#bigby x chubby reader
babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x Oc
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking, drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 17: The Trial
Witching Well Chamber
The Woodland Building Early Morning
As Sonya and Bigby leads Crooked Man to the Witching Well Chamber, they can hear familiar voices filled with uncertainty. “I know, I know….but we have to do something…”
“Are you fuckin’ kidding me?”
“When does this thing happen?”
“Are we sure they’re coming?”
“Yes, you’ll have an opportunity to–”, Snow says, but turns to see the two and smiles. “They’re back!”, Snow said, catching everyone’s attention.
“The Crooked Man…”, Beauty mutters, backing away. "Well done, you two.“, Snow says, following them as they led Crooked Man through the crowd, Gren spat at the Crooked Man. "Motherfucker.”
“Are you guys okay?”, Snow asked, clasping her hands together. “Well…he didn’t make it easy.”, Bigby replied. “Just peachy.”, Sonya muttered and leaned on a pillar while Bigby and Snow talked.
Her eyes fluttered open and closed as she tried her best to remain conscious.
“What happened?”, Snow asked him. “It doesn’t matter. He’s here, we got him.”, Bigby says, crossing his arms. “We'll talk about it later then.”, Snow said and walked in front of them.
“You did well, Sheriff and Deputy. I’m….surprised. Not that you guys did well….but that….y'know…”, Snow says, making Bigby smile at her.
“I’m just glad you made it back in one piece.”, she said. “Thanks, Snow.”, he said.
“It’s about time you two showed up. Now throw this asshole down the fuckin’ well!”, Gren shouts. “Yes, what are you waiting for?”, Bluebeard asked.
“You killed Lily!”
“She was my sister!”
“How could you?!”
“What do you have to say for yourself?!”
“Where the fuck do you get off?! You think you have the right to just do this to people?”
“And what about Faith!”
Everyone shouts at the Crooked Man, making Sonya and Bigby look at each other in bewilderment at their actions. “Everyone! Can I have your attention!”, Snow shouted.
Everyone quiets down as she speaks again. “Thank you all for coming here on such short notice. I know normally we’d schedule a formal hearing, but considering the circumstances….I thought it’d be best if we do this as soon as possible.”, Snow said as she picked up the Crooked Man’s charges. “The Crooked Man is charged with the murder of Faith and L–”
“As I already informed your Sheriff and Deputy….it was Mr Georgie Porgie who killed those women, not me.”, Crooked Man interrupted her.
“What? It was Georgie?”, Holly asked in surprise.
“I don’t mean to interrupt you, Miss White. But I thought it would be unwise to proceed with such…faulty information.”, Crooked Man corrected Snow.
“Georgie may have killed them, but you made the damn call.”, Sonya said. “Do I have to explain the situation to you again?”, Crooked Man asked, annoyed. “Trust me, I’m not trying to hear your wack ass excuse again.”, she retorted.
“Wait a minute. So you’re saying Georgie’s the motherfucker who killed my sister? Well where is he?”, Holly asked.
“Yeah, you’re gonna bring that shithead in too, aren’t you?”, Gren asked.
“Yes, Sheriff and Deputy. Where is the rotten scoundrel now?”, Crooked Man asked.
“Is he still out there?”, Beauty asked. “I sincerely hope not.”, Beast says.
“I killed him. He’s dead.”, Bigby said, bluntly.
“Dead?”, Everyone asked in shock.
“So you see, the culprit has been punished. There’s no need for this–”, Crooked Man says before Snow cuts him off.
“That doesn’t change anything.”, she said. “We’ll deal with it later, but right now you’re the one I’m concerned with.”
“You called the shots. Georgie made that perfectly clear.”, Bigby says.
“In which case you still have a lot to answer for. And I’d–”
“I was told I would be allowed to speak.”, Crooked Man said.
“We have to read the rest of the charges.”, Snow rushed. “What other charges?”, Crooked Man asked. “If you’d wait a moment.”, Snow sneered angrily.
“I am well aware of my rights, Miss White.”, Crooked Man says. “Let her finish. Then you can have your say.”, Sonya growled. “If you insist.”, Crooked Man said, his shoulders slumping.
Snow clears her throat. “You are charged with the murder of Faith and Lily….which Georgie carried out on your order. Inciting violence against various members of the Fabletown community…including the attempted murder of Sheriff Bigby Wolf."
"Twice. And the assault and kidnapping of my deputy.”, Bigby added.
“A misunderstanding.”, Crooked Man says. “Misunderstanding, my ass-”, Sonya starts before Snow continues. “Aiding and providing support for the forced prostitution at the Pudding ‘n Pie. Additionally you are charged with multiple counts of fraud, extortion, racketeering, and the illegal possession and sale of magical artifacts. Now, is there anything you would like to say?”
“First of all, I had nothing to do with Faith and Lily, so you can strike that one from your little record book.”, Crooked Man corrected. “Second–”
“Bullshit! Like hell you didn’t!”, Gren snarled.
“Stop the charade, we know you’re involved.”, Bluebeard declares. “Everyone just shut up for a minute!”, Bigby said to the crowd. He turned to the Crooked Man. “You wanted a chance to talk? Well, go ahead.”
“What?”, someone shouted.
“We all know he’s guilty! What the fuck does he need to speak for?”, Gren yells.
“The Crooked Man has committed crimes against this government, and most importantly its citizens.”, Snow said to everyone before turning to Crooked Man. “These charges, if proven, are enough to justify death, upon which your body will be committed to the Witching Well.”
“Where it fuckin’ belongs!”, Gren agreed.
“Let’s get on with it!”
“But we promised you a chance to defend yourself! And I won’t rob you of that right.”, Snow said, much to the crowd’s dismay. “This is about justice. If we’re ever going to pull ourselves together and make something of this town, we have to start doing things correctly. No more snap judgments. No more secrets. We are going to treat everyone fairly. Even when they don’t deserve it.” Bigby uncuffs Crooked Man. “You have the floor.”, Snow said to him as he rubbed his wrists.
“Thank you, Miss White. You’ve all met Georgie. I don’t have to tell you what kind of…person he was. He was a total scoundrel, lacking in any sort of moral fiber. I hired him as a favor to his family, you see, a promise kept to a dying mother…”, Crooked Man said as he paced in front of the crowd. “Are you gonna get to your point or what?”, Holly asked.
“Georgie was working for me, yes, but he was not acting on my behalf when he killed those women. It was his business….and for whatever reason I’m sure only he could understand, he murdered two of his most faithful employees. I had nothing to do with it.”, he explained. “This is such bullshit!”, Gren yells.
“Georgie seemed pretty convinced he didn’t have a say in the matter.”, Sonya says, standing straight. “He clearly misunderstood my intention.”, Crooked Man. “Really?” Holly asked.
"Your intention wasn't for him to "deal with the problem" or he'd get dealt with?", Sonya asked.
“I would never authorize such an act.”, he said. “Any of you actually believe this bullshit?” Holly asked the crowd.
"Holly, please.“, Snow said, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Tell them, Bigby, Miss Sonya….when you two finally showed up at my door last night, wasn’t I more than helpful? I answered your questions. I was willing to cooperate.”, Crooked Man said.
“What’s he talking about?”, Snow asked.
"Oh, don't even! Your goonies jumped me and kidnapped me when I was trying to go get food. Helpful, my ass.", Sonya yelled, storming up to Crooked Man.
“You weren’t helpful, you were trying to set us up. You people tried to kill us!”, Bigby exclaimed to him.
“They get a bit carried away sometimes, it’s true, loyal to the end. They do it because they want to protect me, as I have protected them.”, Crooked Man said. "You understand wanting to protect what you care about, don’t you? You’d do anything. You might even give up an innocent man…..just to have someone.”
“I really hope you’re going somewhere with this.”, Sonya growled, her eyes beginning to glow in anger. “I see….you want to cut right to the point. I can appreciate that.”, Crooked Man said.
“Let me explain this to you….my employees are just that. Hired help.” He looked over at Beauty and Beast. “I see some of them here among you. They are not my slaves. They are all free to make their own decisions, just as Georgie was….”
“What about Lily?”, Holly asked as she walked up to Crooked Man. “She wasn’t free. She wasn’t given a choice. Do you really think she wanted– that any of those girls wanted their lives like that?”
“I’m sorry, Holly. I’m sorry that your sister asked me for help and I’m sorry that I decided against my better judgment to give her a distasteful job.”, Crooked Man said, feigning innocence.
“Right, and you kept them in debt so they couldn’t leave.”, Sonya says, rolling her eyes. “Yeah. That’s what you did to us. How you kept us all in line….!", Beast exclaims.
“You forget, it was not me who put you in that position. You all act like I’m some kind of tyrant. When your government abandoned you, left you poor and helpless, sniveling on the street corners, I was there to look out for you.”, Crooked Man said as he approached Beast and Beauty.
“Crane was the one who let this town go to the fuckin’ dogs. The guy who was in your pocket, remember?”, Bigby said. “Really?”, Crooked Man asked, turning to face Bigby.
He noticed Greenleaf and walked up to her. “What about Aunty Greenleaf? Her story is not uncommon. She left everything she had back in the Homelands….everything that mattered, anyway. With nowhere else to turn, she came to me for help. And what did I do for you?”
“You got my tree back.”, Greenleaf said, looking away.
“I got her tree back. And in turn, we used her magic to help poor Fables get glamours. Because I helped her she was able to make a living….provide for herself. And what did they do?”, Crooked Man asked.
“For the longest time….not much. But….they asked me to come work for them.”, Greenleaf says. “Really?” Crooked Man said, impressed. “The new Deputy Mayor wants you on the Thirteenth Floor?”
“No…the wolf offered me the job….she wanted my tree destroyed. If she had had her way I’d be hung out to dry on a clothesline by now.”, Greenleaf said, glaring at Snow.
“What?”, Beauty gaped at Snow in shock. “You were gonna burn her tree?”, Beast asked. “Snow made a mistake.”, Bigby defended.
“I had a very good reason for asking Sonya and Bigby to do that. She was working with Crane and the Crooked Man!”, Snow said to the crowd. “It wasn’t her fault.”, Beast shouts.
Greenleaf walks up to Snow, frowning. “You can lie to yourself but you can’t lie to me. You hated Crane….and hated that he used me to get what he wanted. It had nothing to do with the Crooked Man.”
Snow turns away from her. “We’ve made some mistakes. I’ve made some mistakes. But believe me…I truly want what’s best for this town. And that may not always be clear….right away. But I want you all to know that I care deeply about all of you. And so does the Sheriff and Sonya.”
“Yeah, right.”, Gren said, rolling his eyes. “I can’t promise you perfection. No one can. But I promise to always have your best interests at heart.”, Snow said.
“Maybe y'all haven’t noticed, but we’ve been doing all of this to protect you. We’re trying to stop people like him.”, Sonya said, shoving a thumb towards the Crooked Man's direction.
“The Crooked Man’s been exploiting you. Giving you false hope for a chance at a better life. You would go to him for help…he'd take that and manipulate you. And if things didn’t fall exactly his way… someone would die.”, Sonya says, frowning sadly.
“Do you really think the Crooked Man cared about you? He just cared about your money. He cares about your obedience.”, Bigby says, glaring at the Crooked Man.
Everyone looks at each other before Beast walks up to them and stands by their side. “They’re right.”, he said.
“You’re still all afraid of him….even now. But you needn’t be. His contamination of this town is over….and those girls will have their justice.”, Snow said, getting everyone to stand by their side.
They stood there, glaring at the Crooked Man as he slowly clapped. “Very good, very good, the sentiment is surely appreciated, Miss White….but it doesn’t disguise the fact that these accusations are completely unfounded. The Sheriff and Deputy simply don’t have a particle of evidence linking me to the murders.”
“Georgie was working for you! Bigby and Sonya got a confession that–” Snow gets interrupted by the Crooked Man.
“A confession that nobody heard! Now, I’m no barrister, but I’d think such a statement would carry more weight if Bigby and Sonya weren’t the only one to whom Georgie spoke. Especially given Bigby’s…history.”, he hinted, making Sonya look at him crazy.
“What are you talking about?”, Johann asked. “And what about your fucking history? All you’ve done to this fucking town…”, Sonya growled before Beast spoke up. “What do you mean there’s no evidence?”, Beast asked, nervously.
“Maybe….maybe he’s….I mean, this doesn’t feel right, how we’re doing this. I just mean…”, Beauty whimpers.
“Of course it’s right. This man tormented all of you….for profit!”, Bluebeard shouted. “Georgie killed–”
“Let me just make sure I understand you…you’re trying to say that I am responsible for what Georgie did, because he was working for me at the time. Yes?”, Crooked Man asked.
“Yes.”, Bluebeard replied. “Of course.", Gren agreed.
“Where are you going with this…?” Bigby asked, crossing his arms.
The Crooked Man smirked. “If I’m to blame for Georgie’s mistakes, shouldn’t Miss White be held accountable for Bigby's actions as well?”
"Huh?", Sonya asked, bewildered.
“Like what?”, Snow asked him. “How about the way he treated Tweedle Dee when he was in your custody? He was beaten to mashed apples while under your watch.” Crooked Man said.
"Under my watch?“, Snow asked, outraged. "That was Bluebeard! Not me.”, Bigby said, pointing at the taller man.
“He was a murder suspect!”, Bluebeard replied.
“Besides…Crane was still Deputy Mayor when that happened. Right before you decided to kidnap him.”, Sonya said.
“It was for his own protection….”, Crooked Man. “Oh, you’re right, dear. Crane was in charge. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference.”
“That’s enough.”, Snow said, walking up to him. “So, you won’t answer for your employee’s behavior…but I must perish for mine?”, Crooked Man asked.
"This is completely different.“, Snow said. "We all–”
“I did not order those two girls dead. It simply never happened. Georgie killed Faith and Lily. End of story. They want to scapegoat me for their own tangled ends, but they refuse to answer for their own crimes!”, Crooked Man said.
“This isn’t right….”
“Oh please.”
“This isn’t the point!”
“We’ll deal with them after we deal with you.”
"The hell you will!"
“Everyone, calm down! This isn’t the reason we’re here!”, Bigby yells, trying to reason with the crowd.
“I mean, a certain level of privilege should be afforded to–”
“To whom?”
“This is how it’s always been!”, Greenleaf yells.
“This is what I’m talking about. We lashed out ropes to this diseased world….and ever since, which one of us has been there for you? Who filled your lives with the promise of more? Who was there while they idly played in their towers….judging you, treating you as mindless children too stupid to command your own destiny. Without me….who will pay your rent when you are on the verge of eviction? Who will dare challenge their brutality when it leaks to our dear citizens?”, Crooked Man asks as he paces in front of the crowd then faces Bigby with a smirk.
“Who will protect you…from the Big Bad Wolf?”
Sonya stood behind the Crooked Man. "You might want to pick your next words, very carefully."
"Is that a threat?", Crooked Man challenges.
"Its a warning."
"I still don't understand why you all are still held on to declaring me the culprit.", he argues.
"So you didn't call your goons on me while I went and got food. You still think you shouldn't be put on the spot for that!?", Sonya yells, catching everyone's attention.
Crooked Man looked around before turning to Sonya. "My dear, they were protecting me."
Sonya glared at him. "If you're gonna lie, make sure you know who to trust when you do."
Late Afternoon
Sonya sighed, looking around for a food shop. She craved a sandwich and hoped Bigby didn't mind it. He didn't look like he ate much anyways and yet he was muscular as can be.
She smiled, shaking her head as she went on her way. She passed up an alleyway, and paused feeling strange as she did.
She turned over her shoulder, hesitating to walk to the alleyway but did anyway. She looked into the dark alleyway, looking back to see any undies before looking around.
'I got a bad feeling…', she thought. Once she turned around again, she was met with a butt of a shotgun to her face. She fell over and looked up at the large smirk of Tweedle Dee and Dum. "The Crooked Man sends his regards."
Bigby growled at the info. "That's what they said. So please, please...lie again.", Sonya says.
Crooked Man looked around, meeting the nervous eyes of the crowd before smiling at Sonya, starting to say something before he was interrupted by a rushed voice. “Bigby! Sonya! Miss White!”
Sonya grins seeing the green eyed girl rushing toward them. "Nerissa!"
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pinkykitten · 6 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby Wolf x plus size! reader
Warning: curse words, reader feeling self conscious 
Specifics: fluff, romance, one shot, plus size reader, race neutral reader
People: Bigby Wolf, you, toad, Snow White, Prince (oc)
Words: 2,233
Requested: By @native-snowflake Hi! Could you please do a Bigby Wolf x Fat!Reader where the reader thinks he likes Snow because he’s always around her but he’s really asking Snow on how to ask the reader out? Thanks 😊
Authors Note: this is one of my fav video games its sooo good. also i have such bad back pain cuz of my amazing period. i want to die rn ✌️
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The alarm clocked beeped rapidly on your nightstand. The sun was just rising, creeping up to give you a morning hello through the window. Silencing the clock you get up with a groan and a moan. “Its to early,” you declare, getting up anyways. 
You were a reporter, a newspaper reporter. Many folks in Fabletown would often see you with a camera hanging from your neck. Many, many, many people hated you. The reason? Well, you went into their business I mean it is your job. You would get the juiciest stories with the best pictures to back you up. That’s why the newspaper company you worked for, “The Mermaid Times”, always made such good money. It was because of you. 
After eating and getting ready for the day you decided to pick your outfit. It was difficult in the times you lived in, and the more so. These people weren’t just ordinary humans, they were fables. Now do you see any plus size princesses, damsels in distress? Unfortunately, it was difficult to find outfits fit for your job and size. Your dress code was a classy blouse, and skirt. You searched endlessly through your closet. “C’mon y/n you’re gonna be late,” you scolded yourself. 
Finally, you put an outfit together that was suitable for your job.
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When you put it on you twirled around in it, trying to find the best parts of it. But nothing. “I don’t know about this.” You placed a hand to your stomach, you really hated how you looked. It just felt awkward, nobody was really your size. The only people that could stand for plus size would be...the trolls. You sighed and saw the time, “oh my god I’m gonna be late!” There was no time for you to sulk and cry you had to go to work and fast!
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Walking down the street you chuckle to yourself. “Theres toad back at it again.” You quickly snapped a picture of him walking around, not glamoured. “Its to the farm for him soon.”
You quickly ran to the building. You were working hard more than ever. These murders showing up were not normal and you were the one who had to make sure these stories informed the people of Fabletown. 
“Hello sir, sorry I’m late. “ You gave a guilty smile as you shook hands with your boss. 
“How many times do I need to tell you this y/n, come in at 7. God is it really that difficult?”
“No sir its just I-”
“Please get to work!”
You quickly ran to your office and shut the door. Your boss’s name was Prince. Apparently to him he was the one who saved Nerissa and that they were in love. Remeber, the Little Mermaid?
You huffed down in your dingy chair and placed your fingers on your temples. A knock came through. “Come in!”
One of your co-workers rushed in with many paperwork. “Boss wants ya to get a interview with Snow and Sheriff Bigby. Think you could do that?”
Your whole mood changed. Seeing Bibgy? You and Bigby go way back. You and him are longtime friends. Your heart started to beat rapidly. You also had a liking to Bigby. He was kind to you, and rough around the edges. You knew about his past but chose not to dwell on those instead you dwell on the man he has become today. A sheriff that is pretty dam* good at his job. 
“Um excuse me y/n?”
“Oh,” you hadn’t realize you were spacing out. “Yes of course I can do that. Thanks.”
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You go to the mayors building and try to find the assistant deputy mayor office. You feel self conscious inside because many times you have realized that Snow has a better job than you. It made you feel in a way stupid and not important. 
You found her office and gave it a light knock. This interview had to be a little quick because you wanted to ask Bigby while you interviewed him if he would like to go out for dinner. 
You opened the door and low and behold...Bigby was there. “Of course,” you muttered but quickly put on a fake smile. 
Unknown to you Bigby heard you and saw your expression. He stood up when you entered the room and his face showed it all. His love and adoration for you. 
“Hello there y/n! What a surprise, how are you?” Snow asked, covering her mouth because her and Bigby were...eating.
“Well okay then,” you whispered to yourself. Dinner plans are over.
“I’m...good. You guys look great. So I was supposed to interview you and then Bigby but since you’re both here I guess I could interview you both together.” You gave a hug to Snow and lightly gave a hug to Bigby. You didn’t want Bigby to touch your stomach or just touch you because you know you’ve gained weight. As you interviewed them you saw the way they sat by each other, looking in each others eyes, finishing each others sentence. You could tell they really cared for each other and why wouldn’t she get anybody? She was a perfect size, beautiful in the face, kind, sweet, caring. You were the fly on the wall while she was the princess. You would always be the fly on the wall, watching others have fun and enjoy life while you cry with a tub of ice cream to comfort you. 
You stumbled upon your last question to them, “um, I.” You felt tears coming down your face and you sniffled them. “Sorry,” you kept your head low, “allergies. Well I think that settles it. Thank you both enjoyyourday!” Running to the exit you stumble your way out of the building but not until you hear your name being called. 
It was Bigby. You curse under your breath, “of course god dam*it!”
You walked faster through the traffic and went across the street from the building. 
“Y/n I know you hear me!” Bigby called out, running to you. You stood by a drug store awaiting him knowing you wouldn’t even stand a chance with him. 
“Yeah sorry I couldn’t hear you with all the traf-”
“Whats wrong? Why are you crying?”
“Oh its nothing.” In your head you wanted to slap yourself. You wanted to tell him all about your insecurities. Wanted to tell him how much you love him. “Really, the big bad wolf I’m fine.” Your gentle hands found themselves on his cheeks, feeling the rough scratch of his facial hair. 
“Y/n, you can tell me anything right? I’m here for you sweetheart. And I mean I am the sheriff so I have to make sure you are doing okay.” Bigby wanted to hit himself for that terrible joke. 
You looked into his eyes and already you felt better. You laughed and ran your fingers through his hair, “silly Bigby. I’m fine, just go over there. You don’t want to leave your soulmate Snow anymore. I mean I always see you guys together, its like you’re inseparable. Thats okay though, thats how love should be.”
Bigby looked at you weirdly, shaking his head. He tried to go against what you were saying and say his part but you wouldn’t let him speak. 
“My advice is...go to that pizza place down the street its frickin amazing.” Great, food. Thats all you talk about. Well it didn’t matter, who were you trying to amaze, certainly not Bigby. “See you around Bibgy. Also if you don’t know which color she likes just always go for white, usually that works.” You quickly but sweetly placed a loving kiss on his cheek and left waving. 
Bigby was left startled at what you said. “For god sakes y/n I don’t love Snow I love...you.”
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Bigby P.O.V
From the moment he met you Bigby was in love. Bigby and you were friends for ages but he always knew he wanted to be with you. Bigby was always there for you, even during those times when you didn’t love yourself. He always wanted to make sure that you knew how much he loved you, but now, now he felt like a failure. You thought he liked Snow!
Bigby slammed the door to Snow’s office. Angry with himself. 
“Did she realize it? How did you tell her? Oh please tell me you didn’t get down on one knee?” Snow pestered Bigby into telling the details. 
“Snow I didn’t ask her out! Alright, I didn’t ask her out.” Bigby rubbed his temples in stress. 
“What do you mean? You didn’t do anything that I taught you?”
“Snow, y/n thinks that me and you are together, like in love.”
Snow felt bad and bit her lip, “ and she’s been seeing us together a lot so no wonder she thinks that. Oh poor girl. I feel so bad, I wanted her to know how much you love her. She’s always coming to me sometimes for interviews when in real life she wants someone to talk to. She has such a good heart yet she feels so terrible about herself.”
Bigby stood up and placed a cigarette in his mouth. “I’m gonna do it.”
“Do what?”
“I’m gonna tell that girl, my girl, how much I love her. I’m gonna make sure she knows how sexy and beautiful she is in my eyes. She needs to know this and she needs to hear it because shi* it is the truth! I love her Snow, I really love her.”
Snow smacked Bigby lightly on the head, “then what are you waiting for Romeo? GO!”
End of Bigby P.O.V
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You, again, these moments happen many times in your life, are sitting on your couch, watching the notebook while eating a ton of ice cream and crying your heart out. 
“Why can’t I look like that? Why can’t I have love like that? Guess its just you and me,” you said to your ice cream, eating a spoonful. 
Suddenly, someone knocked on your door. You didn’t think anything of it so you didn’t try to cover yourself up. You trudged to the door and opened it. You wish you would of covered yourself up. 
It was Bigby. You tried closing the door but Bigby was too strong. 
“No Big you can’t see me this way. I don’t have makeup on and I look terrible!” Your arms showed through your pj, you weren’t wearing a bra, and your stomach chub was visible.
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Bigby came in and saw you in your state. You tried covering yourself up, you seeing ugliness while Bigby saw...beauty. 
“Wow.” Was all he said. 
“Trust me I know,” you answered back, looking in his eyes. 
Bigby walked closer to you, and he could tell you were crying for a long time. Your eyes were red and your eyelashes were thick with your tears, your e/c eyes standing out to Bigby and making him weak. Your plump cheeks, stained with tears. Your lips dry, needing to be kissed to bring them back to a hydrated state. You looked like a goddess to Bigby. 
“Its fine, I’m fine. What did you want Bigby?” You sat on the arm chair of your couch, covering your arms and stomach. 
“I wanted to tell you something. I wanted to tell you that,” Bigby heaved a heavy sigh. He was a man of few words, not much of a man expressing his feelings. But you needed his feelings right now, you needed all of him. “I wanted to tell you that I think you are beautiful. You think I like Snow, well you’re wrong. I actually like, well, love you.” Bigby scratched his head while you gasped. “Hear me out, I don’t want any one else except you. I think you are gorgeous, I think you’re prefect the way you are. I see someone so important, someone so hardworking, sexy, smart, kind, caring, really a gad dam* jem. In other words I came here to tell you that you don’t need changing and all that shi*, I just want you to feel loved.”
Bigby motioned closer to you and made you look up in his eyes. “I wanted to know if you would like to go out. Would you like to be my-”
Your lips crashed onto his, your fingers laced in his light brown locks. His lips tasted of cigarette and something unknown, something of Bigby. Your soft cheeks touched his rough facial hair in the make out session. Placing your hands around his neck you deepen the kiss. You wanted this more than anything. You have been in love with Bigby for so long that this is what you needed. Lips separating, you and him are panting. 
“Sorry,” you bit your lip, feeling embarrassed. 
“No don’t be, I really wanted to do that. That was actually...amazing. I meant what I said y/n, all of what I said, I meant it.”
You nodded and smiled a real actual happy smile, “I know.”
Bigby picked you up and placed you on his lap. You laid your head right on his chest, while his hands were wrapped around you. Bigby kissed the top of your head, “what are we watchin?”
“The Notebook,” you smiled at him, giggling when you saw him gag. 
That night was perfect, Bibgy was sweet, funny, and just perfect for you. He made you feel loved and beautiful. 
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking, drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
A/N: just a little filler for now.
Chapter 19: Off Day
As they arrived, Bigby looked around, taking in the new sights. He hadn't been on this side of New York, considering he never bothered to interact with the mundane side of the city.
Sonya parked and took off her helmet, sighing as she looked up at her previous home. "Home sweet home...", she muttered as Bigby got off and dug into his pocket. "You need some time with that?", she asked teasingly.
He gave her an unamused look and lit his Huff n' Puff. He took a long drag, enough for big puffs of smoke to exit his nose before he drops the cigarette and smushes it under his foot. "Let's go.", Sonya says and leads him up to the house.
She pulled out the keys and opened the door, looking around to see a living room and smiled widely. "Pico!" She grins at the sight of a light orange fluff whose head pops up in attention.
Bigby looked over her shoulder to see a Shiba inu running toward her. Sonya kneels down and picks the excited dog up, whining and barking happily.
She set her bag on the couch and sat on the floor with the dog, Bigby followed behind and stood awkwardly in the middle of the living room. "You can sit down, y'know...", she says, making him scratch his head and sit down next to her on the couch.
Pico looks over at Bigby and growls lowly. Bigby frowns. "Easy, boy.", Sonya warns. Bigby snapped his attention to her. "I hope you're not talking to me."
Sonya chuckles and shakes her head as she pets Pico. He looks up to hear something walking downstairs and runs over to the sound.
They looked up to see a shorter woman who sleepily walked down the stairs and looked at them in surprise. She looked like Sonya, or rather a slightly older version of her. Her skin was a bit darker than Sonya's, her eyes almost a dark honey color. They seemed to light up when they caught onto Sonya's smile.
"Hi, ma.", Sonya greets, getting up. The older woman rushed to her daughter, bringing her in a tight hug. Sonya hugs her back, swaying back and forth before her mom cups her face to examine her. "Where have you been? You're a mess!"
She glanced at Bigby. "Who's he?" Sonya looked at Bigby with a smile before looking back at her mom. "Mama, you remember the place Dad kept talking about?", she asked. Her mom nodded. "Well, this is Bigby Wolf. He's practically the protector of Fabletown. and he's my... boss."
Bigby stood to shake her hand. "It's nice to meet you." Her mom smiled. "You too, I'm Theresa. I hope she hasn't been giving you any trouble."
He rubbed behind his neck. "It's actually the opposite…" Sonya rolled her eyes. "We've been through a lot."
Theresa frowns at her. "Is that why you couldn't update me on anything?" Sonya nods. She glances at Bigby, "Can I tell her?" Bigby thought for a moment before sighing. "I don't see why not. She already knows about us."
"You can tell me after we do something with this head of yours. I can't believe you let it get this bad!", Theresa complained, giving Sonya's arm a slap. Sonya frowns. "I haven't exactly had time to groom myself, Ma."
Bigby waited as Sonya was pulled away to get her hair washed. He looked at the dog who stared back at him. Be rolled his eyes but raised an eyebrow as the dog walked over to him and sat by his feet.
Bigby looked to his left to see a photo set on top of a lamp table beside the couch. He examined it to see a younger version of Sonya, Theresa and a man and a baby he didn't know. He assumed the man had to be her dad. "She looks so happy...", he muttered.
His attention snapped to his right as he saw Sonya walk out of the kitchen with a towel draped over head. She pulled the towel off to reveal her shorter, wet, coiled hair, some curls stuck to her face, some dripped onto the towel.
She gave him a sleepy look as he looked back at her in curiosity. "Did you cut it?", he asked. She looked at him with confused eyes and shook her head. "Of course not. Water just makes my hair shorter.", she says, picking Pico up and sat down by Bigby's feet. She pulled Pico into her lap and rubbed his back and his head.
Theresa comes into the living room with a small container of grease and a blow-dryer. Sonya glanced at Bigby. "If you can't take the noise, you might wanna cover your ears."
Theresa looks at him. "You have sensitive ears?", she asked. "You could say that.", he replies. "You still haven't caught onto what fable he is, Ma?", Sonya asks.
Theresa thought about it for a moment, and shook her head. "I'm not sure." Sonya chuckles. "It's in his name."
Theresa looks at Bigby for a moment before her eyes widen in realization. "You're the big bad wolf??"
He nodded, rubbing behind his neck again. "I wouldn't have thought so. I thought you would've looked a little more... hairy.", she says. "And maybe a little meaner."
He smiled awkwardly. "Yeah...I'm trying my best not to be as monstrous as I was before."
"They made him sheriff but still treat him like trash.", Sonya deadpans. Theresa frowns, while she starts to apply the grease to her daughter's head. "Sometimes people don't wanna see the change in someone because they're so stuck in the past. The best thing you can do is move on.", Theresa says.
Sonya nods in agreement. "I gave up trying to be everyone's friend. Realized not everyone deserved my kindness and just stuck with whoever accepted me for who I was rather than someone I wasn't."
Bigby took in their words and frowned a bit. He hated that they were right. He did care about what other fables thought of him, simply because he was trying to change.
It didn't help much that they kept bringing up his past in the Homelands. It wasn't fair. But he supposed he didn't deserve a better life like everyone else. No one else went around eating pigs and grandmas.
Sonya noticed his silence and tapped his foot in reassurance. RIght after, Theresa started blowing out Sonya’s hair, the sound making Pico rush up and run to his bed and Bigby wince a bit before he started to get used to it.
Moments later, Sonya started to fall asleep and Bigby took note of that. He didn’t understand how she could fall asleep with something so loud in her ears. “I don’t know what you guys went through, but y’all must’ve been working hard.”, Theresa says.
“We did solve two murders…”, he says, making her turn to him in shock. “What happened?”, she asked. He explained what happened, gently informing her about her daughter being targeted as she silently listened and did her daughter’s hair.
“She protected me… a lot more than I can say anyone has done… She’s got guts.”, he says. Theresa finally finishes, now aware of Sonya’s soft snores. “She gets her impulsiveness from her daddy. I think that’s why she got her powers. She just accepted without thinking. Expected me to just be okay with that.”
Bigby glanced at Sonya’s sleeping state. “When she rushed in to save me...she told me she panicked. She didn’t have to, but she did. I’m grateful.”
Theresa gave him a smile. “She does that a lot. Always has to play the hero. I kinda expected that out of her brother but I think he admires her for that. He didn’t get to know his dad very much… so she stepped in.”
‘That’s why she said that about T.J….’, he thought. “I think she did a good job.”, he says. Theresa appreciated him. “Me too. She took on the role all by herself. She knew nothing about being a boy, but helped him whenever I couldn’t. Sometimes I hated it and I felt helpless that she seemed so independent at such a young age.”, she frowned softly. “It hurt. Made me feel like I wasn’t doing a good job as a mother. But she always reminded me that it wasn’t my fault.”
“She does her best at everything. She can be lazy but if its something really important, especially as important as what y’all went through, she won’t stop. She’ll overwork herself until she passes out.”, she says, looking at him. He nods. “I kept telling her she could take a break. She only took a nap when we were almost close to finishing up, we just got some food last night too.”, he confessed.
Theresa sighed. “I hate that she does that. She’s gonna die quicker if she doesn’t take better care of herself.”, she says, fluffing Sonya's hair. She smiles. “She hasn't been taking care of her hair, but it got longer…”, she mutters.
She frowns again. “She’s probably gonna be out for a while.”, she turns to him. “If you can get her up to her room, that’d be helpful. I’ll cook y’all some food while y’all are here.”, she smiles. “I haven’t had to cook that much in a while.”
He nods as Theresa gets up to go wash her hands and starts on food.
Bigby leans down a bit to gently shake Sonya awake. She mumbles, frowning in her sleep and relaxes her face. He shakes her again, getting no response. He sighs and picks her up, with Pico following behind him as he carries her up the stairs and is met with a divided hallway.
There was one room on the left of the hallway that had easy access to the stairs, and another door to the farther part of the hallway.
He went to the right side of the hallway and noticed a hanging nametag on a door that had Sonya's name and he walked up to it.
He entered the room, his nose being hit with her potent scent. He was almost sure if she went missing, he could find her.
He looked around her room to see a XL twin bed covered in black and gray sheets. She had a purple rug under her bed that seemed untouched and fluffed. An empty desk with just a monitor on top and a black desk chair, and a purple dresser that blocked her window and seemed to be a bit dusty.
He saw a full body mirror that had small polaroids taped onto it, and his curiosity spiked. He looked around at some posters she had on the walls, snorting at some of them before he gently laid her down. Pico struggles to get into her bed before he finally does and snuggles up to her.
Bigby smiled a bit and continued to look around her room and sits down in the chair. He squeaked a bit from under his weight as he leaned back a bit. It was a lot more comfortable than his rustic, ratty chair back in his office. He almost considered taking it.
He closed his eyes for a moment before sighing and getting up to leave her room. He walked back down the stairs and into the kitchen where he smelled seasoned meat. He looked over at Theresa as she smiles at him. "She still asleep?"
He nodded. "Is it okay if I step out for a bit?" She nodded, saving her hand in his dismissal. He left the kitchen and left the house to pull out a Huff 'n Puff, lighting it immediately. He took a long drag of the cigarette, sighing out softly and letting out a large puff of smoke.
As he leaned against a lamp post, he almost contemplated his own mother. Theresa seemed so kind, it almost made him wary of her regardless of her knowing about fables. But her daughter's a half fable and the way she talks about her and treated him more like a person rather than a monster…
He considered letting his guard down, just a bit. He finished the cigarette, stomping it out before he walked back inside. The smell of the previous meat entered his nose dully. It smelled good, though.
He walked back into the kitchen, peeking his head around the corner and saw Theresa loading barbeque brisket into a bun. His stomach rumbled loudly, making Theresa jump a bit as she turned to him, placing a hand on her chest as she laughed.
"You scared the shit out of me.", she says, gathering her composure. "Was that your stomach?"
He nodded, scratching behind his head in slight embarrassment. "Well, luckily for you, the food's finished.", she says, smiling.
She handed him a plate and had him sit down at a table. He softly blew onto the food before taking a bite. When he took the first bite, he nearly gulped the rest, making Theresa grin. "Glad to know it was good.", she says.
She took his plate before handing him another one and smiled at Sonya walking into the kitchen, yawning. "That was quick.", Theresa says.
Sonya grumbles. "Pico wouldn't stop kicking me." She saw Bigby eating and smiled. "Finally got you some food, huh?"
She walked over to get herself some food and hummed in delight once she took a bite. After they'd finished eating, they talked for a while until noon arrived.
Sonya and Bigby stood up. "We gotta go before the princess bites our heads off for being gone too long.", Sonya says, rolling her eyes and giving her mom a hug. "Try to keep in touch, please.", Theresa says. Sonya nods and leads Bigby to the door. Sonya exits just in time to see school buses dropping off kids.
Bigby starts to follow her but is stopped by Theresa. "Please look after her.", she asks. Bigby gives her a reassuring nod before leaving. He closed the door and looked to see Sonya hugging a boy about the same height as her.
He walked over to them, catching the boy's attention. The boy frowns a bit. "Who's he?" Bigby almost snorted in amusement at his attempt at being intimidating.
Sonya turns to Bigby, “This is my brother, Eric. Eric, this is Bigby, my boss.” Eric looks Bigby up and down. “He better be.” Bigby raises an eyebrow with a soft chuckle. Sonya gives Eric’s arm a slap. “Cut it out.”
Sonya sighs, looking at Bigby. “Let’s go.” He nods, following her to her bike. She starts it up and looks at her little brother. “Stay out of trouble.”, she says, making him nod before she rides off with Bigby.
The Woodlands
She parks outside the gate, letting him off. He looks at her in confusion. “You’re not coming?” She shook her head. “Nope.” He crosses his arms. “Why not?”, he asks. “Ask your Deputy Mayor.”, she says, bluntly before driving off, leaving him in confusion.
“What does Snow have to do with…”, he muttered before walking into the apartments and made his way to the Business office, seeing the previous line had been gone. He walked into the Business Office and walked up to Snow.
“Mr. Wolf, what’s wrong?”, Snow asked. “Sonya’s not coming into work. I’d say that’d be fine, considering the circumstance, but somehow you have something to do with why she isn’t coming into work.”, Bigby says, making her pause. He raised an eyebrow. “Why is that?”, he asked.
She smoothed her hair, taking a curled strand of hair behind her hair. “Well, the case is done. I told her she can take some time off until there’s a new case.” Bigby’s eyes narrowed a bit before he nodded. “I guess that’ll be for a while… I suppose that’s fine.”, he says, and shakes his head at Bufkin drinking a tall bottle of wine.
“Do you ever get tired of drinking a whole bottle?”, Bigby asks. Bufkin drunkardly smiles. “Nope!” Bigby sighs a huff through his nose before walking to the mirror. “Hey, mirror.”
The green face appears, looking at the man stoically. “Hello, Bigby.” Bigby scratches at his stubble. “I gotta know where Sonya’s going. Can you show me her?”
The Mirror hums. “You know our rule.” Bigby rolls his eyes. “We ate, talked and parted ways, now can you, please, show me Sonya Blaze?”, he rhymed.
The mirror shows Sonya entering an electronic store he’s never seen. Bigby frowns, looking closely at the store name. “Best buy…?”, he mutters. “Where’s this at?”
The mirror hums, coming back. “5th avenue.” Bigby sighs. “Okay.”, he says and walks away. He walked out of the Business Office to walk into his own, and closed the door. He walked over to his desk, plopping down in his chair and grumbles at the paperwork that waited for his return.
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf's as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking, drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 14: Jersey Devil
They walked down the hall to the sound of shouting. “And you didn’t want to tell me what you were into, either!!”, they hear Beast yell.
“With good reason. Look what happened.”, Beauty argues.
“So that’s back on me now? I thought we agreed that was settled.”, said Beast.
Sonya looked over at Bigby, “What’s going on with them?” Bigby sighs. “When I went to the Open Arms, I found Beauty at the front desk and when we were about to open Crane’s room, Beast showed up. Wasn’t listening to a word. We fought and that was that.”
“Jesus… he’s completely different from what I imagined him to be.”, she says.
“You said it was settled. That doesn’t mean I have to agree to it.”, Beauty said, as they walked up to the door. “And when were you going to tell me? Or were you going to keep that a secret too?”, Beast asked.
“You know what it was. You know what was going on, Beast. I had to get a job, and you wouldn’t have it. Don’t make it into something it wasn’t.”, Beauty harshly whispered. The two outside awkwardly glanced at before Bigby knocked on the door.
The door swings open a bit to reveal an irritated Beast. “Oh. What do you want?”, Beast asked, his mood even more sour. “You called, right?”, Bigby asked. “Or, uh….was it Beauty?”
“Why would I call you?”, Beast sneered. Sonya rolled her eyes. ‘He’s definitely different from Disney’s version…’ Bigby frowned. “Listen, I’ve had a shitty night…”
“You think you’re the only one?”, Beast asked. “And we really don’t wanna deal with the runaround. Snow said you called and wanted to talk to us.��, Bigby adds. “Well, I didn’t call. Must have been Beauty. She’s been….surprising me a lot lately.”, Beast says, looking down.
“Can we just-”
“So have you, Bigby. Yet, with all the sneaking around and secrets, somehow, I’m still the bad guy in this. I’ve had to hear about it all night long from her.”, Beast said. He glared at Sonya as well. “You too. You had no reason to lie to me.”
Sonya gave him an unimpressed look. “I dunno if you've noticed but we’re not marriage counselors.”
Beast wanted to retaliate but Beauty cut him off. “Who is it?”
“Can you just let us in.”, Sonya sighed. “Let’s not get into busting down doors today, okay?”, Bigby asks, with arched eyebrows, Beast growls a sigh and slams the door shut.
Bigby and Sonya looked at each other before the door was yanked open again. “It’s your pals. Bigby and Sonya.”, Beast mocked.
Beauty gave them an apologetic smile. “Hi guys. Please excuse us for just a minute?” She walks over to Beast. “Can I talk to you in private?”
“Yes. Let’s.”, Beast said, leading them into a room and shutting the door. Sonya shakes her head. “Hm. I guess I really do have the smallest apartment in the Woodlands.”, Bigby mutters. “At least yours isn’t cramped. I still think its unfair.”, she muttered.
There was a large couch and two chairs set around a table in the middle of the room. Behind the couch was a fireplace with vases on top of it.
There was a shelf with books and fancy objects on it. There was also a large portrait painting of Beauty and Beast back in the Homelands.
“They actually look happy…”, Sonya mutters and looks up at the ceiling and sees a beautiful chandelier. “Wonder what the electric bill is for that thing?”, Bigby mutters. He walks over a white urn with blue roses designs around it, tapping it with his knuckles. Sonya’s eyes widened. “Stop it. It looks antique.”
They turn to Beast and Beauty as they walk out of the room. “Sorry, it’s been a long night.”, Beauty apologizes.
“Yeah, you know what they say. Centuries of marriage come with centuries of baggage.”, Beast said, making Sonya cross her arms. “I gotta say, your place…it looks, uh…expensive.”, Bigby says as he looks around. “What do you mean by that?” Beast asked, offended.
“Beast!”, Beauty says in a warning tone. “No, really, I wanna know. What are you trying to say, huh?”, Beast asked.
“Aren’t you guys having money problems? Cause it doesn't look like you’re suffering.”, Sonya said, getting in front of Beast. “Is this something about that loan you took out? From the Crooked Man?”, Bigby asked Beauty.
“I didn’t know what else to do, so–”
“We should deal with this on our own. Bigby and Sonya are just going to complicate things.”, Beast says to Beauty. “I called them here, and I want to see if they can help us out. Why are you being like this?”, Beauty asked, tired.
“I’m just trying to do what’s best for us.”, Beast says.
“If she wanted to help you guys earn more money, what’s the harm? Y’all are obviously in some type of trouble, so what is it? Either it’s the money, or it’s something else.”, Sonya asked.
The married couple glanced at each other before looking back at them. “I gotta know one thing, first. What if we did have something to say about the Crooked Man? What if we talk, and neither of you get him and all this comes back on us? We’d be risking a lot. We’ve seen what happens when you cross the Crooked Man.”, Beast said.
Sonya frowned. “Y’all are in danger. You two need to tell us what we need to know so we can help.”, she said, tiredly.
“But if you’d rather deal with this on your own…”, Bigby started. “No, please...”, Beauty pleads. “Then tell us what the fuck is going on! You’re in so much debt? Look around you. This isn’t the way people short on cash live.”, Bigby yelled, pointing at the room.
“Look, we’re used to a certain kind of….lifestyle, okay? We couldn’t just give that up.” Beast replied. “We never meant for it to get like this. It’s just that…we had nowhere else to turn. And we got in over our heads.” said Beauty.
“Sometimes you have to think for your needs rather than your wants. Y’all would rather choose riches and starve if it meant y’all could live the way you used to.”, Sonya says, shaking her head.
"There’s not a lot of work out there. Who would we be if we just lived like…”, Beast started to say but their phone suddenly rang.
Sonya and Bigby turn to look at it while Beauty and Beast hold each other in fear. The phone rings until it goes to voicemail.
“Hi there! You’ve reached Beauty…
and Beast
and we’re out doing something fabulous.”
“Uh, let me just, uh….”, Beast walks towards the phone but Sonya gives him a fixed look. “We’re not done here.”, Bigby said.
“A day at the beach?
skiing the slopes?
We can’t come to the phone right now, so leave a message at the beep and we will get to you as…..humanly possible!”
The recording finishes and a deep gravelly voice comes through the speaker, angry and aggressive. “That fucking message... I’m gonna come down there and bash your heads in with that machine if I have to call again and hear that fucking message one more time! I’ve been doing this long enough to know that if you had the cash, you’d have paid by now. So consider yourselves outta warnings. The Crooked Man’s gonna get his. One way or—”
“Fuck this….”, Bigby said as he goes to pick up the phone but the phone already hung up. “Shit.”, he mutters and he sets the phone back down. Sonya turned to the couple. “All we care about is how can we find the Crooked Man? Who do we talk to? Where do we go?”
Beauty and Beast look at each other for a moment as they hold each other. “The Lucky Pawn. That’s where I borrowed the money. The Crooked Man’s behind that place.”, Beauty whimpered. “I’d overheard people talking to Jersey about loans before. So….when I needed money….that’s where I went. I didn’t know what to do.”
“Wait, who do you deal with?”, Bigby asked. “Jersey. You know, the Jersey Devil?”, Beauty said. “Jersey Devil…?”, Sonya asks. “Oh, yeah…", Bigby said. "That slimy prick…..didn’t realize he was back on this side of the river.”
“And those Tweedles were always going in and out, probably dropping off a loan payment they squeezed out of some poor Fable. But never the Crooked Man. Mainly it’s just regular Fables. I can see now that it was a mistake, but….I’m not the only one who goes there, y'know. I saw the Woodsman’s axe there just the other day. It was in a display case.”, Beauty said, making Bigby and Sonya glance at each other in shock.
“I guess he’s hit hard times, too. There’s a lot of that going around. I can’t imagine he has a lot of marketable skills.”, Beast said.
“Sometimes….Fables just don’t have anywhere else to go.” Beauty said. “Fucking Bloody Mary must go through there. She had Woody’s axe last night. Tried to chop my damn head off with it!” Bigby growled.
“Maybe if you two go there you can….sort some things out.”, Beauty said. “I guess we’ll go check out the Lucky Pawn.”, Sonya sighed.
“If we can’t track down the Crooked Man there, maybe we can make enough noise that the Crooked Man will come find us.”, Bigby suggested. “Hold on, Bigby, don’t go there. Sounds like you two are just going to get Beauty in trouble.” Beast says.
He sat down on the couch. “You know that butcher shop? The Cut Above? It’s the place on Tubman Street. Same block as the Baker and the candlestick maker. Well, I’ve been delivering packages from there for a while. The thing is….it’s for the Crooked Man. And….I don’t think it’s meat in the packages. You gotta understand, I needed work.”
“You have to believe us.”, Beauty begged. “Did you ever deliver to the Crooked Man? Can you give us an address?”, Sonya asked.
"No. I delivered to places all over town. But never to the man himself. It never seems to be heading to the same place. But it always comes out of the butcher shop.“, Beast replied.
"How did you get involved with this?”, Bigby asked.
“Johann, the butcher, called. He had a problem with the refrigeration unit one night. But when I finished, it was your pal, Mary, who showed up to pay me. She said I was reliable, she liked that, and….it’s the only thing I’ve been able to pick up. And it’s still not enough. I don’t want Beauty to have to work. Especially not where she was.”. Beast says, looking down.
“It’s Mary you deal with? Bloody Mary is there?”, Sonya asked. “No, Johann is the one who hands over the packages. You know, day to day. But I’ve seen her around there. She, uh…gets under my skin, you know? I…I try to avoid her…but I don’t need to tell you two what she’s like.” Beast said.
“You’re damn right you don’t. I don’t need a run down on her reputation. If Mary works outta there, Sonya and I need to look into it…”, Bigby said.
Beauty walks over to Beast and places her hand over his. “I just wanted to provide for Beauty. Give her the kind of life she deserves.”, Beast said. “We shouldn’t have to live like this. Scraping to get by.” said Beauty.
“None of us should.”, Beast says, getting up. “We were royalty once. We were accustomed to a certain lifestyle. All we want is to make this place feel a little bit like home. You two wouldn’t understand, Bigby.”
“I don’t need to understand. It’s not my fucking job to understand. My job is to keep Fabletown safe.”, Bigby addressed.
“There’s also other Fables out there who are worse off than you two. Have you ever thought about that? I’m pretty sure lots of fables would love to have almost everything you have in here.”, Sonya said to them.
Beast sighs. “So….where are you going? If this all goes sideways, I’d like to know where it’s coming from.”
Sonya and Bigby glance at each other. “I’m down for whatever.”, she says. Bigby nods. “We’ll go to the Lucky Pawn. There’s too much going on there to ignore. We’ll have a word or two with Jersey.”, Bigby said.
“You know, guys, once you two show your face there, word is going to get out. There may be nothing left to see if you go to the butcher shop after.”, Beast said.
“We’ll keep that in mind.”, Sonya said as Bigby walks to the door and opens it. Sonya exits and he follows her.
“Wait….I don’t know what you two are planning to do when you find the Crooked Man, but is there any way you two could….help us out?”, Beast asked, following to ask. They pause.
“What do you mean?”, Sonya asks. “Well, maybe you two can make this all just….go away.”, Beast suggested. “We would really appreciate it.”, Beauty adds.
“You’re asking us to kill him, aren’t you? Is that what you think we do?”, Bigby asked them, getting angry. “No! Of course not.”, Beauty shakes her head.
“I don’t know how you’d get that idea. We just….we know that the Crooked Man is dangerous. To all of Fabletown.”, Beast said.
“I just wanna know something. Even if it came to that…. which at this point, it would be self defense after everything he’s put us through, what would y’all say? How would you feel? Would you be afraid? Relieved?”, Sonya asked, making them look at her. “Because if we do, end him… I don’t wanna hear that y’all are afraid that y’all would be next.”, she says, making them look down.
“If you’re not doing anything remotely similar to the Crooked man, you have nothing to worry about. We’re gonna do our job.”, she says and turns away. “Lucky for you, that might just solve your problems anyway.”, she said, walking away.
“Thank you, guys.” Beauty calls out after them. “I’m sure you guys will do the right thing.”, Beast adds. Bigby and Sonya ride the elevator down to the lobby.
The Lucky Pawn
Sonya and Bigby looked at the rickety old building before walking in. “It’s dirty.”, they hear.
“No it’s not.”
They look over to see Toad arguing with Jack as he tries to trade in a familiar brown coat. “It looks like you slept in it. In a pile of garbage.”, Jack argues as he looks at the cloak.
“Jack, why are you– I’ve seen you take a torn purse for a tenner!”, Toad shouted. “Yeah, but I also got her phone number. I don’t want your phone number.”, Jack said, shaking his head and he looked over to see them walking towards him.
“Here we go...”, he sighed. “What?”, Toad asked and turns around to see Sonya and Bigby. “This is a surprise.”, Toad said.
“We’re just here for information. It’s about the murders.”, Bigby rolls his eyes. “This’ll take two minutes and I’ll be out your way.”, Toad said.
“I’m not taking the coat.”, Jack repeats. “But it’s magic.”, Toad said. "So?“, Jack asked, shrugging. "And it’d be covering a check I already wrote.”, Toad says.
“Okay, well….that sounds like a you problem to me.” said Jack. “Yeah, it is! And so I came here to sell it off!”, Toad shouts. Sonya sighed and noticed the coat, her eyes widened. “Isn't that Faith's coat?”
“It was Faith’s coat.”, Toad says. “Look, you left it in my place, what’d you expect me to do?”
“Yes, I think the oft-cited statute of finders keepers clearly states that it’s his now, Miss Sonya.” Jack said, smirking. Sonya clenches her jaw and gives Bigby a look. He only sighed through his nose.
“So what’s it gonna be?”, Toad asked Jack again. “I don’t know what to tell ya. See if Cindy needs a coat, I don’t know.”, Jack said and Toad let out a frustrated sigh.
He turns to the other two. ���This is to pay for those bloody glamours, you know. You and your blinkered rules. If the witches didn’t charge so fuckin’ much…I wouldn’t have to be in here, dealing with this nonsense."
Sonya frowned and crossed her arms, “What happened to the money I gave you?” Toad looked down. “Please don’t tell me you spent it on some new car accessory.”, Bigby says, frowning.
"What are you even complainin’ to them, for?”, Jack asked. “I guess I don’t know.”, Toad said, shrugging. “I don’t know what you’re gettin’ so steamed about….it shouldn’t be that big of a shock that I’m not going to take an ass-hair coat.”, Jack shook his head.
“No, I guess it shouldn’t be….since this whole bleedin’ operation’s just a set-up for one of his shady fuckin’ loans.”, Toad shouts in anger, making Jack’s eyes widen, as he glances at Bigby and Sonya. “Ix-nay on the oan-lays. Okay, og-fray?”, Jack whispered to him. “I mean, what kind of a game are you runnin’ here?”, Toad asked.
“You turn down peoples’ stuff so you can peddle his shit?”, Toad asked. “We know who you’re talking about.”, Bigby said, crossing his arms. “Um, Og-Fray?”, he asked, pointing at Toad.
“The Crooked Man. Right? This is his place. Those are his loans.”, Sonya said, also crossing her arms. Toad smiles mischievously and grabs the coat. “Well, I’ll leave you to your business….I’m sure you’ll have a lot to talk about.”
“Good luck with that glamour, Toad.”, Jack sneers as Toad starts to walk away. “Fuck off.”, Toad shouts at him. “Leave the coat.”, Bigby ordered firmly.
“How the hell do you expect me to get a glamour, then?”, Toad asked, throwing the coat down on the floor. “It’s not like I’ve got a lot of options, you know. It’s just tough, is all.“
“Just do what I fuckin’ say, alright?”, Bigby said, getting irritated. “Leave the coat. Find another way.”
“Fine! I’m leaving…but I’m taking the coat with me!”, Toad said, angrily. Sonya sighed, pulling the wad of cash from her pocket. Bigby looked at her. “Where the hell did you get that?”
She gave him a guilty smile and handed it to Toad. “However much it costs, its worth it, Toad. Just go get your glamour, if not for you then do it for T.J. Please.”, she said, exasperated. Toad sighs and snatches the wad before leaving. Jack smiles and waves. “Have a good day.”
“He really grows in ya.”, Jack said, smiling. Bigby and Sonya face him, making him frightened. "Look, I work here sometimes for the extra cash. It’s something stable. You know, between more….entrepreneurial bouts. And…before either of you ask, I’ve never seen the Crooked Man in here. Neither hide nor hair, and all that. In fact, as far as I can tell, he’s never even actually stepped foot in here.“, Jack explained.
"But Bloody Mary works for him. And the last time we saw her, she had the Woodsman’s axe.”, Bigby said, leaning on the counter, glaring at Jack. “So?”, Jack asked, nervously. “So, the last time anybody else saw that axe….it was here.”, Sonya said.
“We’d never take something like that.”, Jack said. “Bullshit.”, Sonya says, surprising Jack. “Is this really why you two came down here?”, Jack asked, nervously. “We’ll be asking the questions here, Jack.”, Bigby said, shutting him up. “Okay. Fine. Fire away.”, Jack said.
“Where’s your boss? Why isn’t he here?”, Bigby asked. “I don’t know?”, Jack says. “You know something, so where is he?”, Sonya asked.
“I dunno, I don’t keep tabs on him. He’s probably out getting shit faced and eating cows right now. Listen, I gotta start closing up shop, so, uh–”, Jack said as he walked out from behind the counter.
“Close? It’s the middle of the day.”, Bigby pointed out. "What can I say, Jersey likes to run at odd hours. And, really, he’d be the one to talk to, so….can’t you two just swing by later. It really wouldn’t be good for me if he sees your faces when he walks in. So, uh…“, Jack said .
"What else can you tell us about Jersey Devil?” Bigby asked. “Just that he’s a fuckin’ psycho and I like to stay out of his way. I typically work when he’s not here. But I can call you when he comes back, alright?”, Jack says.
"Jack, shut up.”, Sonya said. “If the Jersey Devil isn’t here to answer our questions….it also means he isn’t here to get in our way. So, we’re gonna take a look around…as long as we’ve got the elbow room.”
“Alright. Don’t let me get in your way.”, Jack said, locking up. “We won’t.”, Bigby said, walking over to a different side of the room.
Bigby walked up to a small statue of the Headless Horseman that was on the far left of the room. “The Headless Horseman? Isn’t this Crane’s?”, Bigby asked. “Maybe? I don’t know.”, Jack shrugged.
Bigby rolled his eyes, walked next to the table and saw a familiar dagger. “This is Prince Lawrence’s dagger. Who sold this?”, he says, catching Sonya's attention.
“I don’t know.”, Jack repeated, shrugging. “Who would have done that? One of the Tweedles….”, Sonya mumbled. “Whoever did it, must’ve needed the money bad. Which shouldn’t come as a total shock. You guys don’t know how hard most of us have it….do you?", Jack asks.
"Yeah? If you had our job, you wouldn’t get out of bed.”, Bigby growled. “It was a rhetorical question….but sure, fine.”, Jack rolled his eyes.
"At least you aren't dead.", Sonya says as she looks through all of the significant objects in the display cases. Nothing out of the ordinary. Bigby walks over to a display that caught his eyes. Cleaving Axe.
Previous owner: The Woodsman
Ensorcelled by Druids
His chest rumbled with a growl as he turned to Jack. “I thought you said you’d never take something like this.", Bigby growls. Sonya looks up to see Bigby storm over to Jack angrily.
“Um….um, what?” Jack stammered, nervously. “Jack?”, Bigby asked. “Uh, yeah?”, Jack replied, nervously again.
“When was Mary here?” Bigby asked him, raising an eyebrow. “When was who here?” Jack said. Sonya rolled her eyes. "Please don't play dumb."
“Bloody Mary. Because the axe was here….but it’s gone. And she had it. So she was here.”, Bigby said.
“I don’t know anything about that.”, Jack said, stepping back. “I don’t. Really.”
Bigby pulls up the little hatch table, and stalks over to Jack like a predator. “I mean, I don’t work every day, so….and even when I do work, I just try and keep my head down.”, Jack rambles.
Sonya crosses her arms. "You'd be no better than Georgie. Looking away because you got your cut and don't care about innocent people getting hurt. It's bullshit."
Bigby growled loudly, making Jack flinch. "Okay, okay! It was Mary, she took it, okay. That’s all I know!”, Jack exclaimed.
“That’s all you know? You don’t know she almost fucking killed me with it last night!?”, Bigby snarled. “No, no, I had no goddamned idea! She sometimes comes in to pick up shit. Sometimes it’s for her….”, Jack said.
“You know where she lives? Where she took it?”, Sonya asked. “I don’t know where that crazy chick lives, and I don’t wanna know.”, Jack said, shaking his head.
“Well, for your sake, you better think of something to tell us.”, Bigby growled. “That’s all I can tell you. I’m being straight here! I’m just part-time. I mean, it’s Jersey who’s the one who’s into this stuff! He’s one of the Crooked Man’s boys, okay? And it’d be great if he was here to tell you all this, but he’s not, so just–”, Jack was cut off by two extra voices from outside.
"Shit....“, Sonya mutters. "Jersey, don’t give me that shit. What the fuck is the point of havin’ a system if you’re just gonna–”
“It’s not my fuckin’ system.”
“But you’re the guy who makes sure that–”
“I’m the guy that keeps shit in order and that’s it, Woody.”
Bigby ducks down and Sonya ducks behind another display case, watching as Woody and another man walk in the building and see the gate was pulled down. “Who closed the fucking gate? Jack?”, Jersey called, irritated.
He pulls up the gate, revealing himself clearly. He was a balding, gingered man with a thick mustache. He turns to face Woody. “If you love your axe so fuckin’ much, why’d you pawn it in the first fuckin’ place, huh?”
“I didn’t pawn it, asshole. It was stolen from my apartment. And Gren said that he saw it here. Now tell me where it is right fuckin’ now.”, Woody demanded.
Sonya and Bigby, reveal themselves, walking over to the two arguing men.
“Whatcha guys arguing about?", Sonya asked with a smile. Jersey jumps looking behind him and rolls his eyes. “God. And these fuckin’ guys, too?”
“Bigby? Sonya? What are you–”, Woody started to ask but Jersey cuts him off as he looks at Jack. “Is his axe even here?”, he asked. “Nope. It isn’t.”, Jack shook his head.
“Just like I said, it’s not here. Happy?”, Jersey asks and walks over to Sonya and Bigby. “So tell me what you two are here for, or get the fuck out."
"Uh….they wanted to know where–”
“Actually, you know what, I don’t care what they wanted.”, Jersey said, interrupting Jack, smirking.
Sonya rolls her eyes. "Such a salesman." Bigby walked up. “You work with the Crooked Man.”, he said firmly. “And until we give you permission…you’re not gonna do anything but answer our questions.”
Jersey glanced at Bigby's arm. “How’s your arm, Sheriff? Bloody Mary leaves a bit of a sting, don’t she?”
He turned to Jack. “Jack, did you know that as of this very morning, Bigby's joined the Crooked Man’s obedience school for wayward fucking creatures? He’s already passed his first class. You see….the Sheriff and the Deputy had, who they stupidly thought was the murderer….been chasing him for fuckin’ days, right? But the Crooked Man snapped his bony fingers….and these two handed him over just…like…that.”
“I’m, uh, just gonna, uh…let you three…you know….”, Jack said, backing away and leaving.
“The Crooked Man appreciated that.”, Jersey said, making them glare at him. “Tell us everything you know right now about the murders, and the Crooked Man.”, Bigby ordered.
“Are you kidding me! It was here. It was right fuckin’ here! What’d you do with it!?”, Woody shouted as he got in Jersey’s face. “How the fuck do I know?”, Jersey asked.
“Listen, you bald little dipshit, you’re gonna–”, Woody started to threaten, grasping Jersey by his shirt but Jersey punches Woody in the stomach. Woody groans and growled at him. “You piece of shit.” Wood throws a punch, making Jersey retaliate.
Bigby moved Sonya out of the way and got in between them, shoving them away from each other. “Back it up, Jersey. You’re dealing with us, now.”, Bigby said, facing Jersey as he gets in front of Woody.
“I didn’t expect to see you upright. Still looking for whoever killed them hookers or are you done chasing your tail?”, Jersey asked.
“Where’s my axe! Who’d you give it to!”, Woody yelled. “You follow me here all the way from Battery fucking Park…just so I can prove to you that your axe isn’t here…and you think I’m gonna take another inch of abuse-”, Jersey started fussing.
“Hey! Back off and settle down!” Bigby ordered. “Oh what the fuck are you gonna do? You talk big, but I don’t think you got the stones to back it up.”, Jersey said to Bigby as he punched Bigby in the side where he was injured.
“Bigby!”, Sonya exclaimed, watching him double over in pain. “Still a little sore, are we?” Jersey asked Bigby. “Why should Mary get all the fun? You ain’t so tough.”
Sonya silently walks behind him as he continues to put Bigby down. “Ya know what? I’m just gonna handle you myself….and I won’t need no silver bullets.”
Sonya grabbed him and slammed him against the glass display cases. He yells in pain as she grabs his head and slams it against the case.
“Motherfucker!”, he grumbles as she slams his head against it again and the glass breaks and his face hits the crystal ball.
She grimaced as she pulled his head back, seeing pieces of the crystal ball impaled in his face. “What the hell are you doing?”, Woody yells, pulling her off of Jersey. “This is my fucking fight!”
“Get your hands off of her!”, Bigby yelled, snatching Sonya away. “Dog, you got a lotta nerve–”, Woody shouted but a strange noise made them look over to see a tall, skeletal creature. It almost looked like a skinwalker. Sonya's eyes widened. "That's Jersey…?", she whispered.
He roars at them, making their eyes widen. Woody charges at him but Jersey simply smacks him to the side and starts to charge at Bigby and Sonya but Woody holds on to Jersey’s arm and pulls him down.
Jersey gets on top of Woody and starts to claw at him repeatedly. Bigby runs up to them and punt kicks Jersey over the glass counter and knocks him towards the back and hits a closet.
Bigby changed to his first form, cracking his neck as he stood in a defensive stance. “Aww, protecting your girlie friend….too bad you couldn’t protect those whores.”, Jersey said, tauntingly as he climbed up on the counter. “Go on, try to stop me!”
He jumps off the table and charges towards them but Bigby raises his clawed hand and shoves his claw into Jersey, slamming him down on the floor.
“Fucking stay down!”, Bigby snarled. Woody gets up and looks at the open, broken closet and sees his axe. “There she is!”, he said, satisfied.
Sonya and Bigby kicked Jersey to the floor and ran over to him, as he landed near the front door. They grabbed the gates and slammed it down on the back of his neck.
Jersey screams as they pull it up then start to slam it back down but Jersey grabs it and shoves it up. He starts to claw at them but they jump away from his attacks.
Bigby punches Jersey in the face repeatedly before Jersey lowers his head and tries to shove his horns into Bigby. Bigby dodges Jersey's horns and grabs one, tugging it out of Jersey’s head then shoves it into his stomach. Jersey screams in pain then shoves Bigby against the display case.
Bigby groans in pain as Jersey jumps in front of him then shoves one of his clawed hands into Bigby’s injured arm. Bigby yells in pain. “Fucker!"
Jersey shoves his claw deeper into Bigby’s arm and Sonya jumps on Jersey’s back, lighting her hands on fire and burning his neck. Jersey screams out in pain, pulling his claw out of Bigby.
Sonya increased her heat, nearly gagging at the burnt smell before she's pulled off of Jersey's back and slammed onto the floor. Sonya's eyes widened as her breath was knocked out of her.
"Hey asshole. I found her.”, Woody announces before slamming his axe down into Jersey’s head. Jersey lets out a shriek of pain and he slaps Woody to the side and tries to pull the axe out.
Bigby looks next to him and picks up an anvil, raises it above his head then slammed it down on Jersey, knocking him down on the floor.
Bigby pushes the anvil to the side, reverting back to his human form and helps Sonya stand. She looks at his arm. “You okay?”, she asked. “More or less. You?”, he said, shrugging. "More or less.", she smiled, catching her breath.
Woody walks over to Jersey, yanking his axe out of Jersey’s head. He hovers the axe over Jersey’s neck and he looks up at Bigby and nods. Bigby squats down next to Jersey. “So…..wanna try again?”
“You can’t find the Crooked Man. No one can. There’s no address, no place….he lives in the bends and forks of tree roots….behind the sun….in the….shadows.”, Jersey says. “You know more so tell us.”, Sonya ordered.
“The door to his house….it bounces around. Never in one spot. You’ll never find it. Even Crane had to use the Magic Mirror….that fuckin’ guy. Mirror, Mirror…fuckin’ shit…”, Jersey grumbles. “Okay, that’s Crane’s way….how do you contact him?”, Bigby asked him.
“I don’t. He uses couriers for everything. Ravens, goblins, the fuckin’ Tweedles…whatever. I go in when I’m taken there. You don’t know anything….about anything, do you? What do you have? Nothin’. That useless bitch, Snow White, and a broken fuckin’ mirror….no fuckin’ friends. And no clue about who is really runnin’ this town.”, Jersey said.
Sonya grabs his arm, sizzling his wrist and watching him struggle in pain. "You're going round and round with our question. You and everyone we've met up 'til now have said the exact same thing. We're asking questions for a reason. So answer them." She lets go. “Now, where did you hear that the mirror got broken?”
“Oh. That. Gossip flies fast. We’re like a sewing circle. It doesn’t matter what you fuckin’ do, you’re not gonna get him. You two wanna knock on his fuckin’ door and see what happens? Fine. Crane had the Mirror. Bloody Mary had Crane. So take your fucking wrecking crew act to the butcher shop.”, Jersey says.
“The Cut Above.”, Bigby mutters, remembering Beast's words. “And if we can find the mirror piece there, we can find the Crooked Man.”
“That’s her spot. That’s where all the magic happens….”, Jersey says as Woody backs away and takes his axe away from his neck. Jersey begins to crawl back. “Now leave me so I can find me some aspirin.”, he says, only to fall face down on the floor.
“Will Mary be there?”, Bigby asked Jersey. “You want me to draw you a picture? I don’t fucking know….you got what you want, now get the fuck outta here….”, Jersey ordered.
Sonya sighed, glancing at Bigby as he glanced at her before starting to leave. Jersey speaks up again. “Hey…Sheriff….Deputy."
Both of them stop, hearing Jersey out. "Those girls are still dead….and there’s nothin’ you two can do to bring them back. And I don’t know what they did, but I do know this… if they’re dead, it’s cause the Crooked Man wanted them dead. That’s all it takes. So you can roar, smash the place up. Shit, you can wail on me all you want, but what good is it gonna do ya? Cause he ain’t in your town. You’re in his.”
Bigby growls lowly, turns around and kicks Jersey in the face, making him yell in pain. “Just shut the fuck up, will ya?”, Bigby said, turning back around, and leading Sonya and Woody out of the shop.
Bigby pulls out a cigarette, making Sonya turn away. “Got a smoke?”, Woody asked him. Bigby lights his cigarette and hands it to Woody, before lighting another one up for himself. “Thanks.”, Woody said, taking a drag. “Shitty brand.”
Bigby side eyed him. “You’re welcome.” Sonya waved her hand to dispel the smoke.
“I’m not gonna lie, I was having trouble deciding which one of you to hit with this thing.” Woody said to Bigby. Sonya gaped at Woody, making Bigby shake his head. Bigby drops the cigarette and squishes it under his shoe.
Sonya waved a cab down and waited as it came up. She climbs in first, waiting on Bigby. Bigby starts to follow suit but Woody calls him. “Jersey was wrong, you know.”
“About what?”, Bigby asked.
“About those girls. There is somethin’ you two can do about it. You can get the fucker who did it. Ain’t that the plan?”, Woody asked.
“You're damn right it is.”, Bigby says, smiling. “Alright. Well….go do it, then.”, Woody says before he starts walking away. Bigby stands outside the cab, looking at the retreating man. “Hey Woody.”
Woody stops, keeping his back faced toward the other man. “Yeah?”
“I’ll see you around, alright?”, Bigby said. Woody turns his head to look at Bigby over his shoulder. “Yeah, I’ll see ya.”, he says and finally walks away. Bigby looks down for a moment then he climbs in the cab, sighing softly.
Sonya smiled at him. "You guys have such great teamwork. You'd think you'd wanna stop fighting each other."
"That's practically all I wanna do. But sometimes he makes it hard to get along with him.", Bigby mutters. She nodded. "He is pretty difficult to deal with… ", she mumbles, sleepily.
He noticed and sat up a bit. "You can sleep, y'know. It'll be a bit of a while before we get there." She yawned and nodded. "I think I will..."
She let her eyes close and seconds later, she's out. He smiles, leaning his head back against his seat. He jumps a bit to feel a little weight leaning on him and sees Sonya leaning against him, sound asleep.
He stares at her for a moment then relaxes as she snuggles into him a bit. He felt light. She didn't wake up and pull away as if he were something disgusting. She was the opposite of anyone that even remotely showed him any kindness.
She always seemed so comfortable with him. Never tiptoeing around him or doing things for him out of fear or pity.
She never made him feel like a ticking time bomb and even defended him countless of times. It made his heart swell in a strange way he's never felt before but it made him comfortable enough to accept it.
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf's as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking, drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 13: These Lips...
Bigby’s eyes opened to the sound of loud thunder shaking his apartment as he looked around. His eyes widened at the sight of large amounts of blood leading up to his chair. He looks up in shock to see Bloody Mary’s smirk as she held the Woodsman’s axe. She lifted it to swing at him. “See you around.”
Bigby wakes up in a small jolt, wincing in pain to see blood covered Snow, an unconscious Sonya, and Colin who avoids Bigby’s blood and paces around the room. He looks down to see Dr. Swineheart focused intently and trying to get pieces of a silver bullet lodged into his skin from earlier.
“Hollow-point bullets are a nasty business. The silver slug deformed and shredded on impact.” Swineheart informed Snow.
“He’ll be okay, though?”, Snow asked. “Hmm?” Swineheart said, too concentrated on Bigby. “He’ll be okay?”, Snow asked. "His internal organs are positively riddled. If I don’t extract every single scrap of silver, he’s liable to suffer some long term toxicosis.“, Swineheart says.
Bigby groaned as he looked around again. Swineheart noticed his awakened form. "Easy there. Try not to move.”
Bigby mumbled and gargled on blood until he turned his head and spit out blood on the floor. “Oh, Bigby…”, Snow gasped, covering her mouth. Bigby looks down at his left arm, which still has his bone sticking out of his skin.
“We can’t keep meeting like this, old boy….”, Swineheart says, looking up at him. “I figure I’d be done with you before you were conscious. But there’s little I can do for the pain.”
“My arm…”, Bigby mumbled, weakly.
“Yes, very ugly. But not life-threatening. I can’t say the same for these bullets peppered throughout your vital organs.”, Swineheart pulls out a few pieces of silver and places them in a glass cup.
Bigby groans in pain, slightly moving his hand. “Please, Bigby, don’t move it!” Snow pleaded and looked at Swineheart. “Doctor…”
"Look, I’m a bit engaged in saving his life at the moment, but if the fractured extremity concerns him that much, he can set it himself.“, Swineheart said. Bigby looks down at his arm and uses his right hand to grab his left hand and pull it, he groans, letting it go for a moment as his left arm flops to the side of the chair.
Snow gasps, as Bigby tries again and sets the bone back in his arm. His eyes turn yellow as he yells out in pain and slumps forward. His yell makes Sonya stir awake, groaning at the bright luminescent lights.
"Hm. Not bad. That’ll do, I suppose.”, she hears Swineheart say. “He’s lucky to be alive. And he won’t be next time if he keeps going like this. He didn’t listen to me before.” Then Swineheart turned his head to Snow. “Maybe he’ll listen to you.”
“He hasn’t exactly been doing that lately.” Snow said. "Well, he should.“ Swineheart said, firmly. "There are limits to even what I can do.”
“This…is the….job….” Bigby said, weakly. “Quiet. Just relax.” Swineheart reassured as he pulled out more silver shrapnel.
Colin notices Sonya and walks over to her. “You awake, toots?” Sonya looks at the talking pig, realizing that he had to have been from the Three Little Pigs.
She lifted her head up to look at Snow. The woman wasn’t paying attention. Sonya rolled her eyes and looked at Bigby. “You’re alive. Good.”, she says, giving him a smile in relief.
Bigby looked over at her, slightly relieved. “You’re more worried about me… you should take a look at yourself.”, he says, giving her a pained smile.
“You both look like broken dolls.”, Colin says, making Bigby frown. Sonya looked down at her broken arm. “Oh...right.”, she mumbled. She lifted her good arm to wipe her mouth, disgusted at the metallic flavor.
Snow finally turns to her. “What even happened out there?” Sonya frowned. “We got into a little predicament and almost died. What do you think?”
Snow didn’t like her answer. Swineheart finished up with Bigby and walked over to Sonya. “I thought you said you wouldn’t become a frequent patient, Miss Blaze.”, he said, lightly. “I know. I’ll try my best not to be like Bigby.”, she joked, nasally as he fixed her nose, placing a cold bandage on top. “I’m right over here.”, Bigby grumbled.
Swineheart stitched her side, much to her discomfort and had to pull out the bullet lodged into her thigh. Now the hardest part was getting her to be still so he could set her arm. It wasn’t nearly as broken as Bigby’s but it still hurt like hell.
“Miss Blaze, if you won’t let me help, it’ll get worse and the worst case scenario will be that you’ll have to amputate it.”, Swineheart informed, making Sonya even more wary. Bigby got up and walked to his kitchen and came back out with a wooden spatula.
She looked up at him with a pained smile. “You cook?” Bigby rolled his eyes at her joke. “Just bite the damn thing.”
She sighed and took it, placing the spatula in her mouth and bit hard. “Alright. Get ready.”, Swineheart prepared, making Sonya bite harder and scream in pain as he snapped her arm back into place before wrapping it up.
Sonya slumped back, letting go of the spatula and closed her eyes. “That...sucked.”, she says, weakly and slightly hoarse. Swineheart packed his things. “I dunno about that. I’d say you did better than Bigby.”, Colin says, teasingly.
“Cause I once watched a vet sew up a turtle together in ten minutes flat.” Colin sneered at Swineheart.
The doctor turned to Bigby. “Eat as many metal shillings as you see fit, but just take one more silver round near your heart again….and the only place I’ll be visiting you is the morgue.” Swineheart said, making everyone look at him in shock. “He’ll be fine for light duty….IF he can figure out what that means.”
“He knows what it means. It’s just been….an unusual couple of days.”, Sonya said. “I know, but please, don’t give him an excuse.”, Swineheart said. “His body will eventually give out. Take care of him. Please.” Sonya nodded. “We got him.”
“He’ll need rest, I assume.”, Snow said.
“Sleep, mostly. Just keep watch.”, Swineheart nodded. “And make sure he doesn’t get into further altercations."
"I’m right here, guys.”, Bigby repeats, his words falling on deaf ears.
“Anyway….Guard against as they say. Miss White. Deputy. Sheriff.”, Swineheart says as he nods, then he turns to Colin in annoyance. “Colin.”
“Swiney.” Colin replies back at him as Swineheart leaves the apartment.
Bigby goes to his kitchen, opens the fridge and pulls out a bottle of whiskey, and starts to drink from it. Sonya gets up and walks over to the kitchen, leaning in the doorway. “So….how do you, um, feel?”
“It’s Bigby, toots….he’ll be okay. Hell, I’ve seen him take worse.”, Colin said as Bigby shook his head at Colin’s statement and looks at her, stretching his shoulders and arms. Sonya grimaced at the sound of cracks coming from him.
“About as good as could be expected. I think.”, he replies. “So….not well, then.” Colin said, making Bigby roll his eyes. “You just almost died….I’m glad you’re not dead.”, Sonya said.
Bigby smiles as Sonya walks up to him. He leans against the counters and rubs his wrapped arm with his right hand. “After they left...You, uh,” She swallows. “You stopped breathing, you know….when you passed out….or died….I guess. I think I passed out after Nerissa came to me.”
She raised her right hand, and hesitantly placed it gently on his bandaged arm, her eyes targeted his wrapped hand.
He looked at her, trying to catch her eyes. She couldn't look him in the eyes. “When you got shot...you scared the shit out of me. I don’t think I was prepared to see you drop like that.” She chuckled shakily.
“I panicked… I usually stay under control but she went for that axe and I- ….I couldn’t-” She lowered her head, feeling tears collect in her eyes. “I couldn’t let her kill you…”
Bigby frowned, his heart pulling at the sound of her soft, wavering voice. He lifted her head, his hand cupping her chin. “It's gonna take a lot more than that to get rid of me.”, he said, giving her a confident smile. “I wouldn’t let you live in this harsh world without me.”, he quoted.
Her eyes widened a bit as she smiled, recognizing her statement two days ago. “You ass…”, she chuckled, wiping at her eyes.
“Yeah, you were really fucked up, man. You looked like when they take an action figure and bend his limbs the wrong way…” Colin said, making the two jump and turn to look at him.
Bigby rolls his eyes to the sky. “Colin….”, Sonya says, exasperated. “Colin, shut the hell up.”, Bigby said, leaving the kitchen.
Sonya shook her head, exiting the kitchen. Snow stood off to the side, motioning to the door. “Can we talk?” Sonya frowned and nodded, walking out of the apartment. “We’ll be back!”, she announced to the other two and closed the door behind her.
Sonya walks away from the door, far enough where Bigby didn’t have to hear and waited for Snow to stand in front of her. “What happened?”, Snow asked.
“Some woman named Bloody Mary and the Tweedles cornered us. Demanding that we give up Crane and, of course, Bigby wasn’t having it. The twins shot him and transformed into this Lycan and then beat the Tweedles and she shot him. He couldn’t even move and I panicked because she was gonna kill him with the Woodsman’s axe. I don’t even know how she got it in the first place.”, Sonya explained.
“I fought her for a while but she put me down and was about to kill Bigby but I couldn’t let that happen...so I gave up Crane.”, she says, looking down. Snow was speechless but angry. “How- How could you let them even have Crane?”
Sonya looked up in disbelief. “Are you seriously about to give me shit for trying to save the Sheriff?? He was shot with a silver bullet. What the fuck was I supposed to do?”, she whisper-yelled. “If you were strong enough to fight, you could’ve done something better.”, Snow argues.
“First of all, it was raining, second, we were kinda in a cramped area so I couldn’t go all out even if I wanted to. That was my first time having to fight knowing that there was something to lose. I couldn’t concentrate on that. I panicked.”, Sonya fussed.
Snow shook her head. “If that’s what it takes for you to give up so easily, you shouldn’t be working with him.” Sonya’s eyes widened. “Are you serious…?”
“When this case is over, you’ll be on leave until we need you.”, Snow declared. “Uh, you’re not my boss. Bigby is. He gets to decide that.”
Snow shook her head. “With Crane gone, I’m Deputy Mayor, which means I get to decide what you do and where you’ll go.” And with that, she walks back to Bigby’s apartment with a steaming Sonya behind her.
As they walked inside, Sonya changed her expression to a blank one. Bigby looked up. “You guys settle whatever you needed?”, he asked. Sonya gave him a smile, sitting back in the chair she was in. “Yup. Girl talk’s over.”
Colin turned to Bigby. “You still look like crap.” Sonya gaped at Colin. “Colin, really?”
“I’m just sayin’, I was worried about him, is all. The guy hasn’t had a night’s rest in days…”, Colin said as Bigby walks towards the dressed to get dressed in new clothes. “We’ll all get some rest when this whole thing is done.”, Snow said.
“What whole thing? What’s even happenin' out there?”, Colin asked. “I mean, do you guys even have a plan or somethin’? And who should I be asking? Should I be worried about the Crooked Man taking over? Or is Crane still a thing?”
“The Crooked Man, Bloody Mary, the Tweedles…..this is bigger than what I thought it was.”, Bigby said, facing the other three. “Its even worse if he showed up instead of hanging back in his lair.”, Sonya said.
“The Crooked Man stepped out of the shadows for a reason….for him to attack you two so blatantly like that….he either feels invincible or desperate.”, Snow said.
“Well, if those are my two options….I don’t think I’d pick desperate.”, Colin said.
“What do you mean?”, Sonya asked.
“You traded Crane. To save Bigby. I’m just sayin’….that’s not exactly somethin’ you do when you’re playin’ with house money…”, Colin replied.
“Crane traded Lily’s life for sex and called it a little thing to lose just because he lost “so much more”. If it came down to a second chance,” She grit her teeth, glaring at every one of them. “I’d do it again.”
"About that...Thanks for all that.”, Bigby said, smiling. “Thanks? You’re not pissed that Crane’s flown the cope? Or that the Crooked Man thinks he’s got you guys under his thumb?”, Colin asked Bigby in disbelief.
“What else could she have done? If she didn’t hand him over, my ass would be down the Witching Well and Crane still would have been taken.”, Bigby said.
“Okay, okay, I’ll take your word for it.” Colin said, in surrender.
“All I care about right now is….just what does the Crooked Man want out of this?”, Snow asked. “I thought he was just a….loan shark. But clearly, he’s operating in other circles. It can’t just be about Crane, right? Getting him out of town? Is this all about the murders?"
"Crane was a puppet, and the Crooked Man worked the strings. This is all about control of Fabletown.”, Bigby said to her. “But then what do prostitutes have to do with it? Lily….and Faith?” Snow asked.
“I don’t know how it all works out yet, but I know it does….somehow.”, Bigby shrugged.
“The Crooked Man…declared war against us last night. I now see this war has been going on for years. We haven’t noticed it, because our way of doing things is broken. We need to do things the right way.”, Snow said.
“What does that mean? The right way?”, Colin asked.
“What do you think I mean?” Snow asked him, now irritated with him.
“I don’t know, but it suspiciously sounds like your way. Bigby and Sonya are the only ones on the front lines. You can’t give them a leash. Especially Bigby. We need him more than ever.”, Colin said.
“A little restraint and thought behind things will never hurt anyone, Colin.”, Snow said.
“Okay, but what is this right way?”, Sonya asked.
“We haven’t been doing a good job. You, Bigby and I. So, starting now….we do everything cut and dried, by the book, straight as an arrow.” Snow said, making Sonya roll her eyes and look out the nearby window. “Pure as driven snow…”, Colin mutters.
“I’m not saying I’m the arbiter of–”
“Sure you’re not.”, Colin huffs.
“This town has enough monsters.”, Snow says, making Sonya’s attention snap toward her. “Are you serious-”
Snow turned to Bigby. “What happened last night….what you turned into, Bigby….it can’t happen again.”, Snow said. “We need monsters to fight monsters.”, Colin remarks.
“Colin, if I really believed that we needed him to lose his flippin’ mind at a moment’s notice….then that would mean I’d lost all faith in our ability to help this town.” Snow said then she turned back to Bigby and said. “Just let that side of you be done, okay?”
“What the hell is wrong with you two?? He’s not a fuckin’ monster!!”, Sonya yelled, getting up. “What the hell would you’ve done if you got shot with buckshots!? Die, right!? Bigby had every right to retaliate the way he did."
She shoved a finger at Snow. "You told us to bring Crane back and that’s what we were trying to do. It's not like anyone from the opposing side got killed. We were the ones that almost died and the thing you point out is whether or not Bigby’s a monster!? You have got to be out of your mind!”
“There are degrees-”, Snow argues. “Degrees?? I only ever do what’s necessary.”, Bigby said. “Really?”, Snow asked in disbelief. She turned to Colin and Sonya. “Do you believe him?”
Sonya and Colin looked at each other before looking at her. “Uh, yeah.”
“Look, you two. I care about how this is done just as much as I care about it getting done.”, Snow said.
“So for that you wanna give them a handicap? Like the bad guys will worry if shit gets sloppy. Everybody wants Bigby to smile and shave and take a shower now and then. Hell, I’m practically the President of the "Bigby, Don’t Be Such A Dick Club", but this is the wrong fucking time to put shackles on him.”, Colin said.
“Thank you.”, Sonya says. “Yeah…thanks, Colin.”, Bigby said, smiling at the pig. Colin gives him a nod before he turns back to Snow. “He and Sonya will get the job done. Just let them do it.”, he said.
“I’m going to– I’m going to let you do it, okay? It’s just that…now that I’m Deputy Mayor, I need your respect from both of you.”, Snow said, turning to Sonya and Bigby. Sonya rolls her eyes, propping her chin in her hand. Snow looks down at Colin and points at him. “And this situation….has to end.”
“What situation?”, Colin asked in irritation.
“All unglamoured Fables, starting today, have to go and stay at The Farm.”, Snow declared. “Oh, give me a fuckin’ break!”, Colin shouts. He turns to Bigby. “Are you gonna let her talk to me like that?”
“No one’s gonna notice a pig walking around. Well-”, Sonya started and shook her head.
“And what if a mundy does see me, huh? I’m a pig, not a mouse with a hat and a cane! They know what a pig is! It’s not the end of the world!”, Colin shouted, angry with Snow.
"Well...they are crazy about animal control...but as long as you're in Fabletown, it shouldn't be a problem.", Sonya says.
“Look, everyone just calm down, alright?”, Bigby said. “I’m perfectly calm.”, Snow said, brushing herself off.
Suddenly, Bigby’s phone rings. “I’m not! Tell me right now, what’s it gonna be, Bigby?”, Colin asked him. Snow goes to answer the phone. "Wolf’s residence.“, Snow said, snarky. "Rude.”, Sonya muttered, making Colin smile.
“Oh, Bufkin, what is it?” Snow asked, catching everyone’s attention. She’s quiet for a moment before she nods again. “Okay, I’ll let him know. Thanks.” She hangs up the phone and turns to face them. “Guess who’s waiting in your office right now?”, she said to Bigby. He shrugs at her.
“Nerissa.”, Snow says. “Nerissa? That broad from the Pudding n’ Pie?”, Colin asked. “Yes. Apparently she told Bufkin that she has something she needs to talk to you about…but she’ll only tell you.”, Snow said. “What do you think that could be?”
“Awww, Bigby’s got an admirer. You always do well with the, uh, disenfranchised. Something about your prickly demeanor attracts them like a moth to a flame.”, Colin said, nodding his head over at Sonya. Bigby rolls his eyes, shaking his head.
“She knows something…she’s helped me a little with the case, maybe she has something else.”, Bigby says.
“We gotta go talk to her then.”, Sonya said, getting up. “I should get back to the Business Office, I’ve left Bufkin alone for too long taking calls.”, Snow said, walking towards the door.
She then turns around to face Sonya. “You might want to look a little more presentable than you look right now.", she says, making Sonya glare at her.
“Ditto.”, Sonya says in irritation. Snow looks between her, Bigby, and Colin. “Consider this discussion tabled, but not over. Let me know when you’re done with Nerissa.”
“Aye, aye, Captain.”, Colin rolls his eyes. Snow leaves, leaving the other three annoyed. Sonya growled, her blood boiling as her hair lights up for a moment before she calms down. “I’m gonna go get cleaned up.”
Bigby nods. “Come by my office later then.”
“Yeah, I actually like Nerissa so she’ll be a sight to see.”, Sonya smiles, before waving at the two and heads out.
Bigby smiles and sighs softly. “Hey, you’re not really gonna send me to The Farm, are ya?”, Colin asked him. “I mean…Snow seemed real serious about it. But I can still hang out here…Right?”
“Look, uh, maybe a few will get sent up, but you’re my friend, Colin. I wouldn’t do that to you.”, Bigby said. Colin smiled at him. “Thanks, Bigby.”, Colin said.
Bigby walks out of his apartment and towards his office. Before he could, he held it with his arm and paused to relax a bit. He takes a deep breath before turning to his door and opens it to see Nerissa standing inside of his office.
“Hi, Sheriff.”, Nerissa said, smiling. “Hi, Nerissa.”, Bigby greeted, walking in his office and shuts the door. “Have a seat.” He walks over to his desk and sits in his chair, sighing softly. Nerissa sits in a chair across from him, watching Bigby rub his face in exhaustion.
“I, um….are you okay?”, Nerissa asked nervously. “You didn’t look good last night. I wasn’t sure you’d be….you know, around…if I came by.”
“Let’s just say I’ve been better.”, He says, then coughs. He picks up a pack of his cigarettes and pulls one out with his mouth afterwards and offers his pack to Nerissa. “Huff n’ Puffs?”, she asked, amused. “Not many people smoke those.”
She pulls out her own pack of cigarettes and puts one in her mouth. Bigby lights his cigarette and offers his lighter to light hers. Once he did, she sat back down and took a drag out of her cigarette. “Thanks.” A soft knock raps on the office door, making Nerissa clutch her purse in fear.
“That’s probably Sonya. I forgot to let you know she was coming.”, he says, seeing her visibly relax. He took it as an okay and opened the door to see Sonya rubbing her shoulder. She was dressed in a black, long sleeve turtleneck shirt with red jeans and combat boots.
She smiled at him, sleepily rubbing her eye, “Hey. I’m not late, am I?” He shook his head and let her in. She smiles at Nerissa. “Hey, how’re you feeling?” Nerissa gives her a soft smile. “I’m okay.”
Sonya nods and sits on Bigby’s desk, ignoring his annoyed glare. “So what was that back there with Crane? He wanted you to tell us something. You know it’s not too late to talk.”, Bigby sitting back in his seat. “There’s not a lot I can talk about.”, Nerissa replied.
“So that spell Crane was trying to break….it’s not just while you’re at work, huh?”, Sonya asks, crossing her arms as Nerissa takes a long drag of the cigarette and taps the ashes into the ashtray.
“What I mean is…I don’t want to waste your time. But I don’t want either of you wasting your own time, either.” Nerissa said.
“Back at the dressing room, at the Pudding n’ Pie, I told you what I was looking for. And you found a way to tell me. You sent me to The Open Arms. Maybe that will work again?”, Bigby asked her.
Nerissa looks down then back at both of them. “You can try. I just….go ahead. It…might work.”
“You’re here because the Crooked Man sent Crane to the bottom of our list of worries. And you have something you want to say about that, right?”, Bigby asked.
Nerissa closes her eyes, sighing. “These lips are sealed.” She opened her eyes. “If I could answer you just like that…I wouldn’t have had to make that appointment with you.”
“I guess that makes sense...”, Sonya said, frowning. “Sometimes….we have to find our way through life on our own. Grasping and fumbling in the dark. I…I used to have friends. To help me find my way. But now…they’re gone. And I don’t know what to do.”, Nerissa said, her voice wavering as she smokes her cigarette again.
“Are you trying to say something about Faith and Lily?”, Bigby asked her. “What I’m saying is friends matter. And I…I don’t have any left. So I hope you’re looking after yours.”, Nerissa corrects him as she looks directly at Sonya and Bigby.
“Who are you talking about?”, Bigby asked but she didn't say anything. “Are our friends in danger?”, Sonya asked.
She looks down in sadness. “I’m sorry. I thought I could do this.” She shakes her head. “I need you to know….I want to help, but….but…”
“But your lips are sealed.”, Sonya says, looking down. Nerissa smokes once more. “I’m…sorry if I’m wasting your time. I thought I knew how to say it….”
“Ribbons…”, Bigby said, catching Sonya’s attention. She looked over at Nerissa’s. “Faith wore one, too.”
“Do you like it?”, Nerissa asked as she points at it. “How can I? It’s a tool to keep you stuck in that life. Subservient…”, Bigby says, frowning sadly.
“The ribbons…. That’s why you can’t tell us anything…it’s the ribbon, isn’t it?”, Sonya asks, frowning at it. Bigby puts his cigarette out and walks over to Nerissa.
He raised his hand, making Sonya’s eyes widen at his actions. “You mind if I just…”
Sonya slaps his hand, making him retract it. “The hell was that for!?”, he growled, shaking his hand. Sonya glared at him before glancing at Nerissa’s terrified look and looked back at him.
She pulled his ear, whispering in it. “If you even think about touching it, you’ll lose a hand.” He pulled away, his mouth gaping at her.
She shook her head and looked back at Nerissa. “You don’t have to answer me but I think I understand now. Based off of what we’ve seen...if you take it off…”, Sonya slid finger across her neck.
Nerissa looked down in sadness, giving Sonya a confirmation. Sonya glared at Bigby as he avoided her eyes.
"We’ll fix this.”, he says. Nerissa looks up and smiles at them. They gave her a smile in return and turned their attention to the door, hearing a knock. Nerissa turns, clutching her purse in fear. “If anyone finds out I came here…”
“That’s probably Snow.”, Bigby said, making Sonya roll her eyes. He goes to the door. “Listen…Sheriff…Deputy.” Nerissa said, making them turn to face her. “Can you two keep this conversation between us? I could be in a lot of trouble. I shouldn’t even be talking to you guys.”, she said. “We won’t tell anyone, don’t worry.”, Bigby says. “Thank you.” Nerissa said, smiling.
“Sorry, I just need to talk to the Sheriff and Deputy for a moment. Please excuse us.”, Snow said as Nerissa nods. Sonya sighed, rolling her eyes and getting off the desk.
Sonya and Bigby turn to Snow. “I might have a new lead for you, but I don’t know how solid it is. Beauty and Beast called the office just now. They said they wanted to talk to you about something. I wonder if they’ve heard about Crane….”, Snow informs.
“Thank you for listening, Sheriff and Deputy. You two should go on to your next business. I don’t think you’ll be wasting your time.”, Nerissa suddenly says and rushes out. “Uh, wait, you don’t have to go…” Snow said, but Nerissa ignored her, walking away.
“Welp,” Sonya says, popping the p. “There goes that.”
“That was….abrupt.”, Snow said, confused. “It’s…one way to send a message.”, Bigby mutters as he goes over to his desk. Sonya leaned on the wall. “What did she tell you?” Snow asked you and Bigby. “I didn’t mean to rush her out.”
“We handled it.”, Sonya says, “We came to an understanding.” Snow frowned at her. Bigby rubs his temples with one hand. “We got it, Snow. I think she knows we’re on the right path.”
“Okay, then. Good work.” Snow said, pulling at her shirt. Bigby picks up his pack of cigarettes out of his desk, pulls another one cigarette out and lights it.
“So, about Beauty and Beast. Do you think there’s something to it? Is this the right place to look? What could they know about the Crooked Man?”, Snow asked. “That’s what Nerissa was doing. Telling us to go there. I think she made it as clear as she could have.”, Bigby said and Snow nods.
The three of them walk out of his office as Snow speaks up. “You know, Beauty came to me a while back….she was looking for…financial assistance. I told her there was nothing I could do, and…and she said that meant she’d have to go somewhere else.”
The three walk over to the elevator. “Guys, you don’t think she meant that she was going to go to the Crooked Man, do you?”, Snow asked nervously. “Its a possibility.”, Sonya says.
“Well, at the Tweedles, I did find a file with her name on it, along with a list of how much money she owes him.”, Bigby informed.
Snow’s eyes widened. “We need to solve this before something else happens. Who knows what….” The elevator doors open, letting Bigby and Sonya enter as Snow stays out. “I have….other matters to attend to.”
The doors closed leaving Bigby and Sonya in silence. For a moment, Sonya closes her eyes as she leaned on the elevator walls.
"Tired?", Bigby asked, making her open her eyes. "A little...", she says, as the doors open. They walk out, heading to the apartment.
"Y'know...when I passed out, I think that was the most peaceful sleep I've gotten in a while.", she chuckles. Bigby makes a small grunt. "You do know you can take a break right?"
Sonya frowned and pointed at him in warning. "Don't start." He held his hands up in mock surrender.
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf's as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 7: Confrontations
Witching Well Chamber
Bigby, Sonya, and Snow walk up to the large stone pedestal with the body. Sonya was hesitant to get closer but sighed and did anyway.
Bufkin was standing on the end of the pedestal waiting for the three to look over the body. “Jesus… I haven’t seen her face until now.”, Sonya said, letting out a breath.
“Are you gonna be okay?”, Bigby asked, looking at her in concern. “You don’t have to stay.” Snow said. Sonya shook her head. “I want to stay. I’ll be fine, it’s just….a little strange. I didn’t think I’d be looking at my own dead face.”, she weakly jokes.
Bigby frowned at her sadly and shook his head. Snow looks over the body. “The glamour is so effective, it’s invasive. But…just do what you need to do.”, Snow told Bigby.
He looked over the body and noticed a strange brooch on the jacket collar. He pulls it off and looks at it. “I’ve never worn anything like that.”, Sonya said as Bigby handed it to her. “Maybe it really belonged to her….not part of the glamour.”, Bigby said, examining the body.
“Looks like something from the homelands. Bufkin, do you recognize these symbols?”, Snow asked Bufkin, pointing at the brooch. “No, nothing I’ve seen before.”, Bufkin says, shaking his head. Sonya places it in her pocket as Bigby looks at the severed neck of the body. “It looks just like Faith’s did.”, he said, looking back at Snow. “Did Doctor Swineheart ever get back to you about Faith, Snow?”
“No. He said he wanted to run more tests.”, she shook her head. Bigby turns back to the body and sniffs the air around it. “She got your perfume right.”, he says in surprise. “We’ve never met. How the f- how do you know what perfume I wear?”, Sonya looked at him in shock. He smiled. “You can’t fool this nose.”
‘Damn his wolf senses.’, she thought. “If her neck wound was the same, there might be a ribbon in her mouth too.”, she suggested. Bigby opens the head’s mouth and looks inside but doesn’t see anything.
“Anything?”, Snow asked. He shook his head. "Nothing.“ He sets the head back down. "So it’s not exactly the same.” Sonya fidgets, looking at the head. “Could you…close her mouth? Please.” Bigby looks at her worriedly before he closes the head’s mouth. “Thanks.”, she mumbled, crossing her arms.
Bigby moves to the legs of the body. He saw the cuffs of the pant legs rolled up, a hole cut into the thigh of her jeans and noticed the rope marks around her ankles.
He also noticed some marks on the left thigh, right above the knee. “Track marks.”, he says, looking closely at the needle holes. “She used mundy drugs?”, Snow asked him. ���Looks that way. Pretty heavily too. I hear they only go for the legs if they’ve used up all the veins in their arms….or if they’re trying to hide the marks.”, Bigby informed. “I always thought that it was just the arms.
That's usually how doctors do blood tests…”, Sonya says. Bigby turned to her. “Anyway, it just means it’s not a perfect match to your leg. Unless….” She narrowed her eyes at him, “Don’t even.” He shrugged, “I’m just saying, maybe she was trying to compensate with that perfume.”, he said, giving her a smile. She shook her head with a small smile.
“Wait. If the glamour is supposed to look like her, shouldn’t it be concealing things like track marks? That brooch too.”, Snow asked. “It’s possible it’s designed not to.”, Bigby says. “Designed not to hide track marks?”, Sonya asked, confused.
“Eh, good point.”, he said. “The witches upstairs know what they’re doing, that’s why they cost so much.”, Snow said. “Unless someone’s making glamours illegally.”, Sonya suggested with a raised eyebrow. “It’s not technically illegal, miss. It’s not encouraged, for sure, but there aren’t any laws specifically forbidding it.”, Bufkin informed.
“So…. there’s some sort of black market for glamours?”, Bigby asked. “One would assume so.”, Bufkin nodded. “I imagine anyone with access to the proper books and training could theoretically produce a glamour.”
“Yet another thing to worry about.”, Snow grumbles. “Black market or not, it’s a pretty good match.”, Sonya said. “Scary, but pretty good.” Bigby examines the rope marks. “These rope marks...”, he mutters. “She was tied up?”, Bufkin asked, with wide eyes. “They tied cinderblocks to her ankles….so she would sink.”, Bigby said.
Suddenly, Crane walks in behind them, scaring Sonya. “Sorry, that, uh, took longer than expected. What have you found out?” Bigby stood up straight, “She was using mundy drugs. Pretty heavily too, judging by the track marks on her legs.”
“Track marks?”, Crane asked, confused. “Isn’t there….there are diseases… ”
“I think that’s the least of her worries now.”, Sonya says, crossing her arms. “Yes...yes, of course.”, Crane said.
All three of them stared at him in confusion before Bigby turned back to the body and saw that the body’s fist was clenched. “Her hand’s in a fist.”, he said. “So she fought back?”, Snow asked. “No. Her knuckles aren’t bruised or anything.”, Sonya said, picking up the body’s hand.
“Maybe she was grabbing something.”, Bufkin suggested. “Maybe….”, Sonya mumbles and starts to pry it open until finally the hand opens. There was a large metal ring in the hand. “What the hell…” Bigby picks it up and examines it. He sets it down and digs into the jacket pockets.
In one of them, he found a bottle of perfume with a small note attached to it that said. “Use this.”
“What is that?”, Crane asked him. “She had the perfume with her. Looks like someone picked it out for her.”, Bigby replied. “So someone gave her instructions?”, Sonya asked. “I wasn’t aware my perfume was that recognizable.” Bigby shrugs and puts the bottle down and digs in the other pocket.
In the other pocket, he found a wooden tube with weird markings around it. “I’ve seen things like this before…”, Snow said as she saw the tube. “It’s definitely magic, though the witches don’t usually craft objects these days.”
“I don’t think it’s wise to fool around with that. It’s some kind of black market magic, who knows what it could do?”, Crane said, nervously.
“Will you keep quiet?”, Bigby growls and Crane glares at him. Sonya narrows her eyes a bit at Crane, “How do you know its black market stuff?” He didn’t say anything.
Bigby brings the tube to his ear and shakes it. It sounded like something was inside of it. “Hmm.”, he hums. “What?”, Crane asked him. “There’s something in here.”, Bigby said, shaking it again in Sonya’s ear. “How do we open it?”, she asked him.
Bigby scanned over the tube again, frowning as he tried figuring it out. Bigby glanced over at Crane. “Might want to stand back if you’re worried, Crane.”, he says, smug. “I’m gonna try to open it. Something to do with these rings here.”
Crane folds his arms as Bigby looks over the tube and saw that it was like a puzzle. He twisted the rings, until he heard a click and the image of a deer on the tube. “A deer? What does that mean?”, Sonya asked.
He pours out the contents on the pedestal, revealing a small bundle of dark auburn hair, almost like a ball of hair coming from a brush, and rolled up paper. He picks up the roll of paper and unravels it to reveal that it was a torn picture of Sonya looking somewhere.
“What the literal hell…!”, she yelled, grabbing her head. “Is that my hair??” Bigby hesitantly handed the picture to her. “Someone was stalking me…”, she says, looking at the picture. Bigby picks up the bundle of hair.
Bigby sniffs it and says, “Yeah, definitely your hair.” Sonya sighed a shaky breath stepping away from the pedestal, covering her face before dragging her hands down her face.
Bigby followed and placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked at him, shaken up. “Who did this, Bigby?”, she whimpered.
Before he could reply, they turned their heads to hear a crackling noise and saw a green light brightening the room. The body changed from Sonya to a female troll. She gasped, covering her mouth. “She’s a troll?!” Bufkin exclaimed.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me.”, Crane whispered, stepping away a bit.
“Holy shit.”, Bigby said, his eyes widened. “Well, that helps explain the glamour. Kind of.”, Snow said.
“W-Who is she?”, Sonya asked. “She kinda looks like Holly.”, Bigby said.
“The owner from the Trip Trap?”, Snow asked him. He nodded and Snow gasped. “It’s her sister, Lily. She was reported missing, but I….I guess it just slipped through the cracks.” Sonya’s neck snapped toward Snow. “How the hell could it have “slipped through the cracks”!? Was this not an important thing or what!?”
“We have to go tell Holly.”, Bigby said, urgently. Sonya frowned at him.
“Right. Who knows, she might know something about this. Who Lily was seeing…”, Snow said until Crane speaks up. “Certainly another troll.”
Sonya narrows her eyes, “How do you know that? She’s dead, we don’t know that for sure.”
“We should go.”, Bigby said, looking at Sonya. “You can’t go out there!”, Crane exclaimed.
“Why the hell not?”, Sonya asked, growling at him. “It’s too dangerous. Someone tried to kill you.” Crane replied quickly, stepping in the way. He looked at Bigby. “Bigby, you can’t let her go out there with you. You’d be putting her life at risk."
"Bigby is not my babysitter! Two fables are dead and we’re gonna get this done with or without you, Deputy Mayor.”, Sonya sneered at Crane. “Bigby is your boss. He’s allowed to set up any investigations for you.”, Crane argued.
“Sonya’s her own woman. If she wants to go, I don’t see why not.”, Bigby says, crossing his arms.
“We should leave now. You ready?”, Bigby said as he looked over at Sonya, smiling. “Let’s go.”, she nodded. “I’ll come with you two.”, Snow said, following behind.
“You’re a bar. You’re supposed to have darts.”, a blonde man fussed, pacing around.
“And I normally do, but who knows where the fuck they went to after–” Holly’s voice stopped once she sees Bigby, Snow and Sonya walk in. The bar still a mess from Bigby’s and Gren’s previous fight.
He was still fussing, not aware of the three that walked in. “C'mon, Holly, I need entertainment.” Then he turns and sees the three fables looking at him. “This’ll do.”, he said, smirking, while Gren and Holly looked at each other in fear. Sonya looked around. “What the hell happened?” Bigby grumbled. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
He shook his head. “Holly. You got a minute?”, Bigby asked the bar owner. She crossed her arms. “Why?” Bigby frowned. “Please, Holly. It’s important.”
“Holy shit. You’re the new fable. No one said you were a cutie, though, Miss Sonya.”, Jack said, winking at her. He got close to Sonya, giving her a grin. “Uh, hi?”, Sonya waved, awkwardly. “Heard you had a strange morning.”, he said, smirking.
“It’s been kind of a strange morning for everyone, I think.” , Sonya said, shaking her head. Bigby stepped in front of Sonya, making the guy place his left arm around him.
“Every time I see this guy, he seems to lose weight. It’s amazing, it really is. He loses weight and yet somehow keeps all the muscle.”, he said.
“Jack…” Bigby growled.
“Wolfie, my dear, how are you?”, Jack asked him with a big grin. Bigby shrugs his arm off and walks up the bar but Jack cuts in front of him again. “Because, you know, we were just talking about you. All of us. At the bar, here.”
Bigby huffed, “I just need to talk to Holly. Privately.” Jack raised his hands, “Alright, just give us a second first.” Jack said. “I’m just dying to hear about the dead body that came out of the East River this morning. It was a Fable, right?”
All three of them look at him in surprise but he gives them a smug look. “Oh, everyone knows.”
“Tweedledee was just here.”, Gren mumbled.
“He described it fairly well. Said it looked like you.” Jack said, pointing at Sonya.
“What the hell!”, Bigby shouts, then came to a realization and growls. “Crane.”
“Sorry.”, Snow said as Sonya rolled her eyes at the mention of the man.
“Tweedledee said you arrested him for no earthly reason, kept him locked in the cellar “all fuckin’ night.” He said you tortured him. Which….I dunno, that seems like a breach of your legislative duties.”, Jack shrugs then walks up to Bigby and said. “Bigby, c'mon, you can’t be so dumb as to–”
“Jack. Find the off button! Now!”, Holly shouts.
Jack turned to her and said. “What is it with you two? You and Gren are all, Let’s get a posse together, when there’s no one around, but as soon as the Big Bad Wolf walks in your tails go between your legs. Cat got your nerve? What happened?”
“What happened? I’m tired is what happened.”, Holly says, frowning. “Tired of what?”, Jack asked. “You talk too much. Has anyone told you that personally or does it just go in one ear and out the other?”, Sonya asks, making Jack gape at her.
“Holly.”, Bigby said, trying to get her attention.
“What?”, Holly huffed.
“Bigby….look…two Fables are dead. And shit, Gren’s sister–”
“Holly’s sister.”, Gren corrected Jack, now irritated.
“Holly’s sister has been missing for, what, a few days now? And we haven’t heard word one about it from anyone.”, Jack said. That caught Holly’s attention. “Actually….have there been any updates?”, Holly asked.
“I….don’t know how to say this to you, Holly. The woman we found in the river….”, Bigby says, scratching the back of his neck.
“Who was it?”, Holly asked. “You know who it was.”, Bigby said, sadly.
Holly turns away sadly. “Boy, I sure walked into that one.”, Jack said.
“If you say one more fucking thing, just one more thing….”, Gren growled at him. Jack stares at him, putting his hands up in surrender then walks out of the bar.
“Fucking damn it!”, Gren shouts then he turns to you three and said. “Of course the dear Princess Sonya is all fuckin’ safe and sound!” Sonya flinches at his words, looking down at her feet.
Snow looks at her sadly, as Gren stands up and shouts. “Where were you when we reported this weeks ago, huh? Where are you when we ever fucking need you?!"
In the back, Holly pulls out a glass and a bottle of whiskey and tried to pour herself a glass. "If you’d given one ounce of a shit about her, about any of us, she might’ve been saved! She might’ve been cared for! She might’ve been—” but he stops when the sound of a glass breaks catches everyone’s attention.
Holly had broken both the glass and the bottle with her bare hands. She took heavy breaths, trying to calm herself down. “I’m sorry, Holly. I’m sorry we found your sister this way and I….I wish this had ended up better.” Bigby said, sadly.
Holly looks up at all of them, glaring at Sonya as she goes to sit down at a table. Sonya walked up to her and spoke softly. “Holly?”
“Get the fuck out of my bar.”, Holly growled at her. “I-I just wanted to–”
“It should’ve been you. It should have been you and it wasn’t.”, Holly sneers, making Sonya’s eyes widen. Sonya’s eyes fluttered as she felt oncoming tears. She shook her head, walking over to a table and pulled out a brooch from before and placed it on the table. She steps back, giving her a sad smile, “It was on her. Thought you’d like to have it.”
Holly looks at the brooch, taking it in her hands and looked up as Sonya started walking away.
Bigby grabbed Sonya's shoulder. “Hey, its okay.” Sonya looked up at him with glassy eyes. “I can’t. She was killed because of me…” Bigby started to say something but was cut off by Holly. “I…I didn’t know she still had this. The copper was from a dwarf mine…..it’s very rare….and very old.”
Sonya looked at her. “It’s pretty. I bet it was even prettier on her.”
Bigby smiles, looking down at Sonya. “That was very decent of you.” Holly called, “Gren.”
"Take off for a bit, would ya."
"Are you sure?”
Holly looks at Sonya as they make eye contact. Holly turns to Gren and nods at him. Gren makes sure before walking out with Jack. Holly walks back over to the bar and begins to pour herself something to drink.
“I don’t know that much about her life….honestly, we didn’t talk often.”, she said and she took a sip. “She was lost here, in the city. She just got swept away by it.”
“Do you have any idea why she’d be glamoured as Sonya?”, Bigby asked her. “What?!”, Holly said, shocked, looking at her. “Oh God. I’m sorry. That was probably about….she was hooking. To pay down debt. It ate me up to see her that way. Eventually, the only people she owned were at her work, you know, that shithole club. The Pudding ‘n Pie. The owner, Georgie, with all his fuckin’ fees, it’s a crock of shit. It’s how they kept her under their thumb, really.”
“Georgie? What do you know about him?”, Bigby asked her but she shrugs and shakes her head. “We can always just go talk to him.”, Snow said. “We’ve got a lead. Maybe we can take it from here?” You said.
“Thanks for everything, Holly. Is there, um, is there anything we can do to….?”, Bigby asks but Holly shook her head. “No, no, I’m better off dealin’ with things alone. I don’t need sympathy and I don’t need charity.”
“It’s not charity, it’s looking out for our own.”, Snow said, catching Holly’s attention.
“Is she…where is she?”, Holly asked, solemnly. “She’s at the Business Office. She’s taken care of.”, Sonya says. Holly sighs. “I’m gonna have to go down there and get her. Fuck.”
“Please, we can handle the funeral arrangements.”, Snow offered. “No, no it’s– it’s a kind of— it’s a formality with trolls. We burn our dead by sunrise or….I dunno.”, Holly shook her head. “Of course.”, Bigby said.
“Okay. Good.”, Holly said, smiling.
“Let’s go down to the Business Office and start making the necessary preparations, alright?”, Snow said, leading Holly out. “The Puddin’ n’ Pie, huh…”, Sonya says. “I’ll go down there now, see what I can find out from the owner. Do you want to come?”, Bigby asked. Sonya nodded.
She turned to Holly, “Is it okay if I come to the funeral after we get what we need? I feel responsible for this.”
Holly nodded. “I’d appreciate that.” Sonya smiled softly and nodded. She turned to Bigby, “Let’s go.”
Bigby nods, giving her a smile and walks with her to catch a cab.
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf's as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 10: A Trashy Funeral
“That fucking creep…!”, Bigby growls, stomping out of the room. “Spineless little fuckin’ rat!”
“Crane? Ugh! God, you’d think you know a person.”, Beauty said as she followed Bigby down the hall.
“Bigby, you have to tell her.”, she said. “I know!”, Bigby yells at her as he strides down the stairs and enters the lobby.
“What’s going on?”, Beast asked, worriedly. “What did you find up there?”
Bigby storms up to a payphone, dialing the Business Office number, “Crane’s the killer.”, Bigby huffs, angrily. “What? Ichabod Crane? How do you know?”, Beast asked. Bigby didn’t answer him and growled at the non functional phone. “Shit!”
“Crane’s been–”, Beauty was interrupted when Bigby yanked the phone off the wall, even more furious now. “Whoa! Bigby, calm down.”, Beauty ordered. “Everything’s going to be fine, okay? It’s gonna be fine."
"Will someone please explain this to me?”, Beast asked, looking between Bigby and Beauty. “That perverted little fucker might be after Sonya. I need to find her right now!”, Bigby explained, pacing in anger.
"Okay, i-it’s going to be okay.”, Beauty said in a calm tone. “Where did you see her last? Did she say where she was going?”
“She went to join Snow and Holly at the Business Office. To prepare for the funeral.” Bigby explained. “Lily’s funeral?”, Beast asked, his eyes widening. “Yeah.”, Bigby says, looking at him.. Beauty looked at the taller man in confusion. “How do you know–”
“I was just at the Trip Trap, and I heard Gren telling some folks about a funeral at the Buckingham Bridge–” She cut him off. “The Trip Trap? Are you drinking?”
“When?”, Bigby asked Beast.
“Right now. They were on their way out.”, Beast answered, making Bigby rush out of the Hotel. “Bigby!”, Beauty shouts after him, chasing him onto the streets. “Wait!”, Beauty shouts. Bigby stops, huffing to himself before turning to Beauty. “What?!”
“Sonya seems like such a sweet girl. I don’t know her all that well but so far, you seem to know her a bit better. This might change things for her,” Beauty said.
“What are you trying to say?” Bigby asked her, his face scrunching in frustration. “You know how you felt when you saw that picture? Well, it’s going to be much worse for her. Trust me. No girl wants to see, let alone, know that someone they thought they knew would do that to them.”, Beauty said. Bigby sighs before rushing to the funeral.
The Buckingham Bridge
Bigby walks over to the small funeral after getting out of the cab he came in. His ears perk up at the sound of Sonya’s voice singing for the funeral. “You're my backbone. You're my cornerstone. You're my crutch when my legs stop moving. You're my headstart. You're my rugged heart. You're the pulse that I've always needed,” Bigby walks up to see her strumming a guitar and singing with a black button up shirt and pants, in front of a fire.
Holly, Gren, Nerissa and Vivian were watching her from the benches. Snow was standing next to her, smiling sadly and she was in a black skirt and a red dress shirt with a black suit jacket.
“Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating. Like a drum, baby, don't stop beating. Like a drum, my heart never stops beating.”, she sung, catching Bigby’s eyes and smiled a bit before continuing. He walked by a table, reading notes and looking at certain objects.
Bigby picks up a card that had a scenic picture of a bridge over a river and opens it to read it.
“I’ll miss worrying about you. I’ll miss our fights I’ll miss you.”
Bigby sets the card down and picks up another one that was blue with a fancy design around the edges.
“Now you will never die from indifference or lead a tedious life. Goodbye, sweetheart. Thanks for everything.”
He sets that card down, as he hears Snow starting to speak, and picks up the last one, this one had a picture of a mountain.
“You were a big bright shining star in this shithole of a town, and I miss you already.”
He finishes reading, setting everything down and frowned. He looked at Sonya as she sang her last lyric and looked at him. "Bigby, is everything okay?”, Snow asked him. Everyone turned around to see Bigby standing behind them. “No, not you.”, Holly growled as she stormed to him. “Holly, it’s–”
“He wasn’t fucking invited.”, Holly told Snow. “Holly wait.”, Snow said as she placed a hand on her shoulder. “He has no right to be here. Not after what he did.”, Holly said. “Holly, I’m sorry, but I had to come.”, Bigby frowned sadly.
“You throw my sister down the Witching Well….and you have the nerve to show your face here? After you lie….after you promise me?”, Holly asked, outraged. “Holly, wait, that was Crane, just Crane. He’d….disposed of Lily’s body before Bigby could do anything about it.”, Sonya said as she walked up to Holly. Holly glares at her. “When we left your bar, we never went back to the Business Office!”, she exclaimed.
“Don’t cover for him.”, Holly growls at her. “But this genuinely wasn’t his fault.”, Snow reassures. “You two can’t tell me Bigby gives a shit about this.”, Holly said, looking at Snow in shock.
“I’m sorry, Holly. I didn’t know he put her down the Witching Well.”, Bigby said, shaking his head with a sad look. Holly’s eyes widen for a moment then looks down at her feet.
“Bigby cares, Holly. He’s trying to help.” Sonya said. “We all do.”
"I’m sure he has a very good reason for being here.“ Snow said as she glared at Bigby then looked back over at Holly. "But this one isn’t on him.”
“Why are you here, anyway? And don’t say it’s cause you care about this.”, Gren said as he turned to face Bigby. “Everything okay?”, Sonya asked Bigby. He looked at her sadly and looked away, shaking his head. He turned to Holly.
“I think I know who murdered your sister.”, Bigby told Holly, making her eyes widen. “Who?”, she asked, shocked. “Maybe we should talk about this somewhere else?”, Snow said, hinting she wanted to keep it private.
“What? No! I deserve to know!”, Holly yelled at her in disbelief. “That’s true.”, Sonya said. “I know, I know, but….This isn’t the way to go about this.”, Snow said, shaking her head. “I don’t give a fuck about the way. I don’t care about procedure. If anyone should be told, it’s me, it’s us. Right now.”, Holly ordered.
“I think it was Ichabod Crane.”, Bigby said, shocking everyone. “Crane?” Sonya asked. “Crane.”, Holly growled to herself. “Okay, okay, look, Sonya, Bigby and I are going to have a little chat while everyone else gets back to the funeral.”, Snow said.
“What?! He says that fucking Crane murdered Lily and you expect me to–”
“We promise we will tell you what the hell is going on just as soon as we know there’s something to tell, but just let us do our jobs, first. Please.”, Sonya said.
Holly glares at her and folds her arms across her chest. “Look, Holly, I know how this—” Sonya starts to explain but Holly cuts her off. “No. You don’t know how this feels. You have no idea.”, she growls at her.
Sonya frowns, looking away. “Believe it or not, Holly, I do. Its the reason why I’m here in the first place.”, she says. Holly’s face softens.
She turns to Bigby, “Don’t fuck anything up. Don’t bother anybody. And when the first sign of trouble comes, and it will come, because you’re a fucking walking trap for it, I want you the fuck out of here. You hear me?"
"Of course. You won’t even know I’m here.”, Bigby nodded. Sonya pulls Bigby away from the crowd, he kept his head down as she led him away.
“Crane?”, Sonya asked him. “Yeah.”, Bigby said, not meeting her eyes. She looked at him, shaking her head. “I mean, he was a prick but him??” Bigby finally looks at her. “Sonya, you’re a target.” She held up her hand to stop him. “If this is your way of telling me to lay low or to leave Fabletown, you got another thing coming.”
His shoulders slumped as he let out a sigh, “Its just a suggestion.” Sonya shook her head, “Its a stupid ass suggestion.”
Snow walked up to them. “Okay, Crane?? Are you sure?” Bigby nodded. “This is someone I’ve worked with for decades.” Snow said in disbelief. “This is a guy- he gets the frickin’ shakes when he has to order food. I mean, what are you telling us? It’s all an act? Just what have you found?”
“Lily was Crane’s prostitute. I followed a lead to this shit hole motel. The Open Arms.”, he says, looking at Snow. “Crane had a room there, and he’s been taking prostitutes….or, at the very least Lily…and making her look like you while he was… you know.”, Bigby said to Sonya.
Sonya swallowed, shaking her head, “I looked this guy in his eye, and trusted him to do his job.” She spaced out, scoffing softly, “I don’t even know what to say right now….I really don’t. I’m just trying everything I can right now….to not picture it. To not picture him.” She covered her mouth as she turned away, looking up at the sky, holding back oncoming tears. “I’m sorry, Sonya.” Bigby apologized softly.
“You’re sure this is what happened? This is what he’s been doing?”, Snow asked Bigby. Sonya turned to face Bigby with glassy eyes. “Please, Bigby. Tell me he didn’t. Please tell me this is a trick.” His heart panged in sadness, seeing her holding back any frustration or sadness herself.
Bigby digs in his pocket, hesitantly pulls out the photo and hands it to her. She took it and instantly her heart dropped. The more she stared at the picture, she felt bile bubbling in her throat. “I’m so sorry.”, Bigby said, looking down.
Her eyes fluttered as she covered her mouth, finally letting her tears fall. She handed the picture to Snow, making her gasp. She looked up at Bigby and asked. “You took a cab here, right?”
“Yeah.”, he nodded. Sonya walks away for a bit, letting out a heavy breath. “Snow?” Nerissa speaks up. Sonya quickly wipes her tears away before turning to the mermaid. Snow said, “Nerissa. What is it?”
“I’m sorry, but Holly’s asking for you and Sonya.”, Nerissa said. “Are they starting the burn?”, Snow asked her. “Yes.”, she nodded. “Everyone who spoke should really be present for this part…she’s kinda distraught. You guys are not leaving yet, are you?”, Nerissa asked.
Snow looks at her then at Sonya. “Can you tell her I’m not feeling okay? And that I’m sorry.”, Sonya said, placing her hands in her pockets. "I'm just gonna hang back for a little while." Nerissa nods at her and Snow walks over to Holly while Nerissa stays.
Sonya looks at the floor as Nerissa looks at Bigby, “How’d it go? At the motel? Did you find anything?”
“Yeah….Lily was killed there. It was an awful mess.”, Bigby frowned deeply. “Oh…”, Nerissa said, sadly. “Nerissa!”, Vivian called. Nerissa turned to her. “Coming!”
Sonya let out another shaky sigh, making Bigby look over at her. “You okay?”, he asked, sadly. She chuckled, wiping at her eyes. “I’ll be fine.”
Bigby frowns and hesitantly wraps his arm around her, making her bite her lip, as she felt more tears coming. “This is so stupid...", she muttered, wiping her tears on her shoulder, sniffling and leaned into his hold.
“We’re gonna get this done. I promise.”, he says. She nodded. Suddenly, the atmosphere thickened as they felt something metal pressed against their backs. “Constables.”, a familiar voice said.
“Fuck me…”, Sonya shook her head, looking up at the sky as she recognizes the voices.
Bigby turns to see the Tweedles and stops as a barrel was pushed into his back. “Wait, wait, wait, easy now, girls.”, Dee whispered, smirked. “You know how this goes. The first thing in a visit? You say, “How do ya do?”.”
“How do ya do?”, Dum repeated.
“Now is really not the time for whatever you jag-offs are planning to do.”, Bigby growls lowly, keeping Sonya pressed into his side. “Well isn’t that the thing of it? Plans.”, Dee says. “Except it isn’t our plans you should be concernin’ yourself with.”, Dum grumbles.
“I’m still hurtin’, you know, from our talk in the cell. We’ll snip to the chase, for all’s sake. A little bird told us that you’re fittin’ to go after Crane.”, Dee mentioned to Bigby as he pokes at their backs, making Sonya let out another breath.
Bigby notices this, practically hearing her heart pound into her chest and gets angrier. “And you see, we have an interest in that particular boy.”
“So you leave Crane alone, and we’ll leave you and your girl alone.”, Dum warns, cheerfully.
“Just take a little vacation, is all.”, Dee suggested.
“Don’t even have to go anywhere.”, said Dum.
“Just sit in your office and whistle to Heaven for a few short days. Or spend some time with your girl here.”, Dee said as he pokes his barrel at Sonya’s back again, making her take deep breaths.
“You have three seconds to fuck off before this goes to a place you don’t want it to.”, Bigby threatened.
“Oh, I don’t have my stop-watch on me.”, Dee says, shrugging. “So what’s it gonna be? We have a deal? You leave Crane alone and we leave you to yours?”, he tried to bargain.
Holly looks over and sees what was going on and she starts marching towards them. “Fastly, now,” Dee rushes.
“You think this act you got going scares me? ‘Cause it doesn’t.”, Bigby whispered harshly to the brothers. “That don’t sound like a yes to me.”, Dum said. “Always wanting to do things the fun way….”, Dee mutters, then he and Dum remove their guns away from Sonya and Bigby’s back.
Bigby drops his arms, stepping away and pulled her behind him, backing away. Dee shouts at the crowd. “Ladies! Gentlemen! Invertebrates! Please! Rest easy, this is not–”
“What the hell is going on?”, Gren asked, growled.
“What’s happening?”, Snow asked.
“Very sorry to impose, but we only had a deal to work out with Bigby. And we’re unhappy to report that things did not go as smoothly as planned.”, Dee announced.
“Bigby, what is he talking about?”, Snow asked. “Never you mind that, it ain’t any of your–” Dum was cut off by Bigby. “They want us to leave Crane alone.”, Bigby admitted. “Crane?”, Snow asked, confused.
“Awww, now you shouldn’t’ve done that, old boy, really.”, Dee said, angrily.
“That wasn’t right, tellin’ everyone our dealings.”, agreed Dum.
Both Bigby and Sonya jumped at the sound of a roar. Holly had transformed into a troll. “What did I tell you? What did I say?”, she yelled, angrily, to Bigby.
“Holly…”, Sonya walks from behind Bigby, holding her hands out in warning. Gren transformed into his monster form and snarls at the Tweedles. “You think you mother fuckers can come here uninvited? You think you can just fuckin’ interrupt Lily’s funeral?!”
“Calm down, darling. It was just a simple business transaction.”, Dee warned while Bigby joined Sonya to defend against the Tweedles. “You fuckin’ freaks are not getting away with this!”, Holly roars, angrily.
“Holly! Don’t move!”, Snow ordered.
“Holly, just let us handle this.”, Bigby said.
“Yes, let’s spare all the fuss. It’s just a dead whore.”, Dee sneered with a smirk.
“I’m gonna kill you!”, Gren snarls as Holly roars.
Holly charges at Dee but he shoots her in the chest, making her fall. “Holly!”, Sonya yells in worry and saw Gren smack Dum.
“I got it, Dum.”, Dee said, ready to defend his brother. Bigby charges at him, grabs his gun and shoves him against large pipes.
Bigby pulls the gun out of Dee’s hand and punches him, knocking him out. Dum shoots Gren, making Sonya rush at him with a chain. He notices this and shoots at her, the buckshot grazing her shoulder. She grits her teeth and wraps her chain around him, yanking him towards her and punches him, making him stumble back a bit.
He groans, growls at her and throws her against a pillar. The sound of Sonya’s shout of pain makes Bigby turn his way toward her.
He rushes to get Dum but gets shot in the shoulder instead. “Big..by…”, Sonya murmured, watching everything unfurl through blurry eyesight.
Snow ran over to her and helped her up. “They got away…”, Snow says. Sonya nods and looks over at Holly. Snow goes to check on Holly, placing her hands on her shoulders.
Sonya sees Bigby sit up and looks over at her. She gave him a grimace and got up to check up on Gren, feeling a faint pulse. She sighed and looked at Snow who gave her a worried look.
Business Office
Back at the Business Office, Bufkin was picking up the broken pieces of the shattered mirror off of the floor, putting the pieces back together. Snow,in her normal uniform, was standing by, watching him.
Sonya sits on Crane's desk, stitching her wound up. Bigby, now shirtless, was getting patched up by Dr. Swineheart. He glanced at Sonya from over his shoulder, wincing every time he saw her poke the needle through her skin.
“She’ll be fine, Sheriff.”, Swineheart says, finishing up. “I did as well as I could to take out the buckshots, but there’s still some shards embedded in your shoulder. They’ll eventually worm their way out on their own but….until they do, you’re gonna be sore.”
Snow turned to Bigby, "Bigby, Doctor Swineheart was appointed Fabletown physician for a reason.“
Swineheart shook his head. "It’s okay, there’s only one thing to take away from all this: take it easy.”, Swineheart said as he looked at Bigby then looked at Sonya. “Both of you. I don't want you to become a frequent patient like him.” Sonya sighed, “Yes sir.”
Bigby leans up off of the desk and stands up straight, stretching his arms. “Don’t go looking for any more fights. Keep strain off your heart, Bigby.”, Swineheart ordered.
“How’s everyone else? They all make it?”, Bigby asked, worriedly.
“They’re fine. I had everyone that got wounded sent home. Holly refused to let me see where she lived, so I left her and Grendel back at her bar with a dose of juniper and spring water.” Swineheart informed, but Bigby still had a worried look on his face. “They’re Titans, Bigby. They’ll be fine.”, Swineheart reassured him. “Just remember what I said. The stitches won’t hold up if you continue to act….like you normally do.”
Swineheart walked over to Sonya, looking over her sutures as she finished. “Remember what I said. And keep your ice pack on you for a few minutes.” Sonya gives him a smile. “I’ll try not to melt it.”
Swineheart shakes his head with a small smile and picks up his medical bag, preparing to leave. “Everything in moderation. And, uh, eat more chicken, Bigby.”, he recommended. “I’ll try to.”, Bigby gives him a smile.
Swineheart nods. “Very good then.” The phone rings next to Sonya, and Snow picks up. “Business Office.”, Snow answered. “I know, I’ll have to call you back.” She hangs up and turns to her partners. “The town is starting to find out….”
“Well, I’ll leave you three to it, then. Miss White. Miss Blaze. Bigby.”, Swineheart said and he walked out of the office.
Sonya sighed, hiding behind the desk and switched shirts. She stands up, smoothing her red shirt out and glances at Bigby who was still shirtless. He looks over at her, putting a hand on his hip. “How’re you feeling?’
“Like I got trampled. I’ll live. What about you? You took a whole buckshot to the shoulder.”, she said, looking at his patched shoulder. He smiles at her worried tone. “I’m fine.”
She looked him up and down, scratching her head as she looked down in embarrassment from staring for too long. Snow walked up behind her, “So…”
“So, to recap…”, Sonya said, returning to her place on Crane’s desk. “Crane watched me through the Magic Mirror uncovering his room at the Open Arms Hotel.”, Bigby says, getting dressed. “Then he smashed it so we couldn’t use it ourselves to go after him. And we know this because Bufkin was drinking in the rafters. That about cover it?”, Bigby asked as he sticks his head out, fixing up his tie.
Snow speaks up, “Once Bufkin puts all the pieces back together….it’ll be easy to catch Crane. So….I guess that’s the plan.”
Bigby walks out from behind the blinds, finished. “So that’s the plan? Just wait for the mirror?”
“It’s all we have right now.”, Snow sighed. “What the hell is going on? Just— I don’t know what the Tweedles get out of this. I don’t know if Crane sent them, I don’t know if- I mean, this is gonna sound crazy, but….do you really think Crane did it?”
“I’m just as confused as you are to be honest. I don’t know…” Bigby says, rubbing at his temples. “It just doesn’t make sense.”
“He was a conniver, a-a coward, a liar. And I’ll always hate him for that. And I’ll hate him for how he….held me in his thoughts.”, Sonya growls, looking at her hands. She looks up at them. "But murdering prostitutes…“
They all turned to the sound of Bufkin’s yelp in pain. "Everything okay over there?”, Snow asked. “Yes, Miss White. Just cut myself on a piece of the glass! Nothing to worry about.”, Bufkin reassures. Bigby sighs. “I just feel bad for Holly, really.”, Bigby said, frowning.
Sonya frowns sadly. “Time heals everything, eventually. At least, I hope so….for her sake.”
“Can I, uh, ask you a question? It’s kinda personal…”, Snow said, walking up to Bigby. “What’s on your mind?”, he asked, getting worried.
“It’s just….when stuff hits the fan, like it did tonight, it feels like before we came to the city. It feels kind of like home.”, she says, turning away. “And I’ve heard it said….that maybe….in some tiny bottled up way, deep inside….you enjoy it….when things go wrong. Because it gives you an excuse to….just, you know…stop pretending.”, Snow said.
Sonya looked up at her, scoffing. “You’re shitting me, right?”
“Fuck no, I don’t enjoy it! Are you kidding me?! It’s horrible what happened tonight. I wish it didn’t happen!”, Bigby responded, appalled and angrily. He felt taken aback by what she said.
“Why would you even ask that?”, Sonya asked her in disbelief. Snow looks over at her sadly then looks away. “I shouldn’t have said anything. Forget that I did.”
Sonya narrows her eyes at Snow. ‘She really talks too much…’
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf's as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking, drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 16: The Big Bad Wolf
“Shit.”, Georgie groans, holding his stomach and stumbling as Vivian helps him in the back of the car. “I know. I know.”, Vivian reassured him, avoiding the sight of his wound. She sees Sonya and Bigby running out of the portal, looking around frantically.
She hurriedly runs to the driver’s seat and starts the car, catching Bigby’s attention. He ran to the car, grabbed the bumper of the car before it could move.
Holding tight on the bumper, he changes into his second form. Sonya watched in surprise as he lifted the car but the car separated from the bumper and took off.
“Dammit…”, she muttered. He rumbled at her, catching her attention as he kneels in front of her. “What?”, she asked. He gestured for her to get on his back.
Her eyes widened. “B-But-”, she started but he gave her a low growl. “Okay, okay!”, she rushed onto his back, and he ran off with her.
The getaway car drives into traffic, making a few cars stop and swirve. Bigby charges in between two city buses that started to get closer to each other. “We’re not making that!”, Sonya yelled.
Bigby runs on all fours, charging through the shrinking gap, effortlessly. She sighed in relief and held onto him tighter as he turned the corner and dodged the increasing traffic.
He jumps up on top of a truck, jumps on another truck then on top of a city bus and runs across the roof of a building until they have a full view of the street.
Bigby stops and scans the street, growling at the sight of multiple cars moving. “Let’s move up.”, she said. He saw a building and charged into the door. Immediately, people screamed at the sight of a huge gray figure rushing through the halls and out of the building to the roof.
Bigby looked over the streets and saw a car driving crazy and growled, following the car. Sonya’s eyes widened as he jumped onto a highway bridge, rushing to the edge. “Bigby, we gotta go!”, she exclaimed, seeing cars honk and swerve away from them.
He takes a few steps back then runs and jumps in the air, landing on the car, making it swerve a bit.
Sonya noticed a familiar limo and frowned seeing the Crooked Man look at her and roll his window up. She huffed, carefully climbing off of Bigby’s back and heats up her hand to burn a hole in the roof of the car.
Bigby slammed his fist, clawing into the roof. Vivian violently swerves the car, making them unsteady. Sonya nearly fell back but Bigby grabbed her with one hand, keeping his other claw into the roof of the car.
Vivian stomped on the brakes, sending them off of the car. Bigby wrapped his arms around her to soften her fall as they rolled on the road. She sighed, getting up and helped him up.
They turn to an alleyway where Vivian makes a U-turn toward them. “Gun it.”, Georgie orders Vivian. “Are you sure?”, she asked him. “Just do it!”, Georgie shouts hurriedly. Vivian slams down on the gas pedal but Bigby and Sonya don’t move.
“They’re not moving.”, Vivian warns Georgie.
The car came speeding down the alleyway and just before the car could hit them, Bigby grabs Sonya and jumps onto a fire escape, climbing his way up on the building to the roof.
He walks on the rooftop, keeping her held close as he jumps onto more rooftops that led to the Pudding ‘n Pie.
They see Vivian leading a bleeding Georgie into the building. Bigby sets Sonya down, and looks around, seeing a white shirt, pants and a tie hanging off a clothing line.
She turns away, waiting for him to get dressed and once he's finished, he leads her to the building.
They see a large trail of blood from the car to the door of the club. “Holy shit…”, Bigby muttered as he looked inside of the car, the metallic smell entering his nose.
"You did stab him good.", she said, giving him a raised eyebrow. They walk inside, following the trail.
“Come on! We can’t stay here.”, they hear Vivian's voice. “Hang on. I need a minute.”, Georgie groans. His eyes widened to see Sonya and Bigby walk toward him and Vivian. “Shit.”, Georgie groaned, sitting on a couch.
“Hello, you two.” He said. “I hoped you two would come to your senses…” then he slowly stands up and walks towards them. “Crooked Man’s the one you two want. But of course, you two are too stupid to see that. Or maybe you guys just like me too much to let me go.”
“We’re taking you in, Georgie. Let’s go.”, Bigby tells him. Georgie leans against a railing and groans. “You gonna carry me?”, he joked.
Vivian steps in front of Georgie and pleads. “Please, Sheriff and Deputy. Haven’t you two done enough? Look at him! He’s dying!"
"Vivian! You don’t know what you’re doin’.”, Georgie groans. “I’m trying to help you here!”, Vivian yelled.
“You can’t seriously want to protect this guy. You know what he did.”, Sonya said. Vivian looked down at the floor. She, then, looks back up at Sonya. “I’m not going anywhere. It isn’t his fault!”
“He’s a murderer!”, Bigby exclaimed. “Faith and Lily? He’s the reason they’re dead!”
“Look, I know he made a few mistakes. We all have.”, Vivian replied. “What?”, Georgie asked.
“He made sure they couldn’t talk with those damn ribbons, and then he killed them! You’re wearing one yourself!”, Sonya exclaimed, pointing at Vivian's neck. “Doesn’t that bother you even a little? Knowing that man murdered–”
“Of course it does!”, Vivian shouts. “Those girls, they’re like—”
“So it’s all my fuckin’ fault then? You fucking-”, Georgie winces.
“I didn’t mean–”
“You’re gonna throw me to the fucking wolf too! You know I didn’t have a damn choice! What the fuck!?”, he yelled. He looks at all of them. “I did what I had to! Sometimes you have to just do what you’re told. Then it comes back to bite you in the ass because some good-for-nothin’ Crooked bastard decides you’re not worth shit anymore!”
“You didn’t have to do anything.”, Sonya growled.
“Like hell I didn't! Look, Faith and the others tried to pull a runner on us, and as you can imagine the Crooked Man wasn’t too thrilled. But of course the big boss didn’t want to get his fuckin’ hands dirty….", he winces.
"So he told me to take care of it! You think I don’t know what that means? Either I do what he says or I’m the one getting dealt with! So I fuckin’ killed 'em! And I’d do it again! Cause it’s not my fault! The Crooked Man gave the order! He told me to kill them! And then he fuckin’ sold me out!” Georgie yelled, angrily.
“You’re still the one who pulled the trigger! Nobody held your hand and made you go through with it.”, Bigby said, shaking his head.
“Fine! Believe what you want.”, Georgie groans. “I can tell you two have made up your minds. Doesn’t matter if it’s fuckin’ true or not!”
Bigby walks up to him, fuming. “Go ahead and arrest me then! But it won’t bring back Lily and Faith! It won’t free your friend Nerissa! And I’m just the sap takin’ the fall for the whole thing!”, Georgie said, making Sonya frown deeper.
“It must be so easy being you! Just come in here and blame me for all this shit! Job’s done, right? Georgie’s the bad guy! It’s all his fucking fault!”, Georgie rambles and starts to give up. “But what was I supposed to do?”
“You could’ve done literally anything else. You could’ve let them go! You could’ve freed Faith and Lily from those fucking ribbons instead of murdering them!”, Sonya said.
“You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about! If I freed them–”, Georgie's eyes widened in realization as he looked at Vivian. He pointed at her. “What would you have me do? Kill her?”
“Georgie, don’t.”, Vivian pleaded, turning to him.
“It was them or Vivian! So you tell me! If freeing Lily meant she had to die, do you still think I had a fucking choice?”, Georgie asked angrily.
“Wait. How is she involved in all this?”, Bigby asked him.
“This is the original.” Georgie said, placing his hand on Vivian’s shoulder. “
I’m sure you two have heard the stories. Couldn’t take it off, couldn’t talk about it. She used her little purple ribbon to make more of 'em. To keep our girls quiet. To ensure our discretion.”
“You promised you wouldn’t…”, Vivian whimpered, turning away. “All that magic is connected to this little thing.”, Georgie said as he pointed to her ribbon.
“You remove hers….and the spell’s broken. They’re all free! But you know what happens to her? The same thing that happened to Faith. So don’t you come in here and tell me I fucked up!”, Georgie exclaimed.
“What the hell, Georgie?”, Vivian yelled in anger as she brushed Georgie’s hand off of her shoulder. “We were supposed to look out for each other! I trusted you!”
“You can’t fuckin’ blame me. You’re not innocent here either!”, Georgie growled at her.
“I know that! But did it have to be like this?”, Vivian cries.
“Wait, those were your ribbons? You’re in on this? I thought you cared about them!”, Bigby said to Vivian.
“I do! Of course I do! You have to understand. Nobody was supposed to die. When we built this place…it was just a stupid idea….a gimmick. That’s how it started anyway. This was supposed to be our place. We were gonna be in charge for once, and nobody would try to control us, or use us….that was the point. Then the Crooked Man showed up and everything just turned to shit.”, Vivian explained.
“So do you two get it now? Why I couldn’t just–", he closed his eyes before glaring at them. "If you still think it’s so fucking simple then you do it! Go right ahead! Kill her then!”, Georgie yelled.
“What are you doing!?”, Vivian asked, her eyes widened at Georgie.
“Break the spell! Save the fuckin’ day!”, Georgie shouts.
“Stop it!”, Vivian screams as she backs away in fear.
“I told you….sometimes all your options are shit. What the fuck are you supposed to do then?”, Georgie asked.
“We’ll find another way, she–she doesn’t have to die. Maybe the witches can–”, Sonya tried to say but Vivian interrupts her. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not even here. Please.”
She walks towards Georgie. “You think this is hard for you? My life is such a fucking burden on your conscience! Don’t I get a say? It’s my life!”
“Of course. It’s your life….”, Sonya said, walking up to her.
“I know what I’ve done.” Vivian said as she placed her hand on her ribbon, making Sonya stop. "H-Hold on-", Sonya says, feeling wary.
“Wait…”, Georgie said, frantically.
“I’m sick of everyone thinking they can just do what they want with my life. I thought it would be different here. But it’s all the fucking same.”, she said, pacing in front of them. “Vivian. I didn’t mean–”, Georgie started, feeling bad.
“Do you think I wanted to be this person?”, she turned to Georgie. “What I did to Faith and Lily…to all of them…”
"Every day I have to look Gwen and Hans in the eye and pretend I don’t care. I have to forget what I’ve done to them. What I took away from them. I look at Nerissa and I hate myself.”, Vivian says.
“Vivian…”, Georgie warns.
“I can’t pretend anymore.”, Vivian said as gripping her ribbon. “Stop!", Sonya yelled. "What are you doing!?”, Bigby asked in fear.
“Vivian! Don’t!”, Georgie shouts as he tries to run towards her but his wound makes him double over and holds his stomach.
“Goodbye, Georgie.”, Vivian whispers as she removes her ribbon. Her head falls off of her shoulders as her body falls over. Sonya whimpers, covering her mouth.
“No! Fuck! No, no, no, no, no!”, Georgie exclaims while Bigby stood there in shock. Georgie crawls over to Vivian’s body, his hand hovering over her body. “Why’d you have to do that, Vivian?”
“Are you happy now? Is this what you wanted?”, Bigby roared at Georgie in anger.
Georgie shook his head in tears. “Vivian….I didn’t fuckin’ mean it. I was just—” He suddenly shouts in pain, sliding down next to her and leaned against the cigarette machine.
He lets out a shaky breath, then grabs her ribbon and places it in Vivian’s hand and holds it.
Sonya lets out a breath of her own. She couldn't believe what she saw. Seeing Faith and Lily's heads weren't all that easy to deal with. But to see how it actually worked...and to know that Nerissa is the only one they know that also has a ribbon…
She shook her head from the thought. Bigby steps in front of Georgie. “Get up.”, he orders. Georgie doesn’t move. “Get up!”, Bigby yelled again.
“Don’t think so, Bigby.”, Georgie said, moving his hand away from his stomach. Sonya felt bile rising in her throat as she saw some of his intestines poking out.
“I’m gonna die here. I think we all know that. Just make sure you two give the Crooked Man the same treatment when you two find him. Really fuck him up for me, alright?", Georgie begged, looking at them.
"Don’t worry. He’ll get a lot worse.”, Bigby reassured Georgie. “Good.”, Georgie said, nodding. “Old foundry by the river, alright? Sheppard Metalworks. He’ll be there…the fucking asshole. You wanna finish me off now? Or do you plan to kick me around a little first?"
"That’s not who I am.”, Bigby says. “Prove it, then.” Georgie said, coughing. “No more games, alright? We know how this ends.” Georgie coughed. “Just be quick.”
Sonya's eyes widened as Bigby’s features turned wolfish again. “All right, Georgie.”, Bigby rumbles as he kneels down, and shoves his clawed hand in Georgie’s wound. Georgie screams in pain, struggling as Bigby pulls out his intestines. Sonya looked away, finally hearing the ends of Georgie's screams.
Bigby turned her away from the scene, and turned off the lights, leading her out of the club. She frowned, giving him a determined look. “Let’s go get that Crooked bastard.”
He nodded, returning the look and headed off to the warehouse with her.
Sheppard Metalworks Late Night
Arriving at the Foundry, Bigby walks up to the front of the limo and places his hand on the hood. “Still warm….”, he mutters. “He’s here alright.” Sonya walked up to the door, jiggling the handle. “Dammit… locked.”
“Lemme see.”, he says, as Sonya moves out of the way. He grabs the handle, pushing it down and slams his shoulder into the door, busting it open. He rubbed at his shoulder and looked around.
They saw packages on the left side of the warehouse and the Crooked Man’s brand. “So this is where they’ve been sending these…”, Sonya muttered.
Bigby looks over at them and takes her away, moving her to a door at the end of the hall. A light comes on as they approach and he opens the door. They walk in and look around, seeing some machinery moving around and entering melted metal in one of the boilers.
“Bigby Wolf!”, they hear Bloody Mary’s voice echo. They noticed an open doorway and walked inside. “The Big Bad Wolf.”, she whispers. They look around to see open boxes and cabinets. Sonya notices a bulletin board with pictures on it.
“You used to be something.”, Mary taunts, as Sonya and Bigby look at the board. They saw seven pictures pinned to the board. Two of them had her and Bigby talking in different locations, two other pictures had her, Bigby and Faith talking, another one was of Nerissa, Lily and Faith.
The next one was of Snow, Sonya and Holly walking in the Woodlands. The very last picture was of Nerissa and Faith and they looked like they were arguing.
The thought of someone following her around taking pictures made her shudder. “They used to fear you.”, Mary whispered as they left the room and walked across the little bridge that led to the other side of the factory.
“They’d hide somewhere their shivering bodies would fit.”, Mary said as they walked through a room and saw a workbench inside where there was a mold for bullets and a couple of silver bullets. “Silver?”, Bigby said, as Sonya picked one up.
She frowned and set it down. “The Big Bad Wolf.”, Mary’s voice whispers in their ears, making them jump and turn around. They don’t see anything or anyone.
Suddenly, the back of Sonya’s knee gets kicked in. As she turns around, Bloody Mary backhands her and punches Bigby in the face. Sonya wobbly gets up, as well as Bigby.
Bloody Mary watches in amusement. “It’s about time you two showed up.”, Mary said as she walked past Bigby. “We had to take care of some things first.”. Bigby said, rubbing his jaw as he pulled Sonya up.
“Little errand boy and girl. That’s nice.”, Mary smirks. The Crooked Man creeps around the corner, facing the three. “Ah, Bigby and Miss Sonya. I see you’ve made it here in one piece. I do apologize, but I have some business to attend to. I leave you two in the capable hands of my associate. Come find me when you’re finished, dear.”
“Don’t worry. This won’t take long.”, Mary said, turning to them.. “Get the hell out of our way. Now! Don’t make this worse.”, Sonya growled. “Aww, they don’t want to play.”, Mary told the Crooked Man. “I’m sure you’ll persuade them.”, Crooked Man said, escaping.
“Cut this shit out!”, Bigby growls at Mary. Mary tsks at him. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you manners? Or was she too busy fucking whatever breeze drifted through town?”
Bigby snarls at her, raising a fist to punch her but she ducks. “Oh, come on.”, she said and she kicked him in the stomach. “Is that the best you can do?” She turned around to meet Sonya's fist.
She scoffed with a smile, rubbing her jaw. Mary shoves Sonya away and disappears. Bigby growled and changed into his first form. They run out the door and into the factory. They looked around in the dimly lit area and saw nothing. Sonya turned her back to Bigby, noticing a figure rushing past her.
"The fuck…", she squinted to look closely but couldn't see anything. "C'mon.", Bigby said leading her to a ladder nearby. Bigby climbs up the ladder with Sonya following him close by. The two look around, carefully walking along the bridge.
Sonya looked around intently, her eyes glowing an orange color. She shivered a bit, hearing a heavy gravelly breathing around their area. Bigby looked over his shoulder to check on Sonya. She nods, keeping close to him as they continue moving.
Sonya yelps at the feeling of something cutting her cheek. Bigby's eyes widened, looking at her and growled loudly, looking around frantically. "Let's go.", she says, now keeping her back towards him, watching his six.
They moved just a bit more, only to get attacked repeatedly with cuts. They kept their arms up in a defensive stance to protect themselves until they got on top of the boiler.
“Where are you? Come out and face us!”, Bigby roars in anger.
Sonya looked around to hear the breathing get closer. Her eyes widened as her heart dropped at the sight of Mary in her true form. A sight that definitely frightened kids and teenagers as they called her through their mirrors.
Her eyes were completely red, blood dripping down her face. Unfamiliar symbols brightened and dimmed as she made a noise with her breathing.
She had shards of glass sticking out of her body as if she ran into a window. Her nails were also practically glass and every step she took towards them sounded like she, herself, were stepping on pieces of glass.
Bigby throws a punch at her and she ducks, slicing at his side. Sonya does the same but receives the same treatment.
Bigby charged at her but she jumped up onto a platform above of the boiler and grabbed a pole to smack Bigby upside the head with. She swings the pole at Sonya but Sonya grabs it, struggling to tug it away from Mary.
Mary pushes the pole into Sonya's chest, knocking her off the bridge on and onto the floor below. Sonya wheezes, trying to get up quickly and catches her breath.
Bigby relaxes a bit to see her get up and turns to face Mary but Mary jumps on his back. He struggles and tries to knock Mary off of him, choosing to fall off the bridge and land next to Sonya.
Her eyes widened to see him transform into his second form which caused her to transform into her first form now that they had more room to fight.
Sonya takes out her chain, engulfing it in flames. Bigby growls as Bloody Mary stalks over to them but he stops once he notices another Mary from the corner of his eye.
They back into each other, seeing duplicates of Mary's surrounding them. "Well, shit.", Sonya muttered.
One duplicate creeps up to Bigby, making him smack her to the side. Another one walks up to Sonya, making her whip her chain at the duplicate and shattered it. "Huh…"
Another duplicate tries to kick Bigby but he ducks, making Sonya punch the duplicate into pieces. Another Mary stabs Bigby’s side with her glass claws and more surround the two, making Sonya either blast them with fire or swing her chain at them.
Bigby smacks Mary’s claws out of him and picks her up and slams her down. Another Mary jumps at Sonya and she sliced at her arm. Sonya retaliates with a blast, and gets tackled by another one. Bigby looks around and drops Mary as another one cuts at his back.
Suddenly, multiple Mary's toppled them, most of them took Bigby down and started slicing at him while just a few either burned or attacked Sonya as best as they could.
Sonya engulfed herself in fire, burning and throwing the duplicates back. She pants heavily as her eyesight blurs from using her powers so much. Another duplicate appeared behind her but was smacked away by a large paw.
Sonya looked behind her to see an 8 foot tall black wolf. He had a duplicate in his mouth, swinging it around like a ragdoll before he bites down on her and she breaks apart like a glass statue. "Holy...", Sonya mutters in astonishment as he smacks the other duplicates away from her.
She snaps out of her surprise and wraps her chains around a duplicate and thrashes it around and swings it at other duplicates, shattering them.
Another duplicate jumps on his back, making him growl and shake. He lifts himself on his hind legs and falls backwards, landing on his back, and crushing the duplicate. He rolls over and walks in front of Sonya, keeping her below him as he bit into another one.
She runs at another duplicate as another stabs Bigby with a pole. Bigby smacks it away and knocks her down, pinning her down before he bites her head off.
Sonya backed up swinging her chain at the duplicates, slamming them into a wall and watched them shatter as she panted heavily. “I wish I had my bat…”, she panted.
She looked up to see Bigby chasing a duplicate onto the boiler and snaps at it. Once he tried again, the duplicate shoved a pole between his teeth, making his mouth stay open. He shook his head and bit the pole, bending it enough for him to spit it out.
He looks down at Sonya and stands over her, looking around at the accumulating duplicates. Bigby looks side to side before reeling his head back. Her eyes widened as she realized what he was about to do and ran behind one of his legs.
Bigby takes a huge breath and blows a huge gust of wind at the duplicates. Some of them only skidded back a bit, fighting off the wind before Bigby blew another strong gust of wind, shattering them against the walls.
Sonya notices Mary above him and rushes to get to her before she could attack him while he blows. The real Bloody Mary growled at Sonya once she made it to the top and wrapped her chain around her.
Mary let out a scratchy screech and fought her chain off, slicing at Sonya’s face and making the bridge shake. Sonya wobbly throws a punch, nearly missing and grazes her knuckles against a shard.
Before Sonya could throw another punch, Mary pushes her off the bridge, making Bigby growl as he looks up. Sonya closed her eyes, expecting to hit the ground but felt a soft landing instead.
She opens her eyes to see black fur surrounding her as if she were laying in knee high grass. Bigby had caught her, making her sigh in relief. She looked up to see Mary pulling out a shard from her head and dived for Bigby.
“Bigby, she’s comin’!”, she warned, making him growl and leap. Sonya held tight, hoping that she wouldn’t pull his fur out as he jumped up towards her.
Bigby catches her in between his teeth, and before she could stab the shard in his eye, he chomps down on her, shattering her. He lands and lets out a loud roar that makes goosebumps rise on Sonya’s skin. She smiled and climbed down, looking around for more.
He looks around, growling, unsure of their safety. Sonya chuckled to herself, looking up at him as he bared his teeth, intently watching the sides.
She places a hand on his front leg, making his attention snap toward her. “You’re good.”, she says, making him stare at her for a moment before lowering his head with a huff.
She lifts a hand and puts it on his head, rubbing his head as his gaze softens. She placed her forehead on his. “You did good.”, she reassured and could’ve sworn she heard a soft whine covered with a rumble.
She wrapped her arms around him as best as she could until she felt the fur turn into skin and hair brushed against her face. She looked to see Bigby’s human form as he laid in her arms, panting softly.
She could see how tired he was, from the cuts on his face to his bloodied mouth, he slowly opened his yellow eyes to look at her. She placed her hands on his shoulders, giving him a tired grin. “There you are, pup.”
He gave her a soft smile, "Hi." and wiped at his mouth. “Gross…”, he mutters. She chuckled and paused.
Her eyes widened as she took in his half naked─ or rather, fully naked state without having to look down. “And you’re naked…”, she says, turning away with burning cheeks. He looked down and looked around for some clothes. He found them and went to get dressed, leaving her in embarrassing silence.
She waited, rubbing at her bleeding cheeks, and trying to shake the memory of his half naked being from her mind. Her eyes look up to see a window to an office where the Crooked Man stood there, watching in amusement.
She glared at him as he turned away. She sighed, until she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see a fully dressed Bigby.
She noticed his yellow eyes never returned to their dark brown color as he glared at the window ahead of them. “C’mon.”
He led her to the office, cautiously opening the door. They walk in and see Crooked Man standing there, his back faced toward them. “Hello, Bigby, Miss Sonya. You two look tired.”, he said. “Give me one good reason not to rip you apart right now!”, Bigby snarled.
Crooked Man turned around and aimed a gun at him. “This gun holds six rounds of specially designed silver bullets. Now, I may not be the best shot….but I can guarantee that at least one bolt will meet it’s mark and you’ll find yourself rolling on the floor in agony. Then she will be next. Unable to heal yourselves. Without Swineheart to save you or Miss Sonya, both of you will die.”, he said, as Bigby covers Sonya.
“Before you do anything with me, I thought I should point out a few things. Snow White wants you to bring me back to the Woodlands, doesn’t she?”, Crooked Man asked.
“That’s right. But what happens to you once you get there is a different story.”, Bigby says, walking toward Crooked Man. “I’m not quite finished.”, Crooked Man says, backing away from him. “You two bring me back alive. Look, all I ask for is a chance to speak for myself in front of the community. And I’m sure Miss White would agree that I should be given a fair trial. Can we at least agree on that?”
“The whole town’s gonna be calling for your execution. Why would you want us to bring you back there?”, Sonya asked him, confused.
“Why don’t you let me worry about that.”, Crooked Man says. Bigby starts to slowly walk towards him. “Look….there’s no reason for us to be at each other’s throats here.”, Crooked Man warned.
“That’s funny….coming from the guy pointing a gun at my head.”, Bigby remarks with a smirk. Crooked Man looked at the gun. “This is just a precaution. I’m sure you understand. I’m no murderer, Mr Wolf, Miss Blaze. I didn’t kill those women. And I think you two know that.”
“Maybe you didn’t carry it out….but I don’t think Georgie was lying when he said you ordered their deaths.”, Bigby said.
“Georgie would’ve said anything to save himself. We all know that. I’m a businessman. Not a killer.”, Crooked Man said. “You’re doing the same thing. Instead, you aren’t the one bleeding out… at least, not yet. You still got a lot to answer for.”, Sonya said, walking up.
“And I will….as long as you agree to my terms. Because I’m not saying another word until I am brought before the community. I don’t mean to belabor the point, but just so we’re clear. if either of you change your mind and decide to do something stupid….you won’t get your answers….but you will have a difficult time explaining yourselves to Miss White and the rest of this miserable town.”, he says, stepping back some more.
“You two are often reckless. And I worry you’re not thinking of the–”, he pauses. “Let me ask you two an honest question…..what do you two really care about here? Where this case is concerned, I mean.”, Crooked Man asked.
“This is about protecting Fabletown. When some asshole murders two of our people, it’s our job to bring him down.”, Bigby declared. “Then why are you here?”, Crooked Man asked. “You know who murdered them. Georgie. He’s dead isn’t he?” He looked at his gun before looking at them. “My point being, the killer has been dealt with. You’ve won.”
“You really think we’re that stupid!?”, Bigby asked. “I understand you two have an obligation to bring me in, but both of you can brighten up a little. It’s over. So….shall we get going?”, Crooked man asked.
Bigby smirked and shook his head. “Oh, I don’t think so. We’re not doing this your way.”
The Crooked Man takes the safety off of the gun. “How unfortunate.”, Crooked Man replied. Bigby charges forward and grabs the gun out his hand. Crooked Man shoots but misses Bigby, being pinned to the wall by Bigby’s arm to his neck. His expression changes from shock to smug as he looks at them. “I’m sure Miss White will be pleased…..such reliable pups.”
“You’re under arrest. You will be given a trial in front of your peers.”, Sonya says, crossing her arms. Bigby harshly cuffs the Crooked Man. “And your punishment will follow.”, Bigby glared at him.
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf's as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 8: Puddin' N' Pie
Sonya looked up at the purple, pink and red neon light of the street signs they passed. It was bright, but each wave of light made her sleepier. She nearly dozed off before the cab came to a halt. The bright neon light of a sign came into view. The Puddin’ n’ Pie.
Both her and the Sheriff got out of the vehicle and approached a woman who came out from the shadows of the dark alleyway with a curious smile. Her short blonde hair was a light purple thanks to the neon signs that brightened the area. Sonya paid attention to a specific thing that made her stick out. A purple ribbon….
“Sheriff and Miss ?” Sonya sighed. “Just call me Sonya, please.”, she says. The blonde woman smiled. “What a pleasant surprise. I’m not sure I’ve seen you two here before.”
Bigby wanted to sigh out a huff. “You’re always welcome, of course.”, she says, then gives them a sly smile. “Is it business? Or pleasure?
The question makes Sonya’s eyes widen. “I’m a friend... of Georgie’s.”, Bigby says, quickly. “Where is he?” The woman narrows her eyes as she raises her eyebrow, folding her arms. “A friend, huh?” Sonya frowns at Bigby. Nice going.
“You’re in luck,” she says, giving them a smile. “He’s here. Come on.” She turns and leads them to a side door entrance, pushing a key into the lock before hesitating, and giving them a glance, sighing. “I should warn you that Georgie doesn’t like to be bothered when he’s working. And... he’s in kind of a mood right now.”
“Welcome to the Puddin’ and Pie,” she announced, presenting the place. “Where we cater to the diverse tastes of the Fable community. Your pleasure is our pleasure. Your desires are our desires. Your imagination is the menu, and discretion is our guarantee.”
“It’ll be fine,” Bigby reassures, with a smile. “I have a way with people.”
Sonya snorts, earning a glare from him.
“So, I’ve heard.”, the girl says, turning the door handle and moving inside. They follow her into the building. Sonya looks around shyly at all the sexual posters.
Bigby raised his eyebrows, looking around and stayed quiet. The further they went, the more your ears heard the booming music coming from the last room. They eventually came to the larger part of the bar. Sonya’s eyes widened at all the pink/purple color scheme they had.
Stepping out from behind Bigby’s back, she caught the sight of a man fussing at a barely clothed woman. Sonya looked away from the girl and paid attention to the floor.
“Aw, fuck’s sake,” the man growled, unimpressed. “What do you think you’re doing? You look like you’re trying to take a shit! Who’s gonna want that? No one’s gonna want that!”
Bigby looked at her blankly. She wishes them good luck, and then leaves. Bigby looks at Sonya as she looks back. He rolls his eyes before he sighs, making her smile. Bigby walks towards Georgie, and she follows. She took note of a tall blond man cleaning silently. “Hey.”, Bigby calls, gruffly. The man who glares at Bigby, Georgie, rolls his eyes. “Oh, it’s you,” he dismissed, “We’re closed.”
Sonya scoffs at the man’s criticisms. What an asshole…
Bigby interrupts her thoughts. “Nice guy.”, Bigby mumbles. “You do have a sense of humor,” the woman compliments with a smirk. “That’s good.”
When Bigby crosses his arms, Georgie shakes his head, “For fuck’s sake…”, and stops the music. “You stay right there,” he ordered, pointing to the girl on stage, who looks increasingly shy and uncomfortable. It made Sonya feel bad. “Don’t even think about sitting down. We’re not finished.”
Sonya frowned at his comment. Georgie finally made eye contact with her, his smirk widens. “Oh, you just need some meat. Suits you. This your new Little Red?” Both her and Bigby glared at him. “I must say, I didn’t take you for the type to lower your standards.” Bigby growls. “Georgie, enough. I’m not here for that,” Bigby states angrily.
“Leave her alone, asshole.”, Bigby growled, standing in front of Georgie. “Sure,” Georgie replies, with a smirk. “Whatever you say.”
He leans forward in his chair, making himself more comfortable. “What do you want then? You here for a little taste? Tell you what. Come back after midnight, maybe. I can hook you up,” he winks, and thinks for a moment. “Or, knowing you, she’s probably not quite your style.” Georgie made a pointed nod towards the girl on stage.
“Okay, alright, Sheriff,” George rolls his eyes. “Just fucking with you. Look, I know why you’re here.” Bigby shakes his head, rolling his eyes. “Are you sure about that?”, Bigby asks, raising his eyebrow.
“Ooh, ‘I’m not here for that’.”, Georgie mocks Bigby, laughing. “Just stopped in for the chips, then? Jesus, Bigby, you’re so corny. I love it, though. No, seriously. I love it.”
Bigby closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, making Sonya place a hand on his back.
“Listen, Sheriff, around here, we can’t afford to wait for you and your swarky pals to take an interest,” Georgie says, “we have to look out for each other. When shit happens, I hear about it. Especially if it concerns my livelihood.”
Bigby crosses his arms, “In that case, I assume you knew Lily was glamoured?”, Bigby asks, with a smile.
“You know, it’s illegal to impersonate another Fable.”, Bigby warns, leaning in. “It’s frowned upon.”, Georgie argues. “It’s illegal as long as I don’t like it,”, Bigby counters. “The thirteenth floor would never provide a glamor like that. It’s strictly black-market stuff.”
“Of course she was, you daft git,” Georgie replies, “She was a troll.” Sonya facepalmed.
“No,” Bigby sighed. “I mean glamoured to look like another Fable.” Georgie shrugs. “Yeah? Well, so what?”, Georgie dismissed. “Who gives a toss? People get up to all kinds of things when nobody’s watching.”
Bigby raised his eyebrows with a dull expression on his face and pulled something from his pocket. It’s the glamour tube that they found earlier on Lily’s body. “Nothing to back it up, huh?”, Bigby asks sarcastically, shoving the tube in Georgie’s face. “What the fuck is this, then?”
“OOoohh,” Georgie mocks. “Strictly black market, is it? How exciting! This is exactly what I would expect from a thug like you. Storm in, throw around a bunch of accusations, try to scare people, but you’ve got fuck all to back it up."
Georgie huffs. “And we’re just all meant to jump any time the wolf shows his teeth.”
Georgie looks away, refusing to look at it. “Get that out of my face.”
Bigby frowns, “We found it on Lily’s body, and it’s definitely tly a back-alley job. Where did she get it?”
“She had clients, Bigby. Maybe one of them was into it. Lot of fucked up people in Fabletown.”
“You’ve got this all wrong,” Georgie explains, “If Lily was doing a special glamour, it wasn’t for me. For fuck’s sake, you think I want that kind of heat?”
Sonya sighs and looks up at the girl. They make eye contact until the girl looks away. “Who was she doing it for then?”, Bigby interrogates.
Georgie resumed the music by pressing play on his boombox. “Go on then!” he orders the girl, who had been standing silently on the platform. She looks embarrassed and shy, but starts to dance once more.
“Like who?”, Bigby asked. “Try looking in a mirror.” Sonya looks at Georgie, “You’re one to talk.”
Georgie frowns but then smirks again. “Anyway,” he finishes, “its got naught to do with me.”
Bigby looks between them, then at Sonya. She looked at him with a tired, frustrated expression. That seemed to be enough for Bigby, as he's had enough of Georgie. He made a move to shut the music off himself. Georgie stood, and went to take a swing at Bigby. He tripped backwards over himself and caused his boombox to fall onto the floor and break.
The music instantly stopped and Georgie let out a string of profanities, making Sonya snicker as she slipped away. Sonya took that chance to walk up the stage and took off her hoodie to give to the girl.
Georgie growled as he stomped like a child. “You!”, he yells, pointing at Sonya, “Get off the damn stage! And you!”, he pointed at the half clothed girl. “Take your sad fucking face where I can’t see it!”
The girl is quick to do as she’s told, rushing off stage. Sonya watches her disappear into a room before getting down. “Are you proud of yourself, mate?”, Georgie sneers at Bigby, “Proud of your little mess?” He bends down to pick up the boombox.
A tall and muscular blonde man from before comes up to him. “Fuck off, Hans,” Georgie sneered, shoving the boombox into the man’s chest. The blonde man does what he’s told, carrying the boombox away from the commotion.
“Hold on a minute,” Bigby calls after the man. “Hans, is it?” The man nods. “Hans just cleans up and provides a little muscle when we need it,” Georgie explains, annoyed. “He’s not gonna know anything about the girls and their clients or any of that. No one knows, don’t you get it? It’s by design. ”Discretion is our guarantee”, right?”
Georgie walks towards the bar. Bigby follows him and crosses his arms. Georgie continues, “And the way we guarantee that is that no one knows anything they don’t have to know. Including me. I cover my eyes and take my cut. End of story.”
“Why not look it up?” Hans suddenly interjects. All three of them turned their heads to look at him, Georgie glaring at him more than anything. “What’s that?”, Bigby asks.
“There is no book,” Georgie shuts him down, immediately before turning to the taller man. “And as for you, Hans, we need to work on your communication skills, and I’ve a fairly good idea where to start.” Georgie picks up a baseball bat that had been laying on the countertop of the bar.
“Isn’t there a little book with all the stuff about the girls and all that written in it?” Hans questions.
“A book?”, Sonya asks. “You’re a fucking moron!”, Georgie shouts at him. “Show me,” Bigby demands, coming to Georgie.
Bigby quickly snatched it away from him. “Hey!” Georgie complains, “That’s my personal property!” Sonya gets in front of Georgie. “He wouldn’t have said anything if this book never existed.”
Bigby moves Sonya behind him before he slams the baseball bat down on the bar, giving Georgie a look. Georgie scoffs a laugh. “Sure, go ahead. Do what comes naturally,”, he said, crossing his arms.
Bigby gives Georgie a smug look as he slides the bat along the bar slowly, taking everything that had been on the countertop along with it. Glasses slowly roll off the counter, shattering on the floor. Bigby stops just before the boombox, and smiles at Georgie. “Tell me about the book,” Bigby says.
“You haven’t got the slightest clue about anything,” Georgie answers. “That’s kinda why we asked questions…”, Sonya mutters. Bigby places the bat over his shoulder, walking towards Georgie, and backs him against a cigarette dispenser.
“Hey now,” Georgie begins, a little nervously. Bigby gives him a smile, “Tell me about this book.” Georgie frowns deeply and moves behind the bar as Bigby follows. Bigby glances at the TV, feeling smug. “Don’t even think about it,” Georgie warns.
“Look, Georgie, why don’t you just tell me where the book is?”, Bigby reasons, with a wolfish grin. Sonya huffs in frustration. “Can we please not go round and round about this?” Georgie complains, “there is no book.”
Bigby places his foot on top of a standing keg, and tips it ever so slightly with a whistle, glancing at Georgie, tapping the baseball bat into one palm.
“Do NOT touch that. You hear me?” Georgie warns. Bigby frowns. “Give me the book.” He moves his foot but something catches his eye. Sonya follows his gaze, seeing a small hatch within the tiled floor. A floor safe.
“Well, well, well,” Bigby states, hummed, pleased. “What’s this? Looks like a floor safe.”
“I wouldn’t know,” Georgie denies, “It was here when we moved in. I don’t have a key to it. Sheriff, will you come on? Fuck’s sake, I’ve gotta open in a few hours!”
Bigby simply glares at the smaller man, “Give it to me.”, he says, before moving closer to Georgie. “You’re a big bad bastard. We get it. Everyone’s guilty. We fucking get it,” Georgie begs, stepping backwards. “Jesus, you’re killing me! I’m begging you – I'll pay you!”
"We don't want your dirty money.", Sonya says, walking over to the DJ booth, squatting next to a power outlet, and lights her finger on fire, surprising both of the men. "We want answers."
Bigby simply gives him a look, turning away, resting the bat on his shoulders while he walks toward Sonya.
She brings her finger awfully close to the cord that powered the booth. “Leave it,” he warns, “there’s nothing there for you!”, he shouts at Sonya.
She glared at him as he got close. “Georgie, so help me–! Tell us where the damn book is or I’m burning this shit to ashes.”, she demanded. “Alright!” Georgie yells, giving up as he rummages through a small box. “Fucking unbelievable.” He finds a key. “Fucking come on then.”
Bigby smiled at her as she stood up. She gave him a thumbs up as they walked back to the floor safe.
Bigby follows him to the floor safe, watching Georgie open it up. Inside there was a roll of cash, and the supposed book. Georgie pulls the book from the safe and shoves the book into Bigby’s chest.
Bigby moves to the bar, placing the book down and flipping through the pages. It appears to have logs of the names of the girls and their past customers. “Here.”, Bigby states, pointing at a page. “This is Lily’s last entry. So, tell me Georgie, who’s this ‘Mister Smith’?”
Georgie folds his arms and leans back against the bar. “Oh dear. I’m afraid it might be a fake name, Bigby. Secrecy is sort of how this whole thing works. Even Hans knows that.”, he says, sarcastically. “What’s 207?” , Sonya asks, pointing where Bigby’s finger is. “A room number?”
She looks back at Bigby who glares at Georgie and sneaks away into the door. She looked around before walking inside. She notices a note, coins and a compact makeup mirror on the floor. She cleans up the floor and picks up a letter.
“I don’t fucking know. Millimetres maybe?” Georgie replies sarcastically. “Don’t bullshit me, Georgie.”, Bigby growls. “This is YOUR book. YOUR girls.”
Sonya sighs, noticing a door being cracked open.
“But I’m not their fucking secretary. ”, she hears Georgie argue back. “I give them a stage, I give them music. I provide ‘an erotic venue to attract and retain clients’. But let’s be clear on something, the girls make the arrangements with the clients. Not me. The girls. They’re the ones with the Mister Smiths, and Joneses and Mister X types. Whatever happens outside the club, that’s on them. I log the business, take my cut, and I’m out. Now,” he reaches under the bar and pulls out a phone. “I’ve had quite enough of you and your bullying. Excuse me while I call your superiors to make a complaint.”
Bigby rolls his eyes, standing up straight and looks around for Sonya. She peeks out of the door and beckons him to follow her while Georgie was on the phone so he can file a complaint. He comes over to the door, walking inside. “What’s up?”, Bigby asks quietly. She gives him the note.
“Faith,” he read, giving her a worried look that she returned. “Thanks for covering for me tonight. Let’s talk before you go over to the apartment. Lily.”
“I heard you out there,” she says, looking towards Bigby. “I don’t remember ever seeing you two here before.”
“Looks like they both saw one of Lily’s clients...”, Sonya mutters. He reads it again and places it in the cubby for Faith.
She peeks around the corner, holding a hand up to Bigby before seeing the girl from before, now completely dressed. “Hi.”, she waves, walking over to the deflated girl. Bigby followed behind her and stayed back.
“Somebody else said the exact same thing.” Bigby replies. “We’re just new to this part of town.”, Sonya says. “I guess we’re all surprised,” the girl says, bringing her lipstick up and reapplying it on her lips. She looks at the hoodie Sonya gave her and hands it to her. “Thank you, by the way.”
Sonya smiled, taking it back. “You’re welcome.” She noticed Bigby scanning her expressions. “You’re trying to place me,” she said, catching him off guard. “They used to call me The Little Mermaid.”
“Of course you do.” Nerissa sighs. “I don’t have answers. You’ll have to find those yourself.”
Sonya’s eyes widened. Ariel…!?’
She asks, “Your legs... are they glamoured?”
The girl looks at her in the mirror, and frowns a little. “No, They’re real. Do you like them? They cost me a lot.” Sonya rubbed behind her neck, looking down.
“My name is Nerissa.”, she says, making Sonya raise her head. “Well, Nerissa,” Bigby says, “We’ve got some questions.”
“Does the number 207 mean anything to you?”, Bigby asks. “I assumed it was a room number. But where?”
“What is up with that phrase?,” Bigby asked, in frustration. “What does it mean?”
“We can’t talk about work.”, Nerissa says. He crosses his arms. “This is a murder case,” Bigby reminds. “I mean CAN’T,” Nerissa emphasizes. “These lips are sealed. Discretion is our guarantee. It’s how things work here.”
Georgie's words repeated in Sonya's mind. "Discretion is our guarantee."
Bigby pulls the book from his pocket and walks up to Nerissa. He slams the book on the table, already open to the page, and points. “This is what I need to know about!”, he says. “Lily’s last entry. Who’s Mr Smith? Where is room 207? I have to know!”
Her tone made Bigby hesitant until he caught onto what she was trying to do. “...Okay... What would I need to do?” Nerissa takes the book, grabbed her lilac pen and writes in it. “I need a hundred and fifty. It’s not good to be short.”
“These... lips...”, Nerissa whimpers, making Sonya glare at him for being so aggressive.
“Bigby.”, she warns, making him turn to her. She gives him a look with narrowed eyes. Nerissa asks, “Sheriff Wolf, would you like to make an... appointment... with me?”
Bigby reaches into his pocket and pulls a wad of cash. Sonya’s eyes widened at it. “Wait here for a second,” Nerissa says, standing and walking to the door of the room. They waited for a brief moment, before she walked back to the room.
Bigby pocketed the book and turned to Sonya, giving her a shrug. Nerissa returns with what looks like a room key. She places it carefully in Bigby’s hand. The room key number is engraved 204.
“Not 207?”, Bigby asks. “You’ll think of something,” Nerissa replies, rubbing one arm. “The Open Arms,” Bigby reads on the key. “This is where they met.”
“Enjoy your stay,” Nerissa wishes. “I hope you find what you’re looking for...” With that she walked through the door and back out to the bigger section of the club. Bigby glances down at the key in his hand.
Sonya looks at it then looks up at him. “You gonna find out where this place is?” He nodded. “I don’t think its too far from here.”
They walked out of the bar, looking up at the sky. “I can’t help but wonder if we’re getting any closer or farther.”, Sonya says.
Bigby looked at her. “We’re gonna solve this. I promise.” Sonya looked at him, her tired eyes meeting his. She gives him a smile. “I believe you. I’m behind you every step of the way.”
That lifted his heart to know someone was supportive of him, outside of Snow, that is. Even then, he wasn’t too sure. She waved down a cab, walking to the curb. The cab pulls up and just before Sonya gets in, Bigby speaks up. “Hey.” She turned to him. “Yeah?” He hesitated and sighed. “Be careful. Please.”
She smiled, walked up to him and hugged him. He stiffened, shocked at the affection but puts an arm around her. “I’ll see you later. I promise. You just do what you need and we can get this done.”, she says, before pulling away. “You stay safe. I’ll be with Snow at the funeral.”
She climbs in the cab and Bigby watches the vehicle pull off and drive away.
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
Tumblr media
Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf's as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 12: Witches and Bloody Who?
1284 White Plains Ave
2:14 AM
14 minutes late
“Bigby! Sonya!”, Snow shouted, catching up with the two as they walked down the hall. “We’re late.” Snow said.
“Yeah, we know.”, Bigby said as they walked up to a door with the number 23. “This is it.”, he said as the three of them stood in front of the door. “Alright. How do you want to do this?”, Snow asked them. “We’re not storming inside, that’s for sure. We have no idea who this A.G. person is.”, Sonya said.
Bigby puts his ear on the door to listen for anything. “Anything?”, Snow asked him. “If anyone’s in there, they’re being awfully quiet….”, he says and knocks on the door. Right after, the door opens to reveal a little girl in a yellow dress and her black hair in pigtails. “Hello?”, she greets, drowsily.
Sonya covered her mouth at the sight of the little girl as the other two stared in shock. “Hi…” Snow greeted. “You woke me up.” The girl said. “Uh, sorry about that.”, Sonya said, kneeling to her height. The little girl rubs her eyes. “Sorry, there. Wasn’t aware this was a munchkin’s house.”, Bigby says, making the little girl make a confused face.
“Well, Dorothy, it isn’t.”, she responded with a smile, making Sonya snort. “She got you.”, Sonya says, making Bigby give her heel a nudge. “If I wasn’t so secure in my manhood, I’d have taken that as an insult.”, he says, smiling. The little girl giggled.
“What’s your name?”, Sonya asked. “Rachel. Who are you?”, the little girl responded.
“Well, I’m the Sheriff. And this is my partner,” Bigby started but Snow cut him off. “Uh, boss.” Snow said, annoyed. Bigby frowned at her, “I was referring to Sonya.”, he said, hushed. “Pleased to meet you. How do you do? Is there….Is there anything you need?", Rachel says.
"Is anyone at home? Does your mom live here?”, she asked her. “Does she ever…you know, make the nightstand levitate? Turn frogs into cats, that kind of thing?”, Bigby asked her.
“Is she a witch, dear?” Snow corrected. “Oh no, I would never call my mommy that. She treats me alright.”, Rachel says with a head nod. “Rachel, do you mind if we take just a quick peek around?”, Bigby asked.
“What are we looking for, specifically?”, Snow asked Bigby. “Crane. He could still be here.”, Bigby says, sniffing around the room. Sonya looked at the huge tree in the room. “This is ginormous for a house plant…”
“We’ll be super quick, and we won’t touch anything.”, Sonya said to Rachel and walked past her, looking around the cramped living area. “I’ve been here all night! Nobody’s been here!”, Rachel shouts at the three adults.
Bigby glances at her with a raised eyebrow. “Ok, Sheriff, I’m gonna trust you not to break anything…don’t get me in trouble.”, she huffs.
She glances at the record player and looks at Rachel. “Lemme guess, big band or...classical?” Rachel smiles, “Honky Tonk.”
“No accounting for taste….”, Bigby mutters, making Sonya gape at him and tap his arm a bit, earning a smile from him. He looks at a picture. “That your mom?”, he asked. “Uh huh.”, Rachel said, proudly.
“It’s pretty rare to see a burner like this.”, Sonya says, crouching down with a content smile. “Dowdy. That’s how we like it.”, Rachel grins.
Bigby sniffs around again. “Not here.”
“Your mom a hunter?”, Bigby asked as he looked at the deer skull. “Oh, no, she’d never…that was found in the woods around Dix Mountain. I think.”, Rachel responds.
“Why does she have such a huge tree?”, Sonya asked as Bigby turned to look at the tree. “Mommy uses that to carve her trinkets. It’s from the old world.”, Rachel says excitedly. “Trinkets? Like glamours?” Snow asked her, making her shrug.
“There’s no one here but me.”, Rachel repeats.
Bigby walks back over to the divider and looks behind it but sees nothing. “There’s nothing that looks like Crane was here, either.”, Bigby said.
“Great...”, Sonya mutters. “See?” Rachel said, smirking.
Sonya goes to the back of the room and sees a closet door. She opens it and sees a box with a label.
Deliver to Aunty Greenleaf
Return Address The Butcher
“A.G….”, Sonya steps back to look at Rachel. “Your mom’s Aunty Greenleaf?” She nods.
Bigby walks over to her. “The Butcher.”, Sonya muttered. “What?”, Bigby asked. “A package having to do with someone called The Butcher.”, she says, closing the door.
“Damn it.” Bigby mutters, shaking his head as if he was trying to get something off his face. “I keep getting whiffs of that aftershave of his.”
“Is that a glamour tube?”, Bigby asked, making Sonya and Snow stop. “Mommy really doesn’t let anyone play with that. Trust me, I’ve tried.”, Rachel warned.
Sonya sniffed in the air, frowning a bit. “I do, too.” Snow nods, “Me too.” Rachel rubs her eyes. “Can I go to bed now? Please?”
Sonya yawned. “It is pretty late…”, she said and started to follow Snow, who walked towards the door. Rachel follows, along with Bigby, but he stops once he notices a glamour tube on the work table.
Bigby walks up to the table and picks up the tube. “Oh, no no no no no, please please please just put that back exactly where you found it. No one is allowed to play with that.”, Rachel said, her eyes widening. “It’s alright, honey, Bigby’s not going to break it.”, Snow reassured her.
“No, you don’t understand. She will freak out if she discovers I’ve let people in here and let them touch her stuff, okay? She checks all the time to see if things move. I don’t wanna get in trouble.”, Rachel said, fearfully.
“I’m not gonna break it, I just want to open it.”, Bigby said, and started messing with the tube. “No! Put it down!”, Rachel shouted. Her fearful scream caused the room to shake which made Sonya and Snow look at her then at Bigby. “You’re pissing her off.”, Sonya mouths to Bigby. Snow holds Rachel back. “Please! Don’t! This isn’t what you think! You’ve gotta believe me, that guy isn’t here! I promise!”
“It’s gonna to be okay, Rachel.”, Sonya reassures her as Bigby starts to mess with the tube again, curious this time. “Please. I’m begging you. I don’t wanna…I don’t wanna get in trouble.”, Rachel begged sadly.
Bigby opens the tube, causing Rachel to scream in pain and transform into an old woman, “Auntie Greenleaf.”, Snow says in shock.
“It hurts…when you do it that fast.”, Greenleaf said, irritated as she rolled her shoulders. “You think we have time to waste on this shit?” Bigby asked, angrily, storming up to the woman. “You think this is some kind of game?”
“No. I don’t. But congratulations on winning it…if that matters to you.”, Greenleaf says, sarcastically.
“Look, now. We don’t have time. Start explaining! And from the beginning. ” Sonya says, crossing her arms as the old woman walks over to her couch and sits down. “I was born in the woods to a jackal and a deer….” Greenleaf started to explain but Sonya cuts her off, looking at Snow. “She thinks we’re joking around. You better get her.”
“Please, Greenleaf. Just help us catch Crane. That’s all we care about.” Bigby said, exasperated. “That’s not all we care about.”, Snow tells him, angrily. “I ain’t a fortune teller, Wolf. I have no heavenly idea where he went.” Greenleaf shrugs.
“You have to know something.” Snow said.
“You’re an accomplice to a goddamn murder, do you not realize that?”, Sonya fussed. “It doesn’t matter. I can’t help you. I have no interest in being turned into a skink and crushed under boot heels. There’s powers at work here beyond your pathetic authority.”, Greenleaf says.
“Whatever it is, Greenleaf….whatever it is that’s keeping you from saying something?” Snow said.
“We can protect you, okay? Whatever it is you’re afraid of….we can make sure that it won’t come to pass.” Bigby says, reassuring her. “You have no idea what’s going on, do you?” Greenleaf asked, making Sonya sigh harshly. “Y'all keep saying the exact same shit. We’re asking questions so we can know. We want to help.”
“Okay, you know what I think? I think we’ve been more than patient with you.” Snow said, angrily, storms up to Sonya and Bigby. “This witch has been selling illegal glamours that continue to undermine everything we’ve built….she’s harboring a fugitive that took advantage of it, and now she’s resisting every attempt to make things right. I frankly don’t give a crap if she’s afraid for her life, we can at least make sure she never hurts us again.”
She walks up to the tree and looks at it before she says. “We’re destroying the tree.” Sonya’s eyes widened. “Now, hold on-”
Greenleaf abruptly stands up and shouts. “No!”, she yells, causing the room to shake. Sonya stumbles to a knee, looking up at Greenleaf as she looks between the other three in anger.
“How dare you come in here and threaten to take from me the one thing that-” She takes a breath. “That tree is ancient, it’s part of the family, and it’s the only thing paying for this shithole apartment! And the Fables who can’t afford the glamours from you come to me for help. Without them, where do you think they could go?”
“Don’t give me that! You’re making money off of other peoples’ misery. Two Fables are dead because of this crap!”, Snow shouts, turning to Bigby and Sonya. “It’s too dangerous leaving this stuff with her.”
“You think I like being the old woman in these stories? The men are heroes, the ladies are whores…and the old hags like me get to watch everyone they love die!”, Greenleaf growls
Snow was about to say something but Sonya cuts her off. “Hear me out. You aren’t exactly in any position to want to destroy someone’s work, okay? Hell, I’m the one who should want her tree to burn but I won’t.”, she says, looking at Greenleaf. “There’s a better way to handle this.”
“We have very different ways of handling our fate.”, Snow said. “Very different means to handle it, too.” Greenleafs retorts.
“We’re not burning the damn tree.”, Sonya says, making Snow and Bigby turn to her.
Snow looked at her in shock. “You want this to continue?” Sonya hardened her look. “Don’t put words in my mouth. I said there is a different way to handle this.”
Bigby walked up to the tree. “Sonya’s right. Isn’t there another way? She’s a witch, can’t she just….work for us? That way she’d be official….”
“You want to reward her for criminal behavior? We can’t trust this woman on the Thirteenth floor.”, Snow said.
“It doesn’t matter cause I’d never do it. I’m not a house cat and I don’t play well with others.” Greenleaf said. “Oh, trust me, no one would confuse you for a cuddly animal.” Snow sneered at the witch. Greenleaf glares at her, making Snow turn to the other two. “Bigby, Sonya….this is an order. Burn the tree.”
Greenleaf runs in front of the tree and confesses. “No! Look, look, I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you…Crane was here, he was here and he left. He went to the Pudding n’ Pie to try to use my ring on the girls over there to get information.”
“What does the ring do?”, Sonya asked her.
“He thinks it’s the Ring of Dispel….you know, that it will pierce the protection around the girls’ speech. He says pulling the truth out of them will prove his innocence. It won’t, though….damned thing lost its power decades ago.”, Greenleaf informed.
“I’m sorry, but….we still can’t let you keep the tree. It wouldn’t be right after what’s happened.” Snow said. “Guys?”
“Please, Sheriff...Deputy….”, Greenleaf begs, looking at them sadly. “We’re not burning the tree.”, Sonya says.
“Today is your lucky day, Greenleaf. I’m hiring you as the Business Office’s newest witch in residence.” Bigby said.
“Bigby!”, Snow shouted in disbelief.
“The witches over there will keep her out of trouble, and–and we have a glamour shortage as it is. It makes the most sense, Snow.”, Bigby explained.
“Snow, people are out there without glamours. If anything, she can help us since apparently giving glamours aren’t working without her help. Because Toad still hasn’t gotten his, right?”, Sonya asked Bigby. “Just because you’re disappointed with Crane’s actions, doesn’t mean we have to punish her for his bullshit.”
She turns to Greenleaf. “You’re working with the other witches.”, she says, finally and walks to the door. “Don’t expect me to bow down to your queen over here.”, Greenleaf said to her. Bigby sighs, walking next to Sonya. “Don’t think for a second that this is over.” Snow threatened, following the other two.
“So what, are moving trucks gonna show up here or something?”, Greenleaf asked. “Something like that.”, Snow said. “We’ll call you.”, Bigby says and opens the door and lets Sonya and Snow out first before he leaves.
The cab pulls up to the curb of the Pudding n’ Pie, and hurriedly, Sonya and Bigby climb out. “I suppose you two can handle this. Get Crane and bring him back to the Woodlands.” Snow ordered before rolling the window up and letting the cab drive off.
“For fuck’s sake…”, Sonya grumbles. Bigby looked over and saw a familiar car. “That’s Crane’s car.”, he said, catching her attention. “Let’s go.”, she says, rushing to the door.
“No, it’s nothin’ you need to concern yourself with. I don’t think so, at least.”, they hear Georgie say pacing and talking on the phone. Georgie sees the two and rolls his eyes.
“Shit. Hold on.” He said to the phone and he removed the phone from his ear. “What do you want, Sheriff? Decided you wanted a taste of the wares?"
He glanced at Sonya with a smirk. "Oh, I see…come to audition your bitch.” Before Bigby could retaliate, Sonya socked him square in his nose. “We don’t have time for bullshit, Georgie.”, she growled.
“Tell me what you know! Now!” Crane’s voice shouts from the dressing room. Sonya and Bigby glare at Georgie, who gives a wavering shrug.
Sonya shoulder checks him as they rush to the door. “Hey! You can’t just go in there!” Georgie shouts after them, getting ignored.
They see Crane shaking Nerissa by her shoulders as he shouts. “Tell me who did it! Just tell me who did it, I know you know!”
“Mr. Crane, please, she can’t help–”
“I know you know what the plan is.”, Crane yells at Nerissa. Bigby glares at Crane, his teeth bared. “I won’t be held accountable for this!” Crane shouts. “I can’t-I can’t–I’m sorry, I-” Nerissa said, panicking.
Bigby storms up to Crane, spins him around and grasps the front of his shirt, raising his right hand into a fist. “Oh my God! Bigby!”, Crane exclaims, surprised to see him. “Wait!!”, Sonya yelled at Bigby. He looks over at her then lets Crane go.
Crane steps back, his hands raised. “I-I didn’t do anything! I promise you, I didn’t do anything! These girls— th-th-the girls, they’ll back me up, I j-just have to get this stupid ring working, that’s all!”, Crane explained, shaking his right hand that had a ring on his ring finger. “They can’t talk because of that spell, but once this ring gets through, I’ll know what’s going on and this whole thing will be over.”
“Th-That’s all, please. I’m innocent, completely, completely innocent!”, Crane exclaims. Bigby rolled his eyes and slapped Crane, leaving a large, red handprint on his face.
Crane cowers back and yells, “W-Wait, I’ll show you!” He raises his arm while Bigby holds him back, effortlessly. “Damn you, c'mon! Please! Tell me who killed her!”, Crane shouts as he points his arm towards Nerissa.
“My lips are sealed.”, Nerissa replied as Vivian held her. Crane crumbles to the ground and begins to weep in sadness and fear. “How long?”, Sonya asked Crane. “W-what?”, Crane asked, looking up at her. “How long has this been going on?”, she growled out her question. “Far too long...” Crane replied, looking away.
“But–I didn’t kill those women, Bigby, please, I had nothing, nothing to do with that. I just—I-I just….Oh God…”, Crane cries. “We found the photos of you and Lily.” Bigby said, crossing his arms with a glare. “I know, I know, but that’s—that was–I just…” Crane whimpers then he looks up at Sonya.
“I just love you, Sonya! I love you, I love you, and—and I’m sorry I’m not a mundy, okay!?”, Crane grovels as she stepped back. “I’m sorry I don’t do things that Mundies do! Its just- You’re so different and innocent! To know you were a half fable excited me, and I-”
Sonya had to stop herself from gagging. “I’m gonna stop you right there. What made you think that I’d ever get with an old creep like you!? And secondly, you’re not so different from Mundy men. This stalking, the pretending, they do that too. You’re fucking disgusting.” Her words made her lower his head.
She squatted down to glare at him. He looks her in the eyes for a moment then turns away to weep silently, making her eyes widen. She stood back up. “Bigby…I don’t think he did it."
"You’re shitting me, right?”, Bigby asked, shocked and confused. “The guy’s a complete coward. Look at him. Do you really think this man-" She paused. "Lemme rephrase that. Do you really think this child murdered these women?”, she asked him as she pointed at the sad man.
“He’s not…he wouldn’t be brave enough….”, she said, glaring at Crane.
“We’ve been chasing this guy ….why now?”, Bigby asked. “That’s my point. He sent us on this wild goose chase, pretended not to know anything, and cowered away the entire time. If he really was a stone cold murderer, he wouldn’t be here freaking out.”, she said.
“I can’t believe I’m hearing this. Did you see how he was acting when you showed up?” Vivian asked her.
“Yeah, I get it–”
“Why would he even come here if he wasn’t covering his tracks?” Vivian asked.
“He thought he was being framed. And maybe he is.”, Sonya replied.
“This fuck-up knows more than he’s saying.”, Bigby said. “I don’t! I don’t!” Crane shouts. “Yes, okay, he probably does. But there’s a difference between being involved and being the guy who did it.”, Sonya says, shaking her head.
“Okay, but if Crane didn’t kill Faith and Lily, I’m sorry, but who the hell did?”, Vivian asked. “This whole thing is bigger than Crane. He wouldn’t have the stones to send the Tweedles after us. Somebody else is involved.”, Bigby said. “Well, shit.”, Vivian mutters.
“I didn’t intend for any of this to get so–”
She took a deep breath. “Ichabod Crane. You are under arrest for disrupting Fabletown's funds and the suspicion of murder. You’ll have the right to counsel and the right to depose witnesses. But as of right now, you’re coming with us."
“I don’t wanna hear your weak ass apologies. You’ve done so much screwed shit, you’re lucky you’re not down that damn well!”, Sonya yelled.
He looks at her fearfully then lowers his gaze to the floor. “We’re not going to kill you. So quit your shivering.”, she growled.
Sonya glanced at her boss. “Easy, Bigby. We don’t need the princess to have another thing to hold above our heads.”, Sonya rolls her eyes, making Bigby glance at her with a softened frown.
"You are extraordinarily lucky Miss Blaze was here to save your ass. Because if it was up to me….I’d have your head swinging from the Washington Bridge.”, Bigby snarled.
“You think…she has what it takes…to run that office? You think I didn’t make sacrifices? I made sacrifices! And Miss Snow won’t be in that chair one minute before she has to give up something she cares about just so the wheels don’t fall off the goddamn wagon.” Crane stands up and continues to fuss. “I did the best that I could with what I had. And the town took everything it could out of me. If I maybe took a little something back in return…then so be it. I have no regrets.”
Sonya frowned. "You took more than just a little. You went to a man who now gives you no choice but to pay him back or people get killed. That's not a little thing." Crane's eyes widened. "But-"
“Yeah, and see, the thing of it is….” Bigby starts, and grabs Crane’s collar, pulling him closer to him. “We’re also better at this than you are.” He turns Crane towards the door and pushes him forward.
They went through the side door, out to the alley. Sonya sighs, pulling her hood over her head as it was raining again. Crane walks out after her until Bigby shoves him off the stairs. Crane falls on the ground. He stood up and dusted himself off and muttered. “Stupid girls and their preposterous schemes….”
Sonya paused to glare at him over her shoulder. “You got something you wanna share?” Crane cowers and walks in front of her and Bigby. Suddenly, a car drives up and blocks their way out. The three of them looked at the cars in shock and stopped as the car started to slowly drive towards them.
“Back. Now.”, Bigby says as he holds his arm out, pushing her behind him. She walked around the other way with the two men only for two more cars to come up and block them.
They stop as the Tweedles climb out of one car while a woman, with short black hair with red highlights, climbs out of another car.
“Hi. Whatcha got there?”, The woman asked in a childish tone. Sonya's eyes began to glow a scarlet hue as the Tweedles pulled out their shotguns. Bigby growled lowly, watching them intently.
The woman pulls out a gun and loads it. “Look, it’s recently come under our attention that you’re, how shall I put it, attempting to claim what is the personal property of the Crooked Man.” She gives them a slight smile. “He’s about yea high, a hundred and twenty odd pounds, pissed his sheets until he was fourteen….sound familiar?”
“I haven’t told them anything!”, Crane cried in fear. “Not now, not now, shhhhh, the grown ups are talking.”, the woman says, mockingly.
“Who are you?”, Bigby asked her.
“No, no, no, no, no, that’s not how this works.”, The woman said, mockingly as if she were talking to children. “How this works is you are going to walk Crane over here….like a good doggie.”
“It wasn’t my fault!”, Crane exclaims. Sonya growled and punched him in the stomach. “You shut your fuckin’ mouth.” She steps up to Bigby’s side. “You’re interfering with official Fabletown business. Step aside.”
“Tweedle Dee, what’s the, uh, y'know, that thing the mundies call me?”, she hummed. “Wh–What?”, Dee asked in fear. “My nickname. You know what I’m talking about.” The woman said as she gave a side glance at Dee.
“Uh…Bloody Ma–”
“Bloody Mary, that’s it. Thank you.” Mary said, making Sonya’s eyes widen.
“And do you know why they call me that? Because some of them, they think it’s funny to have their little sleepovers and go into their little bathrooms and say my name five times in the mirror." She frowns.
"They find it less funny when I actually show up and feed their lungs to the family dog.” She lets out a small bark and smirks evilly at Sonya and Bigby.
Sonya gritted her teeth, “This night just can’t get any better.”, she muttered.
“And I do that for a hobby. Like golf, to relax. This is my job, I like my job. So think about what I’m gonna do to you, your girl, your princess and the rest of your friends if you don’t hand over the sockpuppet now!”, Mary said to Bigby.
“This was really the wrong day to try and pull this shit.”, Bigby growled.
“I told you he’d never just give him up.”, Dee smiled at Mary. Mary glared at him then looked back at the other three and shrugs. “Fuck it.” She walks away while the Tweedles step forward and raise their guns.
“Oh boy…”, Sonya muttered and was suddenly pushed out of the way once the Tweedles started shooting, missing Bigby purposefully before loading him with buckshots.
Bigby was pushed back until his back hit the wall and he slumped down. The Tweedles stopped to smirk at each other much to Sonya’s horror. She teared up. “B-Bigby?”, she whispered.
Bigby moves his head as he lets out a groan. He opens his eyes which were now red as he slowly gets up on his feet, shocking the twins. Bigby begins walking towards the Tweedles as they fire multiple bullets at him until one bullet hits Bigby's side, making him lean against a box as he regains his composure.
He falls to his knees only to get up, now transformed as a gray wolf. Bigby reaches to his left and grabs the dumpster and throws it at the twins. They fall and dodge the dumpster and get back up while Bigby goes to the right and grabs the high voltage container and throws it at them.
They dodge that as well and Bigby uses that as a chance to charge at them and jumps on Dum. He shoves his clawed hand into Dum’s chest and slams him in the air conditioner box multiple times. Dee shoots Bigby in the back, making him slowly turn to him and drop Dum.
Bigby back hands him hard and grabs him to look over at Mary, who was leaning against one of the cars with a smirk. Bigby throws Dee at her but she moves, causing Dee to hit his car. Mary stands there unfazed.
Dum goes to hit Bigby with his gun but Bigby grabs the gun, throwing it away. He grabs Dum and slams him against the wall and holds him up.
“Fuck….you….Wolf….”, Dum gargled as Bigby pondered about killing him. He lowers the Tweedle harshly and looks over at Sonya with a solemn expression. She looked at him, shocked that he stopped.
He opened his mouth but a shocked look crossed his face as he was shot. He felt a searing pain on his side. Sonya whimpered to see him stumble to the ground, glancing over the attacker. It was Mary who shot him, wearing a large grin on her face. “Bigby!”, Sonya yelled, in a panic.
“It was a good show, but, you know. It just didn’t know when to end.”, Mary shrugs as she puts her gun away then walks to the limo, opens the back door and pulls out Woody’s axe.
Sonya’s eyes widened and illuminated brighter as Bloody Mary walked over to Bigby. She pulled out a chain to whip at her, only for Mary to dodge the end that hit the limo behind her.
She rushed to stop her from getting close to him. Bloody Mary smiles wildly, clashing her forearm with Sonya’s. “Look at you, protecting your poor little puppy.”
Sonya growled as her face melted into a skull, the rain peppering her flamed engulfed head into steam. “You’re not touching him.” Bigby’s eyes widened to see his deputy shielding him. “S-Sonya…”
Sonya pushed her and sent a punch towards her face. Mary dodged and pulled out her gun and shot Sonya in her thigh, hardly fazing her at the time. Mary tried shooting her again, but Sonya caught her hand, preventing her from shooting at all. She tried swinging the axe to her side but Sonya caught her hand a little late, causing the axe to gash her side a bit.
Sonya winces before she kicks Mary’s knee, making her drop to the ground in pain for a moment before tackling Sonya and breaking her arm, causing her to let out a yell of pain.
She growled in pain, not wanting to move her bent arm, watching as Bloody Mary picked up the axe and walked over to Bigby.
“You know, you wouldn’t think silver bullets would work on anything but a pure werewolf, but…as it turns out….that’s just not the case. Right. Wolfie?”, Mary says, laughing as she places the axe on her shoulder.
Sonya looked into Bigby distant but pained eyes and turned over to grab Mary’s ankle, heating her hand up to burn the woman’s skin. Anything to stop her from killing him...
She looked down at her kicking her over on her back and stomped Sonya’s face, breaking her nose. Sonya chokes on her blood, coughing some out to breathe as much as she could.
“I mean….hey, look, I know it sounds ridiculous, but….really guys….Can you argue with these results?”, she asked as she kicked Bigby to lay him on his back. “Cause I know I can’t.” She aimed the axe at Bigby’s neck then raised the axe high over her head.
“WAIT! STOP!”, Sonya yells and coughs. “Fuck…” Mary looks over at her as Sonya glares at her. “Just….take him, okay? Take Crane.”, she coughed out. “Just stop. Please.”
“Mmmm….yeah. I don’t know.”, Mary said as she pretended to think, before placing the axe on her shoulder again. “Sonya….mmph–don’t….”, Bigby groans, stretching his arm a little to reach her.
Mary notices a certain hand motioning her to come. “It’s your lucky day, kid. The Crooked Man says it’s okay with him.”, Mary said, smiling. “Bigby.”, Sonya whispered, looking at him. “I’m sorry…”
“Hello, Ichabod. Got a stomach ache?”, Mary asked Crane as he tried to sneak away. He stops, turns around and walks towards Mary. “Oh, and just between us girls….Crane ain’t no killer.”. Mary says as Crane walks up to her.
“I mean, look at this face. Couldn’t stick a pig if his life depended on it.” She grabs Crane’s ear, pulls his face close to hers to give him a grin then lets him go. Crane begins to walk to the limo as Mary watches him.
Before she leaves, she turns to face Sonya and Bigby. “Kinda like your boyfriend here. Too pussy to ruin a Tweedle’s day.”, she says, walking up to Bigby and stomps her foot down on his left arm.
Bigby lets out a roar of pain, making Sonya glare at Mary for causing him more pain. She looks to see a bone sticking out of his arm and bares her bloody teeth at Mary.
“Well, this is gonna be….a beautiful relationship we have with you guys. Really. I mean it. I’m jazzed about it.” Mary bows.
“Out with the old….in with the new. Long live the Queen.”, she said as she walked away from the broken duo.
She turned her head to look over her shoulder. “I’m sure we’ll be in touch. See you around.” She salutes and gets inside of the limo and the two cars drive away.
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x Oc
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking, drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 18: What a Twist
Everyone turns their head to see the mermaid running towards them, panting softly as she runs up to Sonya. “Easy. You’re not late.”, Sonya smiled, holding her arms.
“Excuse me, dear.”, Crooked Man says to Nerissa. “I….I wanted to make sure I had the chance to say something.”, Nerissa said, catching her breath.
“Why don’t you take a moment to catch your breath, little one?”, Crooked Man suggested.
“What’s she doing here?”, Bluebeard asked, crossing his arms.
“I’d like to…I–I need to say something.”, Nerissa declared.
“We’re kind of in the middle of something.”, Bluebeard said. Sonya glared at him. “Fuck off and let her speak.”
“She has something to say and we’re gonna listen.”, Bigby said. He nodded at Nerissa. “Go right ahead.” She smiles at him, and then glares at the Crooked Man. “You probably don’t remember me. I don’t know why I was afraid to come here.”, she said.
“My dear, I don’t know what it i–”
“Just shut up!”, Nerissa ordered, making him look at her in surprise. “You enslaved us for years. Let us hear stories about what you’d do….told us we would lose everything if we stepped just one toe out of line. And we couldn’t say a word about it because of these damn ribbons.”
“But you know what….now it’s my turn to talk.”, Nerissa said, smirking. “How are you–?”, he asked, clasping his hands.
“I found Vivian’s body. Did you kill her?”, she asked. She turns to Sonya and Bigby. “Did he?”
“He might as well have.”, Bigby says, looking at the Crooked Man. “Vivian wanted you guys to finally be free. She explained what happened. Figured she knew she was gonna die regardless.”, Sonya said. Nerissa looks down in sadness. “I’m sorry, um….I don’t think I know your….”, Crooked Man excused himself.
“Nerissa! My name is Nerissa!”, Nerissa yells at him.
“It’s okay, my dear, it’s going to be just–”
“He ordered them dead, this fucker. Faith and Lily–"
"That’s a lie!”
“I was in the goddamned room when he did it!”, she exclaimed to the crowd. She turned to Crooked man, angrily. “Faith and Lily are dead because of you! The only two people who ever gave a damn about me… and now I can finally say, you’re an asshole. And I hope you rot at the bottom of the Witching Well for what you did."
"Then this just confirms it.”, Bigby says, grinning. Nerissa turns to the crowd. “He made Georgie do it, it was always him, Georgie would’ve never done anything without his say-so, ever.”
“You’re going to take the word of–”
“At least five other girls will back me up on this.”, Nerissa cuts him off. “We all heard you say it!”
Crooked Man glared at her. “Did you now…”
“There goes our evidence.”, Sonya grins at Bigby. “She saw it first hand….”, Beauty says in shock.
“He’s guilty!”, Bluebeard declared.
“Sounds good to me. What about you, Deputy?”, Bigby smirked at Sonya. “Sounds good to me.”, Sonya agreed, smirking at Crooked Man. “So, we’re all in agreement.”, Snow said.
“So that’s it, right?”, Beast asked.
“Throw him down the Witching Well!”, Johann ordered.
“No! That’s too fuckin’ easy for a crook like that!”, Gren disagrees. Bigby looked at him in confusion while cuffing the Crooked Man.
“What do you mean?”, Beast asked.
“He’s gotta pay for what he did!”, Gren shouted. “That’s what we’re doing!”, Sonya exclaims in confusion. “Listen to yourselves!”, Greenleaf yelled.
“You’re all rats fleeing from one sinking ship to the next. So quick to latch onto whatever will keep your miserable lives afloat. This is how you want to repay all I’ve done for you?”, Crooked Man asked, glaring at the crowd.
“What, you take two people’s lives away and now you want mercy?”, Gren asked, in disbelief.
“You know we can’t let you go free after this.”, Snow said. “Are you seriously trying to get sympathy for ordering a hit on fables?, Sonya scoffed, amused. He narrowed his eyes at her. “Well done then.”
“Now, for your sentence–”, Snow starts but is cut off by Greenleaf. “We don’t have to become murderers.”, she suggests.
Sonya turns to her. "You're still trying to excuse his actions? He killed people. He threatened you all and you want us to make it easy for him? You're not saving him."
Greenleaf frowns. "I don't need to be taking orders from a half fable.", she says, quieting everyone.
Sonya frowns. "What's that got to do with the situation here?"
"The hell is she talking about?"
"Half fable...?"
"Greenleaf, where are you going with this?", Bigby asked. She pointed at him. "Did you really think that no one was gonna figure it out? The new fable in town, the new deputy– no one's even heard of this girl!"
Greenleaf turned to the crowd. "They've practically let a mundy run amuck in our town!", she exclaims making the crowd gasp.
Snow and Bigby's eyes widened. "Now, hold on-"
She turned to glare at Snow. "You let this happen. You're worried about what the Crooked Man would've done, what about her? What if she blabbed to other mundies about us!? What safety would we have then!?"
Sonya could feel everyone's eyes on her as she glared at Greenleaf. The old woman continues. "The wolf and the princess are no better. They just do what they want. If you're so willing to let a half mundy enter Fabletown, what's to stop you from letting other mundies in!?"
The Crooked Man clapped. "Well. This is a surprise to remember."
Sonya glared at him. "Now hold on, whether or not Sonya's a half fable, it didn't stop her from trying her best to find my sister. They care about us. About this town.", Holly interjects.
"They only cared when they thought it was Sonya that bit it, though.", Gren added. Holly shook her head. "But it wasn't her fault. It took me too long to come to terms with that.", she said, looking down. "I trust them. They've gotten this far when Crane never bothered and the Crooked Man is here. That's all we wanted was for justice to come to this town and they've done it. What more do you want?", she asks Greenleaf.
Sonya smiles at Holly, giving her a nod before turning back to Greenleaf, crossing her arms. "Are you done? Can I speak now?" The old woman scoffed, keeping herself quiet.
"Alright then.", Sonya says but Bigby puts a hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to explain yourself.", he says. She gives him a small smile. "As your deputy, I'd want everyone to trust me and put their faith in our jobs. What better way to do that than to be honest?"
His expression softened and he lets go of her shoulder. Sonya claps to get everyone's attention. "If you're all writing a book and you must know, I am a half fable. I don't know if you all have heard tales of the Ghost Rider. But I am the next Ghost Rider. My dad was the previous one before me. He died a couple of years ago and I swore and prayed to every god I could think of to bring him back.", she frowns.
She paces in front of the crowd as she continues. "A demon of some sorts, Mephistopheles, or Mephisto, offered me a chance to "help" those in need of saving. To help wary souls find their place in the after life. My dad did the same thing. The only reason why his soul wasn't saved is because he traded it with Mephisto. Same as I have."
She looked down. "He told me about this place. Hell, he worked with Crane outside rather than working at the office. He told me stories about how great this place was. Living fairy tales commuting amongst each other like any regular old person. I thought he was just telling stories but a few years after he died, I decided to look for Fabletown myself."
She looked at Snow. "That's when I met Snow and Crane. Crane gave Snow the rundown of my situation because he knew my dad. Which then helped me get a job as deputy.", she says, glancing at Bigby. "And now we're all here."
Sonya glared at Greenleaf. "However, me being a half fable wouldn't mean I'd rat everyone out. I'd have no good solid proof to the police anyways. I'd look like a damn loon and would probably get arrested for wasting their time. So, I dunno what your little plan was to get everyone's attention onto me and off of the task at hand, but we're still at a trial. And, last time I checked, I wasn't the guilty one."
Greenleaf looks down in shame. “He’s guilty! I know that, but we don’t have to kill anybody. Like you said before, there's another way we can go about this. We can imprison him. Lock him up forever…somewhere he can never hurt anyone again.”, Greenleaf says.
“How can we be sure he won’t escape?”, Snow asked, frowning. “I can help! We’ll use magic. I assure you–”, Greenleaf said, making Sonya look up in thought.
“That’s not good enough!”, Bluebeard shouts.
“There will be more if he isn’t stopped!”, Nerissa says. “So we get rid of him!”, Gren says.
“I don’t know…”, Beauty says, uncertain. “We can send him away!”, Beast suggests.
“Everyone! Listen up!”, Snow announces. “Clearly we’re having trouble agreeing on a suitable punishment. So I think we–”
“This is going nowhere!”, Bluebeard cuts her off. “Someone needs to make a decision!”, Snow exclaimed. “Who?”, Beauty asked.
“I hope you aren’t suggesting yourself.”, Bluebeard says, stepping up to her.
“We should have a vote. Make it democratic.”, Bigby says. “Do you really think that’s going to work?”, Bluebeard asked. “He’s right. Nobody can agree on anything.”, Snow said.
“What about Bigby and Sonya?”, Nerissa asked. “What about them?”, Snow asked, turning to her.
“They were appointed, they’re….the only official representatives, really. They should be the judges.”, Nerissa said.
“That makes sense to me.”
“I guess it does.”
“Are you sure? This isn’t how it’s–”, Snow says before Bluebeard interrupts her again.“It’s what the people want, Miss White.”
“Okay.”, Snow said, then turned to Sonya and Bigby. “Mr Wolf. Miss Blaze. It’s your call.”
“Snow, I–”
“Just….do what you two think is right.”, Snow said, interrupting Bigby. Sonya rolls her eyes as he pulls her aside. “What do you wanna do?” She looks at him, incredulously. “Why me? You’re the boss.” , she says.
He rolls his eyes. “Forget that. He kidnapped you.” She sighed. “Good point but he nearly got you killed.”, she argued. He clenched his jaw for a moment and looked at the crowd as they looked at them.
He nodded. “Smart.”, he let out a soft sigh. “Fine.” They walked back to the crowd.
“We could try Greenleaf’s plan. The only thing I’m worried about is whether or not he’d convince her to stop doing it. She’s so hellbent on keeping him alive even though Faith and Lily are dead. And the fact that we could’ve died….”, she says, catching his attention.
She closed her eyes, sighing again. “Let’s just see what Greenleaf has in mind. If things go south, we could always make a plan just in case it does.”
“Everyone, we’ve–”, Bigby started to say until suddenly Crooked Man charged forward and wrapped his cuffed wrists around Sonya’s neck, shocking everyone. “Not this way!”, he yells, tugging her back toward the Witching Well. She coughed and choked, struggling against his hold as Bigby ran to her.
Just before they touch the well, she grips onto the chain that connected the cuffs and melted it, making her drop to her knees. Bigby grabs Crooked Man’s shirt and punches him in the face, holding him over the Witching Well. “Aaahhh……there you are….”, Crooked Man said, creepily as Sonya catches her breath.
The crowd runs toward them, wary of the next move. “I hope you all….remember this moment…..think of me when you try to sleep.”, Crooked Man says.
“You know, we were gonna make the choice of letting you live. But you just tried to murder my deputy. That’s a problem.”, Bigby said, shaking him above the well.
“You’re going to miss me….”, Crooked Man croaked. Bigby looks at Sonya with an unsure expression, watching her rub at her neck. She frowned and nodded.
Bigby looks back at Crooked Man with a smirk. “No. I won’t.”, he says and he drops the Crooked Man down into the well, watching him disappear in the darkness.
“For Lily. And Faith.”, she hears Holly say. Sonya takes another deep breath, as she clasps her neck softly, now coming to terms that she could’ve died.
The Crooked Man was going to kill her because he wasn’t getting his way. That had to be enough proof to show everyone. Bigby looks at her and kneels down to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. She snapped her out of her rampant thoughts and looked up at him with red rimmed, glassy, wide eyes.
He frowned, softly taking her hand away from her neck and lifted her chin up to examine it. His expression turned displeased as he saw a red mark on her neck. “I’m fine…”, she says, standing. He stood up with her and nodded, not saying a word and left.
Everyone else leaves the chamber, unsure, afraid, unsettled or otherwise. Sonya could only watch their retreating backs before looking into the dark well for a moment and finally leaves.
She walked out of the office, walked past Bigby’s office. She paused, turned to the door and opened it slowly. She peeked her head through and smiled at Bigby’s sleeping form as he snored softly on his desk.
She walked in, quietly moving over to him and lifted a hand to gently shake him awake. His eyes popped open as he looked around and relaxed when he saw Sonya.
“Why didn’t you head home if you were gonna sleep?”, she asked. He sat up straight, rubbing his eyes. “I was gonna get some paperwork done...hadn’t realized I’d fallen asleep.”
She leaned on his desk. “You might wanna go home instead of being here. You deserve a break.”, she said, looking down at her shoes.
He looked up at her and looked at a nearby clock. “Hey…”, he says, getting her attention. “You wanna go grab something to eat?”, he asked, giving her a slight smile. She chuckled. “At this hour?”
“I don’t hear a complaint.”, he says, raising an eyebrow. She rolled her eyes playfully. “Fine. We can go find something that’s open.”
Subway Late Night
Sonya sputters a laugh, nearly choking on her drink. “So, you mean to tell me, he’s making you owe him a place to stay because you blew his house down?”, she asks, after hearing Bigby explain his roommate situation. He swallowed his bite of his meatball sub, giving a sigh and nods. “He’s a pain in the ass.”
“Well, if we’re being fair, in the stories I’ve read, the pigs boil you alive. I think that’s way more than enough.”, she says. That intrigued him. “Really?”, he asked.
She nodded, taking a bite. She looked up at the sky as they walked away from the shop. “To think I’d be living among actual fairy tale characters….”, she mutters. “I mean, I knew the sugarcoated stories had to have some type of dark history behind it but jesus…”
“Yeah… no sugarcoating with this one.”, he says, pointing at himself. “It just sounds like you were hungry.”, she says, smiling. He nodded. “I was.”, he says. “Okay, so let me get this straight. Every fairy tale character is here? Or at least nearby?” He shrugs. “More or less.”
“So...does that mean that Rapunzel is here too?”, she asked. He nodded. “I was wondering because I read a story that the guy that saved her fell from the tower and got his eyes poked out by thorns.”, she says, making him grimace. “That’s dark.”, he says.
“Is it not true?”, she asked and finished up her sandwich. “I wouldn’t know… Not a lot of fables talk to me. That or they’re at the Farm.”, he replied.
“Sounds boring. Looks like I came here just in time to spice up your life.”, she says, grinning and making him roll his eyes in amusement. He threw their trash away in a nearby trash can before they walked in the Woodlands and pulled out a Huff n’ Puff, making Sonya reel back once he lit it. “What is up with you and the cancer sticks?”, she asked, pinching her nose.
“It helps.”, he says. “With addiction??”, she asked in disbelief. He chopped her head softly, “No. It helps drown out smells from the city. My nose can’t take everyone’s scent all at once. Especially if I’m trying to pinpoint someone’s location.”, he says, leading her to the elevator.
Once the elevator stopped on their floor, it opened, allowing them to enter.
Her eyes widened in realization. “Ohhh, so its like being in a perfume store and taking in too many scents all at one time.” He nods, taking a drag.
“Does your nose get stuffy from smelling a lot of things simultaneously?”, she asked. He shook his head, letting the smoke out. “It gives me one mean migraine, though.”
She smiled, enjoying the new info. “So, you are like a pup.”, she joked. He narrowed his eyes at her. “Don’t start.”, he says, making her snicker.
He did have to admit, he felt lighter. The Crooked Man was gone, Faith, Lily and Nerissa got their justice. All that was left was to deal with whatever came their way next. And he was fine with that.
He smiled at Sonya as they arrived on their apartment floors. She rubbed her eyes, sleepily. “I actually miss that stupid couch…”, she muttered.
“Go on home. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”, he says. She looked at him, remembering what Snow said. She gave him a faux smile. “Yeah. G’night, Bigby.”
He nodded before she walked away and entered her apartment. Locking the door, Snow’s words echoed in her mind. “When this case is over, you’ll be on leave until we need you.”
She walked over to her couch and laid into the cushions, curling up. “Damn that Snow.”, she grumbled, shutting her eyes.
The Woodlands Next morning
Bigby rubbed his eyes sleepily as he waited for the elevator doors to open. He pulls out a Huff n’ Puff, lighting it up as Flycatcher catches him. “Hey, Sheriff.”, he greets Bigby. “You gonna see the truck off? We’re leaving for the Farm in a few….I already informed the Deputy and she’s helping outside. Just thought you might wanna, I don’t know…”
“I’ll be down in a minute.”, he says. “Okay…great.”, Flycatcher smiles as the door to the elevator closes. He hears someone walk up to him and sees Sonya. “Hey.”
He greeted her back. “You’re up pretty early. Thought you would’ve slept in after everything that’s happened.”
She shook her head. “Nah, I heard that Toad was getting sent to the Farm and I didn’t want T.J. to be too upset.”, she explains as they walk up to a long line outside of the Business Office. “This fuckin’ line.”, Bigby hears Gren mumble.
As they walked past everyone, they were given smiles or uncertain looks. He lifted a hand to the door of the office until Snow White rushed out, holding some files in her arms. She stops when she sees them. “Oh….Mr. Wolf! Flycatcher left his keys.” She holds out the keys to Bigby.
He holds his hand out and she drops the keys in his hands. He looks down at the keys before looking back at Snow. “Is everything okay? You look–”
“I’m–I’m sorry, Sheriff. I have to take care of this.” , Snow said, before giving Sonya a look. “We’ll talk later, okay?”, she said before walking back into the office. Sonya frowned deeply and walked away, much to Bigby’s confusion.
She walks past Bluebeard and he gives Bigby a look as he walks to the office. “Good morning, Miss White.”
“You’re late.”, Bigby hears her say. He walks to the elevator, ready to get away. The elevator doors opened and his eyes widened at Colin, holding a six pack in his mouth. “Someone’s gonna see you, Colin.”, Bigby said. Colin smiles and winks at him before walking away. He sighed and shook his head, entering the elevator.
As he walked outside, he could hear Toad fussing at Flycatcher as Toad and T.J. climbed in the trunk. “Fly.”, Bigby calls, catching the younger one’s attention. “You forgot these.”, he says, tossing the keys to him. “Oh! Thank you. It’s, uh, been pretty busy around here.”, Flycatcher said as he caught the keys.
“Morning, Sheriff. Nice fuckin’ day.”, Toad said, angrily. “Shit.” He fussed at T.J. “Just go grab that, would you?”
“Sorry about all this. We tried to help.”, Bigby said, standing next to Sonya. “Just why the hell did she have to send me and me boy away? Huh? You two promised me I’d get another chance, but Miss White said I had to go up to the damn Farm anyway! I told her I had the money but she wouldn’t hear it!”, Toad shouts.
“That’s because she’s stuck up about it��”, Sonya mutters, crossing her arms. “Sheriff Bigby! Sonya!”, T.J. called. “I have something.”, Sonya and Bigby walk up to T.J. as he sniffles. “You know he was up cryin’ all night. Poor kid.”, Toad said, shaking his head.
“Can you give this to Miss White? Please.”, T.J. plead as he holds out a little wooden box to them. “Dad says there’s no time to say goodbye, so…if you guys could bring it to her…she was nice.”
“What is it?”, Bigby asked him, holding his hand out.
“I couldn’t take them all with me. And she said she liked that one the best.”, T.J. explained as he hands the box to Bigby. Bigby opened the box and saw a pretty blue beetle inside of it.
To: Miss White
From: TJ
“It’s a Willow Beetle. That’s a big one. They’re cool, ‘cause when they’re little they have these pouches that squirt juice at you if you touch 'em.”, T.J. informed as Bigby closed the box. “She’ll definitely love it.”, Sonya gave him a smile. “She said it was pretty.”, T.J. said.
“We’re about ready to head out.”, Flycatcher said as he walked back towards the truck. “What’s it like at the Farm? I’ve heard ogres live there. And they eat people in their sleep sometimes.”, T.J. said as Toad places a hand on his shoulder. “God, I hope not.”, Toad said. “Do we have to go?”, T.J. asked him. “I wanna stay here.”
“Well, we don’t have a choice anymore.”, Toad said. “We’re sorry, T.J.”, Bigby said. “But look on the bright side, okay? There’s plenty of space to run around, and a nice river nearby so you can swim all you want.”
“Even in daytime?”, T.J. asked, with hopeful eyes.
“Yeah.”, Bigby nodded, smiling. “You won’t have to worry about the mundies seeing you. It’ll be nice.”
T.J. sniffled some more, making Sonya rub his back. “Come on….it won’t be so bad.”, Bigby said.
“Have you been there before?”, T.J. asked, looking up at Bigby.
“No….I’m, uh—some of the animals aren’t comfortable around wolves.”, Bigby says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“So you wouldn’t know, would you?”, Toad asked, making Bigby lower his head. “Hey, if they won't let Mr. Wolf be there, I doubt they'll let any ogres touch you.", Sonya grinned at T.J. He gives her a small smile.
"And hey, I think I got something for ya.", she says, walking over to her bike and dug into a small bag. She pulled out a bag of gummy worms and handed it to him.
"Thought you might like to try them. Wasn't sure whether or not you could have candy but it's a mundy snack.", she says as he takes it with wonder.
“We’re all set.”, Flycatcher says, getting in the truck. "Bye, Mr Wolf. Bye, Miss Sonya.”, T.J. said, with glassy eyes. “Goodbye, T.J.”, Bigby says. "Seeya kiddo. I'll try to see if I can visit you!", she said, giving him a grin.
Bigby pulls out a cigarette, grumbling when he gets interrupted. “Hey, Bigby! Where’s your friend, Colin? Where’s the fuckin’ pig?”, Toad asked, angrily. “I dunno. He must’ve run off.”, Bigby shrugged as he lit his smoke.
“What a crock of shit.”, Toad said, angrily as they drove away. Sonya sighed. “I hate that he cusses like that around T.J. He’s so sweet.”, she says to Bigby and looks up as it starts to rain. “Where are you headed off to?”, he asked.
“Well, I-”, Sonya starts before she gets cut off. “Saying goodbye?”, a familiar voice asks. Sonya and Bigby look across the street to see Nerissa, in a white shirt and a jacket, and jeans, smiling while holding an umbrella. They smile at her, walking across the street.
“Hi.”, they say as Sonya gave her a hug.
“Hi.”, she says, returning it. “You’re still wearing that thing.”, Bigby said, pointing at her neck. Sonya’s eyes trail to Nerissa’s neck as she sees the purple ribbon and frowns.
“Oh….yeah.”, she said, nervously. “I guess I am…it’s not easy to forget.” They walk under a shade, shielding themselves from the rain. “I know it seems like I should be able to….it’s just….”, she sighs.
“Could I…?”, Bigby asked, reaching out to her. Sonya slaps his hand, making him retract it. “What did I tell you? You’re so impatient.”, she fussed. He grumbled, rubbing his hand.
Nerissa rubs her arm. “I’m sorry... I-I know you’re just trying to help, but this is just something I need to do on my own. Okay?” He nodded, putting his hands at his sides.
“Listen, I-I came here because….I have to tell you guys something.”, Nerissa said. “What’s wrong?”, Sonya asked.
“It’s about what happened to Faith and Lily. I’m not sure where to start….”, she said, biting her lip. “Faith, Lily and I, we had this plan. We were gonna find a way out. Leave the Pudding 'n Pie for good….but then Faith decided to get some…leverage. She stole a picture of Crane and Lily together. The minute Faith stole that photo, we had dirt on one of the Crooked Man’s allies. If he found out–!”, she took a breath.
“I-I had no choice. You two have to understand. You’ve seen how they kept us quiet at that place. Can you imagine the lengths they’d go to just silence someone who had physical evidence?”
“Nerissa, what did you do?”, Bigby asked, confused and shocked.
“I freaked out. Okay? I thought if I came clean to Georgie, he’d get the Crooked Man to leave us alone! We could just forget the whole thing….maybe try again in a few years.”, Nerissa confessed.
“You…what!?”, Sonya asked, shocked.
“So I told him everything. And I begged for mercy. For all of us! I didn’t want anyone to die over a picture!”, Nerissa says, tearfully. “So you sold them out?”, Sonya asked, crossing her arms in disappointment. “No!”, she exclaimed.
Sonya looked at her with an eyebrow raised. “Yes....”, Nerissa looks down at her feet. “Georgie promised he’d smooth things over with the Crooked Man. But then….Oh God.”
Sonya sighed, reaching to rub her back but she flinched, making Sonya’s eyes widen. She gave her a weak smile, appreciative of the attempted comfort.
“I don’t know what happened, but that night, at the club….Georgie came back and told me things had changed. He had to make an example of us…we had committed treason. And while the two of us were sitting there…as he was telling me this….Faith walked in. And I had to watch while Georgie–”, she explained, sniffling.
Bigby’s eyes widened. “Wait, so Georgie told you all this? Not the Crooked Man? Back at the Well you said….”
“I know what I said.”, Nerissa said firmly. Sonya frowns. “But it wasn’t the truth, was it?”
“What does it matter? I know the Crooked Man did it. So what if it wasn’t the whole truth? It was true enough!”, Nerissa exclaimed.
“So you think that makes it okay to lie?”, he asked, frowning at her.
“I know he ordered their deaths. I wasn’t going to let him get away with it because of a stupid technicality. Especially after-” She sighed and looked at them.
“That night, after Faith….I tried to warn Lily, but she wasn’t with her scheduled appointment. So I did the only thing I could do. I-I left Faith’s head at your doorstep.”, Nerissa confessed.
“You?”, the other two asked. “So that piece of fabric I found near there….that was you?”, Bigby asked. Nerissa nodded. “Yeah…I cut my leg trying to get over the fence.”
Sonya looked at him. “Its no wonder why she was placed there with care.” She turned to Nerissa. “So you started all of this?”
“I just…. I pointed you two in the right direction. People like us get forgotten all the time. The Crooked Man was counting on that. When we suffer, we do it in silence. And the world likes it that way. We just….fade. Like we never existed. I couldn’t watch that happen to Faith. Or Lily. Nobody cares about us. Not really.”, Nerissa says, shaking her head.
“I’m sorry, Nerissa.”, Bigby said. “I’m sorry that’s what it took to get us to pay attention.”
“It’ll be different now. You guys will make things right…. The two of you and Snow.”, Nerissa said, smiling. Sonya crosses her arms. “It just feels like it won’t matter.”
“It seems like no matter what we do, it’s just not enough for her or anyone.”, Bigby says, sadly. “We just can’t win with these people.”
“I know it might feel that way, but….they need you two. All three of you. You three make a good team. The way you look out for each other….and look out for us. You don’t see that a lot these days.”, Nerissa nods..
“I don’t really know where we stand anymore. Things are just...different.”, Bigby shrugged, looking at his feet.
“Things are always different. Look, after everything you two have done for us… Maybe they don’t want to admit it, but…without you two, none of this would’ve happened. You two listened when no one else would. Both of you protected your friends….no matter the cost. And you brought justice to this town….finally. Because you two brought the Crooked Man in, everyone saw who he really was. So from where I’m standing, you guys did the right thing. You guys have been given these jobs for a reason. And I left Faith at your doorstep, because I knew, if anyone stood a chance against the Crooked Man, it was you two.”, Nerissa reassures.
“That’s all we wanted was for things to be right. To be better.”, Sonya says. “You two have changed this place. For better or worse. Fabletown wouldn’t be the same with you two.”, Nerissa says, grinning and opening her umbrella as she starts to walk away from them.
She pauses and turns to Bigby. “You’re still not as bad as everyone says you are.” Bigby’s eyes slowly widened in realization. He looked at Sonya as she looked at him and back at Nerissa in confusion.
“I need to tell you something.”
“I have to tell you something.”
“I feel like we’ve met before.”
“You’re trying to place me.”
“You like my ribbon?”
“Do you like it?”
“Faith wore one too.”
“Would hide her beauty, so she could escape his kingdom.”
"They used to call me The Little Mermaid."
“Did Dr Swineheart ever get back to you about Faith?”
“He said he wanted to run more tests.”
“I hope you find what you’re looking for.”
I’ll see you two around.
“No way…”, Sonya mutters and turns to Bigby. “Should we go after her?” He looked at “Nerissa’s” retreating back and shook his head. “I think she deserves to be free.”
She sighed and walked back to her bike with him, placing her helmet on her head before climbing on.
“So...you’re headed where now?”, Bigby asked. “You’re not leaving too...are you?” She looked at him with a small smile. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”, she chuckled, tugging her bag on her back. “I’m gonna visit my mom.”
His eyes filled with curiosity. “Your mom…? How come? Did something happen?” She shook her head, “I haven’t been able to keep in touch with her since we were working so I thought a little visit would ease her mind.”
He nodded in understanding. She smirked, teasingly. “What, you gonna miss me?” He rolled his eyes. “No, I was just thinking.”
She leaned on the handle bar of her bike. “About what?” He rubbed behind his neck. “Apologizing to your mother.”
Her eyes widened a bit before she snickered. “What?”, he asked, frowning. “You sound like you’re gonna get in trouble. Relax.”, she says, smiling. She sits up. “Did you wanna come with?”
He looks at her bike. “You sure I can fit on that?” She shrugs. “I’m more worried about your poor pup ears.”, she teased, making him roll his eyes again. “I think I can handle the sound of a muffler.”, he says. She scoots up. “Get on then.”
He awkwardly gets on the bike, hesitantly wrapping his arms around here as she starts up her bike. “I don’t think I have to tell you to hold on, right?”, she asks. He narrowed his eyes, making her shrug. “Okay.”
She pulls off, the loud roar of the engine making Bigby’s ears twitch and his hold gets a little tighter.
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babeyvenus · 3 years
The Wolf Among Us
Bigby x OC
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Summary: Sonya Blaze, A.K.A. Hell Rider, is a half fable, half mundy girl who comes to Fabletown to learn more about her side of the folktales. She works alongside Sheriff Bigby Wolf's as his newest partner and together they strive to find out who's behind the unexpected murders in Fabletown.
TW: Mentions of death, gore/blood, alcohol, smoking drugs, sex implications, suicide, guns and ofc language.
Chapter 9: The Open Arms
Bigby pulls out a cigarette and lights it as he walks into the lobby of the Open Arms hotel. He looked around the gross lobby, trashed and almost like a ghost town. Bigby glances at a soda machine and scoffs at it. 'This shit will kill ya.', he thought as he took a puff out of his cigarette then stomped it.
He tapped the bell to get the attention of whoever was behind the front desk. Behind the desk, he hears a door open and footsteps approaching the front. “Want it by the hour or for the whole night?”, he heard a familiar female voice ask. She leaned over the desk to get a better look then she gasped.
Bigby’s eyes widened as he realized who it was. “Beauty.”, Bigby said, shocked.
Beauty pushes the gate up so he could see her better. “I work here, okay? I work the front desk. It’s to help pay rent. So now you know. I know I should’ve told somebody….But Beast would lose his mind if you knew. Beast is a proud man, Bigby. He wants to do right by me, and he….he just couldn’t handle it if he knew I had to do this so we don’t get evicted.”
As much as he didn’t care, he responded, “Well, your secret’s safe with me, alright? Let’s not make a big thing of it.”, Bigby said, shaking his head.
“Thanks, Bigby. And thanks for covering for me last time, too.”, She said. “So….what are you doing here?” Bigby pulls out the key from his pocket and shows it to her. “Oh….you have a key.” she said, shocked.
Before she came to conclusions, he addressed it quickly, “Someone else was murdered last night.” Her shoulders slumped. “I heard.”, Beauty said, frowning.
“The victim was someone who worked at the Pudding and Pie, Lily. She come around here ever?”, Bigby asked her. “Oh! Oh, yes. The, uh, the troll. I did see her. I mean, you know, we never really spoke, but she came off a tad intimidating.”, Beauty replied.
“Ever see Lily with someone here? Maybe on a job?”, he asked her. “Sometimes, but nobody I’ve recognized. I haven’t worked here that long, though.” Beauty replied. "How about a room register? Or someone named Mr Smith?“
"That’s all we get are Smith’s, Jones’s or Johnson’s. I think the last ones are jokes.”, Beauty said, with a shudder.
“Have you seen Sonya here? Or maybe somebody glamoured as her?”, Bigby asked. “You know, it’s funny. I did see someone who I thought looked a lot like her, but she didn’t say anything when she saw me, even though she knew I saw her. I just assumed it wasn’t her and went about my business.”, Beauty shrugged.
“Ever meet a girl named Faith, or just maybe hear that name?”, he asked her. “I might have. I don’t know.”, Beauty said, as she shakes her head. “By the end of the night, it’s kind of a blur with all the names. Tara, Brandy, Amber, Heather.”, she listed. “….sorry.”
“I talked to Tweedledee earlier today. He mentioned you in passing. Do you know him….or his brother?”, Bigby asked her, crossing his arms. “I took out a loan for backpay. It was like our third notice, and ever since then those annoying freaks have been pestering me for the money plus interest.”, she grumbled.
“Why take out a loan with those two?", Bigby asked her. She hesitantly mutters. "It was from the Crooked Man.”
“Beauty….”, Bigby said with shock and concern. “You don’t know how desperate I was, Bigby! I had nowhere else to go!”, she said, angrily. “Look, if this ever happens again….come to me, Sonya or Snow first, alright?”, Bigby said. Beauty looked down in sadness and replied. “I tried.”
Must’ve been another thing that was pushed back. Bigby shook his head. “That won’t happen again.”
He starts to head up the stairs but Beauty stops him. “Wait. It’ll be better if anyone sees you that they at least see you with me, so they know I didn’t let you just wander around by yourself.” She said as she walked out from behind the desk, and led him. She walked past Bigby and said. “Just five minutes? Please?”
“We’ll see Beauty.”, Bigby said as he followed her up the stairs. “Just be ready to act like I’m trying to kick you out.”, she warned him. “That won’t be hard.”, he mutters.
“Listen, Bigby, I assume you’ll be filling some kind of an official report or something, which is fine, it’s just that, I was wondering, if….I need to be in it?”, Beauty asks nervously. “Trust me, the less I have to write down, the better.”, Bigby replied. “Thanks. I appreciate it.” Beauty said, smiling a bit in relief. “Well, here we are. Which one was it?”
Bigby looks down the hall. There was two doors on the right and two on the left and one down at the very end. His ears twitch to the sounds of loud moans and bed squeaks. He tried his best to ignore it as he passed the rooms and stormed to 207.
He knocked on the door but there was no response. He tried to open it but it was also locked. “You have keys to these rooms?”, he asked, turning to Beauty. “I thought you had a key.”, Beauty said.
He shook his head. “Not to this one.”
“Hold on, Bigby, I can’t just let you go into any room you want. Seriously, what if someone found out? I could get into a lot of trouble.”, Beauty said in a worried tone.
“You have to let me in there. This is the room. 207.”
“But I–”
“This is the room Lily was in.”, Bigby emphasizes. “Fine.”, Beauty said and pulled out her master key, jiggling it in the handle but it didn’t open. “Well that’s weird. This key is supposed to open every room in the building. But it’s not working.”, she said.
“Ah, shit.”, Bigby mutters as he and Beauty turn around to see Beast at the other end of the hall. “Beast.” Beauty said, shocked that he found her. "Bigby? How could you do this to me?“ Beast asked, devastated. “H-Hold on-”, Bigby started.
"No, sweetie, no, wait a minute!” Beauty exclaimed.
“How could you do this? We’ve been together through everything! I took care of you! I lov-”
“It’s not what you think! Please!” Beauty pleads to Beast. “You’re cheating on me! With him?!” Beast exclaims, frantically, pointing at Bigby. “No! No, Beast. I promise! I’m not.” She said as Beast walks up to her. “I’m helping him! That’s all!”
“I’ll bet!” Beast growls, angrily, as his eyes turn red. “I’m sure you help each other just great! I know what this place is!"
"Beast, trust me, this is the last thing I want right now. This is not the way to handle things.”, Bigby said, holding his hand out. “What do you know? You don’t have anybody!”, Beast shouted, making Bigby frown. “What the fuck is wrong with you? She’s my wife!”
“Beast, listen to me, there’s nothing going on!”, Beauty screams, getting in front of Beast but he ignores her and charges at Bigby, grabbing him by the collar. “Bastard! I guess I finally see you for who you are!”, Beast roars. Beauty pulls on his arm. “Stop! Stop this!”
“You told me you hadn’t seen her! You fucking liar! Then you got your partner involved and made her lie for you!”, Beast fusses.
“Will you listen to your wife? Just calm down and–”, Bigby starts to explain but Beast shoves him away, changing into his form. Beast throws a punch at Bigby but he dodges and moves out of the way.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?”, Beauty yelled at Beast, angrily. Bigby glares at Beast, who started to change his form as well. “You aren’t even listening to me!”, Beauty shouts at Beast as he swings at Bigby. Bigby grabs Beast’s wrist and throws him against the wall on the right, creating a hole.
“Stop!” Beauty shouts as Bigby grabs Beast by the shirt collar and throws him against the other wall. “Leave him be! This is my fault!”, Beauty pleads to Bigby, pushing him away. Beast roars and grabs onto the pipe from the exposed wall and pulls it out. “Beast, no! You don’t understand!”, Beauty screams. Beast tries to swing it at Bigby, knocking him to the side of the wall.
Beast tried to press the pipe against Bigby’s neck. Bigby raised his claw and poked them into Beast’s eyes, making him scream out in pain. Beast let go of the pipe and backed away a few feet to wipe at his eyes but Bigby tackled him into the ground and punched him.
"Bigby, no! Don’t hurt him!“, Beauty pleads, pulling at Bigby. He stops but Beast grabs a nearby bottle and smacks Bigby off of him. Bigby shakes his head as Beast gets up. "You ruined everything! She’s my fucking wife!”, Beast yells before Bigby shoulder charges him into the 207 door and knocks the door down.
Bigby pants heavily and looked at the scene before him and calmed down. “Shit, Bigby.”, Beast said as Bigby changes back to normal and walks deeper into the room.
“What have you done?!”, Beauty shouts at Beast, who wipes the blood off his eyes and scans the room, too. “W-What is this?”, he asked in shock. “Look what you did to the door!”, Beauty fusses at Beast. “Stand back. Y-You don’t want to see this.”, Beast warns her, trying to block her way.
In the room, candles were set up on tables seemingly blown out recently, a bed that was covered in skulls and blood. Bigby stared at the bed in shock then held his hand out to the couple. “Beauty, stay in the hall.”
“What? Why? What’s going on?”, she asked and walked in the room and saw the bed. “Oh my God!”, she looked away in fear. “Don’t touch anything.”, Bigby says.
“Is this…? Is this…?”
“Lily met her client here, Mr Smith, whoever he is.”, Bigby informed.
“And then…”
“Must’ve happened right here.”, Bigby said, crossing his arms. “Last night?”, Beauty asked. “Yeah.”, he nodded. “I was on shift last night!”, Beauty said, eyes wide. “On shift?”, Beast asked worriedly. “Beauty… you’re not…”
“I’m not a prostitute, you idiot! I work the front desk!”, Beauty growled. “Do you remember who rented this room last night?”, Bigby asked her.
“I don’t think anyone did, not last night. Maybe they have it long term? I don’t know! How am I supposed to know?", she asked, feeling jumbled. "It just seemed like a totally normal night. How is that even possible? There’s so much blood!”, she said as she looked at the bed.
“Just...Go lock the front door. Keep people out of the hallway. I need you to be sure no one comes in here. This is a crime scene. Okay?”, Bigby said to Beast. Beauty turned to him and said. “Just do what he says. I’ll explain later….okay?”
“Bigby, what kind of a person could do something like this?”, Beauty asked him. “That’s exactly what I’m about to find out.”, Bigby says as he looks at the bedside table to see with a built-in cassette player. “Do all these rooms have the same clocks, with a built-in cassette player?”, Bigby asked Beauty.
“I think so, yes.”, Beauty says with a nod.
He looks and sees a smaller table off in the corner next to a dresser in the back of the room. On the small table was a candle and a book. He walked over to the table and looked at the book. It was a black book titled Ghost Rider.
He read a page about the origin of the first Ghost RIder, snorting at the story all up until Sonya’s story, coming up as the next Ghost RIder. “Sonya Terrence…dead father, found out about the first Ghost Rider and named herself after him.” He saw pictures of her on her bike, her being engulfed in fire, etc.
“What is that?”, Beauty asked him. “It’s a book about Sonya. Or, rather her story.”, Bigby says, flipping to another page, seeing her as teen, standing beside a hospital bed in tears and talking to a sickly pale man in black. A sticky note was attached to this image. Grim Reaper? Mephisto?
“The whole book is about her?”, Beauty asked Bigby. “Pretty much...”, he said, flipping to the next page. He saw a picture of Sonya holding a skull in her hands while her entire head was on fire. He could only make out her own skull. Was she speaking to ghosts? Who’s skull is she holding…?
“Why is she on fire?”, Beauty asked him, looking over his shoulder. “I’d assume that’s her power.”, he says, closing the book. He looked over at the dresser and saw an ashtray with a cigarette butt in it. He picks up the cigarette and sniffs it.
“It’s a Huff and Puff.”, he says, narrowing his eyes. “I thought you were the only one that smoked that crap brand.”, Beauty said. Not appreciating her bashing on the brand he smokes, he replies. “Apparently not.” And sets the cigarette back down in the ashtray.
He noticed a bottle of wine next to the tray. “He brought wine.”, he says, picking it up. “Classy.”, Beauty said, rolling her eyes..
Right next to the bottle was a cassette tape. Bigby picked it up and saw a label on it. “For My Arrival”, it said. He put it in his pocket and looked around the room to see that a closet was cracked open. He goes to open it, seeing a black robe with chains wrapped around it, hanging from a hanger with a scythe leaning on the closet wall. It was ragged and dusty looking.
“Someone’s been rough with this dress, it’s torn.”, Bigby said, picking at a sleeve. "Oh no! She must’ve been wearing it! He killed her and then….he took it back off–!“, Beauty rambles, panicking until Bigby shakes his head. “No. There’s no blood. It must’ve been torn some other time.”
The thought just makes him angry. He looks over the dress and hums. “What is it?”, Beauty asked him. “This Mr. Smith was trying to correlate his fantasies with her story.”, Bigby says. “It kinda makes sense.”, she said. “I guess he wanted to get the details right but couldn’t do it completely."
Bigby walks over to the tarnished bed and says, “Looks like she was lying down when she was killed. Some of the skulls are on the floor…”
“How do you know that?”, Beauty asked. "Just look at it. The body had to have been dragged off the foot of the bed, there.“, he said, pointing. ”The body? God! You could say she. Poor girl. I just can’t even imagine….“ Beauty complained, making Bigby roll his eyes. He huffed looking at the bed. "What? What are you thinking?”, she asked.
“Its like he’s doing her theme. She never exactly had an ending to her story since according to her, it just happened a few years ago. I’ve never met the previous hell rider. Crane had mentioned her dad was also a ghost rider, didn’t say he got sick and died.”, Bigby said, shaking his head.
"Poor girl...“, Beauty said. "It actually fits. He’s acting out scenes from the book. That poor girl….she couldn’t have known…..She probably just needed the money. She could have been….anyone. How did she wind up here?”
“It sounds like there was a series of choices involved. I’m sure she would’ve done things differently if she knew where things were headed.”, Bigby said. Bigby looked over at the cassette player and went to put the cassette in, and pressed the play button. It had a piano chord for a little while until beats came on afterward. He hadn't heard the song but thought it was a weird choice for a place like this.
“Bigby, this, I think I heard this music. Last night. It was playing really loudly for awhile, then stopped in the middle. I didn’t think twice about it, at the time, I mean you hear all kinds of things around here and I guess I’ve already gotten used to blocking them out.”, Beauty said, shrugging.
“Could have covered up the sound of the murder. It is kinda loud.”, he said, picking up a skull. He held it in his hands for a moment. “It's a prop.” Beauty’s eyes widened a bit. “How can you tell?” He looked at her. “From what we’ve seen so far, he doesn’t seem like the type to clean out multiple skulls. Plus, real skulls are heavier.”
“Oh, God. This creep put that girl in a reaper robe and recreated his fantasy only to kill her… who could be that obsessed with death…?”, Beauty asked.
“Are you almost finished? I don’t want to be here any longer.”, Beauty said, hugging herself. “Yeah…”, he said but something caught his eye. He noticed a small envelope. He picked it up, walked over to the dresser and opened it up.
He pulls out a picture. It was a picture of Sonya leaning on her bike and looking at her phone. He set the picture down on the dresser and pulled out another one. “Are those pictures of the dead girl?", Beauty asked, walking up to him.
Bigby shook his head. "Not exactly.”, he mutters, looking over another one.
“How do you know?”, she asked.
Bigby pointed at the picture he pulled out. “Snow's in this one.” It was a picture of Sonya and Snow discussing something in the Woodlands lobby. “Oh no. Bigby….this kind of stalking, it doesn’t just stop by itself. Trust me, I know about this, first hand. He’ll keep trying to get closer and closer.”, Beauty said.
“His stand in for Sonya is gone now, so…”, Bigby trailed off, reaching in the envelope. “The next step closer...”, Beauty mumbled to herself. Bigby pulls out another picture, the next made his heart drop. He looked between the picture and the bed. “What is it?”, Beauty asked him, seeing the horror on his face.
In the picture, Lily, glamoured to look like Sonya, was laying on a bed in the black tattered robe, her eyes closed. The man hovering above the glamoured Sonya, his left hand caressing her cheek while his right hand was up inside of the robe between her legs and smiling fondly was…
“It’s Crane.”, Bigby said in disgust.
However, watching through the Magic Mirror, Crane saw the entire investigation at the Open Arms. He clenched his fist, walked over to the Magic Lamp, raised it to slam it down on the Mirror, shattering the Magic Mirror.
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