#black lives matters
pablo-refugee · 8 days
Dear Courageous LGBTQ+ Community in African Refugee Camp and most especially those I'm staying with.
As we stand united in our journey, it's crucial to address the harsh reality that justice remains elusive within our camp, where acceptance and understanding are often in short supply. Our interactions with the police, host community, and even our fellow refugees reflect a systemic challenge: we are not always seen, heard, or loved as we deserve.
In these challenging times, it's crucial for us to come together and recognize the harsh realities we face within the camp and the broader African context. Unfortunately, justice seems elusive when it comes to the treatment we receive from the police, host community, and even fellow refugees.
Instances of violence against us have become far too frequent, leaving us battered, assaulted, and attacked with little to no recourse. Consider I Pablo, who bravely reported thieves at my place, only to find myself on the wrong side of the law. My own experience, along with others, like the incident at UNHCR clinic , where boys accompanying us for treatment ended up unjustly incarcerated, highlights the systemic issues we confront.
As we approach the festive season, it's imperative to exercise heightened caution. The eyes of scrutiny are upon us, and sadly, the lack of understanding and acceptance intensifies the challenges we face. Our sister, who endured a brutal beating, serves as a painful reminder that justice remains elusive, even when armed with a medical report and a P3 form. The harsh truth is that being a foreigner and a refugee amplifies these struggles, not just in Sudan,kenya but throughout Africa.
In navigating these difficult circumstances, let's prioritize our collective safety and well-being. By sharing information, offering support, and documenting incidents, we can strengthen our resilience as a community. Although the road to justice may be fraught with obstacles, our unity can serve as a powerful force for change.
Stay vigilant, stay strong, and take care of one another.
With solidarity,
Pablo, Refugee
*Pride Month June *we love and we shall be waiting always to celebrate you.
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goongiveusnothing · 2 years
omg, i LOVE you
did you have a turning point where you started to see him for who he was? i can't said i was his fan but i liked him, but after his charade during the BLM protest where you can see it was so staged: the camera following him, him showing with POC. like this dude is around POC when he needed them. that situation opened my eyes
i wrote about why i got sick of him here.
i think for most of us it's becoming conscious of little things that seem indicative of more about him, but because nobody is allowed to talk about it, you just ignored it or looked away. until collectively you just have enough at some point.
the BLM stuff was one of the key turning points. him refusing to acknowledge the signs originally when they happened in 2017 or 2018. the fans starting to all hold signs. him still being too cowardly so giving an "all lives matter" type speech to try and assuage things. a journalist for i believe vice magazine saying she held up one of the signs right in front of him and he visibly "flinched" when he saw it. it had obviously become a trigger issue for him, something he clearly hated that the fans were seeking him to address.
when he held up a bunch of flags in a pile and one of them was the BLM flag so his fans claimed that as a triumph, even though it was clear he had no idea it was in the pile. him sharing a photo of the crowd with some BLM visible, his fans claiming this was him showcasing BLM, even though it wasn't him, he was just showing the crowd which were full of the signs. then finally him adding a tiny little sticker to a guitar, and the fans going out in rapture, claiming yes king, he saw them, "he gets it", he's so with them, such an activist.
then of course in 2020 when BLM became such a national movement, someone says they knew that he had deliberately planned to go to a certain place to pose in a certain position for photos, before leaving. of course taking along two random ethnic (i think one is asian?) people with him, acting like they were his good friends and like of course he knew anybody with melanin. when we've literally seen them with him at work maybe a handful of times. now how many times have they been seen with him since? it's not like they're jeff, cordon, ben, the gerbers etc.
at the same time he started following a few black models on instagram and liking their photos, as if he wanted to let us all know that yes, he thinks black women are okay to like on instagram? like, what? it was so fucking bizarre. he's never done that before or since. he seemed to think this was some legit black lives matter activism.
then in his blessed cocaine sideboob choke a woman with a view song he shares the line "riot america" inbetween all of that garbage about doing shit to a woman and other things. that's how he saw the events in america in 2020 involving civil rights for black people. riot america, moving on. that's all he managed to feel about it.
then there's the difference between him and ben winston and the azoffs, and him and i presume a catholic friend or person he knew, and zayn, the only brown member in the band. he never seemed to express the slightest bit of interest in zayn's background or pakistan heritage or islamic culture or food or traditions or language or literally anything. but he did manage to absorb as much as possible about like israel from ben/azoffs and then also got a cross/bible/crucifix necklace for someone catholic in his life. his sister has made weird islamophobic comments, one in particular i remember when she seemed to suggest that muslims in a particular area of london would lose their mind if she tried asking for a bagel in their shops. so, you know, there's THAT.
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thecosmicpunk · 3 months
Ryan Gainer was a 15 year old Autistic Black boy who was shot and killed by police in California.
Ryan seemed to have been having a meltdown, he was holding a gardening tool, police were called to the house but they are refusing to release any body cam footage of the shooting and refusing to state how many times Ryan was shot, they failed to help him before the paramedics arrived.
After shooting him Ryan's family was then forced out of their home while the police rummaged through their house looking for any justifiable cause for shooting Ryan.
This is hardly the first time the San Bernardino police department has attacked or killed people having a mental health crisis.
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Rest in Power Ryan.
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ummnews · 15 hours
Yemen: Houthis launch ‘Palestine’ ballistic missile at Israel military site in Eilat
04 June 2024; MEMO: The Houthi-allied Yemeni Armed Forces have launched a new ballistic missile at an Israeli military site in the southern port city of Eilat (Umm Al-Rashrash). Yemeni military spokesperson, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, made the announcement yesterday night, marking the third announcement in the past four days regarding Yemeni operations. Saree disclosed that the army’s Rocket…
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whenweallvote · 15 days
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Ten years ago, 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.
His death immediately sparked unrest in the local community and protests soon spread to cities across the country surrounding one central message: Black Lives Matter.
Michael Brown should be turning 28 years old today. Happy heavenly birthday, king. 🕊️✊🏾
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lordrakim · 4 months
‘She Was Able to Get Away with It’: Reports Show Virginia Republican May Have Lied About Black Lives Matter ‘Violent Mob’ Attack That Propelled Her Into Office
Virginia state Rep. Tara Durant (Photo: Tara Campaign Page) Conflicting 911 reports seem to debunk a Republican Virginia state Senate candidate’s claim that she and her 12-year-old daughter were attacked by Black Lives Matter demonstrators in 2020. Police records show that while she complained about protesters harassing her, multiple people identified her as an aggressor, taunting the group by…
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mysharona1987 · 3 months
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They have turned the Palestinians into actual Guinea pigs for the military industrial complex.
We will see the robots and miserable remote controlled dogs at the next big BLM protest on American soil soon enough.
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sheepgirlmaidtummy · 3 months
man. this whole thing pisses me off because like. even when people talk about staff having a history of hating trans women, that this isnt the first time, without fail black trans women are forgotten to be included again and again. im not surprised this caused such an uproar when the popular white woman gets deleted. nobody should be, its been that way like forever. some cunt in my inbox got annoyed i called rita a sex worker (lol? okay)
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but i mentioned that in my post because so many black trans women have gotten removed from this site for their sex work alone, regardless of if it "broke community guidelines" or not, especially when tumblr live and the ads on this website are so fucking horny. idek what to say rn because like. this wont get as many notes as the posts talking about her will. the exploding car thing is gonna get more attention than the trans women on this site you dont actually care about listening to. ive been talking about how unfair it is to be a black tgirl on this site for years and nobody cares.
i love rita, we talked abit the other day and she's doing fine, dont get it twisted and think i hate her or some bs, she's a big fucking reason im not fucking homeless.
but part of why her deletion got to #1 trending on tumblr for multiple days in a row is that she's white
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How to draw Black characters. Because it's way too obvious when you drew a white person and gave them Black skin.
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enchantechante · 7 months
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Talcum... X 💀💀💀
(Martin Luther Cream..I---)
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For all my beloved mutuals who might need it
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pilloclock · 7 months
Donate to Congo:
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Help Congo 🇨🇩 you do not need the latest iPhone yours works absolutely fine.
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livelyvivian · 9 months
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blackexcellence · 1 year
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Happy Juneteenth Tumblr✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼
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lordrakim · 8 months
Filmmaker Connects Dots Between Fugitive Slave Law and Modern-Day “Karens”
Since 1989 Oscar-nominated filmmaker Stanley Nelson has been among the leading chroniclers of Black liberation and civil rights struggles in the U.S. Some of the documentaries Nelson has directed and produced, such as 2003’s The Murder of Emmett Till, 2021’s Tulsa Burning: The 1921 Race Massacre and the 2021 short Lynching Postcards:‘Token of a Great Day’ — about souvenir postcards that…
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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The Onion really ain’t fucking around.
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