#beloved 🥺🥺
devilart2199-aibi · 7 months
They're reliving the past 🛶🏴‍☠️
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mobius-m-mobius · 8 months
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Sometimes our emotions get the better of us. You can say that again.
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meidui · 1 month
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aragorn and legolas at each other's sides at helm's deep ♡
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yrsonpurpose · 6 months
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henry ± being a reassuring presence for alex
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hellishgayliath · 1 year
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“Fafa says its importent and nice to share so you can have my ofher cookie!”
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willowser · 3 months
you and bakugou getting paired up on one of those intense survival-y gameshows and he gets so mad at himself for thinking about you in some ooey-gooey way when he's supposed to be there to WIN
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httpiastri · 3 months
them 😭 our boys 😭😭😭
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micc0ro · 4 months
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Error belongs to loverofpiggies
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riemmetric · 3 months
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S4E02 || S4E14
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Curlssss (Wille loves them) 🧡❤️
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mobius-m-mobius · 4 months
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meidui · 3 months
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kentofic · 3 months
a bite-sized nanami x f!reader sickfic as i recover from a cold of my own 💖 suggestive but no smut
You give a hearty sniffle, the covers tucked up to your chin as you huddle under the warm blanket, shivering. You sigh. You hate being sick. You’ve been laid up for the past day with a fever, stuffy nose, and scratchy throat. There’s no end in sight yet—but, to your luck, your sweet husband has stayed home to play nurse for you. And you do love being taken care of by him.
“Kento,” you call out, your voice hoarse, cracking around the edges. You cringe at the sound.
You don’t see how Kento halts in the next room, warmth pooling low in his stomach. You have no idea how deeply, how instantly, it affects him—the sound of your voice, pitched low and throaty like this. He reminds himself for the hundredth time that you need rest, that he has no right to jump your bones when you’re sick and exhausted. No matter how infuriatingly sexy you sound. He clears his throat, trying to gather himself.
“Yes, darling?” you hear from the living room. His tone betrays nothing.
“Can you bring me some water please? I’m all out.”
“Sure, be right there.”
You stare at the ceiling, slightly dizzy, as your husband bustles about in the kitchen. Soon he’s by your bedside with a glass of cool water, a small plate, an apple, and a paring knife.
He guides the glass into your hands, watching approvingly as you take a long sip. Then he picks up the apple and the knife and begins peeling it. You watch him with a smile, your cheeks and lips flushed rosy with fever.
“How did I ever deserve such an attentive husband,” you murmur, your voice like warm gravel. Kento’s hands falter for just a second. He clears his throat and resumes cutting small slices of the fruit. He feels the beginnings of a flush creeping up the back of his neck.
“Hush. You know I love taking care of you.”
Your chuckle is like a soft burble of water, punctuated at the end by a sniff. Kento holds a piece of apple up to your mouth, which you dutifully open for him. He pokes the piece between your lips, his thumb grazing your bottom lip as he withdraws his hand.
“Mm, tastes good,” you hum, low and soft, around the mouthful of fruit. The sound goes straight to Kento’s groin, and he coughs to dislodge the breath that catches in his throat. You peer up at him, concerned.
“You’re not getting sick too, are you?”
“I’m fine,” he assures you, smoothing your hair from your forehead. You catch his wrist and tug, trying to pull him closer, even weak as you are in this state. He leans forward to humor you. You scrutinize him with eyes soft and glassy from fever.
“You’re flushed, Kento. Are you sure you don’t have a fever?” you worry, pressing the back of your hand to his forehead. He lets out a soft sigh at the contact, his eyes fluttering for a moment.
“I’m not sick, sweetheart. Just guilty of loving my wife too much,” Kento murmurs. He pulls your hand from his forehead to place a soft kiss to your palm. You shudder at the tender brush of his lips on your skin, made extra sensitive from fatigue and fever.
“Do you love her enough to give her a kiss, even though she’s full of germs?” you wheedle, eyes crinkling at the edges as you smile at him. He chuckles as he laces his fingers with yours.
“I love her enough to give her much more than a kiss,” he smirks. You shiver again, this time not from fever, and you clench your thighs together as Nanami traces the softness of your bottom lip with his thumb. You let out a breathy sigh as he noses into your cheek before pressing a chaste kiss to your lips.
“But, as enticing as you are, you need your rest, love.”
You pout, letting out a disappointed sound as Kento pulls back. His gaze is soft but firm.
“Don’t whine. Get well first, then I’ll lavish you with all my saved up affection. I promise,” he says, his voice hushed, as he presses a final kiss to the top of your head.
You chew your lip before giving him a reluctant nod. You snuggle back under the covers, your eyes slipping shut. You’re filled with the determination to heal now, if you’re to get what you want out of your husband.
Kento watches you as your breathing evens out, your brow relaxing as a feverish sleep pulls you under once again. He sits there for a while, just admiring you—the way your hair splays out on the pillow, your warm cheek smushed so cutely against it, your lips parted as a soft, sleepy moan escapes you.
Kento stands suddenly. He makes a beeline for the bathroom, his pants tight. He chastises himself as he swallows the urge to rip off your blankets and keep you warm another way.
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feelingpure · 6 months
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“Just go away. Please. Go away. Just go away.”
FELLOW TRAVELERS 1.06 ‘Beyond Measure’
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pyrotechnicdarts · 1 year
something about how grogs herd beat him nearly to death for being weak vs how vox machina see grog at his weakest and immediately rush in without hesitation to fight for him and protect him
something about how grogs blood family left him for dead for showing mercy and kindness, but how that kindness eventually led to him joining vox machina, his new family, and how it was his kindness that made the rest of vox machina fight to save him
something about how grogs uncle equated kindness with weakness and cast him out because of it, but in continuing to be kind and refusing to be like his uncle, grog earned a new family, one that stays by him even at his weakest, especially at his weakest, and how he is so much stronger because of it
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