#because typically when people go into depth explaining jokes
fagtainsparklez · 2 years
X33n and Kara put it pretty well the other day, in that Jordan is a person who will ask you to elaborate and explain a joke and just completely derail the humor of it. It has the funniest comedic implications he's just a Himbo Comedic genius and doesn't even realize it half the time. Because then it just turns into hypotheticals like the nearly hour long debate speech he had about flat earth yesterday because someone made a joke about a song sung by a well known flat earther and chat elaborated on the joke
YEAH YEAH. typically when people go too into depth when explaining a joke it gets watered down and the humor is completely lost. which still happens to some extent when jordan does it. but he goes about it in such an obscure and genuine way that it becomes 1000x funnier to listen to him slowly devolve into madness trying to figure out how it would realistically work. it’s something i’ve NEVER seen anyone else be able to pull off and i don’t think i ever will
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avocadotoasting · 1 year
most attractive quirks and traits to haikyuu characters; grab bag
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sugawara, nishinoya, yaku, aone, oikawa, hinata, akaashi, atsumu, komori, hirugami
sfw | gn reader | fluff
he does like someone that gets along well with children, him being around them a lot himself, but what’s most attractive to him is someone that can make kids laugh. he loves when someone really lets their goofy side come out just to make kids smile. it gives him a good laugh too.
being an adventurer, nishinoya loves people that have a mind just as, if not more, open than his own. what really strikes him is when someone is actively a daredevil, willing to try anything once just because. he loves creating experiences with others, especially if they’re experiences that are once in a lifetime.
yaku is gregarious and not afraid to take up space or be loud. he laughs openly and loudly when something delights him, and something that always gets him cracking up is when someone is trying to tell a joke, but can’t stop laughing while telling it. what others might find frustrating, yaku finds very endearing, and usually even funnier than the joke itself.
aone has a discerning eye when it comes to his surroundings. when he notices someone that goes out of their way to pick up trash or unpleasantries around that others may miss or ignore, he finds his heart warm. typically only he catches these eyesores, but he has a deep appreciation for any courteous soul who would also go out of their way. he wonders what other hidden delights hide in that person’s character.
something about oikawa is drawn to strong opposition, likely because of his competitive nature. he loves when someone challenges him, and finds a lot of fun in playing games, having light-hearted debates and arguments, anything that invites someone to take him on. he sees it as a sign of confidence, and confidence is something he finds deeply attractive.
no stranger to self expression, hinata loves to find other like-minded individuals that are unapologetically themselves. especially people that don’t care who see them dancing in public if music is playing--there’s something so freeing and lovely to see someone deeply enjoying themselves and music; watching the whole ordeal could practically put him under a spell.
having a non-stop train of thought can be an unfortunate burden for akaashi, so when he is around someone that loves to tell stories and wax poetic for hours at a time just so he can submerge his mind into someone else is soothing to him. not to mention, it gives him great opportunity to make mental notes about someone he may want to hold dear.
he shared everything his whole life, which makes atsumu a little territorial of his things, meals, clothes, and whatever else. but something about someone that always offers to share no matter what it is really warms his heart--he’d been forced to share so much he finds it charming when someone is so willing to do that without provocation.
komori can’t quite explain it. he’s really into sweaters--he loves when someone wears lots of sweaters and warm clothes, especially ones with corny patterns or graphics. as active as he is, his favorite way to unwind is a good cuddle on the couch, and it’s hard to resist nuzzling into a plush blanket or sweater.
hirugami, despite his depth, has simple needs in a partner. he really loves people that love animals. hirugami does have a small preference for dogs above the rest, but any animal lover is more than capable of showing a side of vulnerability he really treasures. he’d also really like to play with their pets (if they don’t mind, of course.)
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There’s always been something that bothered me about whenever I try to explain the concept of Hatoful Boyfriend and most people’s immediate reaction is “oh! Like Doki Doki!”. My response is always just “…I guess?” because I could never quite explain why that felt wrong to me but I think I finally can put a finger on it now.
(To be clear, I’ve played and enjoyed both games. They’re both fun - this isn’t a criticism at all! I just think they’re, at their cores, two very different things. Also I don’t spoil anything for either game here beyond the obvious; that is, that these games are not what they seem to be at first glance, which I’m pretty sure most people know going in. If that amount of spoiler still bothers you, then stop reading here and play the games first!!!)
When people compare the two games, I 100% understand where they’re coming from. It’s the same gimmick I suppose: cutesy looking or joke visual novel actually turns out to be a smokescreen to hide the horrors within. But. Like. I feel like that’s where the similarities end.
See, DDLC’s whole point is to be shocking. It’s intended to make you jump and disturb you. It’s primarily a horror game with you, the player, as its focal point, and as a result the characters are only really there to be used by the story. The majority of the characters, with the exception of one, are pretty straightforward and lean heavily on the tropes commonly used in dating sims so the game can later distort them in increasingly horrific ways - with the intent of shocking and scaring you. The characters are more tools to be used to tell the story and create the experience than fully fleshed out people, which I think works out well thematically for DDLC. It’s effective in the sense where the characters aren’t really what draws you in, but rather the premise and the anticipation of getting a good scare out of it, with some existential stuff mixed in there for a pretty cool experience. You came to get scared right? Well that’s what you got.
But Hatoful is very different because its intent is not to shock or scare you necessarily. Hatoful, since its initial development, has been designed to make you care. Hato Moa made the game intending for people to start it because of its ridiculous concept, but then to discover it’s depth along the way. Hatoful doesn’t want to jump scare you. It wants to tell you a story. It delves into horror, that’s true, but the horror is much more psychological and it stems from the character’s actions. It’s a character driven story at its core, and it does this by taking itself seriously. It knows it’s completely absurd and leans into the absurdity, but the character interactions are real, so that when actual plot begins to happen, you’ll wonder when you started getting so attached. The characters twist typical dating sim tropes again, but this time to ask “hey why is this character like this? maybe it’s not so straightforward as you think”. And then the game goes a step further and reveals that there is an actual in-universe reason for its insane setup of “a human girl goes to bird school which is for birds and dates pigeons”. Hatoful is less tongue in cheek and more completely unabashed about it’s ridiculous premise and plays it straight - which in turn makes its serious moments shockingly genuine. That, to me, is why it works. The point is to delve into the characters. The plot is driven by the characters. It’s horrifying at times because the characters will sometimes make or be forced to make horrific choices. It’s not a gimmick. It’s a cohesive story. It’s just asking you to dig into it a little further to get there.
Tldr; DDLC is a cutesy facade and Hatoful is unabashedly absurd. DDLC wants to scare you and Hatoful wants you to care. DDLC uses its characters as tools for the experience while Hatoful’s whole point is the characters.
Editing based off a reblog that made me aware I was not completely fair with DDLC here (again, still trying not to spoil too much): The experience in DDLC is heavily based on its thematic content. When I say “the characters serve the experience” and “it wants to scare you” I don’t mean this shallowly, and I think it can and has been frequently misinterpreted in this way. In DDLC, the horror comes from the situation. In that sense, it’s thematically appropriate that the characters are tools in that way - that’s actually part of it and you are meant to feel bad for them - their situations, issues, and personalities are thematically relevant and sympathetic. I shouldn’t have juxtaposed “to scare you” and “to make you care”; that was far too simplistic a summary to the point where it is inaccurate. They both want you to care - a story only has power if you care about it. But I do still feel strongly that DDLC’s draw is the terrifying situation it impresses on the player, and the self-aware questions it asks (in which characters are put through the existential oppressive wringer to emphasize these themes), while Hatoful primarily relies on you slowly but surely acclimating to the absurdity so it can tell what is simultaneously an off the walls story that is also genuine and believable for the characters you’ve grown to know.
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Fandom song animatic tournament: Bracket 2 Side A
If you were gay (If [Blank] was gay) - Avenue Q Musical
"If you were gay That'd be ok I mean cause hey, I'd like you anyway Because you see, If it were me I would feel free to say that I was gay (But I'm not gay)"
My R ([Blank]'s R) - KurageP (Cover by Rachie)
"Just as I was about to take my shoes Off of the rooftop, there I see A girl with braided hair here before me Despite myself, I go and scream 'Hey, don't do it, please!' "
Remember that we're voting on how Iconic they are for ANIMATICS, not for the song itself. In order to make things fair, the tone and mood of the song should not affect how iconic it is (for example, a serious song should not be considered more iconic than a joke song just because it's serious)
Propaganda and animatic links of the songs under the cut:
If you were gay (If [Blank] was gay) - Avenue Q Musical
used to be a popular animatic song (although not as big as others) still a decent amount of people making semi-recent animatics to this !!!!!
Animatics with the song:
FNAFHS N.Fonnie Animatic
Welcome Home
The Owl House Lumity Animatic
Little Witch Academia Diakko Animatic
My R ([Blank]'s R) - KurageP
I cant explain this one other than i just remember seeing it a whole whole lot
my r is such an iconic song for animatics, there are so many different interpretations of the song and it’s so lovely to see all of them in different animatics across different videos not to mention the comment sections usually have like essays of in depth analysis which is so good bro also it’s so catchy my r sweep!!!!!
Animatics with the song:
Mystic Messenger
DSMP Tubbo Animatic
Karmaland Evil Luzu Animatic
Please be cautious and read the title, description and warning cards on the animatic videos if you decide to watch them. If you've got specific triggers I'd recommend even more caution when watching animatics of fandoms you don't know, since sometimes canon-typical themes don't get warnings.
Please keep in mind that I don't know all the media and fandoms of the animatics provided as examples and I don't have the time (nor the will) to research them all. Don't come into my notes or my ask box complaining about them being included, I will simply block you. If a ship animatic included is about an adult and a minor, do tell me and I'll take it out of the post
ALSO keep in mind that I don't know all the artists submitted; in fact, even if I do know them I do not know absolutely nothing about them as people (I do not have twitter nor tiktok) and I could not POSSIBLY have the time to research ALL of the artists' controversies and what came of them so PLEASE don't flood my inbox with the artists' entire crime list.
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Okay... this is gonna sound like blasphemy, but istg if I dont get this out into the world for people who care to read about Im literally going to go insane, so here it goes. I think Felonyglob is kind of boring. Don't get me wrong they're still a really cute couple! I just. Don't find their relationship all that interesting. Like there isn't all that much to explore in their dynamic.
I think most of the problem lies in Felony Carl not really being all that interesting on his own? Like, he isn't meant to be his own character. He has no depth. Which is okay! Not every character needs to be fully thought out or layered, but typically, the better thought out a character is, the more interesting their relationships are. Felony Carl, right down to his NAME, is really just a joke character. The joke being the juxtaposition between his appearance as a big strong criminal biker guy vs his emotional maturity and comfortability in who he is. He's kind of a cardboard cutout of a man. And instead of his relationship with Globby adding anything to his character, he ends up falling victim to the age old trope of "token love interest to motivate the main character". Like, the Princess Peach to Globby's Mario(it was the first example that came to mind don't @ me andnfnsmsm), minus the damsel in destress stuff. Granted Mario isn't all that interesting of a character either but yOU GET THE POINT RIGHT- Felony Carl just kind of falls flat. I was initially gonna drive this point home even further by comparing him to a really similar, and much more interesting, character, Brock from the Unikitty show, but this paragraph is getting long so I'm just gonna leave it at that. He's also really hard to ADD depth to because we just don't get that much info on his backstory outside of how he used to be named Misdemeanor Carl and that he has a good enough relationship with his father to willingly attend his birthday, which really isn't much! There's nothing interesting about this man to latch onto and expand upon without teetering dangerously close to OC territory!
Now, like I said before, having flat characters is fine. It's kind of a necessity, actually. If every single character in every single show got their backstories fully explained to us then there would never be time for any kind of. Plot. Ever. And, for normal viewers of BH6tS, Felony Carl being flat is perfectly okay, because he really had nothing to do with the main cast. But for ME, a weird little freak who likes to pretend BH6tS is actually The Globby Show(the amount of times I've rewatched literally only the episodes with him in them is evidence enough), Felony Carl is a lot more prominent because, to my eyes, he's technically the main love interest of the show. And he's just. So boring. Funny, but SO BORING.
Now, I am ABSOLUTELY not saying you can't still enjoy this pairing. Literally doesn't fuckin matter. I get the appeal, hell I've made stuff for the ship and have plans to make more! I just think it would be fun to explore Globby's potential dynamics with less one-note characters, y'know? Like, there's an ABUNDANCE of interesting adult characters in BH6tS and the only other Globby-related pairing(bcuz remember I only ever pay attentioj to Globby related stuff) I ever see is Globby x Honey Lemon. Which is a fine pairing, and they do have an interesting dynamic(and before you say that pairing is problematic it fucking isn't Honey Lemon is 21 and when your a consenting adult a 20 year age gap is literally fine omfg), but I think we should get more CREATIVE with it!!! And by we I mean people who. Like to think about Globby and put him in Situations. Actually maybe I'm the only person who really cares about this there's only like one other person on here that posts about him regularly... downsides of having super obscure interests, I guess.
But yeah if anybody wants to like... build up some fun cool ship dynamics between Globby and other characters my dms are always open hehe. This post was actually just a really longwinded and dressed up way for me to ask if anybody wants to talk about Globby ships with me. Sorry not sorry I just want more excuses to talk about this man-
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moa-broke-me · 2 years
PJO gender, sexuality, and gender presentation headcanons!
Percy, he/him: Cis, bisexual, typical masc presentation for the most part, but has had navy blue nails ever since he was bored in class one day and started scribbling on them with a blue ballpoint pen and decided he liked how it looked.
Annabeth, she/her: Also cis and bisexual, presents tomboy-femme, so like, long hair, but still prefers a suit over a dress.
Grover, he/they: Genderfluid but usually male, kinda wants to go more femme but is worried it'll look weird with his facial hair and also doesn't wanna get rid of that facial hair, pansexual (which is why they took up the pan flute in the first place, for a joke)
Jason, he/him: Cishet and hard masc ally (gay femboy in denial), he had to crossdress once for a quest and absolutely despised it, definitely didn't make him feel weird or question any certain aspects of himself, no siree bob, not this guy, nope. Not that there's anything wrong with that sort of thing, it's just not his cup of tea. And so what if he's enthusiastically, vocally supportive of other people's right to do that? It's an important social issue! So what if he gets weirdly excited when he sees his friends being androgynous and shit? He's just happy that they've found a safe space to express themselves! So what if he occasionally looks up drag shows on youtube and just watches them for hours on end, wondering what it would be like to doll himself up and get on stage, having a hundred men staring at him, captivated by him, bowing to his every whim? He just wants to learn about the community!
Piper, she/faer: Pansexual trans girl with a HEAVY lean towards girls, presents soft-butch.
Leo, he/him: Hard masc and gay trans man, hiding behind his comphet for calypso as a coping mechanism for dysphoria.
Frank, he/him: Transmasc, straight, and ace. Sort of a soft-masc, like, he's very secure in his masculinity, doesn't feel the need to put on a front.
Hazel, she/thon: Ace cishet girl, presents hyperfeminine mostly but when she found out what neopronouns were, she was fascinated by the concept and very excited to experiment with them.
Rachel, any/all (excluding it): Aromantic transfem nonbinary, presents femme because why the fuck not?
Clarisse, she/her: Queer as in fuck you. It's not your business how. (agender ursa lesbian but she's not gonna go around telling strangers that and having to have the whole 'how can you be a lesbian if you're not ~technically~ a woman' conversation, nevermind explaining what an ursa lesbian is)
Nico, he/it/xir: Gay (as is established) biblically-accurate-angel-gender, astral-gender, bone-gender, and gender-punk (but just says masc nonbinary most of the time). Androgynous to an extent, has no problem wearing makeup or even jewelry, in fact it's got quite a few piercings, but doesn't go so far as to wear dresses or skirts. Maybe heels and stockings and, ok, fine, a garter belt. When he first came out, he was kind of wrapped up in the idea of 'not being a stereotype', of being as aggressively cisnormative as possible so as not to 'give the community a bad name'. Even though he was out as gay, it didn't let itself explore the full depths of its identity for fear of 'making us look like freaks'. But after a while, and a few very deep and cathartic conversations with its friends, xe sort of realized that almost everyone at camp half-blood has been considered a freak at some point, and CHB is meant to be a safe haven for freaks like them. So he decided to lean into it more, do a little more digging, a little more exploration. Like Hazel, Nico only discovered neopronouns very recently, and again, like thon, xe wanted to try them out immediately, as well as collecting xenogenders like pokemon cards. Xir boyfriend is very supportive and happy for him.
Will, he/him: Gay demiboy, kinda masculine but not overly so. Just kind of casual and out-of-the-way, since it's not very practical to have a lot of bits and baubles on you when you're around a bunch of blood and guts. He doesn't really know how to dress himself anyway, constantly in khakis and mis-matching patterns.
Reyna, she/her: Omnisexual, demiromantic, cis girl. Generally femme presenting, but to an extreme degree.
Thalia, she/they: Aroace demigirl with queerplatonic attraction to women and women only, very androgynous. Like, right smack-dab in the middle.
If you want me to do any more, just request and I'll get to you soon!
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How to Trade Cryptocurrencies: Beginner’s Guide
Crypto Trading Basics
In the last few years, there has been a dramatic increase in interest in cryptocurrencies ranging from Bitcoin and Ethereum to Dogecoin, which started as a joke. This article aims to explain what cryptocurrency is and gives a beginner’s guide to cryptocurrency trading.
Before discussing crypto trading, let’s examine the definition of trading. Trading is the economic concept of buying and selling financial instruments. The assets may consist of commodities and services that are being traded between the parties. We are discussing the financial markets where the trading of financial products occurs. These may include equities, currencies, cryptocurrencies, and margin goods. Typically, trading is seen as a short-term endeavour nevertheless, many are misled by this notion. In addition, we will examine trading kinds, notably day trading, swing trading, and trend trading, in more depth later on.
Cryptocurrency trading for beginners
Cryptocurrency is any kind of money that only exists virtually or digitally. Transactions between senders and receivers are processed and kept safe with cryptography. A cryptocurrency won’t have a central system for making new ones or a central authority for regulating them. Instead, the community will have more control over the assets. Instead, crypto uses a decentralised financial system called blockchain technology to keep track of transactions and create new units of the currency.
Cryptocurrencies are the first alternative to the current banking system, and they have many advantages over traditional payment systems and asset classes. Think about Money 2.0, which is a new type of money that is native to the internet and has the potential to be the world’s fastest, easiest, cheapest, safest, and most universal way to exchange value. Anyone can buy and sell cryptocurrencies or hold them as an investment, but a central authority can’t change them because there isn’t one. No matter what a government does, your cryptocurrency will stay safe.
Cryptocurrency trading techniques
Investing in cryptocurrency can be difficult for people who have never done it before. But in reality, there are ways to deal with it that you can learn. Even though the Random Walk Theory says that markets move randomly, many traders and financial experts have come up with theories that say markets don’t move as randomly as previously believed. The Wyckoff Strategy and the Elliott Waves Theory are just two examples.
Any way you look at it, all trading techniques start with analysis, and there are two main kinds of analysis you can do.
Fundamental Analysis (or FA)
Through fundamental analysis, you can figure out how much an asset is worth. When it comes to stocks, it’s easier because you can look at the company behind the stock. Still, there are other things you can look at when it comes to crypto trading. Supply, community, technology, the team behind the project, whitepapers, and the consensus algorithm are just some of these things, and they can all help you figure out if the value of cryptocurrencies is expected to increase over the course of the forthcoming years.
Technical Analysis (or TA)
On the other hand, technical analysis looks at price patterns, technical indicators based on specific mathematical formulas, and how prices have changed in the past to try to predict what will happen in the future.
Using both is the best way to figure out what’s going on in the market. Try to think of fundamental analysis as a sort of filter that helps you find the more reliable crypto projects. Technical analysis, on the other hand, is a way to get a closer look at the market to decide when to buy or sell.
Cryptocurrency trading strategy
Traders and investors can use different trading strategies over different timeframes based on their needs.
Begin with a trading plan
Utilise Day Trading and Scalping strategies
Take advantage of swing trading
Learn to use Position trading and margin trading
How to start trading in cryptocurrency?
When starting out in cryptocurrency trading, it is very necessary to follow all of the necessary measures. You may start your adventure in trading by doing a few of the steps that are listed below.
The first thing you need to do is search for a cryptocurrency exchange and make a trading account.
After making an account on one of the Cryptocurrency exchanges, the next step is to put money into your account.
Pick your cryptocurrency. There are many cryptocurrencies on the market, but bitcoin and altcoins are the ones that most expert traders choose. Choose a trading strategy by using the right fundamental and technical analysis with trading indicators.
Last but not least, it is important to keep your cryptocurrency in a safe place. You can do this with either a software or a hardware digital wallet.
Before you jump, look! Before you buy a cryptocurrency, make sure you know how it works, where you can use it, and how to trade it. Read the pages for the currency (like Ethereum, Bitcoin, or Litecoin), so you know how it works, and also read articles about the cryptocurrencies you are thinking about.
Originally Published on Techbullion
Source: https://techbullion.com/how-to-trade-cryptocurrencies-beginners-guide/
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marley-manson · 2 years
“I can’t divide myself emotionally.” - The More I See You
“I'm torn between the idea of the love I have for these people... and wanting that relationship to continue... and wanting to erase all the memories I have of this place.” - The Interview
“I’m hooked into a little house in Mill Valley where my wife and daughter live. That line gives me one tiny element of control in a situation where everything else is beyond my control. [...] You know what they say here? Live for now, for there may be no tomorrow. [...] I’ve got to live for tomorrow, because for me, there’s no now.” - War Co-Respondent
This is the BJ thesis statement right here. BJ’s major conflict of the show is staying emotionally detached from the war by focusing on his family back home, versus his emotional attachments to the people he meets in Korea.
And obviously the major illustrative war zone relationship that brings BJ’s Interview line full circle is his friendship with Hawkeye. BJ’s emotional conflict can therefore essentially be summed up as Peggy vs Hawkeye.
The closer he gets to Hawkeye, the further he gets from Peggy, the closer he gets to the war, and the more changed he is.
Looking at their relationship from this angle really adds a satisfying sense of depth to a lot of the gay jokes lol, whether intentional or not (in some cases I think it is, like “Remind me to give you a kiss in the morning,” or acting out an affair in Morale Victory, but in most cases it’s prob just coincidentally fitting) and imo illuminates a lot of BJ’s behaviour towards Hawkeye - mainly scoffing at the campaigns that require only emotional support rather than action towards a concrete goal (eg Depressing News rather than Souvenirs) and his general emotional distance, and lashing out at him either dramatically (Period of Adjustment) or comedically (Dear Uncle Abdul).
Like when it comes to BJ’s emotional distance, it can be read as a deliberate attempt to keep Hawkeye at arm’s length and avoid becoming his shoulder to lean on, which fits the way BJ acts more emotionally aloof and distanced rather than less the further along in the show we get. You can even go a step further and argue that Carrie Donovan acts as a warning for BJ, showing him the consequences of letting someone bare their feelings to him and being their emotional support.
Interestingly, this also potentially explains why BJ is willing to join Hawkeye’s campaigns when he has a theoretically achievable goal (eg Souvenirs, Guerilla My Dreams) but not when all Hawkeye needs is a sympathetic ear. Keeping Hawkeye at an emotional distance is actually more important than keeping the war at a distance. I don’t think that’s intentional lol, and I don’t think it’s the only explanation, but it’s definitely one way to read BJ’s differing approaches to the campaigns.
And I know a lot of people see BJ’s antagonizing behaviour with Hawkeye as imitating his behavour with his wife, where he deliberately makes her upset with him so she’ll spill her feelings, but I don’t. He doesn’t torment Hawkeye to force him to reveal his feelings - Hawkeye doesn’t need encouragement for that, and he’s often the one trying to tell BJ how he feels while BJ ignores him or downplays it (Give Em Hell Hawkeye, Blood and Guts, Depressing News, Back Pay, etc etc)
So when it comes to lashing out, what BJ is doing imo is falling back on his second coping mechanism - taking his anger out on other people, as he says in Our Finest Hour. The more Peg as a coping mechanism fails him, due to time and distance and, in this reading, his growing attachment to Hawkeye, the more he lashes out. Which is also why this behaviour gets worse as the show goes on.
This emotional divide between Peggy and Hawkeye comes to a head in the finale when BJ, faced with a Hawkeye who really needs emotional support, instead starts talking about his kid in his typical trying-to-cope-with-a-difficult-situation way, triggering Hawkeye, and then tries to run away back home without saying goodbye. Essentially he’s brought back by the narrative because he has to acknowledge that he did end up emotionally divided after all and he is attached to Hawkeye. That’s why their final goodbye is framed in that ‘various things will always remind me of you’ way. BJ has to admit that he’s been affected and changed by their friendship.
Anyway imo that’s why BJ’s narrative is so easy and fun to view through a gay lens lol, because it really genuinely does parallel his relationships with Hawkeye and with Peg (and Carrie and Aggie), presumably as a platonic version, but no less significant for that. The whole point of BJ’s character is that he does end up emotionally divided after all, between Peggy and Hawkeye, despite all his attempts to avoid emotional attachments and live solely in the future. Hawkeye brings him into the present, and that fucks him up.
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i'm ignoring the greater drama for a simple cockles ask: at the end of jensen's panel, when misha crashes, everyone has been saying jensen didn't know who was hugging him (that he thought it was j*red, etc) until he looked at misha, did a double take, and completely switched his body language to happy and relaxed. but when i watched the actual clip instead of just the gifs that have been circulating, the crowd yells when misha shows up on stage and jensen turns to see him before turning back to the audience which is when misha hugs him from behind, walks to the side and jensen makes a joke for the crowd like, "darn, hoped it was j*red" and then THAT'S when he looks at misha again and does the now infamous double-take-complete-change-in-body-language.
that made me curious though, what made jensen do a double take if he already knew it was misha? it seems like misha was trying to get jensen to look at him, like he was waiting for jensen to realize something, but it can't just be that he was waiting for jensen to realize it was him like was he wearing something he wanted jensen to notice??...idk idk i just wondered what was going on there and if you've had any thoughts on the subject (and i thought maybe itd be nice to cleanse the tl with a good old fashioned in depth cockles-antics analysis)
if you haven't been to/watched many j2 panels at cons, you may not know, but jensen basically has this entire onstage persona of The Grump that he plays up to entertain the crowd. (remember that that's what they're there to do, entertain a crowd, so they play things up for laughs.)
after dozens if not hundreds of cons, j2 have had a well-worked out routine where jared is the bubbly, talkative, affectionate one, and jensen plays a big grouch. here are a couple gifs that demonstrate the dynamic:
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i've seen them play this comedy routine dozens of times, they're really good at it. (or at least, they used to be... 👀) when you see jensen just doing little solo interviews, like talking on zoom or w/e, he actually comes across as very sweet, shy, and thoughtful, but i think he likes to use this grumpy act as a way to deal with any anxiety or insecurity he feels over being onstage in front of hundreds of people.
like, the grumpy act isn't his actual personality, but he knows it's what the audience expects, he knows it makes them laugh, he knows how to play the role, it's familiar, and he doesn't feel awkward while doing it.
so my point in explaining all that, is that i think jensen was simply doing his Grump Routine when misha came out onstage. he doesn't typically do the grump routine during cockles panels (it's interesting to contrast jensen during j2 panels and jensen during cockles panels; his body language and behavior are very different, he adapts his persona to different dynamics), but he also doesn't really like doing solo panels either, he doesn't like all the attention being directly on him without help, so i think he was just in Grump Mode until he fully registered "misha's here, i can drop the act" and that's when you see his entire body relax.
i don't know what it was misha could have been waiting for jensen to notice, unless he was just playing along with the routine, but they often bring up private jokes onstage without actually letting us in on the topic.
if i HAD to guess, he could have been waiting for jensen to notice his bright red jeans, because misha famously has terrible style when left to his own devices and jensen famously tries to dress him with actual taste. it's pretty normal for misha to be dressed weird on saturday (when jensen isn't at the con) and sexy on sunday (when jensen has arrived).
jensen likes to make fun of misha's clothes and buy fashionable stuff for him to wear, so it's possible misha was going "look at my jeans, i know you'll hate them," because i can definitely see him doing that. however, that really is just a guess.
and that's today's lesson in jensen body language, newbies. 😄
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bugsinmugs · 2 years
general summary of dream’s stream ‘lets talk controversy’ for anyone who missed it or didn’t feel up to watching it <3 i’ve seen other people make these too but i figured i’d contribute anyways , i did my best to get everything but i can’t make any promises that i didn’t miss some stuff. warning for discussions of homophobia and racism, the summary is under the cut.
- dream addressed things in chronological order of which they happened.
- he went over hasan’s tweet and his reply to it & how it was sarcasm.
- he went over his response to antfrost, he said he can understand how people who don’t know him or antfrost and their friendship could misconstrue this response as him being homophobic but from his perspective it was him joking with a friend who is okay with it. dream also said he was trying to make homophobes the punchline of the joke not gay people, & making fun of homophobic people who would actually say something like that.
- he talked about how often people who like someone will give them more of the benefit of the doubt than they deserve, and that when people don’t like someone they’ll give them less of the benefit of the doubt than they deserve.
- his tweet about his sexuality- he was using gay as a label for men who are exclusively attracted to men rather than as an umbrella term, so when he referred to himself as not gay, he was not trying to say that he was straight. dream said the tweet was a genuine but jokey expression of his feelings on his sexuality.
- your our leader quote - people took that to mean he’s straight, but he just meant that he thinks it’s unjust for the concept of anybody being a set ‘leader’ of the lgbtq community.
- dream expressed that he wasn’t happy to see people saying he’s ‘avoiding homophobic allegations by queerbating’ - especially as this was the first time he’s talked about his sexuality on a main platform because prior to this he had only gone in depth on his sexuality on reddit.
- he condemned doxxing & harassment once again and he talked about how he thinks he has a right to respond to people, especially ones who are invalidating him and saying he’s using his sexuality to avoid criticism.
- he says he understands why people would be upset by his reply if he was inciting hate towards the person who he responded to, but he believes the tweet was perfectly civil and standard and he stated that he would respond to people again in that manner if needed.
- he said his private account tweet was intended to be about people deactivating their twitter accounts after getting a response because they won’t stand by their words, versus because their being harassed- he said he wouldn’t be satisfied seeing some deactivate because of doxxing.
- he expressed that although doxxing is awful, the chances that somebody being endangered because of it is low- he intended this in a reassuring way as somebody who has been doxxed before
- he said that often when a creator gets into controversy people dig up old stuff as well, and that that is often an inevitable part of content creation
- dream explained how bad is very family friendly and he at the age of 15 thought it would be funny to make edits of his videos that made it look like he was saying inappropriate things such as talking about drugs
- he said he’s not quite as confidant as he said in his tweet that he didn’t put the kkk edit in the video, and that he did a lot of stupid of stuff as a kid. he said he had typical edgy internet teen humour as he grew up very sheltered from other opinions but that people are capable of changing. dream also said that he understands why people would be upset about it and he understands that it wasn’t funny then and isn’t funny now.
- he apologized for the video and said going foreword he’s assuming that he did put the kkk edit in, even though he is not fully sure.
- he talked briefly about the speed run situation- he said that he thinks he was too harsh about it in the moment and that he’s tried to do what he can to make it up to the speed run community and move on from what happened, but he just figured he’d briefly addressed his thoughts and feelings about it while on the topic of a serious stream.
- he said he doesn’t hold ill will against others from the speed run situation and that in the midst of it he was upset and said things that he doesn’t stand by now that he’s had time to grow and come to terms with everything that happened.
- he thinks that people/creators do deserve criticism sometimes but that hate and criticism are not the same, and he thinks people should not be spreading hate. he said he thinks that hate is an unfortunate but inevitable part of the criticism.
- he condemned doxxing and hate again.
- he said that he is able to talk to his friends privately when he thinks that they said somethings that isn’t okay, and at the end of the day his best advice to people who don’t like a creator is to avoid them and block them if necessary, and not spread hate to them on his behalf.
- he says it’s important to remember that cc’s are human and that hate effects them.
- he thinks things from the past are absolutely okay to bring up, but that he believes it’s important to do so with the benefit of the doubt, but that’s it’s perfectly reasonable to want clarification to make sure somebody you’re supporting doesn’t hold views you fundamentally disagree with.
- finally he says he’ll be stream at some point in the next week, he said he loves us and will see us soon!
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caitlesshea · 3 years
begging for footnotes in the story of your life
Ana learns a lot about Buck while she’s dating Eddie, like how Buck’s the one who should be dating him.
Ana learns about Buck in stages.
First from Christopher, when she was his teacher, and he would mention his Buck or draw Buck in family pictures. 
The second from the school nurse telling her that Christopher is being signed out to go home and she sees his name on Chris’ school forms. 
The third is from Eddie, when he brings him up as a work colleague even though she suspects it’s more than that.
She just doesn’t realize how much more until the first time she sees the inside of Eddie’s house. 
His house is homey, much cozier than she’d expect for a single dad who’s a first responder. She says as much and he chuckles.
“Some of this I did, but most was my Abuela.”
Ana nods and walks over to the mantle to look at the photos. 
She sees a picture of a younger Christopher sitting in a high chair between Eddie and a woman who she assumes is Shannon. 
“Shannon?” She asks quietly.
“Yeah. Chris, uhh, wanted to put some up.”
Ana nods and continues looking. There’s some more of Eddie and Chris, people she assumes are Eddie’s parents and his Abuela, and then there’s Buck.
Or well, she thinks it’s Buck, with how Chris has always described him. She notices one photo in particular that causes her to pause.
“Is that?”
Eddie reaches up and grabs the back of his neck, almost like he’s nervous. 
“Uh, yeah. Buck built him a skateboard, we tried it out at the park.”
So, Buck built Chris a skateboard after Ana wrongly said that Chris should know his limitations. 
“I’m sorry for saying what I said.”
“It’s fine, Ana.” 
“It’s not.”
Eddie shrugs and Ana considers bringing it up again but she chooses not to, instead focusing on a Christmas photo that was taken at the station; Eddie, Chris, and Buck in the back smiling. 
Eddie follows her eye movement and he smiles. “Buck and Athena set that up. We were on shift on Christmas and he surprised us with our families and dinner.”
“That was sweet.” Ana feels a little out of her depth here. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen this soft look on Eddie’s face before but she doesn’t want to ruin the moment. 
“It was, yeah.” 
They finish going through the photos, as Ana learns more about Eddie’s life. 
He makes them dinner, although he sticks a pan of lasagna in the oven so she doesn’t know how much he actually cooked. 
They’re about to sit on the couch, when he stops and says he’s going to grab something from his room. She follows him and notices for the first time that his room is a different sort of style than the rest of the house. 
It’s all dark blues and grays with some stylish lamps and photographs on the walls. 
She almost wishes she didn’t know about Buck now. 
“I like your room,” She comments while he grabs a blanket from the bed. It’s a soft black velvet.
“Oh, thanks. This was mostly Buck. My room apparently looked like a boring hotel room so he’s been giving me some of his stuff.”
“Nice, right?”
No. She was going to say weird. But she nods instead. 
“The photo?” Ana asks as she walks closer to the print on the wall. It’s the typical California style photo, the palm tree lined street, but it’s in black and white, tasteful, where they’re usually cheesy. 
“Oh, uh, Buck took that. Had it framed for my birthday last year. Said it can remind me of why I moved us here, for a fresh start.”
“Huh.” Ana can tell it’s important to him, can tell that he loves the photo and the sentiment behind it. What she can’t tell is if he loves the photo more or the person who took it. 
“C’mon, let’s go watch the movie.” Eddie grabs her hand and she forgets about the room and Buck, at least for the night. 
Ana meets Buck in stages.
She thought she’d meet him at school, when he came to pick up Christopher, or at the school play, where Christopher was the main character, or at the science fair, or bake sale. All events she knows Buck was there for.
But, she never does. Whether it’s by luck or design, she doesn’t know. But she wishes she had, because she meets Buck, awkwardly, while on a date with Eddie. 
The one night Buck isn’t babysitting Christopher, Eddie’s Abuela watching him after Chris and Eddie’s talk, they run into Buck. 
So, she meets Buck outside of an ice cream shop. 
“Buck.” Eddie freezes beside her and she sees a tall man, taller than she thought with the pictures, with a cone halfway to his mouth. Buck lets out a sheepish smile and shrugs. 
That’s when Ana notices the woman next to Buck, she’s pretty, her red hair is gorgeous, and Ana thinks she looks familiar. 
“Taylor,” Eddie says clipped, in a voice she hasn’t heard from him since the skateboard incident. 
“Eddie,” The woman, Taylor, says just as clipped. 
Ana wonders what she missed. 
“What are you two doing here?” Buck asks and then he holds out his non sticky hand. “Sorry, Eddie’s rude, I’m Buck. You must be Ana.”
She nods and looks between Buck and Eddie who are giving each other eyes. “Yes, hi, it’s nice to finally meet you.”
“You, too.” Buck looks at Eddie and realizes no one is going to say anything else so he looks back to Ana.
“Would you two like to join us?” Ana asks out of desperation and Eddie looks at her incredulously. 
Buck looks at Taylor and she nudges him back. “We’d love to, but I have to get back to the station, I’m on nights right now. Next time? Buck and Eddie can schedule something.”
“Sure, bye Eddie. Ana.” Buck nods his head and she smiles at him. As they leave she can hear Taylor and Buck whispering to each other.
“That was awkward Buckley.”
“It’s not my fault he didn’t say anything…” Buck trails off and then they’re too far away to hear anything else.
Ana turns back to Eddie. “They seem like a cute couple.”
“Buck and Taylor? You didn’t tell me he has a girlfriend.”
“He doesn’t,” Eddie says sharply. “They’re friends.”
“Oh, could’ve fooled me.”
“Why do you say that?” Eddie asks, looking at her for the first time since they ran into Buck.
“They seem close.” Ana shrugs. She doesn’t know why she has to explain anything, or why it would matter if Buck’s dating someone. 
“They, uhh, dated a couple years ago, but I think they’re friends now.” Eddie finally manages.
“Ohh. Okay. Friends with benefits. I get it.”
Eddie chokes on nothing and he looks a little green.
“Edmundo, are you okay?”
“Yeah, lets get that ice cream.” 
She nods and follows him into the ice cream shop, not surprised in the slightest when he orders the same flavor Buck was eating. 
The second time she meets Buck is at a party in his loft. Everyone is vaccinated and Buck wanted to have everyone over before his sister, Maddie, has her baby. 
Eddie introduces her to everyone; Bobby and Athena, Hen and Karen, Michael and David, Chimney and Maddie, Albert, and then Taylor.
“It’s good to see you again,” Ana says kindly as Eddie goes into the kitchen to grab them drinks. The loft is nice, modern, and looking suspiciously like Eddie’s bedroom, but she keeps that to herself. 
“Hey, not until after dinner. You’re worse than Christopher!” 
Ana looks over as Buck smacks Eddie’s hand with a towel as he tries to sneak cookies and Ana laughs at their antics, although no one else even so much as blinks their way. 
Taylor follows her line of sight and smiles. “Oh, they’re like that. You’ll get used to it.” 
Before Ana can respond she sees Taylor slide up to Buck and helps him with setting up the rest of the food. 
Eddie comes back over to her with a glass of wine and Ana smiles even as she notices Eddie’s face is pinched. 
Before Ana can grab it she spills some on her dress and Eddie curses.
“Shit, sorry Ana.”
“It’s okay. I’ll just grab a towel.”
“Buck, I’m taking her upstairs,” Eddie shouts to Buck and he looks over and nods.
Eddie guides her up the stairs and when she sees Buck’s bedroom, she pauses. It’s almost identical to Eddie’s in style and color. He even has the same photo hanging up on the wall. She says as much and Eddie smiles. 
“Oh yeah, he came to LA for similar reasons so he had one made for his place.”
“There should be Shout Wipes in the bathroom. Medicine cabinet.” Eddie points to the bathroom as he sits down on Buck’s bed like he has every right to. He probably does. 
“Thanks. I’ll be just a minute.” 
Ana closes the door and finds a towel, wetting the stain first and then finding the wipes. As she cleans, she notices the meds in the bathroom. 
She knows she shouldn’t snoop but seeing Chris’ name on one of the bottles surprises her. It looks like Buck keeps extra medicine here for backup. She notices painkillers and Eddie’s favorite brand of shaving cream. 
Feeling like she’s crossed some sort of boundary she closes the medicine cabinet and is about to head back out when she hears voices from the room.
“You spill on yourself, too?” Eddie jokes and Buck groans.
“Albert ran right into me with the dip.”
“Seriously. I can’t wait til he leaves.”
“He could go back home, you know,” Eddie says gently as Ana hears what is likely a shirt being thrown in a hamper.
“I’m not gonna do that to Maddie.” Buck moves around and then asks. “Which one? Red or blue?”
“Blue, definitely,” Eddie responds and Ana can’t see them but she has to agree, whatever blue shirt Buck puts on will bring out his eyes.
“Good, I think this red shirt is actually yours.”
Eddie laughs and Ana pauses a moment because she’s never heard that laugh before. Part fond, part exasperated. She wonders why he laughs like that with Buck. 
“Makes sense.”
“Okay, come down when you’re done, I can’t have Albert setting my kitchen on fire.”
Ana can hear Buck heading down the stairs so she leaves the bathroom. Eddie stands to come closer and she accidentally blurts out what she’s thinking. 
“You have clothes here?”
“Huh? Oh, well I did live here for a couple of months, but with the firehouse and everything we all probably have each other’s clothes.”
Eddie says it so nonchalantly that Ana can’t even respond as he heads towards the stairs. He turns to look at her.
“Yeah, sorry.” She doesn’t think it’s nonchalant at all. 
Ana meets Evan all at once. 
It’s her first night staying over at Eddie’s, with Christopher at Hen’s house for a sleepover of his own. 
She isn’t sure what wakes her up until she hears Eddie’s sleep rough voice.
Who’s Evan? 
“Yeah, no, we’ll be there.” Eddie pauses as he sits up. “Don’t worry about it, I wouldn’t miss it.”
Eddie hangs up and looks at her sheepishly. 
“Is everything okay?” She asks as she sits up as well. 
“Yeah, Maddie’s gone into labor, so I was gonna head to the hospital.”
Huh? Eddie isn’t family, why is he going to the hospital?
“Okay. Let’s go,” Ana says instead of asking that question. 
“Are you sure? I can drop you off first.”
“No, it’s fine, we can go.” 
Plus this is a way for her to assert herself as an important person in Eddie’s life. 
“Thanks,” Eddie say, relieved, as he starts getting dressed. 
Ana follows suit and when they finally head to the hospital Eddie’s a bundle of nerves.
“She’ll be okay,” Ana says quietly as she places a hand on his leg. He nods but he doesn’t relax. 
He doesn’t relax, that is, until he sees Buck in the waiting room. 
“Evan,” Eddie breathes out as they hug. Ana’s momentarily shocked, because Eddie isn’t overly affectionate with anyone other than Christopher, but he hugs Buck like it’s a normal thing. 
Both of them calm down when they hug and then it hits her that Eddie called Buck ‘Evan’. She’s never heard someone call him that, but it must be his first name. 
She wonders when Eddie got that privilege. 
She feels like she’s intruding so she taps Eddie’s shoulder and he turns toward her. 
“I’m gonna grab coffee, you two want anything?” 
Buck smiles at her but Eddie answers her. 
“Black with cream for me, sugar and cream for Buck.”
“Okay.” Ana walks away and turns around just to see Eddie and Buck sitting down and bringing their foreheads together, almost unconsciously. 
“Oh, Ana, hey.”
Ana turns and sees Chimney.
“Chimney, hi. How’s Maddie?”
“She’s good. I’m grabbing her water. And waiting for Albert to get here. I take it you came with Eddie?” 
“Yeah. Is the whole station coming?” Ana asks even though she thinks she knows the answer.
“No. Only family. Hen and Bobby said they’d stop by after she’s born,” Chimney responds and then he’s quickly turning back towards the rooms. “Tell Albert when you see him that he comes in second since he’s late.”
“Sure,” Ana says quietly as she takes the coffee back to Buck and Eddie. After they grab theirs she sits next to Eddie and sees what they’re looking at on Eddie’s phone. 
“Is that Christopher?” She asks and Eddie nods.
“Yeah, I got so many photos of him when he was this age,” Eddie speaks quietly and Ana realizes that he got sent photos of Christopher because this must’ve been when he was deployed with the Army. He doesn’t talk about it much but she can tell Buck knows because Buck squeezes Eddie’s knee in support. 
The biggest shocker, though, is when Eddie grabs Buck’s hand and squeezes back.  
She once again feels like she’s intruding on something private, something theirs, and she doesn’t know what to do. 
Luckily she doesn’t have to think too much because Albert comes running in and he and Buck start arguing over who’s going to go in first, who’s going to be the better uncle. 
“Should we?” Ana gestures to them and Eddie shakes his head.
“Nah, they’re fine. This is fun for them.”
Ana nods and sits back to drink her coffee. Before she knows it, Chimney’s back in the waiting room telling them that Maddie and baby are fine and that they can all come meet her. 
Buck and Eddie jump up and Ana trails behind with Albert. 
“You don’t want to run in there?” She asks Albert.
“Oh I do, but I don’t want to overwhelm Maddie.”
Ana nods and keeps walking towards the room. When she gets there what she sees stops her in her tracks. 
Buck is holding his niece and Eddie, well, Eddie is staring at him with so much love, adoration, and abject want that Ana feels like she’s intruding. 
Eddie turns to her and holds out his phone. “Can you take a picture? I promised Chis I would show him before he meets her.”
“Sure,” Ana says like she’s underwater. Eddie’s lockscreen, a picture of Buck and Chris, barely registers. 
She hears the baby's name, Kylee Danielle, after her uncles, and watches as Buck tears up, and Eddie grabs the back of his neck. 
She then watches Buck pass Kylee to Eddie, and if she wasn’t so shocked she would notice the way Buck was watching him, the way Maddie was watching her, and the way Albert was videotaping everything. 
She would notice that Eddie looked damn good holding a baby. 
If she didn’t feel like she was intruding on a private family moment. 
She doesn’t belong here. She doesn’t belong with Eddie. 
She looks toward Maddie and Chimney, Maddie has kind but sad eyes looking at her and Ana knows now that she’s not who Eddie is meant to be with. 
“Congratulations,” Ana says quietly. “Eddie, I’m gonna go.”
“You don’t have to go,” Eddie says as he hands Kylee to Albert.
“I do. It’s okay, I’ll call you.”
It shouldn’t surprise her when he nods and turns back to the others but it does. 
She nods to Maddie and Chimney and then to Buck, who’s looking at her with an odd expression on his face. 
“It was nice to see you again, Evan,” Ana says and she hears his breath catch. 
She calls an Uber, waits outside for it, and when she finally gets home, she realizes she took some photos on her phone, too.
Ana looks at them, sees Eddie and Buck, looking like they belong together, and sends them to Eddie with the text ‘you have a beautiful family.’ 
Ana learns about Edmundo and Evan Buckley-Diaz when she gets a change of name form for one Christopher Buckley-Diaz. 
Along with the name form is an official form of guardianship for Buck, declaring him Christopher’s other father. 
Years later Ana learns about Ellie Buckley-Diaz when her fathers drop her off for her first day of kindergarten. 
“Eddie. Buck. Hi,” Ana greets them as they come out of the front office, paperwork in hand and an excited five year old bouncing on her toes. 
“Ana,” Eddie says warmly and Buck smiles. “Principal now?”
“Yeah, for a couple of years.”
“Congrats.” Eddie smiles and then turns to his daughter who pulls on his shirt sleeve. 
“Daddy, I want to see my classroom.” 
“I’ll take you,” Buck responds and gives Ana a smile. He squeezes Eddie’s shoulder once and then takes Ellie’s hand. 
“Papa! We have to see it right now!” 
“Okay, okay, little monster, we will,” Buck chuckles after her. 
Ana turns back to Eddie and he smiles after them and then turns to her. 
“I’m happy for you,” Ana says and Eddie looks at her curiously.
“Thank you. I am sorry about how…”
“Water under the bridge.” Ana waves her hand and points to a photo of her and her son, Milo, and Eddie smiles. 
“He’s beautiful.”
“Your daughter is, too.” Ana wants to say she looks like a perfect mix between the two of them but she keeps those thoughts to herself. 
They’ve never been close enough for that kind of conversation. 
“Thank you. She’s certainly energetic, takes after Evan,” Eddie says this with such fondness that Ana’s thrown back to the hospital when Kylee was born, and how he looked at Buck even then. 
“Nothing wrong with that.”
“Nope. Well, it was good to see you, I’m sure we’ll run into each other again.”
“Yeah, of course.” Ana smiles as he walks away, towards his family.
Ana looks at the photo of her son again. 
Learning all of these things about these great people led her to her greatest joy. 
She can’t be mad about that. 
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lightns881 · 4 years
DTeam Tumblr Demographics Survey Results (Part 1):
The Gifted Child Syndrome is Real with this One...
*Rubs hands together in preparation for some juicy data and in-depth analysis of the typical member of the DTeam Tumblr community*
Ooooooooh boy! Here we go!
I want to start of by thanking you guys for over 400 responses to the demographics survey! Y’all have no idea how much I appreciate it! We have so much to cover, so I’m going to divide up different sections of the survey into several posts to make it more digestable and do justice to each topic explored in the form! We’re going to start of with, you guessed it, personality types!
Strap yourself in because we’re about to thoroughly dissect your sub-conscious innerworkings and find out how the typical DTeam Tumblr Fan thinks! (And judging by the majority personality types, you guys will probably enjoy it)
The Delicious Data
From the 449 responses we received, this is a pie chart displaying the personality types of all respondents.
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Image Description: INFP (40.5%), INTP (15.1%), INFJ (8.9%), INTJ (8.9%), ISFP (6.9%), ENFP (4.2%), ISTP (4.0%), ENTP (3.8%), ESFP (1.6%), ISFJ (1.6%), ENTJ (1.3%), ENFJ (1.3%), ISTJ (1.1%), ESTP (0.4%), ESFJ (0.2%), ESTJ (0%)
In comparison, this is a pie chart displaying the personality type percentages of the population as a whole according to the MBTI website.
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Image Description: ISTP (14%), ESFJ (12%), ISTJ (12%), ISFP (9%), ESTJ (9%), ESFP (8%) ENFP (8%), ISTP (5%), INFP (4%), ESTP (4%), INTP (3%), ENTP (3%), ENFJ (2%), INTJ (2%), ENTJ (2%), INFJ (1%)
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m sensing a tiny difference here... Oh, right!
INxx’s on the Loose!
It’s funny. When I first found one of the 18+ DTeam fan servers through Tumblr, I asked everyone what their personality type was. I was pleasantly surprised when a lot of them told me they were INFPs like me!
It actually reminded me of MatPat’s (Game Theory) survey for one of his Life Is Strange theories that found the majority personality there was also INFP...
Funny enough, can you guess what the second leading personality on that survey was? The third? The fourth?
You probably guessed it right. MatPat found that out of the fans who responded, the leading majority was INFP while INTPs came in second, INFJs came in third, and INTJs came in fourth. The exact order for the personality types in DTeam Tumblr.
But why is it that some of the rarer personalities of the world are dominating DTeam Tumblr or Game Theory’s fanbase? What is it about these communities that attract the rare introverted Intuitive Perceivers (INxP) and Intuitive Judgers (INxJ) of the world like magnets?
The Gifted Kid Syndrome
To answer this question, first we have to examine our leading personalities. As we can see from the data, INFPs and INTPs make up 55.6% and INFJs and INTJs make up 17.8% of the total respondents. That’s nearly 3/4′s of the DTeam Tumblr population made up of INxx types!
Now, here’s me calling y’all out.
A lot of you probably relate to the quiet kid sitting at the back of the classroom who’s put into some type of TAG, gifted program, or some authority figure has probably called you smart and/or “gifted” at some point in your life. Academics probably came easy to you at one point, maybe they still do.
You’ve probably felt your chest swell up at the shower of compliments about your intelligence and at another... you’ve probably felt like people put you in a pedestal and overrate you so you’re stuck with this inherent fear of failure, and it causes you to completely shut down when the things that came easy to you at one point no longer do so. 
It’s gifted kid syndrome hitting you like a brick to the face. And if it hasn’t yet, oh you’re in for a surprise, honey.
And I’m sure many of you have come across funny, relatable posts like this:
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And you want to know why most of you relate?
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Image Description: INTP, INTJ, INFP, anf INFJ’s rate the highest in a giftedness per MBTI Type chart
No. You’re not hallucinating. It’s not even a joke at this point. It feels true because it probably is true.
(Granted, the study that captured similar results to this graph is long lost to the internet, but the best source I found with it was a reddit post I will be citing in the reblog.)
Now, my next point is where we find a split.
INFPs and INTPs and their Need to Question Everything (even if it’s about one sentence [insert creator here] said that one time during a 4-hour long stream)
The strongest connection I found between the two leading personalities of DTeam Tumblr is they share Extraverted Intuiting (Ne) as their auxiliary cognitive function.
I’ll use a quote that explains Ne better than I could ever explain it in my own words:
“Extraverted intuition or Ne is very much focused on patterns and making connections from information they gather... Ne dominant users enjoy being able to explore things in a much more open manner, not wanting to feel closed off to the possibilities around them... They are also highly imaginative people, who enjoy being able to come up with unique hobbies and experiences... They are not afraid of imagining things which seem almost impossible to others... [For INFPs,] Ne is what creates this detailed and incredible thoughts process which keeps them busy for long periods of time.”
And another:
“Auxiliary Ne manifests in people constantly questioning the world around them, but unlike ENxPs, they can be more pick and choose about this. But generally, they don’t take people, things and events at face value.“
Now, think about the community you’re in right now. Think about the post you’re reading at the moment.
DTeam Tumblr is full of over-analysis posts, whether about Dream and George’s secret love for each other or about the inherent problems with Dream’s shipbait and gay jokes or theories about what’s going to happen next in the dream SMP lore and the dramatic betrayals and creator’s descend into madness and more theories about sexuality and charts depicting creator’s personalities and what they’d be likely to do in different scenarios and... ooof, I’m out of breath here. You get my point.
DTeam Tumblr is literally a group of ex-gifted or gifted introverted people who love to read or write analysis, theory, and discussion posts about sweaty Minecraft Youtubers because they’re probably too overwhelmed by real life and find joy in obsessing over “dumb” things.
That’s it. That’s literally the post. I might as well end there.
But I won’t. 
Because obsessions is exactly what I want to focus on next.
The Inherent Nature of the INFP and their “Micro-Obsessions”
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This is me having a one-to-one conversation with all my INFPs reading this.
Do you sometimes just set your mind on a goal--like, let’s say, writing a book--and you spend so much time obsessing over it to the point where you burn out and suddenly it never sees the light of day because you move onto your next goal or obsession because now you’re getting ready to launch your freelance website so you can start a business on [insert new hobby here]?
Or do you just suddenly find a fandom or a show or a channel you really enjoy and you spend the next few months doing nothing but engaging with it and reading fanfiction and drawing fan art or making dumb analysis posts on your main Tumblr account where suddenly you get an influx of followers from that community and now people are expecting you to just post about MCYT!?
Oh, sorry, I got a little carried away at the end there...
Anyhow, my point is, do you ever develop an obsession over something all the sudden only for it to just disappear when you find something new or just fall into the deep crevices of your mind only for it to maybe reemerge a few years later after you get a deep sense of nostalgia remembering it?
I call them micro-obsessions. And I recently found out, I’m not the only one who does this!
Here’s another quote for you: 
“According to Carl Jung’s theory of cognitive functions, when an INFP makes a decision, Ne comes in second to another process known as Introverted Feeling (Fi). Fi does not use logic to make a decision. It uses how we feel about the decision according to our values. In other words, it asks, “Which choice feels right for me?”
Ne, on the other hand, craves new ideas and experiences to explore, which causes INFPs to always be on the lookout for something novel.
Unfortunately, INFPs can get stuck in a loop, going back and forth between their Ne and Fi. They search to understand their values by constantly trying new things. They ask themselves, “Does this feel right?” then throw it over their shoulder as they move on to something else.”
So, you’re probably asking right about now, Light, how the heck does any of this have anything to do with the Dream Team and MCYT!?
Well, my friend, it has EVERYTHING to do with the Dream Team and MCYT and DTeam Tumblr as a whole.
Because INxx’s are predisposed to end up in places like this--fandoms on Tumblr, channels that speculate whether Mario is evil, watching dramatic Minecraft smp wars and elections as opposed to looking at the news that depicts Murphy’s Law as 2020′s new favorite epigram. 
The introvert in them causes them to prefer socializing in small communities online where they’re not forced to engage in conversations if they don’t want to or put into uncomfortable situations where they have to talk to that one friend of their friend who wants to make meaningless small chat.
Their Intuition causes them to wonder into places like Tumblr where they can engage in deep discussions about their newest obsessions, and they won’t be judged for writing a 500+ word post about why Dream’s shipbait tactics are a genius algorithm strat or simping over sweaty Minecraft boys.
DTeam Tumblr is a safe haven for INFPs and INTPs who might be placed in the “other” category or marked as weird for being interested in “childish” entertainment or being different from the general population overall, whether that’d be sexuality, point of view, age, gender, etc. A place where you can fully be yourself and not have to worry about disappointing people.
INFPs are predisposed for drowning themselves in their micro-obsessions to avoid all of the madness in the world--even if that means giggling like a little girl while reading memes about your favorite Minecraft YouTube creators.
That is a deep-dive into the mind of a typical DTeam Tumblr user. What do you think? Is it accurate at all? Is it completely off? Let me know in the comments!
And with that, I digress. I’m not sure whether I’ll be covering general demographics next week or diving into the topic of ships (could be a mix of both), but I will be posting about it eventually, so make sure to hit the follow if you got to the end of this post and enjoyed it or learned something new from it!
Friendly reminder that this survey and post is in no way supposed to be taken 100% seriously. These are just the ramblings of a math major INFP with too much time on her hands and way too big of an obsession for MCYT. My asks are always open for literally anything, whether if you want to ask me about this or any DNF related subject, my own opinions, or just criticize the whole of this post and tell me it’s complete trash! I’ll answer as long as it’s appropriate!
And, again, thank you everyone who filled out the survey. Without y’all, this post wouldn’t be possible. I really enjoyed writing it! Adios!
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Analyzing Marinette’s hairstyles
So, I’ve actually seen a bunch of different posts and takes of what Marinette’s hairstyles represent and symbolize especially in regard to the episode “Heart Hunter”, but I wanted to go through all the different styles of hair instead of solely focusing on the pigtails/hair down of that particular episode.
With that being said, in no particular order, here we go:
The Bun
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This hairstyle is almost exclusively seen in the episode “Animaestro”. However if you’re paying close attention, you will see Marinette wearing this hairstyle, in the old class picture, featured in “Reflekta”. I find the fact that the show made this connection between these two (scenes? examples?) incredibly interesting and very telling. Putting the class picture aside for a moment, one must analyze Marinette’s behavior in the episode “Animaestro”. To be sure, it isn’t great. For the most part, Marinette acts foolishly and immaturely and her actions in this episode, indirectly lead to the akumatization. Marinette, in her jealous state, goes so far as to join up with Chloe (a person she despises), and attempt childish pranks on Kagami. In short, I think that the bun hairstyle symbolizes a sort of immaturity for Marinette. The fact that she wore this hairstyle when she was younger only goes to prove my point. Marinette is not a perfect character, but her actions in “Animaestro” are arguably some of her worst, and naturally when she has hit a low in her maturity level, she reverts back to a hairstyle of her youth.
The Braid
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The braid can be easily shoved aside as not holding any symbolism, as just a way the design team chose to incorporate the tail in her costume. However, there were a number of ways the tail could have been incorporated into the Ladynoir costume, and as such the braid must be analyzed. Now, a braid can be considered an almost restricting thing, it carefully tucks back locks of hair and traps them better than an ordinary ponytail can. However, the Ladynoir braid almost has a ‘fun’ twist to it (pun not intended but appreciated). It is long (like really long), and we even see her flick it playfully over her shoulder. I think that the braid is supposed to represent that dualism between responsibility and fun that the job of superhero can have. I have heard a lot of people criticize “Reflekdoll” for its lack of parallels. In other words, Chat Noir learns something and better appreciates Ladybug, but the reverse isn’t true, and I would say that in many ways this is true, Ladybug is not privy to the lesson that Chat Noir is. However, I would argue that she did learn something. Ladybug learned that it’s okay for her to have fun and to joke around. Towards the beginning of the episode we see Ladybug chastising Chat Noir for his joking around, however by the end we see Ladybug embrace this approach and even make some jokes herself. The braid shows Marinette acceptance of balance, of the combination of enjoyment and responsibility within her life.
The Space Buns
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This design as well can be attributed to the design team finding a way to show mouse ears, but I’m still going to try to analyze this. I have two different ways to possibly explain this hairstyle. The first being to draw parallels to the bun hairstyle as this is essentially the same thing but two instead of one. The correspondence between the two hairstyles could be seen through Marinette’s feigned naivety in front of Chat Noir. She “accidentally” reveals herself as Marinette and pretends to be less informed than she really is. The other way to translate this hairstyle is as a security blanket so to speak. I haven’t gotten into the metaphorical interpretation of Marinette’s pigtails yet, but I will briefly explain a part of it now (and go into depth a little later). The pigtails serve as a sense of security for Marinette, as a source of status quo. The space buns are that, but elevated. In the episode this hairstyle is featured, “Kwamibuster” (I don’t think I mentioned this before), Marinette is desperate to keep her identity a secret from Chat Noir and develops a convoluted plan (including Multi-mouse) to accomplish this. She wants the security of her identity and wants to use her comfort style at this moment. However, Marinette is trying to distance herself from Ladybug and as such she uses a slight variation of her pigtails in her alternate hero form.
The Ponytail
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I’m gonna be honest and say that I can’t fully analyze this hairstyle as we have not yet seen the episode where this hairstyle makes its second appearance. So I’m just focusing here on the ponytail from “Optigami”. I might make another analysis on the ponytail after “Sentibubbler” comes out but it might make more sense to wait until after the whole season comes out, in case there are new examples of ponytails (or other hairstyles for that matter). I don’t want to say anything about Pegabug’s ponytail, because as I’m sure you know, Miraculous trailers can be very misleading. Anyways, after that ramble, I now focus on Ladybee’s ponytail. To be frank “Optigami” was a bit of a doozy. I watched that episode with a sense of dread that did not lighten by the end of the episode. This isn’t a bad thing, but it was intense for a typical episode of Miraculous, a show where my usual reaction is a mix of “oh this is cute” and cringe (to be fair I cringe easily). But what I like so much about season 4 is that we get more than that (I won’t go into this now because I’m straying from the topic too much). Ladybee comes at a time of great stress for Marinette, she gets stuck in an elevator with someone and is thus unable to transform (let alone the fact that that “someone” is Adrien), she is without the help of Chat Noir and most of the other heroes, and (unbeknownst to her for a majority of the episode) her friend has been replaced with a sentimonster. Yet, despite all of this, Marinette remains cool, calm, and collected. She, unlike Alya, does not fall apart and despair when Senti-Nino is revealed, she knows she has to get the job done. A ponytail gives an image of “getting the job done” of focus. Although the situation is dire and dangerous, Marinette displays her competence in crisis and the ponytail magnifies that trait. I have a feeling that the same will be true for Pegabug, but only time (and the episode coming out) will tell.
Hair Down
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In the two episodes that we have seen Marinette wearing her hair down, they were both in connection with Adrien and her relationship with her. I want to separate the two examples because though they both wind up achieving similar goals in regard to their symbolism, they do it in different ways. Focusing first on “Chat Blanc” Marinette wears her hair down in part to distinguish to the audience the difference between the two timelines. Though the surface level explanation of her hair would be sufficient explanation, this choice of hairstyle also has a deeper interpretation. This being as a metaphor for Marinette’s vulnerability. She is allowing her feelings to be known to Adrien, she is allowing herself to be open and honest about her emotions and with that freedom she lets her hair free as well. It is also significant that she is free from her secret identity (albeit unknowingly) and as she allows Adrien to see the full spectrum of her personality, she frees her hair from its restraint. In “Heart Hunter” too, this hairstyle signifies vulnerability and freedom. In this episode we see Marinette having fun with Adrien and Kagami, without the worry of how she is being perceived by Adrien, without the stress about her feelings for him. It is of great significance that when she lets her guard down, when she “lets her hair down” (both literally and metaphorically), Adrien comments on her beauty. We already know, as viewers, that Adrien has fallen in love with Marinette’s personality as Ladybug. But as Marinette, Adrien has not been privy to her full personality. He has only been given glimpses, as in this episode, to the full extent of her persona. Marinette is seen later on in the episode to revert back to her old hairstyle once she is no longer comfortable, when she feels inadequate compared to Kagami. She puts back on her guise when she feels she needs the security. Which leads us to that source of security.
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I feel a bit bad as I have simplified this hairstyle in earlier paragraphs to a symbol for security. While this definition is a correct one, this hairstyle has more than one explanation. As Marinette’s primary hairstyle, in both her every day and hero outfits, we see this hairstyle A LOT. Because of this, there is an array of interpretation as to what this hairstyle could mean. Starting with the aforementioned, this hairstyle works as a form of security for Marinette. The style required her to hold her hair back, to keep it in check, away from possible disasters and viewers (wind can tangle hair very easily). The pigtails are the antithesis of letting her hair down, a common symbol for freedom and relaxation. The pigtails therefore show that she is on her guard and is protecting herself. The pigtails also represent her quality of being a do-er. She likes to do things, she is an active person, she doesn’t stand aside or wait for things to happen, she works to make them happen. As a do-er she needs focus, she needs a restraint for her hair that could get in her line of sight, and the pigtails do that well. As Ladybug, the same is true. She is focused and determined to accomplish her goals, to succeed in her battles and she needs to tie her hair back to best accomplish this. There is importance in the fact that she chooses to focus herself with pigtails rather than the equally practical ponytail. This can be attributed to the child-like quality that pigtails have. Marinette, simply put, is still a child. Though as a whole she is particularly mature for her age, at times she can show a bit of immaturity. It is interesting to note that as the seasons progress, the more we see her with other hairstyles. As she matures she wears the pigtails less. The pigtails are also a girly hairstyle and show how Marinette is a girly-girl in a plain and easy way. Additionally, the pigtails give her the approachable, girl-next-door look. In simply looking at Marinette one gets the image of her sweetness and good nature. In visual media, it is important to make a connection between personality and visage. In cartoons especially, a character’s design should fit with how they interact with their world, and the pigtails are an immediate signifier as to Marinette’s character. This about sums up my analysis of her pigtails. I know that there are more ways to interpret them, and feel free to comment if you think of any other interpretations!
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acklesterritory · 3 years
That Kind of Love Never Dies_Chapter 1
Hey guys, Now that more voted to split my fictions in 2 parts, I'm back with the first part. I hope you like it. Don't forget to leave me feedbacks. I'll always appreciate them. Love you all.
This is for writing event @tvdspngirl314
My quote is "That kind of love never dies"
Dean x Reader series (just 2 parts)
This chapter words: ~5k
Series warning:
Angst, fluf, smut, angry Dean, hurt Reader, hurt Dean, there's some more but I hate spoilers so I insist on "Angst & Hurt"
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It all started with a stupid argument at home. What was it? Three months ago? Sam couldn't remember the exact date but after years, it was the first time this awkward coldness between Dean and Y/n had started to build. He could remember the first time he and his brother came across Y/n like it was yesterday, they were hunting a very nasty creature who used to kidnap young and lonely women at night, then got them wrapped in ropes and ties on a bed in a warehouse to rape, torture and feed on their blood until the victim either died or accepted to turn into one of his kind.
Sam could remember the helplessness in people's eyes too. The pain of the victims' families, the frustration and anger on cops' faces when no one could find the criminal yet, even after the sixth missing girl.
"Sammy, he just kidnapped another girl. And I think I know where he's gonna take her. Let's hunt this son of a bitch."
When Dean was saying that, Sam never expected him to fall in love with the woman they would save that night. Well, unfortunately they weren't fast enough to prevent any harm to the girl. When they arrived and Dean killed the nasty creature, Y/n was almost dead. The monster had already raped her, tortured her … and when he felt the hunters enter the place, he drank almost all of her blood, to gain more energy to fight. So as always, Dean was up to blaming himself. Of course only in his own eyes, not anyone else's.
"Call Cas to come home. Tell him it's an emergency."
Dean told his brother when he finally could get Y/n out of those ropes. And Sam knew he was right. At that point, no one could save Y/n unless God or his angels. Maybe she was not so lucky coming across a nasty supernatural creature like that but she was lucky enough that Cas arrived just on time and healed her. However, angels can only heal physical wounds. But Y/n was hurt much more than that. She couldn't just move on from the things that the bastard had put her through. Even after Cas tricked her brain to forget some certain things, she still had bad nightmares and had this dark shade of hopelessness in her eyes. Soon, she started to eat and talk less and less. And Dean just couldn't let her go. He really wanted to fix all of that for her but she kept shutting him out… until the depression hit her. It was so bad that Cas felt the need to tell them to prepare themselves for her death. Because after all those days and unlike everything else in their lives, The Winchesters were already used to her presence around them; like the way a lonely person can get used to a wounded cat more and faster than anyone else.
"I'm not gonna hunt until I'm sure she can live her normal life." When Dean stated that, Sam really thought he was joking. But after a few days he started to believe it. Dean truly would do anything to keep her alive. From cooking vegetables to laughing at his own dad jokes in front of Y/n to make her smile. That was when Sam started to feel that they can be more than a random hunter/rescued victim relationship! It felt like his brother had finally found his motivation in life: "Saving Y/n."
Gradually Y/n started to respond to this special attention from Dean with trust and smiles. Soon they became a power couple that could motivate each other so easily that sometimes Charlie would call them out. And honestly Sam had no problem with it. In fact Y/n had become his other sister.
"My God, Dean! You're burning up!" It was two day after a werewolf hunt in which Dean had got hurt. At first it was just some scratches on his arms and chest. Yet as the time passed, more symptoms started to appear: headache, pain, fever, cold sweat, even nose bleeding and before they could figure it out, Dean fell unconscious. Apparently the claws of the werewolf were poisonous. However Sam wasn't sure. The only thing he got no doubts about was the fact that it was already too late. Dean couldn't make it to the hospital. So either Sam had to do anything possible to save him or Cas should've picked up his God damn phone.
"No. no, no, no, no. Dean … Dean!!!"
That was when Sam got to hear Y/n's helpless cry and see her true feelings. She was already in love with his brother.
Luckily, unlike typical love stories; no one died that night. Sam's antidote worked. And Dean opened his eyes an hour later.
"Sammy … Y/n?" As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Y/n grabbed his face and put her thirsty lips on her beloved hunter's, letting the tears stream down on her face… and then his.
"Never do that again." She begged, breaking the kiss, her trembling hands holding Dean's face so she could look into his eyes.
Sam couldn't stop his smile remembering how cute they were. Y/n literally had Dean wrapped around her little finger, to the point he accepted to teach her how to hunt and soon she was part of their team too. Until … a few months ago. After two years of them being constantly close to each other, Sam could tell something was off when Dean started to go out without eating breakfast with Y/n. Of course she got suspicious after the third time and that was when their endless arguments started.
"Why don't you just tell me what's wrong?"
"Because nothing is wrong, Y/n."
Actually there was. Something was VERY wrong. Anyone could tell that just by the change in Dean's eyes whenever he wanted to look at Y/n. Day by day he was getting more quiet and cold. Now they didn't even eat pie together or watch movies late at night. And Sam couldn't ignore his brother being grumpy or drunk on hunts, not anymore.
"Ok man, I've had enough. You either tell me what's wrong with you or next time I won't make any excuses so you can leave Y/n out of our hunt plans. I'm serious, Dean, I'll tell her the truth." He finally said, when they were alone in the impala, on their way to do their next hunt.
"She wants more."
"Yeah. Sometimes it's like she sees more in me. She thinks we can have a different life. There's no need for any saying, I can see it in her eyes whenever we accidentally come across some family at a diner that try to feed their kids or people's wedding photos whenever we go to talk with some witnesses or whoever during the research! Sometimes she even looks up wedding dresses or kid stuff on the net!" Dean blew his anger out of his nostrils and sighed, shaking his head.
"Wow." Sam couldn't find the proper word to say but he couldn't hide his surprised face either.
"What?" Dean gave him an annoyed look.
"I mean …" Sam chuckled. "… are you telling me you're actually angry with her for imagining the things you always dream about?!"
"Sam …"
"No, really. I'm just curious. What's wrong with you, man?" Sam asked genuinely, waiting for an answer.
"What's wrong with me?! You think something is wrong with me just because I'm the rational one in this relationship; who's actually able to see the difference between a dream and the reality?"
Yeah, anyone could take that earnest speech, but not Sam. He'd seen and knew enough about his brother.
"What's the reality? Aren't you and Y/N living that dream life already?"
"What?! No. No … that's not the same." Dean shook his head.
"Really? How is it not? It's been two years, Dean. You two are constantly with and/or around each other. Always worried when the other one is in trouble and still looking at one another like there is nothing in the world that can make you happy as much as this relationship. So … excuse me if I won't buy your pretty speech; man ." Sam said, Rolling his eyes.
"Ok, let's say you're right but ... is it gonna be like that forever? With all the supernatural crap that we have to take care of … and the constant danger and chaos in this hunter life we have… I …"
"You what?" Sam asked when Dean didn't finish his sentence. He was lost in his thoughts, staring at this unknown point in the depth of the road. Finally he blew out his despair.
"I just can't let her fall for the things I know I can't provide for her. It's not fair, Sammy. It's not fair to lock her up in this dark life with me just because she loves me … especially while I know there is a whole bright future out there waiting for her."
"Here we go, the old Dean's self-doubt" Sam thought to himself as he took a deep breath before finding the best words to wake his brother up from this nightmare
"Yeah, I know but I don't think it's your call. If Y/n wants to go to hell with you instead of living in heaven with someone else, it's her choice. Not your responsibility. Right?"
Dean shook his head while his lips curved up a little to fake a smile but he never answered or said anything about that conversation ever again. He kept his silence for like three weeks … until someone new showed up: "Gary Smith". A tall man with the most stylish haircut and the most perfect teeth and smile.
They saw him for the first time at their hangout bar, as the new bartender who almost jumped in Y/n's way as soon as they entered the bar.
"Oh my God, bunny! Is this really you?" He said, pulling her in his embrace. Like she was the long time missing piece of his beloved puzzle!
"Bonny? You're wrong. Her name is Y/n." Dean said, pretty annoyed by the way Gary tightened his arms around Y/n's little shoulders, making him chuckle.
"No, uh … it's just a nickname." Y/n said as soon as the guy let her go.
"Yeah, actually the most fitting nickname that I could think of. I mean … you have to agree. She got the most cute little ears in the world." The guy explained, chuckling and pulling on her little star earring. Well, if Sam wanted to be honest, he had to agree with him. He never paid any attention to it before but now that Gary mentioned it, he could tell Y/n's ears were truly small.
"I see … So … I guess this means you were close friends?" Dean said, already hating the way Y/n e's blushed with hearing her old nickname.
"Uh … well, no. Actually more than that." The guy grinned, ruffling his own hair while he was awkwardly laughing and looking at Y/n. Just like a proud embarrassed teen!
"We used to date." Y/n said.
*oh* Sam tried his best not to let that stupid grin sit on his lips but Dean's frown and his sudden heavy silence didn't let him do so.
"Yeah. We are kinda each other's first. Like … you know? prom date." The man added, giving Y/n a wink while Dean's gaze was still locked on his large arm around her shoulders.
"Yeah. It's been years, Gary."
"I know. But believe me, bunny. you still look the same." He said, bending to put a kiss on her right cheek.
Dean would kill him. Sam just knew that. Because his brother's eyes were already burning with jealousy.
"By the way, don't you wanna tell me who these gentlemen are ?" The guy asked Y/n, giving her his softest smile.
"Of course. This is Sam and this is Dean. My colleagues who are my friends now. I live in their place."
After they met, everything got even more complicated. Y/n, the girl who was still trying to get old-happy-days Dean back suddenly stopped whatever she used to do. No more complains, no waiting at nights to see Dean before going to bed, no more effort to get involved in hunts, no nothing. And despite what Dean had claimed before, it was making Dean even more frustrated. Day to day he and Y/n were getting colder towards each other and there was nothing he could do to fix it. That was what made him even more furious. Sam already knew all of that and he still had to live with both of those grumpy faces. So last night when they began to fight, he could see this was coming: Y/n left the bunker after Dean let some hurtful things out of his mouth, just because he didn't know how to deal with all the heartache anymore. He now was convinced that Y/n didn't love him anymore. Yet the next day after drinking whatever strong drink they had, he begged Sam to come with him. Apparently Jodie texted Dean about Y/n being in her place for that night. Just to make sure that her crazy step son won't sell his soul over a tracking spell! So Dean almost begged his brother to be there with him, cause Dean believed that as much as Y/n didn't care about him, she still respected Sam and cared about him. Like a little sister and her elder brother.
So here they were, In Jodie's living room, in front of her and Y/n.
"Considering your sleepy eyes, I think we caught you at bed time, huh?" Sam asked, checking Y/n's obvious eye bags.
"Who says that? I'm totally good, Sam."
She said with a small smile, looking much more in control and stronger than before. So Sam knew it was a lie. Y/n Just had made her peace with what had happened last night. The realization۹ kicked Dean in the gut. Y/n always used to be stronger and bolder when she got hurt.
"I'm gonna make some coffee for us. Why don't you guys take a seat till I come back?"
Jodie interrupted, to ease the heavy and sharp silence that suddenly had fallen over all of them.
Y/n gave her a smile.
"Of course."
It was so fake. Her smile didn't even curl her lips completely. She was still badly hurting.
Sam swore in his head when he looked over his brother who sank silently into the nearest seat at the end of the table like a broken shell that he was too . One of Dean's hands was in the pocket of his jacket, the other formed a fist on the table. Sam was sure Dean knew it too. He knew everything was almost past saving. "Almost". Sam tried to stick to their small chance.
"So …" He cleared his voice before he put some (semi fake) hope into his words."You're … you're gonna come back home today or did Alex and Claire made you promise them otherwise?" He laughed and tried to make it funny but the truth was he asked this for Dean's sake, knowing he already was struggling to find the words … to let Y/n know how much he wanted her back … to ask her to come back.
"To be honest … I don't think I can live in the bunker anymore." Y/n said and as Dean's head snapped up to look at her in horror, she raised her hand to stop his (likely) protests.
"I applied for a job 3 weeks ago and to my surprise they called me this morning to tell me I'd actually got it."
No one had to ask it. The question was already hung in the air. She snored mockingly in her nose. "Perfect timing, right?"
She moved her gaze from her interlocked fingers on the table to Dean's eyes.
He didn't answer, he didn't move but he got tense. Still staring back at Y/n.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Sam asked, once again saving Dean from asking the question he was itching to ask with some other words that for sure couldn't be nice.
"I wanted to but I didn't think I could actually get it and even if I did, I never figured out how to tell you. Besides, I never considered the "move out" option before..." She looked at Sam for a second before she turned her gaze on Dean. "... But I actually appreciate that you bring it up. I think now I can take the advice. I'm gonna move on."
Sam's heart dropped in his stomach when he heard those words. Because he knew what this meant. It felt something like having to watch Dean get stabbed in the heart.
"Is this … because of that Bartender?" Dean asked, staring deadly at Y/n with his bloodshot eyes. He was already chewing on his bottom lip. And Sam knew a heavy storm was on its way to hit them.
"I don't want to answer that question."
"Why? Because you can't just simply say no?" Dean scolded and Sam could see how it pushed on Y/n boundaries.
"No. Because it's not your fucking business and it's not Gary's business either. But at least he knows his limits."
*well, fuck*
"By "limits" you mean when he drools on you just because for God knows whatever the reason, you started to wear leather jackets when we go there?"
*Oh, fuck* Sam thought to himself, watching Y/n rise from her seat.
"You think … you really think that I …" she laughed nervously and Sam could tell she would punch Dean in the face if she wasn't a sweet, super nice person.
"How you can even …"
"I can even what, Y/n? Are we now going to pretend like I'm a blind man who can't see how you got attracted to your ex again? Did you really think I couldn't see how your hands were shaking when his filthy face lighted up by seeing you for the first time after all these years?"
Sam wanted to interrupt him or at least leave the room but everything was happening so fast.
"So what? Why and since when you care about my private life?"
"Since you stopped drinking bunker's beers just because you rather drink those crappy poisonous cocktails he makes at the bar!"
Dean was on his feet now as well. And despite his will, Sam couldn't stop his smile. He never saw his brother this jealous before. It was fun.
"Poisonous? … You … of all people, you are the one who says this? cause as much as I know, you're the one who puts dormitives in my guest's food so the poor guy gets tired and can't spend his time with me!"
"Yeah, because your poor guy is not welcomed in MY PLACE!" Dean yelled, punching the table with so much power that made everyone almost jump out of their skins.
"Dean!" Finally Sam interrupted but as soon as he stood up, someone rang the doorbell and Sam could hear Jodie welcoming someone inside.
"Guys … I know it's not my place to interfere but you two really need to sort things out somewhere private … of course that's when both of you can be much calmer than this."
"No, we have nothing to say or to talk about, anymore. Your brother was clear enough when he said he wants me to move out, so I'll move out. And that's it."
Y/n declared, looking at Sam to resist any eye contact with Dean, probably to make him even more crazy.
"And that's it? You wanna ignore that part where you were too eager and ready to accept that suggestion and leave the bunker instantly like your pants were on fire?!"
Dean retorted while Y/n was shaking her head like she couldn't believe him.
"Whose pants are on fire?" Jodie interrupted as soon as she re-entered the room with the coffees she'd made, this time a man was with her. Y/n's guy. The famous bartender.
*Oh, No!*
Sam sighed, closing his eyes for a second so the guy couldn't read his face.
"Obviously not mine." Dean hissed through his teeth, looking first at the guy and then at Y/n with such a disappointment and rage that no one could ignore.
"Hey, what's wrong?" The guy asked, choosing the worst spot to stand on: right next to Y/n.
"My typical life I guess. Nothing's new." She mumbled in reply to him but her eyes were still on Dean.
"No, nothing is wrong with your life, Y/n. It's about your choices. That's what's wrong with you. As always." Dean said bitterly. As sharp as a knife, as cold as ice. Sam could see how it drained color from Y/n's face.
"You better watch your mouth, buddy." The Gary guy warned Dean and Sam could tell that if it wasn't for the sudden thud sound that stole everyone's attention, Dean would throw a fight right there. But …
"Y/n!" Jodie almost screamed. Y/n was laying on the floor, seemingly unconscious.
"Oh, God." Sam said as Jodie rushed to her.
"Y/n? … Y/n can you hear me?"
As she sat next to her, Gary's fingers already were on Y/n's carotid pulse point. So Sam couldn't stop himself from looking up at his brother, who was still standing where he was. In shock.
"Oh, shit!" Gary's worried voice made Sam check Y/n's pale face again but Jodie was the one to dare ask the question which was on everyone's minds.
"What? What's wrong?"
"Her pulse ... too faint." He said before turning to Dean: "Is she bleeding?"
"Bleeding?" Dean blinked and mumbled in confusion.
If it was up to Sam, he'd ask *What bleeding?* & *Why are you asking this from my brother?*
"Oh my. You still don't know. Do you?" Gary sneered.
"Know what? What's happening?" Jodie was freaking out now and Sam actually felt the same. He didn't like the way this stranger pretended like he knew her better than them. However what happened next was much more unexpected. And … rude!
To everyone's surprise, the guy reached out to Y/n's jeans and drew his hand between her legs but before anyone could react, he spread her legs open so it could be possible for everyone to see that big red stain there. Then he raised his hand. It was all wet and red in blood!
"She's having a miscarriage." He revealed.
Sam's gaze instantly caught Dean's ... Burning. Dean was burning inside with his heavy silence.
"Don't you worry. It's not mine." Gary added more fuel to that hell with such a mocking tone, staring right back at Dean's eyes.
Now Sam could feel it. The storm was there: rising in his brother's roar!
Before Sam could've moved any muscles, Gary was already pinned to the wall, Dean's hands on his now-ripped-out collar.
"Dean, no!" Sam jumped in, trying to catch his brother's arm before his fist make any contact with the guy's nose but all he could do was changing the direction of the punch which landed on Gary's shoulder, making a painful cracking sound.
"I said no … Dean, stop it." Sam had to literally cage Dean in his arms so the furious man couldn't tear Gary apart.
"Get off me, Sam. This son of a bitch has to learn his place."
"Enough!" As Dean just broke himself free, Jodie's scream stopped everyone in their tracks.
"It's enough!" Jodie warned all three men, pointing at them one by one.
"You want to fight? Not here. Not in my house!"
"But ..."
As soon as Dean opened his mouth to protest, Jodie cut him:
"And you … you should know Y/n is pregnant with your twins. So … you'll be a responsible man who will try his best to save them or you can get the hell out of here and never come back!"
"What?" Sam was too shocked to suppress his reaction while Dean couldn't even find any words to say. His confused look darted between Jodie's face and Y/n's figure while his parted lips kept moving without making any noise, just like a dying fish on the shore!
"I promised her not to tell anyone but it was a promise under normal conditions, not this." Jodie sighed, struggling to keep her emotions under control. Sam saw the worry in her frown. Like a real mother, worried for her children. However it was nothing in comparison to his brother's blank eyes and pale face.
"Dean, It's ok. We just need to take her to hospital. … it's ok, man. I promise."
He had to grab Dean by his jacket, as his brother was struggling to process all of these in his head.
"Come on, man. We got no time. Do I need to do this alone or you'll …"
"Get the car, Sammy."
It was just a simple sentence. Yet it had enough power to make Sam's heart sank. Since Dean had put the car keys in his hand saying that, Sam couldn't stop thinking about that tone. Dean never had called Baby a "car" In years. And Sam had never heard that crack in his voice since their Dad's death.
"You ok?" He finally let himself ask, two hours after they arrived at the hospital.
"I want to be." Dean closed his eyes and put his head against the cold wall, letting the dim light to darken the shadows under his eyes.
"I'm sure she'll be good. She's strong, Dean. You know that."
He smiled and Sam looked away not to watch him. He knew that smile. Dean used to give him that, whenever everything was gone so wrong that Dean couldn't promise him anything good. Like when both of them were still kids. Hungry, cold and all alone in a rusty motel room where John had left them on their own for a one day long hunt but then a heavy snow had crashed the roads and kept them apart for half a week. So Dean had to wash the dishes and do the laundry in the motel to rent the room for another day and provide some snacks so they wouldn't starve to death. But after three days, the hotel managers didn't want them to be around. And Sam could vividly remember that smile on his brother's face when he asked: *Where should we go then?*
"You were always such a father material. You know?"
Sam admitted with a broken smile on his face.
"You were always responsible, kind and caring with me as a kid. And I can't imagine anyone who deserves to be a father more than you."
Dean took a deep breath and opened his eyes without looking at him: "But I don't want ... I really can't, Sammy."
All, it certainly wasn't the response Sam had expected. He used to believe that Dean would never turn down any chance to start a family with Y/n. Especially after everything in the world was back to normal.
"Are you kidding me? You always wanted this."
"No …" Dean finally turned his gaze to meet his brother's confused eyes. "No, Sammy. Not like this. I don't want to raise another kid without his mom. I'm not that strong anymore."
Dang. Once again Sam's heart dropped in his stomach. Dean was really helpless.
"Mr. Winchester?"
Dean was on his feet as Sam just realized the doctor's presence.
"It's me."
Sam prayed for any good news as doctor took a glance of Dean and fixed his glasses on his face …
"To be continued …"
tag list:
@jay-and-dean @adoptdontshoppets @akshi8278
The next and also ultimate chapter will post on Sunday, April 25. Thanks for reading.
Feedback are always appreciated.
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oh-atlas · 2 years
ii am begging u to tell us about ophelia one 👀🍿
I originally started this in chronological order but then I realized I wanted to talk about Opheluce and their lifetimes and reincarnations and what's important to me about the idea of reincarnation and their relationship. Ophelia and Luce are about finding someone that sees you as you want to be seen and in this first life they interacted at just the right time in each other's lives to permanently affect one another in EVERY reincarnation moving forward.
They don't find each other in every single life they have, they haven't even been able to be lovers in every single life, but they've seen each other and every time their souls bounce back and meet, something changes for them.
Ophelia is why Luce always ends up back as a follower of Lathander in some capacity. She is why Luce always chooses to see the good in people, to believe in something greater, and to help others.
Luce is why Ophelia always wants to learn to love herself. Why even in the depths of her insecurities and fear and self-loathing in any life, she so desperately wants to change, even if she hasn't figured out how to do it on her own.
So with that said, I'm going to put the rest under a readmore because it got a little bit long and the above is really the important bit. I don't plan on fleshing out First Life anymore than the notes underneath or really any more previous reincarnations of them just because it's a) it's a lot of work and b) i think first life, bride era, and current show the LARGEST changes for ophelia and illustrate the way Luce has truly come into what she always wanted for herself in that first life.
Ophelia's parents were luthiers (people that make string instruments aka cellos and violins, etc.) and she could've followed in their footsteps, she also played cello in this life. True to the core of Ophelia she was very insecure and unhappy with herself and wanted to feel like she was actually someone that mattered and ended up joining one of the militias that was still fighting back against Zarovich rule.
In typical Ophelia fashion, she has a complex about love and self-worth that in this life probably stemmed from her parents having VERY high expectations and being perfectionists and then are even more disappointed when she decides to join the militia.
Holy Shit Being a Soldier Is Not Fun: a short story by Ophelia who ends up deserting because Ophelia Version 1.0 is a BIT OF A COWARD. She's a little bit of a coward who deals with her problems by RUNNING.
Ophelia ends up hiding out in a prior of Lathander for a bit : ) and this is where she meets:
Luce, who in this life, is nowhere close to the person she is, even when I talk about bride era. If you've seen me make the jokes about Luce being the only person in Barovia that's having a good time and that she's getting consistently more and more optimistic every life. THAT WAS NEVER A JOKE. Luce is a very withdrawn, melancholic nun who is struggling with her faith. She doesn't feel like she's doing anything of purpose or meaning closed off in a prior. And then suddenly a wounded soldier stumbles into her life.
Luce ends up tending to Ophelia's wounds and Ophelia, regrettably, explains that she's a piece of shit deserter who's Probably Going To Get Executed For This and Luce manages to convince the prior to NOT put Ophelia out on the streets and shelter her at least for a bit.
Ophelia and Luce only really get to know each other for around a week or two at most. But it's the first time that someone has realized how conflicted and miserable Luce actually is.
And Ophelia tells her something that changes Luce. "Your faith shouldn't be something that causes you pain." (haha, this hurts even me boss)
It is also the first time someone sees Ophelia as not someone who's not a slack off or a coward, Luce sees how deeply she struggles with her self-esteem and self-perception.
And Luce tells her, "You're a good person. You deserve to love yourself. You can always strive to wake each dawn and choose to try to be the person you want to be."
Ophelia is found and executed just days later. She does not regret a single choice that led her down this path. Because without it she would have never heard what she wanted to hear most.
Luce leaves the safety of the priory and travels the valley of Barovia to help others in need and tries to bring any semblance of good she can, both for herself and in honor of Ophelia, who told her something she'd never forget.
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fbfh · 3 years
light up the dark [V] - leo x reader
genre: romance + action + enemies to lovers kinda
word count: 2.4k
au: none
pairing: Leo x gothy!child of eros!fem reader
requested: yes teehee
warnings: spoilers for HOO but like what’s new, at least one fuck, mentions of breakfast foods and burger king, one “cranberry fucknut”, brief visit to a historical memorial site, I think that’s it????
summary: you have a very weird dream that leads you to realize you’re actually on some kind of quest! very fun! you, Leo, and Jason follow a lead, find out Chiron’s sending you guys some backup, and realize you’re going to need a very large airbnb
listen to: making mirrors - gotye aka the best dream sequence music
                also we’re the rats. it’s not relevant just living in my brain.
a/n: honest to god it tookme so long to write this i forget what happens in the first half rip
also requests r open uwu
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Your dream is unnerving, and not just because you had spent years in a dreamless sleep and forgot what dreaming was like. Okay, partially because of that, but also because of the atmosphere. 
You’re standing in a dark room. It’s pitch black, but you can make out the shape of the room, which is unusual to say the least. It’s long and rectangular, and the ceiling has cylindrical indents, almost as if giant logs were supposed to fit there. The indents go across the short side, with another in front of it, like a rope bridge across a river. Giant curved metallic discs like flat mushrooms are embedded in the ground at regular intervals. 
You get the feeling something’s missing. You stare up at the ceiling trying to get more information, when something hot and glowing presses against the roof. It shines through, casting everything in a strange pink light. You can’t see it, but you know what it is. A translucent sundial that gave off a glowing orange cast.
You look back down not wanting to hurt your eyes, and they fall on someone else in the room. He hadn’t been there a second ago. He’s blonde, and looking up at the ceiling, seemingly unbothered by the blinding light. 
“He has it,” he says, wistfully, almost regretfully. 
"Who?" You question. 
"I can't pronounce his name, no one can."
"How can we get it back if we can't find him?" He smiles, liking how you know what he needs you to do before he even tells you. 
"I can't tell you his name, but he's very old… some may even say archaic…" He looks at you with intention, searching for a spark of understanding. He doesn’t find what he’s looking for, and continues, “and not far from here. Which is good, since I need you to get it back for me.” 
“How do we find it?” He tosses you a small, clear container filled with what looks like yellow slime. You look at him, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 
“It’s a drop of sunshine,” he explains, “don’t touch it or you’ll burn up. It’ll glow when you get closer to what you’re looking for.” You tuck it in your jacket pocket.
Before you can get out the rest of the sentence, you feel like you’re being pulled out of deep water. Your eyes shoot open, and you take in a quick breath through your nose. You open and close your eyes a few times, and push yourself into a sitting position. There’s a weight on your stomach and you trace the hand back to Jason, who had gently nudged you awake moments ago. His mouth is open and there’s a stale smile, like he was about to tell you to rise and shine. Your stare is unwavering, and he retracts his hand. 
“Uh… breakfast is ready,” he says, turning back and heading over to the couch. 
“Kay,” you mutter, still groggy and disoriented. Maybe sleep just isn’t for you. Jason hesitates about half way across the room, noticing the lack of cat-like vengefulness in your tone of voice.
“...You okay?” he asks softly. 
“Fine, just a weird dream,” you roll your shoulders, back sore and stiff, to try and loosen the two stubborn knots just below your shoulder blades. His eyebrows furrow at your words and you continue, “I’m starting to think I should add a little chloroform to my sleepy time tea.” 
“What happened?” he asks, sounding way more serious than you’d expected.
“I dunno, I-” he cut you off, calling for Leo. Jason encourages you to tell them what you’d dreamed about as in depth as possible once Leo comes in from the sitting area, so you don’t have time to gauge how he seems after last night. You feel a little silly trying to describe a surreal dream to them, especially since they seem to be paying such rapt attention. After recalling as many details as you could, they sat in silence for a minute. They share a look, then sigh in unison. Jason pushes up his glasses and squeezes the bride of his nose as Leo lets out a soft ‘fuck’. 
“I’ll go iris message Chiron, Leo, do you want to get some food and offerings to burn?” Jason says. Leo agrees, and Jason’s already in the sitting area, misting water in the air with a squirt bottle. Leo puts a hand on your shoulder.
“Why don’t you get dressed, I already made some coffee,” he says, the spike of hesitance that shot through his stomach at his instigated physical contact dissolving when you nod sleepily. An unusually warm feeling clouds through you, less distant and detached than normal. You realize while digging through your bag that for whatever reason, you didn’t hate the feeling of Leo’s hand on your shoulder. You grab your clothes from your bag, and feel a weight in your jacket. You reach into the pocket, and pull out the “slime” from your dream. It glows briefly, fading as you walk towards the bathroom. Huh, you think, at least now we know what to look for. You’re grateful for the example as you get dressed and freshen up, wondering what the hell happens next. 
Burning the food doesn’t take long. Leo throws the extra breakfast they’d ordered onto the metal table on the patio, except for a piece of toast he held in his hands. He summons fire until the toast is engulfed in flames, and drops it with the rest. He fans the smoke and asks for guidance, protection, typical pre quest stuff. After a minute or two, he pours out a pitcher of water to extinguish the flames, and heads back into the sitting area with Jason. On his way, he watches you through the open bathroom door for a second as you put on your makeup. You sure are different from girls he’d liked in the past. A strong twinge of pain from the previous night makes him flinch. He shoves it away, and takes a seat, greeting Chiron through iris message. Jason had just finished filling him in on the dream and the sundial, and he looks worried.
“I was afraid this might be the case. I'd gotten word that something like this might have happened, but I hoped it was just hearsay… I'm sorry boys, but you're most definitely on a mission from the gods. The story behind that sundial is long and complicated; in summary, if Apollo does not have his sundial by june, summer cannot happen."
"Wh- like, time will stop?" Leo says. 
"Will it just skip to autumn?" Jason adds. 
"What about Persephone?"
"Can Demeter do anything?" 
Chiron holds up his hands to quiet them. 
"I wish I could say, but no one really knows what will happen, only that we do not wish to find out."
"So, what do we do?" Jason asks. 
"Who can I send?" Chiron says to himself, "Dear gods, this is… unfortunate."
"Chiron," Jason says again, getting his attention. 
"Right, I'm sorry my boy, this whole situation is… preoccupying." Jason agrees, and asks what they should do next. 
"Get as much information as you can from what Apollo has told you. I'll gather some people to send over at once, they'll be on their way shortly. This is most distressing…" he trails off, lost in thought again, and the iris message cuts out. Jason's stomach is in knots. 
After freshening up, you get dressed, having chosen your clothes deliberately before. If shit’s about to hit the fan, which it looks like it is, you’re going to need a strong balance of comfortable and kick ass. Plus, it’s still the cold part of spring, and New England weather is no joke. 
You assess yourself in the mirror, satisfied with your choice; half black half gray cargo pants with chain belts, a long sleeved fishnet top with a black crop top over it, and one of your favorite pairs of platform boots. You topped it off with a layered choker studded with black jewels and delicate chains, asymmetrical earrings - one attached to an ear cuff, the other dangling - and a ring that looks like a snake wrapped around your finger. Last but not least, a dark olive green bomber jacket with ‘god save the queen’ written on the back in paint. 
Your mind wanders as you lean closer to the mirror, laser focused on perfecting your eyeliner. The memory of Leo’s hand on your shoulder creeps back up, and your brow furrows at the panicked flush to your cheeks, wondering why you didn’t push him off. 
‘Some cranberry fucknut broke his heart last night, I didn’t want him to feel worse’, you think deliberately, refusing room for any objections or alternative solutions your brain keeps offering up. You finish your makeup relatively quickly, pleased at how much better it looks when you don’t sleep in it for years. Your hair is… hanging in there, but you can’t drop everything and redye it now. At least you know what color you want next - a nice, coral tinted red. You’ll have to keep an eye out the next time you go shopping. 
Finally, you’re ready. You put away your makeup and pajamas, and make your way over to the boys. You grab some coffee and pick at a muffin, the strategy session beginning. 
Jason takes a sip of his own coffee, scowling at the slightly burnt taste.
“Where should we start looking? Do we have any decent leads?”
You sip your coffee, your face mirroring Jason’s moments before.
“The guy from my dream-”
“Apollo,” Jason interjects.
“Right,” you continue, “he said whoever has what we’re looking for has a really hard to pronounce name or something. Maybe we can start there.”
After some back and forth, and consulting of travel guides, you find a memorial for some historical figure with a name that definitely would have gotten him bullied. 
“Wasn’t that guy a demigod?” Leo asks, and Jason confirms. You’re already checking the maps scattered around for a route.
“It looks like it’s pretty much just further west from where we are, we can probably get there pretty easily,” you remark. Jason and Leo look at you, then each other. No one has any better ideas, and at least it’s some kind of lead. 
Four and a half hours later, you sat in the car in stumped silence. It took almost three hours to get up to the memorial site, an hour to look around and realize there is absolutely nothing there that can help you at all, ten minutes to debate what to do next, and twenty minutes to get burger king, since no one had eaten since breakfast. 
“Well, that sucked.” 
Leo and Jason give you a look, knowing you’re right.
“Yeah, it did.” Jason agrees matter of factly, earning a small chuckle from you and Leo. 
“So what do we do now?” Leo asks. 
“Well, no one’s around, we could probably iris message Chiron-” before he could finish his sentence, a shimmery image of a tan girl with choppy dark hair appears in front of him. 
Jason and the girl - Piper, apparently - greet each other enthusiastically, then Leo follows suit. It looks like she’s in a cab, holding something at arm's length. You make it out to be a phone, probably to trick her cab driver into thinking she’s on a facetime call or something. Two other people lean over, one blonde and smiling, the other dark haired and irritable, and more greetings are exchanged. You lean slightly to the side so you’ll be out of site and hopefully won’t have to make any introductions. Leo seems to catch onto this, and when Piper’s eyes land on the edge of your shoulder.
“So did Chiron send anyone else?” he asks before she can say anything. 
“Yeah,” she replies, “Frank and Hazel are coming from camp Jupiter; Frank’s flying, and Hazel’s getting a ride from Arion,” Leo and Jason nod in understanding, picking up instantly on her deliberate word choice. Christ, you’re going to have to get a bigger place than that hotel room.  
“Uh… Percy and Annabeth just started spring break, so they’ll be coming soon. Hazel should get there first, for…” she glances at the cab driver, “obvious reasons, and me, Nico, and Will are on our way now, we should be there in a few hours.” 
Your skin is already feeling prickly from the idea of being around that many people. They talk for a few more minutes, and Jason says he’ll tell them the specific address as soon as possible before ending the call.
Thankfully, you all had repacked the car with your bags from the hotel room before you left, just in case you needed anything, so there’s no need to make the two and a half hour trip back to the hotel. You sigh and turn to the boys.
“Why don’t we go get some groceries and stuff, and I can get us an air bnb.” 
They agree, pleasantly surprised and grateful for the normalcy of something like grocery shopping,  and you ask how many people there are going to be.
“Uh, should be te-”
“Eleven.” Leo says firmly. Jason looks like he’s going to say something, but he bites back whatever it is. Leo’s hands normally dance around like swirling snow, light and natural with subtle patterns if you can figure them out. But right now, his normal subconscious movements seem to be heavier, more intentional. His relaxed expression is set in stone, a silent plea to move on, act like everything’s normal, and you know he’s covering up the depth of the wound that girl left on his heart. A twinge of concern flares in your gut, and you blink, looking away. 
“Okay,” you say, pulling out a pen and notepad from your bag to write out a grocery list, “Let’s go. What do we need?”
Jason pulls out of the parking lot, and begins to head to the nearest box store. Your eyes dart over to Leo involuntarily a few times, and by the time you’re almost there, he seems to be almost back to himself. Subconsciously relieved, your mind starts to wander back to the list, skimming it one more time to make sure you don’t forget anything. 
Maybe you can pick up some hair dye while you’re here.
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