#bitching about world building
punkybunk · 10 months
I watched Mama Mia 2 Here We Go Again last night with my friend (they bought me the double disk DVD so we have the 1st and the 2nd <3). I loved the movies for so long but I haven't rewatched them for a few years and now I have some Commentary. Below is me listing out the things that bugged me in Here We Go Again.
During the rewatch, I realized that Mama Mia 2 is like an AU of Mama Mia rather than continuing the same story. Like I Love the characters in the 2nd film but that's not my young Donna, and the other characters just aren't quite matching to their present day characters. Yeah- Aging is a thing and growing up means changing over the years but I don't see that in the way they showed them in Mama Mia 2.
(Not to mention they didn't follow the OG story line? Donna's diary not matching the 2nd movies plot line of meeting the men) (also Tonya and Rosie acting like they don't know the men /about Donna sleeping with them all in a relatively short time frame? But they meet Bill and Sam on the island)
Mama Mia is one of my favorite movies (definitely crushed on Amanda Seyfried in any of her movies tbh) and I was so pumped for the sequel but it is not connected to the 1st and it kinda stops me from enjoying Here We Go Again because I want it to follow the OG story and honor that.
Here We Go Again coming out in 2018 is probably the reason for the differences made- specifically the pro-life vibes in it. I could be wrong, I don't want kids ever so maybe it's a personal thing that the importance placed on Sophie being pregnant like Donna was odd to me. Overall the way they frame Sophie being pregnant and having that be a pivotal moment in the film was meant to show 'Ah the joy of a a baby its magic and Nothing Compares'.
Love Cher- but hearing her show up and give Sophie shit by saying ' Don't hold a grudge it'll make you fat' ?? Why, just why and then Sophie hugs her later after Cher gives criticism about her performing but saying she's proud after Sophie prompting her to change her answer? Just gives a message of '(Blood) Family is everything and forgives all' that I don't like and was not in the first film? Donna also references her mother in the 1st movie as dead 'Someone has it out for me up there probably my mother'. Donna made it clear throughout both movies the lack of connection she has with her mom and the mommy issues she has. Everyone else in the movies being so open to having her on Kalokairi while they cry over Donna being gone and how much they love her? Sam giving her a hug and kiss despite not likely EVER meeting her before Donnys baptism??
(Also do Greeks do baptisms? I'll look it up but just why so Christian and all the Christian messaging. Sophie grew up on the island and so did Sky? Why no accents, why does it feel like the main cast is only visitors despite the story stating they lived there? Donna was there for 40 years why don't they show the impact beyond design choices??)
I got a lot of feeling about world building man, that's what can draw me in and I wish they did more for the movie (bits and pieces, it doesn't have to be written out and verbally stated but like, but not even interactions with the staff/neighbors?) I was blind to it when I first watched it but they really don't give anything meaningful to any of the PoC characters despite this literally being their homes with their families. Like WHY DOES SOPHIE DO THE LINE UP THING WITH CHECKING PEOPLES UNIFORMS DURING ANGEL EYES??? Just the distance all of the white Europeans and the Greeks/ overall white savior-Mary Sue 'everyone loves Donna and Sophie' - why is everyone else so servant like?
- I love Harry (the token gay of the show really) and his character makes me sad more after the 2nd movie. In the end sequence/ final song of Super Trooper (with Cher) all the characters are dancing with their younger selves- everyone is having a good time and dancing but Harry is like No I don't dance/ my younger self is cringe? Like part of his development was connecting with Sophie and being one of her Dads / valuing life again and being more than a corporate executive/ banker, 9 to 5 guy. He dances with everyone else but with his past self he's back to 'I'm uncomfortable and a boring man, allergic to fun'? That unravels everything up to that point of Harry connecting with others, his want to be 'spontanteous', his want to be fun and in the moment. (Also Harry in the 1st movie - would Not entertain the idea of missing something of Sophie's -why the hell was he in a board room for 14 hours before deciding to remember how important she is to him??)
Also Sam, Bill and Harry in the Super Trouper number are shown behind the var picking up glasses of beer to come around it and sit on stools while kinda singing? It's giving ' oh haha the Average Dad who likes to sit and watch sports on TV and sit back after long day of work'? I feel like there were so many small things and decisions made to show a conservative version of Mama Mia in Here We Go Again.
It's a fun movie and not meant to be serious commentary of the world but rewatching after the last few years leaves me with a sense of 'its not that great or/ fulfilling characters stories' - I'm still jamming to the soundtracks and talk with others who love the movies but damn I needed to rant.
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darkangel1791 · 2 months
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Matthew Daddario as Alec Lightwood
Harry Shum Jr as Magnus Bane
Crazy Chemistry
All of their fans, 50% of which only watched Shadowhunters for them
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poisonousquinzel · 1 year
sorry but if you actually think Cancel Culture ™ is a thing then you're kinda a dumb fuck. Cancel culture isn't real, holding people accountable for their actions is a thing, but this whole narrative around Canceling that's evolved over the past few years isn't real. It's never been an actual thing. Its just a fear mongering tactic to further vilify the groups who were being harmed in the first place and victimize the person who did something wrong.
Your fav being called out for playing an antisemitic video game that directly gives profits to a hugely influential TERF, who's said openly she sees getting profits / royalty cheques from her franchise as endorsements for her bigotry, is not "cancel culture". It's called the consequences for your actions.
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You have every right to do and play whatever the fuck you want, but that goes both ways. If you go out of your way to build up and financially support these people who're openly advocating to take away trans people's rights, then you get to deal with people not trusting you because of it. You get to deal with trans and Jewish folks not feeling safe around you, not wanting to be around you or not wanting to talk to you. Because you have shown that you care more about nostalgia and temporary personal emotional gratification over the wellbeing and safety of those communities in the real world.
People have explained why supporting HL is wrong, people have explained why it's harmful, people have explained in detail the issues with this situation. You. Just. Don't. Care. You don't listen, or read, because in the end, you can't be bothered enough to put in the effort of having 1 moment of critical thinking.
It's not that folks don't have arguments or evidence, it's that it clearly does not matter to you. It's that the value of an antisemitic game full of one horrific thing after another is worth more to you than the real, living breathing people who are going to be, and have been, affected by this.
You come across as a bad person. Not because some person on Twitter determined you must be, but because your actions speak far louder. And they're screaming red flags.
I'm not going to argue with you over your own bad decisions and life choices. You've made your bed and are mad that people are telling you to lie in it.
#not dc#i need to not focus on this but it makes me so annoyed#and like the constant 'well hp has been a comfort thing of mine since childhood!' like bitch do you think Harry Potter was a niche little#thing????#a fucking lot of us had Harry Potter as something important to us growing up#i remember getting all the legos sets for Christmas in 2011. getting the lego video games and i loved them!#but. that. doesn't. matter.#we're not children anymore and she's not on our side.#JKR made it clear that a large portion of her previous fan base are not welcome around her and that frankly#that she would rather them be dead.#she's a horrendous human being who is causing so much pain and anguish for communities that're just trying to exist#and its built upon the empire she crafted. the one full of stereotypes and offensive imagery and tone-deaf themes.#we aren't kids anymore and it's shameful to gloss over what she is actively doing Right Now because You have fond memories of her world.#a lot of people don't get the luxury of pretending like she's not an awful person because they're the ones she's harming#they're the ones she's spreading hateful rhetoric and stereotypes about. the ones that she's pushing to get their rights taken away.#just put down her shitty fuckhng series and read another book.#i promise you there's hundreds upon hundreds of better ones out there with better plots and better world building.#anti harry potter#anti jkr#anti hogwarts legacy#tw transphobia mention#tw antisemitism mention#figure I'll tw tag just in case ya got it filtered 💖
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It's just me and the 2 different season 4s that destroyed me
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britneyshakespeare · 4 months
been thinking about this a lot lately. if i had the opportunity to leaf through a first folio, i would lick one of the pages and that would be my contribution to history. reblog with which play you would lick in a first folio i'd do antony and cleopatra
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archerons-arrow · 4 months
i will be happy when sarah finally releases whatever retconned garbage is up next so everyone can stfu about whatever ship war they're reading into (whether you're right or wrong). i used to care about it in like 2018; i don't anymore. because this woman doesn't plan shit. she can't even keep her own lore, world building, or already published plotlines straight.
jfc - it has been a fucking decade of this, and all she has done is shit out a "crossover" that no one asked for and use her own need for therapy to have the eldest archeron sister cosplay as feyre and replace her younger sisters with two complete strangers that she "saves" and call herself a warrior queen who answers to no one. girlie, if you live in a court in prythian, you're a subject and you answer to someone somewhere. sit down and eat your food... or cassian's dick for all i care. i lost it at the house being alive in that book, besties; like what has it witnessed.
like ... idk what happened to the person that wrote the first three books, but holy shit. i am tired. i even stopped following tags on all social media three years ago and the discourse just leeches out everywhere. hence why i am here complaining. y'all woke me up on tuesday with your bullshit. so now my formerly-quiet annoyance is everyone's problem.
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chaoticvictorianspirit · 10 months
On strange jobs and family legacies
(or how a certail Mr. Fell got himself a barber in the 1800's and has been visiting him ever since...or so he believes)
a very short drabble inspired by this post by @andhumanslovedstories (hope you don't mind me taking this delicious inspo, shoving it down my greedy throat and running away with it like a feral dog)- anyway enjoy!
*somewhere in London, at a pub, in the wee hours of the morning probably*
"So the job market's damn tough these days, right? The missus thinks I oughta spruce up my applications but I just.. how does one even go about adding 'amateur occult barber' to their CV?"
"Probably list it as a special skill. Wait, what do you mean occult?"
*shrugs* "Yeah, man, my family's been, like, haunted? For generations. This strange fella pops up every four years like clockwork to get his haircut. His hair doesn't actually grow all that much though so he mostly just gossips for a bit and then leaves. Some thought he was a vampire but he shows up in mirrors just fine, so...my money's on ghost."
"Ha, right. That's enough whiskey for you, mate. You're wasted."
"Am not! It's all true! Goes all the way back to my great-great-great-great-maybe even greater-grandfather! We kinda pass him down through generations. You know how some families have, like, war medals and gold watches and stuff as heirlooms? Think that, but a bit more fucked up. There's even this big family book of all his crazy stories and all!"
"...you realise how insane you sound, right?"
"Meh, you get used to it. His tips alone put the last five generations of my family through university so we just kinda stopped asking questions."
"So you're telling me. You're haunted. By a billionaire ghost."
"And he doesn't...I don't know, torment you in any way? Just.. asks you to cut his hair."
"Uh-uh. Not so big on the whole door-slamming, wall-scratching, book-throwing business. Just got a knack for personal grooming I suppose."
"...Brian, you're an accountant."
"Yeah. I don't think he noticed."
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androcola · 5 months
i keep trying to make a fucking post in a facebook group and its not going through!!!!!!!! let me fucking post in this bitch!!!
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snekdood · 10 days
ppl who larp about the Revolution™ almost seem to expect someone *else* to take the leading role in it all so they can sit inside on their asses and do jack shit, they know they have no meaningful skills to offer and would only slow people down, but expect to *somehow* magically radicalize most americans into doing all the work for them because awww dey're just such a weak wittle babu that needs to be pwotected and defwended awlways uwu
like. come on. get a grip. if everything went your way and someone actually stronger than you came along to take the lead, you're likely not being invited, and you'll likely be left behind... which means left to the alt right, who will no doubt come to your house to see if you're perpetuating anything "woke", and you gotta know they wont just ask, they'll barge in and look through everything even your computer.
though, you should really focus on your plan. your first step: get along with people enough to even actually convince them its a good idea, and we all know you'll never dare to try that shit. you cant even be on here w/o blocking someone like me for even suggesting you are approaching this like a child playing war and you have NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT YOU'RE DOING.
you think you want a second holocaust (which is essentially letting trump win, i mean hitler got the majority vote in germany. thats how he rose to power. didn't just materialize out of thin air), but you dont seem to grasp the gravity of what that entails, or even that you'd be thrown in the camps with everyone else, all to stick it to jewish ppl and "the libs", even if it means you and all the ones you love die along with them. you are a net negative to humanity and quite frankly should be on a fucking watch list.
#tankies#accelerationists#i dont think the power of love and friendship is gonna carry you through this one guys#you're waiting for someone to come along and save you- this revolution is nothing more than a complex fantasy of you being saved#and protected. nothing more.#i understand you're scared. i understand you've made this idea your whole life and the only thing you dream about to feel better#about living in a world where you're oppressed and constantly in pain and have no power. it makes sense. i create such fantasies for myself#sometimes. but when we come back to reality- we cant expect to take the whole fantasy with us per se#the world isnt one day going to magically go exactly your way. its just not going to happen. it'd be nice if it did- we think- but it wont#you have to be more practical in this. you can use your fantasy as a motivator. a goal. be the change you want to see etc. etc.#but YOU have to take steps making it a reality. no one is going to be the all knowing person who saves you from all the problems#and can do all the things you cant do and save the day or whatever. it's never going to happen. you have to be that person#for yourself. if you're gonna larp about a revolution you have to at the bare minimum have this understood.#after that- you need conflict resolutions skills and to know how to communicate#you'll need to learn how to get along with people you dont like at all. you'll need to learn how to communicate your ideas effectively#you'll need to learn how to argue and defend your ideas and how to have the humility to be wrong and accept it and the ability#to change your mind. you'll have to educate yourself and keep educating yourself. you'll have to learn how to actually listen to other#ppl instead of trying to find a way to manipulate them to believe what you do#and after all that social stuff is out of the way- you need to learn some mother fucking SURVIVAL SKILLS BITCH#how to FIGHT and SURVIVE in any kind of environment. how to use weapons and build fires out of nothing n shit#if you cant manage all of that? you're fucked.
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jekyllnahyena · 1 year
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Tadaaaa, meet one of Juliette’s siblings and the family member she’s closest to, François!!
He’s in his late 40s when he meets the lads, he’s an archeologist and very renowned in his field and known as an absolute menace, he hate-watches Indiana Jones, he’s his mama’s son from her first marriage, he wants to kill his father but leaves that honor to his mama, he spents most of his time overseas, he speaks seven languages fluently and many more brokenly and can insult you in all of them, he’s been in the same open relationship for a decade now, he’s an introvert, he has no shame, he keeps an insta account documenting his projects and has a few thousand followers, his biggest regret is not being there when Juliette was adopted and stopping her from going to the military, he loves his family more than anything else, he’s 1.69 m tall and vain as fuck  
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lumism · 1 year
they graduated from the same pookie school
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laugtherhyena · 10 months
Still on thinking about the things chainsaw man ate, what do you guys think happened for the entirety of world war 2 to be erased from history?
I know the first thing that comes to mind is that there was a world war 2 devil that got eaten by him, but think about it a little more
We know from Yoru that when she lost to chainsaw man he ate part of her body which is why she was weakened into the state she is currently in the story. So what if, because chainsaw man ate only parts of her and not the whole thing, that made it so that the most recent war on record got erased? Like if the erasing of a certain thing from existence happens by part by part and not instantaneously, the more chainsaw man eats off a devil, the more it's fear is forgotten by everyone? Maybe if he had eaten more of her world war 1 would also have been gone.
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tenrose · 21 days
I don't understand people who criticise fantasy books, of all genres, because there's too many descriptions, it's the whole point of a fantasy book????
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conspiracydawg · 4 months
help I'm having rdr2 feelings again
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wyrmswears · 1 year
shoutout to grubbs for being my favourite reject the call trope
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#i was thinking about him and juni and how they are under such similar circumstances and both turned out so different and yet so similar#like. ok. you have juni who is forced into using her power for good since she was a child.#on earth a hundred years have passed. the world is unrecognisable to her. on her end? shes only 20 and has outlived everyone she knows#ok disclaimer uhm. i dont remember how old she is in demon thief but i THINK shes late teens or early twenties so 20 is her age for now#grubbs on the otherhand possesses his own talents. strong ass magical capabilities for one#he isnt kidnapped like juni. beranabus doesnt force him to be a disciple. but he says that if grubbs doesnt then hes a coward#which yknow after seeing bo run back into the depths of slawter in the hopeless attempt to not abandon her family. yeah fair#juni lets her spite and anger about her role build up inside her until she just. doesnt fucking care anymore and she would do anything to#escape. kill people. kill her friends.#grubbs of course has bad past with lord loss so he doesnt exactly have the same option but to him juni is everything he doesnt want to be#but after wolf island he?? is sort of like her?? i suppose he just starts his Morally Grey arc here. yknow. eating people.#but theres a sense of fuck it. if hes going down then hes the universe with him.#grah this isnt comprehendable#anyway you can tell what one i drew late at night and what one i drew at a reasonable time#i wasnt sure whether to post these because its not work that i care about but honestly at this point the demonata tag is the#'ohh two cakes' thing. the demonata tag is STARVED#demonata#the demonata#grubbs grady#eat up bitches (two people)#grah ALSO#ihave so many thoughts i love tags#grubbs' reject the call is deeply rooted in his trauma#i love the portrayal of his trauma its actually so fucking good#i think about early lord loss grubbs a lot. the kind of grubbs who stayed with random family members and traumadumped to their kids#because idk the interaction of him telling these kids that demons killed his family out of nowhere is such a weirdly human interaction#ok goodnight demonata nation (two people. including me)#wyrm draws
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kideternity · 4 months
Digimon Savers…… I'll never forget you Digimon Savers…
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