#blame milo her idea
absurd-ash · 6 months
I have an idea I’ve been meaning to try! Ever heard of Milo Murphy’s law?
Can I have a request of female reader who has a “ seeing things on the bright side ” attitude yet she has incredibly bad luck but always somehow turns it into something good? Like using her backpack or anything near her to get out of herself and friends out of a sticky situation.
Look On The Bright Side
{Wukong x FemReader}
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When he first met you, to say he was shocked would be an understatement
I mean, how can someone who had such terrible bad luck but so happy and outgoing? Someone who always looks on the bright side
Although, he kind of wishes that he could be like that as well, lets just say he had some pretty bad luck in the past, and he would do anything to have the kind of positive thinking you have
He also finds your whole bag thing weird
not in a "Oh thats kind of weird way"
Will honestly be concerned on how your bag hasn't broken already from all the shit you keep in it
Also, I think we all know that this man isn't a big worrier, but when it come to you? He worries his ass off
I mean, could you blame him? With all the bad situations you get yourself in?
He's not taking his eyes off of you for a second, and on the rare occasion that he does, you can bet that he's using all of his other sense to keep track of you
This man is listening to you to make sure you dont leave him and go anywhere you shouldn't be going
Whenever he's at the Flower Fruit Mountain and your in the city with Mk and the other's, he's communicating to Mk through Astral Projection to see if you are alright, Mk can't and will not have a break from his worrying
Hi! Sorry this one is so short! I'm writing this very late and im also using that as an excuse on why it's so odd and out there if you know what I mean. Maybe you dont. I shouldn't be writing this with my sleep deprived ass. Anyway, hope you enjoyed and drink water and sleep.
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a-certain-romance · 1 year
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Your hips, your lips, they’re mine Pt2
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Characters/Ships: Ei x fem!reader
Synopsis: Your relationship with her has brought a lot of unwanted attention. Thankfully, she came up with the perfect solution.
Warnings: Smut written by a minor, semi-public sex, fingering, oral (eating reader out)
A/N: Ahh ty anon! I hope this one is to your liking, have a nice day/night too <3
Link to Pt1 & Pt3
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Ei loves you dearly, but she is still an archon. She can’t ignore her duties just because she has a lover. She does her best to put the necessary work into your relationship but she tends to still spend days locked away in her euthymia. You understand that it’s for the best.
But, her being gone has made you lonely. Yes, you had your fare share of friends in the city, but Ei’s absence leaves a hole in your heart every time she leaves. Miko’s senses picked up on your sadness and offered herself as company during every duration until she returns.
Under all that playful nature, she’s akin your feelings. Her attentiveness paired with years of knowing Ei gives her an intriguing idea. After all this time it seems that Ei still hasn’t fully learned her lesson; while it is somewhat necessary, she’s still deliberately neglecting her own lover. It’s about time she gets what she deserves for shutting herself in her euthymia for so long.
“Since when have the two of you become so close?” Ei muses. You and Miko were having tea in the Tenshukaku as you were awaiting her arrival, she insisted that she would be there waiting with you. “Oh dear me, where has the time gone? I’ve been spending quality time with her while you’ve been away in your little bubble” Miko responds while placing her hand on yours. Ei is quizzical, but simply sits down to join you two for the tea.
It should be fantastic that you’re both getting along. Her two most favorite (living) people foraging a companionship, she couldn’t have asked for a better outcome. It should make her happy. But seeing your relationship with Miko just seemed…different. As much as Ei wants to blame her suspicions on her lack of understanding towards mortal customs, she swears she once saw a couple in Inazuma reflect the two of you.
On the other hand Ei has never been one for PDA. At best she’ll hold your hand on your strolls to the dango cart and wherever else you may happen by, and if you’re extremely lucky maybe you’ll get a kiss on the cheek. She prefers to cherish you in privacy. She still has to her image to maintain after all. But recently Ei has the urge to show her needy side more out in public and tries her best to push away those conflicting feelings. Is this what you want? To be worshipped in public? It’s as if she needs to prove herself to others by staking claim of what’s hers wherever you go, especially if it’s with Miko. But it never seems like it’s enough.
Something is always stirring inside her. It’s as if every time she pulls you in, Miko will pull you right back out and into her grasp. Ei sees it as a challenge. Perhaps meditation can be postponed for the time being she thinks. The puppet can handle herself just fine. She knows that this is all apart of Milo’s antics to get under her skin, but why now? And why you? You were always an innocent bystander in any of their quarrels. You told Ei you had plans early in the morning which gave Ei the perfect opportunity to have a one-on-one chat with the Kitsune.
As Ei climbed her way up the mountain to settle things with Miko, she finds no sign of her pink-headed familiar. Instead you’re there, dressed head to toe in a shrine maiden’s garment. Earlier that day, Miko had asked you to watch over the shrine as she left for her weekly check-in at the publishing house. There weren’t as many guests or shrine maidens present, so she fully entrusted you to look after things. Why in tyvat she didn’t choose one of the last few shrine maidens instead is beyond you.
With Ei here now, you watch as her eyes darken and her hands twitch. You’re about to call out to your lover to ask what’s wrong but before you can get a word out, she strides forward and pick you up with your legs on either side of her waist. You gasp into her neck and she takes you behind one of the shrine buildings.
She settles you against the wall and begins tearing off your kimono. “Dammit Miko”. You’ve only ever seen her genuinely mad a handful of times, annoyed sure, but being so up close you can see electricity dance in her eyes and along her skin.
She runs a finger up and down your slit, teasing you by barley pushing in. “Ei! Someone could see us! Or hear us!” Ei only laughs bitterly, “Let them see and hear as they wish. Maybe they can pass the message to Miko. Tell her all about how I’m gunna fuck you”. Your hips buckle in response.
“Oh? You’d like that wouldn’t you? Want them to run their mouth about how you love to get pleased by your archon?”
Ei gets down to her knees and wraps your legs around your shoulders instead. She needs to taste you. Needs to remind herself that she’s the only one who will ever know what your sweet cunt tastes like. She gives you a few shallow licks before curling her arms around your thighs and pulling you closer. She needs you and she’s gunna make sure you know that too.
Your moans are starting to become louder and louder as they escape from your mouth. You try to cover your mouth with your hand but one of Ei’s reaches up and entwines her fingers with yours.
“I want to hear you” she mumbles into you and it sends vibrations through your body. You look down questioningly only to find that she’s already looking upwards at you, “I want to see you”. You take that as your queue to let go.
Your teared clothing wouldn’t be suitable for the trek down the mountain so Ei carries you into her Euthimiya where she manifests a bed for you both to share. After plopping you down, she spoons you from behind and nuzzles into your neck.
“I want every person in Inazuma to know that you’re mine. And I’ll be damned if Miko doesn’t get the hint”
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grow-bettah · 2 months
read under the cut!
eldest to youngest starting wiiith:
Emile aka Empires Grumbot!
11 years old, blonde hair and bird-like features from his Grian. Up until the empires collab, doesn't know that there's a place where his parents survive *It*. He blames himself for *It* for a long time, but once the empires crossover happens he finds hope again because Grian decides to take him home to his universe. He's obviously very confused about his parents actually being *alive* and quite different to the ones he remembers but he's just glad he has them. He gets along with his siblings pretty well, even though he's the most reclusive one out of the four. The only one that didn't grow up bilingual!
Milo aka Mayoral Campaign Grumbot!
9 years old, blonde hair and also bird-like features! He has a big birthmark that covers about half of his face save for a little spot above his lip that looks suspiciously similar to Mumbo's moustache. Takes pride in being the mayoral Grumbot quite a bit! He wears glasses and, just like his Dad Mumbo, has narcolepsy. Both his german and English are fluent, but he still prefers English (because he likes Mumbo a lot and he doesn't speak a lot of German).
Jupiter aka Jrumbot!
5 years old, dark blonde (almost brown) hair, bat ears but has Grian's nose. Clingy little guy, he hangs around Grian for as much time as he can. He also regularly has playdates with Hermes when Sausage visits hermitcraft to drop him off with Joel, and they are literally dependant on eachother. Jupiter prefers English aswell, but when hes clinging to Grian he speaks German more.
Rose aka Rift Grumbot!!
3 years old, black hair and bat features! When she was 'born' Milo had absolutely no idea what to do with her so there was a phase where him, Jupes and Rose would just. sit in silence next to eachother for a while. it creeped everyone else out but Grian and Mumbo were chill about it. She is best friends forever in the whole wide world forever and ever (bffitwwwfae for short) with Doccy because she speaks mostly German and they immediately bonded over that when they first met. Doc and Grian don't really . enjoy being around their respective rivals a lot when they have playdates per sé, but they like that their kids get along and have friends, respectively. Rose is a very shy girl!
Can you tell I love theselittle guyse
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wyattjohnston · 1 year
take my hand, baby - brock boeser
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series: take you one day at a time
summary: the lead up to the 2023 trade deadline is a little chaotic.
warnings: pregnancy
word count: 2,342
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The rumours had been flying for months, a long off-season of potential trade rumours and articles about moving him being the solution to the Canucks cap-space woes—Annie checked every notification on her phone in case it was the one that sealed their fate.
At the beginning of the season it had been devastating but understandable, knowing that Brock was unlikely to see out the season in Vancouver—that even if he did, Bo probably wouldn’t.
It became a lot less understandable a month into the season when Annie stared down at the positive pregnancy test while Brock was in the middle of a weeklong road trip up the east coast.
“I should have waited until he got home. Right, Coolie?” Annie asked as he started to hover around her legs. She scratched him behind the ears. “I should definitely tell him first but probably not on the phone. You have to promise to keep it a surprise.”
Coolie woofed and Annie took it as agreement before he trotted out of the room to tell Milo.
She tapped the stick against the edge of the sink a few times as she tried to work out what was really going through her mind. She didn’t feel the fear she once had, having the word ‘pregnant’ staring back up at her, which was a relief in and of itself. Most of her worry came from having to keep her mouth shut until she saw Brock again.
Annie smiled at her reflection in the mirror, a gentle laugh bubbling from her lips.
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The test didn’t leave Annie’s mind once over the next four days; it made talking to Holly almost impossible, a lovely combination of secret keeping and her mind wandering to the test—to the future.
In a moment of weakness, unable to just keep the news between her and the dogs, Annie whispered it into Tulsa’s ear while Holly was distracted by Gunnar. At seven months old, Tulsa obviously had no idea what she was being told, but it settled something in Annie to say it out loud to another human.
“They’re going to be a little younger than you,” Annie said, bouncing Tulsa up and down on her knee, “but I hope you’re best friends.”
Holly had been none-the-wiser.
In their many phone calls before he came home, Brock remained unaware that Annie was keeping anything from him. He noted on more than one occasion that she sounded happy and she just shrugged and said it had been a good week.
It was still early in the afternoon when Brock got home, a benefit of time zones counteracting long flights, and Annie was lounging on their outdoor sofa, Coolie stretched out over her legs and Milo cuddled up into her side. Neither dog did anything more than lift their heads when the back door slid open and Brock walked out.
Annie never got sick of seeing him.
“I thought you’d be working,” he said, smiling fondly at the sight and leaning down to kiss her before he scratched both dogs behind the ears thoroughly.
“I scheduled it off when your schedule came out and I found out they’d shipped you off for ten days.”
He laughed, making room for himself on the couch—Coolie was unimpressed by the disruption but settled back into Brock’s lap. Annie had to find space on his lap around Coolie, but she managed.
Brock said, “You just had me home for like three weeks; you should be sick of me.”
“You weren’t supposed to fuck up your hand again, so I couldn’t prepare around that,” Annie said, tersely, still unhappy that he’d been put in the line up so soon after his surgery. She wasn’t unhappy with him—knowing all too well that if you give a hockey player the choice, they’ll say they’re fine to play—just at the organisation for letting him.
“I don’t want to talk about hockey.” Brock sighed heavily and Annie didn’t blame him. It had been a poor road trip—2 wins in 5 games—and only exacerbated the loss record while Brock was on the ice. He had 2 wins in 11 games.
It was as good a time as any, Annie figured. Her heartbeat was getting quicker and quicker, the anticipation growing with every second she waited. It would lift his mood, too, she was sure of it.
So, she asked, giddily, “Wanna know a secret?”
“Is Holly pregnant again?”
“No, Holly’s not pregnant,” Annie said. “I am.”
“What’s the secr—wait, Annie.”
She was sure his eyes had never been that wide, that his expression had never been happier—it certainly hadn’t in the last year. He reached out for Annie desperately, jostling both the dogs off the couch, and there was no time wasted in her climbing into his lap.
“It’s why I’ve been so happy this week,” she said into the top of Brock’s head.
His face was buried into her neck, his arms wrapped tightly around her body. Her straddle over his lap was rather awkward but he was holding her so close that moving was out of the occasion, it didn’t matter, really, when everything else felt positively euphoric.
“Holy shit, Annie, I love you so much.”
His voice was watery and she could feel his tears on her skin, holding him closer was no hardship—especially not when she was beginning to cry herself.
As much as Annie didn’t want to move, she did have to clamber off Brock’s lap because the feeling in her legs started to disappear. Brock was reluctant but he stood up with her, cupping her face and kissing her breathlessly.
“Who have you told?” he asked, not sounding like he’d be upset by any answer she gave. She was certain nothing could ruin the blissful expression on his face.
“You. The dogs. Tulsa. I only peed on a stick; I haven’t even told a doctor yet.”
“This is—this is unreal, Annie,” he said, just before he kissed her again. Her legs were getting weaker with every kiss. “Should we get married?”
“I don’t need to be married. If you want to be married then we can but we can do this without a wedding.”
Brock’s arms wrapped around her waist, and he lifted her off her feet to spin her around. The commotion caused the dogs to bark and start chasing Annie’s feet, but Brock didn’t let her down.
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Annie wasn’t even supposed to be in Florida with them.
About a week before the All-Star break, something had clawed at her and told her she needed to be there with them, so she re-arranged her plans to go to Disney World with her brother, his wife and their two kids:
While six months pregnant.
Brock had let it happen because of that fact, and told her to change his plans, too.
It became clear on the 30th of January exactly what that clawing feeling had been.
It was just the two of them at the hotel, Annie barely made it out of the room before retreating back inside and going back to bed and Bo having left early because of the calls he was getting.
Annie didn’t even know until Bo knocked on her door, waking her up and asking to be let in. The dejected look on his face let her know right away what had transpired during her nap.
“Want to know where I’m going?” he asked, tapping his phone against his hand.
“I guess.”
The bottom fell out of Annie’s stomach as a map of North America flew into her mind, drawing a thick red line between Vancouver and New York. That was something to deal with later.
“It’s January,” Annie chose to settle on. “Why the fuck are they trading anybody in January?”
“I don’t know, Ann.”
She stared at him, the map not leaving her mind. It was so far, further than he’d ever been before, and that in and of itself was terrifying.
“I don’t want to make this about me,” she said, furious at the tears welling up in her eyes, “but I’m going to because you’re supposed to be here for me and here after this baby’s born and Holly is supposed to help me. I can’t—I can’t do this without you. I’ve never been able to do anything without you.”
Her hands settled over her ever-growing and ever-present bump as she spoke. It had been a smooth pregnancy, all things considered—aside from some lethargy and the first trimester morning sickness, she had nothing to complain about.
It wasn’t even the birthing part she was particularly scared of.
The part that worried her the most was not having anyone around to help her—through the birth or the newborn stage. The part that was coming true in front of her eyes.
“You don’t need me,” Bo assured her, his hands on her shoulders as he stared her down in the most aggressively fond way. “If you need Holly, she’ll come back. You know that. And you have Brock, who is arguably the most important person you’re going to need.”
Annie huffed, childishly stomping her foot, “He’s going to be traded, too, so who the fuck knows.”
Bo sat her down on the bed, looking down at her as she imagined he did to Gunnar when he was getting a talking to. He told her, “If Brock does get traded, you’re not staying in Vancouver. You’ve told me all the plans you’ve got in case you have to move at the deadline.”
It was the truth, as difficult as she knew it would be. The contingencies had been in place almost since they found out, what with the trade rumours amping up with every passing day.
“If any old man in the league had any fucking decency maybe they would have traded him today when I’m six months pregnant and less fucking stressed.”
“Less stressed,” Bo laughed, throwing his head back. “Is that what you call this?”
Annie glared, her mouth pulling tight and her eyebrows doing the same. She stood, poked Bo in the chest and said, “I’m going to kick everybody’s ass between Vancouver and fucking Brooklyn. Including yours.”
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Nobody had expected Annie’s baby bump to get quite so round. Holly had made a point of telling Annie that it wouldn’t get too big purely because Annie was small—in height and weight. Nobody she knew was making too many comments about it, but strangers passing on the street had no issue asking her when she was due because it must have been any moment. The looks on their faces when Annie said, through gritted teeth, that she was barely seven months along and they should mind their own business was only just enough to get her through.
Pregnancy had turned her into a stress eater, which may have been contributing to the unexpected size, and in the days leading up to the trade deadline she was eating more and more because she was trying to internalise her own stresses to avoid exacerbating Brock’s.
Up until four or five days before ethe deadline, it was impossible to separate Brock from his phone; every single buzz sent him reaching for it lightning fast only to be met with another, entirely unrelated trade, or somebody in his family’s group chat sending a cute photo. The idea of hiding his phone had tempted Annie more than once but she knew better than to add the stressing of missing anything to the mix.
Things died down in the final few days before the deadline, all the big trades were seemingly done and Brock had been promised that he was in Vancouver to stay; Annie didn’t trust those promises but they made Brock lighter and more carefree so she wouldn’t tell him what she thought.
The night before the deadline—the 2nd of March, on the back of a loss against Minnesota where not even his power play goal could take out the sting—Annie greeted Brock at the door.
“I thought you’d be asleep,” Brock said when he saw her, putting an end to the sneaking he’d been attempting.
“Slept all day in case you were up all night. Didn’t want you to be alone,” she said softly. She took his suit jacket from his arms and kissed him.
“You need sleep,” Brock argued as he wrapped her up and shuffled her out of the doorway. “You can’t stay up all night.”
“I can try.”
Brock’s smirk showed that he didn’t believe she could do it, so Annie settled on making him lie down with her in the hope that she could coax him into some rest.
He didn’t seem to be overly caught up in the deadline being so soon, happy to just lie beside her and stifle a laugh as she did her best to shuffle closer to him, inevitably neding some assistance to move the pillow that was supporting her bump but when the only thing between them was her stomach, she put her arm over his stomach and watched him with soft eyes as she started talking to him about their baby names shortlist.
Annie couldn’t say what time she fell asleep, or how long it took Brock to after her, but by the time they woke up Annie knew it was late. When she opened her eyes, unimpressed by the light that was filtering into the room from the poorly drawn blinds, Brock was smiling at her peacefully.
“What’s the time?” she asked, her voice hoarse and muffled by the pillow.
“Just before noon. I think I’m safe. We’re safe.”
A smile grew so large on Annie’s face that her cheeks started to hurt within seconds—somehow, through sheer willpower, she threw herself on top of Brock and started kissing his face. Brock’s arms tightened around her, keeping her secure on top of him, just letting the kisses happen.
“This means I win.”
“Win what?”
“Our baby is going to be so Canadian.”
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tag list: @fallinallincurls @spine-buster @2manytabsopen @xcicix @sorryjustafangirl @senditcolton @shinyfalcon4 @guesswhoispathetic @laurenairay @jarmorie @p1nkbarbi3
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please do this little reader's survey!
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relatableblorbopoll · 6 months
Round 1 of preliminaries, group 5
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The first two places get a place on the bracket
Little reminder: there will be 2 more rounds of preliminaries, the losing blorbos of this poll still have 2 chances of getting in the official bracket
Propaganda under the cut
Melissa Chase (Milo Murphy’s Law)
"Her self worth is entirely based on her grade point average and getting straight As. She can’t remember anything, ever (specific examples include forgetting her maths book regularly, her student pass for the subway, and how many days are in February). However, she CAN remember the blood type of every president. She is terrible at throwing She gets visually upset when she realises that a plan was changed last minute, and that an academic event she expected to do well in was combined with a sporting event, giving no time to prepare for the new event She freaks OUT when she thinks she’s going to disappoint her headteacher- she doesn’t seem to expect to be given any actual punishment, just that the headteacher will be disappointed and think that she’s irresponsible She has a whole conspiracy room in her house dedicated to researching her best friend’s medical condition- Murphy’s Law being an interest that she is clearly very passionate about and interested in. she does all of that and still can’t remember her maths book. relatable queen her ambition in life is to be a “journalist, and queen of the universe” "
Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
"A ball of stress and anxiety. She's always angry because nobody listens to her, cares about her feelings, or believes her about anything, which tbh is like the quintessential teenage girl experience. Secretly just wants her parents to recognise and appreciate her."
V-Flower (Vocaloid)
"they believe that people only care about them when they are in pain"
Ciaphas Cain (Warhammer 40k)
"Don't let the sharp jawline and the mutton-chops fool you: Ciaphas Cain has no idea what he's fucking doing and would very much like to not be here right now. He is a high-ranking Commissar, essentially a walking morale boost for Imperial Guard soldiers and one of the only symbols of hope in the grimdark Warhammer 40k universe. He also has no idea how he got the job or how to get the hell out. Commissar Cain spends all his time accidentally doing magnificent bastard things while trying to run away from danger and dying inside. Over the course of his books, he's named Hero of the Imperium, has a hot mommy inquisitor fall in love with him, and saves hundreds of planets per panic attack he has. His cowardice and impostor syndrome are second only to my own, and that's why he's just like me fr."
Percy Jackson (Percy Jackson series)
"he's got big no thoughts head empty energy! he loves his friends and girlfriends SO much (more most YA characters, i think; he would have no qualms about sacrificing the world to save the people he loves, which goes against the typical hero). he is almost always ready to fight a bitch. he has adhd and accidentally says things he shouldnt all the time (but this has made him good at problem-solving, bc he creates a LOT of problems for himself)"
MK (Lego Monkie Kid)
"Oooooh boy where do I begin. MK the Monkie Kid is the protagonist of the story but he has *so many issues*. He wants to be a good person but has a whole lot of impostor syndrome and is convinced he will only hurt people the more he tries to save them. He is convinced that every major villain in the show is his fault, even as far as misremembering/changing up some events to put blame onto himself He also has an absent mentor figure that was supposed to help him but guess what he had to figure out all his powers on his own so abandonment issues go brrrr. He has so much anger toward his mentor Wukong but he just *bottles it all up* (common theme) Also he is so trans and adhd coded. First, MK is a nickname. We don’t know his real name, but it is v much implied he used to go by something else. He and his friends also puts a lot of emphasis on manly stuff like ‘I’m a big boy!’/‘he’s a Monkie *Man*!!!’/‘im the smartie boy, the plan man!’ He also has trouble focusing and listening to other people, is sometimes blunt and he is VERY interested in Sun Wukong and the journey to the west (Chinese classical novel that the show is based on) and just in general always needs constant reassurance and support from his friends. He is often compartmentalizing his feelings and internalizes a lot of fear and blame is also suppressing a part of himself that scares him. (Which, same) He loves his friends so much and tries so hard to keep them all safe, even hiding his own problems and worries from them as an attempt to protect them. He wants to go back to season 1, back when each episode was a villain-of-the-week kinda story, with no world-destroying threats. But nope, he saw the horrors, and he can never go back to the bubbly Monkie Kid from the beginning. Also he is terrified of spiders :>"
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natasha-in-space · 3 months
Thank you for your previous work. I was wondering if you could write a headcanon of RFA (excluding Saeyoung, as you have already done him) and Saeran with MC. In this scenario, chaos follows MC everywhere without any logical reason, but REMINER IT DOESN'T HARM MC, ONLY THE PEOPLE AROUND HER. This ability also runs in her family, so if they have a gathering, chaos happens without fail. Additionally, I have a funny scenario in mind where Saeran kidnaps MC to Mint Eye, and as a result, chaos ensues, but MC casually escapes. I search Kofuku and I see some similarities but the idea of MC having this "ability" is actually come from an Disney Show called Milo Murphy's Law
I feel like the poor guy will get rather spooked by this strange ability of yours. He's already prone to getting into some very embarrassing situations without any external force pulling the strings. Do you mean to tell him that he'll have to deal with even more disasters in his daily college life!? It's more humorous than serious, though. He may act a bit startled by it at first, but he's definitely the type to get very curious despite his initial reservations. It baffles him how such a thing could actually happen in reality, and not in fiction. Is it appropriate for him to call you a superhero...? He'll also probably want to try and use this ability of yours for his advantage. Not anything bad... But, hey, maybe, just maybe... you could make his professor miss his bus today? He has no desire whatsoever to study for the philosophy test tomorrow morning.
Zen is able to take it all in stride. He won't be shocked by this revelation of yours, as he has a few unique abilities himself. It's actually kind of exciting for him to meet someone in a somewhat similar situation to his own. Though, your little quirk is far more chaotic than he would expect. It's a good thing he has supernatural healing powers and prophetic dreams on his side! He will be able to avoid most adversity coming his way, and, even if he does get injured, he will probably be strutting down the street without a fuss after a day or two. He'll also be very fussy about you not blaming yourself for anything. He actually finds your bad luck kind of cute! At any rate, that's what he asserts to you.
To put it simply, she is stumped. Since she's the most logical person in the group, she'll have trouble believing you at first. Not until she encounters the undeniable proof of your ability with her own two eyes. Out of everyone in the RFA, having bad luck following this poor overworked woman will probably make you feel especially bad for her. Much like Yoosung, she'll get rather spooked once she accepts it as reality. I could see her beginning to steer clear of you even. She's already so incredibly stressed... the last thing she needs is even more trouble on her hands. She does mellow out once she sees that you are a genuinely good person, though. She'll even apologize to you for acting rashly with you. It's possible that you and Jaehee could find ways to overcome this cursed quirk of yours.
Without a doubt, the most enthralled among all. You might think he'll be the most skeptical one of the bunch, but no. This is a man who has a huge infatuation with the occult we're talking about here. Once he sees actual tangible proof, you have a real annoying observer on your hands. Will ask you dozens and dozens of questions, do his own research in his free time, maybe even ask you to provide him some of your blood samples or something. With your consent, of course. It may become too much to handle for you. But, what you don't need to worry about is Jumin avoiding you or treating you as a threat. He makes it a point to let you know that he will not judge your character based on factors that are out of your control. With his resources, you might even come to learn more about your abilities!
He'll be anxious. Much like his brother, but in a more subdued manner. I feel like your constant bad luck would be one of the factors that pushed Ray into choosing you, believe it or not. He can relate to bad things happening around you, while all you can do is watch helplessly. He will also take the effects of your bad luck in stride. Almost to a fault. You'll have to remind him to please take care of himself and not put himself in harm's way because of you. Suit Saeran, on the other hand, will curse you and your ability. He'll definitely think that you are doing it on purpose. That you want him to suffer. He'll ensure that you understand your position beneath him. He hates the feeling of losing control, and that's exactly what drives him mad about you and your stupid bad luck that he can't control, no matter how hard he tries. He will apologize to you for blaming it all on you, though. You can expect him to tell you that he has come to the realization that you had no intention of harming him, and that you possess a good heart. A heart that is too great for someone as dark and rotten as he is. GE Saeran will be way more balanced about it all. It'll take you two some time to figure it out, with him not putting too much pressure on himself, and you not worrying too much about harming him. Maybe you could develop a working system between you two that will help you keep disasters to a minimum, while also having a reliable plan for any accidents that may inevitably occur.
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mydarllinglover · 11 months
Alone || The Man In The Red Poncho
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When Daryl had finished fixing the bike up, Aaron had explained to the pair how they would go about with the recruiting and the route they were planning on taking, considering the pair were from Georgia and did not know anything about Virginia.
Natalia had explained to him, that at their old community, the prison, it was mainly her and Daryl that had rescued people, bringing them back, that they were familiar with helping survivors and giving them sanctuary.
Natalia had decided on taking Milo up on his offer of dinner, it was sweet and he was right about being a good cook, even with the sparse ingredients, he was a lot nicer and friendly than when they had first met.
Evie had kept her promise of drawing more pictures, giving them to the woman as she talked about school and how Carl was in the big kids group with the Anderson boys, she thought he was cool.
Natalia had surprisingly took a fast liking to the girl, she was kind but blunt, Natalia couldn't blame her, growing up in a world like this.
Milo wasn't bad either, she could see herself becoming friends with him fast, he was quite interesting to talk to, after Evie had gone to bed, which she insisted on Natalia helping with, her and Milo had shared a glass of wine, she made sure to keep to only a wine after the other night.
"She adores you." Milo said. "I've never seen her like this with anyone, not in a real long time."
"She's a great kid." Natalia responded.
"You're invited to hang out here whenever if it means I get to see that smile on her face, obviously when you're not recruiting, and I'm sure she'll appreciate it, I don't think Evie will give you much choice, either way." He told her.
"Of course, I think she's growing on me." Natalia teased.
"Did you ever have kids, before this?" He asked her. "Just that, you're so good with her."
"Yeah, a long time ago." She admitted, surprising herself that she did. "A little girl."
"I'm sorry."
"I know. It sucks."
When she had got back to the home she shared with her friends, it seemed like Daryl was waiting for her on the porch, as he smoked, he hadn't out rightly asked for details, but she told him anyway, even showing off Evie's drawings, especially the one that appeared to be him and a motorcycle, the same one she must've seen him working on in the garage.
"You in love with the guy yet?" Daryl asked her.
"Pft, no, he's alright, not really my type, I'm only there for Evie." Natalia told him.
"Your type?" He scoffed.
"Yeah, I have a type." She looked at him. "Y'know, I'm supposed to be hanging out with her again when we get back, maybe you can come with."
"Nah, nobody wants that, I ain't good with kids."
"Yeah, cause Judith doesn't look up at you like you hang the stars, and you don't look at her the same way." She nudged him.
"She's different."
"You ever think this will stick, that maybe Aarons right, and we will be able to fall in love again, and have families?" Natalia asked him, leaning her head against his arm as they both stared ahead, into the street, linking her arm with his.
"Like hell I'd know, never been in love before, my only family was Merle."
"You've never been in love?" Natalia leaned off of him, looking into his eyes. "Like ever? Not even some high school girlfriend you thought was gonna last forever?"
"Nope, would need to have a girlfriend for that."
"Shut up, you're kidding." She didn't mean to come across so mean, she just couldn't wrap her head around the idea that he'd never been in a relationship before.
"Never wanted to, ain't found the right girl, before. The time never came." He shrugged, he didn't seem bothered by it.
"Ugh, so you're some damn "holding out for true love" romantic" She teased, placing her head back on his arm.
"Something like that." He shrugged, looking down at the woman.
"She'll come around someday, you deserve to be happy, and you'll sweep her off her feet and be romantic and in love and happily ever after."
"Maybe." He continued to stare down at her, her being completely oblivious by it.
The next day had come, Aaron and Natalia were prepping the car whilst Daryl sat on his bike, waiting for them so that they could head off.
Carol had forced Daryl to put on a flannel jacket under his vest and Natalia to layer up.
As Natalia was finishing up with the car, Evie came walking over to her, Milo wasn't too far behind.
"She wanted to say bye." He told the woman.
"Oh, I won't be gone for long." Natalia told the girl, bending down to talk to her. "We're gonna come back with people, then me and you can hang out again."
"Promise you'll come back?" She asked her, almost pleading, a sad expression was etched on her face, it sent a pain to Natalia's heart.
"Hell yeah, I think I'd miss you too much, I pinkie promise." Natalia stuck out her pinkie, linking it with the girls. "But hey, you know my friend Carol? She makes these really good cookies, maybe if you tell her I sent you, you can make some with her, would you like that?"
She looked at her dad, unsure of herself, but with a nod from him, she said yes.
"Bye, Natty." She wrapped her arms around Natalia's neck, hugging her tightly.
"Bye, Evie." She hugged the girl back, just as tight, she was starting to feel very fond of Evie, a bond between them had formed very quickly, Natalia didn't know whether to let it flow or cut it off immediately, before the pair could get too attached, making friendships in this world was mostly likely a cause for disaster.
When they pulled away, Natalia got in the passenger side of the car, Milo picked Evie up as they waved them off, Natalia waved back as Aaron drove the car behind Daryl's bike.
At night time, they had stopped in a field, Natalia was glad she didn't have to put up with Aarons small talk any longer.
Daryl took out a walker with his crossbow as they got out the car.
"There's more of them around here than there used to be." Aaron told the pair. "Don't know if any people..."
"Shh." Daryl told him, pointing ahead. "Someone is."
A small yellow light was emitting from the trees, a fire, a sign of human presence.
They had set up camp, deciding that they would look for whoever was there in the light.
"So, how come you're so good with-"
"Aaron." Natalia cut him off, as the three were laying down in their own made up beds.
"For the love of God, and I'm trying to be nice, shut up." She told him.
"Understood." He didn't speak for the rest of the night.
Once she was sure Aaron was asleep, she scooted closer to Daryl, knowing he was still awake.
"I missed our sleepovers." She muttered lowly, as she got comfortable beside him.
"Only been a week." He grumbled.
"Told you, I got used to you being there." She leaned up, kissing his cheek with a hushed but overexaggerated mwah, before laying back down, comfortable with the fact that he was there.
After the dinner at Aarons and Erics, she stayed in her own room, Sully being her roommate, as he took up most of the bed.
When the sky was blue, they trudged through the woods, stopping at dismembered limbs on the ground.
"Whoever did this, took whatever was left with them." Daryl told them. "This just happened."
Natalia swapped her knife for her gun, taking it off safety as they looked around the trees.
Daryl walked ahead, Natalia closely behind him, but Aaron was more hesitant, the colour in his face disappearing.
They walked further.
A naked girl was tied to a tree, her blonde hair covering her face, her stomach had been devoured.
"She's tied up." Aaron observed. "And they fed on her. Tore her apart. This just happened?"
"Yeah." Daryl nodded.
Natalia shrugged off her jacket, pulling her sweatshirt over her head.
"What are you doing?" Aaron asked her, as she was only in a tank top in the cold whether, approaching the girls body.
"Doing what I would want done in a state like this." She answered.
She put the sweatshirt over the girl's head, pulling it down, she was about to cut the ties on her arms, to lay her down peacefully, when the girl's head raised, snarling at Natalia as she opened her eyes.
"Nat." Daryl called, pulling her back.
"Wait." She tried, but Daryl grabbed her hair, plunging his knife into her skull, until she was once again lifeless.
Natalia looked at her pale face again, a W was carved into her forehead, like the one they had saw at the wooden house.
"We gotta go." Daryl looked around the area, before back at Natalia.
"No, not yet." She told him, cutting the ties, supporting the dead body, struggling to get her arm in one of the holes, when she fell to the ground, Natalia got the other one through, now her body wasn't so open to just about everyone.
"I know what its like, I guess, sorta." She stood back up, shrugging as she headed in the direction of the field, letting the memories of having to pull her own cargo pants back up and do up the button, when she wasn't the ones to pull them down, twice.
They drove some more, Daryl was now sporting the pair of sunglasses they had found by the dismembered body parts.
Shortly, they had come to another stop, Aaron and Natalia meeting Daryl by his bike, and they set foot, into the woods, once again.
"Somebody came through here a while ago." Daryl said, leading the way through the leaves.
"If we see them, we hang back, set up the mike, watch and listen." Aaron told them.
"For how long?" Daryl voiced the question Natalia was also thinking.
"Until we know. We have to know."
"You've sent people away?" Daryl continued to ask the questions.
"Yeah." Aaron answered.
"What happened?"
"It was early on. It was three people. Two men and a woman."
"How very fitting." Natalia looked at her company.
"Davidson was their leader." Aaron continued. "I thought they'd work out. They didn't. I brought them in and I had to see them out. So me, Aiden, and Nicholas, we drove them out far... gave them a days worth of food and water and left them."
"Awful generous for a kick out." Natalia thought out loud.
"They just went?" Daryl asked.
"We had their guns. We had all the guns. I can't make that kind of mistake again."
"You wont. We won't" Natalia told him.
The three had managed to scope out a man in a bright red poncho, by himself, just walking along without a possible care in the world.
They watched him bend down, his gloved hands coming up dark as they rubbed together, then he rubbed it onto his face.
"What's he doing?" Aaron asked.
"Wild leaks." Daryl answered. "Son of a bitch knows about how to keep mosquitos off of him."
"Mosquitos? Oh my god, I hate bugs." Natalia looked around for the sight of any flying things in her space.
"You're fine." Daryl told her, stopping her from moving around. "Come on." He then walked forward.
The man with the red poncho led them to a canned food warehouse, but he was nowhere in sight.
Walkers littered the area as Daryl used binoculars to search around.
"We checked the forest, we checked the roads. We can't find him." Aaron said.
"So we're just giving up?" Natalia asked him.
"Sometimes they just slip away. It happens. But you don't come across something like this everyday."
"We do this now, it means we're giving up." Daryl said.
"Home is 50 miles back. It's time to go. You saw them last night, there's bad people out here."
"That's why we ought to keep looking for the good ones." Daryl said.
"He's right, I agree with Daryl, we didn't come all this way to come back with no one." Natalia folded her arms, looking at Aaron unsurely. "Besides, you really think a place like this is just untouched, surely someone's come through here."
"We need more people and we'll find them. But when we do, we'll need to feed them." Aaron told the pair. "Look at it, doesn't look touched."
"Alright." Daryl switched sides, grabbing a knife and hitting it against the metal fence, grabbing the walkers attention.
Between the three, all the walkers were taken out through the fence.
Aaron pulled the fence across, with a little of Daryl's help.
They continued onto the property, Natalia had an itching feeling about this place.
The trio walked along the canned food trucks, along some of them, cans hung from the tops, stung together as they clanged in the wind.
"Woah." Aaron beamed, getting on one knee in front of a truck. "Wasn't sure I'd ever see one of these." He pulled out a screwdriver from his pack, taking off a license plate.
Natalia walked away, assessing the other trucks, Daryl checked out the area.
"Hey, listen, I don't like giving up either, but the guy is in a red poncho. You can see him from a mile away." He managed to get the Alaska license plate off. "We've gone a lot of miles here. No sign of him. But... if we come away with a trailer full of cans, I'd say that's a good trip."
Natalia leaned towards one of the trucks, managing to hear something, she knocked on the metal, and the sounds of shovelling and snarls picked up.
"Here we go." Daryl said, bending down.
"Wait, Daryl!" Natalia called to him, but it was too late, he propped the door open, causing a trip to go off.
All the trailer doors had opened, revealing them packed full of walkers, like sardines in a can, all brandishing W's on their foreheads.
Natalia ran forward, in between two of the trailers, the two men hot on her trail as the walkers followed them.
Daryl and Natalia pull out their knifes, stabbing them into the closest heads, whilst Aaron used his licence plate to cave into an walkers skull.
"Over here." He shouted.
"Come on." Daryl told them, as they crawled under one of the trailers.
Daryl picked up a chain as Natalia kicked at a female walker, who was crawling towards them.
"We're gonna die, we're so gonna die." Natalia muttered to herself.
"No!" Aaron cried.
"Come on." Daryl ordered, as they climbed out the other side of the trailer, Aaron was trembling.
Daryl used the chain as a whip, taking off three walker heads at the same time, if Natalia wasn't in a life or death situation, she would of taken notice of the butterflies that had fluttered In her lower belly.
Another walker had snuck up on Aaron, getting a hold of his bag as he wrestled to get her off of him, Natalia reached forward, plunging her knife into the walkers skull.
But Aaron had still dropped his bag.
They fought their way through to a car, Daryl opened the door, shoving Natalia in, climbing in after her, than Aaron.
"Come on, go!"
A walker struggled after Aaron, who slammed the door onto her head, before slamming it shut.
"Are you okay, did you get bit?" Daryl, taking Natalia by surprise, asked, cupping her face as he checked the amount of skin he could see, or any rips in her clothes.
"No! No, I'm okay, fine, are you?" She pulled his hands away, asking him, then turning to the other man, she was leaning against the door, squeezed between Daryl and the dashboard. "Aaron?"
"Yeah, fine." He nodded.
As they looked at the windows, walkers were climbing onto the car, scratching at the glass to get to them.
"Glass will hold for a while, right?" Aaron asked.
"Maybe." Daryl answered. "Maybe we make it so they can't see us. In a couple of hours, something will come by, they'll follow it out. There's gotta be something in here we can use to block the view."
"What about cutting up the seats?" Natalia suggested, climbing over Daryl and into the back.
Aaron picked up a yellow piece of paper, unfolding it.
"Trap. Bad People Coming. Don't Stay." The note said.
Natalia's heart dropped.
They were fucked.
Daryl let out a chuckle as they sat there in silence for a moment.
"What?" Aaron asked as him and Natalia looked at the man.
"I came out here to... not feel all closed up back there. Even now, this still feels more like me... than back in them houses. That's pretty messed up, huh?"
"You were trying." Aaron told him.
"I had to."
"No you didn't."
"Listen, I saw you with your group out there on the road. Then you went off on your own by the barn. Storm hit and you led your people to safety. That was it. I knew I had to bring you people back. You were right, both of you, We should have kept looking for that guy in the red poncho. I shouldn't have given up. Neither of you did."
Daryl placed a cigarette in between his lips, searching his pocket for his lighter.
"I have a plan." Natalia told them, not really paying attention to their conversation and more about the problem at hand.
Aaron turned around to look at her.
"I'll head out first, distract them, then you go, head for the fence." She said.
"No." Daryl told her.
"Nat, you can't."
"Why not? Someone has to, you got people waiting for you back there, there's no arguing about it."
"So do you." Aaron said.
"I got people in other place I need to get to."
"What about your dog?"
"Carl will take care of him for me." Natalia fixed her hair, preparing herself.
"And Evie?"
"What about her? She's just a kid, I don't owe her anything, she'll get over it." She shrugged, pulling out her knife. "She has her parent."
"You ain't doing it." Daryl told her.
"No. I'll go." He declared.
"No, no, no." Aaron argued. "This was my fault."
"It wasn't a question. And this ain't your decision. It ain't nobody's fault."
"And it's not yours, I said I'll do it, and I will." Natalia finalised.
"No. You don't draw them away. We fight. We go for the fence, we do it together. All right? Whether we make it or not, we do it together, the three of us. We have to."
"If you say so." Natalia said, she had no faith in his idea.
"Alright." Daryl agreed. "You ready?"
"I guess." Natalia shrugged, sitting up, ready to jump over the seats again.
"We'll go on three." Daryl told them. "One... Two..."
He didn't get to three.
A stick impaled the skull of a walker in front of Aarons window, then the door was yanked open.
Aaron jumped out as whoever had reached them fought of the walkers, he was quick to join the fight.
"Go, go!" Daryl told Natalia, pushing her forward and out the car, just like he pushed her in it. "I'm right behind you."
They took out walkers, creating a path.
Aaron was the first to reach the fence, starting to pull it along as he waited for the others to reach him.
"Come on. Come on, get in here." Daryl said as he pulled the other side shut, blocking out the walkers, he then turned around, shooting an arrow into a walkers head that was on the side with them.
Natalia put away her knife, grabbing her gun, that she had booked out from the armoury when they left, aiming it at the man in the brown coat, carrying a stick.
"That was " Aaron smiled as he caught his breath. "Oh, thank you."
"Was this you?" Natalia asked, as she stared the stranger down. "You the bad guy who set the traps, gotta tell you, hella smart."
"No, I didn't." The man answered.
"Nat, he ain't an enemy." Daryl joined her side.
She looked at him, unsure if that were true, before putting her gun back.
"I'm Aaron, this is Daryl, and Natalia." Aaron introduced once he was sure the woman wasn't going to shoot the stranger.
"Morgan." The man replied.
"Why?" Daryl asked, eluding to him just saving their lives.
"Why?" Morgan repeated. "Because all life is precious, Daryl."
She didn't believe that.
"Whoever set that trap, they're coming." Aaron said. "But I have good news. We do." He pointed at the other two. "We have a community not too far from here. Walls. Electricity, it's safe. If you'd like to come join us..."
"I thank you." Morgan cut him off. "But I'm on my way somewhere. Fact is, I'm lost, so..." He pulled out a map, passing it to Daryl. "If you could tell me where we are."
Daryl unfolded it, Natalia leaned an arm on his shoulder, looking at the map as well.
The map read, in Abrahams scratchy writing.
"He wrote this when you were in Atlanta with Carol, when we split up." Natalia revealed.
"You know Rick?" Morgan asked.
"Yeah, he's part of our group, for a long time, now." She spoke to him, "Back in Alexandria."
Morgan had decided to go back with them to Alexandria, in hopes of reuniting with Rick.
Natalia rode with Daryl, giving Aaron a chance to get to know Morgan, if anyone could get someone to open up, it would be him.
"Hey, don't ever try and pull some shit like that again." Daryl told her as they got ready to leave the area they were parked in. "You ain't alone, you got people who need you, Rick, Michonne, Carl, Judith... Me."
"You need me?" She enquired, the corner of her lip raised.
"Yeah, who else is going to keep it real or offer a sarcastic reply when shit gets hard."
"Oh, I'm so honoured to be at of service." She bowed.
"Freak." He looked at her.
"Hey, those are not the kind words of someone who said he needs me." She jabbed her finger into his chest.
"I take it back, damn."
"Thank you, I'm not a freak."
"Meant the other thing."
"Argh." She scoffed, folding her arms. "Fine, guess I'll ride with Aaron and Morgan, I know when I'm clearly not wanted." She went to walk away, but he pulled her back by the arm.
"Nah, you ain't, hop on, I wanna get home." He told her, letting go so he could mount the motorcycle.
"If I must." Natalia rolled her eyes in a joking manner. "Also, you ever try to steal my sacrifice again, I'll kill you myself. You're important to me, Daryl Dixon, and I need you too."
"Alright." He nodded in agreement, but he had no intention of keeping it.
When they got back to Alexandria, Spencer opened the gate for them.
"Who's this?" He asked, pointing at Morgan, as Natalia got off of Daryl's bike.
"Morgan, Morgan, meet Spencer, he's the boss ladies son." Natalia introduced each other.
"Where is everyone?" Aaron asked.
"A meetings being held, Rick lost it yesterday, pulled a gun on the people, him and Pete got into it before that."
"The surgeon?" Natalia asked.
"Yeah, over Jessie or something, they're debating whether they should kick him out or not, walkers got in, he fought them off, brought one back to the firepit." Spencer caught them up on the immediate details of what they had missed.
"Let's go." Daryl said, heading in the direction of the firepit.
They got to the scene, most of the Alexandrians were gathered, crying and hyperventilating, Reg was bleeding out from a slit throat, Deanna held him as he took his last breathes.
Pete was restrained on the ground by Abraham.
"Rick, do it." Deanna sobbed.
Without hesitation, he shot the man who had murdered Reg.
"Rick?" Morgan asked, as him, Aaron, Natalia and Daryl stood outside the gate, taking in what had just happened.
The old friends stared at each other in shock, of seeing each other again, especially like this.
Tags: @fallenkitten
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frenchy-and-the-sea · 4 months
Turnabout is fair play!! So tell me about Wyyyyyyyyynnnn~ She's a grave cleric last I heard? Does she have a god? What's her magic feel like?
HEHEHE thank you Milo! <3
And yes, Wyn IS a grave cleric still! Well...sort of. She's like a grave cleric if you made a grave cleric like a warlock. She sort of, uh. resurrected her brother by reaching out to a god (??) of death and offered up part of her own life to bring him back. (And then he came back wrong, and then he wasn't really even her brother anymore, and then he ended up dead a year later anyway, so it was not really a great deal to make in the end. WHOOPS.)
Her current iteration is in a Curse of Strahd game and my DM hasn't had much need for info about whatever entity brought her brother back, so I've been sitting on a homebrew idea for a god (??) that I'll suggest if it ever become relevant. I'm thinking they'll be the Laborer of the Kindly Death, and their tenants will probably revolve around the work it takes to ensure a good death, or at least the best death possible. I'm thinking they'll appear as a common gravekeeper, dour and unkempt but kindly, carrying a shovel coated in grave dirt. I'm thinking their symbology includes spades, mushrooms, moths - you know, a sweeping autumnal theme. And I'm thinking Wyn will subscribe heavily to this after seeing her brother waste away like he did in that last year. She doesn't blame the thing that brought him back after all, not entirely. They told her what the cost would be. They told her what it could mean. She agreed to it. Now she knows that there's work to be done to make a death good, and she's committed herself to helping other people do it so that no one makes the same mistake that she and brother did.
WHICH IS TO SAY, she's a very tragic gal, and her magic reflects that LMAO. She specializes in healing, but it tends to feel a bit draining to both her and the receiver, and feels less like a warmth and more like a numbing while she works. Which, for some things, can be a blessing! But it's not entirely comfortable. Her offensive magics are also often very chill, and tend to be more on the rot-and-ruin spectrum of things. She uses the mushrooms that grow on her horns and tail (a mark from her god) in a LOT of her casting, which her magic responds to by feeling very damp and decaying. Sad wet rat energy for sure LMAO. Except when she gets mad. Her hellish rebuke lives up to its name, because somewhere under the poise and the hard-won ideals, girl is mad as hell at a lot of things.
You wouldn't know, though. Look how sweet she looks! Totally innocent. :>
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(Art by @/ryuichifoxe, design by @/floorplanks!)
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sh4tt3rg1rl · 4 months
i really originally made milo for the silly
you know
blissys mod has been inactive lately, and i really wanted sign and bob to have that connection again, so i made milo
but after a while, i realized that milo could be really good for everyone, not just them
and so came the idea that milo woyld be immune to trauma. maybe it came from my own selfish wish that i could be too, maybe it came because i have literally no characters that are trauma free, but either way, i liked it enough to make it canon.
now to how i feel he would react to others trauma.
youve already seen how he feels about sun. about the drama between her and bob. he still thinks of her as family. everyone that was family with bob before he was disowned, he loves like family. in his eyes, his family is big and maybe troubled, but he can fix it. hes a little ray of sunshine. hes the one who never cries, the one who always forgives, the one who loves all.
hes milo the angel baby.
so he hears about how sun is, and his first reaction is "i love her."
not "oh no, sun!"
not "please dont hurt yourself."
not "shes such a screw-up."
but "i love her."
the first thing he wants to do is give her a big hug and say that even if everyone else goes away, he never will. ever. if needs be, he will literally never leave her side, if only so she feels his love always. because thats his gramma. thats his family. and shes sad, and he doesnt want her to be, and he doesnt care what other people say, or what she says herself, she is still his grandmother. she is still bobs mother in her heart, even if her words say different things. and thats how milo sees her.
milo is my only trauma-free character. he is my most innocent, my sweetest, my most loving character. and he loves everyone. not just his family, not just his friends, but everyone.
he knows sun is good. he knows she can show it. he knows she can be happy. even if she doesnt know this herself, he knows its true. and he wants to show her. and if no one else will, if even her own sister who saved her life wont, then he will take that job on himself.
even if hes "too young"
even if she fights it
even if his parents tell him not to and to leave her alone because she did this to herself and is getting what she deserves
because his name is milo
and he is four years old
and he will make his family happy
no matter what
also "she did this to herself" the worst part about that line is that its completely right
it started as a tiny mistake. which she blamed herself for HEAVILY. the weight of two missing friends on her back.
and it got worse; she drank and got hurt and lashed out because of her decisions
and because of this, her pushing everyone away, there was no one to help her, comfort her, get her the help she needs
and now that sigils gone. she genuinely has no one. shes not even close enough to her own sister to feel she isnt burdening her.
so now that she has no one
theres nothing stopping her from getting worse and worse and worse until she finally snaps =)
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simp999 · 3 hours
A New Home Ch. 38
Various! Splatoon Manga x Skilled! Isekai'd! Reader
A/N: Dedicated to my boyfriend who's an Emperor fan. You're welcome <3
Wc: 1k
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You sobbed yourself to sleep that night.
The night you defeated Emperor you were left stranded, homeless.
Ironically enough, rain began to fill the air, waking you and leaving you no choice but to hide in the exact spot you first found yourself when you got here. In that dark alleyway, off to the side.
Every once in a while, enough drops of rain would fall against you, stinging your skin.
Then it stopped.
Then it stopped?
And there was a shadow on the ground before you. You looked up a bit higher and you spotted some white boots.
"What are you doing out here all alone, friend? Shouldn't you be celebrating?"
His tone was so innocent.
Such a nice break from all that recently happened.
"I..." You were afraid to put it too bluntly, but you had no choice.
"I don't have a home right now."
"Did something happen?" He offered you his hand. You accepted and nodded your head without another word.
You assumed the two of you were walking around aimlessly. That is until you realised you stood before a massive mansion. How long had you been walking?
"Stay the night with us? We've got plenty of room. I'm sure brother wouldn't mind,"
The urge to say no was there, feeling like you didn't deserve a place to stay. But you knew in your heart that Milo could never forgive himself if he found you injured from the rain, you knew your team- your family still cared. Even a little. So, you accepted his offer.
"Ya want some snacks er somethin'?!"
Egning Jr. was not-all-that-surprisingly calm about you staying the night. After Prince showed you your room- the bed was absolutely massive- he chuckled at your slack jaw, you awkwardly sat with the team in the lounge. N-Pacer seemed comfortable, in her robe holding a cup of tea and reading. Emperor stood off to the side staring you down. You couldn't quite tell what emotion lied behind those eyes, but if you had to guess, it would be curiosity.
He then signalled for you to follow him. You did, to your room. He sat on a chair while you reluctantly sat on the edge of the bed, afraid to ruin the sheets.
"Why don't you have a home to go back to?"
"It's a long story."
"We have all night, dear."
You were still reluctant- the idea of him kicking you out for your wild story seemed very possible to you, and you were afraid of being seen out there. It was humiliating. You won against him, yet he's the one offering you a place to sleep? - Already embarrassing enough.
Before you knew it, tears were rolling down your cheeks, recounting the memories of your friends leaving you. He waited patiently, no judgement in his eyes. Were you angry? Sad? You deserved this, didn't you? You didn't deserve anything they gave you in the first place. You don't even know how you got here.
And soon thoughts turned to babbling and mumbling, breaking down and telling Emperor everything.
"...I'm the strongest character of course, right?"
That's what he cared about right now? Cod, he really is such an insolent-
"It was a joke, darling."
He walked over to you and sat beside you. Crossing one leg over the other before leaning down next to your ear and smirking,
"Of course I am."
You wish you had a snarky remark. Your expression grew irritated, but then you turned to notice the genuine smile on his face. The real chuckle that escaped him.
He was being lighthearted to cheer you up.
"You don't think I'm insane?"
"Well, maybe a little~" He answered in a teasing tone. "But what you need is comfort, my dear. As well as a place to live. You didn't deserve to get thrown out by your own family like that, not for that backstory. You came to this world by accident. You should not be blamed for that."
He carefully brought his hand to your cheek, silently asking if you were comfortable with the touch. You didn't flinch or make any move to get away, so he continued.
"I personally think you're a very skilled individual, no matter where you might come from. And that deserves respect." He carefully guided your head towards him for a hug, gentle enough so that you could pull away at any time.
But it was warm, comfortable. You stayed in his hold for what felt like what should have been too long. Once you were comfortable enough to be on your own, from sobs to sniffles, he left you to get some rest, and wished you goodnight.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You woke up to somebody nudging your arm gently. It was a gentle touch but almost frantic. It was Prince, and he wore a worried expression.
"Are you alright, Prince?" He shook his head. In a small voice, he uttered:
"I had a nightmare, and brother wasn't in his room when I went searching for him."
You contemplated your options, rubbing your eyes, still groggy from recently waking. "Would you like me to help you find him?"
"Please," He whispered as he nodded.
He gently held your hand as you roamed the halls together, sleepily trudging forward.
Eventually, the two of you found him in the lounge. He claimed he was unable to sleep because his room was too stuffy. He closed his book and looked up at you two, and that's when he froze, and his expression softened absentmindedly. The sight of you carefully holding his younger brother's hand, taking care of him, making sure he felt safe- Emperor couldn't explain what he felt in that moment. Soft, maybe? As if he wanted to care for you in return.
It was surely an odd feeling.
Next part
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madeofcc · 1 year
It's been a while since I announced it but here it is ! The next Destiny Harbour special episode !
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Introducing MELODIA
It's time for love, breakups ... And lyrics 🎶
One year after the events of DH2, the gang is back to Britechester to enjoy the fun and drama of student life. While Destiny and Aïssa are living the perfect love, fighting for their civil rights, Leïla and Hiro are still fighting with each other. He blames her for being obsessed with magic while she just wants him to act more like an adult now that they live together. Milo, on his side, is tired to experiment the trauma of the Grindr life and wants to find true love.
One night, the gang is having a drink and Leïla/Hiro start arguing about an ancient book she found earlier that day. Meanwhile, Mindy finally admits to Chloé that she applied to the Kappa sorority, which could lead their friendship to an end.
As the night and relationships are coming to difficult choices, an ancient spell will make everyone reveal their truth for 24 crazy hours. Are you ready for it ? ♫
This episode will introduce two new important characters you can see on the poster : Chloé (red hair on the left) and Mindy (right). These two are besties since childhood and are living together at Britechester. Chloé is an extravert art student while Mindy is a shyer law student. Both of them will also be the start of a new dynamic between the characters and the DH gang will be as split as extented next season because of the events of this episode.
As it’s supposed to be a musical, I’ve already done the official playlist (I’ll share it here when it will be time, I can give you some artists featured though : Lizzo, Taylor Swift, Florence and the Machine, The Smiths ... And more !) and I’m already thinking about video ideas to make you all enjoy this part as you should :)
I can’t give you an official date yet but it should start around summer I think. It’s not a long episode but I have a lot of work on it. Remember that if you want to be a part of this project, you can still contact me as I’m looking for sims and builds for this huge part ^^
Stay tuned !
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asksoldieron · 3 months
SO-21: The Problem with Trolley Problems
If there's a lot of engagement on this, this post is liable to get real long, beware before you expand.
No art, but I am working on it and I will add it retroactively. The eyes are letting me draw, just real slow.
Welcome to the Engagement Lounge, for Black Box (250|21) an instalment! Short comments can go in the replies, but there's a 475 character limit. Longer ones will need a reblog. Remember to @asksoldieron if you're reblogging someone else's reblog, so I can see it too!
And so we come to the point! Well, one of many points, it's a long work. But this is one I'm going to hammer into the ground, because I think if people don't engage with it and understand it, bad things will keep happening. A person can get so used to there only being bad decisions, that they don't even look for good ones anymore.
I don't feel good about the gang doing a war crime, and you shouldn't either. I stacked the deck so you'd forgive them; not everyone is going to read from the very beginning and new readers may not trust me, so I pulled my punch. (You can blame my spouse for advising me to have mercy on you now, so you won't stop reading and run away.) You don't get a lot of humanizing interaction with the innocent tourist they assault, and Erik will, of course, forgive his family once he's able. They lay out their decision process for you, and it really does look like they're making the best decision with the information they have - but it's NOT a good decision. I don't want you to duck that.
And it doesn't matter that it's not. One-by-one, they make their peace with it, each for their own reasons. They even get Maggie to help, because she sees they're going to do it anyway, she can't stop them, and she doesn't want Erik to get hurt even worse. And they do it. It's done and they can't take it back, they can only move on from here.
Then we all find out John did the same thing, and why.
When he saw unknown numbers of innocent lives tied to the track, including children, John elected to throw the lever and run over Erik's family and autonomy. They're not dead, the damage isn't irreparable, but they sure are hurt. Likewise, Erik's family will throw that lever to save Erik's future physical and mental health, at the cost of his and an innocent stranger's ability to consent.
I've been planning this plotline since at least 2017 (My original inclination was to force people to compare the mass kidnappings of immigrant and Indigenous children to the Holocaust, but, uh, my focus has broadened out of necessity. Clearly.) , so I had no idea it would go up while my country of origin is trying to decide between one of two genocidal Presidents, but it has. Much like Maggie, I'm sitting here with the full knowledge that one of two bad things will happen, we will not be able to take it back, and we can only move on from there. And, to add insult to injury, she's got to listen to a person she respects explain why sexual assault is OK in this case, and try to square that up with her opinion of him in general. It's not even like he doesn't care, but it's the only thing he can see to do, so he'll defend it. And she'll let him.
Of course, these weren't the best decisions they could've made, but they would've had to take risks that could've ruined everything to get a better result. Neither John nor Erik's family feel secure enough to do that. They've been hurt enough. So (slight spoiler, but I won't go into it) John missed his chance to pick up Diane to help him, and the NDA rejected calling David back with little consideration.
It may not be obvious, but David was telling lies with purpose. He's trying to protect John and the Rainbows from people who could get them all killed. (Given how mad Milo and Ann get later, this is a valid concern.) If they called him back and he saw they weren't buying that Erik would be fine, he'd explain about the battery and try to take all the blame, even at the cost of burning his bridges with Hyacinth. Then the shopping bag with the info would've arrived and confirmed the nature of the damage. (As well as the decent odds that Erik would recover from it within a week, with better operating instructions to help.) But they didn't even give him a chance. It didn't seem worth doing.
When we have to solve a lot of trolley problems, we get used to the idea that someone is going to get run over and we're just deciding who. It's very difficult to reject the entire premise and find another way. While you're trying to take a third option, the trolley might run over someone you don't want to lose! So you pull the lever and move on to the next awful scenario. You're doing your best!
OK, but we sure are running over an awful lot of people. I do wonder how many more will die before the majority of voters decide the risk of a derailment is preferable to running over whatever's on the tracks. I mean, we're going ahead with the genocide. It's far away and we don't have to look at 'em dying, there is that. If it gets a little closer and both choices involve mowing down (more) immigrants on the southern border, will that do it? I'm really scared that it won't, and I could get confirmation on that during this election too. If we're willing to allow that, what's next? (I'm constantly gripping the edges of my seat and waiting to hear, "Well, both candidates are going to send all the trans kids to conversion therapy, so can we please focus on Roe v. Wade/the Supreme Court/healthcare/student loans/etc...?")
I think, I hope, there's a point where everyone will refuse to engage with "choose who" and refocus on "MAKE IT STOP." But we're not there yet. I don't know what happens when we get there, either. A lot of revolutions just rearrange the hierarchy and change the nature of who gets tied to the tracks. I don't want that, and I don't want this. Maybe, if my work survives, someone in the future will be in a position to make some better decisions, and stop the goddamn trollies forever.
So I keep writing and hoping like hell.
Future readers, if you're wondering how we knew it was wrong and did it anyway, I've tried to express that in capsule form with its own context. I hope you can understand, if not forgive, and go on from wherever you are too.
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casualfruit · 1 year
Avatar vs Atlantis: The Lost Empire
I’ve seen a handful of people saying that these movies are basically the same, and I’m taking it upon myself to educate the masses about why this is false.
Now it’s true that, in broad terms, they are similar movies. A group of explorers “discover” a blue indigenous people whom they plan to murder in order to get a special rock. The white male protagonist falls in love with an indigenous woman and decides to protect her people from violent exploitation, and after they defeat the bad guys, he stays with her and is accepted into the indigenous community.
However, this description does not take into account the circumstances of the “discovery” or the motivations of the protagonists, which end up making them into rather different movies.
In Avatar, Jake Sully is a marine who decides to sub in for his dead twin brother to inhabit a modified Na’vi body. The avatar program was created in order to convince the Omaticaya to leave Hometree so an unnamed company can dig up the minerals underneath. He knows this from the beginning and has zero qualms about it for at least half the movie. He gives the company detailed information about Hometree to help them with their plans, knowing that this will completely upend the Omaticaya way of life and probably kill hundreds of them.
In ATLE, Milo Thatch is a linguist and cartographer searching for what he believes to be a completely dead civilization. He, along with the rest of the crew, is shocked to find an actual city with actual people. He even says at one point that he didn’t expect to find much more than some broken pottery. He immediately defers to King Nedakh’s judgement, insisting to Rourke that they should leave the Atlanteans alone, and tries to follow their customs for the short time they stay. He had no idea about Rourke’s plan to steal the magical crystal that has kept the Atlanteans alive for thousands of years - and as soon as he learns of this plan, he immediately tries to stop it. No questions, no hesitation, no regard for what this decision will cost him.
Jake only starts respecting the Omaticaya once he builds a relationship with Neytiri. Milo respects the Atlanteans regardless of his attraction to Princess Kida.
And another thing - Milo does not become the new king of Atlantis once King Nedakh dies. Based on his clothing and tattoos in the last scene, he doesn’t have any particularly high status. Kida becomes queen, and Milo stays as her friend and presumably teaches (re-teaches?) her how to read Atlantean.*
Jake, despite being a traitor and colonialist who knows barely anything about Omaticaya culture - despite being directly responsible for the destruction of their home and much of their people - gets to be king because he can fly the giant dinosaur.
* If you feel icky about this plot point, I don’t blame you. It is weird that in over 8,000 years they never rediscovered their own language, especially considering it’s all around them. However, I still don’t think this gives ATLE the same level of white savior-ness as Avatar because of all the aforementioned reasons.
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emmafallsinlove · 1 year
So, out of genuine curiosity, if they were to make spinoffs from Gilmore Girls, what would you like to see?
Personally, I would love to see a spinoff of Jess and someone who could be a version of Jess, like Doula, who we haven't seen. And also, it would be flipping the main idea of Gilmore Girls- from 'mother and daughter being friends' to 'brother and sister being more like a father and daughter'. And then Rory could be like the stand-in version of Luke, and she finds herself pining over him.
Another one, for me, would be Jess's spinoff but with Doula instead, maybe finding a relative and staying with them, eventually trying to piece together her identity as both a Danes and well, TJ's last name...
What do you think of these?
Also, love your AYITL 2 head-canons... Do you have any ideas for Doula and what her relationship could be with Jess? And who do you think should play her? My personal pick is Izabela Vidovic, cause she has the same eyes as Milo Ventimiglia, and she has a very distinct Jess vibe, if you see her in Homefront (2013) and the Veronica Mars reboot.
Anyway, sorry this got too long. Thanks. 😃
God I love your asks!! Anyway I never put too much thought to gilmore girls spinoff but however, if we’re talking about next gen thing? i want it to be about Rory’s kids, or rather, the Mariano - Danes family after Liz left again. In my headcanons, Liz leaves again and she never comes back, which lead Luke takes care of Doula as he did with Jess. But Doula is more open and yeah, in a lot of hurt, but she still has her father and her uncle and Lorelai to take care of her. I’d love to see Lorelai - Doula dynamics because I think, by the time Liz would leave, Lorelai is already part of their family at this point. Doula calls Lorelai “Aunt Lor” since she can remember, they are a family and the situation is very different to what it was with Jess.
But I think Jess would struggle with that a lot. With Liz’s leaving again. He’d blame himself over it again and again, he wouldn’t want Doula to feel what he felt since he was 8. But I also think about how he’d never pack her stuff and told her to leave with him. She has her father, and while I don’t think T.J is very bright or smart, I think he would do anything for Doula to make her feel okay again.
I would love to see Rory & Doula relationship! Especially if Doula ain’t book-nerd as her brother and his wife. I think their relationship would be so interesting to explore. Mostly because I don’t think Rory was around when Doula was growing up, not as Luke or Lorelai were.
I see Doula as more of a gamer teenager? She’d love Zombie and Apocalypse shit, her favorite game would definitely be tlou in my opinion and I think she’d make everyone play it!
Doula and April relationship is something that I would love to explore as well! Actually, I would love to explore Rory - April relationship but also April / Jess / Doula relationship with Luke and his different approach to each of them.
I read @lanekim great fanfic the other day (haven’t finished it yet!!!) about how Luke is actually the town dad and how he takes in the kids nobody wants and i think it’s very true and i think he is a father figure to most of the kids of stars hollow, not just to Rory or Jess…
Anyway now I need that Doula spinoff lol 😂
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miloxhughes · 1 year
status: closed - @ingridlczano​
location: ingrid’s trailer
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Milo stared at Ingrid’s trailer through the windshield of his car, anxiously tapping his fingers against the steering wheel. Not a word had been said between them since that night at the tree lighting ceremony. Milo had told Ingrid to leave him alone and she had done just that. It was the first time in their friendship that it felt like she had finally given up on him and his bullshit, He couldn’t say he blamed her. Most of the people in Milo’s life should have given up on him by now. He had no idea why they kept giving him chance after chance. Sucking in a quick breath, Milo stepped out of his car and into the cold. He walked up to Ingrid’s trailer, quickly knocking on the door before he lost his nerve.
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systemadministratorclu · 11 months
Lyle T. Rourke
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Tag: His RP posts will be tagged "muse: lyle rourke" and will include the verse in parentheses.
Full name: Lyle Tiberius Rourke. However, only Milo calls him Lyle. He prefers to be called Rourke by everyone else.
Age: Differs depending on verse/thread, but he always appears 54 (his age in the movie)
Species: Human (also known as Terran)
Gender: Male
Hair color: Gray, with a white streak on either side of his head.
Eye color: Brown
Appearance: He's 6' 4" and full of muscles. He's huge and definitely looks like someone you don't want to mess with. He wears a glowing light blue crystal pendant like everyone else in Atlantis wears. He also has a tattoo of a star (just like Milo's) on his right shoulder.
Sexuality: Gay
Canon-ish verse:
His father was a very militaristic man and raised his son in the same way. He was taught to keep his feelings inside and not let them show, and he got better at doing so as he got older, though he struggled in school (leading to teachers often immediately deciding he's an idiot) and often took out his frustration on the more successful students. He was expelled for fighting on more than one occasion, and decided to join the military as a teenager, where he found more success and respect, but still not what he was hoping for: acknowledgement of his efforts and ANY praise for what he did right.
He has been in multiple battles while in the military and was wounded multiple times.
He married once, but it only lasted four months because of his aggressiveness (according to the ex, though a lack of chemistry/connection may also be to blame. Basically, they were never really in love)
As a result of the way he was treated in school and even in the military (everyone deciding he's just a big, muscled moron), he greatly disliked 'academics', though he will admit he had respect for Professor Thaddeus Thatch because Thatch didn't act like a know-it-all and was actually resourceful in a crisis. This was, oddly enough, when he began to think he might be attracted to men.
Upon meeting Milo, Rourke felt a strong urge to protect him and keep him safe. Along the way, through several instances of helping Milo and just watching him be.....Milo, Rourke found himself having feelings for Milo, though he only got up the courage to say something when Milo lay dying in his arms after being fatally injured in the effort to return the Heart of Atlantis.
After Milo was healed by the Heart, he decided to stay in Atlantis to be with Milo, who he learned was in love with him, too.
Heart of Atlantis verse:
This is pretty similar to Canon-ish, but it's based on an idea running through several of my fanfics. In this verse, Milo's grandfather was actually Prince Talos, the younger brother of Atlantis' king. Not much is different from the previous verse (except that Rourke has confessed love for Milo, and Milo revealed his love for Rourke the night before they arrived in Atlantis) until they visit the Heart of Atlantis. Here, Milo is chosen as the Crystal's host instead of Kida. Rourke tries to convince Helga not to go through with her plan, but only succeeds in turning the other team members to his side, and only after Helga's goon kicks his leg where one of his old war wounds is, sending Rourke to the ground, where Helga kicks him in the face before leaving and stranding everyone in Atlantis. The dying king, with Kida's help, explains how the crystal chooses its host and how Milo is in fact Atlantean royal blood, a prince. The king gives his crystal to Rourke, telling him to take Kida with him and return the Heart in order to save Atlantis and Milo, which Rourke does. Milo is returned by the Heart and Rourke tells him about his heritage.
Currently just with @the-haunted-office but this version of him is kinda fun and could be used in other threads. He's 9022 years old (subject to change depending on plots/threads). While not a genius like Milo, he is competent when it comes to technology, especially the things Milo builds/invents. He knows enough science/tech/engineering to be able to help Milo with something if Milo asks him to. He also speaks fluent Atlantean as well as English, and can read/write it fluently also. He would be considered an expert on Atlantis.......if people knew Atlantis existed. Which they don't.
Space verse (because why not):
Takes place after Canon-ish and Heart of Atlantis verses. Either one can be used as his background. A Star Trek-ish deal that kinda crosses with my Rovarians universe with Rourke as Commander/First Officer of the vessel RSS Ulysses and the rest of the Atlantis cast as his senior crew (Milo as captain). Ulysses is a multipurpose Saturn-class heavy cruiser (think the Enterprise D from Trek) whose design is actually based on the submarine of the same name that started the trip to Atlantis (the space vessel is a lot bigger, though, as it has a lot more lab facilities and crew quarters and such on board). It has the standard warp speed drive, a high speed drive known as quantum slipstream, and the basically instantaneous transwarp drive (transwarp is only used when absolutely necessary, as it uses a lot of fuel and needs to cool down and recharge before it can be used to "jump" again. The further you travel with it, the longer the time before it can be used again. This is why transwarp is reserved only for times when even quantum slipstream isn't fast enough). I can give you more details should we decide to do something in this AU
*Rourke also has his own smaller vessel, the Zeleya Maru, that he gained on some mission after he and an away-team stole it from a gang of pirate-like thieves (who had likely stolen it from elsewhere) that they were escaping. Since then, Rourke took up a position as primary caretaker for the Maru, and often uses it to make himself and away teams appear to be rogues/smugglers/whatever they need to be in order to gather intel/resources from places where affiliation with the Rovarians is not well received (Rourke sometimes uses the alias "Teir Aurelan" when necessary for undercover work.). Maru is normally kept in the hangar bay of the RSS Ulysses when she's not in use.
**The following are the same for all verses**
Personality: He appears very stern and stoic on the outside (Tron fans, think Uprising Tron), a product of his upbringing and time in the military. He's very good at not showing what he's feeling, and at forcing his own feelings aside. Since staying in Atlantis, he's trying to get better about letting himself feel things and remembering it's okay to not be okay. He admits he doesn't really like the person he became before the Atlantis trip and wants to become a better version of himself. It takes some effort on his part to open up and trust people, especially after Helga, as he blames himself for not recognizing her as a threat sooner. He can get fiercely protective of those he cares about. It takes a lot to get under his skin or make him cry, but there are things that will do it.
In a relationship: He's loyal and dependable, but he can seem cold and unfeeling at first, as he tries to assess whether or not someone is a threat to him or others. Once he does open up, though, he's very caring and loving toward his partner, being (sometimes overly) conscious of how he acts and speaks around them. He doesn't want to be the one to hurt them, as he feels it would be a betrayal of their trust in him. He will often take on the role of being the 'strong one' being sort of a rock for his partner, though he will feel for them or with them.
*I mainly ship him with Milo, but as with all my characters, I'm open to anything else if it happens. Please talk to me in DM first, though.
Trauma: He does have some from the battles he was in, but it's not nearly as bad as the Leviathan attack or the battle for the Heart of Atlantis. In addition, he also has childhood trauma, as his military father was also an alcoholic and very abusive toward Lyle and his mother, even when Lyle was as young as three. He also witnessed his father's beating on his mother (she stayed around so she could protect little Lyle).
Other: He and Milo occasionally visit the surface world to keep tabs on it and make sure there are no threats to Atlantis. They use whatever knowledge they gain to make sure Atlantis is able to protect itself in the even someone else finds their way down there. After all, the two of them and their group did. Because of their greatly extended lives, no matter what time they appear in, they do not appear to age at all. These surface trips are great opportunities for them to meet other muses.
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