#benefits of fruits
lifehealthheal · 1 year
Kiwi is tiny, greenish-brown skin fruit that pack a ton of great nutrients. The texture of kiwi is soft it has sweet and very unique flavor. Kiwi is a berry which is high in Vitamin C and they are also rich in potassium, Vitamin E, Fiber as well as it contains lots of bioactive component. Kiwi fruits give a fair number of benefits to our health.
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For good reason, nearly everyone has been told to "eat your fruits and vegetables."
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healthy2bfitinfo · 1 month
Discover the amazing health benefits of citrus fruits. Packed with vitamin C, fiber, and antioxidants, citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits can boost your immunity, aid digestion, and improve skin health. Learn more about these juicy superfoods!
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albertoonofreworld · 7 months
Benefícios em comer muita fruta
A fruta tem sido uma fonte recomendada de calorias, fibras e uma série de nutrientes. Estudos realizados em várias partes do mundo, tem apresentado vários benefícios para saúde atribuído ao consumo de frutas e vegetais. Continue reading Untitled
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dsharma-world · 1 year
Fruits for eye swelling
While certain foods can help reduce inflammation and promote overall eye health, it’s important to note that they may not cure eye swellings entirely. Eye swellings can be caused by various factors, such as allergies, infections, or injuries, and it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment. However, incorporating nutrient-rich vegan foods into your…
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anjna17 · 2 years
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kanchjith · 2 years
Watch "Benefits of Guava Fruits in Tamil கொய்யாப்பழத்தின் நன்மை @PUDUVAI MARUTHUVAM புதுவை மருத்துவம்" on YouTube
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vmantras · 2 years
Advantages of Corn
Hello friends, how are you, today we will tell you the benefits of eating maca. Friends, corn means corn, which you must have enjoyed many times during the rainy season. The taste of food after applying ur lemon, what is it to eat? Advantages If you are troubled by cough due to change of weather, then it can be used.Useful in removing kidney stones.The use of maize in bladder disease is…
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ebuddynews · 2 years
Top 4 Essential Fruits For Your Healthy Life
Top 4 Essential Fruits For Your Healthy Life If you want a healthy life, then you must have to include a series of the top 4 essential fruits in your day-to-day lifestyle #fruits #essentialfruits #lifestyle #fruitdiet #healthylife #healthierlife #eatfruits #oranges #blueberries #watermelon #grapes #foodsanddrinks
If you want a healthy life, it is essential to include a series of essential fruits in the guideline. These are characterized by concentrating a high amount of high-quality nutrients inside and antioxidants that help control the development of chronic and complex pathologies. Do not miss it. But before we begin, we must emphasize that consuming fruits and vegetables is more than recommended to…
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sofiaruelle · 3 months
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I almost forgot about Study Sunday!!
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lifehealthheal · 1 year
Do you know star fruit can boost your energy?
Tired and stressed? Take a break, have a serving of carambola gobbling on this fruit will recharge you, improve your metabolism and boost your energy. The folate and riboflavin content present in star fruit will help regulate your metabolic functions.
As said earlier, star fruit keeps your gut healthy and a healthy gut can regulate your metabolism well it frees the body from hazardous toxins that are responsible for weakening your energy levels.
By lifehealthheal.com
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Tips To Get Fruits and Vegetables Benefits Every Day!
For good reason, nearly everyone has been told to "eat your fruits and vegetables."They are high in fiber, which helps in the maintenance of a healthy gut and digestion. They are high in water, which helps to hydrate tissues and lubricate joints. They are high in vitamins and minerals, which help to feed and replace cells and keep the body's biochemistry functioning properly. They are also high in phytonutrients, which help boost the immune system. In fact, fruits and non-starchy vegetables contain almost everything while being low in calories. Non-starchy vegetables have only 25 calories per serving. Fruit contains only 60 calories per serving. The best part is that these low-calorie foods contain little to no saturated fat. "There is no getting around it." "For optimal health, children and adults should consume five servings of fruits and non-starchy vegetables per day." "That equates to about two servings of fruits and three servings of vegetables per day," Wright explained. A serving is roughly half a cup of cooked vegetables or a full cup of raw vegetables or fruit. A serving is also considered a baseball-sized fruit, such as an apple, pear, or orange.
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thousand-sunnies · 1 month
every day the collection of fics i want to write grows bigger
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the-sage-libriomancer · 5 months
I wonder what Kyoko would've thought of Shigure. She's the only non-Sohma adult who's also in his age group (albeit barely - she's about a decade older than him) and I feel like her optimism combined with her no-nonsense sensibilities would've been an interesting foil to Shigure's morally grayness hidden under a cheerful exterior.
They probably could have bonded over pursuing socially unacceptable relationships and being outcasts in their family (if Shigure was ever able to be even slightly honest with her, that is). I don't think they'd have hung out often, but in a Kyoko Lives AU where Tohru befriends Kyo and Yuki, it's likely they would've had to meet at least once or twice. I can't tell if they'd like each other or if it'd be more of a "polite acquaintances" sort of thing.
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camels-pen · 2 months
am i gonna make up a whole devil fruit that makes absolutely no sense just to have sanuso in an extremely specific scenario from The S-Classes that I Raised ? Sources say yes
enter, the sense-sense fruit -> it can do all sorts of stuff, including dulling senses (ex. touch, so that allies feel less pain in battle), but the thing that matters is that the current user can also connect people's senses together and she does that to Sanji and Usopp
the usual response is "what- what the FUCK this is SO GODDAMN WEIRD" & panic that makes her victims easier to fight and win against for her and her crew
that still sorta happens, but since Sanji's useless against women anyway, he an Usopp manage to figure that if one of them doesn't do anything (closed eyes, staying completely still, just focused on breathing, etc.) then the other can fight just fine
of particular note, no matter what Sanji hears and no matter how tempted he is to peek, he is absolutely certain Usopp will handle it and that he won't let Sanji get hurt
there is definitely a close call or two where an axe flies just past/over Sanji's head or something, but Usopp handles it and Sanji doesn't even flinch
eventually the woman runs away & they deal with the sense sharing for the next few days until it wears off and they never deal with it again
here's where the big OR comes in
instead of never dealing with it again, they could end up doing something sorta similar to The S-Classes that I Raised and there is a lingering effect on the sense-sense power
where, if Usopp or Sanji focus with their Observation Haki, they can share their senses with each other briefly (able to do this because the sense-sense fruit gave them the experience to understand what that felt like, so they experiment until they can recreate it for uh,, reasons i haven't figured out yet)
it can cause a toll on their bodies if they do it for too long, especially for Usopp because his body isn't as sturdy as Sanji's (oh fuck, if he uses sense-sharing while Sanji's in "indestructible mode" that would very much fuck up Usopp)
essentially, using it too much could lead to them passing out from exhaustion. pushing through it could put dangerous pressure on their brains & lead to nosebleeds. yes this is p much magical exhaustion whump bc i love that shit
can't really think of reasons why they'd want to share senses- maybe it's just a curiousity thing for them. and also maybe Robin asking if Usopp can learn Sanji's Sky Walk just by sharing senses? hmm
maybe there are times that Sanji needs eyesight as good as Usopp's to see something far off. maybe Usopp needs more discreet ways of alerting Sanji to danger to himself. so, primarily a form of communication
overall though, i'm just a sucker for all those scenes where the MC passes out from overusing his sense-sharing powers in The S-Classes that I Raised and want to put Usopp in those situations <3
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