danger Jackson finds himself in is "his own fault."
I know I've talked in negative terms about Stiles's demands on Scott in Heart Monitor (1x06) and going behind Scott's back in Formality (1x11) but those don't contradict this thesis. These actions may not be ethical -- in fact I'm absolutely sure they're not -- but they're designed to protect Scott, both physically and in terms of their relationship. Stiles wants and needs Scott whole but also unchanged, still the only person that Stiles can tease unmercifully or mess up badly with and yet still will ditch his girlfriend to come pick him up. That's why Stiles will insist that Scott do the right thing, no matter what, because that's part of who Scott is. Stiles will throw firebombs at serial killers and endure beatings from a geriatric sociopath in silence so Scott can remain Scott.
Every major relationship crisis between Scott and Stiles comes not from Scott disappointing Stiles but from the idea that Scott's new life and responsibilities will force Scott to stop valuing Stiles the way Stiles values Scott. That's the message behind "You still got me" in Master Plan (2x12): Stiles is stating that no matter how much this werewolf crap changes Scott, he doesn't have to worry about this -- about them. The fear and loss in Stiles's eyes during The Overlooked (3x10) isn't about Scott betraying him but about the realization that the forces of darkness may have finally changed Scott into someone who doesn't need him the way Stiles needs him. The nogitsune torments Stiles in Letharia Vulpina (3x19) by presenting a perverted image of their friendship -- the fox in Stiles's body manipulates Scott into doing the right thing (taking pain) torments Scott (with the ninja-to) and then takes what he needs from the relationship. Stiles puts himself in Eichen House rather than allow himself to hurt Scott that way again in Echo House (3x20) and hides his own pain in The Divine Move (3x21). He'd rather die than let the nogitsune get between them.
Season 5A, of course, is Stiles's greatest fear made real -- that he will go too far, that his own nature will end up destroying this love he values so much and that this friendship that he needs to cope with his life will be gone. There's a reason for that scene with the Jeep in the rain. Stiles could never possibly fear Scott's claws and fangs; the only thing that could make Stiles break down is Scott's indifference.
That's why, in both Motel California (3x06) and Riders of the Storm (6x10) Stiles's ultimate words are always "I need you." For Stiles, Scott could never hurt him as long as he's there.
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andraedevane · 3 months
✨ Intro Post ✨
Hi everyone! I'm Andra Edevane, but you can call me Andrevane or Andy if you want. My pronouns are she/her. I'm pansexual. I don't care if a person is female, male or non-binary. As long as they can make me feel loved, their gender it's a secondary thing. I'm an adult, that's all you need to know about my age. So please, minors, don't talk to me in DMs. You can send me asks and interact with my posts, but that's all. I'm also open to roleplay if you want to! But again, not minors. And feel free to send me ask/DMs me for anything!
【 About me 】
🌸My irl friends: @mustangdemon, you're a great person who always seem to know how to cheer me up, so thank you for that @shoon200218-blog, I don't know how would be my life without you (probably very terrible), I love you 🩷 @sergio130posts, you are an awesome person and you deserve someone as good as you in your life
🌸My mutuals: @mustangdemon @shoon200218-blog @generalallxsanjishipper @destroya2005 @fancychaostraveller @zearay @rexnanorum @salsalada @inkfowl @arrhythmicdesires
🌸 Bilingual. I speak English and Spanish.
🌸 Writer (I finally have an AO3 aacount! :D. The username is the same as here btw)
🌸 Artist (I draw sometimes, but I don't know if it's good or bad)
🌸 Music: I like all type of music genders, except reggaeton and trap. My favourite music gender is definitely BSO music. And symphonic metal. Symphonic metal it's... so beautiful for me.
🌸 Hobbies: Write, draw, read, listen to music, watch TV shows and movies.
🌸 Favourite season: Winter.
🌸 Favourite singer/group: Hidden Citizens
🌸 Favourite songs: Breathe ❣ Fleurie | Umbrella ❣ J2 | This Is Our War ❣ Halocene | Silent Night ❣ Dreamcatcher | Zero Eclipse ❣ Hiroyuki Sawano | To Feel Alive ❣ Tiff Randol | La Vida es Una ❣ Karol G | Here To Stay ❣ Sofia Coll | Mystery of the Invisible ❣ Veridia | All About Us ❣ t.A.T.u | Invisible ❣ Zara Larsson
🌸 Fics I like: Mostly hurt/comfort, because why not? Is there something more beautiful than a person who comforts another person when they need a shoulder to cry on? Crack fics too, because we need to laugh more in this life and be more happy. Villain redemption, because I believe in the innate goodness in people and I think that's what would make a better world. So you can recommend me hurt/comfort, crack, or villain redemption fics if you want.
🌸Fics I don't like: Rape/Non-con fics because I don't feel comfortable with those kind of things. Fics with toxic relationships because what I want in a fic is a happy ending for all the characters, and if there's a toxic relationship that's definitely not a happy ending to me. And I don't like fics with gore neither. So fics with toxic relationships, rape/non-con, or/and gore are a no-no for me.
【 My fandoms 】
⚡Harry Potter 🌌 Star Trek | Star Wars 🦸 Marvel | DC 🐺 Teen Wolf | Shadowhunters 🏥 Stranger Things 🐞 Miraculous Ladybug 🗡️ Trollhunters 👩 She-Ra and the Princesses of Power 🔥Avatar: The Last Airbender | Avatar: Legend of Korra 🦉 The Owl House 🛸Voltron: Legendary Defender
【 Ships I like 】 【 My OTP's 】
⚡Drarry | Jeverus | Jegulus | Snack | Wolfstar 🌌 Spirk | Kalluzeb | Skybridger | Skysolo | Kylux | Obimaul | Thranakin 🦸 Stony | Cherik | Spideyflash | Coldflash | Sladiver | Olivarry 🐺 Sterek | Sciles | Thiam | Briam | Allydia | Malydia | Malira | Malec | Clace | Jimon | Saphael | Clizzy 🏥 Steddie | Harringrove | Ronance | Byler | Elmax 🐞 Lukadrien | Kagaminette | Gabenath | Eminath | Gabenathilie | Movie Adrinette (don't talk to me about show Adrinette) 🗡️ Jeves | Hammerhunter | Jlaireby | Stelija | Stricklake | Stricklakerot | Strickrot 👩 Catradora | Glimbow | Entrapdak | Scorfuma | Glitra 🔥 Kataraang | Zutara | Zutaraang | Zukaang | Zukka | Jetko | Azutara | Makorra | Korrasami | Makorrasami 🦉 Lumity | Huntlow | Raeda | Veesha | Gustholomule | Guster 🛸 Klance | Lotura | Romura | Lancelot | Keitor | Jaith | Krolivan | Adashurtis
Yes, I rarely ship the canon couples. Why? Don't ask me that, I don't know why. I just can't avoid shipping non-canon couples. Maybe it's because all of the canon ships seem like the same to me and I'm tired of that. Or maybe it's because non-canon ships are more interesting to me and they could have an interesting story. Anyways, If you ship canon couples it's okay, but that's not for me.
【 DNI 】
♦️ LGBT+ phobes. I don't care if you are Homophobic, Biphobic, Acephobic or whatever you are, if you can't respect people for their sexual orientation, don't talk to me.
♦️ Transphobes. Everyone deserves to live a happy life. And if someone isn't living a happy life because society asigned them a wrong gender, they have the right to be their true self. If you don't support or accept that, block me or don't talk to me.
♦️ Xenophobes. Hating someone for not being of your country is dumb and it's wrong. So if you are like that, again, don't talk to me.
♦️ Racists. We're all humans, no matter the race. And if you can't respect people for being of another race, don't interact, thanks.
♦️ Sexists. Whether you are a misogynist or a misandrist, if you can't accept that no matter the gender we are all worthy of living in this world, don't talk to me.
♦️ Ableists. Despise or hate persons just for having a disability (If that term upsets some of you tell me) is something horrible and you shouldn't do that. So if you are an ableist, don't interact.
♦️ Radfems/TERF. You can support an ideology, but only as long as you aren't radical. So radfems, don't interact. And if you are a feminist that excludes trans-woman, don't do it neither.
♦️ Fascists. If you are antidemocratic, ultranationalist, right-wing or right-wing extremist, stay away from my blog. I don't want those people talking to me.
♦️ If you support censorship.
♦️ Zionists.
♦️ Islamophobes. If you hate a person just for being muslim, don't interact. Like I said before, I'm a respectful person and I only want to talk to respectful people who support human rights.
♦️ Killers, rapists, pedophiles, MAPs. I don't have to say why I don't want those people intecting, right?
【 Moral of this intro post 】
If you can't be able to admit that we're all humans and we're all worthy of live, and live without being harrassed or abused for our race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, or another reason, block me.
If you are the opposite, if you are good and kind, if you are respectful, you support LGBT+, and you believe in the equality of all humans, no matter race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, or other things, you are totally welcome!
I think that's all! So byeee!,
Andy 💐
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staliaqueen · 1 year
Do you ship scalia or is it just something that you don’t mind seeing?
I ship scalia in a vacuum. I think it's a sweet dynamic with a lot of potential. Shelley and Tyler do have a lot of chemistry, so I can see why the writers wanted to explore that pairing. They have a very similar awkwardness/cluelessness that feeds into each other well (I think the same can be said about stira, which is a ship I like in a similar way, actually even more because of the tricksters/kitsune angle in their dynamic, and I also think there's some sciles meta in there about how they both got girlfriends that are so similar to the other lol) and I'm happy with how they really utilised that during their scenes in 6B. I've only seen the season once, so I can't even recall what the scene was about, but I remember the scene that sold them the most to me as a couple was that Malia face palm one lol. Where Malia is trying to communicate something but they're both just totally clueless.
This one:
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The problem is the circumstances of when this pairing was explored. The messy way stalia broke up, the unfair way Malia's feelings about st/ydia was completely disregarded. Granted, this makes a part of me go "Stiles unfairly dumped you and got with Lydia without asking how you'd feel about it? Fuck yeah you should get with his best friend! Give him a taste of his own medicine! Fair is fair!" but that's more about me being a Malia stan than having to do with any ships lol. When viewing the show as a whole, it's just impossible NOT to compare scalia and stalia, and when you do, scalia so obviously comes in short.
Like, every single argument I can come up with for scalia potentially working better is disproven by what stalia was in canon. Like, "oh maybe Scott could help her with her werecoyote struggles and do it better because as a werewolf he knows what it feels like" but we literally saw Stiles help Malia with that and he did it perfectly! After hammering in for 2 and a half seasons that Stiles is Malia's anchor I can't see anyone buying how Scott could just replace him in that aspect. Also "Scott is so good and anti violence that he could help Malia get over her kill first ask questions never coyote thing in a way Stiles can't because he's very similar to Malia in that regard" doesn't work for me either. We saw throughout their relationship that Stiles and Malia felt the best about their violent tendencies and trust issues with each other because the other one could understand. They could tell each other "You're still a good person" and the other could actually believe it for once. They opened up to each other and told the other aspects of their trauma that they never discussed with anyone else! "But when I came through it, I learned something else... Control is overrated." "I said, 'I wish you were all dead.'"
Then there's the scira of it all too! I'm not gonna go too much into it since I'm mainly a stalia stan lol, but the way Kira was pushed out of the show is honestly so horrible, and the fact that scira was so huge and how Tyler and Arden kept talking about how in love they were AND the fact that the writers said that they didn't actually break up and Scott was gonna wait for her... it's all very frustrating. Add the fact that Shelley is a white woman and Arden isn't and, yeah... it's all very bad.
Plus the way season 6 not only sucked in general, but also how the writing was really bad at actually selling st/ydia and scalia. I really like what @bericas said in the tags of this post: #like on a real level#i just don’t understand what they wrote it like this#like#why would you do this#6a outside of the narrative telling us stydia showed stalia and scydia like crazy#and it’s so weird#if you’re gonna lie to me at least do it well. If they really wanted to make the endgames make sense, they really needed more time to do it. You can’t just decide to completely change your character dynamics for the last season of the show. Don’t know what the writers were on during that decision. 
TLDR: I think they’re a nice ship in theory but they just don’t work in canon. 
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toastybugguy · 1 year
do u like theo???
I hated him so much when he first entered the show bc the “everyone thinks [x] is a complete angel but the viewer knows they’re actually a villain” trope is one of my LEAST favorites for how eternally frustrating it is to watch. I have an archive of all the Theo slander I was posting on my story when I watched the show for the first time hold on
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but I will begrudgingly. BEGRUDGINGLY. admit that having watched his full arc twice now I can say he’s… really interesting. And it makes me sad that we don’t actually get a full resolution with him because I think by the end, like Cody Christian has sort of said, he does want to do good and admires people that have a capacity to do good, but he doesn’t get to ever say that even if you can sort of glean it. Also they keep making him do these scenes posts s5 where he looks all weepy and everytime I’m like GOD FINE. I’LL LET HIM DEVELOP… he’s really good at it it’s not fair why can’t they just let me stay biased…
Basically 5a-5b Theo is not my friend but 6a-6b Theo is my friend... I would LIKE to keep hating him with my entire heart but by the end of the show he’s just. So complex. So messy. He makes me sad. He’s got no real goals anymore other than survival and it makes him a very different character to have in play. I still love to slander him though. I WILL be cheering raucously during any scene that has him getting absolutely bodied 🫶 It’s what I need after the emotional turmoil I went through during the sciles breakup in 5a-5b.
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foofsterwolf · 1 year
Hazing FBI academy story. Lgbt hate crime. Stiles saves the bad guy, bad guy frame stiles. s6 scalia fix-it (im soooooo crazy for them!!!). The education of mieczslaw stilinski. witch stiles. Stilinski twins au
please, please, im so curious 🥺🥺🥺
Oooh, okay. This is gonna take me a hot minute since I’m currently watching The Last of Us.
Okay, FBI Hazing: I just have the whump tropes for the bad things happen bingo but tropes for it are (Non-Consensual Body Modification: Feud/Rivalry: Attacked in their Sleep: Blindfolded: Tears of Fear: Hazing: Locked Up and Left Behind:) so the idea is, Stiles gets woken up by him being kidnapped out of his place by people who aren’t his biggest fans, branded, then left behind to be found or to break himself out.
this one is written and not edited. I think I wrote it all but it’s been a while since I checked. LGBT Hate Crime: A couple teens from a rival Lacrosse team spotted Stiles (they are pretty much all about Stiles.) leaving a gay bar. After Stiles’ team won. They attacked him, then recorded a video of him forcing him to put himself. Posting it to the whole school. Stiles gets rescued by Scott. And it also follows him up to and after his court case. I’ll insert a snippet now. :)
<“You are going to tell the camera where we found you, and why you were there. Or we go back to beating that face of yours in, okay?” Stiles lets out a small yes through gritted teeth. He wants this to be over with sooner rather than later. He’d do just about anything they’d ask of him right now. He feels weak and pathetic. He just wants his dad. The man turns on the camera, the bright light of the flash blinds Stiles in the dark.
“Is was-“ Stiles pauses for a moment to wheeze from the pain. “I was at a gay bar, I was there with my friends. I just wanted to spend time with my friends.” Stiles chokes out. The man kicks at Stiles' leg. Behind the bright light, the three mens expressions are indiscernible.
“We are restarting. Tell them about your little boyfriend. I saw you kissing him goodbye. Tell the truth or we’ll show you real pain.” The short man commands.>
Stiles Saves the Bad Guy. This one is another bad things happen bingo where I only have the prompts written dow. They are (No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Stiles lets a bad guy live. Bad guy runs to the cops and accuses Stiles of murder. Wrongfully Arrested: Stiles gets arrested. Framed: the bad guy plants evidence at Stiles’ place before the cops get there to investigate. Leaving Stiles panicking in the interrogation room. After that, make the POV Scott trying to get Stiles out of prison.)
Scalia fix-it: this one I actually thought of because of that list of ways to say I love you. I didn’t write down what exactly I was thinking. But I can surmise it was something along the lines of (“Stiles wasn’t necessarily okay with Scott dating Malia. But he still approves of Scott dating Malia. They have a conversation about Scott dating Malia. Stiles hears about how much Scott likes her and he encourages Scott to ask Malia out.”) I included the love prompts ("you are all I can think about." "can't fathom the idea of my life without you in it." "you deserve to know." "it's you. it's always been you.") I think it was meant to be an unrequited love Sciles with requited Scalia.
The education of Mieczsław Stilinski. This is a reimagining of the movie Flashback that I had while watching it. Wondering what about if Stiles was pacified in his mind by the Nogitsune by sending him into a dream like acid trip of him skipping around from false memories to false memories. What I have written down is this (Stiles is possessed by the Nogitsune, this is what he sees. Cue Flashback level fuckery and confusion with constant back and forth between multiple stories. To the point that Stiles starts to catch on that there is something wrong with his current reality. Stiles is an adult with a kid that he has partial custody of. Stiles is a little kid while his father is sick. Stiles is a teen with a very much alive mother. Stiles slowly loses custody of his kid due to horrible blackouts he keeps having where he loses time. Stiles’ father dies leaving Stiles alone with a neglectful mother. Stiles slowly succumbs to peer pressure to start breaking the law.)
Witch Stiles: I mostly am in a heavy research stage of plants for this. But it’s a Sciles AU where Stiles grew up completely separate from Beacon Hills. Frees up surrounded by witchcraft. Is morally grey. Marries someone (possibly into a Romani family until they kick him out for being too much of an ass) and then when he is divorced and running a witchcraft store. Deaton suggests Stiles as someone who can help them defeat an evil witch. Looking to him for guidance. Scott shows up at Stiles’ place asking for help.
And lastly. Stilinski!Twins AU: I’ll just post it with a screenshot of the plot I have written down.
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metagalacticx · 2 years
Teen Wolf
Favorite character: scott!
Least Favorite character: peter
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): scira, thiam, scallison, berica, morey
Character I find most attractive: allison, violet
Character I would marry: none tbh
Character I would be best friends with: mason
a random thought: mason and lydia should have teamed up more, i refuse to believe they never had a conversation about her calling his name, and also by the end lydia was so concerned about everyone i think she would have talked to mason more
An unpopular opinion: scott got over what liam did too easily
My Canon OTP: scira
My Non-canon OTP: thiam but also sciles and allydia
Most Badass Character: scott
Most Epic Villain: monroe like i don’t think people appreciate her enough, and also the fact that she escaped and she’s a human? final girl!! who’s seeing her???
Pairing I am not a fan of: st*ter
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): BOYD, because he shouldn’t have died. he should not have died. and the ‘it was worth it’ line was fucked up. also lydia.
Favourite Friendship: liam and mason
Character I most identify with: theo mason
Character I wish I could be: mason, but like, without the trauma??
When I started shipping them: kira’s second ep
My thoughts: one of the best ships in the show, most definitely the healthiest, should have been endgame
What makes me happy about them: they’re both dorks in the most delicious ways. they love each other.
What makes me sad about them: kira leaving and NOT COMING BACK
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: scott moving on um kira not coming back fhdjjd
Things I look for in fanfic: i actually don’t read a lot of scira bc i rarely find good ones that’s just about them, but literally anything with them being happy together melts my dead heart
My wishlist: scira endgame
Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: no one, and i’m not joking.
My happily ever after for them: scira endgame, scott joining kira on her journey to self-discovery
How I feel about this character: i love mason hewitt from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet. i think he’s one of the best characters on the show and a great example of how friends should support friends even when they’re cursed to become a monster.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: corey, theo, liam
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: liam, violet, melissa, deaton, dr. geyer, hayden
My unpopular opinion about this character: he didn’t have as much character development as a huge part of the fandom pretends he did
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: literally i wish he was taken seriously enough as a member of the pack to have been in that final shot in 6b. he wasn’t there and after everything they went through i’m never going to shut up about how disrespectful it was. stiles did the whole ‘passing the torch’ thing with the bat as a metaphor and he was presented as a direct parallel to stiles in his friendship with liam and YET. where was he???
Favourite friendship for this character: liam/violet, and also lydia and kira and scott
My crossover ship: can’t think of any atm sry 😭
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amatchinwater · 2 years
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Pairing: Steo, previous Sciles
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, knotting, mating bites, public sex (they're in the woods)
Words: 3829
Ao3 link
Wanna Bet?
Late night patrols aren’t on Stiles’ top five list of things he’d like to be doing on a Friday night. But ever since the monster of the week- that they’re no closer to figuring out what it is- has been terrorizing the town, it’s become a nightly thing. They’ve been taking turns and Stiles just so happened to pull the short straw this time around. Another thing this bullshit creature has messed with is his sex life. Funny enough, Stiles and Scott have been sleeping with each other out of sheer convenience. Because who would treat you better than your best friend?
Well, that was the thought at least.
It just sucks that it’s been a good three weeks, give or take, that Stiles has had sex because of the damn thing. His and Scott’s patrols never line up, they rarely have any alone time and downtime is even harder to come by. He’s frustrated. His body is losing its ever loving mind and Stiles is walking in the preserve with Theo of all people. You know, the gorgeous one that makes the spark’s brain forget how to function properly by proximity alone. The chimera pack Alpha whose alliance with Scott is mostly for show and the only common denominator is Stiles. The spark that helps both packs with their emissary needs because he can’t make a decision on one or the other.
He’s trying his hardest to not let Theo know exactly what it’s doing to him being out here alone together. But it’s fucking difficult when your own body is planning a mutiny against you. Not to mention the way that damn denim jacket sits so snuggly around the chimera’s shoulders, it’s hard to remember how to swallow properly let alone control his stupid hormones. He vehemently regrets not letting Peter show him the rune that can hide his chemosignals from supernatural creatures when Deaton wouldn’t.
Stiles has resorted to kicking rocks and levitating sticks to try and distract himself from the gorgeous specimen beside him. It clearly doesn’t work considering Theo’s way of breaking the silence.
“So, you’re fucking Scott, huh?” The Alpha does a tongue in cheek laugh, “that’s why you won’t pick a pack.” He says it with such assurance too. To be perfectly honest, Stiles doesn’t know why he won’t choose. He thought it was better this way.
They’ve been walking in total silence for the better part of an hour. And that’s the first thing the chimera thinks to say. But more pressingly, “h-how do you know that?” Stiles asks, his feet faltering almost enough for him to trip over a large root. Stopping in his tracks completely to turn and face the amused Alpha, the spark narrows his eyes.
“I had some information on the raiju we fought last month and walked in while you two were going at it.” Theo tells him as if that’s not one of the most terrifying sentences he’s ever heard. Or embarrassing. Theo fucking Raeken saw what his sex face looks like and Stiles simply can’t cope with that information.
“You were at his house when I got out of the shower that day!” Stiles squawks, flailing his arm around, “how long had you stuck around to watch?” The question is out before the spark can help himself. He really doesn’t want to know if Theo has some voyeurism kink and got off watching Stiles get fucked.
“Long enough to know I could do it better,” the chimera chuckles under his breath, walking towards the spark; Stiles retreats with a hammering heart. “Not leave you smelling all needy and wanting. Having to jerk off in the shower so that you could cum like you needed to. Or utterly frustrated and borderline touch starved like you are now.” Theo snickers, stepping closer and Stiles’ back hits a tree, making him jump. “What? Scott can’t manage to take care of you while there’s a monster around? Not very Alpha like. Or partner like for that matter. An Alpha’s mate deserves better than that, don’t you think?”
Stiles opens his mouth to say something, anything, only to close it with an audible clack of teeth. Because he truthfully doesn’t know how to respond to that. That’s a lot to unpack, so quite frankly, he wants to refuse to deal with it but curiosity and all that. “An Alpha’s-” he tries, but words are fucking hard when someone like Theo gets this close and starts talking about mates. He’s too close and somehow not close enough. Their bodies almost touch and the heat ignites every nerve in the spark’s body. Because when it comes down to it, no, he hasn’t been taken care of lately and he needs it.
And Theo can smell that.
“Cat got your tongue, babe?” Theo traces the line of the spark’s jaw, finally pressing against him. Stiles is positively aching and his hands curl into the hem of the chimera’s jacket, undeciding whether to pull him closer or not, he just holds. “What’s the matter? Afraid you’ll like me more than Scott? Never want to go back to your True Alpha because I fucked you better than he could? That you’d let me claim you as my mate?”
Call it courage, or wanting to push Theo’s buttons, or just the sheer fact of wanting to see if the chimera’s right. Stiles gulps with much difficulty, parting dry lips to whisper, “prove it.” A challenge in every syllable that he can’t stifle when his body is the one in control right now. He’s just happily along for the ride. Not to mention the resounding fact that Scott never once offered to claim Stiles.
He feels like that should sting less than it does. Although, all he’s thinking about is the fact that Theo is practically offering that to him right now.
The fingers on his jaw trail down and ghost over his throat. The spark’s pulse jumps when Theo leans in. Stiles half expects the Alpha to kiss him and he tries to meet him halfway, but the chimera’s lips brush against his ear. “Run,” he growls, stepping back with red eyes.
It takes the spark a painful second to process what Theo told him to do. Give him a break, the Alpha barely touched him, hasn’t even kissed him, and yet his brain went offline. Stiles needed a minute, okay? When it clicks, the spark grins, ready to push the chimera, “Scott didn’t need to tap into his wolf for it to be good.”
“I don’t either,” Theo says with a shrug, smirking as he takes his jacket off. “But trust me, babe,” the Alpha flashes his eyes again, smirk ever present, “you’ll beg me to do it again.” God, he said it with such certainty too. If Stiles wasn’t already wound tighter than a spring, the chimera’s words alone would’ve gotten him there.
It’s not like Theo’s really a bad guy anymore either. Just a little blunt and his moral compass is more than a little broken. And he does like the Alpha and never once promised exclusivity to Scott. So Stiles bites away a grin and takes off. Excitement pools in his gut when a snarl echoes in his ears along with leaves crunching behind him. The spark is smart though, he’s running as fast as humanly possible, yes, but he’s yet to tap into his magic. Really make the Alpha work for it.
Fingers ghost against the fabric of his collar, startling Stiles enough that he uses his spark to burst forward, yanking his flannel off and tossing it who cares where. It’s then Theo roars, making the spark giggle as he continues to run. Over fallen branches and dashing around bushes. Stiles risks a glance over his shoulder, something close to elation crossing his face seeing the black wolf with glowing red eyes chasing him. This is fun! He gets why Theo wanted to do it.
Pivoting his body, Stiles jukes the Alpha just as he’s about to tackle him, earning him another snarl. The spark gets cocky, “aw, come on, Theo. You can do better than that.” Stiles laughs, “I thought you wanted to prove you were better. Maybe I should just go find Sc-” the spark crashes to the ground as a heavy weight barrels into him. Flipping on his back, Stiles looks up to see a very angry wolf towering over him, baring its fangs.
Theo nudges his muzzle against the spark’s chin and before Stiles can tilt his head back himself, the wolf has moved him himself and clamped its jaws around his throat. Growling until the spark’s body goes limp beneath him. An involuntary action, his body- again- taking better care of himself than he does. But sometimes instincts are better than logic because it works. Theo shifts back, gently licking the abused skin. Stiles squirms beneath him to settle himself, but the action makes the chimera snarl and nip at his pulse.
A pulse that skyrockets and the spark freezes. Knowing good and well that by letting Theo chase him like that, he tapped into his most primal instincts and that there might not be much of Theo here right now. One of the chimera’s hands curl around his waist, thumb rubbing soothing circles under his shirt.
“Relax, Stiles,” the Alpha whispers, running his nose along his jaw, not even a hint of teasing in his tone. He’s genuinely trying to calm the spark. “I’ve been supernatural since I was nine,” Theo reminds him, leaning up to look at him with glowing ruby irises. “I never fought the shift. Their instincts are mine. Letting them take over doesn’t mean that I’d ever hurt you.” The chimera cups his cheek, growling a little, “they want you just as much as I do.”
Stiles’ eyes widen at the admission. The cockiness is still there, but true to Theo form, the chimera will never miss a chance to tell the spark that he’ll look after him. He’s been doing it since day one after all. Why should he stop now?
“Do you trust me?”
“Wouldn’t have ran if I didn’t,” Stiles tells him. Relaxing under the chimera, he runs his hands up to Theo’s shoulders. “You caught me,” the sparks swallows thickly, “now what?” Knowing good and well what, he asked for it after all.
Theo just chuckles and closes the distance of their mouths. A bruising kiss that tingles Stiles’ lips and causes his breath to hitch in his throat. The Alpha pulls back and despite himself, the spark is gasping for air. They stare at each other for a minute before both boys inhale sharply and dive back in for more. Holding nothing back as lips are sucked and bitten, tongues gliding together. The spark’s moans make Theo rumble in his chest.
Before Stiles knows it, his shirt is yanked off and he’s flipped over and onto his knees, the Alpha blanketing him from behind. His erection digs into the spark’s ass and Stiles groans. Needing that so fucking badly. “I hope you’re ready,” Theo says, biting at the other boy’s ear.
“Very,” Stiles gasps into the ground, bracing himself on his forearms.
“Good,” the Alpha kisses the crook of his neck and the spark can’t hold back the shiver. “Because I’m going to ruin you.” Stiles doesn’t get a chance to spout back a sarcastic remark because the chimera is unbuttoning his pants and pulling them and his boxers off. The spark shivers as the cold air hits his bare legs, something Theo swiftly soothes by running his hands up and down the mole-covered flesh. Thank you supernatural body heat.
The Alpha nips at his ass eliciting a hiss from the spark. He’d have jolted forward had it not been for the strong hold Theo now has on his waist. “T-that’s gonna leave a mark, you dick,” Stiles gasps, actually loving the idea. Having the chimera’s marks literally everywhere. He’d like to get started on that right now actually.
“Aww,” Theo teasingly coos, “you poor thing,” before he nips at the other cheek.
When Stiles opens his mouth to snap at the chimera again, the Alpha thrusts his tongue into the other boy’s tight hole. Whatever he’d planned on saying is cut off with a loud, high moan unlike any noise Stiles has ever made. For the simple fact that no one has really done that to him before; and he fucking likes it.
He’s not entirely sure when the first finger joined the chimera’s tongue, but Stiles definitely notices the second. Pushing himself back on the digits, needing more of the constant barrage on the bundle of nerves inside of him causing his dick to throb painfully hard between his legs. It’s a feeling he’s rarely had the pleasure of enjoying unless he’s doing it to himself. Have you tried that angle? Even with a toy it’s pretty fucking annoying. Yet Theo is just pumping his fingers in and out, prodding it in the most delicious movement that Stiles can only moan out for more.
So much fucking more.
The chimera hums in approval that turns to a soft growl, vibrating Stiles straight to his core. “Fuck, Stiles,” Theo says, taking his mouth away in lieu of adding a third finger and the spark lets out a wanton moan. The Alpha’s fingers are much thicker than his own, and like he said, it’s been weeks.
Stiles is more pent up than he can handle and if Theo doesn’t get inside him like now, he’s going to fall apart embarrassingly quickly. As in before the Alpha can even fuck him properly. “Theo, please,” the spark whines, caring not one bit that he sounds desperate because he fucking is. And he knows with absolute certainty that the chimera is making his body tingle with pleasure, he can make him feel even better with his dick buried inside him.
“Buried inside you, huh?” Theo teases, trailing kisses and marks up the spark’s spine making him shiver and clench around the digits. “Well, when you ask so prettily, who am I to say no?” He honestly didn’t know he had asked outside of him saying please. The chimera nips and sucks another mark on the crook of the spark’s neck.
As for not knowing he’s speaking because he feels so good, Stiles is totally fine with it if it gets the job done. The Alpha takes his fingers out and Stiles barely has a second to whine at the loss before the head of Theo’s dick is pressing at his entrance. The spark feels a small flash of regret for not having paid better attention and watching the Alpha stroke his cock with spit. Next time. Stiles can’t really process the fact that he had the idea of there being a next time with the chimera because Theo doesn’t gentle him through it.
No, once the tip pops past the tight ring of muscle, he slams forward. Stiles was prepped far too thoroughly for it to have hurt more than would be pleasurable. And fucking hell is it. Crying out, “Theo,” as his nails dig into the dirt, crumpling wet leaves.
While the chimera wasn’t soft, burying himself inside as promised, he does blanket Stiles’ back with his body. Allowing the spark to adjust to the intrusion, kissing just beneath his ear. “You feel fucking amazing, baby,” Theo purrs in his ear, the chimera’s warm breath sending tingles down in his toes. “What?” Stiles can hear the smirk in the Alpha’s voice, “McCall never tell you how good you are?”
The spark can’t answer with words, knowing it’d be through gritted teeth. Because once again, the chimera is right. It was mostly Scott that got taken care of now that Stiles thinks about it. More often than not, the spark finished himself in the shower when they were done. Scott often fell asleep or left before Stiles was able to finish. The wolf never came inside of him either, liked to make a mess about it, so he’d just let Scott think it was his mess too.
“Don’t worry, baby,” Theo lifts up, gripping Stiles’ hips, kneading the flesh. “Never again,” he says, pulling out to the tip. “You’ll always know how good you make me feel,” the chimera slams his hips forward. Repeating the action as he talks, earning him clipped moans from the spark. “And I’ll make sure you cum untouched, beautiful. Always.”
As if the Alpha willed it himself, Stiles’ orgasm hits him like a fucking bus. Rushing through him in a shockwave. Clutching the earth like a lifeline, clenching around the perfect cock- yes, he said fucking perfect, leave him alone- inside of him, and screaming out for the Alpha.
“So perfect, Stiles. So good and mine,” Theo praises, the spark ready to buckle beneath him. Whether it’s from coming as hard as he just did or the Alpha’s words, Stiles couldn’t fucking tell you.
Go ahead and ask if he gives a shit.
Then the chimera picks up his pace, railing into him at a speed that makes Stiles turn to see if Theo’s Beta shifted or not. He really fucking hopes he is. Making eye contact right at his prostate is rammed, Stiles unabashedly moans seeing red eyes and fangs. Not quite shifted, but close enough that he’s absolutely in love right now. His dick is hastily hardening between his legs, amazing the hell out of the spark.
But, hang on.
“What the fuck is that?” Stiles asks, trying to crane his neck over his shoulder farther like he could see for himself. Because if he’s not mistaken it feels like the chimera’s dick is growing that much bigger. That’s never happened before.
Theo’s hips falter for a second, “has- has Scott never knotted you?” The spark shakes his head. “It happens when an Alpha takes their mate, Stiles,” the chimera explains in a ‘you should know this’ sort of way. Adding further to what Theo’s willing to do for him that Scott isn’t. Theo growls, his fingers digging into the spark’s hips harder as he picks his pace back up. “God, if it wouldn’t be more comfortable for you your first time like this, I’d flip you over, watch you fall apart on my knot.” The Alpha leans down and nibbles Stiles’ ear. “I just want to claim you for myself, baby. Know that it’s only my knot you’ll ever cum on.”
“Do it.”
“Stiles,” the chimera warns, “if I claim you, that means you’re mine; forever. There’s no taking that back.”
The spark pushes himself back harder on the Alpha’s dick, letting out a broken moan. “Did I fucking stutter, Theo?” Stiles whips his head back with glowing purple eyes, his spark more than thrilled with the idea. “I want you to claim me.”
“Fucking hell,” the Alpha sounds wrecked as he pulls out, helping the already moving spark onto his back. His knees are certainly thanking him for that, ignoring the small twigs in his back when Theo slides back inside of him without missing a beat. Glowing red eyes darkening with his own lust and need, “alright, I’ll claim you. Fuck, I’ll claim you, baby,” the Alpha lifts Stiles’ legs up, spread farther, and thrusting harder. The position making stars burst behind the spark’s eyes, his prostate being more than a little abused, but it’s so fucking good he can’t breathe unless it’s a moan for Theo.
Stiles is certain the hands holding his thighs are tight enough to bruise and that has something warm curling in his gut. It isn’t until the chimera is licking and sucking at the crook of his neck that the spark realizes it’s another orgasm threatening to break free. “Fuck, Theo, fuck,” Stiles rambles breathlessly, unable to help himself really. Needing to say something because he fucking feels so goddamn much. And he knows that Theo’s left marks everywhere and he can’t wait to see them later.
The Alpha growls through his moans, his thrusts getting more difficult to maintain. The swell killing the spark in the best way possible. Stiles tilts his head back for the chimera to have better access. No sooner does he do that does Theo nearly snarl, sinking his fangs into the offered flesh, slamming his hips forward one last time. His knot locking them together, keeping a constant contact to Stiles’ prostate. Who’s to say if that or the bite is what flew Stiles over the edge. He’s certainly not going to ask, just ride the second, no less powerful orgasm Theo generously provided.
Relishing the feeling of Theo spilling his own release inside of him, keeping him warm and full and Stiles damn near purrs. The chimera growls softly around the bite, waiting until every bit of cum shoots out before releasing his claim. Lovingly licking the wound clean, rumbling in his chest. “Perfect, Stiles. So perfect,” the Alpha nuzzles the mark, not stopping the soft growls that Stiles finds comforting and soothing. “My mate,” Theo hums in content as the spark lifts his arms to hold the Alpha close.
“When I can feel my legs again and that goes down,” Stiles pants, “you are taking me home.” He says finitely. The chimera freezes, lifting up to look at him with worried brows and scared blue eyes. The spark sputters out a laugh, lighting smacking the Alpha’s shoulder, “not like that. We’re doing that again. In a bed,” he corrects. “The forest floor isn’t an ideal place to lay down like this when I just want to sleep.”
Theo chuckles, realizing the spark isn’t prepared to go anywhere without him and doesn’t regret being claimed by him. Both boys feeling a tug in the chest towards the other. It’s warm, feels safe; nice. “You loved it,” the chimera brushes their noses together.
“I did,” Stiles agrees, “we can totally do that again too. But beds,” he repeats, “beds are much more comfortable to sleep on than twigs and leaves.”
“Are you in pain,” the Alpha asks, rubbing his side in soothing circles. Stiles feels the drain and knows if he were to look at the chimera’s hand, it’d have black veins on it.
The spark grabs Theo’s hand, stopping his healing process. Stiles wants to feel every bit of this. Even the small twig in his back. “It doesn’t hurt, Theo,” the spark tells him honestly. Even the strange feeling of being incredibly full on a knot. However, “it does make me very tired,” Stiles admits.
“Go to sleep, baby,” Theo tells him, kissing him softly. “I’ll watch over you and carry you to my truck when I can.”
Stiles hums something that is meant to sound like okay, but he can’t really be sure if he said it. The Alpha above him is rubbing his sides again and growling deep in his chest, lulling the spark to sleep quicker than ever before.
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kitkatwinchester · 11 months
Okay, waaaaay late reaction, because I was too busy trying to process what the F*CK just happened, because HOLY SH*T!
I'm gonna say it.
I am.
Season 3 is still my favorite. Void!Stiles is still my favorite villain, and all of the whump and hurt/comfort that Season 3 had as a result of that was amazing. Plus, most of my favorite Sciles moments are in Season 3.
Season 4 100% has the BEST writing and storytelling that Teen Wolf has had as of yet.
Like, obviously, there are two more seasons after this, and I still have two episodes to finish out this season, but given everything that I've seen so far....NONE of the writing up to this point can compare to this. Absolutely none of it.
I mean, the PUZZLE PIECES here. The THOUGHT that went into this. The twists and the secrets and the reveals and the THEMES...
If Season 3 wasn't as Sciles heavy as it was, Season 4 would 100% be my favorite.
Sorry not sorry.
And maybe I'll take that back when I finish out the season, because maybe I'll be disappointed by the ending, but given how well they've been doing so far...I doubt that.
I mean, in this episode alone, we get...
The amazingness that is Derek's speech. "Then let's send a message. Let's make something perfectly clear to anyone with a copy of that list. It doesn't matter if they're professional assassins, hunters, or an amateur who just picked up a gun. Anyone who thinks they can hunt and kill us for money, is gonna be put on another list. Our list. They get to be a name on our deadpool." (I cheated and copied that from the transcript, but it was too good not to.)
The reveal that Meredith was behind this under Peter's indirect orders, followed by the still present confusion over who is really manipulating who between the two of them. (My vote goes to Peter, by the way, because he is obviously WAY more complacent in this than he is letting on.)
The immense trust that all of these characters have in each other as they all do their parts to try to stop this--Noah and Parrish trusting Lydia and letting Peter go, everyone on the deadpool trusting Scott and company to protect them, Meredith trusting Lydia to do the right thing despite everything her brain is telling her, Stiles trusting Malia's instincts in the lake house room, and Stiles trusting Lydia when it came to the floor and the wine--and how all of that allows them to keep each other safe and finally stop the deadpool, HOPEFULLY once and for all. (But there are two more episodes, so who the f*ck knows at this point.)
The puzzle pieces and discoveries of all of the effort that had to go into making this deadpool--Peter manipulating Meredith, the automatic payments from behind the lake wall, the not-really-wine stain (or rather, lack thereof), the slew of hunters and assassins that were being sent out, and the not-yet-fully-figured-out partnership between Kate and Peter. (I mean, seriously. I've gotten really good at predicting this show in a lot of ways, and although I was definitely still suspicious of Peter, there is NO way I could've seen ALL of THAT coming.)
And then honestly, probably my personal favorite, the persistent reminder that being a monster doesn't mean you have to act like a monster, and that although so many of them are "violent creatures", who constantly fear that their natures will take over, it's their love and kindness and loyalty and protectiveness and trust and hearts that will keep them from ever fully crossing that line. (Though, I will say, Scott was scaring me QUITE a bit, and I'm soooo glad Stiles, Malia, and Lydia managed to stop the deadpool so that the cell phone ringing could snap him out of it, 'cause that was a LITTLE too close...).
And on top of ALL of that, we still get all of our amazing relationships--familial, romantic, platonic, and everything in between--and some amazing character growth and character moments that just make the season even better than it already is.
I mean, seriously, what more could you want??
And now, I'm gonna stop typing there, because I am honestly just soooo eager to keep going, and I REALLY need to make sure Peter doesn't kill Scott (which I think will be easy to avoid, because he has a whole pack to protect him gosh darnat--also f*ck you, Peter), and honestly, I just 100% need to see how this ends.
Soooo many good things in that episode (so many good things in this SEASON!!!), but this is the gif we're going with, because YES!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Season 4, Episode 11, here we come!!
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(I adored this theme with every fiber of my being when it was in Supernatural, and I love it EVEN MORE in Teen Wolf. <3 <3 <3 <3)
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liliaeth · 3 years
hi! genuine question! I saw you said you disliked stiles in a post you reblogged, but is it okay if I ask why? (I’m not a huge stiles stan or anything, lmao, I’m just curious. If that’s okay! If it’s not, you don’t have to answer. You do you!)
There's actually many reasons.
I have to admit, to start with, I didn't hate the character.
I wasn't all that interested in Stiles, because I've seen his type of character a hundred times over, and by now, it takes a lot for a character that basic and cliché to still really catch my interest. But I didn't hate him.
He was just ... Scott's human friend with the dead Mom who said mean sarcastic things, and whom we were supposed to find funny.
But then fandom got into him, and put all their focus into claiming they loved this character. And what they seemed to love most about him, was how much of an asshole he was. While at the same time, writing him in their fanfic in a way that utterly didn't suit the actual canon character.
In fact, most often the character they called Stiles in their fanfic, was given all of Scott's positive character traits, Scott's relationships with the other characters, Scott's role in the story, and so on, to the point that he barely even resembled canon Stiles anymore. Fanon Stiles becomes this version of Scott with all of Scott's canon flaws and depths flattened out, while focusing on using Stiles as their self insert, to make him 'special', but without having Stiles ever do anything to earn his 'specialness'. Your typical Mary Sue character in other words.
Which I still coudl have put up with, without it affecting how I saw him on the show. If those same fans, then didn't start hating on Scott, and pushing the things they didn't like about Stiles onto Scott.
Stiles canonically was a bad friend, but they didn't like that, so they started claiming Scott was the bad friend.
Stiles canonically was reckless and impulsive, so they started to push that onto Scott.
Stiles was cruel and mean, ignoring the feelings of anyone around them... and well you get the idea.
Which after a while made me take a harsher and harsher look on canon Stiles. Making it impossible to ignore just how badly Stiles treats everyone around him. how much of a bully he is. How he's constantly talking down to everyone, and tearing down Scott's self esteem.
But most of all, how he NEVER, not once, faces consequences for his bad behavior. He can lash out at Scott, both verbally and physically, and faces zero reaction for it. To the point that the show acted as if him doing so was ... acceptable. As if Stiles is allowed to hurt Scott, as if Scott even deserves to be treated like that.
Stiles' abusive behavior was treated as OK, and that's never a good thing.
See, compare it to Scott, when Scott did something wrong, he got called out on it, almost immediately, and then responds correctly and improves his behavior, growing, maturing.
But because Stiles never got called out, he never got that growth, that change that he desperately needed as a character.
Part of that is because Davis too treated Stiles as a self insert, a power fantasy, but as we saw with s4, another huge problem is that fandom hated any growth in Stiles. When Stiles finally started improving somewhat in s4, fandom reacted terribly to it.
And as a result, Stiles utterly regressed in s5, and became even worse than he was before. This leads to a rather static character. One who is not allowed to grow up. Who exists solely to emote, to show how he feels, while adding little or nothing to the plot, because outside of giving Stiles some scenes were he got to whine a lot, he didn't really get to do anything important. He rarely seemed to matter to the plot, and it often felt like if you removed him from the story, it wouldn't actually change anything to the overall plot of the show.
Now they could have saved the character in s5, if after s5a, he'd faced consequences for his lies and his conspiring with Theo, for the way he betrayed the pack. But instead, once again due to fan reaction, s5b utterly glossed over Stiles bad behavior, and tried to pin all the blame onto Scott. This might be fun fan service, but as a result, it left Stiles feeling even more bland and one dimensional, as a character who wasn't allowed to grow and learn from the things he did wrong, and even worse, it felt like an insult to his fans, as if saying 'we don't think you can handle it if your self insert is actually called out'
Notice how in s6a, they could barely find any positive sciles scenes to put in the clip montage when Scott is remembering Stiles? They are once again trying to put so much focus on Stiles and Lydia, ruining what worked between them in favor of fan service, that they undercut his every other relationship on the show.
And overall, with the way they removed him, and his not being there barely had any consequences on the world around him, it made him feel even more useless in the story as a whole. As if he was no more than a distraction, to keep Scott, Lydia and Malia out of the way of the main story, while no one else really cared that Stiles was gone.
And this in a season that was supposed to focus entirely on Stiles, without even having the actor there.
It just showed even more how weak of a character Stiles really is.
And it's a pity, because he could have been a great character, if he hadn't been so popular, and the show had actually had the guts to deal with him, as they did with every single other character who wasn't a fan favorite.
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domesticated-feral · 3 years
Thank you @nacreousgore for tagging me, oh boy was this fun to do!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 52 works on AO3 as of writing this.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
Since it's been a year that I've been writing on ao3, I've amassed a total word count of 149,243 words.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Only 2 so far. I used to write Twenty One Pilots bandom fics before and now I just write Teen Wolf fics.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
So, I have 4 Sterek fics and one Stackson fic in my top 5; they are:
Yellow for Happiness and Purple, Because of Stiles (YFHAPBOS) - a good old falling in love Sterek fic with blind!Stiles and synesthete!Derek
Intoxicating - Stackson oneshot which has smut and possible interpretively werewolf!Stiles
Lunch with Sticky Note Compliments - Sterek in an office AU. It's literally what it says on the box.
Happiness in Your Arms - an abandoned WIP that's for some reason still on my AO3. It's sterek and takes place in the early 1910's. (I do not recommend reading this fic of mine..)
Sterek One Shot #2 - the second tw fic that I ever wrote on ao3. Didn't even bother to give it a title cause I didn't know what to title it...hah. it's also the last first person pov fic that I wrote until I transitioned to mainly writing third and second person povs.
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
No doubt it's You Wish I Was Yours (And I Know That You're Mine) because of the overall dead dove: do not eat essence of the oneshot. After all, it's Void Stiles/Kanima-Werewolf Jackson who's under Void's manipulation.
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
So, I have two contenders imo for this. Yellow for Happiness is one because the ending is cute, and the overall fic mood is happy if you average it out. Then there's To Fall For Him, which I recently wrote and the ending ends on a really happy note compared to the rest of the fic so the steady incline in fic mood makes it have one of the happiest endings. Although, most of my fics (expect for that void/kanima Jax fic) have happy endings. I'm all for leaving a fic on a bittersweet/good note y'know.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what's the craziest one you've ever written?
I have yet to write a crossover, but I weirdly enough have a Five Nights At Freddy's x Teen Wolf crossover planned out in my Google docs. Don't know if it's ever going to see the light of ao3 or the internet.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Since I started writing smut only recently, I have been experimenting with many different types of smut, mix and matching a lot of things. Most of them are made with love so ig it's the loving kind of smut, excluding that one void/kanima Jax fic (again).
9. Do you respond to comments, why, or why not?
I def respond to each and every one of the comments I receive. It's not much since I'm only a rookie fic writer but every single comment lights up my day whenever I get them and I hope my response lights up their day too :D
10. Have you received hate on a fic?
Nope, so far I haven't gotten any hate on any of my fics and hopefully that sticks for a long time.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
To my knowledge, nope.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope. Not yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Unless talking to my sister about fic ideas and about how the story is playing out and ranting about plot holes to her is co-writing a fic, then no.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
My otps change periodically and I multi-ship like crazy so I don't have an 'all-time' favourite. But atm, the most mind-space-taking ships are Stackson, Scerek, Scydia, Stalia and Sciles. Sceo and Sterek sometimes show up.
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
One day, I aspire to have less than a 100 wips, but there's just a few select ones that I am not going to touch on ever again. Either out of sheer confusion of what the story is about or because I do not want to continue on them anymore. They are titled in my Google docs as;
• It's a Jacksciles fic now
• Smutty Sterek pls send help
• Look, when i find an angsty dialogue prompt and song (especially if it's by Panic! At The Disco) you know im defaulting to Stackson Second Person Smut + Angst mode in a heartbeat
• yeah, i have a specific trope i wish to write.
These are just some of them that either I rewrite completely or just not touch ever again.
16. What are your writing strengths?
The ability to write a lot in the spur of the moment. I can easily get into a writing mood if I'm not in a writing rut.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
The ability to write only in the spur of the moment. My motivation comes in either 5 hour feasts or 30 minute scraps. (easily burn-out able)
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
It is cool, and I'd love to give it a try. Sometimes I deeply want to include my native language in the fics that I write, but the thing is that it's not known widely across the Earth.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The Twenty One Pilots bandom!
20. What's your favourite fic you've written?
I cannot choose one from all my word vomit creations, but I had a lot of fun writing these.
Cinnamon Rolls & Intimate Control - Stackson smut with the added bonus of Stiles making Cinnamon Rolls.
My Heart Races Whenever I Look At You - Sceo, Street Racing Au, so very cute
The fics that I have so far written for the Finding Your Soulmate: Werewolf Edition series - Scerek for now, the fics have been a delight to write and so far, the story is just getting started.
And a honourable mention, Perceptions of Perfection - SCACKSON, what more should I say?
Tagging: @scilessweetheart @shyawkwardwriter @nutellarghh @sequinedmonkey
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scilessweetheart · 3 years
CONGRATULATIONS FOR 400!!!! Your content is the bomb and deserves more disciples to look upon them!
Since I do draw, I'm giving you to draw sketchy sketches of the sciles 🤩
And if you want, you can also try 🥳 mutuals as snacks!
thank you so much!!! i’m gonna post the cym right now, and then follow up with the sketch later so stay tuned for that (i don’t have my ipad with me).
@domesticated-feral - oreos
sweet and classic. but also like, slightly unhinged because of all the flavors. like all over the spectrum. either everyone eats classic oreos or you walk in and see lady gaga flavored ones. i can’t explain it but that’s you.
@thesewordsareallihavetogive - doritos
it’s like… THE bag of chips. like when you go to a pool party, you go straight to this bowl where the other gremlin kiddos are sticking their wet paws in the cheese dust. but also like.. that imagery. that also describes you.
@whatohitsonfirewelp - cheetos
similar to doritos in that it’s a classic, but it has a little more pizzaz. very fun, very committed. also comes in cheetos puffs, which shows the more bubbly and sensitive side. which is what i get from all your tags.
@babyjeep - pretzels
very salty and crunchy, which i think explains their little fun writing side, but other than that, pretzels are reliable and consistent and fun, which is very much accurate for them.
@stiles-still-stinky - ritz crackers
this is what you go for in the pantry when nothing else sounds good. because they are consistent and for everyone. i honestly don’t know how to explain this one, it just makes sense to me.
@elspethc22 - tortilla chips
the party food, but also so versatile. can go with anything, like salsa, dip, etc. which i think mirrors how you can add analysis to any of the random stuff i put on my blog.
@elijahs-wife - popcorn
there is caramel corn. cheese popcorn. salty popcorn. butter popcorn. very expansive and all encompassing, which like. should be self explanatory for her. but also popcorn is like… the standard snack and i feel like she is the embodiment of all the best things about my tumblr feed.
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elspethc22 · 3 years
Life Fulfilled
Ok, so it's been years since I wrote any fanfiction, and I've never written a Teen Wolf fic before, I'm so new to the fandom. But this came to me and would not leave my head so...
This is a Sciles fic - it's mainly friendship, but the ending could kinda be read as open to leading to something more eventually. It's set directly after the end of season 2, after Scott and Stiles practice lacrosse.
Scott realises who hurt Stiles earlier in the episode and asks Stiles why he didn't tell him. Feelings ensue.
Life Fulfilled
Pair: Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski (friendship)
Missing Scene post 2x12
Stiles sat in the chair at his desk, focused on his laptop while Scott lay sprawled across his bed behind him. They’d been back at Stiles’ house for nearly an hour after spending the afternoon practicing lacrosse and discussing Lydia and Allison. Scott seemed content to just lie there in silence, but Stiles, restless as ever, had quickly migrated to his desk to research… something.
He blinked, looked at the screen in front of him. Huh. When did he start looking at information on pigeons? No, scratch that. Howdid he start looking at pigeons? Just as he was trying to backtrack through his own thoughts, Scott’s voice broke the silence.
‘Yeah, Scott?’ Stiles responded, spinning his chair around to look at his best friend, pigeons quickly forgotten.
‘Why didn’t you tell me happened to you?’ Stiles’ eyes widened as he stared at Scott, who was now sitting up on the bed looking at him.
‘What do you mean?’ Stiles said, trying to deflect. His eyes darted away from Scott, looking around his room for a distraction.
‘I mean, why didn’t you tell me about what really happened to you, when you got hurt? That night with the kanima, Jackson, you went missing at the game, and then the next time I see you you’ve got a split lip and a massive bruise on your face. Your dad said something about the other team being unhappy about losing, but that’s not true, is it?’ Scott was looking at him so intently that Stiles couldn’t maintain eye contact. He blinked and looked away.
‘Scott…’ Stiles started, but Scott cut him off.
‘I didn’t put it together at first with everything that happened, but then I realised that you weren’t the only one missing right after the game. I lost track of Gerard right before I came back out and the lights went dark. He’d just gone after Isaac, and he threatened my mum the day before the game. Of course he went after you. I should’ve realised when you were missing but I couldn’t…’ Scott trailed off and his head dropped into his hands as Stiles stared, trying to think of something to say.
‘Gerard threatened your mum?’ Ok, not what he’d meant to say. His mouth never did what he wanted it to at times like this and he really needed to fix that.
‘Yeah, he had Jackson – the kanima – grab her in my room, his tail around her neck and said I had to tell him where Derek and the others were so he could get his revenge.’ Scott nearly rolled his eyes – Stiles did.
‘Oh my god I am so over all these crazy dudes and their need for revenge! That is why I didn’t tell you Scott!’ Stiles was trying not to yell, it wasn’t Scott’s fault but the whole situation got him so worked up.
‘What? You mean I was right, it was Gerard. But why wouldn’t you tell me?’ Scott asked, his face showing his confusion. Stiles sighed – he didn’t want to have this conversation with Scott, it was why he’d lied in the first place.
‘It doesn’t matter Scott, I’m fine –’
‘Don’t tell me it doesn’t matter Stiles. What did you mean that’s why you didn’t tell me?’ Scott demanded softly, determination on his face. Stiles bit the inside of his lip and debated what to say. ‘Stiles.’ Scott’s voice was even softer, but still demanding and Stiles knew he wasn’t getting out of this conversation.
‘Because he wanted me to tell you Scott. You think I just got out of there?’ Stiles shook his head and looked down at the floor. ‘He let me go, Scott. He let me go because he wanted me to run straight to you and tell you what he did. He wanted to get you angry Scott. I told Lydia that night that those bruises – they weren’t to hurt me. They were to hurt you. To get a reaction out of you. And I wasn’t going to give him what he wanted.’ Stiles looked back up at Scott.
‘Stiles. You got hurt because of me-’
‘No Scott. I got hurt because of the sick, twisted game that messed up old man was playing. I don’t want you feeling guilty over this, because it’s not your fault.’
‘But if I’d just-’
‘Just what Scott? Given him exactly what he wanted? We’d have a crazy, twisted old man running around with werewolf powers! And the rest of you would be dead. I have no doubt about that. He would have killed you all. So no, I didn’t tell you what he did. You think you have to protect everyone Scott. And I know, I told you that these new abilities come with responsibilities but you can’t – Scott, I was wrong ok? You can’t be responsible for everyone and everything, it’ll tear you apart.’
‘But you’re my best friend Stiles. If anyone is my responsibility, it’s you. You’re not a werewolf, Stiles. You don’t heal like we do, you don’t have the claws or the teeth or the strength.’ Stiles didn’t know if he wanted to laugh or scream or cry.
‘Yeah, I’m not a werewolf, I’m a breakable little human. But you can’t protect me every second of every day. And you’re my best friend too Scott. You want to protect me? It goes both ways.’ Scott opened his mouth to say something and Stiles cut him off. ‘No, don’t start again with the whole I’m not a werewolf thing. I don’t care. You’re my best friend, and I’m by your side no matter what. And I’ll be damned if I let some psycho use me as a pawn against you if I can help it.’
They stared at each other, neither moving, eyes locked in a silent battle of wills. Scott broke first.
‘Stiles, I know I can’t protect you every second of every day. And I know you want to be by my side – you know I want you by my side. I just…’
‘I know buddy. Werewolf healing or not, I know how much it sucks to see you get hurt. And I know, if the situation was reversed, you totally would have done the same thing I did.’ Stiles paused. ‘I mean, I might’ve figured out the truth a lot sooner but…’
Scott laughed – a short, instinctive laugh, but a laugh none the less and Stiles smiled. Mission accomplished.
‘Really? Back to insulting my intelligence? Original Stiles.’
‘Hey, I mean I’m not the one who thought bestiality was the word for a book about magical creatures so, you know, if the shoe fits.’ Stiles’ grin grew and Scott groaned.
‘Oh god. I really hoped you were gonna forget that happened. I looked it up later when Allison told me about your conversation with her.’ Stiles laughed now and Scott’s head went back into his hands.
Stiles rose from his chair and moved to sit by Scott, clapping him on the back before wrapping an arm around his shoulder.
‘Hey buddy, don’t worry. Like I told Allison, what you two got up to in your own time- oof!’ Stiles flopped back on the bed from the elbow to his stomach. ‘Too soon on the Allison thing?’ He queried from his new position.
‘No, dumbass. You know I made a mistake and you know Allison and I didn’t… just… god I’d ask you to drop it but I know you.’ Scott flopped back down next to Stiles and turned to look at him, matching his best friends’ grin instinctively.
‘Yeah, you know I can’t just completely let that go. I mean, bestiality Scott. It’s just… it’s too good.’ Scott groaned through his smile and Stiles laughed again.
‘Just… just never around my mum ok?’ He begged, making Stiles laugh harder. ‘Stiles!! I’m serious! She’d probably believe you and freak out.’
‘Scott.. stop… you’re giving me ideas.’ Stiles continued to laugh and Scott looked at him disgruntled until he stopped. ‘Ok, ok, I promise, never around Mama McCall. Anyway, somehow she’d probably blame me…’ Scott grinned at him.
‘You know, she only blames you for everything because it’s usually your fault.’ Scott pointed out, and Stiles looked like he was ready to argue before he deflated.
‘Yeah, I know. But come on, be honest – how boring would your life be without me in it?’ Stiles asked, half joking, half serious.
‘Life without you? Don’t want to even try to imagine it.’ Scott said, his voice suddenly very serious, eyes wide as he looked at his best friend.
‘Hey, don’t worry Scott. Remember, you still got me.’ Scott smiled.
‘Yeah. Life fulfilled.’
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freddieslater · 3 years
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Twelve Days of Rarepairs: Sciles | Scott McCall x Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Requested by @childofsquidward & anonymous
It's a lot colder inside the ice rink than Stiles remembers. He can't even take his jacket off, and his fingers are practically numb trying to do up his skates. But he's not letting that stop him. 
Well. Mostly. He's just warming up a bit before he actually skates, staying seated in the stands, eating a Reese's cup. For energy! 
Of course, when he tries to use that on Scott, he just gives him a look and a smile.
"Come on," Scott says, holding out a hand. "Neither of us have skated since Sophomore year. We're both totally out of practice compared to everyone else here."
"Not inspiring much confidence, buddy." 
Stiles glances out at their friends, already on the rink as Scott laughs. Allison and Kira gliding along, both laughing as they try and hold onto each other. Malia carefully edging along the side, a hand firmly gripping the barrier while Erica tries to be encouraging while laughing. Even Boyd and Isaac are doing their own thing on the ice. And Lydia and Jackson, skating along perfectly together. Doing little twirls and practically dancing—this isn't a competitive tv show! 
But he'll admit… they do look happier than they have in a while. That breakup, moving away, being with other people for a while thing then reuniting really seemed to help.
"I meant that it'll be fine, because we're both… not great at it," Scott says.
Stiles glances from their friends to Scott, to the hand he still has held out to him. 
"Fine," he groans, with a theatrical roll of his eyes, taking his hand. Because actually, he doesn't mind. Especially when Scott's holding his hand, lacing their fingers together. 
He allows Scott to pull him up off the bench and stumble their way to the ice. 
"But if we fall and I break something—" Stiles starts.
"I will carry you to the hospital," Scott says, his smile widening.
"I absolutely, one-hundred-percent give you my word," Scott promises, stepping closer. "I'll even do it bridal style if you want."
"No, seriously, because my jeep broke down from the cold when we got here and I don't even know how we're getting home, you'd need to carry me," Stiles says. 
Scott laughs, rolling his eyes. But he's nodding and saying, "We'll take a look at the jeep later, but yeah, I promise."
"Then lead me to the death trap!" Stiles says. 
"You" —Scott leans forward, lips inches from Stiles, pressing a kiss to them with a barely contained smile— "are the biggest dork."
"And you only enable me with your love," Stiles quips back, quickly stealing another kiss. 
Scott just shakes his head, his smile making his eyes crinkle slightly. The look he gives him has been the same for the fifteen years they've known each other, not once changed from when they were four. And yet somehow it still never fails to bring a fluttering warmth to Stiles' chest.
He thought that he would become more immune after the first couple months of being together, but if anything he's just softened to it more. And to Scott.
"Come on," he says, pulling himself of his daze with a gentle nudge to Scott's shoulder and a tug of his hand.
"Before we start to annoy all of our friends?" Scott asks, grinning as he complies and allows Stiles to guide him onto the ice.
"Oh, no, we've been annoying them since the day we met," Stiles replies, turning slightly to face Scott, taking the other hand he holds out to him to keep them both balanced. "We are sickeningly in love and they knew before we did."
"I can't disagree with that one," Scott says, and he looks utterly delighted about it. 
Stiles misjudges his control and nearly flies backwards when he goes to move his foot a little too far. Fortunately, supernaturally quick reflexes on Scott's part keeps him upright. Except he's also fumbling to keep himself steady, and they're both yelping as they go down. 
So, falling on ice hurts. Quite a bit. 
"Okay, we're definitely not good at this," Scott groans, and Stiles grunts in agreement. 
There is most definitely laughter coming fron somewhere, as well as a few concerned people asking, "oh god, are you okay?" 
But after a beat, the laughter takes over in all of them, espscially when there's another yelp from across the rink, followed by, "I'm sorry! I was distracted, I thought you were holding on!"
Scott and Stiles push themselves up into sitting positions, still trying to catch breath from the fall and the laughter that hasn't quite died down yet. 
"Why did we think ice skating was a good idea?" Stiles asks.
"Because it's Christmas Eve and Boyd had the keys?" Scott says, shrugging. He's laughing even as he winces and rubs the back of his head. "It's fun!"
"Yeah, breaking your limbs is fun," Stiles says drily. But he's already got an urge to get back up and do it again. Without the falling part.
"Rematch?" Scott suggests.
Stiles turns his head to look at him, his eyes narrowing. "Oh, this is a competition now, is it? What happened to being on my team?"
"I'm always technically on your team," Scott says, then shrugs, his grin widening. "But wouldn't this be more fun?"
Stiles considers it for a moment. Then he nods, holding out his hand.
"All right, a competition it is then," he says.
There's a muttered, "oh no" from close by. He ignores it as Scott happily takes his hand and they manage to stumble back to their feet. And then it's every person for themselves on the ice (aside from Boyd and Lydia, who are smart enough to stand to the side to avoid being plowed over). 
Their competition turns into all of them screaming at each other to help them stay upright, or for trying to knock them over. Fortunately, and miraculously, the night does not end in any broken bones or dislocated limbs. Just a few scrapes here and there. 
And a jeep that refuses to start back up. Everyone tries to chip in and help fix it, some googling what could be wrong with it while Scott and Stiles mess around with the engine and some wires they probably should be leaving alone. 
But when they're taking a break from trying to fix it, and they're just joking around in the snow, Scott and Stiles sitting on the roof of the jeep, just staring up at the stars, it all feels worth it. Especially when the jeeps lights suddenly flash to life after an hour and the engine starts up on its own. Maybe it just wanted the night to last a little longer, like they all did. 
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