#because the birds apparently like to be Looked At and be Showoffs so fitted uniforms are better for that
cozylittleartblog · 1 year
Do you have any tips on drawing the Swatchlings?
frankly i am happy that i have gotten good enough at drawing these bird boys (gender neutral) that someone wants my opinions. anyway
i see a lot of fun ways to draw swatchlings tbh and i don't really know what you want tips on Specifically so i will just make notes on a few of the main things i think about when i draw them, most importantly: just make them bitches broad and fluffy, man. they're all canonically Ripped, but an important thing to remember is that they are likely completely covered in feathers! that's going to smooth out those muscular details, so you wont be able to see them, just the broadness of them.
my style is all based in gesture and shapes, so i use a lot of blocks so they look nice 'n sturdy. it's okay if you don't nail the anatomy on the sketch, i am constantly nudging things around all the way into the coloring phase trying to get the shapes right. frankly i would probably bulk out even this Example Bird if i were drawing them all the way. i usually add more fluff or muscle or chub or whatever when i detail them but the absolute bare bones of them is dedicated to blockie
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i give mine these sort of vestigial wings on their arms to make them look softer, and i think about how feathers move and stick out on real birds to help inform how they'll sit on these birds, too. and i carry the soft, pointed feather shapes into the fingers so they also look soft.
tip for drawing Soft: don't get caught up making too many individual strands or feathers, soft things tend to come together in big tufts. you want big gentle shapes, not a bunch of little ones. unless you want your bird to look wet or scared in which case you're doing a great job and you've probably just drawn spamton instead
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their faces are really tricky so i think of them as these kinda... non-euclidean semi-hollow pentagonal cones. there's five "planes" with the top two dedicated to eyes and the bottom three dedicated to mouth placement. sometimes you can see the far eye even though, in real life, you would not be able to see that "plane" of their face. you don't always have to understand things sometimes they just look cool, especially when characters are cybernetic birds made out of Magical Darkness. there is no rule about when to draw one or two eyes. it's just whatever looks better.
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biggest and bestest tip of all about drawing swatchlings! very important! write this one down in your most favorite gel pen and Really Big! give them either tails, or tail coats. i don't care that canon has neither, canon is wrong. you can switch it out, even - my birds have tail coats as part of their standard uniforms but they can wear their real tails out on special occasions.
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lastly, if you want to stick closer to a canon interpretation, i would not try to make the birds too unique, when they're on the job anyway - they like being coordinated! tasque manager is very particular about keeping them coordinated as well. but if you just want to have fun then you can make your birds as fun and unique as you want :) even though i draw them all about the same i personally love love love seeing super funky swatchling designs, making them different colors and species and such.
course summary:
make them Large. make them Fluffy. use really broad, blocky shapes and draw big, thick tufts of feathers instead of trying to detail them too much.
their heads are silly magic nonsense. draw a triangle and get funky with it. no rules, only vibes. if it vibes it stays
they always need some kind of tail or tail equivalent and i don't care what Anybody else says
if you want to follow canon, draw all the birds except swatch just about the same. if you're just here for a good time, throw that out completely and have fun with it.
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thatsailormoon · 6 years
Episode 010: Cursed Buses! Fire Warrior Mars Appears
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Season 01 - Episode 10
Original Air Date: May 16, 1992
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Kids are disappearing daily on this very specific bus at a very specific time. Yet people still insist on getting on that bus at that time. Because people are idiots. Luckily, Tuxedo Mask has some rope.
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“I have to study hard and gain more knowledge so I can help Luna.” You know at that very moment, Usagi was thinking “What a showoff.”
Naru, Random Girl, Usagi, and Ami are talking about the disappearing bus, and Usagi says “That sounds like fun!” Yes, Usagi. It’s fun to be on a bus and disappear into another universe, as you will find out later in the episode.
Jadeite must have a good resume to get all of these jobs. He’s a jack-of-all-trades.
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These girls praying at the shrine are also wearing the same school uniform as Rei. Doesn’t Rei go to a Catholic school? Should they even be allowed near the shrine? Or is it a Catholic school only in the manga? I guess I’ll find out as I watch.
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Rei’s grandpa: The series pervert! We’ve been expecting you.
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My Anonymous Canadian Friend says : “Granpa’s head is so big when he’s next to those girls.” He’s clearly not from Earth.
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Usagi, as we all know, is incredibly evil. So Rei had to remove that evil and purify her. And Rei takes her job very seriously (unlike her grandpa). Hilarious.
I think this particular scene was made to show that Rei’s Akuryo Taisan ability is not related to being Sailor Mars. It’s entirely from her lifestyle as a shrine maiden. Though the ability certainly gets more badass when she becomes Sailor Mars.
I love Rei, but the anime definitely plays up the more fiery aspects of her personality.
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And thus, with a single look at Usagi’s panties, grandpa has entered the perv hall of fame. My Anonymous Canadian Friend was disappointed that there was no nosebleed.
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M.A.C.F. : “So, Rei just reveals her grandpa’s bisexuality to random strangers. That’s kind of weird.” Grandpa just loves everyone. And that’s how Jadeite got the job. Because grandpa flirted with him, and he saw his in. I wonder if Jadeite flirted back a little. That would have been fun to watch.
Oohhh, so the people aren’t stupid. Jadeite, when he took their energy, apparently also hypnotized them into getting on the bus. Okay. I will accept that.
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Ami tries to push Usagi on the bus, but Usagi breaks down into a crying fit because it’s scary. Ami is so brave.
I love that, after all the ridiculous stuff Ami has seen in her handful of appearances as Sailor Mercury, she still tries to explain what she is seeing scientifically. Though she should know better than to say a black hole. If a black hole appeared on Earth, it’d suck up a hell of a lot more than a single bus full of hypnotized girls.
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Phobos and Deimos! They don’t get anywhere near the attention in the anime that they do in the manga, but I always loved them. I love that Rei has pet crows.
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Ooookkkayy. Normally, Luna has to do this magical backflip thing in order to make the transformation pens show up. But this time, she just sort of casually drops it when no one was looking. Did it just fall out of her? And Rei decides to keep it. Perhaps she feels an intense connection to this pen. Or, maybe she’s just a thief.
Also, Luna earlier suspected that Rei could be the Moon Princess. So why give her the Mars pen?
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Even Luna is braver than Usagi sometimes!
I will never understand Usagi’s logic in using the Disguise pen here. “I’m terrified to go on that bus. I know! If I had a cute outfit, I wouldn’t be so terrified!” What?!
Ami really seems like the type of person to be on time to everything. Yet, she shows up late to the bus stop, even though she knows the bus is supposed to be there at 6pm. I wonder what held her up?
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I love that Phobos and Deimos follow Rei around so much. They’re there when she’s trying to find the source of the evil. They’re there when she confronts Jadeite. They even get sucked into that alternate dimension with Rei. And then, when Sailor Moon is attempting to free Rei from the youma, they help! Those are the best birds.
I am sure you all know this by now, but I think Usagi is the best. I love that, in this episode, she’s crying about not wanting to live her life like this (constantly fighting monsters and whatnot), and then immediately says that she’ll do it. So awesome.
I really love the echo effect they added to Sailor Moon’s voice while in that weird dimension place. Nice touch.
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Everyone, say hello to Kigaan.
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Kigaan: “You can’t beat me with this toy!” Usagi: “You fell for it!”
How did Usagi know that her tiara could wrap people up like that?
And, in her first appearance, Sailor Mars defeats the enemy without needing Sailor Moon to get the final blow. Kudos!
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My Anonymous Canadian Friend said: “Bus driver Tuxedo Kamen. At least he normally saves the situation with a rose, not a driver’s license and a bit of rope. ‘Good thing I brought my bus rope. It’s so useful. I hope Sailormoon doesn’t die while I’m arranging the logistics of this odd situation. Oh, by the way, WHERE THE HECK IS THIS?’ ”
I want to know how Tuxedo Mask knew how to fly the buses. It can’t be that simple to make buses LEAVE THE GROUND, right?
And then, when they get out of the crazy dimension, Ami very clearly calls Sailor Moon “Usagi” in front of him! It’s possible he didn’t hear it, in the bus and all, but it seems seems unnecessarily careless.
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And, on this note, we end episode 010! We now have three Sailor senshi, and a while to go before number four shows up!
Stay tuned for episode 11!
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