rokaia-dz · 2 years
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Une ambiance vraimeeeeent 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽!! Un mariage à biskra (Algeria)
A marriage in biskra
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uququq · 2 months
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REMO Ocena drum レビュー
フレームドラムの面白さが分かってきた頃に、このREMOのOCEAN DRUMを試しに買ってみたら、普通のフレームドラムよりも音のバリエーションが多く、とても重宝しています。
MEINLやSELAの片方が山羊皮で片方がプレスチックのオーシャンドラム(MeinlのものはSea Drumという名前)、両面とも本革のAfrotonのオーシャンドラムも試したことがあるけども、このREMOのが一番好きです。
フレームドラムとして音質だけを見るとEmin Perucssionのものなどの方がいいと思うけども、音のバリエーションの豊富さから、本番ではこのREMOのオーシャンドラムを使うことが多いです。
音質        ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
音のバリエーション ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
おすすめ度     ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
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womencreativemusic · 5 months
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Djazia Satour, France https://djaziasatour.com
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casaeon · 1 year
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¡Nueva Fecha! Queriendo compartir con más personas esta experiencia sonora, este sábado 12 de noviembre te invitamos a entrar en sintonía con los sonidos ancestrales de los tambores de India y el Medio Oriente. Un espacio para explorar, conocer y experimentar antiguas sonoridades desde una perspectiva teórica y práctica. Abordaremos: • Sensibilización al ritmo • Fundamentos técnicos • Práctica rítmica con la voz • Ensamble grupal No se requieren conocimientos previos. Cupos limitados. 🪘 Taller dirigido por el maestro Gustavo Pérez de @latir_universal @casaeon @teusaquillo_dc #tambores #parkway #percusion #musicadeindia #mediooriente #tabla #dholak #bendir #daf #tombak #sonidoancestral #graficamusicabienestar (at Casa EÓN) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cktx7xBpbxW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anthonydebray · 2 years
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Ce soir au festival @lesceltomania avec @talamhfolk Taiko is Back !!! #taiko #hybriddrumkit #bendir #coopermanframedrums #bodhran #tabla #boltibetain #chimes #ettoutpleindebordel (à Saint-Étienne-de-Montluc) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkQnjtTLZN0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alonglistofbirds · 1 year
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[737/10,977] Bendire's Thrasher - Toxostoma bendirei
Order: Passeriformes Suborder: Passeri Superfamily: Muscicapoidea Family: Mimidae
Photo credit: Hanna Zhao via Macaulay Library
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camouflage-birds · 1 year
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Bendire's Thrasher (Toxostoma bendirei)
© James Maley
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nofatclips · 2 years
تحية لجيش الصحراء (Long Live the Sahrawi Army) by El Wali from the Sahel Sounds Label Sampler 2
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sebring5 · 1 year
D59080CC-55A1-47C1-B1BC-AB3FF33C5F2C by Henry
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easternfreebeats · 2 years
ايقاع بندير مغربي BPM 70
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dhyrtduiytrste · 2 years
Bhindi with Prawns Masala | চিংড়ি মাছ দিয়ে ঢেঁড়স ভাজি । অল্প সময়ের মধ্যে সিম্পল ঢেঁড়স ভাজি
আর রেসিপিটি ভাল লাগলে আমার ইউটিউব চ্যানেল “Ayaan’s cuisine” সাবস্ক্রাইব করার অনুরোধ রইলো এবং কোন মতামত থাকলে ইউটিউব কমেন্ট সেকশনে আমাকে কমেন্ট করে জানাতে পারেন। If you like the recipe, please subscribe to my youtube channel "Ayaan's cuisine" and if you have any comments, please let me know by commenting in the youtube comment section. Can inform. #ঢেঁড়স ভাজি, # চিংড়ি ভাজি, # ChingriDerosh
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arbrenu · 10 months
Interstellar izledin mi sever misin
Aşko uzay olan her şey kallllpppppp bendir. Ennnnn sevdiğim filmler listesinde başta yer alıyor kendisi
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miitrayimm · 3 months
Aslında iyi kızım, güzelim, akıllıyımdır derler. Sevdiklerime sevdiğimi her zaman hissettirmek isterim yaparım da bunu. En çok ben seviyim onları isterim. Birini seviyorsam çok fedakarlık yaparım çok değer veririm. Özgür yaşamak isterim. Kimse bana karışmasın isterim. İstediğim insanlara çok iyiyimdir. İstemediklerimle konuşmaya bile tenezül etmem. Ne kadar sinirli olsam kızsam da o kadar merhametliyim. Beni mutlu etmek çok kolaydır. Mesela sevdiğim biri bir güler benim içim gider onun gülüşüne. Sahi mutluluk bir gülüş müdür gerçekten? Her zaman verdiğim değeri geri almam mesela. Bu beni çok kırar kimi kırmaz ki? Ama duygularımı çok derinden yaşarım sevdiklerim benim kaıbimdir bendir onlar. Kendimi ne kadar bencil kötü biri olmaya zorlasam da başaramıyorum hiçbir zaman. Sevdiğim biri tarıfından kırılınca yaşadığım şehirin rüzgarları kadar soğur yüreğim. O kadar soğur ki sessizleşir. Ben olmaktan çıkarım zaten bir türlü sevemediğim bu dünyada daha yalnızlaşır yüreğim. Yok olmak isterim bu dünyadan hiç yaşamamış olmak. Hatırlanmamak isterim. Bir deniz kenarında kollarımı denize açıp nefes almaktır bazen özgürlük. Bazen fikirlerini söylemek. Herkesin özgürlüğüde farklıdır. Bırak özgürlüğü ben artık hiçbirşey istemiyorum bu dünyadan yaşamaya dair çoğu isteklerimi kaybediyorum yavaş yavaş. İnsanın kalbi ve beyni yorulur ruhuda yorulur. Kalp ve beyin düzelirde ruh yorgunluğu kırılmışlığı geçmez. O kadar yorgun ki kelimelerim yetmiyor yorgunluğunu anlatmaya. Hiçbirşey düzelmeyecek gibi hayatımda. Yok olmaya doğru gidiyorum.
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arlechinav-blog · 11 months
Trancework Percussion Dive, Part I
This is really long so I will split it into 2 parts.
Different instruments and combinations of instruments are used for different things in the wonderful world of Mediterranean (and well beyond) trancework. Instruments that fall into the frame drum category are generally the ones used for ecstatic rituals but that is not always the case. So, let's take a look at some instruments to go over what they are used to do and at least some of the reasons why. Apologies in advance to the lyre people (or should I say Apollo-gies?), no stringed instruments in this line up.
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First up we have just a basic frame drum. These are usually round, unless you are going for a Spanish or ancient Egyptian model--in which case the drum will sometimes be a square. Like so:
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Some modern versions of the frame drum use a synthetic head, which is very good for learning. You get a good sound and an opportunity to build up some strength and toughness in your hands without obliterating your hands on goat hide. A rough goat hide drum will take the skin right off your hand if you are playing for hours and hours. So, either make sure you have a very smooth head or start with a synthetic head drum. I am very partial to the Remo Renaissance frame drum, 16" up to 18" for learning to make trance music. It has a lovely resonance that improves as the drum ages.
If you want to make ecstatic trance music, that's where things start getting more interesting. Most ecstatic traditions of the Med (perhaps all but I am saving room for anything I may have forgotten) involve making music using metal ringing against metal. This is because metal ringing against metal has been used to compel spirits in the Med since at least the Iron Age, if not before. Those associations run really deep to this day. So, any cult that has a focus on that sort of thing will have instruments built for it. Like these!
This is basically a cake pan. Like the kind you would have in your kitchen if you were inclined to bake. Percussion instruments have a very deep association with accessibility to the common person, the peasant classes, the public, the impoverished. Drums are meant to be smacked and you can do it to just about anything that makes a sound. They are not meant to be expensive or hard to play. So there are quite a few types of percussion instruments that have a whole other life in the kitchen apart from making music.
I am a firm supporter of the cake pan/cooking pot drum revival, especially in ritual context with the Mountain Mothers (like Kybele, Ida, Rhea, Magna Mater, & the Black Madonnas). Other instruments that are devoted specifically to the Mountain Mothers, apart from basic frame drums, include tambourines, tammorras, tribballacce, metal cymbals, sistrum, and pretty much any drum made with some kind of metal that rings against itself.
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(Pictured: Tribballacce, Tambourine with a hennaed head, metal finger cymbals, a sistrum, Azeri Dayereh, Maghrebi Bendir, Persian Daf, & Egyptian Riqq)
These are all specifically used for compelling spirits, which is something the Cult(s) of the Mountain Mothers are devoted to. And this is something that the Dionysian cults adopted directly from the Cults of the Mountain Mothers. The Mediterranean style of play is what I call single handed frame drum--for lack of a better description. This is a style that is still prevalent among many of the Mediterranean islands and in what is now Southern Italy but it used to be a method used by pretty much everybody in the region.
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Okay, I lied. There is one lyre in this post. lol ^
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How do you play with one hand? So glad that I imagined you asking! There are a few ways. I started out by studying Southern Italian tammorra and tarantella rhythms but you can start anywhere you find single handed frame drum.
Now Dionysian trancework does everything and goes everywhere. Some variation of the Cult of Dionysos utilizes every possible avenue of trance. And sometimes so do the Mountain Mothers. I would say Dionysian trancework is an even split between metal and wood/hide percussion while the Mountain Mothers are more strongly associated with ringing metal--especially iron or bronze.
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And that is where instruments like this come into play. These are classical Hellenic krotala. There are also even older Egyptian versions made of bone or ivory but the Hellenic version is largely made of wood. More modern options may include large nutshells as well. I did a whole two part deep dive on the Krotala. These instruments are found heavily in the Cults of Artemis & Dionysos but the Mountain Mothers do also occasionally get in on the action with these.
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The Egyptian version, dated to about 1900BCE. ^
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Classical Krotala in context. ^
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You can still find the dances that go with these traditions out in the world today. The Turkish and Hellenic/Turkish variations use wooden spoons (Kaşık or Kesik). And here's how you get down with these things.
There is also a Southern Italian version in the same family tree. This is Tammurriata.
And honestly more variations all over the place that I will have to get into in the 3rd Krotala dive installment. Tammurriata uses naccere, which are basically another name for castanets.
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Now you might be wondering why we use different types of percussion for different things. The reason for that is compartmentalization and the inherent spiritual authority of the instrument. Wooden instruments are associated with wilderness deities and are valued at least in some part for their potential to burn. This makes them suitable for gods that double as both wilderness and death deities. Death because of the association with burning on a funeral pyre and special folkloric relationship between the dead and fire. Metals are not used in the same way.
Metals are associated foremost with the mountains where ore was pulled from. This gives them associations with darkness, caves & caverns, as well as monsters that go bump in the night. Secondarily, later in the timeline, metals took on an association with weather-based sorcery--which translates as Wind Spirits and Storm Gods as well as gods and spirits associated with Blacksmithing. So the cult of any deity who rules over caves, the sky, or weather spirits will use metal instruments in their rituals. This encompasses both the Cults of the Mountain Mothers as well as the Cults of the Storm Lords--and all their attending deities. This is where the practices of the Kouretes & Koryvantes come from.
And I will have to pick this up again in part II because I have reached my maximum allotted number of images for this post. Whee!
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anthonydebray · 2 years
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Ça bosse avec @talamhfolk 😊 #hybriddrumkit #taiko #bodhran #boltibetain #tabla #bendir #kick #talamh https://www.instagram.com/p/CkGQOIwLTr_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yazan-kalem-siyah06 · 6 months
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BAYRAKLARIMIZI ASALIM 🇹🇷 Cumhuriyet Çok Yaşa 🇹🇷♥️🇹🇷 Sevgiler ♥️
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Günaydın Hayırlı Sabahlar🌿 (¯`v´¯)29 EKİM Cumhuriyet
 (¯`:🇹🇷:´¯)♡Bayrmınız Kutlu Olsun.
🌿.(_.^._).♡ D O S T L A R . . .🇹🇷
Cumhuriyеtimizin kurucusu
Gazi Mustafa Kеmal Atatürk başta olmak üzеrе
silah arkadaşlarını vе aziz şеhitlеrimizi rahmеtlе,
kahraman gazilеrimizi minnеt vе şükranla anıyor;
tüm hеmşеrilеrimizin vе tüm millеtimizin
Cumhuriyеt Bayramını kutluyorum.
Kucak Dolusu Sє√qiLєrim'Lє.... 💕
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GÜNAYDIN CAN DOSTLAR.✍️ Cumhuriyet; sendir, bendir.
Cumhuriyet; vatandır, millettir.
Cumhuriyet; eğitim, sanat ve bilimdir.
Cumhuriyet; özgürlük ve bağımsızlıktır.
Cumhuriyet; uygarlık yolunda çağdaşca yaşamaktır, laikliktir.
Cumhuriyet; Ulu Önder Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk sevgisiyle onun izinden yürümektir.
Cumhuriyet; onurlu ve gurur bir hayat yaşamaktır.
Bu topraklara yapılan en güzel ekimdir Cumhuriyet...
Aydınlığa giden tek yoldur Cumhuriyet.!
Cumhuriyet Dolu Nice . Yıllara...
🇹🇷 Sonsuza Kadar Yaşasın Cumhuriyet 🇹🇷
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