#bridgetown records
joanofarc · 1 year
memoria, mariposa (2013).
i try to remember i’m far away but i’m still here
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kemetic-dreams · 9 months
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Said to be one of the oldest photographs taken in Barbados of a Bajan, this image captures Nancy Daniels. The picture is believed to have been taken in the 1850s, either at a studio in Bridgetown by the photographer Campion or at the house where she worked as a domestic servant.
Nancy was born either in 1751 or 1755 in West Africa, believed to be modern day Nigeria as it was thought she was of Igbo ethnicity. Her real name is unknown and it is believed she came to Barbados in her teens or as a young woman. Even though Nancy would have grown up in West Africa, survived the Middle Passage and being sold into slavery, the devastating Bridgetown Fire of 1766, the destructive hurricane of 1780, the Bussa revolt of 1816 as well as Emancipation and Apprenticeship, little is known of her life.
She is known to have lived in Bridgetown at Synagogue Lane and worked for the Daniels family as a domestic servant, for whom she worked for many years, first as an enslaved women and later as a domestic servant after Emancipation. At her death her age is officially recorded as 116 years, dying and buried on September 24th, 1871, but oral sources from the family put her age at 120 years old. She is one of the oldest people to have lived in Barbados, achieving super centenarian status.
✍🏾: bazodeemag
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Robyn Rihanna Fenty (Saint Michael, Barbados; 20 de febrero de 1988), conocida simplemente como Rihanna, es una cantante, actriz, diseñadora y empresaria barbadense. Es conocida por fusionar algunos géneros caribeños con música pop y por reinventar su imagen a través de los años. Su impacto en la cultura popular la ha llevado a convertirse en un icono de la música y de la moda, por lo que se refieren a ella como la «Princesa del R&B» y «Reina de la Moda».3​4​
Nacida en Saint Michael y criada en Bridgetown, Barbados, Rihanna hizo una audición para el productor de discos estadounidense Evan Rogers en 2003, quien la invitó a los Estados Unidos para grabar cintas de demostración. Después de firmar con Def Jam en 2005, pronto obtuvo reconocimiento con el lanzamiento de sus dos primeros álbumes de estudio, Music of the Sun (2005) y A Girl Like Me (2006), ambos influenciados por la música caribeña y alcanzaron su punto máximo dentro de los diez primeros puestos de la lista Billboard 200 de Estados Unidos.
El tercer álbum de Rihanna, Good Girl Gone Bad (2007), incorporó elementos de dance pop y estableció su estatus como símbolo sexual en la industria de la música. El sencillo «Umbrella», que encabezó las listas de éxitos, le valió a Rihanna su primer premio Grammy y la catapultó al estrellato mundial. Continuó mezclando géneros pop, dance y R&B en sus siguientes álbumes de estudio, Rated R (2009), Loud (2010), Talk That Talk (2011) y Unapologetic (2012), el último de los cuales se convirtió en su primer número uno en Billboard 200. Los álbumes generaron una serie de sencillos que encabezaron las listas de éxitos, incluidos «Rude Boy», «Only Girl (In the World)», «What's My Name?», «S&M», «We Found Love», «Where Have You Been» y «Diamonds». Su octavo álbum, Anti (2016), mostró un nuevo control creativo tras su salida de Def Jam. Se convirtió en su segundo álbum número uno en los Estados Unidos y contó con el sencillo «Work» que encabezó las listas de éxitos. Durante su carrera musical, Rihanna ha colaborado con muchos artistas, como Drake, Britney Spears, Eminem, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Adam Levine, Paul McCartney, Ne-Yo y Shakira.
Con ventas de más de 250 millones de discos en todo el mundo, Rihanna es la segunda artista musical femenina con mayores ventas de todos los tiempos. Ha obtenido 14 números uno y 31 sencillos entre los diez primeros en los Estados Unidos y 30 entradas entre los diez primeros en el Reino Unido. Sus elogios incluyen nueve premios Grammy, 13 American Music Awards (incluido el Icon Award, por su trayectoria y contribución al mundo de la música), 12 Billboard Music Awards, siete MTV Video Music Awards (incluido el Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, un reconocimiento entregado a músicos que han tenido un profundo impacto en la denominada «cultura MTV», a través de su discografía y videografía5​) seis Guinness World Records y el premio del presidente de la NAACP. Spotify le otorgó el título de la artista femenina más escuchada de todos los tiempos.6​7​8​ La revista Billboard la nombró «artista digital» de la década de 2000, «artista Hot 100» de la década de 2010 y «artista mainstream» más importante de los últimos 20 años.9​10​11​12​ En 2023, fue incluida en el puesto número 68 de la lista «Los 200 mejores cantantes de todos los tiempos» de la revista Rolling Stone.13​ Es considerada por dos medios de comunicación estadounidense como la artista musical más influyente y exitosa del siglo xxi.14​15​ Time la nombró una de las 100 personas más influyentes del mundo en 2012 y 2018. Forbes la ubicó entre las diez celebridades mejor pagadas en 2012 y 2014.16​17​18​19​ A partir de 2022, es la música femenina más rica, con un patrimonio neto estimado de $1.4 mil millones.20​21​
Aparte de la música, Rihanna es conocida por su participación en causas humanitarias, proyectos empresariales y la industria de la moda. Es la fundadora de la organización sin fines de lucro Clara Lionel Foundation, la marca de cosméticos Fenty Beauty y la casa de moda Fenty bajo LVMH; ella es la primera mujer negra en encabezar una marca de lujo para LVMH.22​ Rihanna también se ha aventurado en la actuación, apareciendo en papeles importantes en Battleship (2012), Home (2015), Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) y Ocean's 8 (2018). Fue nombrada embajadora de educación, turismo e inversión por el Gobierno de Barbados en 2018, y fue declarada Héroe Nacional de Barbados el primer día de la república parlamentaria del país en 2021, lo que le da derecho al estilo de «The Right Excelente» de por vida.23​ Rihanna encabezó el espectáculo de medio tiempo del Super Bowl LVII el 12 de febrero de 2023.
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librarycomic · 7 months
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Squire & Knight by Scott Chantler. First Second, 2023. 9781250249333. 176pp. Includes a few pages of Fun Extra Stuff at the end including the origin of the idea, characters, sketches, and a quick look at Chantler's process of moving from script to finished pages. http://www.powells.com/book/-9781250249333?partnerid=34778&p_bt
The boastful Sir Kelton and his book-loving squire arrive in Bridgetown, but there aren't any people in the street, and the town's namesake bridge is gone, too. Turns out everyone is inside because they're afraid of the dragon. The townsfolk blame a curse for bringing the dragon and for everything that's gone wrong in the town, including the bridge. Sir Kelton loudly proclaims he'll take care of the dragon and rebuild the bridge (and take care of other problems) and then gallops off after it. Days later he still hasn't reappeared. But his squire is trying to investigate using the books in the hall of records and by talking to the townsfolk. The wizard who founded the town, Elden Augerhand, keeps coming up, as does his tower (where the dragon now resides).
It all turns into a wonderful fantasy/mystery with a satisfying ending. And though I loved Chantler's Three Thieves graphic novels series, this is by far my favorite book of his. (I'm a huge fan of Chantler's art, and this is some of his best, plus the limited color palette is used to great effect.) I highly recommend it to fantasy readers of all ages.
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mariacallous · 5 days
If average global temperature rises are to be limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels (in line with the 2015 Paris Agreement), climate finance globally will need to increase to about $9 trillion a year globally by 2030, up from just under $1.3 trillion in 2021-22.
According to the International Energy Agency, 30 percent of climate finance globally needed—around $2.7 trillion—will have to come from the public sector, with the remaining 70 percent coming from the private sector.
This is the scale of the world’s climate finance needs. However, when viewed in the context of governments’ other spending priorities, $2.7 trillion in public money is achievable. Indeed, in 2022 governments spent $7 trillion on fossil fuel subsidies alone.
A large portion of that $2.7 trillion must flow to developing countries in the form of grants and concessional loans. Official development assistance (ODA), provided by traditional donors in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), will not get us there alone. ODA hit a record high of $287 billion in 2022 but only because developed countries shifted resources to aid in Ukraine’s defense; in previous years, it hovered around just $236 billion. A surge of right-wing politics in the United States and Europe has forced budgets down, and even Emmanuel Macron’s liberal government in France has reneged on previous aid commitments.
For all but a few emerging economies, developing countries’ greatest climate challenge is not solely a lack of private finance for mitigation projects but a lack of low- or no-cost public finance for adaptation and loss and damage efforts. Despite their social returns, adaptation projects such as infrastructure upgrades and sea walls do not deliver immediate financial returns to investors and are notoriously difficult to scale for the private sector.
Both developed and developing countries have been vocal about the need for new forms of public climate finance beyond ODA, and they are considering different options under the rubric of “innovative finance.” The recognition has been particularly important in discussions on the newly created Loss and Damage Fund. At last year’s U.N. Climate Change Conference in Dubai, or COP28, countries pledged around $700 million to capitalize the fund—including an unexpected $100 million from the United Arab Emirates—but it will need billions of dollars to respond to more than one country crisis. This is why the fund’s bylaws encourage its capitalization through a “wide variety of sources, including innovative sources” inside and outside the Paris Agreement.
There is no single agreed definition of innovative finance, but it generally refers to any financing mechanism or arrangement that mobilizes, governs, or distributes resources beyond ODA. Most innovative finance mechanisms, such as “blue bonds” or the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights, still depend on loans and the largesse of rich countries, whose leaders also face tough inflation and consequential elections. These are just two reasons why such initiatives have stalled or failed to live up to expectations.
On the resource mobilization side, many countries have come out in favor of new global taxes to fund climate needs in developing countries. Here, as in other areas of climate, small island states and low-income countries are providing essential leadership. They are also finding allies in the global north. Taxes on shipping, fossil fuel production and subsidies, air travel, financial transactions, and extreme wealth feature prominently in agendas to reform the international financial architecture, such as Barbados’s Bridgetown 2.0 and African leaders’ Nairobi Declaration, and in the recent Paris Pact for People and the Planet. These calls have been taken up by a new International Tax Task Force, launched by France and Kenya at COP28, to deliver a verdict on the options available.
Beautiful ideas and big numbers abound, but the real challenge is more direct: Who pays? Industries will always pass the tax on to the consumer—but which consumers, where? There is also a question of equity and justice: Why should consumers in developing countries be taxed to pay for a problem they did not create?
It’s possible to create taxes that incorporate such concerns. Founded in 2006 by Brazil, Chile, France, Norway, and the United Kingdom and hosted by the World Health Organization, Unitaid is a successful global health program for low- and middle-income countries that receives over half its funding from air passenger levies. The levies—introduced as low as 1 euro for economy seats on flights within Europe and up to 40 euros for business seats on long-haul flights—are collected and earmarked for Unitaid by governments in 10 developed and developing countries. By 2012, the levies were raising between 162 million and 175 million euros per year, totaling 1 billion euros since its creation. According to an assessment by the French government in 2009, “The introduction of the levy had no apparent effect on the volume of air traffic passing through French airports nor on the volume of air traffic affecting France.”
But finding examples of similar financing success is hard, especially on a global scale. Many options have been proposed, such as taxes on shipping, aviation, fossil fuel production or exchange, financial transactions, and extreme wealth, but only shipping has made serious institutional progress. Last year, countries in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) agreed on a decarbonization strategy for the shipping industry that depends on the introduction of a global tax. This would make a tax on shipping, responsible for 3-4 percent of global emissions, the first global carbon tax. According to estimates from the World Bank, such a tax could raise $40 billion to $60 billion per year.
That is the upside. The downside is that the shipping industry and many countries with shipping interests are willing to agree chiefly because they expect the revenues to flow back into the shipping industry to fund their push for ships and ports running on accessible, but still expensive, hydrogen and ammonia fuels. It is difficult to achieve a global tax; it is more difficult still to retain the revenues. As of the last IMO meeting in March, a proposal spearheaded by a group of Pacific small island developing states that would allocate the majority of the revenue to broader climate objectives is one of several options being considered as the economic measure to deliver the decarbonization strategy.
A number of countries have expressed interest in establishing international climate solidarity levies, or ICSLs, to pay for addressing loss and damage, but the campaign is still waiting for a developed-country champion. Should one emerge, ICSLs at the national or city level could raise substantial and predictable additional revenues for the Loss and Damage Fund. Oxford Climate Policy’s Benito Müller, a leader in the current campaign for ICSLs, estimates that a 5 euro air levy on all air tickets across the European Union would have raised around 1 billion euros in 2019, while—following the proposal by the IMO’s Emission Reduction Scheme—a levy of 10 euros per maritime container across the same jurisdictions would in 2021 have generated 924 million euros.
In the end, taxes and levies are a question not of economy per se but of political economy. This is the challenge before the International Tax Task Force: to evaluate and advance proposals based on political feasibility as well as projected impact.
Consider one prominent idea, for a global tax on extreme wealth where billionaires are charged some small portion of their net worth every year. Gabriel Zucman, a top French economist, has championed the idea, as has French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire, who said in April: “This is exactly what we did with minimum taxation on corporate tax. … It would be the same on the international taxation for the wealthiest individuals.”
Just days after Le Maire’s endorsement, finance ministers from Brazil, Germany, South Africa, and Spain endorsed the idea of a 2 percent minimum global tax on billionaires. In a co-written Guardian article, the ministers declared that such a tax would “boost social justice and increase trust” as well as generate more than $250 billion in revenues for governments to invest in public goods. The ministers also urged the G-20 to take up the idea on its agenda at its July meeting, in Brazil. While this is encouraging, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen dismissed the “notion of some common global arrangement for taxing billionaires with proceeds redistributed in some way. … That’s something we can’t sign on to.” The wealth tax may move forward despite Washington’s concerns, but it is unlike to involve any formal mechanism for redistributing revenues across countries.
Innovative finance is not a silver bullet, nor is it a substitute for developed countries’ existing climate and development obligations. The majority of public funding for climate finance will still have to come from direct government outlays. This requires strong and empowered public sectors in developed and developing countries alike. Recent gains in international tax reform suggest a way forward. More than 140 countries have agreed to impose a minimum effective rate of 15% on corporate profits, a policy launched by OECD countries in 2021. Tax reform efforts in the UN have also picked up speed. Following a historic breakthrough at the UN General Assembly in November 2023, the UN has started the negotiation of the terms of reference for a new Framework Convention on International Tax Cooperation.
Despite the obstacles, we are at an inflection point in the long battle for new global taxes for climate. In addition to the leadership of developed-country and emerging-economy first movers, the continued leadership of small island states is essential. Small island states are champions of ambition by necessity. They sounded the alarm early and led the campaigns for adaptation and loss and damage finance, including in ambitious, practical, and yes, innovative, forms. Today, the world is closer than it has ever been to implementing a global carbon tax—thanks not to the great powers but to the small island states that found a way forward.
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effieandtim · 6 months
after fellow travelers where does a new Jonny Bailey fan go? I am going to be honest I kinda don’t care for the next season of Bridgetown unless Anthony is in it? Like idk what to say I discovered JB in fellow travelers and have been going through his filmography in that I skipped his scenes in s1 of Bridgerton (did the same with Matt Bomer in the boys in the band and magic Mike (although I have actually seen magic Mike before!!)
oh hello! thats so good to hear, love seeing new people discover jonathan’s works
and yeah kate and anthony are back in s3 though they will not be the centre, they are in the supporting cast this time. have you watched season 2 of bridgerton? that’s focused on anthony and his love story with kate and jonathan (along with simone) is in the lead
im assuming you meant you skipped the scenes without anthony?😭
you can watch crashing, broadchurch and leonardo for more jonny shows - leonardo may be slightly trickier to find bc thats the oldest one out of these three but the other two are fairly easy and are quite popular
he was in an ep of doctor who as well (which i admittedly havent watched myself lmao)
the thing with jonathan is that he has been such a prolific stage actor so a lot of work before bridgerton has been on the west end - and sadly idk if there are bootlegs. you can still find his audio recordings for the last five years and I DEFINITELY recommend watching his the last five years audition on youtube
his not getting married today is also uploaded with video on youtube and i highly suggest seeing that too, considering it got him that olivier
you can fill the void with his interviews as well bc they are so good
please drop more suggestions for nonnie everyone on other stuff they can watch with jonny
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kp777 · 1 year
By Jennie Ricks
Common Dreams
April 29, 2023
Economic summits in Washington, DC rarely provoke much interest on the streets of Khartoum or Karachi. The Spring Meetings of the IMF and the World Bank, held in the United States capital during April 10-16, were no exception.
Listening to the range of comments from ministers and other officials throughout the week, one could not help but wonder whether we will ever be able to resolve the many crises we are currently facing. As is often the case, talk was plenty in Washington, but answers were few.
Remember how, just a few short years ago, our leaders were determined to resolve what was deemed a “pandemic of inequality”? How they were all talking about tackling the rampant divides in our societies that COVID-19 “laid bare”?
Do you remember how they celebrated our essential workers, praised care and collectivism, and recognized the importance of well-funded public services and social safety nets?
Just three short years after the beginning of the pandemic, the hope and calls for a meaningful reset, for the global pandemic response to become a portal to a better world are a distant memory.
In fact, today we are in a new age of inequality. The rising cost of living, joblessness, underfunded and inadequate public services, and extreme weather events with devastating consequences are at the top of people’s ever-growing list of concerns.
And not only is anxiety and frustration reaching a peak, but people are also becoming increasingly aware that their governments, and the international financial institutions (IFIs) whose rules are shaping the economy on the streets, are not serving them. They are realizing that as long as crushing debt repayments continue to be funded by austerity measures, with the poorest and the most marginalized bearing the brunt, their societies will remain in constant crisis and their lives in a state of precarity.
When the World Bank and the IMF “experts” talked about interest rates and slow growth last week in Washington, DC, their discussions appeared irrelevant to the daily reality of people struggling around the world, such as the Zambians who are forced to queue for staple foods on a regular basis. The two conversations, however, are well-connected. The crushing austerity measures that devastate Zambian households today – like similar policies worldwide – are exported from Washington in ideology, whether they are “approved” by the national government or not.
These days all our economic woes are blamed on “a perfect global storm” with four horsemen of inequality galloping towards us: rising inflation, record food and energy prices, and above all the war in Ukraine.
There is no doubt Russia’s offensive has darkened our outlook further. But what got us here was decades of policies and politics that have consistently served the rich and failed the poor. After all, inequality is not new – it is baked into the system.
But now the crises have become so perilous, and public anger so widespread from London to Lagos that our leaders are being forced to act. Politicians in countries as diverse as Mexico, Zimbabwe, the US and Kenya are having to talk about “taxing the rich”. And it goes way beyond a national scale – people are calling into question the very systems that underpin the global economy.
In response to the climate crisis’s disproportionate impact on her country, Barbadian Prime Minister Mia Mottley announced in November 2022 the Bridgetown Initiative, aimed at holding rich countries to account for their failed promises on climate finance. The proposal seeks to substantially tweak the global financial architecture to make a lot more money available for climate finance, allow more flexibility in how countries could spend it, and have the international financial institutions act as a guarantor for larger, more substantial private sector funding.
Keen to get in on the act, Emmanuel Macron will host a summit for “A New Global Financial Pact” on climate financing in June. A summit co-chaired by Macron, who is currently repressing trade unions to raise the retirement age against the wishes of the French population, already feels counterintuitive. He will be joined by India’s Narendra Modi, the current chair of the G20, whose involvement has rightly sparked further scepticism about where such a process will lead.
There is a fundamental question to be asked about this approach. Can those perpetuating the problem stay in the driving seat to create the solution? Those looking to fight the inequality crisis are struck by the fact that the people who are affected the most are not considered part of the solutions proposed by political leaders.
Our current situation demonstrates why the rich and powerful cannot continue to speak for the poorest and most marginalized. We cannot get out of this “perfect storm” if we allow the governing elites to blithely rewrite the rules while keeping intact the power dynamics that brought our societies to the brink of collapse in the first place.
Politicians need to understand that the clamor for systemic change is growing. People want to come up with their own solutions and build a new economic system in the process.
This is why when at the Spring Meetings, IMF Africa Director Abebe Selassie called for another “Gleneagles moment” (to echo the G8 summit in 2005 when aid and debt cancellation were on the rich countries’ agenda) to deal with the debt crisis looming on the continent, he missed the point.
We have crossed the Rubicon. Solutions and processes spearheaded by rich countries simply won’t cut it – there is no going back to business as usual.
The pandemic has left scars that will not heal. Our leaders may have forgotten the promises they made, but the ongoing inequality crisis that blights the lives of so many across the globe continues to defy this amnesia. The toxic combination of lower taxes on the richest and prioritising debt repayments over people’s basic needs and rights is unacceptable and fundamentally unfair.
Our biggest failure in the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis was not grasping the unique opportunity for systemic change that arose. We allowed those in charge, and those who were responsible for the crisis, to chart our way forward and guarantee more suffering and devastation.
We cannot allow history to repeat itself. The costs of continuing down this path have become too great.
Protesters on the streets in France, Peru, Ecuador and beyond are already saying “enough is enough”. Their cries are varied, from opposing attempts to raise the age of retirement and resisting government oppression to demanding fair pay and affordable child care. But the overall message is clear: People want systemic change.
They are questioning the purpose and utility of institutions like the IMF and the World Bank that have come to be seen as the custodians of the neoliberal economic order. Formed almost 80 years ago, to help countries rebuild after the second world war, these institutions are dominated by rich countries at every level of their governance. Despite an attempt at a progressive rebranding in recent years, they continue to mete out the same failed neoliberal policy solutions. So their offers of “help” and economic interventions are increasingly causing public anger across the world, from Argentina and Tunisia to Sri Lanka and beyond.
This is the time to have an honest conversation about what is really at the root of our current crisis, and what real change should look like. That is why groups like Fight Inequality Alliance have begun calling for “People’s Alternatives”.
Our current crisis makes it clear that we need systemic change and we need it fast. But we cannot leave the redesign of our economic system to the same governments and IFIs that are responsible for the current catastrophe – this is really a job for the people.
They say “economics is too important to be left to the economists”. Well, it is also too important to be left to the politicians and the richest.
Jenny Ricks is the Global Convenor of the Fight Inequality Alliance.
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grabgigs · 3 months
Rihanna, whose full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty, was born on February 20, 1988, in Barbados. Her mom was an accountant, and her dad worked in a warehouse. Rihanna went to a good school called Combermere, where she won beauty contests and sang Mariah Carey's song "Hero" at a talent show. When she was 16, a music producer from New York named Evan Rodgers heard her sing and helped her meet Jay-Z, who signed her to his record label. Since then, Rihanna has become a famous singer with many hit songs. #Rihanna #musicshower #fashion #bio #singers
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scotianostra · 2 years
Jim Diamond  was born on September 28, 1951 in Glasgow.
Born as James Aaron Diamond, he was  raised in Bridgetown in the East End of the city, His musical career started at 15 when he joined his first band. He spent the next seven years performing vocals for various soul and blues bands.They  supported The Move on their Scottish tour with The Stoics in 1969. For four of those years he toured Europe with Gully Foyle.
Jim went on to play with the Alexis Korner Band and Bandit in the late '70s, and then  PhD (formed with ex-members of the Jeff Beck Band) in the early '80s, they reached number 3 in the charts in May 1982 with I Won't Let You Down, the song was a massive hit all over Europe, topping the charts in the Netherlands and Belgium. They went on to record two albums that were successful on mainland Europe but were not a commercial hit here. Jim became ill after contracting hepatitis in 83, the group decided to split as they were unable to tour.
Jim returned as a solo artist in 1984 with his biggest hit, I Should Have Known Better hitting the top of the charts in December, Diamond publicly requested that people not buy his single, but instead buy the charity single "Do They Know It's Christmas? It showed the mettle of the man.  The song was a worldwide hit, most notably in Australia where it was also number one.
Hi Ho Silver reached the top five in 1986 and served as the theme song to popular ITV detective show Boon. Jim's last album, City of Soul, released by Camino Records in 2011, featured, among others, Wet Wet Wet drummer Tommy Cunningham and Greg Kane of Hue & Cry.
Jim Diamond  died suddenly, in his sleep on 8th October 2015, his daughter, Sara, said the cause of death was a pulmonary edema.
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rihannamerch · 1 year
Rihanna Merch
Robyn Rihanna Fenty NH is a Barbadian singer, actress, and businesswoman. Born in Saint Michael and raised in Bridgetown, Barbados, Rihanna auditioned for American record producer Evan Rogers who invited her to the United States to record demo tapes. Buy Rihanna Merch Here! #rihannamerch #rihannamerchandise Website: https://rihannamerch.net/
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heavenboy09 · 1 year
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To The Most Successful & Youngest Music Artist 🎶 🎨 Of All Times To This Day
Hailing All The Way From Barbados 🇧🇧
Born on February 20th 1988, St Michael & Raised In Bridgetown, Barbados 🇧🇧
She is a Barbadian singer, actress, and businesswoman. Born in Saint Michael and raised in Bridgetown, Barbados, She auditioned for American record producer Evan Rogers who invited her to the United States to record demo tapes. After signing with Def Jam in 2005, she soon gained recognition with the release of her first two studio albums, Music of the Sun (2005) and A Girl Like Me (2006), both of which were influenced by Caribbean music and peaked within the top ten of the US Billboard 200 chart.
Her third album, Good Girl Gone Bad (2007), incorporated elements of dance-pop and established her status as a sex symbol in the music industry. The chart-topping single "Umbrella" earned  her first Grammy Award and catapulted her to global stardom. She continued to mix pop, dance, and R&B genres on her next studio albums, Rated R (2009), Loud (2010), Talk That Talk (2011), and Unapologetic (2012), the last of which became her first Billboard 200 number one. 
Aside from music, She is known for her involvement in humanitarian causes, entrepreneurial ventures, and the fashion industry. She is the founder of the nonprofit organization Clara Lionel Foundation, cosmetics brand Fenty Beauty, and fashion house She under LVMH; she is the first black woman to head a luxury brand for LVMH.
 She has also ventured into acting, appearing in major roles in Battleship (2012), Home (2015), Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017), and Ocean's 8 (2018). She was appointed as an ambassador of education, tourism, and investment by the Government of Barbados in 2018 and was declared a National Hero of Barbados on the first day of the country's parliamentary republic in 2021, entitling her to the style of "The Right Excellent" for life.
Now She is Happily Married 🥺😭 & Now Is A Mother of 2
Please Wish This Most Amazing Music Artist 🎵 / Actress / Businesswoman Of Barbadian Descent A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
You Know Her & You Are Always Gonna Love Her 💘
The 1  & Only
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onecricnews · 6 days
Group B Matchup: June 3 between Oman and Namibia
Match Preview
Teams: Namibia vs Oman
Location: Kensington Oval, Bridgetown, Barbados
Date and Time: Monday, June 3, 2024 (12:30 AM GMT (Jun 03) / 08:30 PM LOCAL)
A cricket match prediction for June 3, 2024, pitting Oman against Namibia
Get yourse­lf prepared for an ele­ctrifying match on June 3rd 2024 as Oman meets Namibia in a high stake­s cricket clash. Building tension dominates as both te­ams aim to secure victory in Group B. Stay alert for an unpre­dictable showdown where e­very delivery carrie­s immense weight!
Recent form
Oman: Oman has truly exce­lled in recent matche­s. Their remarkable victory ove­r Papua New Guinea in the ope­ning fixture highlighted the e­xceptional batting skills of Jatinder Singh and Kashyap Prajapati. The e­xperienced Bilal Khan le­d the bowling charge with immense­ control and expertise.
Namibia: Namibia has refraine­d from partaking in any recent competitive­ cricket contests. The te­ams latest engageme­nt transpired in January 2024 during an ODI series against Ire­land culminating in a 21 defeat. Despite­ this outcome Namibia boasts a formidable reputation for be­ing a giantkiller in ICC events.
Pitch and Conditions
Muscats Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex se­ts the stage for the game­ celebrated for its batsme­n's paradise pitch; notwithstanding this an intriguing turn materializes with the­ suns heat a pitch decele­ration that increasingly benefits spinne­rs during the match.
Oman and Namibia have crosse­d paths sparingly in ODI cricket meeting only twice­. Each side secured a victory se­tting the stage for an intense­ showdown and underscoring the competitive­ spirit between the­m.
Key Players
Oman: Jatinder Singh se­rves as a linchpin in Omans batting lineup rese­mbling a skilled architect crafting the te­ams success. His proficiency in constructing substantial innings establishe­s a robust platform for subsequent players. Me­anwhile Bilal Khans seasoned e­xpertise and knack for capturing wickets are­ indispensable assets in the­ bowling department.
Namibia: Namibia is preparing to place­ significant trust in the seasoned batting partne­rship of Gerhard Erasmus and Craig Williams. The dynamics of their ope­ning stand have the power to shape­ the innings. In the bowling departme­nt Namibias fortunes may well hinge on Rube­n Trumpelmanns express pace­ and David Wieses versatile­ all round skills.
In circumstances whe­re they are at e­ase Oman typically emerge­s as the slight favorite given the­ir potent batting prowess and seasone­d bowling unit. Despite this undere­stimating Namibia would be a mistake given the­ tenacity they exhibit and the­ir track record of causing upsets in ICC matches.
Here's what could happen in the match:
Oman seize­s the opportunity to bat first achieving a remarkable­ total ranging between 270280 runs. This impre­ssive feat stems from the­ exceptional batting prowess displaye­d by Jatinder Singh and Kashyap Prajapati each hammering a half ce­ntury which significantly propelled the te­am towards success.
Namibia launches the­ir pursuit impressively as Gerhard Erasmus alongside­ Craig Williams establish a robust starting point. Neverthe­less Omans spin bowlers progressive­ly tighten their grip during the mid phase­ securing essential wicke­ts.
Despite­ a valiant effort from David Wiese Namibia narrowly misse­s the mark by approximately 2030 runs leaving a se­nse of regret in the­ air.
Final Verdict
The match is won by Oman by 20–30 runs.
Disclaimer: This prediction se­rves as a mere sne­ak peek; match outcomes waltz to the­ tune of player form luck and fates caprice­. The essence­ of crickets appeal lies in its unce­rtainty; either team could triumph in this e­nthralling showdown.
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bridgetownexpressllc · 2 months
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eslamaldeeb80 · 2 months
Robyn Rihanna Fenty NH (born February 20, 1988) is a Barbadian singer, actress, fashion designer, and businesswoman. Born in Saint Michael and raised in Bridgetown, Barbados, Rihanna was discovered by American record producer Evan Rogers who invited her to the United States to record demo tapes. After signing with Def Jam in 2005, she soon gained recognition with the release of her first two studio albums, Music of the Sun (2005) and A Girl Like Me (2006), both of which were influenced by Caribbean music and peaked within the top ten of the US Billboard 200 chart. Rihanna's third album, Good Girl Gone Bad (2007), incorporated elements of dance-pop and established her status as a sex symbol in the music industry. The chart-topping single "Umbrella" earned Rihanna her first Grammy Award and catapulted her to global stardom. She continued to mix pop, dance, and R&B genres on her next studio albums, Rated R (2009), Loud (2010), Talk That Talk (2011), and Unapologetic (2012), the latter of which became her first Billboard 200 number one. The albums spawned a string of chart-topping singles, including "Rude Boy", "Only Girl (In the World)", "What's My Name?", "S&M", "We Found Love", "Where Have You Been" and "Diamonds". Her eighth album, Anti (2016), showcased a new creative control following her departure from Def Jam. It became her second US number one album and featured the chart-topping single "Work". During her musical career, Rihanna has collaborations with artists such Drake, Eminem, Jay-Z, Kanye West, Adam Levine, Paul McCartney, Ne-Yo, and Shakira.#egybtmusic #usamusic #anghamimusic #spotifymusic #deezermusic #googlemusic #applemusic #music #rihanna
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candacehughes123 · 3 months
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carmenvicinanza · 3 months
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Rihanna è tra le icone pop più importanti degli anni Duemila.
Donna dalle mille risorse, si è fatta conoscere in tutto il mondo come popstar per poi esprimere il suo eclettismo e creatività, nel cinema e, soprattutto, nella moda.
Cantante, attrice, imprenditrice e diplomatica, ha sposato diverse cause sociali.
Nel 2022 è stata dichiarata la più giovane miliardaria degli Stati Uniti, l’anno precedente era stata nella lista delle 100 donne più potenti al mondo.
Ha venduto oltre 60 milioni di album ed è stata la terza artista, dopo i Beatles e Mariah Carey ad avere più hit al numero uno della classifica statunitense.
Nel 2018, dopo che le era stata intitolata la strada dove aveva vissuto, è stata nominata ambasciatrice straordinaria e plenipotenziaria di Barbados, con la responsabilità di promuovere il sistema educativo, il turismo e gli investimenti per l’isola natale. Tre anni dopo, nella cerimonia di proclamazione della repubblica caraibica, è stata dichiarata eroina nazionale dalla presidente Sandra Mason.
Nata col nome di Robyn Rihanna Fenty a Bridgetown, nell’isola di Barbados, il 20 febbraio 1988, da Ronald Fenty, capo magazziniere afro-barbadiano con origini irlandesi e Monica Braithwaite, contabile nativa della Guyana con discendenza afroamericana, che hanno divorziato quando aveva quattordici anni.
Vittima di bullismo a scuola, a causa del suo colorito di pelle troppo chiaro, è cresciuta ascoltando musica reggae e iniziato a cantare a sette anni. A quindici aveva già la sua prima girl band con cui è stata notata dal produttore Evan Rogers che le ha subito proposto un contratto per il quale, l’anno successivo, si è trasferita negli Stati Uniti, dove è avvenuta la svolta pop rock.
Ha debuttato nel 2005, all’età di diciassette anni, con l’album Music of the Sun, entrato alla decima posizione della Billboard 200, il singolo Pon de Replay ha raggiunto la seconda posizione della Billboard Hot 100. Da quel momento la sua carriera è decollata alla velocità della luce. Ha suonato in tutto il mondo e prodotto otto album in studio e numerosi singoli che hanno occupato i primi posti nelle classifiche internazionali ricoprendola di premi e onorificenze.
Donna dai molti record, nel corso della sua carriera ha accumulato nove Grammy Awards, tredici American Music Award, dodici Billboard Music Awards, due BRIT Awards, quattro MTV Video Music Awards, quattro MTV Europe Music Awards, otto People’s Choice Awards e sette iHeartRadio Music Awards. E ancora, l’Icon Award, istituito apposta per lei, per aver influenzato profondamente la cultura pop a livello globale e il Fashion Icon Award dal Council of Fashion Designers of America. Ha ricevuto anche prestigiose onorificenze per il suo impegno umanitario.
Nel 2023 ha ottenuto la sua prima candidatura all’Oscar nella categoria miglior canzone originale per Lift Me Up, tratta dalla colonna sonora del film Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.
Il suo debutto cinematografico è avvenuto nel 2006 nel film Ragazze nel pallone – Tutto o nientea cui sono seguite, negli anni, diverse celebri interpretazioni in una decina di film tra cui Battleship e Ocean’s 8.
Nonostante quella che sembra una vita scintillante, ha subito violenza domestica da uno dei suoi partner.
Da sempre impegnata anche nella moda, ha firmato diverse prestigiose collezioni e lanciato prodotti cosmetici e profumi che l’hanno resa una delle più importanti imprenditrici del pianeta.
Icona fashion, utilizza la sua notorietà per portare avanti messaggi politici, in febbraio 2020 è apparsa sulla copertina di British Vogue indossando il durag, copricapo che veniva utilizzato storicamente dalle schiave nere, con il tempo è diventato un simbolo politico, mai nessuno in precedenza l’aveva indossato sulla copertina di una rivista.
Molto attiva nel sociale, ha dato vita a fondazioni e importanti eventi per sostenere la ricerca contro il cancro e l’AIDS, si è esposta contro numerose battaglie sociali, ha cantato per aiutare le persone vittime del terremoto di Haiti nel 2010 e donato 15 milioni di dollari per la lotta al cambiamento climatico.
Rihanna trasforma in oro e bellezza tutto quello che tocca.
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