#blue hair characters showdown
mushi-shield · 1 year
final round
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afro-hispwriter · 3 months
The French Mistake was a mistake
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Dean Winchester/Jensen Ackles x reader
Soulless Sam x reader(brief mention)
Summary- Dean is starting to believe you and him aren't meant to be in any universe
Warnings- 6x15(doesn’t follow it completely), mentions of suicide, mentions of being admitted to a facility, break ups, so much angst, mentions of anna, lisa, and ben, dean is a asshole lowkey(in the situation at least)
Not edited
Sam and Dean burst through the window and landed on a blue mat but before they could stand up someones yelled,
"CUT!" Bells rang, clapping, and whole bunch of talking started. The brothers looked around, Balthazar was gone and that's when the confusion started.
 "Great solid fall." Someone slapped Deans ass making him jump.
"Jared, Jensen outstanding. That was just great!" Said a old man in a chair and from behind a kid started speaking nonsense.
"Supernatural, scene one, "Echo." Take one, tail slate. Marker." And closed one of those movie boxes.
"So no angels?" Sam says.
"No angels, I think."
"Should we be killing anybody?"
"I don't think so."
Sam and Dean looked at the group of guys sitting around tv screens all talking. Then one yells "Moving on" and lights start turning on.
"Thats a wrap on Jared and Jensen." 
"Who the hell are-?"
It went by quick after that. Dean got dragged up to makeup stations and got the makeup he didn't think he had on him. Sam got dragged into an interview he had no idea how to answer.
They met up again, settling on being sent to another universe where they are actors who play Sam and Dean. They walked out of the building and the sight of Baby gave Dean a huge smile. But he watched a guy throw stuff over it and saw a whole bunch of Baby's. 
"Im gonna be sick." Dean says and starts to back away.
"We need Cas." Sam says and Dean tries to do some sort of "prayer"  but that was short lived when they spotted the man. 
That ended up being fake too. Cas' name in this universe was Misha. Misha? They kept walking around the lot until they saw the trailer that said "J. Ackles." 
"Thats fake me." Dean says and pointed at himself.
"This mist be fake mine." They walked in and Dean was instantly in awe. The fish tank and the freaking helicopter. Dean looked around the trailer and noticed a framed picture on a table. It was of fake him and a woman with brownish red hair. Maybe his sister? But the picture looked a little too intimate to be that.
It made him think of you. You left the team after the showdown with Lucifer. But he couldn't blame you. He hurt you, deeply. From Lisa, all the way too Anna. He really did like you but his connection too Anna was too great. And Lisa, Lisa and him are good. He loves her and he loves Ben. But every once in a while his mind would drift off to you, wondering what you were up too.
It was a dick move. Sam called him out on it, as did Bobby and Ellen. 
All this thought of you made him want to see if you were in the universe. Sam was typing away on fake his computer.
"Hey Sammy, I want to check something." Dean says and takes the laptop and plops on the couch. He starts typing in your name.
Y/n L/n Supernatural 
Pictures of you popped up, along with a description of your character. And again the bottom in the little box there were drop down choices with answers.
Why did Y/n Carter leave Supernatural?
Why did Dean and Y/n break up?
Do Y/n and Sam get together? 
That made Deans eyebrows furrow. Why would you and Sam ever get together? But he immediately groaned. When Sam was still soulless he apparently went to go see you, wherever you were. Because apparently Sam and Bobby were the only one to know where you went. He then proceeded to heavily dropped hints that he slept with you. It had taken everything for Dean not to beat up his soulless baby brother. 
Y/n Carter must be your name in this universe. Ironic how fake you and real you share the same first name. He clicked on the option that said why you left the show.
It was released that she left the show due to personal reasons but fans speculate it has something to do with her ex of 7 years Jensen Ackles(who plays Dean Winchester aka her love interest), leaving her and marrying a now former mutual friend, Daneel Harris now Daneel Harris-Ackles. 
"Holy shit" Dean mumbled, "Im a dick here too." 
"Whats wrong?"
"I looked up Y/n, wanted too know what she was up to. Apparently im an asshole here too." He passed the computer to Sam and he started reading. 
“At least you’re aware.” Sam mumbled and Dean shot him a look. “Huh seems like you guys broke up in this universe just after dad died in ours and she left the show around the time our Y/n left us." 
"You know where she is and wont tell me." Dean says with a slight glare.
"She doesn't want you too know, and for good reasons." Sam says.
"We need to find a way to get back to our universe." Dean says and looks over at the framed picture of fake him and the woman. It gave him a great unease. 
After trying to drive fake Baby. Sam and Dean just settled on getting driven to 'Jared's place as they should say. Fake Sam had a huge house, a freaking mansion. Dean noticed a tanning bed and opened it. 
"What am I Dracula?" Sam asks and shakes his head. Dean walked over to the large curtains as he heard animals making noises.
"Dude you have a freaking camal in your backyard."
"It's an alpaca, dumbass." A familiar woman's voice made them whip around. A woman at the top of the stairs, wearing a short black dress. 
"Ruby?" Dean looks at the woman is shock and she scoffs. 
"Gen, who is it?" The next voice that popped up was so sweet but sounded tired. Another woman appeared behind fake Ruby, dean let his eyes trail over her figure before his breath hitched.
"Y/n." He breathed out and took a step forward. He watched you swallow harshly all the way from where he was. You looked so beautiful, beautiful in every universe it seems. 
"G-Gen." you shakily said and grabbed her hand. "You said he wasn't going to be here."
"I know honey, I told a certain someone not to let another certain someone into the house even though I thought I didn't have to worry about it." Fake Ruby said all of that while glaring at Sam which made him shrink back. 
"I can't be here." You let her go and start to rush down the stairs. 
"Y/n wait let me talk to Jared and I'll take you back to your hotel room."
"Y/n." Dean walked towards you as you made it to the bottom of the stairs. "Hey." It had been more than a year since he last saw you, at least the real you. 
"Hey? Thats all you had to say after you admitted me to a fucking psych ward!? Dean took a step back and you took a step forward. "Got me written off the rest of 5?" You shoved your finger into his chest "You didn't even bother to visit me!" You shoved him fully this time.
This must have been what the internet was talking about.
“I-I-.” Dean tried to think of something to say but he was blank.
“Oh now you don’t have anything to say. Nothing about this being good for me, that everything is going to go back to normal after I get it. News flash Jensen, nothing worked. Fuck! WHY DIDNT YOU JUST LET ME DIE?” You screamed and shoved him hard making him almost fall back. 
“Okay Y/n honey go wait in the car.” Gen grabbed you by your arms and guided you to the door. 
“Fuck you Jensen, I wish I never fucking met you.” Gen opened the door for you and the boys watched fake Ruby watch you go to the car. She took in a deep breath before whipping around to the two boys. 
“Seriously Jensen, nothing you couldn’t say anything too her? Do you know what this could do to her?” Dean bit his lip and wiped his eye with the back of his hand. “Crying, you’re crying? Jesus I don’t want to see you talking to her outside of work, you’ve ruined my friend for the rest of her life.” 
Dean looked down at his shoes in shame and it felt weird too. This wasn’t his life, so why was it affecting him this much?
“And you.” Fake Ruby looks at Sam. “We’ll talk later.” She walks up to him and wraps a hand around his neck and pulls him down to her lips. He didn’t kiss her back, the shock of the whole thing has Sam stumped. She pulled away and let out a disappointed sigh before walking about of the house. 
It was quite for a mom between them. 
“Sammy we need to go home now.” Dean says, it was so quite Sam almost didn’t catch it. He didn’t sound like Dean.
“Dean, you okay?” He watched his brother bring bath hands up and wipe his eyes before turning around.
“Im going too stop asking you about her from now on.” He says and Sam cocks his head.
“About Y/n? Dean what’s happening in this universe, is nothing compared to what was happening back home.” 
“No you don’t understand! This just proved that me and Y/n don’t work, in any universe.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes I do. Fake me left her first another woman after 7 years Sammy. And I left her for a woman who ended up wanting to ruin us. And them I didn’t even try to go after her after you disappeared, like you told me too. Im fucked up Sam, its better this way for her.” 
“Dean don’t say that-.”
“Sammy please, let’s just find a way back.”
A/n- if people want it, planning on making more about dean x reader, but the Jensen situation in this one… there is no coming back from that kinf of situation.  so no. But I have a big plan for Deans, I really hope people want more and want too know about it😁Feedback appreciated, I will love you forever
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its-avalon-08 · 2 months
hearts intertwined (hamilton x sister! driver!rosberg) pt6
chapter 6: can we ever go back?
warnings - none at all
series masterlist
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flashback several years ago - The summer sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the Rosberg household. Inside, a different kind of heat radiated from the living room TV. Lewis and Y/N, both fourteen at the time, were locked in a fierce Mario Kart battle, controllers practically glued to their hands.
"No way, Lewis!" Y/N shrieked as a blue shell sent her princess character plummeting down a rainbow road. "That was a cheap shot!"
Lewis, a mischievous glint in his dark eyes, threw his head back and laughed. "All's fair in love and Mario Kart, Y/N." He wagged his finger playfully, causing a strand of hair to fall across his forehead.
Suddenly, the living room door burst open, revealing Nico, Y/N's older brother by three years. A scowl marred his features. "Seriously, Y/N? Can't you ever leave us alone when we're trying to play?"
Y/N stuck her tongue out at him. "Lewis doesn't mind. Do you, Lewis?"
Lewis shot her a reassuring grin. "Of course not. The more the merrier, right?" He nudged her playfully with his elbow.
Nico groaned, rolling his eyes. "Whatever. Just don't bother us when we're trying to strategize for the next race." He flopped onto the couch next to Lewis, grabbing another controller.
Lewis, ever the tease, tugged gently on a strand of Y/N's hair. "Don't worry, Y/N, we'll save a spot for you in the next one. As long as you promise not to rain on Nico's parade again."
Y/N mock-gasped. "Hey! I may be new to the game, but I'm a fast learner. Just you wait, I'll be beating you both in no time!"
The afternoon unfolded in a flurry of racing games, laughter erupting every time a blue shell found its unfortunate victim. Lewis, surprisingly patient with Y/N's less-than-stellar driving skills, offered tips and pointers between his own races. Y/N, in turn, cheered him on with an enthusiasm that rivaled his own.
While Nico focused on beating Lewis at all costs, a different kind of competition simmered between Y/N and Lewis. It wasn't a fierce rivalry; it was a playful battle for attention, punctuated by gentle hair-tugs and whispered jokes. Lewis always seemed to gravitate towards Y/N, finding her bright laugh and infectious enthusiasm more appealing than Nico's stoic determination.
As dusk settled, casting an orange glow across the living room, a comfortable silence descended. Nico, defeated (much to Y/N's gleeful surprise), finally conceded victory to Lewis. Y/N, snuggled between them on the couch, felt a warmth spread through her chest that had nothing to do with the setting sun.
"This was fun," Y/N declared, her voice a contented sigh. "Can we do this again tomorrow?"
Lewis felt warmth expand throughout his chest. The girl he saw so dearly in his eyes, was so close yet so far. gently tugging her hair, as he always did when he was affectionate, he leaned closer.
"Absolutely," Lewis said, his voice filled with an unspoken tenderness that only Y/N seemed to notice. "We'll have another Mario Kart showdown tomorrow, and this time, no mercy for the newbie."
Y/N grinned, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Bring it on, champ."
The memory faded, leaving a bittersweet aftertaste. The playful banter, the shared laughter – it all felt like a lifetime ago. Yet, as Y/N closed her eyes, she could almost feel the soft tug of a strand of hair, a gentle reminder of a time before rivalries and broken friendships. The embers of that warmth, buried deep within her, flickered back to life, casting a fragile light on the present. Could there be a future where that childhood camaraderie rekindled, or were they forever destined to be locked in an endless battle, Lewis Hamilton versus Y/N Rosberg?
credits for gif - @lewishamiltongifs
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taglist: @laura-naruto-fan1998 , @xoscar03 , @torossosebs , @jajouska , @lindsayjoy444
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Let's make some kids battle to the death!!
Video game children. We're familiar with them. We adopt them. We villainize them. We put them through The Horrors.
But which one is the gamest child of all time?
Submit the video game children of your choice in a 32-person tournament and see which one is the last man (gender neutral) standing.
✅Must be from a video game.
✅Must be under 18.
✅3 submissions per child to be considered a participant!
✅One kid per fandom (excluding those who are A Unit i.e the Cupbros from Cuphead)
Submit your video game kiddos for a battle to the death!
obligatory fellow tourney Tumblr mentions!
@best-bud-bracket @foundfamilyadoptionagency @he-would-not-fucking-say-that @mommydaddyproblemscauser
@ninjago-parents-tournament @pmd-oc-tourney
@who-do-i-know-this-man @your-old-sins-tournament @haveyouseenthismovie-poll @haveyouwatchedthisshow-poll @haveyoureadthisbook @moon-swag-tourney @annoyingblondebracket @most-hated-blorbo-bracket @favoritepokemontournament @tragicsibsshowdown @ultimate-good-dog @ultimate-good-luck
@cringefaillosershowdown @cringefaillosersummit @weird-song-bracket @wlw-webcomic-bracket @shinypokemonshowdown @foundfamilyadoptionagency @vocaloidsongtournament @blue-hair-and-pronouns-tourney @doll-tournament @fellfirst-fellharder-fight @gentle-giant-swag @worst-mother-throwdown @sigma-showdown @the-ballerina-battle @masked-character-competition
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variabels · 1 year
Blue Lock morning and victory routines
So, some of you may have heard about the Blue Lock exhibition happening rn. They gave out a pamphlet with some characters' morning and victory routines. Lots of insight about the characters (Kaiser fans are really gonna enjoy this one). Be prepared to have your headcanons confirmed or crushed lmao.
Translation by Nendoromai Source
Q1. What’s your usual morning routine?
Isagi: Stretching→Greet my parents→Breakfast→Perform a simulation of the day ahead→Eat a sweet treat→Go to school
Bachira: Stretching→Soccer ball juggling→Breakfast→Soccer ball juggling→Brush my teeth→Soccer ball juggling→Pee→Soccer ball juggling
Chigiri: Shower→Dry my hair→Breakfast→Brush my hair→Brush my teeth→Style my hair→Get sis to check my hair→Fix my hair→Get going
Nagi: Go back to sleep→Get my mobile game log-in bonuses→Greet my pet cactus (Choki)→Jelly drink for breakfast→Sluggishly get dressed→I’m all set→Go back to sleep
Reo: My personal attendant (Baaya) wakes me up→Breakfast (eggs Benedict with an enzyme smoothie)→Morning sauna→Check the day’s financial news→Go to school in my limousine (morning glass of non-alcoholic champagne)
Rin: Open the window to let in some fresh air→Take deep breaths→Stretching→Morning yoga→Meditate→Revisit those feelings of rage and sadness→Start the day
Sae: Open the window to let in some fresh air→Take deep breaths→Stretching→Morning yoga→Meditate→Drink salted kombucha→Start the day
Shidou: Go onto the balcony naked and soak up sunlight→Dance however I like→Yell whatever words come to mind at the sky (stuff like “Capillaries and flesh rupture!!”)
Kaiser: Stand naked before the mirror→Gaze at myself, have a conversation with myself (inside my heart)→Get into the mindset that nothing is impossible→Smile at this me
Kurona: Space out (not, so not a morning person)→Carefully brush my teeth (mine are crooked, crooked)→Style my hair (braiding’s fun, fun)→Go to school (oh sh*t time to dash, dash)
Q2. What do you do for luck before a showdown?
Isagi: Shape the hair on the crown of my head into a nice V.
Bachira: If Zico shows up in my dreams that day, I’m pretty much gonna win!
Chigiri: Step onto the field with my right foot leading.
Nagi: No~thing much. Ne~ver tried. It’s a pa~in.
Reo: Get a new tie for my hair. (so that I’ll be looking forward instead of into the past)
Rin: Think about beating nii-chan. I can’t lose to all of the other small fry.
Sae: Think about stuff like what I want to eat if I win, putting soccer completely out of mind for a while.
Shidou: Take a sh*t.
Kaiser: Stroke my blue rose tattoo, as though tightening a noose around my neck.
Kurona: Make my bed, so that I’ll be at ease no matter if I win or lose. All’s good, all’s good.
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prof-ramses · 4 months
Theorizing about the new TADC character teaser!
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For those not in the know, Gooseworx posted the first of the above images on her socials yesterday. Obviously teasing future TADC characters.
The second image is an upside down edit, to help get a better gander at the reflections.
As none of these characters match any of the abstracted performers, the most likely option is that these four a NPC created for adventures, or possible, one shared adventure.
For the sake of clarity, the characters will henceforth be referred to as Blue, Pink, Green and Grey.
I'll discuss them individually before giving a theory about episode 2
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A lot of people have compared this character to the cast of the fighting game Ballz 3D, and predicting they're made of balloons, but upon closer inspection, I have uncovered some details no one else has pointed out.
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In addition to making out what appears to be a simplistic face texture, seemingly hovering in front of Blue's face, but the shapes and contours of their limbs make them resemble coils, like a thick rubber version of Gangle's torso.
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Pink here has understandably been compared to Queenie by many fans, as well as many assuming them to be the leader of this odd group. Other's have drawn comparisons to Baroness Von Bon Bon, which are also understandable. But what else could a detailed look over reveal?
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It would appear Pink has a heart pattern on their chest, as well as large puffy hair and an adorable little crown.
Her dress has 2 to 3 layers, depending on if the highlighted segment towards the bottom left is actually anything meaningful.
I also took the liberty of estimating her hand proportions.
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The most "normal" looking of the four, at least in this teaser, kind of like Ragatha in the main cast reflection teaser. The ghostly element is obvious and the extra blur added by their glow affect compounded by the reflection complicates analysis a bit, but I like a challenge.
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The first thing that stuck out to me was what I can best describe as a line of many small buttons, like an old fashioned woman's shirt. The change in thickness of one arm also gave the impression of sleeves.
Lastly (and most likely to be parandolia), I think I found the rough outline of a darker patch on the head, likely the actual head.
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I've seen the most disagreement over what this weirdo is. My first thought was a penguin, but I no longer hold that opinion. Rather, I agree with many others who sight this a a revisit of Frogni (an unused frog design for Pomni). So, let's dissect this thing.
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So, Frogni is definitely here in spirit, especially with Grey being the most main cast-like new comer. The orange/bronze arm is what really stuck with me, especially as I haven't seen anyone point it out.
I think these NPCs will be rivals to the performers (Gangle, Kinger, Ragatha and Pomni) in a "rival showdown" adventure. Jax and Zooble will either opt out or defeat their rivals so quickly that they weren't included (similar to Bubble in the main cast teaser)
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Welcome To The Fictional Orphan Smackdown!
You ever wanted to pit a bunch of people who've gone through terrible (or not terrible, depending on the circumstance) loss against each other to see who's the best? Well, now you can!
There is no proper basis for who the "best" orphan is in this specific poll. Is it based on who's written better? It is based on who you like more? It is based on who would win in a fight? That's up to you!
Before we get started, here are some basic rules on who is qualified as an orphan for this specific poll:
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Both biological parents must be dead.
Surrogate/adoptive parents as well as parental figures may still be alive.
If adoptive parents are dead, that counts as an orphan.
If a character has unorthodox parentage (ex. made in a lab, created directly by a diety, ect) and the characters they consider parental figures are dead, that is an orphan.
If they have no confirmed parents, but are theorized to be an orphan, I would have to see the evidence for that theory and judge from there.
On some level, this character should probably be affected by being an orphan (not a requirement, but it will help your chances).
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Of course, there will be edge cases and I'll try to judge everything case-by-case, so even if you don't think a character qualifies, submit them anyway! I can't garuntee they get in, but the worst thing I can do is not put them in the bracket :)
Tournament size will be determined by how many submissions I get.
Reblog to help me spread this bracket around! Also here's the obligatory exposure tags:
@video-game-kids-tournament @animateddadbracket @best-bud-bracket @foundfamilyadoptionagency @he-would-not-fucking-say-that @mommydaddyproblemscauser @ninjago-parents-tournament @who-do-i-know-this-man @your-old-sins-tournament @haveyouseenthismovie-poll @haveyouwatchedthisshow-poll @haveyoureadthisbook @moon-swag-tourney @annoyingblondebracket @most-hated-blorbo-bracket @favoritepokemontournament @tragicsibsshowdown @ultimate-good-dog @ultimate-good-luck @cringefaillosershowdown @cringefaillosersummit @weird-song-bracket @wlw-webcomic-bracket @shinypokemonshowdown @foundfamilyadoptionagency @vocaloidsongtournament @blue-hair-and-pronouns-tourney @doll-tournament @fellfirst-fellharder-fight @gentle-giant-swag @worst-mother-throwdown @sigma-showdown @the-ballerina-battle @masked-character-competition
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Obscure Character Showdown FINALE
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[image ID: the first image is of image is of No Significant Harassment, a shadowy figure standing behind a sleeping pink-red, fox-like creature. their green hands seem to be holding up the floating creature. the second image is of Granger, a girl with green eyes and short, wavy or curly black hair. in her hair is a red hat or ribbon. she's wearing a black turtleneck sweater, blue overalls, and a green coat. end ID]
No Significant Harassment
[NSH has beaten Akama (The Idiot (1951)), Libby Day (Dark Places), Sally Swing (Betty Boop), Shrimp (The Upturned), Oopsy Bear (Care Bears (2007 series)), Hikaru (Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu), and Diggory Graves (Hello from the Hallowoods)] They're just a silly little guy. A jokester. Significant harassment if you will. Anyway, a more in depth run down: They're a city sized supercomputer built by a Buddhist adjacent society to figure out how to transcend the 'Great Cycle' (semi-metaphorical cycle of death and rebirth) in a safer way than the previous method (submerging oneself in the 'void sea' which is a mysterious golden liquid that dissolves whatever it touches). Despite being built for this express purpose NSH never really shows a pressing interest in ascension, even cracking jokes about those who are still looking for a solution. Whether this is due to indifference, dislike of, or humor to cope with being unable to ascend is not clear and really up to interpretation. Example: NSH: I wish them super good luck in that endeavor. How is it going to happen? Have the overseers gnaw through bedrock until their entire can crashes down in the void sea? BSM: Please be respectful when speaking of the Void Sea. Grey Wind, where did you hear this? CW: I really shouldn't say. He's going to attempt some sort of breeding program. Thought you might want to know. NSH: Haha with the slimers, lizards and etceteras? Surely the answer was in a lizard skull all along! He's very flippant, but does care very intensely for those close to him. NSH: Moon? It's me again. NSH: I do not know if you are receiving these. Please signal in any way you can. NSH: I need to talk to you. I need to know you're okay. NSH: … NSH: Its difficult for us to assist you over this distance. NSH: Even more difficult for us to do anything in the midst of these tantrums. NSH: Were going to try everything that we can. NSH: Just hold on a little longer. (Context for previous convo: They genetically engineered a super organism of a slugcat (the species you play as in Rain World) to help reset his coworker/sibling after her collapse and restart her systems. He was so desperate to fix her that he accidentally messed up the slugcat's (Hunter) genetic code and as a result it became riddle with the Rot (relatively similar to aggressive cancer) :( which parallels his other coworker/siblings condition who also has the rot. ) He canonically uses he/they pronouns too! Nonbinary swag! NSH has major internet troll vibes. He has sent a data pearl of "something distasteful" to his neighbors on several(?) occasions and causes chaos. If he had access to the wider internet he'd probably be an influencer So…yeah! Vote NSH this website likes the allure of heavy machinery and stuff like that so… there you go. Kind of a blorbo. End post.
[Granger has beaten Chopfyt (Oz), Wolfman (Darkwood), Gaap Goemon (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Forest Friend (Gris), Turnip (Chicory: A Colorful Tale), Gary (Faith the Unholy Trinity), and Stag Malinay (Krystar First Fragment)] so granger is the main character of the indie game "NeverHome" Chapter one, which is only $1 on Steam, is called NeverHome: Hall of Apathy. if ur a fan of young protags being put in RPG maker horror games, then this is the game for you!! so granger is just that… she wakes up to find herself in a strange, hostile world. she, along with the friends she makes, must solve the various puzzles before them while creatures are out to kill them… and along the way they can uncover the secrets of these never ending halls… her dynamics with the cast is also super fun… each character gets their moment or moments with granger. and what's so cute is that there's unique art for each pair that highlights the fact you cant get through these halls alone!! she also has her own theme song!! here!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_vwtmIj5cw it's called cyclical tragedy AND HERE IS AN ANALYSIS OF THE THEME!! MUSIC THEORY!!! written by my good friend @HIEMIOLA "cyclical tragedy" embodies the protagonist, granger, through the music theory behind the track and ties itself back into the main track as well. to begin with an overview of the track, the key is D minor and hte time signature is 3/4. the piece begins with a broken minor third starting from the tonic. that is, it begins on the main note and moves along the main chord, D to F. the next set of notes are C to E, which is shifted down a step. the phrase repeats again, this time D to F, then G to E, which is an inverse movement from the original sequence. even in this first part, we could tell that the protagonist begins from square 1 with a simple pattern, then tries it again when it works. however, the inverse breaks that expectation of repetition, thus showing the diverse variations of solutions she comes up with using just the tools she has (the two notes moving in thirds). just like the game, she is given a handful of objects as well as a knife to defend herself and solve the mysteries of the world she exists in. with her creative uses of the items given to her, she continues on her way through the plot. we will keep moving. the melody begins. true to the title of the track, the melody cycles around the same beginning note, D, that she always returns to at her square 1. this is a nod to the save states she is allowed to keep to make sure that we the players don't lose the game, but it also references the health bar that appears as a circle around her avatar. the melody, mapped out, is also moving in an up-down wave movement across the sheet music. granger is creative with the knife she has and the quest items she obtains throughout the story, but she is not entirely reckless. rather, she knows when it is time to return to the safe rooms to rest. to time her returns requires skill because she must run to cover without being caught by varying her path so the enemies don't corner her as she tries to return to the room. most of the time, she is successful, shown through the consistent return to the beginning note. let's keep going. i would like to turn your attention to the main theme briefly. in the bass notes, you can hear arpeggios and outlined chords. this makes up the bulk of the accompaniment in the main game theme. [mod note: the rest of the essay, and some more propaganda, is continued under a cut because tumblr will not process more text than this in an indent. sorry to split it up, please continue below for the rest of the essay and additional propaganda (including art) !]
the third variation of granger's theme also has arpeggiated chords in the accompaniment while the melody features broken chords. at this stage, the pattern switches to eigth notes instead of the quarter notes at first. with greater movement and heightened senses, she runs throughout world and befriends other people, thus interacting further with the environment. while she isn't exactly someone we would call open, she is respectful to the people she first meets and has no problems with asking them for help when she needs it. because of her openness to working together, she speeds up her progress by asking for aid at obstacles that would be too difficult for her to overcome on her own, such as asking a teammate to break things, move things, or reach into smaller holes. fusing the main theme elements with her own theme marks this step as the inciting incident that sets her on the path to escape from this world. we'll continue.
continuing the same part, we hear some secondary fifths. i'm not entirely sure if this is what you call it, but it is a nod to the parallel key, D major. depending on what theory class you take, this could also be considered the other half of the key. i dont know how else to describe it, but i digress. these are glimpses to different dialogue options she could take, glimpses to a different key or a different ending. because this game only has one chapter ending so far, we are unsure of what other paths granger will end up in; we only know that there are certainly other endings she will experience, only to begin the cycle again when the save state is loaded for players to reach another ending. both A major and G major are chords that signify different choices that may lead her elsewhere only for her to return back to the tonic or main note, D. despite this, she keeps going, as will we.
at the midpoint of the track, we see a quick shift in patterns. instead of upward leaps in the notes, the melody falls in stepwise motion. true to the plot, this is another turning point of the game when she is forced to make a choice: continue or stop. after facing the spoiler event, her once determined personality is challenged as she struggles to keep herself and her team together. despite being the headstrong protagonist who spearheaded solutions, even now she finds herself doubting and taking smaller steps, smaller risks.
even after all of this, she rises to the challenge as the melody returns to its beginning sequence. true to a protagonist she gets up again despite the events that transpired and keeps her team moving in their lowest points. the thirds return as she finds more objects to solve more puzzles to open more rooms to save more friends. this repeating part of the track only solidifies her resolve as the piece ends with a broken chord in the main key, her key, of D minor. despite everything that transpired, she stayed true to herself."
the game is also so, so charming with the art, music, and story made by the same person… its so clearly loved and full of passion!! i love listening to the game's ost on occassion!! since it's all on youtube!
ok one last thing thing!! on may 8th, the game hit 100 downloads (on both steam and itch.io). you can see the creator of the game celebrate that with this lovely drawing of granger: https://twitter.com/NeverHome_Game/status/1655761270694633472
so at most, only a bit over 100 people have played the game… id like to say that makes it obscure!!
anyways granger and neverhome!! we love to see our protagonists put in horrific situations and isn't she super cute with a lil bow on her head? she is my daughter…
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south-of-heaven · 9 months
trying out wwe 2k23 for the first time on upup downdown with liv morgan x fem!reader?
2k23 || Liv Morgan x Reader
Summary: You and Liv try the new WWE 2k23 together on UpUp DownDown.
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The stage was set on Austin Creed's UpUpDownDown channel for an epic showdown in the virtual world of WWE 2K23. Liv Morgan, your partner in crime both in and out of the ring, was right beside you, and the anticipation was palpable. You'd been practicing for weeks, and now, the moment had arrived.
Austin, known to WWE fans as Xavier Woods, was hosting the game night. His signature enthusiasm and charisma radiated as he introduced both of you to the virtual battleground. Liv, with her trademark blonde hair and mischievous grin, couldn't wait to get her hands on the controller.
You and Liv settled in on the couch, controllers in hand, ready to dive into the virtual ring. The screen flickered to life, and your chosen characters appeared on the screen. The excitement in the room was electric.
Austin leaned in, a grin stretching across his face. "Ladies and gentlemen, we've got Liv Morgan and [Your Name] going head-to-head in this WWE 2K23 showdown. Let the games begin!"
The match kicked off with a flurry of strikes and grapples, the on-screen avatars mimicking your every move. Liv and you were both competitive by nature, and the match quickly escalated into an epic battle. The game was so realistic that you could almost feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins.
As the virtual crowd roared in the background, you and Liv pulled off incredible moves, dodging and countering each other's attacks. It was an intense back-and-forth, both of you determined to come out on top.
Liv's character landed a devastating finishing move, sending your avatar crashing to the mat. The virtual referee counted to three, and Liv's victory was secured.
The room erupted in cheers and laughter. Liv threw her controller aside, celebrating her win with a triumphant grin. You couldn't help but join in on the celebration, giving her a playful nudge. "Alright, alright, you got me this time."
Liv leaned over and planted a quick kiss on your cheek, her blue eyes sparkling with joy. "Better luck next time, champ."
Austin joined in the fun, offering high-fives and cheers to both of you. The camaraderie and competitive spirit in the room were infectious, making this gaming session an unforgettable experience.
As the night continued, you and Liv took turns challenging Austin and each other, laughing and joking all the while. It didn't matter who won or lost; what mattered was the bond you shared, the fun you had, and the memories you were creating together.
By the end of the evening, Liv might have had the upper hand in the game, but you both felt like winners. The real victory was the laughter, the camaraderie, and the love that filled the room as you enjoyed this memorable gaming night on UpUpDownDown.
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shochansstuff · 1 year
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✰ 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲, 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 ✰
Inazuma Version part1. •Mondstadt Version •Liyue Version
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->Summary: Inazuma boys being jealous<3
->Characters: Gorou jealous of Kazuha / Kazuha jealous of Heizou/ Heizou Jealous of Thoma / Thoma is jealous of Ayato.
->Warnings: One mention of blood, a little suggestive, no nswf, and slightly possessive behavior<3
->Reader: Gender Neutral 😐
->Author's notes: SORRY I DISAPPEARED I'VE BEEN REALLY BUSY LATELY, so here it is the first part of the Inazuma version, I'll post soon enough the second part of this <3 Enjoy🫶
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1. Gorou is jealous of Kazuha.
The great general of Watatsumi Island's forces. He has gained respect and prestige, but always shows himself to be a humble leader.
He is deeply trusted by his subordinates and is someone with whom you can share your feelings without shame.
Gorou, like all of Watatsumi Island's inhabitants, is a loyal supporter of Sangonomiya Kokomi. Kokomi trusts him to lead the Watatsumi Army as its primary general, being sincere, determined and courageous. He has a strong sense of camaraderie and gets along well with all of the soldiers under his command, who in turn share the same sentiment and speak to him if any issues arise, including new recruits.
This is what you like about Gorou. His determination and loyalty. From the moment you joined the army, you quickly established a bond with the young general. But soon this understanding of yours became bigger and bigger. Even Her Excellency, Sangonomia Kokomi, realized that between the two of you there was not the usual and classic relationship between superior and subordinate.
No. He shared with you his choices, and asked you for advice on how to move troops by treating you as an equal. Also on the front line during the fights. Always have your backs and make sure to protect one another. You trained together, and you gave him tips on how to use the sword, while he helps you get used to the bow. You were meant for each other, but there was nothing official between you despite your behavior behind the scenes being the same of a married couple.
The battle for a showdown with the Shogun's army was near, so Kokomi asked whoever had the possibility to join the army momentarily to help the rebellion, and the task of welcoming those who would make such a decision was entrusted to you and Gorou.
When you arrive at the meeting place, you started to feel a little anxious. After all, you were about to welcome your new allies. Gorou is a very knowledgeable guy in this kind of thing, but you were... still inexpert. You breathed deeply. You could have done it. Soon, some soldiers arrived, escorting two individuals.
A woman. She has long, waist-length dark brown hair. The top of her hair is tied up with an intricate gold hairpin with a pale blue tassel hanging from one end. Her fringe parts around her right eye, slightly covering her left. Her right eye is a deep ruby-colored hue melting into gold. Her left eye is covered by an eyepatch.
And, by her side there was a young man with choppy, medium length hair, some of it tied in an off centered ponytail to his right. It is a platinum blonde color, apart from a single red streak on his right. He has red eyes with a yellow hue at the bottom. He has a gentle facial expression, rather calming.
"We thank you for offering to help us. The entire army and Her Excellency herself are grateful to you." Gorou said. "It's nice to see you again, Beidou and Kazuha." He... he already knew them?
Your eyes moved from Gorou's face to the young man's He was already looking at you. Your gazes chained, as if they didn't want to leave. You lost yourself for a moment in the crimson color of the irises of the boy named Kazuha.
He smiled softly at you, as you break the eye contact with him, nervously looking away. He whisper a soft chuckle, as Gorou invites them to follow him.
You reached quickly Gorou's side, as you walked with him. While walking to towards the camp, you kept giving small gazes at the samurai, who indeed was doing the same. But the General Gorou isn't blind. He noticed.
And he was...bothered...?!
Once reached the camp, you stopped in front of the gate. "Here we are. You will both stay here until Her Excellency will sort you into the various groups." Gorou said. You looked straight into Kazuha's eyes, as you offered to accompany him to his tent, and showing him the rest of the camp. But Gorou wasn't willing to let you spend time ALONE with kazuha, so he made an excuse, telling you that was the work of the soldiers of that camp.
You slowly nodded, as you walked away with Gorou.
He doesn't know why that was bothering him so much, you and kazuha were just looking at each other...
Somehow he was feeling strange about it...
The next day, early in the morning, you headed back to the camp, where Kazuha and that hot pirate-captain woman were staying. You wanted to train a little, and the train-camp there was your favorite, perfect for the sword users.
You prepared yourself, and soon started training, as you usually do in the morning alone. Using your vision, you managed to simulate an elemental attack you were working on. You smiled satisfied, but out of nowhere a gentle applause came from behind you. You turned your head, and to your surprise, you found the young samurai standing there, looking softly at you.
"That attack was rather amazing, a really good job to say the least." He said, smiling gently. You smiled back at him, telling him that you have been working on that attack for a long time. He told you that he is a sword user too, and offered you to train together.
You accept his offer as you both started sparring with each other.
You were strong, but he was stronger. His sword skills were far beyond yours. He was incredibly good with the sword. In fact, he defeated you.
"You are incredible, kazuha..." You say as you stand up from the ground.
"Thank you for your compliment, you flatter me. You are really good too, but you can improve. Let me give you some advices" He said gently.
You nodded, as you look at him getting closer to you.
"before, when you tried to disarm me, you acted very quickly, and you would have even succeeded if it wasn't for your position. It was slightly wrong. Do you mind trying to do that again? So I can correct you.."
You nodded, as you set yourself in the same position as before.
"There. You are really fast and agile, but you moviments are limited by the position of your hips." He leaned closer.
"Is it ok for me to touch your waist?" He asked. Those words made you cheeks heat up, as you nod slowly.
He just smiled, getting behind you, placing his hands gently on your hips, correcting you position.
"There, and your back, it has to be straight..." He said, pressings your back against his chest.
It happens that the General Gorou was looking for you, and he knew that he would find you at the train-camp. Wagging his tail while walking, smiling at himself at the thought of seeing you, he reached the train-camp, but his happy expression vanished as he saw you that close to the samurai.
Kazuha with his hands on your hip, having you pressed against his chest... Gorou felt, strange.
It bothered him that you were so close to someone else who wasn't him... Only he could have you so close, only he could touch you like that... Only him.
Was he...jealous?
He was a step closer to go there and separate you, and take you away from Kazuha, but that was pointless, the two of you weren't in an official relationship, but it was time for Gorou to show everyone that you belong to him.
He walked away, waiting to get you all alone.
He waited patiently in his tent, taking care of some paperwork, knowing that you will come to him, sooner or later.
He is a general after all, he predict the moves of the enemy army every day. Predicting yours were a piece of cake.
And so you did.
In the afternoon, you started to look out for Gorou. So you headed to his tent, finding him sit at his desk filling some documents.
"Gorou i haven't seen you the whole day! You have been here the whole time?" You said. But Gorou was silent. So you got closer to him. "This morning I trained with Kazuha! He is incredibly skilled with his sword! He gave me some advices... I think I'm going to improve a lot thanks to him! He is truly amazing--- mmh?!"
Gorou grabbed you by your hips, pulling you on his lap, shutting you up placing his lips on yours. He was tired. Tired to wait. Tired to not have you all to himself.
Forcing his tounge inside you mouth, he explored every inch of your mouth, swirling his tounge around yours, making you squirm.
You pulled away from him, looking in his eyes, your heart started racing. "G-Gorou? W-what was that for?!" You asked, as your cheeks were getting redder and redder.
He stayed silent, leaning closer to your neck, as he whispered in your ear. "You belong to me. And only me." He said as he started kissing your neck, keeping you in place with his hands on your waist. You let out a small moan, as he start sucking the soft skin of your neck, leaving hickeys all over your collarbone.
You are his, he wants everyone to understand it. Especially Kazuha.
2. Kazuha is jealous of Heizou.
Kazuha is a wanderer. And you are well aware of the fact that he isn't home often. You can't stop him to continue his journey and you won't.
You love him a lot, so you support him in every way possible, but sometimes, when he is away, you can't help but feel a little lonely. He was your everything, and when everything is away from you, you have nothing.
Sure you had a lot of friends in Inazuma, but even tho you hang out with them you can't help but think about Kazuha. And not all of them manage to notice how much missing Kazuha upsets you. But one of them, maybe the smartest one, was able to get how lonely you were feeling, keeping you distracted every way possible.
That friend of yours, is Shikanoin Heizou. He is one of your closest friends, you know each other like the back of your hand, plus Heizou is an incredible observer, in fact it didn't take him long to realize you were down in the dumps.
He always had a little crush on you, taking the chance that kazuha was away, he decided that he would make you realize that he is much better than your boyfriend. And this was the right time.
He had to play his cards right, after all you were in love with kazuha, he knew it would be difficult, but he was convinced that he would succeed somehow, so one day, he invited you to train with him. He knows that you used to do that a lot with Kazuha, but he thought that this would be the easiest way to get closer to you.
"Hey there y/n! I'm glad to see that you came!" Heizou said, as you approached him. "Hey Heizou! Of course I came! It's always better training with someone than doing it alone.." You answer him, placing your stuff next to Heizou's.
"So what are we going to do today for our train?" You say curiously, looking at Heizou gathering his hair into a low ponytail. "Today we will be practicing the hand-to-hand combat." He says cracking his fingers.
"It's not fair! It's your style of combat! You will surely beat me up!" You say, crossing your arms. Glaring at him. "Don't give me that look, I'll be gentle~" He says winking at you.
"Enough chit-chats, let's get started, I want to see what you are capable of!" He say, positioning himself with open arms and a smug smirk on his face.
You rolled your eyes, as you both started fighting against each other, but soon it got kind of intense.
"not bad Y/n~" Heizou said with a mischievous grin. You just shake your head smiling while dodging his attempts at surprising you.
You didn't notice, but the persone that have been on your mind until today was watching you from afar behind some bushes. He arrived a few minutes ago, and as soon as se landed in Inazuma he searched for you, his lovely partner. He missed you so much and he wanted to hold you in his arms as soon as possible.
But instead he found you fighting with Heizou. He was glad that you were enjoying yourself, and having fun with Heizou but for some reason he felt some kind of... jealous.
It's not like he wanted to find you in tears because you were missing him too much, but he wanted it. He wanted to be the only one in your mind.
Seeing Heizou getting so close to you at times, sometimes even grabbing your waist to confuse you, and teasing you so shamelessly made Kazuha feeling all types of anger and jealousy.
He knew he was irrational, he trusted you a lot. But you weren't the problem, but Heizou and his shamelessly attitude.
Every pickup lines Heizou throw at you with sly smirks on his face, every time Heizou was getting closer to you the he should... those things were making your boyfriend feeling and odd feeling in his chest.
"Hey what are you-" You said as Heizou made you fall onto the ground using a little his vision and before you can get up he pins you down with his arm.
"I won!" He said, looking down at you. Ow you were looking so cute with you hands pinned above your head under him. What a lovely sight. Less lovely for your boyfriend, who was struggling to keep calm.
"You cheated Heizou! It's not fair!" You said struggling to free your self from his grip. "No pain no gain, sweetheart~" Heizou said grinning at you.
A sudden strong wind current pushed Heizou away from you and another one pulled you towards the bushes where kazuha was hiding. You nearly fell but Kazuha quickly caught you and held you up bridal-newly wed style.
Your eyes opened wide at the sight of him "Kazu!! You are back!? finally you are ba--" You shutted yourself up, as you looked at his facial expression, how he was holding you now, and the fact that he pushed you toward him using a strong wind current.
He's only gotten like this once before, it was when you bumped into your ex in Liyue. He was so scary, as he is right now.
Kazuha stayed silent and walked away. He kept walking despite your complaints and questions until you reached your shared house.
"Kazu? What about Heizou?!" You said, looking at deep in his crismon eyes. He set you down and sighed, looking away from you. “kazuha. what’s wrong?” you asked, hoping for an answer this time.
“i…i hated seeing Heizou acting like that...So shamelessy flirting with you... ” he replied. "I missed you so much dove, and once I came back and I search for you, i find you fighting with Heizou..." He stopped talking and looked straight into your beautiful eyes "...the way you were fighting…reminded me of how I fell for you.”
You wanted to say something but then he knelt down and held your hands. “I know I'm not the perfect boyfriend, I know I'm often far from home, but I don’t want…anyone to fall for you the same way I did. I want you to be only mine.”
Your face was way too red right now, and you were in too much shock to say anything. You couldn’t even look at him in the eye with how flustered you were.
Kazuha slowly lifted you your chin, and made you face him. He smiled at you and placed his hand on your cheek, probably attempting to calm you down. It just made you more flustered, but he loved it either way.
He moved closer and moved his hands down to your waist. “come on, love. look at me.” he whispered. You looked up at him and he was maybe an inch away from your lips.
“k…kazuha, you know that i love you, right?” you muttered. He chuckles, “i know. but i want to be the only one, alright?” he said.
You suddenly kissed him, he was a little shocked but quickly kissed back. Pulling you closer as his grip gets tighter. As your lips interwine with each other, his tounge slides into your mouth swirling around yours. Your hands run through his hair, as a soft noise escape his lips.
“I love you.” he said, pulling away. “You are the most perfect being that walks Teyvat in my eyes, And even tho I know I'm not the only one thinking it, You aren't an object love... but I want to make everyone know that you belong to me." You smiled, a red shade filling your cheeks once again.
You always knew he was a charmer, but this was a whole new level. Maybe you should get him jealous more often.
3. Heizou is jealous of Thoma
Secret relationships are tough. It's not as romantic as books may make it looks like. The so loved 'Strangers in public, lovers in private' it's not that exiting. Is tiring.
But you had no choice, and we all know how love can make people crazy. You never wished to end up like this, but your situation required it.
I'm talking about your secret relationships with the sharp detective of the Tenryou Communsion. The popular Shikanoin Heizou.
You fell in love with him at the first sight and it was the same for him. You were so perfect in his eyes. Archons, only they know how much this man loves you. And you him a lot too.
But there were... some issues.
Which ones?
Oh well. One of them is The visions hunt decree. And the fact that you are a Kamisato, Ayaka's and Ayato's cousin and he a detective from the Tenryou Comminsion. Everybody knows that between the Kamisato clan and then Tenryou Comminsion there is no good blood.
The problems here are as clear as day.
A Kamisato can't be seen around with someone from the Tenryou Comminsion, so you and heizou are obliged to meet up in hidden spots, where the eyes of the crowds couldn't see you.
You were happy to be able to meet up with your lover at least once a week, but lately things have become difficult. Someone began to become suspicious of your distant behaviors. That person was your dear friend Thoma.
He noticed how you disappeared and how, out of nowhere, you show up again. So he started to stay more in your company. You didn't mind of course,Thoma was a really nice person to have around, but at first you though he was standing by your side so often just to keep an eye on you, but soon he started acting strange.
You didn't want to tell Heizou yet, it wasn't anything bad, 'he's just being friendly', you thought. Heizou didn't need to know about this, after all, he wasn't the jealous type, right? Or at least, that's what you thought.
It was a normal day in tye middle of autumn, and you needed to go to Inazuma city, the purpose was to take care of some commission, and gathering informations about the vision Hunt Decree. And of course Thoma offered to accompany you. You agreed, besides what could possibly go wrong?
Actually... a lot
You were walking through the main streets of Inazuma city, side to side with Thoma; He was a very friendly person, so you were quite enjoying you time with him. Everything was going well, but Thoma's behavior changed.
He started standing closer to you, searching for your touch, sliding his arm around your shoulder, praising you more, calling you with sweet nicknames here and there and stuff like that.
Sure you were trying your best to keep your distance from him, but your heart skipped a bit when, in the street, you passed by Heizou.
His piercing eyes were focused on you, you made eye contact with him, and you felt your body on fire. This was the hard part of having a secret relationships, lovers in private was certainly amazing, but strangers in public.. that wasn't a problem, until now. Heizou's eyes were burning with jealousy as he followed your figure with his gaze.
Seeing Thoma getting to act like that with you in public, and not being able to go there and telling him to back the fucking off and show everyone that you are his.. Oh Archons, that was driving him crazy.
Soon a great idea came to his mind and a mischievous grin appeared on his face. You shivered, noticing that expression of his, you knew that one. Maybe to well. He had something in mind, and judging by the grin on his face...
You looked up at the sky, praying the Mighty Electro Archon for him to not do anything stupid, but what Heizou had in mind was far beyond stupid, perhaps even worse.
You spent the rest of the day with Thoma, that was obviously flirting with you, untile came the time to go back to the Kamisato Estate.
Once home, you politely thanked Thoma for keeping you company during the day and the immediately went to your room. You opened the door.
"Welcome back, sweetheart ~" You shouted the door behind you, with eyes wide open. "H-heizou..?!" There he was, laying comfortably on your bed with his arms crossed behind his head.
"Mm? What's that expression? Aren't you happy to see your lovely boyfriend~?" He said, sitting up on the edge of you bed, with a smug smirk on his face.
"What are you doing here?! Are you insane?!" You say, crossing your arms on your chest, glaring at him. "Insanely in love with you, sweetie~" He answered, as he stood up stretching his arms. "Your bed is really comfortable, I should come over more often.." He says.
You felt you cheeks going red. "Heizou don't avoid my question. Why are you here." You said. Heizou just laughed at you "Aw you are so red right now. So cute.." He started approaching you. "Answer me." You say, but he just grinned again, stopping a few inches away from you. "Why I don't show you instead?"
He grabbed you by your waist, pulling your body against his. Your faces are now a few inches away. You already closed your eyes hoping for a kiss, but it wasn't coming. Instead you heard Heizou's sweet laugh. "You want me to kiss you don't ya? Adorable... But I don't know. Lately you spend a lot of time with your new friend instead of me. What's his name now? Thoma?" You glared at him. "If you want me to kiss those delicious lips of yours, you'll have to tell me how much you want me to do so."
Your jaw dropped hearing those words. Was he really going to act like that with you? But your desire was much more bigger than your pride. "I want you to kiss me so badly, please..." He smirked at you, satisfied. "Badly you say? Mm let me ndulge you then~" He kissed you, sliding him tounge in your mouth, exploring every inch of it as if he never did so already. You moaned in his mouth, closing your eyes, surrending to the pleasant feeling.
Soon you felt Heizou pulling away just for roughly pinning you against the wall. The impact made a loud noise. "H-heizou! W-what if someone caught us?" He grinned. "If that means to let your new friend, and all the Kamisato Estate know that you are mine, then let it be." You looked at him, smirking. "Mm? Are you jealous Heizou?" Heizou stared deep into your eyes, before kissing you again, interwining his lips with yours, tasting them like the sweetest snack on Teyvat.
Suddenly the door opened. "Y/n..! Are you ok?! I heard a loud noise and I was worried about you-- H-huh?!" Thoma's face became red at the sight of Heizou, pinning you against the wall with his knee between your legs and your hands above your head, kissing you so hungrily and roughly.
You both stopped. Heizou just turned his head to properly look at Thoma. They just looked at each other, you didn't even talk, you were too busy at trying to catch your breath anyway--
Thoma just walked out of your room, closing the door and locking it. Heizou turned his head at you again, kissing the tip of your nose. "Now let's continue what we were doing, shall we~?" He grinned again. "I'll show everyone who you belong to."
That night, your screams in pleasure were filling the walls of the Kamisato Estate, and your room happens to be next to Thoma's.
And from that day, Thoma never dared to get too close to you again
4. Thoma is jealous of Ayato.
Thoma was an amazing boyfriend. He trusts you a lot, rarely gets jealous over you, treats you like you were a royal.. He truly is great and you love him so much.
The keyword in this paragraph is: rarely
You two planned to meet up in front of the Kamisato Estate, and go together to the Komore Teahouse and have lunch together, but you were stuck in your office, dealing with an amount of paperwork.
You also work for the Kamisato Clan, but it wasn't easy for you to get free time like Thoma. You weren't a maid, or an home cleaner, like your boyfriend. Oh no, you were the personal secretary of the head of the Kamisato Clan, Your lord Kamisato Ayato.
Even if you were constantly busy with meetings and paperwork you didn't mind your work, actually Ayato has always been so kind and thoughtful to you. He makes sure to not give you too much work to handle by yourself, and prepares you tea when he sees that you are overworking yourself just to make you take a break.
But today, you avoided every chance of slowing down with your work, you needed to finish to fill all your documents before lunch time.
You actually managed to end your paperwork, so you quickly headed out of the Kamisato Estate, to meet Thoma and walk together to the Komore Teahouse... but there wasn't anyone.
'Maybe he is late because he isn't already done with his daily tasks' you though.
So you decided to stand there and wait for him.
"[Name]? What are you doing here all alone?" You turned towards the voice, and to your surprise, it wasn't Thoma, but Ayato. "Oh? Greetings, my Lord. I'm just waiting for Thoma, we were supposed to meet up here and head to the Komore Teahouse together.. Buy he seem to be late.." You say, with a tone of sadness in your voice.
Ayato smiled at you, "He was training with Ayaka, I'm sure they will be done soon enough for him to join you in time. Why don't you let me accompany you? I'm sure he will reach us soon. I can't certainly leave you here waiting alone, can't I?"
You simply smiled awkwardly. "No no, I don't want you to waste your time, you sure have a lot of things to do right now.."
"I insist, you are not wasting my time, I'd rather spend my time with you that in my office, please allow me to." Your smile grew wider, thanking him gratefully and soon you started walk together.
Ayato was such a polite and nice guy, you always thought that. The time spent walking with him flew without you nothing, in fact you were already in front of the Komore Teahouse.. You kept talking with Ayato, smiling and laughing softly at his nice jokes.
"Y/n! Here you are! Sorry if I made you wait so much-- M-My lord?!" You turned towards the owner of that sweet-like-honey voice.
"Thoma! you are finally here!" You said, as your eyes started sparkling at the sight of your lover. Thoma was also very happy to see you, but not alone, in the company of Ayato.
"Goodmorning Thoma." Ayato said, with his soft light voice.
"Ayato was just keeping me company-- Oh! My Lord, why don't you join us? eating together will be great! So I can repay you for your kindness!" You say smiling.
Thoma's expression drops a little, this was supposed to be his date with you. He felt some weird heavy feeling inside his chest, he felt the need of telling Ayato to go away and not get in the way of you two. But he is a caring boyfriend after all, he is fine with whatever makes you happy.
Ayato noticed his sadder expression, and the storm in his eyes. "I'm sorry y/n, but as much as i would like to have lunch with you i must decline your gentle offer. I have some important matters to take care off. I'll take my leave, i wish you both a nice day."
Ayato left, and you both entered the Komore Teahouse, sitting at your table next to each other.
"What a shame... I really was hoping that he would accept my offer.." You said, in a warm tone. Thoma just nodded, looking away. You turned to look at your lover, but he avoided you eyes. He never did something like this.
Something was clearly off.
Wait was he...
You cupped Thoma's face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. He looked at you with confusion on his face, you just smiled at him as you started showering him with kisses all over his beautiful face.
"You just figured it out huh? I can't hide anything to you my love.. Yet I don't deserve all these kisses. Jealousy is an ugly emotion. I trust you a lot and I'm not supposed to be jealousy but.."
He stopped. You kisses him on his forehead, telling him with your eyes, that it was okay to talk about that. He took a deep breath and smiled at you.
"Fine... Well... I got jealous when I saw you smiling so genuinely with Ayato. I want to be the only one able to make you smile like that. I'm just scared that one day you will realize that I can't give you what Ayato can.. I don't come from a prestigious family, I'm not rich neither popular. I don't want to lose you! You are just... Perfect! I want to be worthy of your lo--- mmh!"
Now you kisses him on his lips, capturing his breath to shut him up.
"Don't say something like that ever again. I don't care if Ayato is rich and everything. I love you, Thoma. You are all I want and need. With you I'm the happiest person in Teyvat" You said, looking deep in his beautiful eyes. And in that moment Thoma knew that you were the right one for him.
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cursedvibes · 28 days
Sukuna and uraume for the character ask? :D
Thank you for the ask!
favourite thing about them
His backstory. Starts with how he was born (or created), how he grew up and became who he is now and most importantly what role Kenjaku and Tengen played in all this because they definitely meddled with him and his body in some way even before he was turned into a cursed object. Could honestly spend hours theorizing about it. Getting some more concrete details on his twin has me vibrating (even if it makes me ask more questions about Jin than Sukuna in particular). Hope we're soon getting our Heian flashback.
least favourite thing about them
His personality is honestly starting to grate on me a bit the more we are exposed to him. The way the Shinjuku Showdown is structured is definitely not helping there. Bit of a mix of him just standing around for 20 chapters and waiting to be attacked being quite boring and his whole petty schoolyard bully schtick is annoying me. Also I think his "might makes right" and hedonistic philosophy is quite boring. I think even Uraume's interpretation of it is more interesting than his.
favourite line
"You are but a fish on my chopping board, Gojo Satoru. A bit fresher than other, but still just a nameless fish. Let's start by peeling off your scales."
"No matter how many times I break his soul, he'll get right back up. Because he possesses and indomitable ideal." (kind of cheating because this is about Yuuji)
Gojo maybe? As a sort of friends with benefits (sex and/or fighting) thing.
Uraume. Pretty much my only real ship with him, mostly because I like him the most when he is around them. Shows a more interesting side with him, how he interacts with people he is close to, despite both of them denying that they need to connect to people like that and that those emotions are beneath them.
Generally don't like him in ships because his personality turns me off, but in particular SukuIta, SukuKen and SukuFushi.
random headcanon
He can't see very well on the right side of his face due to how his eyes are positioned there and I also think that he generally can't see as well with them as with the ones on his left side. Also, due to recent colour pages I'm gonna assume for now that he had blue eyes in his first life and they turned red when he reincarnated.
unpopular opinion
He doesn't look similar to Yuuji and even less to Jin. I don't know where people are seeing this except their hair being kind of a similar shape, but not even that is true. Also OG > Megukuna > Yuujikuna. I used to not like Megukuna, but have really warmed up to it actually. Mostly because it looks like an original design. Yuujikuna just looks like Yuuji with tattoos, while Megukuna has barely any resemblance with Megumi and is therefore honestly to me just young Sukuna with black hair.
song i associate with them
Gazelle Twin - Belly of the Beast
To represent his hunger and insatiability
Heilung - Krigsgaldr
His image in the Heian era and arguable also from Yuuji's POV
favourite picture of them
I honestly like his original design the most. It looks...messier? Like a real god of war. Besides that, I also like his stretched ears here. Feel much more appropriate than his very modern looking gauges and also matches the monk robe he was dressed in when dying (although Tengen might've put that on him).
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His mummy in general looks really sick. The match of the clothes and the fallen in face. Feels very occult and I love it when Gege references the Ryomen Sukuna urban legend. Also fuels my theory brain how this might be connected to Tengen & Kenjaku and how much of this was really his idea. Also might I add that he looks pretty well-fed for a sokushinbutsu mummy (so it's unlikely he was actually fasting before his death and Tengen did this post-humorously).
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favourite thing about them
Trans cannibal cook? What's not to like. But besides that, how they have turned their back on society, they look down on basically everyone around them and they claim that building connections to other people and holding on to them makes you weak, yet they have fully dedicated themselves to Sukuna and clearly like him as a person as well. It's not just a master-servant relationship where you could say they merely follow him because they worship him or because of his strength but they have actual camaraderie. And yet Uraume doesn't think that's a contradiction. Other interesting thing is that despite their distaste for most other people and social norms, they are very good at playing into them and playing up being unassuming. Although they are quick to anger, they are also very good at fading into the background if they have to.
least favourite thing about them
They often get overlooked and turned into nothing but Sukuna's doormat. Don't really have any issues with them in canon except that I'd like to see more of them and especially outside of their relationship with Sukuna like what we got at the beginning of their fight with Hakari or when they're hanging out with Kenjaku alone.
favourite line
"The sorcerers of this modern era have an intense obsession with remaining 'human'. They so desperately want to hold onto their humanity, constantly telling themselves to hold back from destroying what would be so easily crushed with their overwhelming power. It is that fear of being alone that makes them weak."
Kenny! But also with Hakari. This recent chapter just reaffirmed it. What are these guys doing?? It's so hilarious. Hakari even still has this chunk of ice on his shoulder. Nothing has changed since the last time we saw them. I really like though how relaxed Uraume is around him and how they playfully tease him. They have already opened up much more to him about their own feelings and philosophy than anyone else besides Sukuna. I really want to see more of it and only seeing glimpses of these two that only bring up more questions is driving me insane!
Sukuna. Much surprise. They are so dedicated to him, that I honestly have trouble seeing them with anyone else. There always has to be at least some mention or connection to him. I also like them and Kenjaku as friends with benefits or just a good ol' hatefuck. Would give Uraume the perfect opportunity to finally make Kenjaku shut up.
I haven't really come across any ship with them that I disliked...well, Uraume/Megumi I guess, but besides that I can't think of anything.
random headcanon
They're older than Sukuna. Idk, somehow they just give me that impression and I think it would make their dynamic more interesting. I imagine Uraume had a lot more experience when meeting Sukuna, but stuck to him because they admire his way of life, passion and disregard for others. Kind of what also makes them like Hakari.
unpopular opinion
They aren't short. That's just a fact honestly. When you see them next to Kenjaku it's clear that they are 1.70+m aka Yuuji and Megumi's height, but for some reason people are obsessed with making them extra small and delicate.
song i associate with them
Had a bit of trouble finding ones that really fit, but these are the ones I chose for now.
IAMX - Animal Impulses
Reminds me of what Uraume told Hakari about humanity. Also of course the murder and association with cold and sharpness.
Lorn - Oxbow B
This is just vibes based. Kind of what I imagine Frost Calm to feel like and it also made me think of their preparation of the Bath.
favourite picture of them
People like to depict Uraume as small and petite, but look at those yaoi hands
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they look very hot when cutting up curses/preparing food (when will we finally see them prepare human meat?)
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and of course their original form. I honestly like that undercut more than their current haircut.
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mushi-shield · 1 year
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awaylaughing · 7 days
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Venetia Blue, my MC from @barbwritesstuff very wonderful werewolf action-adventure-romance, Blood Moon. It has amazing characters who are dynamic, flawed and deeply lovable with a variety of personalities and beliefs; it has paranormal politics of several flavours; it has magic and amazing side characters that are impossible not to love; and it has a terrific end-game showdown that is very satisfying. I've been kicking my feet and giggling, gasping in outrage, and generally enjoying the variation within the story for a few days now, and Venetia's been the winner of "most canonical run". A slightly babbly profile under the cut
Name: Venetia Jaqueline Blue
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 155.5cm/5'1"
Age: 26
Appearance: a short, curvy woman with fair, freckled skin and green eyes. Her hair is a natural light blonde, slightly wavy, falling to about her collar bones. She usually wears in a single braid or if she takes the time, vintage waves.
Venetia prefers fairly practical dress, with a lot of purple, brown, and denim. She can be easy to spot on cooler days though, thanks to a strange and distinctly quirky patchwork jacket she likes to wear (she made it herself).
As a wolf, Venetia somewhat curiously most resembles a Husdon Bay Wolf, with a smaller build and light yellow-and-white colouring. The first time she shifted in front of the pack Marco declared her "barely toasted marshmallow" coloured.
Born on Oct. 31st, 1993 to a small but relatively wealthy clan Venetia's childhood was very pleasant. Owning a private fig farm, the pack managed to keep well funded without interacting much with the outside world, bar farmer's market's and deliver drivers come the advent of internet selling.
Venetia herself grew up relatively alone, a quirk of the pack's generations meaning she was born a decade behind the older children and a decade before the youngest. She spent much of her time with the pack elders, who were happy to encourage a voracious learner. They encouraged her so much in fact Venetia was the first in the pack to attend post-secondary school. She left school after only two years however, as the pack's official educator passed somewhat unexpectedly leaving behind several young students.
Venetia served as the pack educator herself for three years, a job that was a good fit as she's always liked children. It all came crashing down however one day when she returned from an early-morning hunt-slash-run. When she got back, armed with a couple of pheasants, she found only the smell of death and rotting flowers, an unusual heavy frost, and a damning silence.
Venetia spent the next three years as a stray, haunted by a formless loss. She preoccupied herself initially with dead-end investigations, which eventually gave way to her disappearing into a national park. She came back to herself after three months in her wolf form, when she found herself following not a deer or rabbit, but an unwitting camping family. Horrified, that was the moment that lead to her core conviction:
She's a person, not a monster and she will not the wolf of the moon win.
Not that Venetia is a self-hating werewolf, no she quite likes her wolf, so long as it's her and not the moon driving her. It's a balance she didn't really find until Alek and the pack accepted her in however, for the preceding two and a half years in fact Venetia resisted shifting except for moons for the most part.
During those years, she coped with her loneliness the only way she knew how: hobbies. Sewing, car repair, fixing radios, carving, learning French, etc. Venetia jumped from item to item, stubbornly conquering skills and projects before moving on to the newest thing. This does make her a very handy packmate: it's likely that even if Venetia doesn't have an exact skill needed for an odd job, she something transferable (and she's great at finding resources to help her learn).
In the city, Venetia saw it as a sort of job to really help out as her time as a stray often meant coming into bigger cities to avoid wandering into another pack's territory. Her decision to try for Alpha--and the reason she got it, was similar. Smart and patient, Venetia's only priority was keeping the pack together and thriving, even when she only had a handful of moons with the pack under her belt.
Fun Facts
her native language is Welsh, she didn't learn English until she was around 12 years old
her mother named for a novel she once read, despite hating the novel itself
grew up on the coast so has a taste for fish and shellfish
worked at over 32 different places during her stray-days, but the bulk of these (more than half) were "work for board" style planting/harvesting operations
her longest stray-days job was as a yoga instructor at a Wiccan run spa-retreat, they were very sympathetic to her need to take full moons off
is allergic to bug bites, to her IMMENSE frustration
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totaldrama-showdowns · 4 months
Submissions for the Non-Human Showdown! Including ones that are invalid!
Fang (x2)
“He's Fang ❤”
Cody Jr (x2)
“Cody Jr! No! Not Aunty Heather!”
Mr Coconut (x2)
“The og. Should have won every season /serious”
vince the alligator (x2)
“The lore… so immaculate”
the don box (x2)
“bzzz i have a stupid fucking clue for you. ah fuck the interns put me in a lame outfit again”
“what id don on about he's slaying in that shirt”
wt pineapple (x2)
Irene the fish (x2)
“shes so beautiful i’d kiss her too”
“The final remaining member of Team Victory after DJs elimination, Irene went on to win the million and the hearts of many.”
the chrarry baby (x2)
“Goo goo gaa gaa”
“ive got my eye on u chris mclean”
Princess Beth Doll
“I WANT TO BUY ONE SO BAD IRL!!!!! Also, this too is yuri”
Old Jester from reboot S2ep9
“I love when Damien hugged him! That's scene is soooo cute. Also I love fluffy animal!”
Bobo :)
“SEASON 2 SPOILERS Bobo is the name of the bear that had the Raj mask in season 2 episode 12 :) idk I just think he’s silly”
DJ’s bunny
the Chris-shaped cake that Julia's group made
“I wanna eat that thang”
Dramarama Cody
“He's an alien”
Theodore (MK's stuffed unicorn)
(the arts and crafts) Shed (from season 1)
“shed sweep”
that evil little seal from wt
“sooo little and evil. who can hate him”
caleb rock
“possibly the best version of him out there”
the skull duncan carved for courtney
“you cant deny how iconic it was”
eva’s mp3 player
“the most important character in td history”
heather’s various hairstyles
“possibly the most diverse and versatile entity in td historu”
pahkitew island
“The best one”
ryan seacrests car
“very fast”
chef's car (total dramarama and gen 4)
“MY CAR!!!!!”
alien clone cody
“AAAAAAA*explodes into green goo*”
chris's wig
heather's wig
total drama yum yuk happy go time candy fish tails
“You ate it!”
trents five finger shirt
princess courtney CD
“all the greatest hits!”
owens butt
anne maria’s hair style
“Ey im walkin here”
bridgettes surfboard
the fake antlers from the paintball ep
manitobas fedora
beary <3
“it’s LITERALLY beary”
ripper’s world record breaking fart
“he did it”
the portrait of cody as blue boy in wt
“funny looking”
sierra’s pizza box-cum-laptop*
“she uses the internet AND eats witj it. shes a genius”
*Mod Note: this refers to cum meaning: combined with; also used as (used to describe things with a dual nature or function).
waynes accent
“Eh we play hockey eh”
mal ventriloquist doll
“aaah im evil mal doll”
alejandro puppet
“we do a little trolling”
Chef 2.0
“He made him from a cashew”
Mt. Kīlauea
“She has the mercy to have her lava not hot enough to kill Alejandro, Ezekiel, and that random intern like... Everyone say "thank you" or somethin idk. Do you think she feels bad that Alejandro ended up in a robot suit because”
Immunity idol s4-5
“They ruined it's design in the reboot boooooooo”
MK's infernape
“Listen, she's a gamer and she's based. She would totally pick chimchar in bdsp. She probably hates people who tells her to "play platinum" because that was a game made for old people.
Try and exclude this submission, I dare you. There's nothing that says I can't submit theoretical non-humans. There's a non-zero chance that MK has an Infernape and I know it's been raised to have some awesome sneaky move. If you exclude this, I bet you'd allow "Mike's Torterra" because only a grass type fan would be a fire type and MK hater!!
Julia would keep her piplup unevolved and beat her console into tiny bits when she gets to Cynthia btw”
the drone of shame
“[picks up victim and flies away] wheeee”
that giant bowl of rice they fall into in japan
“mm giant bowl of rice”
noah’s dog
“his epic dog”
celine dion cardboard cutout
“love fucking wins #duncney”
the face huggers from Area 51
“rip tyler”
ezekiel MISSING milk carton
“Sad! He died.”
the eagle chris shot and killed
“someone arrest this man. again”
the confessional
“it’s always there for you”
geoff’s splinter
the bread from codys pants
“man i need to rewatch island. i fucking love the pants bread”
That ice cream snowman from SMS
“the one from raptear specifically. let's go lesbians”
that pizza chase threw the challenge for
“clearly he should be with it rather than emma. chemma? chipper? chazee? nope never fucking heard of them”
Momma's Spice
“*sprinkles it on op's head* mmmm tasty”
The Gilded Chris award
WT barf bags
“give a real f to those guys. never appeared after episode 7.”
the toxic marshmallow of loserdom
“killer of staci's hair”
The lavatory confessional
“bitch is iconic. 6/8 is a passing mark!!!”
Courtney's PDA
“why wouldnt they call it a phone idk but its so camp”
The Cassowaries
“Male cassowaries are responsible for raising the young. We love an involved father.”
Fire-breathing winged mountain goats
“You could make an Undertale reference with this (also they're really cool)”
Giant Beetle
“Dott shippers will like this one”
Mutated Maggots
“They're pretty cute!”
Six-Legged Rats
scott bird
“what a beautiful bird”
Chef's car
“It may play a role in mkulia canon”
that rainbow porridge in episode 8 of the reboot
“aw hell naw chris cookin up the gay porridge”
The cassowary that fell in love with Zee
“We love an iconic single mother looking for love”
The rat in the cargo hold that appears on screen for 0.5 seconds during Ezekiel's solo in "Come Fly With Us"
“That rat really carried the whole song. Iconic. Astounding. Never before seen talent. Lady Gaga is shaking in her Demonias.”
The Erymanthian Boar
“It wrecked Duncan's shit in Greece.”
The dock of shame
“So many teens walked on her, i think she deserves some recognizion”
gwen's blender necklace
Zoey's hamster (Miss Puffycheeks)
“It's cute and can punch a cat, need I say more?”
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Welcome to the Multicolor Hair Swag Tournament!
I have seen many color and hair color swag tourneys but none for multicolor (multicolored?) hair, so I though I'd do it myself.
The Rules!
Fictional characters only
It doesn't matter what the colors are or how much of each color there is. If a character's hair has more than one color, then that's good enough.
Submit as many characters as you want, just don't submit the same character twice yadda yadda you probably know the drill by now
You can send propaganda to the ask box!
If I get many submissions from the same fandoms, I'll likely cut it down to the ~2 most voted ones (you don't have to limit your submissions, just choose your faves wisely).
I'll close submissions Eventually™ (I guess about a week from now (April 7) if I get enough submissions).
↓ ↓ SUBMIT HERE! ↓ ↓
Multicolor Hair Swag Tournament submissions
Inspired by @pinkhairswagtourney, @purplehairswagtourney, @raddest-hat-showdown, @orangecharactersmackdown, @yellowcharactershowdown @blue-character-brawl and then some
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disabilityshowdown · 1 year
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[IDs: Essek is a male dark elf with deep purple skin and short white hair. He is dressed in an elegant black and silver cloak and mantle, with silver jeweller in geometric shapes. Caleb is a human man with pale skin and long red hair. He is wearing a wool lined brown coat and long blue scarf, and each hand is casting a different kind of magic - one fire, one wreathed in purple tendrils. Dagen is a dark skinned dwarf with a long black beard. He is dressed in winter clothes and seated in a battle wheelchair, fitted with spikes and a lantern. There is a battle axe across his back]
Disabilities: Essek never walks anywhere and instead uses magic to move around, leading to a widespread fandom headcanon of the magic being a mobility aid for any number of conditions affecting his legs. Caleb has PTSD explored extensively in game, including a mechanic built into his character for what would trigger flashbacks or dissociation. He was also the subject of experimentation as a teen and there's a fan headcanon of chronic pain for that too. Dagen is a canon wheelchair user.
Dagen art by Gaelfox. Essek art by planarbindings
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