beforeorion · 11 months
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Netflix Unknown Cave of Bones is a well-produced documentary. Kudos to the producer and daring cavers. Now we can move on to the big discovery -Rising Star Cave Engravings - Part I: The Underworld - Before Orion
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
EastEnders Iconic Episodes:- Walford Pride
Tuesday 14th July 2020
Hello everyone! After a wonderful week away with my partner, I am now back and posting! I realise it's been a while and I'm aware I've missed a few episodes, I'm looking forward to jumping into them as soon as I can. But firstly, I have managed to catch up on last week's iconic episode, the most recent iconic moment so far ... Walford Pride! I remember watching this episode and thinking "Wow" to all the rainbow colours! I am not a homosexual, but I fully support Gay-Rights! I believe in gender equality and I believe it doesn't matter what the gender is, love is love! This brilliant episode was aired just last year on 5th July 2019!
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If I remember rightly, this episode focused on multiple people ... Bernadette, Callum, Ben ... Callum still reeling and coming to terms with his sexuality, and still deeply hiding the fact that he's gay from his fiance' Whitney!
Bernadette knows she's gay, during her time on the square she befriended Tiffany and after a while, it became clear that she was developing feelings towards her friend. Unfortunately Tiffany didn't feel the same, as much as she wanted to be close to her friend, he feelings never escalated that far. I remember their fall out was a pretty bad one, Tiffany pretended to be someone else online to get Bernie to think someone was interested in her, even though I think Tiffany's heart was in the right place, to prove to her friend that she could meet someone, it kinda backfired. Bernie was hurt once she realised it was all a lie and she felt Tiffany had made a fool of her. Tiffany realised her mistake and knows it's Bernadette's first Pride and she wants to make it up to her friend and make it special for her. I love how much Karen is supporting her daughter and getting everyone involved, her whole family has been brought around her, wearing feather boa's and rainbow themed clothes and painted rainbows on their faces! It's cute how overwhelmed she was with the whole experience. I love the scene between Bernie and Tina, it's like Tina is kinda helping Bernie feel comfortable. Tina can relate as she says "My first Pride, I just kept staring!" She can understand how Bernie must be feeling ... weird, uncomfortable, nervous. It's nice for Bernie to have a friend there and help her realise it's okay to be feeling these emotions, but she has even more reason to celebrate with everyone else.  
It's amazing how far Ben and Callum have come, looking back on this episode, you can see how hard it was for Callum to try and ignore Ben. When you look at Callum now, he's a hell of lot happier now he's accepted who he is and he's now dating Ben. After their first encounter together, Ben made it difficult to Callum to forget what had happened between them, he was there at his every move constantly reminding him. I feel sad watching this a bit as this was sad time for Callum, having to deny who he was and living a lie. All the Pride celebrations were just going to make it 10 times harder! Even Stuart questioned him whether there was something he wanted to say to him, after seeing him helping out at The Prince Albert. Stuart knows that his brother is hiding something, it's only when Callum goes to leave and he notices a gay couple walk into the restaurant and looks at them longingly, wishing he could be happy like that, Stuart clicks and Callum can no longer hide. He tells his brother that he and Ben are not "Just mates" and something has happened between them, even though he pushes the belief that he loves Whitney and wants to be with her, it's horrible to Callum lying to himself, I am just so relieved he's in a much happier place now. In this episode, Ben is flaunting himself over every man he sees and Callum is just deeply trying to ignore it all, even though his eyes are drawn to Callum over and over again.
Can I just also say how amazing Tina is in this episode? She is completely in her element, she absolutely glows in this episode. I don't think Tina gets enough credit, she is part of one of the most epic families on the Square, and I feel like she kinda gets forgotten about, or maybe pushed to the side-lines a little bit? Has she really had a big story-line since arriving on the Square? I mean there was one where her girlfriend Tosh appeared on the square, that didn't last very long ... and then there was the story with Stan and Sylvie, then her brief story with Stuart and how he turned out to be the one who bullied her as a child. I feel it would be lovely for Tina to have a big story-line, whether it's something to do with her family or whether she meets someone and begins a romantic relationship with someone. Do you guys agree? Do you think Tina should be getting more screen time and a bigger and better story-line of her own? Let me know what you think! I'd love to hear your thoughts!
What an amazing atmosphere it must have been filming this episode. The music was fantastic, the colours, the people! I, for one, would've loved to have even been an extra in this episode! I feel it must've been incredibly fun! I love the ending song "Proud" by Heather Small, I believe it's huge anthem for the gay community, that song made the episode for me. Bernie embracing everything and enjoying her time with her family and friends in the Square taking part in the parade. Yet, on the more devastating side, reflects the agony that Callum is feeling. Ben getting attacked by Stuart and being threatened to stay away, while Callum and Whitney are dancing in the street, Whitney is looking incredibly happy, while Callum is really choking back tears. It was so so powerful to watch! It's lovely and yet heartbreaking at the same time, for different characters. I remember watching it being so overwhelmed by it all. Am I right in thinking that this was the first Gay Pride event in a soap? I possibly could be wrong, but I am thrilled that the writers put this together, it is iconic and deserves to be in the list of EastEnders Iconic Episodes!
I'll be back tomorrow following tonight's iconic episode! I again, apologise for this post being so late. I'm now home and I'm looking forward to getting back into posting more post about EastEnders! I'm looking forward to finding out what more iconic episodes are going to be shown! I hope you all have had a brilliant week and are enjoying your EastEnders fix! Enjoy the rest of your week and look after yourself! Love to you all! xXx
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mariakjartans · 4 years
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“There is then a silence. The kind of silence when all that is appears to be listening intently to a revelation of all that will be.” #bernietaylor #cave #silence #isolation #snow #iceland #covid19 #waiting #raufarhólshellir (at Iceland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-rIW-PgElm/?igshid=hhtojqlvhi4b
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jessepinkmvn · 5 years
hello it is eleanor on anon again, not sure if im gonna be around again tonight so i wanted to say happy Official Panesar Week!! hope the ep is super good n everything u are hoping for. also sending u more love n good vibes, love u x
ahhhh eleanor happy panesar week to you too!!!! i have no photoshop so i can’t gif (unless i download it onto my five year old backup laptop and risk it dying too 😭) but ahhh i hope the eps are good so you have something to look forward to when you come back. have a great time on your travels! x
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lightninghitsground · 3 years
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I just wanted to show love to anyone who has ever contributed a fanwork to any fandom out there- be that a beautiful fic, an amazing gifset, stunning art, incredible fan vid, a playlist that provokes all the feels, a breathtaking edit.
Putting yourself ‘out there’ in a fandom is not an easy thing to do. It’s like offering a little bit of yourself, letting people in a little- I know I could never be brave enough myself. Not that I have the talent to do so. I only wish I had even half of the talent some of you seem to have in your fingertips alone.
To the Ballum fandom contributors, as it is the fandom I’m looking in on the most.... You have kept the fandom fires burning through this pandemic- through episodes slowing down, filming stopping altogether, an Eastenders-less summer, a storyline which was a struggle for a lot of us.... this year more than any other- you’ve kept us all going on here. Whatever may have been going on with you personally- and let’s face it- this year has been a lot™️- your hard work and dedication to your craft has provided the rest of us with content through the toughest of years. Not just through your own work, but with appreciation blogs/weeks/events etc. An apology from me- I have made so many promises of comments and reblogs, and I have not come through on that, and I am sorry.
You have all been blessed with an ability to make people laugh, cry, break their hearts and fix them again, stun them into silence, give them goosebumps... I am in awe of you all. The fact that some of you do this in a language that is not your first? I bow down- genuinely. Some of you could actually do with saving some talent for the rest of us because this fandom seems to have been blessed with certain people who seem to be able to draw, write, gif and edit like a dream. Here are just a few of you that have managed to make my world a little easier this year through your work- some of you I am lucky enough to call a friend (loves you), all of you I admire immensely, and none of you realise just how talented you are-
(in alphabetical (ish😂) order)
@always-just-jade @ashjafari @ballym @bensaidgayrights @bensdove @benshearingaid @bernietaylors @calangelhighway @callumslove @callumsmitchells @calnben @calsangel @charitydingle @cqllumhighway @drewsbarrymcre @eastendies @flowerbutevil @frankieslewis @isabellaofparma @josephgraham @juguitos @langerclyde @laurenkmyers @leximitchells @lucres @maxsbowden @maydays2 @merriell @mickeysmilkovich @mightbeababygay @minimitchell @mitchellandhighway @moodyblueangel @nickyusuf @oihalfway @panesars @poursomesugarzombie @seanslaters @smugfacebitchell @softlofty @stillamess22 @sunsetsover @sunshinehighway @totallyradioactive15 @whitneycarter @yasisworld @yougaythen
I’m know I have missed people- that wasn’t my intention- my brain is mush. There are definitely a few writers who I am sure lurk here, even if I can’t match the AO3 author to the blog here. Just know that if you have ever contributed anything- big or small- I include you in this thanks. Fandom would be nothing if it weren’t for ALL of you.... Keep shining, and keep sharing your talent!
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yasisworld · 4 years
fanfic writer appreciation day
“Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.”
— Franz Kafka on writing
a huge shout out to: @calthighway, @stillamess22, @icantdowithoutyou, @softlofty, @thefancyspin, @dingletragedy, @callumsmitchells, @juguitos, @halfwayinit, @stuffymcrandom, @amsaro, @totallyradioactive15, @they-call-me-halfway, @leblonde, @oceandawning, @escapingreality51, @capseycartwright, @some-mad-lunge, @misswhimsy, @quicksilvermaid, @laurenkmyers, @racheliswritingfic, @ballumschmallum, @artsy-highway, @howlingsaturn, @kay-okays, @rubyallens, @biggayhighway, @permetstu, @sunsetsover, @bernietaylors, @persephonierose123, @minimitchell (I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting people and I'm so sorry about that).
be it today or three years ago, you guys have written fics that I’ve enjoyed and read over and over again. never let anyone make you feel worthless because you’ve created something that made me and others smile, that made us happy. something that made our day. without you fandom would be poorer. I admire you and you guys inspire me 💖💖💖
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yrsonpurpose · 4 years
Hey- newbie here! Would you be able to rec me some blogs to follow?
Heyyy welcome 🤗 I'm just gonna name a bunch that I follow @ashpanesars @ballumory @ballym @bencallum @benthighway @bernietaylors @callumitchells @callumsoftway @curtishoyle @dingletragedy @drewsbarrymcre @josephgraham @halfsway @highwaybowden @icantdowithoutyou @isabellaofparma @juguitos @lolaspearce @lucres @maxbowdens @mitchellsben @mitchellfowler @permetstu @softlofty @stillamess22 @sunsetsover @yasisworld @weloveweird @whitdean @vinnypanesars
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ballum-fic-wishes · 4 years
🌟 Masterpost 🌟
Here we are, at the end of the Ballum Advent Calender 2019. It´s been so much fun! To conclude the calender, here a list of all the contributions. Check out the posts that you missed, because they were all amazing!
this moodboard by @omarandjohnny
this fic by @heythereromeo-xo
this edit/gifset by @joyode
this fic by @benthighway and this moodboard by @yasisworld
this prompt list by @ballum-fic-wishes
this fic by @they-call-me-halfway
this edit+fic by @tonyclays
this fic by @raynedanser and this artwork by @smugfacebitchell
this edit/gifset by @halfwaysincere
this edit by @stillamess22
this edit/gifset by @bisexualalienblast
this fic by @they-call-me-halfway and this fic + artwork by @dingletragedy and @smugfacebitchell
this edit by @lucres
this fic+moodboard by @mightbeababygay
this edit/gifset by @bernietaylors
this video by @heythereromeo-xo and this fic by @they-call-me-halfway
this prompt list by @ballum-fic-wishes
this fic by @sweetcandygirl21
this edit by @stillamess22
this fic by @basketcase1880 and this artwork + fic by @smugfacebitchell and @dingletragedy
this edit by @weloveweird
this fic by @bernietaylors
this edit/gifset by @calsway
this edit/gifset by @ashpanesars 
With this, I also want to thank everyone who took part, because you are the ones who made this possible! It was so much fun to organize everything, to talk so many kind people I have never talked to before and of course to see all your incredible creations. So much talent in this fandom!!
A few special mentions:
First of all @benthighway ❤ Without Gemma the calender would never have existed in the first place. Actually, not even this blog would have existed. Gemma was always there to let me bounce my ideas off her, to answer any questions and to give me encouragement. So the biggest thank you of all to you, love!
Also shout out to @they-call-me-halfway and @yasisworld ❤ Thank you so much for helping me and saving the day when people had to cancel last minute!
So, that leaves only one thing left to say: Merry Christmas everyone! 🌟
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softlofty · 4 years
6, 14, 28 :)
6. favourite fluff moment? i’ve already answered this but if i get to pick another one, i’ll go with the scenes with lexi dancing, when callum stayed over :)
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14. best hug? already had this one as well but i’ll just pick another one!! i loved this moment bc ben had mostly just been a bit annoying and snarky towards callum up until that point, and he knows that’s not what he needed then. it was just pure comfort and support.
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28. shout out 5 blogs who’ve made your ballum tumblr experience this year! yeeeeees i love this!! alright, in no particular order:
@dingletragedy my wife, love of my life, genuine bright spot in my day when we talk, incredibly funny and kind, brilliant writer. wish i could hug her on a daily basis. owns my heart. yes yes yes.
@isabellaofparma i mean, ivett is just the best. she makes beautiful gifs and gifsets, she’s incredibly funny, i love seeing her liveblogs and her text posts make me giggle so much. yeah she’s great
@josephgraham okay so this might be a bit weird since im p sure shannon doesnt really know who i am bc i am Scared and i don’t talk easily to people on here, but!!!!!!! their gifs are incredible, sharp, beautifully coloured, feels like the quality is better than what was actually on telly lmao. their incredibly funny as well, like i don’t know how people on here do it but it’s so good to have people who find the good even when storylines aren’t always top notch. martin thirst connoisseur and pioneer, incredible.
@weloveweird again, sorry if it’s weird tagging someone who probably doesn’t know who i am djfksldjflkds. a french queen!!!!! beautiful beautiful gifs, expert at picking the most heartwrenching moments and quotes to throw in a gifset, and she’s always ridiculously fast with giffing after eps like how?? i love reading posts with her thoughts about spoilers or certain scenes. she’s just lovely!!
@bernietaylors eleanor!! i just love reading people thoughts, she’s so funny in the tags and the liveblog posts. i relate to her a lot bc lit rally every woman in ee is like.... Pretty so she’s so valid.
i will say though, there are so many people on here in the ballum fandom that i think are incredible but im i guess easily intimidated?? i don’t start talking to people easily lmao, so just know i appreciate and admire all of you!!
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beforeorion · 10 months
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Cave of Bones bear depicted in the Rising Star Cave, South Africa compared with the Lion-man of Hohlenstein-Stadel in Germany between 35,000 and 41,000 years ago. Rising Star Cave Engravings - Part I: The Underworld - Before Orion
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bernietaylors · 5 years
url change
aliciamunroe → bernietaylors
thanks to those who voted!
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greyyjoys · 5 years
tagged by: @iridsecents and @theonsqreyjoy thank u both !
rules: tag 8 ppl you want to get to know better
tagging: @peterjakes @saltedcaramelbomboms @ssapphho @awkwardalpha @nancywheelxr @carol-nats @sinclairsryan @bernietaylors
one, name/alias: molly
two, birthday: 8th feb
three, zodiac sign: aquarius
four, height: like 5’2
five, hobbies: reading, tv, walking, music, social media. thinking about starting up archery again.
six, favourite colours: yellow, green
seven, favourite books: the song of achilles, asoiaf series
eight, last song listened to: all you wanna do (six the musical)
nine, last movie watched: spiderman far from home
ten, inspraition for muse: idk what this means
eleven, dream job: working as a curator or as a writer
twelve, meaning behind url: house greyjoy bc theon is my fav
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livefreeandnow · 6 years
#beforeorion #bernietaylor #carljung #jung #jungian #josephcampbell #myth herosjourney #caveart #art #arthistory #prehistory #monomyth #dreams #psychology #archaeology #humanity #starwars
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jessepinkmvn · 5 years
ellie hello!!! its eleanor im on anon bc its easier. how are u feeling on this fine sunday evening? have u had a good day? are u looking forward to ee next week? love u x
eleanorrrrr my love how are u??? 
i’m in a bleugh mood bc my laptop broke earlier (the one with all my sims packs and photoshop and saved psds/actions and sony vegas on uGH) and it won’t get fixed before college starts again so i’ve got no computer to do all my essays on hahahaha love that for me
bUT me and my mum went out today and got indian food and i got tipsy on cobra beer so it was good :)
oH I AM BUZZING FOR EE GOD IT’S PANESAR WEEK!!!! i’m convinced we get ben/dotty/panesars/ash all in the same ep which has me exploding with gay energy already bUT i’m so ready to see the panesars again. i miss them. and we meet vinny!!! (convinced he’s the new bi character ngl) and i am so so so so ready for the ash sl to kick off like yess give me all the criminals give me ash hiding her criminal past/life from iqra yessssssssss
how about u??? are u okay are u well are u looking forward to next week? x
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lightninghitsground · 4 years
Hi I’m quite new to the fandom but is there any Ballum blogs u can Rec off the top of ur head to follow? If it’s not trouble Xoxo 💖
Hi anon! Welcome to the fandom… You’ve picked a good one- I haven’t come across anyone who isn’t lovely so far- people in this fandom are just the nicest (the tumblr fandom anyway!)
Anyway- you should definitely follow the people listed below- your dash will be filled with beautiful words, gorgeous gifsets, laughter, loveliness in abundance, and all round amazingly talented people- seriously the fics and gifs these people produce are second to none. I feel very lucky to say that I count some of them as my friends- I don’t deserve them.
Special shout out to Soph ❤️- @dingletragedy simply because she was the first blog that I followed, and if she hadn’t been so very lovely and supportive, I’m not sure I would have made a blog in the first place…. (So now all the rest of you know who to blame for my presence.) Love you Soph- thank you for being you when I first messaged, and thank you for your support, and your friendship. (you’d also be in the category below)
Also- I could ramble on for ages- but the following people have supported me, and helped me in so many ways (maybe some of you without even realising it). I couldn’t begin to explain how much it meant if I tried… but even if it was just one kind message, or 50- I appreciate it more than you know…. I LOVE YOU ALL A LOT. Thank you for being my friend, and for putting up with me. 💕💕
@halfsway, @benthighway, @ashpanesars, @callumsoftway, @lolapearce, @isabellaofparma, @thefancyspin, @stillamess22, @joyode, @drewsbarrymcre
Everyone else listed below are just beautiful people making/saying beautiful things who I hope to maybe talk to more (or, you know, start talking to) at some point… (but if not, I will just carry on admiring from afar): 💖
@sunsetsover, @josephgraham, @lucres, @vinnypanesars, @softlofty, @weloveweird, @juguitos, @whotellsyourstory, @maxbowdens, @bernietaylors, @yasisworld, @smugfacebitchell, @curtishoyle, @merriell
I am sure there are people that I have missed, and if I have missed you, I am so sorry. If I think of anyone, I will add them on. I don’t follow that many people though anon (only following 53 blogs at the moment) so you might do well to ask some of the lovely people above if they have any recommendations. I’m sure I’m probably missing out some lovely blogs that I haven’t got around to following.
Enough with my rambling- I hope this helps anon.
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beforeorion · 10 months
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